Markus Vs. Azula free porn video

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"Do you like it?" Andrea's transformation clearly astounded Markus. Andrea wore a full Fire Nation outfit made up of ornamental shades of red, orange, and black. In her hand, she grasped a mask with long black hair. "Saw you watch that show last night and this Azula chick, she's hot. In both senses. So I thought, 'Why not suit up as her with a no-limits brainwashing mask?' Now you could tame the princess of Fireland or whatever." Markus kneaded his brow with his hand, already tired of her charade. "Azula isn't a pleasant person; she's a crazy villain, Andrea. Give me the mask! That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Why would you want to become her with no limitations for God's sake!" Andrea frowned for a moment before shrugging and tugging the mask over her head, sealing it in place. Markus facepalmed as the newly-formed Azula stared at him, then looked around in confusion at the world around her. "Take off the mask, Andrea." She tilted her head to the right, giving him a confused death glare. "Where am I? Who are you?" Her eyes flashed all over the room before settling on his clothes. "Why are you dressed like a idiotic nobleman?" "This isn't funny, not at all." "I agree." She interrupted him as her pose shifted to a more defensive one, with her legs spread wide and one arm forward, the other held back in a pose which Markus recognized as her about to firebend his face off. "You WILL explain everything, or I'll scorch you to ash!" "Helicopter." Markus said the codeword which would always be responded with by "chocolate" under any and all circumstances. This was to verify if something was a prank or not, and he knew that Andrea would always respond with chocolate. Azula just tilted her face, her eyes going even narrower. For all intents and purposes, Markus realized that the person standing there was Azula. With no limitations. "Fuck me." He sighed. She smirked. "You did this to yourself?" She breathed in and unleashed her fist forward in a perfect firebending move, yet no fireball appeared. "What?" She felt off for a moment before she did two more punches and a kick, none of them producing the fire she wanted so desperately to torch Markus with. It was an impressive technique, one which Andrea would have been far too lazy to attempt. If this were Andrea, it would have been a half-hearted punch at best. "What did you do to me?" Her voice almost spoke in a hate-dripped growl. "How DARE you take away my bending! I am the heiress to the throne of the Fire Nation and I will NOT be defeated by some insane peasant." "Azula, tug at your face. You're not really yourself, you're a disguise." "I beg your pardon?" She practically spat the sarcasm at him. "Do you really think I would fall for such a moronic ruse?" With an energetic shout she did another firebending move which did absolutely nothing for her increasing anger. "It is the truth whether you believe it or not. Try it." Without adjusting her pose one hand gently reached for her cheek, curiosity overtaking her anger, if only for a moment. As she tugged at her own skin, she could feel it stretch to an unnatural degree. She also felt something underneath taking shape as she did so. "I...I..." She faltered slightly before her resolve rebounded. "I am Azula, and I don't need firebending to bring you down. If you won't tell me the truth, I'll beat it out of you!" Markus looked around. He had to have a skinsuit gun around here somewhere. While he looked, Azula saw her opportunity, ran up to him, and punched him in the face; square in the nose. Markus stumbled back, his self-defense training (and his anger) kicking in. His nose started bleeding. Azula tried to one-two his gut, but he blocked both hits. Markus roared, lifting up one leg and smashing one foot down on Azula's, the decorative footwear not offering any true protection. She flinched before Markus used both hands to push her back over. He reached to the side, towards a vase of flowers, and by the time Azula had gotten up he had chucked it at her face at full speed. She stood her ground, swatting the vase away with a smirk. "Pathetic." Markus opened the drawer next to him, hoping for a skinsuit gun, but all he found was Andrea's great collection of dildos and vibrators. "Crap." Azula waded forward with both fists balled, suddenly shifting gears and going for a sweeping kick that Markus barely jumped over. As she got into position again, Markus took advantage by socking her across the jaw with his right fist. He tried to follow up with his left, but she easily stopped his fist with her palm, grasping it tight. Now Markus and Azula grappled with one hand while the other tried to get a good punch in. Markus noticed blood running over his lip and sucked some in his mouth, spitting it in Azula's left eye. She let out a ferocious roar. "BARBARIC ANIMAL! I WILL PUT YOU DOWN!" The grip on his left hand weakened, Markus wrestled it free by going under, and then he uppercutted Azula across the jaw. It was with such a hit that the small crown she wore popped off, taking along the hairpin that held it all together. She forced herself to step back as her hair came completely loose. Markus took this moment to catch his breath and wipe some of the blood off of his face, but his hands put up a boxer's defense, bracing for the next round. He knew he was tired, but he felt good about his chances. "You know, I was going to just rip off the Azula mask, but now I'm just going to enjoy my time with you until it runs out." "I'm going to enjoy breaking you when this is over!" The two of them charged at each other. Azula once again tried to punch Markus' nose to smash the injured bone into his face, but he sidestepped it, pouncing on her and knocking her over. He put his weight on her, trying to pin her down so he could get some time to think of how to beat her. She looked more like a furious beast then than royalty. "You're a fantastic character, but my God you're a bitch." "I'LL SHOW YOU!" she shrieked in pure anger. Azula wriggled a hand loose and slashed her sharp talons on his neck, causing a few surface cuts. Both of them struggled before Azula punched him in the side and flipped positions with Markus. Now that she topped, she immediately put two hands on his neck and began to strangle him. Markus struggled to relieve the pressure on his neck, and Azula's truly evil smile met his own panic. It was getting more and more difficult for Markus to think until he reached a moment of sudden clarity. Her face wasn't shielded. His hands balled up into fists and flung at her weak spot. The first hit her on the cheek and seemed to have little effect, but a devastating punch to her right eye followed it up. "GAH!" she shrieked. Markus pulled his fist back and smacked her on the exact same spot, causing Azula to flinch and allow him some desperately needed air. Her eye bled and swelled as the pain forced her to let go of Markus's neck. He pushed her off him and she rolled onto her back. Markus, bleeding and exhausted, scrambled to his feet and saw Azula slowly do the same. There was nothing witty to say as he punched Azula with the last of his might, this time leaving her flat on her back, motionless. Markus rose up once more, glancing at the open drawer. He smiled faintly as he picked up two pairs of pink handcuffs. He soon had Azula's hands locked behind her and her feet bound with pink, kinky cuffs. Markus wasn't satisfied because he didn't know how long she would be out. "Rope...a rope." He looked at his television and the switch attached to it, running over and yanking out the HDMI cable on both ends, using it to tie her hands further. "Done." Markus practically fell over onto his bed, using the sheets to douse his bleeding. He dragged the bed sheet over to the bathroom nearby, where he ripped off of his clothes and got into the shower with a big sigh of relief. He cleaned out the wounds on his neck and ignored the pain on his nose. "Gotta just wear myself." Markus shrugged as he headed over to the nearby closet, which contained skinsuits both of himself and his wife. He picked up one of himself, ripped off the face and neck in a reckless manner, and placed the visage over his own. He applied pressure, and soon the pain subsided. Markus still felt tired, but he had won. He looked back to Azula who slowly came to. She flipped herself around, looked him in the eye, squirmed to get loose, and screamed profanities at him when she couldn't hack it. "Not happening." Markus grabbed hold of the cable that bound her, dragging Azula out of the bedroom with one hand while with the other typed in a number on his phone. "Kathy. I am about to disband all of RnD for being this stupid. I've got a rush job. Two suits. Get them here soon." Markus talked through the details as he dragged Azula off to the masking bunker. Once there, he managed to get her into a standing bondage rack, forcing her to be permanently bent over with her hands and feet locked into place. "When I get out of this, I'll-rhghrhlmff." Markus cut her off with a ballgag that he wrapped around her head as he wore the smuggest smile imaginable. "I'm sorry, you were saying, your highness?" She squirmed fruitlessly in place, her eyes filled with nothing but hatred. Markus stripped her of her outfit until she stood completely naked and exposed. He was getting hard now, yet he decided to wait. He simply left her in the nude as Markus got himself something to drink. With a mojito in hand, he sat down opposite Azula. "I gotta admit, you are pretty hot like this. 'Don't stick your dick in crazy' they say...well I broke that rule years ago. Since I want to make your humiliation sting more...we just have to wait for my order to arrive." Markus sat down, his cock settling again while Azula worked herself into an absolute frenzy against her restraints. Occasionally Markus checked that she wasn't making any progress before growing bored and checking his phone. Finally, the door to the masking bunker opened and Kathy, in the form of a blond MILF, walked into the room carrying a briefcase. "On behalf of all of us at RnD." "Spare it. We?ll discuss this later. Show me the goods." Kathy quickly nodded and opened the suitcase which held half of a man's body and an odd looking mask of Azula herself. "We are sorry that--" Markus didn't even look at her, his eyes fixated on Azula. "Leave." She left the suitcase behind and stepped out of the room as Markus approached Azula. "Remember when I said you were a fake costume?" Markus lifted up the facemask of Azula and kissed it on the lips. Its labial lips. It was a near perfect recreation of the Fire Nation princess with one significant change. The mouth had been replaced with a vagina. Her eyes widened in a moment of surprise...or was it panic? The fruitless squiriming increased once again as Markus flipped the mask around and lowered it over the wild-haired woman. Lower and lower until the neck reached over her own. He pressed it down until the transformation was complete. She still gave him an unending death glare, her hair now restored to its neater previous state. She wanted to scream at him but nothing came out. The lips moved and leaked fluids, but there was no sound. "Do you like it?" Markus feigned interest before leaning over and fingering Azula's face pussy. It contracted around him in response. "Oh well. There's two more holes to fill up." Markus traced a finger alongside her body. Azula squirmed and struggled to get out. Markus slapped her ass loudly several times just to annoy her as he pressed the biggest vibrator he could find directly against her pussy. He pushed it deep inside her and put it on on the highest setting, using a few leather straps to lock it into place. "One more..." Azula couldn't make out what was happening as she heard something move behind her. Already, she felt fully aroused against her will. "Full speed. Full depth...gotta line it up." She felt something brush against her asshole before something entered her anus. It was only a centimeter deep, but it remained firmly in place. Markus came back into view, holding a device she didn't recognize. It was shaped like a box with knobs and buttons. He looked her in the eyes and hit the "On" button. Azula twitched as the fucking machine slid deeper inside her ass. It pounded her insides relentlessly while her lips opened wide only to drip fluid on the floor. Her eyes appeared absent for a few precious seconds before returning to their usual death glare. "For the finishing touch...let me just make it worse for you." Markus pulled up the half-skinsuit and held it up high in front of her. A male roughly around Markus's age, with his black hair kept decently short. He was not muscular, yet toned. The dark red blemish around the right eye was his most notable feature. "Like I said. You're not really Azula. You just think you are. You?re a lifelike disguise for my wife to wear." Her cheeks flushed red, but her eyes revealed nothing but defiant hatred. Markus slipped both hands into the torso, lifted it over himself, and stretched his hands into Zuko's. As he pulled the skin into place the hands came into shape. They immediately flipped her off before reaching back and pulling Zuko's back over Markus, slowly readjusting his face into its new location. Zuko closed his eyes, gently feeling up his scar. "Man...this is strange." He opened his eyes, looking around for a moment with the look on his face being ill-fitting for Zuko's normal behaviour. "Oh well. I only used half of a Zuko suit since I'm pretty sure he couldn't match my size." Zuko grinned as he started masturbating in front of his sister. He walked up to her, slapping her face with his mighty erection before rubbing the tip all over her to get Azula coated. "Zuzu's here for some revenge, bitch." He began to fuck her facepussy without remorse, one hand grasping a long riding crop which was usually only used for Strider. Every now and then, he whipped her ass while absolutely pounding her face pussy. It was different from doing a real one, Zuko noted, since beyond the entrance lay the throat instead of the inner workings of a vagina. Nevertheless, it felt great to him as he could notice the discomfort she was in, shaking and still trying to break out. Zuko continued to force Azula into the deepthroat of a lifetime, slowly getting synched up with the fucking machine as he forced himself into her with great pleasure. His jaw dropped and he panted in the sheer catharsis of pounding Azula in the face in the guise of her brother. She had caused far too much trouble, and he was going to just leave her in this restraint until the timer ran out. He whacked Azula?s asscheeks, alternating between the two, which were now showing the clear markings of the riding crop as the humiliation of Azula continued. He pulled out for a moment, rubbing his dripping hard cock all over her face, squeezing out some cum on her cheeks with a smirk. He looked her in the eyes, and there was still the same hatred as before...yet also there was a clear sense of the extreme arousal she fought. Zuko crouched in front of her, looking her in the eyes. With both hands he grabbed her lip, pulling them open wide to reveal the mouth underneath. "YOU BASTARD! YOU INHUMANE BASTARD!" Zuko smirked and let go of both the labial lips that slapped back into place. The sound muffled, then muted. Azula could only slightly move her new pair of lips, and nothing could stop Zuko from going for round two. Once again he slid his entire length into Azula?s face, making her deepthroat completely in her helpless state. "Oh I can feel it approaching Azula, can you?" Already the twitching began as Zuko increased pace to go over the top, depositing his load into Azula, forcing her to suck it all down at great speed. He wasn?t satisfied with filling her up though. As he pulled out, one hand grabbed his dick and he began coating his sister in cum; her face, her hair, and the back of her body. He slapped her with his cock a few times until it finally ran out. There she stood in full restraints. Princess Azula: covered in cum, her ass pounded, her pussy occupied by a massive vibrator, and her pussymouth leaking her brother?s semen. "Bye, bitch. I?ll catch up with you in a day." With one final slap of his cock, Zuko walked away, leaving her alone to stew in her mix of anger, arousal, and deep humiliation.

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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

1 year ago
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OceaniaChapter 10

Claire was edgy. She waited nervously in the empty classroom until the door opened and both her daughters crept in. "What's she doing here?" Hailey protested indignantly. "Hailey, listen to me," Ruth replied, pausing for effect. "It's Mum." "What? Where?" She looked at Claire and realization dawned. "No way." "It is me sweetheart," Claire told her softly. "This isn't right. You're dead. This is some sort of sick joke," the girl cried out in denial. Claire moved towards...

2 years ago
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Battle of The Sexes

Nothing gives me a sexual high as great as the one I get when I am competing against people, whether men or women. This may sound strange, especially coming from a man. Not just any man. I’m a six-foot-two, broad-shouldered, heavily muscled Black stud. I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t take crap from anybody and I don’t mind showing people what I’ve got. I’ve always been that way. I don’t take bull from any man or woman. It’s just not my style. I’d rather get locked up than let someone mess with...

3 years ago
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Sushmita Bhahi Part 3

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… Part 3 Sushmitabhabhi kee das minute tak achchhee tarah se gaand maarkar ham donon karvat ke bal leet gaye. Baaton hee baaton men Sushmita ek aur parda kholne lagee, “Jaisa ki main tumhe pahle bhi bata chuki hoon ki Shalu meri bahut achhi saheli hai. Ham dono ke beech kisi tarah ki secrecy naheen hai. Ham apnee apnee chudai ki kahaniyan ek dusre se aksar bataate rahte hain. Ek dusre ki kahani sunte sunte kabhi kabhi ham uttejit ho jaya karti...

2 years ago
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New toy WOW thats big

MY NEW TOY (WOW IT'S BIG)  I've always been a very adventurous girl and love to try new things and especially love my toys I have quite a big collection now but I always wanting more.My partner and I had decided it was time to go bigger with the toys, so we ordered one we liked the look of, it was an 11 inch long and 3 inch wide black dildo, I was so excited and couldn't wait for it to be delivered.He had gone away to work for a few days when the postman arrived with a parcel I knew straight...

1 year ago
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Brandy 2 Chapter 1

Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Natasha La Piedra Slutty Model Is Too Loud For Public

We’ve got a real treat today in Spain for another episode of Public Bang! We’ve got a fucking super model with us today. This girl has got it all. Gorgeous face, perfect body, wet pussy, and a slutty personality. This girl is a freak, and when you need people to fuck in public, you NEED a freak. She shows us her body and we bring in our guy Alberto to have some fun. We are fucking jealous of this guy today. They sit at the park bench and he eats her booty like dinner. She move...

1 year ago
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Threesome at Lake Powell

Hey guys, I am heading to the US for a bucks weekend (AKA - bachelor weekend, I can't believe the number of people who have never heard the term 'Bucks Weekend'). It is a friend of my friend Kip. Kip, who I've met a bunch of times and snowboarded with, hottubed with, had lots of crazy sex with when I visit Colorado, was invited to the party and I'm going to be his plus one. It is a gay couple and the guys are renting a couple of huge house boats on Lake Powell. It looks gorgeous and the...

3 years ago
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The Slow Paced Bullet

It's still very early in the morning when the bus pulls in at the station in Stryn, so the streets are still almost empty. Only a few people have braved the early Sunday morning to greet friends arriving with the bus, and a few stragglers from Saturday night are trying to make their way home. This is the end of the line for most of the passengers, and they groggily started milling about for bits of personal effects, luggage, shoes and sweaters. Outside it is even worse: In their sleep-deprived...

2 years ago
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After a long school year, you've finally arrived at your family's cabin. You do the greetings to your family and family friends and you put your stuff down. Both of your cousins are here with their boyfriends. Your one cousin, CC, is 24, thin, athletic, long brown hair, small but firm B cup, with tan skin. She's got thick lips that you know and always have known would be great for kissing...or sucking. One time years ago you were watching a movie with the family and managed to get a feel of her...

1 year ago
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Harley My Neighbors Son

Hi, my name is Tim. I’m 59, lost my wife to cancer a couple years ago but still enjoy sex whenever I can get it. I have a few things on my list I’d like to do before I lose the urge. I’ve lived in the same house for over 30 years and don’t intend to go anywhere else. I love having coffee in the morning and BBQ in the evening on my patio. The neighbor’s behind me have only lived there a couple years. They are friendly enough but just don’t socialize. I’ve invited them over for coffee or eats...

3 years ago
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Carmen and Alyssa Pt 2 An Afternoon Snack

As the sunlight hit her face, Carmen began to wake up. She opened her eyes to see nothing in front of her, even though it seemed like Alyssa’s beauty was just next to her. Carmen looked around then sat up to scan the room. “Alyssa?” No answer. She couldn’t have left. It was only — she glanced over at the clock on the wall. Nine. She had to work. Carmen knew Alyssa worked early on Saturday mornings. She figured Alyssa spent the night and snuck out early that morning without waking her. She got...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 67 Engagement

August 23, 1985, Chicago, Illinois I was showered with kisses from both girls in response to my proposal, but I gently pushed them away so that I could actually get the rings on their fingers. Jessica was first, as Kara and I had discussed when we’d planned this. I took Jessica’s ring from its box, and gently slipped it onto her left ring finger. Kara reached to take Jessica’s hand, squeezed it, and then I slipped the ring on Kara’s finger. The girls held out their hands for me to...

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Didi Nay Bacha Liya Baba Say

Hello dosto I am sunny aik new story aapko suna raha hon . Story slow hai maine pore baat lihki hai . . Mare stories jhoti nahi hoti magar haan kuch na kuch marach masla dalna par jata hai . Kuch stories life main gozre hue baatain hain or kuch wo baatain hain jo maray reader,s male ya female share kartay hain un ki baat ko apni story or apna style se lihkta hon . Aaj ki story be kuch ayse hai . Or such par hai . Aaj tak logo se suna hai or dahka be hai . Behan ho ya maa ya biwi apne zaat kay...

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Road Rules

Copyright© Chapter 1 The first day I met the others at the starting point. There were just six of us and we came from all over the country. Donnel was a 23 year old, heavyweight black man with a great sense of humor and an equally great appetite. Sean was a 22 year old Italian American who was rather moody but athletic. Mary Beth was a 21 year old college student with long brown hair and better looks than most high fashion models. Brittany was a 20 year old with short blonde hair and...

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A Day in the Life of a Ladies Maid

A Day in the Life of a Ladies Maid - By: Amy Browne THE MAIDS VIEW OF THE DAY I rise as soon as the alarm wakes me, although I am still very tired as a rule during the week anyway. I have to get up as soon as I hear the clock or else I will fall asleep again. I softly creep down stairs to the little bathroom beside the kitchen, go to the toilet and wash. I'm supposed to scrub myself but my bottom is usually so sore that I can't bear to. I have to iron my clothes before I can get...

2 years ago
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The Beach House Day One

The Beach House "Anna?" I called up the steps, panting and already covered in sweat. Tropical vacations were fun, but lugging your stuff up several flights of stairs sucked. "Yeah?!" she yelled back. "I can't carry this cooler by myself, can you help me please?" Her response was to trot quickly down the deck stairs to help me, her blonde pony tail bouncing behind her. Together, we hauled the cooler with food for the week up the wooden steps. Once at the top I took a moment to catch...

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My Wife 8211 Part 24

My mom held Reddy’s arms with both hands as they went inside the scary house. I swear I could see her boobs get pressed on his muscular arms. I waited for them to come out with many thoughts in my mind. It was supposed to be an experience of 5-7 minutes. But they came out after 11 minutes, to be exact. I looked at my mom when she came out, followed by Reddy a few seconds later. I thought she would be excited or scared after this experience, but I found her expressionless. She was breathing...

3 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 57

Feb 3d, 2020 Hello Everyone, It’s been a bit since I posted. On the disability issue I’ve received my first denial. My lawyer is filing the appeal and then we go see the judge. My lawyer said it will take about a year I have a new toy to play with. The sensation of falling forward. The place I’m at isn’t moving like when you’re drunk or sick. It stays the same. I experience the sensation of falling forward. I’ve stumbled more than once to keep myself upright. I also lost the ability to...

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Threesome reposted

The three of them had just come back from walking though the town. They didnt get together often so this was a special weekend for them. More special than they realized. Steve hadnt seen his sister Hayley for the last 6 months. They were extremely close and talked every week on the phone. Hayley and Akiko his little asian girlfriend had become good friends as well, they both loved her brother immensely and had discovered that they had many things in common over the years – especially their love...

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Dorasaani dengulaata

Hi, im priyareddy again, after a long long time,anta bagunnara, emantunnayi mee moddalu, pookulu, mee sullilu,chala mails vachayi, naa stories chaduvutu kottukuntunnamani boys, velu pettukoni tosukuntunnamani girls, pampinchaaru, thanks for everybody, storykelite, nannu chaakalodu palerodu, dadaapuga, vaaraniki kaneesam 4sarlu dengutunnanru, pooku teeta poyi sammagaa untundi, chakalodi modda cheeekite,mmmmmmmmmmm ohoh, vadi gundrati modda tolunu venakki laagi errati modalu pattukoni,lavugaa...

4 years ago
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More Love to ComeChapter 6

Steve Paul knocked at the office door, trying to contain his anxiety as he waited for the answering, "yeah?" "Jay," he called through the door, "it's Steve. Could I see you a minute?" Jay Snyder mumbled under his breath. Interruptions, he said to himself. Always these god damned interruptions. "Not now, Steve," he said. "I'm busy as hell." Not too busy for this, Steve thought. "Jay," he said, "it's pretty important." Snyder sighed. Something like this always happened when...

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My son Ramesh

My son RameshI never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millenium. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millenium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of the...

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Missing magazines 3

All through the next day, I was virtually lost in my own paradise. My heart danced to a strange amorous tune buzzing in my mind and it kept reeling with rapture. It was very difficult for me to hide my perpetual state of arousal. As a result, I preferred to stay in the solitude of my room so that no one could notice the permanent bulge in front of my pants. It also gave me ample opportunity to relive the events of the last night. I jacked myself off thrice during the day, every time dreaming...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 16 Telling Anna Nicky

Friday, May 21, 1971 I had to pee. I didn't want to get up, but you can't fight Mother Nature. So finally, I rolled out of bed and looked around. It was still dark out. There wasn't a bathroom in this room, so I made my way to the hall, then into the room next door. It was the only bathroom I knew of, and I didn't want to wake anybody, so I entered without knocking and walked quickly to the bathroom, hoping I hadn't disturbed Nicky. I finished, washing my hands as best I could, then...

3 years ago
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Devon and I

It all started one hot summer afternoon. I was in the bathroom taking a shower. Since it was just me and my 18-year-old son Devon at home now, I left the bathroom door open. Anyways, as I was taking my shower I distinctly heard footsteps outside the door. I couldn't see much because of the steam that had built up, but could just barely make out the silhouette of Devon standing there watching me.Realizing my very horny son was watching me, I opened the shower door just enough for him to be able...

1 year ago
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Enjoying The Most Beautiful Lady I Meet

Hi…Friends … After enjoying Indian sex stories for couple of months, I felt to share one of my real experience with you all. As this is my first story, and am not that good descriptive in writing..Enjoy it. I am Rakesh 36 happily married businessman from Ahmadabad. This sweet incident happened with me when I attended a product launch party of one of my friend in Daman. It was arranged at a fantastic sea facing luxurious resort, after all formal launching ceremony in the evening was over we all...

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Babysitter Takes DogsChapter 4

If Cindy thought Frisky's young prick was nice to suck, it was nothing compared to Prince's. The next Friday night, when she babysat for the Turners again, Prince was glad to see her. He had been licking his prick all week, just as Cindy had been playing with her pussy every day after school. They were both horny when they got together on Friday night. Once the Turners were out of the house and the children were asleep, Cindy stripped off her tight denim cut-offs, and spread out on the...

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Wife Fucked By A Friend

hi my name is tej and wife name is mona she is a working women and as well as me my wife and love to have hot sex on bed and v watch blue movies together and do the same as they do it is great fun.she has nice pair of boobs and i love them them as they jump.i and friend usaly sit for drinks in wek and talk about sex and r cock lengths . one day i invited him home for some drinks as parents and maid was at home v decided to go for ride and drink in the night .my friend was good fucker as i knew...

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Step Daddy II

Stepdaddy IIIf you haven't read the original then do so  lol.  I like to be bossy!  So after that wonderful experience in the shower with my stepdaddy, I tried unsuccessfully to give myself an orgasm like I got from daddy touching me.  His touch was the most wonderful thing I'd ever felt, it was better than eating warm chocolate mmm.  But my fingers just couldn't replicate his touch.  Maybe it was that his fingers are so much bigger than mine or his knowledge of my pussy so far advanced than...

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