A Dare To Myself (Chapters 1 & 2) free porn video

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The bell rang loudly, the quiet room suddenly being filled with the noise of moving chairs and shuffling feet.

“Okay class, that’s all for today,” I called, trying to make myself heard over the fracas. “And no excuses this time please, Caligula wouldn’t have tolerated it and neither will I!”

I watched as the students continued to make their way through the exit, ignoring my rather poor attempt at humour. A few stopped to say goodbye, with a mumbled, “goodbye Miss Willis,” one hoped I would have a nice weekend and that was that. I walked over to close the door and then made my way back to the desk to sit down. A stack of papers awaited a grade and I knew I had a limited amount of time to get them done before the inevitable itch to get home became too good to resist.

A good hour passed before this daily routine came to an end. It was an hour of frequent clock watching, occasional sighing and, once in a while, a piece of work was impressive enough for a smile to creep across my face. Very few students seemed to be grasping the concept of why we still taught Roman culture, instead choosing to giggle at their “strange” lifestyle or just ignore the lesson completely and stare at their phones.

With the last paper graded, I stood up and began collecting my things, placing them untidily into my bag. I stepped out of the class room and walked along the now empty corridors towards the teacher’s lounge. This too was empty, my colleagues much preferring to take their work home with them. Some liked this idea simply because it was Friday and tonight was for drinking, tomorrow for the hangover and Sunday for grading papers. Most preferred to take the papers home just so that they could spend some more time with their families. This certainly wasn’t an issue for me as I placed the work into my drawer and started the short walk towards the car park.

The sun was still shining, a warm breeze blew my long light-blonde hair as I moved towards my car. The janitor was sweeping the floor, but stopped to give me a smile as I walked past. I returned the smile, continuing to do so long after I’d passed, enjoying his attention. I’d always hear the students talking about how grumpy he was, so it amused me how happy he always seemed when I walked past. And yes, I do realize what made him happy, I just so happened to enjoy the attention!

The drive home was an uneventful one, filled with some rather poor attempts at singing along to some corny pop songs on the radio. I enjoyed my job, but there’s nothing better than the fading memory of a long week as a whole free weekend waited ahead of me. I was in a very good mood! I parked, walked through the front door of my apartment building and towards my home.

I now had to partake in another Friday night ritual as I opened the fridge and removed an ice cold bottle of white wine. I kicked off my shoes, poured myself a large glass and collapsed onto the sofa. Taking small sips, I allowed my head to fall back and rested my eyes. This may not seem particularly exciting for you and it’s not that I’m a complete hermit, but I did very much enjoy my own company.

I was 25 and single. I had a lot of friends, but they knew that if I hadn’t committed whole-heartedly to a night out then I was likely to stay in, so I was safe from any phone calls interrupting my peace. It also wasn’t like I couldn’t get a boyfriend, I just didn’t want one at this time. Also, the relationships never really lasted that long either, but we’ll get onto that a bit later.

I took the last few sips of my wine, enjoying the light buzzing sensation coursing through my body. I set the empty glass down, making my way towards the bathroom, unbuttoning my blouse as I stepped inside. As I undid the last button, I slid it off of my shoulders and allowed it to fall onto the floor. I turned the faucet of the shower on full and continued to undress, allowing the water to warm up. I moved my right hand to the back of my skirt, slowly moving the zip down and enjoying feeling of the air as it rushed around my bare thighs. Next I removed my bra, allowing my small breasts free as I threw it on top of the growing pile of clothes. Finally I slid my panties down and stepped out of them and straight into the shower.

I moaned softly at the enjoyment of the warm water flowing down my naked body. I allowed my hands to brush along the sides of my hips, down my smooth legs and back up. I knew I was attractive and loved playing games like this with myself, touching parts of my body that I knew many men would like the chance to touch. I continued for a little while longer, before eventually using the shower for it’s practical purpose and cleaning myself.

I turned the faucet off as I stepped out of the shower and straight into the gaze of the body length mirror in front of me. I struck a few poses, some fun, some sexy, all brief. Eventually I sat myself down on a towel and began to dry my hair, continuing my gaze into the mirror. My eyes looked slightly tired, but still had that blue sparkle that my mother always said would get me into trouble. I pouted my lips and tilted my head to the side, striking a few more poses for nobody.

After my hair was adequately dried, I slipped on my dressing gown and walked back to the sofa. I poured myself another glass of wine, took a sip and set the glass down again, replacing it with my laptop. Once booted up, I went straight to one of my favourite pages. An adult site, filled with reader’s fantasy sex stories. And this is why I never kept a steady boyfriend.

I had a very vivid imagination and a very high sex drive, but this seemed to be too much for any of my ex-boyfriends. I was sure I was fun to be around and I knew I was more than intelligent enough to keep conversation flowing, but the sex-life always suffered. And, as everyone knows, this is a very important part of any lasting relationship.

Things would always start out normal enough, sex being passionate and fun. But I was always quick to get bored and would try and bring more interesting ideas into the bedroom. I loved role-play, being fucked by a stranger being one of my favourite fantasies, but guys don’t really like the idea of this and I can kind of understand why! Just fucking and pretending that he was a stranger was never enough, I wanted it to be a two-way thing, but obviously it was always seen to be weird. Eventually the time we would spend together would lessen and the inevitable break up would happen. Not that the term “break up” ever had any merit to it with me, I was never particularly broken up about it. I would just move on, get into the next relationship and the cycle would start again.

The problem was that I could never actually bring myself to have a one night stand, or even a fleeting moment where I could act out this fantasy. I was brought up differently to that and, dare I say it, I was a snob. I always aimed to have a career. I owned my own apartment, came from moderate wealth. No, I would either act out the fantasy in a safe environment or not at all. Unless my head could do the rest and that’s where the laptop came in handy.

I browsed through hundreds of the thousands of stories on the site, scanning the titles quickly until I found one that met my tastes. I always laughed seeing what people would write about, but never judged. After all, I have my own fantasy that causes people to judge me in a negative way in my real life. These people were just letting their imaginations run wild and, as long as it didn’t harm anyone, then good on them. They just weren’t for me.

I finally settled on a relatively story that was pretty well written. It involved a young female escort who found she enjoyed the sex much more than the money. I rubbed my legs against each other as I read through her journey of fucking random perverts for little money. I admired her fearlessness, her lust-driven sense of adventure. I craved many aspects of her life, but knew I didn’t have what it took to do it. The very thought made me wet and that, as always, would have to do. As the story wound to an end, I picked up the wine and gulped the rest down and walked towards the bedroom, my mind swimming in a sea of eroticism.

I stepped into my room and lay down on the bed, spreading my legs, the dressing gown riding up and exposing my thighs as I brushed my fingers nails against them. I undid the tie to my gown, allowing it to fall completely open and exposing my body for my hands’ access. They hungrily rubbed and grabbed at my body, stopping only to pinch at my rock hard nipples. Each pull leading my back to arch and my hips to thrust upwards. I let the images of the story fly through my mind as my hands finally settled on my soaking pussy. I dipped two fingers and thrust them straight in to my wetness, my other hand rubbing left to right on my erect clit.

I allowed my mind to run wild as I imagined a man walking into my room, his cock already hard as he watched me bring myself off. There were no details to him, I couldn’t tell if he was good looking or not, even what his body shape or cock size was. At this moment it was just important that he was here. He was shortly followed by two others, just as vague as the first, hard dicks in hand and jerking themselves as they enjoyed the show. And boy did I give them a show. I alternated between letting my fingers do the work and thrusting up to meet them, either way I was starting to fuck myself extremely hard.

The men continued to masturbate, their gazes never leaving my wanton body as I writhed around in pure pleasure. The story that I had read was rapidly disappearing and this was now just for them. I could hear their breathe becoming rapid which just caused my excitement to double. I continued to rub my clit as I brought my other hand up to my mouth, the fingers soaked with my juices as I sucked them off and moaned at how good I tasted. Once I had cleaned them, my hand moved back down and grabbed hard at my tits.

My hips continued to reach up, pressing into my fingers as they kept up their relentless pressure on my clit. My moans became gasps as my breath began to quicken, taking short breathes as the pleasure wrapped itself around me completely. I could feel the first sprays of sticky cum splashing my body all over, warm and delightful as it dripped down my body.

The men were standing directly over me, shooting load after load of thick sperm across my tits and stomach. My orgasm was building to it’s peak as my mind continued to repeat the same message.

This could be real. I could do this tonight. I’ll just find someone and let them use me and have the best orgasm I’ve ever had. I can do it, I can be a slut. This could be real.

I cried out in ecstasy as my climax reached the final heights, my hand slowing down on my clit as my other hand found itself back between my thighs and started fucking my soaked pussy slow and deep. My body shuddered, jumping quickly as my clit became too sensitive to touch. I removed my hands, spreading my arms and legs out, letting myself use the full space of the bed, eyes closed and a smile across my face.

The images of the mystery men slowly faded from my imagination, but, to my surprise, the want of this fantasy didn’t disappear for once. It lingered and left a strong feeling of butterflies deep in my stomach. I began to shiver slightly, even though the temperature in the room was certainly not cold. The thoughts became more blurry as the exhaustion of orgasm worked and I quickly drifted off to sleep.


After some success, my sleep started to become a lot more restless as I tossed and turned in my mostly empty bed. My eyes slowly opened and I stared at the clock, blinking. My brow furrowed slightly as the realisation of it only being 5am hit me. I moved myself onto my back and closed my eyes again trying to find the sleep that I wanted so much. But my thoughts began to betray me and I became aware that the butterflies still remained in my stomach. I needed to fuck someone, anyone. I wanted it to be dangerous, I wanted to be a slut.

My pussy stirred, but as I began playing with myself I noticed that I wasn’t going to be able to get myself off. I couldn’t concentrate properly and it became clear that my thoughts just weren’t going to be enough. A wave of heat ran across my body, not unlike a feeling of dread, but there was nothing to be scared of here unless I actually acted this out. And I certainly wasn’t going to allow myself do that.

I tried to get back to sleep once more, but after around an hour of trying to name all of my students, counting sheep and anything else that might possibly help, my thoughts always returned to my aching pussy and the feeling deep in my stomach. Eventually I sighed loudly to myself and got out of bed, looking at the clock reading just past 6am.

After a few minutes of pacing around my kitchen, not quite sure of my intentions, I decided I would take a walk. There’s nothing a bit of fresh air can’t solve, I told myself as I started to get dressed. I opened my bedroom curtains to get a sense of the weather. It was mostly sunny, but it looked like it had rained over night. The shiny roofs of the parked cars in the street, reflected the sun brightly. Still, this would only make it quite stuffy outside so I didn’t need to wrap up or anything. I put on a vest-top, and a mid-thigh skirt over my panties. Once my heels were on I stepped out of the door and towards the exit of the building.

I had decided to walk to the park, hoping that the early Saturday morning would only bring a few dog walkers so that I didn’t have to listen to the high-pitched shouts of young children. I didn’t have anything against kids, my job would attest to that, but I was looking forward to a sit down on a park bench with just the sound of the birds for company.

There were a fair few cars making their way deeper into the city, but it seemed largely that my wish had been granted. As I came to the park and walked along the wide path towards it’s center, the birds were in full voice. The park seemed completely empty as I picked a bench to sit down on, leaning back and shutting my eyes.

The peace I had been searching for at night seemed to finally be winning over the lust that seemed so uncontrollable just a few moments before. The sun was starting to heat up as the few clouds disappeared and I enjoyed the feeling of warmth on my face. I would only open my eyes occasionally as the footsteps of a guy running pricked my ears. He seemed to be running laps, but every time he ran past he seemed to look me up and down. He didn’t seem to be trying to make it obvious, but he was definitely doing a bad job at it.

I tried keeping my eyes shut, but couldn’t help but open them to check that I still had his attention with each passing lap. It wasn’t a particularly big park so it would only be every couple of minutes that his eyes weren’t on my body. He was a little overweight and at the beginnings of middle-age, but his attention was starting to bring back the lust I had tried to repress. I wanted to see what he did when I wasn’t looking, so I decided to pretend to have my eyes shut, using the little vision to try and judge what he would do.

As he ran past this time, he definitely seemed to stare at me for longer, even turning around for a last glimpse as he ran further away. The feeling of heat began to return to my body and, it wasn’t just the butterflies I felt, I simply felt sick. This man was definitely a disgusting pervert, barely even trying to hide his gazes at me. But, with my mind telling me to just get up and walk back home, my pussy began to betray me. The same thoughts from last night began to creep back to me.

“Do it, you need to cum and you need to hard. Fuck this man and see how it feels. You need something inside you and he will do just fine.”

I genuinely didn’t know where these thoughts were coming from. I had always had this fantasy, but it had never crossed my mind that I would be in a position where I would actually act on it. I had always told myself that I was too good for it, but that just made it more exciting. What would my parents think if I did this? Oh god, that just made this more hot.

I saw that the man was running back into the distance again and decided to see how far I would go. It was time to test myself and see where this led to. I can always back out if this seemed too strange. I began to roll up my vest, letting it rest just under my braless breasts. My toned stomach now lay bare, with the shape of my small tits becoming even more obvious to anybody who wanted to see.

This time when the man past, he couldn’t help but stare in quite an obvious way. His mouth even seemed to open slightly, his eyes wide as he looked upon my body. He didn’t stop running, but he had noticeably slowed his pace as he past me this time. His head turned away, facing forwards once more and freeing me from his gaze once again. How had that felt? It felt so fucking good. There was no doubt that he had a stirring in his shorts and it was all because of me. It seemed like I was finally using my body for it’s purpose.

As my own wetness became more obvious to me, I had to act now. I felt like I had to do something to make sure that whatever this was that I wanted actually happened. If I didn’t do anything then this moment would be lost forever and I didn’t know whether I’d ever pluck up the courage to do it again. In fact, I felt certain that I wouldn’t. This time, as the man ran past, I wanted to seal the deal.

“Hey you,” I called out suddenly, as he turned with a slightly shocked look on his face. I smiled, mostly to myself at his reaction, but it definitely seemed like the right thing to do in this situation anyway.

He had stopped running now, standing still, staring at me in awe. It was probably because this had been going on for a good 20 minutes or so and I had said something out of nowhere. “Yes you,” I explained, standing up from the bench. I ushered him over with a finger and said, “come here.”

My excitement grew greater at the strange power I seemed to have, as he walked in a tired manner towards me. As he stopped, I noticed he was much taller than me. To be honest, a lot of people were, I’m only 5’2. “Can... can I help you miss?” He was unsurprisingly out of breath, and still seemed a little confused by this confrontation, keeping a few metres distance between us.

I placed a hand on my hip and gave him a look of disapproval, which definitely wasn’t false. As much as I seemed to crave the attention, I still disliked him for it as I asked, “So you like staring at women do you? You don’t think we should enjoy the quiet without dirty men like you staring at us?”

If he didn’t look shocked before, he definitely did now. His cheeks, already flushed from the exercise, seemed to go an even deeper red as he tried to stutter a response. “I wasn’t…. well it isn’t like you didn’t…. no wait, it’s just.”

I allowed my smile to return again as I interrupted him. “Shut up for a second,” I said sharply, enjoying the silence that he responded with as his mouth literally shut mid sentence. “I am going to give you an opportunity here that you will never get again. I am going to walk over there after I’ve finished speaking.” I pointed behind the bench where a thick row of trees lay. “You are going to follow me and you’re going to fuck me. I am going to cum and then you may cum. And once you’re done fucking me you can fuck off again.”

I managed to keep my own shock hidden inside myself as the words that I had spoken sank in. I only ever used such words rarely, training myself for years not to as my job permitted. What was I doing? His own shock was still very much visible. He gulped audibly and went to respond. “No,” I insisted, anticipating more confused nonsense to come out of him. “You don’t need to speak, in fact I don’t want you to speak. You simply follow me, or you leave.” With that, I turned around and started to walk towards the trees.

I allowed myself to turn around as I entered the visibly darker area and tried to keep my composure as I saw him following, mouth still slightly agape. I carefully stepped over twigs and fallen branches, still visibly wet from last night’s rain as my heels sunk slightly into the grass. The smell of damp only added to my lust. Around 10 metres in I stopped, standing next to a tree and turned around to face my mystery man.

He walked sheepishly over and just stood there, arms by the sides of his sweat-soaked t-shirt. He seemed to be slightly shaking and I realised I would, once again, have to take the initiative. Although, that was what this was all about. Knowing what I wanted and finally taking it. I walked over to him, grabbing him by his wet shirt and dragging him gently until I was back at the tree. I pushed him against it, his back hitting against the bark, but with no real force.

His courage seemed to grow as he leaned his face towards mine. He was not a particularly attractive man at all, certainly not my type. His stubble seemed to have a few too many gaps in it for my liking and his chubby face certainly didn’t do him any favours. I leant away from his attempted kiss. “I don’t want to kiss you, I only need this,” I stated as I rubbed my right hand against his crotch. He was definitely on his way to being fully hard, but there was still some delightful softness that I wanted to explore further.

I didn’t need to squat down far to bring my eye-line level with the front of his shorts. I brought my hands up to the hem and pulled them down. I could now see the outline of his cock and brought my face nearer as my lips caressed it through the thin material of his boxers. An audible sigh left his body as I shoved my right hand inside, wrapping it around his girth. I used my left hand to pull his boxers down, his cock springing delightfully as it was freed.

It was fully hard now and I was a little impressed. It wasn’t particular long, but it was slightly thicker than average for sure. I kept my hand wrapped around it as I brought my face to the side, closing my eyes as I let the meaty scent fill my nostrils. I poked my tongue out, and let it run the full length a couple of times. A high-pitched noise escaped his lips as I brought my mouth around the head and sucked lightly, looking up and meeting his sweaty gaze with mine.

As I removed mouth, I could see a thin string on pre-cum connecting my bottom lip to the slit of his throbbing cock. I began to move my move my mouth up and down and I felt his hand move onto the back of my head, not pushing me, but guiding me deeper with each downward stroke. Unfortunately for him, this was probably the best blow job he had ever had and he had just stopped it in it’s tracks. My juices were literally dripping down my thighs as my excitement reached heights I didn’t know existed. I felt like I would cum at the slightest touch of my clit and wanted this to be as short a wait as possible.

I removed my mouth, making an audible pop, his disappointment lasting just a few seconds as he realised what the next act would be. I pushed him to one side, again with no real force. He seemed to tower over me, even with my heels, but was openly letting me push him around as if to save my embarrassment. As if I cared. Facing the tree, I placed one hand over my head and against the bark and used the other to pull my panties down, stopping as they reached mid-thigh. I slightly bent one knee, and rucked my skirt over my ass.

I stared at him, making my frustration obvious as he stood still for a moment too long for my liking, before he finally moved up behind me. His hands grabbed my small waist and I noticed, for the first time, a ring on his wedding finger. I shook my head in disgust, which quickly disappeared as I felt his cock pushing against the slick opening of my pussy. He made a few poor attempts at entering until he finally managed it, clumsily pushing his thick cock into my soaked cunt.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head, thrusting back against him as he started a quick rhythm. His dick pumped quickly into me, in and out at full length. The sounds of his strange, frequent grunts entered my ears. The thought of this overweight, middle-aged man fucking me hard sending tingles through my pussy. This man has no right to have somebody as beautiful as me to himself, but I am letting him take me.

A gorgeous warmth wrapped around my body as he brought a hand round and grabbed awkwardly at my tits. In what only seemed like a minute, I was panting my way towards a mighty orgasm. Doing my best to remember I was still in a public place, I tried to stifle my moans as my climax shook through my body. His cock rubbed deliciously along the walls of my pussy as my knees buckled under the pleasure.

Time seemed to stop and I had lost all awareness as the feeling of his shaft became the only thing that mattered. Beads of sweat ran down the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine as I once again became aware of my surroundings. The last waves of my orgasms washed over me and the sound of the grunting, disgusting man pumping into me returned once again. The enjoyment started to disappear as he continued for a few more moments.

His grip on my hips tightened, painfully as his balls smacked against my thighs with each hard thrust. He groaned a low, guttural sound as I felt his cum shooting deep inside of me. It must have been a while as it seemed like a never-ending stream of the stuff was filling me. He finally stopped thrusting and pulled his cock out quickly.

He stepped away, exhausted, as his sperm dripped from my pussy. It was splashing straight into my panties, making a milky pool in the gusset. I closed my eyes, utterly devastated by what I had done. I carefully pushed against the tree, forcing myself to stand upright. I leant down and carefully peeled my panties down my legs, stepping out of them. I took one look at him, before kneeling down and picking my ruined panties up between my thumb and forefinger.

I threw them towards him, as he instinctively held his hand out and caught them. I pulled my vest down and removed a leaf from my hair that I had noticed in my peripheral vision. “You disgust me,” I said, not looking him in the eye as I began to walk off.

As I created some distance from him I could hear him quietly respond, “Wait. Don’t you… do you want to get a drink or something?” Anger filled me as I turned and almost spat my response straight back at him. “Fuck off you creep,” I rather pathetically retorted as I turned and continued to walk away once again. As I walked back through the tree line I allowed myself to turn around one final time. He wasn’t looking at me any more, clearly realising that his still exposed penis was there for anyone unfortunate enough to see. He pulled him boxers and shorts up in one quick move, but not before tucking my cum-soaked panties into the front.

I quickened my pace, the park now noticeably busier with dog walkers and a few families walking around. My eyes stared at the floor, ashamed as myself and what I had done. My walk home continued in the same vein. As I stepped through the door of my apartment and towards the bathroom, I once again found myself staring into the body-length mirror. I felt sick as I looked at the mess of a woman in front of me.

A few hours later, cleaner and refreshed from some much needed sleep, I still felt sick. Sick, but the itch still remained.

[To be continued?]


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Dare YouChapter 4

I hid. No, that's not strictly true, what I did was make sure that I didn't occupy the same space as Natasha and Kirsty unless we were surrounded by others. As much as I wanted to make a play for Kirsty I couldn't pluck up the courage to do it. I'm pretty sure that Natasha caught me looking their way a couple of times but I know from experience that she was used to it, the only difference was that this time it was the girl with the dark hair that was the focus of my attention, not the...

3 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 12

Recap: Drew and Janine are both in a state of shock after he fondled her breast during a lecture. Janine doesn’t want to talk or think about it (Ch 11). She is looking forward to meeting Natasha to see if she would succumb to Natasha’s commands since Professor Dawson’s test to return control to Janine (Ch. 9) Janine didn’t want to think about it, but she couldn’t help it. She had pretty much offered Drew her breast on a platter during the psych lecture. Would he tell Nat? When Natasha called...

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Dare I fuck you? Dare I reach out and, in the blatant audacity of my love, take my cock and press it into your body? You taunt me with your wetness, the ease at which you slide over me, the power with which you grasp me within you. And yet I dare to thrust and withdraw, filling you and then retreat, only to fill you again. My strength lifts you from the bed and yet when you finish with me it fails you, slipping limp from your depth as you wait for more, something more.Imagine yourself Helen of...

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Dare YouChapter 17

I staggered through the front door and straight into the waiting arms of Mum, metaphorically speaking not physically, though that might have been interesting, not that I had much chance to dwell on that thought. "Have you had a good time?" she asked, a knowing smile plastered all over her face. "Uhh, uhmm," I replied going red as I remembered how much fun I'd had on the journey home. "Did Kirsty enjoy herself?" asked mum seemingly amused by my response. I nodded, "She seemed to,"...

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Dare YouChapter 8

The weekend was a series of highs and lows as I tried to get my head around what was going on. One thing was for sure; if I wanted Kirsty as a girlfriend all I had to do was ask. Why she'd want a geek like me when she could have just about anyone in the school was one of the things I couldn't get my head around and that had me thinking that she might be playing games with me. But if all she was doing was playing games why was her mother joining in? And what about her mother, was that a...

1 year ago
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Dare Me

Chapter One Mentally she chanted, I’m a size two…I’m a size two… It didn’t work. She was becoming one with the wall, when Mr. Excuse me turned around yelling obscenities to the woman he was running from, smashing her into the man behind her. She turned towards whoever caught her to tell him I’m sorry, when she noticed a large defined chest before her. Muscular biceps wrapped around her and she felt the need to swoon. Miss I never swoon over anything was shell-shocked. Mr. Excuse Me had...

3 years ago
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Dare Book IIChapter 1

"I love you," I said softly. I kissed him and he was cold, his lips like wax beneath mine. In the other part of the house, in our room, my brothers paced the wooden floor. They were afraid and agitated and they fought with each other when one would get too close. They needed me, I knew, as I needed them. I had to say goodbye though and I was crying. "Dare..." Joe was there with a blanket in his hands, " ... you should put this on." He was draping it over my shoulders and I didn't...

4 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 3

Tea at my house was a quiet affair; something my mum had striven to achieve. She insisted that we eat as a family at the dining table and always prepared a good, wholesome meal with dessert. Dad moaned as usual about the dessert and how it was affecting his figure but still polished off his portion promptly. I didn't have any problems with eating what was put in front of me. After the meal I dumped the dishes in the dishwasher and cleared away the rest of the waste from the kitchen before...

2 years ago
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Well, this is really how everything started for me, not just exploring other guys, but really my first sexual encounter which just progressed. Not used to writing any sort of story, never mind something like this, so, if its any good, please let me know.Anyway, I was away on a week long trip with school, and we had an afternoon off. I was in a room with 3 other guys, all around my age. This particular afternoon, it was roasting hot, I mean boiling, and the AC in the room wasn’t working. As it...

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Hi! All of you. Sapna is back, with a ever most exciting real event: Dare. It happened to me one time when we had gone for a picnic. As you all know, now as I had been fucked by many boys, everywhere, it had became normal thing for me. But, I didn’t know till this time, that such a thing can occurs even in crowd. Even though crowd was known to me, but still, it’s shy full to do in crowd or crowded place alike. It happened like this. We had went to school picnic. I had wore long white skirt and...

3 years ago
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Dare into a relationship pt 1

So you know how we look, our friend group consists of 5 people: myself being 184cm, brunette and with an athletic built; John who’s 178cm, blonde, skinny but girls consider him extremely attractive; John’s girlfriend Amanda, she’s 164cm, hourglass figure and blonde too, with what always looked like really nice boobs; Maria, a Latina bombshell that has a really outgoing and outspoken personality, and Sara who was the shy girl of the group although she’s really pretty in a girl-next-door type of...

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Dare Book IIChapter 8

"Freeze! Federal officer! Put your weapon down now!" The shot had come from behind me and to my right and now there was a voice as well. I didn't understand the words exactly and I was prepared to leap anyway, but the man seemed to stagger suddenly and for just a second or two I wondered if he'd been shot. It was merely surprise though, shock perhaps and he was still holding his rifle, still pointing it at me, but looking confused and plainly unwilling to leave himself defenseless in...

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Dare Me Ch 05

OK, guys and girls, here’s the latest of ‘Dare Me’. Sorry for the delay, I’ve had a few issues pop up around here and had to make sure it was a go with submitting it. Hopefully, as I cross my fingers and close my eyes, you all will like it. As always, please send me feedback, comments and yes, even the not so good comments. All of what you all say to me helps me to become a better writer. With that said, hope to hear from you all soon! ~~honeywldcat~~ Dare Me By: honeywldcat ©2010 all rights...

3 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 03

We continue the story from Ch. 2 where Janine is slowly falling into a trap. Her body seems to respond to dares and bets and she still doesn’t know how or why. Please read Chapters 1 and 2 to see what has happened to this point. There is some non-consensual sex so if you’re offended by it, please turn back. Otherwise I hope you’ll enjoy it. I really appreciate your feedback, so please leave me some. * Starbucks was busy and people were milling around the entrance, frappucino in hand,...

2 years ago
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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

4 years ago
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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

1 year ago
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Dare girl goes astray 02

Dare Girl goes astray 02 : Chapter 2 ‘the coin tosses’ mistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy’s dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of...

1 year ago
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Dare Night

*Note*Not all story lines are finished, and the "Courage" system doesn't stop you from doing anything yet. Dares can be redone right now, but that will be changed soon. There is no end to the night yet, so all the dares can be done. You will be able to a list of hidden stories once you successfully complete a night. ;) Clothing Customization may come later once I finish the story. ---Rules--- *You gain 1-5 points depending on how hard a dare is. You are competing against other teams for money...

2 years ago
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Dare Party

I pulled a card from the deck and looked at it. Hmmm. This one won't take long at all! I can tell James is curious but all I do is smile at him and unzip my corset. My tits are barely being held in, a deep breath and they would be out. I reach into his pocket as I press my chest against his. I need this. I purr in his ear as I extract my phone. I set a timer and I tug James towards a corner of the room. "Once you hear the beep I need you to stop baby," I place his hands on my barely concealed...

1 year ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 08

Recap: Janine is in a daze and her mind is shot with delusions about sex and ‘all sorts of nasty things’ since her encounter with Brad Wheeler that morning (Ch. 4). Her most recent delusion brought on a wild sixty-nine session with Coach Carter, the father of Natasha’s boyfriend Drew (Ch. 7). That’s exactly where this story begins. Janine came to her senses and it didn’t take long to realise something was very amiss. Her right hand was firmly wrapped around an angry purple cock and she had a...

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John was sitting on the sofa, idly fondling the breast of an attractive brunette lingerie model whilst he watched the news, when he noticed his younger sister slipping into the room. “Um, can we talk,” Sarah said, blushing and avoiding looking at the model. “Sure.” John said, sending the model outside with a thought. He’d always had a soft spot for his sister, she was one of the popular crowd, but she’d never been obnoxious about it, even before his powers had developed. “I was hoping you could...

Mind Control
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Dare Girl Goes AstrayChapter 2 the coin tosses

Mistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy's dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of her dare. Turning poor Cindy into nothing short...

2 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 09

Dare Me Not Ch. 09 Recap: Coach Carter has given Janine some control over her actions and her choice of clothes. This is still imperfect because she can only exert her will after ten seconds (Ch. 8), while still leaving her vulnerable within that period of time. It seems that after any sexual release, her delusions are temporarily quietened. However, morning breaks on the day when she is to meet Brad Wheeler after their encounter the morning before (Ch. 4). Janine thought she had things under...

4 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 01

This is the first Chapter of what I’m hoping will be a series. I’m planning for more chapters, but would like to have some feedback in the meanwhile. ———- Jonah Dawson droned on. Professor Dawson was everything you’d expect from a brilliant psychology professor, complete with an eccentric nature and a monotonous voice. He had an excellent mind and a quick wit, but sadly none of the delivery required to hold the rapt attention of his students. His Psych 101 class was having a hard time keeping...

1 year ago
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Dare Book IIChapter 3

We had another dinner early that evening, a meal that we didn't really need, but neither I nor my three brothers complained about it. It wasn't the sort of food our Master had served us at night. He'd liked to feed us stew usually, made from beef or venison, occasionally chicken with the bones carefully removed, and always with a rich gravy stirred into wild rice usually. Joe's sons didn't know about that custom though, so they'd fed us dog food again, but it was still good the way they...

1 year ago
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Dare Book IIEpilogue

"Dare?" His voice was distant, like a dream, but coming closer and I smiled. "Dare!" He whistled with a long warbling that made me giggle sleepily and Chance lifted his chin from my breast, his ears twitching at the sound. It was dark there, in our den beneath the pine boughs, and warm and dry despite the cool spring rains outside. I'd found my mate shortly after my morning bath and we'd played together before retiring for our afternoon nap. I stretched as much as I was able and...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 22

One thing nagged at me all through the night after leaving Kirsty and no matter how I tried to dismiss it the thought wouldn't go away. What was thing that was causing my disquiet you ask? It was the relationship I had with Elizabeth the school's Vice-Principal that was causing the problem, or to be more precise the impact such a relationship would have on my friendship with Kirsty. Was I being unfaithful to my new girlfriend? There was no sex between Liz and I as such but I doubted if...

2 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 18

I rolled over and stretched, my body creaking as it responded to my commands. After flexing my shoulders a couple of times I looked at the alarm clock and found it was early, not ridiculously so but still before I'd normally wake up on a Sunday. I grinned as I hopped out of bed. It must be that anticipation thing again. I dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower and carried it out without really giving it much thought. My thoughts were on the up coming meeting with Kirsty's Aunt and...

4 years ago
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One thing I had never been able to resist was a dare, it had got me into trouble more than once, but any time someone said 'I dare you' I'd take up the challenge with a laugh. I was fourteen when one of my school mates started going on about having seen his little sister in the nude, I suppose that at that age we were just starting to take an interest in sex and his claims were greeted with both derision and excitement. "Shit," one of the crowd exclaimed, "what's so good about seeing a...

2 years ago
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Dare YouInterlude

"It is so boring back home," said Ana, again. "No one is prepared to have a little fun." I caught my daughter's eye and looked to the ceiling, we'd spent the last two days listening to Ana moaning about the state of her existence. According to her she wanted a little excitement in her life but no one was prepared to offer her the chance to live a little. All of her now ex-husbands had been boring, straight-laced and mundane without one iota of get up and go between them, to hear her...

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Dare Me Not Ch 02

Please read Ch.1 to see what has led up to Janine’s current predicament. This is a continuation of the previous chapter, though it can be read on its own. Again, I would appreciate any feedback. ———- Janine’s face was flushed. Her heart was pounding triple-time and she felt faint. Drew Carter and she continued towards their psychology class with Prof. Dawson, both silent. I hope he didn’t see that. The ‘that’ in question was an obscene encounter with Brad Wheeler and two of his friends...

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Dare Thief

Dare ThiefJason, my best friend who lives next door, and I had been bacheloring it at my house while my parents were away for a couple months in London where my mom was assigned for a project. It was great not having someone watching us every minute. Our parents pretty much trusted us about as much as anyone can trust teenage boys. As long as we kept up our straight A grades and sports, we were pretty much on our own. We could only have two other guys over and no girls unless we made special...

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Dare Book IIChapter 6

The world was in twilight, the grey moment between day and night, and I was moving amongst the people. I'd left the house, sneaking away because I didn't need or want my brothers to follow me. I thought perhaps that I was looking too far when there were a lot of people living on the reservation. The Native Americans knew me already; most of them had seen me at least once, during the Awakening, but little beyond that. I was more like a rumor, I suppose, a ghost maybe, and some of them...

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Dare Book IChapter 5

It's strange to be naked all the time after spending some 18 years being clothed for most of it. Not that I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't and never had been. I wasn't even particularly shy. I mean the physical part of being exposed to every little thing you can think of was strange. It was nice and warm in my room. The floor was smooth and the water cold, of course, but after a few days I was becoming used to it. I even began looking forward to the bracing chill that brought me wide...

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Dare Book IChapter 6

July was a good month for me, the best yet by far. It was hot outside and I turned dark all over, coffee colored, with just a bit of cream and a lot of sugar. My hair was longer than it had been in a long time, since I'd been a child really, and it was a thick black mass falling over my shoulders. I had muscles under my skin, hard and lean muscles that worked effortlessly as I ran with my mates. I had small scratches, the occasional scrape and bruise, but largely I was as comfortable naked...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 1

"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...

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Dare Me Not Ch 04

We continue the story of Janine Tyler who has recently learnt the reason for her inability to resist dares and bets. In fact, Professor Dawson had been so kind as to test the side effects of her unintended reprogramming in Ch.3. This chapter, like all the others, does not require you to know all the previous goings-on, but please read them to get a better understanding. I appreciate feedback, so don’t hesitate to leave me some. ———- Janine felt exhausted by the time she made it home. It...

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Dares - By SONIA ================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - Janet's Suggestion! ------------------------------- My wife, Janet, and I had a fairly conventional life - 2 kids -both now married and living away, mortgage etc. Our sex life had been frantic in the early...

1 year ago
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Dares gone sexual Part 1

Kelly, Taylor, Talia, Emily and Melissa were at Kelly's house one Saturday night with their friends Aaron and Brad. The 5 girls had gotten drunk and decied to play dares. " I dare you to lick the floor" Melissa said to Kelly.'Kelly licked the floor. " I dare you to lick my boobs" Kelly said to Talia While lifting up her shirt and bra. Kelly was a size 38-A and had huge nipples. Talia started licking her boobs and sucking on them. When she was done white stuff was all over her mouth. "I dare you...

3 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 10

Recap: Janine can regain control of her body after ten seconds as long as no new command is issued. She managed to deal with Brad, hopefully once and for all (Ch. 9). She hopes that Professor Jonah Dawson can help her to shorten her window of vulnerability. Of course the Professor would help her! He had helped to relieve her of her virginity before wiping her memories clean (Ch. 3). Janine enjoyed being able to focus in class after all the crazy antics of the day before. Some of her classmates...

2 years ago
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Dare Me Ch 03

Chapter Three Had three words ever sounded so sweet? Daren stared into her eyes for a moment, framing her face in his hands. Running his finger over her bottom lip, he could have kicked himself for asking, ‘Are you sure about this, Stephanie?’ Silently, he begged her to be sure. He didn’t think he could walk away without having her. He watched her bite her bottom lip, lick it, and pull him down to her. Daren kept his eyes open as her face came closer and closer. Then their lips met. Every...

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dare to bare all

Ricardo handed me my favorite drink, the infamous Long Island Ice Tea. I'd just returned from the lady's room. I needed to splash cold water on my face to sober me up. I was losing my control. I'd been warned at the office about Ricardo's reputation of sexual conquests. Yet I considered it a challenge to put this player in his place.My reputation as being the Sexy Ice Princess was well earned. I'd taken on corporate CEOs; supervisors and they all went away with a very limpimpotent cock.Ricardo...

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Dare YouChapter 14

I walked towards the school building, my bag hanging from my shoulder and a silly little ditty echoing through my mind: - A spanking I will go, A spanking I will go, E-I-Adeo, A spanking I will go... It was an interesting little ditty considering I had no idea where it came from and I'm pretty sure it was a way of masking how nervous I was feeling at the events that were likely to be occurring today. After I'd arrived home and survived a grilling from Mum that would have done the...

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Discovering myself0

As usual on Fridays I walked through the park on the way home from my college. I usually wait for my friend Janette. While on the bench reading, sounds from a gathering of trees and bushes behind me attracted my attention. Leaving my books on the bench, I went to investigate. Following a faint trail I heard the sounds again, looking through the bushes let me see a small space. Maybe this was where the seniors went to smoke pot. Then I saw “The Man”. He was standing at the far edge with...

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Finding myself0

"Oh, ok," I said in a quivering voice. My nerves were shot, my hand shaking, and I was just talking on the phone. Was I really going to do this? Had my hormones got the best of me? I had just met this guy on a dating site and we chatted a for a hour or so and he's inviting me over. "You'll love it," he said very reassuringly, "we're just two guys looking to get off. I'll slide off your pants and it'll all be good from there." I had never gone that far with a guy before. And...

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Couldnt help myself0

Lena was stroking his cock. He pressed her to him and kissed her lips passionately. He turned her on her back getting ready to satisfy his lust and … woke up. Yes, it was just a dream… A sweet pleasant dream… The sun was bright and shining through the window. Anthony could hear some remote noise from outside. He stretched himself. Getting up in the morning was so difficult… It was so nice and comfortable lying under the warm blanket. But the interrupted dream still tortured the man – his cock...

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