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This series has been so popular, yet no one is writing in it but me. Why? Perhaps if I started another story to interest you? TALES OF DJINNAR: Child's Play By Raven Ms. Conover was walking down First Street toward her job at the day care center. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, although it was a little cool. However, she didn't mind the chill, and was actually enjoying the mile walk from her aparment to the day care center. She was passing by an alleyway just before First Street interects with with Oak Avenue when a glint of sunlight relfecting off of glass or metal caught her attention. Ms. Conover squinted her eyes to see just was causing the reflection, but the glare was just too great. She put her hand over her eyes in an attempt to deflect a portion of the glare. Now that Ms. Conover's curiosity was piqued, she started to follow the reflection of light to determine what the source was. A quick scan of the area revealed that the glint of sunlight was coming from underneath the dumpster. She squatted down as far as she could go, and reached under the dumpster. From this vantage point she couldn't see anything, so she felt around blindly for whatever was causing the reflection. In a few seconds, Ms. Conover's had hit a moderately sized metal object. Ms. Conover grasped whatever it was, pulling it out from under the dumpster to see exactly what it was. She was surprised to see that it appeared to be an old oil lamp. Actually it appeared to her to be more like a lamp one would see in an Arabian movie like "Alaadin." "I wonder who threw this thing here? It looks like it might be an antique or something!" She said aloud, to no one in particular. Ms. Conover thought for a second, and then decided she would take it with her. She would try to clean it up later. Ms Conover dropped it into her oversized bag, and continued on toward the day care center. She didn't think about the lamp again, instead pondering what she was going to do with the children today. As she neared the day care center, Ms Conover saw the various vehilcles of working parents dropping off their children for the day. Generally, the children ranged from age 2 through 5. They were all fairly well behaved kids except for a few notable exceptions. Jeremy Brown, and Billy Tolliver sprang immediately to mind! Jeremy and Billy were the oldest children in the day care center, both at 5 years of age. In reality, they should both be in kindergarten, however, they were both born just days before the cut off date. So, for the time being, Ms. Conover was stuck with the both of them! Not only were the older than the rest, they were physically bigger than the rest of the children. As such, the lorded it over the rest of the the children, and as boys that age often do, tended to pick on those smaller and weaker than they were. Jeremy and Billy had the especially irritating habit off relentlessly picking on the little girls in the class. Ms. Conover's thought were interrupted by one of the parents, Mrs. Klein, greeting her. "Good morning, Ms Conover," Mrs. Klein beamed. She seemed to be in an especially good mood this morning, mused Ms. Conover. The gardener must be paying her a visit today. She was tempted to tell Mrs. Klein exactly what she thought of this "extracurricular" practice, and how it was effecting her son Kenny, but it wasn't her place. She just bit her tongue, smiled back, and replied sweetly, "Good morning to you, Mrs. Klein." Kenny was standing right beside his mother. He looked up at his parent, whining, "Aw Mom. I don't want to go to day care today. Can't I stay homw with you?" "No Kenny. You go with Ms. Conover. Mommy has things' to do today. You'll have fun here with the rest of your friends." "They ain't my friends. I don't like it here!" he started to pout. Mrs. Klein grew very stern. "What did I tell you about using that word young man? If you want to pout, I'll give you something to pout about." Ms Conover didn't like where this was going. It was escalating rapidly, and Mrs. Klein's tone was getting increasingly threatening. Ms. Conover hated violence of any type, particularly against children. It was time to intervene. She reached out here hand toward Kenny, imploring him softly, "Come on Kenny. We'll have fun today, you'll see. You can be my special helper today...." That made Kenny's eyes light up. Being Ms. Conover's special helper carried some prestige at the day care center, and even hellions like Jeremy and Billy vied for the privilege of that title. "Really....?" questioned Kenny. He had never been chosen as the special helper before. "You bet Honey!" Kenny reached up, taking Ms. Conover's hand, and stepping away from his mother. Mrs. Klein mouthed the words "Thank You" to Ms Conover. Ms. Conover just nodded, acutely aware that she just made herself an unwitting accomplice to Mrs. Klein's indiscretion. As Mrs. Klein drove away, Ms. Conover mentally kicked herself. She urgred Kenny, "Honey? Why don't you go and play in the playground with the other children, while I go in and get ready for class." "Okay Ms. Conover...." squealed the child, as he let go of her hand, and dashed off toward where the other children had congregated. She followed the little boy with her eyes. She sighed deeply when she spied Jeremy and Billy already engaged in their bedevilment of the younger kids. "This is going to be a long day," whispered Ms. Conover to herself. The departure of Kenny left Ms. Conover left Ms. Conover to further contemplate the behavior of Jeremy and Billy. If memory served her, and it usually did, the boys were particularly mean to a little three year old girl by the name of Chrissy Conners. Ms. Conover didn't understand exactly why the boys had targeted this little girl, among all of the other girl's. She was by a large margin, physically the smallest child in the class. She was very undersized for her age. On the other hand, she was an extremely beautiful child. When she grew up she was going to be a real heartbreaker. Chrissy's personality was as sweet and demure as her appearence. It was such a shame that she was picked on by Jeremy and Billy. Then a thought occured to her. She remembered a blurb that she had read in her child psychology text book. Little boys that age tended to shoe affection to girls by teasing them, and picking on them. It made sense! The boys were mean to Chrissy because she was, by far, the prettiest little girl, and thet both liked her! Ms. Conover was almost to the front door of the center when someone called out to her from behind her. "Betty?" came a female voice. Only one person called her by her first name. Janet Conners, Chrissy's mom. Ms Conover spun on her heel, as Janet closed the gap between them. "Good morning, Betty." "You too, Janet." Ms. Conover genuinely liked Janet who was always kind to her. She noticed that Janet was holding the hand of Chrissy, who was standing innocently by her side. As usual, Chrissy was dressed as cute as a button. "I just wanted to tell you that Bill will be picking Chrissy up after work tonight because I have a meeting. He may be a few minutes late. That won't be a problem will it." Bill was Janet's husband, and Chrissy's father. Ms Conover rarely, if ever, saw Bill drop off, or pick up his daughter. That was usually Janet's job, as Bill was usually very busy at his job as an investment banker. At times he acted as if the chore of day care was beneath him. He alwayd seemed so unaware of what was happening with his child. "Oh no, Janet. It's no problem at all. I'll stick around until Bill get's here," assured Ms. Conover. "Thanks Betty. You're a usual. You're still coming over for dinner on Saturday right?" "Absolutely. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Janet was one of the few parents that Ms. Conover was proud to call her friend. Janet leaned down to her little daughter, kissing her on the cheek. "You have a good day Sweetheart. Daddy will come to pick you up tonight. I want you to be good for Ms. Conover today." "I will Mommy," said Chrissy, hugging her mother snuggly. Janet Conners left her daughter in the care of Betty Conover. Both Ms. Conover and Chrissy watched Janet's vehicle drive away. After it disappeared from view, Ms. Conover looked down at her young charge, instructing, "Why don't you go out in the playground with the other children until class starts, Chrissy." Chrissy glanced over to the playground where she saw the sight of her dual nemesis pushing around two other kids. She moved behind the legs of Ms. Conover so that Jeremy or Billy wouldn't see her. She was clearly terrified of those boys. "Do I haveta Ms. Conover. Can't I come with you?" Ms. Conover saw where Chrissy was looking, and understood where the girl was coming from. She looked earnestly at Chrissy, squatting down as far as she could go, so that they were relatively eye-to-eye. "You know Honey, I think Jeremy and Billy really like you a lot. They just don't know how to tell you that, so they pick on you. Boys are like that." "Really Ms. Conover?" "Really and truly, Chrissy! I bet if you went over and told them that you like them, they would stop picking on you." Chrissy hesitated. She wasn't sure. "Can't I come with you?" Ms. Conover couldn't expect Chrissy to just jump in and try her suggestion. Perhaps later, she thought. "Sure, Honey. C'mon inside with me. You can help me set up." Ms. Conover went into the day care center, where they both deposited their coats, and belongings in the proper places. However, went Ms. Conover tried to set her oversized purse on the counter, she heard a loud "CLANK." She reached into her bag to pull out the lamp she found under the dumpster. Chrissy saw what Ms. Conover held in her hands, and asked her, "What's that Ms. Conover?" "That's just an old lamp that I found on the way to work Honey." Chrissy was fascinated by the thing. "Can I play with it, Ms. Conover?" "I don't know...." "Please....I promise that I'll be careful." Chrissy stared at her with the most innocent eyes. How could anyone resist the plea of such a sweet child? Ms. Conover gazed at the lamp, then at Chrissy. She didn't see that any harm that could come of it. It was just a junky old lamp wasn't it? Ms. Conover handed the lamp down to the three-year old, instructing her, "Now you be good, and go play quietly, while I get ready for class. We'll be starting soon." "....okay Ms. Conover...." ********** (authors note) Here is the next part, before we get back to our regularly scheduled story. ********** Meanwhile, within the pocket realm of the lamp, Scheherazade roamed through the garden that she had created with her self-magic. The Djinn was nowhere to be found. Her Lord had not paid a visit to her in some time, although it was impossible to measure time in this place. Even when he was here the last time she found the Djinn to be distracted by something he called the "Eye of Allah." Scheherazade sighed. She did not know what this "Eye of Allah" was, but then, there were many things which she did not know of Djinnar. She would not be permitted to see Djinnar for another 1500 years, as she was confined to either her pocket realm, or her former world, when summoned. In truth, although she had only been here a relatively short time, and there were many things for her to explore with her powers, Scheherazade was very bored. Even when she was Tony, she was a "people person." She needed the contact and interaction with others to be truly happy. Scheherazade no longer regretted what she now was. She only thought very rarely of her former, mundane, existence as the stud Tony. However, she did miss her former friends, and longed to see them. Scheherazade smiled slightly to herself knowing, with the exception of Hal, no one would recognize her. Wouldn't they all be surprised to know that the person who was formerly their friend Tony, was now this diminutive yet outrageously voluptuous creature? Not would they be surprised, they would be stunned, if they knew that she was happy to be this creature....especially Tony's former girlfriends! Out of no where, Scheherazade's mind was filled with the image of a small, sweet child nearby, yet just beyond her reach. This was something very new to her existence, perhaps a new manifestation of her abilities yet to be explored. This cheered her greatly....something to break her ennui. Scheherazade did not fight this new manifestation of power as she had when she first gained her abilities. She had quickly learned to let go, open herself up, and let the power come to her. The Djinn told her that is something that the initiates do not master for about 1000 years, and the reason for the usual, initial length of servitude. Yet she had mastered it as if born to it! That is exactly what Scheherazade did here, letting herself go. She felt the image resolve in her mind's eye, closing her eyes to block out all light. The child was no more than three years old, yet looked more like two, due to her small stature. She was smaller than most girls her age. However, she was extremely pretty. Long, sandy blonde hair, with a slight natural curl, was tied with a pink bow so that it flowed unhindered down her back to her waist. The little girl had a heart shaped face, with the beginnings of cute little cupid's bow lips. Chrissy! A name suddenly sprang into her mind. That was the name of the little girl. Scheherazade held herself very still now. All that she could feel now was the artificial breeze, which she had created, caress the bare skin not covered by her harem pants, and scant top. She had only one thought. How could she possibly know all of this about this girl? It had to be the lamp! Someone new had the lamp, probably this child. Scheherazade focused even further. Yes, she was correct. Chrissy was the new possessor of the lamp, her new master. In some way, not yet known to her, Scheherazade was becoming attuned to the lamp. It occurred to her that perhaps this was yet another refinement of her powers. According to the Djinn, she was so far advanced already, and this just might be the latter stage of her education. When Scheherazade concentrated one more time, the soul of Chrissy was laid bare to her. She could instantly see inside of her being, hear her thoughts, and know all that she was. Scheherazade opened her eyes, jumping up and down in glee. Her monstrous breasts bounced up and down in their support as she did so, and her extremely long hair flew all around her. She had long since gotten used to these once alien sensations, and they no longer bothered her. She actually had learned to like them quite a bit. However, now she paid them no mind. Scheherazade was very excited. She now knew that she could connect with whoever touched the lamp. She could see all that they were, and decide whether they were worthy of her servitude or not. If not, she could make the lamp slip from their hands. If they were worthy, she would serve honestly and fairly, with no wild misinterpretations of their wishes, as she had done with the thief. However....if they were pure of heart, she would use her skill as she originally decided to do! This little girl....Chrissy was very pure of heart. She deserved to have her wishes, her true wishes, come true! There was only one problem. Scheherazade didn't know how she could make herself known to Chrissy, unless Chrissy specifically summoned her.... ***************** In the ancient, mystical dimension known as Djinnar, the Blue Djinn knelt before the Pasha of all Djinn. The Blue Djinn had requested this audience before the undisputed ruler of all Djinnar. His powers were vast, and rumored to be able altar the very fabric of space and time. The Blue Djinn's powers, by comparison, dwarfed those of the Pasha, resembling mere parlor tricks. "Why have you asked for this audience Ali?" The Pasha, since he was the Pasha, knew all of the real names of his seconds, such as the Green Djinn, the Red Djinn, the Yellow Djinn, and so on and so forth. "I have not summoned you from your house!" "I know, oh mighty Pasha. I seek a boon from you, a favor, for which I would swear to pay a great price." That interested the Pasha. Naturally, he was the most powerful, and could do anything that he wanted, to anyone he wanted. It was much more fun if he got others to do unusual, twisted thing of their own devices. The Pasha raised one eyebrow. "You may ask, but be quick about it." "There is an initiate, who has come under my care, who has shown abilities far beyond any other initiate I have ever known. Even now, she knows near everything which initiates are to learn during their time of servitude. Only one thing remains unknown to her." "What is that Ali?" "Of course, the last thing known to initiates....the knowledge of entry and exit from her lamp without being summoned. Just now she has just learned how to attune herself to the lamp, so that she can gain knowledge of the possessor. Soon she will be able to watch what goes on the mortal coil from inside the lamp. As you know, from there it will only be a short time before she can see Djinnar from her lamp, and then how to get in and out." "Extraordinary!" roared the Pasha. "Her power may nearly be the equal of yours, or may even surpass it." "Yes mighty Pasha. I am aware of that." "What is it that you seek of me?" "Her term of servitude was to be the standard 1000 years. I have added another 500 years as punishment for early rebellion. I ask that you grant her an early cessation from her servitude, and allow her to come to Djinnar." "What would she do in Djinnar, Ali?" "I desire for her to join my harem, Pasha." The Pasha was stunned. He had known Ali for many, many millennia. He was always arrogant, and haughty, something he liked in a Djinn. Now he seemed different. In all of these years, the Blue Djinn had never been moved or touched by anyone. Perhaps.... "There is something more Ali. I can sense it. Tell me what it is." "As usual Pasha, you are all wise, and all knowing. I fear that this initiate has captured my heart. I cannot stand to be without her for one second longer." "What is the name of this initiate?" "Her name is Scheherazade, and she is more beautiful than the desert sunset." The Pasha was silent for a moment, the spoke, "Show me what she looks like." The Blue Djinn started to conjure a reflecting glass to show the Pasha the image of Scheherazade. The Pasha shook his head. "No. No. Transform yourself into her...." "Pasha?" questioned the Blue Djinn. "How can I be expected to assess her charms from only a reflection? You must show her to me as she truly is...." The Blue Djinn was left without a choice. In order to liberate Scheherazade from the lamp, he would have to do whatever the Pasha asked of him. Certainly, he was no stranger to transforming himself into a female, although he truly hated it. The Blue Djinn reveled in his manliness, especially the size of his penis. On the rare occasion that he found it necessary to assume a female form, he usually chose the shape of a strong, amazonian warrior. In other words, he was still big and powerful. He never chose a shape as petite, and ultra-feminine as Scheherazade. The Blue Djinn frowned inwardly, but decided it rather than protest, incurring the wrath of the Pasha, it was just best to do it, and get it over with. He concentrated, furrowing his mighty brow, calling forth the arcane energies at his disposal. The shimmering energy surrounded him, infused him. The Djinn could feel the overwhelming tingling envelope every inch of his body, which always preceded a physical transformation. Hr surrendered to the eldritch energy, allowing it to do the task for which it was summoned. The Pasha watched with a huge grin upon his face. He knew how much Ali hated this! He had always prided himself in being the most male of all of the Djinn. It would do him good to be reminded of humility before the Pasha. The Pasha intended to test Ali, to see just how much he really wanted this Scheherazade. He watched with great amusement as the form of the Blue Djinn shrank to only a fraction of his former height. He now stood well below 5' tall. The magical energies compressed his waist, softening him as it did so, while at the same time made his hips flare out, assuming a very feminine shape. The energy did not stop there. Thick blonde hair grew like wild fire from the Blue Djinn's head, as all of his other bodily hair fell like snow flakes from his face, chest, arms, and legs. Massive swells representing outrageously exaggerated breasts push out from the Djinn's chest, while the enormous bulge in his pants shriveled into nothingness. The changes proceeded apace until Scheherazade's exact twin stood before the Pasha. The energies completed their task by altering the Djinn's clothing into a duplicate of the sexy harem outfit that Scheherazade wore, down to the jewelry, bracelets, piercings and such. When the transformation was complete, the Pasha inspected, critically, the person in front of him. He commented, in true wonderment, "My but she is an exquisite creature. I have never seen her match in all of my time in Djinnar. Truly, I can see why you are so taken with her. Please....approach me." "W-why?" inquired Ali, in Scheherazade's musical voice. He was very nervous now. "I said approach. Your's is not to question why. However, if you must know, I will tell you. You, Ali, are the most trusted and most beloved of all of my Djinn. I must make sure that this Scheherazade is worthy of you. You have been with her, have you not?" "Yes....Pasha." "Even her voice is that of angel's singing," the Pasha commented. "Now approach!" The Djinn did as he was told, until he stood right beside the seated form of the Pasha. "You must show me how she loves you. You must show me how she touches you. Only then, will I be able to judge if she is worthy of Ali, the Blue Djinn." The Pasha was really enjoying himself. Besides, if Ali chose, as only he could, he would get to lie with the facsimile of this magnificent girl. "No please, my Lord...." Now the Blue Djinn's plaintive cry really resembled that of Scheherazade! "That is my price for a favor Ali. You said that you would do anything. If not, be gone! Do not waste my time...." The Blue Djinn was trapped. In order to get his fair Scheherazade, there was only one thing that he could do. He reached down into the lap of the Pasha and began to rub an already growing erection, even as he knelt to take him into his mouth.... *************** Tony (the former Hal) sat in his' living room and just moped. It had been a few days since his' place was burglarized, and the lamp was stolen. The police still had no leads. He didn't care about all of the other stuff, God knows that he had wished himself enough riches when Scheherazade was around to replace it all. All he wanted was the lamp. In the days that followed the burglary, Tony checked every pawn shop, every thrift shop, and every place he could think of to find the lamp. He had absolutely no luck! The search for the lamp had approached a kind of mania, an obsession that he couldn't shake. Now that he had the solitude of his place to reflect, he knew why. It wasn't the lamp, or what it represented, it was Scheherazade! Since that fateful night, he had been given everything that he could possibly want. He had money in the bank, Tony's face and body, and even Tony's life. With the combination of Tony's body, and his personality, women were literally throwing themselves at his feet. He had everything that any man could want! He should be happy, yet he wasn't. He realized that he missed her, no more than that, he was in love with Scheherazade. A part of him still felt guilty over his part in her fate, perhaps it always will. However, before it all happened, she was his best friend, his pal. Afterward, she was his lover, who pleased him in ways that he never thought possible. The combination of the two were very powerful. The only thing that he was left with was a gnawing at his very being. Tony knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loved Scheherazade with all of his heart and soul. No other woman interested him anymore. He had to have her. He had to be with her for the rest of his life. He just didn't know how to find her. That, he thought, is my punishment for what I did to her.... ********************* Chrissy was playing "tea party" in the alcove, by the toy box at the rear of the room. There was also a television, with a pile of videotapes, which Ms. Conover played in the afternoon. She was playing happily, humming to herself as she did. Chrissy sat the dusty old lamp in the middle of the miniature table to use as the tea pot. In one of the chairs was an oversized teddy bear, while in the other sat a stuffed version of Mickey Mouse. Chrissy sat in the third chair, pretending to pour out tea to her other companions. "Here's some tea for you Mickey....and some for you Teddy." The old lamp was very large, and Chrissy had to use both hands so that she would not drop it. Ms. Conover, could hear, her pretend play from where she stood, so she glanced over at her sweet little charge to see what she was doing. The sight of Chrissy playing "tea party" brought a smile to her face, triggering pleasant memories of when she was a child. Unfortunately, Betty Conover had not been a beautiful child like Chrissy when she was little. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Growing up, people always told her the story of "The Ugly Duckling," and promised her that one day she would blossom to become a pretty girl. That blossoming never came! Ms. Conover was now just an older version of the homely youth. In her bare feet she was no more than 5'2" tall. However, her weight belied her small stature, as she weighed about 160 lbs. It just seemed so difficult to keep the weight off. Ms. Conover kept her hair on the short side because it always tended to be on the frizzy side, which was a shame because longer hair would have helped to hide her pudgy face, and double chin. Although she was only 35 years old, a good amount of gray hair was sneaking up on her. No men called her name. No man had her name upon his lips. The most incredible thing about the whole thing was that Ms. Conover's personality had not been damaged by a less than desirable exterior. In fact, her personality was sparkling and warm. If you talked to her for even a minute, you felt as if you had known her your whole life. That was the real shame of it! If people only judged her by what was inside, rather than what was on the outside, she would have been happily married a long time ago. Chrissy needed to find something else for the fourth, empty chair at the table. She got up from her place, walking around toward the big toy box. As she did, she brushed up against the stack of videotapes, knocking them to the floor with a loud crash. The loud noise made Chrissy jump. "Ohh...." she cried, startled. Ms. Conover rushed over in a hurry. "Chrissy? What was that? Are you okay?" "I-I'm sorry, Ms. Conover. I knocked over the videotapes. It was an accident. Honest." A little tear trickled down Chrissy's cheek. She trembled all over. Ms. Conover saw how frightened Chrissy was, and hugged her, in order to comfort her. "Shh! It's okay Honey. There was no harm done. Just pick up the videotapes, and put them back. Everything will be okay. All right?" Chrissy's tears dried up with Ms. Conover's soothing words. "Okay, Ms. Conover. I will." Ms. Conover went back to what she was going, while Chrissy began to pick up the fallen videotapes. As she picked them up, one by one, and placed them into their rightful place, she looked at each one...just to see if it was something that she liked. Chrissy picked up the tape labeled "Aladdin," stopping to look at the picture on the cover. Something in the picture caught her attention....the picture of the lamp! Chrissy looked at the picture, and then back toward her "tea pot" sitting upon the table. They looked identical. That is when she got the idea that instead of "tea party," she would play "Aladdin." She could pretend that she had a genie and everything. After all, The movie "Aladdin" was one of Chrissy's very favorites! She quickly cleaned up the rest of the videotapes, and returned to her chair at the little table. Chrissy looked suspiciously at the dirty lamp. Cautiously she licked two of her fingers so that she could clean the lamp. Exactly how did they do it in the movie? That's right, Aladdin rubbed the lamp. So Chrissy rubbed her damp fingers against the dingy surface of the lamp, smudging the dirt that was there. ********************** Inside the lamp, Scheherazade had been waiting, patiently for Chrissy to summon her. She wasn't exactly sure that she would be able to figure out how to do so, as she was only a three-year-old girl. If only she could speak to her somehow, surmised Scheherazade. Then she would be able to talk her potential new master through it. The moments of contact with Chrissy were very brief, and were much too short to try and contact her. Scheherazade imagined those snippets of contact must be when Chrissy was physically touching the lamp. That had to be it! Scheherazade suddenly remembered what the Blue Djinn told her about the "Eye of Allah," the jewel by which he see her former world. He could speak mind to mind without even having to leave the jewel. He could see what was happening outside the jewel, as if he were watching a monitor. It had to do something with physical contact with the article, and the current possessor of the "Eye of Allah" wore it as a ring. That was it!! Scheherazade almost jumped completely out of her harem pants. As a lamp, her master would only touch it briefly. As an article of jewelry, it would allow continued contact, under which a connection could be formed. She may be able to speak mind to mind like the Blue Djinn, and see outside the lamp, even though she was trapped within. She was very excited about this potentially new refinement of her power. No sooner had Scheherazade figured out this facet of her power than she felt a familiar tingling all over her body. This was the sensation that she always experienced just before she transformed into a mist-like substance. That meant that Chrissy had figured out how to summon her. Scheherazade looked down at herself, past the mountainous swells of her breasts, and watched as she became transparent, dissolving into a pink shimmering cloud. It was not an unpleasant feeling. She retained all of her consciousness, and yet felt so light and carefree! There was no time to enjoy the feeling as she felt the tug or pull elsewhere. She knew from past experience that she was being drawn out through the spout of the lamp into the material world beyond. ********************* As rapidly as Scheherazade felt herself dematerialize inside the lamp, she sensed herself solidify outside the confines of her lamp. She blinked twice, turning her head to verify her surroundings. Indeed, she was standing in the toy alcove of a day care unit, with a very surprised looking girl staring at her. Chrissy's eyes were as wide as saucers in disbelief. Scheherazade, as she was compelled to do, by the various enchantments which bound her, greeted Chrissy. She folded her hands in front of her, in a praying position, stating, "Greetings young Mistress. What is thy bidding? Your wish is but my command." Ms. Conover was busy in the back, and not yet heard what was going on. "W-who are y-you?" stammered Chrissy, suddenly afraid again. "Why I am the Djinnee of the lamp, Mistress. You know this, for I have seen it within your mind." "B-but my Mommy told me that genies aren't real. She said Aladdin' was just make believe...." Scheherazade sighed. This was going to be difficult teaching such a small child how to use her. It did occur to her that she could test out her theory about the lamp connection with someone like Chrissy. For now, she would have to use a soft touch with her Mistress. Scheherazade knelt down on her knees so that she could speak to Chrissy from her perspective. Since Scheherazade was so short herself, it was not too difficult. Once on her knees she gazed at Chrissy as non-threatening as possible. "Chrissy, honey? It's true. I really am a Djinnee, just like in Aladdin. Since you now had the lamp, and rubbed it, I am your Djinnee. I have to do just as you say. However you have to say the words I wish' just like in the movies." Chrissy just stared at Scheherazade in absolute wonderment. Finally, she was able to mutter, softly, "Really and truly?" "Really and truly, Honey... I wouldn't tell fibs to you." Scheherazade was starting to get through to Chrissy. Children are at their very heart, the most trusting of creatures. Chrissy was no different. She took several small steps forward up to Scheherazade so that she was standing right in front of her. She reached up, touching Scheherazade's smooth face with her small child's hand, just to verify what she was seeing. "You're pretty! What's your name?" Scheherazade thought this was the most beautiful, perfect child she had ever seen, even in her years as Tony. "Thank you Mistress you are too kind. My name is Scheherazade." Chrissy tried to say the name of the Djinnee, "" However she failed miserably! Scheherazade took mercy upon her young master. "You can call me Shay for short...okay Honey?" "Okay!" exclaimed Chrissy happily. "Do you wanna play with me Shay?" Before Scheherazade could answer, the both of them could hear Ms. Conover starting to come back. "I can't Mistress. I'm afraid that if your teacher saw me, she would not understand. She may try to take the lamp from you." Chrissy looked Scheherazade up and down, and surprisingly came up with the perfect answer, "You could change your clothes Shay, so that you looked like everyone else...." Scheherazade raised one eyebrow. This was a perfect time to teach the young child. "What are the magic words Chrissy?" She chirped joyously, as if a child at play, "I wish you would dress normally." With those words, the Djinnee felt the power that was hers begin to well up with in her. She reached up to her earlobe, tugging it gently. It was almost second nature now. Another shimmering pink cloud swept down out of nowhere surrounding Scheherazade. Her skimpy harem outfit, along with all of the jewelry, twisted into totally new shapes. In a matter of seconds, her old set of clothes morphed into a pair of g-string panties, tight, worn jeans, bra, and sweater. The Arabian slippers, shifted into a pair of off colored tennis shoes. Scheherazade's little fez was gone, and her hair cascaded over her shoulders and back, to her rear end. Chrissy laughed in glee, clapping her hands, "That was fun. Do something else Shay...." Now Ms. Conover entered the room in earnest. The first thing that she noticed was the presence of a strange woman in the back of the room with Chrissy. Not only was she a strange woman, she was extremely beautiful, and overly a stripper. She couldn't let and her children around such people! "Excuse me?" she cried out loud enough for Chrissy and Scheherazade to hear. "Move away from that child. We do not like your kind around here." Ms. Conover quickly covered the distance between herself and the others. Now that Ms. Conover was close to them, she was extremely surprised to see that this new woman was quite a bit shorter than she was. It stunned her so because no one was shorter than she was. This new woman could only have been about 4'8" tall, as short as some children. The massive breasts marked her as someone who was obviously not a child. Scheherazade was instantly enraged by, not only the tone of Ms. Conover's voice, but her clear implication. Even though she had long since grown accustomed to this body, she had not yet had extensive experience of others' reaction to it. "What do you mean my kind?" Ms. Conover spoke sternly, "You know....a hooker or a stripper or something...." Chrissy interrupted, "This is Shay, Ms. Conover. She's my friend." They both looked at Chrissy, but only Ms. Conover replied, "Oh really?" "Yeah. She said that she was thinking of having her little girl come here. She was asking me how I liked it here." Scheherazade glowed with warm affection with this precious little girl. She had lied to protect her! Ms. Conover turned toward Scheherazade. "Is this the truth?" Scheherazade didn't miss a beat. "Yes, Ms. Conover. It is! I must say that your attitude has left me with some doubts. Now I am not sure...." Ms. Conover apologized profusely. She was greatly embarrassed, and offered any assistance that she might need in choosing a day care facility. Scheherazade dismissed Ms. Conover, "If you can just let me talk to Chrissy here. She can tell me whatever I need to know..." Ms. Conover turned and walked away without so much as a word. Every few steps she looked over her shoulder back at the two of them. Even when she had returned to her desk, she continued to watch them warily! "Such a rude person," Scheherazade remarked once Ms. Conover was out of earshot. "Why did she call you a hooker or a stripper Shay?" inquired Chrissy. Scheherazade lifted her huge, heavy breasts in response to her Mistresses question, "It's because of these Mistress." "She called you a name because you have big boobies? Were they bad names Shay?" It was much too early for such an innocent child to learn about such things. "No Sweetie. They were just names. She didn't mean them. Why is she so mad Chrissy?" Innocently, and with no malice, Chrissy whispered, "That's because your a lot prettier than she is. She gets like that when there is someone around who is prettier than she is. She's really, really nice though." "Okay young Mistress, what is your wish?" Chrissy thought for only a second. Since she was so pure of heart, her first wish was completely selfless, "I wish that Ms. Conover could be pretty too, so that she could be happy." The words invoked the power. Chrissy watched as Scheherazade reached up, tugging her right ear. Once again pink energy appeared out of nowhere. However, this time, it zipped toward the front of the room, circling around Ms. Conover. Ms. Conover looked up just into time to see the pink shimmering cloud coming at her. She got up to try to run, and tried to scream, but it was much too late. The scream got caught in her throat, as she was enveloped inside the cloud, falling to the floor. She felt like a thousand different hands were pushing on her here, pulling on her there. Ms. Conover felt literally like she was being pulled apart, or more accurately stretched. Indeed, her 5'2" frame lengthened considerably to 5'10" tall, thinning out as it did so. Ms. Conover looked at her hands, and gasped as her finger also became thin, very fine. Her fingernails grew out about an inch from their normal nail bitten stubby length, changing color to a deep crimson red. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She looked up from inside the cloud, finding Chrissy and the woman she knew as Shay. Chrissy just stared, awed by the whole thing, while the woman had an expression of satisfaction on her face. She didn't have much time to think about that expression, as the changes came faster and faster. Ms. Conover sensed the excess fat on her melting away. She actually felt her skin become soft and smooth. Simultaneously she felt tingling on her scalp, face, lips, neck, breasts, and even in her throat. A minute later the sensations started to fade. Ms. Conover felt dizzy, disoriented. She attempted to stand up, but when she did she saw that everything seemed much shorter than it did before. There was long blonde hair hanging in her face. She went to move the hair out of her face, however, when she did, her forearm brushed against a familiar, if overstated face. She had to flip very long and thick honey blonde hair away from her face. When, Ms Conover looked down upon herself, she gasped at the sight of larger breasts on a slender, tall, model type body. "Oh God. What happened?" she cried. Even her voice was a sultry soprano. In the rear of the room, Chrissy and Scheherazade saw a gorgeous tall woman rise where once there was the dumpy Ms. Conover. She was the type of woman which was more at place on the cover of "Cosmopolitan" than in day care center. This was the type of woman which would have to beat men away with a baseball bat. Cindy Crawford had nothing on this girl, who appeared to be no more than 21 years of age. Scheherazade shifted her attention back to her young Mistress, questioning, "Is that what you had in mind Mistress?" "She's very pretty now Shay, but no one will remember her. No one will know who she is..." This was another opportunity for Scheherazade to train her Mistress. "Well, Sweetheart, you know what to do." Chrissy didn't hesitate, knowing exactly what to do, despite her tender years. "I wish people would remember Ms. Conover as she is, not as she used to be." "As you wish Mistress..." This time, Scheherazade let the power build a little before discharging it. She hated to do it, as it involved some pain, but when you seek to change the collective memory of everyone, it took a massive amount of power. Scheherazade's skill had grown to such a degree that she was able to affect the change, although it did tire her a great degree. Scheherazade felt suddenly very faint. The last bit of magic took a lot out of her. Chrissy noticed right away, being the perceptive child that she was. She asked with a tone of great concern to her voice, "Are you okay Shay?" Scheherazade got down on her knees once again. The tone of her Mistress' concern touched her deeply. She hugged Chrissy, drawing her into her deep cleavage. For a second, Scheherzade felt a flash of something she could only describe as a maternal instinct. It was an odd feeling especially since she used to be a very macho man! "I'm just very tired Honey. I'm going to have to rest in my lamp for a while. Okay?" Just then, the two of them heard the combined noise of the rest of the children coming into the day care class. This would be a good time for Scheherazade to make her exit. However, she would have to make this quick. Chrissy looked very sad, with her lower lip pushing out in a heart wrenching pout. "B-but I don't want you to go. I like you...." "I'll only be gone a little while. I will come back." "You promise?" "Promise!" replied Scheherazade. She really liked this little girl! With that she was gone, disappearing as she came into the lamp. Not even the new Ms. Conover saw, since she was to busy inspecting her new self. ********************* Elsewhere, a very naked Pasha was startled into wakefulness by a ripple through the space time continuum. Only beings as powerful as he would be able to detect such a ripple. It was the unmistakable ripple of a new being of power flexing his/her new powers. There was no doubt who that being was. The Pasha glanced lustfully down at the naked spent form of the facsimile of the creature whom he suspected to be he source of the ripple. He said only one thing to the feminized Blue Djinn: "I think we have a problem...." ******************** The little children of the Woodbridge Day Care Center filed into the main room of the center. As they passed the tall, classically beautiful woman at the front of the room, each child greeted her, "Good Morning Ms. Conover." Even the two brats, Jeremy and Billy greeted her, and acknowledged her as their teacher, Ms. Conover. One little girl, Jennie Adams, looked adoringly up at her teacher to say, "I hope that I'm as pretty as you are some day Ms. Conover...." Indeed, as each of the members of the preschool class took their assigned place, Ms. Conover saw each of the little boys staring at her with the look of an innocent crush. Ms. Conover was very confused. Not only had she been inexplicably transformed into someone much taller and thinner than she was, everybody seemed to recognize her. Nobody was reacting as if anything was out of the ordinary. All of the children were treating her as if this was the way she had always been. The only things that hadn't changed were her clothes. However, because she was so tall now, the dress which used to fall just above the knee, now fell only to the level of her mid to upper thigh. She filled the upper half of the dress a lot better too! Only the waist was loose, depicting the former dimensions of her abdomen. Fortunately, the dress was belted, so she unbuckled the belt, drawing it in so that the garment fit her new dimensions. The belt kept going and going, causing Ms. Conover to gasp. She was so slender now. Little Chrissy Conners appeared at Ms. Conover's side. When the rest of the children started to enter the room, she carefully hid the lamp at the bottom of the toy box. She really wanted to be able to play with Shay later, so she couldn't very well have anybody else play with the lamp. No one would ever think of looking at the bottom of the toy box. Chrissy looked up at Ms. Conover. "I like you a lot better this way Ms. Conover. You're a lot prettier this way!" Ms. Conover just stared down at Chrissy. Of course, she thought. Chrissy would know who she used to be. She had been in the room when she had suddenly changed into this new person. Ms. Conover made a mental note to question Chrissy about it later. Perhaps she would have some clue as to what happened to her. Not only that, but she longed to look in a mirror. Many of the kids had already called her pretty. That was an adjective she couldn't ever recall anyone using to describe her. She was just about to ask Chrissy a question when Mr. James arrived late with his four-year-old son Bobby. "I'm sorry I'm late Ms. Conover, but traffic was just plain scary. Bobby, go take your seat." The little child went scrambling toward his seat, with Chrissy chasing after him. Bobby was one of Chrissy's friends in the class! That left Jasper James and Betty Conover a moment alone to talk. Jasper James was one of the richest single men in town, also one of the best looking. His slight Texas accent just added to his charm. Ms. Conover always harbored a crush of her own upon this man. His image often filled her sexual fantasies when she was forced to satisfy herself. Unfortunately, the man had never looked at her with anything more than a passing acknowledgment of her existence. This morning, however, Jasper looked at Ms. Conover with a much different expression. It was one that Ms. Conover had never seen before, one of pure desire and lust. Since she did not recognize that expression, she was compelled to ask Jasper, "Are you all right, Mr. James?" "Betty? How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jasper?" Ms. Conover searched her memory. She didn't ever recall him saying that to her.... Jasper continued, "I keep asking myself why someone as gorgeous as yourself is workin' in a day care center. Why you could be a model, or a movie star." Ms. Conover was naturally stunned by all of this. She moved to cover up as best as she could. "Uh....I just like children. That's all. This is the only thing I ever wanted to do." "Well you'd make a right fine mother! In fact you'd make a good mommy for my Bobby!" This made Ms. Conover blush. "What do you say? Would ya like to go out on a date with me on Friday night? What else could she say? This was one of her fondest wishes. Before she could even remember her current odd circumstances, she cried out, "Yes, oh yes! I'd love to go out with you!" That made all of the children in the room giggle madly. "It's all set then." replied Jasper James happily, kissing Ms. Conover on the cheek. "I'll send my limo around to pick you up about 8:00 o'clock. Okay?" Ms. Conover was very flustered. "Um....yeah. That's fine." Jasper waved good bye to his son, and to Ms. Conover, and was off. As she stood there swooning, she realized that her entire day care class was singing/chanting as one, "MS. CONOVER'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! MS. CONOVER'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" She really had to look into a mirror! ************************** It was about 9:30 o'clock a.m. Tony/Hal had been searching the garbage dump, and various goodwill for the better part of 3 hours. Now he was reduced to an activity affectionately termed "dumpster diving." The police had still not been able to come up with any leads as to the whereabouts of the lamp. Therefore, he reasoned that, since the lamp was dusty and dirty, any thief may have concluded that it was worthless. There was a reasonable shot that the burglar, or burglars, simply disregarded the lamp into the trash. At least he hoped so! The multiple episodes of "dumpster diving" had rendered Tony/Hal a smelly, messy wreck. He didn't care though. He would keep on going until he found the precious lamp! He had worked his way up and down First Street, stopping in each alleyway to search the dumpster or trash cans. Now he found himself at the last alley immediately before the intersection of First Street and Oak Avenue. He heard the rustling first...the sound of another person digging in and around the dumpster. "Hello?" Tony/Hal called out. The head of a woman, who he would consider quite attractive had her make up been ruined, emerged from inside the dumpster. The woman was also sporting a black eye, and a busted lip. Tony took one step closer, so that he could see inside the dumpster. The trampy clothes of the young woman were also ruined. They were torn and ripped in many places, exposing various parts of her anatomy. Tony/Hal could see from his current vantage point that this woman had quite the impressive body to go along with her pretty face. He guessed from her manner of dress/make-up and her body type that she must be a street walker. "Did you lose your purse Miss?" inquired Tony/Hal. "I ain't a Miss, buddy!!" came back an angered reply, in a contralto voice that said just the opposite. "Excuse M-me?" stammered a totally stunned Tony/Hal. The woman attempted to crawl out of the dumpster. However, she was so short that it was obvious that she needed help. Tony/Hal moved to help her, just as any gentleman would, only to have his hand violently shoved away. "I said I ain't no woman, and I don't need no help neither!" exclaimed the woman. As she crawled out of the dumpster, Tony/Hal could see under her short skirt to what was underneath. She wasn't wearing any panties. There, exposed for the whole world to see was a very female vaginal slit. When she was out of the dumpster, she looked up into the face of Tony/Hal. God, how she hated being so short! She followed his eyes, realizing what he had been watching. Tony/Hal gulped. "You sure look like a woman to me...." The woman dismissed Tony/Hal by retorting, "Aw, you wouldn't believe me anyways!" Tony/Hal had seen many strange things since the night of that fateful costume party, so he wasn't one to be disbelieving things. "Why don't you try me Miss.?" The girl really got irritated now. "Look Mac. I ain't no woman. I already told you that. I had this lamp, an a genie came out. She turned me into this hooker. I've spent the last few days bein' screwed by a gang. I only now just got away." Tony/Hal grew very excited. Finally, there was a lead. There could only be one lamp, and one person who could have done this. He needed more information. "Where did you get the lamp?" "I robbed an apartment over on Fifth, not that it matters none. That's where I got it." "That was my' apartment you thief. That was my lamp." Tony/Hal cried, angry now. He rushed up, grabbing the woman's arm. "OW," she protested. "That hurts!" Tony/Hal had very little sympathy at this point, "Good. I hope it does. If you ask me, you got everything that you deserved." As he said the word "deserved" he grabbed the thief's gigantic boob. "D-don't d-do that," she pleaded. "Y-you d-don't know what that does to me." "What does it do, exactly?" inquired Tony/Hal, changing his grabbing motion to more of a caress. He could feel extremely large nipples starting to swell. "No...please. Don't!" she sobbed. It was no use. Tony released her arm with his other hand, and began to fondle her other breast. This bastard had robbed him and took Scheherazade from him. He deserved to exact some type of revenge upon him/her. The teasing was more than the transformed thief could bear. He hastily unbuckled Tony/Hal's pant, and pulled them, along with his underwear down to his ankles. She pulled him behind the dumpster so that no passerby could see what she was about to do. She hated this, but the enchantment placed upon her was too strong to resist. The thief dropped to her knees, hungrily taking Tony/Hal's engorged tool into her mouth. She despised how even the sight and smell of such a thing excited her so. It didn't even matter that he smelled disgusting or that he was covered in garbage from his earlier activities. A few minutes later, she was finished. She licked her lips greedily to get every last drop of Tony/Hal's bodily fluid. Tony/Hal looked down at her without a bit of remorse over the fate of the thief. "Where's the lamp now, bitch?" The thief adjusted his anatomy in his torn clothes. "I-I don't know. I dropped it here when the gang found me like I am. Someone else must have found it." Tony/Hal pulled his pants back up, zipping up his fly loudly. Thoughtfully, he pulled a $20 bill from his wallet, and flung it at the thief. "Here. For services rendered! You are a whore, after all...." Tony/Hal left her crying there. On one hand he was encouraged by the fact the lamp was out there. On the other hand, he was concerned with his former best friend's motivation that she could do this to another matter how bad they were! Unbidden, his guilt over his role in all of this arose, like bile in his throat. He was going to be sick.... ******************** In the mystical land of Djinnar, the Pasha checked, for what was about the 100th time, the text on the dog-eared page of the "Tarizza." The "Tarizza" was an ancient tome written by Allah himself, which chronicled all that was, and all there was yet to be. The passage was unmistakable in its meaning: And lo' there shall walk one among you who is of Djinnar, yet is not. She shall be as lovely as a desert flower yet will wield powers beyond her ken. Rejoice, for she shall be my Avatar, purifying mighty Djinnar for my return! Her powers will be the equal of none, so that none may bar her way. Accept her as your Queen, for her generosity, as well as her anger shall be boundless. Rejoice, for only she can lead Djinnar to a Golden Age, and its rightful destiny.... The ripple the Pasha had felt, along with the knowledge related to him by the Blue Djinn all pointed to one inescapable conclusion. Scheherazade was the Avatar. The Pasha shuddered where he stood. This meant that if Scheherazade could not be stopped she would succeed him as the undisputed leader of Djinnar. All that he had, all that he conspired to have as the Pasha would be taken from him. He would be, at most, merely a Djinn like his Blue Djinn subject to the will of another. No! This would never happen! He had been Pasha too long, and liked all that he had too much. His only hope was to keep her happy and in his service. For that, the Pasha would have to rely upon the influence of the Blue Djinn. If not..... He was too terrified to think. If anyone else ever knew about this prophecy, he would be doomed. With a simple gesture, the page burst into flame, leaving only ashes in its wake. "HA!" he roared. "No one will ever know that Scheherazade is the Avatar." In the back of the room, the Black Djinn, currently in the form of a common housefly, chuckled inwardly to himself. He mused, no one indeed! We shall see dear Pasha.... ******************** Scheherazade rested inside the confines of her lamp. She couldn't ever recall being this depleted after using her magic. She wasn't this tired even when she used her powers for the first time. Clearly, something was going on which she didn't yet understand. However, she was confident that she would. All she had was time. In place of the idyllic landscape that she usually had inside her lampscape, Scheherazade opted for the flowing curtains, pillows, couches and silks one would usually find inside the interior of a luxurious Bedouin tent of a Sheik. She lounge carefree upon one of the couches with her eyes closed. She thought only happy thoughts of her gentle, kind current Mistress. She already had an idea how to test her theory about the connection between herself, the lamp, and its master. She just hadn't had time to suggest it to Chrissy before she made her last, exhausting wish. Scheherazade was roused out of her contemplations by the touch of a large hand upon her shoulder. She open her eyes to behold the large, powerful form of her taskmaster, the Blue Djinn. Upon seeing him, she bounded from her repose, virtually leaping into his strong arms. Her little heart beat faster, as other, more private areas started to warm up and tingle in anticipation of his visit. Scheherazade kissed him deeply on the lips, parting only briefly to coo, "My Lord, it has been so long since you have come to me. I have missed you so!" "I am sorry my little one. I have been delayed by other pressing matters. However, I bring joyous news to you. A surprise." Scheherazade jumped up and down like a little girl at Christmas. She so liked surprises, especially the ones which would allow her to satisfy the body of the Blue Djinn. "It has been decided that your term of servitude will be shorten to only 500 years." "My Lord?" "You have shown abilities far beyond a normal initiate. The period of servitude of 1000 years is what is required for an initiate to learn the use of magic. You have almost learned all there is to know. For that you have been rewarded." Scheherazade moved to pull down the Blue Djinn's loose pants, to get at his fabulous organ, and show her appreciation for his mercy. However, the Djinn stopped her before she could. He was not yet done. "Further, it has been decided that even though you must serve 500 years, you will be permitted to walk the land, and breath the sweet air of Djinnar if you are accompanied by me." Scheherazade was overjoyed, for in truth, she was becoming bored with her current situation. This would allow her to explore, and learn of the land of Djinnar. "Oh Djinn, you are so generous. Please allow me to show my gratitude to you, by pleasing you in any way that you desire." Again she showered the Blue Djinn with her sweet kisses. "Be warned little one. You may not do to Djinnar without me. The Pasha now knows of your existence. If he senses you within Djinnar without me, his punishment will be most dire. You shall be taken from me..." Scheherazade hugged him tightly. "I promise. I will not go into Djinnar without you." "Very good. Very good indeed." "When can I go? When can I see Djinnar?" asked Scheherazade excitedly. "You must first divine how to figure out how to move beyond the barriers of your lamp without being summoned. That is the only way that you can move past that barrier into Djinnar. Even I cannot transport you into Djinnar. Only you can do that." "I will redouble my efforts Lord. I will learn how to do so...." "In the meantime, I have brought with me the first of my harem, Jasmine, to teach you of the ways of my harem. Listen to her for she will school you, and prepare you to join my harem." A classically beautiful Arabian girl moved from where she was hiding among the silk curtains into full view. She moved quickly to the side of the Blue Djinn. Scheherazade protested the presence of a rival for the affections of her taskmaster. "But Djinn...I thought you would be with me, and that I could please you." "You still can little one. Read my mind. Visualize what would make me happy just now." Scheherazade did as she was told. The Djinn's thoughts, usually closed to her blossomed like a flower. The image that she found there brought a large smile to her face. It was something new for her to try. Scheherazade slid down the body of the Blue Djinn like a snake coiling around a tree, caressing everything as she went. Once upon her knees she pulled down the Djinn's loose pants exposing his huge penis. As she did many times before she placed her lips upon the organ, teasing it to its full grandeur. Again as before, she took him into her, until his full majesty was down her throat. Unlike any time before, she did not stop there. She felt the Djinn mystically willing himself larger and larger. Scheherazade expanded her throat larger and larger to accept him into her. However, she did not stop there. She willed herself, with her self-magic, to shrink even further. She sensed her arms, legs and clothing dissolve into nothingness to conform to the image within the Djinn's mind. In seconds, she was nothing more than a living sheath covering the Djinn's massively enlarged penis. However, parts of her, specifically her nose, lips, fingers, toes, breasts, buttocks and vaginal mound remained as raised ridges....raised, very sensitive ridges. She willed her clitoris to enlarge, forming another raised ridge! Her lips gripped the girth of the organ much like the elastic of a condom. In fact there was only one difference between Scheherazade and a condom. Her inside, against his flesh, was still the warm moist inside of her mouth. The Blue Djinn ordered Jasmine to disrobe. Once unclad, the senior member of the harem rapidly expanded her maidenhood to accept every inch of the Djinn. That is, every inch of the Djinn, with Scheherazade attached. He drew Jasmine to him forcefully, entering her maidenhood with one thrust. Scheherazade tingled with a unique delight as she entered the warmth of her harem trainer's sex. She wanted to please her, so she wiggled her finger and toes, stimulating her private places. It was Scheherazade that was pleased. The rubbing of her outer ridges upon the inside of Jasmine was just too much for her to stand. If she could have screamed in joy, she would have, but she could not. Instead she spasmed in the first of an endless series of orgasms, the likes of which she had never known. Her bodily juices only added to the lubrication of her two superiors. She felt herself being withdrawn, only to thrust forward again, for the first time, the musky perfume of Jasmine in what remained of her nose... ******************* 11:30 a.m. The day was really only just beginning. However, Bill Conners wished it would end already! He was having a horrendous day, and it only promised to get worse. Generally, life as an investment banker was filled with high level stress, and split second decisions worth millions of dollars. At times Bill thought that life as a circus high wire walker, without a net, would be less stressful. Hand in hand with the stress was the knowledge that you had no true friends in business, on allies. You only had allies as long as

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LiveJasmin Cosplay

Cosplay used to be a niche for nerds, virgins, and virgin nerds. These days everyone has seen and heard of cosplay, but I’m not talking about Lord of the Rings, ren fair, Star Trek pussies cosplay. I’m talking about whores barely dressed as Lola Bunny blasting away at their labia with a double-sized hippo cock dildo. You guys have fun swinging plastic swords at each other. I will be over here fucking your sister while she’s dressed like Repunzel with a pixie cut. I love the way she calls me...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
3 years ago
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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

4 years ago
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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

3 years ago
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yo Hetero con gay en la playa

Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Madames new Playmate

Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...

3 years ago
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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

4 years ago
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Gaby Part 6 Cosplay

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

4 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 26 The Playoffs

We entered the conference playoffs as the team favored to win. Our local paper was helping to fuel the interest by featuring pictures and biographies of each of the starters in the week prior to the first game of the playoffs. I got a lot of razzing at school the day after my picture and bio appeared. I was pretty uncomfortable with all this attention, but I was in the minority from my teammates. Most of the rest of the guys on the team were really enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We...

4 years ago
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The Playmate

Hello Little Miss This is the second of my "Little Miss" stories. Poor old Nathan. Love, and stay safe KT Pel xxx The Playmate "But what on earth is it?" Nathan was positioned cross legged on the living rug, just as I had instructed. It was Christmas morning, though there was little spirit of the season in the air. "It's a doll," I replied coldly, as I warmed my hands on the mug of hot chocolate Nathan had made for me. "Yes, I can see that Tabitha. It's the same...

4 years ago
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Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...

4 years ago
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Finding Pet A Playmate

It has been a month since Master gave me His collar, claiming me as His. It has been a wonderful month filled with pleasure and love. I couldn’t have wished for anything more. That was until Master asked me to move in with Him. I was speechless. Ecstatic would be an understatement. Of course I accepted and was moved in within a week. We quickly got into a routine. I am to be in position in front of the door when Master gets home from work. The position I’m supposed to be in is me naked on my...

4 years ago
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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

2 years ago
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Digital Playground

DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....

Top Premium Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Bisexual Playground

BisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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The Stanley Cup Playoffs

To some, the NHL playoffs are a welcome event, especially if they involve their favorite team. Me? I couldn’t give a rat's ass because — as you may have read in my earlier journal entries — I do not like sports. For my awesome husband, however… well, his favorites, the Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For me, the best thing about that is knowing that, along with other season ticket holders, he’ll be busy for four to seven nights. Actually, I planned on going to St. Louis for...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Roleplay

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sisters' Naughty Roleplay By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

1 year ago
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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Playroom

This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...

3 years ago
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Passion at the Playground

It was just another lifeless day at the office as I rummage through piles of paperwork the size of mountains and working on a computer that is so antiquated, sometimes I think that cave dwellers used this computer. It seems like my stress level is at an ‘all time high’, my nerves are almost to the point of being ‘comfortably numb’ and my mental status is at the brink of making Von Gogh look fairly sane. Suddenly, my phone rings and at the other end of the line was my boss requesting me to...

4 years ago
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Adventure in the Playground

Finally, construction was complete, and just about every tried it out... for the first few months. Then gradually, kids became bored with it. The track started to grow over in places, and me and my friends found a great spot half way around the track to build a secret hide out. It offered a perfect, discreet view of the uneven bars. My mates and I used to hide out there and watch the girls swing upside down. Unless we made a sound, teachers and students didn't even know we were there. ...

4 years ago
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Endless Playground

He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...

Straight Sex
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Sex in bus roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.I do not know - maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it and we continued the story.Let's start! Irina - girl from my roleplay - well, how she introduced herselfCrowded bus at rush hour, standing in traffic. A young girl, 19 years old, stands in a corner of the bus at the window, squeezed on all sides.She is wearing short jeans shorts,...

3 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again. Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

4 years ago
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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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Erins Playdate

As I slipped out of bed at 4:30am I tried to be as quiet as possible. I always got up well before Erin as I have a little over an hour commute to work. Normally I stay nice and quiet trying not to wake her, but this morning was a little tougher. My heart was beating a little faster and there was almost a little tremble in my hands. No matter how many times we had done this, I always got super excited the morning of. After getting all my things together I gently kissed Erin on the forehead and...

3 years ago
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The Officeplay

Your handle was officefuck69. This intrigued me. I checked the rest of your profile and thought you were worth sending a message to. 'Hi: Thanks for the flirt. I checked out your profile and you have my attention. What exactly are you looking for? Tell me a bit about yourself and feel free to ask me anything. I will answer any and all questions.' SEND I checked out a few web cams, read a few articles and was about to log off when I saw that I had a message. 'I'm looking for...

3 years ago
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Sheridan had been suspicious from the moment she heard David’s voice on the other end of the phone. ‘I’m coming over in fifteen minutes. Don’t ask questions, don’t argue. Trust me,’ he’d said. Worse still, he had used that damned devilish tone of his which, in the past, had caused her to make several poor decisions, none of which she regretted. Now, she was standing in shock at her front door. He wasn’t holding flowers, but instead, three full grocery bags. He brushed past her with just a...

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*Originally posted on ANS story board 3 years ago and then again on girlspns TGSP archives *You will notice a few points have been changed to comply with the guidlines on CHYOA Our story begins with Eric Lingle, a sly but shy 18-year-old boy who often hangs out with his many friends from school and the neighborhood, both boys and girls. His parents are complete hippies, and therefore let him do pretty-much whatever he wants and are far-too-open about sex topics with their son. Whenever he has a...

5 years ago
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You get home on friday evening, a little tired after a week of work, but glad and excited to be able to enter your fantasy realm within the VR machine you have in your bed room. The machines were invented a little over a decade ago. At first it came out that they were being developed for military purpose, but soon people got their hands on the technology, through illegal means or maybe even leaked by the government? Who knows. Either ways, you're glad it happened because they are now a public...

2 years ago
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New playpal

So, I have a new play pal and is exceedingly tall but also exceedingly hung, at a whole 11 inches long he is well endowed. It is a thin cock, totally shaved all over apart from the hair on his head. He is not the cutest guy in town but with an 11inch cock, who is complaining? Certainly not me!We met via a gay site and chatted for a while, he invited me up to his place and we briefly chatted and then it got down to serious business. He sucked my cock for a while and then bid me to suck his after...

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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...

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The Playmaker

"Mollie, pass it here!"Mollie fake passed it to her teammate and kicked the soccer ball in for the win. Mollie was thrilled and excited!"Now that's how ya play soccer guys!" Mollie told them. The girls on Mollie’s team really weren’t too fond of her. They said that she was always a ball hog and never let any of them really score. “Great game, huh guys?” Mollie asked as they were walking to the locker room.“Not’re always fucking hogging the ball and never let us have our moment.”...

3 years ago
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“Hairplay”Of all the towns and cities that I’d been in and all the hair salons that I’d seen, I’d never seen one with the name “Hairplay”. Was it deliberate? Was there more to it? Was it just an attempted pun on “Airplay”? Why wasn’t it two words? So many questions, so many images, so much wishful thinking.I’d never been to this town before, never had occasion to, but it had just been added to my “patch” under a restructuring. You know the sort of thing: fire half your staff and double the...

4 years ago
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Wife gets Even Butt I still Win Assplay

I have been simmering over the incident where my wife "accidentally" slipped a finger into my butt while rubbing around the brown eye. She just slipped a wet finger over my anus and tapped it like a button. She enjoyed watching my ass react to her touching it. She told me how it looked like it might be time to goose the gander and slid her wet finger into my butt-hole. I had just suffered through a string of failed anal pokes lately. The last time I got to stick it in her rear, I snuck it in...

2 years ago
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A Pick Up At Playlinda

A Pick-Up At Playalinda I'm sixty seven years old and married to a really sexy, sixty eight year old wife who has a fabulous body for her age. Hazel and I have been married for six years and have always had a fantastic sex life, but due to health problems, my ability to perform has declined over the last year. Although we still have a good sex life, I've begun to feel that I'm letting her down. Hazel loves to feel a good hard cock in her and the longer it stays there the better she likes...

3 years ago
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It was the speed of the attack that did it. One minute I was walking the short distance from the main road to my house in the silent darkness, the next someone hurtled into me, knocking all the breath out of me and slamming me against the wall. I was stunned and disorientated. I was aware of dropping my bag of shopping and hearing the bottle of wine break on the floor; I was aware that already hands were gripping my shoulders and spinning me round. I was jerked roughly forward, my feet...

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Str8 guy playdate

Jake and I met on-line and agrred to meet at my hotel for some guy play. We were both str8 and married but wanted to see whst it was like to play with a guys cock. We were not going to kiss, hug, fuck or do bjs just play with our cocks.I had a fridge full of beer ready so Jake and I could enjoy a few beers when we got to my room. I took my shower first and came out wrapped with only a towel but with a boner already. Jake took his shower and came out with a boner without a towel on. He was not...

2 years ago
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UglyBugs Bedplay

They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...

2 years ago
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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again.Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

3 years ago
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I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her

4 years ago
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The final round. The permanent changes no undos. I lose the toss, she drums fingers. Thinks. "You have to say the first thing you think of" Fuck. Good move. "You get hot: big tits, longer legs. Blonde" Blurted out, her form shimmers, solidifies: a wet dream. She nods and writes a note. "You're a billionaire." Confusing, but whatever. "You're a braindead slut. Loves cock" She starts to say something, notices the note. Reading seems hard but "You and I swap lives" --...

5 years ago
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SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...

2 years ago
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Gods Playgrounds

This level of nothingness, no sound, no sight, no touch... It's a unique kind of nothingness. You hear nothing, but it's too little noise to even be called silence. You see nothing, but it's not pitch black or any colour at all. It's just nothing. You feel nothing, but it's not the kind of numbness you'd feel under anesthesia. It's really nothing. You don't really know how long you've been here. Or, well, if 'here' even counts as a here. This anti-location, you can only describe it as existing...

Mind Control
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Turnabout is ForePlay

When I was in high school, I was a belligerent brat who was pissed off that my genes didn't make me into "A" material, sexually. I wasn't stupid, but that's not an asset when trying to make male friends. As a result, I found myself bullying several of our cheerleader types just as a way of lording something over them. The upshot of that was a surprising attraction from my gym teacher! I was still sexually naïve as regards lesbianism so I didn't see it coming, that first time Miss...

2 years ago
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"No, no, no, no!" I sighed getting to my feet, "Some Romeo you'd make." I was helping my son with his lines for the school play, it was supposed to be Romeo and Juliet, but poor old Will Shakespeare would have turned in his grave if he could hear the way my sixteen year old boy was making a hash of one of the most romantic scenes in the play. "Aw mum, it's rubbish." Angus moaned as I took the book from him. "It's not rubbish, as you would quickly see if you took an interest in the...

3 years ago
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Turnabout Is Fairplay

Belinda was terrified! She had been in her laundry room folding clothes one second and was outside the next. Not just outside, but an outside she had never seen before. The sky was purple for Pete's sake! Not just a normal purple, but with lime green streaks running through it. A normal God fearing Christian woman, mother of two normal grade school kids, married to a boring, but safe accountant; Belinda did the only thing she could think to do. She closed her eyes and confidently counted to...

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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

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The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...

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When I was young, I found out about a very interesting fascination I had. You see, a friend of mine came from a very rich family. His parents were not around much, and he had way too much freedom. One day, when we were 12, he showed me his new toy. Somehow, he had actually managed to get the most realistic sex doll possible. It was scary to see at first, it was so realistic, yet just a doll at the same time. It was a beautiful woman, and it definitely made my cock hard to see it. I touched...

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EllenChapter 6 Swordplay

Over the next weeks, Ellen and Richard saw each other regularly, but they found it difficult to get as close as they had been used to. They were never left alone and a sense of frustration built up in both of them. The opening of the ball season should have provided them with an outlet, but at that point they had become slightly irritated with each other. Ellen, in her naïve excitement, had come to enjoy the gossiping and scandal mongering of society, something that Richard did not appreciate...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 222 Swordplay

See if I try to help someone, and they want to be an ass in return. She didn’t even kiss me or thank me as she hurriedly dressed and rushed off. I’m giving her a yeast infection that a one-treatment egg won’t cure. I washed my dick off, dressed, and headed back down the stairs to the store and workshop. Just inside the door, the older woman reached out to grab my arm in a much firmer grip than I would have expected from a woman twenty years younger. She guided me into the storage room and...

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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

2 years ago
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When somebody says that they prefer to watch animated pornography instead of actual pornstars I completely understand them. Everything is possible in a hentai world, not to mention that all the chicks who are animated are just fucking perfect. If you are looking for such a naughty site, I suggest that you take your time and explore the beauties has to offer.At the beginning of such reviews, I always wonder if I should explain what ‘hentai’ even means since I am sure there are...

Hentai Streaming Sites

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