Truth or Dare
- 4 years ago
- 46
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""Oh god, I didn't expect to get picked first!"
"Well, you know how the game goes. Truth or Dare?"
Candis thought for a second, trying to pick between poisons. She knew Jay had something devilish in mind; this was his favorite game. He and his wife Anne had been asking her over to the hot tub for several months - an innocent enough suggestion except...
They were naked.
Jay insisted, due to the chemicals in clothing that clogged up the jet system. Candis thought that was bullshit. For weeks she played coy, pretending to be offended at the thought of joining Jay and his wife in what was clearly an invitation for something more.
Their friendship hadn't started so scandalously. Candis knew Jay from the firestation where she worked as a paramedic. They shared the same kind of crass, almost cruel sense of humor those accustomed to death often develop. Though it's easy to judge from the outside, process a few dead bodies a week, and a certain callousness become essential.
It was actually Candis who made the first remark about the teenage couple whose Escalade rolled over a half dozen times on Prom Night.
"If they'd just slowed down, in nine months there'd have been a different accident..."
From then on, Jay seemed smitten. It didn't help that he stood a massive six-foot-five, thick arms, broad shoulders, a strong chin and thick head of dark brown hair. Though he was attractive, Candis knew he was married. At first she made every effort to avoid his advances, even if she was more than interested. So Jay quickly changed tactics, introducing her to his wife Anne.
Soon Anne and Candis became close friends, running together most mornings, or at least those in which Candis didn't need to work through the previous night. Though Candis quickly confessed Jay's flirtations, she was surprised when her friend admitted to several bisexual experiences in college. Anne apologized, explaining Jay's approaches as his overeager desire for another threesome.
"Another?" Candis had asked.
But Anne didn't elaborate.
The idea worked its way around Candis' mind. Until she found herself here, accepting another invitation. Acting as though her acquiescence was just to make Jay shut up, she agreed, joining the couple for a few drinks out on the deck before she made her way to the whirlpool. Anne went first, her stunning, curvy body silhouetted in the moonlight as she stripped.
To her surprise, Candis' clothes came off easily enough. It was already dark, and the hedges around the property gave at least an illusion of privacy. With a deep breath, she dropped down her shorts, and took off her top, for a second tangled at the neck, caught in her light blond hair. Naked, she moved quickly to the water. There was little reaction, barely any time to feel awkward about the way she looked, though still stunning at thirty.
Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything of Anne other than the inviting shadow of her friend's body as she undressed. As she joined her in the bubbling water, Anne tied her red hair up in a ponytail, the top of her breasts buoyant in the warm water. Jay joined them with another round of drinks, taking his time to show off his long, flaccid cock best he could in the dark as he sat next to his wife.
The game broke the ice.
"I don't know what to pick!" Candis said.
"It's too early for dares," Anne said. "I'll go first. Jay, get me first."
"When was the last time you masturbated?" Her husband asked.
"Easy," Anne replied. "Earlier today."
"Today?" Candis asked.
"I couldn't help it," Anne said, her porcelain pale and freckled skin absorbing what seemed to be a small blush. "Once Jay told me you were going to join us for hot tub night..."
"Really? Thinking about me..."
"Well, I wasn't thinking about that thing," She pointed derisively at Jay's cock.
"Hey now! This is my game, and little Jay is off-limits."
"Fascinating you describe it first as little," Candis countered.
"Oh well, look who is giving the guy asking the questions lip," Jay said.
"I'm not scared of you," Candis said. "Unless I need medical attention. I've seen you do CPR. If they aren't dead before you start, they sure will be by the time you finish."
"Ouch! Okay, you asked for it," Jay said.
"Bring it, bitch."
"Tell me your most embarassing sex story. Have you ever been caught?" Jay said, giving a knowing glance to his wife. "Spill it, skillet."
Candis hesitated, biting her lip.
"You aren't going to judge."
"Of course not, honey," Anne said.
"I dunno."
"Come on," Jay said. "It's the rules."
"Besides," Anne said. "Next you can ask me anything."
"Okay, okay, but I was 18 and stupid."
"All the best stories start that way," Jay said.
Then thankfully, he shut up.
"Ok so, during the summer, my family went to Splash Town. I think they call it something different now - Wild, Wet and Fuck it, it's a water park in Houston. Anyways, we had tickets, my Dad took me, my brother Brad and his friend Chad for his 18th birthday. I think he largely went to look at women. He never left his pool chair and never took off his sunglasses.
My high school bestie was supposed to come, but she flaked out at the last minute. I wanted to bail on the whole thing - what girl wants to go with her doofy brother and his jackass friend to a water park? I was already packing up for college, but I could tell my Dad wanted one of those last hurrahs. So I figured, fuck it, I'll try and grit my teeth and bear through it.
I hadn't been there since I was a kid - I remember as a little girl climbing up to the top of this slide, the Texas Free Fall. It scared me shitless as a kid. The thing must have seemed a hundred feet high - a straight dead drop. I mean, I know it's safe. I survived it. But hell, the thing was so intimidating. I remember when I was little my brother went on it. Jack went on and on about how I was too chicken-shit to do it, until I finally climbed up all those stairs only to sit my ass down and scream when the lifeguard went to push me. He never let me hear the end of it."
Jay gave out a little chuckle, but Anne shushed him.
"But that's not the worst thing about that fucking slide. At the time, I was still trying to find the right bikini size. I'm a b cup, but I'm a little on the big side. I tended to spill over a lot of the tops I chose. Honestly, I did it on purpose. I wanted it to look like my tits were bigger than they were..."
Anne interrupted. "I think you have amazing boobs..."
"You haven't really seen them," Candis said.
"I've gotten a general idea," Anne said. "Besides, the night is young."
"Back to the story," Jay complained.
"So I would like to cram the cleavage in around the sides, and sort of squeeze them together. I'm sure sometimes if I moved too much, a nipple could poke free. But I wanted the attention. How my Dad let me get away with it - I don't know. I guess he just pretended not to notice. He's more of a modern type - the kind who doesn't react to his baby girl having an interest in dick with a shotgun.
Anyways, it wasn't long into the car ride before Brad starts in on the last time we went, like ten fucking years ago. He's snickering to his friend about how I got up there and started to cry. I mean, I'm nearly nineteen, and almost fully packed for college, I should give a fuck about what some senior says. Except that I kind of do. At least after a few hours of hearing them badger me about it. So I run my mouth off and say I'll do it. Next thing I know - it's a bet. I don't remember the wager, not that it mattered, the point was my pride.
Not that I'll have much of it after this story..."
"Don't worry," Anne said. "We've all got sex stories we would rather not share."
"Yeah, but this is going to get bad..."
Anne reached over, putting her hand above Candis' knee, stroking her thigh soothingly.
"I'd rather know you better," she said. "Warts all.
Candis let out a deep breath.
"Okay, warts and all. So I went up to the top of the slide, just me, with my brother and Chad waiting at the bottom for me to finish my side. I got up to the slide, sitting my ass down on the jets. I could feel the streams almost peeling down my bottoms. I remember getting quite the look from the lifeguard, almost a smile. I didn't think of it at the time, but he must have seen this happen all the time. I don't remember him too well, I think his face kind of gets mixed up with the traditional beach boy look, you know shandy blonde hair, lean muscles. Baywatch bullshit.
So looking down past my toes at the bottom of the slide, I can't believe I managed to push myself forward, Christ maybe I just let go. I closed my eyes...
The next thing I know I'm at the bottom of the slide - alive with my bottoms riding up into the crack of my ass, almost as if showing off a thong to everyone as I stood up. I could barely see from the spray in my eyes, hell I could barely walk even as the lifeguard started screaming at me.
I figured it out once I stepped off the track of the slide. I could feel my tits bouncing free.
"Oh my god," Anne said, her hand covering her mouth.
"Yeah, I was standing in the middle of the water park, topless."
"How?" Jay asked.
"It happens more than you think," Anne said. "I think they design it intentionally."
Candis kept going.
"The water shot off my top, sending it flying out to God knows where. I'm topless in front of everyone, and at first no one seems to notice. I see a few of the men drop everything to stare, some women make as though they are looking away. But everyone's eyes are on me, looking straight at my boobs. I'd never even gone past second base before, and here I was baring my body in front of a hundred people. I froze...mortified..."
"Then what did you do?" Jay asked.
"I think what panicked me the most was the idea that my brother and his friend were going to see me naked. I still don't know that they didn't. I started running, my arms clasped around my chest. No fucking idea where I was going. Only I could feel the heads turn, the awkward glances, and stares as I rushed into the nearest water. I tried to hide in the lazy river, keeping to the side of the pool, pushing my tits up against the wall. Whenever I got a few weird looks, I tried to swim a little faster.
Then I found myself pressed up against one of those floaties, using it to conceal my breasts as some Mom floated downstream. I remember her looking down, a double-take, then the expression on her face when she realized some slut was swimming topless in the same water park as her kids. I took the next exit I saw, trying to escape before she called the cops.
The nearest building available belonged to the lifeguards. It was kind of like their locker room. I couldn't get inside - but at least it concealed me well enough from view. Still, I didn't have a clue what I was going to do. I couldn't imagine returning to my brother and his friend clad in only a towel, riding home watching Chad leer at my body, making lewd comments. I did my best to keep myself covered, but I was wet, shaking, certain at any minute now I would be arrested. I could picture my hands cuffed behind my back as some security guard paraded me through the park like that bitchy Queen on Game of Thrones..."
"Shame! Shame!" Jay said.
"So then, oh my god, then the lifeguard from the slide comes sauntering up. In his hands is my top. He's holding onto it like some sort of prize he's taking to the break room. He sees me, and holds it out like he's going to give it to me, only to yank it back. I reached out a hand, trying to cover my tits with the other, barely letting one bounce out. He held it over my head, making me dance for it, still covering myself. Eventually, he dropped the act, he made some comment, something like I can be your lost and found if you're my show and tell.
I remember taking a deep breath, barely able to contain my anger as I lowered my arms to my sides. I took every muscle in my body to stay still, to not scream out and let everyone in the park know what was going on. But I didn't dare.
As he reached out to feel my breasts, I looked around, constantly checking to keep us from getting caught. The wall didn't quite descend down, so I could see feet scampering past, as hundreds of park goers walked on maybe twenty feet away from where this was all happening. I'd never been looked at like that before, never been touched. His hands were hard, rough, squeezing and pulling on my tits, pinching my nipples hard as I bit my lip, praying that no one would step around the other side of the saloon wall."
"Pause, pause," Anne said. "I know it's the game, but seriously Candis, if this is like some scarring..."
"It's okay, really," Candis said. "I mean, it took me a while, but now I find myself even..."
"Even what?" Jay asked.
"I masturbate about it," Candis stared down at her toes. "A lot. The fear of being caught really turned me on. It still really gets me going."
"I think I'm going to masturbate about it a lot too," Anne smiled.
"Then what happened?" Jay said.
"Well, already he'd gotten a handful. He teased me a few times with the bikini top, then handed it back. I put it on in a huff, then stormed away. I think if I had been a few years older, I might have, God I don't know what. But I like to imagine."
"Wow," Anne said.
"Yeah..." Candis responded.
"So, am I allowed to think that was fucking hot?" Jay said.
"It's probably best if we ask how everything turned out first," Anne said. "Were you thrown out of the park?"
"No, no, no. I ran the hell out of there, adjusting myself as I went. I remember the way Chad smirked at me. If he didn't see, at least he knew. But both of them were smart enough to not mention seeing anything on the ride home.."
"Sounds like he got an eyeful, maybe I'll get luckier." Jay suggested.
"Maybe if you throw out a few better lines," Candis smirked.
"So everything turn out okay?" Anne asked.
"Yeah. Actually it really started something in me," Candis said. "Let's just say it wasn't my only experience with exhibitionism..."
Jay perked up.
"Wait, what?"
Clandis moved her finger to lips seductively.
"Only it's my turn - Truth or Dare?"
"Okay, I'll be brave," Jay said. "Dare!"
"I want to see your glorious mangina. You know from Silence of the Lambs. Tuck it and show me."
Jay splashed the water up as he rose, his arms waving in imitation of a swan. Both women couldn't help but be drawn to the pendulum between his legs, dangling down, seeming to grow harder as he pushed it behind his thighs. He hung his arms out in an over exaggerated gesture, almost as though bound on a cross. And in between his legs showed only his full bush.
"Okay, okay enough," Anne said.
"I don't know," Candis continued. "It's a good look for him."
"Your turn," Jay said to his wife. "Only I think Candis should ask."
"Truth," Anne said.
"I can't really think of anything. I don't know, tell me an embarassing sex moment," Candis said.
"The blowjob contest?" Anne asked.
"Do that whole evening," Jay said.
"Well..." Anne started. "Jay and I like to go to this nudist place, about an hour north. Actually, I guess it's clothing optional, nudists tend to have some strict rules about sex in public. Anyways, one weekend they invited the people from Hedonism - it's like this swinger club in Jamaica. They put on this contest, the winner gets a free trip to their club. So we decided to play, in pretty much everything."
"Big mistake," Jay said.
"It's innocent enough at first. They have us do a wet t-shirt contest. Then we have to pop three balloons, only in three different sex positions. Missionary, doggystyle, and cowgirl."
"My poor balls," Jay remembered.
"Anyways, the MC then tell us we are going to have a blowjob contest. I'm like what? The rules say no sex in public, and I'm up on a stage in front of a maybe a hundred people. But he just acts like this is normal. The guy puts out mats for each of us, and every girl is suddenly on her knees in front of her man. I look up at Jay and ask, are we really doing this?"
"I said I guess so," Jay answered.
"He counts to three. And I don't even think about it. I just swallow him whole. I'm bobbing up and down on his cock, which is already hard in my mouth, completely focused on winning the competition. I'm a teacher, Jay's a fireman, how else are we going to get to Jamaica unless we prostitute ourselves?
So I'm just face-first, deep-throating every inch of him, oblivious to the word. I'm trying to block everything out, showing off my best moves. I went all the way up and down, I licked the head while stroking it, then moved down to his balls. Then I was back at it, just blowing him, wondering if it was a race to make him cum.
And then I feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. I look up, dick still in my mouth, and the announcer is muttering another apology, handing me a banana."
We all started laughing.
"Immediately after he said three," Jay continued. "Everyone else did the natural thing and looked around to see if anyone else would do it. Not Anne..."
She tilted her head down a little, embarrassed.
"They told me to suck you," Anne remarked. "If they didn't want to watch, they shouldn't have asked."
"But then they did it with a banana?" Candis asked. "How lame!"
"It was like a high school sex ed class," Anne said. "But we got even later."
"What did you do?" Candis said.
"So we put up a tent to camp. They have a house reserved for couples that want to fuck. We did go there in the middle of the night. But in the morning, Jay is already sporting a bit of morning wood. And I swear, we look. It's 7:00 AM and there's no one awake. Our tent is just suffocatingly hot, so I get onto one of the picnic tables, it's the perfect height. I'm on my back at first and Jay's pounding into me, then he turns me over onto my hands and knees. Even then, I don't see anybody. It's a quickie. I'm sore from last night.
We go to the showers, rinse off, and everyone we meet tells us how much they enjoyed the morning show. One of our friends tell us that he gets up, starts grilling breakfast, and there's Jay and Anne, staking their claim to the picnic table."
"Wow, did you get in trouble?"
"No," Anne said. "There are rules against public sex, but they are loosely enforced. Especially if you are pretty."
"You are that," Candis said.
"Thank you," Anne said. "So now we try and make use of the picnic table everytime we go, though sometimes it doesn't work out."
"We don't want to go up to another group of campers and say, hey can you move your bar-b-que, we want to season your meal with our fuck-juice."
"What? Fuck-juice?
"Yes! It's too much imagining it."
"Well, it is someone else's turn," Jay said.
"Truth," Candis said.
"I'll ask," Anne said. "You mentioned something about another exhibitionist experience."
"Oh god," Candis said.
"It can't be worse than mine," Anne said.
"It is," Candis said. "So for a few years, I kept fantasizing about losing my top. Part of me wished the lifeguard had gone further. I thought about him making me blow him to get my top back. I know... it's sick right?"
"Not at all," Anne said. "Sometimes we come up with roleplay scenarios where Jay overpowers me. Keep going."
"So I tell Mark, my boyfriend at the time. He was already really big into these scenes and kept driving at my fantasies. We act it out a few times, just in the bedroom, then one day he takes me out to a different waterpark. A few times, he undoes the string to my top, teasing me a little. It's stupid, I know, but it's getting me going a little.
He points out this place underneath one of the slides. I guess it's like an equipment shack. It's really far off the beaten path. He leads me by the hand. I'm not sure exactly what he has planned, but we stand back there, waiting for a second, looking back at the park. He convinces me that no one will see.
So I hand him my top.
Then he said it was only fair for me to see too. He pulled down his swim trunks, his cock already hard. I moved down to suck him, only he stops and tosses the bikini top around the side. It's not far. Just to get it, I'd take the chance of someone seeing."
The couple listened intently, their own excitement building as the story continued.
"He tells me to show him the rest, or he'll make me get it. I find it just so fucking hot! I'm completely at his mercy, barely hidden. At any point someone could just walk far enough off the path and see me. I pulled the bottoms down to my ankles, then he had me twirl by motioning with his finger. He pushes me down, my knees digging into the wet grass, droplets of water falling down from the slide as I started to suck.
I knew it was relatively safe. I mean it's not like people go exploring boring supply sheds at water parks. But the thrill of it, of knowing I could be caught. Wondering how far Mark would take things before letting me get dressed. I had surrendered myself completely to the scene, pretending to hesitate as my lips touched the head of his cock. He held my bottoms, dangling them as if to remind me, a new twist on what happened before..."
Candis paused, trying to collect herself, trying to control the first feeling of lust spreading down to her pussy as she soaked naked in the warm bubbles.
"I opened my mouth, just enough for him to work his way in. Then he started really going at me. Maybe it was because we needed to be quick, maybe I was just more submissive, but it was much more raw and intense than a normal blow job. He kept banging his cock in the back of my throat, only I took it better than ever before. He wasn't gentle; his hands moved behind the back of my head, forcing me to hold a position with his penis in the back of my throat several times. But it didn't bother me; I was so into it.
Oh god, I was so loud, slurping and gagging on that dick. I don't know what clicked, maybe I just suddenly become a slut in the moment. I know I have been since. And the more that I sucked and swallowed, the more turned on I got by the idea of being used in such a public setting.
Not that I wanted to - but just the potential that I could have caught, turned me on even more. I guess I would have sucked him even in front of the whole park. Instead of fearing being found out, a weird switch went off in my brain, making me find the whole process painfully arousing. I reached down, rubbing my pussy as I sucked him, swallowing every inch I could as he put it in and out of my mouth.
He came first. His dick pulsing inside my throat, causing me to choke as stream after stream flooded my mouth. It was too much, and I had to break away from him, the last few shots of his semen landing on my cheek and tits.
Even as I sputtered, I worked my finger around my clit. I put his deflating cock back in my mouth, my pussy exploding in maybe the most intense orgasm I've ever had. I forgot everything, losing myself lust, hoping, praying that someone else would see what a desperate slut I had become.
I got my wish..."
"Wait, what, who saw?" Jay asked.
"So here I am, collapsed on the grass, still rubbing myself, wriggling out the last moment of pleasure. I'm panicking a little, suddenly thinking clearly. It's like what have I done? I look around, at first seeing no one. I staggered to my feet, barely balancing, as Mark helping me stand. Then a little off in the distance, I could see a groundskeeper in the treeline outside the park. He's completely abandoned his weedwacker to openly stare at the scene maybe fifty feet in front of him."
"What, you didn't see him?" Jay asked.
Candis shrugged.
"I guess we were too focused on the inside of the park. I must have turned beet red. My bottoms shoot up. Then I make it so much worse. With one hand around my chest, I run out in the open and grab my top. I turn away from the groundskeeper, forgetting myself completely, just trying to get everything in place...
I had sprung out in front of a crowd, mostly men. I had to quickly tie my top in front of them. At first - no one seemed to notice. Then I heard a bunch of whispers. I looked out and saw a woman laughing, her boyfriend openly staring. I looked down and saw that one of my nipples was completely out.
And worse, my face and tits were still dotted with cum..."
"Oh my god, what happened?" Anne said.
"Mark cleaned me up quickly and we got the fuck out of there," Candis said. "Honestly, the group looked like college aged kids. I don't think they were going to tell anyone anyways, but we weren't going to take the chance."
"Good call," Anne said.
"So was it worth it?" Jay asked.
"It's not your turn to ask," Candis said smartly. "Truth or dare, Jay."
"Dare," Jay said.
"I want to see your cock," Candis said boldly. "And I want to see it hard. You should know though, if I'm not impressed, I'll tell everyone at the station."
"Don't worry," Jay said, rising out of the water. "If we can't get to the ladder, the boys are known to climb up me."
"I see someone's not worried about building himself up too much," Candis retorted.
"Do I have to work myself up alone?" Jay said. "More hands make less work."
"I'll give you a hand, honey," Anne said, swimming forward.
"Thanks, but I'd prefer a mouth."
"Yes, dear."
Candis watched as Jay sat on the lip of the hot tub, his wife nestled in between his legs. She pursed his lips, tugging a little at his mushroom shaped head. At first, she could take him all at once, but as he grew, she needed her fist to stimulate the rest of him. Half in, half out, she bobbed her head up and down, feeling him finish hardening him in her mouth.
Not that this stopped her. Aroused by the idea of entertaining a friend, she moved her tongue up and down his balls while she stroked him. She gave it a few more goes then pulled away, using her hands to present her husband's hard cock like a game show hostess.
"I don't know," Candis said. "I'm not sure it's hard enough..."
Of course, this was ridiculous. Jay was at least eight inches long.
"I might need to help him out a little," Candis said.
The couple smiled.
"Go ahead," Anne said. "There's more than enough to share."
Candis moved slowly, teasing Jay with her lips, barely partling them, making him take his time in her mouth. As she engulfed him, Anne moved down to his balls, craning her head until her husband stood up, giving them more room to work. Out of the water, Candis could see Anne's breasts for the first time, full, sloping down slightly only to push out at her nipples.
Their bodies mashed together, intertwining around the sizable girth they each slobbered around. Their lips around the sides of his cock, slurping up and down. The two of them took turns, letting the head drive into one's mouth while the other went down his shaft to suck on his balls. Jay increased his pace, responding to every sensual touch, barely able to keep himself in control as he watched his wife reached down to play with Candis' larger nipples.
Candis let out a moan through a mouthful, encouraging Anne to keep squeezing her boobs. She moved down, abandoning the blow job for a moment. Her lips closed around each nipple, suckling them, her chin almost underwater as she enjoyed the other woman's body. Then she came up, returning to her husband, their mouths alternating in the effort.
His ass smacked against the edge of the hot tub, moving into each of them with more speed. They used their hands, touching each other as much as him, slurping, sucking, almost as if determined to suck him dry right there. Jay could sense his dick reaching the point of no return, already so teased by the talk of the evening. He lost track of whose mouth was where, entirely enthralled in the pleasure working its way up his sack, shaft, and to the head of his desperate dick.
"Oh god, stop, I'm going to cum," Jay said.
"Should we make him cum, Candis?" Anne said, as the blonde-haired woman continued the blowjob. "He can go more than once in an evening."
Candis answered by continuing to suck. It has been a long time since she'd had any sort of sex. There'd been too many times that she'd been too skittish in the past. Now that she was here, on the precipice of a threesome, she was determined to go through with it, and enjoy every depraved detail of the night.
"Oh god, that feels so good," Jay said.
Candis let out a moan.
"Where should I cum?"
"Let's share," Candis said. "Cum on both of our tits. Is that okay?"
"That's like his favorite," Anne said.
The two of them moved close together, Candis pushing the side of her breasts against Anne's. Pulling back from her mouth, Jay started stroking himself, seconds away from the end. Then Anne took it a little further, turning a little so that their nipples were touching. She leaned in, her eyes closed, mouth open, clearly presenting herself for a kiss. Candis met her more than halfway, their lips meeting.
As Anne's tongue entered her mouth, Candis felt the first shot of cum splash against her breasts. She kept her eyes closed, making out with her friend while Jay rained down semen from just above them. A misplaced stream struck each of them on the lips, letting the girls taste his salty-sweet seed as it clung to each chin. But otherwise the shots landed on each of their tits, Jay being sure to alternate his aim so that his spray landed on each orb.
Breaking away from the loving embraced, the women opened their eyes. The two girls looked down at each other, the droplets of cum pressed up against each other as their cleavage smushed together. Then Anne moved down, her mouth again closing around her friend's nipples, then licking up a long streak of her husband's semen from the bank of Candis' bosom.
"You missed a little," Candis said, reaching a finger to scoop a bit from Anne's chin. "I hope you're a better aim with a hose."
Then slowly, she inserted the digit in her mouth, savoring his taste. She went down for more, licking up the last drop clinging to Jay's tender head.
"Oh wow..." He said.
"Jay, I know clothes will ruin the hot tub," Candis said sarcastically. "What about jizz?"
"I think it's fine," Jay said breathily.
"Still, better not take any chances," Candis said, her mouth sucking up a glob dripping down the side of Anne's breasts.
While the two finished cleaning up with a towel, Candis spoke.
"So Anne, I believe it's your turn..."
"Oh are we still playing truth or dare? I thought we were already past the foreplay."
"Well, I'll need a few minutes," Jay said.
"Okay, I'm too excited to talk. Dare."
"Are you sure?" Jay said. "You know what I'm going to ask."
"Nevermind! Truth, truth!"
"No, you already said dare," Candis said.
"It's too late anyways," Anne said. "It's nearly one in the morning."
"I've got a twist."
"Why don't you clue me in."
"Okay well, I have this fantasy, it's a little juvenile," Anne said. "I watched this movie when I was young, Roxanne... It's one of my favorites. Steve Martin plays this guy in love with another woman, but he has a big nose. So he ends up coaching another man with what to say, until she finds out. They fall in love - okay not important... there's this scene in the movie where the girl - Roxanne catches her robe in the door, get locked out, and has to walk naked to the firestation, hiding behind bushes and other nonsense."
"Okay... so I guess that explains why you married Jay," Candis said. "So does it have to be a fire station? That could get awkward for us at work."
"Oh no, no, it's really more about being the helpless damsel in distress needing help. Maybe about being a little embarrassed, the chance of being caught. But I'm not going to knock on someone's door so late."
"You don't have to," Jay said. "I'm going to drive you down a few blocks, take your robe and kick you out."
"I... I can't!" Anne said.
"It's the dare," Jay said.
"What if I get caught?"
"We know most of the cops in town!" Jay said. "You could just say you were outside in the hot tub, locked yourself out, and were trying to make it to your sister's for a spare key."
"But..." Anne tried to protest and couldn't find any reason to disagree.
"Come on, how long have you been fantasizing about something like this?"
"Okay," Anne said. "Let's go. Quick before I come to my senses."
"I can't believe I'm doing this," Anne said.
They had only traveled around a quarter mile away. The threesome wore nothing but their robes, looking ready to jump back into the hot tub. Anne fidgeted in the backseat, her heart racing, barely able to collect herself as they stopped at the intersection.
It wasn't a crowded subdivision, and they hadn't seen any cars out. They lived in a quiet neighborhood, families and a few elderly couples. But there was a fairly large apartment complex nearby. It was Saturday night, and soon the bars would be shutting down. Traffic could easily increase at any moment.
"Alright honey, give me it," Jay said.
She scrunched up the robe into ball, her breasts rubbing up against the passenger side as she handed all of her clothes to her husband. Anne took a deep breath, her bosom heaving each time she inhaled.
"Anne," Jay said.
"I'm almost ready," She said, stalling.
Her hand fumbled for the latch.
"You know the longer we stay parked here..."
"Okay, I'm going!"
She opened the door, steeling herself to take that final step.
"Good luck!" Candis called.
And Anne touched the pavement, closing the door quickly. She stepped down into a small ravine and watched the truck speed away.
The redhead wore nothing but her flip-flops. Though there was an insistence on realism, she hadn't wanted to scratch up her feet. In the Texas summer, the air felt remarkably pleasant, the temperature no more than seventy degrees. Even so, used to the warm jets from earlier, she couldn't help but shiver a little in the open air. The warm summer breeze brushed against her nude body, and her pussy began to tingle with excitement.
Yes, she could be caught. That was part of the fun. There was something freeing about each step. And the danger seeking section of her brain wondered what it would be like to try this in broad daylight, maybe in the middle of a work day. But walking near the uninhabited land had imbued her with a false sense about how easy her task would be.
To her right was the treeline, the undeveloped scenic side of the road. On the other side, houses stood in neat rows. To take the quickest way home, she would either have to walk in the middle of the street or through the front yard of several homes.
She nervously looked around, trying to plot her course. Anne decided to move to the center of the road, not sure about invading the privacy of someone's yard. Her large breasts swayed with every step; her head stayed on a swivel, scanning for any possible sign of life. It seemed that everyone was asleep.
Anne breathed a sigh of relief, and started to relax a little. All she had to do was make it down two more streets. She was more than halfway finished with Travis street. She then would take a right onto Fannin. Maybe a football field or more, then she would take the first left onto Gonzales and be within sight of home.
Then she saw the headlights.
Not sure what to do, she froze for a second, praying that the car would move the other way. It didn't put on a signal, but it certainly turned onto Travis Street, where she stood stark naked in the middle of the road. For one painfully acute second, the beams bounced off her body before she could make herself move.
They had to have seen her. She cursed herself for being so stupid and darted into the front lawn of some poor family, tripping over a large plastic big wheel, before letting the momentum carry her body onto the soft grass. She could see the lights from the car, now stopped in the spot where she had just been, the driver unsure of what he saw.
Her body hugged against the earth. She tried to make herself invisible. Anne looked around and saw one of those small, plastic play forts. It was little more than three feet tall, the kind with a little slide that descended down on one side, and fun shapes cut into the brightly colored sides. Like a soldier, she crawled towards the playground. She squeezed her body inside, her nipples rubbing up against the circle shape entrance, careful not to make any noise.
She could hear footsteps on the street. Anne clutched her knees to her chest, sitting, trying to shrink the best that she could. There were holes all along the side of the cube, enough that anyone looking closely would be able to see her. But in the dark, with the slide jutting out towards the street, it provided just enough cover. Still, she had the terrifying thought of being surprised by a man like this, cowering inside a children's play place.
"Dude, let's go!" a voice called.
"I'm telling you, she was naked!"
"Man, you said you'd be the designated driver!"
"I saw her! She was fucking hot. An amazing rack bro! Beautiful bod, she must have just run off..."
He stepped closer, she couldn't quite hear where he was, the grass muffled his movements.
"Hey come out! We can take you home or whatever!"
This voice rang out into her ears. He was within maybe ten feet of her. She shut her eyes and held her breath, waiting for him to peer into the box and find her sitting naked. The seconds stretched out like hours, every muscle in her body tensed, waiting for the embarrassing end of this experiment.
Only to hear the car door slam. After a few seconds, she dared to peek out through one of the holes to see the lights fading into the distance. Anne let out a sigh of relief, and then went a little further.
Despite the danger, or rather as a result of it, her vagina ached with anticipation. At first she tried to ignore it, focusing on the task at hand, looking out to her next step. But halfway out of the playhouse, lights appeared again. For all she knew, it might have been the same car, making a circle around the block. She went back to her hiding place, her bare back brushing against the side of one of the walls, her hand falling almost involuntarily in between her legs.
And without being able to control herself, Anne started rubbing her clit aggressively. She stifled her own moans, biting down on her lips. In the back of her brain, Anne was aware that there was a certain perversity in the act, a squalid type of depravity arising out of her long denial of this dream. She just couldn't control it, her mind had been stimulated so much that her ability to consciously choose her actions evaporated.
The light approached, adding to her excitement, illuminating the box with a flash. Though it pushed her up to the edge, the reality of what was happening finally hit home. The imagined danger broke her trance. Just barely, she managed to get control of herself, scrunching up and falling into the fetal position, her hand now still between her legs, clutching her desperate clit.
The light faded, the car continuing towards its destination as Anne tried to collect herself. She began to feel a little guilty, as though she had stained this poor family's jungle gym. Sheepishly, she crawled out the door, carefully avoiding making any contact with her genitals. Maybe it was just the vile, sex-crazed part of her brain, but she rataionalized it easily enough, reminding herself that no damage had been done by touching herself.
Her legs stretched out, shaky from the uncomfortable confinement. She could barely stand at first, though she started to maintain a better balance as she reached the end of the road. She turned right onto Fannin, this time not daring to chance the road. She could see a light coming from the open window of the first house, and decided to quickly cross the street. Anne ran, wondering if anyone could see her cheeks jiggling as she sprinted to the other side of the road.
Just a little ways from her street, she saw the lights of another vehicle. Reacting more quickly, she scurried behind an oak tree, feeling the rough bark against her body. The car passed without any incident, and she started walking briskly towards her home, turning onto her street. She started to relax a little, her house was the third one down. At the end of their street was a cul-de-sac, limiting the options for another car.
She cut through their neighbor's lawn almost at a trot, only to panic when the automatic sensors illuminating her naked body. A dog started barking, seeming to put the entire subdivision on high alert. With every endorphin coursing through her, Anne pumped her legs, her breasts smacking against her skin as she tried to outrun the glare, making it up the front porch and pounding on her front door. She looked around, expecting all her neighbors to come rushing out at any second, ready to admonish her for standing stark naked on her porch.
Anne went to pound again, only to remember she hadn't even tried the lock. She had been so immersed in the fantasy, she'd almost forgotten the facade. The knob twisted, and she burst into the living room, where Jay and Candis waited anxiously on the couch. Anne quickly slammed the door shut, slinking to the floor, breathing heavily as she clutched her chest.
"We were starting to get worried," Candis said. "What happened?"
Anne steadied herself, accepting a bottle of water.
"I'll tell you later," Anne said. "First, we have to finish the game."
"Really?" Candis said.
Anne nodded.
"Dare or dare?"
"So my choices is..."
"Just get over here and get me off," Anne said. "God I'm so turned on."
Candis shed her robe, approaching quickly, nearly lifting Anne from the ground. She pushed her friend up against the wall, their lips meeting, her fingers exploring the redhead's warm breasts. Then her mouth moved down Anne's earlobe, tugging a little before gently nibbling at her neck. She lowered her kisses until her lips closed around those hard nipples.
She sucked, alternating between each one, her hands holding up their weight. After a minute or more, Candis kept descending, her nose now nestled against her friend's carefully trimmed pubic hair. Her tongue darted out, lapped up at Anne's tingling clit. She moved around, experimenting with different angles, applying more and more pressure to her lover's most intimate area.
"That's so fucking good," Anne yelped. "Just like that."
Candis responded to Anne's reaction, her tongue dashing around the top of her pussy lips with a tender, slight touch. She worked at a frenzied pace, and Anne soon stretched one leg up, holding it with one hand to allow easier access. The other palm clasped around the blonde's head, guiding her to the exact right spot. Soon Candis needed no instruction. Anne arched her neck, her legs trembling as she approached the crescendo.
She vibrated against the wall, her back spasming against it as she came. Had she not been balanced by the pressure on her pussy, Anne might have slumped back down to the floor. Sensing her climax, Candis let up, allowing the last vestiges of pleasure to wash over her friend.
"God, I needed that," Anne said. "I hope that wasn't too far. I know we didn't discuss exactly what you were comfortable with."
"Isn't it obvious?" Candis said. "I want both of you to fuck me."
Anne smiled.
"Your turn then," Anne said. "Jay, get the toy."
"Yes, ma'am"
Jay opened up a bag and unrolled a towel wrapped around a six inch long vibrator with a flared based. He tossed Anne a harness, then helped her stand as she put one leg into each strap. She tightened the straps around each leg then fixed the end of the toy into a metal ring right above her vagina.
"Oh wow," Candis said. "I've never used one of those before."
"Good, I'm going to love popping your cherry," Anne said. "I promise I'll be gentle,"
Candis laughed.
"How do you want me?"
"Bend over the couch," Anne said.
Candis obeyed, presented her ass, her legs spread apart to show off her bare vagina. She squealed a little when Anne playful smacked her butt.
"Are you ready, love?"
"Fuck me, baby," Candis said.
She heard the sound of Anne squirting lube on her silicone cock. Then felt her lips spread, the curved head of the pink toy easily entering her wide-open hole. Anne adjusted, having to angle herself up to fit the rest of the thing inside of her. Before Candis could realize it, every inch of the strap-on was inside of her pussy.
But something felt like it was missing. It wasn't that the toy was too small, it just didn't have the same sensation as a dick.
Then Anne hit the vibrate button.
The toy started buzzing inside of her, shaking around her canal, tickling her clit from the other side. Every sensitive nerve tissue sprang into action, her butt instinctively bucking back against her friend. They both started moving together, Anne tracing her hands over Candis' dangling breasts, using the hold as leverage to pound into her pussy.
"Fuck me," Candis moaned. "God, that feels so good."
She couldn't quite tell what she was feeling, the impact of the toy or its vibrations. Either way, as it drove deeper, and faster, she moved her hands to one of the cushions, propelling her backwards onto the device, drawing out every inch of pleasure.
Jay moved in front of her, holding out his cock, already hard in his hand. From the awkward side angle, she could barely open her mouth, fitting in just his mushroom head to suck absently as it protruded in one cheek. She threw herself back at Anne, her hips wriggling, the sound of skin slapping against skin mixing with her moans.
Candis opened her mouth, one hand stroking his cock, screaming out her approval.
"Harder, fuck me hard, god I'm so close!"
"You like it..." Anne said, wiping sweat from her forehead. "Don't you?"
Anne drove forward, forcing her head down on Jay's cock. For a moment, she was able to deepthroat him, her body ricocheting back and forth between the two dicks. Then it became too much, she gagged, the head of his prick rubbing against her face as she spoke.
"Just fuck me with your toy! Make me your fuck toy."
Her hips started to shake, her pussy clamped down onto the toy as Candis experienced her first climax. Anne tried to keep it inside of her through the motion, but the awkward stance and her growing exhaustion prevented this. Her lips compressed and contracted, forcing Anne out as she fell face first into the couch, her legs still tingling.
"More..." She whispered, still in the throes of her orgasm.
Laying on her back, Candis spread her legs. Anne climbed on top, her hands and mouth first exploring her tits again. Candis reached one hand down to guide the toy back into her desperate sex, pushing her hips forward. She gripped her friend's ass, pulling her all the way inside of her.
Behind his wife, Jay joined the action, forcing Anne's legs apart. He moved a finger, then two inside her dripping pussy, adding lube as she moved. Then, squatting down, he slowly worked his cock inside of her. Anne lay almost on top of Candis, unable to move as her husband started to fuck her from behind.
Candis could feel the force of each thrust reverberating through Anne's body. It was like Jay was fucking the both of them. Every time he moved his hips, a second later she felt the toy moved in deeper. Coupled with the combined sensation of the vibrator, she started to lose herself in lust. Their bodies moved together in a three person pile-up, Jay using his muscles to keep a steady, though slower paced rhythm inside of them.
"That's it, Jay, fuck us both," Anne gasped.
Anne felt so tight in this position, barely accepting him. She could feel slight tremors from the vibration tingling against her clit, not enough to cause her orgasm on its own, but it added to Jay's movement. The experience became overwhelming. Their breasts pressed together, their bodies seamlessly intertwined as they approached a mutual ecstasy.
"I'm so close... Oh god, I'm cumming!"
Anne came first, her body pinned between her lovers, recoiling between the two points of pleasure. Candis kissed her, her hands squeezing hard on her nipples before switching to the small of her back. As Jay slammed into her, Candis tried to direct the ecstatic convulsions coming from the woman on top of her, directing her hips to thrust forward in exactly the right place.
Then it hit her, building and yet still as much of a pleasant surprise. She'd been perpetually on the edge seemingly since they started. Now both of their bodies quaked together, neither of them truly able to distinguish where one orgasm began as they flowed effortlessly into each other. The two kissed again, breasts rubbing together, hands exploring aimlessly as the pleasure expounded through every extremity.
"Me too," Candis said, a little too late.
"I noticed," Anne said, kissing her softly. "Jay, let's try another position."
"Good, this is hard to maintain."
He moved out of them, the threesome each taking turns to pull out.
"Do you want the real thing?" Anne asked.
"So long as Jay doesn't brag to the boys at the firehouse that he got to fuck me," Candis smirked.
"They'd never believe me," Jay said. "You're such a bad bitch, I think most of them think your nuts hang to the floor."
"Get over here and find out," Candis said.
Candis pushed him down onto the couch as she approached, sitting on his cock. With her pussy already spread open from the toy, he easily entered her, all eight inches of him fitting snugly inside of her. She let out a loud gasp as he thrust, pushing forward just a little further. The last half-inch caused her eyes to roll towards the back of her head.
"God, you're so fucking big," She said.
He reached up and held her titties, using them to push her down on his cock. He thrust up, his hips pistoning upwards with enormous effort. He drove up into her, each movement boosting her upwards, causing her to cry out with pleasure.
Anne joined in the action. Tilting her head to the side, she stuck out her tongue, licking at Candis' clit while she bounced up and down on Jay's dick. Often the force of his fucking pushed her a way, but she always dove back in, applying pleasure to her clit as her bottom smacked against Jay's thighs.
It was too much for Candis. She let out a loud bellow, shaking, falling forward, her tits flopping into Jay's face as he continued to drive into her. His strong arms moved to her waist, using her butt cheeks to keep her moving into him.
"Oh, god yes, use me," Candis moaned. "Fuck me, Anne,"
"Do you want us to switch?"
"No..." Candis said, barely able to speak as she shook with pleasure. "Fuck my ass."
"Really?" Anne lit up.
They'd never gotten to try double penetration before.
"Don't worry," She said, struggling to talk. "I cleaned myself out before I came."
She grinded her hips against him.
"I didn't know how you were so freaky," Anne said.
Candis smiled.
"God I'm such a whore. When I'm turned on enough, I'll take it anywhere."
Anne moved behind her friend, instructing her husband to stay still, working with him to position Candis in the exact right way. She started with a finger, sliding it in with a copious amount of lube.
"How's that?"
"Good..." Candis said. "Don't worry, I've been fucked up the ass before. I know what I'm doing."
"So now I know what to ask next game of truth or dare," Jay said.
"Shut up and fuck me," Candis moaned.
Through trial and error, the threesome found the right position. A few times, Candis' ass squeezed shut, refusing to allow any entrance. Jay pulled out a little, half in and half out of her body, letting Candis arch her back, almost resembling doggy style as Anne probed for a receptive angle in between. She moved forward, slowly entering her friend.
Candis winced.
"Oh god," She cried.
"Too much?" Anne asked. "Should I pull out?"
"No... no it's starting to feel good."
The dildo and Jay's cock almost mashed together, each competing for the space inside of her used body. Inside her pussy, she felt the throbbing, full feeling of Jay's well-sized prick. In her ass, the buzzing vibration stimulated both sides of her, driving her wild.
"God, it's so much..."
"How does it feel?"
"Fuck, I can't tell which one of you is fucking me where," Candis said.
Husband and wife alternated at first, Jay would go for a few thrusts, then Anne would mimic his motions. Through the area between her pussy and ass, Jay could feel the protrusion of the toy, the sensation of the vibrator tickling the head of his dick. At times, it seemed pleasure, at other points it was almost too sensitive. But he certainly wasn't going to retreat and pull out of the blonde bearing down on him.
"God just keep fucking me. It's so good!" Candis yelped.
Her body bounced down on both of them, her holes accommodating each at once. As she stretched open, both were able to pound into her used orifices. She moved back between the pair, thumping, shaking, wiggling. Her arms switching between pushing up on Jay's chest and driving herself back with a grip on Anne's thighs. It was impossible to know whether she was riding the pair, or being thrown back and forth between them.
They increased their rhythm, working their way into a comfortable pattern. Every second inside of her, Jay could feel his cock swelling, his body tense with his approaching end. He held her around the waist, keeping her steady so that both of them could drive their phalluses into her, fucking her like a wild animal. Her hair shook, beads of sleep falling down her face, her head thrown back into an orgasmic shout.
"Fuck I'm cumming! Don't stop! I'm cumming!"
Her cries cascaded off the wall, creating a cacophony of euphoria echoing throughout the house. She shook, her pussy spasming, squeezing down on his cock, her sphincter mirroring the same motion. Candis thrashed about like a college freshman riding a mechanical bull. Fucked from both sides, her mind couldn't place the origin of her orgasm. It all felt so intense, so full, so indescribably good. But even in the throes of ecstasy still she bore down on each dick, desperate to sate her desires.
Reverberating between the couple, she kept her pace, propping herself up as her holes puckered around each of them. She kept grinding her hips down onto Jay, who was finally unable to contain his own orgams.
"I'm going to cum," Jay warned.
"Cum in me!" Candis yelled.
Massaged by the powerful clenching muscles inside of her, he let loose a torrent of his seed, spraying up inside the woman on top of him. His head twitched again and again, spurt after spurt of semen flooding into her. Though he couldn't tell for certain, it definitely felt as powerful as his first effort. He kept going, a little tired, and suddenly conscious of the dull soreness in his hips. Yet he needed to stroke out every last droplet inside her.
"Stay in me," Candis said. "Cum almost always gets me so close."
"Yeah?" Jay said.
"It's so warm. I love feeling it inside me. It's so hot..." She purred.
He could feel himself shrinking, and fought against it. She clawed at his back, driving herself forward onto him. He gave out one last thrust, enough to propel her back over the falls. A tiny tremor of joy spread up to her navel, a smaller, but more satisfying orgasm. As her body settled into a more refractory state, she became all too aware of the size of the dildo stuffed inside her ass.
With an audible pop, Jay came sliding out.
Anne took a second or so longer. When she tried to pull free, the strap-on accidentally worked itself free from the harness. Giggling, Candis reached back and removed the toy herself before falling down onto the couch, completely spent.
"God that was intense," Candis said. "I came so hard."
"That was so hot!" Anne said. "I've never gotten the chance to do double penetration."
"Maybe the next weekend we both are free?" Jay said.
"We might start without you," Anne said. "I've got a taste for someone."
"I don't mind," Jay said. "Just snap a few pictures.
"I guess next time I'll come prepared with more dares," Candis said. "We need to get even."
"Ooo," Jay teased. "I'm really scared."
"You should be!"
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I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...
Mom and I play games every weekend after my dad left us. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they...
IncestMom and I have a lot of fun now that he left us I would like to take a moment and thank Daz Daz for editing my work for me. I know this would have never gotten to publication without his help Thank you Daz. Truth or dare No one under the age of eighteen has had sex in this story It has been 18 months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn’t what this story is about. I couldn’t believe my...
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Group SexIt has been eighteen months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about.I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother. She was a little overweight I will admit that, but holy cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful. She carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so, I never could...
IncestShe came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...
She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...
Truth or Dare by Mojo It was about 11:30 when I went downstairs to talk with Lisa and Allie. Ialways went downstairs to talk with them when they spent the night at myhouse, despite my parents' orders that I stay upstairs while they weredownstairs. We usually played truth or dare also. We generally got a goodgame going and we got to a few sexual dares and by then I was usually hornyas hell. They were hot too. Lisa had a nice ass and a great set of boobs.Allie had a sizable...
"Oh, that's nice, let me fuck you hard," he mumbled, from his bedroom. The thought came to my head that I caught him masturbating, as I stood outside the bedroom door. As a horny eighteen-year-old woman, my desire made me look in there. The door cracked, and the view of him masturbating with his long and thick cock entered my vision. As it only poked out of his pants, my eyes locked onto it as his hand stroked it quickly. A grin appeared on my face, so the top row of my teeth could be seen. My...
MatureI'm Jill. I'm 5'7 and have blonde hair and blue eyes. I got nice C-cup breasts and I have a nice brother named Jeff. He takes care of me and loves me. Our parents died about a year ago. Now I'm 18 and he is 20. We lived together in the house we grew up in. And I also had a nice friend named Jessica I liked hang out with a whole lot, so much that she was like Jeff's other sister. We were hanging out in my room just chilling. “So how is life?” Jessica asked. “Fine I guess. I got Jeff here. He...
IncestThis is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...
“Well what do you want to eat sis?” Jeff asked. “Well are you gonna let me cook whatever I say sounds good?” I asked. “Do you promise to take it easier from now on?” Jeff asked. “Yes you pain in the ass,” I replied. “Hey, be nice to your brother. That's a two way street sis. If I gotta be nice to you, then you gotta be nice to me too sis,” Jeff said. “Fine mean bro. I'll be nice to you,” I replied. We kept joking around with each other like that all through our relationship, even before we...
IncestShe came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?” “What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned...
All characters are 18 or older."Truth or dare, Uncle Ryan?" my teenaged cousin Kat said. I wasn't her uncle, but she and her twin sister, Tara, had taken to calling me that teasingly ever since I had turned 30 a few months earlier.At the mention of Truth or Dare, I couldn't help but smile nervously at my blonde girlfriend, Lauren, and her best friend, Kelly. The twins had no way of knowing, but those words were special for the three of us - and a handful of Lauren's other friends.In the past...
Since she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...
After a lengthy chat with a friend here on lush a week or so ago I found myself compelled to write yet another tale of sensual incestuous delights. Consider this one inspired by a guy I admire and the lady he courts.“You two know not to have any parties while we’re gone,” Cameron’s mother had told him and his little sister as she and their father got ready to leave for the weekend. They’d been looking forward to it for months and knew their 18 year old son could watch after the safety of Amie,...
IncestTruth Or Dare With Mom Terri came bursting into my bedroom completely unannounced and said, “You have to come down to the family room and play Truth or Dare with us.” I asked, “Why should I?” Terri said, “Because Stacy talked Mom into playing with us.” I asked, “Do you think that is a good idea?” Terri said, “She came home half in the bag. Her office party was a smash and she is horny as all get out. You just might get lucky with her. Stacy and I will help. Maybe we will...
PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOY THIS STORY! Me and Chloë had been talking via Facebook for a while but had never met. One day I decided to spice things up a little. So I asked her truth or dare? And she immediately answered with dare! I didn't expect her to say dare right away. I thought about what I had to ask and replied with "I dare you to meet me completely naked in the sauna" she said deal! Friday? That was in 4 days so I responded with that's fine. Then she asked me back truth or dare? I...
IncestWe met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....
PROLOGUE.The whole room buzzed with excitement. Scutor had reserved the basement of his granddaddies for a sleepover and all the boys were going crazy. There were Bruce Wild, Sam Bear, Grizzle, Travis Collins, Sophocles and Scutor W. Stomm.Travis’s cousin Bully was the last one to arrive. He came in with a lot of noise, bragging and giving high fives all over the place. But when he spotted Sam he said: “What the f*ck?! Who did invite this stinker here?”Sam just looked at him and said: “Must’ve...
Truth or DARE!My annoying little si(s)ter I really do mean annoying and little. The fuckin' brat is about 5' 1” maybe 100 lbs soaking wet.I have seen her in a bathing suit in the back yard. For skinny little teen girl the brat has nice size tits and a great round ass. Every time I see her I wonder how a tiny girl like her grew such nice tits and a great ass.Mom and dad have to go to “the office” a lot in the evenings and weekends.I don't know where they go. If it's any indication of the way my...
"Babe.""…""Babe," she tried again."…""Babe," Tori whined again from the side of the big red couch in her living room. Jade rolled her eyes. She and Jade had been officially going out for eight months going on nine, and they both couldn't be any happier."Yes?" she reluctantly asked without taking her eyes off of the gruesome movie on television, lightly chuckling as another dumb girl got murder with a spoon."I'm bored." "Okay. What do you want me to do about it?""Let's play Truth or Dare!" she...
Truth or Dare Written BY: Amber2165 It all started innocently enough. I was a normal 14 year old playing a little basketball in the driveway one summer evening when April and Danny came up and asked if my sister Cathy was around. I told them that she was in the house and Danny went to talk to Cathy while April chatted with me in the driveway. April asked me if I was interested in a game of Truth or Dare at her house. I grinned and told her that game was stupid. She egged me on by...
I was 17 at the time and my younger sister, Abby, had recently turned 16. My teenage hormones were really raging in those days as I tried my luck with a lot of the girls I went on dates with but got shot down somewhat routinely. As a result, I was rather inexperienced and I believe Abby was too.Abby and I were pretty close as brother and sister go, I think mostly because we were so close in age. Occasionally we would hang out in the same overlapping circles of friends. So when my parents went...
Incest12345678910 Truth or Dare February 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 Comment TRUTH OR DARE Matt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex. They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions...
12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...
We were the B-Team and we knew it, Madison, Kitty, and I. Other sales teams posted bigger numbers, but we had a solid record. We’d all been with the firm since its inception five years ago. So when Jeff Pint, the VP of Marketing, tapped us to go to Denver for the Western States EMT, Paramedic, and ER Nursing Association Conference at the Colorado Conference Center, we thought it was our big break. And for the first two days of the three-day convention we were golden. We demonstrated a lot of...
Sighing I listened to the laughter coming from the living room where my 15 year old son Ted and his two best friends were sharing a joke or something similar. I sat at the kitchen counter and wished, not for the first time, that my husband would spend less time working and more time at home, not just so that I could feel less lonely and frustrated, but so that he could share our son's growing up. Another burst of laughter made me sigh again and a single tear trickled down my cheek, at that...
Connor: I'm getting bored of watching TV. You want to play truth or dare? Me: Sure that sounds like fun. You start. Connor: Truth or dare? Me: Dare. Connor: I dare you to do 10 squats in your underwear. Me: Okay, you want to look away? Connor: I'm okay with watching. At this point I knew where this game was headed and it excited me. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and did 10 squats facing away from Connor. Although we had seen and touched each other...
It was one of my favorite games as a teenager. Truth or Dare seems to just tingle with incredible tension whenever I get to play it. I love the anticipation of when the game will turn naughty and what will happen. I love being "made" to do dares, things I would love to be able to do, but have always worried would make me appear a deviant. You see, I think I'm addicted to sex. I love to think about it, to see it in pictures and films, to imagine it, to read about it. It has taken hold on my...
I was 16 years old. I'd been gay for about 3 years, always checking outother boy's penises in Boy Scouts. And now, I was finally in a tent withanother boy, and it looked like he would be willing to fool around with me.I had waited for this moment for so long. I'd seen so many naked boys inthe showers and tents and cabins, and jacked off to the memories of all ofthem. But I'd never reached the point of actually "fooling around" withanybody else. The closest I ever came was the occasional "do you...
My wife had a longtime friend of hers’ that was roughly 10-15 years older than her, but they were always close. They were always there for each other, even though they were separated by state lines and then some. She’d come stay with us when my wife needed her and vice versa. One day my wife, Jessica’s phone rang with her friends’ ringtone and I half listened to the conversation. Her friends’ daughter was getting married and she needed help with the rehearsal the weekend before the wedding. I...
How I ended up in this rather unusual situation is not easy to explain. Perhaps it's best if I start at the beginning which was a warm July evening two years agoBy eleven, well after the sun had gone down, we were all pretty drunk. It had been a long day at the theme park and now our combined group of six k**s were asleep (supposedly), after a barbecue, in a large tent at the bottom of our garden. In our lounge was me (Jessie), my husband Steve, and our good friends Adrian & Izzy and Simon...
I invited him and we went to my room. We were kind of bored so we decided to play some sort of game. I could not think of anything and he could not either. Until I thought of a very good game that we never played called "truth or dare". I told him we should play that and he said okay. He was the first to go. Truth or dare he said. I picked dare. He then said, "I dare you to put your hand down your underwear for five seconds. I did because I usually masturbated on a daily basis. So...
George and I knew that Wesley wanted to have sex with me it was somewhat my fault as well as George’s though. I mean I had given George a blow job on the couch while him and Wesley watched the game. Wesley watched more of me giving George a bj than anything though. That and the fact I was nude almost every time Wesley came over. For the most part I put on a gown or lingerie robe. I just remember how wet and twitchy my pussy got just knowing that wesley was watching George’s cock in my mouth and...
Hi …. ISS readers, this is Ricky presenting my another sex, in my previous story maine aap subko yeh btaya tha ki kaise meri sandhya bhabhi ne mujhe unhe chodne per majboor kiya. App ko zyada bore na karte hue mai aapko apni story per le chalta hu. Jis raat maine sandhya bhabhi ki chudai ki uske agli subha meri aakh 9:30 Am per khuli maine apna phone check kiya toh usme whatsapp message tha toh maine use khola aur dekha ki Shweta bhabhi ka message tha or do calls bhi thi message mei...
It started out as an online game of truth or dare. It was fun to tell him all about her secrets, her fantasies, her experiences, her desires and lusts. Beth has already revealed the “truth” about her first time (she was 14), the secret kiss she shared with her best friend after soccer practice one day, and the time she went down on her boyfriend while he was driving along the freeway after a concert one night. She was now looking at the one word on her screen that she was about to send in...
"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...
GayTruth or dareI had been travelling alone for quite some time, so when I was in the south of France it came as nice surprise to find some people who were also venturing around the world on their lonesome. There was me, white athletic male. Dan, a skinny white lad with brown hair down to his shoulders from the states. Fran, a petite black girl with short jet black hair from Spain who spoke surprisingly good English for a Spaniard and Kim, an Australian blonde bombshell with bright blue eyes. We...
Most people view Truth or Dare as a silly game, played mostly by college kids. A means of shocking your friends, and maybe yourself. Or maybe as a way to justify doing or saying things that you shouldn’t be doing or saying -- but really want to, and need permission. Sometimes, though, it’s a way to find out the truth about yourself. I belong to a co-ed bowling league. There are four of us on our team, two guys, two girls. We were just casual acquaintances, thrown together randomly by a...
ExhibitionismIt had finally arrived. The weekend that Katherine's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Katherine had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her parents'...
TeenImage Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...
TeenTHE ARGUMENT Summer was finally here. That moment that everyone looks forward to every year, at least those who don’t have to waste their summers with jobs or responsibilities. For four friends, they had nothing but three months of endless possibilities. Twins Lizbeth and Daniel, along with their best friends Corina and Harrison, had planned on spending two weeks at the beginning of summer at their parent’s cabin up in the mountains. They had done it every year since they were seventeen and...
One day while at work the boss said she was leaving early and wanted Kelly and I to lock up the doors after everyone had left. While we waited for our patients to leave Kelly and I talked about all the wild times we had at my fraternity back in college. We both missed the crazyness. I was only married a year earlier and had settled down a bit. Kelly was fresh off a break up with one of my old frat brothers. Kelly asked me if I wanted to play truth or dare while we waited. I...
It was my first winter vacation from school as the first semester in school just ended. I was returning home for Christmas with the family. When I returned home, I noticed quickly how my parents home has became the new hang out for all my little sisters friends. It didn't bother me much as most her friends were extremely hot. The only issue I had was that the television in the media room was always occupied. I would bitch a little but mostly I just watched whatever romantic comedy they were...
Truth or Dare with Mom Part 1Mom had separated from my dad and we’d moved away because he was a bit of a dick. He had controlled her for years and she was finally getting her life back on track. We lived in a 2 bed semi in a quiet village. Although mom was a lot happier she was also quite lonely. I encouraged her to start dating and having a social life but she was reluctant. I made it my mission to bring her out of her shell.Mom was in her early 40’s but looked good for her age. She went...
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. A beautiful late Spring weekend providing a friendly gathering at the Stevens home. The men were gathering in the living room in preparation for a televised game. The men bantering who the MVP player would be and the winning pitcher. The women were gathered in the kitchen getting ready to move to the patio for female chatter. Everyone...
Hi, every one this is Rohan, I am from Hyderabad and I stay in Secunderabad. My age is 22 years. I am a student. And I do massages for my pocket money. This story started 6months back. We have a house of double stores, in one floor we stay and in ground floor a newly married couple will be staying, I mean my angel will stay with her husband. They got married last year but ni children till now. Her husband will travel well because of his work, so she spent lot of time in my home with my mom. She...
IncestMera naam Vicky hai aur Mai engineering karne ke baad Delhi apne chacha ke yaha aa gaya. Saturday ko mere office me chutti that isliye mai ghar pe he dophar me aaram kar raha tha tabhi mere phone ring hone lagi. Phone uthane pe pata chala ki mere he gaon me koi bahut jayda bimar ho gaya h to unke yaha ke log jaa raha h. UNke yaha 4 log the, 2 parents and 2 bache 19 saal ka larka (mayank)aur 18 saal ki larki(divya). Divya ke xam abhi khatm nahi huwe the isliye usse rukna parta, so uske xam hone...
I wasn't sure what to say. He said he would never be mad at me. So I just told him. “Earlier, Jessica and I were talking,” I said. “OK, what about?” Jeff asked. “Just promise you won't get mad. It's not a big deal I don't think anyway. And remember we just had great sex,” I replied. “OK, what is it?” Jeff asked. Then I another deep breath. “Well Jessica and I were talking about you earlier. Let's just say we're both interested in you. So we were talking about how I wanted to be with you and she...
Incest---------- So once again it was Friday night, and once again we all went out for a night on the town. Brad came with us. He had absolutely no idea what had happened just one week ago. I had a feeling he was going to be used for a future dare. We walked along the main strip looking for a good bar to go into. We were underage so we needed to find a place that wouldn’t look too closely at our fake IDs. Liz thought that to avoid suspicion, we should go in one at a time instead of as a...
As always this is 100% TRUE Parts of my life i have decided to put on paper so to speak I will describe my wife Amanda for those who dont remember 5'6'' 117 lbs shoulder length auburn red hair and emerald green eyes 38 c titties. This takes place about a week after I saw her fucking her mom and dad and I got to fuck her little sister while we watched them. We were home alone her parents where out of town at a church seminar or something and her little sister was staying with a friend and I was...
When Andy and I played truth or dare, we had porn on in the background, so it wasn't a surprise when it got a little dirty. Our other friend, Ryan, was busy that weekend and he couldn't hang out, so it was just the two of us. At first our dares still involved us clothed. It was things like, I dare you to hump this pillow, or I dare you to hump whatever. Then it was I dare you to rub your dick on this or that. Then Andy dared me to take mine out and compare it to his. I was so horny I had to do...