Afternoon Aggression free porn video

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Part of her is revolting, but too much of her doesn't give a damn. She gasps, tilting her head up with a cry of pleasure as my hands find their way under her dress. Everywhere is hyper-sensitive, her nerves firing off like fireworks. My lips trailing down her jaw, as I bite at her neck hard, hands clawing against her legs. She whines in delight, loving how rough I am. I nip again, seemingly more hungry and aroused when she gasps weakly. My hand fumbles under her dress, fingers finding her clit easily. I flick it and she arches against me, groaning. She's so wet, she can feel it and smell it. She's so turned on, so hot she yanks at my hair hard. I snarl against her, teeth biting her shoulder viciously. She makes another sound, and suddenly my other hand is fighting for access to her panties. But I can't find any way under the fabric. She gasps when I suddenly yank at the dress harshly. It rips away like paper, leaving only the top half intact. My thick fingers curl under the hip straps of her panties. I yank them down without a second thought as Morgan curls her toes. She whispers something she hopes is a sound of approval, but I'm growling again, thick, angry, lustful sounds. I lead her into the small room. It is only a few steps down stairs and made of concrete. Against one wall is a set of chains, a small mattress under it. On the other wall the same, but with a bigger mattress, bigger chains. Morgan didn't know what to expect, but when I lead her to the small mattress and shoves her onto it, she's stunned. Soon both wrists are chained, nearly over her head. I step back to admire my handy work. She can see my erection straining against my pants. She tears her eyes away, looking at me. I lean against the doorway calmly. The lust takes over, as she pulls at the chains without meaning to. She wants me to fuck her...She wants me to fuck her hard and fast...She doesn't care if I break her...She wants to be broken.

She whines, feeling angry, then she realizes she doesn't care. She'd play along if it means I will finish what I started. Her pussy aching for me like it had never ached for anyone or anything. No man had made her so wet, no man had ever growled and bit her before. She isn't sure it was pleasure or pain she is feeling. She forces her eyes closed, trying to ignore the waves of heat and the swelling of her clit. Her nipples are hard, her pussy soaked. She tugs at the chains, wishing she had super human strength to tear them from the wall. If she could, she would come to me. " This is ridiculous!" she snarls. A few minutes later, she is hoping the intensity of the lust would wane. But no such luck. She is cold, but also so hot. Her stomach seems to be full of lava, but it isn't hot enough. The time slides by like a snail, leaving her to her boredom. I don't say anything, but stares at her endlessly. She watches me multiple times squeeze my cock through my jeans. Whether looking at me, or not, she had realized both were horrible. Looking at me made her pussy wetter, but looking away made her feel uncomfortable and squirmy. Morgan blinks and frowns at me in annoyance as I unclasp her chains. Her back hits the wall again, and all the fire that had simmered down earlier spikes back up. Her pussy practically begs for me, soaking her panties in desire. Her hands yank at my hair ruthlessly. I snarl, and Morgan gasps as my teeth nick her flesh rather painfully. My hands burn her skin as I search her body. I snarl grabbing and squeezing her breasts roughly. Before she has time to breathe, I show her my monster cock and thrusts into her with one forceful push! If she hadn't been so aroused and wet, I would have hurt her immensely with this abrupt opening of pussy.

I know that she has the urge as much as I do, and that she is well lubricated, by the time I get my steel hard cock inside her. My onslaught is ferocious, if somebody saw us, they would think, I was raping her, but she loves it! I can't be fierce enough with my grinding into her, the friction my huge cock is causing is way better, then the gentle attempt her husband did. She opens her legs as far as she can, to allow me to thrust inside her as deep as possible, I slam my cock all the way inside her. " Oh my God, John. You are a bull! What would I do, if I hadn't found you?" I don't answer, but concentrate on my approach, kissing her nipples and sucking them until they are erect and swollen, but never relenting with my onslaught on her pussy. The sensations, I'm causing her, are overwhelming, I know, what she needs, as she is cramping with delight and ecstasy. " John, please come, I can't hold on much longer… I loose control…" " One sec, John, one sec…" with this my rhythm is faster, I'm holding her tight pushing in unison and ramming my cock into the deepest corner of her body, hurting her with my ferocious thrusts, until her vagina is raw but irritatingly tingling, and she starts whimpering softly, then starting a desperate scream of delight. " Shhh, Darling, shhh!" I try to silence her. She growls with sheer pleasure, while she is experiencing the most delicious orgasm. " John...John...come…please…" She whispers in between her orgasms. " Oh my God…, you are killing me, John!"
" No, Darling. This is what you came for...You want me to challenge you...rape you...hurt you! You are tired of remembering your husband's lame love making...You admitted that to me. " Yes, John, but this is too much!" " Oh no, Darling, there is never too much of a good thing!" I keep delivering the most punishing thrusts. " You are a widow.. you need to be taken and satisfied...I will make sure..this experience lasts you till you need to be satisfied again! You won't be able to tolerate gentle lovemaking, by the time I am finished here with you!"

" Have mercy, John! You are too large, too strong…" She moans in desperation. " No, Baby. I am the perfect fit for you, I'll prove it! I fill you completely, up to the brim. The friction is superb, don't you agree?" " John, I am still very sore from yesterday." She exclaims, while she is shaking from another overwhelming orgasm. " So why did you come?" " John, I love it, I absolutely love it, I need it, I can't live without it!" " That's right, Darling. And you get it! I will give it to you, all of me!" I start an intolerable crescendo of thrusts, which leaves her aching for more and a new release, she contracts around my tool, which is causing her agony, clinging to me, although she knows, I'm the source of her torment, until we both climax at the same time, shaking and trembling, sweating and moaning, exchanging vows of devotion and expressing our affection and desire, not love, for each other. We are spent and exhausted, I release every last drop of my semen into her, she is exuberant although she is so sore and violated again, she is still panting, when I finally ask her: " Your deceased husband never gave you raunchy primal sex?" She stared at me. " No." I smile. " So why are you divorced six times?" " Because my six ex-wives were unable to hand my sexual need...and did not enjoy the raunchy primal sex."

" It was the same with my hubby. After experiencing raunchy primal really made me so horny I needed to see you again." I waited patiently in the bedroom as the smells of soap filled the room, but then I smelled her musky scent. My arousal begins to grow as my body is overpowered by the scent of her musk, Morgan’s fingers toyed with her hardened nipples as the steaming water cascaded over her body. She lowered one hand to cup her smooth sore mound; the swollen lips of her now excited sore pussy filled her hand. Slowly slipping a finger between her lips she feels her juices run over her hand coating her finger. One hand teasing her nipples and one hand teasing her mound. Morgan leaned back against the shower wall slowly thrusting her hips to her fingers rhythm. I sat on the bed licking my lips expectantly as the scent of Morgan’s heat filled my mind. Slowly growing hard again, shifting my weight from side to side as I wait expectantly for her to return. Digging her fingers deep Morgan’s head rolled back as her orgasm overtook her, tugging at erect nipples she rode out the waves of pleasure, feeling the water cleansing her skin again. Slowly reaching over to shut off the water and pull back the curtain, Morgan exited the shower, reaching for a towel. Looking up at the doorway she saw me sitting there stroking my cock. She smiled and said, " Well, I hope you haven't been there very long." Thinking of how she had enjoyed her shower, but knowing I most likely had heard everything. I just looked up into her eyes as she wrapped herself in the towel, drying her hair. She walked into the room and sat on the bed, still drying her hair. " I just got cleaned up, I don’t want to have any more sex." The smell of her heated musk is now so close I'm very aroused again. I watched closely as Morgan continued to dry off, seeing her body slowly revealed again. Her scent held my attention to where she sat on the bed, her thighs slightly apart showing me the swollen lips of her pussy. I moved closer to the bed, wanting to again smell her scent. Her thighs parted a little more as she moved unaware of how close I was now.

Suddenly I pushed her back onto the bed and roughly parted her legs. She feels my tongue push over her mound and between her lips where so recently her fingers and my cock had been. Shocked at this intimate contact again, Morgan tried to gasp a sharp " John!!.." as she feels my tongue again push into her pussy. What came out instead sounded more like, " What....JJJJooohhhhnnnnn." My tongue flattened against her wet lips, slipping between them lapping her sweet juices like a long piece of warm velvet sandpaper. No turning back now, I'm again lapping her pussy as I feel her body reacting. Morgan dropped the towel as she put her hands on the side of my head between her legs, thinking to push me away. The touch of my tongue on her pussy rapidly had the effect of reviving her earlier arousal, unwillingly she feels herself growing wetter and wetter. Pushing hard against my head, she managed to say, " Oh god, John no..... please nooo...don't dooo that..." Instead of pushing me away Morgan found that I pushed against her arms, causing her to roll slightly backwards pushing her hips up and into my mouth. Feeling her hands on me, I drove my tongue deeper inside of her pussy, drawing out her juicy heat. Morgan feels herself rolling backwards onto her bed, she tries to steady herself by holding onto my head, but instead causes me to be pulled tighter against her as she fell back onto the bed. She feels me between her legs, as she lay naked upon her bed. As my tongue continues to slip between her folds and her wetness now flows out for me, Morgan continues her protests even as she found herself opening her legs wider to allow me between them. " Ohh god JJJooohhhhnnn...wwhhatttt...mmmm...pleeeasee nooooo...not again." Now fully between her legs, I eagerly continue to lap at her juicy pussy, my tongue slick with her juices.

Unseen by Morgan, my cock continues to grow thicker and harder. Initially it was slender and small, but as my excitement for her heat grew, it is becoming thicker. " Ooohhh godddd... mmmm....John....your tongue...mmm..." Morgan ignored the obscenity of her actions as she begins to hump her pussy at my tongue, caressing her breasts finding her nipples excited and hard, she pinched and pulled at her hardened nipples. I became aware of my growing need hanging below me, knowing I needed to satisfy my new desire. I continue to lash her wetness with my tongue, lapping from bottom to top, as my tongue grazed over her swollen clit, she groans and scoots back farther onto the bed, making me follow her by putting my hands up on the bed. " OH GOD JOHN!" She moans as my tongue teases her clit wanting to feel more but unable to take the stimulation she scoots back from my tongue, as I followed her onto the bed. " John... jjjooohhhnnn...oooh," Morgan moans as now I joined her on her bed loving and licking her nakedness, feeding and drinking in her juicy heat. Morgan wanted now only to orgasm, and opening her eyes she looks into my eyes close to hers as I leaned over her on the bed. " Make me cum John," she pleaded to my eyes as I leaned there, she touched my head trying to lower it to between her open thighs again. But I wouldn’t budge an inch, " Pleeeaasee...." she pleaded Her eyes traveling back over my body, finally seeing my hard monster cock hanging down, slick with excitement.

It is again huge, 9 or 10 inches long and at least 3 inches thick. " OH My God!" Morgan said in surprise as a drop of clear liquid dripped from my cock onto her skin. " Ohhh god nooo, no John noooo...." she said as she tries to scoot back on her bed, with her back to the wall, she can’t get away backwards. Morgan rolled to her left side trying to ease out from under me and off the bed, but as she did so she feels me suddenly on top of her, my hands gripping her waist tightly and my cock searching for her wet heat. " Ohhhh god no no no John!" she cries as she feels what could only be the head my cock poking and prodding her thighs and butt. " Noooo Joooohhhhnnnn!!!!" she cries. I have to have her. I leaned over her nakedness with my cock hanging down dripping clear drops of lube. Mogan’s eyes widened at the sight of my cock, she tries to scoot back from me and as she turned to the side, the sight of her delicious ass presented itself to me. As if by instinct I lunged on top of her, my hands gripped her waist tightly, pulling her back to me. I thrust my cock at her wildly, as she still tries to scoot away from me, she rolls all the way over onto her stomach. Now she can feel my cock slipping wetly between her ass cheeks as I sought her opening. Morgan jumps as the cock head stabbed her tight anus briefly. " Ohhh god no John," she pleaded as my insistent thrusts continued. Thinking I had found her entrance I push hard but slide past her tight brown anus and glided over her still swollen mound. Morgan put her hands back underneath them both to keep me from getting my cock in her, as she did she raised her butt higher against me and laid her head on the sheets, looking back under her, she sees my cock head shiny with her juices slide between her legs, The size and shape of my cock again kept her attention as she unwittingly raised her butt higher and helped my alignment.

I feel her butt raise against my belly, I took this as her acceptance and slide in against her wetness, the head slipping between her swollen folds I push, finally finding her tunnel. Morgan watched as the head slides between her lips feeling its raw heat against her skin. She groans knowing it is inevitable now that I will take her as my bitch with my cock again. I hunched forward in the animalistic delight of mounting my bitch in heat, my hard cock pushing deep into her wet pussy. Before she can adjust to me, I slide in and out again and again, rapidly beginning to fuck her. Morgan pushes back against me as my cock drives into her hot pussy. The length and girth is filling her and teasing her depths as more and more of it works inside her. As I lay on top of her, my hips driving my cock deep within her, Morgan begins to give herself to me; she humped her ass at my driving cock as I fucked her on her bed. " OH GOD, FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" she screams as the full length of my cock fills her pussy. My hairy balls rubbing her ass every time I drive into her. I'm groaning as I slam her pussy with my cock, feeling her respond under me. Her humping back to my thrusts assured me that she has surrendered to me. I'm feeling strange stirrings in my loins as I fucked her. Morgan feels my cock swelling it begins to slip in and out of her, growing larger and larger with every thrust. Stretching her lips apart I continue to thrust into her. The growing stimulation has Morgan starting to cum, her ass wildly humping back on my big cock. Moaning and writhing her body covered in sweat as my body is against hers. Suddenly she feels the swelling rubbing her outer lips as it is to big too fit now. This drove her wild and she starts cumming hard against me. I push against her now, trying to get myself all the way in. As she came on my cock, her fluids flowed out over my swollen knot, and with a desperate push, I find myself tied to her, her tight pussy fully filled with my cock.

"Aaaaiiiiieeeee!" The sudden pressure and pain of my knot being pushed inside her had Morgan biting the pillow as her orgasm peaked, then she feels me jerking inside her then suddenly geysering scalding cum into her womb. Jet after Jet coursed through my cock filling her pussy with cum. Morgan almost passed out feeling me orgasm inside her, oblivious to the obscenities presented as she submitted to my bestial desires, she tries to pull away from me as I'm done now, or so she thought. She feels the swollen ball of my knot firmly wedged inside her pussy. She never knew any man that had a knot. Locking the milky flood of my cum into her womb. The pulsing of my cock is keeping her close to cumming again. She starts to rock back and forth trying to get free, my knot stretching and caressing her pussy. Within minutes she feels a sudden tug as my swelling went down enough for us to separate. My cock slides out of her pussy still semi-hard and shining with our cum now. I got down off the bed and left the room, leaving her lying on the bed sweaty and with my blood tinged cum starting to run out of her freshly fucked pussy.Morgan laid there on her stomach, her mind spinning from what had just happened. She feels the pool of cum on the sheets between her thighs. Her pussy still throbbing from being stretched by my knot. The room smelled heavy of sweat and sex. Even now she can't believe what she had just done, or rather what had happened to her. She has never experienced a sexual experience like this. Getting up off of the bed, Morgan looking down at the large wet stain where she had been laying; its center is a mix of blood and milky white cum. She feel fluids running down her thighs standing there, she needed a shower. Walking over to the bathroom door, still naked, she sees me laying in the bedroom across the hall, my hand holding a towel sliding over my cock, cleaning myself of our juices. The sight of my cock, which was so recently in her pussy made her stare, her fingers traced over her swollen lips feeling their sticky puffiness. Morgan quickly closed the bathroom door and started the hot water to rinse off the afternoon session. In the shower she ran the water hotter than normal and scrubbed at her body trying to cleanse herself of the fact that she had just been with me sexually again. In the steam, water and soap she washed away everything but the fresh memory.

She exited the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, trying to conceal the redness of her freshly scrubbed skin. Rachel quickly moved across the room, closing the door quickly scanning the room to make sure she was alone. Feeling safe she plopped down on the bed, barely missing sitting in the still wet area on the sheets. Brushing her hair again , she paid no notice. The room's heavy odor of the combined musk filled her mind as she wondered will it happen again.


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For Cindy Davis, it had been a weekend of unbelievable firsts.She had just spent two nights in a mid-town hotel room making almost constant love with Ray, a man she barely knew. Of course, it had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, no doubt about that. He’d been alone, a long way from home and had needed her. Still, it marked the first time she’d ever cheated on her fiance', which would never, ever, happen again. Then there had been anal sex. It happened sort of by accident, but it had been...

3 years ago
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Afternoon fun in the sun

A day off work had provided the perfect opportunity to head to the beach for a long overdue catch up with friends. The weather had been perfect, and the food, company and beach fun had been much needed relief after a busy few weeks in the office. By mid afternoon, friends had started to pack up and go their separate ways, until only myself and Ryan remained. Ah, Ryan. Friends for several years, we had the kind of relationship that only we could understand; an undeniable connection that pleased,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Afternoon delight and cuckold

I decided to head to town while Joe was away and happened to bump into a man while shopping. He looked really great and he smiled at me as I slowly walked around him. I decided to take a chance and see if he might be interested in some afternoon delight. "Hi' I said softly "My names Carmen" I added "Calvin's mine" he replied "You're looking mighty good to me" I then told him. "You're not so bad yourself" he answered back. I was dressed in a short black dress with black hose and ankle strap...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Submission

It was a hot afternoon and you'd just opened the instruction i had left you.Your heart begins to race as you read through the finer details.....latex underwear,stilettoes, the tightest of basques, your cock is to be enclosed in your latest chastity device with a catheter inserted all the way down your shaft . By this stage your erection is uncontrollable and you have to relieve yourself before getting prepared.This done you set about the task of covering your long smooth legs with your latex...

1 year ago
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Afternoon blowjob

"Would you care for an afternoon blowjob?" I couldn't help but be somewhat confused. "How would that work?" I replied. Imagining my dress pants around my ankles and my bare ass hanging out in the winter chill in some alleyway. I wasn't sure. It had been awhile since I had someone's mouth on my cock. It came at me so suddenly. On my way home from work on a Friday afternoon. A week before Christmas. I needed gasoline and chose to stop at a filling station. Pulling in I'd noticed another vehicle...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Drinks

Once, while on holiday we had an apartment that had very handy access to the roof garden, just up 2 flights of stairs.  Each afternoon we would prepare a plate of nibbles and take a bottle of wine up and sit and watch the sunset. On one of these occasions I had convinced my wife to wear just a very small sarong wrap tied around her waist and a bikini top - nothing else. The wrap barely covered her rear and tied at the front with the knot just above her pussy and 2 small bits hanging down in...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Adventure Part 2

I noted Henry's smile, and we caught eyes. There was an unspoken understanding that I may end up doing more than taking pictures that afternoon, and we both nodded and smiled together at the thought.Just then I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall and the door opened to reveal Cindy in a long white robe, clearly with no top or bra on as her beautiful 36D size breasts were partially revealed. I couldn't get past the tan lines and the large pink nipples which I clearly had other...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Delite

I remember felling funny that day, it was a Saturday, and I had a rare afternoon shift at the fast food place where I worked. I had this creepy feeling, there was something I wanted, something that I couldn't put my finger on and it made me somewhat cranky with my fellow workers. It was slow, really slow and a couple of times I saw the manager looking at his watch, and surveying the store and our lack of customers. We had washed everything that could be washed, wiped everything that could be...

3 years ago
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Afternoon With A Neighbour

The house that I had rented was on the 3rd floor of a 4 storeyed building next to a two-storied structure. My bedroom and bathroom faced the terrace of the neighboring building. As a habit, I would wake up early in the morning around 06:00 am and take a shower so that I could wrap up my chores and go to work as per my shift timings. I always kept the bedroom window and curtains closed so as to keep the neighbors from peeping in my personal affairs. But the bathroom glass panes used to be open...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight I used to love to go into the peep shows at adult book stores. I'd put my quarters in and sit and watch the movies, preferably movies about TVs, and wait for someone to put their cock through the glory hole. I'd play with the protruding cock while I un-rapped a condom. Then I'd slip the condom on the hard cock and suck it until it wasn't hard anymore. But now the glory holes are boarded up, and going to the book stores isn't as much fun anymore. But I still...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight It was a very hot day today and i was not looking forward to work.All went well for the most part as the day progressed.It was almost quiting time and the boss left earlier that afternoon for a meeting.The rest of the staff was headed home for the night.I was just finishing up work as i had a half hour left before i was able to leave.I needed to cool off so i grabbed a cold bottle of water and poured some down my back and breasts,that helped some. Now my nipples were getting...

1 year ago
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Afternoon pleasures

this afternoonThis afternoon, I went out for a walk in the city. It's one of those hot sunny days, you don't have much around here. I felt a kind of racily atmosphere, I liked that. I enjoyed the girls and women strolling in tiny skirts, colorful and loose.I looked for a place to rest near the canal and I found an empty bench. It was one of my favorite places to enjoy the views of the old canal and the medieval buildings. It is a small canal, only a few meters wide and on the other side there...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Interlude

Afternoon InterludeCeleste looked at her watch. It can't be only 9:30am. Celeste has been counting the minutes until she could sneak away for an early lunch. She had an order from Dom Adam to meet at the Hotel Mirtle around the corner at 11am sharp! Celeste began to heat up just thinking about that order. Her boss was gone for the day and would not miss her for a couple of hours. Tick Tock. That clock had never moved so slowly before today. Celeste tried to concentrate on her menial accounting...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight Part 2

Afternoon Delight Part 2 By: Ms. Jenny Ann Chapter 4 Quicksand--stuck and going deeper Timothy was being led back to the bedroom by Nancy; however, she wanted to receive her pleasure from Tracy, a name that he had just made up and now it was part of their sex game. What was so perplexing he was enjoying it. They reached the bedroom and Nancy sat him on the bed and said, "Lay down on your back, Tracey, I am going to give you the fuck of your life." Timothy was confused, he had...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Surprise

“Just because I’m faster doesn’t mean I cheated. I’m just better than you.” Kelly laughed. “The only thing you ever beat me at was being born” she taunted her twin. She turned with a triumphant smile and turned the door knob only to find it locked. “I don’t think Mom’s home” she remarked jiggling the knob just incase it was stuck. “She must have forgotten we have the afternoon off now”. Jonathon reaches out from behind her and tried to open the door himself, Kelly rolls her eyes. “I’ve got...

2 years ago
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Afternoon with Kay and Jane

Here is another fantastic story involving my hot sexy wife, Kay, and a very sexy friend Jane. Jane is average in height, with a sexy ass, perky tits, and short blonde hair.I come home from work earlier than expected and find Jane’s car parked in front of the house. This is nothing unusual as either she comes to our house when I am at work or Kay goes over there to her house.  In my mind I am thinking oh great, the girls will be talking for the rest of the afternoon. I go into the house and I do...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Wrapped only in an oversized bath towel, her body still damp from the shower, Emily Byrnes stared at her reflection in the dressing table’s large mirror. The small clock to her left read eleven forty-five, reminding her that her guest would be arriving in little over an hour. “I still can’t believe I let Sandra talk me into this,” Emily said to herself for perhaps the tenth time. The truth was, the forty-six-year-old really hadn’t needed much convincing, even if she didn’t want to admit that...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Break

"Oh, do I need a break," Constance Walker sighed while pushing away from her desk and stretching her aching muscles, "it's almost two o'clock, where does the time go!?!" As CEO of a large importing business, the crush of paper work and the constant pressure to keep things moving ahead would sap the strength of even the most experienced business man!!! Constance made a quick note on her note pad before donning her coat and heading out of the office for a two hour break but first, she...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Delights

Looking at my e-mails one morning, I received an intriguing message that caught my attention. "BY SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY" was emphasized. "SexGoddess has requested your presence at a special reading of her new story. " The particulars were given, time and place. I was to let them know by replying online, if I would attend. I had written some fan mail to SexGoddess under the pseudonym HotGuy. Her erotic stories on the site I joined had always managed to make me hard. The location was close to...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Afternoons With My Niece Part 1 The Bond

I was sitting at my desk working through some papers. The door burst open and what seemed like whirling dervish came through, plonked a bag on the floor, and threw herself on the sofa. “Oh uncle, it’s so stressful, I am going to fail, I just know it.” The whirling dervish was my niece. In her final year of school, wanting to study at university, and facing all the stresses of exams, study and university entrance. “Take it easy now, just relax and unwind for a minute. I will get you a drink. Hot...

1 year ago
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Afternoons With Mrs K Ch 2

This story follows on from an encounter between Jay, a young English naval officer home from service off of the Iraq coast, and Mrs Hazel Kellerman, a neighbour of his aunt, who is in her early fifties. I’ve written it as a split narrative; relating the tale first from Jay’s then from Mrs K’s perspective. JAY’S STORY I woke up after a short sleep of an hour or so. My head had moved from its resting place against her big soft breasts and was now against her tummy. Mrs K was stroking my face; it...

1 year ago
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Afternoons With Mrs K Ch 3

This story continues to follow the affair between Jay, a young English naval officer, and Mrs Hazel Kellerman, a widowed neighbour of his aunt, who is in her early fifties. I’ve again written it as a split narrative; relating the tale first from Jay’s and then from Mrs K’s perspective. JAY’S STORY On the Monday I spent another rather boring day at the college trying to get to grips with the spoken Arab language. To be honest, I could hardly concentrate at all; my mind was full of the great sex...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

AFTERNOON DELIGHT.Just a brief insight into my rather naughty afternoons.I usually have a nice warm shower and shave my legs armpits and pubic area. With growing excitement I then I lock all the doors and close the curtains. Back in the bedroom I open my bedroom cupboard and pull out all of the boxes and bags containing my heels, hose and lingerie. First I select a brand new pair of nude Aristoc Ultra Shine sheer to waist tights. I break the seal and slide out the plastic envelope containing...

3 years ago
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Afternoon break

I watched her as she finished her shopping and then made my way out to the parking lot so that I would be able to see her leave the store. I saw her come out and started walking in a direction that would force her path to intercept mine. You wouldn’t believe how this chick walked. I mean she wasn’t just asking for it; she was begging to be taken. As you may have guessed I am the type of guy that likes to take. She walked up to me. “What’s your name?” “Wha . . .,” she started to say. I...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea Ch 07

# ## Two months later, in Rome … Sophie squealed as her naked husband tossed her onto their hotel room’s bed. Bouncing to her knees, she tossed a hank of damp hair out of her eyes. ‘You wretched beast, don’t think that just because we’re married now, you can manhandle me as you please. I was enjoying that bath!’ ‘But sweetheart, I want to enjoy you – and my head still hurts from where I cracked it against the side of the tub yesterday,’ Cole said, rubbing an imaginary lump on the back...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Domlight

I don’t think I’d ever been so nervous in my life. I sat there on the padded bench in the hotel lobby, one of my legs bouncing restlessly over and over again as I tried not to fidget and failed miserably. My palms were sweating. I’d already wiped them off, twice, and pretty much gave up on them not sweating after that. I had a box of twizzlers in one hand and a bundle of roses in the other, and I was compulsively checking my phone for the time and to see if I’d gotten a message. Anything to...

4 years ago
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Afternoon of Shared Pleasure

This was written about a group that started meeting several years ago for mutual masturbation. I am looking to see if I have some of my stories about the group but will take some digging to find. This was about our first mixed meeting of that group. As many of you know a group of us men have been getting together on average of once a month here in the San Jose area for a little afternoon enjoyment of mutual masturbation. We began meeting last summer in July and at least once a month since...

2 years ago
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Afternoon routine

I’m sitting in my chair and look at you. For some reason I can never get enough of looking at you, the smooth outlines of your face, the soft curves of your body are a sight I can look at for hours. You sit on the bed with your back against the headboard. Your only clothing is one of my white shirts with only the middle button buttoned up, exposing parts of your flat stomach. Your belly piercing glistens by the light of the afternoon sun that brightens the bedroom. Your legs are stretched in...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

It’s 10 o’clock, I have two hours to prepare my little surprise for Noah. He is always home around noon for lunch and today he’s in for a nice afternoon. I want to show him how much I love him and desire him. This little encounter today will be all about his pleasure and desires. I start by putting some clean crisp white sheets on the bed, and place a few candles around the bedroom. Even though it’s during the day, I draw the blinds and curtains to give the room the romantic feel I am looking...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

I was stuck in the office on a pleasant sunny day in late summer, daydreaming about the afternoon of delight that lay ahead of me, I was meeting up with my lover, Kate, later that day. Kate is a girl I have been friends with now for a number of years, we met through some mutual friends and hit it off straight away. We are both in relationships of one kind or another but we are good together and it’s a little bit of escapism for both of us when we are with each other. Kate and I met...

4 years ago
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Afternoon sex with a sexy redhead

He lifted up the doormat and picked up the key to her apartment, his mistress for the past 11 years. When he met her, she was fresh out of college and a cute little thing, but over the years had grown into a strikingly beautiful woman.  It was 3 o’ clock on a random Wednesday afternoon, but this wasn’t just any old Wednesday, this was ‘fuck me hard’ Wednesday. The cool metal of the key slid into the lock, much like he was looking forward to sliding into the warm creases of Heather. He dropped...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Beach

Do you still remember that day at Sandy Bay, when we lived your fantasy and made love on the beach? I will never forget it. It still sends tingles through me whenever I think about the sheer joy we felt. Remember, we were walking down to the beach about mid afternoon, following the rocks from Llandudno rather than taking the path. Soon after we passed out of view of the Llandudno houses, there were people sunning themselves on the rocks, most of them completely nude in keeping with Sandy bay...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Study

Why is it that all my friends can relax on a Friday while I’m stuck inside my tutor’s house studying? I know that I didn’t get a good grade for a few of my classes. So now I’m paying the price of my precious time with this forty-nine year old guy. Mitchell had just moved into our street, from the city he moved to our small community looking for accounting work. After leaving his job as a university lecturer, he was looking for a change in his career. As he introduced himself to my family, I...

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