Wagner free porn video

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Finding a housemate is such a daunting task. You never know who you are going to get or what they may be like; despite your best attempts to interview prospective renters and weed out the freaks and losers. To actually find someone that will become your best friend, and change your life, is as remote a possibility as a snowball's chance in hell.

After days of interviews, countless shady characters and people whom I knew I wouldn't get along with, I narrowed it down to two people. One was a 48 year-old woman, who was just finished divorcing her husband and trying to save up money to buy a house, and the other was a 28 year-old single guy who was tired of apartment communities, he was working as the manager of a car rental agency and also saving up for a house. I decided that the woman, although mature, professional, and from what she said a great cook, was a liability because of her ex-husband. I didn't need to be in the middle of any family problems that might surface because of this.

Two weeks later, Wagner started to move in. He had three of his friends there to help him. Being that it was a hot summer day, I offered to help them. The four of us unloaded the truck in about an hour and worked up such a sweat in the process; we all jumped into the pool to cool off. Now, I should say that I had never had a relationship with a man, nor had I ever considered any guy a potential lover. I was able, however, to recognize attractive men as well as women. Let's face it, some men ARE good looking. I can appreciate a man's well-toned body, good skin and still not be attracted to him. It was on this day, that a noticed how good-looking Wagner and his friends are. They were all in great shape, especially Wagner, whose well-toned body was emphasized by his tanned skin. I watched him as he swam around.

"Yep," I thought. "The women must go nuts over this one."

As time went on, Wagner and I became friends. We hung out at the house. Went swimming together. Played chess and cards. Rented movies. I even took him around town to see some of the sights, since he had only been in the town for about a year and still hadn't seen everything.

One night, about two months after he had moved in, I had gone out on a date with this girl I had met through my graduate course at the college. Her name was Tara and she was beautiful, smart and very funny. I was hoping that we would really hit it off. Wagner knew this because I had explained it all to him. He was happy just to have the house all to himself.

I met Tara at the restaurant. She was dressed in a tight-fitting black dress that really showed off her cleavage, without being distasteful. But the best part of the dress was that it showed off her beautiful legs. They were smooth and as shapely as perfect pieces of fruit. I bet that they probably tasted as sweet. I was beside myself with desire for this woman. We really did hit it off too. I felt comfortable with her; felt I could make her laugh. And I did. She made me laugh too.

Then it happened. In the middle of one of her witty comments on American society, which is what she liked to talk about, and as I was laughing with her, enjoying the twinkle in her eye, and her pretty smile, I saw her visage melt and go south.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Shit," she said.

"Damn! It's him," she warned.

"Him who?" I questioned.

"My ex-boyfriend," she informed.

"And?" I questioned again.

"I hate him," she stated. "He's an ass. I can't stand to be in the same room as him."

"That bad?" I hoped I would find out how bad it was. But she didn't want to talk about it. I looked at her hands. They were shaking slightly.

"Would you like to leave?" I really didn't, but I knew she needed to get out of there.

On our way to her car, she invited me to come to her place. Her body looked so good in the night air, how could I say no?

When we got to her apartment, we jumped in each other's arms and played with each other's tongues. She was an animal. She tore at my clothes and had my pants down before I knew what was happening. I was breathing like I had just run a marathon and my dick was as hard as steel.

When she started to rub my cock through my boxers, I thought I was going to pass out. She started to bite it through the material while we echoed our moans.

"Take it out please," I begged her.

She did. She immediately started to lick it up and down. When she put the head in her mouth I almost fainted. Then I felt cold air and waited a moment for her return. But it didn't come. I opened my eyes to see her almost in tears.

"What's wrong," I asked?

"It's him," she said.

"Fuck!" I thought to myself.

She went on to tell me that she was still getting over him and seeing him tonight was just too much right now. She then told me that she really liked me, but was scared to get into anything right now. Any other woman and I might have gotten really pissed. But because I liked her a lot too, I decide to give it a chance, despite the fact I was blue balled. I had to get out of there.

When I got home, I decided to go for a swim to cool myself off. I didn't see Wagner and the lights out back were off, so I figured he'd gone out. I got on my suit and jumped in the pool. Wagner was in the pool. He laughed when he saw the look of surprise on my face. He told me that he heard me pull up and knew I would be going for the pool, so he would try and scare me.

"Well, you didn't scare me, but you did startle me," I laughed.

"What happened to your hot date?"

I groaned and told him about what happened. Everything.

"Great... Thanks," I said.

"What? He asked.

"I wanted to go for a swim to cool off. Making me remember tonight has gotten me hard again."

He laughed and said, "It's a good thing it's dark cuz I'm naked and your story got me hard too!"

"Ha ha!" I laughed. "Let me see. I don't believe you."

Without thinking I dunked under the water and swam up to him. In the dark I could hardly see him until I was right up on him. I came so close that I nearly touched him. And it was big. And it was in my face. I panicked for a minute and jumped up.

"Holy shit. Sorry, man. I didn't believe you."

"Hey. No problem, man. No harm done. I'll go put on a suit. Be right back."

As he got out of the pool I was able to see his hard pole pointing the way and his well-formed asscheeks following. He turned his head and caught me looking. I panicked. In that moment I tried to do something to hide the fact that I was watching him. I made it look like I was aiming and I splashed him. He immediately jumped in the water and we started wrestling. I couldn't believe what was happening. We were laughing and giggling as we grabbed at each other.

I dunked him on my first try. While he was under he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down with him. On my way back up he tried to grab me by the sides of my chest, but he slid down as I kicked off from the bottom. In that instant my suit came down to my ankles and off as I jetted through the water.

"Ha! Now we are both even!" He shouted.

"Give me back my suit, ya bastard!" I playfully shouted.

"Hey it was your fault. You shouldn't have jumped like that!"

With that, I lunged at him in a bid to grab them back. He was too fast and too tall, as he held them up in the air and jumped, as I jumped to grab them. As I came down, our bodies ran together. I felt his still hard dick rub against mine. I saw sparks. It felt weird. In my panic, the only way to cover it up was to continue trying to get my shorts. On my next jump, I landed right on him. Straddling his hips. Our dicks rubbing together. I pulled him under with me, and we separated for a moment. In that moment I realized how hard I was and how hard he was. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled as his eyes seemed to penetrate deep into mine.

"Still want your suit back?" he asked smugly.

I couldn't say anything. I was confused.

I backed away.

"Sorry. I'm not gay," I said this while sporting a major hard-on that I knew he had to have felt.

That was the best thing I could come up with.

"Haha! No one ever said you were!" He laughed. "I guess now would be a bad time to tell you I am," he said. "But seeing as you are as hard as I am, I'm thinking that your cock has a mind of it's own."

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"I hope you're not mad that I didn't tell you I was gay. I really needed a place to live and you seemed cool."

"I really don't know what to say," I said.

"I don't know what to think either," I thought. "I should be getting out of the pool. I should be kicking his ass. Or at least trying. I should at the very least be trying to get my suit back. In fact, I shouldn't even be excited. But I am."

"It's cool." he said. "You don't have to say anything. Have you ever been with a guy before? I ask because you are obviously turned on. Sorry for being so honest, but that's just the way I am."

"No. I have never. But. Um. But..." I couldn't say it. I couldn't admit that I wanted to try it. That, yes, I was hot. "Nevermind." I said.

"But you are curious?" He said, as he reached out to hand me my suit.

As I took it, our fingers met and lingered for a moment. He looked me in the eyes and trailed down my body. His hand touched my shoulder.

"You want to see what it's like to feel another prick besides your own?" He whispered this into my ear and I felt his prick touch my leg. "You want to touch it. To feel it."

I was breathing harder now.

"You want to know if another man would naturally know how to please a you," his hand traveled down my arm.

He took both my hands in his. I wanted to pull away but couldn't.

"I... er..." I stammered.

"Shhh. Don't speak,"with that, he reached into the water and cupped my balls.

I moaned. He then ran my cock through his fingers, sending lighting bolts through my head. I grabbed hold of his waist to balance my self and in the process pulled him into me. Chest to chest. Our cocks pressing against our bellies.

"MMmmm. Yeah," he moaned.

"I'm... I..." As I said that, he kissed me.

I was frozen. He pulled back and looked in me eyes for a sign to proceed. I went with the moment and kissed him. It surprised him as much as it surprised him and as our kiss grew in passion, our hands started roaming, eventually grabbing each other's cheeks and grinding our cocks together.

"Wow!" He said. "That was some kiss!"

"I know," I said through my short breaths. "I've never been this turned on in my life. I want to do things to you that I never dreamed of doing with another human being!"

He laughed and said, "Slowly. Relax. We have all night."

With that, he kissed me again. He sucked my tongue into his mouth and I was tongue kissing a guy for the first time. It felt amazing. I began to suck on his tongue and twirl mine all over his. He began to move down now. He kissed his way onto my neck; sucking on it and licking it. He started to kiss his way to my chest. I couldn't believe the anticipation. I wanted him to be licking my nipples.

When he started to bite my nipples, getting them to stand at attention, I didn't believe it would feel so right. Sooo good. He licked them and bit them until they were almost raw. My cock was pulsating to the rhythm of my heartbeats. I then realized I hadn't felt his cock in my hand. I pulled him up to me to kiss him, and cupped his balls.

He moaned out, "Yes!" as I stroked and explored his cock.

I wanted to be able to see it. Play with it. We decided to go into the house. So we both jumped out of the pool.

I followed him. Once in the house, I slapped his hard ass cheeks as he entered the bedroom.

"That's for stealing my shorts!" I shouted.

He laughed and said, "Oh yeah? Come here, dickhead."

When I did, he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. We began wrestling around. Trying to gain the advantage. He finally grabbed my shoulders and pushed me on to my back as he straddled me. His hands holding mine above my head to keep me immobilized. He looked into my eyes and ground his cock into mine. I gyrated against him.

"This is for being a hot stud that I am going to teach things to that you never dreamed possible," he said, just before he kissed me deeply for the third time that night.

Then he was humping my dick. Kissing his way down my chest. I shook as I felt the anticipation grow as he moved closer and closer to his destination.

He took my cock in his hand and slipped it into his mouth. I let out another groan as my eyes rolled back in my head. His tongue was doing things that very few of my girlfriends had ever done. Twirling around the tip. Licking from the base to the tip like it was a big ice-cream cone. When he started licking my balls, I stopped him and we got into a 69. Now I was able to see what it was like.

I studied it first. I felt its size with my fingers; ran them across the veins; stuck out my tongue and just barley touched it. I watched as it jumped to my touch. I then put the head in my mouth. Tasted it. Ran my tongue around it. I was rewarded with Wagner's moans from what he was doing to me. I began working it into my mouth. It was hard: in every sense of the word. I realized it would take some practice to get it into my throat. It was either too big for me, or I just didn't know what I was doing. I was apparently doing fine with what I my tongue was doing because he was leaking pre-cum all over my face.

As I began to work my way further down the shaft, I felt him move under me. He changed his position. I didn't understand how he was going to suck me from he way he was positioned now. I was still able to get at him though. My confusion didn't last long as I felt him licking just below my balls. The spot were the "root" of my cock is.

"Oh my god!" I yelled.

It made me shiver. His tongue was licking its way down to my ass and in an instant his tongue was teasing my most private spot. I was loving every minute of it. He tongued my hole like I would tongue a pussy. Softly. Getting it wet. Trying to get it inside. I had long stopped what I was doing. I was too busy enjoying what he was doing.

Because of this he turned me around so he could reach me better. He licked me there for what seemed like only seconds, but it was probably more like ten minutes. Then I felt his finger start to enter me. I must have tensed up because he asked me if I was OK.

"I don't know if I want to do that," I said.

"Well you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but I think you should try this. If you like it, you will LOVE it! I'll stop if you want me to though."

I heard myself agreeing to try it. I had come this far. I had enjoyed everything so far.

I felt him there again. This time his mouth started to play with my cock again as he tried to work his finger into me. I jumped when it was all the way in and he started wriggling it around. I felt my cock get harder than it already was. He began to work his finger in and out as he sucked and licked my cock. Suddenly I felt his finger change its angle, pushing up against the back of my cock and balls. I saw sparks fly and thought I was going to cum right there.

"Found it!" He said.

"Found what?" I asked.

I already knew. I had read stories about the male prostate acting like a g-spot. How some men can come with out any penile stimulus. An orgasm caused by the massage of the prostate gland. But I wanted to hear it from him.

"Your prostate. Your G-spot!"

He continued to rub against it. I now knew what it meant. It was like a whole new world of sexual stimulation was opened to me. I wondered. If a finger felt that good, what would something larger feel like? I tried to speak. But I could hardly get the words out.

"DO it!" I moaned. "Please!"

He just moaned his agreement and went back to work.

"No! Please?" I babbled.

"What?" He asked.

"I've got to feel it. I want to cum with you in me."

"You want me to FUCK you?" He teased.

"Yes! Now, do it!"

"Say it! Beg me!" He said.

The bastard. He was teasing me.

"Fuck me! Send me in to orbit. Please!"

"No," he said.

"Fuck! Please. Take my virgin ass."

"You want it? You come get it!"

I trembled as I got up to get some lube. I worked it into his cock and got a few moans out of him in the process. I even worked some onto his balls just to feel them again. When I was done I got onto my hands and knees, feeling myself shake with anticipation, in front of him.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's it. You want my cock? Come and get it."

I started to back up. He helped by aiming his cock at me. But that's all he did. Just aimed it at me. He wanted ME to fuck HIM!

"I really don't know what to do," I said.

"Just do as I say. I won't let you get hurt."

I eased back until I felt him against my hole. I slowly tried to work it in. I felt the head break the initial barrier and I pulled back. I started to use his cock head to massage the hole as it began to open.

"Yeah you little whore. That's it. Work it in."

His encouragement sent me to work even harder.

I finally got the head in. He told me to pull back each time I make progress and push back with my internal muscles as I bring it in. So again I pulled back but this time not all the way. The next time I did it, it felt almost as if my ass was sucking him in; he slid all the way in. I stopped to let my self get adjusted.

"Good. Your doin' fine. How does it feel?" He asked.

"Amazing!" I said in a short breaths.

"It's just starting baby."

I then began to fuck him. I started slowly. Pulling all the way out before I impaled myself on him. I began to work out a rhythm and when I withdrew him, I squeezed his cock in my ass and released it on the way in.

He let out an, "Oh yeah! You're getting it now!"

Half way through this he started to take over in the fucking department. He began to gyrate his hips and grind them into me. Several pumps like that and I was moaning and fucking him back even harder.

"That's it baby! You lovin my cock now! Yeah! But it gets even better than this. Turn over."

I turned over and he put my legs on his shoulders. He told me this would let him get that g-spot better and with those words, he speared me on his cock in one swift motion and began fucking me, with his cock rubbing right up against that magic button. He was pounding my ass. I was trying to keep up but couldn't. I needed to cum. I reached up to grab my cock only to have him bat it away.

"Wait. You'll see," he said.

And with that he picked up the pace. His cock rubbing and sometimes pounding my prostate. I felt the cum that had been boiling all night in my balls began to press against my cock. I couldn't hold back. It just happened. My come started flying out of my dick as it bounced on my stomach. Four or five spurts came spilling out and then, as he ground into me one last time to let his seed fill me, I exploded in one huge orgasm that sent a river of cum shooting up and over my head. When I opened my eyes he was licking the cum from my chest, his cock still inside my ass.

"Wow!" Was all I could say.

"Yeah," he said as he kissed me. We both slept late the next day.

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leannas week of fun

Leanna had decided to go visit her best friend in Boston for a weeks vacation. She sat at her computer looking at flights and her schedule as she was a big time writer and had hit a wall in what to write. So she gave her bestie a call and said she need to get away from Georgia for a few days and asked if she could stay with her and her roomie for a week. Her bestie, Rosa said yes both her and Chris would love to have her stay. they decided the best time to visit was at the start of July when...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 The Black Coach

A long, heavy silence followed the Professor's story, during which time he had kept his gaze fixed on the top of the desk, and his hand clutching the bottle of Jenever. At last he stirred and poured himself a glass. "Although the notes are in a cypher of my own design a skilled mathematician would not take too long to break the code, and then every apothecary in Europe would be free to manufacture Satan's Breath. I wrote to Henry Addington over three months ago, and God knows how far and...

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Bosss Night Out

by Rogerme A boss insinuates himself into the two lovers' scheduled romantic night...[FMM, Cuckold.]. * * * * * My lover and I have a lot of fun doing various things: dining, travel, shopping. And “YES!” lots and lots of fucking. But, it is our special Friday night visits that are, well, the icing on the cake. He and I are both married but to others and our married lives are boring with only the occasional "mandatory" sexual interludes. Jerry and I get together on some...

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Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck with Iraq Army markings was roaring toward the checkpoint. Instead of slowing down as they neared the check point the large truck actually increased its...

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Fantasies Fulfilled1

Everyone has sexual fantasies; men and women alike. But few ever have the chance to act on their fantasies. Oh, some may be lucky enough to have one fulfilled, occasionally, but generally speaking, they will remain just a fantasy. My wife and I were married fairly young; she was eighteen and I was twenty one, so our sexual experience was somewhat limited. We were fortunate, however, in that neither of us was too “hung up” on taboos, so we willingly experimented with each other and learned...

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My first experience with a female colleague

I was actually in delhi working for a mnc..i had begun my career fresh out of college in this org at 22 yrs in dec 2003..it so happened that after two yrs of my joining this org i met a girl..she was also a fresher & this was her first job..to b very frank there was no such kind of fatal attraction or any such love at first sight..nothing ..just normal.. A person like me believes that simplicity is the best deal of life..no complexity at all..so we were just colleagues ..she had taken a house...

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Goodnight Daddy Part 2

I decided to do some work from my home office on this day. Again my mind wanders into Dad perv mode and I decide to go up to the scene of the crime- Cora's bedroom. I sit on the bed looking around the room and start rubbing my cock getting hard. I unzip my pants and take it out and start jacking off sitting on Cora's bed. Quickly I can feel my cock growing tightening my pants, I unzip and ease my dick out. It's is super hard and I grip it with enough pressure to stroke my foreskin moving it...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart 7 For the Love of the Queen

Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn't move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. "Suz," he said gently, rubbing her naked back. "Wake up Suz. The dream is back." "Hmmm?" she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. "Morning to you too," Joey said tenderly. "Is the Queen the Queen, or...

2 years ago
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FATHER & SON BANQUET: The Appetizer It all started when I caught him in the basement beating off to the men in a magazine and he invited me to suck his wonderful un-circumcised cock. It was the exactly the same size as mine. In fact, playing with dad was perhaps the closest thing I have come to sucking my own cock only with a perfect foreskin that I loved pushing and pulling. It was incredible. Once my mom became convinced that dad liked men more than her they broke up—though they remained...

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Spanking Lucy

My thanks to EnglishRose28, for her guidance and candor about where my story crossed the line from hot to scary, especially when it came to her luscious nipples. I’m seated on a small armless chair in the center of the room, and you stand before me, your beautiful hazel eyes cast downward in supplication. You wait for my instructions, and with a slight nod I bid you to proceed. You turn away from me, reach up under your dress with both hands, and pull your panties down as far as you can, just...

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Indian Summer pt3 TRUE STORY

The week was over and while k**s were leaving school running home to go to parties and the mall we teenagers were interested in lol, Karithy and I rushed back to her place and eager for a hot steamy wild fuck session. We waisted no time , we pushed our horny bodies close together and kissed so passionately as we ripped our clothes off each other, we were completely nude as we kissed i pushed her on her bed and sat her on her back , she spread her legs exposing her puffy pink wet pussy to me i...

3 years ago
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A Family At Odds Chapter 9

Introduction: The women decide to dress up to get there men to ask for their forgiveness and then shed there clothes to get their love I am awaken feeling something wet around my cock. The sensation was getting intense as I looked down and saw the cover going up and down. I had no idea who it was as my mind started to wonder if Savannah thought to surprise me or Megan. I reached for the cover and lifted it up and off to see which one it was. Once it was off the one giving a great blow job. I...

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Lady in Red Ch 32

Gwen and Steve arrived at the Governor’s mansion in plenty of time for the rehearsal. Steve had tried to beg off, and remain at the hotel, but Gwen wouldn’t hear of it. ‘I know you aren’t in the wedding party, but Amber and her parents will want you there. Remember how they treated you last time we saw them? Besides, we’ll be going to dinner afterward and I’ll need you to protect me from all of those handsome Army Rangers.’ Lisa and Jason met Gwen and Steve as soon as they were granted access...

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June and AliceChapter 8 Rick Maddy

After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...

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Lurkers In The Hall

Thomas got out of his bmw and looked up at the old mansion. The large old house stood out against the sky and the sea beyond, surrounded by primevil forests, but alone on this shunned and deserted stretch of coast.The sun was rapidly fading, casting long shadows from the house's turrets out towards the sea. The shadows extended the two hundred feet towards the edge of the cliff. Thomas could see whitecaps on the stormy Atlantic heading towards the shore and he heard the waves breaking...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

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Amnesty Program Ch 04

Rebecca sat cross legged on the couch with Jason’s laptop in front of her, typing their daily report. She felt small in his clothes, and the sleeves fell over her hands. Jason sat next to her, concentrating on sewing the button back on her grey dress. Hunched over the cloth, with an endearingly earnest air, and she saw that he had some skill. He had matched the thread to the other buttons perfectly and she watched his long fingers do the tiny needlework. It occurred to her that his hands were...

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The GameChapter 12

Sarah tasted Ann's orgasm for the third time that evening. The young florist was a total submissive, squirming, twisting and whining beneath the police detective as they shared their nests in a classic sixty-nine melding of naked bodies. Sarah had almost cum once, but she wished, as she always wound up doing, for someone different. The moment women found she was a police detective they wanted, expected her to become the dominant partner. What they failed to realize was that after several...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 21

Philip lay on the bed of room four-twelve, his head propped on a folded pillow, fingers intertwined cupping his cranium. His shoes were off and his stockinged feet rested in Ai’s little lap. He was in a pensive mood. Philip was a believer in the dictum that ‘you get what you pay for’ with the slight modification that if you got something for free you still had to earn it. Contemplating the treatment he had already received from Mei and Ai, and that which he felt sure was to come, he sought a...

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A Cold Reading Turned Hot

Mike tossed the issue of Variety on the small table beside him and looked at his watch. It was an old issue he’d read before, anyway. The casting agent seemed to have forgotten their appointment. He glanced at the bored receptionist, wondering what he should do next, when the door to the office opened. ‘Mike…’ A thin, middle-aged man glanced at the photo and resume in his hand, then looked up again. ‘Bine?’ ‘Bean. It-it’s pronounced ‘bean.” ‘Yeah, Biehn. Got it. Come in.’ The man quickly...

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Craving My Husband

i got out of my car, shivering because the october weather had set in. i wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my arms as i went inside. the sound of absolutely nothing was welcoming. i heard the tick of the clock as i passed by the living room, and heard the dogs paws scurry across the tile in the kitchen to greet me. i sat my keys down on the table in the kitchen and dialed Matts number on our house phone. i was getting ready to leave a voice mail when he answered. hey baby, his soft,...

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JulesJordan Evelyn Claire Wants As Much Cock As She Can Get

Evelyn Claire’s stunning beauty is on full display in this POV scene with Manuel Ferrara. Pale-skinned Evelyn is looking sexy as ever in her ‘spider web’ lingerie with matching stockings and a choker. She shows off her tight body for Manuel and while she’s bending over a pool table, he can’t resist reaching out and fingers her tight pussy. Evelyn reaches back to rub his big cock through his jeans then sits spread eagle on the pool table and rubs her pussy for everyone to see. They make their...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 63

Over the next five days classes were the norm, but everybody seemed genuinely interested. We had some that were kind of skating along. I found other work for them until they begged me to let them go back to class. We had some really outstanding students. Some of them surprised me, like Valkerita and Cherrine, Mundoner, Teront, and Svendson, while others didn’t, like, Joulnar, Olnafot, Teague, Tovar, Tocla, and Outher. They did quite well and it was time for a break. Now the crisis was over...

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Im starting to really like marriage

I’ve read stuff like this in the past and have always wondered if even one of the stories is true. Let me assure you that this is absolutely factual. If it’s not extraordinary compared to works of fiction or if I provide too much background information, please be patient and forgive me. I hope the fact that this is reality outweighs the exaggerated stories that are superficial and purely fantasy. I know it does for me! Both my wife and I are in our early 30s. We have been together for...

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Rattling Snakes Cage Ch 04

This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Rachel felt very woozy as she looked down at the now nearly empty...

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Wifes wants New Shoes Pegged

My wife and I were just sitting around lounging, watching tv. She says to me that this past weekend when she was out drinking with her friends, the conversation turned to sex. I tell her okay, tell me more. We were just saying what we liked and what our husbands liked. I say to her well what did you say? She says she was the last person to talk and they were all saying some pretty kinky things. She said we were pretty kinky when it came to sex, She says I told them you like it when I fuck you...

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Steve gets lucky

You are sitting at home alone watching TV, and getting ready for the late show, when your phone rings. "Hello?" you say. "Hey, babe, I'm all alone. My boyfriend dumped me two days ago, and I'm needing some company," she says softly. "What?! That man must be crazy to dump you!" you exclaim. "What should I bring?" "Just yourself," she says. "I need someone to cuddle up next to and watch a movie." "I'll be there in a few," you say. "Thank you," she says, "I promise you won't regret it." Melissa...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gift For Mom

Hello, My Dear Readers. “How far will you go to give your mother the perfect birthday gift?” That is the basic thread of this story. It is narrated by 19-year-old Karthik. Happy Reading! “Can you please tell me what you want?” I asked my mom. “It’s nothing Karthik. I don’t want anything,” she replied. “I know there is something that you really wish you had. I heard you talking to Dad,” I stressed, trying to make her tell me what she had asked him for. My mom, Kavita, was turning 38 today, and...

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Sleeping With Sister

Fictional, no one harmed in the writing of this story. For adults over 18 only. A brother and sister find strange sleeping arrangements when her room has a make-over. It turns out beneficial to both of them. She was two years older than I, sixteen. Dad was doing a full remake of Sally’s room all the way down to the wall studs. That meant she had to find a place to crash nights. Neither one of us wanted any part of their idea. But both Mom and Dad said she could sleep on the floor...

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Doomed Dynasty Pt 03

CHAPTER 7 By the end of May work on reconstruction of the Curtis homestead was underway. Three weeks earlier, Matt had returned from the farm early on Monday afternoon after he was advised by phone the building permit had come through and work would start immediately. He found building contractor Max Mead already seated inside the house rolling a cigarette after having completed a walk-through. Houses in the country were rarely locked when occupants left the property. Matt had used Max and...

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Extra Credit

Freshman year was tough. Everyone had warned Chrissy that it would be, buttruthfully she had no idea how hard it would actually turn out to be. Throughout high school she had been able to cruise through her class workvirtually stress-free, graduating with a solid, slightly above the majorityof her class grade point average. She would never admit it aloud, but deepinside she knew that her reputation as an All-American girl probably had givenher the benefit of the doubt with her teachers more...

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EpigraphyChapter 4 A Candle in the Dark

My resolution to keep an open mind about the journal was under heavy stress. Several "modern grimoires" have been written in modern history; some as hoaxes, others reiterated "spells" from earlier works, or became the foundation of modern sects. The intricate figures and exotic characters made me think it may be a renaissance-era alchemy text. Many of those writings used codes as well as symbols, and allegories to protect the art from the "uninitiated." Still, the language of Colt's...

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Kamesh Poonam Sunita Ko Choda Or Doodh Piya 8211 Part 2

Hlo guys, this is Chowmeen again ? but is baar mai 20 saal ka nahi ab mai 22 saal ka ho gya hu or mera lund b aaj b meri un 3 biwiyo k liye hmesha khda h. Meri pehli chudai story 2 saal purani h or uske liye meri email id pe kaafi achhe response b aaye thanks so much for that. To story thi ki kaisi maine apni aunty sunita ko choda tha or unse shaadi ki thi. Aaj mai jo aapko btaane ja raha hu us story me maine apni pehle no. Wali chachi yaani ki kamlesh ko choda or shaadi ki. Kamlesh chachi...

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She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn't want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...

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SLUT ASHLEY 7Ashley left his house later that afternoon. Unfortunately, they did not have sex again. They didn’t have time, as Keenum had things to do before work that night. That evening, she pulled out her vibrator for the first time in months. After getting herself all worked up with it, she practiced putting it in her ass. It was a good 7 inches, though it was far skinnier than Keenum’s big member, but for now it was more than big enough. It was quite painful, but in her efforts to make her...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 15

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Going Ogre-board Someone groaned nearby, but the sound reached Eldon’s ears as a distorted and hollow moan. Light flickered from the other side of his eyelids, making it difficult for him to get some rest. The groan sounded again, annoying him. He was getting some good sleep in, until that moaner decided to be rude and not stay quiet. “Would you knock that off? I’m trying… to…” he trailed...

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