Leben 2 free porn video

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Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army

Leben 2

Alan Gance was in shock, it had to be shock, and the woman in front of him was exceedingly beautiful. She was ... wait had she just called him son? Alright what in the hell was going on? Snapping all his defenses up, Alan growled at the woman. "Alright who in the hell are you? I was abandoned as a child no parents, no one. I don't know what you are up to, but I really am not finding this funny at all!"

The woman only smiled making no move to enter his cabin. "As I said, you are my son, though I am afraid that an explanation might take a while. I sent the others on so I could talk to you undisturbed." Still somewhat in shock Alan could only stand there and stare at the beautiful woman claiming to be his mother. "Now then, may I please come in? It has turned rather nasty out here and I have no desire to catch pneumonia."

Alan shook his head to clear it of all the thoughts that were blocking all rational thought. Moving aside he stated, "Alright you can come in but don't try anything I am far more powerful than you think."

Tsking, the woman moved past Alan with a grace he'd not seen anyone but professional dancers have. "Really Alan I have no desire to hurt you, we have been searching for you for months now. It was as big a shock to me as it was to you that I had a son. The Doctor has a really sick sense of humor."

"Uh huh, "Alan said as his thoughts were starting to return to him. "Look I don't know what your angle is but I'm not really interested ok? So really I suggest that you leave and..."

The woman looked up at Alan demurely from the seat she had taken, "Your name is Alan Treibend Gance I gave you that middle name. It means adrift or lost as I am sure you have felt for a very long time."

Alan stood there with his mouth hanging open, unable to utter a single sound. No one knew his middle name, the two people that had, really knew nothing about what it meant. Then this woman just strolls in here and makes these outrageous claims.

"Really Alan," the woman said as she tried her best not to laugh, "close your mouth it is most undignified." Snapping his mouth shut, Alan dropped like a stone onto the other end of the couch. "There see? That's a lot better, now I know you have questions and I will do my best to answer them." Alan barely shook his head, and then as if a light bulb was turned on he opened his mouth. "First thing is this, you are far too young to be my mother. There is no..." Alan watched as the woman's face and body started to age.

"Is this more to your liking? I could appear older if it sets you at ease Alan." The woman told him his eyes wide in shock and amazement.

"Ho... how... di...did you do that? It defies logic it isn't possible!" Alan almost shouted at the mystery woman.

Smiling even as he watched the woman suddenly grew younger a feat that was just as amazing. "That was a simple thing we all have the ability to appear whatever age we wish. Yes Alan you have it also though I am sure you haven't discovered it yet. I can teach you many things if you wish, or I could leave. Though the latter I really have no desire to."

"So I am like you?" Alan finally asked.

"Yes and no. Like us yes, but you possess power that is equal to ours and you haven't even really started to use them. It is my wish to guide you to use them in a more non-intrusive way." The mystery woman said then smiled.

"Why? Are you afraid that I'd have too much fun?" Alan said with a sly smirk on his face.

"No, I am more afraid that the others out there that mean to hurt us and you, would be able to find you far more easily than they have been." The woman replied.

"Yeah I noticed those guys with the wimpy powers that were coming after me. Then there was the guy who was trying to order me to come to him." Alan told her.

"Wait you actually saw him? What did he look like, we have been trying to discover who he is for years. He's almost as slippery as the doctor." She said.

"Yeah I saw him, he looked an awful lot like my old boss, the head of the company I was at. Tried to make me do what he wanted kind of pissed him off when I said no and pushed him away." Alan said watching the woman's face for a reaction.

The woman's mouth was hanging open; he had pushed the man away?! He was as powerful as the doctor had said and he still had so much to learn. If only there were time, but even as she thought that, she could feel the boosted ones starting to close in. From the tense reaction of Alan he felt it too.

"Damn it, I thought I had lost them! They had to have been following you. Look lady" Alan spat.

"Actually it is Angelika," she said.

"Ok look Angelika, this isn't looking all that great I can handle quite a lot of them but not this many. If you help then we might make it." Alan told his mother.

Angelika smiled he had so much to learn! Suddenly there was a huge ripping sound as the cabin was torn in two, Angelika smiled so they had sent their enhanced ones. Opening her mouth Angelika started to emit a loud shrill shrieking sound dropping almost half of the boosted ones. Alan looked on a new respect for the woman.

Seeing the two that were leading this horde, Alan reached out to both of them and saw that their power had been given to them. Looking deeper Alan saw an area that was more lit up than the rest in their brains. Grasping these areas in both of the men began to scream, and then their legs buckled as they fell to the ground. Alan could hear them begging, but he could also see what their plans had been for him. Growling he crushed the lit up areas, silencing both men.

Angelika couldn't believe what she'd just seen; it was apparent that Alan could do almost anything he wanted to if he set his mind to it. They needed to leave before...

"So I see that not even my top warriors are not a match for you. Stop this!" Came an older man's voice, Angelika could feel the huge energy wave heading for them, erecting a shield she'd tried to warn Alan but too late, she also realized that she wasn't going to be able to stop all of the wave.

As the world started to go dark she saw the boosted ones grab Alan loading him into a jeep, they were about to come for her but the man's voice stopped them. "No leave her she is of no use to us, get Alan back to the laboratory as fast as possible, I can feel her compatriots approaching, move!"

They had loaded Alan and were long gone when Varick and the others appeared. They quickly loaded Angelika into their own jeep as they tried to revive her. Finally 10 minutes later Angelika opened her eyes.

"Angelika what happened did, Alan do this?" Varick asked her.

"No it was the other one that we have been trying to find all this time. Alan said he saw the man and told him no when he tried to make Alan go to him. Varick I watched him destroy two enhanced ones, he just reached in and crushed them." A shaking Angelika told them.

"WHAT!!??" Varick almost shouted. "I have just learned to do that, no wonder the doctor is so worried. Alan could hunt, find and destroy the doctor with not much effort apparently."

"No, it wasn't like that, I felt his fear and anger, some because they were trying to harm me, and some because they destroyed his cabin. I suggest we try and stay on his good side 'til we can up our own power." Angelika stated.

Varick looked at Harmon who had his eyes closed, "anything Harmon?"

"Yes, I feel them running as fast as hell back toward the city, they've already wrecked two vehicles already. If we leave now I think we can catch them outside the city but we'll have to drive as fast as we can. I can't guarantee that we will be in one piece when we catch them though." Harmon told them.

Loading up they started out as fast as they could, they had gotten only a few miles down the road when there was a titanic explosion at the edge of their vision. Harmon pressed even harder to get them there, almost side swiping several trees along the way. A good hour later they were slowing near a blacked area of the forest.

"Truda? Can you tell what happened?" Varick asked.

Truda stepped out closing her eyes she started to 'see' images of the events that had transpired at this spot. "I see them trying to get back as fast as they can. He has awoken far earlier than they thought he would. He has already crushed all of those that are in the vehicle with him. As it rolls to a stop he steps out, several of the boosted ones point guns at him. I can feel his rage and raw power as he releases it, those in front are vaporized in seconds those unlucky enough to be alive, he points at and they instantly burst into flames."

Shaking her head the images coming much faster now, "I see he sent a 'gift' to the man who did this. I can see the man got slightly burned. This is the first time he's been hurt in a very long time. Now I see him cursing in German, he has ordered more boosted ones after Alan, quite a lot more."

Varick was nodding at everything that she said, "Did you see where he went?"

"I see him moving off toward the road he managed to flag a car down and they are taking him into the nearest town. I am afraid he will obtain a car and then be moving away from us at a rapid speed. He appears to be extremely angry I suggest we approach him with caution." Truda advised.

Harmon was suddenly interested, "Caution, is he that strong?"

"Yes brother, he can't really outright kill us, but he can most definitely hurt us," Truda warned her brother. Still in a partial like trance state she grabbed Harmon's arm with a surprisingly strong grip. "Do not brother, do not rush in like you always do. This one is far different and far superior to those that you have faced before."

Harmon's mouth dropped open, this was a shock to him there had never been any that he couldn't face that could beat him except the doctor and the other. Slowly Harmon nodded; he never went against anything his sister EVER saw and this time he wasn't about to start.

Truda was starting to sway a bit meaning she was now delving into the future, "NO! It isn't possible!"

Harmon rushed to his sister as did Varick both only to be knocked on their asses by the raw power that erupted from her.

"How can you see me? I mean no harm I am a friend of your mother's. Yes she is fine see?" At that Truda had turned toward Angelika.

Suddenly a male voice came from Truda's throat, "I suggest that none of you follow me. They obviously tracked me by you I was totally hidden."

"HA!" Erupted from Harmon, "you were as hidden as the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, even I could feel you! If you want to learn to hide you need to be with us! You..." Harmon started to choke not bad but he was having a hard time talking.

"Enough Alan! Release him!" Angelika yelled, suddenly the voice yelped as if pinched.

"Alright, I agree to meet but on my terms. I'll meet with mother only, the rest of you at least 10 miles away or the deal is off. I might not be able to really stop you but I can put a hurt on you." The voice told them not really making Harmon happy at all nor Angelika's brother Varick.

Angelika started to giggle, a shocked look on her face then she was feeling her son even closer.

Hearing a sigh Angelika turned to see Alan standing beside her, "Hello mother. Please let's away to another place I don't feel good about talking about any of this here." Alan told her as her gently but firmly grasped her arm.

A few minutes later they were in a secluded area of the forest outside the town. Alan had them sit, and then opened their conversation, "I know what you did back there when we were attacked, thank you. Though I'm still unable to extend a shield like that I will soon." Angelika's mouth was hanging agape, laughing Alan repeated her words from earlier, "Really mother, close your mouth it is most undignified."

Angelika smiled then started to laugh a sound that hadn't come from her mouth in many years, again she felt something slipped in her as another power increased. Startled a moment she stood feeling the power throbbing within her. Erecting a shield Alan smiled and powered up firing a blast at her, nothing? What!? "What have you done? I feel a lot more powerful you have opened at least three of my powers."

"I took the liberty of looking through your DNA, as well as my own. I didn't really understand it at first so I went online a bit, and learned. What I have learned is that there is a 95.375% probability that we are related." Nodding Alan continued, "Now I accept that you are more likely, than not, my mother."

"I am sorry Alan that I don't know who your father is if you have one," Angelika growled. "The doctor is a real sick son of a bitch!"

"Es ist in Ordnung, Mutter," Alan told her in German, nodding he stated, "yes I saw that much in her mind."

"As of yet we cannot go further back than 46 years, the earliest memory any of us have is from 1970. I remember the bicentennial celebrations in America though it didn't feel like home. I remember many things but the worse was the fact that I felt so empty, I have for so long." Turning she looked at Alan tears streaming down her face. "It was you Alan, as your mother, it was a feeling that the doctor couldn't remove. No matter how much the sick bastard wanted to he couldn't remove it."

Even as she was crying Angelika felt several facets of her mind slip then open wide, again her mouth was hanging open even as the tears continued to stream down her face. "I have made sure that those bastards can never hide or even remotely have a chance of controlling you again. Now then it is my turn."

Sitting back down Angelika reached out and could feel the others, amazing, so this was a little of what Harmon and Truda saw and felt.

"I was abandoned on the door step of an orphanage as a small child. Because I was so young I was eventually adopted out very quickly. I wasn't kept long, apparently I started showing abilities as a small child. About that time I had been in and out of a lot of foster homes. Then came the day I went to a hell hole for children, I was beaten almost every day. I left there for a few days but they didn't keep me. I was sent back then transferred to another orphanage, they didn't like the fact that I spoke my mind there either, therefore more beatings occurred."

Alan had stopped for a moment, tears coming to his eyes as the memories flooded back, Angelika saw into his mind for that brief moment and almost passed out from all the pain she saw there. Alan look at Angelika seeing her distress and snapped closed in seconds.

"Sorry mother, I should have warned you strong emotions open us up all the way." Angelika was nodding as the pain started to pass. "After a week I was sent to another home, though as before they had no use for a child who knew things they didn't. I was sent back and branded as useless and unwanted. The second orphanage had me transferred to a third one. There I was beat constantly for hours; they said it would make me a better child, better behaved. I was beaten so badly in fact that I stopped responding to the ass that was doing the deed."

Angelika was in tears again feeling almost every emotion that Alan was. This time Alan didn't close up. Angelika thought she could handle anything 'til this. The sheer amount of terror and fear that Alan felt seemed to almost drown her.

"The state was doing inspections that day so they had to stop. I think that the inspector saved my life; I really don't think that the monster would have stopped 'til I was dead. They tried to hide me but the inspector was far smarter than they thought he was. When the man found me I swear that he was going to be sick, I was bleeding from numerous places, I had bruises all over my body. Within minutes the police were called and half the staff was arrested. Later on I heard that all the staff went to prison they all were killed there. The inmates don't really like being put with children abusers." Alan now had his head down tears flowing freely the pain as fresh now as it was then.

"Why! Why did that bastard do this to you? Had you been with us you would have gotten the love you not only wanted but deserved. We have been looking for that son of a bitch for over 40 years a few months ago we were as close as we have ever been. No one deserves what happened to you NO ONE!" Even as she yelled Angelika realized the error of what she'd just done.

A shrill, almost scream, erupted from her throat destroying everything in its path for at least a thousand yards. Angelika's mouth again hung open, "Very good mother, but you have to remember that emotions can up the power greatly," Alan told her as he walked to her.

"I have no real emotions; I haven't for a very long time none of us have, though in Harmon's case that might be a good thing," Angelika said with a smirk. "What have you done? Alan we have no control over these emotions we haven't had them in a very long time if ever."

Alan looked at her for a moment then Angelika felt something different in her head slip and slide into place. "That ought to do it."

"Alan how can you know all this? We are just starting to understand after years, yet you who had none of these abilities are suddenly almost an expert?!" Angelika asked an astonished look on her face.

"I told you, I went on line and read all that I could before the computer crashed, seems I was taking information faster than it could bring it up." Alan told her as if it were an everyday thing.

"I think you really ought to meet the others," Angelika told Alan.

Nodding he looked at the spot beside Angelika intensely, a moment later her brother appeared shock on his face. "Hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed." Alan said as he held his hand out to Varick.


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Pete and I had huge erections streaked with pre-cum from the girls’ handiwork. Sue and Pat were similarly aroused with damp thighs and engorged labia as well as hard nipples.“I don’t know about you three but I’ve got to get some relief before we go out,” said Pat.We murmured in agreement. The four of us had got naked together after breakfast as a result of us discussing our favourite sexual fantasies. It had progressed to Pete fondling the ample breasts of Pat, my wife. Then Pete’s wife Sue had...

Group Sex
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MyPervyFamily Annabel Redd StepSister Needs Help Douching for 1st Time

My younger step-sister was getting ready to go out with some guy. But she had no idea how to prepare to fuck him! She asks me for help on how to use a douche, so I show her. But one thing lead to the next, and my busty redhead step-sister was on her knees in front of me! Her bright green eyes looked so sexy as she took my long cock down her throat. I bent her over the bathroom counter and pounded her perfect tight pussy! I fuck her as shes layed down, watching her big natural tits jiggle as I...

1 year ago
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Darth Demus Star WarsEpilogue

In a secret underground facility there was a room full of sparti cylinders holding not clone but another experiment. The Mandalorians had been the prototypes to this little project, and Demus had perfected the process through them. The young beings inside the cylinders were his offspring and were made up of a random genetic sampling of his and Aayla's DNA. Like Demus each was receiving training from a subconscious program made to interact with their dreams In the program he taught each...

4 years ago
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The Apple Doesnt Fall Far from the Tree Ch 04

by Fidget Chapter 4 - Too Many Apples Over the next few weeks, Josh watched guiltily as the cheerleaders he had infected with the football's sinister influence involuntarily ripened into sex-obsessed goddesses of femininity and fertility, just as Amy had, and just as Josh had known they would. In the end, he had been equally unable to resist his own ravenous new sexual appetites, and had quickly caved to the temptation to increase the number of irresistible bimbos available to him, each of...

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DevilsFilm Bella Rolland Lesbian8217s Creampie Cravings

Bella Rolland is on the phone with her girlfriend, who isn’t due home for another hour. But when their conversation turns steamy and Bella gets horny, she’s suddenly interrupted as Rico Hernandez barges into the room. Bella quickly hangs up and is confronted by Rico, who thinks Bella’s cheating on his sibling. Even though Bella’s mortified at being caught, she tells him the person on the phone WAS his sibling! BUT, since she’s horny and he’s handy, there IS a...

2 years ago
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Sparks of Moonlight

Sparks of Moonlight © Lily Rockmore, 2009 Halloween Story Competition Hey guys, This is my entry for the Halloween story competition. It’s a tale of love, loss and death. Even so, I hope you enjoy it. Please keep an open mind as you read this. I believe it’s the only way to read, and to appreciate this story. Thank you so much for reading me. Don’t forget to vote and comment. Thank you! <,3 Lily. 1956, Japan. They called it the witching hour, the sixty minutes when the dividing line...

1 year ago
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Two Steps Into LoveChapter 1

John: I guess this story starts almost five years ago on the very unpleasant afternoon that my father came home early and caught our mother in bed with another man. It really did split our family and the ensuing divorce was bitter. I have two brothers, each older, and, at the time, Russell was fourteen, Dale, twelve and I, John, was just ten. It was so clear which parent was at fault that it took no effort for any of us to decide who we wanted to live with; it was our dad. Mom got visiting...

4 years ago
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my memories

The memory of life Time.Well i was 21 years old, and the world in me feat, thats exactly what we think, we are invincible, and. We at 21, omg, we love women's, but is time to talk about me,I always like older women, it was around December of 1995, this woman name is Maria she was at list 40 years old, very well taker of it, and amazing legs, she have the most beautiful smile, I seen her for amount always wait in the bus stop, she was ready to going to work, she always well dressed, always...

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Training of asian women

Training of asian womenA guide for any White man who owns asian womenPreamble: The objective of training asian women can be manifold.  Asian women must be trained to be able to provide full pleasure to White men by any means necessary.  Asian women must also learn to abide by the slave protocol as set by White men But most importantly, the essence of training asian women is to make them become fully aware of their own inferiority to White men.  An asian woman's inferiority, in all aspects of...

2 years ago
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Mothers DayChapter 4

Gwen stopped by a Goodwill on the way home and was lucky enough to find a pair of spike heels that at least came close to matching the outfit (what little there was of it). With an hour before David was due home from work she entered her bedroom, closed the door, dropped the small bag containing the costume on the bed and began to disrobe. She held up the tiny costume (which resembled a crocheted thong and halter connected only by a thin strip of material in front and back). She noted where...

4 years ago
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Baby Candy chap8

Chapter 8. Baby Won't Learn. We were still a block from Aunty June's house when I realised I needed to do a poo. I felt a painful clench in my lower gut, warning me of an impending bowel movement. I gazed at the humiliating pink potty in my arms. Somehow knew that if I confessed my need to Aunty, she would have no hesitation in pulling down my baby panties, unpinning my wet nappies, and thrusting me on the shameful toddler potty right there on the sidewalk. I clenched my bum cheeks...

2 years ago
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CastawayChapter 10

Jesus, what a hell of a dream, I thought as I woke up. I'd actually done surgery! And it was so damn detailed, every step still clear in my head. I wondered if I had some subconscious desire to be a doctor, if that was where it all came from. Kitty wasn't in the bed any more; he seemed to have gone downstairs. I wasn't surprised when I glanced at the clock, I'd slept in really late, it was nearly noon. Then memories of last night's dinner with Camilla abruptly came back to me, and my...

4 years ago
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Ameiliees Storiesthe Guildleader and the Dragonhoard

Timeline: Starts at beginning of "Luvirini's Journey" I know this will sound like ranting, but at times like this I cannot really help it. I am a master in the largest mage guild in central kingdom, "Seekers of Knowledge". It is a great guild and the leader is an absolute genius when it comes to magic, but he is totally lacking anything even resembling common sense. This is not the first time he has has problems like this, but given his repeated failure to apply even an ounce of common...

3 years ago
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Sex with Grandma Evelyn

I had been having sex since I was 13 years old. After my first time I had sex with various girls, typically it was girls who talked to other girls about sex with me. Up until I was a legal adult at the age of 18 I only ever had sex with two women over the age of 18. One was my girlfriend's mother, (I posted another story about this earlier). The other woman was before her. The first one was my step grandmother Evelyn. I never knew my maternal grandmother, she died long before my mom met my dad....

2 years ago
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I am tied down, spread-eagled, ankles and wrists firmly attached to the four posts at the corners of the bed.I’m the wrong way round, my feet towards the headboard, my head hanging over the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed. The only thing I’m wearing is a blind-fold.The blindfold makes you anxious - you have to rely on the other senses and every unfamiliar noise puts you even more on edge. I hear the door being pushed open, dragging slightly over the carpet, and someone else is in...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 32 Exercise Break

"Your father is trapped in the Ukraine?" Becky asked. "That's what he told me last night," I said. "He said some kind of intelligence agency arrested Valery and he lost some of the paperwork required to leave." "Why the tour then?" Jason asked. "I guess the band owes the unions some favors," I said. "My father said they would make sure he can travel back here with the band. Supposedly they use a choir and he'd be part of it when they fly here." "Your father sings?" Jason...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 1

Prologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...

Straight Sex
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Sisters Slumber Party

Now that my sister is older, and I am in college, her slumber parties have not lost their luster. Any one that is invited, considers it an honor and a privilege. My parents only had one rule, no boys. My sister and her friends never broke that rule, which meant I was the only guy present among five to seven girls. Kim was very creative and planned each party with a different theme. Rarely was a theme repeated. However, one thing that could always be counted on was a hot and daring game of...

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Complete Night Of Love Making

My parents died when I was starting with my engineering I was all alone in my college where I paid off my college fees by starting a business with my uncle. Everything was going OK in my life till I met my gf. We talked. We shared everything and she started loving me like her own baby. She would never leave me alone or make me sad. Once due to business reasons I had to go out of country for 3 months it was a testing period for me. When I came back she was there for me once again. We came into a...

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Popping Poppy

I watched as Poppy did another set of pirouettes, her small frame twirling again and again, legs, back and neck as straight as an arrow as she listened to her coach bark, “Again!” for the hundredth time in an hour. I, Ash Darkwood was a judge for the regionals and had stopped in to see some of the performers practice before hand. Poppy was incredible, but not just in ballet. Her coach had her minimally dressed in order to not distract from the intricate moves she was pulling off, but I ...

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My Husband

MY HUSBAND Me and my husban were getting ready for bed when he noticed I was hotter than usual as my pussy was dripping and my asshole was throbbing and clenching on its own. I told him how hard my boss was at work today from me wearing that slutty low cut dress that I know he just loves. And how hot I get thinking about teasing my boss while at work. My husband loves for me to tell him all the naughty details of me driving my boss up the wall. Oh my husband loves for me to get attention...

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Taken Blacken

Joan and I have been happily married for more than 15 years. We decided not to have c***dren, probably now due to our age. Joan is 48 and I am 52, so to have c***dren now, when they were in high school, we would probably be in a rest home. As much sex Joan and I have, Joan uses both a diaphragm and takes the pill to prevent pregnancy. Once menopause takes hold, we won't have to use those aids. We both don't like the feeling of condoms and they are not practical with our very active sexual...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 09

Aunt Karen looked ragged the next morning. She had on her robe at breakfast – something she hadn’t done since Tommy had been there – didn’t smile once, and spoke very little. The young man knew what the problem was, but kept quiet. Uncle Dave and Kim would be leaving for work and he’d have a chance to talk with his aunt, maybe find some way to cheer her up. ‘How come you’re workin’ at the Four Corners Inn, and not doin’ construction, or some other kinda real work?’ his uncle asked. ‘Mr. and...

3 years ago
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Not My TypeChapter 4

Joe grunted non-committedly at my introduction. The angry look on his face dissipated somewhat and he gave me a little smirk, which on him passed for a smile. "It's Sunday and Mum's cookin' a big dinner. You'd better come. She'll be pissed to know you were here and didn't stop in." I hesitated. I hadn't been to Sunday night supper at my parents' in a long time, much too long of a time actually, and the prospect did appeal to me, except that I had Adam with me, and subjecting him to...

2 years ago
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Master PC Creampie EditionChapter 4 Shopping For More

As Sandy walked out of her office building, she could feel the eyes of the security guards on her body. She was not surprised really considering what she had worn to work that day. On her newly improved body was her light grey designer pant suit. It was figure hugging and would look great normally but Sandy left out the shirt part that morning, opting for just her black pushup bra underneath the low cut jacket. The result was huge amount of cleavage on show for everyone to see. The only other...

3 years ago
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Facebook Chat Karke Ladki Ko Pata Kr Choda

Hi ISS readers again arya here with new story. So Friends i describe my self. I m arya age 22 average body not so smart but i m very smart in sex i know how saticsfy a lady & a girl. Ab story par aata hun story padhke mujhe mail jarur krna khas kar married ladies because mujhe married ladies jada pasand h or jaipur ya aas pass ki koi lady ya ladki sex relation rakhna chahe to mujhse contact kar sakti h. Ye story 2010 ki h jab me facebook par roj chat kiya krta tha. Ek din mujhe ek jiya naam ki...

3 years ago
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Jeff Meets Gerty Part 1

I pull into the driveway on my '91 Sporty 1200, having finished a two-hundred-fifty mile ride. I wonder whose car that is as I admire the '89 Lincoln town car, black with a white carriage top roof. I am feeling great but have no idea I will be feeling even better. Sitting at the table with Mom is a fine looking woman, probably in her mid-fifties. Just the way she is dressed gives me quite pleasant thoughts.Two-inch patent black heels with bows, a black skirt with a three-inch patent black...

4 years ago
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forced to be Female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONEThe last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

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My Scottish Girl

A few years ago I went for a family trip to Scotland. I drove up on my own because I didn't have a girlfriend at the time and all my other family already there. So when I got there I checked into my hotel room where my aunt worked and then unpacked and waited for her to finish because she was having a party at her house and I offered her a ride. So the next morning I wake up with abit of a headache but I go for breakfast with my family and they go on about how we're going out for dinner tonight...

Straight Sex
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Circumstances Lead To Two Caned Female Backsides

It was now two days since Yvonne and Tony Marsh had spent the Friday night at the home of Sheila and Jim Butcher. That night and the evening that preceeded it had involved wife swapping and the spanking of both women's backsides.All four of them were currently aged sixty but Sheila was fast approaching her sixty-first birthday.All participants had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and night but now, some forty-eight hours later, they were putting things into perspective. There was a conversation...

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My little brother

Names have been changed to keep privacy.Hi my name is Brenda.I was23 years old when this story took place 5 feet 4 inches tall long brown hair an I am in my 4rth year of college. I have 3 younger brothers.This story starts when i was on my winter break.I went home to spend time with my family my next younger brother was moved out maried .Doug was 18 he was still in High school and Jeff was 6 years younger than Doug.Anyway like i was saying iI was home an this incident took place one friday...

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