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It was late. It was raining. And dark. And cold.

The sound of the folk group wafted down the street from the Flying Horse as I nibbled at something that might once have been a cod before it was cremated and sealed in cardboard flavoured yellow concrete and stuffed in newspaper with slices of raw potato.

I opened the pub door as the north eats premier (and only) Lesbian anti Pedophile band Boris and the Pedos sang.
“String the buggers up”
“String the buggers up”
“There’s nothing as vile as a pedophile, so string the buggers up!” An audience of three skin heads and an old codger who mistook it for dominoes night sat there bored out their skulls.

“All right Johnno?” Boris the lead singer shouted as her band rested between numbers.

Nearly bald, five five over twenty stone, squeezed into extra large jeans three sizes too small with a leather jacket what had probably been old when the first world war was on she was the sort of butch lesbian who got butch lesbians a bad name.

Mind you the way she liked fucking convicted pedos up the ass with a sledge hammer handle made me wonder whether she actually was a lesso. She had cracking bass baritone voice though, pity she was tone deaf.

“Not so bad, how’s it going?” I asked.

“Not so bad,” she said, “Any favorites?”

“Bit of poetry?” I suggested, “The gallows tree?”

“Sit thee down, and rest awhile.”
“And watch the lonely pedophile.” I started

“As swaying gently in the breeze, he dangles from the gallows tree!” she finished, ah that’s poetry.

“You can’t bring food in here,” Sandra the barmaid shouted.

“Its from the kebab shop, I don’t reckon it counts as food,” I moaned.

“Them fucking cunts hates us,” Harley Charlie, the moped riding chief skinhead announced, “They ought to fuck off back where the come from.”

“Where fucking Oldham?” his mate asked.

“Who gives a fuck, lets have a sing song, that old one,” he said drunkenly, ”White Cliffs of Dover!”

“We’ll chuck Pedos over, the White Cliffs of Dover,tomorrow just you wait and see.”

“We’ll get all them bastards and chuck the rest over after,” I suggested, “Then we’ll be fucking Pedo free!”

“You got the words Johnno?” Boris asked.

“No I just fucking made it up, Jesus fucking christ.” I replied.

“Make a cracking record,” Charlie said, and he stood up, “Need a shit, get the drinks in Nobber.”

“Why the fuck do I always get to get the drinks in?” Nobber asked.

“‘Cause your on benefits, no one else got any cash?” I suggested.

“Fucking hard work, benefits, having to remember to fucking limp.” Nobber said, but no one gave a fuck.

“What you having Johnno?” Sandra asked.

“Anal?” I suggested.

“To drink not later you filthy bastard!” Sandra retorted and Boris flashed me a black look, she must have thought she had pulled.

“Rats piss,” I said.

“You can have one Stella ‘cause I know what your like after a few pints eh Mr Floppy!” Sandra laughed.

“All fucking right, it was only once.” I stammered as me face went bright red, “Ever ready me.”

“Fuck anything anything any time?” John Hunt the bookie from Matson street walked out the bog and started taunting me. Hunt the Cunt as we called him.

“Long as its over 18, and has a cunt and a pulse,” I protested.

“Like a cow?” he laughed.

“Technically they has a vestibule not a cunt,” I said using my superior intellect gained from watching pointless fucking game shows and similar crap on pointless fucking daytime TV.

“Her then,” he said pointing at Boris.

“Fuck off she’s a fucking Lesso.” I said supportively.

“Fifty quid says you can’t.” He suggested.

“Fifty quid each?” Boris asked.

“Two hundred, make it five!” Hunt the Cunt taunted.

“Christ,” Boris said, “I could use a few quid as it happens.”

“Oh for fucks sake,” Hunt sighed, “I was taking the piss.”

“We heard,” Harley Charlie chuckled, “What you reckon Johnno?”

“Yeah, why not, I’m up for it.” I lied. Jesus it would be halfway to turning fucking gay. Fucking a fat bald geezer even if it did have a cunt somewhere under the ugly great folds of belly skin.

“This I just got to see!” Sandra said. What I didn’t know was she texted all her mates and said to come round and watch.

“So what’s your game?” Nobber asks Hunt the Cunt.

“Just like to see Lesbos sorted out,” he sniggered.

“Wants a share of the CCTV rights more like,” I sighed knowing half of Saudiafuckingrabia had seen my ass bobbing around on some porn channel streamed from the CCTV as I gave Sandra a portion one night after lock up.

“Lads what do you take me for?” Hunt asked.

“Money grabbing cunt,” Harley Charlie said nicely.

“Yeah well making money’s me hobby ennit?” Hunt laughed, “Go on. I’ll make it a grand each.”

“I dunno,” I said, “What you reckon Boris?”

“If your up for it I am.” she said, “I need the cash.”

“Getting up for its the problem,” I thought to me self as I tried to shut me eyes and think of England, or actually that scene in Nippon Porno Farm three where the Jap girls all strip off on the parade ground and start doing exercises until the blokes start fucking them.

It was no good, me cock did a passable impersonation of a French S Cargo (Snail).

“In the back room?” I suggested.

“Lock the door Sandra,” Hunt suggested.

“Fuck that me mates is coming,” Sandra explained.

“Oh fucking jesus.” I thought.

“Right lets do one more set of can buy me love,” Boris called as she twanged a horrible row from her authentic Chinese Scatocaster Guitar, It might have worked better if she had noticed it was for 120 volts not 240 but reading and thinking were not exactly her strong points.

“Buy me a Diamond ring you cunt and you can sleep with me tonight.”
“Stick it up me bum you cunt and I’ll make it all seem right.
“Cause all I want is,” “Lots of money and Money can buy me love,”
“Can buy me luh-uv,”
she wailed.

Poor old Macker Lennon must have been turning in his pit.

Actually the pub was filling nicely.

Boris was starting another set.

“Tie a fucking pedo round the old oak tree
If he fucking dies its all right by me.”

“Who writes this shit?” Hunt asked.

I never admitted anything, “Its satire,” I said.

“Fucking racist,” he said shaking his head.

“Across the sea, where all the priests are pedophiles,"
“Celibate means the fucking lot are gay.” Boris warbled to what might well have been supposed to be the tune to “Danny Boy.”

“Christ sake Johnno she’ll be on the racist crap next do something!” Sandra hissed in me lug hole as the pub filled with her mates.

I stepped up to the mike, I got a half decent voice, well it was ok till it broke, sort of split down the middle more like, when me balls dropped. “You all know this one,” I shouted and started singing a crapello, that means on me tod.

“The Dew on the meadow, the mist on the stream.
The river runs down to the sea.”

“We gather together to greet the dawn
and England belongs to me.”

Boris’s mate crashed in a few random chords on Bass Guitar which was handy because I started far too high

“So bugger the spaniards and bugger the frogs, and bugger the old EEC
The whole fucking Eurozone can get stuffed 'cause England belongs to me.”

“Italians are pedopiles so are the krauts, the polish have all got VD
So lets get and build an atomic bomb and blow them to buggery.”

“And blow them to Bug, and blow them to Bug,”

“And blow them to bug er ree!” I finished as a solo and then tried to make a run for it.

“Bloody hell that was fucking brilliant!” this pissed up tart with DD tits and blonde hair straight out of a spray can who might have passed for 25 on a dark night where you couldn’t see the wrinkles under her eyes cooed as she pressed her tits against me.

Suddenly S Cargo turned to frankfurter, well more like broom handle if I’m honest ‘cause I wont see twenty again in a hurry like either.

“Ohhh you are a big boy,” she cooed as she cupped me balls through me jeans.

“Its now or never,” I thought as I pulled away from her.

“And now the main event,” I said, “Drum roll please Karen.”

“I’m fucking Elsie you blind twat!” the drummer replied but she started smacking hell out of the drum skins all same.

“Go for it?” Boris asked.

I nodded.

She pulled down her skin tight extra large jeans and the biggest roll of pink belly fat you ever did see cascaded down completely hiding what looked like a tiny pair of pink panties.

Me ardour was fading. (Posh lingo for me cock was shrinking, fast)

“Stick it anywhere no one will notice!” Boris hissed as I dropped my pants and pushed her against the bar.

Now any sensible fucker would have rubbered up but I didn’t have time, and anyway plan A was to shoot up somewhere under a roll of flabby under her belly button but wouldn’t you know John Thomas went straight for the moist spot. I reckon she must have fancied the blonde tart with the DDs same as I had.

The feel of me bare cock head on a moist cunt lips is much the same whether its Brianny or Mad Donna or someone what looks like some fuckers grandad and I made the mistake of shutting me eyes.

Next fucking thing I was going for it. Fucking JT was in. Right up, that fucking flab was soft as fuck and just flowed out the way. She was truly fucked. I was truly fucked.

“Oh god.” I moaned but I never had the sense to stop.

“No don’t that feels too nice, for fucks sake Johnno!” Boris was wailing.

I started going for it, like a fucking terrier against a wellington boot, it felt too fucking good. It was all wrong and then the pressure release alarm went off in me bollocks.

“Ready or not I’m coming!” I shouted and to a bloody big cheer I shot me load.

“Fake!” someone cried.

“He fucking didn’t he slimed me!” Boris protested and she showed three of her podgy fingers inside her and dragged them out glistening with spunk.

Fucking applause all round, fucking ten stone and a bit weakling and a butch les. It must have looked hilarious, like one of them little male spiders fucking them huge female black widder spiders except I hadn’t been ate yet.

“Pay time,” I said as John Hunt tried to sneak away.

“Fair do’s you earned it,” he laughed and he flashed a wad of notes. I flicked through.

“And the rest,” I said without counting.

He coughed up another ton or so which brought it just over two grand which was fair.

“You really would fuck anything you fucking worm,” Sandra said.

“Fucking pot calling the fucking kettle,” I said, “At least I get a grand not a half of lager and a few chips.”

“Too shay,” she said, “Anyway its rubbers for you now, you don’t know where that’s been.”

“Fucking morning after pill, is the late night chemist still open?” I asked.

“I crumbled two in her vodka and orange,” Sandra said, “Someone has to look after you.”

“I know,” I said, “I am grateful.”

“Elsie says if I have IVF and have triplets we can get a 3 bedroom council house straight away,” Sandra said all innocent like.

“Not that fucking grateful,” I said as Boris decided not to bother trying to force her belly back in her jeans but to stick the spare mike up her cunt instead as she launched in to song.

“He’s got a Pedo’s bollocks in his hand,
He’s got his cock and bollocks in his hand,” and as she sang,
"He’s got a Pedo’s bollocks in his hand," again the the audience joined in with.
“And he’ll rip the fuckers off!”

“There ain’t no room for Pedo’s in this Land,” they continued.

I’d had enough, I felt sick, that was pretty low fucking a ugly butch Les for money, Ok better than sweeping roads or collecting tax or walking the streets like a plod but pretty bloody low.

I opened the door. There were half a dozen uniforms sheltering in the porch.

“Oh its you Allthwaite,” the Police Sergeant said knowingly, “Off home?”

“Nah off down the Mosk for Friday Prayers.” I corrected him.

“Its Tuesday,” the Sergeant corrected, “This Gentlemen is your actual Black Muslim Gay Lesbian Transsexual member of every bloody minority the home office has ever heard of and plenty more beside, arrest him at your peril.”

My reputation had preceded me “Box ticking,” I agreed.

“Just fuck off.” He said.

So I did, and they arrested some bloke who came out his gaff in his nightshirt to complain about the row.

Its a funny old world.

And that was me first Lesbian experience.



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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 39 The Expose

THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of A Lesbian Slut - The Dirty Secrets Gay Women Don't Want You To Know - by Ingrid Pellman When I first met Laura, she was naked, crying and being fucked by a dog. We'd arranged to meet in a park by Laura's house, because Laura had telephoned this magazine and said that she wanted to talk about her fascinating lifestyle. She'd dressed in the way she was accustomed to dress - short skirt, sheer lycra boob-tube, no underwear of any sort - and...

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XVideos Lesbian

Need lesbian XVideos content? Everyone knows about and all of the amazing videos that they offer you. One of the most popular sections on the website has to be the Lesbian category though and it definitely makes sense since it’s one of the most popular categories in America which is the primary consumer of You’ll definitely see a shitload of videos in this category and they simply never get boring. I mean I’m as straight as they get, and I love fucking chicks really...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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NoodleMagazine Lesbian

If you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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NudeVista Lesbian is a porn aggregator site. What does this mean? It means that it’s a site that combines the content of many other sites and puts it all in one place. Now, the content isn’t streamed from the domain of, but instead, it’s streamed on the site that originally hosts the file. This is great if you have a lot of lesbian porn that you want to show, but you don’t have a lot of hosting space. Porn aggregator sites usually work like this and their biggest storage issue are all...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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My Early Lesbian Experience

One of my early lesbian experiences also turned into two of my earliest threesome experiences, and it was almost completely by accident. There was initially no intent to have sex with her with her or with her husband, and oddly enough it was my husband that unknowingly started that relationship. We had moved to a new location for my husband’s job, and I was having trouble resettling and finding a new job. I really liked my old job before we moved; I had friends, and even a few friends with...

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ViperGirls Lesbian

What is your everyday routine when you start looking for porn? If you are like most people, you probably go to a tube site and begin scouring the genre that gets you off. Or maybe you load up a hentai game and get hard from watching sexy octopuses fuck a bitch with the biggest titties you’ve ever seen. Whatever your routine may be, if you are growing tired of it, consider trying something new. Such as visiting a forum and exploring the unique porn within.“Wait, you want me to visit a forum? To...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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apni cousin ke sath lesbian sex

Main pinky hu delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks main ap logo se whatsapp par sex chat ki aur apni hot pics bhi bheji aur ap mujhe aur mail kariyea main apse aur whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi ap sabko bata du ki main apni colony ki bahut hi mast maal hu mujhe dekhte hi ladke mujhe chodne k liyea mere piche ghumte h lekin main jayada kisiko bhi bhaw nahi deti hu ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXIV 8211 Lesbian Love

I was alone, in the evening, doing some household chores leisurely at home waiting for my hubby. The time was about 5.00 in the evening. We had plans to go for shopping and a late night dinner in a restaurant. I had almost finished everything and proceeded to the bathroom for a refreshing bath. Had a nice bath and dabbed perfume to entice my hubby, expecting to have a quickie before going out (he usually falls into the trap). I pulled out a transparent nightgown and changed into it. I heard...

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21 More Lesbian Slang Terms Yoursquove Probably Never

1. FAIRY LADY: “In the mid-1990s, a lesbian bottom.”2. VULVA HANDS: “A gesture used in lesbian gatherings during the 1980s, probably originating in the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common in England and continuing at the Seneca Women’s Peace Encampment in upstate New York, and indicating the strength of lesbian sexuality. The two forefingers and thumbs were placed together to form a triangle, and then the hands were held over the head in the air. Some lesbian jewelry still employs the image...

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my first real lesbian experience

Introduction: visiting my sister at college The following story happened when I was 17, and now that Im 34 I have forgotten some of the details but for the most part its exactly the way things happened that night. Im now 17 and Ive known for the past three years that I was attracted to women physically. But when your only 14 and just realizing this its not easy coming to this conclusion. Growing up we were all taught and surrounded by the notion that dating and marriage was between a man and a...

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xHamster Lesbian

Craving some lesbian xHamster videos? I’ve been a porno expert for years now and I can confidently say that lesbian porn is always a hot category whether you’re an avid porn addict who can’t keep his hands off his dick or you prefer the occasional fap every now and then. Everyone loves seeing two hot sluts go at each other and turn their pussies inside out with their tongues without a dick in sight. Lesbian porn’s always been a true bastion of the pornography industry, and it deserves praise by...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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AEBN Lesbian

I fucking love lesbians! I know that these chicks are not into dicks, but there is something about cunt slurping that makes my blood boil. A dirty confession I had to make! All dudes dig lesbians, right? Lesbians dig lesbians, straight chicks like them, and men love them. Double standards at their best. Gays are noooo, but lesbians are ok. You know me, I don't care for that all equality shit. Lesbians are hot, gays are not! At least in my world. Deal with it!I don't know why I brought all of...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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The lesbian humiliations of Peta 1 A new submissive life

“Peta, I asked you for this chat, this talk because you’re heading for trouble in this office. Your male coworkers complain you don’t socialize with them, not here or outside, with a drink or even a cup of coffee. Since you’re a beautiful girl, I don’t miss their point. They want a chance to flirt and some to lay you in bed. But your great trouble comes from your female coworkers. They said it’s ok you’re shy, but some are openly hostile against you for they think you’re a closet lesbian and...

1 year ago
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First Lesbian experience with my teacher

I was in my second year at law school, when a new teacher joined the faculty. She was in charge of teaching us Criminal Law. Five-foot-six, slender figure, dark brown hair with a few loose curls, our teacher Serena, was mesmerizing to say the least. She had a perfect cleavage and her ass was tight. As she stood in front of the class, doing her job, all I could do was stare at her. I imagined all the things that I wanted to do to her. I wanted to hold her and lick her into oblivion. So in order...

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Indian wife discovers lesbian love1

Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....

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PornTrex Lesbian

Up until very recently, I have never been a huge fan of lesbian porn. Don’t get me wrong, I was never opposed to the idea of seeing beautiful women eat each other out, finger each other’s beautiful assholes, or scissor themselves silly without any dicks there to block the sublime views, I just always struggled to see how I would fit into the fantasy. Lesbians, after all, contrary to the way the porn industry so often portrays them to be, want absolutely nothing to do with guys. So, therefore, I...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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The lesbian factory

The Lesbian Factory.When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we...

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DaftSex Lesbian

I've been thinking about to what end lesbian porn is popular and is watched by both straight women and men. Well, for men it's actually easy to figure out because they are basically aroused by visual cues that emphasize youthfulness and downplay dramatic emotional display. Lesbian porn is almost like the dramatic playout of women’s emotional being almost like a symbol of what they would rather have. I can’t deny that this shit is deep as hell but most probably the hell about it that most men...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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XNXX Lesbian

Are you a fan of lesbian porn? I know you are since you clicked on this review, so I’ll get right down to it. If you were looking for a good porn site where you can watch HD porn videos, you’ve come to the right place. Now, not all videos on are in HD and not all of them are lesbian pornos. Still, you can quickly change that just by clicking on the lesbian category and then adjusting the settings of all the videos that are displayed there to be above 720p, which you can do quite...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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My First Lesbian Experience

I was so excited about going to college, as I had never been away from home before. I was spreading my wings of independence and soaring away. I had my map of the college grounds and my dorm room number. I was meeting with a lady named Chelsea to help me find my room. I was a little nervous, but excited as well about this new adventure. After meeting up with Chelsea, getting my key and finding my room, I was on my own. I put in the key and opened the door to find my new roommate. She introduced...

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Rachels First Lesbian Experience

I had always thought of myself as a straight girl, I had been fucked by every guy in my high school by the time I was 18, it was a miracle I wasn't pregnant by now. But on my 18th birthday, that was all going to change. I invited some of my best friends to a sleepover, and soon we got into a game of truth and dare. "Rachel, truth or dare?" My friend Diane asks me. "Truth," I reply. Diane thinks. "Have you ever been with another girl?" I answer quickly. "I never have, and I never will," I say,...

3 years ago
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The lesbian factory

When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we will give you a...

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Indian wife discovers lesbian love3

Our car pulled up outside Mrs Kumila’s substantial villa. It was, she had told me, paid for out of her husband’s business but he saw little of it – spending most of his time in the Middle East. She was more than happy with the arrangement for it gave her the freedom to indulge her preference for Sapphic love. And so it was that we walked up the steps, hand in hand, to be admitted by the pretty maid. By now I was very happy and supremely horny. Mrs Kumila had said that she wanted a lesbian slut...

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Lesbian Revenge

I was working at my desk early, that morning, when I received the fateful phone call from my boss, Bill Williamson. "Could you spare me a minute?" he said in his heavy Scottish accent. This could be good news, bad news or a job. Things had generally been pretty quiet since the end of the cold war, with only a couple of short interludes. My main work now seemed to be full of sorting through endless paperwork and reports, stuff which I really hated, not what I had joined for, at all....

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Welcome to the Team PT2 Lesbian

Downstairs at the party everyone had heard the screams coming from Laura's room even over the music. Most the experienced players in the league were secretly delighted although maybe a little jealous by Laura's new relationship with Kelli. They all knew that every practice, every game, every date, every party and most importantly every new recruit, was critical to the success of the league. This party had been precisely planed out for just a few women. Women that had never experienced love...

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