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"Move, marines, move!" Callahan ordered less than a minute later. "They're pulling out of the position."

His make-shift company — which was staffed with only ten people who had originally been assigned to him — moved back up against the wall of the pillbox and began to edge along it, turning the south corner and heading for the access point.

"Hunter," he said, talking to his second-in-command, "keep close to that wall and keep low. The tanks and the APCs shouldn't be able to hit you along that side. Be careful when you get to the east side. The Martians who just left might be in firing positions."

"Right, Captain," Hunter replied, passing that order along to the rest of the men.

"And remember," Callahan said, "we don't know for sure they evacuated that position. This could be a trap. They could be waiting up there to gun us all down as soon as we enter. And be careful even if they did evacuate. The Martians love to booby-trap things."

"Yes, sir," Hunter replied.

He led the men forward, keeping them hugging the wall. They passed around the corner without incident although all of them nervously eyed the Martian tank position located less than one hundred meters away. They could hear the booms as it fired its main gun out at the advancing troops in the open ground, could hear the stuttering of its twenty millimeter gun and its four millimeter commander's gun. It paid them no attention, however. It couldn't fire on them even if it wanted to since it was below their line of sight.

The lead men made it to the southeast corner of the pillbox without incident. As they slipped around this corner, however, intending to drop into the access trench thirty meters away, small arms fire erupted from about two hundred meters east of them. Bullets came flying in, slamming into the concrete wall, dropping several of the men to the ground. Cries of "Get Down!" began to overlap on the net.

"Move forward! Move forward!" Hunter ordered. "Get into that trench!"

The men were now well oriented to what to do when under fire. Most of them had hit the ground the moment the fire had come in. They did not return fire. Instead they crawled forward on hands and knees as quickly as they could. Some got hit and dropped where they were. Most made it through and were able to throw themselves inside.

"What's the situation, Hunter?" Callahan asked as the next group of men turned the corner and started crawling forward.

"We're taking fire from a sandbagged position about three hundred meters behind the pillbox," Hunter replied. "Looks like company strength at least. They opened up as soon as we exposed ourselves over here."

"Can you get some covering fire on them?"

"Not from this position," he answered. "Not that will do any good anyway. We're both at ground level and they're behind sandbags. The men are moving forward on their bellies. Most are making it into the access trench."

"Copy," Callahan said. "I'm sending another platoon sized unit around from the other side of the pillbox. Once you get in there you should be able to return fire on them from a better vantage point."

"My thoughts exactly, sir," Hunter said. "I'm moving in with the next group. I'll give you a report once I'm inside."


Hunter looked at the thirty or so men gathered with him. He took a few deep breaths, bracing himself for the exposure to enemy fire again. "Okay, guys," he said. "Let's do it. Keep low and move fast."

They kept low and moved fast. Eight of them were shot down on the trip. Hunter was not one of them. Moving faster than he would have thought possible he elbowed and kneed his way across the rocky ground and virtually threw himself into the narrow trench. He then made his way back to the west, towards the opening of the pillbox. The entryway was about six meters square and was crowded with the troops that had already made it inside. At the far end was a concrete staircase, leading up to a small landing where it switched back.

"Anyone gone up there yet?" Hunter asked as he made his way forward.

"No one," one of the sergeants replied. "We're kind of wondering about booby traps. Remember how the Martians had their trenches rigged in the gap?"

"I remember," Hunter said. "We still have to get up there though."

"We need to wait for the sappers to come up and clear the position," the sergeant said.

"The sappers can't move forward until we open a corridor to get troops through," Hunter replied. "We can't do that until we clear this position."

"I'm not going up there first," the sergeant said. Most of the men around him nodded their heads, indicating they felt the same.

Hunter sighed, knowing that simply ordering someone up wouldn't work. It would probably only serve to get him fragged, something he'd heard rumor of happening over the past few days when a sergeant or a lieutenant ordered something unpopular. "All right," he said, trying not to show how terrified he was, "I'll go up. If I make it to the top, you all need to follow me. Deal?"

"It's your funeral," the sergeant said. "But yeah, if you make it up there, we'll follow."

He started up, his M-24 held out before him, his feet taking each step with the knowledge that it might really be his last this time. He made it to the landing without incident and then slowly turned the corner, peeking up the next section of stairway. He saw nothing. He started up this section and again made it to the top without incident. Here there was a passageway that led into the lower level of the pillbox. It was empty of Martian troops except for a couple of dead ones. Shell casings and ammo boxes were everywhere. The mounted machine guns that had killed so many of them were still in place.

"We're clear up to the lower level," he said. "Now start moving up and securing it. I'm going up to the top."

"Right, lieutenant," the voice of the sergeant replied.

With that Hunter continued upward. Again he was not blown to pieces by a Martian booby trap. It occurred to him that the Martians hadn't been expecting to be pushed out of this position and that if they were they would know the end was near. Perhaps that was why they hadn't bothered rigging it up with anything. It was as good a theory as any.

The upper level was empty of live Martians as well. There was a lot more concrete dust up here and two dead Martians lying near the firing ports. There were hundreds upon hundreds of expended laser batteries piled everywhere. He walked out onto the main floor of this level and then turned to the rear, surprised to see the huge openings in the wall that faced toward the city.

"What in the fuck did they do that for?" he asked himself, as puzzled as Jeff Creek had been over this seemingly asinine oversight.

Footsteps bounded up the stairs and a squad of marines appeared, led by the sergeant who had refused to go up first.

"We're clearing the lower floor, sir," the sergeant said to him. "So far, no signs of booby-traps, although we wouldn't really know what one looked like anyway."

"True," Hunter said, "but I find the fact that none have gone off yet to be good news. Did you see these huge openings in the back wall?"

"We saw them," the sergeant said. "I've ordered the men to stay clear of them. The Martians out in that back trench might be able to get a shot off at us if we walk in front of them."

"Why would they build such large openings in a protective structure?" Hunter asked. "It does nothing but increase exposure and weaken the entire emplacement."

"I don't know, sir," the sergeant said. "It's enough that we noticed them and are keeping clear. Come and look at this though." He led him over to the side wall, the one that faced north. Over here the firing opening was much smaller. "Take a look, sir."

Hunter put his face in the opening. Below, he could see the stretch of ground between this pillbox and the next. And since they were now well above, he could see two Martian tanks and four Martian APCs in their hull-down positions, firing out over the battlefield. "We can take them out from up here," he said. "We're high enough to put laser fire right down on top of them."

"Goddamn right, sir," the sergeant said. "All we need is to get some AT teams up here and we can clear this whole fucking area."

Hunter nodded. "Continue clearing this level," he said. "I'll get on with Captain Callahan and have them send some AT units up."

"Right on," the sergeant said. He switched his channel and ordered an entire platoon's worth of men into the room, ordering them to stay well clear of the rear opening and to man positions at the main firing ports along the walls. He ordered another squad to crawl over just to the sides of the rear openings and keep an eye out to their rear. That was, after all, where the Martians were.

Down below, Callahan, still huddled on the west side of the pillbox, listened to the report from Lieutenant Hunter with something like glee. "Perfect," he said. "Absolutely fucking perfect. I'll get West to put some AT teams in with the next wave of men. With luck we'll have our corridor open within thirty minutes and then we can start moving enough men in here to force our way past those final positions."

Jeff Creek had his M-24 pointed out toward the rear of the pillbox, the magnification on his goggles set at high. In his view was the face of one of the WestHem marines on the top level of the position. He was peeking slightly out around the corner of the opening, thinking that he was safe from being shot. He was so wrong. Jeff itched to pull the trigger, to put a 4mm round right through that Earthling asshole's face. But he didn't. He and the rest of the two platoons deployed her had been ordered not to fire.

"We could rake those fuckers right now," he told Drogan, who was deployed next to him, manning a SAW.

"Yep," she said. "Now we know why those openings are so big in the rear. When the enemy takes that position they won't have the same protection from it that we had."

"I should've known it made some kinda sense," Jeff said. "You gotta hand it to the engineers who designed this place. But why won't they let us shoot them? They've been exposed half a dozen times on both levels. I bet if we started pouring fire in there we'd hit a dozen or so."

"I don't know," Drogan said. "But we'd better do something fast. Pretty soon they'll get some AT teams up there. If they do that, they'll be able to force the armor out of the spaces in between."

The ground began to rumble around them, the soft, insistent vibration that bespoke of a heavy armored vehicle approaching. Jeff looked behind and saw two main battle tanks coming their way, one from the north and one from the south, both sticking close to the outside of the MPG base. When they made it directly behind the trench the platoons were in they turned and began heading forward, toward the pillbox.

Jeff and Drogan looked at each other, grinning. Now they understood what those big openings in the rear were really for.

"Sir!" the sergeant's voice suddenly barked in Hunter's ear. "We've got tanks approaching from the rear."

"Tanks?" he asked, alarmed. "From behind us?" In an instant he suddenly figured out the same thing as Jeff and Drogan. Why hadn't this occurred to him earlier?"

"They're setting up to fire, sir!" the sergeant said, panic in his voice now.

"Everyone back to the stairways!" Hunter yelled. "Now!"

A panicked rush began but it was far too late. The tanks outside opened up with their eighty-millimeter guns, putting the rounds directly through the large openings. They flew in, hit the front wall, and exploded with a tremendous crack, sending shrapnel ricocheting in all directions. Men were blown to pieces if they were near the front wall, riddled with shrapnel if they were near the rear. Hunter was hit with the second volley. The concussion blew him against the side wall and then shrapnel sprayed through his chest, neck, and face, ending his life in an instant. Of the one hundred and sixteen marines inside of the pillbox, sixty-eight of them were killed or so gravely wounded they couldn't stand. The rest managed to scramble into the staircases where they were safe from the exploding shells. They huddled there, still trying to comprehend what had happened, what they should do now. And then Captain Zogor Fattie, the commander of the pillbox before it fell, pushed a series of buttons on an electronic radio transmitter from within the trench behind. The booby traps that lined each stairway were detonated simultaneously, killing every man within.

Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit

1830 hours

Major Wilde was receiving the confused and disjointed reports from the Eden Theater of operations and trying to assemble some kind of a picture of what was going on down there. The only thing that was really clear was that they were taking horrifying casualties, most in the anti-tank trenches where the ground troops were trying to assemble or on the advance from those trenches forward.

"From what I understand," he told General Browning, pointing to a schematic of the Eden area on his computer screen, "we've pushed through and forced the Martians out of their pillbox positions in six different places on the line. Here, here, here, here, here, and here. You'll notice, however, that none of those positions are adjoining each other, therefore we have not been able to open up a movement corridor through to the rear."

"Why not?" Browning asked.

Wilde clenched his fists a few times but kept his feelings off of his face. "Because, sir, these pillboxes overlap their fields of fire and the Martians still have armor in hull-down positions in the spaces in between. Our hope had been to occupy the pillboxes we forced them out of but... well... those latest reports kind of eliminate that possibility."

The latest reports he was referring to were those that had described the traps the Martians had laid, allowing the troops inside the pillboxes and then bringing in tanks to blast through large openings in the rear. Once the troops that had survived this attack went into the stairwells, booby traps concealed in the walls were detonated. This had happened at three of the six positions so far, enough that an order had gone out for troops to not enter any of the other pillboxes.

"So are they winning?" Browning asked. "Is that what you're trying to say?"

"No, sir," Wilde said. "They just have a very good final defense. They're not giving up any ground easily. We still have enough men down there to push through those positions and open those corridors up, it's just going to cost us a lot."

"How long will it take? The press is already hounding me about not being in Eden by sunset. Sunset took place ten minutes ago down there."

"We need to keep bringing troops forward, running them through the gauntlet of the trench and the open ground. We need to occupy several adjacent pillbox positions and chase the Martians out of them. And then we need to get some AT units up there with hand-held lasers. Once we have all that, we can push forward. The Martians we chase out of the pillboxes are taking up positions in trenches just forward of the wall. We'll have to engage them with the infantry while the AT units destroy or chase off any armored vehicles."

"Sounds like a plan," Browning said. "But how long will it take? Can we get it done in the next half hour?"

Wilde shook his head in frustration. Browning just wasn't listening to him. "It'll take as long as it takes, sir. That's the only answer I can give you. We need to send out orders to start having the troops advance more towards the areas surrounding Pillbox 73 here in the middle, especially the two positions immediately north of it. If we can take Pillbox 72 and 71, it will link up with Pillbox 70, which we already hold. That will allow us to move the AT teams forward and assemble enough to move against the positions behind it."

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Chapter Seventeen: Punishing the Bratty Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Vicky Samuels “Okay, I want your worksheets filled out by tomorrow,” I said to my World History class, staring out at the students. There were smatterings of groans that made me smile while the more driven students, who cared about their grades, nodded brightly. I tried not to linger on any one face of my students as they gathered their supplies into their...

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Joe was a used sissy boy. He belonged to Ava. She used him any way she pleased. She kept his cock and balls bound and kept him naked. He had a collar around his neck and sometimes she would attach a leash to it to pull him around with her. He spent a lot of time on his knees eating her pussy and tongue fucking her cunt and ass. Ava had nice big tits and a big round ass. Joe had a nine inch thick cock and she loved fucking him. She also loved to fuck him in front of her friends or have him eat...

3 years ago
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Virgin Nikhil Steamy Sex With Radha Aunt

Hello readers, I’m Nikhil from Hyderabad.I’m going to share my sexperience with you all.Thank you iss for helping me for that.I am a regular visitor of this site.I am pursuing engineering in a reputed college in hyd.My aunt is a home maker and she is homely and very reserved.She is wife of my maternal uncle.She may be around 35-37 years.Her name is “Radha”. Coming to my physique,I am 5’8″,broad chested,muscled with athletic body.I am light brown in color.And coming to the stats of my loved...

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Half Wife Chapter 3

Note: 100% fiction! Hi Folks, this is Arvind back again with more to share! Nisha is the third sister of Rekha and is 3 years younger. But for her age, she has a well developed feminity about her. She has 34C cups and 26 waist size. She is fair with light brown eyes, and black hair that have a habit of falling on her cute face. I had a day off that day and Rekha had gone to some of our relatives place the day before. I had jacked a off three or four times thinking of Rekha, but was not...

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Party at Marcies house

John Doe was really looking forward to the party at Marcie Strenberg's tonight. The house was a virtual palace, with tons of rooms. "Must be nice to have lots of money." thought John. Almost everybody from the senior class had been invited, and a few people that had graduated, and moved on to college. There would be tons of willing, sexy and inebriated girls there, or so he hoped. The house also had a large, heated pool, hot tub and sauna, so word of mouth said bring a swimsuit. "Then again,...

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Kept Hard

Author’s Note: I’ve been asked several questions and figured I’d answer them here: First, Yes, I am real Second, Yes, Dildo Whore and Servant are real as well All these stories are written by Dildo Whore and are based on real occurrences.  No, they aren’t 100% real. He submits them to me as an offering, and if I find them exciting I publish them and he gets to fuck me. Now, on to the latest offering?. -- I arrived home to our condo tired and worn out.  Traffic was tough tonight and it took me a...

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My Moms Friend

I was never what you would call "popular" with the ladies. I was never fighting through throngs of girls. So it wasn't really a surprise when after my 19th birthday I still hadn't ever had a serious girlfriend or lost my virginity. I was always more into computers than real people anyway, or at least that is what I tried to tell myself. Which leads me to my mom's best friend. They had met while they were in college, and while my mom had settled down and had children Janet had never really lost...

Erotic Fiction
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Switching Teams

There was no question in my mind about my sexual preference, I had been attracted to women and ONLY women since around the third grade. I haven't slept with a lot of women, but I think my numbers were probably average. There was nothing about men that turned me on, and if i am being honest, i found the idea of two dudes fucking to be disgusting. At least that was how it used to be. These days i find myself confused. But let me start at the beginning. I got married. Yes, that is what started me...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 29 Friday August 13 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010 “In the Matter of the Marriage of DeRizzo,” the judge called. Leanne and her attorney shuffled up to the bench, followed by Gus and his attorney. Gus didn’t need to be there, Leanne’s attorney had explained. The terms of the divorce were contained in an agreement filed with the divorce decree that he had already signed. When Jake scanned him, he saw that Gus regretted letting Leanne and the children get away. He had been told it wouldn’t do any good, but he had...

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Cheating Wife Gets What She Deserves

He worked on the docks a longshoreman for 20 years, then one day he was in the right place at the right time did a favor for the right person and he had it made. He got the golden ticket; his star was on the rise rapidly moving up in the administration of the union. Why wouldn’t he be James Dunkin was raised in an upper middle-class family was taught all the social graces, was Quarter Back and Captain of the high school football team. He stood 6’3” tall, 180 lbs, brown hair, broad sholders,...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Robert Brown was a thirty year-old chemistry teacher at Washington High School in Silver Springs, Maryland. He had taught there for five years and was regarded, by the female students, as a hunk. Robert knew of his reputation as a good-looking ladies man and enjoyed the attention he got from both female students and female faculty. He especially liked the attention he received from female students. He dated quite a few of them after they had turned eighteen and had graduated from high school....

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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 11 with Neighbour Rupali

The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine...

2 years ago
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Bless Me Father for I Have SinnedChapter 3 Fulfilment The end of a journey

In the months since Michael had moved in, Defor had grown from an adolescent puppy into a fully-grown tub of lard. His liking for doing nothing at all and then sleeping like he had run a marathon after, was taking a toll on his weight. Labrador's are not noted for there boundless energy, being more like a mobile fur rug most of the time, but Defor was a prize couch potato. The weight gain was beginning to cause some concern. Breathing for the dog had become laboured where fat restricted the...

4 years ago
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Pimp Corrosion

“There is no way my hoe's gonna loose to that skank!” he thought to himself stomping his feet. Almon's firm boots emanated a chorus of torturous feminine moans in the sweaty air. - 'C'mon knock her wind out again!' - yelled Almond at Aspasia. - 'Puta, don't give her advantage no more bitch!' - Centaurus supported his fighter. The second pimp was wearing a lot more casual clothing then his counterpart. Blue jeans, blue boots, t-shirt and a dark blue coat was everything he...

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Dirty talking gets the dick

I was living with my soon to be ex husband. We were sharing the house as a matter of economic convenience but we stopped having a physical relationship, which was his choice not mine. He was seeing someone else in another town and making a half assed attempt to be faithful. I, on the other hand , was still married to him and wasn't looking to be with someone else. I had tried a couple times to convince him to have a little fun but he was resisting. I would call him into the bathroom to talk to...

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Nach einem langen Arbeitstag kam Irina erschöpft nach Hause. Sie merkte immer mehr, wie sie ihre Arbeit auszehrte und ihr Leben bestimmte. Wie lange hatte sie schon keine Verabredung mehr gehabt. Von Sex ganz zu schweigen. Sie wollte mal wieder richtig durchgenommen und ordentlich gefickt werden. Bislang war sie zu schüchtern gewesen, um sich einen Kerl einfach nur zum ficken zu suchen. Aber inzwischen dachte sie sich, dass für eine Beziehung einfach keine Zeit war und sie deshalb sehen...

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As always: Thanks to Boheminxen for editing. Without you correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel. ‘That insufferable bitch!’ Frank pounded a fist into his desk. ‘Relax.’ Walt slumped into the black leather chair across from Frank. ‘After all, Susan is going for the same executive position on the board of directors as you are.’ ‘So are you, but I don’t see you acting like a child who got their favorite pacifier taken away.’ Frank ran a hand through his hair while he shook...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 4 Dee Dee And Tiffanyrsqu

Chapter 4: Dee Dee And Tiffany’s Plans "Take a look at the network monitoring program I’m downloading, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "What have you got in mind, Dee Dee?" "Once this is installed, I can set it so that I know anything and everything that happens on our network; coming or going. If it was on every PC in a major business, it would slow things down considerably, and people would bitch a lot. But since we’re on a smaller network, it’ll give us a much more detailed description of what’s...

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Motel Fun for College Crossdresser

Before I start the story I want to describe the setting so you get a better idea: it’s a highway side motel, very rundown and not very cleanly, not a dump either but not the best place to have a family sleep that’s for sure. The layout of the motel is a rectangle. The rooms surround the rectangle’s perimeter, in the center there is a pool, a park area, and a parking lot. There is a walkway around the entire inside perimeter of the rectangle and every room has two doors, one facing the exit and...

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TimeLine chapter 1

Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 05

***The last chapter to the strange little tale. Check the tabs again, just sayin’. 0_o ————————- When they left the inn, the wind had turned into a vengeful banshee, moaning and shrieking, driving what fell from the sky hard enough to sting any exposed skin and obscuring everything that was more than perhaps a dozen feet away. The pair rode off together through the howling maelstrom, their heads hung as low as that of their horses, though Matsu could see that Valdemar looked up now and then...

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My Adventures Mom and Me Part 2

Here is part 2 of my true story about the happenings, thanks for the nice comments about my other story (Part 1) i will keep telling you what went on over the few weeks.Message me if you want to know little details, im all for talking, enjoy.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was the morning after the night of new sights, I had seen my mom in a different way, yes we were close but i never thought we could be nude...

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Ms Kitty

I was on top of her, ready to fuck her in the missionary position. Before the sexual intercourse, I tapped my stiff, hard cock on top of her pussy. "Quit playing and put it in me baby.... I want your dick", declared a horny Ms. Kitty. I then stuck my dick deep inside her pussy, and she was like, "Ahhhhhahahah fuck yeah." When my pulsating dick was inside her warm, tight, wet vagina, I felt like I was in heaven. Her pussy felt enjoyable around my rock-hard cock. Within five minutes, she started...

3 years ago
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Its Just a Business Transaction Ch 13

She looked at Aida’s unconscious form and broke into a satisfied smile. She could hardly believe their good fortune to have gotten Aida so easily. With Aida as hostage, Alex would have no choice but to bow to her whims and fancies. She would let him sweat for the next few days first before calling him about Aida. That would definitely weaken his state of mind. ‘So, what do you plan to do with her? Can I have a go at her first?’ said Roderick looking eagerly at Sonja. Sonja turned to look at...

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The Spanking Stories 4 Red or The Temp Tempted

The last thing Jack had said to her before he left was, “Red is a good a color for you.” Lin had puzzled over this remark, and the ironic smile that had accompanied it, for the entire subway ride home. Because she hadn’t been wearing anything red at the time. Or so she’d thought. It wasn’t until much later, when she was undressing for bed, that she realized what he’d meant: Her panties. Oh God. Lin Kanazawa didn’t think of herself as ‘Japanese-American’, ‘Asian-American’ or any other hyphenated...

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Trip with grand dadit happend

After the first night in the motorhome, something had happen to me, and the only thing I could think about was his naked body and the things happend last night. We was slowly heading to the ferry in Trelleborg, and stopped at a gas station to refuel. My uncle did and I went into the shop to buy some candy and icecream. WhenI stood ther prepare to pay my gd came and said he will pay and also for the fuel. The old lady asled if there was something more, and my gd went away to the papers, and when...

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Shower Surprise

It’s hot out there. The southern California sun was blazing outside making the air so hot that she could see it rippling as it collided with the ground. She climbed the stairs to her small apartment and turned the door knob. It opened unusually easy letting out a swift current of icy air. The cool air was refreshing, clearing her mind and drying her sweat dampened skin. Her usually loose fitting blue tank top was sticking slightly to her back caused by the short time it took her to walk from...

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Sex with Hot Guys is Worth the 15 Admission

Well, I got to a gay sex club in Los Angeles again this week. They are addictive!I am writing this to remind myself of these good experiences when I can’t have them anymore, so I try to keep them accurate. I am also writing in case readers find them erotic and educational. Hope you do!My last experience was so great I had high hopes for this trip. It had its good points but wasn’t as great as the one before. The main difference was the injection didn’t work on my tool this time. The weather...

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