The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 18
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Truth and Bluffs Megan stared at the tiny Faery in shock. She understood taking strong, decisive actions, but to unleash three MOAB bombs on US soil against a camp of Knights was too much. Intellectually, she knew the Paladonic Knights were considered a terrorist organization. She also knew that they stood against magical creatures and anything from the other world. They were evil, filled with...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 13 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Two Loves Lost, Two Forced Eldon stood rooted to the spot, stunned. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard or witnessed. He didn’t want to believe it. Why? More importantly, how? “We need to get out of here,” Becky spoke up above the churning wind, which was only now starting to die down as though even it couldn’t handle Jessica’s revelation before she’d jumped off the roof. She...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 19 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Megan Eldon grimaced as his sister stormed off. She was angry and he understood her feelings, but he also came to understand why it had to be both of them going to into the Pillar of Darkness’s demesne. Lysa explained why they needed to meet with the Pillar of Darkness himself, even of Eldon wasn’t sure his sister was paying attention during that part. He glanced at the wet spot on his shoulder...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The Cost of Life Eldon sighed as he sat back in the lounge chair. This was the life. He honestly couldn’t think of anything better. The sun sat low on the horizon as the cruise ship cut through the water on its way to some tropical destination. He didn’t know where the ship was headed, but it didn’t matter. The temperature was perfect, not too warm, and not too cold. In his hand rested an...
Chapter 20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Aeacus Mandy waved as her lover flew out of sight. His eyes swept past her, unaware of her false smile, or the tears she fought hard to keep inside. “They can’t see us,” Lysa’s disembodied voice said. “I’m forcing the air around us to bend the light to hide us from the ants that are watching.” “Then how are we able to see?” Sonia asked. “If the light is bent around us, none should be able to reach our eyes to see them leaving.” Mandy...
Chapter 23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Awakening Lyden Snow spared a quick glance over to where Sonia spoke to Shelly. He didn’t know what was wrong with either of his children, though one of Sheldon’s girlfriends— Shlee? Mandy?— attempted to tell him what they’d endured. Shelly was acting like a sex-crazed maniac while looking like she couldn’t care less about everything else going on. And Sheldon…. His oldest son lay comatose in his arms. His breathing was even, though his...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 24 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (M/Br)aking Connections Shelly sat in her room, alone, trying to sort out her feelings. She’d hardly said a word since Areth’s awakening, closing herself off from everyone. She stood and started pacing. Even though she’d wanted to be alone, now that she was, she regretted it. Plagued with self-doubts, recriminations for her foolish impetuosity, heartache for knowing that her actions were...
Chapter 02 Dancing with the Devil “I’m sorry I killed you.” Those words veritably bounce around inside my skull, crushing the euphoric mood I’d just been in. Dang-it, Lyden. She’s a succubus! You knew that. Why did you just have sex with her? These thoughts flood through my mind, as I play over the last little while. The sex had been fantastic, if short. Even now, knowing that my death is only a little ways away, I still feel great and energized. I’d thought that I would be...
Chapter 21 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Devil’s Reward Shlee tapped Eldon’s shoulder and pointed to a large rock. “I think that one is it,” she stated in his ear, barely audible over the blowing wind. They were still on his roc’s back, flying over the dry landscape on the border between Fire and Darkness’s demesne. Eldon was lost in his own thoughts, trying to figure out what he was going to say to the vampire. Somehow, ‘Hello. Nice to meet you. You have a wonderful fiancée,...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 16 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prime Directives Shelly signed the documents, allowing her to leave the hospital. She could have walked out, but they had a silly policy about wheeling patients out the front door, regardless of their condition. Did they think she was going to trip and sue them? “You’re agitated,” Sonia stated as she pushed the wheelchair. “I thought you’d be happy to get out of here.” “I didn’t think...
Chapter 27 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Knightfall Eldon stared at the blood dripping from Megan’s chin. His mind focused like a laser on the runnel as it pumped from the small cut, traveled down her smooth neck, and stained her shirt. He knew he should be more worried about the Paladonic Knights that managed to not only track the Orange Bubble but actually attack it. But his mind couldn’t fasten onto something he thought was impossible. It was better than admitting that he...
Chapter 29 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IconoClash Shelly had visited the desserts in the Middle East. She’d seen wealthy countries with ugly landscapes. Discounting the Pillar of Darkness’s demesne, which only the devil knew the landscape of, she couldn’t think of an area she disliked more than the one she walked through now. Even Antarctica held it’s own beauty and more color than the lands controlled by the Pillar of Light. It didn’t help that she remembered what happened...
Chapter 17 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prodigal Daughter Eldon’s phone ringing startled him awake. “Wha—?” He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Mandy groaned and rolled away from him, but Shlee whimpered and cuddled up closer. They were together on the floor at the foot of the bed. Sonia and Shelly were near the front of the car, by the fountain. His mom and dad had the bed and didn’t seem to notice Eldon’s phone ringing. By the time he pulled it from the glove compartment...
Chapter 22 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Universal Creation Lyden collapsed back onto the plush bed, feeling more alive than he had in years. Thanks to Angela’s magic turning back his internal clock and making him younger, he wasn’t even out of breath after… “Your abilities as a generator seemed to have gained some strength as well as your libido,” Gaia sighed next to him. “I’ll have to make sure and thank the Pillar of Fire for that.” “My libido, or your magic forcing me?”...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Going Ogre-board Someone groaned nearby, but the sound reached Eldon’s ears as a distorted and hollow moan. Light flickered from the other side of his eyelids, making it difficult for him to get some rest. The groan sounded again, annoying him. He was getting some good sleep in, until that moaner decided to be rude and not stay quiet. “Would you knock that off? I’m trying… to…” he trailed...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 11 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = False Starts “Damn it!” Eldon cursed as his fist connected with the very solid brick wall of the waiting room. It hurt, but the pain receded almost immediately. Thanks to Areth’s sacrifice, his body was locked into its current state of health. He avoided looking at the statue still clutched in his father’s white-knuckled grip. Could this week get any worse? It started with them getting...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Before It’s Too Late The air swirled around Shelly as hands flung her into the cell. Striking the back wall would have hurt a lot less if she could have shifted into a shield. Her metal surface would have clattered against the cement floor instead of her shoulder. Instead, nausea swamped her as she attempted the change. She felt too weak to crawl to a corner and vomit. It took most of her...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 01 Dead Ends Ker-chink Sighing, I set the completed report aside after stapling it, and putting it on top of another set of reports that will likely get just as ignored, as the head honchos of our company make their billion dollar decisions. Craning my neck and back, I grunt as I feel my back pop. I look around my office. . . . Well, I’m not really sure I can call this room an office. Five desks are arrayed around the room in a...
Chapter 02 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Legacy Now, I don’t consider myself an insensitive person, and I have a high regard for life. However, I also believe some people should be removed from society with extreme prejudice: child molesters, rapists, and people who don’t use their blinker among them. Okay, I’m joking with that last one. Anyway, my father’s death gave me more of a feeling of relief than one of sadness. Yet, as I sat in the lobby of Kingsley, Nowell, Issa,...
Chapter 01 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = End of the World The day I signed away my soul to become a bad guy changed my entire world. Hell, that week changed the world for everyone! For the record, the only reason I’m writing this is that my therapist thinks it’ll help me cope with everything that’s happened. What does she know, though? She has a vested interest in making sure I survive. Of course, I’ll have to do it while I’m running around and trying to not be the bad...
Chapter 03 Working Things Out No sleep comes for me as I lie in bed, hating myself for what I’ve done to those two women. The worst part is that I actually feel good right now, which only makes me feel even worse. I just wish I had some way of contacting Angela. Hadn’t she told me that there was a way to give energy, rather than take it? How much longer is she going to be gone? If I had a keycard like hers, I’d be able to go to the Shadow World, and ask her. If, if, how, and if: my life...
from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...
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The New Life and Slavery of Chinese TwinsBy Seeker 111It’s amazing how quickly your life can change. Just a mere three years ago I was your normal struggling worker trying to eke out a living and also fulfill my darkest desires. Then the lottery changed it all. I had purchased $10.00 worth of quick picks for the multi state Win Big. The jackpot was over $750,000,000.00. Imagine my surprise when I went to check my tickets, having missed the drawing due to work, and found out that I was the...
Wonder Twins in Clean It Up! By Sasha Zarya Nexus Goddess of Exxor Universe, A Super Friends Fan Fiction This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 and the song "Believe it or not", written by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer Copyright 1981 Elektra Records and "The Greatest American Heroine Copyright 1986 Stephen J Cannell and "Part of your World", by Howard...
I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...
I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...
The place where I grew up was a medium-sized coastal city, a couple of hours away from Sydney, and it was a great place to live and to call my home town. My dad was sent there on a job transfer to take over as district manager for a big finance company when I was so young I can barely remember living anywhere else, and he liked the place so much that he used to tell my mother that if the company ever tried to move him again, he would just quit and find a new job.Now, about twelve miles out of...
IncestIntroduction: Two virgin twins have sex with the family puppy on their 18th birthday! The sun was beginning to set. Black against the orange and pink sky, a hummingbird flew. Soon nearing a quaint, ancestral home, the small bird veered off moments before reaching it. Performing a large semi-circle turn, it flew over the small stable that stood behind the residence before reaching the tall tree that stood next to the family home. Landing on a large branch that stood halfway up the tree, the bird...
This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Twins Strip for Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “They're on the move,” Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis, said, staring at the screen, a drone watching the God and his naked family piling into their car. “What's the status on the church?” “They're sending drones there now,” Deidre's daughter, Alexis, said. The eighteen-year-old sat naked on her...
After lunch Julie and I had patrol duty. The Green was a sea of red and black clothing, Liberty High School's colors, and I'd never seen so many "Red Devil" sweatshirts. All in all it was an impressive display of school pride. At the same time the Green was buzzing with gossip. Apparently Ali and the Twins had made peace and were in the process of apologizing to just about every group on the Green. It made for some intense discussions as I don't think half the people realized that some...
Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...
Chapter Eighteen: Futa Spies on the Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Allie had her laptop out and booted up on my bed. She was wearing a skirt, but I knew she didn't have panties on underneath. Her naked twat had flashed at me when she'd raced before me up the stairs to reach my bedroom. I reached beneath my skirt and shimmied out my panties. My futa-cock groaned in relief. Even these roomier panties, designed for transwomen...
I tapped my pencil against my cheek. This class was so boring. I glanced around the big classroom and saw towards the door, a pair of electric blue eyes studying me. They belonged to a girl. I tilted my head as I looked her over. Make that a woman. She definitely had more curves then I did. I huffed, a little jealous of the very perky blonde. Women like her were the bane of my existence. I had brown-auburn hair and dark brown eyes with a long lean body. At least, Jake and Addison liked it. Her...
BDSMDebbie gives two gifts to her sweet sixteen sister. …Jenny is overwhelmed. Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen The marriage and honeymoon are over and Debbie settles into a life of family bliss. She’s never been happier, but she realizes that big changes are coming. Debbie is starting to show. It’s been great, but she must stop being the receptacle for all that the young twins ejaculate. The summer of strenuous sex must end… Monday morning When the twins...
The twins put their arms around each other and walked over to the lift. This wasn’t exactly a ride but more of a way to get from one end of the park to the other while getting a bird’s eye view of the park. Allie wondered if she spread her legs a little if anyone on the ground could see her pussy. Alex didn’t try to do anything with her except put his arm around her. He didn’t want her getting too aroused before their evening of love making. As they were descending, Allie slowly pulled up...
“Do you have your sunblock, Carrie?” asked her mom. She worried about Carrie’s fair skin, and Carrie’s new, first time two- piece swimsuit was an invitation to solar disaster. But she sure looks cute, she said to herself, as ten-year-old Carrie promptly displayed the bottle of sunblock. “Lisa, make sure Carrie uses it. And don’t let her stay in the sun without it. Okay, towels, cooler, beach blanket…do you have every thing?” ...
Mom had never slept in satin sheets, nor with me. By Oediplex 8==3~ It was autumn. Not just the Fall, but Indian Summer too; one of those perfect set of days, when it was not too cold and the humidity remained low. My favorite time of the year. Mom's too, and since I live in a pretty part of New England, with the foliage in full flourish, I invited her out to my place. I wanted to get her out. Not just out to visit me, but out of her apartment, out of the City; and out of her...
“The Tucker Twins” Sequel To “Tuckers Island” Notice to my Readers. Dear Readers, If you have not already read “Tuckers Island” please stop here, as this story will make very little sense to you if this is the case. Please go back and read the main story “Tuckers Island” Thank you Gail Holmes “The Tucker Twins” Bristol Airport had been the easiest at the time; the twins had cherished the flight, although it had been a long haul. Ben had being staying on the...
When Lock twins, Billy and Willy were born, their dad was already a man in his early forties. He had married rather late in life and by the time of their birth, their much younger mother was only twenty-five years old. Their dad was named William Peter Lock, a family tradition that went back generations. After the twins came into this world, this presented their father with somewhat of a conundrum. He figured that if he gave the older twin the conventional family names, the second twin would...
BisexualTwins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...
Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan. ~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth." "Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose...
The Twins Erotic Fiction by [email protected] This story is fiction depicting two twins and their boyfriend. This story may contain illegal sexual acts in some places. If you live in such a place, MOVE! If you're too young to be reading sexual fiction, you should stop now! I grew up in a nice suburban community. When I was 7, the Twins, Tracey and Terri, moved in next door. They were 2 cute little girls, and we became fast friends. Tracey was more a "girly-girl",...
I sat in my office thinking. I noticed the last couple of days that my twins, Matt and Mattie, aged fifteen, were unusually quiet and uneasy around me at home. They had always been open and looked me in the eyes when I talked to them. Matthew and Matilda were the ones that made my existence possible. This wasn't the case yesterday and this morning. There was so much different about their actions, I decided to go home early. They were usually home from school soon after three. I'd meet them...
The Maya Twins By Carmenica Diaz Note: This is an excerpt from a recently publishedE-Novel. Once upon a time, there were the Maya twins. Hannahand Savannah Maya were identical, breathtakingly beautiful and with definitionof morality that was unique. Very, very rich and constantly bored, they wereamused when Hannah's new husband, Jonathan, declared his undying love withthe purchase of the state of the art chastity belt, the Dickson Device. Silly man! The Maya twins saw an opportunity tohave...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Two: The Twins Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One...
We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
It had been three months since Sassie had taken Jackson’s virginity. When visiting Sassie the weekend before and hearing it first hand from the seducer, Allie had been thinking of seducing Jackson herself. When in college, she and Sassie had the reputation of being known as the Seducer Twins—a title they were proud to hold. Now, three years later, they had grown up and moved on to be successful business women. But the seduction and taking of Jackson’s virginity by Sassie brought back the urge...
First TimeMy thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins (full story)For those who don’t like long stories, I’m sorry but I hope you all enjoy.Chapter 1 We’ve just finished an excellent meal at our favourite restaurant. My wife is sliding out of her chair as I pay the bill. Sam has a great body, even at 45. Tonight her dress is a striking little red number. The length is respectable but the cleavage displayed is outrageous. Her exposed bosom guaranteed us excellent service. I complement her once more for...
Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...
They were a vision of passion-filled female beauty lying side by side on the bed. Their naked bodies glowed as the overhead strobe-light whirled, sending its myriad colors down to caress their tantalizingly perfect forms. Their breasts, their skin, even their dark pubic hair took on new vistas of sexual allure as they glowed amber, blue, red, a cream-white and then started slowly going through the whole color spectrum all over again. Les Jacobs stood at the foot of the bed, also naked, his...
TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
The Teasing Taylors – PrologueThe Taylor twins had never been so excited in their lives. Admittedly they had been fairly short lives so far, but now that they had reached their 16th birthdays, they were in for a treat that both had been awaiting eagerly for almost the past 12 months.They were bubbling with pent-up excitement as they climbed aboard the express from Paddington due for Taunton, in England’s West Country, where they would be picked up by their aunt, the...
01.01 Mary, Lilly, John, The conspiracy: 01.02 Mary, Lilly, John, The preparation: 01.03 Lilly, John, Seduction, Handjob: 01.04 Lilly, John, Seduction, Deep Throat: 01.05 John, Lilly, Seduction, Mating: 01.01 Mary, Lilly, John: Mary, 30, a widower, and her daughter Lilly, live next door to John, a 32 year old who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Lilly is a precocious 16 year and has come to look at John as both a...