Rachels bitch
- 3 years ago
- 32
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The word idyllic didn’t do justice to the countryside as I sped through pale-coloured hills, alongside ancient orchards and past hidden wineries towards the busy suburb of the city where Mark and Elaine lived.
My taxi pulled to a halt at the side of the street. I paid it off, took my journalist’s bag from the backseat and walked up the short stone-paved path. I knocked on the blue painted wooden front door and as I waited for it to be answered, took stock of my surroundings.
I was in a very pleasant, traditional suburb of a beautiful French city where the houses, whatever their age, looked as if they had stood there for centuries. There were fruit trees in front gardens, there were faded shutters on windows to match the equally faded doors. There were warmth and dust in the afternoon air.
My attention was jerked back to the house where the front door was being quietly opened. To my relief, the face that appeared was instantly recognisable from the pictures we had exchanged over the internet. I was in the right place.
A tall, slim man I placed in his early thirties stood in the doorway. His large dark eyes, handsome features, and short brown hair combined to produce an even more attractive individual than I had expected and for a second I was wrong-footed.
“Rachel?” he asked with an engaging smile.
“Hi Mark,” I replied. “Sorry I’m a bit late.”
“That’s no problem. Time works differently here,” he grinned, opening the door wide. “Come in.”
As I followed through the doorway and into the house, its contents took me by surprise. I had expected a quaint traditionally French interior with lots of wood and old tiled floors. What I found was modern, minimalist and for a city girl like me, familiar in style. It was attractive, functional but from an atmospheric point of view, rather disappointing.
“Elaine and the kids are in the garden.”
Mark ushered me through tall, glazed doors and onto a rear patio which in turn opened onto a large garden. A game of football was taking place between four young boys, all of whom were shouting to each other in fluent, locally accented French.
“Those two are ours,” Mark grinned as the game became heated. “The two trying to break each other’s legs.”
A very pretty, slender woman with the same dark hair and eyes as Mark and dressed in a short, embroidered, white cotton summer dress rose from her chair to greet me.
“Hi,” she said with a warm smile. “I’m Elaine.”
The introduction was unnecessary after our Skype call, but it was nice to feel so welcome. She offered me her hand. I shook it then we kissed awkwardly on both cheeks.
“When in France…” Elaine joked, gesturing to one of the old wooden chairs that surrounded a large rustic table.
I placed my bag on the floor and sat, accepting the long cool glass of rose wine that was offered. It tasted wonderful; clean and clear in the heat of the afternoon.
“How was your journey?” Mark asked, settling into a chair opposite me.
“Surprisingly smooth,” I replied. “And what a place to come to.”
We chatted lightly and pleasantly for a while about travel, about the area and its incredible beauty, about the city with its history spanning millennia; about what my husband and I might do for the next couple of days on our holiday.
Everything seemed perfectly normal. Mark and Elaine seemed a perfectly normal, perfectly pleasant couple. As we sat and talked it became harder and harder to believe that I was actually there to interview two criminals, hiding from British justice.
But in the UK at least, the perfect family life I was witnessing could have resulted in imprisonment for Elaine and Mark, and their children being taken into care.
For Elaine and Mark are brother and sister.
“Perhaps we should get the formalities over,” I said.
The second glass of wine had been poured and the atmosphere had become even more relaxed. I picked up my satchel and pulled out a plastic sleeve containing two copies of a closely-typed document.
“This is exactly as we agreed,” I said. “It’s binding on us all. You promise to tell me only the truth; I can’t publish anything you tell me without your prior written agreement. Everything would be anonymised.”
I placed my passport on the table before them. Elaine picked it up and turned to the picture page as I signed both copies of the document before them. Then she compared the picture to my face and the signature on the passport with the fresh one on the document.
“Looks okay,” she declared, smiling.
In response, Mark passed two passports to me along with two other documents. The passports were British and in their real names; the photos matched the two faces before me as well as passport photos ever do. The surname was the same on both.
The other documents were certified copies of birth certificates in identical names to those on the passports. Each bore a date the same as the passports and showed that the individuals concerned had been born in the same English town to exactly the same parents.
There was no doubting that the couple before me were full blooded brother and sister.
There was less than a two year gap between their dates of birth. To my surprise and despite appearances, Elaine was older.
“There!” she said, returning both copies of the document. I slipped one back into the plastic sleeve and returned the other to Elaine.
“Now we can all relax,” Mark smiled, raising his glass.
For a while we sat quietly in the afternoon sun wondering how to begin, watching the four boys tire of football then disappear to their friends’ house to play video games.
“They could be French,” I observed.
“They are French,” their mother smiled. “They were born here. We’ve been here so long they hardly know the UK at all. They only go there to visit their Grandma.”
“Does that happen often?” I asked.
“Not often. Mum usually comes here.”
“Because of the British authorities?”
“Partly,” Elaine replied. “They don’t know about us and we want to keep it that way.”
“But your mother knows everything?”
“She knows the important bits,” Mark replied.
“She doesn’t approve of course,” Elaine added. “That’s putting it mildly. But now we have kids she wants what’s best for all of us and she can see how well things are going here. I think she feels a little responsible too, so she does all she can to make things work.”
“So how do you want this interview to go?” Mark asked in a business-like way. “Now the kids have gone we should take advantage of the privacy.”
“Why don’t we start at the beginning?” I suggested. “Why did you get in touch with me in the first place?”
The two siblings looked at each other as if deciding who should take the lead. From their body language, I suspected this sort of silent negotiation was routine in their relationship and spoke of a lifetime of familiarity. In the end, it was Elaine who spoke.
“We follow a number of incest-oriented groups and websites,” she began. “It’s kind of a support network even though few of us know who the others really are.”
“I found some of your articles there,” Mark added. “You come over as genuine and sympathetic - as if you really understand what we’re going through. One article mentioned your stories.”
I kept silent, just nodding and smiling.
“Well, both of us enjoy reading erotic stories,” Elaine continued with a little embarrassment. “It’s not something we tell people about but we both enjoy your work, especially the incest stories of course.
“We looked for yours. They’re different from most; more like love stories than just wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am sex. You know, where the impossibly pretty daughter needs her Daddy to deflower her for no particular reason then turns instantly into a nympho?”
I nodded, delighted to learn that someone with real experience of the genre thought my work was special.
“Mark found you first, then he told me and, well, we’ve been enjoying them ever since.”
“It feels as if you have real empathy for your characters,” Mark joined in. “As if you had had some experience of our situation yourself.”
It was an invitation to share a little of my own history but it was far too early in our friendship to take up the opportunity.
“We thought you might like to hear our story,” Elaine resumed. “Confidentially of course. It might help the campaign, such as it is.”
“Campaign?” I asked.
“For equality,” Mark replied. “And if nothing else, it might be a good basis for an erotic story too,” he added with a grin. “You seem to like true tales.”
“I do indeed,” I confirmed.
“So we agreed I would contact you,” Elaine continued. “I did it through the erotic story site because I could do it anonymously. I could see if you were interested and if we felt we could trust you before giving ourselves away.”
She paused.
“I was pleased to hear from you,” I replied. “I love hearing from readers, but your approach was particularly welcome. You did grill me though before letting me know who you really are.”
Elaine had asked literally dozens of questions about me, my life, my research and my writing of erotic stories as a sideline. She wanted to know where my interest in incest had come from and how I felt about ‘the campaign’ as she called it.
I had not told her the full story and suspected she knew this, but I had said enough to convince her of my honesty and integrity. We had exchanged many emails before speaking on the phone. A Skype conversation later we had agreed that we should meet.
The timing was good; my husband and I were overdue a few days’ break and Provence was somewhere I had always loved but hadn’t visited for some years. Dan was used to me disappearing for a few hours to do a little research, so he didn’t bat an eyelid when I asked if he minded me spending one afternoon with my new acquaintances.
I smiled; at that moment my husband would be doing what he enjoyed best; exploring the Roman ruins which were so very well preserved in that ancient city. No doubt he would tell me all about it when I joined him, whether I wanted to hear or not!
“I’m pleased you did,” I carried on. “Meeting you is great for my work, but I don’t quite see what the two of you get out of it.”
Elaine looked embarrassed.
“I could tell you that we want to play a part in the campaign to get sexual relationships between relatives legalised. And that would be true though I can’t see it happening in our lifetimes.”
“Partly we thought it would be exciting if our own lives appeared in one of your articles,” Mark added. “Or even in one of your stories. As Elaine said, we do enjoy erotica. But mostly we’ve never had the opportunity to tell anyone about ourselves before. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have such a secret and never be able to share it.”
I could do much more than just imagine their position, but it wasn’t the time to explain this.
“I hope I live up to your expectations,” I said a little anxiously, looking carefully at my new friends.
The resemblance was striking; the colour of their hair, the shape of their faces, the darkness of their eyes; all were almost identical. They even had the same shape of nose though Mark’s was larger and more angular. With their healthy outdoor tans, they made a very attractive couple.
“Okay, first things first,” I said, taking out my notebook. “Tell me about your family and your early life.”
As if relieved to get started, Elaine took a deep breath and began to talk. Her brother followed, filling in gaps.
For most of their childhood, the two siblings had grown up quite normally in a pleasant, middle-class suburb of a big British city. Their parents had met when at school and had been together from then until their father had died unexpectedly when Elaine and Mark were in their twenties.
Elaine, their first child had been born when they were older than most of their contemporaries. Indeed, for a long time their parents had worried that they might not have been able to have children at all. But once their daughter had been born, their son had followed soon afterwards and the family was quickly complete.
Life had been normal for a long time; going to the local schools, playing with local friends, going on family holidays and visiting their remaining Grandparents in the small terraced house in which she lived.
Both parents had been loving and caring but had often been at work, leaving the two siblings together for long periods. At first, this had been in the care of Grandparents but as they got older, the pair had been allowed to fend for themselves after school and eventually for whole days during the holidays.
“Did you have feelings for each other back then?” I asked.
They looked at each other and laughed out loud.
“You could say that. We hated each other,” Elaine said. “We didn’t get along at all. I thought he was a dirty, rude, insensitive pervert who leered at my friends.”
“And I thought she was a snotty, supercilious, bad-tempered cow with a nasty temper.”
“And we were probably both right,” Elaine laughed again.
She had an infectious laugh that made her look younger and even prettier. Laughing made her brother look even more handsome. He clearly adored her.
“So when did things begin to change?” I asked, forcing myself back on track. “And how? Was it sudden or did things happen gradually?”
Again they exchanged glances, deciding who should take the lead. In the end, that duty fell to the older sibling again.
“I suppose it started gradually,” Elaine began. “But when things finally started they progressed very quickly.”
There was another exchange of looks with a much deeper, more sexual meaning.
“You didn’t put up much resistance,” her brother interjected.
“You wouldn’t have stopped if I’d tried,” his sister replied. “You weren’t taking any prisoners!”
I would have loved to probe this comment straight away but knew it was better to let it unfold in good time.
“If I had stopped then, you would have gone the rest of your life without letting me know how you felt,” Mark told her a little more seriously. “Think what a waste that would have been!”
“Please, can we go a bit more slowly,” I laughed with them.
“Sorry,” Elaine grinned. “What do you want to know?”
I took a brief breath and looked at my notes before replying.
“I’m keen to understand how it all started. How a normal brother-sister relationship can become sexually-oriented in the first place. Beyond that, I’d like to understand how that relationship can become physical, then emotional too, but I’d like to take one step at a time.”
“Okay,” they chorused then giggled again.
“So you’re growing up in the same house, you’re going to school – the same school?”
They both nodded.
“From the age of four; Elaine was always two school years above me,” Mark explained.
“That’s quite an important age gap. Did you see each other much at school?”
“Not really. We walked there together, or Mum drove us in the mornings, but Mark always had sport after lessons, so we used to come home separately.”
“Did you do much together outside school?”
“Quite a bit,” Elaine continued. “We both had friends outside of school but neither of us was part of any larger group. During the holidays we mostly did family things. Mum was a Head Teacher so had the long holidays off.”
“She took you on trips?”
“Loads,” Mark took over the narrative. “We went to stately homes and galleries; all the cultural stuff. And we stayed with our Grandparents a lot so Mum and Dad could have a break from us.”
“I suppose that’s where it really began,” Elaine interjected.
Mark thought for a moment.
“Of course it was. Under the Sea!”
“Under the Sea!”
His sister repeated the words in a sing-song voice obviously meant to remind them both of something they had seen or heard as children. I must have looked puzzled because they both looked at me and laughed.
“Sorry,” Mark apologised. “Under the Sea was a game we used to play as kids. Our Grandparents’ house was very small so we had to share a bedroom. It was also dark and scary so when we were young we had to share a bed too.”
“Mark used to get very frightened of the shadows, so Mum taught us to play a game called ‘Under the Sea’ to take our minds off the dark,” Elaine took over.
“I forget the rules but it involved hiding under the bedclothes and cuddling together and on the whole, it worked. We were very young and there was nothing sexual about it at all, but it did mean by the time we were becoming teens we were used to being in the same room and the same bed and having a good level of physical contact.”
“Surely things began to change then?” I prompted. “Around puberty I mean.”
“Too right,” Mark continued. “That’s when we began to hate each other.”
“Right,” his sister agreed. “As soon as Mark began to get erections I wanted nothing to do with him. He was an embarrassment; always getting hard in inappropriate places. In the swimming pool, in his pyjamas; especially when my friends were round. It was really embarrassing!”
“I couldn’t help it any more than you could help growing breasts,” Mark objected. “And on the subject of breasts, when Elaine’s began to grow she became absolutely impossible to live with. And as for when her periods started! She had a filthy temper – even Mum couldn’t put up with her.”
“I was horrible, wasn’t I?” Elaine confessed sheepishly. “But you weren’t much better.” She turned to me. “He used to spy on me and my friends when they stayed over.”
I looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
“Well, as we’ve just signed a contract promising to tell the truth, the answer is yes I did. I was a teenage boy remember, in a house full of drop-dead gorgeous teenage girls. Of course I wanted to look at them.”
“Pervert!” Elaine said jokingly.
“They played up to it,” Mark objected. “And so did you. You used to leave your bedroom door open and walk around the house in your underwear or just a towel.”
“That was later, dumdum,” his sister joked.
“Please!” I interrupted with a laugh. “I’m struggling to keep up.”
“Sorry,” Elaine said. “I suppose things started to change in the way they often do; when someone else points out something that’s obvious to them but which you had never noticed.”
“I’m not sure I understand,” I said.
“Well, in this case it was when my school friends started telling me how fit my little brother had become; how he had grown up all of a sudden and how they fancied him.”
“How did you react?”
“I was embarrassed of course. My little brother was my little brother, not some gorgeous hunk worthy of all this female attention. I told them all to keep their hands off him!”
“I had no idea all this was going on,” Mark protested.
“Too right you didn’t,” his sister frowned. “You were pleased with yourself enough already. If you’d known all my friends fancied you, you would have been completely impossible.”
Now it was Mark’s turn to frown.
“Well the same went for Elaine,” he told me. “Only as an older sister, my friends had fancied her all along. I got into a couple of fights when they said what they wanted to do with her. One even told everyone he’d had her already. I knew this wasn’t true so there was a bit of a bust-up.”
“It sounds like you were both very protective of each other,” I proposed. “Perhaps the feelings were beginning to develop then.”
“I think most siblings are like that,” Elaine replied. “Hate each other in private but defend each other in public.”
Having interviewed other couples and knowing what my own relationship with my brother had once been like, I wasn’t so sure.
“How did you both react when real physical relationships began?” I asked.
“Boyfriends?” Elaine asked.
“And girlfriends,” I said.
There was a short pause for thought before Mark broke the silence.
“I found it very difficult seeing my sister with other boys,” he began. “I suppose I knew only too well what boys think about girls and what they try to do. Ellie seemed to mop it up; even at the beginning. It felt like a betrayal. Okay, I was only about twelve when I first saw her kissing a boy but I still remember how much it hurt.”
“I didn’t realise it was so bad for you,” she told her brother.
“For a long time I thought all brothers felt that way,” he continued. “But the more I talked to my friends who had sisters, the more I realised my reaction was different from theirs.”
“In what way different?”
“Stronger for a start,” he replied. “And fiercely jealous.”
“You wouldn’t speak to some of the boys that came round to see me,” Elaine remembered. “Even if they were just friends.”
“I didn’t want anyone to hurt you,” Mark explained. “Actually, I didn’t want anyone else to have your attention at all, but I didn’t understand what my feelings meant at the time.”
“How did you feel about Mark’s girlfriends?” I asked.
“I’m not sure,” Elaine replied. “There were so many of them; probably because of his good looks. When he did have a girl in tow, it always looked as if she was besotted with him but he was somehow semi-detached; as if he was just going through the motions.”
I turned to look at Mark.
“Maybe I was,” he admitted. “Certainly I didn’t feel about any of them the way I felt about Ellie. They just didn’t measure up. Maybe that’s why none of them lasted more than a few months. ”
“Were they romantic relationships or just based on sex?” I asked.
Mark’s face gave me all the answer I needed.
“I wasn’t ready for romance or a long-term relationship,” he replied. “I was mostly interested in sex.”
“And were you successful?” I asked.
“Oh yes!”
It was Elaine who had given this determined response.
“By the time he reached the sixth form, a good number of my friends had thrown themselves at him,” she said by way of explanation. “And that’s before he went to University. I suppose that made me see him differently too.”
Mark blushed. His sister seemed strangely proud of her brother’s previous promiscuity in a way no unrelated wife I had ever met would have been about her husband.
“Was your sex life equally active?” I asked her.
At first Elaine seemed reluctant to answer so her brother filled in the gap.
“Ellie has had five lovers, including me.”
The girl stared at her brother open-mouthed.
“She lost her virginity to Andrew Campbell on Thursday the first of August at three-thirty in the afternoon. She was eighteen. I was sixteen.”
“Mark! How the hell did you know all that?” his sister burst into life, horrified.
“I heard it happening,” he replied.
“Were you were spying on me again?”
“I was in my room listening to music with my headphones on. That’s why you didn’t know I was there. When I heard you both come in I switched them off, opened my door and listened. I thought it would be hard to hear but you made so much noise I couldn’t miss what was going on,” he said. “And you were very strange afterwards.”
“I never knew.”
“You did it twice more with Andrew then he dumped you for Wendy Taylor.”
Elaine looked stunned as her brother continued.
“I hated him for what he did to you. When the rugby season started in September…”
“You broke his nose.” She finished his sentence for him in a quiet, slow voice as if only now realising what had occurred years ago. “I thought it was just an accident.”
“Everyone thought so. He was off school for a fortnight. I got into trouble for tackling too high but it was worth it.”
There was silence for a full minute.
“I was so upset…” Elaine began.
“So upset that you let Gary Graham into your knickers within a week,” Mark interrupted.
“Oh God! Did you hear that too?”
Mark shook his head.
“Gary told everyone he’d had you, the little shit!”
“It was only the once, whatever he said,” Elaine protested.
“You mean it wasn’t a threesome?” Mark asked his sister.
“What? Did he say that I… Oh, I get it!”
Mark was grinning; he had been teasing her. She punched him on the arm.
“Bastard!” she said affectionately. “Anyway it was just the once.”
“I think that was when things began to change between us,” Mark said in a voice that made it more of a question than a statement. “I could see how hurt Ellie was and it upset me too. I remember feeling very protective but it was more than that. I think that was when I began to have more... inappropriate feelings for her.”
“He became much more thoughtful and considerate,” his sister agreed. “Actually he was really lovely. I couldn’t tell Mum much of what had happened in case it got back to Dad. Mark didn’t seem to need to know. He was just there for me when I needed him.”
“I didn’t need you to tell me because I already knew,” Mark explained, reaching out for his sister’s hand.
“But you didn’t mention it. That’s what mattered. You didn’t pass judgment.”
They squeezed hands and gave each other looks which would have had my two kids pretending to stick their fingers down their throats.
“After that, I felt I’d had my fingers burned enough for a while,” Elaine continued. “Gary’s stories were giving me an undeserved bad reputation so I stopped going out on dates altogether,” she grunted. “This meant either staying in on Friday and Saturday nights, doing things with my girlfriends or being with my family - which was a non-starter.”
“Mum and Dad had a lot of friends,” Mark explained. “And Dad usually worked at least one day each weekend. They were always out.”
“So I spent a few weekends on my own,” Elaine continued. “Soon I noticed Mark seemed to be around more at the weekends than before. We began to watch movies together on the TV. It was much better than being on my own. Mark was into horror movies at the time – you know, the gory, slasher kind – so I used to cuddle up to him on the sofa and we’d watch two movies back-to-back like a double feature.”
“She likes a big strong man around,” her brother joked.
“More like if I was close to you I knew you couldn’t sneak up on me and scare the life out of me,” Elaine laughed.
“As if I would!”
She gave her brother another look. This time it was stern and accusing.
“Okay, okay! So I did try to scare you at first. Then I realised how nice it was to have you so close.”
There was a loud cry from somewhere out of sight followed by an angry shout in French in a boy’s voice. Mark sighed.
“You carry on,” he sighed, hauling himself to his feet and disappearing into the garden out of sight.
“It’s probably good he’s gone,” Elaine said furtively. “I’m not good talking about some things in front of him.”
“Whatever’s easiest,” I insisted.
Elaine continued to tell me how they went from sitting in different chairs to sitting on the sofa as the movies progressed. How they went from opposite ends of the seat to cuddling up close. How she used to curl her legs underneath her bottom and lean against his chest; how he used to put his arm around her at the scary parts.
“How long did this progression take?” I asked.
“It seemed ages but it can’t have been more than a couple of months,” Elaine replied. “Then one night he kept his arm around me for a whole movie,” she continued. “I thought it was really sweet of him. It happened the next time too; I snuggled up to him and he stroked my arms and shoulders.”
There was a pause.
“One evening he began to stroke my boob through my top. It was very gentle at first; so gentle I thought it was an accident; that he hadn’t realised it was my boob not my arm he was touching.”
“What did you do?”
“I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to make a fuss and spoil the evening, so I ignored it and carried on watching the movie. Then he began to touch me much more confidently and I began to realise it wasn’t an accident at all.”
“How did you react then?”
“I froze,” Elaine replied. “I didn’t know what to do. I knew it wasn’t right, but it felt really good. I know it sounds stupid now, but I just let him carry on. By the end of the first movie his hand was cupping and fondling my boob and my nipple was hard. Mark couldn’t have failed to notice it.”
“Didn’t you say anything at all?” I asked.
“No. By then it was too late. If I’d stopped him straight away it would have made sense. But I could hardly start objecting after letting him fondle me for the best part of an hour.”
“Did you let him go any further? Did you want him to?”
“I didn’t know what I wanted. When the movie ended, I was all embarrassed and made an excuse to go upstairs to the toilet while he searched Netflix for a late-night horror. That’s when I found the damp patch.”
“You mean?” I asked, looking briefly down towards my groin.
She nodded, blushing.
“I was soaking; he’d turned me on big time.”
“What did you do?”
“I was all mixed up. Having my boob fondled by my brother was weird enough but wetting my knickers over it was something else. I should have gone straight to bed. If I had maybe it might all have ended there and then.”
“But you didn’t,” I stated.
“No. I didn’t,” Elaine said, looking straight into my eyes. “I honestly can’t tell you what was going through my mind, but I just changed my knickers and went back downstairs.”
“Wasn’t that sending out quite a message?” I suggested.
“I thought it was,” Mark interrupted as he returned with another bottle of wine.
“Then I suppose it must have been. It certainly ended up that way,” Elaine smiled.
“What happened when you went back?”
“More of the same at first,” Elaine said a little shamefaced. “It took a little while but eventually he began to fondle my boob again. This time he moved much faster and before I knew it, he had slipped his hand under my top and was touching me through my bra.”
“Did you even want to stop him this time?” I asked.
Elaine blushed again.
“I think we were both a little drunk but I’m not blaming the alcohol. I knew at the time it was wrong, but it felt so nice I just let it happen.”
“Is that as far as it got?”
“That night, yes” she blushed deeper. “But the next time, he began to stroke my tummy too, then the top of my legs. Then he moved to my bottom and ended up touching me down there,” She nodded in the general direction of her groin, embarrassed. “His fingers were inside my shorts but not inside my knickers.”
“And you still didn’t stop him?” I prompted.
She shook her head.
“I didn’t actually open my legs for him, but I didn’t make it difficult either. Eventually he gave me a little orgasm. Mark’s very good with his fingers. I was surprised.”
“I could feel your body shaking,” Mark whispered. “You were leaning really hard against me. It was the most amazing thing in my life up till then.”
“Did you kiss?”
“That’s the odd thing; no we didn’t. Not on the lips anyway. Mark kissed the top of my head lots of times but for some reason, I couldn’t raise my mouth to his. After the film finished, we were both really embarrassed. I was burning with shame and my knickers were soaking wet again. We went upstairs without really speaking to each other. I didn’t get much sleep I can tell you!”
“Neither did I,” Mark added.
“Did you set out to seduce Elaine?” I asked him directly.
“I’ve often wondered that,” he pondered. “There’s no doubt I touched her on purpose, but I think I was on autopilot. The two of us were so close together; she’s a very sexy girl so I just did what felt natural.”
“Did you grope all the girls you sat with?” his sister challenged.
“I suppose I did back then,” he confessed. “In my experience, a girl that cuddles that close to a boy does so for a reason. And I never forced things; she could have stopped it any time you wanted. She just didn’t seem to want to.”
“So you saw me as just another of your conquests?” Elaine asked provocatively.
“Of course not; you’re my sister!”
“Most brothers don’t finger their sisters,” she countered softly but insistently.
“Most sisters don’t let them do it then come back for more.”
There was a pause.
“So how was Elaine different from the other girls you’d been with?” I asked, hoping to move things on while they were in a confessional mood.
Mark thought for a moment.
“Well I felt a lot more emotion for a start; a lot more involved than just wanting to get my end away.” He turned to his sister with a cheeky grin. “Don’t get me wrong Ellie; I thought you were really sexy and I very much did want to get my end away with you. But I knew everything would have to be different from the start. If nothing else, we lived in the same house. It’s not as if I could do the wham-bam trick and disappear.”
“So what happened next?”
“I wanted to go into Ellie’s room and say sorry – or at least say something, but I wasn’t sure what I could say. I went to see her anyway but when I crossed the landing she’d locked her door and wouldn’t answer my knocking. When I woke in the morning she’d already got up really early and gone to school so I couldn’t talk to her then either.”
“I couldn’t face him,” Elaine explained. “I was so embarrassed that he’d touched me. I was even more embarrassed that I’d just let him do it and worst of all that he’d actually made me cum. What kind of sister lets her little brother finger her to orgasm?”
“It wasn’t until the next afternoon before Mum and Dad came home that I managed to get her alone,” Mark said quietly.
“What happened then?”
“I went to her room; she was in her school uniform. I told her how sorry I was that I had touched her. She seemed more embarrassed than angry so I tried to hug her. She closed her arms tightly around her chest but I hugged her anyway. She smelled so sweet and sexy I got a hard-on straight away.”
“What did you make of that?” I asked.
“I could feel it. It frightened me to be honest,” Elaine replied. “But it turned me on too. I felt ashamed of feeling that way about him but couldn’t help it. The next thing I knew he was kissing me on the forehead and hair again, telling me how sorry he was, how much he cared and that he didn’t want to hurt me.
“I’m not sure how it happened. I know I raised my head and suddenly he was kissing me on the lips. It seemed to stun him for a moment. It certainly stunned me.”
“I wasn’t sure whether she’d done it on purpose,” Mark took over. “I was very surprised but for some reason didn’t stop. Ellie relaxed a bit; I kissed her again and then suddenly it was all happening; we were snogging like we were still two teens.”
“We were still two teens,” Elaine grinned.
“So we were,” her brother smiled in return.
“After we’d kissed for a while, he began to touch me again,” Elaine continued. “I was still nervous and didn’t respond much but I didn’t need to. Mark turned out to be quite an expert. Before I realised what was happening, he had my shirt off, my bra was unfastened, my boobs were bared and my school kilt was round my ankles.”
“Like I said, I don’t remember you putting up much of a struggle,” Mark snorted, amused.
“Maybe not,” his sister agreed. “But you took the lead big time.”
“Did you have sex that day?” I asked.
They looked at each other.
“It all happened so fast,” Elaine continued. “Mark was like lightning; before I knew what was happening I was on my back on the bed, my knickers were off, he’d spread my legs with his knees and was on top of me. A moment later he was inside me and we were having sex. Real sex! He sort of overwhelmed me; I’d never come across a boy who worked so fast before. There was no way I could have stopped him even if I’d wanted to.”
Her words were a little resentful but when she looked at her brother, her face told another, sweeter story.
“It wasn’t quite like that…” he began.
“It was exactly like that,” his sister insisted. “Wild horses couldn’t have stopped you.”
There was a pause while the two looked at each other. Their looks were mostly of love but there was an undercurrent of something else there too.
“Do you mean he forced you?” I asked, a little unsettled.
“No-o,” Elaine replied hesitatingly.
“You don’t sound sure,” I challenged.
“No, really,” she insisted. “I wasn’t forced at all. It was something I wanted too, I just hadn’t realised it until it happened. Mark has a really effective technique. I’d never known anything like it.”
“He’s a fast mover?”
“Very fast. But he somehow makes you feel as if you’re the one forcing the pace; as if you’re seducing him not the other way round.”
I looked for Mark’s reaction. He smiled broadly and blushed.
“I didn’t actually plan to go all the way but once we got started…”
His sister snorted comically at the idea.
“You were a man on a mission, Mark,” she chided him. “Taking no prisoners. You didn’t even think of birth control, did you?”
“I suppose I assumed you were on the pill,” he agreed. “Besides I don’t remember you putting up much of a fight,” he said in self-defence. “Quite the opposite in fact. Surely if you could have got pregnant you would have said something.”
“You really don’t get it, do you?” Elaine said quietly, her face soft and very young-looking. “If she’s turned on enough, a girl doesn’t even think about that sort of thing. In the heat of making love, birth control just doesn’t feature. Once you were inside me, I didn’t care if I got pregnant or not; the thought didn’t cross my mind. I just wanted you whatever the consequences.”
Mark took his sister’s hand in his and squeezed it.
“Mark’s right; I didn’t put up any resistance,” she conceded.
“You put up even less when we did it again,” Mark said softly. “Or the third time. I was worried Mum would find us, but you wanted one last go, remember?”
Elaine blushed scarlet.
“We were lucky I didn’t get pregnant.”
“We were still in Ellie’s bed when Mum came home from work,” Mark eventually continued. “Christ, we had to move fast.”
There was a pause in the conversation as they remembered the moment. The memory brought broad smiles to both their faces, making the similarities in their attractive features even more obvious.
Mark reached out his hand, Elaine took it and they squeezed each other’s fingers for a moment.
I was about to ask whether they had ever come close to being discovered, but at that moment the two boys returned from wherever they had been playing or hiding and demanded refreshments so the conversation had to pause.
After the drinks and a small but delicious-looking snack had been provided, the boys began to play close to where we were all sitting.
“Shall we…?” Elaine asked, nodding towards the far end of the garden where four old wooden chairs stood alongside an old rustic table.
The three of us went for a brief walk around their pleasantly large, fragrant garden, the two siblings holding hands romantically as we walked.
“So what happened next?” I asked once we were had settled in our new seats and were away from prying ears. “Did your relationship start there?”
“It did, but it was far from steady,” Mark replied. “The shock of having had sex threw us for a while. After we’d done it, we were both unsettled and for a few days we hardly spoke to each other.”
“Was it guilt?” I prompted.
“God yes!” Elaine said forcefully. “And shame. How many sisters have sex with their younger brothers?”
More than most people think, I thought inwardly.
“I was worried I’d just become another notch on the bedpost too,” she added. “I thought maybe Mark believed the stories about me and wanted a piece of his slut sister. I didn’t know that he already knew the truth.”
“It was never like that,” Mark insisted.
“But I didn’t know that,” Elaine insisted. “Anyway, when we did finally talk about it when Mum and Dad were out, it was horrible. We had a massive row.”
“Followed by amazing make-up sex,” her brother smiled.
There was a pause.
“It was good, wasn’t it?” Elaine stated, looking him in the eye, both of them sparkling.
“The very best!”
“After that it became difficult rather than terrible. I went secretly on the pill, we had ‘dates’ at weekends when Mum and Dad were out, but the rest of the time we had to behave as if we were a normal brother and sister.”
“How was that?” I asked.
“Tricky,” Mark told me. “Keeping the physical part hidden was hard but it wasn’t the hardest part. When you’re with someone you develop private jokes and stuff. It was really hard not to let anything slip.”
“Has everything gone smoothly since then?” I asked, hoping to provoke more interesting stories about their lives. From the look they exchanged I had done the right thing.
“I left school that summer,” Elaine began. “I got a job in a bank half an hour away. I still lived at home so Mark and I continued our relationship – at least we kept on having dates when we could.”
“We invented mutual friends,” her brother explained. “And went to the cinema together during the week when we knew we couldn’t be together at the weekend. We had to keep our own friends in the dark too which wasn’t easy.”
“Mark had to stop seducing girls at school,” Elaine teased.
“That must have been tough for you,” I joined in the joke.
“It depended on how much sex I was getting elsewhere,” he retaliated. “Some weeks were better than others, but I tried hard.”
“We kept it going for two years,” Elaine carried on. “Until Mark went off to University. That’s when it went wrong.”
I could tell that a more serious note had just been struck. I looked at them both for explanation, expecting Elaine as the older to take up the story but she held back so long that her brother had to fill in the silence.
“I went a bit wild at Uni,” he eventually confessed. “There was so much freedom and so many girls that I... I cheated on Ellie – quite a lot.”
The wounds must still have been raw because the looks of pain on Elaine’s face and of guilt on her brother’s were profound.
“When Mark came home for Christmas, I didn’t realise what he’d been doing. We picked up where we had left off, but I could tell something had changed. He’d hardly communicated with me after the first few weeks, but I was too stupid to realise why.
“When he went back to Uni in the Spring, I found out he’d been with other girls and...” the tears were beginning to flow so she took a deep breath and stopped herself. “I’d rather not go over it again,” Elaine said softly. “It was so hard being here on my own, knowing what he was doing and not being able to talk to a single person about it.”
“I know,” Mark said, taking her hand yet again. “I behaved like a selfish shit. It’s the biggest regret of my life. I nearly lost you over it.”
“Very few pre-Uni relationships survive three years of separation,” I suggested. “And for much the same reasons on both sides.”
“We actually broke up for a whole year,” Elaine told me. “It was impossible living in the same house as him after all we’d done together, so he spent most of his time at Uni even during the holidays. We both found other people for a while.”
“Then I got into a more serious relationship,” Mark continued. “It lasted a year and a half but came to a sticky end halfway through my final year. I came home very upset just before my exams. Thank God Ellie had the decency to take pity on me and help me through it. She was amazing; we began to rediscover our feelings for each other. It ended up in bed again but this time it was the real thing.”
“You weren’t just on the rebound?” I asked.
“Being with her again showed me how stupid I’d been,” Mark explained. “I understood what I’d put at risk and knew I’d never do it again.”
“How did you feel?” I asked his sister.
“I was in a relationship myself at the time,” she replied. “With someone at the Bank. We’d been together for six months and were talking about moving in together. I was torn between the two of them.”
“For a few months the tables were well and truly turned,” Mark said ironically. “This time I was head over heels in love with Ellie and had to watch her with another man. I finally understood what I’d done to her for the last few years. It wasn’t pretty.”
Elaine’s expression was hard to read.
“You ended the relationship?” I suggested.
“Eventually,” she said quietly.
“That must have been difficult.”
“He wasn’t good enough for you,” Mark interjected bitterly.
“You were just jealous,” Elaine growled.
Mark looked at his sister sideways then turned towards me with a mischievous grin on his face.
“Too right I was jealous! It didn’t make it any easier knowing how good in bed she had become.”
“Mark!” Elaine squealed in horror.
“It’s true. I might not have liked him, but he taught you a hell of a lot about sex. I was amazed the first time weTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
So Ellie is 14 and starting to discover sex. She and her brother have been starting to fool around but for now, she wasn’t ready to go all the way with him. All these things are new to her and she finds it very exciting. In fact, it’s pretty much all she can think about. Ellie is about 5 foot 2, she has blonde hair and blue eyes and is about 95 lbs. For the past few weeks, she has started to be more aware of her body and has found pleasure in touching herself and fantasizing about everything...
16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.” “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly. “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of...
SpankingHi, my name is Robert; my bratty little sister is called Ellie and she's still a virgin. I was checking through her underwear drawer the other day and found this diary hidden behind all her knickers. I pulled on the pink ones covered in cuddly bears over my cock and stole her diary back to my bedroom. Author's note: It's often quite difficult to separate fact from fantasy in ch1ldrens diaries: little Ellie rarely stops thinking about sex – who will take her virginity? When will her breasts...
I received a few notes in the mail from Ellie over the next six months. She and Bob were in the middle of the divorce, it was nasty and she was paranoid that Bob was having her watched. She did not want me to call her, nor did she call me, concerned that such calls might leave some sort of “trail” that could be used against her in the divorce. Some of her notes were about our evening together and what she liked, but for the most part the messages were just to let me know where things were with...
I received a few notes in the mail from Ellie over the next six months. She and Bob were in the middle of the divorce, it was nasty and she was paranoid that Bob was having her watched. She did not want me to call her, nor did she call me, concerned that such calls might leave some sort of “trail” that could be used against her in the divorce. Some of her notes were about our evening together and what she liked; but for the most part the messages were just to let me know where things were with...
Straight SexEllie Stanton stood transfixed, her cell-phone loose in her shaking hand. Chris was coming. The gorgeous young man she had yearned for, ever since their last, their only, meeting, three months earlier. All too brief, those orgasmic minutes, but at eleven a.m. Ellie could be holding the superbly endowed Chris once more.His deep tones on the cell-phone told her that his new job had him in the area and could he call in for a coffee. He had thrilled her with his farewell comment, “See you then,...
MILFEllie Stanton stood transfixed, her cell-phone loose in her shaking hand. Chris was coming. The gorgeous young man she had yearned for, ever since their last, their only, meeting, three months earlier. All too brief, those orgasmic minutes, but at eleven a.m. Ellie could be holding the superbly endowed Chris once more.His deep tones on the cell-phone told her that his new job had him in the area and could he call in for a coffee. He had thrilled her with his farewell comment, “See you then,...
MILFEllie spent most of the morning with her nose in her computer, hardly pausing to look away unless Grace asked her a question.Grace picked up on Ellie’s conversational distance and tried to keep her questions to a minimum. She wished the girl would talk more, but there was little she could do other than wait for her to open up. Still, at least she was willing to answer her questions, though she refused to make eye contact when doing so.Ellie’s stomach began to rumble silently, but she didn’t...
LesbianIntroduction: My first story I have posted on here, please be gentle and ignore any dogey grammar ! -Part One – Laying in bed on her side Ellie shivered slightly and pulled the sheet tighter around herself but didnt stir. The window swung open slowly and soft light bathed the room as the curtains parted. The swell of Ellies ample chest and large dark nipples strained against the fabric of the sheet as the chill encircled her more. A slight figure, long limbed with angular eyes slid into the...
Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body; she had to be in her early thirties. I...
Straight SexCh 4/4 CompleteChills ran down Ellie’s spine and Grace could feel her shiver. Grace’s breath tickled her ear which tickled other parts of her body, though not noticeably enough that Ellie registered her body’s response. Grace’s face was so smooth against her cheek and it made Ellie wonder how smooth the rest of her body would be. She blushed at the thought. Then, she felt Grace shift once more, only this time she pulled back from the hug to pull her legs underneath her on the couch. Her knees...
LesbianLaying in bed on her side Ellie shivered slightly and pulled the sheet tighter around herself but didn’t stir. The window swung open slowly and soft light bathed the room as the curtains parted. The swell of Ellie’s ample chest and large dark nipples strained against the fabric of the sheet as the chill encircled her more. A slight figure, long limbed with angular eyes slid into the room in silence it’s stare fixated on Ellie. Ellie stirred and opened her eyes to see the figure bent...
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Over the next year, I only received one letter from Ellie. It was a short, hand written note about how glad she was to be away from everything, and in particular the stress of the divorce, and how much she was enjoying herself and her job on Long Island. Then I received a letter about the final divorce hearing, which required Ellie’s presence, and that she’d like to meet after the hearing and celebrate. “Maybe dinner and a few drinks?” she wrote. “When and where?” I wrote back. A few weeks...
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I picked up the leather restraint. It did not look as sturdy as I first thought, nor was it very long. It was really a pair of leather handcuffs. I brought the restraint and the rest of the toys over to the bed. “Let’s try this,” I suggested, raising the restraint for Ellie to see. This was new territory for me, having never before used a restraint on a lady. My other concern was that there was nothing around to which I could tie or wrap the restraint. The head and foot boards were made of...
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Initially, after our making up and deciding to try again, I had thought to just let the matter drop. I thought that best for all of us, Me, Annie, and Ellie. But then I heard something. Clyde Barrow, was a frequenter of The Forecastle, the same bar I sometimes patronized. He'd been bragging that he had been successful with several women and that all of them were begging him to not to abandon them to their wimp-assed husbands. "Harm, you know that prick Barrow right?" said Elton, my...
After a short wait for their food, they finally entered Ellie’s apartment. Immediately the smell of a ripe trash can assailed their nostrils and any positive emotion Ellie felt from their limited contact faded away like the drop of a rock in her stomach. “Ugh, it’s so much worse than I remembered!” Ellie declared dramatically and headed towards her kitchen to deal with the source of the foul stench.“I’d tell you to wait ‘til after we eat, but that’s pretty bad,” Grace laughed.The pit in Ellie’s...
LesbianI have always been attracted to Ellie. She had a small and petite figure, covered in smooth, pale skin. When I first met her, she couldn't have had more than an A-Cup, which slowly developed into a size B over the years. Her long chestnut brown hair flows nicely over these mounds and is accompanied by vibrant green eyes. The picture was completed by a devious smile that could make any boy's heart melt. I didn’t really know how to flirt when I was in high school. Ellie and I would hang out...
Ellie was absolutely beautiful. I'd had a major crush on her for... well, forever! She had a vaguely elfin look to her features. Wonderful green eyes. Beautiful blonde hair. And a body that seemed to get better each and every time I got to see her. We had only a small, two-bedroom house. The arrangement was made, when our guests arrived, that my aunt and uncle would share the hide-a-bed in the living room. After much discussion, Ellie was given my bed, and a small cot was put into my...
We try to protect our loved ones from the brutality of this savage world. When we lose them or when they're taken away from us. We are left with nothing but disappointment with ourselves and our inability to protect them. Sometimes there're no moral boundary that we cannot break to get them back. The boundaries we once adored. The helpless nature of the frail and vulnerable and the toxic nature of the shrewd and powerful is this story about. I am no writer. But I have stories to tell....
Ellie was my grand mother, but we could not call her our grand mother so we called her by her name, Ellie. I had always found Ellie to be very attractive, she was skinny and toned about five foot one or two. Beautiful face and eyes, nice ass and small tits but I liked them any way. She was well educated and very smart. She was strict and seemed very straight laced and never cussed. I had always felt she never thought about sex. Especially now that she was in her early sixties. When I hit...
As my tongue felt the wetness of Ellies panties and my nose firmly wedged against her shaded button hole I was reluctant to move, Ellie was rooted to the spot and her head was elsewhere as we both realised we had an audience, Sophie stood rooted to the spot by the doorway, mouth open as she surveyed the situation. I was guessing but was under the impression this was the first time Sophie had seen her mother in any kind of sexual activity let alone with a strange man old enough to be her father,...
Here I sit. Still. Naked. Alone in the darkness. Only where my feet and buttocks and my back touch the stone do I feel any sensations at all. The cement is cold. The wall is rough. The air is ancient and damp. There is a stench that emanates from the small hole somewhere across the darkness where I am required to relieve myself when the urge overcomes me. The rest of the time I keep my arms wrapped tightly around my knees and I clutch them to my chest and I lay my head on them. In this...
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Ellie is really quite stunning. She hasn't started getting any real women-like curves yet, but despite her always complaining about having "a boy's body" she is very feminine. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes and even though she's only about 5 foot 2 she has the build of a taller girl. Her legs are thin and super long. She does a lot of sports and you can tell since her legs are really toned. She has a small bum but it's nice and round. Her tummy is completely flat now (this time...
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The wooden door creaked open as Satan himself stood before Ellie to greet her. The red-skinned, horned abomination growled out the rules of hell to her. "Your suffering will be infinite," Satan croaked. "In hell, anything can be done to you. No amount of pain can be enough. Any injuries can be healed or worsened at OUR WILL. The demons require souls to torture and you have committed yourself to us!". Ellie shrieked and sobbed as Satan lifted his trident and stabbed her in the face. As...
This is a long romantic tale of jealousy, selfishness and cruel love, told in eight parts. Part 1 I looked out the window at my car parked in the driveway, and noticed Ellie, my girlfriend’s married sister, washing the inside of its windows. Tess, my girlfriend, was in another room playing the piano and I was bored – at loose ends – since no one else was in their parents’ house, to which I’d been invited as a weekend guest. I gave Ellie a quizzical look through the window, she gave me a...
Ellie slumped gratefully to the couch and let out a sigh. She reached behind her and pulled her shoulder-length auburn hair out of its loose ponytail. She had a long day and it felt good to finally relax. Her office recently fired the only other person in her department, so she was stuck with the extra work until they found a new replacement. Cindy, her boss, must have conducted 15 interviews in the last month, yet no one seemed to measure up to company standards. They were either “too...
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Ellie Stanton aged forty-three, had, since her divorce, hungered for the amorous attention of younger men. Being fucked by a young stud fulfilled her lustful needs. Given her petite build, long flowing hair, and delicate girlish features, looking young was a deception she encouraged. Trouble was, younger men were, so frequently, unsure of themselves. Ellie had often hoped that someday she’d find an experienced young man to dominate her.That day came, when her son, Mike, introduced her to Chris...
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I so need to confess what I have been doing for a long time! But I will tell you, can you keep a secret? GOOD! Well for the past few months, I've been a naughty girl! I cant help it, I guess I've become addicted to it. Oh, sorry you must wonder what im talking about. Well let me tell you from the beginning. I've always been curious about my best friends, Rachel, life. We used to talk alot, but lately things have changed. Ever since she met Justin, she has been sorta well distant. Justin is her...
Voyeurby All These Roadworks === Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a little vulgar. But still, Ellie’s response was uncalled for. She laughed when she heard the woman wanted a pass to the Library, and said, “What use does...
My mother left us when I was almost five. Walked out on me, Daddy and my baby sister Ellie. I can’t remember much; Daddy said I cried a lot, and needed loads of cuddles. Daddy remarried a couple of years after, a nice lady he knew from work. Amanda was around for eight years, then she got offered a really big promotion, provided she moved to New York. We held a family meeting, all agreed it was way too good an opportunity for her to pass up. She flew home every other weekend, then once a month,...
When Ellie took her tongue out of my arsehole she looked up at me with a cruel smile. She came up beside me and went to kiss me. I recoiled. My husband glared at me. I knew I would suffer if I didn't kiss Ellie. I turned towards her and opened my mouth. She kissed me passionately, her tongue darting inside. The taste of cum mixed with my shite was overpowering. Her hand squeezed my breast before moving to my nipple. She scratched her nail across it before she crushed my nipple between her...
Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexAfter a wild time at an Ellie goulding concert, I was even more pumped up after getting an all access pass from a mate of mine and I was so excited and I though I was going to get a boner. Making my way past the security guards and showing them the pass, as they let me go pass, There happened to be someone else who also had a backstage pass, he was getting his photo took and the lot. I literally dashed backstage, meeting her with all her live members. It was such fun, it was too much to...
I was having a nice quiet morning with nothing much planned for the day when Amanda called me and asked if I was available for a job, she told me that a lady called Mrs Smith had contacted her and wanted a handyman to do a few odd jobs around the house, Amanda also gave me the heads up that she sounded a bit weird and wanted someone who would follow instructions without question and I assured her that I would be a good boy.I hadn’t had a job for a while so was happy to go along and see what...
Gary, my husband and Ellie were laughing as I lay there. "OK, time for food." Gary announced. "Come on slut." Ellie and I were sent to the kitchen to make some dinner while our husbands drank beer and watched what had been filmed. After dinner we returned to the bedroom. I was told to get on all fours. Gary and my husband rearranged the cameras. Ellie was behind me. I could hear her opening and closing a drawer. The cameras were switched on. Ellie walked around and stood in front of me....
Saturday, Pt. 1 - Ellie "I've a feeling we're not in Swindon anymore." There's a lot to be said for a skirt spread wide atop lashings of frothy short petticoats. Feels smashingly delish, obvs. But also, for example, when you plop on the lap of some dirty old man, the arrangement lifts, then settles, to cover him to the knee, and maybe you can tuck your little legs under too. While, underneath, there's nothing between you but his trousers and your (in my case, frilly-bummed)...
HumorSo my name is Jeff and I'm 16. My little sister Ellie is 14. We're pretty close since it's just us and our mom and she works nights a lot. Like most guys I know I'm really horny a lot. Anyway, lately I've been noticing how sexy Ellie is getting. She's always been a lot of fun and pretty . . . but lately I've noticed that she's getting a really hot body too. She's only about 5 foot 2 but she's got really long legs for her height and she's into soccer and cross-country at school so...
When I dropped Ellie off at her Mom Helen,s she came out clutching a set of keys. “Got the keys to our cottage at the Lake. Mom hardly ever uses it now Dad,s dead so we can fuck I disturbed out there and also go for a swim.” She Tod me as she slid close on the passenger seat. “Don,t have my swim trunks with me.” “Who bothers with swim suits silly?” She laughed, fished out my hardening penis and started playing with it. It was stiff as a board by the time we parked in front of their “cottage” a...
I recently told you about the lovely Ellie, daughter of a very prominent man in the small South Dakota Town I was raised in and how we drifted apart, hardly surprising as I was from a struggling financially family and Ellie,s father owned a thriving business, but sometimes having everything on a sliver platter isn’t,t so fabulous. I,d never had the nerve to ask Ellie for a date as I was terrified she,d turn me down though as long time friends she usually rang me up and had long chats about her...
The last time I saw Ellie she had been running out of the house holding her blouse and her purse in her hand. She hadn't even taken her car. I found out later, with help from Rex, that she had evidently gone down a few blocks and called a cab. Then she had simply disappeared from the face of the Earth. I was sure she would return at some point during those next few days and try to talk to me. But I was wrong. As the days passed and became a week, then two, then three, with no attempt to...
Guess what, guys. I just found another subreddit that is centered around just one girl! Her name is Ellie Leen, and she’s a Chaturbate cam girl who you’re going to go crazy over if you like cute faces and big asses. The bitch has those both nailed down and she has a massive following of fans who just can’t get enough of her. If you ask me, this babe has to be one of the hottest Chaturbate models, period. Why? Well, it’s just because she’s so damn young. You can tell that she is still quite new...
Reddit NSFW ListEllie She was waiting on the landing as I came out of the bathroom, a finger to her lips to indicate silence, her other hand on her partially open bedroom door handle. She smiled and raised her eyebrows in a silent question but my flushed cheeks must have given her the answer before I smiled back and nodded.My lips framed a silent “Thank you” but she shook her head as her smile widened. “OK?” her lips moved but no sound was forthcoming and I nodded. “Wonderful” I mouthed back. She looked...
Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body, she had to be in her early thirties. I...
“Hi Mum” Ellie said as her mother walked in the house, “The man is in the lounge” she continued seeing the rage in her mother’s eyes,“Why are you dressed like that? What have I told you about dress code when we have visitors” she barked out.“Sorry Mum” she said as she rushed up the stairsHearing this short exchange put me on edge and as Mrs Smith walked in the lounge I stood up to introduce myself, Mrs Smith stopped in her tracks as she saw me standing there in my tee shirt and shorts.She...
16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.” “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly. “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of lip....
"Adam, can you come take the trash out?""Yes, give me a minute it's almost halftime."I rolled my eyes. We had the ability to pause our TV, but somehow he doesn't remember it exists during the game. Actually, I don't know if he thinks it works on anything else but the Bachelor or Bachelorette, you know, my shows. I knew I had a few options: do it myself without a word, tell him I'd just do it, or pause the game myself. I chose to tell him I'd do it."That's fine, I'll take it out myself."Suddenly...
Love StoriesBill had a dilemma, his balls were aching on his short drive home and he sniffed his mementos a few times which smelt so sweet and sexy, how he could hide these from the missus was not yet figured out, anyway he had a week. I think he was still in shock and disbelief at what had transpired, not only did he get to fuck Ellie twice after eating her sweet arse he also got a blow job from her daughter, where was this all leading? Was it just 2 people who lacked physical contact had a spark and...
Ellie and I became lovers when we were freshmen in college. She was this small, slight little goth girl, with waist-length straight black hair and flowing black dresses. Her smile was a Mona Lisa thing, fuzzy at the edges and hinting as something naughty. She rarely spoke but often stared, and it was this staring that originally caught my attention. We had an English class together, and because she couldn’t keep her eyes off of me, I couldn’t keep mine off of her.Our affair was brief but...
“On behalf of my wife and myself…” It was a traditional opening gambit for a groom’s wedding speech and it caused everyone, Rachel included, to laugh and applaud. Reece could carry off even the corniest of lines with grace and charm. “I’d like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our special day,” he said, concluding the sentiment and drawing out another appreciative murmur. American and Brit guests alike were loving him, especially the female ones. His dark tuxedo was tailored to...