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“Keep your voice down,” Zach hissed forcefully. “You’ll wake her up…if you haven’t already.”

He was fighting a losing battle to calm down the naked blonde. Everything had been going perfectly until she started in on Jamey again. He wished he could turn the clock back about twenty minutes, when they were still chest deep in his swimming pool, her lithe legs encircling him while he lifted and plunged her onto his rigid cock, guiding her slight weight with broad hands over her petite round ass. When he looked at those long, shapely dancer’s legs and carefully barbered landing strip adorning her pussy, he just wanted to crawl right back between them.

“…the fuck do I care?” Tina shot back. “Besides, you know damn well she’s wide awake…up there listening to us fuck. And getting off on it, too.”

“Jesus, Tina, what a nasty thing to say. And she can probably hear you.”

“I don’t give a shit,” Tina fumed. Her heavy round breasts quivered as she stood knee-deep, jabbing her finger at the air like a steak knife. Her voice grew louder and more strained with every point. At least there were no neighbors close enough to disturb. “Maybe she should hear this. Maybe she’ll finally take a fucking hint.”

“Hint? What are you talking about?”

“C’mon, Zach, stop being as dumb as she is. The hint to get her shit together! I mean, you’re sure not gonna help her do it. You’ll just let her sponge off you as long as she feels like it.”

“Oh for god’s sake, Tina, she’s not sponging off of anyone. She lost her job. Things have been really tough on her.”

“Yeah, well things are tough on a lot of people. It doesn’t mean she has to be taking up space under your roof. God knows she takes up enough of it.”

Zach had to catch himself and take a deep breath at Tina’s dig at Jamey’s size. While it wasn’t something she spoke of often, Zach knew it had always been a sensitive issue for her.

“She’s practically family, Tina,” he finally replied, measuring his tone. “And it’s my roof. She belongs here.” His voice was low but forceful as he fought to stay cool. At least one of them had to be rational.

“Jesus,” the blonde spat, “she isn’t really your family, so why the fuck does she have to live here? She’s 23 years old, for christ’s sake. She’s perfectly capable of getting a job and living on her own. ”

“She has a job. She’s working for me, now.”

“I mean a real job. Not some kind of charity make-work job that means she gets to tag along after big Zachy all day. It’s fucking sick. She’s on you like a nervous puppy. It’s a wonder she doesn’t hump your leg when she gets all excited.”

“What the…?”

“Really, Zach, you can be such a fucking tool! Try to get this through that thick skull: either she goes, or this goes.” She spread her arms to feature the arduously maintained body he’d never savor again if he made the wrong choice.

Zach froze in a moment of disbelief, but he finally concluded there was nothing more to say. “Okay then. Leave your house key on the table on your way out.”

“Un-fucking-real,” the blonde spat.

She goose stepped her way out of the pool and hastily threw on her boyshorts and tank top. She slammed her keys down hard on the plexiglass patio table.

“Have a nice life with Fatass, Shithead,” she sniped without a backward glance. A second or two after she rounded the corner of the house, Zach heard something shatter. It sounded like one of his potted plants. Then her car door slammed, the engine revved, and the tires crunched as she fishtailed down the gravel drive to the main road.

There was no way to feel good about another fight, but if this was how Tina was going to respond to him helping Jamey it was better to know now. She’d been his younger sister’s best friend all their lives, and had practically grown up in Zach’s family home. It took a while before his brain stopped vibrating and he could even think about taking a few, deep, meditative breaths to bring his mood into a rational perspective.

Then he saw the light go on in Jamey’s window. His heart clenched into a fist of anxiety. His clothes were strewn all over the patio, so he hurriedly yanked on his nylon boxer-briefs and bolted into the house, bolting up the stairs three at a time.

He found Jamey hurriedly throwing clothes into a suitcase lying open on the rumpled bed. Her face was wet, and she was heaving with sobs. She was still wearing one of the oversized T-shirts she borrowed from him to sleep in. Her opulent breasts heaved and shook without the trapping of a bra in her desperate yanking and slamming of drawers. Her thick round thighs flexed almost violently in her mad dash to pack. She wouldn’t even look at him.

Zach caught her in front of the bureau and grabbed her by the wrist. He was a big, muscular man, but he was careful to grip her only as hard as it took to hold her still.


She went limp at the sound of her name. She lowered her head and her sobs grew softer but deeper. She sounded like someone who’d stayed under water too long. Her chestnut ponytail was rumpled and loose. Zach smoothed his fingers along her silky hair while he let go of her wrist and drew her into his long, bulky arms.

“Oh Zach,” she sputtered against his naked chest. “My life is so fucked up. I never meant to fuck up your life, too.”

“Shhh,” he whispered softly. He let his lips graze the top of her head. “Stop worrying. I’m sorry you had to hear that.”

He kept stroking her hair while he held her in one arm. The trembling in her body was slowly ebbing away, although she was still weeping and breathing heavily. Zach was acutely aware of her generous breasts billowing against his body. With nothing but a threadbare T shirt between them, Jamey’s heavy mounds felt warm and disturbingly good.

“Oh Zach, I never should have called you just ‘cuz I got laid off. I didn’t know what else to do. You were the first person I thought of.”

Zach placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “That’s what you’re supposed to do,” he told her. “I want to be the first person you think of.”

He felt her breath against his bare chest.

“You’re not supposed to go on rescuing me forever,” she sighed.

“Says who?”

“Um, Tina, apparently,” she said. “I’m so sorry. I screwed it all up for you.”

“No. What you did was rescue me from a borderline psychopath.”

Jamey’s arms were tucked inside his, and she was touching his chest like a wall she needed to hold herself up against. Her fingers were close to his nipples, barely moving, but softly grazing. Zach was sure she didn’t realize she was doing it. Her fingertips, her breath. The firm weightiness of her breasts. It all felt so good, so…right. If he hadn’t just cum with Tina in the pool, he’d never have the strength to will against the hardening of his cock.

“Yeah, well now you’ve got your baby sister’s fat friend still tagging after you. Just like the old days.”

“Mmm. Just like the old days. Except you’re not fat, and you never have been.”

In fact, Jamey had been blessed with a strikingly beautiful face, along with a naturally creamy complexion. It was also true she was a big girl. She’d always been overtly feminine and shapely, except her proportions were naturally exaggerated, yet every lush curve was remarkably firm. Jamey had gotten heavily teased as a result. Eight years older, Zach was always the one who defended her. He protected her like a champion, as much as he looked out for his sister, and in the process, became the only man she genuinely trusted. He’d always wondered if that might not be a good thing, but his role as her faithful guardian gave him a sense of pride he never questioned.

He had also been secretly in awe of her. While Jamey was never built like the cheerleaders and car show models Zach had gone with most of his life, she’d always reminded him of a sort of pneumatic Barbi. It always frustrated him to never feel free to admit any of this to her, even when it might have helped her sense of self-esteem.

Zach caught their reflection in the mirror on the wall behind her. With his hand on the small of her back, the hem of her T shirt rode up slightly, just exposing the lower curves of her ass. He couldn’t resist the barest shift of his hand, accidentally-on-purpose, lifting the shirt hem a little more. He felt a twinge of guilt, but he couldn’t help himself. He could barely fathom the magnificence of her ass.

“Oh Zach, you always knew how to make me feel better. What would I ever do without you?”

There was finally the sweet tone of contentment in her voice that Zach wanted to hear.

“You’ll never have to know,” he told her.

He shifted his hand just that much more, lifting the back of her shirt another couple of inches, revealing even more of her beautifully extravagant ass. He wondered what she’d think if she knew how much he wanted to fill his hands with her bountiful flesh. Her hand was still splayed against his chest, her warm palm against his nipple. She squeezed slightly, absently testing the resilience of his muscle. Zach felt the uncontrollable stir of sensation in his cock. If he didn’t let go of her soon, she’d feel him harden against her body.

“I should tuck you back into bed now,” he told her. The last thing he wanted to do was let go, but his cock was already beginning to feel thick. If she felt him go hard she might never trust him again.

“Just hold me a little more, okay?” she mewed into his chest. “It makes my problems seem so far away.”

She squeezed his pec more deliberately. Enough so she had to be aware of it. Zach certainly was, acutely aware, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to control his body’s inevitable reaction much longer. It was as if the last six months of skull-rattling fucking with Tina were beginning to evaporate into thin air.

“Your problems are all behind you,” he told her softly, gazing at the perfect, thumbnail curves of her ass in the mirror. Then he silently swore over his choice of words. He forced himself to stop staring at her ass. He kissed the top of her head again, and inhaled the sweet scent of her hair.

Jamey looped her arms around him. Her fingertips rested along the waistband of his tight briefs. A few more inches and she would have been holding him by the ass. Zach wished she would. He knew it would be amazing to feel her hands on him. Really on him. He tightened his hold on her and raked the backs of his fingers along the silken texture of her face.

“You’re home now, baby girl,” he told her. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I wish you could just keep holding me forever,” she sighed.

He kissed her cheek softly, almost on the edge of her mouth.

“Mm, you’re always so good to me,” she said with her lips against his chest.

Zach’s cock felt thicker, heavier. Letting her go was the only way to prevent impending disaster. His sister would exact some medieval brand of torture on him if she ever thought he tried to be more than a good friend to Jamey.

“You really ought to get back to bed and get some sleep now,” he said, still holding on.

Her lips moved against his skin again, barely an inch from his nipple. “I feel so happy like this. Like everything’s perfect.”

“It is perfect, baby girl. You’re perfect. It’s just…um…well we’re not wearing very much, and…”

Jamey giggled. “Yeah, it feels kinda naughty, doesn’t it? You can feel so much it’s almost like we’re naked.”

Her hands drifted lower, and she cupped each of his buns in her hands. “Zach? You’re, um, getting bigger, aren’t you?”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…I just can’t help it.”

“You don’t have to help it,” she whispered, her hands tentatively caressing the muscled spheres of his ass. “You’re getting hard, and I’m…getting wet.”

Zach could hardly believe what he was hearing. He gave in to the surging pulse that forced his cock to finally swell with heat. Then he did what he’d been wanting to all along, and dropped his hand to cup Jamey’s full, firm ass. He couldn’t believe how warm and pliant her flesh felt, or the incredible silkiness of her skin. As much of her smooth, warm flesh he could pull into his large, clenching hands, there was always more to grope for. He pulled her against his straining cock and kneaded her flesh with strong fingers.

“Oh yes, darling Zach, just let go. I’ll take such good care of you if you let me.”

Then, for the first time in his life, Zach kissed Jamey full on her supple lips. Her mouth opened, eagerly welcoming the wet sweep of his tongue. He’d imagined this kiss so many times over the years it almost felt familiar, and yet the reality of the wet heat of her mouth was far more intoxicating than he could ever imagine.

Zach slipped his right hand under the front of her T shirt until his groping fingers were overflowing with her warm breast. Jamey slid her hand around inside his briefs until she was touching his rigid cock. She moaned into his mouth as she curled her hand around his incredibly thick rod.

“God, Zach,” she gasped. “No wonder Tina was making so much noise.”

Zach chuckled, almost embarrassed but insanely pleased.

She pushed his briefs past his balls so she could get both hands around his throbbing shank. But then Zach lifted her shirt, drawing it off as she raised her arms.

“My god,” he said almost reverently, seeing her glorious body for this first time. Her breasts were ripe and heavy, standing out proudly as they quivered under their own weight, while her pussy was freshly shaved and smooth as satin.

He took her back in his arms and kissed her again, long and hard. She sucked his tongue hungrily while he crushed his huge body against her breasts. There was barely room for her to slip her hands between them to keep massaging his cock.

Jamey started to push Zach’s briefs down. She knelt down to pull them off. Zach could hardly fathom the sight of his own erection dangling just inches before her beautiful face. She looked up with a coy grin as she grasped his shaft and traced her moist tongue around the ridge of his imposing knob.

“Ahhh, JJ,” he groaned.

Her tongue moved along his shaft, licking over and under, while she gracefully fondled his balls.

“I can still taste her on you,” Jamey said, as much to herself as him. Just a simple statement of fact. “I can’t believe…finally…”

She took the clumsy, vein-crossed rod into her mouth, sucking as much as she could and stroking the rest with her hand. Her lips were moist and patient. Zach felt weak as his Jamey eagerly sucked his bulky shaft. It was powerful enough to knock him down. He could have sworn it felt like her mouth was created to fit around his cock.

Zach was in heaven, but he wanted to take Jamey along with him. He drew his aching pole away from her and guided her back to her feet.

“You’re amazing,” he told her, new light flashing in his eyes as feverishly kissed her.

He led her to the bed and shoved the open suitcase onto the floor. He drew her onto to the sheets and kissed her again, massaging her prodigious breasts as she moaned into his mouth. Her nipples were full and rigid, and he loved the sound of her whimpering when he tweezed them.

Her fingers raked his short hair when he went to draw those nipples into his mouth. He sucked them deeply, rolling his tongue around the pliant nubs while he kneaded the smooth spheres.

She uttered a soft cry when his fingers slipped against her nectar coated slit. Her full, warm thighs opened as he stroked her lips. Her clit felt so rigid, engorged with pleasure and slick for his searching fingers. Her smooth pussy flushed like overripe fruit while he massaged the knotted flesh.

He smeared her cream everywhere, over her hairless mound and ripe upper thighs, massaging her with her own froth. Then he fingered open her wet petals and slid his middle and ring fingers inside her. He pushed them all the way in and rolled the pad of his thumb over her hot clit.

“Ohh…ooohhhh…Zach…” she groaned deeply.

He kissed her again, fucking his tongue into her mouth while she ground against his hand. Keeping his fingers buried deep in her simmering furrow, Zach shifted so he could suck her tart clit while slipping his fingers in and out, massaging her from inside.

He felt her lips against his straining cockshaft again, her wet tongue sliding down his girth until she was licking his heavy balls. She took each one into her mouth in turn, sucking and rolling her tongue around the oval contours.

Zach pushed the outer thigh higher and wider, until even her taut little rim was exposed. He drew his slippery fingers from her pussy and massaged the bud with his fingertips. He alternated sucking her clit and stroking her lips with his tongue while his finger gently pressed into the aperture of her ass.

Jamey growled with heat as Zach’s finger slipped deeper into her ass, and yet somehow she managed to keep sucking his balls at the same time. She was jacking his cock now, too. He was throbbing so hard his clear pre-lube seeped heavily from the bulbous tip, allowing her hand a good, swift glide along his burning shaft.

Zach couldn’t get over the astonishing lushness of Jamey’s body. Generous and responsive, he wanted to explore everything about it. Her hips rolled against him as he ravaged her dripping core with his mouth. Her ass seemed to swallow his finger and beg for more. The way she moved left no doubt in his reeling mind how much she savored every touch, lick and probe.

Her grip suddenly tightened on his aching cock, and she let his ballsac slip from her mouth.

“Oh…oh…Zach…fuck!’re making me cum!”

He felt her whole body shiver with pleasure as she wailed his name over and over. He sucked hard on her clit, speeding the pumps of his finger in her ass. He didn’t let up until she quit calling his name and started to gasp for breath.

The dazed expression on her beautiful face made him smile as he sidled up beside her.


A coherent sentence wouldn’t come together for her. Zach just covered her open mouth with his, sliding his tongue along hers, knowing his mouth was still tangy with her savory nectar.

She mewled while he kissed her, reaching for his rigid cock at the same time. He floated into the supple warmth between her thighs. She held his rod and rubbed the tip against her inflamed pussy. He pushed into her, his thick shank sinking slowly but easily into her channel.

Zach was amazed at how tight she felt. He was even more amazed just to have his cock inside her after a thousand hopeless dreams of never being with the one he truly needed. He looked into her deep brown eyes, and she seemed just as stunned by the slick wet junction of their bodies as he. He drew backward, almost to the tip, and then took another slow but solid plunge back inside her.

“Oh, Zach, you feel so good in me,” she said, her eyes lit with excitement. “I never felt so full.”

Zach pulled out again, and began stroking in and out of her slick channel with long, gliding thrusts, giving her the full length of his shaft every time. She was so much bigger than the women he was used to. Her body felt so luxurious, so substantial, and yet her pussy felt amazingly small. She started to move with him, rolling her hips against the slow, torch song rhythm of his cock. Her face beamed with pleasure and happiness, and the feeling came over Zach they were dancing in the most perfect and intimate synchronicity.

“You look like an angel,” he told her. Then he half snickered. “I never made love with an angel before.”

She closed her eyes and gnawed her bottom lip while Zach began pumping more forcefully. He kept his own pace, patient and steady, but giving her hot, strong thrusts and burying himself as deeply as he could go. He loved how snug and steamy she felt, and the feeling of his balls grinding up against the fullness of her ass.

“Making love?” she uttered between deep pulls of breath. “I could’ve sworn you were just fucking me.”

Zach snickered like a selfish devil. “That, too,” he growled. “Neither one alone would ever be enough…not for us.”

He kissed her, swallowing her mewls of delight. Then he gathered her full breasts in his hands and sucked her nipples. The suction made her groan, and he picked up his pace.

Eventually, he rose up and pushed her shapely thighs higher. He balanced himself on his arms and pumped her with force. She looked up at him intently, watching his face as his need grew deeper.

His thrusting gradually turned even hotter and harder. His massive erection plunged into her with so much force the slats holding up the mattress started to bend and creak. Jamey’s breasts heaved with each of his desperate plunges. She cried out with a fresh climax and flushed with heat around his driving cock.

“Cum in me, darling!” she cried, rolling her broad hips against the unrelenting drive of that hot, imposing stalk. “Cum in your angel’s hot pussy!”

Zach exploded with a deep growl of release. He pumped Jamey’s taut channel with ravenous, wrenching thrusts, grinding out every spasm of mind numbing pleasure that flickered between them.

Moments later, Zach realized they were holding onto each other for dear life. He felt that she was his dear life. Lock, stock and barrel.

“I love you, baby girl,” he whispered with his lips against her ear.

He felt the breath catch within that glorious body snugged against him. Then her tears wetting his neck. He held her like he would never let go.

The next thing he knew, harsh, unforgiving daylight was streaming in the window as he stirred from long hours of deep sleep.


He was alone. It had been a night he would never forget. It had been beautiful and raw at the same time, but he was worried about how Jamey would feel in the aftermath. He wasn’t sure what to think about waking up without her there.

She’d been so much more than willing, so full of hot passion and desire, but maybe he should have been stronger. He only wanted to love her and make her happy. But that didn’t mean he had to fuck her, did it? Even as much as she might have thought she wanted it, it was a delicate line to cross, and Zach would rather die than hurt her.

The one thing he was more sure of than anything was how he felt about her. It was the only thing he really knew. He realized it wouldn’t solve anything to lie in her bed, surrounded by her scent, speculating. They would have to face each other sooner or later.

The only clothing of his own in the room were the boxer briefs he’d slipped on the night before. He pulled them on and went into the bathroom to shave and freshen up.

After, he found Jamey in the kitchen, aimlessly puttering. Coffee was already made, and she was wiping down a kitchen counter that was already spotless. She’d changed into another of his old T shirts. Zach’s throat felt dry when he saw how it rode her ass.

They exchanged a cheerful but perfunctory “good morning”. Both started to say something at the same time, and then seemed to change their minds at the same time, too. Jamey turned back to the counter, and Zach realized she was avoiding eye contact.

More than anything, he wanted to walk up behind her and slide his hands under her shirt. He settled for standing beside her at the counter as he took two mugs out of the cabinet.

“If you keep that up you’re gonna wipe the color right off that counter top.”

She stopped wiping and started fidgeting with the dish rag.

“You okay?” he asked, filling the mugs with coffee.

“Oh yeah, sure. You?”

“Oh yeah, great, just great.”

She still wasn’t looking at his face.

“Looks beautiful outside,” he went on. “Great morning to have coffee by the pool, don’t you think?”

Zach headed through the house to the broad patio in back. He wasn’t sure, but he was hoping Jamey wouldn’t be far behind. He set the mugs on the table and felt his heart grip when he saw her appear in the doorway. He dragged one of the lounge chairs into the shade. He gave Jamey her mug and she took a seat. His pants and shirt were still lying on the slate where they’d been carelessly strewn the night before, not so subtle reminders of the fight with Tina. He hurriedly scooped them up and dumped them in a heap on one of the other chairs.

“Okay?” he asked, indicating he wanted to sit on the end of her chaise. She shifted her legs.

They sipped without talking. Everything had a bizarre, exaggerated quality. Every sigh and movement. The creak of the heavy plastic chaise. As if every slow-motion second might be enough to let the awkwardness dissipate by itself.

Finally, after a brief eternity: “JJ, I…”

“It’s okay, Zach,” she cut in. “You don’t have to say anything.”

More awkward silence. A stifling fear gripped Zach’s heart.

“JJ, I just want to make sure…”

“Don’t worry, okay? I’m fine. I’m not gonna break. I’m not even gonna freak out. In fact, I really feel pretty good. I’ve been up for a long time already, and I’ve had a chance to do some thinking.”


“And Tina was right. I can’t hide out here forever. I’ve gotta get my shit together. I was thinking I’d just go back up to Portland. I’ll find something to do, and the sooner I clear out of your house, the easier…”

“Oh, JJ, no.” he cut her off. He blew out a long slow breath. “I’m so sorry. I really screwed up. I just…well, I was hoping you’d think of it as our house.”

Jamey stared at him. She almost looked confused.

“The truth,” he went on, “is that I’ve been so much happier since you got here than I have in a long time. And I’ve really gotten to depend on your help with the business. Things have been going really well, so I can make sure you earn more than you did at your other job. And…well, I was hoping maybe you could sort of look at last night as something that just, um…happened once. We could get beyond it, and…”

“But that’s the whole problem, Zach,” she cut in softly. “I, uh, don’t want to get beyond it.”

Zach was so relieved he started laughing. He laughed until tears were almost running out of his eyes.

“Care to let me in on the joke?” Jamey asked in a more serious tone.

Zach realized she thought he was laughing at her.

“Oh god, JJ,” he said. “I was sure you’d hate me this morning.”

“But I thought the same thing about you,” she replied.

“How could you? Didn’t you hear a thing I told you last night?”

“I heard all of it, Zach. But men say a lot of things when they have their cock in you.”

“Is that a fact?” he said, indignantly. “I wouldn’t know.”

Jamey started to giggle at his response. The giggles turned into laughter. Then Zach was laughing with her, and they kept going until they could hardly breathe. It was a sorely needed relief.

Zach hugged her, his solid arms folding her into a snug circle. She put her arms around his naked torso and squeezed him back. They kissed for a long time, and Zach stroked the softness of her cheek.

Jamey shifted her leg over Zach’s lap so he could scuttle closer. Now he was scissored between her thick, round thighs. He drew her face close and kissed her again.

He felt none of the words were coming out right. It wasn’t easy to think straight with her pussy crunched up against his hip the way it was. “I just want you to know how much I love you. I mean, like, that I’m ‘in love’ with you. I have been for a long time. This was supposed to happen. We were supposed to happen. I’m actually glad about the fight last night now. Who knows how many more years we might have gone on avoiding this?”

She leaned against him. “Zach,” she said, barely more than a solemn whisper. “I’ve always been in love with you. I never thought we’d…oh, Zach, now that it’s really happening, what are we going to do?”

She was resting her cheek against his bare shoulder. He was running his hand over the smooth skin of her leg.

“Whatever we want,” he told her. “We can figure it out as we go.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said, snuggling tighter.

They fell silent. Everything else they needed to say became perfectly clear in the little pulses of their breath – Zach breathing into Jamey’s hair as she breathed against his collarbone. They sat as they were, holding on and talking wordlessly until the coffee went cold and sometime beyond.

Somewhere in a beautiful daydream, Zach heard the soft, luxurious sighs of a real woman who truly loved him. His hand slid along the inside of her thigh, higher and higher, until the warmth of her core proved she was really there.

It was a perfect morning. It was going to be a perfect morning all day.

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Mr Hargreaves, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Bastanian Republic, sadist and big time embezzler, was in a foul temper as he spoke over the telephone to the Prisons Minister. "I agree, Minister. It was right to bring the girl back. She is a good fighter and we need her. But she mustn't get it easy! Keep her under constant watch and make her life a misery. We can't have her punished to the extent that she can't fight, but make her life very hard. I hate that cow. No one...

2 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 7 Allie Strenwich

"Let's see now. 'kay, here's where we left off. You don't mind if we don't start at the beginning do you Hoke?" Asked Julie. "Hey, whatever turns you on. And I WANT to turn you on Baby." Did I say that he's got the cutest dimples on each side of his mouth when he smiles? Oh, I digress. Hoke has become somewhat active... His middle finger was worming it way into her pussy. Julie braced herself against the headboard and raised her left leg onto Hoke's shoulder(opening herself to...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 14

Ally's eyes were red and puffy from crying when Kaija returned. All the while, she had been debating how best to tell Kaija what had happened. There was no getting out of it, yet she didn't want to get Barclay into any more trouble. She hid her tired and bloodshot eyes behind the laptop's display as she hunted and pecked her way through the story. "Hey, roomie," Kaija greeted, her voice noticeably brighter. "Anything exciting happen while I was out?" If she only knew, Ally groaned to...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 16 Class Is InSession

As the elevator reached the fifth floor, Dave was shaken from his reverie by Sarah and Roxanne who were tugging his arms toward their suite. He smiled at the elevator operator and said, "Merci" as he followed the two young women down the hall. Roxanne asked Sarah to call her father as soon as they entered the main room, so Sarah immediately walked to the as-yet-unused bedroom she had called from earlier. As soon as she was gone, Roxanne turned to Dave and asked, "How are you...

3 years ago
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If life were simpler

You are a junior in college, and it's finals week. You need to focus on a final project, so you head to the library, where you can focus. The library has a couple study rooms, and you hope to find one unoccupied. You walk into the library and look through the glass windows, and see al the large study rooms on the 2nd floor are full. The only other study rooms are in the basement, and are much smaller. As you enter the basement, you don't see anyone around. You walk over to the small study...

1 year ago
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An Intimate Sex With My Aunt

Hi friends, I am Rodriguez (name changed), from Chennai. I am here to put down my personal sex experience with my maternal uncle’s wife with her permission and no one gonna believe that she is besides me now. Where an casual friendship ended up in a pure hardcore and intimate sex in between us. Any women and aunt in & around Chennai can mail me: for the same kind of pleasure which you will never gonna forget in your lifetime. Your secrets and privacy will be safe within me. Please don’t forget...

3 years ago
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The Prima DonnaChapter 2

Maggie, known affectionately to her friends and lovers as “The Cat” was down on her hands and knees in the kitchen trying to locate her contact lens before somebody stepped on it and turned her into a one-eyed monster for the rest of the day. She was only wearing her panties with the “Stick Dick Here!” logo on the back. Her brother-in-law Tony was standing next to the dining room table watching her silently and it was obvious he liked her “down on all fours” position because of the way his...

1 year ago
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Mobil phones

Mobile Phones love em, I was texting a mature woman a relation to one of my mates it was nothing sexy just the odd joke here and there. Anyway this one week the lady in question is off work as she is having some work done at her house so the text were more frequent and as things went on they got a bit raunchy and continued to do so. These got more and more sexy until there was a long pause from the lady in ? thinking I had over stepped the mark I sent a text apologising, the reply stunned me,...

3 years ago
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A Boy Meets World Wedding

Here he was 18 yrs old, and he was getting married. Little Cory Mathews couldn't believe it, in 3 days he was going to be married, and tomorrow was his bachelor party. Maybe he would get to see a girl naked for the first time. Topanga never let him get passed second base, but that would all change in 3 days, they would lose their virginity on their wedding night. He couldn't wait, in fact Cory had already masturbated twice today, but he needed to again, just thinking about it. Meanwhile...

2 years ago
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College friend ke saath liya sex ka maaza

Hi. Mera naam Rahul hai aur meri umar 23 saal hai. Mai aabhi IIM mai padhta hu. Chokiye maat. Kyu ke IIM mai padhne wala baacha sex jaisi cheez nahi karta kya ?Ye baat unn dino ki hai jab mai graduation kar raha tha Delhi mai. Second yr main mera break off ho gaya tha mere girl friend se jiske karan mai kaafi dukhi rehta tha. Mere coll mai kaafi frenz (girls) thee. Mai unn main se koi koi se apna dukh share karta tha. Usme ek ladki thee sexy (sorry, naam nahi bata sakta). Mai uske body stats...

2 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 19

May 15th, 2155 In the morning Davdan gathered breakfast ingredients, and they carried them to the clearing at Tira's den. As they arrived a group of Elephant People were harvesting plant life at the clearing's fringes, and two of them were aerating and fertilizing the grass in the clearing. Their leader approached them, a tall woman whose black hair was cropped to a half inch long, most of her torso covered in bandoliers of tool pockets. She spoke without preamble. "You should have...

2 years ago
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Raat ki baatbahan ki chut bhabhi ka boob

Kya bataun yaro,sex ek aisi cheez hai jo sab bhula deti hai.Ek hafte pahle ki baat hai,main meri bahan aur meri bhabhi ghar par the.bhai duty pe tha.hum yanha mummy papa se alag rahte hain isliye bas hum hi the.tino ek hi kamre me sote the aur us din to tv dekhte dekhte ek sath so gaye double bed par.raat ko meri achanak aankh khuli to dekha mera haath bahan ki kamar par tha aur bhabhi ka pair mere pair par.mera lund dhadhak utha.mujhe shararat sujhi.maine chupke se apna hath sima(bahan) ke...

3 years ago
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Oh So Friendly Part 2

I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was interesting to talk to. She invited me to room with her. Not long after we began to room together Colleen pulled a fast one on me. She had a slut...

2 years ago
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After a day and several stops, she finally got on the bus for Hollywood. Butterflies filled her stomach, mingled with worries about her parents finding out and getting mad. All those faded when early the next morning she pulled into the bus terminal in Hollywood. Julia had never seen a big city before, and the sight of it took her breath away. Driving through the streets leading in, she felt overwhelmed. When she finally got off the bus and entered the busy terminal, she began to feel...

2 years ago
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True story of how I got my nickname Squashto

I suppose it started when I was quite young when my female cousins, two older girls who were much bigger than me used to visit with their parents. We would all be sent to my room to play and leave the adults alone. I was smaller in both height and girth to both of the girls and we always ended up in innocent wrestling matches, which I always lost. They would then compete with each other to take turns sitting on me seeing who could make me cry the fastest. At the time I knew I loved being pinned...

1 year ago
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Lducation de Dominique

Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujour...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Chemistry Miss

First of all hats off to the site owners for maintaining such a wonderful site. This is truly an awesome sex site, for someone who likes to read erotica more than watch porno. The best part is the fact that there are no pop up ads and virus programs when you visit the site and almost all the content is free. I really like the good work you are doing send me feedback at My girlfriend and myself read the stories all the time, and we just love the way various real people write their real stories...

3 years ago
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Goddess Beauty

I stepped out of the car and stared with a look of ‘what the hell’ on my face as Dad had stopped our four wheel RV into the drive way of our summer house over looking the sea. And a light house over across the way. Not that I was disappointed I was spending my school holidays with my parents and my baby brother, Nathan, its just my best friend had asked me to go with him to California with his parents. But Dad said I couldnt because he wanted quality family time with his family. So there I was...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Veronica Avluv Cece Capella Big tit milf Veronica Avluv fucks her tight teen stepdaughter Cece Capella

Cute blonde teen Cece Capella needs some new makeup so she decides to ask her stepmom Veronica Avluv if she can help her out. Veronica used to be a makeup artist and she thinks teaching Cece about makeup might be a good bonding experience, but their bonding goes farther than Cece expected! Cece reveals that she likes women, and Veronica does too. Once Veronica starts getting her made up, she can’t resist her soft lips and she goes in for a kiss. Cece is a little nervous, but Veronica just turns...

1 year ago
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Hijab Hookup

Sometimes a HijabHookup is exactly what you need, but honestly, it can be a little challenging to find one. Let’s be real here: the Muslim world isn’t exactly known for permissive attitudes on casual sex or hardcore pornography. That’s bad news for horny dudes who appreciate a beautiful Arab girl with a stunning figure hiding under all that traditional garb. It might be haram, but it sure gives me some raging hard wood.So what’s a hijab-chaser to do? You could risk taking a trip to Afghanistan...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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OstafrikaChapter 5 The Battle Begins

The Etrich Taube bumps down after it's second reconnaissance flight. Gerda Carpentier bounds down from the cockpit, her cheeks flushed with excitement. Striding purposefully over to the shed she asks where Leutnant Spangenburg is. "Gone with his men," I tell her. She shivers with concern for her absent lover, perhaps even now fighting for his life somewhere out there. Collecting herself, she gives her breathless report to me. "Still in column... near that village by the twin...

3 years ago
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The Fan Girl

This story, unlike my blog posts, is purely fictitious, although is it heavily inspired by a certain hunk of a guy with a gorgeous cock who knows who he is lolEnjoy ;)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Oh my god, I can't believe I finally get to taste him!" I thought excitedly to myself as I made my way to the hotel room.I was alone...

1 year ago
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Homosexual Husband

I met Donny when I went to work at a pharmaceutical company. We both worked in the warehouse. There were quite a few employees there, with 3 shifts. Donny was a big guy, really macho type, into sports and working out, and he had a great personality. He was one of those guys everyone liked. I was married and my wife Claire and I had 3 kids. I used to see Donny at work, but it was almost 2 years before we ended up on the same shift and got to know each other. Donny and I couldn’t be more...

4 years ago
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Lund Dikhaao Aur Fuddi Le Jaao

Dosto mera naam NIKHIL hai aur meri shadi 8 saal pehle hui thi.Mein aur meri wife NITYA rojana sex ke maje lete the. Meri wife ka rang gora-hai,uska bhara hua badan bahut sexy lagta hai.Uska fig 36.30.38 hai jo bhi use dekhta hai uske mun mein use chodne ki ichha jaag uthti hai. shadi ke waqt wo ek sidhi sadi yuvti thi jise chudai ki asli masti ka bilkul bhi andaja nahi tha.hum log raat ko khana khakar bister mein ghus jate ek ya do baar chudai karke so jate the.kareeb 2 saal nikal jane par...

2 years ago
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SixChapter 8 Theresa

She was generally quiet, Theresa didn’t push herself forward. She would usually agree with others on any group she was in. That’s why she was there; she had just agree with the others; she had agreed that Chris should not take the blame on her own, agreed to go and live with Martin, and agreed to take her turn in his bed. Now she wondered what that meant. She was agreeing to sleep with a stranger. Well, if not a stranger, then at least someone whom she had not met and dated and fallen for....

3 years ago
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A TRUE FRIEND 3This is another story about my friend Barbra once again it's true as are the other stories I have recalled.It was a warm day I was at home on holiday from work for 2 weeks the wife had to work as she could not get the same time off she worked from 10 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. I had done all the jobs in the house that needed my attention even as far as getting things ready for dinner that night. Trouble was it was only just after a 10-30am bit of a boring day k**s at school till 4...

1 year ago
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The Saga of Hank Stenson Part 2 Hank Jr

Introduction: Hank Stenson dies of a heart attack leaving his enormous family in the hands of his son. PART 2: For the next fifteen years, Rebecca was continuously pregnant. She had twenty-five children in total. There were two sets of twins, and one set of triplets. Rebecca was now twenty-seven, and Hank was fifty-five. When Precious turned twelve, Hank began to breed her also. She had three babies of her own. Rebeccas next three children after Precious were boys, so he had to wait until Hope...

1 year ago
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Pristine Edge 1100 91000

Pristine Edge was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 13th, 1987. She had seventeen brothers and sisters, including a twin. Jesus fucking Christ.Ever Heard of Jerking Off?Her parents should be put to death in the middle of a busy street. What selfish prick thinks the world needs seventeen more of them? In fact, not only should the parents be killed, the children should be sterilized.When Porndude becomes king of the world, people will only be allowed two children. If you want a third, you...

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1 year ago
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The Eldi Sex Club

My name is Gretchen and I am almost 21. I am not very experienced sexually and am not really sure about my sexuality My roommate Darlene is always trying to hook me up with some guy or girl and this night was no different, We had gone out to a local bar where all sorts of people hung out, gays, lesbians and heterosexuals. While there, Darlene and I met these two women, Ellen and Diana. The four of us got to chatting a bit. One thing led to another and I soon found myself leaving alone with them...

3 years ago
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New guy to play with fiction soon to be reality

He arrives, a little nervous as we exchange pleasantries. We shake hands as if just two guys meeting at a ballgame or something. I invite him to have a seat and offer him a cold drink. He accepts and I grab 2 beers out of the fridge. I return and sit near him. Hand him his beer and we pass some idle chat back and forth. I see he's still a bit nervous, probably not knowing what to say or how to get started. I go off of what was said to me on my first real encounter. I ask if he would mind...

1 year ago
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First HybridChapter 5

After my little nap I jumped back into the air and headed toward Kansas City. Late in the afternoon I spotted the city and veered off to my right, towards Raytown. Though it was already getting a bit dark, I had no problem spotting Longview Lake and I-50 behind it. I decided to get a bit more altitude to spot my next point and soon saw the distinctive the shape of some farm storage piles, like a pair of white clover leaves near my parent's home. Right after that I spotted the airfield as...

2 years ago
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Libby Left Her Penis Home

Libby sighed happily when she woke up to a bright sunny day, but her good mood was short lived. "Did I forget to set it? The alarm didn't go off! Damn, I'll be late for work again!" she shook her head. "That's what I get for trusting an antique!" she grabbed the nearly one hundred year old first generation iPad and flung it across the room. "And today is the big meeting! They warned us attendance is mandatory!" The thirty-six year old blonde looked down at her sheets and groaned....

2 years ago
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My girlfriend Carla and I have never been swingers but have been having sex since we were both in grade school. She and I would hide out in my daddy's back yard shed and play with each other all afternoon. As we got older, we experimented more and more and she was the first girl I kissed, the first pussy I ate and the first asshole I licked. We grew up a little and were both seniors in high school when we went to a party at a friends house. There were dozens of other people there and things...

3 years ago
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Introduction To World Of Adulthood Part 8211 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, Thank you for overwhelming response to my first part of the story. Some found it interesting and horny and some found it boring. I know I didn’t reveal much about the story in the first part. I did it deliberately to make it interesting for the second part. Guys especially boys (not men), please do not cross limits while sending feedback.   Now coming back to the story, I am Roshni from Delhi. I am a big fan of ISS. Today I am going to share second...

1 year ago
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Nkiru And I

Marry Me!”Just two little words, but with a power and formidability that their very utterance is sufficient to change lives!I looked directly at Nkiru as we sat quietly and alone in the corner booth of the bar. Her face was a picture of expressionless wonderment. A slow heat began to creep over me and the hairs on the back of my neck bristled; the unrestrained, immediate acceptance I had expected was not forthcoming. I needed to speak now. My brain was sending urgent messages to my vocal chords...

2 years ago
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New n 2

After sitting in the chair for a while , I decide to pick up some wine for both of us. While I go out to the kitchen I notice how beautiful the clothes I'm wearing feels . The nylon on my legs , how the dress fits tightly around my body , the feeling of how the string is cut into lightly . Selects an easy to drink wine and a snack . Pour varsitt glass at us and sit down to wait for Linn. I feel both a little nervous and tense. After what feels like an eternity so call Linn inside the bathroom...

1 year ago
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The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9.  He is larger than his picture.  He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part.  His name is (and I kid you not) Lance.  I hope it refers to his dick.  Lance is tall and heavy-muscled.  My mouth waters.  When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down.  Will I measure up?  I have dressed to impress.  Is he impressed?  Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties.  I realized I am holding my breath...

Group Sex
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Becumming an Adult part 2

I walk in and place my hands on Britney's soft breasts as she pleasures herself with my vibrator. I have been admiring her since she walked in on me masturbating. Her nipples are getting more erect, asking to be sucked. I take my tongue and lick around her nipple, teasing it. Britney lets out a moan. I start to suckle on it and then give the same attention to the other breast. As my mouth devours her nipples, my hand moves down to her clit. Rubbing it in a slow circular manner. I'm driving her...

1 year ago
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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 29

An hour later found us sitting in a very luxurious room, in the palace. Shaitan was sitting to my left, my wife to my right. One of the two Ancients that had been at the meeting on the battle field, was seated next to Morning Star, who commanded the room with his very presence. I kept a close eye on my wife. I was worried about her for two reasons. One was that damned oracle crap she had gone through, and the other was that Morning Star was a very beautiful and magnetic entity. I gritted my...

4 years ago
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Fingered on the dance floor

Would love to stay in a hotel and then go to a club on the night with you wearing a short skirt, top and high heels and no knickers. We'd have a few drinks and I'd let you dance In the club on your own, watching you until a bloke approaches you. You start dancing with him getting closer and closer until he starts putting his hands on your waist. You both start getting closer and dancing raunchier. The dance floor is pretty busy and people are drunk so it goes unnoticed. I'm sat watching from a...

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Our Makeshift BDSM Dungeon Part 1

My new wife and I were looking for our first house back in the mid 1990's. We found a modest, 40 year old dwelling that could serve as a perfect starter home. It was a bit dated, but could survive little or any work for our duration there. The exception was the basement. A partitioned area would make for a nice rec room, except for the knotty pine enclosure wall. The seller was an outdoorsman and also had reinforced beams for hammocks and other portable seating. We decided to put up with it for...

1 year ago
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A lone car, a 1937 Ford Coupe, was parked on the beach just off the Pacific Coast Highway. Scrub grass covered rises partially obscured the automobile from view of passing motorists. The couple embracing on the front seat had been going at it for almost an hour. Both were disheveled. The man's tie was loose and the woman's make-up smeared. The hem of her skirt was high up her thighs, well past her nylon stocking-tops, revealing the straps of her garter belt and a generous amount of white...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 66 Yularaat Arrival

Some twenty-six days later, I was sitting in the captain’s chair as Blaine counted down the time until we emerged in the Yulara system. The intervening four weeks had been spent traveling from system to system and scanning the ones we entered. The good news was that the time involved had allowed Ensign Daniels and his men to tear apart every controls station and rebuild it. They had found few additional problems, but the work allowed them to optimize and personalize everything. The men...

1 year ago
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Amazon Sex Toys

I recently bought my first pocket pussy. Well, to be honest, “pocket pussy” might be a bit of a misnomer for what this was. This thing was huge, definitely not fitting in anyone’s pocket. I did a fair deal of research before settling on one. There is a large range of different types, prices, and qualities to choose from, and I wanted to familiarize myself with a few products before making a final decision. Especially since I would be putting my dick in it. Wouldn’t want to get some shady...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Covet Thy Neighbors Son Part 3

Co-written by Jaymal and Black Velvet Brandon’s cock pressed like a rising drawbridge to the crack of Janice’s plump ass, as he carried her down the hallway. He was robust of build and could carry his voluptuous burden with ease. She was wrapped around him tight, clinging to his shoulders, panting out wariness and arousal. He had shocked her, the effect lingering in her eyes. The high-school student had a sudden strange affinity with the porn-stud who kept showing up in scenes he downloaded –...

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My Beach Cove Encounter

 It was the hottest day of the summer and all I kept thinking about was my favorite beach. I found this spot three days ago. After working outside all day servicing air conditioners, I decided to stop there for a refreshing dip in the cool water. It is located in a secluded cove and the hike to it is well worth it.Arriving in the late afternoon, I quickly change into my swim trunks. Taking the twisting foot path over a tree studded hill, the gentle lapping of the waves can be heard as I...

Monster Sex
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Bachpan Ki Kutai Ka Badla Teacher Se 8211 Part 5

Hello dosto! Namaskar! Main aapka dost Yuvan ekbar fir hajir hu bhabhi ki chut gili karne aur londo ke lode khade karne ke liye. Pichli kahani ke part 4 se mujhe bahot accha pratisad mila. Kai logone mujhe contact karke agle part ke bare mein pucha. Kuch ladkiya bhi mili jinse maine sex chat kiya aur unki chut ki khujli mitai. Ab sidhe main kahani pe aata hun. Pichli kahani aapne padha ki kaise mujhe gift mein Shweta bhabhi ko chodne ka mauka mila aur jam ke chudai ki humne. Priti aur Shweta ne...

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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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The Horny Dog Part 1 The Daughter

I’m a dog. You may wonder what breed I am, but that’s irrelevant. And even if you were to ask, I would be unable to answer. I never had parents to educate me or siblings to play with. My first memory is that of a dark, grungy back alley. I can still remember the foul stench that inhabited it when I close my eyes. It seems like a lifetime ago now. I guess that’s what happens when you spend your days struggling to locate your next meal while keeping a constant lookout for impending danger. But...

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That First Time

I stood peering through the blinds in my kitchen waiting for him to leave. 'Just get in your car and fucking go already', I thought to myself as he made yet another trip up his stairs for who knows what. Eventually, he came back down and finally entered his silver Mustang and started the engine.I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched his car exit the condominium complex we both lived in. Finally able to exit my own house, I walked down my stairs to the pathway that separated his unit from mine...

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Shannons Little Princess Goes Further

Cameron slowly started to wake, his mind struggling to clear the drowsy fog of morning. He smiled as he felt the warmth of his girlfriend's body pressing against his back and the weight of her arm draped over his side, hand resting on his heart. This was more or less the same position in which they always woke up together; however, as Cameron groggily opened his eyes, he looked down at himself and remembered why this was not a typical morning: Last night, Shannon had spanked him for...

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The SisterhoodChapter 19

Donald, 12th Duke of Northumbria, was in a sour mood as he struggled out of bed on the raw December day. It was only four days before New Year’s Day, 1996. Fortunately, Douglas had insisted on modernizing Prendwick Castle over his violent objections. Had he not, the Duke realized, he could have scarcely moved because his room would have been so cold, his creaking joints — those that still worked at all — would not have gotten him out of bed. But as a result of the work — completed only a...

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