Ennui free porn video

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While this is a TG story it's probably not what you want if you're looking for a sexual fantasy. If you don't normally read TG stories and were planning on skipping it you might find it's a bit different from what you expected. I would really like some feedback on this. It's still an early draft and I feel like I could improve it a lot. Once I've done this it's open for archiving, should anyone wish. Obligatory warnings: this story contains a few sexual references, some words you probably wouldn't use in front of your mother and quite a lot of gratuitous angst. Second year on the list. Second story. Can I have another year off now? ------------------ Pass the razor blades ------------------ Ennui by XoYo 15/11/05 -------- If it weren't for the first timers I would have given this up long ago. I think about the reasons for this almost constantly and I still can't explain them - it all just boils down to a feeling I get. I mean, if anyone had told me two years ago that I would get bored with fucking for a living, well? Maybe if I write some of this down it will make it clearer for me. It's all so muddled at the moment. I've never had the discipline to keep a diary before, but I need to do something with these thoughts. They're just bouncing around in my head like trapped moths looking for an exit. Sometimes I feel like my head will explode if I can't let them out. The first timers keep me going. I think it's the fact that it's all new to them. We become desensitised so quickly. The ones that interest me are the men, testing the greenness of that fabled grass on the other side. I never get to find out who they really are, which ones are men and which are women, but I think I can tell. They come in two main varieties: the sluts and the frightened rabbits. A lot are a combination of those roles, switching from rabbit to slut as confidence and lust kick in. That moment of transition is what really does it for me. What did it for me. 16/11/05 -------- Have you ever felt like killing yourself, but the only thing that stops you is that you just can't be bothered? I feel like that all the time. 17/11/05 -------- I wrote earlier about how I'd like to give all this up. The truth is I don't know what else I'd do with my life. I would work seven days a week if they let me. When I'm not at work I don't know what to do with myself any more. I don't have any hobbies. If it weren't for the anaesthetic qualities of alcohol and television I wouldn't be able to cope. I think I'm pretty bright, but I'm not that well educated. Apart from this job all I've done is no-brain retail work. I know in a right and proper universe work wouldn't be my only reason to exist. Maybe one day I'll find one of those universes. 18/11/05 -------- Had another first timer today. I walked into the boudoir (that's what the company calls it - sounds pretentious to me) and there she was, feeling herself up in that way most male first timers do: it's like they've been programmed by years of watching women playing with themselves in porno movies. The first time they find themselves in that role it's all they know how to do. It works, though - normally just watching that is enough to get me hard, but this time I got the feeling that I was watching the same movie again and again and that I knew all the lines too well to enjoy them. There was no trace of the frightened rabbit with this one - she ripped my shirt getting it off and almost knocked the wind out of me pushing me onto the bed. I looked into her eyes and tried to see the man inside, let myself imagine, as I entered her, that I was fucking the maleness out of her, but it did nothing for me. If it weren't for the built- in functionality of the body I was wearing (outlaw biker number 7 - I do rough trade well, I'm told) and my natural acting ability it would have been a real let down for the punter, but I think I pulled it off. She had that flushed, spent look when I was done. I don't think she even noticed me leaving. I think about my motivations some times, my attraction to the first timers. I'm sure a shrink would tell me that I'm a repressed homosexual, and I don't think I could argue with that. While I've never found men sexually attractive, as soon as I'm presented with a man in a woman's form, well... Until I found out about BodyWorkz and talked my way into this job I never had that much interest in sex. For the first six months I was unstoppable. After that I learned to pace myself. Now, I just feel hollow. But now even that seems to have failed me. It was just too much of a good thing. I found my dreams, made them real and then sucked all the life out of them. 19/11/05 -------- I handed my notice in today. I only have to give two weeks. That gives me two weeks to decide what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. I'm forty and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I wonder if it's too late to become a fireman or a train driver. 20/11/05 -------- Something weird happened today. Apparently the news of me giving my notice filtered up to the MD, Mr. Felcher, and he asked to see me. When I heard I assumed he was going to either wish me well or maybe tell me that he didn't want to lose and experienced employee and ask if there was anything he could do to make me stay. Nothing like that, though. For someone I assume is a very wealthy man he has a plain office. The desk was nice - oak and antique, but not enormous. A couple of nice paintings, unchallenging abstracts, hung on the walls, but the office looked, well, comfortable. I guess if I had a job like his I'd do something similar, but I always figured big shots are going to want to be reminded they're big shots. Felcher's secretary showed me in and I sat there, at that large desk and waited in silence while he looked at me. There was nothing sinister in that look, nothing of the I'm a big man and you're a little one? attitude I expected. He just looked at me, his eyes telling me he was interested in something about me. After about a minute (and a minute in a situation like that is a long, long time) he said: "Tell me about it." The funny thing is I knew just what he meant. After a few stumbled words it all started coming out: the satisfaction I had felt in the early days of the job, how it had all become empty, about how the first timers were the only thing that still interested me, how I couldn't make myself care any more and how that was destroying me. All the time he just nodded, that calm, interested look on his face. After I had finished talking I felt drained, but in a good way. I felt like my feelings had been a boil that my words had lanced. I knew they were still there, but for a short time they didn't seem as important. "I understand," Felcher told me. "I understand better than you might imagine. We have a few things in common." I waited for him to continue. "I've become bored with much in my life as well, especially my sex life. It hasn't had quite the same devastating effect on me as on you, but it still leaves me feeling empty and unfulfilled. The difference is where you discovered what excited you some time back I've only just made myself face up to it. As I said before, we have a few things in common." Felcher looked embarrassed. He got up from his desk and walked over to the window, looking out not so much for the view, I thought, as to avoid looking at me. "I've heard from your supervisor a while back that you were in danger of burning out and I knew you'd be leaving us soon. Have you got something else lined up?" I told him no. "I thought so. Well, I have an offer for you. I can't think of any way of putting this that won't sound strange, so I won't even try. I want you to be my mistress." There was a long, awkward pause from both of us. At first I thought I must have misheard him, but quickly realised there was no way I could have. I waited for him to elaborate, but he seemed completely stuck. "Mistress?" He turned back from the window and looked at me again. After a pause he nodded. "Mistress." I could see his cheeks reddening. "I know in all the time you've been with us you've only ever worn male bodies. I've checked your records. I assume this means you've never been a woman, even with all the opportunities you've had." "No." The corner of his mouth lifted in what could only be loosely described as a smile. "You see, I'm looking for what you would call a first timer. The idea excites me as well. You would be well paid for the time the affair lasted and I would keep you in a comfortable manner. We don't have to be friends, if you don't want. The primary thing I'd want you for is sex, but if we can talk as well I'd like that. Does all this make you uneasy?" "Very," I admitted. "Maybe it's because it's unexpected. I mean, it's not like the whole idea's new to me. I just never saw myself on the other side of it." "Well, there's plenty of time to think about it." His manner changed abruptly and I could tell our conversation was over for now. "I'll let you know," I said. The bus journey home felt like a dream. My face felt hot and there was a sick feeling in my stomach. All I could think about was Felcher's offer, but not in any way that was useful to me, just loose ideas not meshing. Even now, writing this down, I still can't make it feel real. I need more time. 21/11/05 -------- A day's paid leave. I spent the day thinking about Felcher's offer, as he wanted me to. I can't say the idea of being a woman excites me. I feel comfortable enough in my own masculinity that I've never felt the temptation of a bit of gender swapping. Maybe that's just an excuse, but it feels true. But there's another angle: I'm tired of being me. Maybe being this woman Felcher wants me to be will be some kind of release. Say goodbye to Martin for a while and spend a mental holiday as Martina, coming back to myself refreshed and whole. That's the idea, anyway. I don't know if I could cope with the sex. I mean, Felcher's no oil painting. He's pushing fifty, I'd say, and has a set of jowls on him that remind me of Richard Nixon. The idea of that face staring down on me while he pushes his dick into me does nothing for me. Maybe it'll feel different when I've got tits. I just wrote "when". "When I've got tits". It sounds like I've made my mind up, but I feel no certainty. Maybe you never can be certain about a decision like this. At least it would be something I've never done. If I'm honest about it I've been a whore for the last couple of years. What difference does it make if I'm a woman as well? 22/11/05 -------- Howard (no more Mr. Felcher - not if we're going to be lovers, he said!) took me shopping for bodies today. As MD he obviously has access to the whole BodyWorkz line, including the prototypes. The bodies I've worn before feel real enough, but the only bodily functions they support properly are movement, senses and sex, missing out niceties like eating, sleeping and excretion. The newer ones are as real as the anti-cloning laws allow. The only way anyone would know one wasn't human would be by dissecting it. I told Howard it would make more sense if he just picked out the one that attracted him most, but he insisted that it had to be one that made me comfortable as well. I thought about telling him nothing about the situation made me comfortable, but decided it was a bad idea. I thought at first we were just going to look through the catalogues they show the customers, but Howard decided it would be better if we looked at the real things. We went round the warehouse, looking at what seemed to be an endless row of corpses in glass coffins, row after row of sleeping beauties waiting for Prince Charming to animate them. Even after thought I had put in the idea of being a woman had been fairly abstract until I started looking at all the bodies, picturing myself looking out through their eyes. Most of them were young and pretty, as dictated by demand, but there were also a few for specialist markets. I thought about picking an obese granny or a multiple amputee, just to spite Howard. I saw him looking at one model in particular. Maybe he felt awkward expressing a preference, maybe it was some king of subtle psychological manipulation - either way I had to look too. I found I was surprised by his choice, but only because it was so obvious. She looked like she was in her late teens, pretty in a perky, cliched way: blonde, blue eyes, button nose and medium sized tits. I had thought Howard would want a woman with more character. I leaned over her, trying to imagine I was looking into a mirror, but it didn't click. I could see my face, reflected in the glass of her coffin, superimposed over hers. It felt like a premonition. I shrugged and said: "It's your money." 23/11/97 -------- It all happens tomorrow. It almost feels like I've been told I have a terminal illness and have a short time to put my affairs in order. The sad thing is I have so few affairs to order. This has been a sobering experience. It's made me realise that while I have acquaintances, colleagues and some-time drinking partners I have no actual friends. Tomorrow I will disappear for an unknown length of time and there is no one who will really notice, beyond a casual question or comment, that I am gone. Maybe Felcher realised this about me before I did and knew that would make me easy. Sometimes I feel he knows me better than I do. Felcher says he will keep up the rent on my bedsit and send someone round every few days to do some housework and make sure my possessions are all right. I suppose I should be grateful, but there's so little there I feel attached to it seems like a waste of effort. I haven't even been able to think what to pack - clothes will be a waste of time and I can't find anything else I'd want to take. It all feels like anchors to a life I want to leave behind. Maybe I'll just box everything up and give it to Oxfam. I want it to have happened already. I'm not looking forward to it, really, but at the moment everything feels like a fever dream and I need the clarity that the reality itself will bring. I can't make anything make sense at the moment. I'll try again tomorrow, when I'm someone else, when I'm her. 24/11/05 -------- Well, I've been given my own room. It's nice. A bit girly, but pleasant enough. Howard's hardly spoken to me. I suppose he's giving me time to adjust before he makes any demands. Before he tries to get his money's worth. So, what does it feel like? I still have two arms and two legs. I'm a human being (or at least a good facsimile of one) not some strange alien beast. I have the weight of breasts hanging from my chest, something I find I'm already noticing less than I thought I would. I'm smaller and lighter, which makes me feel somehow less confident. How do women cope with looking up at men all the time? When I came here, after the transfer, I sat quietly on the bed for about ten minutes. Then I went through to the en-suite bathroom and took all my clothes off and looked in the mirror. Even though I knew what I would see the strange face and body looking back still jarred. I touched everything, every curve and crevice, to find out what it all felt like. Flesh feels like flesh, but the permutations were strange and exciting. I wondered why I hadn't tried this years ago. I found myself falling into the routine I'd seen so many first timers follow. I hoped I didn't look as silly doing it. Masturbation was different. I found the juices of my new genitals a bit off-putting at first, but the newness of the sensation made everything that bit more exciting. I came quickly, a number of times. It felt more intense, but the best part was not feeling the slight depression I normally get afterwards. I don't know if this is something to do with being a woman or a feature that BodyWorkz builds into the newer models. I must ask a real woman some day. As good as all that was, I feel cheated. Maybe I'll find the words to explain this as I go on. I expected too much to change, I think. I thought that this would make me a different person. The problem is I'm still me, just a me that has nice cheekbones and no dick. Maybe I'm not giving it time. 25/11/05 -------- Maybe I'll learn to like sex as a woman. My first experience, last night, was less than ideal. I wasn't prepared for the discomfort. I've never been buggered, so I can't really compare, but the feeling of having something stuck into me was strange and difficult. Howard tried to be good to me, trying more in the way of foreplay and understanding that I've ever given any woman who wasn't paying for it, but I never really got turned on. He'd even thought about his lack of sexual attractiveness and borrowed a body for the night: Spanish Stud number 12, if I'm not mistaken. Not one of my favourites to wear, but he tends to be popular. Once he got going he was like an enthusiastic puppy, bouncing all over the place, nipping and licking. Sometimes it was all I could do not to laugh at him. The sensation of having Howard suck my nipples and clitoris wasn't exactly unpleasant, but at the same time I couldn't get into it. He ended up having to use Vaseline. I let him. As I said earlier, it's his money. Afterwards he held me and told me how it would get better. Most women I've slept with seem to get clingy and emotional at this stage. I just felt cold and distant and I hated myself for it. Today has gone a bit better. I busied myself in the morning by exploring the wardrobe Howard has bought for me. Women have more fun with their clothes than men. I've never found clothes that interesting, so I've tended to go for cheap and functional, but I think I could learn to enjoy women's clothes. The feel of a dress is so much freer and, well, unprotected. Also the sense of transgression gave me a thrill I haven't felt since teenage misdeeds. And the lingerie? Maybe if I experimented with the lingerie it could give me the erotic edge I need to get into the idea of sex. There it is again. Sex. I can't stop thinking about last night. My big problem was I wanted to be the man. I wanted to do the thrusting and penetrating, not be the vessel to be filled. I've put on a woman's body, I'm wearing women's clothes in a woman's room; Howard has even started calling me by a woman's name: Martina. But I'm not a woman. I don't think it's something you can learn. With the first timers and the ones who kept coming back under different faces, they were there to fill some need. They either felt themselves to be women or were expressing some in-built need to experiment and blur the boundaries a bit. But that's not me. I'm a man. I can't help that. Actually that's not fair. I've been a woman, in body at least, for just over a day. That's not enough time to decide anything. 26/11/05 -------- Howard took me out in public today for my first outing as Martina. We had dinner at a nice little Italian restaurant where they all seemed to know him. I'm glad this body can eat. Food doesn't taste quite as real as when I was me, but it's still a pleasant sensation. The best part of it, though, was also the worst: every man in the restaurant kept either staring at me or sneaking glimpses, looking away when I met their eyes. I guess it didn't help that Howard had bought me a low-cut black evening dress to wear. He had even brought in a beautician to help me with my makeup. When I had looked in at myself in the full-length mirror before leaving I had turned myself on, so I could sympathise with these men. I even quite enjoyed the attention, but at the same time I wanted to tell them all the mistake they were making, that they were just looking at an animated shell, occupied by a man they probably wouldn't even like. Howard was charming. Men are so different around women, or at least women they want to impress. For my part I found myself laughing at jokes that weren't even funny. In the taxi on the way home, however, we both fell silent. I found myself feeling almost a sense of loss that I could not relax into my role properly. Martin kept coming up to the surface, with all his doubts and self loathing. I was getting tired of him. 27/11/05 -------- Maybe it was the wine, but the sex was better last night. It didn't feel quite so uncomfortable. I still can't say I liked it, though. Howard was working all day, so I sat around watching daytime television. The children's programs were mindless enough to numb me and I stopped even noticing when the commercials interrupted them. By the time the afternoon came around it was all cookery programs and chat shows. One show was hosted by one of Oprah's spiritual heirs; I didn't catch her name, but they all blur in my mind anyway. She had with her a couple of members of a splinter group from the Hemlock Society, calling themselves Right to Death. Their argument was that anyone had the right to choose the manner and time of their death, not just those who were terminally ill or whose medical treatment had been considered economically unjustifiable. One woman argued that simple depression was cause enough for euthanasia. The world, she said, had enough of us greedy westerners sucking the life out of it. The will to die that was spreading so quickly in Britain and countries like it was down to Gaia doing some housekeeping, ridding herself of a few parasites. The audience booed, and the evangelist and psychologist the host brought later on demolished the argument to everyone's satisfaction, but I was left with an uncomfortable feeling the woman had been right. I've written in these pages about not wanting to go on living, but until that point suicide had never seemed like a real option. I took down the phone number at the end of the show and called them. I got through on the fifteenth attempt, but when I heard the woman's voice answering I had no idea of what I was going to say. I put the receiver down without saying a word. Anyway, it's silly thinking about killing myself while I'm in this body. It's not my property, and if I "killed" it anyway my mind would just trip back to its frozen home. Silly. 28/11/05 -------- I never signed a contract with Howard, so I guess there's no penalty clause if I back out now. This can't be any fun for him. If we are as alike as he thinks then I found that I got my thrills from the first timers when they responded, when they became the exaggerated women of their dreams. If I had a punter who was responding the way I am now the whole thing would have been an empty duty. It's only fair to both of us that I give it up. And go back to what? 29/11/05 -------- I've tried telling Howard how I feel. He didn't seem too surprised. He'd have to be stupid not to have seen it wasn't working, and whatever he is he's not that. "What now?" he asked. I said nothing. I had nothing to say. He paused for a long time and his cheeks reddened in the way they do when he's embarrassed. "I've got a confession to make," he said, and stopped again. I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs. I remember thinking that's one thing I'll miss about this body: crossing my legs. The shape of the hips and legs, the lack of balls made it easy and the feel of nylons and a skirt made it a pleasure. "I've been watching you," he said eventually. "Video cameras in all the rooms, everything being taped. You know. And the telephones. I've been monitoring the telephones." I suppose none of this was a real surprise. I was his plaything, after all. In his position I'd want to keep those memories on tape and protect my investment at the same time. It was easy to rationalise. "I've got to know. Do you really want to die?" There was something about the way he asked it - a lack of concern, but a strong interest. This was not a man who was going to try to talk me out of anything. If he had asked: "What can I do to make things better?" I could probably have come up with a sarcastic put-down or some glib lies to get him out of my hair. The way he was asking, however, I could only answer honestly. "I think so. I'm not that sure, but I can't think what I'll do otherwise." Howard nodded. "What if there were another option?" I'll finish talking about this tomorrow. I don't know if I can make it make sense enough to fit it into words. 30/11/05 -------- Howard says there will still be something left of me afterwards. When he saw that this upset me he reassured me that I probably wouldn't be aware of it. All these times I wished I could be someone other than me and now it's finally going to happen. It feels like impending death, which I suppose it is. My memories will be gone, as will most of what makes me me. I'll just be the raw material for someone new. The real Martina. He tried to explain how it would work, something to do with a new personality template, but I neither understood nor cared. The words just washed over me. The mechanism doesn't matter. It's funny. It really is. In my life I've found a few things that I've felt like I needed, that weren't just whims. I've had possibilities opened to me to fulfil these needs that until a few years ago never even existed, and each time the reality has turned into so much less than I'd hoped. This time if that happens it won't be me who has to worry about it. It feels irresistible. 5/12/05 ------- Howard has made me think things over for a week. It would have taken him this long to organise anyway, so I won't feel too honoured. Apparently his R & D people are creaming themselves at getting the opportunity to try out their ideas on a real live human. BodyWorkz's legal people aren't so excited and I've spent a lot of the week signing legal documents in an arse-covering of a scale that could probably have saved Tricky Dicky from impeachment. I didn't need a week to decide. If I'm honest with myself I've known all the time what I want. This way I get to live and die at the same time. Put like that it sounds like I can't lose. Tomorrow it happens. No more Marty Nicks. I declined Howard's kind offer of a going-away party (my phrase, not his). I won't know if I've got anything to celebrate until it's too late. Anyway, Howard's offered to pass these pages onto Martina. I think it's important that she knows where she came from. The start of her new life is going to be confusing enough. I wish her every happiness. 11/12/05 -------- Howie and I went to Martin's funeral yesterday. It felt like it should have been raining, but it was just overcast. After reading Martin's diary I think he would have liked it to have rained. Maybe someday I'll understand him. I know he's in me somewhere, but after reading what he wrote I can't connect with any of it. I feel guilty for thinking it, but I don't think I would have liked him very much. The funeral was nice. The only people there were Howie, a few people who worked with Martin and myself. It was an open casket, so I went up to pay my respects to him. I looked for some trace of me in his face but I couldn't see anything I recognised. There was a party after the funeral, a sort of wake. I don't think it was meant to be a real party, but I couldn't help enjoying it. I got talking to some of Martin's friends. They were all so nice to me. Howie had told me not to let any of them know who I used to be, but I found I got on really well with them anyway, despite feeling like I was lying to them. George, Martin's old supervisor, gave me a peck on the cheek as we were leaving. I can't believe it's only two weeks until Christmas! I haven't felt so excited since I was a little girl! Joke! I know I was never a little girl, but there's a feeling of Christmas tucked away in the back of my mind somewhere. Maybe it will come clear some day. I hope so.

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The Night of Their Lives By: Deathangel1991 Renton is 14 at the time he is tall about 5’ 10”muscular and broad shoulders And Eureka is only 12 she is not as tall as him but she is about 5’ 4” with b cup breasts and curvy hips There comes a time, for every great love, when it is taken to the furthest extent. I will recount, for you, the tale of Eureka & Renton and their "first time" please don't read this and get offended. Other than that, please enjoy this story. Renton...

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Naked TX

There was this factor as a Woman called T-X appear out of the darkness. Then there were soilder appearing on the scene ready to stop Tx terminator as one guy shot a lazer at the tx the lady cyborge flew right back as she's laying on the ground as she started to get up in her skeleton Tx form. Then the skin of her nude body appeared back on her machine form as she ran to the soilder as they shot at her but the shooting had no effect on her as she started to pull a gun from a soilder and killed...

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What he didnt know

James worked in a marketing company and majority of the people in his office were female though the only one he felt physically drawn to was Tracy, the marketing assistant who was a mom of three and in her forties. She took good care of herself and you wouldn't think she had three k**s. She had a slender figure, dark hair, a pretty smile and curves that weren't too big but not too small. She knew this and welcomed the attention the males gave her. James and she both were seeing people their age...

2 years ago
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God My Life

Copyright 2009 by notepad, all rights reserved Disclaimer; This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity, sometimes involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your place of residence to view such material or if such material offends you, do not read further.  God My Life     by notepadChapter 1: God I hated life.  It was Monday morning....ugh Another day where I have to leave my bed early in the morning, prize myself away from the comfort...

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Visiting my gentleman dominant

I have always been a spanko...I'm pretty sure I was born that way...my parents were not huge believers in corporal punishment but I got the odd spanking with the hairbrush when I got out of line...A lot of my early recollections were at school either bearing witness to a classroom spanking or me being on the receiving end.But it was the 1970s and the slipper still ruled the classroom.It was a giddy unexplainable excitement I felt when seeing another pupil being beaten...the sounds the reactions...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Kyle Commits

Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...

4 years ago
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The 1st Meet

If we were to meet I would expect you to wear a see through blouse, no bra! A short skirt, stockings suspenders and panties would be optional. We would meet in a public place for our first meeting, say a park or pub. Let's say a pub. We would meet in the car park and walk in together, sitting in a quiet corner I would ask what you wanted to drink and as I rose to fetch you a drink I leant over and told you to remove your jacket by the time I returned. When I returned I told you to move your...

3 years ago
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The Anniversary Gift

Chapter 1 It was the summer before last, I had just turned fourteen and would be entering high school in the fall. Finally. It just seemed that middle school was either filled with dorks or little boys obsessed with their skateboards, GameBoys and X-Boxes. Girls did mature faster than boys and the years of middle school really accentuated the differences. Beginning in the sixth grade, my body really began to change. The swollen nipples I had starting out with, developed into 36Cs by the time...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Kelsi Lynn Kacie Castle Gym Class Zeroes

Punk brat students Kelsi Lynn and Kacie Castle couldn’t believe the fascists at their school were making them get a gym tutor. They had NO intention of going outside, exercising and sweating, or giving their physical education teacher Prince Yahsua an easy time in teaching them a proper lesson. Prince knew these girls were going to graduate on their own terms, so he asked what kind of physical activity they enjoyed doing. Well, these two girls like to fuck! You know, a REAL work out. Uses...

2 years ago
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Marks Party pt 3 Chris Nyomi Annette0

Chapter 1 As Nyomi kept sucking his prick , Chris motioned for his mother to come over & sit by his side & they began their french kissing ritual. Meanwhile Nyomi who now spent most of her free time at Chris's home waited for her dessert.. Chris hadnt planned on making his mom his sex slave but after he saw how much fun Arthur & Mark were having with their moms , he decided he wanted that too. Besides it would take some of the pressure off Nyomi he smiled as he unloaded a load of...

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FlashedDoctor Doctor

"Ah, Mrs. Morris. Here for your check-up?" "Yes, Dr. Burns." "Good, Good. Well, let's get started then, shall we?" The examination took half an hour. "Mrs. Morris, I'm pleased to tell you that you're in excellent health for your age. Is there anything else I can do for you while you're here?" "There is actually, doctor." Mrs. Morris looked embarrassed. "It's okay. There's nothing you can say that I won't have heard before." "Well, it's my husband. He's been having...

2 years ago
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College Girl Part 6

College Girl Pt 6 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-5 before reading this installment.) I was now a woman not only legally but in my own mind. I was feeling some discomfort from the operation but that was to be expected. I had to lie down with a triangular pillow between my legs for my complete hospital stay. The only exercise I got was raising my legs in bed to promote circulation. After the fourth day the packing and catheter were removed. My vagina depth was...

3 years ago
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Jim and Sharon Ch 02

Jim and I had been married young. I was a virgin when we crossed the threshold on our wedding night. I had been raised to be a ‘good’ girl…what ever that meant. My mother, whom I am still very close to had always drilled into my mind just what a good girl would or wouldn’t do in all matters. Our first mother daughter talk had been her pretty much telling me that I would wait for marriage to have sex of any kind. That there were forms of sex that were good between a husband and wife and other...

4 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Ch 8

Knowing she was now totally owned by Sir, Randi went home to prepare for Saturday and the poker game at his house.Nothing happened in her training the rest of the week and everything at home seemed to be very good. She did call Sophia and they made plans to get together on Friday to do all of the shopping needed for Saturday. Sophia seemed very excited to spend some more time with Randi and promised to not behave herself, causing both to laugh.Since it was Thursday Randi texted both Bill and...

2 years ago
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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

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Road Trip Tease

The drive to our little cabin in the middle of nowhere always seemed to take so long, but for some reason it feels exceptionally long this time. We’ve been driving for three hours, and have about two hours to go. My boyfriend and I have been coming to the cabin twice a summer for years. Our number one rule was, he drove us up, and I drove us back. Today I can’t seem to get the thought of what we always did whenever we got to the cabin out of my mind. We had passionate sex the moment the door...

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Her First Time Ch 5

Robert and I were leaning against the headboard, the same one that my ex, I guess not so much ‘ex’-lover anymore had tried to hammer my head through a few minutes earlier.Alan left ‘to let his dogs go potty’ a few minutes earlier. I smiled at that, a man who’d leave the woman he’d just fucked for letting his dogs out couldn’t be all bad.It was a brief respite from my feeling of impending disaster. I was crying, trying to keep the tears wiped off my cheeks and not doing a very good job of it....

Wife Lovers
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My Sexy New Spaceship Chapter 21

"Sir, this lifeform registers differently. Pulse, temperature, respiration... Sir, she's not Human." I was dreaming that I was on an airplane. The airplane suddenly disappeared and I was flying through Earth's atmosphere unaided. I felt no fear as I moved silently through the clouds, looking down upon the Earth miles below. My serene, peaceful dream was interrupted by the sound of police officer's voices. "We'll have to make sure she's registered, sir." "Skip it,...

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The New Friend

Kayla was married to Danny. They had been married for almost 19 years. They had 2 kids and a great marriage. They had been through a lot over the years and all of it, the good and the bad, had only helped to firmly cement their relationship. They had quite the history, but that isn't important. Sara often came over to Danny and Kayla's house on the weekends her kids were visiting their father. They would watch movies, play games or just hang out. Sometimes they would go out so that...

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summer job at the camp

My mom and dad wanted me to work during summer after I turned 18So i got a job up north at a camp, my job was easy, all I did was supervised boring k**s game and make sure they stay in the designed area until the monitor came back or sometime doing the referee , disputing a goal or a penalty shot.evry night i would wait for my bus and make a 50 min ride before getting home, then every morning mom would drop me back or sometime id take the bus againhis name was Josephhe had a nephew of 13 he...

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Soft Moments Sunset

Soft slow music was playing, the lights dim and flickering over the mass of people around me. Every movement in the crowd had slowed to match the rhythm, voices were lowered to barely a whisper, and the crazy dancers had subsided to drifting through the club, like a breeze that teased the Mt. Everest peak so used to 60-knot winds. A pair of strong, masculine hands were lightly resting on my hips as I swayed lazily, their warm touch a comfort and reminder of the man just inches behind me....

Love Stories
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Ants at BEESChapter 6

I took Karen's hand and gave her a kiss, caressing her soft bottom. When we were in the bed, she dove under the covers and was sucking me. She came up, slid up my body, and impaled herself on me. "Now, now, now," she chanted, bobbing up and down. I put a hand on each big breast and teased her nipples. I could feel her tense and I let go, irrigating her interior. She sighed and rolled to one side. Winnie was there in a moment, cleaning her out. Jennie bent over and was cleaning me. She...

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Forever Autumn

Watching the leaves tumble slowly, softly, silently to the ground, of course I thought of her. I thought of her beside me, snuggled into the hood of her jacket, pretending not to be cold. She would sit just looking at the trees, her eyes alight with wonder, like a small child. And she would run, kicking at the drifts of fallen leaves, laughing and gasping as they crackled and crunched beneath her feet, barely noticing the misting rain, creating a halo as it settled on her hair. A line from a...

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Vet School Part 9 MF

Melissa had just endured a very humiliating public spanking, and her poor bottom was very sore and burning like it was on fire. She also realized that she would have to endure three more of these spankings because she didn’t have the money to pay for the fines. Finally, the crowd left and she was still secured to the wooden spanking bench and totally exposed and sore. Then she heard two women’s voices. ‘Melissa, my name is Jane and I am the wife of the Sheriff,’ Jane told her. ‘My friend...

2 years ago
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From Mom To Aunt Again

I wrote the sex story in so many accounts that I even forgot which is the account I started writing it in. To know more about me read the story moms ass (www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/moms-ass-3) and how I fucked my aunt (www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/how-i-fucked-my-aunt) After getting rammed in the ass for nearly a week my mom left, leaving me alone at home. The night before she left, after our last session where I lifted her saree and gave her a nice one in her ass she asked me to go...

3 years ago
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Bullied in the Bar

I had a bad day at work. Everything was messed up, the boss was yelling at everyone and I guess it must have been “that time of the month” for him. I felt like I needed a drink. Maybe a few of them and also I wanted to relax and dance. So I decided to go to a bar that I had seen a couple blocks away from my home, and try to have some fun after my bad day. Luckily it was Friday, so I could just forget the job and relax for the weekend.I stood in front of mirror and looked at myself in it. A 26...

4 years ago
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The GoatherdChapter 4

This morning, the twins wanted to go with me when I went hunting. With nine people to feed, along with the dogs and wolves, we’d need one hell of a lot of rabbits. Instead, I hoped to supplement the rabbits with deer. I had spotted a lower meadow west of us on the other side of the ravine yesterday while I was gathering rocks. When I investigated, I noted that the lower leaves were gone from the bushes and trees in one area, with the short grass flattened where the animals lay down. I had...

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What if your girlfriend is a virgin and doesnt let you fuck her its a real pain isnt it But what if her mom is a real slut who wants to ride you

I started sucking her tits and biting them. I slid down and took her panties off and I saw a nice shaved pussy I started so suck it; I took my finger and started to finger her: “oh yeah harder faster oh yeah give it to me” she was whispering, so I slid two more fingers in her she was bucking; so I stuck my face in her pussy and swallowed all of her juices: oh my God it tasted so good! That was amazing! Now it was her turn, she slid down and took off my boxers, she started rubbing my cock and...

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Man Behind The Badge Funny Face Of The Swindler

The Man Behind the Badge: Funny Face of the Swindler © 1994, 2020 by Anthony Durrant I was about to get into my car when I saw a tall woman begging for food. I gave her my lunch and then went into my car, which I started before driving off. "Thank you, sir!" she said. "You'll be duly rewarded, for I am Jaa'Dhur, a Star Beast." As I drove to my conference, I swerved to avoid a speeder and lost control of my moving car. I crashed through the siding and landed upside down,...

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Part 2Blacking out What do you think Yes or No

I grabbed my phone then called the number on the business card. Then after afew rings one of those guys answered and I told him where we were at and room number.He then told me that they were already their waiting and would be up. He then asked to speak to my wife so I handed her my phone and she thought I was just fucking with her until she heard his voice. She then freaked out and jumped out of bed then started grabbing her cloths then she ran to the bathroom then locked the door. I opened...

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She Tries To Forget Ch 14

Passion in James County XVI Ann was scheduled to go in to work from ten in the morning until six in the evening the next day. When she arrived at the store, she found her co-workers buzzing with excitement. Toni Wicks was working at the service desk. When Ann finished punching in, Toni waved her over. ‘Did you hear about all the excitement this morning?’ Ann’s colleague whispered, she was bubbling with excitement and it was clear she was dying to tell Ann the exciting news. ‘Hear what?’ Ann...

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Moguls The Meating

Douglas Jackson looked at his phone for the directions. It was January 17, 2012. The 53 year-old, super tall man found his destination. He was at the historic Chicago Medical School to begin his practicum for his education specialist degree. The old man had taken a semester off in vacation time from his job at Eleanor Roosevelt High where he taught health and coached the girls’ basketball team to two state championships over the past twenty years.Doug found a parking spot and whipped his dark...

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Music City BBC

I had recently bought a cheap pair of nude pantyhose that were really soft & sheer.  I decided to pull them over my face to partially hide my identity since I’m not good at makeup.  Plus the last time I did that, it was so much fun!  The rest of my outfit included a little red mini skirt, white lacey blouse, and a pair of really silky sheer-to-waste Nude pantyhose to go along with my nude high heels. I had propped the door open and was waiting for Billy on the couch with my legs crossed and...

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Mary Lucky girl

Mary and her sisters were deep in animated discussion as they strolled across the lawns at Farleigh Court her new husband’s parents home It was the first time the sisters had been together since her marriage nigh on six weeks prior since when she had been on honeymoon around the sights of Europe returning on the famed “Orient Express.” “Oh it sounds so wonderful,” Esme simpered, “Does it not Jayne?” “And the nights, did Harold take you to heaven?” Jayne enquired mischievously. “Jayne...

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It is your first time in the big city, having lived and worked in the quiet suburbs all your life - today is your birthday and your girlfriend is treating you to a night out. "See, look John, this is the place I love so much," Rachel said excitedly, pointing at a shop called 'Adult Video Store and More!'. "Ooh, I've been really looking forward to taking you here!" You laugh nervously as she happily pulls your through the front door - the place is packed with various adult books, movies, toys...

1 year ago
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Brandys deep throat adventures Part 2

Believe it or not, I actually did sleep a bit. And when I woke up, Bonnie and Bill were sleeping in their own bedroom, having placed a sign on the front door of the house that read ‘– ‘“Please do not disturb until 2 p.m.’” Brandy, meanwhile, was right where I’d left her. “Are you awake, Brandy?” I asked her. Again, she wiggled her bum. I looked around. The key was on the table, not that far away. I started to feel like I needed to pee, and considered trying to unlatch myself to go to the...

Group Sex
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Young Fern Part three

~ What tomorrow brought. ~ Fern knocked on my back door and stood there with the morning light shining behind her. I could see straight through her nightie and her cute figure was breathtaking. Her long, slim legs looked even longer due to the shortness of the nightie. “I’m not wearing any panties Uncle Mike, can you tell?” she asked. “Oh I can tell with the sun behind you, you look almost naked.” “Almost, that’s not good enough for a naked breakfast.” And with that she pulled off her...

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A Few Notes on Starting A Second Career

A Few Notes on Starting A Second Career By Juliette Lima Based on situations from "Girls R Us" The problem with aging is it's so gradual you never notice it happening, until it's already happened. After fifty-five years of living, I still felt fine, just places that I wanted flexible were now a little stiff, and the one thing I wanted stiff, seemed to somehow always defy wishes and stay flexible. Into this mix of emotions and frailties came the inventive genius of the wonderful folks...

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MrC Jon and Montgomery

I walked in to Mr.C room. Mr.C, was my American history teacher. His first name Carl and last name Fernan. I absolutely hated Mr.C, but had heart for him way down deep inside. I knew he was a good man, I had just hate him because he was always so sarcastic. He wanted a friendly relationship between all his students but still picked on all them. For me, I was always getting picked on. You see, Mr.C is hispanic, I'm country. So, Mr.C is always making fun of my country accent. I always want...

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ObserverChapter 18 Day 324

It's Friday, and Carol's 23rd birthday. I took her to Manhattan for dinner, and afterwards we went to see Andrew Lloyd Webber's play 'Cats', at the Winter Garden Theatre. I had seen it five years earlier as Peter, but it's such a wonderful play that I wondered why I hadn't come back again before this. I sat amused as I watched Carol absentmindedly play with the little bell on her collar throughout the play. Many of the actors on stage wore collars too, but I'm sure that theirs all...

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A Friend in Need Part 14 Reaching for the Stars

A Friend in Need Part 14. Reaching for the Stars March 2013 I fed my baby and said good bye to my gorgeous husband, as he was going to London today. Picking up a cup of coffee and Chloe we went out onto the terrace overlooking the clear blue sea off the Cornish coast (where we now live) and thought more about when we first met July 2011 CJ was dressed in a Tuxedo and looked as if he was born to wear one, I was getting more besotted with him, as he entered the limo, he...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 5

Over the next two weeks, Anson inspected his district. He requisitioned the Lady Jane schooner for travelling, but still, there was a lot of walking to do for him. He rested as much as possible between inspections, but it seemed as if he needed less time to recuperate with every shore visit. Dartmouth Castle was quite impressive. A battery had been added to the medieval core boasting five huge 68-pounder guns and truly commanding the river estuary. The officer in command, Lt. Mackeray, was...

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Abby Ch 23

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-three Carol grew more and more nervous the closer they got to Lee’s house. He told her it didn’t make sense for her to waste money on an apartment when Abby wouldn’t be living in the house any more, but Carol hadn’t quite convinced herself Lee was right about that. It wasn’t that Carol didn’t want a house of her own. But she’d never dreamed she would live in one as nice as the one Lee owned. Lee turned into his driveway, pushed a...

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Hikers beware

When you go hiking there's a few things to remember. 1. There may be large carnivorous a****ls, 2. There may be snakes, 3. Always have protection. Ok with this advice we go to the story. My ex-husband and I loved to go hiking and camping and rappelling when we lived in Alaska. We would always go to the area around Turnagain Arm. One afternoon we were just out messing around, wandering the trails, basically just having fun. As we were walking along I noticed he was getting further and further...

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The Ring AOChapter 96 Return Home

They had a nice lunch together then after Petra left and returned to the office. Jane asked “What are we doing with the balance of the funds? We are only using about a 1/3 available?” Helena replied “Lets leave it in the account until the formal proposal is complete with Andy. Hopefully the council will not impose too many conditions.” Andrew advised “I did refund your account, from the balance, $225m, just to remove any interest income. Can we invest some on the short term money market,...

4 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 4

Talking quietly with each other, Lucy and William waited in the theater for Eddie to arrive. The theater room had four rows of ten seats each facing a large screen. Each chair was large and comfortable with a holder for a soda built into the armrest. Beth had ordered the chairs from a real theater supply company. Like a real movie theater, the floor slanted down towards the front of the room. At the entrance to the room, there was a snack bar complete with a typical theater-style popcorn...

2 years ago
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Mrs Vandermeers Rules

I am NOT the author.am simply sharing orgasmdeShannon becomes infatuated with her employer and learns about her darker desires.“Do you trust me?” she asked, and I’d answered without thinking, my words followed with a soft kiss, my body tingling all over as she pulled me closer, her tongue slipping easily between my lips.“Of course I do. Why would you even ask?” I answered, breathlessly, feeling the welcome warmth of desire kissing the insides of my thighs. She gave my ass a quick squeeze and...

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