The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 14 free porn video

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Chapter 14
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Honest Senators?

Jessica cursed as she ducked behind another building. The sun was coming up and it’d taken her all night to reach this city. She was tired, filthy, and cranky. Why had she told them? It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t fair! Her plans weren’t ruined. She was sure she could salvage them, but it was going to take a lot more effort.

No one had treated her as fair as Shelly and Eldon had, and now because of that four-armed tramp, they hated her. They had to! She could see no way that they wouldn’t hate her. It didn’t matter to her that they were half-related. At least, she was certain that they shared the same father. The Pillar of Fire had never told her who her father was, but everyone knew that she and the hero of the Chaos War, Lyden Snow, were lovers.

A car drove past where she hid in the early morning shadows. She knew she wasn’t seen.

Why do you care? The voice in her head demanded. She hated that voice. It’d been with her since childhood. Always demanding, and never caring. The first time she went to Earth had been a nightmare. Her mother couldn’t leave the Shadow World, but had one of her kobolds take her in the dark of night. Midnight had struck, and suddenly she was the voice in another person’s head. It’d been horrible to watch as the other girl forced the kobold to rape and pillage the small Egyptian town. As the sun came up, Jessica was able to regain control, but by then the damage was done.

Enough townspeople were able to band together and kill the kobold. It hadn’t been his fault. His death still tore at her in her darkest nightmares. They hadn’t recognized the little black haired girl, and took care of her until she could slip away and make it back to her mother’s volcano. She was locked away after that.

To make it worse, her mother had agreed with the kobold’s death! She claimed he needed to die so that other magical creatures wouldn’t be feared. She hated her mother. She hated both worlds that Angela helped support. She wanted to break it down.

She waited for another car to go by, before slipping out and heading north. She needed to get to a portal, and back to the Shadow World before the other woman tried to take over again. She could sense one a few miles away. She didn’t know how she could sense them, but it felt like a tear in the fabric of reality to her.

Would it really be so bad to stay here? the other voice asked. We could have so much fun. Wouldn’t it be better to live the way we want, instead of always hiding? I know how tired you are of hiding who you really are. Who we really are. With my power, you could have whatever you wanted. Whoever you wanted. You could have had the twins. At the same time, even if you wanted. Why must you keep me locked away? You have no problem using my power to trap beings outside of this reality. You use my power to control them afterwards. Why not let me show you what else we can do together? You could have everything. No more hiding.

Jessica shoved the voice down and shook her head. No matter how tempting the words were, that thing was evil. It didn’t care about anything but itself. She had to find a way to get rid of that voice forever. The other woman made her a promise once, and it was the only one that Jessica believed. Bring the two worlds together. Get rid of the separation between Earth and the Shadow World, and the voice would be able to go away. It was the duality in the two worlds that allowed the voice to stay inside her. She didn’t understand it herself, but deep down she believed that bringing the two worlds together would free her.

Jessica had already killed one Pillar. If she could kill two more, the remaining three wouldn’t be able to support the Shadow World, and it would rejoin Earth. She refused to kill her own mother no matter how much she hated the Pillar of Fire, and the Pillar of Air was out of the question as well. She wouldn’t kill family, no matter what the reward. That left the Pillars of Earth, Light, and Dark.

Perhaps with the darkness in her soul, it was time to make her next move.

“You left quite a trail of emotional damage behind you,” Gloria’s voice said nearby, making Jessica jump and spin. She landed in a defensive crouch, ready for an attack. “I guess I did the same though. Would have liked to stick around for the orgy, but I had to catch up to you. What’s your next move?”

* * * *

Shelly tumbled in a world of turmoil. Chaos surrounded her mind as she both fought to run away from Jessica’s last words, and tried to cope with them.

Angela, the Pillar of Fire, was Jessica’s mom. Everyone knew that Lyden Snow and Angela were together, and had been since before the Chaos War. Jessica was too young to be before that time, unless she’d lied about her age.

Shelly’s mind locked onto that thought. Jessica had to be older than she pretended. It was the only thing that made sense. She had to be a child from before Angela met her father. Jessica Couldn’t be her half-sister! She just couldn’t be!

“So what if she is?” Shemhazau’s voice penetrated the chaos surrounding her. It was one more thing for her mind to anchor on.

The swirling chaos slowed. Her surrounding began to coalesce into vague shapes, but no more.

“Where are you, Grandpa? I—I can’t see.”

“Grandpa?” Shemhazau’s voice carried through to her, solidifying her surroundings even more. She almost thought she could hear the surf sliding against the sand. “I can’t believe I’m a grandpa. Do I look old enough to be a grandpa?”

His outline was still fuzzy, but she could at least tell where he was. She moved to him and threw her arms around him. Everything became solid as she felt him in her arms. Tears sprang from her eyes as she hugged the old man. She buried her face against his chest as her body shook with sobs. She didn’t know how long he held her, and neither one spoke.

“Thank you,” she said when she finally pulled away and wiped at her cheeks. “I haven’t cried like that since…” she trailed off. She couldn’t remember ever feeling that bad. Not even when Sheldon and Mandy had caused all those deaths, had she cried that hard, and that was the saddest thing she could remember happening to her.

“It was truly my pleasure,” Shemhazau said with a soft grin. “It’s been a very long time since such a beautiful woman has held me. I nearly forgot what it was like.”

She grimaced at him, not in the mood for his flirting. “I’m distraught over finding out that my girlfriend, the woman I thought I loved, might be my half-sister, and you’re going to flirt with me?” she accused him.

“I wasn’t flirting,” he held up his hands in self-defense. “I was just stating the absolute truth. Not sure why I did, though…”

“Mandy must be around my body,” Shelly said as she turned her back on the old man and walked up the now clearly defined beach. “I’m surprised it’s affecting you, though.”

“So, this Mandy… She forces everyone around her to tell the truth?” Shemhazau asked with curiosity. Shelly explained about her brother’s ex-girlfriend, and some of the problems she’d caused.

“Interesting…” he mused when she’d finished. “So I can state that I’m a very lonely old man who misses his wife terribly, but I can’t say the sun is black without qualifying the statement.”

Shelly stared at him, as it appeared he’d just told a lie. The sun wasn’t black!

“I can’t read your thoughts, but technically, what I said wasn’t a lie. The sun isn’t black. I had to state that I can’t say it, in order to say it. Interesting effect. Especially since I was able to state what I said I couldn’t state.”

Shelly was getting a headache trying to follow that logic, and shook her head to dismiss it. “I need to wake up. They need me. This is going to kill Eldon, and when my dad finds out…”

“No, you need to stay here a bit longer.” Shemhazau placed his hand on her shoulder, mentally and physically stopping her from leaving. “I understand you’re going through a lot of pain. I can help.”

“I’m not letting you into my pants!” she snapped at him, certain she knew what kind of help he offered.

“That’s not what I was referring to, young lady.” He sounded sincere. She would have doubted him, if she knew he had be honest right then.

“I’ve been alive longer than almost any other living being in either world. Hell, even dying couldn’t kill me. How many people can say that?” He chuckled at his own joke, but Shelly glared at him. “Anyway. I think I know a thing or two about forbidden love. I used to rule the succubae until I grew bored of that, and passed it off to TanaVesta. That was a mistake… I loved your grandmother more than anything else in this world, until your father came along.”

“Yeah, but grandma wasn’t your sister,” Shelly snapped. “There’s a difference between loving someone of a different race, and having sex with a family member.”

“You’re right, and you’re wrong,” he told her. “I’ve seen a lot of sex, and I’ve seen it for the wrong reasons. I’ve also seen it for the right reasons. I like to get kinky, I won’t deny that, but I have never, never, forced it on someone who wasn’t willing. We can’t always control who we love, but we can control how we love them. You love your brother, right?”

“Yeah, but I’d never have—” she started to say but he cut her off.

“You chose how to love him. Nothing more.” The way he said it made it seem as though it were common sense, but he was still wrong.

“It’s a different kind of love,” she tried to explain. “I’ve seen him naked plenty of times, and… and… you know.” For some reason, she couldn’t complete that statement. She didn’t think she’d ever been tempted. He was her brother!

“Is it? Different, I mean?” he demanded, and Shelly nodded her head, unwilling to speak. “I don’t think it is. Only the way you choose to express it is. Stop glaring at me. I told you, I know what I’m talking about. What have you done every time your brother was in trouble? What has he done for you?”

“We protect each other,” she told him with a bit of defiance.

“Exactly. And for Jessica?” he arched one eyebrow at her.

“That’s—” she started to say, but her throat closed off before she could say different. She chose a different tact. “I would go out of my way to protect anyone in danger. It’s what we’ve done for the last few years, protecting humans visiting the Shadow World. I don’t love them.”

“No, I doubt you do, but that is different. I’m guessing that your brother put himself into mortal danger to save you. He went well out of his way to save you. I’m even willing to go so far as to say that he would give up his life to save yours, and I’ve never even met him. I’ll go a step further, and state that you are willing to do the same.”

“But…” she trailed off, already seeing where he was going.

“Would you do any less for Jessica? I doubt it.”

“But I don’t want to—”

“The only thing that’s different is how you choose to show that love.” He gave her a solemn look, daring her to argue more. While she was tired of being interrupted, it was hard to argue with his logic. “I’m not saying you need to go back to having sex with her, though let’s face it… There’s no putting the yolk back in the shell once it’s broken. What’s done, is done. You love her. If it really bothers you that much, don’t stop loving her. Just stop lusting after her.”

“But how do I deal with the fact that I’ve… That we’ve… Damn it, I had sex with my sister!” The swear word slipped out as her frustration grew to a boiling point.

“Maybe you did, and maybe you didn’t,” Shemhazau shrugged his shoulders.

“There are a lot of things you can argue, but I know for a fact that I had sex with her,” Shelly spat.

“Did she say she was your sister?” he asked as though she were missing something important.

Shelly opened her mouth to say yes, but, “No,” came out instead. She paused as that single word sank in, then rejected it. “Her mother is the Pillar of Fire. I think she has to be my sister.”

He examined her for a long moment before replying. “Angela was a good girl. I did my best to help her grow into a good succubus. When I found out she fell in love with my son, I was happy for them. You know, I raised them both, though in different ways. They could almost be siblings… Anyway, I know how much she wanted to be a mother. I have no doubt she wouldn’t willingly cheat on your father, even though she is a succubus.”

His words sank into her heart and made it even heavier. She didn’t know the Pillar of Fire very well, but hearing him state that she wouldn’t cheat on her father, drove the knife in her heart deeper.

“There is a difference between love and lust,” Shemhazau continued on as though ignorant of her emotions. “People confuse the two all the time. You can love someone and not lust after them. By the same token, you can lust after someone, but not love them.”

“I get it,” she yelled and looked up to meet his eyes. Gray eyes, just like her father. Just like Sheldon and her had. Just like Bridgette had. But Jessica’s were blue… Of course, Brock’s eyes were brown. Jessica had black hair, just like Eldon, but his hair color came from their mother. She wracked her brain to think if there were any other genetic similarities between Jessica and her family, but couldn’t come up with any. “I can love her, without having to have sex with her. Is there anything else you want to tell me, or can I go now?”

“Apparently my son hasn’t raised you to respect your elders properly,” Shemhazau muttered. “I’d bend you over my knee and show you the proper way to behave, but I can’t think of any reason to keep you here. Unless, you’re into getting spanked? Does that glare really work on anyone? Because I think it looks cute on you. Oh, fine. Be that way. Tell your father hi. It seems like the sex out there has finally stopped. It must have been one helluva orgy for me to sense it in here.”

Shelly’s face slipped from glaring at her perverted grandfather, to shock at his words. She opened her mouth to ask what he was talking about, but the sandy beach and rolling waves were already starting to fade away.

“What do you mean, your fiancée?” Sheldon’s voice penetrated the fog surrounding her before she woke up.

* * * *

When waking from a deep sleep, after having a traumatizing experience, finding a woman with a needle literally sticking out of her finger and poking into your arm is a little more than terrifying. Shelly wasn’t in the least bit embarrassed to yank her arm away as she screamed.

“Shelly?” Sheldon’s voice reached her, full of concern. “Shelly! You’re all right!”

She had just enough time to note that he was completely naked before he tackled her to the bed in a massive hug. There was no way she could mistake his massive erection poking into her side. Before she could stop it, the thought that something that big and twisted poking into her in a different spot would feel great. Damn her grandfather and his subversive words!

She shuddered, and shoved hard against him. “Get off me! Why are you naked?” She glanced around and realized that only Sonia and she were clothed. Everyone else was fully nude, including some strange man she didn’t recognize with large fairy wings resting in the fountain next to Bridgette. Even Mei was nude, lying next to an equally nude Mihale Maztaim. Brooke, Becky, and her father were close to the fountain, staring at her with wide eyes. Shlee and Mandy were near the door, with a gap just big enough to fit her brother between them. Where was Gloria? Had Mandy and Sheldon gotten back together? What was going on? She remembered Shemhazau’s words about an orgy, and she could see the evidence of that running down a few legs, and in the nakedness of those around her.

“How long have I been out?” She asked as she held the back of her hand to her head.

“Exactly three hours, seven minutes, and forty-two seconds,” Sonia informed her. “You didn’t miss anything, other than a bunch of drama.”

Only a bit over three hours? It felt like a great deal more than that, but time sleeping, or in the Mens Mundi could be deceiving.

“Where’s Gloria, and who is that next to Bridgette?” From the way Eldon flinched at Gloria’s name, she knew that news wouldn’t be good.

“Hey toots!” the man by her half-sister grinned at her. “I’ve been watching you for quite a while!” The way he leered at her made Shemhazau’s advances seem tame.

“Be respectful, Oberon, or else,” Bridgette commanded. When had she become forceful? From the way Oberon’s cheeks colored, Shelly had to wonder what kind of control Bridgette had over him. When he shrunk down to four inches in height, Shelly knew what he was.

“You’re a fairy!” she gasped and pointed at the little man with butterfly wings.

“I’m not just any fairy!” he said, full of indignation. “I’ll have you fucking know, I’m Oberon, King of the Fairies, Keeper—”

“Keeper of the Cup, Lover of Ladies, yada, yada, yada,” everyone else in the car intoned at almost the same time.

“Nobody ever lets me finish!” he stamped his foot in the air and folded his arms in a pout.

“I told you to be respectful,” Bridgette chided him. “And watch the language! Dad doesn’t like foul mouths, and neither do I!”

“I’m sorry, my love. Shade of my heart. Butter to my Biscuit. But I was going to change it to Lover of One Lady. You!”

“Oh really?” Bridgette asked, then shimmered and changed into Brock. “Not sure I know how to take that.”

“Forgive me, my heart. I am Oberon, King of the Fairies, Keeper of the Cup, Lover of You, and Soulkeeper of the Fay.”

“Feel better for getting that all out?” he raised one eyebrow.

“Only if you’ll forgive me, oh wondrous one!”

“I think I’m still dreaming,” Shelly muttered and placed her hand back against her head. “Or I was out longer than a few hours.”

“What Sonia calls drama, was actually pretty important,” Lyden said as he pulled on his pants. “Sorry you had to see us all like that, Shelly. What Gloria called a parting gift was fun at the time, but I wish she hadn’t done it now.”

“Parting gift?” Shelly asked, not liking the sound of that. “What—?”

“I don’t regret it,” Mandy said as she helped Sheldon get dressed.

“Neither do I!” Shlee added as she took a moment to slip her hand into his pants and adjust his erection. Why was her brother glowing? There was too much Shelly still didn’t understand.

“Knock that off, Shlee,” Eldon gripped the woman’s hand and pulled it away. “What about your fiancée?”

“Wait!” Shelly almost screamed. Her head was starting to spin as she tried to understand everything she’d missed while talking to Shemhazau. “You two are getting married? What about Gloria? What did Dad mean by her parting gift? Where did Oberon come from? Why is Sheldon glowing? Why was everyone naked when I woke up? On second thought, don’t answer that last one. Grandpa already clued me in. Why are you all staring at me like that?”

“You’ve been through a rough moment,” Sonia said as she laid her hand on Shelly’s shoulder. She was surprised at how much care the robot seemed to have in her voice and on her face. Whoever programmed her had done a phenomenal job. “Do you want to talk about that first? I’ve been programmed to help with any situation you’d like to discuss.”

“Not right now,” Shelly said. She felt odd with how genuine Sonia sounded. Shelly knew she was a mechanical being, but she didn’t act like one.

“It’s not good to bottle things up,” Sonia offered, but didn’t seem to press the issue. “Feel free to talk to me if you need to. I promise complete confidentiality.”

“Except for the government?” Sheldon asked.

Sonia directed a dirty look his way, before shaking her head. “No. Laws protect patient confidentiality. That information is only shared if the patient requests it.”

“Thanks, I think,” Shelly said, still unsure of the woman. “But my grandfather helped me with that, and I know he can’t tell anyone.” She became aware of her father giving her a strange look, and couldn’t hide her grimace. This wasn’t going to go over very well.

“Shemhazau Encantado says hi, Dad. Apparently you really didn’t kill him.” She had to swallow a lump in her throat as she saw tears form in his eyes. “He happens to be living in my Mens Mundi.”

“Dad?” Lyden choked with emotion. “Can it really be? I… I thought… In your—But how?”

“You never told me he was such a pervert,” Shelly chuckled with unease.

She didn’t expect his reaction as he launched himself for the bed and swept her up in a massive hug. That made for two unexpected hugs since waking up. At least her father was clothed! “That sounds like him, all right. He was always fascinated with Jennifer’s boobs, and he had some other… odd, ideas. Can I talk to him? Can he hear me?”

“I don’t know,” she gasped, trying to fill her compressed lungs with air. Her dad was a lot stronger than he looked. “So far I’ve only been able to talk to him when I was near death. I haven’t been able to access my Mens Mundi on my own. I was going to ask Gloria about it, but…” She trailed off as she caught the look in Eldon’s eyes. Lyden let her go and stepped back. Everyone was either red cheeked, or looking away from her. Well, everyone other than Sonia.

Sheldon was the first to speak up. “Gloria… left.” Shelly could tell that it took a lot for her brother to get those two words out, but like a dam bursting, once opened up, the rest soon followed. “She claimed I glowed brighter than the sun to her. By the way, the reason I glow in your eyes is because you care for me. The more I glow to someone, the more they care about me. Anyway, since she had refused to say it before, I was so happy! She loved me! But she claimed it was dangerous for her to love. To prove it, she made these two fall in love with me, and made everyone else so horny, they couldn’t resist having a little orgy in here.”

“She didn’t make me love you,” Mandy added. “I don’t think I ever stopped.”

“Even if she made me feel this way,” Shlee piped in, “I don’t regret it. Gloria was right about one thing. You’re worth loving.”

By the sick look that crossed her brother’s face, Shelly suspected that that didn’t make him feel any better.

“What about your fiancée?” Eldon turned on the werewolf. He wasn’t angry with her. If anything, Shelly would say that he looked and sounded defeated.

“I still love him too,” Shlee stated, then covered her mouth and glared at Mandy. “I don’t want to talk about him, though. I can’t because it’s supposed to be a secret. People wouldn’t understand if they—mnfmfm.” The last part was muffled as she covered her mouth again.

“How can you love two men?” Eldon asked. He didn’t demand. He didn’t yell, or scream, or even act like he truly cared about the answer.

Shlee mumbled something behind her hand, and shook her head, pain and worry evident in her eyes.

“None of us will judge you,” Lyden interrupted. “I know what it is like to love multiple women. At first I felt like a dirty lecher for it, but as long as you’re honest with the ones you care about, and they are okay with it, there is no reason to hide.

Shelly noticed the woman’s blue eyes start to turn golden as the hand covering her mouth grew claws. She knew she needed to intercede before something happened. It took more effort than she realized to get off the bed, but she moved to the strawberry blonde haired woman.

Shlee shied away from her, but Shelly placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder and looked into her bright eyes. “It’s okay. We’re friends here. None of us will judge you. Look around.” Her arm swept to point out people as she mentioned them. “My father has multiple wives, each one a different race. My half sibling, Bridgette, can be either gender he or she wishes, and by the looks of it has a fairy hanging on her every word. Mei is a half-dragon who apparently had sex with the enemy, if I’m judging his scratches correctly. Mihale might judge you, but his opinion is worth less than crap. My brother is the last person to ever be judgmental of another person. And me? Hell, apparently I was in love with my own sister.” That still hurt to say, but it seemed to come easier each time she said it. “Whatever you have to say can’t be any worse than that.”

As she spoke, Shelly noticed that Shlee calmed dawn and returned to normal. Tears filled her eyes as she gazed between the twins. She saw the love in the werewolf’s eyes as she stared at Sheldon, but also saw fear behind it. After another moment, she nodded and lowered her hand.

“His name is Dimitri Volglov,” Shlee’s voice came out weak but clear. “You have to know, Lyden, I don’t ever want to hurt you. I—”

“I’m getting tired of hearing that,” Sheldon cut her off, showing a little emotion. She would have expected him to be angry or furious, but instead, he sounded tired and resigned.

“I… I understand, my love. I’m sorry. I’m just… I mean…” Her chest rose as she visibly gained courage. Whatever it was, it had to be powerful to keep her from spilling everything out in Mandy’s presence. “Dimitri is a… a… vampire.”

Everyone was silent for a long while, as they tried to absorb that information. Bridgette was the first to break the silence, summing up almost everyone else’s thoughts in one word.


“Dear…” Brooke placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Werewolves and vampires have been mortal enemies for centuries. They hate each other with a passion that is almost instinctual. The thought of two of them getting together and… It doesn’t make sense.”

“Like a mermaid getting along with the Pillar of Fire?” Lyden asked with a small smile.

“That’s different,” Brooke stated. “Whenever I go into Angela’s demesne, I have to have Becky cast certain spells on me so that I don’t dry out. Vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies. Usually when one is in the presence of the other, they go into a rage and try to destroy each other.”

“Aren’t vampires supposed to be evil?” Mei asked. She’d remained quiet for most of the conversation. Enough so, that Shelly kept forgetting she was there, unless she looked right at the half-dragon woman with her scaly legs and curled horns protruding from her temples.

“Dimitri is different,” Shlee stated and all eyes returned to her. “He doesn’t act like the other vampires. He’s better than them.”

“But your family wouldn’t approve if they knew, right?” Becky asked in a sympathetic tone.

“Approve?” Shlee asked in shock but didn’t look away from Sheldon’s eyes. “They’d tear me to bits and burn and burry the remains. Not necessarily in that order.”

Shelly’s heart went out to her brother as she saw new pain blossom in his face. It looked like the twins were destined for heartache, no matter what happened. Jessica had hurt them both, and now Gloria had doubly pained Sheldon, both by leaving him, and saddling his heart with a woman who was already taken. Shelly believed that Shlee now loved both men, but she understood her brother’s morals. He would never willingly steal another man’s woman.

She wanted to be angry with Shlee, but understood her position as well. She had to keep her fiancée a secret, or face something worse than death. She hadn’t asked to love Sheldon, but had it forced on her. Shelly didn’t doubt that love was real, even if it hadn’t come by genuine means.

She was torn. She could see the hurt and anger on Sheldon’s face, but she also sympathized with the fear in Shlee’s eyes.

“Sheldon, maybe we should—” she started to say maybe they should wait until they had some time to cool off before making any decisions, but the Orange Bubble stopped and Sonia stared outside.

“This car is a security risk.” Sonia didn’t look happy. “Somehow we’re stopped on the front lawn of the White House. How the hell did we make it past all the security?”

“This wonderful car doesn’t get noticed unless it wants to,” Lyden said as he ran a loving hand along one wall.

“I can worry about the logistics and dangers of that later,” Sonia didn’t seem to like that idea at all. “Right now I need to get to the President, make sure she’s safe, find out where Mihale’s son is and eliminate him as a threat, and if we’re lucky create peace between two worlds.”

Mihale struggled against his bonds, but almost no one paid him any mind.

“I’m not sitting this one out,” Lyden stated and pulled out a pistol. He pulled back the top, verifying there was a round in the chamber before looking around to meet everyone’s gaze. No one argued. There wasn’t time to argue.

“Let me take the lead,” Sonia stated as they piled out of the Volkswagen Beetle. They weren’t worried about leaving Mihale alone in the car. The Orange Bubble would make sure no one could save him. “If we run into the Secret Service, let me do the talking. Most of them know me.”

“Sheldon, grab my neck,” Shelly ordered her brother. “Try not to kill with me too much if you can avoid it. It has… odd effects—affects?—on me.”

“Like?” he asked even as he gripped her neck and she changed into the form of the dull gray katana.

“Just don’t!” she snapped at him, vibrating to make the noise.

“That looks just like Murasame, except the blade’s a bit different,” Lyden commented. Shelly thought she heard a slight hitch in his voice. “You really do have my father in your head. He’d better keep his hands to himself.” His voice dropped to that of a concerned parent with such abruptness, that it startled her. Lyden Snow had always been the type of father to teach his kids but let them make their own mistakes. All things considered and learned over the last few hours, it struck her as odd.

“Halt!” Someone cried out as they approached the front entryway. The White House was huge, with tall white columns supporting a high white roof. It was too much of one color for Shelly’s tastes, but she didn’t have to live there.

“Emergency!” Sonia yelled to the black suited guards. They lifted their rifles and pointed right at the running group. “POTUS is in danger! Authorization: SONIA-15-03-80.”

One of the guards placed his finger against an earpiece and listened, but no one slowed down. It only took a second before he waved to the other guards. “Stand down. It’s Sonia.” He had a grin on his face as he looked her over. “Go save her, toots!” He slapped her rear as they ran past.

“Thanks, Randall,” Sonia ground her teeth. “And tell your wife I said hi.”

That dropped the smirk from his face, as the other Secret Service agents chuckled.

“What was that about?” Eldon asked the android as they barreled through the front doors.

“I am a sex-bot,” Sonia growled. “Some people took advantage of that fact. He was one of them.”

“You were forced to service them?” Sheldon asked, anger thick in his voice. Shelly felt pride in her brother’s indignation, then he had to go and ruin it. “That’s not right! Even if you are just a machine, you shouldn’t be forced to—”

“Just a machine?” Sonia asked as they raced down a hallway. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Shut up while you still can,” Shelly whispered to her brother.

“I can smell President Louise this way,” Shlee commented. She’d changed into her wolf form, and was a good four feet tall at the shoulders. “I can’t smell any fear or panic in her scent.”

“Something doesn’t seem right,” Brooke said from her position at the rear of their column. “Everyone here is too calm.”

Shlee changed shapes as they burst through a large set of double doors, and saw Martha Louise sitting calmly at the head of a long oak table. Well-dressed men and women sat around the table, while Secret Service agents lined the walls. Those at the table looked at them with shock, while the agents drew their side-arms and took aim.

“Ambassador Snow,” President Louise was the first to break the silence. “I’m glad to see you got your family back, but I don’t think your weapons are appropriate.” She was calm and collected, which only added to Shelly’s confusion. She was supposed to be in danger. They’d rushed here as fast as the Orange Bubble could take them, but she appeared to be just fine.

“Your life is in danger, President Louise,” Sonia stated with conviction before turning her gaze on the agents still pointing weapons at them. “The agents at the door should have warned you already. Why haven’t you gotten her to safety?”

“We’ve received no word of danger,” one of the agents standing behind Martha Louise stated. “Stand down, Sonia. She is in no danger here.”

Sheldon slowly lowered Shelly until her tip touched the ground. She couldn’t see very well from this angle, and shifted back to her normal form. There were a few gasps as she appeared, and some of the pistols shifted to cover her.

“What is the meaning of this?” a man in an expensive looking black suit that did nothing to hide his heavyset frame, demanded. He squared off against Lyden. “Ambassador Snow. I would expect nothing less from a monster like you. How dare you barge into this meeting! Aren’t you civilized enough to know what a closed door means? In case you aren’t—”

“Senator McConley,” Lyden grinned, but Shelly could see it was forced. “I’m quite aware of what a closed door means. I wonder, though. You weren’t part of this conversation. Do you often barge into conversations that don’t concern you?” Becky placed her hand on his arm, but he didn’t look away from the glaring senator.

McConley sputtered for a moment before finding his voice. “How dare you! I should have you arrested. No one speaks to me like that! You are interrupting a serious meeting. We were just about to vote on naming the creatures from your vile world. I was against it at first, but now I see that giving them a vile name to match their vile nature is perfect.” He turned to face the President. “I vote yes for officially naming them Lydonese.”

Everyone remained tense and no one moved for a couple seconds. Shelly saw her father’s jaw tense as he ground his teeth together. A sure sign he was furious. Lyden’s eyes moved to Mandy and a grin split his face a moment later.

“Tell me, Senator. How much money has the Paladonic Knights donated to your campaign?” Lyden’s voice was silky smooth as he asked the question.

“Donated? Ha!” the senator scoffed. “They are my campaign. I’ve belonged to them for a few decades now. I hardly make a decision without checking with them first. They fund almost everything I do.” By the triumphant look on his face, he didn’t realize that he’d just put himself in a lot of trouble.

“Does that include putting the President’s life in danger?” Lyden asked, remaining at ease.

The senator grew confused even as his mouth opened to answer with complete honesty. He had no choice but to tell the truth with Mandy in the room. “The assassination attempt wasn’t my decision. I was told where not to be at the time, to remain safe.” McConley’s eyes grew large as he realized he was giving away his secrets.

“Arrest him,” Sonia ordered a couple agents, and they broke from their shock to comply.

“I didn’t mean to say that! It’s the truth, but I meant to lie! This isn’t right! Unhand me! I can have someone kill your wife and children within the hour, if you don’t let me go right this instant.”

“Make sure he can’t contact anyone,” Sonia ordered as the agent got a worried look in his eyes. “Find a deep dark hole to shove him in until we can ask him more questions later.”

“That was… unexpected,” President Louise stated, still on her feet.

“Everything will be clear in a moment or two, Madame President,” Lyden stated. He then faced one half of the long table. “Are any of you in league with the Paladonic Knights or Daughters of Respite? Have any of you conspired to assassinate President Louise?” He was greeted to that question with a number of indignant denials.

He turned to the other half, and Shelly could see two people—one woman and one man—sweating profusely.

“President Louise,” stated the woman, “this is ridiculous!” The man sweating next to her nodded with enthusiasm. “We’re all loyal Americans here. It’s not illegal to accept money from certain groups.”

“It is if they are labelled a terrorist group,” another female senator stated. “I have never accepted money, or bribes from either group.”

“But surely Ambassador Snow or his witch wife has cast a spell,” the sweating man said. “Nothing he says, or forces us to say, is admissible—“

“No spell has been cast,” Mandy stated. She received a number of glares for cutting off the politician—or maybe it was that she was obviously not human with her four arms. “No one can tell a lie in my presence. No spell has been cast. All of you still have free will, and can act as you please. The only thing that my presence affects is your ability to lie. If you try, you will end up speaking more truth than you intend. I have no authority here, but I recommend that if you’re guilty, you come clean of your own choice. It will be less embarrassing for you.”

“But also less entertaining,” Oberon complained. “You should lie, so I can laugh at you.”

If anyone was angry with Mandy’s words, they became infuriated with Oberon’s statement. Voices erupted in livid heat as they denied any accusations. The only ones not speaking were the two sweating senators.

President Louise banged her fists against the table, trying to regain order as Bridgette grabbed the Fairy King and held him behind her back. She shifted forms, becoming Brock, and glared at anyone who even looked like they might come after the four-inch man. Standing there in his mechanical legs, he looked truly intimidating.

Sheldon stepped forward before Shelly had a chance to stop him, and slammed his fist down on the table. The large wooden surface looked solid, but it didn’t stand a chance against him. A three foot by four foot chunk smashed against the floor, and everyone went silent. He looked around the room with disgust on his face. A couple of the agents eyed him warily, but none of them drew their weapons.

“I find it hard to believe that you are supposed to be leading this nation,” Eldon stated, his voice dripping with disdain. A woman who’d already professed her innocence tried to speak up, but he silenced her with a hand gesture. Shelly had never seen her brother act like this before. She didn’t know whether to be impressed, or afraid. “Real leaders, leaders like President Louise, know better than to sit here and bicker. You are acting more like children than elected officials. If you’re innocent, say so when I point at you.”

“We’re politicians,” one man in an expensive suit stated. “None of us are innocent. We lie to our constituents on a daily basis. If the American public knew how their government was really being run, we’d all be executed as mfff—” he slapped his hands over his mouth as he realized what he was saying.

Shelly was getting used to seeing that look on peoples’ faces again.

“I assume you’re done talking?” Eldon asked and the man nodded. “Good, except for one thing. Are you conspiring with the P.K.s or the D.O.R.s?” The man shook his head, and Shelly saw her brother’s face darken. “You need to speak it.”

“No,” the senator uncovered his mouth long enough to speak.

“Good. You can sit there quietly now.” Sheldon grinned as though he were talking to a little child and pointed to the next senator. “How about you?”

This time he faced a woman. The same one that Shelly had noticed sweating earlier. The woman’s blonde hair hung limp and moist on her head as her eyes searched to room for some sort of escape. She saw Shlee and her eyes opened wide. “You can’t expect me to speak in front of her! She’s a journalist, and a well-known one at that. I haven’t agreed to any interviews. This is extortion! No matter what I say, she’ll twist it to meet the media’s agenda. She can’t be trusted with the truth!”

“And what is the truth?” Lyden asked before Sheldon could yell at her. He spoke in such a calm voice that after Sheldon’s rant, he seemed completely calm and reasonable.

“That the president needs to be killed, and a way made clear for pure humans to survive. Real people, not like you or those monsters with you, can’t be expected to share this world. You all need to be wiped from existence.” She stood with her hands on her hips as though she hadn’t just perjured herself. Everyone stared at her with shock, and she became visibly nervous as no one else spoke. Shelly suspected that she hadn’t realized what she’d just said.

It was the president who broke the silence with her calm voice. “Arrest her.”

Shelly wondered if some of the Secret Service were magical, they moved with such speed. One moment the senator was standing before them with cracking confidence, and the next she was on the floor, screaming obscenities. Shelly’s father shook his head, muttering about, “Such language…”

“Well, now that that is cleared up, we should get to more important matters,” the other sweating senator intoned as the screaming woman left the large room.

“More important than treason?” Another senator demanded. This one was a woman that’d already professed her innocence.

“Ahem, yes… Well, that’s taken care of, and we have other matter’s that need to be resolved before we go into recess. Matters like naming the otherworldly creatures.” He mopped his brow with a kerchief as his eyes darted around the room. “Besides… If this goes on much longer, I’ll confess to having an affair with Senator Otton, and authorizing the Secret Service to abandon the president during the first attempted assassination.” He waived his hand at the door, indicating who Senator Otton was, then stared at his hand in shock as though it were to blame for his honesty.

Before the president could order his arrest, Sheldon stepped forward and struck the man in the face. The senator’s nose exploded as he flew across the room and struck the other wall hard enough to leave an indent in the drywall.

“President Louise has been an outstanding president,” Sheldon snarled with more anger than Shelly thought was justified. What had gotten into her brother? This anger was unlike him.

“While I appreciate you defending my honor, I can’t have you hitting any more of my senators, even if they deserved it.” Martha’s voice still held its calm, but there was a slight edge to it now. “Arrest them both.”

Mandy and Shlee stepped in front of Sheldon as a couple agents approached him. Shlee’s eyes turned yellow and her claws extended in warning. Mandy simply cracked the knuckles on her four hands and shrugged her shoulders.

“What am I being arrested for?” Sheldon demanded as his face turned deep red.

Shelly wondered if her brother could be any more stupid.

“You struck a senator,” Martha informed him. Shelly noticed a tint of sadness to her voice, but couldn’t see any of it on weary her face. “While I agree that he had it coming, I’m afraid I can’t show favoritism in this matter. The law is clear. He will be tried for treason, and I doubt he’ll come out of it with his heart still beating. You, on the other hand, will only be slapped with a fine. Please, Eldon. I don’t want to do this, but I must. I know you can fight your way out of here. None of my agents are a match for you, much less those two women. Let the violence end here. Please.”

Shelly watched as her brother fought with himself, and lose. “I’m sorry,” he dropped his chin to rest on his chest. “I… I shouldn’t have done that. It just pisses me off. I’ll go willingly. I’ll… I’m sorry.”

“Madame President,” Lyden stepped forward. “Is this really necessary? We came here to stop those that meant you and the government harm. I admit his action was rash, but we’re here to help you.”

“I understand, Ambassador Snow,” President Louise said with that same sad smile. She stepped up closer to him, and Shelly barely heard her next words, though her lips barely moved. “Everything that has happened in here has been recorded. I have to show impartiality, or risk another scandal. I’ll make sure it’s not too hard on him, but I have no choice.”

Of course! Shelly thought with derision. She has to protect her precious political career. Who cares about her allies?

“Recorded?” Shlee asked as Sheldon stepped past her with his hands held out in surrender. “Oh, shit!”

“Language!” Lyden snapped, but no one listened to him.

“Ma’am, we need to get to your control room immediately. There is still one more traitor,” Shlee stated in a panicked tone. “Maztaim’s son works for the secret service. He’s the person who hacked into Sonia’s feed, and has been directing things from the shadows.”

Martha’s brown skin lost its color as that news sunk in. Shelly cursed herself for not having realized the same thing, though she’d been more worried about her brother who was even now being led out in handcuffs by two very nervous agents.

“How could he even get into the Secret Service?” Martha asked, then shook her head and looked out the door the three prisoners had left. “Nevermind. With two senators backing him, it’s no wonder he made it through the screening process.” She pointed to the three remaining agents in the room. “You three come with us. Looks like there’s one more mole to catch.”

Before anyone could move, the walls shook and the floor shuddered. A sound like a hundred angry ogres screaming erupted as the door Eldon had just vacated blew open. Debris and shrapnel pelted them even as the building continued to shake from the force of the explosion.

Shelly opened her eyes and coughed as smoke hung heavy in the air. She didn’t remember being knocked to the floor, but at least there was a bit of air down here. She didn’t know if she’d been knocked out, or just dazed. Her head rung and something warm was dribbling down the side of her cheek. She looked around and saw Brock spraying something into the hole that had once been a doorway. Apparently his mechanical legs had a built in fire extinguisher. Oberon was by his side, helping to douse the flames with his magic. She couldn’t see her father or step-moms, but she was able to make out Shlee dragging an unconscious Mandy from the room. She could see senators screaming, but couldn’t hear them over the ringing in her ears.

Sonia was helping an unsteady Martha to her feet. If Shelly had ever wondered if Sonia were alive or not, she no longer doubted. Her fake flesh hung in tatters, revealing a plastic and metal skeleton reflecting the light of the flames.

Shelly coughed some more, and her head spun in pain. She couldn’t get enough breath in and her ribs felt like there was a knife in them. Looking down, she realized there might as well be. A six inch piece of wood protruded from right under her left breast. She reached to remove it, but the pain of just touching it made her head spin anew.

She focused her mind on staying awake as she pushed the pain down. She forced her mind to think. The wood was probably saving her life, plugging the hole and keeping her from bleeding out. If it was in her lungs, at may be allowing her to breathe what little she could. Better not to remove it right away.

“Sheldon!” she croaked when she remembered he’d been much closer to the blast. She looked at the door again as tears crowded her eyes. There was no way he could have survived that blast. She couldn’t even hear her own voice above the ringing in her skull.

Someone gripped her under her arms and started pulling her from the room. She almost passed out again as the motion renewed the agony from her injuries. “Sheldon,” she tried to tell her rescuer, but couldn’t find her voice.

She saw a strawberry blonde mane of hair shake above her, but couldn’t make out any words or sounds. She wondered if she was going to be deaf for the rest of her life.

She saw sunlight a moment later, then someone in white took her from Shlee. The newcomer was an old man with stringy gray hair and gray eyes.

Shelly sat upright with a jolt as she recognized Shemhazau. She was sitting on the beach in her Mens Mundi.

“We really need to stop meeting like this,” the old man said with a grin. “You’re making this too much of a habit. Or is it just that you missed me?”

“There… there was a bomb,” Shelly stuttered as she looked down at her side. She found she was wearing a dark blue bikini, and her skin was unblemished. Her wounds were gone as was her pain. She could hear again! She knew she was in her Mens Mundi, and shifted her clothing to something a bit more appropriate. Jeans and a blue-green t-shirt felt more comfortable until she realized it was copied from something she’d seen Jessica wearing. She changed the shirt into a green blouse, but kept the jeans.

“Well, on the plus side, you’re not dead yet. Who was caught in the blast?”

Shelly looked up to meet her grandfather’s eyes, noting something different in his voice. He tried to sound cheerful, but she heard an edge to it. There was worry in his gray eyes that he couldn’t hide behind his smile. Was that worry for her, for himself if she died, or for everyone else?

“Everyone,” she said as fear seeped into her own heart. Sheldon had been out that door. There was no way he could have survived that. Her dad, Brooke, and Becky had been closer to it than she had been. She hadn’t been able to see them before Shlee dragged her out. Brock had appeared fine, as had Oberon, but what of the others?

She felt the old man’s bony fingers clasp her arms as he stepped up to her. “My son? Is he all right? Who is everyone? The whole world? Tell me everything!” He was no longer trying to hide his concern. Tears leaked down his cheeks as he interrogated her, shaking her with each question as though to jostle the truth from her.

“Mandy, Brooke, Becky… Everyone that was with us. Let me go! I don’t know if my dad made it. I—I couldn’t see him before I was dragged to safety. I only know that Shlee, Brock, and Oberon were fine.” She had to fight back panic as she spoke, trying to recall what she’d seen before Shlee got her out. “Sonia is a robot, so I’m sure she just needs some repairs, and the president looked okay.”

“I don’t know or care about any of them,” Shemhazau released her and stormed up the beach before spinning around to face her again. “Who else was there? Brooke? Sheila? Jennifer? Becky? Think girl!”

“Jennifer? Why would she… Never mind.” She shook her head, as she tried to do as she was told. “Dad was over by Becky and Brooke. Sheldon was… He was…” she broke down in sobs as despair overwhelmed her.

“Your brother is fine,” a new voice broke into her awareness. “In fact, he’s the only person who could not be injured.”

“What?” Shelly looked up and was shocked to see the owner of that female voice. “How…?”

“Your dad was worried about you. We couldn’t wake you up. I was the only one in good enough shape to try to communicate with you,” Sonia stated. She looked complete and undamaged, which was a lot less scary than she’d looked with her pseudo-skin hanging off her in flaps and tatters.

“Well, hello!” Shemhazau smiled as he approached the android. “You happen to know my son, huh? He’s a good lad. Taught him everything he knows, but if you like, there are a few things I haven’t taught him. I’d be happy to show you, though.”

“Grandpa!” Shelly snapped, disgusted with his behavior. “She’s a robot! There are more important things to worry about than you satisfying your carnal needs!”

“A robot, huh?” he rubbed his beard as he took that in. “Never had sex with a robot before. Anyway, if your dad is good enough to worry about you, he’ll be fine. So that just leaves getting you better, and then maybe ending my dry spell.”

“Ugh!” Shelly groaned. “I’m sorry, Sonia. He’s more of a pervert than my brother is.”

“I’ve dealt with worse,” Sonia replied, then turned her back on Shemhazau. “Your brother didn’t seem too perverted, though I was surprised at his anger earlier.”

“How are you even here?” Shelly asked. “I thought it was the soul that travelled into a person’s Mens Mundi. If you’re a robot…”

“I prefer the term android,” she replied without sounding offended. “I’ve entered your subconscious through a combination of physical contact, and my nanites. My hand is resting on your head, avoiding your injuries, and I have a direct link to your neural pathways.”

“Your… what?” Shelly asked at the same time Shemhazau stated, “Physical contact, huh? Kinky.”

Sonia grimaced at Shemhazau before replying to Shelly. “You’re pretty badly injured. I have tiny microscopic machines that help regulate my functions and repair damage to my systems when necessary. I can reprogram some of them and inject them into another person to help repair their bodies. By placing my hand on your head, and with the nanites in your blood, I can enter your subconscious mind and communicate. I have to admit that this is the most lucid subconscious mind I’ve ever dealt with. This is also the first time I’ve ever met someone besides the owner of the mind.”

“How bad am I?” Shelly asked, then held up a hand to stop her from answering. “Wait. You said my brother is fine? How can that be? He had to be a lot closer to the blast.”

Sonia gave her a quizzical look before answering. “He can’t be harmed. I thought we explained that to you. The fairy sacrificed herself to make him permanent.”

“The fairy? You mean Arethusa?” Shemhazau interrupted. He shook his head and spoke the rest in wonder. “I had heard something like that was possible, but never heard of it actually happening.”

“I guess I didn’t know what you meant by permanent,” Shelly placed her head in her hands. “There were a lot of other things to worry about at the time, and I forgot. How is my dad and everyone else?”

Sonia hesitated and Shelly felt her heart sink. “Your dad is banged up, but he’s fine. Shlee is only a little worse off than Eldon. Her werewolf healing really came in handy. Mandy has a broken arm and a concussion, but she’ll be fine. Brock and Oberon were a little singed, but working hard to put out fires and save lives. Mei is a bit bruised, but otherwise her scales saved her. The president is a strong woman and giving commands to have Maztaim transferred to a maximum security detention area. Two senators are dead, plus the two traitors, one is unaccounted for, and the rest have varying degrees of injury. Only one is in critical condition, but not as bad as you were, which is why I’m working with you.”

“What about Brooke and Becky?” Shelly asked, noting the android’s lack of mentioning them.

“They shielded your father from the worst of the blast,” Sonia said in sad tones.

“I never did like that mermaid much,” Shemhazau said. “But the short brunette seemed nice enough.” Shelly looked aghast at her grandfather. “Don’t look at me like that. Brooke was partly responsible for my wife’s death. The only reason I ever let her live was that she also saved my son’s life. She may have treated my son well, but that doesn’t mean I have to like her.”

“We’re being transferred to the hospital now,” Sonia brought the attention back to her. “I’ve already let everyone know your concerns. Your father let it slip that sex will speed up the recovery process while you are in this place. I don’t think he meant to say it, but Mandy was close by. I wish I could duplicate her skill with drawing out the truth. It’s a handy ability.”

“It’s not necessary when there is a being with a soul here,” Shemhazau admitted, shocking Shelly. She would have expected him to pounce on that idea. Then he went on to shock her even more. “I don’t really count, since I am not an outside influence.” Then he had to go and ruin it. “If you don’t possess a soul, then sexual energy would be the only other way.”

“I am NOT having sex with you!” Shelly shouted at the man. She felt her cheeks burning as the other two stared at her. “Well, I’m not,” she repeated in a calmer tone.

“While that hurts my ego, I’m not the only one here,” Shemhazau stated. He actually had the audacity to look hurt.

“Thanks, but I’m not in the mood,” Shelly said with a sidelong glance at Sonia. It wasn’t that the woman was unattractive, but the thought of doing a machine with her grandfather right there, and after everything else that’d happened… Physical pleasure wasn’t something that she felt justified or desirable of.

“I’m not sure if it would work for me anyway,” Sonia stated. “My synaptic pathways are connected to her, but I’m not really here and don’t possess a soul. Besides, I don’t really like sex.”

Shelly opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. Isn’t Sonia a sex-bot…? Er, sex-android? How can she not like sex?

“I know that look,” Sonia said as her lips twisted in annoyance. “Yes, I’m was originally designed as a sex-droid, and then later given a few tactical upgrades, but that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy the act. I can see that you still don’t understand. Look at it this way. I’ve had to sleep with the worst of the worst in my duties as a spy. I’ve been with the vilest of scum to keep this nation safe. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make, but it doesn’t mean I’ve enjoyed it. I was made to perform, but my advanced A.I. is my own. I have been given a large amount of discretion on how I am able to think and act. Just because I was made capable of seducing and pleasing men and women… Well, that doesn’t define who I am.”

“I never thought of it that way,” Shelly said, then quickly added when Sonia gave her an incredulous look. “I mean about you having your own thoughts and feelings. I suspect Shlee would understand that a lot better than I do, but I understand what you’re saying. You were programmed with certain skills, but you weren’t forced to like those skills with your programming.”

“Who doesn’t like sex?” Shemhazau asked as though neither one had explained. “Did they get your wiring wrong? Maybe they forgot to install the pleasure sensors in the right spots?”

“I assure you, I was built properly,” Sonia intoned. “It’s not that I’m incapable of enjoying sexual relations, but that there is no emotional desire for it.”

“Because you have no soul?” he pressed.

“I have emotions,” Sonia ground her teeth. Shelly could tell that the old man was getting to her. “I don’t need a soul to have emotions. They were added into my algorithms for behavior. Over three thousand separate emotional identities have been downloaded into my memory. Trust me when I say I have emotions. Not only that, but because of the way I was programmed, I have as little or as much control over my emotional state as you do.”

Shemhazau looked at her for a long time. The giddy smile he’d worn was gone, replaced with something else that Shelly almost wanted to call intrigue. It was too intelligent a look for him though, so Shelly assumed it had to be something else. Indigestion maybe?

“Yeah… Um… No. I don’t see it,” he stated after the pause grew uncomfortable. Shelly didn’t understand how he couldn’t see it. Hell, Sonia was glaring at him. Shelly understood what Sonia was saying. Why couldn’t he? “Oh, I believe you have emotions, and can sense things, but I think they missed something in your programming.”

“Since when did you become an expert in A.I. or robotics… er… androidics?” Shelly grew flustered as she tried to come up with the right term.

“Robotics is fine in

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The Succubae Seduction Ch 02

Chapter 02 Dancing with the Devil “I’m sorry I killed you.” Those words veritably bounce around inside my skull, crushing the euphoric mood I’d just been in. Dang-it, Lyden. She’s a succubus! You knew that. Why did you just have sex with her? These thoughts flood through my mind, as I play over the last little while. The sex had been fantastic, if short. Even now, knowing that my death is only a little ways away, I still feel great and energized. I’d thought that I would be...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 21

Chapter 21 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Devil’s Reward Shlee tapped Eldon’s shoulder and pointed to a large rock. “I think that one is it,” she stated in his ear, barely audible over the blowing wind. They were still on his roc’s back, flying over the dry landscape on the border between Fire and Darkness’s demesne. Eldon was lost in his own thoughts, trying to figure out what he was going to say to the vampire. Somehow, ‘Hello. Nice to meet you. You have a wonderful fiancée,...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 16

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 16 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prime Directives Shelly signed the documents, allowing her to leave the hospital. She could have walked out, but they had a silly policy about wheeling patients out the front door, regardless of their condition. Did they think she was going to trip and sue them? “You’re agitated,” Sonia stated as she pushed the wheelchair. “I thought you’d be happy to get out of here.” “I didn’t think...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 27

Chapter 27 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Knightfall Eldon stared at the blood dripping from Megan’s chin. His mind focused like a laser on the runnel as it pumped from the small cut, traveled down her smooth neck, and stained her shirt. He knew he should be more worried about the Paladonic Knights that managed to not only track the Orange Bubble but actually attack it. But his mind couldn’t fasten onto something he thought was impossible. It was better than admitting that he...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 29

Chapter 29 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IconoClash Shelly had visited the desserts in the Middle East. She’d seen wealthy countries with ugly landscapes. Discounting the Pillar of Darkness’s demesne, which only the devil knew the landscape of, she couldn’t think of an area she disliked more than the one she walked through now. Even Antarctica held it’s own beauty and more color than the lands controlled by the Pillar of Light. It didn’t help that she remembered what happened...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 17

Chapter 17 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prodigal Daughter Eldon’s phone ringing startled him awake. “Wha—?” He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Mandy groaned and rolled away from him, but Shlee whimpered and cuddled up closer. They were together on the floor at the foot of the bed. Sonia and Shelly were near the front of the car, by the fountain. His mom and dad had the bed and didn’t seem to notice Eldon’s phone ringing. By the time he pulled it from the glove compartment...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 22

Chapter 22 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Universal Creation Lyden collapsed back onto the plush bed, feeling more alive than he had in years. Thanks to Angela’s magic turning back his internal clock and making him younger, he wasn’t even out of breath after… “Your abilities as a generator seemed to have gained some strength as well as your libido,” Gaia sighed next to him. “I’ll have to make sure and thank the Pillar of Fire for that.” “My libido, or your magic forcing me?”...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 15

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Going Ogre-board Someone groaned nearby, but the sound reached Eldon’s ears as a distorted and hollow moan. Light flickered from the other side of his eyelids, making it difficult for him to get some rest. The groan sounded again, annoying him. He was getting some good sleep in, until that moaner decided to be rude and not stay quiet. “Would you knock that off? I’m trying… to…” he trailed...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 11

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 11 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = False Starts “Damn it!” Eldon cursed as his fist connected with the very solid brick wall of the waiting room. It hurt, but the pain receded almost immediately. Thanks to Areth’s sacrifice, his body was locked into its current state of health. He avoided looking at the statue still clutched in his father’s white-knuckled grip. Could this week get any worse? It started with them getting...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 101

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Before It’s Too Late The air swirled around Shelly as hands flung her into the cell. Striking the back wall would have hurt a lot less if she could have shifted into a shield. Her metal surface would have clattered against the cement floor instead of her shoulder. Instead, nausea swamped her as she attempted the change. She felt too weak to crawl to a corner and vomit. It took most of her...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 12

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 12 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Nowhere to Run The air and world around them went up in flames. A building off to their right exploded as something slammed into it. The shockwave made her head ring and her eyesight blury. Debris rained down around them before they could try to dive back into the building they stepped out of. The rude man that’d directed them out here tried to shove them back into the building. The act to...

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The Succubae Seduction Ch 01

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 01 Dead Ends Ker-chink Sighing, I set the completed report aside after stapling it, and putting it on top of another set of reports that will likely get just as ignored, as the head honchos of our company make their billion dollar decisions. Craning my neck and back, I grunt as I feel my back pop. I look around my office. . . . Well, I’m not really sure I can call this room an office. Five desks are arrayed around the room in a...

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The Succubae Seduction 3 Knights Son Ch 02

Chapter 02 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Legacy Now, I don’t consider myself an insensitive person, and I have a high regard for life. However, I also believe some people should be removed from society with extreme prejudice: child molesters, rapists, and people who don’t use their blinker among them. Okay, I’m joking with that last one. Anyway, my father’s death gave me more of a feeling of relief than one of sadness. Yet, as I sat in the lobby of Kingsley, Nowell, Issa,...

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The Succubae Seduction 3 Knights Son Ch 01

Chapter 01 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = End of the World The day I signed away my soul to become a bad guy changed my entire world. Hell, that week changed the world for everyone! For the record, the only reason I’m writing this is that my therapist thinks it’ll help me cope with everything that’s happened. What does she know, though? She has a vested interest in making sure I survive. Of course, I’ll have to do it while I’m running around and trying to not be the bad...

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The Succubae Seduction Ch 03

Chapter 03 Working Things Out No sleep comes for me as I lie in bed, hating myself for what I’ve done to those two women. The worst part is that I actually feel good right now, which only makes me feel even worse. I just wish I had some way of contacting Angela. Hadn’t she told me that there was a way to give energy, rather than take it? How much longer is she going to be gone? If I had a keycard like hers, I’d be able to go to the Shadow World, and ask her. If, if, how, and if: my life...

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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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Mothers seduction

There was no question, a part of me was shocked yet at the same time I have to admit, it wasn't as if the signs hadn't been there and for that matter, for some long while. I guess the truth was I'd hoped it was little more than my imagination. I eased back a little from my vantage point at the top of the landing, sure I couldn't and wouldn't be seen. For one, the two of them would have assumed I had gone to bed. The second reason being, sitting as they were on the sofa, pretty...

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Stud Twins

Stud TwinsMy divorce was final. My ex had moved to the East Coast with her new lover and somehow had managed to take our teenage son with her. I was still dazed and confused how the court had made that happen. He was at the age, I thought, where he needed a father more than a mother. The house was being sold and I was moving into a two-story place on Elm Street. It was too big for one but I was reasonably sure, and hopeful, that Travis would be moving back with me late in the summer to go to...

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The New Life and Slavery of Chinese Twins

The New Life and Slavery of Chinese TwinsBy Seeker 111It’s amazing how quickly your life can change. Just a mere three years ago I was your normal struggling worker trying to eke out a living and also fulfill my darkest desires.  Then the lottery changed it all.  I had purchased $10.00 worth of quick picks for the multi state Win Big. The jackpot was over $750,000,000.00. Imagine my surprise when I went to check my tickets, having missed the drawing due to work, and found out that I was the...

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Wonder Twins in Clean It Up

Wonder Twins in Clean It Up! By Sasha Zarya Nexus Goddess of Exxor Universe, A Super Friends Fan Fiction This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 and the song "Believe it or not", written by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer Copyright 1981 Elektra Records and "The Greatest American Heroine Copyright 1986 Stephen J Cannell and "Part of your World", by Howard...

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Twins Revenge

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

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Twins Revenge An Adult Story

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

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The Stork Twins Part 1

The place where I grew up was a medium-sized coastal city, a couple of hours away from Sydney, and it was a great place to live and to call my home town. My dad was sent there on a job transfer to take over as district manager for a big finance company when I was so young I can barely remember living anywhere else, and he liked the place so much that he used to tell my mother that if the company ever tried to move him again, he would just quit and find a new job.Now, about twelve miles out of...

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The Bestiality Twins Part 1 The Puppy

Introduction: Two virgin twins have sex with the family puppy on their 18th birthday! The sun was beginning to set. Black against the orange and pink sky, a hummingbird flew. Soon nearing a quaint, ancestral home, the small bird veered off moments before reaching it. Performing a large semi-circle turn, it flew over the small stable that stood behind the residence before reaching the tall tree that stood next to the family home. Landing on a large branch that stood halfway up the tree, the bird...

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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 3 Jennys Halloween Sleepover

This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 4 Twins Strip for Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Twins Strip for Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “They're on the move,” Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis, said, staring at the screen, a drone watching the God and his naked family piling into their car. “What's the status on the church?” “They're sending drones there now,” Deidre's daughter, Alexis, said. The eighteen-year-old sat naked on her...

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Naturist School CounselorChapter 7 The Twins

After lunch Julie and I had patrol duty. The Green was a sea of red and black clothing, Liberty High School's colors, and I'd never seen so many "Red Devil" sweatshirts. All in all it was an impressive display of school pride. At the same time the Green was buzzing with gossip. Apparently Ali and the Twins had made peace and were in the process of apologizing to just about every group on the Green. It made for some intense discussions as I don't think half the people realized that some...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 30 The Twins Come of Age

Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...

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Futas Wild Passion 18 Futa Spies on the Twins

Chapter Eighteen: Futa Spies on the Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Allie had her laptop out and booted up on my bed. She was wearing a skirt, but I knew she didn't have panties on underneath. Her naked twat had flashed at me when she'd raced before me up the stairs to reach my bedroom. I reached beneath my skirt and shimmied out my panties. My futa-cock groaned in relief. Even these roomier panties, designed for transwomen...

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My Twins and Kacy

I tapped my pencil against my cheek. This class was so boring. I glanced around the big classroom and saw towards the door, a pair of electric blue eyes studying me. They belonged to a girl. I tilted my head as I looked her over. Make that a woman. She definitely had more curves then I did. I huffed, a little jealous of the very perky blonde. Women like her were the bane of my existence. I had brown-auburn hair and dark brown eyes with a long lean body. At least, Jake and Addison liked it. Her...

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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 2 Sweet Sixteen

Debbie gives two gifts to her sweet sixteen sister. …Jenny is overwhelmed. Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen The marriage and honeymoon are over and Debbie settles into a life of family bliss. She’s never been happier, but she realizes that big changes are coming. Debbie is starting to show. It’s been great, but she must stop being the receptacle for all that the young twins ejaculate. The summer of strenuous sex must end… Monday morning When the twins...

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TwinsChapter 24

The twins put their arms around each other and walked over to the lift. This wasn’t exactly a ride but more of a way to get from one end of the park to the other while getting a bird’s eye view of the park. Allie wondered if she spread her legs a little if anyone on the ground could see her pussy. Alex didn’t try to do anything with her except put his arm around her. He didn’t want her getting too aroused before their evening of love making. As they were descending, Allie slowly pulled up...

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Carrie8217s Seduction

“Do you have your sunblock, Carrie?” asked her mom. She worried about Carrie’s fair skin, and Carrie’s new, first time two- piece swimsuit was an invitation to solar disaster. But she sure looks cute, she said to herself, as ten-year-old Carrie promptly displayed the bottle of sunblock. “Lisa, make sure Carrie uses it. And don’t let her stay in the sun without it. Okay, towels, cooler, beach blanket…do you have every thing?” ...

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Mom had never slept in satin sheets, nor with me. By Oediplex 8==3~ It was autumn. Not just the Fall, but Indian Summer too; one of those perfect set of days, when it was not too cold and the humidity remained low. My favorite time of the year. Mom's too, and since I live in a pretty part of New England, with the foliage in full flourish, I invited her out to my place. I wanted to get her out. Not just out to visit me, but out of her apartment, out of the City; and out of her...

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The Tucker Twins

“The Tucker Twins” Sequel To “Tuckers Island” Notice to my Readers. Dear Readers, If you have not already read “Tuckers Island” please stop here, as this story will make very little sense to you if this is the case. Please go back and read the main story “Tuckers Island” Thank you Gail Holmes “The Tucker Twins” Bristol Airport had been the easiest at the time; the twins had cherished the flight, although it had been a long haul. Ben had being staying on the...

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The Lock Twins

When Lock twins, Billy and Willy were born, their dad was already a man in his early forties. He had married rather late in life and by the time of their birth, their much younger mother was only twenty-five years old. Their dad was named William Peter Lock, a family tradition that went back generations. After the twins came into this world, this presented their father with somewhat of a conundrum. He figured that if he gave the older twin the conventional family names, the second twin would...

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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...

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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan. ~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth." "Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose...

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The Twins

The Twins Erotic Fiction by [email protected] This story is fiction depicting two twins and their boyfriend. This story may contain illegal sexual acts in some places. If you live in such a place, MOVE! If you're too young to be reading sexual fiction, you should stop now! I grew up in a nice suburban community. When I was 7, the Twins, Tracey and Terri, moved in next door. They were 2 cute little girls, and we became fast friends. Tracey was more a "girly-girl",...

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The Twins

I sat in my office thinking. I noticed the last couple of days that my twins, Matt and Mattie, aged fifteen, were unusually quiet and uneasy around me at home. They had always been open and looked me in the eyes when I talked to them. Matthew and Matilda were the ones that made my existence possible. This wasn't the case yesterday and this morning. There was so much different about their actions, I decided to go home early. They were usually home from school soon after three. I'd meet them...

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The Maya Twins

The Maya Twins By Carmenica Diaz Note: This is an excerpt from a recently publishedE-Novel. Once upon a time, there were the Maya twins. Hannahand Savannah Maya were identical, breathtakingly beautiful and with definitionof morality that was unique. Very, very rich and constantly bored, they wereamused when Hannah's new husband, Jonathan, declared his undying love withthe purchase of the state of the art chastity belt, the Dickson Device. Silly man! The Maya twins saw an opportunity tohave...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 2 The Twins

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Two: The Twins Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One...

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Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....

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Lingerie SeductionAllies Turn

It had been three months since Sassie had taken Jackson’s virginity. When visiting Sassie the weekend before and hearing it first hand from the seducer, Allie had been thinking of seducing Jackson herself. When in college, she and Sassie had the reputation of being known as the Seducer Twins—a title they were proud to hold. Now, three years later, they had grown up and moved on to be successful business women. But the seduction and taking of Jackson’s virginity by Sassie brought back the urge...

First Time
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 19 Return of the Twins

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

4 years ago
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Thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins

My thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins (full story)For those who don’t like long stories, I’m sorry but I hope you all enjoy.Chapter 1 We’ve just finished an excellent meal at our favourite restaurant. My wife is sliding out of her chair as I pay the bill. Sam has a great body, even at 45. Tonight her dress is a striking little red number. The length is respectable but the cleavage displayed is outrageous. Her exposed bosom guaranteed us excellent service. I complement her once more for...

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Twins have fun

Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...

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Daddys Hot Twins Chapter 1

They were a vision of passion-filled female beauty lying side by side on the bed. Their naked bodies glowed as the overhead strobe-light whirled, sending its myriad colors down to caress their tantalizingly perfect forms. Their breasts, their skin, even their dark pubic hair took on new vistas of sexual allure as they glowed amber, blue, red, a cream-white and then started slowly going through the whole color spectrum all over again. Les Jacobs stood at the foot of the bed, also naked, his...

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TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 13 The Twins

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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The Teasing Taylor Twins

                         The Teasing Taylors – PrologueThe Taylor twins had never been so excited in their lives. Admittedly they had been fairly short lives so far, but now that they had reached their 16th birthdays, they were in for a treat that both had been awaiting eagerly for almost the past 12 months.They were bubbling with pent-up excitement as they climbed aboard the express from Paddington due for Taunton, in England’s West Country, where they would be picked up by their aunt, the...

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The Seduction

01.01 Mary, Lilly, John, The conspiracy: 01.02 Mary, Lilly, John, The preparation: 01.03 Lilly, John, Seduction, Handjob: 01.04 Lilly, John, Seduction, Deep Throat: 01.05 John, Lilly, Seduction, Mating: 01.01 Mary, Lilly, John: Mary, 30, a widower, and her daughter Lilly, live next door to John, a 32 year old who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Lilly is a precocious 16 year and has come to look at John as both a...

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