The Gift Of Teriesias free porn video

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Hope you enjoy this latest missive from me. I'd also be very grateful for any feedback. The Gift Of Teiresias by Paul 1954 1 ... Pride and Joy Stephen Walker lay back on the sunbed and gratefully soaked up the early morning warm Mediterranean sun. This was the life !. He had arrived in Skiathos, a small Greek island in the Aegean sea, with his family late last night for the start of a two week holiday that his father had treated them to out of the last of his redundancy money. His father had been through a rough time recently after being laid off from the factory that he had worked in since he had left school and was now struggling to find a job. He still had his pride however. This time last year he had promised the family a holiday abroad to celebrate Stephen's anticipated graduation from University - Stephen had always been the brains of the family and his parents had made considerable financial sacrifices to ensure he had always received the best of education - and he was determined to see this through even though he knew there would be very little money left from his redundancy after this break. Although Stephen, and his younger Sister Imogen, had argued that this wasn't necessary his father, Bill, ignored all their protestations and booked the holiday anyway. They were a tight knit family and although Stephen, 22, was his father's pride and joy Bill loved Imogen, 18, no less. Imogen worked as a secretary/receptionist in the same company where Stephen had just accepted a job offer and although she was nowhere near as clever as Stephen she was happy with her life and looked forward to being a wife and a mother one day, just like her own mother Clare. She was certainly no career girl ! For the time being she wanted to just enjoy life and have fun. These night flights had always upset Stephen's metabolism and he had woken early after only three hours sleep to find the fine shafts of sunlight filtering through the dark metal blinds of his room in the small hotel they were staying in. He stretched his stiff body and, yawning widely, walked to the blinds and pulled them open. He was greeted by a wall of light and heat as the early morning sun imposed it's influence over the land. Stephen felt so good to be alive. He put on his swimming shorts, walked to the small and basic kitchen, and then poured himself a glass of fresh orange juice and walked out to the hotel pool where he found that he was the first sun worshipper of the day. He had soon fallen asleep and had spent an hour relaxing when a loud splash from the pool aroused him. He jumped with a start to see Imogen raise herself from the poolside wearing a cobalt blue skimpy bikini cut high to the hips. He had always adored his Sister, in a Brotherly way of course, and sat there appreciating the sight before him wishing that she wasn't his Sister but another holiday maker like himself who was, most of all, available. She was gorgeous ! He took in the sight from the bottom up. She stood about 5'5" with graceful and slim legs which led up to wide, but sensual, child bearing hips that were without an ounce of unnecessary fat on them. Above the legs her slim waist led to a pair of full beasts that were just about contained within the top part of her bikini. She had delicate shoulders and a graceful neck which was topped by the most perfectly almond shaped face and beautiful , just below shoulder length, cascading natural blond hair. The cold water from the pool had made Imogen's nipples stand erect and they were clearly visible through her bikini top. He felt himself becoming aroused, and guilty at being so, at the sight of this vision. She was so beautiful - she would make some man very happy one day and Stephen felt a momentary pang of regret that it couldn't be him. She was well aware, as any young and vivacious female would be, at the effect that she was having on Stephen and smiled gently and affectionately at the sight of Stephen hastily attempting to cover the swelling bulge in his shorts. "Hi Bro" she called out to him, "up with the sun I see" she giggled as she sat down on the sun lounger next to him. "Hi Sis - nice cossy - God this is s.o..o.o glorious, I'm glad we let Dad have his way. We've got to help them out when this holiday is over though, they have both done so much for us over the years" he said referring to his parents. "Oh absolutely" said Imogen, "but in the meantime I think the best way that we can help them is if we thoroughly enjoy ourselves, it's what they've arranged this holiday for and we mustn't let them down. I know it's early but have you got any plans for today - I fancied going down the beach and seeing if there's any talent followed by an evening down that night-club we passed last night?". "No nothing yet but I'd love to do a bit of exploring at some time, maybe we could hire a scooter and take a trip around the island. According to the holiday brochures you can do the whole island in a day. Do you fancy joining me - how about tomorrow ?" said Stephen. "Yeah - I'd like that, but only if you take me to the club tonight - I can't go there on my own, I'd look desperate". "Don't worry Sis, I'm sure you won't be alone for long but I'll join you anyway - I could do with a good night out myself - I feel like I've had no time to indulge myself over the last couple of years and I feel in the mood to chill out a little. You never know, I might just get lucky tonight myself !". 2 ... Night Out Imogen returned from the beach in time to join the family for a meal before preparing for the evening ahead. Stephen had taken a bus down to Skiathos town and had returned with a hired scooter ready for the next day's excursion around the island. "Hey Sis, are you still up for tomorrow? I called into some tourist shops while I was in town and virtually all of them recommended taking a trip around the North West side up into the mountain that overlooks Skiathos. Apparently there is a ruined village, Kastronissia, that dates back thousands of years and was finally abandoned following the German occupation in the second world war. After the island was liberated an earthquake caused extensive damage and the local's never returned" he said trying to pique her interest. "Sounds good to me Bro and, oh by the way, you don't have to worry about escorting me tonight. I met a local boy, Marius, down at the beach and he will be taking me. It seems like the locals here have a thing for blondes - lucky for me - all the Greek women are natural brunettes. You don't mind do you, I don't want you cramping my style?" Imogen said a little guiltily. "I suppose not, I still feel a little tired anyway and could use an early night before setting off tomorrow. You take care tonight, we don't want the locals thinking English girls are easy do we?" he joked as Imogen slapped him gently in mock indignation. Imogen returned to her room to start the long process of getting ready for the evening ahead. Stephen could never understand why women took so long getting ready but had to admit that, with Imogen, the results were well worth it. She came out of her room wearing her most seductive make-up, a shimmering white sleeveless mid-thigh length dress that was bare legged along with white sling-back sandals. With her matching clutch bag she looked ravishing. Stephen felt a pang of jealousy as he thought of how lucky Marius was and how he wished how he could have been in his shoes this evening. He hoped that Imogen would not succumb to his charms too easily. "Now you take care Sis, don't let him take advantage of you". "Get off my back Bro, I'm old enough to take care of myself now - besides - Marius has been the perfect gentleman so far and so romantic with it. I'm sure that he just wants to have a little fun with me and won't try anything on" Imogen said resentfully. "Brother" thought Stephen, "girls are so gullible" knowing only too well exactly what any normal man would want to do to Imogen given half the chance. He knew, however, that she was one tough cookie and was more than capable of defending her virtue. 3 ... A Day Out Stephen hadn't heard Imogen return having fallen into a much needed deep sleep. She had spent a wonderful evening with Marius and, true to her expectations, he had been nothing but chivalrous towards her. She suspected that he was just warming her up for the main course tonight, he had already asked to meet her again, and she was happy to be courted like this. He was so handsome and she had never had anyone pay her so much respect and attention before. She still managed to rise early and after having a light breakfast was ready to join Stephen for their island trip. She had dressed herself casually in a sleeveless tee-shirt and a pair of light pink denim shorts. As usual she looked extremely feminine and totally desirable Stephen thought upon seeing her. Stephen fired up the scooter's ignition and, with Imogen on the back holding on to him with her arms locked tightly around his chest, set off towards the mountain. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft hands grabbing onto him and especially the feeling of her breasts pressing into his back. It was another beautifully warm morning and both Stephen and Imogen enjoyed the cool citrus scented breeze as they drove through the lemon groves and row after row of olive trees. They were soon into and through the town and were following a dirt track up into the, so called, mountain road he had previously identified on the map. It would be a huge exaggeration to describe it as anything resembling a road. Skiathos only had one recognised road on the whole island with the remainder consisting of poorly marked dirt tracks. This, however, only added to the sense of adventure as they wound their way up the mountain track until they paused for a break. As they got off the scooter they took in their surroundings. The view was absolutely stunning as, half way up the mountain, they looked down upon the island's airport to see an aircraft 500' below them bringing in another cargo load of holiday makers. The sense of peace and tranquillity was intoxicating as they listened to the bees buzzing around them searching for nectar in this warm sunshine. Resuming their journey they carried on for another twenty minutes before coming to the end of the marked track that was supposed to lead to the village. It had been hard finding this track at all as the maps were a law unto themselves and tracks seemed to come and go in all directions. "According to this map the village should be about a mile or so off to the North" Stephen said trying to relate what the map told him to the actual surroundings. The footpath, which they could just about make out, took them through thick undergrowth and eventually led them along to a coastal walkway. Walking along the path for another fifteen minutes they came to a causeway which led to a narrow natural bridge about 150' above sea level. On a raised rockland they could see what appeared to be buildings, or at least what remained of them. "That must be it over there - come on Sis, let's go" Stephen said impulsively. Looking down was a long drop to the seashore with rocks scattered wildly about. The village had obviously been joined onto the mainland at some point and natural erosion, along with the frequent earthquakes experienced here over the years, had obviously taken it's toll and left just this 2 foot wide access. Swallowing deeply Stephen said "well I don't know about you Sis but I'm going across - I haven't come all this way to stop here. That village look's amazing, , if we hadn't approached it from this pathway it would have been invisible to us - come on, let's get across". Imogen was less sure about this. "Oh lucky lucky us" she mumbled under her breath not having the same enthusiasm for seeing an old pile of rubble as Stephen obviously had ! "There he goes again, typical man, plough on regardless and don't think about the consequences" she thought to herself as she followed him onto to the bridge being more nervous about remaining here on her own. They crossed the bridge with no trouble. Once on the other side Stephen considered it strange that they hadn't seen anyone else since leaving the scooter. He did not dwell on this thought too long, however, as he stood in awe of what lay before his eyes. All around in various states of disrepair were the remnants of houses and habitats from both ancient and recent times. Some of the outer buildings were in a very precarious condition and very few of them still contained roofing or doors of any description. He held Imogen's hand protectively as they entered one of the houses. There was very little inside except rubble and some evidence of where there had been a fire at some point. As they explored other buildings the same picture emerged. Anything of any value whatsoever had obviously already been taken he surmised, most probably either during or after the German occupation. Finally they decided they had seen everything worth seeing and realised they had already spent more than enough time here and should be heading back. Imogen certainly didn't want to be late for her date with Marius and they did not want to get caught here after sunset being unsure as to whether they could find their way back through the pathway if it got too dark. Just after they started to make their way through the village Imogen spotted one building that still possessed a door. This was unusual enough to make her exclaim : "Hey Steve, look over there. That building has still got a door attached. Let's go and have a quick look before we leave, you never know, there might be something interesting in there". "Unlikely Sis, it's certainly a lovely setting here but anything that may have been of interest has long gone. Let's take a look anyway" he said as they walked over towards the building. Approaching it cautiously he pushed open the door and peered inside. It was dark with very little light entering through the windows and it took a couple of minutes for their eyes to adjust to the change from the bright sunlight outside. He could now clearly make out a room beyond the one they had entered and there appeared to be light filtering through from a hole in the roof. As they entered it Stephen suddenly put his arm across Imogen and called out "stop here Sis, this floor looks dangerous to me" as he peered into what seemed to be a crevice running the length of the room. He stepped forward slowly, testing the floor cautiously when all of a sudden Imogen stumbled onto him bringing them both crashing down onto the floor. The floor around them immediately began to break apart and they fell six feet onto a rocky floor below. Stephen was winded as Imogen fell heavily on top of him. They began to pick themselves up and, looking around, found themselves in what was left of a dark tunnel. Stephen dusted himself down and looking up said "come on Sis, I've had enough of this, let's get ourselves out of here". "Wait a minute Bro, look over there" pointing along the dark tunnel to a bright shaft of sunlight about 20 feet away. "That might lead to another way out of here. If we try to clamber up to the room above we might just find that more of the flooring gives way and I'm sure I've already got enough bruises from the last fall". "Well let's give it a try but it doesn't look very hopeful to me" Stephen said as they started to walk along the dank and dark tunnel. They followed the tunnel into the room and could see a large crack in, what appeared to be, a cave wall from where the light was entering from the seaward side of the rockface. Looking quickly around there did not appear to be anyway out. There was, however, more broken rock which appeared to be covering another hole "In for a penny, in for a pound" said Stephen as they clambered past the rocks into another chamber. This was more interesting. There still did not appear to be an exit from here but, as their eyes again adjusted to the change of light, they could see this room was relatively intact and must have been hidden from visitors for a considerable period of time. "This must have been some sort of place of worship, look over there, it seems to be an altar" Stephen said walking over to the far corner of the room. "Look over there, there are statues set back into alcoves. Each of them seems to have a marble plate underneath with some writing on it" Imogen said moving towards the nearest alcove. Looking closer in this dim light they could see that each statue seemed to be different but all depicted some act which looked connected to the ancient Greek gods. The nearest one to Imogen was a statue of a young and beautiful women, the nearest to Stephen was that of a man striking a snake. As they looked around, taking care not to touch anything, they saw the first statue depicted what must have been Zeus, Stephen recognised enough of the writing underneath to confirm this. Next to this appeared to be a statue of Hera. "These look to be made of marble, or alabaster" Stephen said as he ran his fingers along the female statue. He tried to move the statue to ascertain it's weight but couldn't shift it. It was almost as if it were actually a part of this chamber. As he touched the statue of the young female it almost seemed to crackle causing him to pull back sharply. "Hey did you see that Sis - this thing's alive ! " Stephen said cautiously approaching it to see if it would do it again. "Here help me with this, let's see if we can move it between us - I'm sure this is a real find and we need to take something back as proof of what we've discovered. "I'm really not sure if we should Bro, can't we just go back and let the authorities know about this". "Look, they're never going to come all the way out here on a couple of tourists say so without some form of concrete evidence. Come on, help me with this stupid thing" he said as she finally conceded and reached out to grab the statue from the other side. As they both touched the statue the crackling returned and was accompanied by a brilliant phosphorescent light that surrounded and blinded them. They both collapsed to the floor and passed out. 4 ... The Gift of Teiresias Stephen was the first to wake. He groaned in a strange and unfamiliar way as he pressed his hands hard against his eyes in an attempt to relieve the pain and felt disorientated and light headed as he tried to push himself up from the chamber floor. "God, what was that" he thought as he shook his head trying to shake himself awake. He felt something hitting the side of his face with the shaking of his head. His sub-conscious realised it must be long hair and as he pushed himself up from the floor he knew something was wrong ... something was very wrong. His whole centre of balance had seemingly shifted and he could feel a strange feeling of both tightness and movement from around his chest. He raised his hands to, almost instinctively, flick away the hair from the side of his face and, even though his eyes were still recovering, he gasped as he saw what appeared to be slim and refined hands. His confusion was absolute when he felt what seemed to fingernails scratching against the side of his face. He fell backwards on his bottom in shock and, again, felt totally alien feelings from this area - it almost felt like he had fallen on some sort of padding! He started to sob almost hysterically and was starting to hyper-ventilate as he called out "S ... Sis, Sis ... h .. h... help me" before he pulled up short as the sound of a soft and high-pitched voice echoed in his ears. As his muted sobbing stopped he could hear movement next to him. He was frozen with apprehension and he didn't want to hear his voice, or feel any movement from his body, that might confirm the unthinkable that his addled mind was beginning somehow to accept as fact - HE WAS A GIRL! The movement next to him started to shape itself into a recognisable form as it raised itself from the floor. "Bro ... Bro, what happen ..." and stopped. Stephen couldn't believe his ears at the deep and raspy sound that came from what he was expecting to be Imogen's mouth. He recomposed himself quickly and looked closer as the shape redefined itself into a larger and more angular outline than he had expected. As his eyes finally cleared he again gasped in horror and his brain went into overload finally blacking out as it attempted to deny what it could see - he had been staring straight into his own face and this mirror image did not move with him ! Imogen had been greeted by a similar sight to Stephen, that of looking straight at her own familiar image although, even in this maelstrom of emotions, she almost calmly observed how different she looked from a different viewpoint. Her first thought was for her Brother. The only other person in this chamber was this girl who looked just like herself - she had also called her 'Sis' so she assumed that this girl must be him! She tried to compose herself and went over to him (her ! - this was starting to get confusing) and lifted him up from his (her!) back with an ease that surprised her. "Bro, Bro ... come on, wake up now" she said while gently slapping him around his face. "Come on now Bro - I need you". She started to feel a sense of dread herself as she heard her own deep baritone voice that sounded remarkably like her Brother's. She looked closer at the arms and hands holding this girl's body and realised that they were strong and powerful just like Stephen's. She also realised, looking down at her flat chest, that she seemed to be wearing Stephen's shirt - "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD" she gasped aloud - "I AM STEPHEN". "Wh ... what happened - where are we" Stephen stammered in his girlish voice as he started to come around. He again started to experience the warning signs of a panic attack as his heart started to race at the familiar sound that same out of his mouth - it was the sound of his Sister! "Easy Bro, easy" Imogen said as she put her, now seemingly, long arms around Stephen's now slim and, seemingly fragile, shoulders. "God, was I this delicate ? - it certainly didn't feel like it from the inside" Imogen thought as she marvelled at the new feelings and strength she felt coursing through her. The strangest feeling of all was that of a swelling accompanied by a new, and never before experienced, feeling of intensity and urgency from around her groin as her male body reacted to a helpless female in it's arms. Everything suddenly came back to Stephen as he stared into his own concerned face. He again realised, a little more rationally now, that if he was a girl and if that was himself looking at him then he must be ... Imogen ! He immediately stared down and again looked at his girlish hands and slim nails - he could immediately see the denim shorts and bare legs that Imogen had owned only a few short minutes ago. He finally had the courage to look at his chest and saw, from a different angle this time which seemed to exaggerate their size, his Sister's breasts which he had so admired only yesterday! "S ... Sis, what's happened to us - we seem to have swapped bodies - we... we've got to change back, we've got to change back. I can't live as some weak girl" Stephen stammered as he again started to panic. Imogen grasped him firmly around the shoulders and steadied him, how easy it had seemed. "Hey, enough of the weak girl malarky, that's me you're talking about here" as she got slightly annoyed at his reaction. Weak indeed! Mind you though, she had to admit that the girl she was holding certainly did feel light and fragile, had she really seemed like this to Stephen ? She certainly wasn't feeling the same sense of panic that he obviously was ! She did observe, however, that she HAD been prone to such attacks in the past - "maybe it comes with the body" she thought! "Sorry Sis, I ... I don't know what's come over me" he spluttered in embarrassment. He had never felt so vulnerable before, he was usually so confident and self assured ! All of this upset and nervousness manifested itself in a new sensation that Stephen recognised as the need to relieve himself. It seemed to come from a different area now and was certainly more insistent. "Sis, I'm sorry about this but I've got to pee - how ... what do I do". "Oh brother" she thought raising her eyes to the ceiling. "Go back into that tunnel over there - you're going to have to squat somewhere around the corner - I'm sure you'll find it all comes quite naturally" Imogen said sympathetically. As he walked away she called out "and HEY - no peeking!". He went into the tunnel until he felt he was far enough away to get some privacy, but not so far away to lose the feeling of protectiveness he now wanted. Removing Imogen's denim shorts Stephen thought "God, how am I going to do this - it feels so strange". He lowered Imogen's panties and tried to squat while supporting himself against the tunnel wall. His new body's urgent needs stopped any further prevarication as he felt the hissing stream of urine releasing itself from his body in an undirected spray. He felt it splashing on his legs and didn't have a clue on how to direct it away from his body. As the flow ceased he still felt wet around his groin and guessed that he should now wipe himself - the trouble was that there was nothing else here to wipe with. He was also scared to look too closely around his unexplored genital area - he really didn't want to admit what was there yet ! He pulled up the panties and shorts and felt disgusted at this horrible damp feeling "Yuk, this is really horrible - I really hate this girl stuff". Walking back into the chamber he saw Imogen returning from the corner. "Hey, I've just done the same as you - you men really have it so much easier don't you - just unzip it, whip it out and bingo" she observed. Stephen looked like he was going to burst into tears again. "Look it's all right, don't worry" Imogen said as she held Stephen's small hand. "Let's sit back here for a minute and think about what's happened. You said the statue made a crackling noise when you first touched it and then when we both tried to loosen it we were suddenly engulfed in a ball of light. It's obviously the statue that did this to us and I suppose it's the statue that could change us back" Imogen said almost with an air of reluctance. As she searched her feelings she realised it might be a bit of a blast to see what life was like from the other side of the fence for a short while. "Stephen could certainly do with a bit of experience in appreciating what life was like for a weak and feeble girl" she mentally snorted to herself. "Well come on then, let's go back to the statue and see if we can reverse this" Stephen said dragging himself (herself!) up from the floor and walking in a strange, to him, swaying motion towards the statue. Imogen joined him figuring that she had better not indulge her little fantasy - she did enjoy being a girl and wouldn't want to remain like this for too long. They both held the statue in the same way as before but this time nothing happened. "Oh my God" said Stephen, "it didn't work, what are we going to do now?" he asked on the verge of tears. "Well I think that we should return back to the hotel before it gets to dark - if we stay here much longer we won't be able to find our way back" Imogen said walking back to the tunnel to see if they could climb out. "Wait a minute - if we leave here how are we going to find a way to change back ? And another thing, I can't go back as you - I can't be a girl" Stephen started to wail. "Well I've got news for you, unless you want to spend the night in this dump we will have to go back as we are - you don't want to have Mum and Dad up all night worrying about us do you ? And another thing SIS, face facts - for the time being you ARE a girl so you had better start getting used to it until we find a way to change ourselves back. Now come on, let's get out of here" Imogen said as she went back pulling Stephen along with her by the hand. Stephen quickly screamed while trying to pull away "wait, just wait a minute - if we can't take the statue then lets take the nameplate underneath it, or at least copy it, it might be helpful in trying to find out more about what happened here". They ending up copying the wording by writing on the back of the scooter hire documents with an eyeliner pencil from Imogen's bag. "Now come on, let's go" Imogen said again pulling Stephen along by the hand. Stephen meekly complied and felt a little humiliated as Imogen easily lifted him above her (his!) head and pushed Stephen back up into the room with the collapsed floor. She easily pulled herself up after him and they left the house back towards the bridge. Imogen seemed all right crossing the narrow bridge back to the mainland but Stephen was very apprehensive feeling the difference in his centre of gravity more acutely. they finally got back to the scooter with about 30 minutes of daylight left. "One thing Bro, or should I start calling you Sis, I don't know how to drive this thing" Imogen said as she contemplated the scooter. "OK then - I guess I'll have to drive" Stephen said mounting the bike. It was a very different feeling for Stephen as they drove back to the hotel. This time Imogen's hands, formally his, were held firmly below his breasts and Stephen had to keep all his concentration to remain on the dusty tracks in the fading light as these distractions were close to, literally, driving him over the edge. As they made their way down to the bottom of the mountain Stephen pulled over for a moment and turned off the engine. "What are we going to tell Mum and Dad, we're going to be stuck like this at least until tomorrow when we are going to have to return here and see if there's a way to change back ? " he said pulling on some stray strands of blond hair. "Look, I really don't want to worry them too much at this stage. It would ruin their holiday and you can just imagine how upset Dad would get if he thought his darling little boy was now a darling little girl" Imogen said firmly. "I think we would be better off just seeing the night out as each other and hope nobody's the wiser. We can hire the bike again if we go into the town early tomorrow and we might be able to find something out about the writing that we copied down that may give us a clue on how to change back". "I suppose that makes sense - it shouldn't be too hard being you for one night I guess" Stephen responded. "Good, let's get going then - don't you forget, you'll need a hour at least to get ready for your date with Marius tonight" Imogen laughed. "DATE WITH MARIUS" spluttered Stephen sounding ridiculous to himself in this high pitched squeaky voice. "There is no way I'm going out with your new boyfriend for you. This is bad enough as it is without some local Romeo trying to get into my ... your, oh I don't know what I mean, my pants - think again Sis". "You think again SIS - you are not going to lose me the best looking piece of talent on the beach for the rest of this holiday. When I get changed back I've got plans on having some serious fun with him. You'll do as you're damn well told !". Stephen was speechless at Imogen's outburst. How could she be so stupid to think he'd go through with this. It's one thing trying to keep some emotional pain away from his parents, it was totally another thing trying to fend off someone who thought he was God's gift to women for the evening. It wasn't like he had even had a gay thought in his head! It would over his (her!) dead body before he'd do this for Imogen. 5 ... That Evening "God Imogen - how much longer is this going to take" Stephen whined as Imogen tried to finish putting eye shadow on him. "It must have taken us hours to get ready - I can't take much more of this". "Just stop moaning will you - a girl's got to look just right for an important date" she said as she started to layer this girl's eyelashes with mascara. "I'm not having it look like you can't be bothered to make an effort for him. And another thing - stop calling me Imogen - we agreed that YOU are now Imogen, at least until tomorrow when we can try to get this mess sorted out. Have you got that clear IMOGEN" she said brow beating Stephen into submission. "Yes, let's just get this over with and get the evening over Stephen" SHE said caustically. ----------------- Stephen, now Imogen, couldn't believe that he had let himself get bullied into this farcical situation. He had put up a token resistance but had been shocked at how easily he had capitulated to Imogen's demands. It was almost like she was enjoying this situation and wanted to maximise any humiliation he might feel. They had managed to fool their parents without too much trouble by being fairly non-committal when asked how their day had gone and by rushing to get Stephen ready for his date with Marius. Stephen had started to go into his room when Imogen pulled him up sharply saying "your room's over there now" pointing to the room that she had occupied for the last two nights. Stephen started to walk to her room when Imogen said "I'll be over in a minute to help you get ready - I want to make sure that you're presentable and sexy for Marius". "Sexy ! There is no way you're going to make me sexy for anyone" Stephen wailed. "Imogen" said the real Imogen, "Oh and you had better start getting used to that name - I thought you were going to give the game away when you didn't respond to Dad earlier - you already ARE sexy ! Being in your body and seeing myself through your eyes has made me realise just how desirable I am" she laughed. "Well I'm glad you've kept your sense of humour anyway" Stephen said indignantly. "And now I am going to go in there to have a shower and I would rather shower in private thank you very much" he said slamming the bedroom door behind him. "You've got nothing I haven't seen before" Imogen laughed going into Stephen's room. Stephen started to remove his clothes. He marvelled at his new reflection in the mirror as he stood there looking at Imogen's body in just a white lacy bra and panties. The bra was difficult to get off but he actually enjoyed the sense of freedom he felt as his unfettered breasts swung free. As he removed his panties he stopped to look at the smooth mound that was covered by a light thatch of blond pubic hair. Looking at Imogen's naked body he ran his slim fingers along the soft skin of his breasts and down to the groin, this skin was so smooth and soft, so different to what he was used to, that he experienced a momentary feeling of eroticism. "No, this is wrong - I really shouldn't do this" he thought to himself and decided to shower now to prevent any further exploration of her body. Before doing this he sat down on the toilet to relieve himself. It was much easier this time around and he found it much more comfortable sitting on a seat and letting the flow leave his body rather than his earlier experience back in the tunnel. Showering the dirt and dried up body fluids away from this body raised Stephen's spirits a little and as he dried down he almost forgot his problems for a brief second until he heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Hey Sis, can I come in" he heard from his own familiar voice. It was strange how your voice always sounds different when the words aren't coming direct from your own mouth - a little like hearing yourself on a tape he pondered as he opened the door. "Yeah OK, wait a 'sec though" Stephen replied as he struggled to put on a coral pink bra he had found in the top of Imogen's drawer. Finally finishing he also pulled on a pair of matching panties almost enjoying the feeling as they pulled snuggly into his flat groin "so different than his usual boxers and what they held!" he thought sadly, and opened the door to let himself (!) in - this was all still so confusing ! "Oh no, no that will never do" said Imogen as she looked Stephen up and down. "You're going to have to take those off - they'll never go with what you're going to wear tonight". "Oh look, do I really have to go through with this" Stephen pouted sulkily. Imogen paused a little shocked for a second. Looking at Stephen standing there with his weight shifted onto one hip and sporting a moody pout he looked every inch a teenage girl. He would pass all right - the only issue was if he could pass as her. She was sure that for anybody who didn't know them too well it would not be a problem - the real challenge would be in keeping up this pretence with their parents - they would both have to really start getting into their roles, and that starts now. "Yes you do" Imogen said, "and we had better stop calling each other by our real names and assume the names from our adopted bodies - we are bound to slip up otherwise. From now on I'm going to start calling you Imogen and you had better start calling me Stephen. Start thinking about yourself that way and also start thinking of yourself as a 'she' - it'll be easier - all right Imogen" 'he' said. A shiver passed through him as Stephen's mind, in Imogen's body, started spinning. He wished he could control his feelings like he used to be able to and to stop feeling panic ridden and confused all the time. "Do we have to, I'm beginning to feel I'm losing my identity. Why don't we just tell Mum and Dad, I'm sure they'll be supportive". "Oh I do wish you'd stop whining, you're sounding just like a girl already - constantly moaning and sulking - just give it a break Imogen" 'Stephen' said pointedly. "Anyway, this may be only for one night- we've already agreed on how to play this, just keep your nerve and spare Mum and Dad the grief. Of course they'll be supportive, they always have been - let's just not worry them unnecessarily - they're really enjoying themselves and need a carefree break. They will soon be back in the real world". She continued, "Now come on, Marius will be here in 45 minutes, we've got a lot to do" said 'Stephen' going to 'Imogen's' underwear drawer and pulling out a black lace underwired bra and panty set. "now get these on and we can start with your make-up". "MAKE-UP !" thought Imogen as she struggled to think of herself as a she. She didn't argue too much already feeling a little sheepish after the telling off she had just had from Stephen. She just went along with whatever her Brother, God this was so hard, wanted to do with her. Why was she giving in to everything so easily ? 'Stephen' led 'Imogen' over to the dressing table and started to prepare her for the night ahead. ------------------------- "Finally" 'Imogen' sighed to herself. She was still finding it hard to think of herself as a she, as the new Stephen led her over to the mirror to see the results of his handiwork. She stepped back in amazement as she took in the sight before her. Stephen had dressed her in a 'little black' sleeveless dress, held up by delicate spaghetti straps, that highlighted every aspect of her femininity. Her long golden hair cascaded down to her shoulders in silken ripples which framed her almond shaped face perfectly. Her bright electric blue eyes looked so seductive with the subtle eye shadow and mascara topped by finely arched eyebrows. The sleeveless dress accentuated the sleek and graceful neck and delicate narrow shoulders - this had been his favourite part of a women when he had been a man, it tended to highlight the softness and vulnerability of the female of the species for him. The almost sculptured aspects of her bustline and how the narrow waist flared out into womanly hips sent shivers down his back. The dress stopped just above mid-thigh leaving little to the imagination as the gorgeously slim and shapely legs led to small and delicate feet. He inwardly gasped at the dark red nail varnish that was visible through the 2 inch heeled sandals. "God almighty Steve" she said angrily. "What on earth have you done to me, I look absolutely ravenous - no man without 100% total control over himself will be able to keep their hands off me. I ... I ... I can't believe this - why .... why, I can even feel myself getting damp just looking at myself and it isn't a nice feeling" she said fearing the night ahead. Looking down at him 'she' could see that she had even got a response out of 'Stephen'. "Yeah, I must admit if I wasn't more respectful of your, sorry my, honour I would consider a bit of incest myself". Just then they heard a knocking on the door. "Come on then Sis, that must be your date for the night. Now don't forget - be on your best behaviour and don't do anything I wouldn't do" she laughed softly enjoying the irony of that statement. They heard a call from the hallway, "Imogen, Imogen ... come on now, you've got a young man here already to take you out". 'Imogen' could feel her heart pounding and almost felt her knees trembling as 'Stephen' pushed her out into the hallway to face her date. 'Stephen' gave her a final push and said to her "go on there girl - don't let me down" as she almost floated towards him thinking, as if detached from this whole scene, that it was strange how she was able to walk so easily in heels - maybe the body remembers ! Marius saw 'Imogen' and took her delicate hands in his saying "Imogen, you look perfect. I thought you were beautiful yesterday but today you have surpassed yourself" and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips before she had time to think or react. Her mind was again a maelstrom of confusion as she took in so many sensations in just a fraction of a second. The initial feelings of revulsion that he would have expected quickly turned to feelings of pleasure as a voice inside her seemed to think that this was quite nice really! The feeling of being defenceless turned into feelings of WANTING to fell defenceless and to be protected by this handsome (!) man. All this happened so fast that her male mind could not acknowledge these feelings and she soon found herself responding to the messages her body was giving her. "I've just got to go with the flow" she thought as Marius led her out to his car, "I've just got to get through the night- that's all (I hope!)" as this horrible thought crept into the back of his mind. Getting into the car was yet another new experience. Marius walked around to the passengers side and held the door open for him. This was so strange , she was used to being the one to do this ! She stood there for a moment wondering how she was supposed to get into this car without giving Maruis, and anyone else who happened to be looking, a free show before thinking back to girls he had seen and been with. They usually went in backside first and swung their legs around afterwards, 'Imogen' attempted the same tactics and, amazingly enough, managed to negotiate this hurdle in a slightly ungainly, but successful manner. She could have sworn she could see 'Stephen' watching from behind the blinds. "I bet he is really enjoying this she thought as Marius started the car and pulled away. 6 ... Imogen's Nightmare The evening was everything that 'Imogen' had feared and expected. As Imogen later reflected on the evening she realised, with some trepidation, that there had been elements that she had enjoyed as well! It had started fairly harmlessly as Marius had taken her to a small Greek Taverna where they enjoyed a candlelit meal. She had eaten fairly lightly, mostly eating seafood, but found that this seemed to be enough for her reduced appetite. Marius was the perfect gentleman, he had shown her to a seat and poured her a glass of the locally produced white wine which she sipped slowly at first. Soon, without realising it, they had finished a bottle of wine between them as they completed their meal. This would normally have had no effect on Stephen but it was a different proposition now as Imogen began to feel a little light headed. She found herself giggling slightly at some of Marius's pigeon English but appreciated the effort he was making all the same. She was starting to enjoy the evening as the alcohol and Marius's attentiveness left her feeling less apprehensive and also a little flattered. By the time that Marius had driven them to a night club and they had enjoyed another drink, a pink lady for her, she wasn't finding it so difficult to relax and was happy to let Marius put his arm around her. She rationalised this in her own mind by telling herself that she was only doing what the real Imogen had asked her to do. She was starting to adjust and accept her temporary role as a girl much easier now that the alcohol had loosened her up and decided to try and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. This time as Marius pulled her towards him she was not surprised and accepted his kiss. The taste of a man was vastly different than what she had expected and, despite herself, she found that she was returning it. She lost all sense of time as she melted under this onslaught and felt giddy from the whole experience. She noticed that this kiss seemed to penetrate her senses much more deeply than when she had been a man and noticed, with almost a detached amusement, that these feelings were having an effect on other parts of her body as she felt her nipples becoming much more sensitive and hardened, almost like mini erections. Marius pulled her up onto the dance floor and she fell into the female role so easily during the slow numbers that she started to get scared at what this all meant. Her male instincts returned swiftly as she felt Marius's erect penis pressing into her stomach and she quickly said "excuse me, but I have to go to the little girl's room" and almost ran into the ladies restroom. She quickly found a cubicle and sat herself down on the toilet seat in a confused muddle. "What on earth was I doing back there, for God's sake - I was enjoying that until his cock shocked me back to normal" she thought as she started to calm down. She felt the urgent need to relieve herself and, raising her bottom, lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. After finishing she wiped herself dry and noticing her bodies sexual secretions as well as the remainder of urine droplets. She realised that she must have become quite aroused and that she had better get home before she lost control completely and did something her real sister might regret. This was becoming a nightmare ! She told Marius that she felt a little ill, feigning that seafood sometimes left her like that, and asked to be taken home and really apologised profusely so that she wouldn't spoil the real Imogen's future chances. To ensure this she returned Marius's goodnight kiss with a good imitation of passion to help soften the blow she was sure Marius must have felt. He must have thought he was home and dry with her after their dance ! She found 'Stephen' downstairs sharing a late night drink of scotch with her father- something that she had always enjoyed as an intimate part of male bonding she thought ruefully - God, she hoped she would be able to enjoy it again soon. "How did your evening go Sis" said Stephen with a big grin on his face. "I've been out with Mum and Dad for the evening and ended up shooting a few games of Pool with Dad". "Yes, and you know for once I beat him. That's the first time in years" Dad said with relish. "He seemed to be right off of his game tonight for some reason. Never mind, better luck next time eh son" his father said as he topped up his glass with whiskey. "Well Sis, you haven't said anything yet about your evening. It seems like you must have enjoyed yourself from the look of your smudged lipstick" Stephen laughed uproariously. "Oh ... O ... Oh, y ... you go and mind your own business" she said with venom as she stormed off to her room. Father and son both looked at each other for a split second before spurting their drinks out in laughter and saying in unison "women ... I'll never understand them". 'Imogen' heard this and felt so helpless and frustrated that she broke down and sobbed into her pillow before falling asleep from both physical and emotional exhaustion. 7 ... Next Day 'Imogen' woke up first the next morning with the sun already streaming through the cracks in the blinds. As she walked over and opened them the heat hit her fully again instantly awakening her fully. She went over and checked the alarm clock next to the bed and gasped as she saw it was already 11:15am - everyone had slept in today. It must have been a combination of the lack of sleep they had experienced following their night flight and the alcohol they had all consumed last night. She quickly grabbed a clean pair of shorts and a full length tee-shirt, again marvelling how it seemed that she looked lovely in whatever she put on, and went to knock on 'Stephen's' bedroom door. "Stephen, come on - the morning's nearly gone already - come on get up" she called realising that there was no way that they could get back to Skiathos town, re-new the hire on the scooter and also get back to the village before it got too late to find their way back. This would mean another day as Imogen she realised with horror! She heard Stephen groaning "Oh, my head". After a few moments the door opened and he stepped out. Imogen wondered if he had really looked that bad after too much to drink ! "Hi Bro - sorry Sis" he said as he rubbed his sore head. "I'm sorry about last night, I really didn't mean to upset you. I'd had a few too many whiskey's last night and got a bit silly. It was when you came in all nervous looking, and with your lipstick in a such a state, that I knew that you had been getting to know Marius better, much more than I would have imagined possible. I never really thought you would kiss him and, with all that whiskey inside of me - well - I just couldn't help myself. Never mind, it'll all be back to normal soon". As an afterthought he said "Hey, you did only kiss him didn't you - you didn't go any further I hope?". "NO, I certainly did not" Imogen stamped her foot in irritation. "How dare you". "Yeah, yeah" said Stephen dismissivily, "I suppose you're going to tell me that you're not that kind of girl in a minute as well!" as he walked off to the kitchen to pour himself a cool glass of orange juice. Imogen followed him still feeling angry with his attitude "God, men can be such pigs sometimes" she thought and then mentally kicked herself, "I don't believe this - I'm starting to think like a girl now! - I've got to get changed back soon! ". "Anyway", she continued, "there is no way that we going to get this sorted today - there's just not enough time. Oh ... come on, think of something - I don't want to spend another minute like this let alone another day" Imogen moaned. "OK OK, 'Stephen' said unwilling to start an argument in his current delicate state. "Look, just face up to it - we're going to have to spend another day like this whatever - I can live with it, you'll just have to as well. Let's get some breakfast and we can think about what we're going to do". Over breakfast Stephen suggested that they should make their day productive and, after renewing the hire on the scooter, they could do some investigative work and see if they can find any details of the village they had found and if there were any legends or superstitions associated with it. They could also see whether the Greek writing they had copied meant anything. Calming down a little Imogen agreed that this seemed like a good idea and after finishing breakfast they set off to Skiathos town. By the time they had gotten into town and had finished re-hiring the scooter for another two days it was nearly 2:30pm. They walked around town for a short while and inquired in the usual tourist centres about the history of the island. All they got was the usual high level information that you get in the guide books. Nobody really knew any more details about Kastronissia than what Imogen had already picked up when she had been Stephen. They had begun to get disenchanted at this lack of success when they came upon a small museum that had just re-opened again after lunch. They looked inside and found a number of small rooms dedicated to the island and each room displayed a different period from the islands history. It didn't take much more than a few minutes to find a room containing information about the Greek Gods and how they had been worshipped by the islanders. There seemed to be a lot of general information about Greek mythology but one recurring theme was that of the myth of Teiresias and the Greek spelling of this was exactly the same as the writing that they had found underneath the statue. They began to get excited as the read about the Myth. Stephen read the English translation of the legend aloud : "Teiresias was a Theban seer. During his youth he came upon two snakes coupling on a mountain near the city. He struck the female with his staff and walked on. He immediately found himself transformed into a woman. Seven or eight years later, coming upon the same snakes engaged in the same activity, Teiresias struck the male and returned at once to his masculine form. Not long after, while Hera and Zeus were debating whether a man or a woman takes the greater pleasure from sex, it occurred to them to call in Teiresias as arbiter, since he was the only man on earth who could answer the question from first hand knowledge. The young man responded that women experienced nine or ten times more pleasure than men. This reply infuriated Hera, who blinded Teiresias on the spot. Zeus, on the other hand, rewarded him with the gift of prophecy and gave him long life as well". They were stunned as they read this. This account tallied with the tale the statues had appeared to depict. They immediately went looking for the curator to see if he could shed any more light on why this should be so relevant to this island. He invited them into his office and in excellent English confirmed the legend and expanded on what it meant to Skiathos. "Skiathos was indeed rich in history having been invaded many times in the past by Romans, Persians, Byzantine's, pirates, Turks - it seemed like everyone had invaded it at some point" he said "Through all of this the original Greek dwellers of this island, and their descendants, had remained true to the 'old' religion. When the Romans invaded legend had it that the native inhabitants built new housing over existing chambers of worship, where the ruined village of Kastronissia now stands, to keep them hidden". "Due to the devotion of his worshippers, they remained the last bastion of Greece to continue to worship Zeus and his fellow Gods, Zeus decided to reward the citizens of Skiathos. Zeus had decided that the reward should be spiritual rather than providing them with riches and, following the experience of Teiresias, considered that the greatest spiritual gain that any Skiathian could receive would be to experience life from all aspects, even if this was for just a brief period of time. Therefore Zeus fashioned a mystical chamber on the North West side of the island pointing to Mount Olympus, where his followers could gather to worship him and effect the necessary transformations". Stephen and Imogen sat in the curator's office spellbound as the curator continued his story. "Zeus, in all his wisdom, decreed that any two members of the opposite gender who approached his chamber and, jointly, touched the statue of the female Teiresias would have their souls transferred into each others body. This ability to experience life from each others perspective would help the young couple, for it was usually those who had chosen to wed who made the change, appreciate both the joys and tribulations they would each encounter during their life". 'Imogen' had a bad feeling about this. She desperately hoped that the curator was going to continue and tell them how a change back could be made - it didn't make sense that a strong and powerful man would want to spend the rest of his life as a female in times when women were virtually men's servants. She was getting nervous and wanted more than anything else in the world to go back to being Stephen again. She asked him hesitantly "d ... did they ever swap back to their original bodies, they surely didn't remain like that did they?". The curator laughed softly "no, no my dear - this was merely a short term experience - there were two conditions imposed. The first was that one of the pair should be no more than eighteen years old, usually the female. The second condition was that after one sunset and before three sunsets had occurred since the time of the transference, the couple must return to the chamber and re-enact the ceremony by holding the female Teiresias statue. If they did this then they would be returned to their bodies of birth far richer for the experience". Stephen quickly leapt in "if, you said if they returned to the chamber and held the statue then they would be restored - does this mean that failure to do this meant that they ended up staying in their new bodies?" he questioned nervously. "That is correct my son" the curator said. "Indeed, some of the transferees found they preferred life in the other gender and decided to remain as such. If they didn't reverse the procedure before the third sunset then they would never be able change again, ever - the transfer of souls would be permanent. Oddly enough this was usually prompted from the former male. This was truly a unique gift that Zeus allowed Teiresias to make". "Was the chamber ever found?" asked Imogen with a mixture of relief at knowing it was possible to reverse the change and fear at realising that they had to find the chamber and to both hold the statue again - fear because they had to do so by tomorrow before nightfall else she would be Imogen forever!. "No my dear, at least not in a very long time. Legend, as I mentioned earlier, says that it lies under the ruins of Kastronissia. The last recorded use of the chamber was during the 13th century following the invasion by the Byzantine's. Wholesale slaughter of villagers from around that area meant that the location was either lost or forgotten - it was a very jealously guarded secret, a gift from the Gods is not to be given away lightly!" he exclaimed. "Now my friends, I thank you for your interest in our lovely island and its myths but I now have to return to tend to the museum - there are likely to be others that may need my help" he said as he shook their hands and bade them goodbye. Stephen and Imogen went back outside into the bright sunlight. It would soon be getting dusk. As they looked at the setting sun they were both very aware of its significance. This would be the second and last sunset they would be allowed to experience in their new bodies and if they hadn't changed back before sunset tomorrow there wouldn't be another chance if the legends were true. In their heart of hearts they knew that they were - they were living testament to that fact. ----------------------------- After leaving the museum they decided to share a meal together, they had often done this in the past but never in such unlikely circumstances. Imogen decided to give the wine a miss this time and stuck to mineral water - she was not in the mood for drinking and didn't want to risk losing any semblance of control whatsoever. Neither wanted to even think about not finding the chamber tomorrow and there was very little conversation as they pondered their futures. As they returned to the scooter Imogen went to the front and was about to mount when Stephen said "here Sis, let me -I think I'll drive us back". Imogen stepped back "but you can't drive, you haven't even got a driving license". "Wrong Sis, it's YOU who hasn't got the driving license now. I was thinking over dinner that if we got stopped and you were driving they might hold us at the Police station for a while. They would certainly confiscate the bike and if either of these situations happened tomorrow that would put paid to our chances of getting to the village". "You're right, it's too big a risk to take. How are you going to ride back though - you've never done anything like this before" Imogen said passing Stephen the ignition key. "I know, I suppose you'll just have to give me a 'crash course' if you'll pardon the pun" Stephen chuckled trying to see some humour in their situation. Imogen took Stephen to a quiet back street and within half an hour had taught him the basic's of riding a scooter. "As long as he doesn't go too mad it shouldn't be a problem" she thought. She had so easily lapsed into thinking of the real Imogen as a 'he'! Stephen got them back to the hotel safely. It had felt strange sitting on the back with her thin arms wrapped tightly around what had been his own chest. It had felt even stranger to feel her breasts pressed firmly into his back as she hung on for dear life. The bumps over the road made them bounce slightly and, despite the worry, she found it was not a totally unpleasant feeling. They decided to remain in the hotel for the night so that they wouldn't risk sleeping in too late in the morning. Their parents had already gone out for a meal by the time they had returned and they didn't see them again until just before they went to bed. They were going to bed early to get a good nights sleep so they would be fresh for tomorrow. "What are you two doing tomorrow" their Mother Clare said putting down her handbag and putting on the stove to boil some water for a hot drink. "Eh, well - we thought we'd go exploring again tomorrow - we wanted to see if we could find that village again" Stephen said yawning. "Off together again !" their father said incredulously. "It's nice to see you two getting along so well. I know you've always been close in the past but never as close as you seem to be now - this holiday is doing us all good" he said happily. "Yeah right Dad" Stephen said ironically, "I feel just like a new man" he said flexing his muscles in the mock pose of a body builder. Despite the trauma she had been through during the last two days even Imogen laughed at this. If her parents hadn't known any better they might have thought the laughter was verging on hysteria as she continued laughing as she walked to her room. "What's she finding so funny" Bill said turning to Stephen quizzically. "I don't think I'd know where to start" he said wryly. "Maybe it's women's problems or something like that - she certainly looked like she didn't feel herself last night" Bill said taking a cup of tea from their Mother. "You've never seen a truer thing" Stephen said under his breath as he walked to his room. "Goodnight Pop's" he said shutting the bedroom door. "Pop's?" thought Bill. "That's what Imogen always calls me - I don't know what's gotten into these two tonight". 8 ... From Dawn 'til Dusk Imogen had risen by 7:00am having spent a restless night tossing and turning. She just wanted to get today over with and get back to normal. She knocked on Stephen's bedroom door to make sure he was awake and was relieved to hear him answer. He joined her in the kitchen for a cup of coffee but neither of them felt like eating. Stephen noticed that all the pictures were off-centre and observed that there must have been a some minor earth tremors here during the night - they were quite common around these parts apparently. Imogen was not really paying much attention to this - she had other things on her mind. Imogen had dressed in a pair of jeans and a baggy 'V' necked tee-shirt that seemed to hide most of her assets. The outfit was finished off by a plain pair of sneakers. She didn't want to feel too feminine today, she just wanted to concentrate on the task at hand. She shivered as they stepped outside and went back for a denim jacket. The sun had only just started to show itself and hadn't yet warmed the air. They mounted the bike and set off for the mountain. Stephen found the ride

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Gift Cards

Flo and I have been together for nine years the last seven as husband and wife. Flo is a beautiful blonde, six feet tall and 135 pounds. She has been the love of my life since the instant I laid eyes on her in college. Neither of us had much sexual experience before we met but we learned how to give a great deal of pleasure to each other over the years. The event that I am writing about had its genesis five years ago. At that time Flo and I were saving every penny we could get our hands on to...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 19 Gift

Everyone, with the exception of Eve, was seated around the breakfast table discussing their plans for the holidays. Nothing had really changed except for Eve's holiday plans. She had left the night before after telling Andrew that she was going to take a quick vacation for the holidays. She had booked a flight and flown off to Aspen saying that she'd be back after Christmas. Andrew took her excuse at face value. For Amber, Eve's sudden departure had caused a small problem that might lead...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Annas Gift

It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...

4 years ago
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My Gift

JanuaryWe had been married for 30 years and our lives were pretty much routine and average.  We had a nice simple house, big yard, two dogs, a cat, and were very much like every other house in the neighbourhood.  I had a normal job with a little stress but nothing over whelming.  She had her own job that she really did not need.  She kept working just so she could get a discount and not get bored.  But all of that changed last New Year’s Eve.  It all changed because for my Christmas present, I...

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The Gift

The Gift Belladonna Ari woke with the taste of his girlfriend's juices lingering in the back of his mouth. He blinked his eyes a few times while he looked around his bedroom. With a groan that belied his youth, Ari pushed his body out of the bed. His nostrils flared at the welcoming scent filling the room. A smile came to his face as he followed the smell of pancakes into the warm kitchen. "Hey, baby," Ari said as he watched Penelope cooking in her red,...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

3 years ago
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Gift of Time

Disclaimer This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is unintentional. Transgender themes and other mature themes are included within. If you would be offended by these, please don't continue! I, the author, reserve the right repost this work. A big thank you goes to Jamie Lou and Paula for their help in making this readable and for inspiration! Any remaining mistakes are of course mine. Due to the nature of this story please excuse my small delusions of...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Birthday Gift Was Threesome

My dear Readers, I was very happy and surprised to see more than 100 mails of appreciation for the previous stories in all sort of way from you all. I never expected that. My hearty thanks to everyone who mailed. It took me some time to write this one with other works. Its a little lengthy one and I segmented it, so that it can give you break. I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions to (or) You can check my other stories in ISS here : Jitendar When I...

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The Gift

She brought him a gift. The sole purpose of the Gift was to service him and help act out his deepest, most erotic fantasies. She knew there was no emotional connection, only raw animal instinct, and a never-ending urge to experience what he hadn't before."She is yours to do as you wish," she said, taking a seat to watch.A new, beautiful, and wanting woman knelt before him. He could see his wife and her lustful eyes, watching, waiting to help him fulfill his fantasy."Join me," he said, reaching...

4 years ago
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My Gift to Freddie

I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...

3 years ago
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Mom Ka Birthday Gift

Hi mera naam mihir hai main pune maharashtra ka rahnewala hu , main aapko mere jivan ki sachhi kahani batane ja raha hu . Ab main start karta hu. mery age 21 year hai , Mere ghar me hum char log hai mom dad mery badi bahan aur main. Mery bahan mujhse 2saal badi hai uska naam riya hai wo enginearing ker rahi hai wo ghar se bahar hostel me rahti aur mere dad ka bizness hai wo aksar bahar he rahte hai aur main mba final kar raha hu . Aur mery mom 44 years ki hai bahot sexy gori ab bhi ekdam 30 ki...

4 years ago
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The Gift

The Gift by Brad Miller Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? It was never something I really thought about until a couple years ago when my father told me about my very special gift. A gift that is passed from every male in the Edward's family to another. I inherited it from my father. And I am forever grateful for it. ---------- "Dammit Sean! Would you turn that fucking music down?", my sister, Alicia screamed. "Hell no! I'm trying to...

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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Jacks Gift

Jack's Gift by Olivia Evans Stacey Johnson pushed the gaily wrapped gift across the plush carpeted floor to her husband Jack. "Go ahead, honey, open it," she said excitedly. Jack and Stacey were sitting cross legged on their living room floor. Behind them, in front of the picture window that over looked their neighbor's snow covered driveway was a large, gaily decorated Christmas tree. Stacey had already opened one of her gifts, an elegant floor length pale blue nightgown...

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VDay Per Bhabhi Ka Erotic Gift

Helo dosto. Mera naam nav hai. Mai ghaziabad se hu or 26 saal ka hu. Meri mail id Aab aata hu story pe. Dosto story thodi lambi hai. Puri padhna n kaisi lagi mail karna. Ye kahani meri or meri cousion bhabhi lovely ki hai. Jaisa naam hai waise hi darshan b. Dekhne me gori chitti, lambi, bahar nikli hui gand or kabhi2 gand me fasa suit. Moti chuchi or ghungrale baal. Bhabhi ki age 32 year hai or uski ek shop hai ladies undergarments n cosmetic ki. Mere ghr se 4,5 ghr chod k bhabhi ka ghr hai or...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Gift

MY BIRTHDAY GIFTBy Charles E. Campbell   It seemed harmless enough. I guess that what actually I mean to say is: It seemed harmless enough, at the time. But then again, you know what they always say; Hindsight is always 20/20. I was just trying to make my husband's fortieth birthday really special, that's all, just between the two of us, and looking back at the outcome, its quite apparent that I was completely successful in attaining that goal, even if the actual outcome means that I will be...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Birthday Gift

Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion; I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full.  Underwear?  To easy.  But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I knew what I could give you, that would make you smile, make you...

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An Unwanted Gift


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Aliens GiftPart 5 New Mission

I. Colt pulled off the highway to the rest stop. He looked over at Brandy and saw a grin on her face. He knew she had been eyeing his hard-on for the last hour and she probably thought it was for her. "A lot she knew," he mumbled and then turned around to look at his naked step-sister. Sheri was fingering herself nonstop. The scent of her sex played on him like an aphrodisiac. Colt was momentarily distracted by Brandy who seemed to be reacting to Sheri's display as well. He pushed...

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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

4 years ago
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A Wife8217s Gift

Hello friends, here is a story that will make your cocks hard and your cunts wet. A loving wife gifts to hubby his sexy sister on her wedding anniversay. I came writing it, I hope you cum reading it. Email me at I am very open with my older sister Sarita who is married to businessmen Sahil. They have two kids and they are studyng in school. Sahil is most of the times traveling and Sarita often spends some time with my wife Ankita. My sister loves her Bhabi (brother’s wife) and so does my wife...

2 years ago
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Amlu Aunty8217s New Year Gift

Hello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...

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My Unique Wedding Gift My Sister

Hi frnds, m here to tell u my real life experience in which i got the best gift of my life, m Charlie (net name) 27y,5’8”ht,and m married since one and a half year, i lived in Gulshan e iqbal in khi and m doing a job in a cellular company, my wife is …. Let’s skip her name, 26y,5’6”ht, she is sexy and sweet and slutty, having right amount of flesh at the right places and making her curvaceous, we had a love marriage and we live happily very much in love since she gets me my wants and takes care...

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The Gift cont

"It's been a long time since we had that kind of fun." I paused then decided to try to bring up something I'd been trying to discuss lately, "You know Brad, we should...""Let's have more fun." He interrupted.Pulling away from me he made to sit on the couch, when he spoke loudly "Hey, Trish you hear something?"Trying not to laugh I began to turn around, "Yeah, I thought I heard something on the stairs.""Shit, is it Ashley?" he gasped.Brad did such a good job of sounding serious, I had to pause...

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Birthday Per Diya Didi Ne Anmol Gift

Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....

2 years ago
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Twin Birthday Threesome Gift

This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...

3 years ago
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Shilpa Ki Birthday Gift

Hi readers, This is Vikram from Indore. Ye story mere are mere saali Shilpa k beech ki hai. Story shuru karne k pehale mein aap ko Shilpa k baare be kuch batha du, woh ek chubby figure ki ladki hai age 27 yrs, uska figure kuch 34 32 36 hoga. Jab b uska hips dekhta hu tho gajab ki garmi aa jathi hai badan mein. It is one of the best i ever seen. Jab meri biwi ko pehla beta hua tab se kuch different feelings jaagi Shilpa k liye, hota aisa ki jab b Shilpa mere bete ko mujh se lethi tho mera haath...

4 years ago
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The Past of the Great Takuri and his Gift

January 30. 2012This is my first Journal entry. Why do people write a journal? Probably because they’re lonely. But I, the great Takuri, or at least that’s what I’m calling myself these days, am never lonely. No I’m writing this journal so that other people can see, can read what great things I’ve done and where I’ve erred. It feels like I’m writing the truth. As a magician I spent my whole life living in illusions, bending the truth both to the audience but also to my humble self, now it feels...

5 years ago
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Their Daughters Birthday Gift

I retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...

3 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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