The LardAss Saga a Sequel
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The LardAss Saga
by JEP
Chapter I
BigTits and LardAss
( or – an exercisein filling holes )
He had been setting up the plan for fifteen months and now it was finallytime to bring it to reality. The first part of the plan was to select the twoladies. One was named Linda. He had been observing her for over six monthsat church and knew she was the one. She was 30 years old, 5' 8, long blondehair, a fantastic body, and a totally haughty attitude. That would change.Her tits were huge and yet pert and alert. Her ass had high cheeks that capturedall men's eyes – even in church. Her legs were perfect. The other selectionwas Gayle. He had been watching her for the past three months at school. Shewas 18 years old, 5'11 and out of shape. She was always wearing tight skimpyclothing that easily indicated her tits were small and that she had a rollof fat around her waistline. Her dark hair was always unkept and dirty looking.She would be a nice contrast to the always-perfect Linda.
The Room had required the most effort. It used the almost the entire squarefootage of the basement and was completely sound proof. There was a toiletat one end that was available for an unimpeded view from any part of the room.The shower was large and contained on all sides by completely clear glass.There were large rings located all over the ceiling, the wall, and at severalstrategic locations on the floor. The furnishings included two gynecologicaltables – complete with stirrups, a chair with the middle of the bottomcut out, large-screen TV's on all the walls, a bed that could be raised andlowered electronically, and a hydraulic post in the center of the room thatcould accommodate various screw-on phallic devices. There was also a swingingchair hanging from a set of ceiling hooks. He had used the Internet to accumulatea large supply of Viagra that would allow him to have a stiff dick at willand for as long as he desired.
The First Session
He had captured them, chloroformed them, and they were now secure in theRoom. They were naked, each chained to the a gynecological table, side by side,with their legs secured in the stirrups and spread wide, their arms up andspread. He stood between the two tables, wearing only a T-shirt. He had takena 50 mg Viagra and his dick was rock-hard and incredibly erect. He was takingturns examining the crotch of each of the girls and they were starting to becomeawake from the effects of the chloroform. In a single simultaneous moment theireyes opened – and there were simply too many sensations for them to takein at once.
There was a ball gag in their mouths. Each of them had a huge dildo up herass. He had two fingers on each hand buried in their pussies, rutting aroundsavagely. Their eyes were attracted to his dick as though it were a train wreck.His erect dick was only 6 inches long but it had a huge girth. It was as thickas the average man's wrist. The circumcised head was a huge mushroom on theend of a fence post. His pubic hair was incredibly thick and black. It wasas though a giant mushroom was buried in the mass of a black, obscene jungle.To accentuate everything, he had shaved his balls. They were gigantic ovalshaped globes, with one ball hanging about four inches below the other. Hisballs signified that he was full, primed, and ready to go.
Both women began to try to scream at the same time. He twisted the lips oneach of their pussies until each lip was rotated a complete 360 O .He calmly told them to shut up or he would twist them another complete circle.They stopped screaming and began mumbling behind the gag. He gave the lipsanother twist and they shut up.
He said, "You are here for my pleasure. The room is completelysound proof. The quality of your life depends on your response to my needs.I would suggest you respond accordingly!"
Linda was belligerent and still ready to resist. He reached between her legsand grabbed the dildo in her asshole and began rotating it vigorously whileshifting it back and forth. She shrieked behind the gag at the violent intrusionin the dry recess and he gave it a final plunge until a full twelve inchesof it disappeared into her shit hole.
"Now", he said, " you can continue to resistand I will continue to add more inches into your asshole."
"Or", he continued, " you can listen andcooperate and I will remove this dildo from your asshole. Which will itbe?"
She became quiet and her eyes filled with tears as she calculated how muchworse the pain could be in her dry asshole. He then took two cattle prods andburied one into each of their pussies. He had re-worked them so that they wereincredibly stronger than the original design. He pressed the button on eachof the prods and kept them depressed for a full thirty seconds. They both shookand quivered with drool running from the corners of their mouths. When he finallyreleased the buttons, their chests were heaving as they tried to catch theirbreath, they were drenched in sweat, and their nipples were pointed and hardas rocks. A brackish liquid was running from the bottom of Linda's pussy. Hetold them not to make a sound and he removed the gags.
"From this day hence", he said, "you willhave new names."
"Blondie – your name is now 'Big Tits'."
He turned to the brunette, "Fatty – your name is now'LardAss'."
Then, he reached beneath LardAss and grabbed both of her flabby cheeks, givingthem a squeezing grasp and a large shake. She jumped as much as her bonds wouldpermit and tried to twist away. She started to scream and he reached aroundthe front and grabbed a handful of her black bush and gave it a strong pull.She instantly got the message and shut up. There were large mirrors above bothof them and BigTits' eyes enlarged to the size of saucers as she had a directview of LardAsses bush being pulled to the point that the attached skin wasbeing stretched to an unbelievable limit.
BigTits screamed , "Let her go you dirty bastard!"
It was then that she discovered the function of the collar around her neck.It was a re-designed electronic dog collar. He reached for one of the two remoteshanging around his neck and pressed the button and held it down. BigTits immediatelyfelt the shock waves pouring through her body. Every muscle in her body contracted,her hair stood on end and her teeth clenched uncontrollably. Finally she passedout.
He had redesigned the collar so that its power was many times whatwas normally delivered. He readjusted BigTit's bonds on the table and movedher upwards. Her head was now hanging over the edge and she was secured tothe table. He began twisting her nipples until she finally revived. Whenshe opened her eyes she discovered that his balls were lying on her foreheadand the engorged head of his prick was just above her nose and mouth. Shescreamed!
He said, "Shut up BigTits!", and reachedfor the remote.
She immediately became quiet although her eyes were still enlarged to the sizeof saucers. He began jacking off with his right hand while his left hand continuouslyslapped her huge tits back and forth. His balls were bouncing off her forehead.Finally he felt a huge surge and began spraying gism all over her lips andface. The huge load began running down into her nose, her eyes, her ears andher hair. She began weeping and gagging at the same time.
He said , "If you throw up I will spoon up the vomit andfeed it into your mouth until you eat it all."
She managed to control the bile that was building in her throat.
He said, "Would you like me to clean up the spunk from yourface?"
She cried, "Yes, please."
At that he took her long blonde hair and began wiping up the cum from her faceand lips. Her hair became completely matted with the coagulating gism. BigTitsand LardAss both became aware at once that they were his! They immediatelybegan to sob at the same time. He reached for the remote and gave LardAss aquick jolt of electricity on her collar. She shrieked and begged him not todo it again.
He said, "I'm going to release your bonds and I want youto obey me completely. If you don't, your punishment will be unbelievable."
She said , "I will do anything you say."
He released her and told her to walk over to the end of the table where BigTitsface was hanging down. She did.
He said , "Turn around, spread that fat ass of yours withyour hands, and put your ass hole over BigTits' face."
She turned red as a beet and slowly did so. The slowness of her movements madethem even more erotic.
As she lowered her big ass over BigTits' face he said, "BigTitslick her ass hole."
She didn't want to begin licking the reeking, hairy ass hole. She kept hermouth clenched. At that, he picked up a cattle prod and pushed it ten inchesinto her pussy. He pressed the button and watched her crotch jump up and downwith each surge. She was sweating and crying and heaving when he lifted hisfinger from the button.
He said, " that was for ten seconds. Would you like to gofor ten minutes?"
She sobbed a "no" as her tongue reachedout and began licking the asshole between the huge cheeks that were hoveringover her. His dick was huge again thanks to lust and Viagra. He crawled upon to the table to straddle BigTits' face with his dick knocking at the backdoor of LardAss.
She started to move away and he said , "Bitch, it's my dickor the electric cattle prod. Which do you want? Backup!"
She moved toward him reluctantly and he slammed his dick into her butt hole.It went in easily thanks to the saliva provided by BigTits. He began humpingher ass with his balls bouncing off the face of BigTits. Just as he was aboutto come he withdrew a bit until just the tip of his dick was in the netherhole. He came and came and came. When he finally withdrew, gism was leakingfrom out of the shit hole.
He said to BigTits, "Lick every bit of it – any I findleft will result in a prod in your pussy and your ass."
With gagging and tears she began earnestly licking the ass hole with its hugeload of cum. Apparently LardAss was sloppy in many ways because little flecksof shit could be seen all around the rim of her ass hole. When BigTits wasdone he examined the fucked ass hole with great care. He put his index fingerinto the hole and reamed it out. Oddly enough the flabby ass bitch did notmove a muscle. She either liked it or had realized there was no way to resist.When he withdrew it, the finger was coated with shit and cum.
He stuck it into the mouth of BigTits and said , "Dig inbitch, or else."
With that she sucked it clean. He then put three fingers into the pussy ofLardAss as she groaned and continued to hunch over. Her pussy was soaking.Apparently, all the action on her ass had excited her to the max. He pulledout fingers of pussy juice and slammed them into BigTits mouth. She was nolonger haughty. He secured LardAss to rings on one of the walls, slammed ahuge twelve-inch dildo into the pussy of BigTits and with that he left theroom. He watched them through one of the one-way mirrors he had installed.They tried to talk to each other but each time they began to talk he gave thema jolt through their collar. It was the end of the first session.
The Second Session
He entered the room and both were begging to use the toilet.
He unfastened LardAss and said, "Go ahead," pointingto the toilet.
She said, "Can't I have some privacy?"
He laughed and said , "The next dumb question like that andyour punishment will be beyond belief."
He unfastened BigTits, removed the dildo from her pussy and secured her fromthe ceiling rings so she was facing the toilet. There was enough slack in thebonds so she could move around a bit. She stood there in a stupor as thoughshe could not believe what she was going through. LardAss scurried over tothe toilet and a huge, splashing, stream came cascading from her crotch.
As she reached for the roll of toilet paper setting on the floor he said, "No – notyou."
Then he looked at BigTits and said, " You go over and wipeher. Do a good job because you will have to lick her pussy after you're done."
BigTits stood there with a stunned look on her face as she digested the ordershe was just given. She had always had a maid to clean the toilet and her aristocratichands and never been near anything touched by piss or shit. He knew she wasin for a long training session during the next days.
He reached for the remote around his neck and her shoulders slumped as sherealized she had no choice. BigTits unraveled a huge expanse of toilet paperand hesitantly reached toward the pussy of LardAss. She wiped gingerly. Therewere still droplets of urine on LardAss' bush.
He said, "You get one more wipe and then you lick."
BigTits sobbed as she reached for an expanse of toilet paper. This time sherubbed and scrubbed as hard as the paper would allow. Some of it shredded intolittle balls in the thick bush.
He said, "Start licking and I don't want to see any pee orany toilet paper when you're done."
She tentatively reached out her tongue toward the bush. He gave the remotea jab and she jerked forward with a jolt. He reached again for the remote andshe began licking in earnest. She gagged as she tasted the urine that was onthe inner edges of the pussy and her throat rebelled as she tried to swallowthe small balls of drenched toilet paper. Finally it was done. BigTits thenbegged to use the bathroom.
He said, "Go over to the shower stall and pee standing up!"
She did. She shuddered as she felt her own urine splash off of her legs, ontothe floor, and then bounce up onto her bare feet.
When she finished she said , "Can I have some toiletpaper?"
He said , "Use your hands bitch."
She sobbed as she rubbed her hands over her splattered bush.
Then he said , "Look at the mess you've made on my showerfloor. Sit down and roll in it until it's dry."
Her shoulders shook as she cried while lowering herself into the yellowpools at the bottom of the shower.
He now realized that the beans and chili he had eaten earlier were beginningto roll through his digestive system. He told LardAss to come over to the tableand lay on it face up. A look of terror spread over her face but she was afraidto disobey. When she was situated he climbed on to the table and hunkered downwith his asshole directly over her mouth. Then, suddenly, he erupted with agigantic, wet, full-loaded fart. Then, he let loose with three quick shortfarts that cascaded into her mouth. She began gagging.
He said , "If you throw up, you will eat it."
"Now , " he said , "lickmy asshole."
She did and the stench and wetness around his asshole was almost more thanshe could bear. While her tongue was in his hole he felt another large fartcoming on and let loose with a rumble. Her tongue vibrated as she instinctivelyretreated. Meanwhile, BigTits was watching from her pool of urine and sobbingwith unending tears. She knew their life was going to continue to be hell.He walked over to the shower stall and told her she was a filthy, pissy bitchwho needed a hot shower.
She mistakenly thought it would be good to get the urine washed off of her.However, she shuddered as he reached in, turned the shower to its hottest settingand let the stream cascade on to her body. She screamed in terror as she realizedwhat was happening. He forced her to stay under the scalding stream until herskin was bright red with blisters starting to form on her shoulders. He finallyturned off the stream and she stumbled out, crying and screaming words thathad no meaning other than absolute pain and terror. He secured BigTits to oneof the walls, stuck a huge dildo into her pussy, and pulled on her bonds untilshe had to stand on tiptoes. He then secured LardAss to a chain through oneof the ceiling rings and engaged a hoist to lift her until she was upside downwith her legs spread wide. He placed a butt plug into her ass. It was the endof the second session. He left.
The Third Session
He entered the room, removed the devices that were in their respectiveholes and re-fastened them so they were standing, with arms pulled upright,facing each other with about three feet between them. He sat on a chair,partially between them, and rubbed his hands over each of their stomachs,down into their furry bushes, at times ramming a finger into their pussies.They were terrified as they looked at his huge dick pointing straight upwards.
He said, "Over the next few weeks we are going to have aseries of contests. The winner will have a much easier life than the loser."
While he was talking he had reached up and grasped a nipple on each of themand he was twisting, squeezing, and pulling with all of his strength. Therewere tears in each of their eyes and their shoulders were heaving.
He said, "During the next sessions we will have a sex anddegradation contest. Points will be awarded to the winner of each of the events.I will explain the rules and rewards as each event is explained. When the contestis completed, the points will be tallied and a winner and loser will be announced.Believe me, in your wildest dreams you cannot imagine how much better the winner'slife will be than the loser's."
They began to beg and he quickly gave their nipples an extraordinary squeeze.They both shut up. They were shuddering as they contemplated what all of thismeant. He then took a broad tipped black magic marker and made a straight thickline down the middle of each their bushes and pussies. They jerked back atthe unexpected touch of the foreign object but he made the mark sure and broadand straight. He then took out a pair of needle nose pliers.
He said , "Each of you will take a turn pulling out the other'shair on only one side of the line."
They again began screaming and begging until he zapped them with the remotes.
He said, "All hair must be removed on one side of the line.The one who gets it removed the fastest will receive 50 points."
LardAss shrieked , "That's not fair – look at how widethat bitch's bush is. She has twice the area that I do."
BigTits lost all semblance of modesty and screamed, "Whatare you talking about bitch? Your black mangybush is twice as thick as mine!"
He unfastened the wrists of LardAss, hit a stopwatch he was holding and said, "Letthe games begin."
LardAss grabbed the pliers and began yanking huge tufts of the blonde bush.BigTits was jerking and screaming and crying. At that, LardAss reached aroundand grabbed a big hunk of that beautiful ass and used it to both control thejerking and to serve as a brace while continuing to yank huge hunks of goldenhair. She stopped once and said, "Done" buthe pointed to tufts of fine yellow hair near the bottom of her slit. LardAssgrasped the tufts quickly with the pliers and gave quick yanks. He hit thestopwatch, and said, "You will know the results after the next contestant."
Huge tears were flowing from the eyes of BigTits as she looked in the mirrorand saw the reflection staring back at her with half of a beautiful bush andhalf of skin that was red and bleeding and completely bald. She knew she wasruined and she knew there was more ruin to come. He then secured LardAss andreleased the wrist fetters of BigTits. BigTits was looking eagerly at the thickhairy bush that was before her. He gave her the pliers and tripped the stopwatch.Then it became apparent that BigTits was a workout freak that explained herbeautiful physique. She reached between the legs of LardAss and impaled herindex finger into the asshole and actually lifted her up on tiptoes.
"How do you like that you rotten, filthy bitch," shescreamed.
As she realized the clock was ticking she let LardAss settle back onto herheels but BigTits kept her finger buried in the asshole. She used the assholeto brace herself and began yanking large hunks of black hair from one sideof the unkept pussy. Pussy hair was flying everywhere and LardAss was screechingand cussing. When the job was complete he had them stand side by side, facinghim. It was a strange sight. Each of them had ½ of their pussy completelybare and ½ of their pussy covered with ½ of a bush.
They were sobbing and their eyes were full of anger toward each other.
He said, "I think you should kiss and make up."
They looked horrified as they realized his words probably had deeper meanings.He then went on to explain the 69 position. LardAss knew what he was talkingabout from the beginning. BigTits began sobbing even louder as the pictureunfolded. He had BigTits lay on her back and LardAss lay on top of her so thateach of them had a pussy directly in front of their face and, specifically,their mouths.
He said, "You have ten minutes in this position to start suckingand probing each other's pussy . Thenyou will switch positions and go at it again for another ten minutes."
BigTits was shuddering and heaving as the pussy smell was already invadingher nostrils. He then went on to explain that this was another test. He toldthem that the one who gave the best and simulated enjoyment the best wouldbe rewarded with another 25 points. He punched the stopwatch. LardAss immediatelydived in and buried her face in the half-covered pussy. Her tongue was lappingup the blonde's cunt and rapidly going for the very depths of the vagina tunnel.BigTits was more tentative as she reluctantly moved her mouth toward the gapinghole that had obviously felt many tongues in its history.
He warned, "BigTits you better get busy becauseLardAss is already ahead of you in style and effort!"
With a silent gasp, BigTits buried her face in the half-dark covered pussyand grasped the engorged clit with her lips. Then her tongue began workingaround the lips of the huge pussy. BigTits throat was gagging as she tastedand smelled the dank regions. Yet, she knew she had to catch up to the experiencedbrunette. BigTits then began in earnest, licking, nipping, tonguing, swallowing,salivating, and even working her nose in as deep as she could. LardAss wasresponding to the sensations on both ends of her body and her pussy was becomingsoaked. Not to be outdone, and to her chagrin, BigTits was getting arousedtoo and her pussy was beginning to leak pussy juice as it mixed with the spitfrom LardAss' mouth.
Just before the first ten minutes had elapsed they both came with a simultaneousorgasm that caused them both to shake, shiver, and grasp each others ass cheekswith all their might.
He said, "Ten minutes down, ten to go, switch positions."
Tears were in the eyes of BigTits as she realized the depth of her orgasmand the shame that had brought it about. One half of her pussy – thebald half – glistened with pussy juice and spit. The other half – thehairy half – had matted down her pubic hair with the same mixture ofmoisture. They assumed the reverse positions and began in earnest with no hesitation.They both came to orgasm continuously for the next ten minutes until both ofthem were drenched in sweat. He told them when the ten minutes was up but theydidn't stop. They kept on at each other – not only eating pussy – butlicking the soft area between their pussies and assholes, stroking the cheeksof the other's ass, reaching up to massage each other's tits. He let them goat each other until they both collapsed in exhaustion from the giving and thegetting. They were spent. It was the end of the third session. He left. Theywere left alone, lying in each other's juices, completely wiped out.
He watched them through the one way mirror. They gradually regainedtheir faculties and stood up. They looked at each other and both apologizedfor the pain they had brought to each other's pussies. They hugged and suddenlyLardAss grasped the back of BigTits head and planted a huge kiss full onher lips. BigTits was startled at first but she quickly began returning thekiss and both their tongues began exchanging places in each other's mouths.BigTits was conflicted. She was completely shamed and repulsed and yet shehad just experienced orgasms such as she never knew existed.
He spoke to them through the intercom . "It's good that youlove each other so much. Look at the bed."
They both looked at the single bed and took in its narrowness. It was barelywide enough for one person.
He said , "You will both always sleep together in that bedand you will never have anything to cover up. I am going to lower the roomtemperature to 50 O andyou will only have each other to keep warm."
They suddenly noticed that it was extremely cold as both of their sets of nipplesbegan to harden and point to a peak. They went to the bed and got in. For themboth to stay in the bed they had to wrap themselves around each other. And,because it was so cold, they did this with no reluctance. He looked in andslowly worked his cock as he looked at the two creatures entwined from whomhe knew he was going to receive so much pleasure.
The Fourth Session
As he looked through the one-way mirror he realized he had let some controlslip away from himself. They were wrapped in each other's arms, shivering,but completely enjoying each other too much. LardAss had her hand cupped aroundthe beautiful ass of BigTits. BigTits had buried her face between the smallishbreasts of LardAss. He reflected on their enjoyment of each other during theprevious session and decided that if they were enjoying themselves too muchthen he was no longer completely in control. He vowed to change that situation.
He entered their room and immediately pressed the remotes hanging aroundhis neck. They were both jolted to reality as the current entered their respectivenecks and zapped every nerve ending in their bodies. He told LardAss to getover against the wall and face outward so she could see what was about to takeplace. He secured her to the rings on the wall with her arms outstretched aboveher head and her legs parted by about two feet.
He then rolled out a special platform he had created. He directed BigTitsto step up on to the platform. He secured her ankles to the floor of the platformusing rings that were attached to it. There was a railing on one side of theplatform that was waist high to her. He directed her to move up on the platformand bend over the railing until her upper body was parallel to the floor. Hethen secured her wrists using restraints and rings on the platform so she couldnot rise up. He put duct tape over her mouth. In this position her huge double-Dtits were hanging straight down and looked like two huge cantaloupes swingingin the air. When he was standing, the height of the platform brought her tremendousjugs just slightly above his eye level. He had been an amateur boxer and oneof his many talents was his dexterity and quickness with the speed bag.
He slowly put on a pair of light workout boxing gloves. Her eyes were watchinghim with great wariness because she realized how vulnerable she was in thisposition. His right hand reached out with a quick motion and jabbed her leftbreast. She was astounded at the quick pain that suddenly shot through herboob. She jerked and tried to move but she was completely immobile. His lefthand zipped out and caught the other side of her left boob. Again she was shockedand electrified as her breast jumped like a living creature with a will ofits own as pain shot through her chest. He then began his boxing rhythm usingher left tit as a speed bag. A fist would hit her tit, it would cave in and,at the same time, bounce away from his fist onto her rib cage, and then reboundonly to be struck by the other fist and repeat the motion. Ratatatatatatatat wenthis fists in a motion that was only a blur. Her tit was also a blur as it reactedto the lightning punishment that was being inflicted on it.
She was shuddering and crying and trying to scream through the duct tapebut his eyes never left their target. Her tit first turned purple, then green,then a sickening yellow. It had swollen to twice its size and completely lostits shape. She longed to pass out but somehow her body would not give her thatrelief.
Finally, after ten minutes on the "speed tit", he quit as perspirationflowed from both of their bodies – his from the physical exertion – hersfrom the severe beating her beautiful breast had just taken. She looked downat it and cried inwardly as she wondered if it would ever be beautiful again.He looked over at LardAss. Her eyes were wide, as she had just witnessed anabuse that she did not know was possible.
He said, "You look like you would make a good heavy bag hangingupside-down from the ceiling. Do you want the same?"
She shook her head as fast as possible. He went over and loosened her restraintsand told her to turn around and face the wall. He re-secured her ankles torings that were on the floor, about three feet from the wall. He then toldher to bend over until her hands were on the floor. He secured her wrists torings on the floor near the wall. Her fat, flabby, pockmarked ass was now highin the air. He suddenly took a bottle of Fleet enema and rammed it into herasshole. With a sudden squeeze he forced its entire contents into her bowels.She jumped with an enormous jerk at the surprise attack but she could go nowhere.He quickly jerked it out and slammed another Fleet enema into her ass and emptiedits contents into her bowels. This was repeated two more times until her gutswere filled with four complete bottles. He slapped a butt plug into her assand taped it secure. She was in agony. These cramps made menstrual cramps seemlike tea with the queen.
She was begging him for release. She said, "I'lldo anything – I'll eat your asshole, I'll drink your piss – anything!!!"
He said, "Hold tight bitch."
He released her restraints and let her go sit on the toilet but hedid not remove the plug. She kept begging him but he did nothing. He thenwent over to BigTits and grabbed her inflated tit with both hands and gaveit a tremendous twist. Tears erupted from her eyes as she let out a muffledscream. He released her restraints and drug her by the tit and forced herdown on her knees in front of the toilet. He spread apart the knees of LardAssand forced BigTits' face down between the spread thighs until her face waseven with the rim of the toilet – looking down into the waiting poolof water. He reached behind LardAss' back and ripped off the tape and theplug in one single motion. Her bowels immediately erupted and let loose anunimaginable load of water and shit into the waiting bowl. The splashes werehuge and rebounded directly into the face of BigTits. He was sitting on herback so she could not rise up. The stench in the room was overwhelming. Itmust have been ferocious for BigTits considering the location of her nose.When the bowels had been completely evacuated, he grabbed a hunk of BigTits'hair and raised her up. Her face was completely covered with watery shit.She was beside herself with shame and disgust.
He slammed her face back down between the thighs and said, "Holdthat position or you will die."
He then straddled her kneeling body and took his dick in his hand. He had beendrinking coffee all morning and his bladder was completely full. He began pissingon to LardAss' stomach just above the head of BigTits. He then began movingthe stream until it was soaking the back of BigTits' head. She was completelydiminished as a human being as she realized her face was covered in shit andher once-beautiful hair was drenched in piss. She did not see how life couldsink any lower. He had regained control. He then told LardAss to hold BigTitshead secure between her thighs.
He said, "If you let her get away you will have another enematreatment and the butt plug will be kept in place for the whole day."
He told BigTits, "If you try to move from this position Iwill do a number on your other tit. Do you understand?"
She nodded her head as much as possible since it was somewhat restricted betweenthe massive thighs and the toilet bowl. At that he slammed a Fleet enema intoBigTits' ass and gushed the water into her bowels. He did this repeatedly untilshe had received six full bottles of liquid into her guts. He slammed in abutt plug and watched her heave with pain as the cramps coursed through herbody.
He said, "Hold completely still or I will stand you up andstart using your stomach as a heavy punching bag."
She tried with all her might to hold still but the cramps were unbelievable.She began begging for relief and her voice had an echo since she was speakinginto the shit-filled toilet bowel.
He said to LardAss, "I think you should piss. If you don'tyou will be punished."
LardAss understood immediately and began grunting and straining. She was motivatedand suddenly her bladder let loose and she began pissing a healthy stream intothe toilet. The piss was bouncing into the water and the bowl and reboundingonto the pained face of BigTits. She was having trouble concentrating on theshame of this because the cramps were rolling through her torso.
When LardAss was through pissing, he said, "Use BigTits' hair towipe your pussy."
She did and BigTits didn't even care anymore. This was minor stuff comparedto what she had just undergone and to what was taking place with her gut. Hethen removed the plug from the BigTits' ass. She immediately pushed LardAssoff the toilet stool and let loose with huge waves of water and shit. She wascrying without end as the total shame of everything completely enveloped her.He then threw a bucket and scrub brush at their feet. The brush was the kindused to scrub floors.
He said to them, "Clean yourselves up you shitty bitches. I willbe back in thirty minutes and you better be operating-room clean!"
They were both sobbing when he left.
LardAss said, "How in the hell are we going to clean ourselvesup?"
BigTits answered, "I don't know but I don't want to fuck aroundwith anything this bastard tells us to do!"
He watched through the mirror as they both went in the shower and startedto clean each other. The brush bristles were hard and they both groaned atthe touch yet they continued on. BigTits screamed with an incredible voicewhen the bristles touched her swollen, beaten tit. Yet, it was covered withshit and piss and she had to endure it.
He returned in exactly thirty minutes. They did look reasonably clean. Hedirected BigTits to lay on the table.
He told LardAss, "Lick her from head to foot. If you miss a spotyou will receive the enema treatment again."
LardAss immediately went to the table and began licking like a cat at a bowlof cream. Her tongue covered the bottom of the feet. It went between and aroundeach toe. It continued up the shins, knees, and thighs. Her tongue exploredevery inch of BigTits' thighs – outside, top, and inside right up tothe half-bush. Her tongue lingered at the pussy and explored every speck ofthe lips, clitoris, and inner vagina. Her tongue covered the remaining pubichair until the hair was completely matted down. Her tongue parted the softdown that went up to the navel and then buried itself in the deep-set navel.Unfortunately there must have been some lint or other substance deep in thenavel because LardAss began sputtering when she felt the fuzzy substance inher mouth.
He said in an exasperated tone , "Swallow it you fat-ass pieceof shit."
She swallowed. Her tongue explored the uninjured breast and curled aroundand over the nipple until it was rock hard. Her tongue then gingerly massagedthe incredibly swollen tit that displayed so much damage. She tried to explorethe damaged nipple and BigTits had huge tears in her eyes as she endured theincredible pain from even a slight, moist touch. The tongue wiped in the underarmsand down the arms and around each finger and thumb. The tongue then exploredthe neck and ears and then entered and swiped inside the waiting mouth. BigTitswas becoming unnerved because she could feel moisture building in her pussy.She was aroused! She was not sure if she even cared. She felt a sneeze comingon as the invading tongue entered each nostril and swirled in the tiny nosehairs. Then the tongue covered each eyelid and eyebrow and finally swept throughher incredible blonde hair.
LardAss signaled the aroused lady to turn over. Then the tongue began itsjourney all around the back and down to the jiggly ass cheeks. The tongue sweptup and down her ass crack. She then spread the beautiful cheeks and spied thewaiting asshole – surrounded by fine ass hair. Her tongue dived intothe nether hole and seemed to linger there forever with great enjoyment. BigTitswas now humping her hips up and down trying to urge on the probing tongue.The sexual waves were so strong that she did not even notice the pain sensationsaround her wounded tit that was now being thrust and bounced on to the metaltable. Suddenly BigTits felt an orgasm coming on and she now had no desireto quell it. It swept over and through her body and she was screaming in ecstasyas she experienced an orgasm such as she had never felt before.
It was now LardAss' turn. She climbed on to the table, face up. BigTits wasconflicted with strange emotions. She was repulsed and yet drawn to the actof running her tongue completely over this flabby unkept body. She began alsoat the toes and worked her way up. She was not nearly as aggressive with hertongue and yet she was producing much more saliva than LardAss had generated.By the time she got to the dark, dank muff, the lower half of LardAss' bodywas completely engulfed with bubbly, slippery saliva. BigTits was also aroused.BigTits began working her tongue into the fat slit when LardAss grabbed theback of her head and slammed it into her muff. LardAss was actually masturbating,using her partner's tongue, nose and lips as a human dildo. Soon she was comingwith wave after wave of sexual completion – shooting out huge loads ofpussy juice into the waiting yet reluctant mouth and face of BigTits.
LardAss collapsed back onto the table in complete exhaustion. BigTits resumedher tongue journey until she had worked over to the backside and into the flabbycrack of the ass. She discovered that the cleaning job had not been too goodand soon she tasted gritty, slippery pieces of shit. She had no choice, shelapped them up and tried to swallow them whole so as not to taste them. Shethought – " this might as well be shared." Sheflipped over LardAss and rammed her tongue deeply into the surprised waitingmouth. LardAss did not miss a beat – she began eagerly sucking on thetongue that impaled her face.
He had seen enough. He jolted them for fifteen seconds with the remotes.It was the last thing they had expected, and, caught off guard, they both beganshaking and actually fell off of the table on to the floor in a heap.
He had shut off the water to their room. It had been a full day since theyhad anything to eat or drink. He brought them in each a double-sided pet bowl.One side contained water, the other was filled to the brim with a dog foodcalled "gravy train". He set them both on the floor and said, "thisis all you get for the next twenty-four hours. It will be removed in fifteenminutes." He continued, "get down on your handsand knees if you want to eat or drink – you are simply property to meand I don't give a shit about any niceties."
They were horror struck as they realized they were incredibly hungry andthirsty and yet the dog food was completely gross with its chunks of "something" floatingin a slowly coagulating broth. LardAss gave in first and got down on her handsand knees and tentatively licked up some of the dog food. She gagged, slurpedup some water and returned to the "food". She kept up this processuntil it was almost all gone – both the food and the water. While shewas eating and slurping, he came up behind her and began playing with her asshole that was stuck so invitingly upward. She tried not to notice but she wasgetting turned on and she wiggled her ass invitingly, hoping he would moveto her cunt. Instead, he reamed out her ass violently with his thick thumbbut she kept on eating and drinking – knowing that this was the lastfood and water for a long time.
Meanwhile, BigTits was conflicted with a strong sense of grossness and anincredible hunger and thirst. She finally got down on her hands and knees andlicked at one of the larger chunks of dog food. Her stomach heaved as she triedto control the retching she felt building inside her. Yet, she returned andbegan eating the mess in the bowl. Suddenly, he reached over and slammed herface completely down into the food. She screamed and tried to pull back buthe was too strong and he continued to hold her head down into the bowl andits contents. She was trying to breathe and eat at the same time. He finallygrabbed a chunk of her once-beautiful blonde hair and pulled her up so he couldlook her square in the face. Her degradation had reached new lows. Her facewas covered with chunks of dog food and the "gravy" was running downher chin and on to her tits.
He said, "this is still all you get, use it wisely."
She was weeping violently as she scooped the food from her face and titsand began eating it. When it was all gone she bent down and licked up wateras fast as she could. She knew again that her life had turned to complete shitand she would never have a human existence again. Her spirit was broken. Thesession was over. He left.
The Fifth Session
He returned and they were both sitting on the edge of the tables. He said, "Beginningwith this session each of you, on a separate day, will have a chance tojack me off."
"Only your hands can touch my dick and balls. It will bea timed exercise. The one who gets me hard first – hard will be definedas when the end of my dick is shiny – will get 10 points. The one whogets me to come first will get another 15 points. The one who licks up allthe cum first will receive an additional 25 points. As I said, only your handscan touch my crotch, however, you can use your lips on any other part of me.In case you wouldn't guess, I am especially sensitive in the area between myballs and asshole."
He then told them that the one who wasn't jacking him off would be blindfoldedso she could not see how the other was performing. At that, he threw a blackhood to BigTits and told her to cover up her head. He then told her to geton her hands and knees with her ass pointing toward him. Then he told her toreach behind herself and pull her ass cheeks apart. He told her if she movedfrom this position she would receive the enema treatment. She reached behindherself and her face went to the floor, blindfolded and turned to the side.She pulled her ass cheeks apart as far as she could with her fantastic asshole and pussy looking straight at him. He lay on the table and picked up thestopwatch and told LardAss that timing had begun.
LardAss immediately ran over to him and took his dick in her right hand.She nudged his legs apart and began licking the area between his balls andhis ass hole. At the same time she reached beneath him with her free hand andstuck her index finger up his ass. While she was jacking him off with her righthand, the finger of her left hand was buried deep inside him, massaging hisprostate. In twelve seconds his dick was hard as a rock and the mushroom endwas shiny as a new mirror. She continued to move her hand up and down his shaft,bouncing her hand off his balls and up to the thick overhanging edge of hiscircumcised mushroom dick head.
His breath was coming quickly, his balls were tightening and swelling atthe same time, and his prostate was reacting to her experienced finger. Suddenly,a huge spurt of cum shot straight into the air. Somehow she had anticipatedthis – obviously she was very experienced – and she turned herhead with her mouth open and caught the entire glob in her mouth. She swallowedit in one quick gulp and continued to jack the shaft of his dick.
She had removed her finger from his ass and now her free hand was graspingis balls and squeezing and massaging them to coax more cream from his hugeballs. Another huge wad of cum came out of his dick, went into the air, andcame down squarely on her left eye that she managed to close just in the nickof time. Even though this eye was stuck shut with cum, she continued workinghis equipment and three more globs shot forth to immediately descend into themaze of thick black pubic hair around the base of his dick. As she continuedworking him, cum now oozed out and slowly ran down his dick and through thefingers of her jacking hand. She reached up with her free hand and wiped themass of cum from her closed eyelid and sucked it greedily from her hand. Shethen dived into the mass of black hair with her tongue and licked the stuffthat was intertwined in the curly hair. It was immediately gone and she nowmoved her tongue to the head of his dick and licked it completely clean.
Now she took each of her cum drenched fingers and sucked them completelydry. He had all but collapsed at the sight, sound, and feel of all of this.Now, she took each of his balls between her thumb and finger of each hand andgently massaged them. She knew that at this moment he was vulnerable and yetsomething inside of her would not let her try to take advantage of his condition.She had always loved the taste of cum and his was better than any other shehad ever ingested. Despite the pain and degradation she realized that she wasexperiencing sex at a level she had never attained. Because of her sloppy appearanceshe had only been fucked after a night of drinking at a bar. And, in thosecases, the men had never tried to please her, they had simply used her orificesas a spittoon for their cum. For once, she realized that this man was concentratingon her and the sex was better than she had ever dreamed possible. And, thepain and degradation brought her to a new level of experiences. She thought, "Icould get into this!"
He looked down at her and examined her closely. Her ass was heavy and unattractive.Her thighs were thick. Her tits were relatively small for her big frame. Therewere love handles on each side of her waist. Yet she was appealing becauseshe was completely uninhibited and she was in love with dirty sex. She lovedthe feel and taste of cum. She liked punishment. At that moment he made a decisionto change the direction he had intended to take with the two captives. BigTitswas still on her knees with her ass up in the air and pointed toward them.She was listening intently to all the sounds that had transpired. He kneltdown and placed his mouth next to LardAss' ear. He told her that the contestcould be over and he was thinking about declaring her the winner.
He asked, "Is there anything you would like to do to push me into finalizingthat decision?"
She was still on her knees and she looked up at him with a Mona Lisa smileon her face. She reached with her mouth and touched the huge ball of his thatwas hanging down. She slowly began sucking it into her mouth. It was a verytight fit since she had an incredibly small mouth for such a large girl. Suddenlythe entire nut slipped into her mouth. She began licking the underside of itwith her tongue while sucking vigorously. At the same time she took his huge,thick dick in her hand and began beating a drumbeat on her forehead with thebulbous mushroom end. Then, with her other hand, she reached behind him andbegan massaging the rim of his ass hole with her finger. It was too much forhim. She felt his ball swell in her mouth. She saw the end of his dick gettinglarger and throbbing as she beat it into her forehead. She could even feelthe rim of his ass hole puckering in and out with great sexual reaction. Shesuddenly popped his right ball out of her mouth and slipped the equally hugedick end between her lips. He came again with huge bursts of cum, hitting theback of her mouth and slamming the love juice down into her throat. She swallowedit eagerly until he had cum completely.
She knew from experience that men often had to piss after dropping theirload. She asked him if he had to pee. He nodded. She stood and holding hisdick with one hand, led him to the open shower stall. She directed him to standon the built-in seat in the stall so that they were facing each other withhis dick at her eye level. Then, he began pissing a huge yellow, splatteringstream. She held his dick and directed the flow over her two nipples, downher stomach, and into the half bush that covered one side of her pussy. Whilehe was still pissing she raised the head of his dick until he was splatteringher face with piss. She opened her mouth and began swallowing the remainingstream as quickly as it came. He finally quit with several dribbles. She turnedher face upward beneath his dick so that she could slurp up the final remnantsof his piss. She was still smiling. She decided to do one more thing to sealthe deal that she knew he was about to make with her.
She had noticed the rolling table of paraphernalia he brought with him eachtime he came into the room. She walked over to the table, still dripping piss,and picked up a pair of needle nose pliers. She went over and sat on the edgeof the table and gripped a large chunk of her own pubic hair and ripped itfrom her crotch. She continued working on the remaining portions of black,curly hair, tearing them out by the roots from her body. Tears of pain werestreaming from her eyes but she never slowed the pain exploitation of her ownbody. Finally, there was not single strand of pubic hair left on her crotch.
There were drops of blood flowing from some spots where the hair had beenripped to vigorously. There were additional splots of redness, and yet, therewas something appealing about the smooth child-like pubic area on such a largegirl. Also, her mons venus protruded tremendously. He had never seen one thatlooked so much like a mountain to be conquered. The whole thing finalized hisdecision.
He spoke to her in a voice loud enough for BigTits to hear. "Ideclare that you are the winner and my queen slave. You will still be subjectedto punishment and degradation but you will also helpoversee the events that I bring down on the body of BigTits".
BigTits was aghast! She couldn't believe what she was hearing. While shewas protesting, he went over to LardAss and took one of the remotes from aroundhis neck and placed it over the head and around the neck of LardAss.
He said, "This is your necklace of superiority. Use it oftenand well!"
She immediately pressed the button and they both watched as BigTits beganwrithing on the floor. Still pressing the button, LardAss walked over to herand told her to lay on her back and lay perfectly still. BigTits did so immediatelyand LardAss took her finger off of the button. LardAss looked down at the bodyof BigTits and stared at the left tit that was still swollen and still coveredwith ugly-colored bruises. LardAss lifted her foot and ground her heel intothe tender, sore tit. BigTits began screaming and crying and tried to movefrom beneath the pressing foot. But, LardAss was too strong and she pushedeven harder – turning the heel back and forth to cause excruciating pain.LardAss removed her foot and told BigTits to hold perfectly still, face up,with her mouth open or she would begin the foot treatment again. BigTits obeyedwith her mouth open as wide as possible. LardAss then hunkered down over theinviting mouth and squeezed a huge turd directly into the mouth. BigTits begangagging and was going to try to spit it out but LardAss then sat down heavilyonto the face, grinding the shit into her mouth and, finally, down into herthroat.
Then, LardAss said, "Look what you've done, you've causedshit to smear all over my ass. Lick it off or you get more of this."
At that she depressed the remote button again and electricity surged throughthe collar of BigTits. BigTits stuck out her tongue unwillingly and began lickingthe shit from the fat ass that was hovering inches over her face. She knewher life had taken a direction that no human should have to endure and, yet,she saw no way out! She wept.
As he watched everything transpire he knew he had made a good decision. Hetold them both that from now on, every morning from 9:00 a.m. to noon, LardAsshad free rein to do as she pleased with BigTits. He also indicated that althoughLardAss would continue to receive punishment, it would be more of the "playful" varietyjust to keep her accustomed to a daily life of some sort of punishment. Healso told them that from this day hence, LardAss would have regular meals eatenwith silverware off of a normal plate. BigTits, on the other hand, would haveonly dog food and various bodily fluids and excrement eaten from a dog dish.He told LardAss that from now on she would never have to wipe when she pissedor shit. Instead, he indicated, BigTits would now be responsible for all wiping.And, to ensure she did a good job, BigTits would have to lick the ass holeand pussy she had just wiped. He told BigTits that each day she would receivethree enema treatments. Furthermore, every other day she would be fucked inthe ass by him. On the days she wasn't ass fucked she would wear a butt plugfor the entire day. He further told her that the butt plug would be increasedin size each day until her ass hole gaped open in an amount that he deemedworthy to use as a spittoon. He told BigTits that she would hold his dick everytime he pissed. But, when he pissed, she would be sitting on the toilet andit would be to her advantage to get good at aiming his dick because he wouldbe pissing in the small gap between her thighs and the toilet rim. Any pissthat hit the floor or the toilet rim would have to be wiped up with her tongue.She would also be responsible for wiping, and licking his ass after each timehe took a shit. He told them both that on the off days when he wasn't buttfucking BigTits, he would be fucking LardAss in the pussy. During those timesshe would be assuming the "69" position with BigTits on the bottom.Thus, his balls would be riding on BigTits' face while he was fucking LardAss.BigTits was to lick his balls during the entire time of the intercourse. Then,after he had come in LardAss' pussy, BigTits would have the responsibilityof cleaning the dripping pussy with her tongue.
There would also be considerable body piercing and branding imposed uponBigTits' beautiful body. He would give her details as he imposed each action.Finally he told LardAss that she had thirty minutes to deprive BigTits of herremaining half of pussy hair. LardAss responded immediately by jolting BigTitswith an electrical current as she told her to lie still on her back. Then LardAsssat on BigTits stomach facing the half-covered pussy. She took the pliers andbegan reaping the cunt hair with a vengeance – pulling and throwing itin every direction. BigTits jumped with each yank but tried to hold still asmuch as possible lest she get shocked again. Within seventeen minutes the pussywas completely devoid of any growth. LardAss then took the pliers and grabbedthe clit of the newly bald pussy. She gave it a twist and a yank until it wasstretched out as far as her arm muscles would permit. BigTits was screamingand writhing in pain. However, the huge ass on her stomach kept her from movingtoo far and tears were rolling from her eyes. LardAss gave it a final pulland released it suddenly to let it snap back like a rubber band. Then, LardAssswung around 180 degrees to face the beautiful tits. She grabbed the nippleof the damaged tit with the pliers and the other nipple with her thumb andforefinger. She pulled the nipples toward each other until they actually crossed.She then began squeezing with all of her might. BigTits was in pain and shock,drool was running from her mouth as she tried to beg for release from the enormouspain to which she was being subjected. LardAss told her to open her mouth wideand shut up. BigTits opened her mouth as though she were in a dentist chair.LardAss began spitting into the wide open mouth. Most of the spit hit the targetalthough some missed and landed on cheeks, eyelids, and even in her nostril.When LardAss had spit herself dry she released the nipples and laughed uproariously.As he watched, his dick became hard again he walked over and sat on the faceof BigTits, facing LardAss who was still straddling the stomach of the once-beautifulblonde.
He said, "Jack me off."
She grasped the incredibly thick dick with both hands and began working withall her might. As they both felt the cum building in his dick he stood up andtold BigTits to open wide. LardAss guided his dick and much of the gism shotinto the open mouth. However, two big globs missed their target and hit theleft eyelid of BigTits. The globs actually glued the eye lid shut. As she instinctivelyopened the lid, a strand of cum laid across the eyeball causing her immensepain. She tried to wipe it away but her arms were held captive by LardAss.
He said, "Here, I'll help."
He spit continuously onto the eyelid until their was a good mix of salivaand cum. Then, he grabbed his dick and pissed into her face washing away theliquid mixture. BigTits could deal with this no longer and she passed out.He revived her with smelling salts and told her he was almost done for thatday. At that, he walked over to the toilet and sat down. He directed BigTitsto come over and lay her face between his legs. Then, he dropped an enormousload of shit into the bowl. The smell in the entire room was overwhelming,it must have been ferocious in the proximity of BigTits' face. When he wasfinished he told BigTits to wipe his ass. She tried her best but she was forlornafter three wipes when each wad of toilet paper seemed to show an unendingsupply of shit from his ass.
He looked at her and smiled. He turned around, bent over, and said, "Startlicking."
When she hesitated, LardAss gave her a jolt on the collar. She reached forwardreluctantly with her tongue and placed it in the crack of his ass. His asswas coated with hair and it seemed as though each hair was a gathering postfor little clumps of shit. LardAss moved forward and used her hands to spreadhis cheeks so that a good view could be seen. It was a shit garden. One morejolt and BigTits started licking, gagging, heaving, swallowing the rising gorgeand she wept unceasingly as she was forced to lick and swallow the clumps ofshit. When his ass was finally clean and wet with saliva LardAss told her, "Goodjob shiteater." He looked at both of them and told LardAssshe was on her own for the night. He left.
The First Session of the New Regime
He entered the room just before 9:00 a.m. to see how LardAss would use herthree hours of dominion. As usual, he brought with him the rolling table fullof various implements. He sat down and told LardAss she could begin when ready.BigTits was panic-stricken and knew that her life could only get worse althougheven yesterday she had thought it was bad as it could get. LardAss told BigTitsto stay on her knees and reach back with her hands to spread her cheeks. Asshe did this she fell forward on her still injured tit and let out a scream.But the worse was yet to come. LardAss went to the table and picked up a twelve-inchdildo that was incredibly thick and lined everywhere with hard plastic studs.She took it, walked over to the sprawling spread beauty and began grindingthe dildo into the lovely ass hole of the stricken slave. BigTits screamedwith agony but she was afraid to pull away. Gradually the torturous implementground into her bowels until it was completely imbedded. Then LardAss beganrotating it back and forth, causing the studs to rub furiously against thetender inner linings of the bowels. BigTits screeched even louder and beggedfor relief.
LardAss quit rotating the instrument of terror and walked over to the tableand put a sixteen-inch strap on dildo. She knelt down behind the still torturedslave and with the entire weight of her body slammed the dildo into the waitingpussy until it was completely buried. BigTits had never felt such filling painin all her life. Her ass hole and pussy were stretched to their max and shethought the pain unbearable. Yet, LardAss began fucking her with the strap-on,and, at the same time she grasped the butt impaler and began sliding it inand out.
As BigTits screamed in agony she began feeling a surge of arousal. She triedto resist it but the sexual impalement was too much. Suddenly, in a huge burst,she came with a climax that was unlike any she had ever experienced. She hadtrouble separating the feelings of pain and the feelings of ecstasy. She screamedat the release and screamed at the pain. Pussy juice somehow found itself aroundthe plastic dick that was buried in her pussy.
LardAss removed both implements and went around to the enraptured face ofBigTits. She began shoving one of the coated dildos into the mouth of the victim.Then, she began to rapidly exchange each dildo, shoving them in and out untilall the shit and cum and bodily fluids were completely removed from both instruments.LardAss went to the table again and picked up a wire coat hanger. She bentit to a shape she liked and went again to the rear end of the fallen angel.BigTits began shuddering because she had seen her with the hanger and knewwhat was in store. Just as the hanger was about to strike he intervened.
He said, "Let's set her up so her insides are being punished asmuch as her outside."
He put a spreader bar on the legs of BigTits and secured a line to each ankle.The lines were threaded through pulleys in the ceiling. He directed LardAssto give him a hand and they both began to pull until BigTits was dangling upsidedown with her head about two feet above the floor. She was sobbing as she realizedthe vulnerability of her position. He then opened an ice chest he had broughtin and withdrew a fourteen-inch dildo, made entirely of ice. It was incrediblythick and detailed. He had machined the mold himself and it was complete downto a vein running beneath the frozen dick. He walked up to the pussy that wasjust about at eye level and told LardAss to spread the lips of the waitingpussy. He then slammed the ice dick into the pussy. He rammed with all hisstrength until it was completely buried. BigTits was screaming in agony asthe ice actually burned the lining of her once beautiful pussy. As the icewas interacting with her pussy lining, vapor was escaping from the love tunnelin the same manner as someone's breath on a cold winter morning.
He then picked up an enema bag that he had prepared especially for this occasion.Instead of water, it was filled with Louisiana hot sauce. It was rumored thatthis sauce could make a desert lizard sweat. He pushed the nozzle into herass hole and began squeezing the enema bag. As the full load of sauce squishedinto her bowels she felt as thought her guts had been set afire. The hot sauceseemed to find every crevice inside her colon. She was now conflicted withalmost too many pain signals to bear. Her pussy was on fire from the directcontact of the ice. Her bowels were burning with a searing heat. Her guts seemedfull to a point that she would not have dreamed possible. When all the burningliquid was inside of her he sealed it off with an inflatable butt plug andwatched the reactions to all the stuff that was inside her.
He then directed LardAss to get behind her and hold her head perfectly still.He began pissing into the open, screaming mouth. As she tried to close hermouth with a gurgling screech he moved his pissing dick slightly and directedthe yellow stream into her upturned nostrils. She felt the hot burning liquidgoing into her sinuses and she tried to gasp air through her mouth. He hada full bladder and he was able to direct the stream into her face openingsfor an unbelievable term. When he was finished he shook the end of his dickso that the last few drops would hit against her.
She was still screaming in agony from the pain to her insides and he toldLardAss, "Now you can give her the hanger treatment."
LardAss relished the target with eagerness and lifted her strong arm forthe first swing. BigTits was weeping. She was weeping from the present pain.She was weeping from the pain she knew she was about to receive. She was weepingas she realized what her future would be. He was smiling. He was smiling ashe saw the present pain. He was smiling from the pain he knew she was aboutto receive. He was smiling as he realized what her future would be. LardAsswas gathering strength. She was gathering strength from the present pain ofBigTits. She was gathering strength from the pain she knew BigTits was aboutto receive. She was gathering strength as she realized what BigTit's futurewould be.
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Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you.... (No score in game mode it just prevents weird stuff from happening in some of the chapters) Please Add to the story. Anything goes
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IncestAUTHOR'S NOTE: It is recommended you read the story "Goddess", by my good friend Cheyenne Chaste Moon, before reading this story. This will help you comprehend the Goddess character, and allow you to know what she and Roy were talking about. It is available at her Web site: ROY'S SAGA by Roy Del Frink Chapter One: THE ORIGINS It all started one Friday night last year. I was 23 years old, and had just finished reading Cheyenne Chaste Moore's story...
[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...
For those who have read my By the Sea stories and enjoyed them, the following series may please also. It finds the loving couple at home after their seaside vacation. Comments and observations--both praise and instruction--always are welcome. toy aka searic Post-Sea Saga Back to the mundane workaday world, my lovely wife-Mistress and I were careful to keep active the intense fulfillment and just plain fun of our D/s life. This could range from an entire weekend of play, beginning...
Caregiver in Love Part 5 In the final stunning climax of the Caregiver Saga: Shawn's friends visit for girl's night, and Shawn hears a strange sound. I clicked across the house and foyer in the kitten heels and pulled open the door, before I realize what I was wearing. My heart skipped a beat. Jacqueline beamed at me from the doorway, with a giant salad bowl and two fresh baguettes in her arms. She handed me the baguettes and kissed me on the cheek, and said, "Every time I ring...
An unsual Indian saga by MasalaThis is purely a work of fiction.M+/m, M+/f, incest, humiliationA dominating male discovers that he's actually submissive. The story depicts the turns of events in his life.I'm not gay. Never was. But one stupid drunken internet chat changed all that. I look back at how it all started and feel the shame even today. How I got carried away and ended up being a sub to a dominating man. Even getting my family involved in it.A year back I was happy. I had a pretty...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
The Beginning A story by R. d. LePew Legally copyright held by R.k. February 2, 2003 The Beginning Prelude Even as I sit here today to write this, not everything is known about Eric Laska and Mark Wingfield. In fact, little at all is known about their lives prior to the start of this story. We do know, through readily available records, that they grew up entirely separate from one another, one in Upstate New York, and the other in Ohio. We also know trivial things, such...
I sat at my desk staring at my computer screen. An email, marked 'urgent,' stared back at me. It left me completely baffled as I re-read it for the fourth time. It was short; it simply informed me that I was required to report to the Director of Security's office for a late afternoon meeting, at four thirty.Why would the security Director want to see me? I wondered.It was mid-afternoon, so I had almost two hours to wait before I went upstairs to find out what it was all about. I spent that time...
Joanny Morales was waiting for the bell to ring, ending her day at school. Joanny wasn't really paying attention to the teacher, she was mostly trying to talk with her friend in class and when she couldn't get away with that she was passing notes. She is fifteen years old and a little bit overweight, but she is not fat. She is big boned and there is only so thin she could get without looking sick, but she didn't worry about her weight anyway. She doesn't have many friends, but she...
Ok, I've tried to start this story a hundred times. ?The problem is I don’t know how it started. ?I would be lying to say everything just magically appeared. ?I guess I got caught up in the slippery slope of desire and before I knew it.... ? My wife and I have been married about 20 years. ?We both had previous marriages that brought some baggage but we are fairly normal people. ?I mean we both have decent jobs, we live in a nice older home, participate in community events and we had a decent...
This irritated Bella. She was more than capable of standing up for herself as she had often proved. She wanted to be with Edward all the time, but he always seemed so distant and untouchable at times. So this was why she was strolling through the woods. She was going to show Edward that she could do without him, that she could live her own life without waiting for him on tenterhooks the whole time. Bella reached the wooden shack by the edge of the woods and knocked on the door. To her joy...
I kneel naked before the small campfire, its flickering light dancing across my bare body as the night time creatures move beyond its small circle of illumination. Millions of insects call throughout the forest, each lending it desperate cry for a mate to the cacophony of sexual desperation, while their predators snatch, snare and feast upon the unfortunate ones. "O, Lady Lilith, Mother of demons, Defier of divine will, I beg you, grant me the power to defile the devout and corrupt the innocent...
FantasyDo you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesWhen the ship pulled into the harbor, Lord Drad came out of the cabin, and made his way to the deck. His first command was to lower sails, and make ready to dock. All of the crew began carrying out his orders with a haste. Lord Drad was a Nord, from Skyrim, and he had all the fine qualities of such a person. His hair was long, and flowing, with blond and black streaks. His eyes pierced with a gray gaze. His body was firm, and stalky, yet tall and fair. His face was strong, with a built...
Choose where Chewbacca is...
I am the embodiment of lust and I decided to drop a rather average pervert into one of my favorite fictional world. Let's see who shall I choose?
The year is 821 AD, and the word Viking is feared throughout northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. And in the snowbound lands of Norway, in a small seaside port Hakon Magnusson is Jarl. As the lord of the land he has himself many luxuries the common folk would wish for, including two wives and numerous concubines through which he has produced many children. These children are of varying ages, builds, intelligence and general character, but for all of them one fact rings true.... They have...
It had spent millions of years hurling thru space till it landed in the water of this blue planet and bonded to a life form. It needs a host to survive in an active state. The one it had bonded with was known as Peter Parker/Spiderman. But few knew him by the last name. His life had been lonely for many years. His friends were few as was the number of his mates. He desired more, but didn't have the mind set and powers to do it. He wished for control over his life as well. These were the deep...
Hello my name is . . . Well my name isn't all to important. Let me tell you a secret, my eyes ain't what they used to be so what are you?
Your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! girls are transformed into sexy and busty blonde bimbos.
After returning home, I was really quite tired and somewhat sore from all the sex we'd been having over that weekend. I told mom that I had had a wonderful time but was quite tired and really worn-out and that I wanted to take a shower and lie down for a while to get some rest.She said, "Do you want me to wake you for dinner, dear?""Yes mom”, I replied, “please call me."For the next couple of days, I was still very sore, moving very cautiously and somewhat slowly.During the next week after...
SeductionPeter Faulk had an ordinary life so far except for one or two things. A nerd thru out high school he was ignored. Average in every way. Except for one. He had superpowers. Unique superpowers that he had hidden away for a long time. He could transform things giving them superpowers of his own choosing. He had mind and emotion control abilities and super hypnosis. He had magical skills that he practised with out people knowing. All of this was going along with his plan. To control a group of...
Mind ControlTHEMCortana felt a shock run through her being as she sensed a shadow falling across her naked form. Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up, her arms coming across her chest to cover up her breasts. In a split second, she felt embarrassment, annoyance, and a whole slew of negative emotions. She looked up and saw that her intruder was none other than the man she had been fantasising about for so long. John. Her embarrassment remained, but it was quickly giving way to other emotions. More...
HIMA kilometre away, the lone figure that Cortana had previously spotted in the distance continued in his run down the beach. Anyone noticing him at this point would not stop to think that this was the man who was largely responsible for the saving of the human race. But then, those who did not know him very well would not have recognised him without his green MJOLNIR armour. Instead, he wore a dark grey t-shirt, dark blue shorts and sneakers. But there was no doubting his identity. He was the...
(I thank Poonam for sharing her experiences and giving me a free hand to add spice.) I got up after midnight to go to the washroom. As I was returning, I heard sounds from my parent’s room. I heard three voices. I was puzzled, and drew the window curtain a few inches and peeped. They did not close the windows. I almost screamed and fainted by what I saw. Somehow, I managed to control and watched. Mom was straddling my uncle Sanjay, her brother. Both were naked. Uncle was mauling mom’s tits as...
IncestHello Everyone, I’m back with a new story. This is a continuation of my previous story if you haven’t read those please check them first. Let’s Start the story. I had the same routine for the past 4 weeks. Getting the chastity belt and craving for orgasm the whole week. Then getting too much orgasm in one single day. Finally ending the week by satisfying my masters, all 5 of them. In the end, I always got too tired and just slept right away. When I woke up I used to have back the chastity belt....
LesbianHello, indian sex story friends, my name is Sid and I’m from Delhi. I am a normal looking guy with my body being on the heavy side. My tool is of normal size at approx 6 inches (not like others who say that they have 9 inches). I have been an avid reader of ISS for almost 5 years, so today after mustering a lot of courage I am writing this story that happened to me around 2 years back. The story might be bit long but you will not regret reading it with all things explained properly to make it...
Hi everyone, my name is Rahul and this is my second story on Indian sex stories . After my first story I got very good response so here I am presenting next step of my sex life. Those who had not read my story can read it by clicking on following link . Without wasting any time I am presenting my story and I hope u will enjoy it. After my sexual encounter with my mami my life became very happy and adventures. Whenever I get chance I press her boobs and her sexy ass. Although she didn’t like...
IncestHi Doston, mera naam raj hai, main 24yrs ka hun. Delhi main rehta hun, main mommy aur didi ke saath rehta hun, papa ka death 12 saal pehle hi hochuki hai. Ye kahani hai mere parivaar ki. Baat aaj se 2 saal ka hai, main engg. final year main khatam hi hua tha. Aur job start hone mian 2 mahine baki the. Achanak ek buri khabar ne humari parivaar ko jhanjhor ke rakhdia. Meri didi jo 28 saal ki thi unke pati ka accident hogaya aur expire kargaye. Kyon ki didi Delhi main hi rehti thi. Maine accident...
Hie readers… I am Sravya-a young and horny girl from the City of destiny. 22yo and with required weights where ever needed. This story is a pure fantasy of mine and none of the names were ever related. If you are looking for some hard core, then this is not for you…Here it goes..!! Have fun reading it Well, the adventure I am going to pen down happened when I was 20, that is 2years ago when I was travelling from Hyderabad to Vizag in a Super Luxury Pvt bus. I always liked teasing men with my...
A little while ago I posted a story and request for ideas about bondage and tickling. This is a follow-up about the ordeal Alex cooked up to get even with me. Before I start I should probably explain a few things about Alex and myself. We have been lovers for several years now and while we regularly tie and torment each other, I view myself as being submissive and masochistic and Alex as dominant and sadistic (oh how she can be sadistic!) Fortunately this works out quite well for us :-). In...
Well hello to everyone at ISS and this here is my first submission anywhere and being a fan and a constant reader of sex-stories. I think it’s time for me to narrate one of mine. I had been in a relationship for a long time and well these incidents are more on the lovemaking side and not on the hardcore sex types, so I reach out to a specific genre. This story starts with me coming from KL Kuala Lumpur after my first year at college and maintaining a long distance relationship with my...
Caregiver in Love Part 3 In which Shawn endures a long visit to the mall and further unwelcome feminization. The Fitting Marilyn led me back to the department store. We stepped on the escalator to the second floor and went to the intimate apparel section. Marilyn got the attention of the attractive lady clerk who glided over to where we were standing. "Could you check to see if my niece is correctly fitted for the bra she's wearing? And we want to find a good bra insert to...
Caregiver in Love Part 4 In which Shawn finally fights back against his feminization. Toes, fingers and Mr. Pinky weigh in In the car ride home, Marilyn put down the top of her convertible and we listened to music as the warm breeze and sun played on our bare legs. Marilyn pushed a button to raise a special screen to minimize the wind blowing on my new haircut. Even though we were driving down a tree- lined boulevard at thirty miles per hour, I could feel only a very slight...
Chapter 7 The Finn Family, with the exception of the Vega and Peterson families, arrived back in Boston without much fanfare and broke apart for the next few days as each of the branches unwound and relaxed. For some it was the calm before the storm of summer jobs. For others, it was gearing up for their own big vacations that let them enjoy themselves without children for the first time in years. One of those vacationing families were the Porters. The Porters were a newly blended...
Hi friends. I am Narayana, age 68 still fit and fine and with lots of sexual arouse in my entire life. One day while surfing I happened to see this site and became a great fan, and now decided to tell you all my experiences with my family and also with others too. In my long life time I happened to come across many incidents, and fucked many pussies small, big, white, black, shaved, unshaved, clean, dirty, etc… Now I will tell you my early incidents, I was a normal boy from very beginning and...
IncestKarmal leaned back in her well upholstered seat as the whine of the executivejet lulled her comfortably into a relaxed state.Her racing thoughts continuedto race within her mind as she tried to get a firm grasp on her good fortuneover the past 2 days when she had been hired by the W_S-T_N Corporation. Karmal over 3 months ago had escaped from the confines of a Mexican SlaveFarm and had sought employment once she returned to the U.S..She had just aboutbeen on the point of despair as she got the...
Disclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter writing by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...
FetishDisclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are so not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter written by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...
FetishNow it was the month of September. As I told you all, I have temporarily lost my job. I needed one as I realized that I couldn’t depend upon the profession of a Gigolo alone. I decided that I would also do something else to have full-time employment. Working as a gigolo will add to my income and be a source of my fun. I searched for a job and got one at a call center. I joined that job and started to work. The pay was less, but the chances of incentive were great. As I joined this job, I...
Raman Nair sat in his easy chair reading a novel. A slight sound made him look up and he looked right into the eyes of his daughter in law, Menaka. She stood at the doorway, hands on her hips smiling at him. She wore a tight blue jeans and a tight pink tops that hugged her body and being soft material outlined her black lace bra. The low neck of the tops showed the bulge of her breasts forming and the breasts themselves were thrusting forward invitingly. Nair gasped at her, mouth open wide. She...
I met the Emperor. Kaiba-sama's funeral was the biggest event I'd ever been to – the biggest event I'd ever heard of other than the coronation and that was when I was a kid. Kaiba brought the whole posse – except Joey of course – and even brought my Dad and Kawai-chan. We wandered around in dark suits looking out of place with all the rich, famous, important people. If I were smarter, I would have stayed at Kaiba Manor with Serenity and played video games all day. I met the Prime...
Trina laughed as she threw another handful of the overly-buttered mess at him. “That’s what you fucking get!” “But it’s true!” “Fairies are not stupid!” “Yes they are!” “They’re gonna kick your ass if you keep talking shit!” A frustrated banging on the adjacent wall, from the room where Trina’s mom slept, brought their playful argument down to low giggles. “You witches are fucking crazy,” Justin said softly, smiling as he shook his head. “That was a stupid truth question,” Trina hissed...
SummertimeSaga! Ever wish you could relive those glory days of high school or college? Wait, who am I kidding? Most of you beta fucks out there probably got your asses kicked. Not me. I was getting laid left and right. But don’t worry. It’s not too late for you. Porn games let you live out all sorts of fantasies. And the one I have for you this time around takes you back to school. Step into the shoes of a horny teenage dude surrounded by hot teachers, classmates, and friends. You start off as...
Free Sex GamesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn Sites