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Honestly though, the work itself was not that bad. You always hear that being a stripper is degrading and the people are scary, but even though my club is very sleezy, it wasn’t a problem really. The people were nice, and I really felt like I was doing a good job up there.

As I showed up at the place I was staying at, all the dignity I could have claimed washed away. I was staying at a motel because it was the cheapest place in town, and close to work.

It was thirty dollars a night, probably because nothing about the room I stayed in met standards. There wasn’t even a heater! I had to use three blankets most nights, and soon it would be winter.

“Hey! Courtney!” it was the building manager. “You haven’t payed today.” he yelled, blowing smoke in my face.

“Sorry, Jim.” I apologized, “here take this, should cover me for a few days.” I handed him ninety dollars and he took it hesitantly.

“Ya know, doll” he started, but I cut him off.

“Jim, stop doing this, please.” every fucking night this dude would say something to the effect of ‘If you can’t pay, there’s something else you could do’ and it made me sick every time.

To think I would sleep with this guy, he was short, fat, had the farest hairline I had ever seen, and not a good personality. “Whatever!” he grumbled and walked back to his little room by the entrance.

I walked the rest of the way to room 113, And entered. I had stopped even looking around when I got inside. It had taken a lot of practice but I was there now.

I quickly removed all my clothes but my panties and then put on an old grey shirt. It was the only way I could sleep. I crawled under my three thick blankets and quickly fell asleep.

That night I had the same dream I always had, it was of the day my dad had been diagnosed with liver failure five years ago.

I was hanging out with my best friend since childhood, Adam, when my dad walked into the back yard.

He had tears on his face, so I knew this was serious. I had only seen him cry twice, when my mom died and when I was in a car accident and almost died.

Adam had tried to leave, but my dad saw him as part of the family so he said stay.

The words ‘I have liver failure’ echoed through my head, and so did the words ‘four years left’. He died this february. And now I was reduced from daddy’s little girl, to daddy's little stripper.

I awoke to my alarm and got ready to face the day, maybe I should see Adam soon, but he can’t know about my new job. He was basically the closest thing to family I had left, and there was no way he could know.

The next week went without a hitch, I was making a little more money from tips, and Jim had stopped propositioning me for sex. But it was day eight that things went south.

I was at work and it was my first show of the night, and it was going well, but I made the biggest mistake I had ever made. Before this, I would normally scan the room, make sure I didn’t recognize anyone from my normal life.

If I did I would tell the owner that I though they were a stalker and he would let me pass a few shows until they left, but today I was late putting my make-up on.

“Here comes KANDI!” DJ Mike called as I walked out passed the curtain, Kandi was the name I had chosen because it was the typical stripper name.

I was out for about two minutes on a four minute song when I made the second mistake of the night, I locked eyes with someone in the crowd. I don’t like to do this, because one of the girls told me it could lead to people thinking you like them and that makes stalkers.

“Courtney?” the man in the crowd asked almost inaudibly, I looked his face over for a second and the recognition hit me like a truck. It was Adam! What irony. Why was he here? He hated places like this!

I told DJ Mike to cut the music and I dashed into the back. The people in the crowd were not too happy, but it was the manager that was the most upset.

“What the fuck Kandi!?!” he was almost yelling, and Calvin never yelled. “Those people want to see some dancing, not a girl running back without even taking their money!”

He was scary when he was mad, but something even worse happened about three seconds after he spoke, I was sitting there crying like a baby, Calvin was standing over me pissed, and in walked our security guard Damian.

“Kandi,” he said to get my attention, “Guy out there says he’s a friend of yours, called you by your real name, want me to let him back?”

I had seen similar things happen with other girls, most of them were more lax about strippping and didn’t have a problem with people knowing what they did.

“Gimme a minute Damian.” I said through the sobs. I went and put on a robe and wiped away the tears.

“Kandi,” Calvin said, calmer now. “Is the guy out there why you ran back?” he was calm but there was a dead seriousness to his tone.

“He’s an old friend, I didn’t want him to know about this.” I said and motioned towards myself, Calvin got the meaning and just nodded. He walked off.

“Let him back Damian.” I said. It was another fifteen seconds and Adam walked back, Adam rarely looked angry, he usually looked indifferent. This time he looked angry.

“Courtney,” he said “what the fuck?” with most people this would actually be a retorical question, but with Adam, thats how he asked for an explaination.

“Hi Adam,” I said and the tears started up again. “I-- uh…” I couldn’t get the rest out. I couldn’t stand him seeing me this way, but as usual, he softened up to my crying.

“Courtney.” he said this in his reassuring voice, “let's take a walk.” It’s what he said every time I was crying and he needed to talk to me. Walks calm me down.

“I’m working, Adam.” I said, still crying.

“The fuck you are.” he said, his face back to the angry one. “If you had told me things were this bad, I could have helped Courtney. Now I'm the asshole that didn’t realise his best friend was in this bad a situation.”

“Please don’t be mad” I said, he was a strange person, when he was really mad it was the worst thing ever. He would stop at nothing to make things right.

One time in the fifth grade he had snapped the leg of a boy who had called me fat, just because he wouldn’t get on his knees when he apologize.

“I’m not mad at you.” he said, “But you are not working here anymore.” he said this like the desicion was his alone, but what else could I do?

“I need this job Adam.” I said, honestly I was more afraid of that than anything else. I knew that if he wanted me to not work here he would make it so.

I don’t know what he does for a living, but somehow he had enough money to buy the bar his sister worked at so that the manager would stop letting her be groped by patrons.

“I’ll get you a job, give me a few days.” he said it, and I knew he wasn’t just blowing smoke out of his ass. In the next week he could get me a job that he found suitable.

“Adam,” I started but he wouldn’t let me finish.

“I have some friends uptown that owe me favors, I can get you a secretary job for a while, just to hold you over while I look for something good.” there he goes again, removing the illusion of choice from me.

As an femenist, I hated it when he took control, but as a woman, I was only ever attracted to him when he did. It was times like this that I saw how muscular he had gotten in the last few years.

“Kandi,” Calvin said, walking back over. “You’re coming up soon, if you’re ready.”

Adam was mad again, “Her names Courtney, and she dosen’t work here anymore.”

“ADAM!” I said.

“Courtney,” he said and locked eyes with me, "I promised your dad I would look out for you when he was gone, I've failed over the last few months. Don’t make me fail anymore.” That was a low blow.

The words manipulative dick came to mind for a few seconds, but he was back to taking control, and I was back to being attracted to him.

“I don't work here anymore Calvin, sorry.” I said without breaking eye contact. “I’ll grab my stuff and be out in ten minutes.”

“What the fuck ever.” he replied and just walked off.

I didn’t even stop for a second on my way to grab my stuff and leave, I didn’t say goodbye to anyone and no one said goodbye to me.

Adam had to go tell his friends that he came with that he would be leaving early, Apparently it was a work friend's Birthday, and he was finally old enough to come to a bar.

“Ready to go?” he asked, he planned on giving me a ride to my place in his new Lexus.

“Yeah,” I said. “I live just a few blocks down.” and we got into the car. When driving it was maybe a two minute ride, we got there and he was even more upset now.

“No.” he said. “Where’s the manager of this place?” he demanded an answer.

“In that little room there.” I said confused. “Why?”

“You won't be staying here anymore.” he said, “Come on.” Once again he eliminated all choices, I would say I was afraid to say no, but truly I was just turned on.

We walked up to Jim’s office. “You run this place?” Adam asked him.

“Yup, who’re you?” Jim responded.

“Give Courtney all the money left on her room, and we’ll be out of your hair in a few minutes.”

Jim sized Adam up for a second, and decided that he wasn’t worth fighting with. “I’ll have the money ready for ya when ya leave.”

“Okay,” Adam said, turning to me he continued “Let's get your stuff.” we made our way to room 113.

“You wait outside, i’m gunna change and grab my stuff then we’ll be out.” I said.

I hoped he would fight that just a little, if right now he wanted me I would say yes, I was getting really horny at how he was taking control. But he’s a good boy. “Okay, I'll get the car pulled over.” was all he said and he walked to his Lexus.

I was disappointed when I walked into my room. Maybe it was just because he wouldn’t take me, maybe it was because it only took me three minutes to collect everything I owned. Regardless, I was mad.

I walked out to the sight of him having removed his suit jacket that he was wearing and he was just wearing a dress shirt, he was dressed like this all the time now.

“That everything?” he asked and pointed to my small bag.

“Yup.” I said.

“Let's go then.We collected a little over one-hundred dollars from Jim and started driving uptown.

It was maybe 7:30 when we pulled up outside of a nice looking apartment building. “You’ll be staying here for a while, until I can get you a new place.” he said. “You’ll be taking the master bedroom. No fighting that.” he said before I could protest.

I had been to his apartment before so I knew that the second room was a gym, meaning he would have to sleep on the couch. “Adam,” I started.

“I said no fighting that.” he opened the door to the building and without another word we made way to the elevator.

We got up to his floor, and into his apartment. “Have you eaten?” he asked, I just shook my head, I planned on eating at work, but I had left too early. “I’ll make something.” I had forgotten that Adam was a good cook. “You go get settled, and I'll have some food ready when you’re out. Restroom is the door in there with a gold colored knob.”

With that he turned to the kitchen and started checking what food he had. I went and put my bag on the bed, it was a nice and comfy Kingsized tempurpedic mattress, tonight I would sleep well.

I was dressed in some pretty uncomfortable clothes, so I decided to put on something more comfortable. Five minutes later a familiar smell wafted into the room, he made the best grilled cheese sandwiches.

I was finishing putting on my only pair of pajama bottoms when the smell hit me and I nearly walked out there with them around my ankles. I finished getting them up and walked out.

“I have missed these so fucking much!” I said, that was a mistake. He was fine with people cussing around me, but he hated it when I cussed.

“Don’t say that.” he said, his angry face making an appearance again. “You know I hate it when you swear.” angry was the wrong term, this face was much worse, whenever I cuss infront of him, he looks disappointed. It’s a crushing look coming from him.

“Sorry.” I said, feeling about as big as a mouse.

“Don’t be sorry.” he said. “Just eat.” he said, handing me a grilled cheese, and I attacked it like it owed me money. “Damn, I’ll make you another.” he said when I finished it in under a minute. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was.

“I don't want you to sleep on the couch.” I said. I knew that he was at his most relaxed when he was cooking, but this was not something he would budge on.

“Too bad.” he said. “Because no way in hell am I letting you sleep on it.” I saw my chance, if he were to sleep in the bed with me, I might get what I’ve wanted all night.

“We can share the bed, it’s huge.” I added some emphasis to the word huge in order to get my point across. He actually seemed to consider this for a few seconds.

“It’s not right.” he said. “It’s not right for us to share a bed.” he locked me in place with his striking blue eyes when he said that.

“I.. um.” I was having trouble speaking, it was like he was putting a spell on me. “We can sleep on opposite sides.” I said finally.

“No.” he was back to indifferent. Not mad, not happy, not disappointed, just indifferent. It was like he was wearing a mask.

“I’ll just sleep on the floor then, no one will sleep in the bed.” I said. I know, this time I'm the manipulative dick, but I was tired of being alone. He stared at me, no longer indifferent but now angry again.

“Fine.” he said at last. “We’ll share the bed.” he finished cooking me my sandwich, and I ate it slower this time. We watched some TV and talked a little but nothing of importance. I was distracted by the thought of us sharing a bed.

“I’m tired.” I said around 9:45. I wasn’t, I just couldn’t wait anymore. The way he was sitting he looked so strong and powerful, I was dying to be with him. “Wanna go to bed?”

He considered for a second. “I’ll be there soon.”

“No!” I had not meant to say that out loud, he looked shocked. I had to think up an excuse quickly. “I- uh, I don’t want you to just wait for me to fall asleep and then just sleep on the couch.” it was not the best reasoning.

“Ha,” he laughed. “I don’t plan to, I just wanted to make sure you could change into your sleeping clothes before I joined.” he knew I couldn’t sleep in pajamas, I could only sleep in a t-shirt and my underwear.

He had the opposite ritual for his sleep attire, he wore a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. I recalled from sleep overs we had as kids. The thought of me and him being almost naked next to each other in bed made me a bit wet.

“Oh.” I said. “Okay, but what about you?” he looked confused. “Well, you don’t sleep in a dress shirt and those pants.” I said, motioning to his fancy clothes.

He laughed again, “I'll change in the restroom after you're in bed.” it was like he had planned it out ahead of time. “Besides,” he continued. “I’ll need to get a shower in before I sleep, so it just works out better. I’ll be there in roughly thirty minutes.” he said and let me got to the room.

I needed him. I found myself finding more and more things about him attractive, the scar on his lip, the way his hair fell like he had just woken up, his deep gravelly voice. He was driving me wild.

I went to the room and changed. I was already braless and wearing the grey shirt, but I was wearing these very uncomfortable Pajamas, they were really itchy. I dropped them quick so I was just in my panties and shirt, I decided that there was no way I could wear the panties.

I wanted him to want me, I needed as little clothes as possible, plus, I knew that these were already wet from my arousal. So I dropped the panties. I was only wearing the shirt now. I got into the bed and called to him. “You can come in now!”.

It wasn’t more than thirteen seconds later that he opened the door and quickly walked over to his dresser. He grabbed one thing and went to the master bathroom.

Just him being there while I was wearing so little made me unbelievably horny. Then the best thing I could imagine happened.


Thunder. Yes! When I was young I was really afraid of thunder, and if it was storming outside while we had a sleep over, he would lie with me to calm me down, I would use that as my in.

About thirty minutes later he came out, smelling like old spice body wash. It was driving me crazy. He got into bed on the other side from me.


More thunder, I let out a quiet whimper, hoping he would hear.

“You okay?” he asked, I guess he did hear.

“I hate thunder.” I said, trying to sound weak and like a little child. I wanted him to have sex with me, but if he were to just hold me all night that would be okay. “Can you hold me like you did when we were young?”

He actually seemed to be contemplating this for a second. *sigh* “sure” he said. I almost couldn’t contain my happiness. I leapt over to him and put my head into his chest with one arm wrapped around his side. He put his arm around me and just held me.

I kept nuzzling my head against his chest, hoping he would make the first move, silently begging him to make a move, but he just wouldn’t. This went on for about twenty minutes, and everytime I heard thunder I would squeeze him and let out a squeal.

I could tell he wasn’t asleep because everytime I would squeal he would rub my back reassuringly. Finally it became too much.

“Adam?” I asked quietly.

“What's wrong?” he replied just as quietly.

“Would you just fricking kiss me already?” I formed it like a question, but it was like something he would do, I was demanding it.

“It wouldn’t be right, Courtney.” he said, I could tell he was using his mask face when he said. It was like he was trying to hide something. Maybe he wanted this just as much as I did?

“I dont care.” I said, and without a second's hesitation I pulled his face to mine and locked lips with him. He resisted for a second or two, but not longer.

His mouth opened enough for my tongue to get in, and our tongues danced. I ran my hands through his hair, and hugged him tightly. His kisses started to move down to my neck, I let him go for a second and lifted off my old grey shirt.

He took his free hand that wasn’t latched around me and kneaded into my left breast. I always loved guys playing with my breasts, but right now I was too horny.

“Stop,” I panted. “No foreplay, just fuck me.” I could hardly understand what I was saying, but he did stop. Entirely. He leaned in close to my ear and in his rich, gravely voice he whispered.

“Please, don’t swear. Such a perfect picture of beauty shouldn’t taint itself with such harsh and ugly words.” did he steal that from a TV show?

That sounds familiar, but right after he said it he dropped down and rubbed his hand against my pussy. It felt so good, my mind melted and I forgot all about the comment.

He pressed his pointer finger into my slit and used his thumb to massage my clit. “No panties huh?” he asked with a chuckle. I wanted to say I just needed him so bad that I couldn’t wear them, but it felt so good.

It had been almost a year since I had sex with anyone. And I had spent the last few hours in a constant state of hornyness. “Ugh.” I moaned out as my response. He just chuckled again and slipped in his middle finger.

He worked them back and forth in reverse of each other, and was still massaging my little nub with his thumb.

“P-P-Please.” was all I could manage.

“Please what?” he said, “Please stop? Or please more?” I could tell by the way he said it that he knew I wanted more. I wanted him inside me now.

“M-More.” I said, still panting hardcore. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

“But I'm having fun like this.” he said. “I’ll do more, after you cum.” what a fucking tease! I was sitting here in blissful agony, and he wanted me to wait more.

I held on for another minute, but he had sped up his rubbing of my clit after we spoke. When my orgasm hit me, I was afraid I would hurt his fingers. He was inside me and I clenched up like crazy. It was like my whole body was made of poprocks and he was water being poured over me.

I exploded on him and convulsed for a good minute or two, but he didn’t stop. He kept going, using his strong fingers to continually work my pussy, churning it up and pushing me into a second orgasm before my first one had subsided.

“OH GAWD” I cried out. I rode the orgasmic high for a good five minutes before forcing his hand out of me. “Enough playing.” I said and ripped his sweatpants off of him.

“Courtney.” he said in such a relaxed voice it actually shocked me. “Are you certain you want to continue?” Was he really asking me that? How could I guy have just fingered me to multiple orgasms and still be wondering if I wanted it?

“Yes.” I said and grabbed his cock. I was not expecting what I felt. He was still only semi-hard, and he was almost nine inches! I had never seen one that big before. “Holy shit you're big!” I said unable to stop myself.

“Don't cuss.” he said, this whole no-cussing thing was really starting to get on my nerves.

“Shut up.” I said and started to lower myself onto his dick. Before I could even get his head in, he grabbed my waist and lifted me up an inch or two.

“This wont happen if you continue to swear.” he looked me dead in the eyes when he said this. I could not believe this guy. Who in their right mind says that to a naked girl trying to drop onto their cock?

“Fine, just let me do this.” I pleaded with him. He looked a little hesitant so I added a, “please.” he caved and lowered me gently onto his dick.

“Wait,” he said.

“Oh what now!?” I asked really mad about all the delays.

“You on the pill?” he asked. “Cause I have no condoms here.” I nearly laughed.

“Yes,” I said. “Now don’t interrupt for anything else, or I swear I will hit you.” I added a chuckle with that last bit.

“I might like that.” he added with a chuckle of his own as he pushed his head into me. It felt unlike any I had ever felt before. He was currently fully hard and was at about eleven inches and almost three around, it was like taking a BFC monster can up the pussy.

“UNG” I moaned out. He had stopped lowering me and let me ride him, I took it really slow at first, kinda sticking to the first three or four inches, and just bounced on that for a minute or two.

I started taking more, moving an inch or two at a time, I was taking it slow, because everytime I would push him in, he would slam into my G-Spot and i’d nearly cum that very instant.

Finally, I guess he got tired of me going slow, because he grabbed my shoulders and forced me all the way down. “You said no more playing.” he said, god he was sexy when he wanted to be.

I moaned and leaned forward to kiss him while I continued to ride him. Apparently that was a mistake because the second I leaned in, he hugged me against his chest and flipped me over onto my back, with him on top.

He started slamming into me and yanking back quickly and I couldn’t even moan because all the while he had his tongue jammed into my mouth.

I was panting into his mouth as I felt my orgasm coming closer and closer. I felt my orgasm build, but I was determined to not cum until he did.

He kept going at it and I could hardly contain myself. He stopped kissing me due to how hard I was breathing, it must have not tasted all that great to get my breath down his throat, or maybe he liked it when I moaned and screamed.

It became less sex for me and more about just holding on while he practically sawed me in half. Each thrust he made built my orgasm more and more, and it was like he wasn’t even sweating.

Finally I heard words that made me So happy, “I’m Close.” he said. “Do you want it in you?” Did I want it in me? Ha!

“Please.” I begged between the pants and moans. He smiled big and let out an animalistic groan.

“UNGH!” he cried as he let rope after rope of his hot cum shoot into me. I let out one of the largest orgasms I've ever had. Before I felt like I was made of poprocks, now it was pure electricity exploding in me.

Every second that he was in me was another lightning bolt of pure pleasure shooting from my pussy to my brain. He slowed but didn’t completely stop fucking me.

“Enough.” I begged him. “I can’t take it.” I was having enough trouble speaking at all through my orgasm. He started pulling out of me and I felt the concoction of mine and his cum leaking out onto his bed.

He plopped down on the bed next to me and held me in his arms. He hugged me close to his chest as I rode out the post-orgasmic high. “I fucking love you.” I said, unable to stop myself.

“Stop swearing.” he said. And we just stayed like that until we fell asleep.


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Introduction: Hey bugs! I havent posted here in a while and I would love feedback on this totally new story. Happy reading The bell finally rings. Physics class was over, and next was my favorite class of all… Choir! Everyday, before going to class, I would stop in the bathroom to freshen up for my hot Music teacher Mr. Connor. I sprayed on some coconut body spray, unbuttoned my blouse to show a little more cleavage and headed up to his room. Hey Erica, how are you? Mr. Connor asked smiling...

1 year ago
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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 4 Latina MILFs Futa Discipline

Chapter Four: Latina MILF's Futa Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn't see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom's dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she'd be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sheena Shaw Evil Cornhole

Lithe, auburn-haired beauty Sheena Shaw is a cornhole champion, but she plays and trains her own way. She shows the custom cornhole board she designed and painted; it features a thick, naked butt with a big hole as the target, and Sheena was the model! Explaining that she maintains her edge with lots of stretching, the toned, dirty-talking sexual athlete flaunts her exquisite rear in sexy threads, and she shows the butt plug lodged in place. Sheena expands her anus with colossal anal toys. She...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Kel Darry pulled on his sweater and padlocked his locker and yelled to the attendant, "Seeya in a couple of days, Johnny, have a good one!!!" It was a crisp and clear September evening in New York, and Kel was thinking about how much better he was feeling since he started working out twice a week as he approached his car at the far end of the parking lot!!! He was just about open the door on his new SUV, when out of nowhere a vice like grip around held...

Adult Humor
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The Mansion Conclusion Chaper 10

Chapter XShe: I reach out to the woman, to pull her close and The Man smiles. He steps back a bit and watches. Then he whispers something to the woman and she touches my bare wrists.. For the first time in days I am unbound. The warm sunlight sparkles on my soft oiled skin. I am free, but never really free. She touches my lips, and I touch hers. My heart is pounding and I want nothing more than to lie on this blanket with her. I want to taste her lips, her sex, her essence. I have a need to...

1 year ago
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 8 The Ranch

Heather and Bob awoke early, so they gently exited the bed without disturbing the others, showered quietly and got dressed. They left a short note telling the others where to find them once they got up and dressed. Then they went out for coffee while the other three girls slept on. In the elevator on the way down, Heather took Bob's arm and put her head close to his shoulder. She looked up at him with a big smile and let out a heavy sigh. They stepped out of the elevator and headed towards...

3 years ago
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Spaldings Dominant is enraged that he tried

SPALDINGSpalding Tyll walked home disconsolately, his knapsack hanging off his arm. It had now been 103 days since Mother had allowed him to masturbate, and it was hanging heavy on his young balls.At school, the girls pranced past him; many of them were his good friends and gave him friendly hugs, which made Spal just crazy with lust. He wasn’t grounded, after all, and he’d actually been on a few dates where there had been lots of necking in Dad’s 2005 Acura…and when Jennifer had wanted to go...

3 years ago
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Punishment And Reward

He was trembling as he knelt before her, awaiting her next action. he was both excited and scared of what might happen. They had been teasing and playing online previous to this meeting and the last time they played he had cum without permission and then freaked out and hastily left without explanation. He knew that she must be really mad at him and that his behavior had been unacceptable. It took a few days before she had answered his messages and he had been worried that she might not want to...

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Caught Mom gets fucked and loves it

Introduction: My friends and I caught my mom sucking off the UPS man and we get our pleasure with her too My two closest friends and I were playing video games down in the basement after school, which was let out early that day because of a snowstorm. Bill was eighteen, like me, and Harold had just had his eighteenth birthday. We heard my Mom come home but did not stop our playing. About fifteen minutes later we heard the doorbell ring and started up stairs to see who it was. We thought it...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 20

It was snowing and 12 degrees when we flew into the airport in the town where Pam and Lauren lived. It had been close to 60 and sunny when we left our city five hours earlier. Two state troopers would meet us near Pam's house to perform the arrest. We would have to extradite her to our state to face charges but no one thought it would pose much of a problem. The week between our meeting in Judge Valasik's chambers had seen my life return to an even keel. The four of us put our heads...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 140

Roseanne, Corry and their boyfriends were several minutes late. We were all still in the office in our meeting when they came. I had them wait in the lobby. Marcy continued with her meeting while I waited on the word that the North 6 was done their homework for tonight. Marcy had four of the six rental cars that were at the college picked up, now that the insurance company had settled with the students from the transformer disaster. One of those independent auto haulers had been contracted...

3 years ago
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Interracial DormRoom Suck

The girl I was dating was at her college Open House or whatever, and the tour guide was a "cute, charming" black guy with an apparent great body... They were giving each other looks the entire tour...By the time it ended, they were talking about the school, likes and dislikes etc... He claimed to know just about everyone in the school and she didn't believe him... So he said "ok, lets make a bet" She said alright, "what kind of bet?" He said..."if the next person out of...

3 years ago
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This story was inspired by 'The Book' by Blackie. I love my motorcycle. It's a Buell M2 Cyclone, handles like a dream, and eats sportbikes for breakfast. It also opened a whole new world of pleasure and excitement to me. Here is my story, enjoy. It was a rainy Seattle morning (yeah, I know that's redundant) and I was on my way to work when some asshole decided he was tired of sitting in traffic and was going to use the carpool lane. Unfortunately, he also decided he wasn't going to...

2 years ago
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VERONIKA part 2 A Real Life Experiences continued from part 1. Story Tags: Nudist beach outdoor sex Mutual Masturbation foursome cunnilingus girl/girl boy/boy sex. More adventures in Tallinn [1], the capital of Estonia, lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, only 70 km (43 mi) south of Helsinki. At the historical and medieval heart of the city is the hill of Toompea, covered in cobbled streets and filled with medieval houses and alleyways. The lower town spreads out from the foot of...

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EllenChapter 15 Lord Lambert

The countryside looked its best in early May. The fresh green of trees and shrubs was a feast for the eyes, especially eyes that had become accustomed to the soot of the large City. Although Ellen felt a little guilty about it, she could not help feeling true happiness. She sat snuggled against Richard in the open carriage, the spring sun warming them nicely, and the fresh air feeling like champagne to her lungs. Now they passed through the village of Matcham, the people on the streets...

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Red Wine

Blood is a natural substance; every human on the Earth has blood flowing in their veins. And sometimes one of these humans will cut themselves while working or playing and will experimentally taste this red wine of humanity only to find that, unlike they expected, the taste is rather pleasing. Just as blood is natural, so is the desire aroused by the scent of a woman's genitals. If one can imagine: blood and the scent of a woman together. Peter was thinking these very thoughts as he walked...

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Achoo by g.p. Being a resident doctor for a mid town Toronto hospital for nearly seven years had taken its toll on Larry. Maybe it was in the family genes, or maybe it was from stress, but since coming to University Hospital from his home town of Red Deer, Alberta, he had aged badly. Though only 36, he was often mistaken for someone in their late forties in part from a weathered face, a spare tire, and a band of mostly grey hair surrounding an otherwise shiny bald scalp. With no...

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I finally get a dick up my ass and i loved it

Okay, so....I'm gonna start from the very beginning. So, about a month and a half ago one of my old friends found me on facebook and started chatting with me. Eventually, we began textin eachother and during one of our conversations we talked about a third friend of ours. Anyway, he didn't know that the third friend was bisexual and he'd was flirting with him. He told me and I laughed, already knowing. Anyway I looked up the third friend on facebook and we began to have a chat every few days or...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Harmony Wonder Cecilia Lion The Bucket List

Cecilia Lion and Harmony Wonder, two best friends, are returning home from a day of hiking. They’re both sores from the excursion but pleased, too, since that means there’s one less thing on their bucket lists! With them both being separated soon for college, their bucket lists consist of everything they want to do together while they still can. While Cecilia checks off the last item on her list, Harmony hesitates. Instead of telling her curious bestie what the last item is, she...

2 years ago
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OHGirls Hard Life as a Hooker

OHGirl:“Me and a few guys from the frat were thinking about taking a roadtrip to Boston next week.” James said as I rode his hard, black cock. I had been fucking him on a daily basis for the last three weeks and he was lying on his back, his hands behind his head while I slid on his shaft like a carousel horse. “I heard your sister was dancing at a club there this weekend.” I stated, while I held onto my tits to keep them from bouncing. “She’s there for a week and I sent a text to see if she...

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Train Love End

As bhabhi hinted us for night long blast permission her smile in face confirms her motion She- Can I? Me- It will be ok for me. Bhabhi took the course and went we both were exchanging smiles and she dares to look deep into my eyes. Her bold step arouses be and while eating taking a glimpse a gave a fast kiss on lips. She gave mixed reaction for my action and maintained the situation She- What that boy brought? Me- beer. She- “in the second one”? Me- “nothing special normal stuff”. After...

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Mormon Family Fun

The beginning Hi, my name is John. At the time all this happened I was married to Ann. We lived down south with our two daughters, Samantha or Sam, as we call her, who was a tall tanned with long blonde hair. Sam had a long wiry frame like a ballerina and has developed up top, her breasts were about the size of small oranges. When she wore a tight top you could see she had puffy nipples that clearly protruded. Her sister Bethany, or Beth had long light brown hair with the family's...

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Na Chellini Lanjani Chesa

Hi na peru manu na age 23.Na sulli 7 inches untadi .Na chelli chala baguntadi avaru chusina dengali anipistundi dani size 32 30 32 chala fair ga untundi .Thaniki already oka bf unadu vadu already dani use chestune unadu. Adi naku telusu kani avarki chepaledu endukante nanu kuda dehgudam ani . Oka sari thanu snanam chestunte nenu gap lo nundi chusanu video kuda teesanu roju chustanuna chellini thanu valla bf tho oka roju park lo chusanu thanu nannu notice cheyaladu vadu na chelli boobs ni baga...

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Setting up wife 8211 3

After the incident where vinod got to see, lick, touch and smell my wife while she was dead asleep. We had met at the restaurant the next evening. We discussed the whole episode once again. Vinod went on narrating how much he enjoyed the whole thing and he said to me “we are one even though we are two”. I understood the intensity with which it was said. Because, its not often one shares ones precious things with others. Vinod then placed his hand on my thighs under the table and gave a squeeze...

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Swingers initiation Part 1

I get my first swingers experience by be introduced by a good friend of I call Pedro (see my profile about him). So Pedro was at this time with a friend with advantage name Sylvie who were members of swingers clubs and it’s where they met. This situation happened just before I met El Chatogne (see my first story)I made my first boys vacation with Pedro in South Carolina US. We left Montreal at 1 o’clock in the morning straight to our destination which is a 17 hour drive. So to make the whole...

1 year ago
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Timelooper Chapter Four

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

3 years ago
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A Twist in The Tale Part Two

The rest of the day was consumed by work and we both relaxed a bit. Friday came around; Jo told me she would follow me home in her car so as not to arouse any suspicions in the office. Linda was waiting for us in the lounge; she was wearing a low cut top, a long skirt and sandals. “I’ve ordered in a takeaway, it should be here soon and then we can get down to business. Jo your rooms ready, I’m sure you want to freshen up and change into something more suitable. And then you and Alan can have a...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 70

The twins woke me - one sucking my dick, one licking my ass. "Morning, Angels." I sighed sleepily. It was still the best way to wake up. "Morning, papa." They said together. "Come up here." They joined me and we just kissed for awhile. Then I made an Angel sandwich - letting them figure out who I fucked and who fucked me. I cut things short, letting the Angels lick the load from my ass, but telling them to share the rest with their brothers. Then I dressed for golf with Dave,...

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The story continues In praise of chubby older woman

I couldn't help thinking about it though, and the more I thought about it the less pissed I became at both of them. I told myself Ellamae had needs to, and she was drinking that night, and Bill being the young man he was , and full of cum, Well I could see how easy it could happen..Thoughts of it now was only making me hotter than hell.. I could see Ellamae's big ass moving up and down on Bill's huge young cock. The way she was moaning from the pleasures his huge tool was giving...

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Planes Trains and Automobiles Ch 03 June

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...

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Another day in a hotel room

My younger slut Krystal and I exchanged a number of messages as we made plans to meet up again for some good sex. We planned it for a Saturday at a hotel once again as I was more than willing to spend some cash to fucked her. Plans where set and on this occasion on the Friday night while we messaged each other we agreed to not to do any anal sex but lots of pleasuring. As we messaged each other our chat got rather steamy and we eventually agreed that we both must come up with one or two sexual...

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PixAndVideo Kira Queen Died Gone to Heaven

Kira Queen is an official at heaven’s distribution office, deciding if Vinny Star should be damned or go into the light. Facing eternal torment, he criticizes her, saying she failed as his guardian angel. She admits she did not do a great job, but can offer some heavenly pleasure… Watch this sexy hardcore scene unfold as Vinny fucks divine Kira with a devilish lust. She gives the dead man a deepthroat blowjob, and then lets him tittyfuck her huge natural breasts. Vinny eats out this...

3 years ago
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Want to Play a Game Part 3 Me

Grabbing you from behind i feel a sudden rush as we both hear the tell tale signs of someone just outside the door my cock hard as it rubs against your skirt i whisper into your ear, ‘We are not finished yet.’ I touch your neck and slowly hold it in my hands ‘ I don’t think you quite understand but i am yours but you are mine as well. ‘ pushing you to the back of the closet behind the coats as the light begins to fill the little room. Lori’s voice fills the little room as she talks to a vaguely...

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Gold Diggerrsquos Demise ndash The Club Comp

Chapter 1Steve and Matt looked across the big conference table at each other patiently waiting. The flat screen TV that took up almost half the wall at the end of the boardroom hummed quietly while its blue screen tried to lull them to sleep. “Always late,” said Steve. He was Matt’s lawyer and friend of almost 15 years, and they both knew before arriving that Kimberly would be late. It was her way of controlling the situation. The blue screen flickered and then gave way to the image of an...

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When I Became His Wife After The Camping

Hello, This story continues my camping trip with Raj. It was the first time I was fucked by him. Or I would like to call it ‘surrendered myself to him’. Not only it was a great experience of my life, but Raj showed very subtle and gentle side of him at the camp. We mostly spent time cuddling in the tent all day on the first day. The second day we went to the beach and chilled there. At the evening time, when people left the beach area, Raj dragged me into the water and started hugging me and...

Gay Male
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 11

Jess took me by the hand and turned to Emma. She crooked her finger at her in a “Come here” gesture and led us both back to the living room. Without saying anything, Jess began unbuttoning my pants. Emma’s eyes went wide. “I, I ... don’t think I am ready for-” Jess interrupted her. “Calm down. You’re not doing anything. You are just going to watch. Have a seat,” she said, pointing to the floor. My pants were down on the floor and my underwear stuck out in front of me. Emma had already...

4 years ago
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We Met On A Plane Part 4

I travel by commuter flight each week for work. My week starts Sunday night and ends Thursday night when I go home. I met Joan a couple of weeks ago on my flight to work. She was on her way home to Milwaukee from a vacation in London. The flight and our first week together was an experiment in sex and exhibitionism. Two coeds watched Joan and I in my hotel room from their apartment, twenty feet across an alley. The second week, Joan had to go to on a business trip, but gave me some things to do...

Love Stories
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Our Story

1     This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only.  It is a work of fiction from my warped mind.  If you have comments about it, please send them to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.                                          Our Story                                      Written by 4play                                                            Part One     Perhaps I should start out by telling you about myself before I tell you my story.  My name is Patricia.  I am a...

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Divine Celebration

In a world riddled with pain and suffering, a body of hate, anger, and torture, lives a solitary cancer of joy, a blemish of pleasure and happiness. A solitary cathedral, echoing their religious harmonies, worshiping carnal wants desires. A cult of pleasure, a religion of satisfaction. Every aspect o life here is made for nothing but enjoyment. Many mock their unrealistic views of reality, but they continue on with their faith and worship till the end of time. Many call this cathedral home,...

2 years ago
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Mommy Returns Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Mommy Returns So much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend had confided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three months pregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me with divorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman, who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administered my three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared her interest in me, not so much as a prospective...

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Paddling and Punishment Enema Farts Fm

Paddling & Punishment Enemas:Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was  allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made...

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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 4

“Oh, damn it, Uncle Jesse ... so fucking good!” DJ Tanner screamed as Jesse Katsopolis pounded her slick pussy from behind in the shower. “Well, someone must have slipped me some Viagra or something like that, because my sex drive is even more revved than usual. I’m a horndog as it is, so you can guess how that goes. I’m also a cuckold, just not the extreme kind, Deej. Becky helped me realize this earlier today, but it’s really true,” Jesse told the plump, cuddly widow as he rammed her...

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Massage club

My husband had won a free massage at the local massage business in town. I was not a fan of massage and had only had one which wasn't the best experience I had had in my life. But he told me that I should use the free massage as he coulndn't manage due to a serious back injury at the time. I delayed for about two weeks and as the free massage had an expiry date he finally convinced me to give it a try. He said we need to support local business so made an appointment. On the day I turned up at...

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Cheryl First time Creampie

Cheryl is a lady from USA, South Carolina, in her late 20's. Liars always pay a price. Written in 1st person. I'm a knockout head turner. I stay in shape, gym shape. Taller then most, trim, slender with a large pair of firm perky girls. Thanks Mom! Plenty of attention from men but I just can't meet the right one. I want one attractive man, good looking, educated, solid conservative Southern values, a good earner, a big beefy tall strong man, a large thick cock, with stamina and lust, two k**s,...

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Sub Wife Looking For something new

As in previous posts my sub wife is in for almost anything. WE have in the past played in adult theaters bookstores, BDSM clubs. Swing clubs and have a group of other Master Sub and Mistress Sub group. My wife likes everything except Blood, s**t and permanent marks. We live in the MId Atlantic area and we are looking to explore new avenues of humiliation and use of sub wife. We would love to find a theater to play in since the ones we used to play in Baltimore closed the Earle and Apex. We...

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The Trap 8211 By Couple

Hi I am Sahil Singh ()28 years old and living in Delhi. I am telling you my real incident with a cuckold husband which is happened February 10. my English is little poor please adjust and forgive me. He was my boss 38 years (Mr. Sushil) and his wife (Neha) is much younger than her husband she is 31 years. She is beautiful and god fill her curves and parts accurate and exactly. And she have an attractive figure any men if see once he wish to see once again. Her height is 5 feet and 3 inches and...

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