Archie: Revenge - Part 2 Of 2 free porn video

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Archie - Revenge! Or How Did Reggie Do This To Me? By Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter 4 Archie woke up feeling extremely groggy. His head was pounding. His entire body ached, particularly his ass. He opened his eyes a crack. The room did not look familiar. The light hurt his eyes. On the bedside table was a clock which said 9:27. Oh god, he must have drunk so much last night! His head throbbed. Then his eyes saw the glass of water and what looked like four aspirin sitting beside it. He swallowed the pills and drank the entire glass of water. He then rolled over and closed his eyes. Hopefully when he woke up again, the hangover would be gone! He slept for a couple more hours. When he woke slowly, it was to the incredible feeling of a warm mouth on his very stiff cock. He opened his eyes to see Veronica's face bobbing up and down on his cock. He smiled and said a cheery good morning to her, and then memories of the previous evening came flooding back and he sat up with a jerk, leaning back against the headboard, his hands covering his dick! "Reggie?!?" "Not today, Betty!" she said as she scooted up beside him. "For today, I'm still Veronica!" She reached for his cock, but Archie batted her hand away. Veronica smiled mischievously. Her eyes dazzled him. "You DO like me playing with your cock, Betty!" Archie repeated, "I like you playing with my cock, Ronnie!" And Veronica's fingers wrapped around his dick again. With her other hand she pulled Archie's face to hers and gave him a long lingering kiss. That feels SO good, thought Archie as he returned the kiss eagerly. Veronica returned to sucking on Archie's cock. She wet two fingers and slowly slid them into Archie's ass. Archie moaned, and more memories of the previous night returned. He remembered being fucked last night by several cocks. And sucking on those cocks! Oh my god, what had he done!! But above all, he knew that he had enjoyed everything he had done. He had been told to like being fucked, and he HAD enjoyed it! And as Veronica sucked his dick, he arched his back and shot his thick goo into Veronica's mouth. And Veronica eagerly swallowed. "Oh, I love the taste of your cream, sweetie! You want me to fuck you now, right?" Archie was still feeling euphoric from shooting his seed into Reggie's mouth! All he could think about was how good he was feeling, how good he had felt last night. He grinned and nodded. He wanted that wonderful feeling in his ass again. Veronica quickly slipped between Betty's thighs and raised her legs, placing Betty's calves on her shoulders. She spit several times on Betty's asshole and pushed the spit into Betty's ass which was already loosened by her probing fingers. Veronica placed the head of her dick at Betty's boipussy and with a bit of effort, slid easily inside. Betty threw her head back and groaned. "Oh yes, slide that cock inside me! Oh that feels so fucking good!" she cried out as her hands gripped the bedding. Veronica felt her cock gripped tightly by Betty's tight ass as she pumped her cock in and out of her blonde lover. "Your ass is so fucking tight, sweetie!" Veronica raised herself up and pushed Betty's ass higher. She was now standing above her and lancing her cock down into the blonde's ass. She withdrew briefly and spit again into Betty's gaping ass - once, twice, three times, and then thrust her cock back in again, the additional saliva lube squishing and squelching and making rude sounds. But she did not care, she loved the tightness of this ass which had been virgin until yesterday! "Oh, I LOVE having my ass fucked!!!" cried Betty. "Keep hitting my sweet spot! Oh rub my prostate!!!" Betty was panting furiously, her own cock once again very very rigid! If she was to touch it, she knew that it would shoot right away! "Pound my ass, Veronica!" But Veronica was running out of steam. She knew her wobbly legs would not support her much longer. So after she pumped IN to Betty's ass, she dragged her cock out so that the underside of her glans rasped against Betty's pucker, stimulating her wildly. After just a few more thrusts, and rough extractions, she plunged once more into Betty's netherpussy and held her cock there as she pumped her hot load into Betty's bowels, coating them with her gooey love juices! And then she collapsed beside Betty, her cock leaving a slime trail as it flopped out of Betty's ass. Betty also had to catch her breath. The fucking had felt so fucking amazing! She had been so close to cumming from must being fucked, with no one touching her cock. But... she hadn't. She wanted to grab her cock and pump it to a splurging orgasm, but instead she cuddled up to her friend. "How is your head feeling?" Veronica asked him. "Not bad at all really!" "Well here, just to be sure! Take these." She handed him two more tablets - aspirin he assumed and some more water. Veronica lit two cigarettes and handed one to Archie. As he took it he realized that his fingernails were still brightly polished. "You still look amazing this morning!" said Archie, while running his fingers over his own chin and his bit of peach fuzz. He had never had a heavy beard. Reggie smiled. "I've been up for a couple hours already, and redid all of my makeup and hair. A girl doesn't look this good naturally, and especially not this girl!" He giggled. "You look a frightful mess, I'm afraid. You need to go jump in the shower and shave and we can redo your makeup." "Why?" asked Archie. "Are we going out as Betty and Veronica again?" "No, no, today is just stay at home. My parents won't be home until after midnight so we have the entire day to be girlie and have some more fun if you want!" She gave him a leering smile and then kissed him gently. Archie returned the kiss. Their tongues touched briefly. "You did enjoy being Betty last night, right?" Archie's mind was fogging again. "Yes, I enjoyed last night!" "Well, I just thought you'd like being Betty for awhile longer! You would like that, wouldn't you!" "Yes, I would like that," Archie smiled. "So, go jump in the shower, and we girls can get dressed up nice and enjoy the afternoon together. I even have a surprise for you later on!" Archie did as he was told and headed for the shower. When he looked in the mirror, his face was a horrible mess! Two hours later, Betty and Veronica were just finishing a nice lunch. They were each dressed in adorable sun dresses. Archie was feeling aroused again. It might have been the satin panties enwrapping his cock, or the silk stockings on his legs, or just the idea of his rival Reggie looking so sexy as Veronica across the table. "Couldn't you have fixed us up some sandwiches, or even some bacon and eggs?" asked Archie. "Salad is good for you, Betty! Especially for us girls who have to watch our figures. If you want to keep fitting into that nice dress.... you DO want to dress up again, right!" Archie took another drink from the glass of water Veronica had provided. Did he want to do this again? Reggie said he did, so... "Yes, I've loved this. We must do it again soon!" Veronica leaned over and kissed Betty. The kiss lingered. Veronica's hand reached to Betty's lap and rested on Betty's erect penis and she squeezed. Betty moaned lustily, then giggled! Veronica took Betty's hand and placed it on her own hard cock. "You know, this morning I helped you with your little problem. Do you think you might want to help me out now?" Betty looked hesitant. Last night, she had sucked several cocks. Before last night the thought of sucking a cock had never entered her mind. Pussy was all she was interested in. Well, breasts too. But she had never ever thought about what a cock would feel like in her hand, or sliding between her lips, or pushed slowly up her ass. But now.... after last night..... Veronica said Betty liked cocks..... And Veronica looked so lovely sitting there, and her cock felt so hard in Betty's hand. Betty took Veronica by the hand and led her to the living room, then pushed her back so she was seated on the couch. Betty lowered herself to her knees in front of her dark haired rival, and pushed Veronica's dress up. Veronica was wearing delightfully dark silk stockings - and no panties! Her cock stuck up lewdly, proudly. Veronica moaned as Betty lowered her mouth and engulfed the head of her prick in her hot mouth! "Oh yes, Betty! I knew you it would not take much to make you a cock slut! Oh, suck me!" said Veronica as she grasped Betty's blonde hair - careful not to dislodge the wig - and used her hold to more firmly thrust her cock up into Betty's slobbering mouth! With her first taste of cock of the day, Betty's mouth salivated. God, she DID love the taste of Veronica's dick, and she loved the firm feel of the prick as her tongue washed around the dick head! In the back of his mind Archie envied Betty! Who knew how many years she had been able to enjoy sucking on men's cocks. She had sucked him off once or twice only, but she may have been enjoying Reggie's cock, the cock's of other classmates... heck, she might have been sucking off the parents in the neighbourhood, or the teachers, or the milkman... he realized that the supply of cocks for a young woman could be endless. He fantasized Betty kneeling and sucking on so many cocks. No.... he was not imagining Betty sucking all of those cocks, he was imagining himself as Betty slobbering on all of those hard dicks, and making them all shoot their yummy loads into his mouth and swirling all that cum around in his mouth and savouring the flavour and the gooey texture and then swallowing so that all of that delicious jism slid down his throat to join the large pool already in his belly! While his mind wandered, Betty had been furiously pumping on Veronica's cock. All the cocks flowing through her mind had gotten Betty so worked up that as soon as she reached under her dress to touch her own rigid cock, her dick shot out thick wads of jism as she ejaculated furiously. Betty moaned around the hot dick in her mouth. At the same moment, Veronica grasped her head and jammed it down firmly on her dick, driving her cock past Betty's gag point, and solidly down her throat! Veronica spewed her cum directly down Betty's gullett and into her stomach. Betty fought to pull her head back off of the raven haired girl's dick - both because she wanted to taste that sweet salty nectar and because she needed to get air - she was choking on the thick cock in her throat! Finally she was able to pull back in time to taste a few drops from the end of Veronica's sweet cock. "I wanted to enjoy the taste!" Betty cried at Veronica! "Don't worry. There is more cum for you this afternoon!" Veronica said mischievously. Betty flopped down on the couch beside her friend. Veronica lit cigarettes for the both of them, and they smoked while regaining their strength, each resting a hand on the other and gently stroking, teasing, along arms or thighs. After they stubbed out their cigarettes, Veronica led Betty back to Reggie's room and they changed their cum stained outfits for fresh dresses. Veronica handed Betty her purse and said "Let's go!" "Where are we going," said Archie as he got in Veronica's sports car. He looked around nervously to see if anyone was watching. He still found it hard to believe that no one thought he was Archie, that his makeup, clothing and demeanour were good enough that everyone believed he was Betty! "You'll see in a few minutes" said Reggie, dressed as Veronica, from behind the wheel as she backed the car out of the driveway. They drove along in silence for a few minutes, and then Archie became uneasy. This was the way to Veronica's house, the Lodge mansion! Sure enough, five minutes later, Reggie pulled the car up long gravelled driveway and parked just to the side of the Lodge front door. Reggie hopped out of the car and Archie followed, he was slow as he had difficulty walking on the gravel in his three inch heels. By the time he reached the door, the butler Smithers had already responded to Reggie's ringing of the doorbell. Smithers did not seem at all surprised to see Veronica and Betty at the door, nor did he give any sign as to whether he detected that they were not the real girls. "We'll be up in my room, Smithers!" Veronica told the man servant as she led Betty by the hand up the broad staircase! "What are we doing here?" asked Archie in a harsh whisper! "If they find out we are not the real girls, they'll have us arrested! Mr. Lodge will make sure we stay in jail for twenty years!" "Relax, BETTY!" laughed her friend as she put her purse down on Veronica's makeup table. "We're not going to be in any trouble!" "Now, I have something to do here. I want you to wait here until I get back! If I'm not back in twenty minutes, I want you to come to the doors down the hallway to the right and come right in! In the meantime, why don't you sit here and practise putting on your makeup!" Veronica smiled, wagged her fingers at Betty and then closed the door behind her. Archie was nervous about being discovered, but as a few minutes passed with no one coming to throw him out he explored Veronica's room. He had been in this room several times before. He had even had sex with Ronnie on her bed a couple of times, both fucking her and having her suck his cock! But he had never seen the inside of her huge walk-in closet. He was stunned at the size of it. He walked through and picked up and admired a few of the hundred or so pair of shoes. She wandered past her racks of dresses, sometimes picking one out and holding it up against himself, to peer in the full length mirror in the closet, to see who he might look in it. He soon realized that her dress choices did not work as well on a blonde, but there were a few which he imagined would look quite good on him! In the main bedroom he looked in each of her drawers and admired the variety of panties and stockings in her drawers. He also found a small cache of sex toys and a couple of porn magazines. Interestingly, of the three magazines, two were of lesbians! Archie did finally sit down at Veronica's makeup table, but did not practise at all, instead spending his time admiring just how much makeup she had, and trying to figure out what many of the strange implements were for! Reggie had not returned. Once Archie estimated that twenty-five minutes had passed, he looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his dress. He then opened the door and walked down the hallway to the door at the end. He thought he heard muffled voices but could not make out any of the words. He opened the door. Chapter 5 Archie stopped in the doorway, stunned. Veronica was laying on her back on the bed, her legs high in the air. Laying atop her, was Mr. Lodge, his cock planted deep in his daughter's ass, and pumping furiously! "Fuck, you have a tight ass, baby!" said Hiram Lodge. "Oh Daddy, that feels so good! Ram your cock up my pussy!" cried Veronica. In the back of his mind, Archie knew this was Reggie, not Veronica, but the sight of Hiram Lodge fucking his own daughter was almost obscene - and such a fucking incredible turn on! Archie's cock rose and tried to tent his panties. He remained rivetted to the spot just inside the doorway as he watched Hiram thrust his cock savagely deep into his daughter. Veronica squealed in delight, but her cry was cut off as Hiram leant down and kissed her hard, his tongue invading her mouth! Archie took a couple steps into the room. Hiram turned his head at the sound of the femboi's heels click clacking across the floor and smiled. "Betty! I'm so glad you are here! Come here darling!" Betty stepped over to the bed. Hiram grabbed the back of her head and pulled the startled girl close. He crushed his lips to hers and Betty tasted stale tobacco as the rich millionaire kissed her hard. "Get down on your knees, girl!" Hiram ordered as he pushed her to the floor. Hiram pulled his cock out of Veronica's asspussy. It made a slooshing sucking noise as it pulled out of his daughter's back passage. The thick cock was covered with spit, lube and tiny flaky bits of stuff that Betty did not want to think about. Hiram turned and pointed his cock at Betty's mouth. "Open wide, dearie. I've long dreamed of the moment you would suck my cock!" Betty clamped her mouth shut tight. No way was she going to let that filthy slimy cock into her mouth! Hiram slapped her face, but she still refused. Then he turned to the bedside table. Betty noticed several bills sitting on the table. Hiram took a bill off the top of the pile and held it in front of her face. It was a thousand dollar bill! "Hey, that is mine!" cried Veronica. "Shut up," said Hiram. "I'll replace it later!" "What...." asked Betty, incredulous! Hiram looked her in the eye, saying "This bill is yours to keep. All you have to do is open that mouth and suck me. And then do whatever I want for the next hour. So ...??" Betty stared at the bill. Then she reached a hand up and took it, tucking it away. Then, reluctantly, she opened her mouth and Hiram Lodge slid his cock past her lips. It tasted rank and foul, but only for a few moments until her tongue had washed away all of the flavour of Veronica's ass. "Oh yes girl, suck that cock! I was all ready to cum in Ronnie's ass, but that has gone! Suck me good girl! I want to squirt my cum down your throat!" Betty licked her tongue along the powerful cock in her mouth. She kissed her way up and down the shaft. She savoured at the masculine flavour of the dick now that it was clean. She mewed in delight. She now knew that she loved sucking cock. And knowing that she was sucking the cock of her girlfriend's father was a definite turn on! Veronica sat up and lit a cigarette. Her cock had now softened and lay shrunken against her balls, precum oozing to soil the sheets. "You like sucking cock, Betty!" Betty pulled the cock from her mouth long enough to agree. "Yes, I love sucking cock!" She agreed with everything Veronica said to her! "You want my daddy to fuck you, don't you?" "Oh yes! I love to be fucked. Will you fuck me Mr. Lodge?" Betty looked up, pleading. "Later my dear, later. Right now get your mouth back down on my dick. I love watching you suck my cock, Betty!" Betty relaxed her throat muscles and Hiram's cock slid into her mouth to his balls, the head firmly lodged in the girlieboy's throat. Hiram held his cock there until Betty began to slap his thighs, frantic for air. As Betty drew her head back, Hiram came in her mouth. His jism coated the back of her throat, but she pulled her head back, eager for him to splash into her mouth so she could taste him. She now loved the taste of jism and was eager to discover if the old man's cum tasted better or worse than the others she had savoured. Better? Worse? Not one or the other - just yummy! A short while later Hiram Lodge was sitting on the bed, his back to the bedboard, smoking one of his cigars. Betty and Veronica were also leaning back, one on each side of him. They alternated stroking and caressing his cock. As he talked with them, he occasionally stopped to kiss one or the other of them. Archie found his cigar breath to be particularly foul, but a thousand dollar bill made it easier to take! "So, Archie" said Hiram, "I bet you were surprised to see me fucking my own daughter, am I right?" Archie was surprised that Mr. Lodge was so easily stripping away the illusion of Reggie and himself as his daughter and Betty. "It was... um..... unexpected ?" Hiram laughed. "I guess that was a good way of putting it. Reggie here has been very helpful to me over the past several months, haven't you dear?" "Yes daddy," replied Reggie in his Veronica voice. She leaned over and kissed Hiram with lots of tongue, while gripping and squeezing his cock tightly. Veronica's own cock was very stiff as she did so. She giggled once the long kiss was finished. "Archie, reach over onto the night stand and bring that picture here." Archie did so. "Do you recognize the people in the picture?" Archie looked closely. It was a photo taken at a beach. It showed Veronica, with an odd hairstyle he had never seen before, and a handsome young man. "You might think that the girl is Veronica," said Hiram, reading Archie's mind, "but that is actually myself and my wife Hermione, shortly after we met and less than a year before we were married! I had been a randy bastard before I met her, but once I met my lovely Hermione I was hopelessly in love and have never wanted another woman. "However, as you know, my wife had a severe fall about a year ago. She is now paralysed and unable to walk. She uses a wheelchair to get around just fine, but she is essentially dead from the waist down. This has ended our sex life. Archie, my wife is an understanding woman and has given me permission to hire prostitutes or have sex with anyone I wish provided that I do not get emotionally attached to the person. "This has caused me severe consternation however." Hiram paused to take a puff on his cigar. Archie took over from Reggie, stroking Hiram's cock and keeping it erect. Hiram grunted as Archie's fingers stroked his glans. He extended his pause a bit longer to kiss Archie again. "Consternation, because there was only one woman I loved. Only one woman whom I wanted to have sex with. Except, there were actually two. As you have seen, Veronica is the spitting image of her mother when she was younger. And as Veronica has grown older, I have had very unfatherly feelings towards her. I have been mesmerized by my daughter's beauty and her uncanny resemblance to her mother. I must admit to having fantasized about making my way to my daughter's bedroom at night, sliding under the covers, and making love with her. "I have always been able to resist that urge, for I know it is wrong. But, with my darling wife unable to take care of my needs, my cock began to rule my mind and I was on the verge of acting on those base urges! Veronica is now of an age where she can make her own choices under the law, and perhaps she might consent to fulfilling her father's fantasies. But if I asked, and she is repulsed by the idea, I might lose my daughter's love forever! "And then lovely Reggie came along. I had no part in Veronica's initial plan for the Hallowe'en masquerade in which she dressed Reggie up as her twin. But when I saw them at the party... when I saw the two identical witches... when I saw a second Veronica, I knew that a solution to my problem was at hand. "At the party I approached the second Veronica and engaged her in conversation. The disguise was so believable, and the impersonation so good, that it was not until a half hour later that I discovered that this Veronica was actually a man, not a woman, and that it was young Reggie Mantle! "Reggie was rather intoxicated at that point and was enjoying his role, being flirtatious and perhaps getting into his role a bit too much." "I'd had much too much to drink," acknowledged Reggie with a smile. "Hiram actually propositioned me, asking me to wander out into the back garden with him. I let him lead me out there, wondering how long it would take before he figured out who I was. But it was so dark out there that it made it even more difficult for him to see me clearly! "I'd never kissed a man before and had no intention of my teasing going that far, but he grabbed me so suddenly and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine and his tongue was in my mouth!" "It was only when I held Reggie very close," Hiram resumed the story, "that I felt his prick against mine, and realized that he was actually a man! I was repulsed momentarily, but only just briefly before I realized that this was a true answer to my needs! Hermione had given me her blessing to have sex with another person, so long as I did not have feelings for them, and there was no way that I would become attached to another man. "If that man could pass as a young version of my wife, and was a duplicate of my daughter, then I believed I could enjoy the sex to the fullest!" "Young Mantle here ran away from me that evening, but the next time he came to visit Veronica, I told her I needed to speak to Reggie in private." Hiram took Reggie's manicured hand and placed it back on his cock, whispering, "Stroke me!" to him. Reggie resumed toying with the millionaire's prick. "In my study, I put a proposition to him. I first convinced him to dress as Veronica in private for me. A thousand dollar bill was sufficient for that. Once he was so attired, and once I had convinced him to down a couple of drinks, another thousand dollar bill soon found him on his knees with my cock in his mouth!" "But Reggie, I never knew you were gay!"Archie said incredulously. Reggie leaned forward to look at his friend. "Oh, I'm not gay, Archie. But I've been having gay sex! So I guess you would have to say I am now bi! Hiram's money was very convincing!" "I.. I understand," blushed Archie. "I offered Reggie three thousand dollars per week, to meet me twice a week, dressed as Veronica. He was reluctant at first but money has power. We have been meeting for the past several months and I've had the pleasure of fucking my surrogate "daughter" every time. I have to say that she has grown to enjoy the experience, eh dear?" Reggie blushed. Hiram grabbed the raven haired beauty and pulled her head to his cock. Veronica engulfed his prick in her mouth and began to bob up and down on it. Archie was still amazed to realize that this beautiful girl was actually his friend Reggie. "So why am I here?" asked Archie. Hiram arched his back thrusting his cock deeper into Veronica's mouth. Veronica eagerly bobbed her head up and down on her daddy's cock. She drew her head back long enough to say "Oh, Daddy, your cock tastes so good!" before she resumed her avid cock sucking. Betty looked on in envy, feeling the need to have a cock in her mouth again. "Why are you here? Well... Reggie has a scholarship to a west coast college, the same one that Veronica will be going to as a matter of fact. That was one of his conditions to, well, helping me out, so to speak." Reggie lifted his head long enough to say, "Ronnie and I will be flying out there in three weeks." Hiram took Veronica's head in his hands and kissed her again. Then he pushed her head back down on his cock. "Just you concentrate on my dick, young lady and let me talk to this sweet thing!" "Archie, sweety, I want you to take Reggie's place as Veronica." "Me, I can't..." "Oh but you can! You have already proven you can look like Betty, and with a bit different makeup, and perhaps a bit of additional help.... And I know that money would come in handy. While Reggie here now has a scholarship to pay his full tuition, I understand that your marks were not good enough to get you into even a local college!" It was true, Archie knew. He had spent too much time trying to write music for his on again, off again, band, The Archies, and too much time chasing girls to concentrate on his studies. His marks had dropped off significantly. "Do you have any plans as to how you are going to make a living? Once summer is over, all of your friends are going to schools across the country. You will have to find something to do with your time, and some means to make a living." "I thought perhaps Pop Tate could use a permanent assistant... or I could work at a garage fixing cars." "And you would earn, what... a few hundred dollars each week? And live with your parents? I have talked with them, and I know they are eager to have you move out...." "I'm not sure I have any other choices, except to join the Army...." "But you do have a choice," said Hiram, pausing to relight his cigar and also to reposition Veronica between his legs. He placed a pillow under his ass, so that it was elevated a bit. Veronica scooted down between his legs and took one of his large balls in her mouth, humming and licking on the large orb. "Very nice my dear!" he complimented her. He took Archie's hand and placed it on his dick which was slick from Veronica's saliva. Archie gripped the cock tightly and marvelled at its strength and hardness. "Archie, I will pay your $3,000 each week for the forseeable future. I want you to become my new Veronica. You will tell your family and friends that you are moving out of town. After a few procedures, you will move into an apartment downtown. No one will recognize you. I will visit you as often in the week as I can manage, but the rest of the time, you will be free to do whatever you wish." Archie was stunned. Two days ago, he would never have imagined himself dressed as a girl, much less as one of his girlfriends. He would never have imagined having sex with a man. He would never have imagined loving that sex so much! And now, he was being asked to prostitute himself for money. Two days ago he was facing a bleak future and now he was offered more money than he could have imagined. "What do you say, Archie? Do you need time to think about this?" Archie turned his head and kissed Hiram Lodge fully on the lips. The mustache tickled. Something he was going to have to get used to! Archie rolled over so that he was astride Hiram. He sat up and reached under himself, grasping Hiram's cock. Hiram's hands grasped Archie around the waist, his face showing his surprise. Archie place the head of Hiram's cock at the entrance to his boipussy. There was brief resistance and then Archie's ass accepted the invader and the large cock slid slowly but steadily up his hungry ass! "Fuck me Daddy!" he told Hiram, looking him directly in the eye! "Fuck your little girl. Fuck me today. Fuck me tomorrow. Fuck me next year! I love you Daddy" "Oh sweetie, I love you too!" said Hiram, thrusting his cock deep up the ass of his new surrogate daughter! Chapter 6 Andrea Archer groaned as the huge cock buried itself in her ass and shot its large load of jism deep inside her. The large black man held her hips tightly and heaved himself against her large butt, ensuring that none of his cum leaked from her back passage. At the same time the smaller cock in her mouth erupted and she eagerly swallowed the juicy load. She still enjoyed the flavour of cum despite having sucked it from so very many cocks. She liked the flavour, but the longer it lingered in her mouth, the staler it got. Which is why she lit a cigarette as soon as she had finished cleaning herself out in the bathroom of her apartment. As the two men dressed, she checked to make sure that the five hundred dollars was still on her dresser. It was. Several times she had caught customers trying to take back the money they had given her at the beginning of their session. She kissed the black man hungrily. He was a good customer who came to see her at least twice a month. She hugged his friend and made sure that he had her phone number. When they left she straightened up the bed and tidied up the condo apartment in general. She did not have any other appointments that evening, but the phone could ring at any time in answer to her many ads online. Tomorrow she would not be seeing any johns. Tomorrow was Daddy Hiram's day! She looked at her face in the mirror. Her flaming red hair was cut very short, making it easier to tuck under the long black wig she wore once or twice a week when she entertained Hiram. Even twelve months after the bandages had come off of her face, it was still strange looking in the mirror and seeing Veronica's face staring back at her - well, the red hair helped disguise that resemblance to some extent. The six months of facial and other surgeries before that had turned her into a near duplicate of Veronica, with a few enhancements that Hiram had wanted. Well, he had paid the bills and he was entitled to what he wanted! Within a week of accepting Hiram's offer, Archie had told his parents that he had a job offer in Seattle and had promptly moved out. Hiram had rented him an apartment in a large city two hours away from Riverdale. Archie had lived there for six months while surgeons had reshaped his body. He had taken a few hormones to help smooth out some of his maleness, but the majority of his transformation had been a result of surgeon's scalpels and extensive electrolysis and laser treatments. Hiram has found business reasons as excuses to visit him weekly. Archie had checked his bank account regularly to ensure that Hiram was following through on his promises. Indeed, Archie's savings account grew substantially each week, and Hiram also left behind enough cash each visit to pay all of Archie's food, clothing and other bills. He looked forward to Hiram's visits. He suspected that perhaps his treatments did include injections of viagra or other sex enhancing drugs, for he was randy almost all of the time. Whenever Hiram visited and took him to dinner first, Archie was so horny that he could not wait to get home and tear Hiram's clothes off. He loved sucking on the millionaire's cock and was delirious every time his "daddy" stuffed his long cock up his tight ass! Or perhaps he had just become a sexual animal! His body had been shaped by surgery to be a duplicate of Veronica, and Hermione when she was a young woman. Archie's tendons had been shortened so that he always had to wear high heels. Ribs had been removed to give him a slender waist. His adam's apple had been shaved, and his vocal cords altered so that he had a permanently higher voice. His cheek bones and nose had been subtly altered. Electrolysis had removed his facial and body hair permanently, except for a small patch above his cock, and a new laser treatment had removed the freckles from his body. Truth be told, he regretted losing his freckles. One thing that had not been touched was his cock. His erections were as large as ever. Keeping that cock prevented Hiram from getting too attached to Archie, ensuring Hiram kept his promise to Hermione. What had been added though, were a nice pair of D cup breasts. Andrea admired these in the mirror as she reminisced. These were much larger than Veronica's tits. Hiram insisted that they were the size that Hermione had carried around in her youth, but Andrea suspected that Hiram's memory was faulty. She did not care. It had taken awhile to get used to them, but she now loved her breasts, just as she loved the rest of her body! After the six months of surgery, Hiram had moved Archie back into a condominium apartment in Riverdale. Now appearing completely female to any observers, Archie began thinking of himself as a woman and took the name Andrea Archer. Hiram arranged for complete identity papers in Andrea's name. Andrea slowly made new friends in the neighbourhood. She missed her old friends. She kept in touch with her parents by email and got news of her friends through them. She was reluctant to contact the old gang directly for fear of getting homesick, or accidentally revealing something that would make Hiram angry and end their arrangement. On Christmas and holidays, "Archie" begged off on returning to Riverdale to visit, saying he had responsibilities at work and with new friends. Archie, as she still thought of herself from time to time, did miss her old high school friends. From email correspondence, she knew that Reggie and Veronica were going to the same school and apparently were engaged. Jughead had found a job as an auto mechanic. Betty was doing well at a local college studying nursing. Apparently Moose was doing well on a football scholarship, unbelievably. Hiram visited her once or twice a week. She tried getting a job, but could not produce any resumes of past experience and had no schooling past high school. The only jobs open to her were waitressing and she soon began work at a local Hooters! But Hiram objected, feeling that she was too exposed and indeed during the two weeks she worked there, a couple of past school friends had come in. She had been very nervous waiting on them. So Andrea had sat around her apartment, bored - until one time when she was shopping at the grocery store a man had hit on her and invited her out for drinks. Being bored and lonely she had accepted. The drinks had led to dinner and then to kisses in his car when he had dropped her off at her building. He had wanted another date, but Andrea had refused. When the man had argued and asked why not, was she perhaps married?, Andrea had become flustered. Thinking that just being married would not put him off, she had blurted out that she was a prostitute and did not give sex away for free. The man had just grinned and asked her what she charged. Not really thinking, she had flippantly said $300. The man had laughed and said that he had spent all of his money on her already, except for $50. Would that get him a blow job? Andrea had giggled. She actually liked the guy. She led him by the hand up to her apartment. As soon as they got in the door, she sank to her knees, took out his cock and in less than a minute he had ejaculated into her mouth. After extracting the fifty dollars from his wallet, he left with a smile on his face. And Andrea now knew how to keep the boredom away. She loved sex. She loved sucking and being fucked. Why not earn a bit of extra money on those days when Hiram was not around? She was afraid of what potential customers might think when they discovered she had a dick, but a bit of looking around online revealed that shemale hookers were very popular! After having a few customers visit her apartment she hired a service to do up a professional website for her. Soon she was charging large amounts of money to a few select individuals. Andrea never dressed as Veronica for her johns. Hiram had exclusive rights to Veronica. Andrea was afraid of what Hiram would think of her new sideline and was surprised when he found out and was not angry. He said he was happy she had found ways to keep herself entertained without having to expose herself outside of the apartment. If anyone had asked Archie two years earlier what he would be doing now, he would have answered that he would be studying hard in college, despite what his grades at the time were telling him. He would never have dreamed that he would be a shemale plaything for Mr. Lodge, earning money on the side by having sex with anonymous men - and enjoying it! All of this continued for another four or five months. Andrea was surprised one evening when she answered a knock at her door and found Reggie standing there carrying, of all things, a bottle of wine and some flowers! "You look wonderful!," said Reggie. "Are those tits real?" "As real as Hiram's money could make them!" cried Andrea, hugging Reggie to her chest. And she really was crying. "I'm SO glad to see you!" she exclaimed. "So this is where the old coot has got you hiding?" said Reggie looking around Andrea's spacious apartment. "It's a nice place!" Reggie was back in town for a couple of weeks he said. His freshman school year was finished. He had a summer job to go back to in California. Veronica was also visiting her parents and would return with him to the west coast. Yes, they were indeed engaged and were living together at school. Andrea had to kick Reggie out at 9 pm as she had another friend coming over a bit later, she said. As Reggie left, he gave her a long lingering kiss and they agreed they would go out together the following evening for dinner and to catch up more! An hour later Andrea was flat on her back with her heels on the shoulders of a fat corporate executive. His small but fat cock was buried in her ass and four hundred dollars had moved from his wallet to her top dresser drawer. She moaned and told him what a great lover he was, eager for him to cum in her ass so she could kick him out and go to sleep! Chapter 7 When Andrea opened the door the next evening, Reggie stood there in pants and sports jacket. She looked at him puzzled. "What?," he asked her. "Oh nothing. I was just uncertain as to whether you would look like this, or whether it would be a girls' night out!" "Disappointed?" "Oh no, not at all. Perhaps a bit relieved that we don't have to compete for attention!" Reggie grinned. "I've given up crossdressing. I really only did it because Hiram... um, Mr. Lodge was paying me so much." "And so you stopped once he had ME has his new plaything?" "Uh, yeah. And because I went away. I had Veronica all to myself. I didn't need to BE Veronica anymore." "Speaking of which," said Andrea, standing in front of Reggie in her bra, panties and hose, "I need fifteen minutes more to finish dressing. Why don't you make yourself a drink and just relax." She lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke. "Ugh. You are still smoking?" "Yes. I blame you, Reggie. You got me hooked on these things that night you took me out and got me well fucked! I blame you for a lot of things!" she grinned. "So tell me, shall I go with my natural hair, or would you prefer me to put on my Veronica wig. Do you want me as a redhead or a brunette?" Reggie told her red was best. If they were seen together, he did not need anyone mistaking her for his fiancee! But after a fine dinner and conversation lasting a couple hours, they returned to Andrea's apartment. Andrea excused herself for a few moments and when she returned she was wearing her Veronica wig and makeup. "Oh Reggie dear!" she giggled as she sat on his lap and ground her ass on his cock, "Is that for me?" "Oh, fuck," replied Reggie. "Hiram has turned you into a porn version of my fiancee!" Reggie kissed his feminized ex-rival hungrily and then pushed her down to the floor. Andrea unzipped Reggie's trousers and pulled them down to his ankles, followed by his underwear. A moment later she was bobbing her head eagerly up and down on his dick. Shortly Reggie moaned and pulled her off of his dick. "Enough," he cried. "I've got to fuck that ass!" A long string of precum joined Andrea's lip to the tip of Reggie's dick. Andrea used her fingers to twirl up the slime and then eagerly sucked her fingers. Andrea bent over the dining room table and Reggie almost ripped off her tiny thong. His probing fingers found that she had already greased up her ass when she had changed her clothing. "Oh god, Reggie! Shove that cock deep!" cried Andrea. He placed his dick at the entrance to her boipussy and as he pushed he found that he slid easily inside her. It was almost as if her ass sucked him inside. He realized that his old friend had had a LOT of cocks up her ass. He had never tried to fuck Ronnie in her ass. There was no way he was going to offend her and lose his chance to marry into a mega millionaire family! If he wanted more ass, he was going to have to visit Andrea often! Shortly Reggie's cock was thrust deep in Andrea's hot ass as he blasted his hot load of jism deep into her bowels. They fell to the floor and lay together for a few moments until Andrea rolled over. Reggie's cock plopped out of her ass and he reached for a tissue to tidy up a bit. Andrea lit a cigarette. "Hiram tells me Hermione is not doing well. He says that she may not survive the next month. Is that true" she asked Reggie. "Yeah, that is the main reason Ronnie and I came back this week, so she could see her mother. It isn't looking good for her.," Reggie replied. "I always liked her. It's really too bad, all that she has gone through. Of course, under the circumstances, I haven't seen her in years, what with her husband fucking me on a regular basis!" grinned Andrea as she stubbed out her cigarette and reached for a decanter and tumbler, to pour herself a drink. "Hiram has promised to marry me when she's gone. After a respectable waiting period of course!," said Andrea. "That's what this ring on my finger means!" she said, holding up her ring finger to show Reggie. "It's not a diamond or even a real engagement ring, not when he's still married." Reggie was starting to look a bit perplexed. "Mrs. Andrea Lodge!" sighed Andrea. "Who would have imagined just a couple years ago, that simple Archie Andrews would marry a millionaire!" "Can you do that," asked Reggie? "Well this state did just pass laws allowing gay marriage. But before then, Hiram is going to pay for my sex surgery. He'll buy me a pussy and I'll be a woman and it will be legal anyway! Imagine me with all those millions!" "And I have you to thank for all of this, Reggie!" cried Andrea as she hugged her friend fiercely! Reggie left the apartment hastily! Chapter 8 It was three weeks later that Andrea got the phone call from Smithers saying that Mr. Lodge had asked him to pick her up that evening and bring her to the mansion. Barely three nights after Reggie's visit she had read in the paper that Hermione Lodge had passed away. The funeral had been a few days later. Andrea has not felt it appropriate to attend, but she had sent a nice bunch of flowers to the mansion with a discrete card. Only Hiram would have known who the flowers were from. She knew he would appreciate her thoughts even if the flowers were purchased with money he had given to her. On the weekend of the funeral there had been a large convention in town and Andrea had been kept busy on her back and on her knees servicing a large number of proctologists. She told every one of her clients that if they made any jokes about having her ass probed they owed her a large tip. When Smithers picked her up, Andrea was wearing an attractive long dress, showing just a hint of her large bosom, but with a slit up the side that reached to her thigh so that her long legs were revealed deliciously as she walked. She did not wear her wig, but brought it along in a handbag in case Hiram was in the mood at some point. She was not sure why Hiram had called her to the mansion, which she had not visited in a long time. But her cock was rigid in her panties, from the excitement of the situation. Smithers led her into a side, visiting room where she waited nervously. She lit a cigarette and smoked. As she looked around the room, she thought of the changes she might like to make once she and Hiram were married, to make the room a bit brighter and more cheery. When the door opened, she was surprised to see Reggie enter the room. He looked stern. "Sit down." he told her as he tossed a large envelope on a low table. Andrea sat and opened the envelope. Several packets of bills spilled out. "What's this?" the red head asked her former rival. "Fifty thousand dollars." said Reggie flatly. "You get that for walking out of this house and never contacting Hiram Lodge again." Andrea smirked. "You've got to be kidding! Hiram loves me. He has promised to marry me. I'll then be worth millions!" "So it IS just the money you are after? We can double that, one hundred thousand dollars. But you have to move out of the state, to the other coast is best." "I love Hiram! It's not just about the money. Would I have let him so THIS to me... " she waved her hands up and down her body, to emphasize her face and her boobs, "if I didn't love him?" "Archie... that is who you are. Archie Andrews. You were only ever in this for the money. Your school work stank. You had no future other than as a low paid garage mechanic. Hiram and I gave you a way to make a lot of money for no skill, other than learning to give a good blow job and taking a cock up your ass!" "Where is Hiram. He can't have agreed to this. He loves me. I'm the only person he can have sex with because of his fixation!" Andrea, the former Archie, got to her feet and ran to the door. "Hiram!" she shouted. But the door was locked. She spun to face Reggie. "Let me out of here! Hiram loves me! I have to go to Hiram now!" Reggie picked up the package of money and held it out to her. "Take this. Take this and leave right now. I'll have the rest delivered to your apartment while you pack!" "NO!" cried Andrea, tears streaming down her cheeks. She swatted the envelope from Reggie's hands and the money went flying across the floor. "Hiram loves me. Hiram NEEDS me! I want to see Hiram!" "Hiram Lodge does not want to see you again. He knows you are a manipulative bitch who is only after his money. When you leave this room, if you do not go straight outside, this money is forfeit. You will be broke and penniless. You will be thrown out of your nice condo apartment. See if you can get even a mechanic job with that face and those boobs!" Reggie stepped past Andrea and unlocked the door. He opened it saying, "Choose!" Andrea wailed, "I want Hiram." She ran out the door and fled further into the mansion, calling out her lover's name. She could not find him on the first floor. She reentered the foyer and started up the grand staircase. Smithers was just coming down the stairs. He smirked and said "Mr. Archie, if you are looking for Mister Lodge, you will find him in the master bedroom." Andrea headed directly for the bedroom where she had fucked Hiram several times. As she approached she heard voices from the room - distinct words but also guttural moans. More than one voice. As she flung open the door, she cried "Hiram, I need you" but was then brought up short in astonishment. Hiram was naked on the bed, on his knees behind his daughter Veronica, with his cock solidly pumping in and out of her pussy. He had two fingers sliding in and out of her ass, pushing lube inside. "Are you ready for me to fuck your ass, sweety?" he said. "Oh yes, Daddy! I love your cock in my pussy, but I want to feel it deep in my ass! Fuck my ass, daddy!" Hiram pulled his long hard cock out of his daughter's cunt, and placed the head at her anal pucker. He pushed forward and it slid easily inside! "Oh fuck, that feels delicious!" he cried out. "Fuck me daddy! Pump your seed up my ass!" exclaimed his daughter! Then both father and daughter noticed Andrea standing int the doorway, stunned! "Oh, hi Archie!" moaned Veronica. "Surprised to see me fucking my daddy?" Hiram looked embarrassed and his dick slid out of Veronica's ass. Veronica turned and sat on the edge of the bed. She gave her father a deep tongue kiss, then stood up and pulled on a robe. Hiram looked at Andrea and started to say something, but Veronica put her fingers to his lips and said, "Shush daddy! I will have a talk with Archie then when I am done you can put that wonderful cock back in my ass!" She pulled on a robe and then led Andrea from the room. Andrea was not able to think, as Veronica led her out of the room and to the hallway. Veronica pushed Andrea up against a wall. "I take it this means that you refused the money from Reggie. That's too bad. I used to like you Archie. But when I found out what a manipulative bitch you had become, and quite the whore I'm told, I put a stop to all of this right away!? "But..." was all that Andrea could get out of her mouth. "Hiram...." "You took advantage of my mother's illness and my father's weakness to insinuate yourself into his life, looking to get your hands on all of his money!" "It was his idea! He and Reggie...." "Reggie has told me all about his youthful errors and the bit of fun that he had with my father. I've forgiven him... although he will have to sign a pre-nup giving him nothing if I ever toss his ass out on the street!' "You... you were fucking your father!" "Damn right I was, you bitch! If it keeps your hands off of our family fortune, I'll love my father and fuck him until his dying day! I've always known he had a fixation on me because of how I looked like my mother. And I was proud that he was able to keep those urges under control! I just didn't realize the extreme lengths he had gone too! "It's remarkable how much you look like me. Well, the face anyway." Veronica reached up her hand and fondled Andrea's left tit. "These are pretty impressive. Daddy spent his money well for these. Much larger than mine. I'll have to talk to daddy and see if he wants me to get bigger tits!" "But you fucked your father!" "Listen, Archie! I haven't been a minor for several years. What I choose to do with my body, is my own choice. I discussed this with Reggie... well, actually I TOLD Reggie that this is how it is going to be. If I have to fuck daddy to keep his money in the family, then I will be daddy's good little tramp for the next few years until he has a heart attack in bed while I am riding his cock!" "So you see, sweet Archie, Daddy doesn't need you anymore!" Chapter 8 Two years later. It was a not very nice bar, in a not very nice part of Riverdale. She called herself Diamond now. Her hair was still short, but it was now dyed blonde. Blondes did have more fun. They also got more johns. It was well past midnight. She had been working since eight, in this bar and a couple of others nearby. She had a website with a phone number, and kept hoping that her cell phone would ring, but most of her customers were bar pickups these days. The customers from her website knew about her dick. The casual pickups in the bars usually did not, and she had to keep it that way. It was hard for a girl with cock to make a living on her back in this city. So she mostly stuck to giving blow jobs and taking it up the ass in dark corners. She lit another cigarette and waved at the bartender for another whiskey. She looked around the bar but did not see any likely prospects. Life had been hard for her after she left the Lodge mansion. She walked out without the money offered to her and discovered that all the money she had saved in her bank account had disappeared. She had been forcefully thrown out of her apartment. She had called up a couple of her regular johns and borrowed enough money to get a small place to stay, but it was not as nice, and the guys with money stopped coming. She didn't know whether Reggie and Veronica had gotten to them, or they just did not like visiting where she now lived. She looked at her cell phone again for the time. He should be here any minute, she thought. And just as she stubbed out her cigarette, he walked through the door. It was the third Saturday of the month, their standing "date". Reggie sat at the bar stool beside her and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Ready to leave?" "God yes," said Diamond, draining the last of her whiskey. As they left, Reggie patted her ass. Once a month, Reggie found an excuse to be out for the evening, away from his nagging and controlling wife, and met up with his former friend. Back at his small apartment, Reggie lay sprawled on the bed as Archie lowered himself, impaling himself on that wonderful cock, and then riding it slowly and sensually. Reggie moaned. He was fixated on Archie's ass. It might not be much, but Archie still had control of something that Veronica owned. It was just a small piece, but it was still a tiny bit of revenge. The End

Same as Archie: Revenge - Part 2 of 2 Videos

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Seeking My Revenge

The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...

3 years ago
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Perfect Revenge on my EX BF with his Mom

When people first see me, no one makes eye contact... guys or girls... young or old.The first thing they look at... usually unable to stop staring at is my tits... which come from a long line of big tits (my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother all are skinny (I'm 126 pounds and 5'4") and huge breasted (I'm a 38DD))... part of my Latina heritage.Now although I have a great body with a small waist and a tight ass (I run every morning, and I tan every chance I get), I have a tough time...

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Leprechauns Revenge

Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 19 Revenge is a Dish Breast Served Cold

Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...

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Madisons Revenge

Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...

4 years ago
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Revenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...

3 years ago
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Sissies Revenge Drifting

Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...

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Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins

Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 37 Malfoys Revenge

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Malfoy’s Revenge Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mmmf, x-gang, anal, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, magic, oral, preg, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was being followed. For the last month, she had been sure that Draco Malfoy and his cronies had been following her before, between and after classes. She knew only one...

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A Girlfriends Revenge

Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...

3 years ago
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ExGirlfriend Revenge Fuck

The Crazy GirlfriendApril and I broke up when I was twenty. We had been together for 3 years, when I found out she cheated on me. Not with just one guy, but a few different ones. Her sister Aya was the one to tell me. She liked me and didn't want to see me be taken for a sucker. Aya was cool. She was fucking gorgeous and had just turned 18.. I didn't even officially break up with April. I just ghosted her. It drove her fucking nuts! The Crazy Girlfriend's Younger Sister April tried everything...

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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

3 years ago
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Carlas Revenge

I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...

1 year ago
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500 Time Revenge

500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...

3 years ago
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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 2

In Betty's dream state, she was dreaming some very erotic thoughts of what Archie would do to her, if he ever escaped Veronica's grasp. ((Archie was kissing Betty deeply, tearing off her T-shirt, tossing her to the ground and pulling her skirt and panties right off her willing body.)) While her dreaming went on, her hand slowly slipped back down to her blonde pussy hair and unconsciously started stroking herself in her sleep. ((Dropping to his knees, Archie now had an open access to her...

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A Cops Revenge Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Letter My Dearest Love Maybe I am naive, but I do believe that love conquers all. I also believe that we cannot have a life together if my history is a lie. I have therefore decided to risk all and share with you my sad tale. This may help you understand me better, or it may result in you deciding that we cannot have a life together now that you know who I am really am. The latter will destroy me and therefore I am placing my life in your hands. Do as you see fit. My tale...

2 years ago
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A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryans Revenge 2

Introduction: The concluding chapter to the sequel to Spring break Broke My Heart A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryans Revenge 2 (The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story – Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park thats to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I...

1 year ago
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GirlFriend gets Revenge on Cheating BF PT2

Once I reached the Walker house and the party, I took a deep breath and headed inside.I suddenly got nervous, my insecurity hitting me the moment I was inside. I could feel eyes staring at me, but I couldn't tell if it was 'Holy shit, I want to fuck her,' or 'What the hell is she doing here?'I saw Jake talking with a redhead dressed as Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid' (my favorite Disney movie), likely his latest prey and all the air whooshed out of me as if I had been gut-punched.I was...

3 years ago
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Revenge By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 3

Dear Readers! Sorry for not posting a story soon. I was sick and unable to write more. But i am feeling refreshed now. After all of that day with Andrew here you will find the next story of the series. After all that happened that day. I stopped replying him. Whenever i was sitting alone in my balcony on weekends with a cup of hot coffee, I always thought that I don’t want to be called a prostitute and the things i did in past couple of years leads to me an unpaid prostitute some how. Those all...

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SRU RevengeTV

Disclaimer: This story involves adult content. Please do not read if you find transformation stories offensive. Thanks to Bill Hart for this mighty story universe. If this tale came out right, thank him. If it didn't, blame me. As always, please let me know what you think! Thanks to Steve Z, Jen, Scott, and Tom for pointing out what should have been obvious. SRU: Revenge-TV By Lucretia Mike was walking through the mall heading to Radio Shack for an adapter for his TV. He...

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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

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Revenge Of Incest Taboo In The Family

My name is Honey and the now I will describe what happened in my childhood and why I was ferocious to take revenge. I was the youngest daughter in my family . I have two elder brother ,two elder sisters and one younger brother.When I have my first mens I went to my mom and told her and she laughed and told only you are now ready and I could not understand the meaning of this. After three days I was told by my mom to sleep with them in their king size bed.Now just after my sleep and I have not...

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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

1 year ago
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Timestoppers Revenge

The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...

4 years ago
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Time stop Revenge

I had a memory of myself, as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

1 year ago
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A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryans Revenge 2

(The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story - Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park that’s to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I picked it up before folding it and slipping it in my pant pocket. After...

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Revenge Sex

Revenge Sex Jennifer was one of my daughter’s closest friends. I had only met her three times before. She had accompanied my daughter to my father-in-law’s funeral services and she was about ready to pop with her third child at the time too. The second time was at my daughter’s wedding when she was a bride’s maid. The third time was when I dropped my wife off at her house for our daughter’s baby shower. Yes at age sixty-one I would become a grandfather for the very first time. Each...

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In 1999 my wife had an affair with a married man time I find out she been having this affair for 8 months but she came back to me because he was not going leave his wife for her.While we was sorting things out the only sex which I got was the first night she came back to me & than that night I did not cum in her pussy just over her face & walked into spare bedroom, while we was talking she told me he only fuck her 3 times in 8 months & one of them was in her ass, what piss me off...

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Sweet revenge

This happened about 5 years ago, I was 17 and in the sixth form of a mixed school in Surrey. I had a great time at school, the only thing that spoiled it was a boy in my class called Peter, Peter was a bit of a jack the lad, he was quiet good looking, and he knew it. The worst thing was that he was a bit of a pervert, always trying to look up girls skirts, patting there bums and trying to touch their breasts. He would do it in front of his mates, I guess he thought it made him look big in front...

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A Womans Revenge Pay Back Is A Bitch

It all started out innocently enough. It was one of those long weekend Sundays where all our friends got together for an afternoon barbecue. The hosts were Julie and Dave Robson. They had a beautiful sheltered back yard with a huge pool, surrounded by an equally large patio. June and I were not all that close, to be honest with you, I really didn't like the way she was constantly trying to sink her hooks into my husband Jim. Jim pretended not to notice, but I know he was lapping up the...

Wife Lovers
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Revenge The Conclusion By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 4

Hello Friends, Greetings! Things were changing and i was hearing the whispers of demons in my mind. They were saying you are on the right path and will get your revenge soon. After that long horny and hectic night, I asked Andrew to leave for today. I will call him later. I need rest and lots of things were running in my mind. How to set the trap and blah blah. Those 3 years time span take me from a innocent and helping girl to a selfish girl. I fucked several peoples during that time only to...

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The Realm of Revenge Jennas Justice

This is a new world I have created. It has the possibility to contain a little bit of everything. It is meant not as much as a follow up to "Sweet Revenge," but as an explanation, and a foundation for many many more stories. The story found within is a story of a woman and her boss, who wants much more than office work done for him. This sets the stage, and it will be followed up soon with an array of stories (hopefully!). The Realm of Revenge-Jenna's Justice by Kristen...

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Morphic Adaptation Unit Sams Revenge

Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge A man finds a strange alien device, and after tinkering a bit, discovers that it allows him to change his body. He comes up with a great idea to get back at a pair of friends. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge Prologue First Tm'skor was having a bad day. This had started as a very routine day on another routine freight run on just one more routine Fwirthian...

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Revenge With My ExGirlfriend

Hello readers, I am Amit, my age is 28 and I live in Banglore. I am a software engineer. I was in relationship with my girlfriend Neha for almost 2 years. Everything was going perfect,but one day i came to know that she was cheating on me. she had one more boyfriend. i caught her red handed in a restaurant with that other boy. I saw her and fought with her boy friend there only, but she slapped me and asked me to leave. She slapped me in front of so many people, that has created so much of...

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Jealousy and Revenge

This story is my own Work though originally posted on another site. I have used it to open my account and hope to have a completely new story for this site shortly. Till Then I hope you enjoy my work. The story is completely fictional. ____________________________________ As I sit listening the songs on my media player the words "Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you" echo into my head phones. Tears start down my cheeks as I recall our argument...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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Revenge Gone Bad

Revenge Gone BadI walked into the club hoping maybe that tonight might be a little different, after all it was my 37th birthday. I did not put much stock in the mid life crisis thing, I was an average male, married for several years with c***dren, I had fantasized about other women but had never been unfaithful to my wife. The guys at work had decided to throw me a 37th birthday bash at the club, it was a strip club and tonight was amateur night, amateur night brought out mostly want-to-be...

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