Lard-u-like free porn video

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"I got your email...Sss. Emails."

"Come in, Kim. Sit down." Kim gave up struggling to close the heavy fire door to Clare's office and sat down opposite her employer. Clare was a large lady. That was putting it politely. She was huge. Too huge to wear proper business clothes. She had made an effort to accessorize her outfit with a silk scarf and expensive spectacles, but it was still basically a vast purple kaftan. Sacks of fat flesh spilled over the arms of her leather "executive" chair, forcing her to adopt a curious posture when she wished to reach her desk, elbows raised to reach over her bulk with hands that looked disproportionately small at the ends of her saggy flesh wrapped arms. "Close the door, Kim."

Kim reddened as she stood and wrestled with the door for almost a full minute before it finally clunked into place and she returned to her chair. Clare stared at her the whole time with a stoney-faced expression that didn't change when she finally announced: "We're going to lose the Ecocopia contract."

A long sigh escaped Kim's lips. "I don't know what to tell you Clare. I was surprised Seamus even choose us in the first place. I mean lard. For vegans. Seriously?"

"The issue isn't that Seamus is, to put it bluntly, a fucking moron, Kim. The issue is that you betrayed his trust and made the company look bad."

"It's not as if I lied to him! I was joking when I said all our lard is made from free-range sunflowers. I thought he understood where lard come from, for crying out loud!" Kim was getting angry. She felt sure that one phone call to Ecocopia would be all that was required to placate them. It was just like that idiot Seamus to go over her head. If Clare was so concerned with professionalism and company image, then perhaps she should let her rep do her job without interfering!

Clare's somewhat hairy upper lip curled into a slight smile. An emotional reaction like this pleased her, she saw Kim as a pretty little charmer who got by on her looks and never did any real work. It was satisfying to wipe the smug expression off her face once in a while. She reached out with one of her immaculately manicured paws for the coloured glass bowl on her desk, filled with individually wrapped, "fun-size", cubes of Lard-U-Like. She unwrapped one and popped it into her mouth, whole. Kim watched her with disgust as she chewed the fat, all four chins swinging with each chomp of her meaty jaw.

"Do you know why you were hired, Kim?"

"Because I'm a self-motivated individual, driven by a desire to aim high and achieve excellence through consistent success?"

"No, Kim. It's because you're pretty. I think you're pretty, anyway."

So, it was like that. Kim was no stranger to using her charms to get what she wanted. She did it all the time with clients, to a greater or lesser extent. Still, she was surprised. She had figured Clare to be the type who went home to a weedy, middle-aged husband every night, but hey, who knew? She shifted in her chair, body language subtly altering from disgraced employee to something more seductive. "You know, you're a part of why I accepted this job. A big part."

"Little slut!" Clare spat the words with enough vehemence to make Kim recoil. "I'm not one of the poor clients you seem to enjoy taking advantage of. I know your game, and you know what? It's over! I'm firing you." Kim looked shocked, but Clare continued before she found the words to protest. "I'd thought about making a few calls after you're gone. This is a close-knit industry. Everybody knows everybody, word gets around. I'm sure I could warn enough people about you, tell them how you lie, how tardy you are, even how you steal. You'd never get another job and your clients would have to stay here with me." Kim's mouth opened and closed, like a fish. "But then I thought, perhaps I won't ruin her reputation. Not without offering her a choice. I really do think you're pretty, Kim. I've had my eye on that sweet little butt of yours since day one. I wouldn't mind ruining that instead. But I warn you, I'm not going to make it easy. So it's your choice, your career or your ass? Which is it going to be?"

Kim couldn't believe this. Was her boss really trying to blackmail her for anal sex? She shot to her feet. "I don't have to stand for this bullshit!" Before the words were out of her mouth, Clare had picked up the phone.

"Hello? Fattelite? Clare Porcine. I'd like to speak with the recruitment manager, Darren, isn't it...?"

"Wait!" Kim gave in to panic. "Okay! I'll do whatever you want. Don't ruin my career, please!"

Clare put the phone back in its cradle, just as it occurred to Kim that there may not have been anyone on the line at all. It didn't matter, she knew Clare would go through with her threat. "So, what DO you want me to do?" One hand on her hip, the other fiddled nervously with her hair.

"It's not what I want you to do you should be worried about, it's what I'm going to do to you." Clare smirked. "For now, take off your trousers and underwear." Kim hesitated before unclasping her trousers. She slipped off her shoes before shimmying out of the beige fitted slacks. Her lacy white panties stood out against the honey tan of her narrow hips, but Clare had only a moment to admire the sight before they too came off. Kim stood, thighs pressed self-consciously together, a tuft of blonde pubic hair just visible between them.

Clare murmured in appreciation. "Just how I imagined. Now come round her and bend over the desk. And get those legs apart."

It was a struggle for Kim to straddle Clare's wide hips, thigh muscles complaining as she leant forward, making enough space on the desk to rest her flat tummy against it and grip the opposite edge. She felt Clare's cold hands grip her buttocks and pull them apart, exposing her tightly clenched anus. "Look how tight you are. You're really going to suffer." Kim felt Clare's index finger trace its way over her pussy. "You know, I could do this little hole instead, but I'm not that cruel. You might want to have k**s some day." Clare chuckled. An icy shiver ran down Kim's spine. What the hell was she planning to do?

"I'm going to put my fist in you. In your butt. In case you hadn't worked that out."

Kim gulped down a little shriek. There was no use complaining. But a fist. She had no idea how it would fit. Oh shit!

Unwrapping another lard cube, Clare pressed a corner onto Kim's asshole. As it began to soften, she smeared it around, coating the anal area with thick, white fat. Keeping the semi-melted cube in her fist, she poked a greasy finger into Kim's hole, twisting it around, her fingertip probing the hot, soft flesh inside her sphincter. Kim shuddered and arched her back, as if to pull forward away from the finger, but the hard edge of the desk against her thighs stopped her.

Clare poked a second chubby finger in beside the first. "Ow!" Pushing her fingers apart, Clare managed to make just enough of a gap to prod the squidgy remains of the lard cube into Kim's butt with her free hand. Her fingers worked it around inside, her thumb pinching at the edge of the ring outside.

When the fourth finger and then finally the thumb worked their way past her sphincter, Kim was alternately whimpering and hissing curses under her breath. Clare's fist settled into her rectum, anus closing around her wrist. "I bet your little butt feels pretty full now, doesn't it?" Clare pumped her hand back and forward again for emphasis. Kim just gripped the edge of the desk with whitened knuckles. Perspiration soaked her blouse and it clung to her back. "Well, if you think it's full now, you just wait until my other hand is in there!"

"You can't be serious! It's too much!" Kim exclaimed, braking her silence.

Clare examined the butt of the girl bent over her desk. Her arm looked disproportionately huge, protruding from between those firm, golden cheeks. "Yes... It probably too much. Much too much. But I AM serious." With an effort she pulled her hand back through Kim's sphincter until just the fingers remained inside. To these she added the fingers of her free hand, making a point with her finger tips. Undulating her wrists from side to side, she pushed back against the resisting muscle. Kim's hot hole had entirely melted the fat Clare had smeared on, and it oozed around her fingers as they worked their way inside.

Kim let out a yell as eight knuckles rammed into her ass ring. "Careful, Kim!" Clare scolded, "do you want the whole office to know what's happening to your butt?" Crushing her lip between her front teeth, Kim let out only a long drawn out grunt as Clare's hands overcame her anal resistance and plunged into her rectum. Even bunched up tightly together, the two fists stretched the limits of what her anal cavity could contain. "My... Fucking... Ass!" She groaned between breaths.

Luxuriating for a moment in the sight of Kim squirming over her desk with her back door exquisitely plugged by two podgy lady fists, Clare tested the freedom of her fingertips, unclenching one hand and wrapping the other tightly around it. "You know, Kim, I would never even try this with someone unless I really didn't give a shit about their well-being." Extending her fingers against the back of the rectum and feeling around for the sport she was aiming for, Clare began to pump her hand back and forth, Kim's flesh so tightly wrapped around it that her asshole bulged out every time she pulled her hand back.

Tears streamed from the corners of Kim's tightly screwed up eyes, mixing with her make-up and running in dark streaks down her cheeks. Sharp twinges of pain added to the discomfort of her over stretched rear as Clare's hand ploughed its way deeper into her, twisting round the bend and entering her colon. Clare felt as if Kim's anus was getting tighter, but it soon dawned on her that as her hand penetrated further inside more of her forearm was following it, an ever thicker section of flabby meat squeezing through the over extended sphincter muscle. Just as the rough skin of her elbow approached the reddened ring, there came a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Malice lay heavy in Clare's sing-song tone.

"Noooo...!" Kim hissed in protest, but it was too late. The door swung open to reveal Lard-U-Like's Head of Accounts, Sandra.

"Woah!" Sandra was a dumpy blonde woman in her early fifties. She was shorter than Clare, but carried much more weight, the fat hanging off her arms and legs in great sacks. She stared for a moment at Kim impaled on her boss's forearms before she shuffled in and discretely shut the door behind her. "So little Miss Perfect is finally getting what she deserves, huh, Clare?"

"She sure is. Kim begged me to thoroughly ruin her ass before I kick her out the door."

"No I didn't!"

"Oh, I think you did, Kim." Clare twisted her hand in Kim's guts, making her wince painfully. "Tell Sandra exactly what you told me."

Kim was too ashamed to look anywhere but at the carpet. "I said I wanted you to totally wreck my slutty shithole, so you won't ruin my reputation." She hoped it would be enough.

Sandra's eyebrows rose on her wrinkled forehead. "Ooh... She's so into it!"

"You want in on this?" Clare asked with a snort, still absently pumping her arm in Kim's bowels.

"Well, I came to discuss the month-end figures, but sure, why not?" Sandra rolled up the sleeves of her brown cardigan, pale, hairy skin bulging where it was constricted by the cuffs. Obligingly, Clare withdrew her arm from Kim's colon, both hands leaving her anus until only the fingers remained inside. Considering her next move, she struggled to her feet, hauling her great bulk upright by the grace of her tree trunk-like legs alone. Out of breath, she lay her elbow in the small of Kim's back her weight crushing Kim's tummy against the desktop. She manoeuvred her fingers so that her hands were back to back, the palms facing the upper and lower edges of Kim's anus. With only a grunt as warning, she forced her hands apart, a long, gurgling fart escaping the square hole framed by her knuckles. "See if you can get your hand in there. Don't worry about your watch, it doesn't matter if we break her."
Sandra stared at Kim's anguished expression and re-clasped the little gold watch around her wrist. Her hand went in between Clare's, barely touching the sides. "That's it, now stuff it deeper!" Clare urged, still stretching the ass open to accommodate Sandra's thick wrist. Sandra didn't need telling twice. She drove her bunched fist along the hot tunnel Clare had recently forced open, ploughing through the rectum and into the colon in one long thrust. Kim yelped in pained surprise. Sandra's rough, hairy elbow had stopped level with Clare's knuckles in her now vastly distended anus.
Kim's sphincter looked as if it was about to break when Clare choose to plunge her hands into the rectum, beside Sandra's arm, around which she wrapped her palms, finger tips and thumbs barely meeting either side. The two fat lady's bodies jostled against each other as Clare stooped to slide her hands along the length of her colleague's forearm, only stopping when she felt the hard band of her watch between her fingers. Kim's anus was a thinly stretched red triangle around the three, flabby, white arms penetrating her. "How does it feel to have three fists inside you, Kim?" Sandra's voice was a husky growl.
"Shall we make it four?"
"Tell us how it really feels."
Kim sniffed back a sob. "I... love it. It feels so... good to have my ass fucking torn apart like this."
Both Clare and Sandra snorted mirthlessly. "I guess that'll do."
It took some time to remove their arms completely. They were jammed in so tightly that the only way seemed to be to ball their fists together and yank them back an inch at a time. When Kim's anus finally let them go, it hung slack and wide open. Within, he rectum was now a tube, open at both ends, allowing a clear view into her colon.
With wobbly legs, painfully aware of her dripping, ruined back door. She wiped her face to dry her tears, but just ended up smearing her make-up even more. She picked up her trousers and underwear and turned to the two women wiping their arms with desk tissues behind her. "You fat bitches! I hope you had fun, because I'm out of here. I'm gone, and you can bet I'm never sending another shred of business your way!" She managed to force a triumphant smile as she gingerly pulled her panties up over her hips, wincing where they touched the tender flesh of her puffy anal ring. Now it was Clare's turn to smile.
"Oh, Kim. I should have said; your contract provides for a mandatory thirty-day notice period upon termination of employment. So I'll see you tomorrow, eight-thirty sharp. Don't be late, because tomorrow we're going to REALLY begin trashing your hole!"

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Daffy Learning what Stacey likes

I'm Daphne Laurel, and I write about my sex adventures. (the ones I remember!) This is a continuation of the storyline that stopped at "Speechless with Stacey". If you like the story please rate and or/comment! Enjoy! ----------Stacey's tongue was flickering up and down my lower lips. I was wet before she got there, and now it was a pretty pink sloppy mess. My head was starting to spin the way it always does when good weed is involved, and my tiny body was starting to move on its own. ...

3 years ago
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wife likes

My name is Chris, this is a true story that happened to me and my wife Maria a little while back.I had a few friends due to arrive one day to watch football, the normal kind of thing , a bit rowdy and a few beers.Maria has no interest in football, so she arranged to meet a friend to do a little shopping and have lunch and a few drinks.I was on the balcony just as Maria left, and my friends arrived loaded with beer cases just as she was walking down the driveway to her car.My friends didn't...

4 years ago
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Part 2 What my future wife likes

One of the first nights we were having sex, she was sucking my dick and I told her she was really good at it. She asked me how many girls had sucked my dick. I said five or six but she was by far the best. She said it was because of all the practice she has had. I asked her how much practice had she had. She did not hesitate a bit and answered that she had been sucking dick since she was in the 8th grade, and that she had sucked a lot of dicks, too many to remember them all. When she said...

3 years ago
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What Its Like

What's It Like by Sweetdreams So there I stood - in disbelief. "Joan, you expect me to follow your "rules" while I am here at your sorority house?" Joan giggled "Don't be silly Kyle, I know you will. Look, if you get me in trouble, and get me expelled from campus, my daddy's Law firm would sue your parents and get your families farm so fast. It would be a shopping mall by next Christmas. You know they have had their eyes on that property for years " I...

1 year ago
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Docs Complex 25 What It Felt Like

Doc's Complex 25 - What It Felt Like by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 25 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which the men from the mine, now buxom beauties, reunite and compare notes. Alice tells how it felt to wear a bikini among men. The Girl who had been Tom's fantasy gets a name. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't...

4 years ago
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What would it be like

by Vanessa Evans Author’s Note This story is a prelude to the story ‘My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public’, however it can also be read as a standalone story. Intro I consider myself to be your pretty average young girl, my name is Jenna and I am 18 years old, 4 foot 10 inches tall with long, blonde hair. I’m skinny and have a 32AA-23-30 figure with my little tits high up on my chest. I have recently left college, got a job and moved out of the family home and now share an...

4 years ago
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I Never Met a Man I Didnt Like

The van cruised slowly down the streets of Railroad Yards, a town of a few thousand people. The van was much bigger than an ice cream truck -- more the size of a big camper. But like an ice cream truck it played music as it went. The song they used most often was, “Why Don’t We Do It In the Road?” On the side of the van was the organization’s name, “Just Do It”, and their slogan, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” When they stopped, a middle-aged man in a T-shirt and jeans hurried out of his...

3 years ago
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I was too confident. I was so pleased with myself, so full of myself, that it made me careless. However, it was understandable – for the third time in the space of only ten days, I had run better than ever before, and attained a new Personal Best. And what a time to do it, as well! – for the selectors were in the process of choosing the British team for the greatest event of any athlete’s career – the Olympic Games – which in just six weeks’ time would open in London, my own home...

2 years ago
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Things Bulls Like

Things "Bulls" Like• I like fucking a married woman if her husband has no idea. It's great knowing I can convince her to cheat.• I like watching the faces of husbands as they deal with the emotions of watching their wife get fucked by another man.• I get off rubbing in a husband's face how slutty his wife is with me.• I love seducing a married woman and making her husband a cuckold for the first time ever.• I enjoy Cumming all over a married woman. It's like I'm marking my turf.• I love keeping...

1 year ago
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What Would It Be Like

I consider myself to be your pretty average young girl, my name is Jenna and I am 18 years old, 4 foot 10 inches tall with long, blonde hair. I’m skinny and have a 32AA-23-30 figure with my little tits high up on my chest. I have recently left college, got a job and moved out of the family home and now share an apartment with 2 other single young people, 1 guy and 1 girl. The thing is, I have tons of erotic thoughts, all of them around me being naked. I’ve got a sort of mental ‘bucket list’...

3 years ago
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What do you look like

What do you look like? "Oh my god! What do you look like?" I span round and saw my sister, stood in the doorway of my bedroom with her hands clasped to her face and a big delighted smile on her face. A big delighted smile that turned into a frown. "Is that my dress you're wearing?" It was her dress I was wearing. This would have been fine if I were her sister. But I wasn't. I was her brother. I scrambled for words as her frown deepened. "Lisa, I can explain. I..." She...

1 year ago
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Tomoko finds out what American boys are really like

|Tomako was watching TV when he arrived. She didn't bother moving from her sofa where she was spralled out watching a game show. What did she care if er stupid brother had an American exchange student coming to stay? it just meant even longer queues for the bathroom! "Come and say hello to Dan Tomoko!" her mother commanded firmly as the babble of voices from the hall disturbed her programme. She sighed and unwound her slim legs and gracefully got up. At 18 she was a startlingly attractive young...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Pat Wynn Lookalike

Part 1I had built the camper from the bottom up myself and to tell the truth I was pretty damned proud of it. It featured about any comfort you could possibly cram into a 2,5 x 6 m space in an old Bedford originally build for transporting horses. It was one of those old flat nosed trucks from the early sixties, but it had a new engine, breaks, gearbox and steering. I was a photographer working for different tourist boards and that summer I was working in Scotland. The nice thing about the work...

2 years ago
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If Its Skirts that You Like

If It's Skirts that You Like... By Jackie I was just riding the subway home one afternoon when I made the mistake of my life...I checked out a skirt. Now mind you, I had always had a healthy appetite for the ladies. And at age 32, a single, successful attorney who stood 6'1", a trim, athletic 160 pounds, with a full head of close-cropped brown hair, the ladies sometimes looked back. But it was always in good, innocent fun. Until her... I preferred to stand on...

1 year ago
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Use me as you like

"Hmmm, I like it like this", I say while you're standing behind me, while we're watching the sky. You hold me close and place your head in my neck and I lean back with my head. Your arms just below my breasts. "Yea, this is nice". At some point you lean very close in and I have this urge to suck your cock. I turn around and kiss you. "What are you doing?" you say, "You will see...". Kneeling down I open your zippers slowly. Seeing your underwear. Your cock is soft and small. "Wait, don't tell...

3 years ago
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Exactly What It Looks Like

“No, sis, I’m fine,” I replied, wanting to get her out the door as quickly as possible. “Alright, I’ll be back later,” and with that, her auburn locks disappeared out the door. I listened closely for her to leave, car door slams, engine starts, and then off she goes. Finally, it was time. I had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity to fulfill my fantasy, to walk around in girls’ clothes. I loved the feel, I loved how my slim body looked in them, and now that my sister and I are...

2 years ago
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Faeophobia What Boys Like

"Nothing wrong with big tits," I told myself. I'd been warned about the Fae. With their huge breasts, wide hips, and raging libidos. They said you couldn't trust them; they were too frivolous and impulsive. And they had dangerous, magical powers. The people in the small town I grew up in made a special point to tell me not to stare at their tits; because they'd notice me. I decided to dismiss most of the warnings. Ever since the special Celestial Conjunction of this century, magic had...

4 years ago
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What a Vasectomy is Really Like

First of all This is NOT my story,but I think every Man and WOMAN* gotta read it :)So I did it. Got the snip -- the tiny tubes terminated -- pinched off the old baby batter blaster -- you get the picture. While it was (as every man who has ever had it done at least one year prior will tell you) a very simple and quick procedure, I would not ever in good conscience tell another man considering it that it was anything less than a miserable experience. Most guys (fellow blank shooters) I spoke...

1 year ago
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Don't you just hate it when you tell a muthafucka what it is and what you expect in return, then they hit you with some lame as shit. Well that's the reason for my being the way that I am. Let me explain myself if I may. Okay, about a year ago this June, after doing ice for the very first time with that stupid ass ex girlfriend of mine, with her fat dumb ass, I started crossdressing with a group of friends that were prominent crossdressers here in the city that I live, which is Akron, OH. I...

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The LookaLike

I was out walking when i say this girl that i had seen around a lot lately. She happens to look exactly like my wife's sister Claire. About 5'8, ratty brown hair, heavy/stocky, same style glasses, pudgy cheeks, big nostrils, ample boobs. My wife is better than her in almost ever regard except one: Claire has a huge, sweet, fat, butt. I have to check myself not to slap it every time i see her."Hello," I said to the girl as we walked past each other. I introduced myself and explained she...

1 year ago
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Sex which I like

Hi, I’m Rohan Sen this is the first time I’m writing in this site and in fact feels awesome. Well I’m doing MBA 22yrs live in Kolkata. I don’t talk to girl’s that often, it’s not that I’m introvert or anything of that kind but I get bugged listing to the stupid common stories. Anyway I am about to narrate an incident that happened in my life few months ago. It changed my life. So my 2nd SEM exams got over by the end of July I didn’t have anything to do at home apart from hanging around with...

Erotic Fiction
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What The Neighbors Daughter is Really Like

Like any man I had just been going with the flow. I went to work each day and came home to a home cooked meal. My wife and I married five years ago so planned to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Since we married at twenty-five each we were both thirty at the time. We decided to have a party for our friends. We had our plans made when the next door neighbors called and asked us to watch their daughter. I didn't see a problem as long as Leslie would be upstairs watching television in the library...

Group Sex
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Whats Not To Like

My wife Dee an I are in our 50’s ,we have some friends whose wife is also named Dee that we would go out with time to time. This particular night we were going bar hopping in our local town. We had already hit 4 bars when we came to the Brass Cactus, a little neighborhood bar that you parked in the rear and came in the back door, the had booths and tables, so by the time we got there it was packed so we had to sit apart,the two Dees sat together,and Dee’s husband sat with them.I sat at the...

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Anything You Like

I close the door on my office so nobody can hear me. I dial your number and you answer. It is only 8:00 a.m. You have just read one of my e-mails and you became extremely wet, and you soaked your panties through with your arousal. Then you fingered yourself and made yourself even more wet. I ask you to throw on some clothes, anything, and to come to my office, because I have something for you. A surprise, I say. But I have only one request of you – bring your wet panties with you. I wait. Five...

2 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 23 Its beginning to look a lot like

Bob wasn't about to give up that easily, and he said to Mike, "We'll talk about this later, Mike. I wish my employees were as loyal." "See you at the game?" I asked Einstein. "Wouldn't dream of missing it," he said, and then drove off with Mike. Mr. Denure was going to drive the bus himself tonight. We had waited till the panel was put back into place on the fancy coach and after a quick check of the sound system, he thanked Mike with a vigorous handshake, expressing his gratitude...

1 year ago
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Sandy Showed Me What it Feels Like

I sat naked on the floor of Sandy's apartment looking down at her blonde pony tail between my thighs. Her bare back and butt were petite and shapely, a ruddy glow from the sun darkening the freckles on her face and shoulders. Her warm tongue explored my vagina with obvious hunger. The waves of pleasure made my eyes heavy. No one had ever licked me down there before.Minutes before we were talking about boys and she asked me if one had ever "gone down" on me. I didn't know what she meant. "You...

4 years ago
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What Victory Looks Like

[ Dedicated to all white males who have begun to succumb to the power of interracial (cuckold) porn. This is starting took a lot like victory for people of color everywhere that have suffered centuries of humiliation at the caprice of whites! ]He'd never been a member of any racist organization. In fact, overt racism bothered him to a considerable degree. It always had. So, even though he wouldn't have used the word 'racist' to describe himself, he knew he'd certainly benefited, in numerous...

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