Sovereignty 17 free porn video

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Slowly Alan reached under the covers and began to gently massage the outer section of Hopix's breast that was crushed up against him. God! Alan thought she had felt soft before but this! I am going to go insane if this keeps up Alan thought I need to finish with this so Hopix and I can be alone for a while.

Merlin was doing his best not to make a sound, he remembered the first time he'd seen and been with his Glimmer. The things he thought he knew about love were completely blown away by the woman. Then Merlin felt the deep emptiness that was in his heart, though he could feel her he was still longing to hold her again. Merlin could feel that his power had grown again but I really shouldn't try something like that again unless I have no choice he thought.

Reaching out Merlin could suddenly feel a myriad of different life forms on the planet, what the hell? This was something entirely new to him and though it was a good thing it could drive one mad if he didn't get a handle on it. Merlin hadn't measured his power in a while, the last he knew it was at the fringe of the high power. Feeling again Merlin saw that yes, he was into the high range but still at the far low end of it.

Alan was enjoying the soft sighs and pressing of Hopix's body to him when he too noticed that Merlin was reaching out. "Merlin," Alan whispered to the man. "You have to learn to tune it out, or it will always be on but you can turn it down 'til you hardly notice it at all."

Merlin looked at Alan then nodded trying Alan's suggestion, to his surprised it worked! Well for a few minutes, and then he had to reapply the tune down. Thankfully it was lasting longer each time.

"Alan love that feels so good, please don't stop!" Hopix suddenly whispered to Alan.

"Hello beautiful, though I see you are in your full glory already. Why may I ask are you undressed?" Alan said with a smile to Hopix.

"Well you started to shiver last night so I thought to give you warmth. Besides I was getting cold myself. I hope you don't mind but I couldn't have you getting sick." Hopix told Alan calmly and matter of factly.

"Ok I agree with that but why my dear are you undressed? Alan asked her again.

"Well," Hopix started, "we are to be wed and you have seen me undressed before, so I thought it would be ok with you to add more warmth without my clothes."

Alan sighed and tried to make himself more comfortable, damn he thought I thought Glimmer had talked to her. Alan looked at the beautiful woman lying pressed against him, leaned down, and whispered into her ear.

Hopix lay still as Alan whispered in her ear, and then she reached down Alan's body and felt his hardness. Suddenly red faced she kissed Alan and was clothed, leaning back she told him, "I had forgotten my soon to be husband." Pausing a moment she looked under the cover then smiled at him. "I won't again; never will I forget the gifts you have given me." Leaning closer she whispered, "Plus those that you will give me. I will do all I can to be your partner my love," kissing him she leaned closer emphasizing, "ALL I can."

Alan could only stare at Hopix as she got up on shaky legs then walked to the common room. Merlin had a huge smile on his face, ah the young in love!

Alan wasn't sure exactly what the hell had just happened but he loved it! His whole body was tingling as was his very hard male anatomy! Sighing Alan really didn't want to get up but knew that there were 17 bad mages out there that wanted his soul. The really bad thing though was these weren't going to just roll over and die that easily as the others had. Shit Alan thought I really got my work cut out for me.

Alan got up finally as did Merlin, "I see that you have finally moved into the third stage of power. Be careful Merlin, when I moved into it, the creeps seemed to come out of the wood work!"

"I am well aware Alan, I may not have been able to move, but I was watching. You have achieved quite a lot in a fairly short time. The simple fact that you freed both of the, what is it you call them? Ah! Yes! The Fairixies, the fact that you have freed both of their worlds is nothing short of a miracle. I never did get a chance to thank you for freeing my Glimmer and her people." Here Merlin bowed to Alan who was really uncomfortable.

"Look, I am not a god ok? I am a man like you well kind of like you. I only do these things because they are right that's all, ok?" Alan told an even wider smiling Merlin.

"Yes son I know. Remember this though; you have freed worlds that have been slaves for centuries in less than six months. You are the first that has had enough power to do that. No! You are more special than you think, but I am glad that you are doing all this for the reasons you are. Now then we need to discuss what you are going to do next, I know I am not a lot of help but I will be there if you need me. Believe me Alan I owe you far more than you think and I hope that one day you can truly appreciate just what you have done for me."

Alan was taken aback he wasn't used to really any praise at all but the amount of praise the old man was giving him was making him really, really uncomfortable! "I have to defeat at least one more then I feel that the light council will be able to appear here." Alan told Merlin.

Merlin was nodding he felt that also, and then realized with a shock that it had just come to him that he had the knowledge. "Yes I have felt that also but these last few aren't going to be that easy."

"I know that's why I thought..." with that Alan launched into his newly formed plan. Merlin's eyes opened wide it was a bold plan, dangerous and a little risky but it could work they just needed a little luck.

Later on that day Alan was standing outside what appeared to be a burned tree but he wasn't sure. Shrugging Alan paused a moment and released a blast at about half his power. There he thought that ought to wake up the stupid ass! Sure enough a few moments later several bolts of electricity shot out of the sky at Alan. Smiling Alan watched as they harmlessly bounced off his shields.

A voice behind Alan made him sigh, the same old thing damn! These guys for as powerful and old as they are didn't seem to have any idea of the pain Alan was going to bring upon them. Sighing Alan waited as the being he guessed was part snail with huge human eyes appeared. Then of course it started to boast, yawning Alan just stood there and tuned out. A few moments later the creature stopped with a growl.

"So you think to disrespect me this way? I am far more powerful than you think I will..." Alan finally tired of it waved his hand and the creature was silent.

"Finally, so here's how it's going to go, first I'm going to freeze you," with that Alan waved another hand and the creature stopped moving. "Then I'm just going to kill you. Good bye!" Alan let loose a titanic burst of energy that enveloped the creature and just as suddenly it was gone.

Alan waved his hand and looked at a small sphere that formed in front of him. "I am tired of you cowards hiding but if you want to die that way so be it." Pointing at the sphere a misshapen deer like animal appeared in front of him. "Now then that's better!" Alan made a slashing motion and the creature was dead that quick. Well that's two Alan thought but I won't be able to get the rest as easily.

Alan suddenly heard a clapping behind him, "God I'm glad you are as smart as you are! If you went about it any other way I might have killed you out of boredom. Now I see you truly will be a challenge after all!" Alan felt the huge fireball as it approached him. He was ready this time though and easily bounced it back at the man. Though expecting something of this nature the man was surprised that Alan had done it as easily as he had. Hmmm the man thought so maybe he was pretending the other day. Yes, I'll have to watch him closely. Then the man saluted Alan and was gone.

Damn it! Alan thought he had hoped that the bastard would have been hurt. Turning back to the sphere Alan pointed at it again as another winged snake like creature appeared, though startled it attacked almost immediately. Alan smiled so they were smarter after all, as long as he had control of the sphere he could draw almost all of them here but the sphere was limited. Making several slashing motions this one fell as had the others.

Alan had to hurry he could feel the sphere growing weak, pointing three times Alan knew that this was risky but he had to do it. Suddenly there was a loud screaming as the first appeared. The second hissed a warning, and the third just started to fire at Alan. Smiling Alan hoped they were using their full power as he started to bounce their attacks back at one other than who fired it. The screams he heard let him know it was working as already one was down.

Alan attacked the weakest of the two hoping this worked he surrounded the creature with a cloud. Within a minute the cloud lifted and the creature was dead.

"So wanna give up before I kill you?" Alan shouted at the last one.

"Kiss my wart covered ass you repulsive human! After I kill you I think I'll keep your head as a trophy." The huge toad like creature said as it started to laugh and spit venom at Alan.

Well Alan thought that's original! Let's see how he likes the taste. Alan made a covering motion with his hand as the toad creature kept trying to spit at him. Too late it realized its mistake as its stomach grew larger then exploded! Alan had already moved a distance away. Looking at the sphere Alan thought he might get one more when it winked out.

Sighing Alan thought well that's six less, but how hard the last eleven will be? The champion had been watching from a distance, the porta sphere had been brilliant! A direct path to those viewing it, unable to look away or disconnect truly a stroke of genius! The champion was starting to get more excited this was going to be a battle that he would savior the rest of his life!

Alan was pissed he'd hated to use that, having just learned it not long ago. There was another trick he could use but he felt he needed another day at least before he could even think of using it. Hmmm Alan thought maybe Merlin had a few tricks he hadn't thought of after all Merlin had been doing this with less power for a lot longer and had survived.

Alan was about to go when he felt that the sphere was still there just weak, he had to try one more time. Concentrating Alan pointed four times; this could kill me he thought. A few moments later four extremely pissed off shapes; a snake, an ogre, a beetle, and a bent and broken looking man appeared in front of him. I have to move quickly Alan thought as he made a slashing motion a few times. Two of those in front of him stopped and keeled over.

"Weak fools! You may have gotten us here but you will never end u..." The one that had been speaking suddenly couldn't say anything as blood gushed from its mouth. With a startled look it gagged and fell over.

The misshapen and broken looking human smiled at Alan. "Very good, or lucky," it said as the face twisted into a horrid mask of hatred. Alan nodded this one wasn't going to be fooled like the others. His defenses were high and in place. They were wrapped tight like a bl..., Alan suddenly smiled he had him beat.

The warped man moved in trying to gain an advantage when he found he couldn't move! What the hell was going on? That's when he saw that Alan was bending the creatures wrapped shields onto him. Shit! He was going to die from his own protection. Releasing his shields Alan was ready as he fried the last dark mage with a barrage of electrical attacks.

Laughing as he was dying the last dark mage told Alan, "Enjoy this victory; you won't beat my brother you dog of the council!"

Alan reached out to make sure that the sphere was indeed gone. That was nine of the last seventeen, it had taxed him to a point that he tried not to reach. Shit Alan thought I need to get back, thinking of the sanctuary he'd moved maybe a thousand yards. Oh crap Alan thought as he felt his reserves start to dwindle.

Merlin and Hopix appeared a moment later, grabbed him and were back at the sanctuary in less than a minute. Merlin's eyes opened wide damn! That was the longest and furthest he'd ever moved not bad, aw shit! Merlin slightly stumbled as they took Alan into the sanctuary. "Thank you Merlin," Alan slurred out then collapsed on his bed.

Merlin nodded then almost fell his self his power was growing but so was the demand on his body. Damn it! They still had eight out there and they were going to be the toughest of them all. I sure hope Alan is up for them his power was in the ultra level but it hadn't moved much at all. Hell from what he felt Alan was still only half way through the ultra level. Hopix walked to Merlin and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you for helping me save him. I was afraid that he'd gotten himself killed going alone."

Hopix turned back to Merlin then smiled as he too was now passed out though, he hadn't quite made it to his cot. Shaking her head she didn't know what she was going to do with either of them, the most important men in her life besides her brother. Sighing she decided that it must be a trait of all men from earth, to put their life in jeopardy worrying the women that loved them.

Alan was floating in a gray area, this was much like the dream world I was in before he thought. Reaching out Alan started to smile ah! He could see it wasn't from him, this was from somewhere else. A few moments later the figure of Hopix appeared before him.

"Hello Alan," she told him, "I have missed you, come back to me so we can be together." Reaching out the vision tried to wrap its arms around Alan but he pushed her away. "What is wrong my Alan? I have wanted you for so long I know that you will fulfill me more than any other. Come to me now my love!"

Alan was shaking his head it was a good ruse, if they had a lot better information than they did. "Very convincing are you really a man or are you one of the rare ones that once was a female?" The vision of Hopix's eyes went wide but whoever it was kept in character well.

"My love why do you say these hateful things to me? I love you! I want..." The visage of Hopix was saying.

"Look drop it ok? I already know you aren't her, so drop it! Maybe I should just blow you away!" Alan said as he watched his hands start to glow then just as suddenly go dark.

The Hopix vision started to laugh then the voice started to change, getting higher and a hell of a lot more irritating. As he watched the vision of Hopix started to bend and twist 'til it was misshapen. Alan could swear the meat was falling off the bones, the hair what little was left was stringy, greasy with a horrid odor that was filling the air. Sighing Alan had expected no less.

Wait a minute! He could smell the odor of her hair. Smiling he knew where they were now. "As you can see you have no power here but I am all powerful. Bah I don't know why I'm telling you!" Finally Alan thought one who used their head!

Alan watched as the twisted female shape rushed toward him, drawing a hand up from his side he heard her gasp! "You really thought I wouldn't figure it out? Please! I might be new to this but I'm not stupid!" Alan stood stock still he only had two chances at this as they were still locked into her alternate reality.

The woman was starting to back away as Alan's hands were starting to get brighter. "No! You are locked in this realm with me MY realm, there is no way you could access your power unless..."

The woman stopped short realizing that Alan was using life energy, though a moment too late as Alan blew half her body away. On the other side of the planet the woman's real body began to jerk and convulse. two others watched as her eyes and ears started to bleed and she began to vomit up blood.

Back in the alternate reality Alan could see that she was finished he'd felt almost half his power flow back in. Quickly Alan drew in all he could, "I should kill you just on the principle of you trying to disgrace Hopix, but ah hell, just DIE!" Alan released another blast nearly as big as the last, this time he took what was left of the top of her body.

In the woman's home the other two were shaking their head it had been foolish to think the white mage would have been fooled. Then the now dead woman's body sat up and looked directly at them. "When I started today there were seventeen, then eleven, that was whittled to eight. I don't know whose idea this was I don't care who's idea this was. Suffice it to say that before I was doing this because it was right. Try something like that again, and I will make your deaths truly painful." With that the body dropped broken and empty both of the dark mages looked at each other then vanished.

Merlin awoke not too long after he'd fainted still weak he tried to bring something to drink to himself when he noticed Alan glowing. What in the hell was going on? He hadn't seen anything like this since back when Morgan le Fay was learning every scrap of magic that she could. As he'd told Alan he'd never been very powerful but had developed tricks that truly deceived all who saw them. Hell they even fooled Morgan le Fay 'til the day she tried to kill him.

Merlin stretched out his feelings and hit a wall, a damn hard thick wall! What the hell was going on? Pushing harder Merlin could finally hear Alan but still couldn't see anything. Trying one more time Merlin was finally through in a sense, though they couldn't hear him. Merlin watched with pride as Alan took the other out almost with ease. Retreating Merlin was afraid he'd be trapped there if he didn't.

Alan awoke with a start that was an experience, looking at Merlin; Alan could see he was still fast asleep. Back in the home of the female mage the champion just shook his head. What a fool he thought, the white mage was new true but he wasn't as unknowledgeable as most of them thought.


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sue does her boyfriends sonwhile he is in hospita

i dont know why i am writing this.i think its probably to get it off my chest.well lets start.sue and i were married.thats a different song .she always had a thing for jim(her friend)but he was married and i guess she married me because he was already taken.i could go on and tell you how good looking he was and what a great lover he was.i could, but why bother.sue kept telling me all this when we were why should i tell you now.sue was 5`6 long dark hair and boobs to die for.i should...

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ManuelFerrara Autumn Falls 18 Year Old Pretty Little Slut

Autumn Falls, self-proclaimed animal person, fucks like one with Manuel Ferrara from scene 1 of “Pretty Little Sluts #2”. The tasty tart with big tits starts off brushing a horse in her short shorts. She feeds a bunch of cocks which makes for great foreshadowing for a porn scene… She hits the showers and that’s when meat will rise as Autumn possesses amazing melons and they look even better lathered up! She dries off her formidable chassis and gets going with Manuel. The...

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The Neighbor Next Door 8211 Part 2

So welcome back to the second and the final part of the story of . Let me recap a little. Make you a little hard. Or wet. So last time, I was in the lift, at night, going out to get something, I crashed into her. Then she pushed me inside, and we kissed madly but stopped because the lift opened. I quickly closed it because I wasn’t satisfied with just one kiss. It wasn’t even long. Unlike my cock. So, we were standing at a distance from each other while the door was closing. And as soon as it...

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Family SwappersChapter 6

Erick read the printed schedule groggily. His brother's valet, Frank, doubled as his own when he stayed out at the country house, and the older man woke him early, reminding him that the entire family had to be up early that morning. Usually Erick made his own time, but this time, he remembered that he was expected to be on hand during the 2 day excursion to Cederton. "I'll be down for breakfast in half an hour," he said to Frank as he tried to focus his blood-shot eyes on the print in...

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The Audition 4

The Audition 4 Pussy 101 When Jackie came onto the set wearing nothing but a pair of sandals and a strap on I knew what I had to do for my next scene. It was get on my hands and knees and take it like the fucking girlie man whore that I was. The stick on the strap-on was even longer than the sex toy I had. That was the one big cock Sheila showed me how to use back in Boston. S/he showed me how to shove it up hir own ass then s/he rammed me with hir own long lady stick. Plan B it seems was...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 26

At 3:30 Mei was on her knees with an old man’s cock in her mouth. After the lunch break, Mei brought back a Chinese boy with a cough who exuberantly hopped up on the exam room table and was flanked by his father and Mei Chun. Eager for his attention, she leant forward and arched her back a bit, giving Dr. K, who sat on a stool in front of the patient, a look at her tits. They hung in her soft bra, and at the angle she was presenting to him, was meant to raise his blood pressure. The effect...

2 years ago
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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 11

I waited, and wondered what this was all about. Who the hell this was this... person? Power radiated from him/her. When I stopped to examine her/him. I still could not tell which sex this old, old person was. I heard the elderly person in front of me chuckle. "Most amusing. I am a male, although I am very ancient by your standards. Actually, I am ancient by my own people's standards, as well," I heard him musingly say in response to my unspoken question. "You heard my thoughts?" I was...

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Breeding Station

By Homealone_447 Valerie was the rookie of the exploration team. They left her behind to take care of the mothership while the rest of her crew landed on the planet to explore an abandoned space station. The large old structure was not registered in any of the federation charts and it wasn’t sending any identification signal as was mandatory for every civilized construction. The team had been gone for three days and Valerie was bored out of her mind. She just walked around in her underwear...

2 years ago
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Lunas Perfect Day

Luna Lovegood woke to the sound of birds singing outside the window. Slowly sitting up and pulling her bright blonde hair, she looked around. The girl's dorm room as empty. "huh? where did everyone go?" she asked herself, slowly getting out of bed. "did I miss breakfast again?" she looked out. there were no students in the courtyards and everything was quiet. She crept down the stairs to the common room, which was also empty. "did everyone just vanish?" She looked around and spotted a note...

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Isabellas new school

oh my god theres a guy standing in his bedroom window naked she thought to she quickly turned around only to see that her cheeks were red from her blushing,thats the first time she had ever saw a man w/o clothes on in her stunned and very excited she took a quick shower and jumped into bed. "beep,beep,beep"the alarm sounded at 6am uggh i just wanna sleep please mom 5 more minutes,belle whined so she hit snooze and fell back off asleep GET UP RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY U ARE...

4 years ago
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A Different Way That COVID Affected My Family

I'm Sue and what I'm about to tell you is the most insane and wildest thing that has ever happened in my life, well, our lives, actually, and I'm not sure we can ever go back to the family we were before.Everyone is aware of this ridiculous pandemic going on with Covid19 and, of course, all the restrictions that go along with a pandemic of this type.It was May 2020, and New York City and surrounding areas, including the area we live in, was in complete lockdown. Jack, my husband, and I were...

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First time anal

In my last story I told of the young guy I met while walking my dog, the following week I kept an eye out for him in the hope we could repeat our fun, but to no avail. I'd given up thinking it was a one off however on the Thursday the week after I once again spotted him this time a little deeper off the track. I wasted no time heading towards him from twenty meters away I could see that beautifull rock hard cock, this time I tied my dog to a low tree branch. Unlike last time he had a travel rug...

2 years ago
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Biology ka practicles kiya

Hi friends i am a regular iss reader .. Today i am here to tell you about my vergnity loss with my biology madam.. Actually first i will tell you about my self i am 6 feet guy with good physique as i am very sports loving person and i used to play almost each and every sports and though a good student but due to some circumstance i am irritated of biology… Now this is the story i want to tell which happened with me during my preperation of boards…(10th) i was very tensed what to do to...

2 years ago
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Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise

Fuck me. People say that when life is getting them down. Something bad happens: "Fuck ... me!" If you think about it, why are you saying that you want someone to have sex with you when things turn to shit? I'm thinking about this because that's what happened. Life took a turn for the worse, and then... Months ago... At 18 years old you think you can take on the world; that you're immortal. Usually something happens that, in no uncertain terms, tells you that you're wrong. A broken...

4 years ago
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Ring Master First RingChapter 11

Hmmm, since I have a reprieve for a day or two, what's next? "Helga, Nora? Do you have any questions, ideas or maybe some answers?" She blustered a bit as she looked around quickly and then said, "Answers? You expect us to have some answers? And just what wishing well did you expect us to pull them from?" Everyone broke into giggles and fits with that. 'Well, it was just a thought, not to mention a hope and a prayer, since you two are the resident medical professionals at the...

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Fan Meeting

Fan meeting It had been a long day at work, and I was getting ready to go home when I heard the noise. Whoosh ... thunk. Woosh .... thunk. I knew that noise. It was a sound effect on my favorite tv shows of all time, Dr. Who. I followed the sound, and there, in the corner of the lunch room beside the Coke machine, was the Doctor's time machine, the Tardis. I stared at the thing for a while, and then the door opened, and out came the latest incarnation of the Doctor,...

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Adventures of RachelChapter 4

It was Wednesday and Cheerleading practice. They filed in and the last girl locked the door. They laid out the pads then instead of stripping they just took off their panties. Miss Jasmine came over and took her dress off. She had no bra or panties on then hugged all the girls. The girls laid her on the mat and proceeded one by one to give her a few licks of her pussy. When they finished Miss Jasmine said, "You girls do good work." Jackie said, "That's because we have such a great...

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Mysterious Lover

Amanda was a forty four year old married woman who worked as an estate agent; usually she hardly ever left the office but occasionally she was allowed to show prospective clients around properties; there were built in safe guards ever since the now famous murder of the single female estate agent Susie Lamplou. Amanda stood five foot two inches tall medium build with extra sensitive nipples on her 36 C breasts; her black hair neat shoulder length always looked immaculate; Amanda had two...

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Naughty Office Girl

when running my own recovery firm i had a secretary who was one of my drivers daughters called lisa aged night i had to go to the yard to get some invoices and when i got there the office light was on so i crept up and pulled open the door as i thought i was being my surprise lisa was sat at her desk with tears streaming down her face..i asked what was wrong and she told me that her boyfriend had dumped her because he was seeing someone else..being sympathetic as i am i...

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Guilty As Sin

I guess we all feel guilty about something sometime. My problem, I believe, was that I felt guiltier than most.I was having lewd thoughts that were out of control. When I looked at a girl, I wanted to feel her, smell her, run my hand through her hair and down her body, all the way down to the moist lips of her pussy.In my religion, it’s considered sinful for a girl to think that way about another girl. When I feel such “unnatural” lust, I am supposed to confess. Who knows how many priests I may...

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Ganged By Knyterose "Wasn't that show great?" Lisa asked, grinning from ear to ear. Looking at her cute little miniskirt and her long black stockings, how could I do anything but grin back? It was our second date, and she was definately the hottest woman I had ever been close to. Sometimes her 5' 9" body seemed like it was all leg, and when she wore heels like tonight, it seemed like it would be so easy just to bury my face in her lush chest. For some reason,...

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The Sisters

The two friends closed the bonnet of the vehicle, put the tools back. “Well that will do for now”, one of the men said as he gave the bonnet one quick wipe. “Eventually Norm you will run out of part”, his companion said. “You must be finding it difficult to get parts for this vehicle, after all it was built in 1958 and although there are a few aged Holdens on the road eventually the necessary parts will be as scarce as ‘hen’s teeth”. His mate smiled. “Graham so far I have had no difficulties,...

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Cuckold Fianceacute my Future Husbands Res

This is a follow up to our Cuckold Fiancé story posted yesterday. It is a collaborative effort between my wife, Susan and me, Paul.In our last episode, Sue had blown and drained her hot new young Latin lover while her fiancé was racing to join her in Toledo. And she absolutely dispelled any fears or concerns that this may not be her cup of tea. Her hot Latin lover, Raffael, was her first of many lovers she took after becoming Paul's fiancé. As previously mentioned, Sue was transferred shortly...

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Here comes the Troubleshooter Part 4

Here comes the Troubleshooter! Part 4 The circle closes Once we landed in the Middle East, we got ushered to a converted army base, where a bored looking guard called out our names without even looking at us. "Captain Andrew Mays and Sergeant Carl Ryan?" "Actually, I go by Andi, now," I said gently. "And we lost our ranks." He looked up, and did a double take. "Oh. Sorry." He didnt sound very sorry, which only made my bad mood worse, to the point I was ready to snap at anybody...

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VR Hush! We live in an age of technological revolution. Everyday, somebody invents a new device or string of code that changes the world and advances mankind by leaps and bounds. Humanity is currently in a new form of evolution, one that will merge man and machine, making us smarter and more connected and capable than ever before. And at the forefront of this incredible technological revolution and transcendence of humankind is … pornography. VR pornography, to be exact.Okay, maybe VR porn...

VR Porn Sites
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Petites histoires horrifiques

Bonjour, et si on jouait à un jeu ? Un jeu de rôle où vous seriez le scénariste et le réalisateur d’un film de série B. Votre producteur ne vous a donné qu’une seule obligation : il faut que ce soit un film d’horreur comme ils plaisent tant à la jeunesse décérébrée de notre époque. Et il a également précisé qu’il comptait sur « l’érotisme » de votre scénario pour le rendre célèbre. Vous avez peu de moyens mais beaucoup d’imagination et surtout toute une bande de jeunes actrices innocentes qui...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 15 A Coming of Age

August, 1988 My tale would, I suppose, be more interesting were I to go on about my exciting new life after the arrival of Paul and Hestia. That was not, however, how things went following my first two weeks at Eoin's country estate. I calmed down and, after a few fits and starts, a routine settled in rather quickly. Paul and Hestia divided my days between them, Paul teaching me to be an Australian girl in the mornings and Hestia teaching me the complicated arcana of polite society's...

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ReyeLila 2

Beth, my twin sister was born before me by a few minutes, so I guess she is my big sister. We look very much alike, and before Beth started developing, we were often mistaken for the other. Beth used to wear her hair short, just past her ears, and I wore mine about the same length. I admitted to mom that I have had sex before, but I did not tell her that it was with Beth.Beth and I had started fooling around with each other shortly after our sixteenth birthday. We had found a stash of porn on...

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A Weekend With My Punk Rock Cousin Part 2

“You’re awake.” Jason’s voice startled me and I spun around. He stood there about ten feet away in his jeans and boots, smoking a cigarette and smiling wickedly. “Yes…” I said, pursing my lips slightly. He let out a barking laugh. “I know goddamn well you enjoyed it,” he said. “All those fuckin’ orgasms I gave you; maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get even more tonight.” I scoffed, but deep down, I was hoping it could happen again, despite the dull aching in my pussy. I was...

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Masturbation Story

I've been a virgin for quite a while, I'm torn between losing it and saving myself. My last boyfriend wanted to have sex with me but I said I wasn't ready yet. He asked if anyone has ever eat me out. No one has and he said " well if you let me do it then u could probably make up your mind about losing it". I thought about it and said yes and e began kissing me and then went down on me and took off my pants. He caressed my breasts and licked my underwear. He took off my underwear and started...

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My cherry goes pop

I like my aunt Sarita and cousin Rahul. She lost her hubby after Rahul was born. She was rich and both had a luxurious life. I used to visit them since childhood and spend my vacation with them. Rahul was a college student and I had finished my school and awaiting results. My Aunt looked very beautiful and I could imagine during her younger days, she must have attracted so many youngsters around her. Rahul too was well built and they were all open and free and fun loving. I was having a very...

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Chubbys Memoirs chapter 5

After leaving our house Mom and I went straight to the airport. The flight was due any moment. We waited in the car before going to the arrival pick up point. “Thank you, my dear son,” Mom said giving me a kiss on my cheeks. “Thank you for what, Mom?” “Thank you for getting rid of my fear of taking in a cock into my cunt.” She kissed me on my cheek again. “Thank you for giving me a great time last night.” She now kissed me on my lips and put her right hand on my cock. “Mom, please stop playing...


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