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This is a long story so I have cut into 7 parts I hope you will like it and ladies if you want can mail me at

Somehow he managed to catch the bus for bhiwani as the bus was full to its potential and he stood in the rear of the bus. Rashid was indeed very happy, after all he was posted for the first time ever to all girl’s school in his 9 years of service 6 feet height, athletic body, and attractive face.

He was a very charming and attractive figure even though he was 32 now, he was single and unmarried it wasn’t so that nobody had offered herself to him and married viz-a-viz unmarried, there was hardly any female who hasn’t fallen for him even after a first look and even in his last school.

He had familiarized couple of his female colleagues with his vivid lifestyle and nevertheless, the general image was that he is a very serious and sincere person but the hidden fact was that he was a virgin disciple not
just an ordinary lover and he hadn’t had a chance to pursue virgins in last 6-7 years.

This was the very same reason why he was beaming inside out after all his wait was about to be over soon now and his trance was abruptly broken by some activity at front. A female had mistakenly brushed her bums against his front and he glanced at her and she must have been around 26-27.

The lady responded sorry! It’s a bit crowded here it’s ok said Rashid and moved a bit backwards and the lady seemed well educated and cultured though she had that tanned skin but her youth was on peak even she couldn’t keep herself from getting attracted to Rashid.

She was time and again, looking at him through the corners of her eyes suddenly the driver applied breaks and Rashid directly crashed against her.
she was about to fall but Rashid extender her hand across her body and holds her firmly from front call it a coincidence or luck, his hand caught her right boobs instantly.

He withdrew his hand back and offered apology sorry he said but only she knew what went thru her heart god! What a robust hand! She thought and a chill ran through her spine and just at this one touch she had drenched her panties and

She felt embarrassed but couldn’t utter a word by that time Rashid had also realized that she was a virgin such a sexy fit body can’t be of a married lady and he couldn’t control and asked her and can I ask your name? After a thoughtful pause and she replied my name is Rekha

Rashid: so? What’s your last stop?
Rekha: further to bhiwani and there is a village named Loharu and I am the principal of the girl’s school there and Rashid was shocked of course that’s the same name conveyed to him of his principal opps but after some thoughts and he didn’t share anything about himself.

What a weird coincidence and since the moment he held her, his sixth sense had smelled an opportunity of fun-filled time pass for the whole way slowly the bus was getting further crowded. Rekha turned around and stood facing

Rashid a seat got available just then, but not sure why she decided against going for the seat and she didn’t felt good about parting from Rashid. She offered her seat to an elderly lady and continued standing there.

Rekha: where are you lost?

Rashid: nothing as such was just wondering how come you haven’t married yet? She started blushing at this, how do you know that for sure?”

Rashid didn’t miss the opportunity just by looking at your sexy figure as such even I am not married, but am aware of the world around
Rekha: what do you mean?”

Rashid: never mind drop it! But principal at such a young age! Can’t believe it!
Rekha: well possible! But I was a direct appointee about two years back while they kept chatting like this, Rekha suddenly got in mischief mood, she made an excuse of feeling like puking and leaned her head on his well-built shoulders.

He got the nearby seat of a youngster emptied and made her sit there. Anajli felt sad but thankfully the seat beside her too became available soon and Rashid took it. Rekha just kept her head on his masculine chest. Rashid knew the birdie has been caged.

He also started lightly stroking her hairs. Rekha faked sleepiness and arranged herself in his lap but this was too much for Rashid and the hidden weapon beneath his trousers had started breathing as Rekha was faking
her sleep.

She was well aware of the development happening right below her in her act of sleeping she brought her hand below her head. This allowed her the luxury of having the direct feel of the growing manhood. Her face was becoming red with all the sensation she was going through.

Her controlled sex desires were getting aroused at such a marvellous moment she was feeling all tipsy and the cultural bounds were starting to get loose after all he was just an unknown stranger to her and it was only a matter of couple of hours and so what’s the fuss but the bus stopped at Kaithal and a tea break was announced damn!

Rashid had also realized that she is wide awake but he too was acting innocent and her kept his hands on her waste and started to attempt to wake her up after couple of light shakes Rekha faked surprise and act fully got into her senses: oh sorry!

Rashid: ahh common! There is nothing to be sorry about but there is a small concern”
Rekha: and that is?

Rashid: That you have made me a bit uncomfortable and now I must visit the men room. I’ll get some eatables and water for you while returning and he got down from the bus.

Rekha was so surprised at herself agreed that he was such a man, but how could she dare so much! She was wishing that the journey should never come to an end and she could continue to have the heavenly experience definitely this has never happened before in
her life.

Never ever at the other end, Rashid was preparing to continue romancing the moments and he purchased some pills from the nearby medical shop and mixed it in the cold-drink it was dark now so he left his fly open so that it was easier for Rekha to have the better feel. Rashid was wondering in heart that if Rekha is the same person whom he has to join in school.

He has hit the jackpot from the looks of Rekha he was now sure that if he made any advancements and she won’t stop him but if she got the information that I have to join her in school then she probably won’t go ahead with me hence it is important that he goes all the way before.

She knows anything and he must fuck her and fuck her good but he was also feeling otherwise. What if he hasn’t read her too well and she reacted to his
advancements then it’ll become tough for him.

He’ll not be in a condition to face her in school then and so he affirmed that it is important that she takes the first step. The break was over and the bus started and he hopped along lost in his thoughts and entered the bus.

Rekha: what took you so long and I thought you wouldn’t return at all
Rashid: not at all just went to take some fruits and cold drinks for you
he said while offering her the adulterated cold drink bottle.

Rekha: sorry sir! I don’t drink beverages”
Rashid felt a pang in his heart

Rashid: you should take it, you were feeling sick hence I brought it and this will make you feel better”
Rekha: thanks! But I won’t be able to drink it in fact I have never taken one yeah, I’ll gladly take these fruits she said with a perfect smile

Rashid disappointingly withdrew the bottle back to his bag.

He said: well, here have a banana
looking at it reminded something to Rekha and she burst into laughter it was hardly 3 inch long

Rashid: what?
Rekha: still laughing nothing
as she was staring at the fruit he somewhat did get the idea but played along
Rashid: please! Tell me what’s so funny hey! By the way you look so pretty like this

Rekha: what do you mean don’t I look pretty otherwise.
Rashid: oops! No, I didn’t mean that
Rekha: never mind! Anyway I burst into laughter looking at your fruit!

Rashid instantly looked at his crotch for a sec he feared his tool broke free as his zip was open but it wasn’t so and then looking at the size of the banana he surely got it

Rashid: with a cunning but assuring smile and I don’t harvest them and what can I do these are the only ones available here but Rekha was still laughing uncontrollably and she just couldn’t take hold of it was the other fruit that was doing rounds in her mind as such,
She had always taken care of her behaviour but after getting introduced to the handsome hunk, she was not in her own!

Rekha: Rashid what do you do?
Rashid: why bother for the trivial which time will unfold on their own you tell me, why haven’t you married yet?

Rekha paused for couple of moments as such it is a personal matter but I guess it’s’ ok to share with you actually my younger sister had ran away with someone about six years back and that’s it! Since then nothing went the right path.

Papa had already demised and then mom also committed suicide her eyes had become moist by now and couple of moments later she couldn’t control herself. I have absolutely no idea what was my fault why me? What did I do to deserve this sigh and well! But now I have decided to live all by myself.

This had moved Rashid and he wasn’t sure how to respond but then politely offered sorry Rekha! I had asked jut out of curiosity and he couldn’t face her properly. Rekha settled herself comfortably to his shoulders and she was still sobbing but was in better control of herself thought a bit lost

Rashid was still unsure as how to move along he said: so? Aren’t you going to ask me the same?
Rekha as if brought back to life, sprung into action with a bright glow in her eyes and some eagerness in her voice, she asked what even you. I mean you also why? Why didn’t you marry someone?

Rashid: I have a physical problem

Rekha: she forgot her own problems what problems?
Rashid was in full mood now: can’t tell you madam.

Rekha: why can’t you share with me with fake anger on her cute face and aren’t we friends now?

Rashid: he wasn’t to leave her and I have problem in erection
Rekha knew well what he is saying but how can that be true?

She had already felt him breathing evil in full swing but how could she accept that? So she preferred to remain silent.
Rashid: hadn’t I told you its private?

Rekha: blushing, I don’t understand all this. I am feeling sleepy now can I sleep in your lap?
Rashid: ya ya! Why not hell ya, why the fuck not and he let her settle in his lap just inches from his crotch.

Rekha happily lied down and she kept her hand below her head using it as a pillow and started rocking it to-and-fro at this she felt that his member started coming to life and the demon was waking up.

Rekha was wondering why did Rashid lie to her and at the same time Rashid to faked sleepiness and kept his hand on her shoulder slowly and slowly he started to let his hands slip freely to her well endowed chests breasts? Fuck man boobs and hell boobs!

He was enjoying it as much as she was and he was getting bold and started moving his other hand at her ooooo but suddenly then Rekha sat back
and snapped liar! Why did you lie to me? Her voice wasn’t complaining but inviting for fuck fest!

Rashid remained unmoved and replied while keeping his eyes closed what did I lay to you?

Rekha: that you have erection problem

Rashid: who said I lied? I don’t get erection
Rekha: I have checked it and she was now whispering

Rashid: what have you checked?”
Rekha was about to reply in same frenzy but the bus abruptly stopped conductor informed everyone that the bus have developed some snag and people will have to make some other arrangements in any normal circumstance.

This is enough to make any single lady to drown in uncomfortably and stress but Rekha was excited: how will I go now?
Rashid: what am I here for? Come, let’s get our luggage and they stepped down and stood around the road. Anajali wasn’t able to control her excitement.

She was getting anxious that even after all this what is he waiting for? One after another, everyone left leaving them alone but neither Rashid nor Rekha were in any hurry both were not able to take initiative no matter how much both wanted to.

Now even the driver and conductor had left the place and the area was totally deserted now.

Rekha couldn’t hold any longer: what do we do now?
Rashid: what should we do?

Rekha: what you were only saying that you are here and now you only are asking me?

Rashid didn’t want to miss this but still ok! If we see any vehicle passing by, we’ll take a lift.
Rekha: I am extremely tired should we rest for some time in the bus? I am now feeling thirsty too both were now sitting in the bus and then suddenly Rashid remembered the cold drink it was still useful for the occasion.

He asked: there is only one solution for the thirst, as per me
Rekha: what
Rashid: the cold drink, well! Not so cold anymore though”

Rekha: hmm yeah! That can be of some relief please give it to me and thanks
Rashid’s hands were working magic on her bosoms and one by one he was fondling her too damn devilishly. Rekha had lost control and she was now babelling oh love please makes love to me and she continued.

I can’t wait and I just can’t leave without you honey thunders were roaring inside the deserted bus and one by one Rashid took off all her clothes he was now mesmerized by the raw beauty. Angel of sex had got down on earth from heaven endowed bosoms.

Well shaped hard and erect flat sex exciting torso creamy thighs clean shaved pussy and the swollen lips were so mesmerizing and inviting and he caught both her boobs in his rough hands and took in the pussy lips in his mouth.

Rekha just jumped off her breaths defied all the laws. They were breathing fire. She was burning in desires at first she felt an awkward sensation while getting her cunt sucked but slowly the sensation took over and she was now jerking her butts in myths to give him much better access.

Rashid threw away his trousers and took out the 8 inch long demon which was fucking 4 inch thick and shoved it in her mouth but Rekha wasn’t in control she pleaded please fuck me. I can’t take it anymore.

Rashid also thought that now it’s a long relation and way to go so oral can wait and he folded her legs and adjusted them on his shoulders. Now he positioned his dick and slowly started exerting pressure on her virgin territory but they were hell tight.

Rashid used her juices mixed with his saliva and tried again. Rekha cried in pain and the monster was in and Rekha was as good as dead and she was drenched in immense pain she tried to move backwards but her head was placed against the windows.

She pleaded please baby, take them out and we’ll try some other time but Rashid paid no attention as if he didn’t even heard her. Rashid took his stance and pushed in and he was half in now. Rekha just managed to muffle her screams.

They maintained the posture for some relaxing moments and now the fever was back on. She was back in frenzy and she crossed all her limits and she was deep in sexual pleasures and was babelling again oh god! My cunt so much fun what a pleasure.

I was so thirsty for you dick since so long fuck me baby no don’t pull it out harder fucked! Rashid was also lost it was as if god had heard his prayers and he was in heaven paradise thrust after thrust and he was all on with renewed energy with a jerk Rekha closed in her whole body went dead for a moment.

She then lifted herself and held Rashid firmly and she was coming uncontrolled and this was making things further easy for Rashid and he was
now pumping in harder but now Rekha was all warned out and she was not able to bear it anymore and she started pleading please take it out.

I can’t take it anymore Rashid stopped for few moments. He started devouring her breasts and smooching her lips fiercely in between. Rekha was again turned on by this and started moving in rhythm and this time Rashid turned her around on her stomach and her butts were on the corner of the seat and the glimpses of her winsome cunt were making a hell of a scene.

Rekha had her knees on floor and was facing the window when Rashid trusted himself inside her in this posture and he felt a different world all together it was much more fun this way each moment was pleasuring him of paradise after about some 20 minutes both came together.

Rashid fell on her back lifeless few moments later they sat up, but now Rekha wasn’t able to establish eye contact and the frenzy was over and she was in her senses now and she dressed back in hurry and sat on a seat and looked out of the window. Rashid knew very well what to do now.

He went to her and sat beside and I love you Rekha shoved herself in his chest and started sobbing and not sure if these were results of guilt or happiness. They didn’t realize how the time flew and it became morning in each other’s arms.

The clock ticked 5 am and they were about 20 minute off to bhiwani and Rekha had to go till Loharu and well, Rashid too had the same destiny but Rekha wasn’t aware of it.

She was disheartened with the thought that these moments will not last long and she was feeling awkward talking about the same person who introduced her to the woman inside and whose chest was so consoling to her sobs. She was completely avoiding him at the end, Rashid had to ask should we move now?

Rekha: you’ll go till what place?
Rashid: with you where else?

Rekha: no, I mean this isn’t possible
Rashid: why not?

Rekha: I’m going to a village and am single it won’t look decent people won’t take it lightly and then I have an image there

Rashid joked: ya I have seen your image throughout the whole night yesterday
Rekha squirmed thoroughly and she silently boarded the bus that came along. Rekha made another attempt: please tell me where do you live, what do you have a contact number?

Rashid was still in mood: I live in your heart honey and love you now my contact number is same as yours
Rekha: so you don’t want to tell me at least tell me where are you going to? bus has now reached bhiwani.

They stepped down bus to Loharu was ready Rekha took a seat in it. She looked at Rashid one last time with much anticipation and sadness and her eyes were moist and she was restless and helpless too and she was in for shock when Rashid came along and sat beside her.

Rekha by now had realized her mistake and this man, whom she trusted with herself, is neither telling her anything nor leaving her alone and his this move to come along seemed stupid to her and she suddenly started having bad feelings.

What if he is stalking her and what if now he attempts to blackmails a chill ran through her and she stood and took another seat away from him. Rashid could read her feelings and he got down of the bus and left without a word.

Gone! Just like that somehow, Rekha felt relaxed now but she was disheartened that she won’t meet her macho again and when in her cabin, when suddenly Rashid spawned at her door may I come in ma’am?

Rekha was shocked beyond belief all her uncomfortable was back to her and she feared the worst and she ordered all staff to leave
the room.

Rekha: in low pitch what have you come here for? Please forgive me and leave me alone
Rashid: relax ma’am and I have come here to report for duty. I have been ordered to join and the school as the new science teacher kindly allow me to complete the formalities and oblige.

Rekha jumped off her seat: what the fuck?
She was now in for a pleasant surprise and she can’t believe her ears. She didn’t trust him but then after looking at the joining orders she got the whole story. She held her nerves and called in the registrar and left them to complete the formalities.

She informed Rashid: Mr Rashid, you’ll be the in charge of class 10th but you’ll have to take the periods from class 6th onwards and also we don’t have a maths teacher at the moment, so could you please take in the maths classes for 8th and 10th as well”

Rashid: thanks ma’am, but I have a small problem.
Rekha: looked at Rashid with raised eyebrows another problem? Yes, I am listening.

Rashid: I am single I mean I’ll be staying alone only if you could arrange for my stay in the village. Rekha stopped him in between and said I’ll tell the peon about it let’s see what can we do about it Shansher with a wink and thanks ma’am

Rekha just couldn’t stop her smile. Rashid picked his register for class 10th and walked out. Rashid had hardly reached till the class that a girl came running after him and she said good morning sir!

The girl looked big enough to be in class 10th. He looked at her, full, from top to bottom. What an untouched beauty alas! Heavy round boobs, round softer buttocks juicy pink lips. It was apparent that god had taken special interest in her voice too was equally sweet sir.
Ma’am is calling you.

Rashid: ok let’s go sir would you take our classes too? Which class are you in girl? What is your name? I am Vani and am studying in class 8 what? Eighth! damn! If this is the case of a class eighth girl, what awaits me in
higher classes yes beta! I’ll teach science to your class.

I turned to office and started walking. Vani kept looking back at me time and again when I reached in office Rekha was sitting alone. I just took the cue yes senior ma’am Rekha was serious sorry Rashid I mean Rashid ji and I had misunderstood you in bhiwani but why didn’t you tell me?

Rashid: if I had said that how could have I made you mine? The whole night went by her eyes in a flash. She also had realized why Rashid never took the initiative. She said in a very sweet voice Rashid dear and we will behave this way in school. I have asked to manage your stay and I will try to get you accommodated somewhere near my house only.

Rashid: why not in your own house?
Rekha: I am also staying in rented place only dear and though two rooms are empty beside my room but this a village hence that won’t be decent people will talk about us.

Rashid: ma’am, pyar kiya to darna kya?
Rekha: “shhh please! Anyway I had asked for you to discuss few necessary things.”
Rashid: ok! tell me?

Rekha: you must have noticed there is no male teacher or student here”
Rashid: why? Isn’t I here?

Rekha: ohh ho! You have just come listen to me na.
Rashid: ok! Carry on”

Rekha: girls sometime become more disobedient in such environments compared to boys and if you showed even a bit leniency they might even cross the limits of shamelessness hence it is very important to keep them in check even punish if needed.

The villagers trust us and no matter what the discipline must be maintained and the girls here are pretty elder in 10+2 one girl is just 5 years younger to me. Rashid’s heart was jumping with leaps and bounds but he controlled his emotions he replied “ok! I’ll handle

Rekha please don’t say like this
Rashid: ok Anju! Sorry ma’am
Rekha couldn’t stop but smile just take a round of the school and let me know if you need me ok

Rashid along with Rekha left for the round and they saw in a class, 2 girls were made murga a traditional punishment given to undisciplined students in Indian school, where you hold your ears and sit on your toes both the butts were high enough and they saw Rashid and felt embarrassed.

They tried to ease their butts but then the madam slashed the stick at such pace on the butt that they couldn’t control and fell down in pain. One girl’s salwar was torn from the side of the thigh. Rashid suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline as if he wanted to push his dick into the butt crack through that hole itself.

The thought itself turned him on and the dick started twisting he asked Rekha why are they being punished? The ma’am inside came out and said the bitches were fighting each other they won’t do any work though-out the day but only dance their butts around.

Rashid got one hell of a shock and he just stood there dumbfounded at her response. He looked at Rekha but she had moved on later she told him and she is from the village only. She is the wife of village sarpanch and she is like this only and don’t worry the other teachers are way better”

After the round Rashid came back to his office it was already lunch time and tea was ready. Rekha introduced Rashid to all the staff, but he was restless to meet the girls and he finished his tea promptly and with an excuse to see the school came out for another round roaming around he reached class 10th as it was the lunch period there were only two girls present.

They were tried to memorize something one particular girls was damn sexy as if youth has just reached her round face , luscious lips and she was the perfect sex goddess. Aphrodite! Hell yah when she saw Rashid forget greeting instead she started inquiring hey you? Why are you here?

Rashid smiled what is your name?

She got offended why? You want to marry me? I have seen many urban heroes like you huh? Should I call madam or what? Rashid hadn’t expected anything like this and even then he kept his composure and smiled yeah sure! Wait even I will come along listening to this.

She turned red with anger and started to walk towards principal room suddenly Vani and her friend reached there and the second girl saw Rashid
and said good morning sir? Who sir? I asked the girl sir! Vani replied didi, he is our new teacher!

He will teach us science and after hearing this she turned color less as if she’ll faint any moment and she couldn’t even dare to look at Rashid and started trembling and she was crying. Rashid was smiling what is your name? She replied sorry sir! Sorry sir! Wow what a name good! Rashid started kidding now.

The bell rang just then and Rashid left for office laughing. Disha had no idea what to do now unknowingly she had reacted very unpleasantly and in uncultured way she was a very intelligent girl but yet was childishly petulant all the village Romeos were her fan but she never let them get anywhere near boys always passed comment when passing by but her younger petite figure.

I was responsible for that and she was very fair and her breasts so firm that they didn’t need any blouse or bra. Romeos used to joke that if anyone would see her naked he’ll die of heart attack instantly when she would walk, every part of her body would reflect the motion individually it was as such that the butt was in love with her dresses that whenever she’ll stand up.

The butt holes would suck her dress in what to say and I don’t you think they never said wrong about her. Sigh! It was apparently felt across the guy’s that the world will siege to exist after her and the best part and she had turned 18 just last weeks.

Disha had let all her frustration flow out on sir and she was now feeling so damn embarrassed about all of it what will happen now? sir will ever forgive her? Neha brought her back from her uncomfortable trance what’s wrong with you baby? You didn’t do that deliberately.

Don’t worry sir will understand this and now come lets go back. Disha replied with a disillusioned heart ok! Neha tell me one thing, isn’t our sir is very handsome, like some filmy hero? What a body? Just like Salman.

I had felt so bad when you were mistreating him. Sigh! I felt as if my heart was compelling me to forget all worlds around and just run into his arms really Disha! I felt such a strong desire to brace him Disha get lost you shameless girl and he is our sir. Neha but I didn’t know then na and that he is our sir and I had thought all this when he had entered the class.

Disha listen don’t chat about all this nonsense when you are with me ok? All the men are same Neha hmm should I ask this to sir? Disha Neha! You know I wasn’t talking about sir Neha “so you agree that he is so handsomely cute. Disha you are too much and she hit her on the head with her notebook

Disha’s attention was time and again floating towards sir. How can I gain his forgiveness what if he didn’t forgive me? Just then the history teacher entered the class and the sarpanch’s wife her name was pyari.

Pyari common girls take out your notebooks and show me the homework one by one the girls showed her their homework everyone was afraid of her and so no one used to leave and her work incomplete Divya had forgotten her notebook home and only god could save her now pyari staring with her fiery eyes: where is your notebook bitch?

Divya “sorry ma’am, I forgot it at home

Pyari “move to the back of the class and bend like murgi'”
Divya couldn’t dare to argue anymore and she moved to the back of the class and sat in murgi posture”

Pyari turned her attention to other girls when Divya could bear the pain anymore she gathered herself together and said with a lot of effort “Ma’am I’ll just go running and bring it back within minutes”

Pyari: staring with anger ohh and so you’ll now get it in few minutes and wait I’ll just attend to you listening to this Divya panicked and she felt as if she missed her heartbeats in between. Pyari came to her and asked her to stand and then she pinched her nipples very hard.

Divya was drowning in pain bitch whore you deliberately leave the notebook at home so that you can later have an excuse to go and meet your lover and tell me who the mother fucker takes care of your just then the peon asked her permission to enter the class and then she said principal ma’am had
requested that

If anyone has any room available for rent then she can go and meet her and the new teacher needs it Pyari when our whole haweli is available for free why do the teacher needs to stay at rent go and inform him. I’ll ask servants to arrange for it and get his luggage there better.

I’ll just now come with you Pyari was around 40 years old lady extremely un cultured but her husband was the village sarpanch it was not so that no one knew of her corny behaviour with the girls but as she was the only big landlord of the village.

Nobody had the courage to stop her or even say her anything even her daughter was on her own steps sarita and she was in class 9 but was not tender rather a fully grown lady after fucking so many boys.

After Pyari left Neha said to Disha yaar, your uncle’s house is also empty only and why don’t you inform and the principal to let him stay there. Disha yeah but Neha but what such a handsome sir and how would he live with such bastards and you know this lady is so cunning.

If you didn’t tell them now he will surely get trapped with her. Disha you also and can’t think of anything else accept all these craps but I’ll also have to ask permission from uncle na? Nehai I will take care of that come let’s search for sir and come lets go fast you’ll get your forgiveness too.

Disha started with her but and she wasn’t able to believe that sir can forgive her too and who knows whether uncle will agree to this. If he said no then what will I do and what an embarrassment this will because but Neha was walking briskly and was also pulling her along.

They reached straight to class 8 where Rashid was teaching. Rashid saw them and came out smiling yeah, so what exactly is your name. Rashid was not going to let her go so easily Disha tried so hard but still couldn’t utter a single word and she could barely manage to blink her lips. She was standing there with her face down and yet she was looking so damn gorgeous.

Neha sir and she want to tell you that you can stay at her home hearing this Vani came out yes sir! You please stay at our home only. Rashid ask thoughtfully and how are you both related? Vani sir I am Disha’s cousin. I am her uncle’s daughter Rashid so?

Vani got confused and stopped so Neha explained sir actually Disha stays with her uncle and Vani is the only daughter of her parents and Disha is staying with them since childhood Rashid ok that’s why I was wondering both look so similar ok gals and I will come to your house after the school.

Disha but sir
Rashid: but what?

Disha I need to take permission from uncle
Vani couldn’t control herself “no sir, you come to us today only and myself tell papa

Rashid patted Vani lovingly no beta! First get your parents approval and if they allow then I will stay at your place only promise.
Vani: ok, thank you sir and the class were almost over so Rashid directly went to office. Rekha was there alone lost in some thoughts.

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Star Wars The Complete Erotic Saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you. (This story was cribbed from Create Your Own Story []. Many threads were moved verbatim or with little editing. Over time, some of these will be edited to...

1 year ago
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Starwars the complete erotic saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you.... (No score in game mode it just prevents weird stuff from happening in some of the chapters) Please Add to the story. Anything goes

3 years ago
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On the Beach Part I Halo saga

This is a fictional story (obviously) based on the tragic romance between Cortana and Master Chief (John 117) that thrilled all players in the Halo saga. But not tragic as the real history heheThis story was not written by me all credit is given to: FuryanJedi13 in, I just adapted a few words to be appropriate for a porn site.INTROIt was in the late spring when things finally started to warm up, and there were many people who chose to take advantage of this. One in particular was...

2 years ago
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Mom Dad Sex Saga

Hi all, this is an absolutely real incident. I am a 20-year-old handsome boy. My mom is a 43-year-old beautiful and hot woman. She is very modern and open with me about sex and life. My dad is a 44-year-old rich man. But the tragedy here is that my parents do not live together. They got separated some years back. Both of them loved each other deeply but remained separate because of the typical Indian issue of saas bahu problem. I lived with my mom. As it would be, mom being at an age when a...

4 years ago
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Roys Saga

AUTHOR'S NOTE: It is recommended you read the story "Goddess", by my good friend Cheyenne Chaste Moon, before reading this story. This will help you comprehend the Goddess character, and allow you to know what she and Roy were talking about. It is available at her Web site: ROY'S SAGA by Roy Del Frink Chapter One: THE ORIGINS It all started one Friday night last year. I was 23 years old, and had just finished reading Cheyenne Chaste Moore's story...

3 years ago
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Britney Poshslut Part Five of the Britney Saga

[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...

3 years ago
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PostSea Saga

For those who have read my By the Sea stories and enjoyed them, the following series may please also. It finds the loving couple at home after their seaside vacation. Comments and observations--both praise and instruction--always are welcome. toy aka searic Post-Sea Saga Back to the mundane workaday world, my lovely wife-Mistress and I were careful to keep active the intense fulfillment and just plain fun of our D/s life. This could range from an entire weekend of play, beginning...

2 years ago
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Caregiver in Love Part 5 The glorious finale of the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love Part 5 In the final stunning climax of the Caregiver Saga: Shawn's friends visit for girl's night, and Shawn hears a strange sound. I clicked across the house and foyer in the kitten heels and pulled open the door, before I realize what I was wearing. My heart skipped a beat. Jacqueline beamed at me from the doorway, with a giant salad bowl and two fresh baguettes in her arms. She handed me the baguettes and kissed me on the cheek, and said, "Every time I ring...

1 year ago
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An unsual Indian saga

An unsual Indian saga by MasalaThis is purely a work of fiction.M+/m, M+/f, incest, humiliationA dominating male discovers that he's actually submissive. The story depicts the turns of events in his life.I'm not gay. Never was. But one stupid drunken internet chat changed all that. I look back at how it all started and feel the shame even today. How I got carried away and ended up being a sub to a dominating man. Even getting my family involved in it.A year back I was happy. I had a pretty...

2 years ago
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The LardAss Saga

The LardAss Saga by JEP Chapter I BigTits and LardAss ( or – an exercisein filling holes ) He had been setting up the plan for fifteen months and now it was finallytime to bring it to reality. The first part of the plan was to select the twoladies. One was named Linda. He had been observing her for over six monthsat church and knew she was the one. She was 30 years old, 5' 8, long blondehair, a fantastic body, and a totally haughty attitude. That would change.Her tits were huge and...

4 years ago
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Drad An Elder Scrolls Saga

When the ship pulled into the harbor, Lord Drad came out of the cabin, and made his way to the deck. His first command was to lower sails, and make ready to dock. All of the crew began carrying out his orders with a haste. Lord Drad was a Nord, from Skyrim, and he had all the fine qualities of such a person. His hair was long, and flowing, with blond and black streaks. His eyes pierced with a gray gaze. His body was firm, and stalky, yet tall and fair. His face was strong, with a built...

1 year ago
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The Twilight Saga

This irritated Bella. She was more than capable of standing up for herself as she had often proved. She wanted to be with Edward all the time, but he always seemed so distant and untouchable at times. So this was why she was strolling through the woods. She was going to show Edward that she could do without him, that she could live her own life without waiting for him on tenterhooks the whole time. Bella reached the wooden shack by the edge of the woods and knocked on the door. To her joy...

4 years ago
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A Pervert Saga

I am the embodiment of lust and I decided to drop a rather average pervert into one of my favorite fictional world. Let's see who shall I choose?

2 years ago
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The End Of Days Saga

I kneel naked before the small campfire, its flickering light dancing across my bare body as the night time creatures move beyond its small circle of illumination. Millions of insects call throughout the forest, each lending it desperate cry for a mate to the cacophony of sexual desperation, while their predators snatch, snare and feast upon the unfortunate ones. "O, Lady Lilith, Mother of demons, Defier of divine will, I beg you, grant me the power to defile the devout and corrupt the innocent...

3 years ago
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A Viking Saga

The year is 821 AD, and the word Viking is feared throughout northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. And in the snowbound lands of Norway, in a small seaside port Hakon Magnusson is Jarl. As the lord of the land he has himself many luxuries the common folk would wish for, including two wives and numerous concubines through which he has produced many children. These children are of varying ages, builds, intelligence and general character, but for all of them one fact rings true.... They have...

2 years ago
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New Symbiote Saga

It had spent millions of years hurling thru space till it landed in the water of this blue planet and bonded to a life form. It needs a host to survive in an active state. The one it had bonded with was known as Peter Parker/Spiderman. But few knew him by the last name. His life had been lonely for many years. His friends were few as was the number of his mates. He desired more, but didn't have the mind set and powers to do it. He wished for control over his life as well. These were the deep...

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Babysitters New Adventure A Continuing Saga

After returning home, I was really quite tired and somewhat sore from all the sex we'd been having over that weekend. I told mom that I had had a wonderful time but was quite tired and really worn-out and that I wanted to take a shower and lie down for a while to get some rest.She said, "Do you want me to wake you for dinner, dear?""Yes mom”, I replied, “please call me."For the next couple of days, I was still very sore, moving very cautiously and somewhat slowly.During the next week after...

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Transformer Saga

Peter Faulk had an ordinary life so far except for one or two things. A nerd thru out high school he was ignored. Average in every way. Except for one. He had superpowers. Unique superpowers that he had hidden away for a long time. He could transform things giving them superpowers of his own choosing. He had mind and emotion control abilities and super hypnosis. He had magical skills that he practised with out people knowing. All of this was going along with his plan. To control a group of...

Mind Control
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On the Beach Part III FINAL Halo saga

THEMCortana felt a shock run through her being as she sensed a shadow falling across her naked form. Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up, her arms coming across her chest to cover up her breasts. In a split second, she felt embarrassment, annoyance, and a whole slew of negative emotions. She looked up and saw that her intruder was none other than the man she had been fantasising about for so long. John. Her embarrassment remained, but it was quickly giving way to other emotions. More...

3 years ago
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On the Beach Part II Halo saga

HIMA kilometre away, the lone figure that Cortana had previously spotted in the distance continued in his run down the beach. Anyone noticing him at this point would not stop to think that this was the man who was largely responsible for the saving of the human race. But then, those who did not know him very well would not have recognised him without his green MJOLNIR armour. Instead, he wore a dark grey t-shirt, dark blue shorts and sneakers. But there was no doubting his identity. He was the...

2 years ago
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Poonam8217s Pounding Saga

(I thank Poonam for sharing her experiences and giving me a free hand to add spice.) I got up after midnight to go to the washroom. As I was returning, I heard sounds from my parent’s room. I heard three voices. I was puzzled, and drew the window curtain a few inches and peeped. They did not close the windows. I almost screamed and fainted by what I saw. Somehow, I managed to control and watched. Mom was straddling my uncle Sanjay, her brother. Both were naked. Uncle was mauling mom’s tits as...

1 year ago
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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 9 The Femdom Saga

Hello Everyone, I’m back with a new story. This is a continuation of my previous story if you haven’t read those please check them first. Let’s Start the story. I had the same routine for the past 4 weeks. Getting the chastity belt and craving for orgasm the whole week. Then getting too much orgasm in one single day. Finally ending the week by satisfying my masters, all 5 of them. In the end, I always got too tired and just slept right away. When I woke up I used to have back the chastity belt....

3 years ago
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Office Saga

Hello, indian sex story friends, my name is Sid and I’m from Delhi. I am a normal looking guy with my body being on the heavy side. My tool is of normal size at approx 6 inches (not like others who say that they have 9 inches). I have been an avid reader of ISS for almost 5 years, so today after mustering a lot of courage I am writing this story that happened to me around 2 years back. The story might be bit long but you will not regret reading it with all things explained properly to make it...

1 year ago
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The Blackmail Saga

I sat at my desk staring at my computer screen. An email, marked 'urgent,' stared back at me. It left me completely baffled as I re-read it for the fourth time. It was short; it simply informed me that I was required to report to the Director of Security's office for a late afternoon meeting, at four thirty.Why would the security Director want to see me? I wondered.It was mid-afternoon, so I had almost two hours to wait before I went upstairs to find out what it was all about. I spent that time...

4 years ago
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Next Step Of My Incest Saga

Hi everyone, my name is Rahul and this is my second story on Indian sex stories . After my first story I got very good response so here I am presenting next step of my sex life. Those who had not read my story can read it by clicking on following link . Without wasting any time I am presenting my story and I hope u will enjoy it. After my sexual encounter with my mami my life became very happy and adventures. Whenever I get chance I press her boobs and her sexy ass. Although she didn’t like...

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Blessing In Disguise 8211 An Incest Saga

Hi Doston, mera naam raj hai, main 24yrs ka hun. Delhi main rehta hun, main mommy aur didi ke saath rehta hun, papa ka death 12 saal pehle hi hochuki hai. Ye kahani hai mere parivaar ki. Baat aaj se 2 saal ka hai, main engg. final year main khatam hi hua tha. Aur job start hone mian 2 mahine baki the. Achanak ek buri khabar ne humari parivaar ko jhanjhor ke rakhdia. Meri didi jo 28 saal ki thi unke pati ka accident hogaya aur expire kargaye. Kyon ki didi Delhi main hi rehti thi. Maine accident...

3 years ago
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Pilot Plot 8211 Heavenly Ride In Bus 8211 Beginning Of Saga

Hie readers… I am Sravya-a young and horny girl from the City of destiny. 22yo and with required weights where ever needed. This story is a pure fantasy of mine and none of the names were ever related. If you are looking for some hard core, then this is not for you…Here it goes..!! Have fun reading it Well, the adventure I am going to pen down happened when I was 20, that is 2years ago when I was travelling from Hyderabad to Vizag in a Super Luxury Pvt bus. I always liked teasing men with my...

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The Beginning A Furry Saga

The Beginning A story by R. d. LePew Legally copyright held by R.k. February 2, 2003 The Beginning Prelude Even as I sit here today to write this, not everything is known about Eric Laska and Mark Wingfield. In fact, little at all is known about their lives prior to the start of this story. We do know, through readily available records, that they grew up entirely separate from one another, one in Upstate New York, and the other in Ohio. We also know trivial things, such...

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Kathys Continuing Saga

A little while ago I posted a story and request for ideas about bondage and tickling. This is a follow-up about the ordeal Alex cooked up to get even with me. Before I start I should probably explain a few things about Alex and myself. We have been lovers for several years now and while we regularly tie and torment each other, I view myself as being submissive and masochistic and Alex as dominant and sadistic (oh how she can be sadistic!) Fortunately this works out quite well for us :-). In...

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Love Making The Saga

Well hello to everyone at ISS and this here is my first submission anywhere and being a fan and a constant reader of sex-stories. I think it’s time for me to narrate one of mine. I had been in a relationship for a long time and well these incidents are more on the lovemaking side and not on the hardcore sex types, so I reach out to a specific genre. This story starts with me coming from KL Kuala Lumpur after my first year at college and maintaining a long distance relationship with my...

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Caregiver in Love Part 3 continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love Part 3 In which Shawn endures a long visit to the mall and further unwelcome feminization. The Fitting Marilyn led me back to the department store. We stepped on the escalator to the second floor and went to the intimate apparel section. Marilyn got the attention of the attractive lady clerk who glided over to where we were standing. "Could you check to see if my niece is correctly fitted for the bra she's wearing? And we want to find a good bra insert to...

4 years ago
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Caregiver in Love Part 4 continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love Part 4 In which Shawn finally fights back against his feminization. Toes, fingers and Mr. Pinky weigh in In the car ride home, Marilyn put down the top of her convertible and we listened to music as the warm breeze and sun played on our bare legs. Marilyn pushed a button to raise a special screen to minimize the wind blowing on my new haircut. Even though we were driving down a tree- lined boulevard at thirty miles per hour, I could feel only a very slight...

1 year ago
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The Joanny Saga

Joanny Morales was waiting for the bell to ring, ending her day at school. Joanny wasn't really paying attention to the teacher, she was mostly trying to talk with her friend in class and when she couldn't get away with that she was passing notes. She is fifteen years old and a little bit overweight, but she is not fat. She is big boned and there is only so thin she could get without looking sick, but she didn't worry about her weight anyway. She doesn't have many friends, but she...

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Parting of the Ways Part 3 the Byrne Saga

Chapter 7 The Finn Family, with the exception of the Vega and Peterson families, arrived back in Boston without much fanfare and broke apart for the next few days as each of the branches unwound and relaxed. For some it was the calm before the storm of summer jobs. For others, it was gearing up for their own big vacations that let them enjoy themselves without children for the first time in years. One of those vacationing families were the Porters. The Porters were a newly blended...

3 years ago
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The Fantasy Saga

Ok, I've tried to start this story a hundred times. ?The problem is I don’t know how it started. ?I would be lying to say everything just magically appeared. ?I guess I got caught up in the slippery slope of desire and before I knew it.... ? My wife and I have been married about 20 years. ?We both had previous marriages that brought some baggage but we are fairly normal people. ?I mean we both have decent jobs, we live in a nice older home, participate in community events and we had a decent...

4 years ago
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An old mans saga

Hi friends. I am Narayana, age 68 still fit and fine and with lots of sexual arouse in my entire life. One day while surfing I happened to see this site and became a great fan, and now decided to tell you all my experiences with my family and also with others too. In my long life time I happened to come across many incidents, and fucked many pussies small, big, white, black, shaved, unshaved, clean, dirty, etc… Now I will tell you my early incidents, I was a normal boy from very beginning and...

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Karmals Saga

Karmal leaned back in her well upholstered seat as the whine of the executivejet lulled her comfortably into a relaxed state.Her racing thoughts continuedto race within her mind as she tried to get a firm grasp on her good fortuneover the past 2 days when she had been hired by the W_S-T_N Corporation. Karmal over 3 months ago had escaped from the confines of a Mexican SlaveFarm and had sought employment once she returned to the U.S..She had just aboutbeen on the point of despair as she got the...

2 years ago
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Bimboville Saga

Disclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter writing by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...

1 year ago
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Bonerville Saga

Disclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are so not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter written by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...

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22YearOld Guy Becomes Gigolo 8211 Part 4 The Ashwini Saga

Now it was the month of September. As I told you all, I have temporarily lost my job. I needed one as I realized that I couldn’t depend upon the profession of a Gigolo alone. I decided that I would also do something else to have full-time employment. Working as a gigolo will add to my income and be a source of my fun. I searched for a job and got one at a call center. I joined that job and started to work. The pay was less, but the chances of incentive were great.  As I joined this job, I...

2 years ago
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Menaka Yet Another Saga

Raman Nair sat in his easy chair reading a novel. A slight sound made him look up and he looked right into the eyes of his daughter in law, Menaka. She stood at the doorway, hands on her hips smiling at him. She wore a tight blue jeans and a tight pink tops that hugged her body and being soft material outlined her black lace bra. The low neck of the tops showed the bulge of her breasts forming and the breasts themselves were thrusting forward invitingly. Nair gasped at her, mouth open wide. She...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 9 Hondas Saga

I met the Emperor. Kaiba-sama's funeral was the biggest event I'd ever been to – the biggest event I'd ever heard of other than the coronation and that was when I was a kid. Kaiba brought the whole posse – except Joey of course – and even brought my Dad and Kawai-chan. We wandered around in dark suits looking out of place with all the rich, famous, important people. If I were smarter, I would have stayed at Kaiba Manor with Serenity and played video games all day. I met the Prime...

1 year ago
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Phantom Phallus The Completed Saga

Trina laughed as she threw another handful of the overly-buttered mess at him. “That’s what you fucking get!” “But it’s true!” “Fairies are not stupid!” “Yes they are!” “They’re gonna kick your ass if you keep talking shit!” A frustrated banging on the adjacent wall, from the room where Trina’s mom slept, brought their playful argument down to low giggles. “You witches are fucking crazy,” Justin said softly, smiling as he shook his head. “That was a stupid truth question,” Trina hissed...

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Summertime Saga

SummertimeSaga! Ever wish you could relive those glory days of high school or college? Wait, who am I kidding? Most of you beta fucks out there probably got your asses kicked. Not me. I was getting laid left and right. But don’t worry. It’s not too late for you. Porn games let you live out all sorts of fantasies. And the one I have for you this time around takes you back to school. Step into the shoes of a horny teenage dude surrounded by hot teachers, classmates, and friends. You start off as...

Free Sex Games
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Sexe en nature avec Meacutelissa

Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...

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Sexyaana Gutharaiyai Matter Seithen

Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...

2 years ago
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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

1 year ago
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Sexting Forum

Hmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...

Porn Forums
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Sexyaana Sithaalai Ookum Kothanaar

Naan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...

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Essex Girl

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...

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You play the shy wallflower girl named Momo. The day starts off with you getting breakfast. You see what they have to eat & you see all they have is eggs. After you grab some breakfast you go sit down alone. The next person to get their breakfast after you was Shion. She eats breakfast with you so your not alone. "Momo; I was wondering are you still chasing around the boy you like, said Shion." "No. Believe it or not I'm not ever going to go out with anymore boys; there hopeless & they are not...

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Suka Sagaram

I am p, 26 hyd, done my btech and completed in the year of 2014. Tharwatha naku job raledu campus recruitment lo but naku confidence undi edo la job vasthadi ani because I am a good quality student.Quality student ani chepi nenu manchi abbai ni ani chepanu .Nallo ani korikalu unai.Ala job leni days lo most of the time intlo undevadini jobs ki apply chesthu.Naku oka habit undi …Evarina naku kopam tepinchina or naku kopam vachina em ananu . Calm ga sex videos chusthu or seex chat rooms lo sex...

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Sexing It Up

Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...

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