How'd That Happen 5 free porn video

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How'd that happen 5

These stories are meant to be read serially. The first ones can be found on my profile

We got up the next morning pretty late as the sun was already above the hills on the horizon. We were determined to make good time so for the next days we really hustled with only a few invigorating interludes.

What with hard driving from almost dawn to dark, we were pretty exhausted at the end of the day. I was becoming especially burned out as the girls could alternate when it came to our amorous intervals where I had to carry the burden all by myself. I was certainly leading a harsh existence. But, being the trooper that I am, I did it uncomplaining and with head held high.

After quite some period of time I realized we were going to have to take a break, as the horses were getting pretty peaked too. I knew of a good place to do that, so we pulled into this little town one early afternoon. To call this place a town was really stretching the point. If it had had a name you should have been able to spell it with one letter. If you rode in too fast you would have bumped into your own ass as you were leaving.

All this place had was a combination general store, tavern, and restaurant in a pretty good sized building. Across the road was a blacksmith shop. There was an area aside of the blacksmith for wagon parking and was usually fairly full as people naturally stopped here. Except for a couple of cabins strung haphazardly around, that was it. This little place was surprisingly prosperous as It had a good, deep, cold well in quite a dry area. It was the only good water in quite a ways in either direction.

The businesses did well 'cause there were always repairs for the blacksmiths to do on broken wagons and for the surrounding ranches,and the other business always had people buying supplies or having food or a drink. I knew the two brothers, Dave and Jack, who ran the blacksmith quite well as I'd stopped and had a few parties with them from time to time.

Their sister, Ethel, ran the other business with the help of a couple Indian girls and a bartender. After I'd arranged for the boys to repair the wagon tongue and one wheel on the wagon, I proceeded to the bar. When inside, I looked around and noticed Sandra and Jasmine in the store section getting the supplies we needed.

We were getting pretty close to Sante Fe and we had agreed the ladies should start acting their parts of rich widow and companion, so they were dressed demurely and acted the part. They looked into the bar a little longingly, I thought, but didn't enter. I proceeded to the bar and a whiskey bottle.

By the time the brothers had closed their shop and come into the bar I had a pretty good head start on them in the drinking part of the evening. When they walked in the pretty good sized room it seemed to get smaller. These were two tall, wide, muscularindividuals. We liked each other and went to some serious joking around and imbibing. As the evening went on, things were getting fuzzier and fuzzier, and the floor must have been poorly constructed, as it kept shifting, causing me to often lose my balance.

Ethel would come into the bar from time to time to fetch drinks for patrons in the restaurant.

I had met her before so we exchanged waves and a smile. She was a pleasant woman but, I thought, plain.

It's a strange thing, after you look at women through the bottom of beer mugs or whiskey glasses enough, they seem to change. I began to realize that the woman I had thought plain was actually quite a dazzling beauty, and the waves and smiles were actually her way of letting me know she reciprocated my feelings.

Not being a shy person, I advanced over that wavy floor into the store area, put one arm around this awesome woman, grabbing her ass with my other hand, and pulled her into an embrace, where I gave her the good wet kiss she had obviously been looking for.

From that point I'm not too sure of what happened. I know I heard someone let out a loud yell as if someone had stomped on their foot. I found myself on the floor and the two brothers were exercising their legs by kicking the living hell out of me. From there I vaguely remember hitting the dirt ,on my face, in the street, and Jasmine and Sandra half carrying me into their wagon and onto a pallet. That's the end of my memories of that ill-fated night.

When I awoke the next afternoon Sandra was sitting there, staring at me, with a bottle of whiskey in her hand.

“Boy, you really fucked up. The boys won't fix the wagon and they want us gone. Do you always think with your dick?”

Because I really didn't really recollect too much of the previous evening I couldn't defend myself too well from her wrath. She let me have a swig of the whiskey, which helped, and told me what she knew of what had gone on. I was abashed at what I heard, especially when I realized how angry she was.

She had never used that sort of language since I'd met her. Jasmine, yes, but never Sandra.

With a groan, I tried to sit up but didn't make it. Sandra, not too gently, pushed me back and said “Don't even try to get up. If you show your face the boys might hang you and you're in no shape to stop them. Now, it's up to Jasmine and myself to try to repay you for saving us , and save your sorry ass.”

I laid there for a full day. One of the girls brought me some food a couple times so my only problem was my aches, of which I had a plenty.

On the morning of the second day Jasmine told me it was probably safe to get up and move around, but don't go anywhere near the bar when the boys weren't working across the street. I carefully climbed out of the wagon. Some of my joints weren't working except to furnish pain, and the others weren't working at all.

I did manage to stumble across the street and into the restaurant where I encountered Ethel. As I wobbled across the floor she noticed my condition and seemed to give a little smirk.

I stopped and mumbled, “Ethel, I sincerely apologize for my behavior, I don't know why I did what I did, but I realize it's inexcusable. If I can do anything to make up for it I'll do it, except maybe another go-round with Dave and Jack.”

She responded with a little smile and said “Horse, I've been grabbed and groped by drunks in here before and lived through it, I probably will again. I think the thing that set the boys off was the fact it was you, who they held in high regard, 'til the other night. They're overly protective of me as I'm their only family. Now they're feeling a little guilty about giving you the boot so bad, but they probably won't admit it, yet. I know you were really drunk or you wouldn't have done it and I forgive you.”

“Ethel, that's being very gracious and I thank you. Do you know how I can make up to the boys as I really think highly of them,too?”

She broke into a huge grin and said “I don't think you should even try right away, but if I'm not mistaken, your female companions are making great progress on that very subject. I'll talk to the boys, too.”

As I stood there I realized that my previous impression of her being plain was mistaken. I had only seen her when she was working when she was hurried and harried with a scowl on her face and her hair disheveled. Now, in the early morning, when business hadn't really started, I saw her as she really was, a quite comely woman, tall and slender, with a graceful way of moving with nothing of her brothers burly build.

I didn't know how to take her statement about my companions so I looked for them. Asking around I found out they had been seen going into the blacksmith shop, but I couldn't go there. I wandered around for most of the day until I saw them walking down the road. They looked a little unkempt. I didn't give it much thought until when they saw me they stopped, huddled together, and murmured to each other as they kept an eye on me.

Then they walked up to me and Jasmine said “ Well, we see you're up and moving, what have you been up to?”

“I went to the store and apologized to Ethel and then I've been looking for you two. What have you been up to? I couldn't find you anywhere. Where were you?”

My suspicions were raised even higher when Sandra stated “ Oh, we've just been exploring outside of town.”

I didn't say anything as I surely had no right to question their actions, but invited them to accompany me to dinner, as it was pretty late and dusk was coming quickly.

After dinner, with some innocuous conversation, we walked back to the wagon, where the ladies rather insisted I should go to bed as I looked exhausted and needed rest. I really wasn't that tired but I rolled up in my bedroll and ,after a while, feigned sleep by lightly snoring. The girls had been fussing around the camp until, after checking me to see if I was asleep, snuck away.

I waited a while, rose, and cat-footed after them. It was dark by now, so even though they checked their back trail now and then, they never saw me. We walked a ways out of town until I could see their profiles back-lit by a fire in a grove of trees. They entered the grove.

I sat down to wait for a while before I would ghost up closer. I must really been tired 'cause I caught my chin hitting my chest, but I don't think I was out long. I got up and crept up to some bushes where I should be able to see what was going on.

I wasn't surprised that there was hanky-panky going on, but I was surprised at how hot and heavy it was. These boys must have found some education from the farmer's daughters that passed through. They sure weren't amateurs at whoopee.

Jack had Sandra on a blanket on her back and was devouring her pussy with vigor. Her legs were over his shoulders which gave him great access to her honey pot. His hands were on her breasts and were rubbing, pinching and gently pulling her nipples. Sandra sure seemed to be enjoying his labors as she was squirming and shaking like she had ague. She had one fist in her mouth, probably to keep from howling and waking everybody in town, and probably everybody in a five mile radius.

Dave had Jasmine erect, up against a tree, and was driving in her so hard she went up on her tip toes with every stroke. It's a good thing that was a sycamore tree with its smooth bark or her back would have been scarred for life. He had his head buried in her neck and I was betting she'd have some champion hickeys tomorrow. His hands were pretty busy with one down between them and I figured he was tweaking her clit, and the other working over her fabulous tits pretty good. She was also seeming to enjoy the frolicking as she had a very jubilant look on her face.

I just knelt there for a while, admiring the techniques to see if I could pick up some pointers. I have to admit I was a little jealous 'cause I guess I'd been thinking of these girls as my exclusive reserve.

I almost jumped up and screamed like a little girl when I felt a hand press down on my shoulder. I had been so absorbed in the performance in front of me I hadn't been checking around. Ready for anything, I swung around and was surprised to see Ethel on all fours holding a finger to her lips.

“Shh” she whispered, “You don't want to have them catch you here. Follow me.” and she crept away with me following.

I followed Ethel as we walked toward town and I could see she was circling around to the the back of her building instead of the front entrance. As we got closer and the lanterns hanging on the buildings shone on her I could see that she only had on a thin nightdress.

“Ethel, what are you doing out here at night, creeping around, dressed like that?”

“Be quiet, Horse. We don't want to be seen like this. Just come inside and I'll tell you.”

We went up a flight of stairs on the back of the building and entered into a short hall and then into a room off to the side. She closed the door, lit a lamp, and motioned me to a small chair as she sat on the edge of, I assumed, her bed.

She explained the nights goings on “ I was sitting here, looking out the window when I saw Sandra and Jasmine walking past. Then a few minutes later, you, following them. I was pretty sure I knew who they were going to meet, and I didn't want to see you get into another scrap with Dave and Jack. They have been meeting with Dave and Jack a couple times a day to try to get them to let up on you. They're pretty persuasive, even when they're fully dressed and even more so when not. So I went down the back stairs and followed you.”

As she was relating this she had risen and was pacing back and forth in front of the lamp. Her nightdress was almost sheer and has she passed in front of the lamp I could easily appraise her attributes which were awesome. Her breasts were more than generous and had only a very slight sag, which only emphasized their size. I could even make out her nipples which were very obvious as they pushed out the thin material. Her waist was very slim and tapered quickly to wide hips, but proportional to the rest of her lush body.

I was getting increasingly uncomfortable. I was still aroused from the activities I had observed not so long ago and the views I was getting now sure wasn't helping the choking sensation in my crotch. I didn't know what to do except to try to alleviate my discomfiture by squirming on the chair. I'd just apologized to this woman this morning for doing what I very much wanted to repeat now.

To get my mind off what I was fantasizing about Ethel I asked her “Why would you want to keep me from tangling with Jack and Dave again? You certainly don't owe me anything after what I did to you the other night.”

She stopped her pacing right between the lamp and me, leaned toward me a little and said “Horse, sometimes you are incredibly dense. I've been making eyes at you and smiling at you every time I saw you since we first met, but you walked around with your head in the clouds and never even winked at me. When you grabbed me the other night I thought you had finally caught on. I wasn't mad at you, I yelled because I was elated.” With that, she leaned over farther, grabbed me by the shoulders, and kissed me with considerable passion.

I might be incredibly dense, but when I can plainly see the course to follow, I jump right on it. I stood and enfolded her in my arms and returned the favor with as much enthusiasm as I could. In my eagerness to try to occupy the same space that she was occupying I must have pushed her toward the bed 'cause we folded on it while still clinging to one another.

I thought that I was possibly taking advantage of this lovely creature and didn't want to see her brothers like I did the last time, so I reared up a little and asked her “Ethel, are you sure you want to do this?”

“ Why you big silly ass, why do you think I was posing in front of that lamp for?” as she reached down and pulled her nightdress over her head and gave me an entrancing smile.

I got off the bed and started to get undressed but Ethel insisted that she wanted to do it for me. I did manage to get my boots and socks off by myself. As I stood there she slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pants and helped me take them off. I only wear long-johns in the winter so I finally stood there in the altogether.

She stopped me from approaching her as she sat on the bed just looking at me like a cat looks at a mouse. She slowly reached out and encircled my cock with both of her hands as if it was a valuable object. Her eyes were wide as she leaned forward while pulling me closer.

She first licked the head of my dick lightly but was soon licking and nibbling it constantly until she slid it in her mouth. She just held it there as her tongue wrapped around and around it, all the while sucking.. Then she slowly started sliding it almost all the way out of her mouth and slid down it again as far as she could.

She increased the speed of her actions until my legs were shaking and trembling and to steady myself I had to hold her head, which seemed to spur her to even greater effort. Soon I could feel my cum rising and announced in a shaky voice that I was about to shoot. With that, she wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly to her as she engulfed my cock even deeper in her pretty, moist mouth. I came in an explosion of cum but Ethel never stopped sliding and suckingon my cock as she swallowed my load.

I finally had to pull her off as I was getting that sensitive feeling. She laid back on the bed with a satisfied little smile. I lifted her legs on to the bed, laid down beside her and kissed her deeply.

“How was that, Horse, did I do it right?

“Honey, if you had done it any righter I'd probably be laying on the floor, not the bed.” I answered.

She told me that she had had a shuddering orgasm while she was giving me the blow job. She'd had a couple fingers plunging in her pussy and her thumb stimulating her clit. We snuggled together kissing, and fondled each other, and enjoyed the ennui one experiences after intense sex.

After laying there for a while our caresses were getting more and more intense and I was getting very aroused. I think Ethel was, too, as her pussy was getting wetter and wetter while I two had fingers thrusting in it. She also had a good grip on my dick and was stroking it faster with each passing moment.

She looked up at me, and whispered in a pleading voice “Horse, I need you inside now.”

Not the kind to refuse a reasonable request from a pretty girl I mounted her. Her lubrication allowed me to enter her easily. Her soft cries and sighs of pleasure told me she was thoroughly enjoying my ministrations. I was enjoying it plenty myself, except most of my vocalizations were grunts.

I had started with slow strokes ,but, as I started to speed up Ethel murmured “No Horse, take it slow and easy, it feels so wonderful, I want it to last a long time.”

“Okay, honey, but I want to remind you that we can do it again as long as I'm conscious, but this is your time and I'll do whatever you tell me you want.”

“Oh, Horse, I do so love your cock in me” she sighed “Just make it last.”

As this was my second time around tonight I didn't feel great urgency to cum. I was certainly enjoying the ongoing goings on. I tried to last as long as possible, speeding up my thrusts at times until I was getting close to ejaculation, then, slowing again to stretch it out as long as possible. During this time I was reveling in her delightful breasts and lips. I don't know how many times Ethel had an orgasm during our marathon fucking session, but the whole bed under us was drenched.

Then suddenly, “Horse, Horse, now, now, fuck me hard, harder, faster, Matt, NOW,... NOW.”

Her cries of passion drove me to an intensity I don't remember ever having before and I came as Ethel lifted us off the bed with her rising to try to get even more of me. There wasn't any more. I was as deep in her pussy as I could possibly go. Her keening and moans of elation mixed with my groans of ecstasy.

We reverted to our cuddling, nuzzling, and hugging 'til sleep overtook both of us.

I woke later than my usual time. I leaned over and lightly kissed that lovely lady next to me, whereupon she looked at the sunlight coming through the window.

She suddenly jerked up and said “What the hell time is it? My God, I'm late. We have to get up!” and she jumped out of bed and started throwing clothes around.

I tried hard to stay away out of way of this human, female hurricane while I was dressing. We dressed in record time, left the room, and want down the inside staircase to where it ended in the back of the restaurant.

We walked into the eating area and saw four frowning faces sitting at a table. Dave and Jack were frowning more than my lady companions, and their frowns were aimed at me. As they started to get Ethel marched over to them, crowded them back into their chairs, and glared at them.

She started in a low voice that pretty quick rose to a healthy roar. “Now listen, you two, you can forget about another brawl with Horse. He didn't do anything that I didn't want him to. We didn't do anything that you four didn't do last night. Yea, we know about that. Do you think we walk around blind all day?”

“How do know about what happened last night?” crowed Dave.

Ethel retorted “The whole town knows about these girls spending time in the back of the 'smiths barn and coming out all rumpled and covered with straw. I know they did it to keep Horse from being hung, but it sure wasn't a secret. It wasn't hard to figure out where they were going last night.”

That statement caused Dave and Jack to give a puzzled glance at Sandra and Jasmine. They probably thought is was their good looks and charm that got the goodies. Good looks they had, but charm? No way.

But Ethel wasn't done yet “You boys have kept every suitor away from me for years with your size and ugly looks and I won't have it any more. I have finally found someone who's a real man and still can be gentle and kind. I know he won't be around here much but when he is treat him as you used to do, as a real friend, 'cause that's what he is.”

Jack spoke up “But, Ethel, we were only trying to look out for you”

“I know that, boys, and I love you both for it, but I'm a big girl now, and if I find another man like this one, you'll leave him and me alone, too.” The boys were looking a little cowed and embarrassed but got up, walked over to me, and held out their hands to be shook as vigorously as I could.

Ethel still wasn't done as she walked over to the ladies, scowled, and said “You girls have been having quite a time lately. I know why you did it, but I also know you didn't dislike a minute of it. I hope you appreciate how lucky you were to come across Horse when you did. He's a real friend to you two and you should treat him as one instead of sneaking around behind his back.”

The girls took this with surprisingly, to me, good grace. They smiled at Ethel and grinned at me.

I got to tell you, I was standing there pretty embarrassed about all the things Ethel had said about me.

Not that I didn't believe them, I just wasn't used to someone telling about my sterling character.

I thought I better break this up before even the boys wanted to kiss me, and said “ The drinks are on me!” All five us repaired to the bar and what happened that day and night is another story.

The ladies and I left the next morning.

I welcome and desire comments and/or criticisms to all my stories

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This is how it starts. A crowded Friday afternoon subway car, and my stop coming up. I'm trying to squeeze past you to get to the doors as you're zipping up your jacket, and you catch my hair and necklace in the zipper. We're stuck, tangled together by happenstance and fate, and I can't help but laugh at the consternation on your face. We're jostling the passengers around us, trying to free my hair and your clothing, drawing grumbles of complaint and annoyed looks, as the doors clatter...

2 years ago
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Thangai Nanbanudan Oothathaal Avalai Oothen

Hello friends, sontha thangai en nanbanudan oothathaai paarthu avalai kama veri pidithu eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tamil kama kathaiyai padithu anaivarum rasiyungal, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnu vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en veetil thatha paati muthal amma appa matrum thangai naan ivalavu perum ondraaga irunthom. Naan pothuvaaga veetirku kudithu vittu selum pozhuthu pin puram oru kathavu irukum athu vazhiyaaga thaan veetin...

2 years ago
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Mana Azhuthathil Kai Adithen

Vaazhakaiyil kaama padam paarkaathavargal yaarum iruka maatargal, athilum intha thali muraiyil irukum aangal pengal ena anaivarum kaama padam paarthu suya inbam kanbargal. Naanum athu pondru thaan enaku eppozhuthu ellam oru vitha mana kastam eer padugiratho appozhuthu ellam sexyaaga kaama padam paarpen. Neengalum thanimaiyil irukum pozhuthu manathu kastamaaga irunthaal kaama padam paarungal. Oru naal naanum miguntha mana kastathil iruntha pozhuthu oru sexyaana kaama padathai paarthu eppadi kai...

2 years ago
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Thozhiyai Santhithathum Kaamam Thalaiku Eeriyathu

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Dinesh, vayathu 25. Naan ippozhuthu oru software niruvanathil vellai paarthu varugiren. Enathu sontha uurana tiruchiyil vasithu varugiren, sameba kaalamaaga niraiya kaama kathaigalai padithu varum naan ippozhuthu thinamum kai adithu varugiren. Udaluku thevaiyaana unavai eduthukondu udal paiyirchiyum seithu varugiren. Oru naal naanum en nanbanum vazhakadaiyil irunthom, appozhuthu pasha saarai kudithukondu pesikondu iruntha pozhuthu enudan paditha oru maanaviyai naan...

2 years ago
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Akka Kuuthi Kizhinthathu

Vanakam, enathu peyar Ramu, vaythu 24 naan kaaraikaalil vasikiren. Indu ungalidam enathu sontha akkavai eppadi oothen endra unmai sambavathai ungalidam sollugiren. Avalin peyar Arathi vayathu 28 aagugirathu parka velaiyaaga sexyaaga irupaal pinbu ennai paasamaaga paarthikolvaal aanal antha paasam kaamamaaga aana kathaiyai ungalidam sollugiren. Akkavuku thirumanam aagi ippozhu en veetil thangi irukiraal mama veli naatil irukiraar. Akka veetile irupathaal kaama kathaigalai padika aarambithaal...

4 years ago
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Enathathu Thozhiyin Pundaiyin Kanjai Kudithen

Hai friends, enathu peyar Raathika, vayathu 20 naan dindugal maavatathil vasithu varugiren enaku oru pen thozhi irukiraal avalin peyar iswarya avalukum enathu vayathu thaan aagugirathu 20. Naangal pengal kalluriyil padithukondu irukirom, athanaal engalaal pasangalodu thodarbukola mudiyaathu athu mattum illamal ennai pengal hostelil seerthu vittargal. Naa pengal mattume irukum palliyile padithen udan piranthavargalum yavarum illai. Enathu vaazhvile pasangalai ennal parka kuda mudiyaatha nilaimai...

4 years ago
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Chinnathatho Naa Anubhavam

Idi nijamga jarigina katha . Naa peru suraj , naa marrige six years back ayindhi , naa wife anthaga bagodu . Kani nenu roju sex chestanu kani ado velithiga untundhi . Nenu 6 years nundi maa athagarintlone untunnanu , valladi joint family , maa chinnatha ante maa atha thodikodalu chala andamga sexyga untundi , valla husbend chanipoyadu thanu just 45 years old . Thana andam adavikachina vennela avutundani bhadha vesedi , appatikaina thanaki bharthaleni lotu theerchalani thanani sukhapettalani...

1 year ago
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My Wildest Fantasies IThat I Wanna Do

The last time I had sex with a girl she made me squirt like hell and my pussy was so damn hot,n,creamy and thirsting for more*My boyfriend filmed me while I was lick then when it was my turn *** mmmmmmmmm let's just say the girl got a good licki n and my man loved watching ,e even more so that just turned me more crazy***so i put on my star-on cuck and gettin' ready to fuck her sexy little juicy cunt*****When my man fuck me well the girl started to eat my clit and everytime i would be ready to...

2 years ago
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Hothat AkdinSujata O Ami

Kono kono din kichhu ghotona ghote jay.. Jegulo khub obak kore day. Keu keu bole aloukik.. Kintu asole kakotaliyo. Sochorachor ghote na.. Kintu ghote jete o pare. Sedin o temon e kichhu ghotechhilo… Sei ghotona te asi…. Amar office jete hole bus theke neme auto-rikswa dhorte hoy. Jatayot er pothe sohojatri der mukh gulo chena hoye jay… Jara roj e oi aki pothe asa-jaoya kore. Pray protidin e ak mohila ke dekhi bochhor 3/4 ek er ak bachha ke niye auto te othen. Somvoboto chhele ke school theke...

4 years ago
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Thathaiah Tho Renu

Hai friends.. ela unnaru… nenu gurthunnana… nenu Renu… ( ) nannu kalisaaru kada adenandi baboo naa experience read chesaru kada ippudu malli mee munduku maro koththa anubhavam tho.. Anand annayya tho naa first experience tharuvatha sex lo naa view total ga change ayipoyindi. Now I love sex. Irrespective of any one… magaalllu koda anthe… andamaina adapilla correct proportions tho eduraithe eppudu padesi dobbudama ani eduru choostuntaru.. anni varusalu marachi potaru. Ee experience alaanti oka...

4 years ago
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Kuthiyil Bayangara Aripu Eduthathu

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kuthiyil athigamaaga aripu eduthu en kanavanuku theriyaamal en kala kathalanuku theriyaamal oru ilam aanai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar leela vayathu 37 aagugirathu, enaku thirumanam aagi iru pen pasangal irukiraargal. En kanavanuku vayathu 43 aagugirathu, avan ennai oopathu illai endru thaan avanuku theriyaamal kala kathalargal udan sex seithu oothu kondu irukiren. Naan oru palliyil...

2 years ago
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Kuthiyil Bayangara Aripu Eduthathu

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kuthiyil athigamaaga aripu eduthu en kanavanuku theriyaamal en kala kathalanuku theriyaamal oru ilam aanai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar leela vayathu 37 aagugirathu, enaku thirumanam aagi iru pen pasangal irukiraargal. En kanavanuku vayathu 43 aagugirathu, avan ennai oopathu illai endru thaan avanuku theriyaamal kala kathalargal udan sex seithu oothu kondu irukiren. Naan oru palliyil...

4 years ago
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Sandaiyil Aarambithu Sugathil Mudinthathu

Hi friends, en kathaliyai eppadi oothu samathanam seithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren indru Tanglish kama kathaiyil. Enathu peyar vikram vayathu 23 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 23 aagugirathu, naangal ondraaga kalluri padithom. Padikum pozhuthu nanbargalaaga irunthom, pinbu padithu muditha udan iruvarum pesi pazhaginom. Ippozhuthu kathal seiyum alavirku vanthu vitom, iruvarum oruvarai oruvar kathal seithom, aval thinamum enaku veetil irunthu call...

2 years ago
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Velaikaari Vazhinthathaal Avalai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil kama veri pidithu iruntha nilaiyil velaikaariayai matter aditha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar ragul vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Naan iru varudathirku munbu oru thirumanam aagiya auntyai matter adithen athan pin enaku entha penaiyum ooka vaaipu kidaika villai. Naan Kalakurichiyil vasithu varugiren, enathu veetin aruge oru velaikaari velai seithu vanthu irunthaal. Aval paarka ilamaiyaaga irupaal vayathu 31...

1 year ago
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Reddit Lips That Grip, aka r/LipsThatGrip! Tight pussies. They’re the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. You can forget about shagging a chick and having fun while doing it if she’s as loose as undone shoelaces. You need something firm and robust to grip that cock nicely while you fuck! Well, if you haven’t guessed already, there’s a community on dedicated to precisely that. It’s called on /r/LipsThatGrip, and it pays homage to the tightest pussies on the planet with the most hardcore...

Reddit NSFW List
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Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...

Porn Search Engines
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Hmm, Name That Pornstar? Who is this pornstar? If you watch porn, then you must have found yourself in a situation where you were unable to know a porn star’s name from a random video. We all have at one point. Picture this; you are stroking your meat rod to a hardcore gangbang scene with a slut who has insane cock riding skills, but you are unable to identify her. What to do when next time you want to beat meat to more of her vids? That’s where a porn star database, one of the most underrated...

Porn Search Engines
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That Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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That Pervert! You know that feeling when you’re just up for a quick wank and nothing else. You just don’t want to have a care in the world and you just want to let it all out in one fell swoop. If only there was a site that offers easy and fast to consume porn content that you can jack off to in a jiffy and get it done with. Well, there actually is a site exactly like that and it’s called This site specializes in presenting bite-sized porn pieces that you can use in whichever...

Funny Porn Sites
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Halloween Happenings

HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS by Throne The party was really beginning to swing when I arrived. I saw our hostess, Molly, who I had secretly lusted after for nearly a year. She was dressed as a devil girl, with a red body stocking, black boots and one of those plastic hairbands with two little horns on it. Oh, and she had jazzed up her make-up, heavy on the liquid eyeliner. Anyway, I didn't want to stare at her and it became very easy not to when she led me into the den. There, in the...

3 years ago
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Look Buttons no thatch

This tale is not of my adventure, rather one a chat friend shared. in great detail I might add. I took some artistic license to change names but did not alter the facts or exaggerate what they did. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed hearing it originally! In Great Britain, Terri learned after she turned 18, the value of her sex in getting what she wanted. She wasn't as busty as she would like, but going braless had distinct eye appeal for the slim brunette. Her girlfriend and 'partner in...

Group Sex
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Sexual Happenstance

We arrived at the club just after 10pm and wandered up to the bar to get the first round of our nightly alcohol intake, the music was pretty good for an early start as my wife and I sipped on our cider and found an empty table near the dance floor. She was the first to make her way up to dance and show off her figure hugging dress as she moved around to the music, I admired her curves through the black fabric and wondered if maybe her lack of bra was a good choice while noticing her small pert...

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They cruised the block for the 20th day in a row, checking out who was home and who was not. The old van made the turn and stopped, the three of them talking about the job, "What do you think?" Mark asked the other two, they both nodded their ascension, "Tomorrow then," and he pulled out and headed home. They had been friends for years, living off of others, family and mostly strangers. They all lived together in the house Mark's father had left him, but life is not free, so they cased...

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Showdown at Sunrise in Sunset

This here town, Sunset, would be a quiet, peaceful kinda place if it weren't for them Bickle Boys. Them Bickles is the meanest, nastiest bunch you ever seen. You know how some folks'll get testy when they been drinkin'? Them Bickle boys start out actin' ugly when they is still stone sober. An' after that, every shot they swaller jes' turns up the meanness another notch! There ain't never been no controllin' them four boys, nor their rascal hired hands, neither. We've had a whole mess...

4 years ago
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College Happenings

He did what any father would do. When he received a call from the school officials that something had happened to his daughter he was on it in a minute. “What?” he said, assuming it was bad. “When did this happen?” he asked. “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Where do I need to go?” he went on to say. They told him and he immediately threw on his clothes and grabbed his wallet and took off to get his daughter so he could take care of her. “Are you okay?” he asked her. “Are you alright,...

1 year ago
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This Was Not Supposed to Happen

Donna came into the room holding her cellphone and said to her husband, "Dear, it will have to be a raincheck on making pottery tonight. Alice called, she sounds really down." Martin Gahan was as happy as a poker player holding the nuts when his wife said she had to cancel their plans for the night. He loved spending time with his wife, but wanted to actually be the poker player holding the nuts tonight instead. His friends threw together a spur of the moment poker game for this...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 48 The Worst That Could Happen

Friday morning at breakfast I told Mom and Dad about my upcoming date with Angela. I guess waiting until the last minute wasn't the brightest idea I'd had. They looked at each other for a second, and then they looked at Allison to see what her reaction to this was. I can't say they were disappointed, but they obviously were not getting the reaction they were expecting. "What?" Allison asked, when she saw them staring at her. Mom shook her head in confusion and said, "Your brother just...

4 years ago
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Amariels Adventures Chapter 2 Fey Happenings

It’s too cold today to wear a skirt, so I’ll need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I can’t imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I have a bit more selection. I’ll wear the dark blue top: silky and breezy, with thin straps. It shows off a lot of chest, and all of my shoulders. I watch myself dress in the dirty mirror in my “room”. It’s more like a cell, with only one small window that is too high to look through, and a small...

2 years ago
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Amariels Adventures Chapter 2 Fey Happenings

Introduction: Im sorry it took so long to get it up! Im hoping you guys enjoy it, despite the long wait. The lacy black underwear which are so transparent that they are almost invisible, or the obscenely small red ones that hardly cover more than my nipples? I guess Ill choose the red ones today. Its too cold today to wear a skirt, so Ill need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I cant imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I...

3 years ago
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Strange happenings

Strange couplingI had been dating Ann for a year and a half. I was not a favorite of her mother. She was constantly on Ann to break up with me. She didn’t think I was worthy of her daughter and was constantly on Ann about it. Thankfully, Ann was not aligned with her mother on that.Mrs. M , Ann’s mother, was also the principle of the High School. I always treaded lightly around her mother. It was one thing for Mrs. M not wanting me to date her daughter and another to get in trouble at school. We...

1 year ago
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College Happenings

She’d had a horrific experience in her very first year at college. Away from home for her very first time, Kathi had experienced a most frightening occurrence she will scarcely overlook. But once he found out he was there. Her daddy jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes and her daddy was there to comfort her and “take” her into his arms. “Oh honey…ohhh baby…are you alright?” he asked as he held her full figured like body in his arms. It looked like it but he couldn’t be sure. Her mother...

1 year ago
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A Night That Never Happend

I had been working with David, in the office for several years. Over that time, I had developed a secret ‘crush’ on him. It was at that time of year again when the festivals come to an end with a display of fireworks. David invited me to come along with a few of his friends. My only thoughts were; did he know of my secret crush on him? He gave me a time and place to meet him, after I accepted his invite.I arrived at the prearranged meeting, from which we went to meet up with his mates. After...

Love Stories
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Hardcore Porno a Now Thats Fucking Hardcore story

Introduction: About to lose her house and her kids, a desperate housewife does the unthinkable to keep her family off the streets. Will her first walk on the wild side leave her eternally tormented, or craving more of the depravity that she finds herself in? *This is a rewrite of the original story Now Thats Fucking Hardcore! by yours truly, submitted as a CAW8 entry on the forum. If this post ends up being word soup, please find the correctly formatted story here:...

3 years ago
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Thats a Deal

Frances was 16 and an only c***d from a typical middle class family with both her parents doing 9-5 jobs to keep the family in a stable condition,her mother Karen was a manager at the local leisure centre and her father Robert was a construction worker who travelled the country from job to job mostly coming home for long weekends at a time.Frances was of small build with large tits and mousey brown shoulder length hair which acompanied her outgoing personality and she had just started an art...

2 years ago
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A Night That Never Happend

I had been working with David, in the office for several years. Over that time, I had developed a secret ‘crush’ on him. It was at that time of year again when the festivals come to an end with a display of fireworks. David invited me to come along with a few of his friends. My only thoughts were, did he know of my secret crush on him? He gave me a time and place to meet him, after I accepted his invite. I arrived at the prearranged meeting, from which we went to meet up with his mates. After...

4 years ago
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Thats Never Forget Me

I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...

4 years ago
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Some Things Just Happen

Some things just happen. People call it fate. Others think it's luck. Me? I think some things just happen. It's not like there has to be a reason for everything. Like you're at your town's 4th of July celebration, and there are hundreds of people all sitting around on blankets. It's a warm night, maybe a little too muggy, but OK because there's a breeze. And you're walking around because you're there alone. You stop at a corner to decide where to go and you look down and lo and...

1 year ago
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Thats My Wife

Introduction: What would you do if you saw pictures of your wife nude on the Internet? Fbailey story number 504 Thats My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, Thats my wife. Then I wondered&hellip,if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back...

2 years ago
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Bound to Happen

Bound to HappenLisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing...

3 years ago
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My cubicle happenings

i was in the cubicle of the mens public loo legs up spread wide trousers off pantys on what a dirty slut i felt! I pour baby oil all over my legs and crotch mmmh it felt so sexy i start rubbing my inner thigs slowly put with sexual intent! I hear two men pissing talking casual about the day gone by.... This made me more horny mmmh my stiff cock was pointing straight up by now as i had crotchless black thongs on..... My veins bulging with excitment up and down my 9inch length! I reached round to...

2 years ago
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it finally happend

Jackie and I have been married for 37 years, and our sex lives have become a little stale, in fact my wife has gone off the idea completely, I keep trying to come up with new ideas some turn her on some don’t, what I will say about her she does go through the motions for my sake, she still has orgasms but on very rare occasions. What is strange to me is she like to pose for erotic pictures for me and she as accepted that I show her off on websites like this one, I'm convinced she is an...

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