Progenitor 3 free porn video

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I started to say I wasn’t Brad, but then I remembered I’d told that name to the two gorgeous girls I’d boarded the bus with. One thing had led to the next, and they ultimately asked me to “chill” with them at their sorority house. My pheromones guaranteed what they meant by “chill”, and it sounded like a good way to lay low for a few hours until I could find out if my actions at the mall had resulted in a manhunt. Right now I wasn’t sure what the fallout would be, but my response was leaning towards “run like hell”.
I stood up in the aisle to let them file out, and Erica went first. She was the taller of the two. and when she bent over to pick up her shopping bags she “accidentally” ground her ass against my crotch. That constituted restraint, since inhaling my pheromones for about a half hour had probably left her spending the last ten minutes trying to think of a way to fuck me in the bus seat. Amita, her sorority sister and roommate, hip-bumped Erica off of me and said, “Save it for the dance tonight.”
Erica was a slender white brunette with mischievous green eyes and Amita was East Indian, with medium-dark skin and a dancer’s toned body. Erica’s denim shorts just barely covered the curve of her ass, while her transparent blouse did more to show off her yellow cross-hatched string bikini than hide it. While Erica looked like she’d just left the beach, Amita’s loose-fitting electric blue running shorts and sports bra were straight out of a gym’s “reasons to go here” ad. Her top was just thin enough to leave no doubt where her nipples were, and tight enough to keep her cocoa-brown cleavage in view.
As we worked our way off the bus, I felt a few female hands caress my ass as I went by. I really wished that my alien resurrectors had given me an off switch for my pheromones, but I guess that would’ve gone against their goal of spreading their evolved genes as widely and as quickly as possible.
As the bus drove away, Erica and Amita led me down the street towards their sorority house. Their well-formed asses oscillated in front of me with a conscious, practiced strut as we walked a mile or so past large multi-story houses with Greek letters.
The weight of both girls’ shopping bags in my hands was actually refreshing. It’d been decades since I’d been this strong, and my 1940s sensibilities demanded that I demonstrate a little bit of old-fashioned chivalry to the girls – at least, until their inevitable impregnations. That outcome was a foregone conclusion today, but I hoped to get some rest before I had to get back on the run.
The front door to their sorority house was unlocked, and Erica swung it open and waved me in. “Entres vous,” she said in a mock French accent. The house was a bit small compared to most of the others, but Amita contributed that this was the smaller of their sorority’s two houses.
The first thing I noticed was a scent of potpourri candles, and the second was a cozy assembly area in their front room. The floor was faux wood paneling, accented in a few places by small rugs.
“Our room is upstairs,” Erica said as she checked a mail cubby by the door. “And house rules say that male visitors must leave by 8 – but that doesn’t matter if no one knows you’re here.” She winked and added, “It’s not like they’ll check, unless we’re really loud.”
I nodded. “And I officially accept your invite. What’re the plans for tonight?”
She grinned. “Costume rave, actually. Our sorority’s going as faeries – that means fake wings, sheer dresses, and body glitter. Others are doing Catholic schoolgirls, nurses, you name it.”
She paused for a second before she added, “You can come with us. Each of us is allowed to bring one non-Greek along, and neither of us had dates picked out.”
I grinned and said, “Sounds fun! What’re we doing until then?”
Amita nudged me in the shoulder and said quietly, “Let’s go figure that out. C’mon, before house mom sees us and makes you sign in.” She turned and walked up the stairs in front of me, and Erica and I followed. Her shorts were a work of art which revealed every curve of her early-20s ass. It was impossible not to enjoy the view, and my dick hardened a little in spite of myself.
In my position, a normal college guy would nervously micro-analyze his every move in a desperate, often counter-productive attempt to avoid messing up his chance to get laid. But my pheromones meant that sex was a foregone conclusion at this point, and all I really wanted right now was a nap before Amita and Erica inevitably took things to the next level.
Erica shouldered open their bedroom door and sat down at a desk across the room, and I selected a beanbag chair near the closest bed. The door clicked shut behind us as Amita locked it, then sat down at a bed right inside the door.
Amita plucked a t-shirt off her dresser, then slipped it over her sports bra and fumbled around underneath until she sighed with relief and pulled her bra out from under the shirtin an impressive feat of agility. Her shirt was plain and white, and far from loose-fitting. I’m sure she intended for me to notice her nipples poking through the shirt, but I avoided making any comments. I still had hopes of taking a nap before getting her pregnant.
Erica’s arms were up, her hands resting on the back of her neck as her expression begged for my attention. As soon as I made eye contact she asked, “You’re not a prude, are you?”
I shook my head, and Erica grinned widely. “Good,” she said – and pulled the string on her bikini top. She smirked saucily as she stretched and arched her back, effectively topless.
“Erica!” Amita gasped out as her friend’s bikini top hit the floor.
“Oh Amita, lighten up. You took yours off too,” she pointed out.
I smirked, leaned further back into the beanbag chair, and folded my hands behind my head. “Not like I object,” I contributed.
That was an understatement on my part. In spite of myself, there was a hard-on sticking up from my pants like a flagpole, and Erica definitely noticed it.
“I bet he doesn’t object,” sighed Amita. She arched her back a little, her nipples straining at her shirt as it rode up and exposed a few inches of firm, flat midriff.
Erica sauntered over to the beanbag chair, taking effort to ensure I noticed her breasts through her see-thru top.
“You don’t mind sharing, do you? This is my favorite spot,” she said. The warmth of her skin seeped into my side as the curve of her left breast pressed gently into my side.
I shrugged and slipped my arm around behind her back. “Sharing makes the world go round,” I said resignedly. Inwardly I sighed, realizing my nap wasn’t going to happen. And after the yelling and the screaming started, who knows how many more girls would come to investigate and stay for the orgy?
“Now Erica, that chair looks too small for the two of you,” Amita chided.
Erica giggled. “It’s fine – unless of course you were planning to join us?” she asked.
Amita’s cheeks flushed so red that I could see it through her cocoa-brown skin as she stammered out, “Well… yes, I’d like to.”
Amita’s bed was a typical girl-nest piled high with pillows, and she almost looked small when framed by them all. But I didn’t want to see the girls start fighting over me, so I interjected, “How about we move it to the bed, ladies?”
Erica cracked a half-smile and playfully punched me in the side. “Think you’re getting lucky or something?” she asked.
I wistfully replied, “I know I’m getting lucky. I’d really rather have a nap first, though.”
“Excuse you?” Erica yelped.
My only response was to stand up, stretch, then hop over onto the bed. I landed right in the center and bounced satisfyingly, leaving Erica alone in the chair staring at me in disbelief as I came to rest against Amita’s bare knees. I met her eyes and retorted, “I’m taking a nap starting right now – unless you stop me.”
Erica clenched her jaw and half-grinned at the same time, catlike and graceful. Her bare breasts swayed seductively as she shrugged out of her see-through top, leaving her truly topless. She shook her head in disbelief. “If you weren’t so damn hot,” she muttered under her breath.
Standing by the foot of the bed, Amita giggled nervously as her topless roommate snuggled up to me. Erica possessively laid her arm over my torso, and then the bed sank down a little as Amita laid down on my other side. I was suddenly grateful both girls were petite, because the full-size bed would’ve been a tight fit otherwise.
I was lying on my side facing Erica when Amita snaked her arm around my waist from behind. Erica curled up to me and ran her fingers down my chest, making me the center of a girl sandwich as two sets of fingers explored my chest. Amita felt through the fabric of my shirt as Erica picked idly at the buttons. Next, I felt air on my chest as Erica began to unbutton them, exposing the chiseled physique I’d never dieted or exercised for.
I scooted off the bed, jostling both girls in the process. “Hey!” Erica exclaimed as she regained her balance, just before my shirt dropped to the floor by my feet.
I turned around and faced them, shirtless. Erica catcalled as she reached behind herself and pressed a button on her cellphone. Some kind of pop music began blaring out of a bluetooth speaker mounted on her headboard.
“Just in case it gets loud,” she grinned. Erica leaned back in the bed, both girls watching me intently.
I wasn’t the type to refuse them a show. My shirt was already off, and my hands were on my belt. Since I wasn’t some master stripper, I stepped out of my pants one foot at a time, smiling at both of the girls in turn. At first I was disappointed that they weren’t meeting my eyes – then I noticed they were looking lower.
They were staring at the tent being pitched in my boxers. My dick was making its best effort to escape through my fly, and Erica and Amita both licked their lips nervously.
The music played on as I slipped off my underwear, escalating their expressions to open lust. My erection bounced with each step as I walked to the bed, then crawled up between the two girls again. Amita looked away for a brief moment before her eyes were drawn back to mine. Erica pressed herself up against me eagerly, while Amita seemed a little more reserved, hovering just a few inches away from me. I wrapped one arm around each girl and pulled them closer.
I turned to my right and met Erica’s eyes. I was still looking at her face when a hand wrapped around my shaft, stroking it slowly. Erica was either a master poker player, or her hand wasn’t the one in question. When I looked down, I was surprised to notice that the hand gripping my cock was actually a smooth brown.
“Amita!” Erica exclaimed in astonishment as she followed my eyes.
“I couldn’t let you lead the whole time, could I?” Amita shot back.
I glanced over at Amita, and then back to Erica. The white girl was staring daggers at her roommate. “I was about to blow him,” she protested. She looked into my eyes and pleaded, “You’d rather have that than her hand, right?”
Amita blushed but didn’t let go. “I’m taking him inside me,” she countered.
Erica’s eyebrows went up. “You? Amita, you’re practically a virgin!”
Amita said nothing, just rolled onto her back and started pushing down her shorts. Erica’s mouth dived for my penis, but was deflected by Amita’s insistent open palm.
“Oh no, you don’t!” Amita cried out, shoving hard.
Erica tottered off balance on the side of the bed as Amita straddled me cowgirl style. She hadn’t had enough time to pull her shorts down the rest of the way, but pushing the crotch to the side was enough. She was almost perfectly lined up over my shaft when she ground down, impaling herself on my erection with a contented gasp.
“Practically a virgin, huh?” Amita said as she shifted her weight so I’d bottom out inside her, my steel-hard cock completely enveloped by her hot, pulsing sex. Amita let out a triumphant moan as her pussy lips ground against my pelvis, completing our connection.
I wrapped my arms around her hips and thrust back hard, lifting her off the bed as Erica pouted at us from the side. Amita rode me tightly, not pulling back long enough for her shorts to rub. My fingers teased at her shirt, tickling the skin just beneath it. Amita shivered for a moment, then flung her shirt off. I saw her bare breasts for the first time, mid-range C cups or so that looked huge on her slim, toned frame.
Erica rolled off of the bed in surrender, standing up so she could slip her own shorts off. Her hair flowed airily, dark and shoulder-length, as she tossed her head back. “Me next, ok?” she asked.
Amita didn’t say a word, just closed her eyes and flattened out her palms against my chest as she thrust in tune to the music. Our legs intertwined as I rolled over, pinning her beneath me as I strove inside her. Every inch of my skin hungered for more contact with her as I ran my fingers up and down her back. Muscles danced beneath her skin as she gasped in pleasure, every motion a deepening of the connection we felt.
I felt a touch on my back and noticed Erica had climbed into the bed beside me again. “Save some for me,” Erica whispered – just as I arched my back as my orgasm built up, starting as a ghost of a feeling and then erupting into a conflagration of lust and instinct within seconds. I clenched my jaw as the sensation built and built, peaking over me like ocean waves until I ground myself against Amita and exploded, cumming into her so hard she let out a surprised gasp. Erica next to us on her back, her legs slightly parted as she fingered herself and waited for her turn. Amita gasped and panted as I held her tight, finishing inside her as pulse after pulse of my seed entered her vagina. It’d only been a few hours since the mall, but I felt like a teenage boy who hadn’t cum in a week. I didn’t even want to imagine what Amita’s vagina must look like at this point as I gave her those last few mini-thrusts that would milk the rest of my cum out of my erupting cock. I looked down at Amita’s face, beaded with sweat, with her eyes rolled upwards in orgasm after orgasm – all of which my cock could verify as her vagina twitched, clutching my cock as it spent its last few drops of sperm and began to shrink.
Amita’s orgasm began to taper off, and my dick finally shrank out of her, so I rolled back into my position between the girls and waited for the inevitable freak-out.
Amita rolled over and cuddled up to my side, pressing her lithe body up against me the side. Her skin still tingled from my touch, even as my sperm worked its magic within her.
Erica reached across me to slap her roommate’s thigh and pout-barked out, “No! My turn! Find your own!”
I snickered and kissed her. “You’ll be next if you want to be.”
Erica nodded enthusiastically, then looked down at my dick and asked, “How long’ll that be? Normally I’m not into sharing, but no way are you leaving this bed without satisfying me too.“
My arms were wrapped comfortably around the two girls’ shoulders, relishing the sensations of their bare skin against mine. Amita shifted her hips back and forth, wrinkling her nose a little as she felt her pussy lips gliding against each other, lubricated by my sperm. “Ok, so – I’ve just gotta ask. Brad, why’d you cum inside me?”
Erica chimed in with, “Shit, Amita! Paranoid as you are, why’d you just jump on him like that anyway?”
Amita smiled nervously. “No idea! I just had to have him, but now I’m really thinking I don’t want to go through the next few weeks wondering if I’m pregnant or not.”
I pulled her head close to me and kissed the top of her forehead. “Then I’ll tell you right now: you’re pregnant.”
Erica slapped me on the leg. “Don’t even joke about that!” she snapped.
I just half-smiled, closed my eyes, and mentally counted the seconds. The two girls settled back into snuggling up to me, their hands idly exploring my chest. I reached forty before I could feel Amita’s growing belly pressing up against me – and her first scream of shock came seconds later.
“Oh my GOD!” Amita shrieked. She rolled away from me and onto her back, her neck craning incredulously to stare at the bump now protruding insistently from her midriff.
Erica stared in shock at her roommate’s bulge, scooting backwards as if it were about to explode. “What the fuck?” she yelled.
I opened my eyes and looked from one girl to the other – both girls were standing now, their expressions flickering between disbelief and horror. “What did you do to me?” Amita demanded with her hands cradling the expanding bump in her midriff.
I shrugged. “Already told you – you’re pregnant.”
Amita spluttered for a moment, unable to come up with words for a moment as she stared down at her belly, then at me, then back to the growing bump in her midriff.
“You know what? Fuck you,” she swore under her breath and reached behind her headboard.
There was a clunking noise, and the light-framed, soft-spoken Indian woman’s hand came into view, clutching a short black revolver. She leveled it at me with a practiced two-handed grip. And most importantly, she backed away out of my reach and kept the gun aimed at my chest. I doubted that I could move before she could pull the trigger, and I hoped she’d be able to resist the urge to pull whether I moved or not.
When she snarled out, “What the fuck is happening to me?” her voice was American, every trace of an Indian accent long gone.
Erica had grabbed her cellphone and was fiddling with it, her shaking fingers unable to unlock her home screen. “I need to call the hospital, Amita!”
“Hospital?” the new voice of Amita barked, “I’m sending this asshole to the morgue unless he starts talking!”
Erica looked up from her cellphone and saw her roommate’s revolver for the first time. “What the fuck? Why didn’t you ever tell me you had a gun?”
Amita didn’t take her eyes off of me for a second. “Why tell you,” she snapped, “when you’ve got no clue how to use it and didn’t want to learn? Where’s the upside in telling you?”
My eyes were focused quite intently on the small, black revolver. I began to speak calmly, trying hard to take her mind off of killing me. “First off, kudos for being prepared – but I promise it’s unnecessary. 38 Special, right? I’m a 45 guy myself; it served me well in the Army.”
Amita shook her head. “The Army switched to 9mm in the mid-80s, asshole – my dad bitched about it after it happened. Now tell me what’s happening to me, or I’m parking a 357 magnum hollow point in your chest!”
My hands slowly raised up to either side of my head, palms out. She was stressed, but she kept the gun steady even as her belly continued to grow. “I’m getting there, Amita. When I signed up, the US Army issued me an M1911. I took it to war with me, and killed a few nazis with it – but I killed more with my M1 Garand.”
She scowled in disbelief, but I continued. “I was born in 1928, and died two days ago in my original body. They sent me back, Amita – I’ve got a second chance, and I’m here to spread the next wave of human evolution. That’s what’s happening to you – the future of our species.” Amita looked about 4 months pregnant at this point, and some of the initial shock was beginning to fade. She’d backed up until her butt rested on a dresser, and the inexorable expansion of her uterus was getting harder for her to ignore.
Amita looked down, then back up. “Tell me the truth, asshole,” she growled.
On the other side of the room, Erica looked up from her phone and froze when she saw how big Amita’s belly was already. “Shit, Amita – there’s no way they’ll get here in time.”
I pressed my point. “Do you have a better reason why you’re this far along just minutes after we had sex? I told you you were pregnant, and I wasn’t lying. You can see that. And now I’m telling you that after some initial discomfort, you’ll enjoy what comes next.”
Amita looked down again at her taut belly, which now looked about 6 months along. “I’m pre-med, studying to go OB/GYN. I know this isn’t possible!”
I shook my head. “Not humanly possible, no.”
Amita ran her fingers over the swollen surface of her belly, her surprise only deepening as she felt the outline of one of the eggs growing inside her. “Growing this fast should hurt like hell,” she marveled – but kept the gun on me. She pressed her hand against her belly experimentally, as if to assure herself it wasn’t a hallucination.
And then an unexpected, sudden contraction struck. She gasped and bent over forward, letting out a groan as fluid started cascading down her legs. Her hands went to rest on her knees reflexively, the gun pointing away from me for just a moment.
That was all I needed to discover just how scarily fast my new body was. Before I’d really thought it over, my hand shot out and snatched her revolver out of her palm in a blur of motion, like a striking snake. Amita gasped and jerked her trigger finger, pulling through empty air as the gun was no longer in her hand.
I brought her revolver up to my chest to keep it out of reach, swung out its cylinder, ejected its rounds with a slap of my palm, then threw the empty gun into a pile of clothes in their shared closet. Amita’s face registered disappointment for a brief moment before the contraction peaked, distracting her as she she gritted her teeth and groaned. She gave up on the gun, as she gripped the dresser’s edge for support, gasping in as much pain as she’d previously had pleasure.
As Amita’s belly hardened like a clenching fist, Erica just shrank up against the wall in a mix of surprise and terror, her phone completely forgotten. Amita let out a grunt and pitched forward, and I caught her by her shoulders and steered her towards the bed. She bounced lightly, curling around her swollen belly in what was almost a fetal position.
All that motion moved one of Amita’s eggs into position just above her birth canal, and her eyes widened in surprise as she felt its tip begin to part its cervix, even more surprised than by her sudden labor as the egg began opening her from within. Erica stood up and took a couple steps towards the bed, still naked but staring in a mixture of horror and curiosity as her friend thrashed on the bed.
Amita rolled onto her back as the next contraction hit, relentlessly hammering the egg’s tip into her cervix and forcing her open from inside. She let out a shriek as her cervix was forced open despite her body’s best efforts, tapering off into a moan as her body surrendered, letting the egg’s body through her cervix the rest of the way and down into the top of her vagina.
Once the egg entered her birth canal, Amita’s eyes widened in shock as her pain was instantly replaced by pleasure, the contraction making her writhe in electrifying orgasm as her labor pushed the egg farther down into her birth canal. It took only seconds before her dark brown vulva began to dilate, turning first into a dark tunnel and then swelling as the pearly white egg slid down into a crowning position. Up until the egg was visible, Erica’s attention was on her friend’s face, but as Amita’s first egg emerged from her vulva, the nude co-ed stepped closer, her trembling hands reaching out the egg before Amita even finished birthing.
Amita’s last push left the egg to drop free of her vagina, and Erica grabbed it the second it hit the sheets.
“That came out of me?” Amita asked incredulously – but then she was even more surprised when Erica turned her back on her and practically jumped into the other bed, cradling the egg she’d just laid.
“Erica? Erica, what the fuck?” she asked.
Her next contraction only hurt halfway through, when her next egg slipped into place and rewarded her with the constant orgasm of delivery. The egg slid through her birth canal rapidly, then she struggled to raise her head and look at Erica. Her friend had stopped fondling the egg and was now stroking her pussy with it, lining up the longer end and using it to part her slit.
“Erica? This is worse than the time I caught you playing with my – unnngh!”
Amita’s next egg had taken her focus, and by the time she finished delivering that, Erica had escalated to fucking herself with the egg,moaning in pleasure as she insistently attacked her own vagina over and over, pushing the egg’s tip deeper and deeper with each thrust.
“It’s not worth talking,” I told Amita, “she can’t hear you. The only thing she cares about in this world now is that egg.”
Amita looked at me in disbelief for a moment, before pain and pleasure resumed their alternating dance across her face. By the time the Indian girl had laid her last egg, Erica had managed to fully impregnate herself, the egg shoved well past the point where she could reach it with her fingers. Now the brunette was lying back in the bed, her legs closed as she bucked her hips in the air, continuing to extract orgasm after orgasm from the sensations as her vagina kept contracting, drawing the egg farther and farther up inside her.
Amita panted in exhaustion, beads of sweat running down the curves of her nude body as she watched her friend’s impregnation finalize itself, a tiny bump showing just under Erica’s belly button as her uterus expanded to accommodate the egg.
My own attention was on Amita – I’d never really taken the time to watch the aftermath of egg laying, and Amita’s belly was slowly flattening back out to its original shape even before she’d finished catching her breath.
Amita turned to me. “Level with me, Brad. Did you drug us? Am I tripping? Because that didn’t just happen.”
I sighed. “The only drugs here are my pheromones, and your pre-programmed responses to them. What did just happen, is that you and I made about six babies, and your roommate’s instincts made her impregnate herself with one of them. Technically, Erica’s going to have your baby in nine months.”
Amita’s mouth creased into a smirk as she said, “This is sounding like a pervy internet story. The kind I like.”
I furrowed my brow a little, hoping that I wouldn’t get much more into that, as I continued. “Women are driven to fuck me. Then they get pregnant with eggs like you did, and any other women who smell the egg phermones are just as driven to impregnate themselves with the eggs.” I paused for a moment, then pointed at the neat pile of eggs I’d made at the foot of the bed. “You can carry one too if you want – you’re immune from the scent pheromones, but if you start pushing it in, you’ll have the same orgasm she did.”
Amita sat up a bit, wrinkling her nose just slightly as some leftover fluid drained from her vagina. “You must pay a fortune in child support.”
I smiled wryly, my voice was tinged with regret as I replied, “Actually, no one remembers. They’ll all assume this happened the old fashioned way. This whole ‘forget the Progenitor’ instinct is why there’s no historical record of a Progenitor, even though I’m the 20th one so far.”
Amita leaned forward and picked up one of her eggs, peering at its firm but pliant leathery shell. “Pregnant?” she asked. “Nine months, morning sickness, ends in screaming, pushing, and a baby?”
I nodded.
She smirked wickedly and looked up at me. “Then fuck me again,” she said. “I want more eggs. Enough for all my house sisters.”
I raised an eyebrow. “You want to impregnate your entire sorority?”
“Well… I hate to mention it, but – this is my kink, no shit. Pregnancy and birth have made me wet since before I even really understood what that meant. I thought I’d get it out of my system by studying to be an OB/GYN, but it just makes me think about being in the chair myself, pushing. Knowing that every push makes it worse, but still not being able to stop it,” she explained. “There’s just something about that that gets me.”
“Interesting choice of kink,” I contributed carefully.
Amita sighed. “I didn’t choose it, and sure as hell don’t recommend it,” she opined. “My big turn-on is the thought of getting pregnant, and then the birth – and there are serious limits on how many times I can do that in one lifetime. I don’t even know what’ll happen to my sex drive once I hit menopause and I can’t picture getting pregnant every time I have sex. God, something like spanking would be so much easier to live with – but this is how I’m wired,” she complained.
“And then watching that,” she said, pointing at Erica, “is the biggest turn-on ever. Not only did she get pregnant in front of me, but with my baby – while I was pushing! There’s nothing I want now more than to get all my sisters pregnant and then take the last egg myself. Whether I remember how or why won’t matter – I’ll be pregnant, in a house full of pregnant women, and we’ll all be at the same stage… then, one after another, it’ll be time. In the end, it’ll be one a day, maybe more. Maybe…”
Amita’s words trailed off and she closed her eyes, shuddering in arousal. Her nipples had hardened, and her breasts had turned to gooseflesh from arousal. She clenched her eyes shut, turning her head from side to side in an unmistakably erotic gesture. When her eyes opened, they were full of determination.
“Yeah. This is happening,” she affirmed.
I had some serious reservations at this point. “You want to knock up all your sisters for basic sexual gratification?” I asked.
Amita’s expression darkened a bit. “There’s that, yes. But I’m also thinking that if each sister pops out a half-Indian baby, they’ll finally stop pretending I’m a Muslim suicide bomber when they’re drunk, or give me a hard time about cheeseburgers because they think all Indians are Hindu. I’m getting so sick of them treating me as less American than they are. Fuck, having kids might force them to develop some critical thinking skills. I’m doing them all a favor.”
I shrugged. “Well, right or wrong, just with the eggs here, there’s no way we could get ‘em out without at least some of your sisters getting pregnant anyway. Nailing them all does sound fairer, I suppose.”
Amita turned to me and matter-of-factly put both hands on her hips. “Now, about that next fuck of ours…?” she asked
Amita looked down again at her taut belly, which now looked about 6 months along.


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“Cami, do you know of any way you can develop all the photos of us fucking, you’ve been taking, since you joined us on the road?” “We could buy the bare essentials for developing, and some heavy curtains, so we could set up a small darkroom on the bus.” “Good. Take all the pictures of us fucking you can this afternoon and tomorrow morning ... Hell, take all you can of us the whole time we’re on the road, and any time we get a chance to fuck like this one we’re planning now. Did you bring...

3 years ago
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Adelino And Joel 8211 Two Portuguese Cute Boys

Adelino….is now 18 years of age…very sexy and cute….Portuguese boy lives in downtown Toronto ….he is in 12th grade in Central Tech Collegiate… ..slim and adorable boy….and beside that he is 100% virgin from both sides….with 8 inches uncut thin cock.After School he comes direct home….first eat some sandwiches ….and then went for rest for half an hour on his large bed….. with his hands tucked behind his back in silence as he counted the ceiling tiles..1…2…37…”agh” He groaned and shook his head,...

Gay Male
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Wanting the Wife Used

1 Introduction: I should explain that I am now a late 50’s, male and married to a mid-40’s female. We have been married for almost 20 years. On and off during much of this time we have been involved in swinging and swapping partners. At first I was more interested in my pleasures with the other woman but I would watch my wife in action. This included some interest she expressed in female to female contact. During this time I have seen her with a few women. It was and is very erotic. ...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 281 the Cloak and Dagger Ect

"Jennifer called. She said you wanted to put an offer in for the Hart property." The only slightly chubby Realtor suggested. "Do you realize that it is 9:15 in the morning, and you just showed up at me door. You could at least say good morning." I replied. "Jennifer said that being this early wouldn't be a problem. She also said, if I caught you half dressed that you wouldn't mind that either." At that point Kate smiled at me. It was one of those smiles. The old me might have done...

1 year ago
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Really Being the Boss

(By Charlie the Drifter, edited and abridged in 2005 and abridged again to be within the SOL rules) I still don’t know why Carl married his wife, the lovely but simple Mabel. We were from a comfortable conservative county town yet he decided to marry the house cleaner. She was good at it and she turned us both on when she bustled round the place in her tight short skirt and low cut blouses, which our Mother hated, but our Dad secretly enjoyed. Carl married the cute black trash Mabel seven...

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Sex In Train

Hello its moni again with another story sex in train. I m moni 22 right now but this incident happened when I was 19 years old and I was going kolkata my height is 5.9 foot tall fair and well build body. I was going kolkata to bhopal so I was excited and thrill that day and I was sleeping in my birth and suddenly I wake up when I see that one come in my birth with her 6 year daughter. I was feeling bad that why all time happen and travel with old or ugly people not young girls. I again starting...

4 years ago
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suprised dogging

It had been a bad day, stuck for hours trying to get my truck loaded hoping to get home for the weekend.At last loaded and on my way home, or so I thought. An unexpected phone call from my boss, take that load and deliver it in the morning !!I knew I could never get to unload Friday so I went as far as I could pulled into a lay by and thought I'd have an early night.As I was sat there I heard a knock on the door, looking up I saw a woman in what I thought her 40s standing there, I opened the...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Vanna Bardot Ryan Keely Making Mom Sweat

Ryan Keely and her 18-year-old stepdaughter Vanna Bardot are doing yoga together, going through lots of sexy yoga poses, chattingas they do so. They’re both really happy that they’ve finally found the time to hang out together. Before long, the ladies are very sweaty and Ryan mentions that she is getting VERY hot. Vanna suggests that she take her shirt off.Ryan agrees and pulls her shirt off, revealing her massive breasts, which are barely contained in a tight sports bra. Vanna...

4 years ago
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RockmanChapter 23

"Well?" said Cheryl to Cassie as they sat in the car in the airport car park after Cheryl had met her off her flight. "You look better, what happened?" "For the first time in a long time," Cassie told her, "I have hope. I think there's a chance." Cheryl squealed with pleasure, and hugged her friend. "I told him about the abortion and he said he didn't hate me." Cassie told her when the hug subsided. "He said he wished I'd told him before he went away on tour, he would have...

2 years ago
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My Highschool Monster Girl Harem

Name: Haji Hino Height: 5'2 Build: Average, kinda scrawny Hair: Short, brown, spiky Eyes: Blue Haji isn't really someone you could call a jock. He's never really worked out much, he's always picked last in games, and he didn't really have that many friends. What he did have was smarts. He managed to skip a grade though with all the bullying he went through he sometimes wished he didn't. He always kept to himself, burying in manga and video games. And he really wanted a girl friend too, but no...

4 years ago
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Amy and I have been married for 14 years. After all that time, I am still incredibly attracted to my wife and fantasize about her constantly. Even at age 44, Amy is a stunner and could easily pass for a woman ten years younger. She has gorgeous biracial features including long dark curly hair and full lips. She has kept her 5' 9" runners body in great shape and she has a fabulous set of 34 C tits that beg men to stare. Her long legs and sexy feet would make most men drop to their knees. Her...

3 years ago
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Friends family part 2

“Hey John you wanna sleepover tomorrow night cause Monica is having Devon sleepover so I can have one too,” said Mat. “I’m getting that new video game that day so it should be a fun one.” “Yeah I’ll sleepover,” said John. “Okay see ya tomorrow at about 7 okay?” asked Mat. “Yeah sure,” said John. For the rest of the night John went onto AIM and talked to his friends and he looked at porn. Suddenly an AIM conversation popped up. Thank God it was his girlfriend. SEXYgirl24: hey...

1 year ago
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I sent her an email detailing what I had been doing.and told her how her friend Irena phoned and asked me for dinner with her and her ten-year younger toy boy. The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than...

1 year ago
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Playing The Part Chapter 2

Playing the Part - Chapter 2 Day 290: Wow. I didn't intend for this to turn out like I was writing some porn story. But Ms. Cambrai said I should be detailed in writing down what I've experienced. Detailed, specific, and heartfelt. So, I shouldn't be embarrassed or hesitant about it when my emotions come out like that. She asked me if she could read my journal. I don't know how she even knew I was keeping one. I must've mentioned it in passing some other time. I was a bit...

4 years ago
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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 11

Debby decided cunt was really delicious. Even while the woman was creaming off in her mouth, Debby was thinking about all the pussy she was going to eat in the future. She felt pretty sure that half a dozen of her girlfriends at school would be game for cunt-sucking and wondered whose pussy she would be sucking next. Boy, would the teenager have been surprised if she had known the truth of that! But that was in the future-the near future. For the moment, she was still rooting around in...

1 year ago
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Video One

VideoOne? It may be a weird name for a porn site, but if you’re looking for a massive (and I mean massive) archive of porn videos, might be the place for you. I’m talking nearly 54,000 pages (yes, I said “pages”) of videos, each page containing around 360 videos. Now, math was never my strong suit, but I think that adds up to a grand total of nearly 20 million videos! Considering the fact that Video-one is adding new content every day, even the loneliest, horniest fappers among us...

Porn Aggregators
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

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Three Pregnant Sisters

Three Pregnant Sisters I’ve just got to tell you what happened seven months ago. But first I guess I should tell you about us. I am a twenty-five-year-old male, my wife Ella is twenty-three years old, and then she has two younger sisters, Gina age twenty-one and Lily age nineteen. Well since all of the girls were June brides all three of us couples decided to go on vacation together one year. Lily was the newlywed celebrating her first year of marriage. Gina had been married...

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Second Life

Second Life. by Writer345© It is the late 2030's and somewhere in a small run-down town in South Wales there is a rather shabby looking Industrial Estate that is long past it's 'sell-by' date. Over to one side of the ram-shackled collection of buildings is an old and dilapidated warehouse long in need of a coat of paint... The warehouse, however, sports a large new- looking sign board proclaiming it to be the home of "SECOND-LIFE AUCTIONS Ltd." The warehouse has no windows and...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 4

I made the trip back to New York City by train. I spent a few days there looking around, taking in the atmosphere of 1892 in NYC. I decided to go see a show. I went to see one, but was a little disappointed. I guess it was because from my vantage point of a little more than a hundred years in the future, it seemed a bit antiquated and unsophisticated. Still, I did enjoy the experience, over all. I did use my special abilities to move forward through time, then use modern transport to move...

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I’ve been married for 3 years but we’ve ben together for 7 years and I have thought about fucking my mother-in-law for about 7 years. She blonde unlike my wife and very petite. I always imagined she had small but pert tits and a lovely firm bum but never got the chance to confirm this until not long ago. I had once kissed her when very d***k but she pulled away and nothing more was said about it. She came to visit my wife and I recently and spent a few weeks with us. We no longer live in the...

3 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 29 The White Witch of Walden Confrontation and Truce

"You shouldn't be wasting your night with me, Master. The doctor said you can't make love to me. You should spend the evening with Brenda or Willie!" I stretched out on my side next to her naked form and trailed a fingertip over the expanse of her distended belly. Pregnancy had really taken a toll on her, but then, I guess it does with most women. The most dramatic difference was her breasts; those glorious breasts. They were large and swollen now, and they sagged slightly under the...

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Frank and Maxine

I sat on a folding chair and watched the twins as they played field hockey and I couldn't help but wonder how the coming upheaval was going to affect them. Knowing them as well as I did I thought that they would probably handle it better than I was. They were pretty resilient and a lot more mature than you would expect a pair of sixteen year olds to be. As I watched Michelle execute a pass to Melanie I thought back to the night that my world crumbled and fell on me. My wife Maxine and I were...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 33

Once outside, she realized that he had driven and she had no way home. She took her phone back out of the clutch purse she had brought and discovered that her hands were still shaking in anger. Emma closed her eyes and counted backward from ten to calm herself. Reaching zero, she reopened her eyes and dialed Jess on her phone. “Hello?” Jess said on the other end of the receiver. “H-Hi, Jess. It’s Emma.” Emma’s voice was quivering while she hovered on the line in between ‘blind fury’ and...

2 years ago
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Missing Ray

            Ray was hot.   Even now, years after our affair ended, I could think of him and get wet.   There is no two ways about it.   Ray was hot.               I’m Anne.   I’m a mom to two kids, college student, and general housewife.   I have a figure I am normally quite pleased with, although the necessary surgeries left their marks over my abdomen.   Even so, I’m a petite blonde with a 34D chest, a slightly chunky waist, but still about 28”, and full 36” hips.  ...

Straight Sex
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Aunt Courtneyrsquos Final Lesson

Aunt Courtney’s Final LessonI thought I was an experienced 18 year old ,but my aunt had taken me places and taught me lessons I will never forget or regret. It was my impression that the lessons were finished, but Aunt Courtney took the lessons to a whole new level one fantastic evening.Aunt Courtney was scheduled to leave after the weekend. Thankfully my parents were once again out of town which left me alone (or so I thought) with my aunt for one more glorious weekend. I wasn’t aware that...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 5

From the Lifeguard 4 Story After she was finally done cumming, she pulled her now flaccid penis out of my mouth and proceeded to give me a big French kiss and started sucking the remainder of her cum into her mouth. We started hugging and kissing and kissing and hugging. That was even fun.After a few minutes of doing this, we just laid there giggling and laughing about what we had just done.Caley then said, “You are one sick boy.”I then said the only sensible, normal thing an eighteen-year-old...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Kimber Lee 23299

Nothing rids you of stress like a good old-fashion orgasm! Kimber Lee is having a rough day at work, so when nobody’s around she flicks the bean for a bit to calm herself done. It works, until her phone rings and she has to attend to another matter in someone else’s office. But what she forgot was that she left her panties on her desk, black, moist and bunched up for the unassuming janitor to find when he arrives to clean her office. And he isn’t stressed, but finding Kimber’s panties would...

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Our little secret See no evil

...As Yejin and I continued playing with each other, we never really stood our ground what would be acceptable or not to our new "friends with benefits" relationship as well as, her relationship with her girlfriend. This was about a few weeks since the first time we explored each other's sexual company, and most of it was orally done (with the occasional finger or two).One day, after eating Yejin out and letting her get her fix of my man meat.. we took a shower together and in between the hot...

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Playing the Rent

Please feel free to read and comment on my other stories. Playing the Rent Lately, I had been thinking of getting a hold of a top country western singer, thinking that maybe I could make some money by selling them the story of the last several months of my life. It started with my car, which had never been much more than rolling metal. Something deep in the motor finally broke and the cost of the repair was more money than I had and certainly more than the car was worth. So...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part II

Introduction: Hello everyone, Here is part II hope you like it, i tried to make it a bit longer but i dont think it is, still hope everyone enjoys. 2 months later Marie sat in the back seat of her best friends Aé,litas Chevy sonic listening to the conversation going on around her. She couldnt believe she has let Aé,lita talk her into going to Colorado. But she had to admit she really did want to go because she wanted to see Jeremy again, or at least attempt to see him again. So,...

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The OutsiderChapter 32 Postscript A Ruthiersquos Modeling Career

By the time she entered her sophomore year as a student in Davenport State University, Ruthie had quit her job at the coffee shop to concentrate on another she found much more to her liking; artistic modeling. Mike knew about his girlfriend’s modeling and fully supported her. He was fascinated with her obsession with nudity and, from the time they first started hanging out together, had found it a huge turn-on. It was the part of her that made him overlook a lot of other quirks and flaws in...

2 years ago
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A Week Full Of Fucking In Goa

Greetings everyone! My name is Prithvi, and this sexstory is about the adventures I had with my girlfriend when she came to visit me in Goa. Now, this is my first story here, so any feedback, comments or conversation is welcome, especially by females planning to visit Goa ;). Hit me up at I’m 22 years old, average looking, 5’8 in height and physically fit, most girls find me quite cute. I’m currently studying at a college in Goa, and live in a rented bungalow with a flat mate. Let’s get on...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 19

I didn’t have to be psychic to read Jo’s mind. The touch of her hand in mine was usually a delicate thing. This time she was tugging. I couldn’t understand, so I did the one thing that husbands have been doing since the beginning of time. I said, “Yes, dear.” “Don’t be condescending, Randall Jackson,” she said. “We need to talk.” Less than twenty-four hours since she and I stood in front of friends and family and God and pledged marriage to each other. Now I was wondering exactly what I’d...

1 year ago
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Mother Virgin SonPart 1 of 3

Where do I begin? My name is Jessica and I'm a happily married 38 year-old mother of one. My 42 year-old husband, Trevor, and I have been married for 19 years. We were high school sweethearts and our marriage has been one of the rare high school relationships that has gone against the odds and worked out. We had our son, Dylan, after just a year of being married and he has turned into a great young man who just graduated high school. Trevor and I both have careers with good stability and...

4 years ago
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Plane Ride

While boarding a full flight with a laptop and large carryon He lost touch of the beautiful mistress. After moving most of the way to the back of the plane and getting settled into an aisle seat they escalated into the air toward their destination. About an hour into the late evening flight, John was doing some work on his laptop when a piece of paper fell onto his keyboard. In large letters it read, “Meet me in the bathroom”. John was confused having moved on from his previous frame of...

4 years ago
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To Reign in HellChapter 2

I chuckled as the large red dog, which I had formed by my infernal magic, continued biting Mrs. Fiske repeatedly, while three other demons took turns striking her with cast-iron skillets. I let them keep this up for a good while, of course, though it would soon be time to stop for a little breather. Even demons and devils needed a good smoke break or whatever. Mrs. Fiske was stunned to feel the pain go away for a bit, at which point I waved a mirror in front of her, letting her see that her...

2 years ago
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Sexy wife and I continued

Hello My suzie and I have been together going on thirty years it has been a great ride . I have written about our adventures in the laundry and in the yard on the deck our dining room of our new house and our date to the erotic drive in on our third date, She was a hottie then and still my hottie we love it when we do have time and the wanting to have sex some awesome hot wet sex! We use to have swimming pools some only a foot and half deep a k**dy pool we use to lie in it on a warm summer...

3 years ago
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Jordan Ventures into the Dark World of Bondage Pain and Sex Alone Part Two

Suddenly I was startled by a bright light coming on over me and a strong vibrator on my clit. My first thought was, shit, are they not even going to let me sleep? “It is eight AM, time for all good sluts to be awake! As soon as you cum for me I will untie you.” I was familiar with the Hitachi vibrator he was using, we owned one, so I knew I would cum fast. I struggled around, rubbing on my rope bed, and soon I was screaming as the orgasm ran through me. “Fuckk!” “Good little bitch, that was...

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His Best Xmas Present Pegged

I was working from home, stuck with a sick c***d, when my whole world changed.My work laptop died and I realized I'd left the plug-in charger at work. Still having research to do for tomorrow, I went to my husband's office and grabbed his, as my sick c***d wouldn't let me leave him alone and go to my office and use my desktop.I logged in and went onto Chrome. As I started a search, I was surprised to see the archival searches that popped up when I started typing the word praxis.PegPeggingPegged...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Cecilia Lion Trail of Lies

I was using my new camera to perv on my new stepsister make really cool timelapses when Cecilia found the damn thing and made up random lies about me. Same thing happened when I was smelling her panties checking on the laundry. Again, more lies. And for the grand finale my super hot stepsister was trying to lie to all of us by sneaking out of the house to party when I caught her. And guess what? She wanted me to fix the problem with big fat lies. One thing I can’t lie about though, is the...

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Mac and Lisas Bet

My wife Lisa is pretty much the exact opposite of me. While I’m your typical blue collar guy, she looks like she has every meal prepared for her and only travels by limo or plane. She’s about 5,7 140 with long sexy legs, a tight perky ass that you only get from exercise, a flat stomach and a pair of upgraded 36 DD’s with both nipples pierced, although most people don’t know that. She has a seductive smile, emerald green eyes and light brown long hair. While she may look like royalty she’s...

3 years ago
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………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….st THOMAS VACATION WITH MY WIFE ****************************************ST THOMAS ************************************** I have been married to a sexy lady for 10 years. My wife is in great shape, is very tan and had awesome legs,and ass. She is 56 120 lbs dirty blond hair with a tight 36d tits. We were on vacation in St.Thomas where we have a time share...

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My love for my women

Since child hood i love my sister asia,one day my mother hameeda begum 48 now,went my Elder sister mumtaz’s house,she is 33.then we brother and sister were alone,that time i was 19,she was just 15,accidenlty my hand fall on her belly,she did not move and objected,i put My hand for some time and showly moved on her belly and around naval,she has very round and deep naval. From that onwards whenever i get chance i use to touch her,i use to sleep beside my mother hameeda begum as my father was on...

1 year ago
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my famile vacation with mom

visit on to see top rated stories like these chapter - 1This true story took place the year of my 17th birthday. It was the last real family vacation my family took together. I was 17 years old, almost six feet tall, still a skinny k** but my muscles were developing as I was getting into lifting weights. My hair was dark, cut short, dark skin complexion like my mother and I have blue green eyes, which I got from my father.It was late summer and...

3 years ago
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I was camping in Yosemite one time in college, when I couldn’t get to sleep one night and decided to take a walk through the woods. It was the middle of summer, so it was warm enough to walk outside in just pajama bottoms and a T-shirt (and sandals). We had camped way out in the middle of nowhere, so nobody was around for miles, or so we thought. So while my friends were sleeping, I slipped out of the tent and strolled out through the forest. Yosemite is gorgeous at night, the woods were...

3 years ago
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My Boss My SlutChapter 20

Finally it was the big day. We all woke up and ate breakfast. I noticed with a grin that Mary and Becky had joined Amy and Brenda in just wearing panties. There wasn't much talking during the meal; Mary asked Becky how she was feeling and Becky just beamed from ear to ear and said never better. A little after noon we were all ready and set out for the ranch. Brenda rode with me while Mary drove Amy and Becky. Due to traffic it was almost 1 when we arrived. We were met by Tom and I made the...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Reagan Foxx 24247

When Professor Reagan Foxx learns she’s made the #2 spot on a “Top 10 most bang-able professors on campus” blog post, she invites the salacious little publisher-student responsible for it, Tyler, to her classroom for a chat. Sure, Prof. Foxx is upset about her private life being upended, but she’s honestly quite perturbed that the school’s dean, a former roommate of hers who once upon a time ago purloined the school’s star quarterback from her grasps, made the number one slot on the list....

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Maa Ki Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam ajay hai mai mumbai ka rehna wala hu 20 saal meri age hai 6ft height hai aur gora rang lamba aur thoda tedha lund hai mai yeh pehli story likh rha hu mai 5 ya 6 story likhunga jo ki ek dum sach hai aur mera saath hue hai aasha krunga aap sab ko pasand aaiga aur apna comments zarure share krna ab story pr aata hu. Yeh story hai kaisa maina apne maa ko choda aur ab tak chodta aa rha hu uski nangi photos bhi mai apne phone me hide kr k rakhta hu. Chaliya ab shuru krta hu meri...

4 years ago
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forced to suck black 4

Forced black suck Chapter IVAfter that night, Derrick, or Sir would visit a couple times a week. Usually during the week, I guess on weekends he went out with friends or girls, but during the week I would just hear a knock on my door with no warning. It didn't bother me at all, I looked forward to it, whatever time he came. Mostly it was late after he had been to the bar watching a game with his friends drinking. I knew I was a booty call but I didn't care, it just felt soooo good to have this...

1 year ago
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A Christmas Wish Ch 02

Josh knew it had to be Amber because of the bulge beneath the sheet. ‘Oh God, it can’t be. Tell me this isn’t happening.’ He said as the doctor escorted him to the gurney and pulled the bloodstained sheet back revealing the face of the woman beneath it. ‘Oh God! What am I gonna tell my wife?’ Josh cried and then fainted after telling the doctor her name. When Josh came to, he was in a chair and his wife was by his side. She knew the fate of her sister but had yet to see her. ‘I want to say...

3 years ago
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My first proper lesbian experience

I was 16 at the time and I had been best friends with Hannah all my life. As I had grown up with her i was often invited to her family parties. When i was younger I had often met her Aunty Rebecca and had always known she was a lesbian. By the time I was 16 though I hadn't seen her for a while. I went round to Hannah's grandads with her as he was holding a party for Hannah's 16th Birthday, it was the day after her birthday as we'd been out with our friends the previous night and this was...

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Bravo ForceChapter 2 To New York

The com's alarm woke her early. She put on her briefs and ran down to the courtyard to do her Tai Chi practice, then showered and dressed. She considered going casual, wearing only a torque or necklace, perhaps. In the end, for this rather formal business trip, she voted for conservative business wear. She slipped cuffs on her wrists. A collar around her neck carried a diagonally striped cloth ('Why do they call it a @tie?') that fell between her breasts almost to her waist. She left her...

2 years ago
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------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) -...

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The King in Yellow Chapter Nine

Magda followed Dmitri out of the old convent, head held high. Her superbly nude body cast a long shadow in the late afternoon sun. The path led them to a huge flat-topped slab of granite, a tomb or an altar of some long-forgotten religion. In front of it waited Grigori, Andrei, Leon and Pierre wearing black trousers and - with the exception of Andrei who liked to be bare-chested - white shirts. Each had several knives and whips at his belt and each had a nude woman kneeling at his feet, knees...

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