SOVEREIGNTY 11 free porn video

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Alan had gone over almost all the planet when he finally found lizard man. Flashing out he appeared next to the hiding coward, reaching out Alan grabbed the being by the throat only to watch as the man started to laugh at him.

"Ah! I see that you got to that little bitch I planted there to screw up your little whore!" This brought on a new bout of laughing from the guy. "You really thought it would be that easy? I have agents all over this pathetic dust ball! I will make everyone on this planet suffer as you made my brother and his children sud...."

Alan had, had enough as he started to squeeze the being tighter this prompting another round of laughter. "I really don't see what is so damn funny," Alan told him.

"Go ahead kill me if you can! You are never going to find them all in time without me!" The lizard guy started to laugh harder at Alan. "Besides you don't have the balls to..." the guy started to scream then foam at the mouth.

Alan leaned close and appeared in the visions that he'd created in the evil being's mind, "You might be right though concerning you I have nothing to really stop me from killing you, so here's how it's going to go. You get to live through all the pain you have caused including the deaths, up to the moment of death over and over. Remember an old saying we have on earth, you'd be surprised what you can live through. Enjoy asshole; I know I will every excruciating moment. Each delicious scream you utter, you see I am far from what you are, but I still believe that you deserve punishment that equals the crime."

With that Alan started to withdraw only to have the lizard guy scream, "You can't do this! You are good you aren't allowed!"

Alan drew up to the Lizard's guys face and snarled, "In case you missed it, I am not the goody two shoes you thought neither am I an evil bastard like you and your brother were, talk and I'll end it, refuse?" Here Alan shrugged, "All I can say is what I did before, enjoy asshole. Withdrawing Alan smiled as the screams became louder and more desperate.

The light council was waiting when his eyes opened. "Alan, do you really think that was necessary?" The leader of the council stated.

Alan turned an almost feral growl coming from his throat. "Necessary?! This son of a bitch has gone after me, he's gone after my Fairixie friends, and he’s been planning the death of the woman I love! You think that this is UNNECESSARY!!! I will not stop 'til I have all of them here, unless you want to take me off being your little problem solver! If that is the case then you can kiss my ass!"

Suddenly Alan heard a small voice, "Alan? My love, are you alright?" Immediately Alan felt all the anger leave his body. "I felt you appear then I felt your anger, please my love let me help you." Hopix said not far away.

"My dear you have helped me far more than you will ever know." Turning back to the council Alan informed them, "This one claims to have agents working on this world to destroy all that has been finally put right. I cannot stop 'til I know the truth. I realize that my methods are different than what you are used to but I have to know as I feel you do also."

"We are not angered by your methods we are just concerned the path you are on right now can only lead to trouble later on." Another of the council members said a look of genuine concern on her face.

This was the first time Alan had really looked at the light council, there was of course the gnome type creature that was the leader, but the rest were an odd combination. He was seeing what he could only describe as a brownie, a centaur, an actual imp, the Elf was no surprise, a Nymph, a Sprite, and what he can only describe as a Valkyrie (there were two of them). There appeared to be a Banshee, but what caught his attention the most was the one who had just spoken to him. She was a Fairixie, and had he not known better was an almost exact double to Hopix.

Alan bowed low to the council feeling the rage leaving his body again, strange but Hopix's
image always had a calming effect upon him. "I apologize to the council for anything I have done to upset it, but as I said I have to find out, I figure a few hours of torture ought to loosen his tongue." Alan told them.

Though they weren't thrilled about it, they none the less let him continue on, warning him that he was walking an extremely thin line. Alan nodded then watched as they left. Hopix flew to him a moment later a look of major concern on her face. Then she launched herself into his arms grasping him as close to her chest as she could. As tears started to fall from her eyes she weakly hit him in the chest with her fists. "I was so scared my love," she started her face still buried in his chest. "I felt for you everywhere but it was like you had disappeared! Please my love, don't leave me again whatever is wrong we can overcome."

"I know this now Hopix, I felt what you did on the Trembly world, and you never do anything half way. You always put all you are into it. Your love is far more powerful than any power that I will ever possess, though I did not wish for you to see what I am having to do, I will not hide it from you either." Alan told her as he kissed her. The shock that went through them both amazed them as they were unable to move for a few minutes.

From a doorway not far away Hopix's mother looked on, tears streaming from her eyes finally they had sealed the bond never again would her little girl feel alone. Now it was on Alan to nourish her soul with the love that she could feel pouring out of both of them. Withdrawing, she knew her work was done as she faded into the shadows and was gone.

"Alan I had such a horrible dream, the lizard guy killed you and I lost control it felt as if all your power and mine combined as I ... I, k ... k ... killed him it was like nothing I've ever experienced." Hopix said as fresh tears of pain began to fall from her eyes.

Clutching her closer Alan rubbed her back and kissed her face, finally after a few minutes Alan felt her relax. Oh shit! Alan thought as he suddenly felt Hopix's nipples try to bore holes into his chest, this did nothing to calm the now tenting in his pants that Hopix for the moment was ignoring though Alan was sure she wouldn't ignore for long.

A moment later Alan realized that it wouldn't be an issue THIS time as he felt Hopix's breathing was slow and even. Wow, Alan thought, she feels that secure with me that she fell asleep on me here? Now I really know she loves me. Sighing Alan just hoped that he wasn't a disappointment to her later on.

Alan lifted Hopix into his arms and grasped the cube thinking of the palace as he didn't know where Hopix's home was. Appearing inside the throne room, Queen Glimmer looked at Alan with shock, "is she alright? Do you need a healer?" Came Glimmer's voice.

"No, I think she's just exhausted, did your men take care of the lizard guy I left there?" Alan asked.

"Yes, he's in a cell that no magic can penetrate. He actually said that there were agents here on this world?" Glimmer asked a little fearful that such treachery was still on the planet after Alan had cleared it.

Sighing Alan nodded, "I found out that this one is a rogue from the dark council, with an agenda that is all his own, from his sick twisted mind." Alan told her as he laid Hopix down on a nearby couch. "I brought her here after everything that happened. I didn't know where her home is."

"Here is fine Alan, we owe you and Hopix more than you can ever know. So you truly love her as you came back to her." The Queen suddenly stated shocking Alan a moment.

"Yes, though how you know is curious to me." Alan told her then his eyes grew wide as the Queen withdrew a cube similar to the one that he and Hopix had. "So you have visited the Tremblys also."

The Queen shook her head yes, then a veil of sadness covered her face. "Actually my mate and I did, many, many of your centuries ago, not too long before I conceived my first child. He was much like you Alan though not as powerful, but he had a few tricks that allowed him to get by on what he had. Not long after I conceived Glimix he left on a mission to free a world a lot like the Tribocs, the people there were even more untrusting of him. He'd just started to heal them when he was betrayed, the fact that he had helped a good many saved his life but he was rendered unconscious." Here Glimmer sighed, the story always made her soul feel heavy with the pain of loss.

Alan could feel the change in Glimmer the deep pain and suffering that she hid so very well from others laid bare in front of him. This pain feels familiar Alan thought a longing deep pain for love that wasn't returned because it wasn't there. Oh yeah Alan knew that pain all too well the same pain he'd suffered with that bitch of a wife. Alan could feel the crippling effect it was having on her.

"I am sorry Alan I did not mean to bother you with this; it is a pain that I bare each day." Glimmer told him the sadness starting to fade as quickly as it had appeared.

"It's alright Glimmer I too know this pain you feel though I felt it with someone that I loved but never had the loved returned. I lived with the pain a long time also, if I can get the council to agree I will find him and bring him back. I have to make sure this world is clear first. I can't have Hopix and all my friends here in danger now can I?" Alan's smile took the Queen by surprise as she felt one start across her lips a true smile that she hadn't worn in a very long time.

"You have done far more than I can ever thank you for, you have returned the princess Glimix to me, you have restored our world, and healed so many that were beyond the help of the healers. You have restored almost all the cities to their former glory, you have freed the sister world and opened a way to them now. You do realize that we can never repay you fully?" The Queen said a look of true gratitude on her face.

"Now you wish to help return my mate to me? He left his seed for me to have more children but without him I don't feel I can go through with it. Alan I think you are trying to do too much for us." the Queen stated.

"No, a people that have produced as beautiful and loving a soul as Hopix, someone I feel that has rescued me from a private hell I was in deserves more, much more than I have done." Alan told her with as serious a face as he could. The Queen could only nod to that, Hopix was all that and more even the Queen had to admit that Hopix was a rarity these days with all the evil that had befallen all of them. "I have to go Glimmer but we need to discuss this more." Alan said as another Fairixie motioned for Alan to follow.

Walking into the room he saw that the lizard guy was still going through his own private hell, smiling Alan delved in standing like a solid rock in a sea of chaos. The screams were almost deafening; pointing, and raising his hand the lizard guy rose from the bottom of the chaos. "So are you ready to end this? Or do you want more? Believe me there is so much more the total amount of people that you killed on the Triboc world alone would take years to experience." When the lizard guy still did nothing, but gasp and cry, Alan looked him straight in the eyes.

"Just remember you are the one that caused all this pain I feel it is only fair that you share in what you and you only caused." When the lizard guy still said nothing Alan just shrugged and lowered his hand.

"NO! PLEASE NO MORE! I'll talk, I'll talk." Alan listened as he started to name at least 25 Fairixies. The one that angered him the most was Glimix.

Between clenched teeth Alan hissed at the man, "I should leave you here while I clear these people, she is an innocent! You disgust me!" With that Alan let the man drop into the many arms that were reaching for him.

"NO! NO! YOU PROMISED!" The man started to scream.

"No I didn't, I said nothing of the sort," lifting the crying and shrieking man Alan pulled him close. "If there are any more that you haven't told me about," here Alan smiled, "this will seem like nothing I will let them ALL have you. I don't think even I can bring you out of that and there are so many believe me if you survived I would be very surprised. Now then, are there any others?" Alan asked barely able to contain his anger.

The man nodded then whispered the name, Alan's eyes grew wide, and then with a growl he dropped the man. "If that is all I will be back, again enjoy, you son of a bitch!" Smiling Alan started to leave as the man's screams again rose to a fever pitch.

Alan went to the first Fairixie that the man had named reaching in he found the set of orders that had been left there by the Lizard guy. Withdrawing he tried to detect the additional thoughts, it took quite a while but Alan finally got a reading. Satisfied Alan delved back in and carefully erased what shouldn't be there. Slowly he eliminated all the agent orders that the lizard guy had planted. The whole time he'd been feeling for others that also might be effected but as of yet nothing.

Sighing the last two were going to be the most difficult, though he wasn't personally connected to any of the others it had been hard. Glimix was a different story he'd been in her mind before, having healed so much the young Fairixie deserved to be free, truly free after all the horror she'd been through.

"Glimix,” he said as he approached her and her mother the Queen. Alan had already explained to her mother as carefully as he could what he had to do.

"Mazey Alan?" Glimix stated shocked when she couldn't move. Then a mask of rage came over her face, "release me you weak, pitiful, spineless Triboc!" Alan could only smile, the piece of the Lizard guy was trapped, and dying as it spoke.

"That's funny I found that you are the spineless one using a helpless female to do your dirty work. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, too bad you're already dead you just don't realize it yet." Alan waited then a moment later a scream escaped Glimix's lips as she collapsed. Alan sat her gently to the side, covering her trembling body reaching out he could see that she was now free.

Turning to the Queen Alan smiled, "she is clear Glimmer, I thought for a moment I might lose her." Alan groaned as the Queen also found that she was frozen and was struggling to break free, Alan was surprised that she hadn't detected him in her mind. "You really thought you'd be able to hide from me? You truly are a weak idiot!"

Glimmer's face also twisted into a mask of pure hate, "You are better than I at first thought, but there are billions out .... What have you done? NO! I will not go back to the torture! There is no way you can force me from as strong a mind as hers, she is mine, and I will never relinquish her!" An evil laugh issued from the Queen's lips.

Alan only smiled as he started to push at what the lizard guy was in the Queen's mind, "Obviously you forgot, the mind you are in is an old mind. It has limitless power to the one it belongs to, isn't that right Glimmer?"

A scream issued from her lips, "NO! I put you to sleep you have no power I control everything here!"

Another voice issued from Glimmer's lips, "I don't think so, this is my mind as Alan said I have had it a very long time and know more than a few tricks. Now get OUT!" Another scream louder this time came from her lips then died. As Glimmer started to fall Alan caught her and laid her on the couch next to her daughter. Weakly Glimmer opened her eyes and motioned for Alan to bend low to her. Lightly and lovingly she kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear. Growling Alan nodded and whispered back to the Queen who smiled then closed her eyes to sleep.

Alan looked at the three females asleep on the couches, shaking his head he walked to Hopix and gently cupped her face as he brushed a light kiss across her lips. Suddenly Hopix's eyes snapped open, "NO! There was no way that you could know that I was here!." The lizard guy screamed unable to move.

Growling between clenched teeth Alan told him, "Going after Glimix was bad enough but then you went after the Queen also. Going after Hopix was the last straw there is no where you can go now but back into your own body. I made you a promise, I keep my promises. Kiss your ass good bye!"

Laughing evilly the Lizard guy decided to play his last card, "I'd rethink that! You obviously don't see what I have a hold of, move me and she dies! Leave me and she lives, maybe. Now then you are ... what is happening? NO! No you can't I put you away where you couldn't interfere!"

"As with the Queen I have had my mind for a while and I also know where to hide 'til Alan released me. You truly are a stupid being trying to attack us. We are well acquainted with our own minds, as the Queen said it is time for you to GET OUT!" With that the man screamed high pitched then was gone. "Thank you Alan again you have saved me. I love you so much, thank yo...u."

Alan breathed a sigh of relief finally it was over there was only one thing left to do, well two actually. Alan stood and rubbed his eyes shit he was tired but he needed to watch over these three 'til they awoke. A few hours later Glimix and Glimmer both opened their eyes. Both were shocked that they were laying down then the memories flooded in and they both looked at Alan with looks of love and appreciation. It was then that they both noticed that Hopix was also there but she should also be awake. Alan smiled at both of them feeling so bone weary he had to be here when Hopix awoke.

"I was about to suggest that you rest but I can see that you wouldn't listen. Hopix is truly lucky that you two have found each other." Glimmer got up to leave then noticed that Glimix hadn't moved, "Come Glimix leave them there will be time later."

Though she whined a bit, Glimix listened to her mother and rose to leave with her. Stopping a moment she ran back to Alan throwing her arms around him, "Thank you Mazey Alan, you have saved me again," looking at Hopix she looked back at Alan, "Please take good care of her she is a very dear friend." With that she kissed Alan on the cheek and ran back to her mother. Alan rubbed his cheek where she'd kissed him, a look of true wonder on his face.

It wasn't long after that that Hopix awoke, stretching she looked around. "The Queen and Glimix are gone?" She asked.

Alan nodded, "For some reason I think they wanted us to have some time together. We haven't had that much time alone for a while; I think it was an extremely nice gesture."

Hopix smiled then thought she just hoped Alan felt that way when the full truth came out, then she felt the love that he had for her and knew it really didn't matter. She didn't think it really would to Alan either well ... at least she hoped.


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It was very hard to resist and not go into his bedroom, knowing that he is just a couple steps away. I wanted him so badly. I actually thought about sneaking into his bed, but didn’t have enough guts. So when I was done, playing with myself, I threw on a T-Shirt and decided to go to the bathroom wash up. After all, my cum was leaking down my thighs, it would have been impossible to sleep while being so wet. As I opened my bedroom door, I bumped into my brother. Apparently he was walking to his...

4 years ago
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My servant

My Servant My servant is my master. He is some thing special for me as well as to my family. He is only a 18 boys with a tall figure and a moderate built. His name is Shiva. He is nice in his nature and very hard working, he works for me for more than an eighteen hours a day. He is almost for every work he will be there at home in my private work or for the family work. One evening when I was taking a bear as I said that his assistance will be there, he is helping me in arranging the things....

1 year ago
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BangPOV Julz Gotti Julz Loves Riding Cock

Julz Gotti visits Preston today after sharing some pictures last night. She gets to show off her hot body to us and we can’t help but be memorized by that ass. We get her to twerk, show off her tits, and make her crawl so we can check out every part of that young and tight body. We get down to business quickly as Julz is ready to suck some dick. You can tell she’s been wanting this because she gives a sloppy deep throat. They proceed to go doggy style and it gets so hot, that they...

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RansomeChapter 5 Helping The Church

Seeing the Churchwarden after the service the next Sunday David asked him, “Mr. Price, can you tell me how urgent the roof repairs are, and what they will cost?” “When it rains and the wind is from the east the rain gets in, so fairly urgent, at least some patching is. Really we need a new roof, and the Vicar claims to know someone who will do that for only a hundred thousand.” David persisted, “But really it should cost twice that to do it properly?” The Churchwarden looked nervously...

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Hannah Montana gets the worst of both worlds

Hannah Montana gets the worst of both worlds        I have to admit, I was obsessed.  I had seen videos of Hannah Montana all over the place.  I had even taken to following her and discovered that she was around this cute chick named Miley a lot.  Both were average sized 14 year olds, one blonde, one brunette.  I made the mistake, though, of being around too much, when one of the Roadies noticed me.  He finally approached me, but I was surprised at his response.  He said, yeah, I’ve been...

1 year ago
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 15

"Daddy, why are you sleeping in the study?" the little boy asked. Ray expected the question would pop up. They were young, but they were not stupid. They were anything but stupid. Normally he was not at his best in the mornings. But for some reason he was startled awake yet again. He really thought he was dealing with the anger and the stress pretty well, but these startling surges into wakefulness had him worried. So he was sitting on the couch thinking when Tim walked into the...

2 years ago
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Turn about is fair play

I was dating this girl and at the time, neither of us had much experience with anal sex. I wanted desperately to try it with her because she had the most incredible ass! I told her as much and she thought she was being cute when she said, "Only if I can do you first." Well, I wish I could have captured the look on her face when I said yes. It didn't take long for her to realize I was serious and she decided to go through with it.She didn't bother to strip, I think she thought I might change my...

First Time
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My County Tis of MineChapter 28

Country 28 Mom came in looking amazingly fresh, and I was awake awaiting details. Now I had swapped mom with two other kids but this was the first time I had actually pimped her out without me. On the one hand I found it a turn on to tell her to go fuck somebody and just have her do it because I told her so. It might have been a bigger turn on if she was a little reluctant, but I guess we were beyond any reluctance on her part to disagree with me. Almost a shame we had plenty of money, so I...

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My First Sex With My Childhood Friend Swapna

Hi readers this is Chaitanya from Hyderabad. Today I’m going to tell you my real life experience, which was happened with my childhood friend Swapna, she stays near to my grandmother’s home. When i go to my grandmother’s home, i used to meet her every time. Coming to the story, we both are 26 years of age. We both are doing jobs. We both are good friends from childhood, without having any wrong thoughts in your mind. She used to call me and even i used to call her regularly. One day in the...

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Married Man Turns Gay Contd

After my first homosexual experience in the sauna at the Clayton Community Center, I returned to the sauna as directed, the very next day, straight away from work.Since I got off work at 4:30 PM and my wife worked till 6:00 PM, it was normal for me to head to the Community Center for a light workout followed by a trip to the sauna before showering and heading home.All day, all I could think of was what had happened in the sauna the day before. I had been sucked off by an eighteen-year-old young...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 12 Kermac Spy

UPWARD The NAVINT commander had her Avatar established in the secure conference room underneath the surface of Richter 4. Also present were Cherubim, Algear Moansti, Admiral McElligott and now the Avatar of Admiral Stahl blinked into existence. The little group was made complete by a massive alien. The large alien, the Nul All Leader was here the first time by invitation. I was the Commandant of NAVINT that opened this top-level meeting and after she acknowledged the ones present she went...

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Broken Latina Whores

What are Broken Latina Whores good for, anyway? It’s kind of a trick question, and the answer is going to depend a lot on your perspective and honestly, your masturbatory preferences as well. You’ve probably figured it out from the title, but this next site ain’t your typical premium Latina site full of big bubble butts and Spanish-speaking bimbos. I mean, you’ll find them in spades around here, but the action is a bit rougher than you’d expect from a joint like SexMex, MamacitaZ or Culioneros....

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Draw or Die Like a DogChapter 8

Jack and Bill had ridden through a couple of towns without finding any business a bounty hunter would be interested in. But the situation changed when they came to the town of Waterville. Waterville was a town of moderate size, about 400 residents, if you count the dogs. They had entered the first of the town's four saloons and had just purchased their first beer of the day. Suddenly, a man came rushing into the place with important news. "Banker Thomas has been kidnapped, an' his wife is...

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TF Games aka TFGamesSite! You’re a porn game aficionado. You eat, sleep, and breath sexy text-based adventure games. You wake up and get your morning grind of Corruption of Champions in before settling down for some Monster Girl Quest later that same afternoon. It’s your passion. You’ve fapped countless times to jiggly slime girls, robust cow sluts, demonic succubi, and every ogre, ghoul, and goblin in between. Your lust for these chicks is almost, if not equal to, your desire for fun gameplay...

Free Sex Games
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Fantasy Fulfilled A True Story

I finished typing and moved my mouse over the “send” word. The small hand appeared and my finger hesitated above the left click button. All my fears went through my head again and I almost moved the mouse to the red X in the top corner. Then I realised that in one or two hours or maybe tomorrow I’d be wanking myself stupid again, fantasising about having a cock in my hand and then my mouth. Taking a deep breath I clicked “send”.My e-mail was short and to the point. It was to a Professional...

2 years ago
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My Slut Entertains My Friends During the Game

you invited your two of your friends to come over to watch the game. you have me a heads up and told what to wear: a short dress and no underwear. you let them in and told them to make themselves at home. you called and told me to entertain you and our guests. as soon as they come in i immediately drop to my knees and i start by unzipping mike's pants and taking out his cock. he's not really hard yet but i can tell his cock is huge. i put it in my mouth and begin to suck as i kneel on the...

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Will You Be Our MommyChapter 20

Heather and I slept late the next morning, missing the boys before they went to school. The house was deserted. Mom and Dad had headed to work. Mom left a note, letting us know that Bob, Deb, Jon, Amy and our nephews Brian and Ben would be joining us for dinner and an evening of tales from our adventures down under. After breakfast I took Heather over to her apartment. She spent the rest of the day packing her things at her apartment for our move at the end of the week. I worked on packing...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 31

Miranda turned and sat sideways on the top rail as she watched Little Eli run over to get on his horse. Lee Yu, Lilly Beth, Kia, and Michi were all waiting for him. They all waved to her when they saw her looking. She felt like getting off the fence right then and grabbing Eli Crow. She was so in love with him and his family. No matter if it was right in the middle of the cattle pens, and right in front of all the men, she could have thrown him to the ground and loved him right here. They...

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Slaves Ch5

Chapter 5: Needles and Hot IronThe boy looked like a beat dog as he walked in between the three women who brought him. Shakia shared a smile with her comrades. There was much for him to learn yet. And they were excellent teachers.He was new and yet to be introduced to the torture chambers. The Ha'ekthe clan were just the right ladies for such an introduction."You're late," she told the women as they came over.The one leading gave her a haughty glare. "We got a little carried away with him....

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An ClochnChapter 53

It was a little after 17:00 hours when Sarah's Clan arrived back at Tara Ardchlár to rejoin the Landing Day celebration. They were surprised to find Keri and Iris waiting for them. "Good, you're here," said Keri and Iris together. "So what's up?" asked Sarah with a bit of concern showing in her tone. "Bad day?" replied Keri. "No. Not at all, and my apologies for sounding the way I did. Some of us just feel edgy at times but haven't figured out why. Maybe it's because...

3 years ago
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A Classic Dogging Night

It must be around here, I was thinking out loudly, as I monitored my Sat-Nav, it seemed to be lost too, and I banged the steering wheel in frustration.I was in the country-side, and had been on the road for two hours, almost 200 km from home, I guess thats a measure of my needs, at 34 my sexual perversions and kinks, were best practiced away from where I live, that way you can quite literary, let your hair down.In the boot I had a couple of large flasks of hot water, a basin and bottles of cold...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Revenge

Introduction: Bart Simpson decides to take revenge against Homer for a beating. Please Principal Skinner, just dont call Homer. Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner. I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the...

1 year ago
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How I Became Immortal Redux VersionChapter 4

The Sun was still tolerable at this point for me, even if a bit uncomfortable, though I knew that was certain to grow worse over time. The only question was when that would happen and what the others would do when it did. At some point, three people involved in managing Rosita’s Inn would be unable to work in daylight hours at all. To whom would we turn, then? Such were my thoughts as I looked through the file cabinets at the rents, ledgers, and such. Remember, this was the seventies. We had...

1 year ago
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Alleine im Urlaub Teil 2

Fortsetzung vom ersten Teil: 2: Die TennisstundeDie Zeit bis zum Nachmittag vergang wie im Flug. Der Postboote brachte ein Paket mit neuen High Heels, die ich aber für die Ankunft meines Schatzes aufheben wollte. Schließlich hatte er diese auch für mich ausgesucht und mit mir zusammen bestellt und würde sich sicher freuen wenn ich ihn damit in der Tür stehend begrüßen würde. Also verstaute ich den Karton im Schlafzimmer und zog mir...

1 year ago
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 2

For the next week Barry kept after Susan to tell him more about what she had done on the night she was drugged and taken advantage of. She told him as much as she could remember and it usually led to sex, but as much as she enjoyed making love with her husband she was becoming a little worried. There was no hugging or kissing, no snuggling or cuddling, no foreplay at all just "What else did they do to you?" She didn't know what it was, but something seemed to be a little 'off' between...

4 years ago
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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 12

“And now the latest on the True Bliss Power Plant attack we go live to Gabrielle Potts.,” the newscaster announces before the news feed switches over to pretty tall blonde standing before a mass of fire and wreckage. “Thank you, Jim,” the reporter says with a subtle smile. “I’m standing in front of what used to be the True Bliss Electric Power Plant. Earlier this morning the power plant was the latest attack in a series of attacks that have been taking place in the country. Similarly, an...

4 years ago
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As the Weather BreaksChapter 5

“Now my liddle cutie pie, can yuh guess where this goes?” Her eyes blink open, blinking again to clear the tears as she tries to focus on the dark object in front of her. Seconds pass in which I can almost see the bubbling of her imagination, before her pretty eyes widen, the muscles of her thighs flex as she tries to pull her legs together, vainly trying to hide her little kitty from the impending threat. She shakes her head violently back and forth: “Nugh, nugh, nugh, NUUUGHHH” “No, hun?...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Kenna James Caught With My Remote

Kenna James is back from college and her mom, Cherie DeVille, couldn’t be happier. Once they greet each other, Kenna lets her mom get dressed and promises to see her at dinner later that day. What Cherie doesn’t know is that Kenna pulled a quick switcheroo and replaced her panties with a pair that has a built-in vibrator that Kenna can control from her phone. When they sit down to eat, she can’t help but prank her mother by turning it on. Cherie tries to carry on a normal...

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Second Chance

What puzzled her was that even though her parent’s finances were shaky, they always seemed to have the money to send her to prestigious private schools. She had earned a bachelor’s degree, an MBA and now just completed her law degree, all from Ivy League universities, along with experience in prestigious management consulting companies in between her degrees. She asked her mother a few times over the years how they could afford her schooling, when they often had trouble paying their other...

3 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 63

I wasn't surprised several things happened over the next few days. None of them were especially exciting or loathsome. They were really just interesting. The weekend passed with nothing much happening, except I got to ride my trike and wear by bikini. I did not wear the bikini while riding the trike though. Drivers got distracted enough by the me on the trike. I surely didn't need them running over me while gawking at my skinny ass. On Monday morning before Wilson got his sorry ass out of...

4 years ago
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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 2

Earth Date 09/30/2018 After I was up and dressed, a harsh knock was happening at my front door. Opening the door, I saw Dianne and Larry. He said, “I caught her sneaking out of the house. She told me she was coming over to visit you. I’m not stupid. What’s going on between you two?” She pulled from him and went into my arms, “I’m in love with Jeff, and he loves me.” “Is this true?” he said looking at the two of us together. “You’re not as smart as you think you are. We’ve been seeing...

4 years ago
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birthday gift

hi to all my readers and freinds today i m going to tell u about my meeting with my boyfreind i was sleeping in my baby pink color nghtie it was early morning i felt that someone was at the door. i quickly woke up and somehow managed to change in to my shorts and vest striping my nightie i was wearing pantie inside my shorts and rushed to the door when i opened it i was surprised to see my boyfreind standing there.i scolded him of not telling me in advance then he said that he wanna give me...

2 years ago
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Imogen Chapter One

Imogen – Chapter One I needed her the moment I met her. Dark brunette hair, framing her lovely face. Her deep, large eyes and inquisitive eyebrows gave her an innocent presence. Her luscious, pouty lips were enough to send me over the edge. A cliché I know, but it’s the truth.    She walked tall – even though she, herself was not – swaying her hips gently, almost not at all. Her shoulders sloped gracefully into her back, and her bum: round and supple. Her skin looked smooth and sun-kissed in...

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Thunderstruck by Arcie Emm They had not been completely sober, Alex the Dropout having snuck them a twelve-pack in exchange for a six-pack of his own, when the idea had come up. And though nobody remembered exactly whose idea it was, each remembered that Dylan had drunkenly agreed to it. The next day, after sobering up, it had not taken him long to realize the idiocy of the idea. Therefore, he spent the next week protesting that there was no way that he was going to follow through....

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