The Strange Case Of Bimbo Maserati free porn video

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The Strange Case of Bimbo Maserati by Raven The scene was innocuous enough . . . except for the petite blonde girl in the waiting room with the humongous hooters. "Ms. Maserati?" asked the nurse at the front desk. There was no answer from the voluptuous sex kitten. Instead, she idly leafed through a fashion magazine that was sitting on the front table. "Strippers!" exclaimed the nurse, under her breath, in the exact tone of voice that men would use exclaim, "Women!" in frustration. She continued, "They are all fucking airheads." Actually, the nurse's characterization fit the image of the girl. Her lovely vapid face looked like it had never held an intelligent thought. "BIMBO!" said the nurse a little louder, just in case the girl's non- responsiveness was from a hearing problem, rather than stupidity. The front desk nurse wasn't calling her a name either. It was actually the name that she had filled out on the registration form. The blonde's head jerked up from the magazine. "W-what?" she cried in a startled tone of voice. Her eyes were just as wide as those of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. She was just as scared. A single tear leaked from her big blue eyes. The scare sent her long blonde locks swirling into her eyes, and she pointedly drew the strands from her eyes, face, and mouth. Something about the scene struck the nurse as . . . odd. The girl's movements were awkward and forced. It wasn't anything like she would have expected from a young girl who makes a living by dancing naked in front of men. She should be more . . . graceful. She also seemed annoyed somehow by the long hair. The front desk nurse shook her head in confusion. She didn't even want to try to understand, and well, that's why Dr. Smythe was here anyway. This tramp was his problem . . . not hers. Still, the nurse had to at least try to be nice, if not for the sake of her job. She addressed the cartoon of a man's sexual fantasies. "I called you Ms. Maserati. You must have been concentrating on an interesting article." The blonde regained her composure. "Oh, I was just looking at the pictures. It's kinda hard for me to read the writing." The nurse was not surprised. The girl took so long trying to figure out the registration form, that the nurse just ended up reading the questions to her. Girls in her profession didn't exactly need reading and writing skills. "Anyway, the Doctor will see you now." When the patient stood up, the front desk nurse saw, just how short and petite she was. The diminutive girl stood only 5' tall, and probably weighed slightly over 100 lbs. But for her melon sized boobs, she would have weighed well under 100 lbs! The remainder of her body was slight, but oh so shapely. The green monster of jealousy jumped up to bite the desk nurse squarely on her plump ass! She was SO tired of having men look at well endowed sluts like blonde dim wit. The big boobed little girl wobbled slightly in her high heels, making the front desk nurse chuckle to herself. She watched with great amusement as the huge hootered honey struggled to get her body from point A to point B. If she didn't know any better, the nurse would have sworn that the blonde was . . . uncomfortable in her own body? That was impossible! She should be used to the weight distribution, balance, and movement of her unparalleled body by now. Even her outfit of a one piece lycra mini dress looked somehow . . . wrong on her. It looked like a man dressed her, with it wrinkled here, and stretched to long there. She was probably dressed by her sugar daddy, as she just stood submissively in front of him, thought the nurse. She saw the girl stumble slightly over her own two feet, and almost take a head dive into one of the end tables. The girl was so top heavy that nothing would have prevented her from toppling over. She was all of the grace of drunken wino, mused the nurse gleefully. At least there is SOME justice in this world. The entire scene was so humorous that the nurse couldn't help but giggle. The girl, now standing directly in front of the nurse, looked up, way up, to see the laughter. "W-what?" asked the wee girl in the exact high breath voice that one would expect to come from a bimbo. When she heard her own voice, she tried to clear her throat, as if she had a frog in her throat. The blonde tried to speak again, in a much lower voice. "What?" It didn't quite work. THAT only made the front desk nurse laugh all of the harder. The diminutive patient started to giggle herself, infected as she was by the nurse's glee. Her "Tee Hees" rang out like the peal of a highly pitched bell. That didn't strike the nurse as particularly odd. Air heads were always giggling at everything . . . even with someone who was laughing at THEM! It was only when the nurse pointed at her, that the busty blonde realized that she was the butt of the joke. She flew into an uncontrolled rage, but it only came out as very, very weak. THAT in turn, made the girl break into tears. In the space of mere seconds the girl had gone from tears to laughter to rage to tears once again. That was not normal behavior. The front desk nurse stopped laughing abruptly, as she thought that she may have discovered the source of the girl's problem. It would be a feather in her cap if she could guess the diagnosis before the Doctor did. "May I ask you a personal question Miss Maserati?" "S-sure," squeaked the girl, her voice cracking as she continued to keep it low. "When was your last period?" "P-p-period," stammered the girl in horror, as if hearing the word for the first time. Tears flowed anew down her smooth dewy cheeks. "I-I don't know." It figures, thought the nurse. Still, she said, "I think what you may be suffering from is PMS, or pre-menstrual syndrome. You may not be as crazy as you think you are. You may not need a psychiatrist at all." The mere mention of Dr. Smythe, the psychiatrist, invoked an expression of stark terror on the beautiful girl's face. In her many years of a desk nurse, she had seen all manner of reactions to the possibility of seeing a psychiatrist. She never saw such an abject look of fright . . . the girl looked like she just saw the devil himself! It was enough to make even the nurse drop her disdain for this trollop. Despite her obvious profession, which she indicated to be stripper on the registration sheet, she was still a human being. For a second she even pitied the girl. It had to be horrible to be thought of as nothing more than a receptacle for a man's sperm. The nurse tried to comfort the girl, "C'mon. It's okay. Dr. Smythe is very, very nice. He won't bite you . . . unless you want him to." The nurse couldn't resist the last barb. The little girl laughed in spite of herself, until she again realized what she was laughing about. "He does hypnosis doesn't he? Just like it says in the phone book?" "Yes, if that is what is needed. He's the only psychiatrist in Helleston, Tennessee who does." She sat upon the plush leather couch awaiting the entry of the Doctor. She trembled all over in fear of the thing that she now had to ask him to do. It was the only way that she could go on. Dr. Smythe entered the room seconds later. He picked up the clipboard with the buxom girl's registration sheet, that had been carefully placed on the table by the door, without looking over to check the appearance of his patient. When he did look over at her, his eyes widened at the very sight of her. "Ahem," Dr. Smythe, cleared his throat, while redirecting his eyes to the clipboard. "What brings you here today Miss . . . Maserati? Bimbo Maserati? That can't be you're real name!" The girl was very slow to answer. When she did, her voice cracked once again. "I . . . don't think that it is." She attempted to clear her throat yet one more time. The Doctor walked toward her now to take the leather seat facing the couch. He attempted to reassure her by smiling, and stating, "There is no need for an alias. I assure you that everything we discuss here today is quite confidential. What is your real name?" He lowered himself into his seat, the leather groaning under his weight." "I-I don't know. It was the name on her driver's license, and all of her stuff. I think that she musta changed it." Doctor Smythe looked up at the girl. He noted with some measure of unease the girl was young and very, very beautiful. This was NOT going to be easy. He ran the preventative mantra through his head that he had been taught when sexually attracted to a patient. He tried not to look at her lush curves. It didn't work. "It's okay Doctor. Everybody looks at this body. I-I hate it, but I'm used to it." "I apologize. It wasn't very professional of me." "I know. But you are a man . . . you couldn't help but to look." Doctor Smythe noticed that his patient looked very sad now . . . almost melancholy. Nothing that she had said, thus far, gave him a handle on the purpose of her visit. He scrutinized every word, phrase, expression or gesture for a clue. He did notice that she seemed to be extremely fidgety. Her lovely countenance was marred by an aura of edginess . . . almost of being emotionally overwrought. The girl was constantly shifting around on the couch I an effort to get comfortable. "Are you okay? You seem to be a bit edgy." "Your nurse said it's because I have PMS. I-I'm going to have a period on top of everything else that I've had to suffer. I'm sorry." What a strange comment, mused Doctor Smythe. He made a notation upon the wire bound tablet that had appeared, as if out of nowhere. A girl with premenstrual syndrome would also not make his job any easier, for her emotions or moods would be all over the road! Still, he had to do something to make her more at ease . . . to encourage her to talk to him. "Is there anything that I can do to make you more comfortable?" "Do you mind if I smoke?" "That is a very dirty habit. You should never have started, and you will have a hard time quitting. That may be why you are so jumpy," observed Doctor Smythe. "I didn't start . . . she did. I-I hate smoking," squeaked the big boobed girl. Another cryptic comment, noted the Doctor. He watched the girl reach into her purse, with shaking hands, to withdraw an ultra thin woman's cigarette. She lit it, inhaling the toxins, but looked unnatural, or more accurately unpracticed, in doing so. Although the cigarette looked elegant in her manicured hands, it somehow didn't fit. The girl closed her eyes for a second to let the nicotine take effect. She opened her eyes to look back at the doctor. However, his eyes were directed a little lower than her face. The girl sighed, "That's a little better." Doctor Smythe directed the conversation in an effort to explore his patient's two strange comments. "You have mentioned a HER twice now. Who is she?" Her response was quite astounding. "The original owner of this body," she said softly, tears forming in her eyes. "That's why I don't know my . . . I mean her . . . real name. She switched bodies with me." Doctor Smythe just sat quietly, while he absorbed the full impact of her last statement. His mind raced through the various clinical examples that appeared in the text books, that would give him a handle on her condition. The text books were rife with people who believed themselves to be Napoleon, Marie Antoinette, Jesus, God, or even Santa Claus. They all had a common thread . . . they were somebody famous, and quite dead . . . or at least beyond the veil of this reality. He couldn't think of an example of anyone thinking they were a live busty stripper with the stage name of Bimbo Maserati. Doctor Smythe thought that he may be dealing with a precursor to Multiple Personality Disorder. The text books indicated the thing to do in such circumstances was to draw the various personalities out so that they could be delineated, and ultimately merged. Without skipping a beat, Doctor Smythe asked, "Then how do you refer to yourself? What should I call you?" The girl dried her eyes as best as she could. That look of sorrow still remained. She sniffed, "You can call me Bo. That is what I've been calling myself. It's the only form of the stupid name that I've been stuck with that doesn't make me cry." Now they were getting somewhere. Doctor Smythe pressed further. "If that is not your original body, perhaps you can tell me exactly who you were before this . . . uh . . . switch." "My name was Reverend Jonathan Cain." Doctor Smythe's head jerked up from his pad. "The famous televangelist? A man?" Now her condition was beginning to fit into a familiar pattern, except for the part that Cain was very much alive. Doctor Smythe just saw the man on television last week. "Yes. That is . . . or was . . . me. Now I am her. Why has my God done this to me?" Bo broke into tears once more, causing her to shudder terribly. It sent her massive boobs to bobbling once again. She's so close to a complete nervous breakdown, thought the Doctor. He pulled out his neatly folded handkerchief, handing it to her across the expanse between chair and couch. "Here." She gratefully accepted it. "T-Thanks." "You're welcome. Just take your time. We don't have to go any farther if it upsets you." "No. I want to tell you. I need to tell somebody what happened to me." Doctor Smythe replied in a reassuring tone of voice that was perfected over countless therapy sessions. "Go ahead. Tell me your story." Doctor Smythe settled back in his overstuffed chair, pencil in hand, to hear Bo's story. She started slowly, her soft voice interrupted only by occasional cracks, squeaks, and throat clearances. "I was on my way back home to Nashville. That's where I live . . . or used to live . . . you know? I was about 100 miles away when I saw her, standing along side the road. She was hitchhiking. She looked so small and vulnerable that I couldn't pass her by. I just wanted to get her someplace safe before somebody bad found her." "I see," encouraged the Doctor, to keep the story going. "It wasn't until she was in the car that I noticed her . . . uh . . . body. I asked her what she did, and she told me that she was a stripper. I tried to counsel her on how sinful her life was. She just told me that I didn't understand . . . she didn't have anything else that she could do. She said that she was trapped by her body, her face, and her stupidity. She mentioned something about choices that she had made in her life. I didn't find out about those until after the switch." "What happened next. Did this switch occur by . . . mutual consent?" "N-no!" cried Bo. "I didn't want this. I don't want to be her." The huge hootered honey gestured at her outrageous curves at the last comment. It forced the Doctor to look at her gorgeous body, face, and tits once again. He felt his penis start to become erect from just the sight of her. He was but a man, and could not help but wonder what she would look like with no clothes on. What would she be like in bed? Bo looked not into his eyes, but at his crotch. She said sadly, almost inaudibly, "I can see you getting erect from looking at me. Part of me wants to drop to my knees and take you into my mouth. T- this body wants things . . . dirty and unholy things. In my mind those things disgust me . . . they make me sick. The body that I have now always wins. Can't you see that I have become everything that I don't believe in. My body makes me do sinful things. It's tearing my mortal soul into shreds." The Doctor noted that it did fit her mood. He wondered if she had suicidal ideation. "Have you had thoughts about taking you life, Bo?" There was a long pause. Finally, Bo answered, weakly. "Yes . . . ." "And?" "I couldn't do it." "Why not?" "Because if I do, my soul will be eternally damned. Everything that I've learned tells me that. It makes me afraid. I can't let the Fallen One have another soul . . . he's winning already." "I see. Tell me about this switch." "I asked her where she was going once we stopped arguing. She would not listen to anything I had to say to her. She said that she was going to Helleston. It was a little out of my way, but I wanted to get her safely home. I thought that if I showed her a kindness, that she may think that her life was not so hopeless." "Okay . . . the switch?" "Oh . . . right. When we got near Helleston, a very bad storm started to form. I remember thinking that the clouds were the blackest that I'd ever seen. I saw the sign up ahead that said, "Helleston, population 666." No sooner had we crossed that sign into . . . I guess . . . Helleston, than a bolt of lightning struck my car." "What is the next thing that you can remember, Bo?" "I woke up on a bed somewhere. Now I know that it was her place. She must have awakened before me, and drove my car to her place. I think she carried me up to her place and put me into her bed. It was when I woke up that I knew that, somehow, I had been put into her body, and she into mine." "Interesting. What did you think at the time?" "I don't know. It's all so fuzzy. I remember thinking that it was God's will . . . that somehow he meant for me to sacrifice my life for hers. In that way he could be saved. I thought that he believed that I was better able to handle the circumstances of HER life. He was . . . wrong." The Doctor prodded still further. "What happened after that." "It was a shock. I felt so . . . strange and different in this body. Still, I tried to accept my creator's will. If this is what he wanted for me, then it was only for me to accept. But . . . ." Bo hesitated. It was apparent that she was at a very emotional part of the story. "It's okay, Bo. You're safe here. Go on." "She disrobed my body . . . right in front of me. It was so hard to see myself, y'know, moving without me in it. She . . . she started to do obscene things to my body." "Masturbating you mean?" "Y-yes." Bo's tears were flowing once more. "She looked at me then with this . . . look in her . . . my eyes. She said that she understood now. She understood why a man needs to stick his cock into a pussy when it becomes erect. S-she ripped all of the clothes from this body. She threw me onto the bed . . . face down. She . . . she . . . entered my . . . her . . . pussy from behind. Oh God, it's just so confusing." "She raped you? Didn't you fight?" "I tried, but she was bigger than me. That wasn't the worst part. I-it was only rape at first. The body that I now h-had liked what she was doing to it. My . . . her body wanted it. God help me . . . I liked the way that she squeezed these breasts. I liked the way she moved in and out of me so roughly. I wanted more." "And?" "I think my mind shut down. The next thing that I knew . . . she was gone. She left me there to live her life. I was sick for days. What I'd done made me throw up . . . at least I thought so at the time." "There's more??" "Yes." "Tell me." "This body had a heroin . . . has a heroin addiction. I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I found her drug stuff and knew. I had to try and get some more, because I felt so bad. She didn't have any money, and must have used it all on the drugs." "What did you do?" "I-I did the only thing that I-I could. Lord save me, I used the only thing that I had. I found the strip club where she worked, and took my clothes off for money. I had to show this body to . . . to men." Bo sobbed profusely now. Yet, through the sobs, she continued with her tale. "I-I had to rub these breasts up against them so they would give me money. I had to sit in their laps, and wiggle around so they would get hard. I had to whisper dirty things that I wanted to do to them into their ears. I had to dress this body obscenely, and make it do obscene things while I danced." "What is so bad about that, Bo? I mean . . . as long as you didn't do anything." "That's just it Doc. Every time that I do it, a little more of me slips away. When I do these things . . . my body wants other things. It makes me want to be touched by a man . . . to have what she did to me done again. At times I think what it would be like to take a man into my mouth. I dream about it." "So you came to me for help?" "Yes. I did. I didn't know what else to do. If I didn't do something I knew that I would kill myself. I-I can't have that happen. Doctor, you are my only chance to save my soul from damnation." The Doctor had to inquire. "What would you like me to do for you?" Again, there a slight hesitation, as Bo mustered every ounce of strength in her voluptuous body. She spoke softly, as if in surrender. "I want you to hypnotize me. I want you to make me believe that I am this Bimbo Maserati. Please . . . I need for you to make me forget who I was before I take my own life!" Doctor Smythe was flabbergasted over Bo's strange request, to say the very least. "I don't know if . . . ." he began to explain. "You don't understand Doc. You just don't. I feel so strange and uncomfortable all of the times, that it makes me crazy. I think that it is making me insane. I can't even talk right. The voice of this body is so high and soft. My mind tells me that it's . . . all wrong, and I try to talk like I used to. Can't you hear how my voice squeaks, cracks, and breaks up? I keep trying to clear my throat to make my voice sound like it used to. Her body wants to make me sound like she used to. It's like I'm at war with her . . . no my body. Can't you see how that would make somebody mad?" "Assuming that I believe you, that is," added the Doctor. "It must all sound pretty nuts . . . huh?" Even the bodacious babe's vocabulary alternated between the elaborate and simplistic. "You wouldn't believe the strange cases I've seen in this small town," intoned the Doctor. "Nothing surprises me much these days!" Doctor Smythe spoke truthfully. Weird cases did seem to be finding their way to his doorstep more and more lately. "Then you'll help me?" She asked sweetly. There was a look of hope upon her face for the first time . . . it was a pleasant sight to behold. Still, hypnosis was a remedy, like electroshock therapy, of last resort. He had to be convinced. "I'm just not sure Bo . . . ." "My speech isn't the only thing. It's hard for me to even walk around. My mind remembers what it's like to walk around as a man. This body remembers another way . . . her way. My hips want to wiggle, but I don't want them to. My rear end wants to move from side to side, not up and down like it used to. When I try to move like I used to it feels so . . . strange. It's just . . . tearing my mind into pieces. I-I almost fell on my face in your waiting room. "It's just that . . . ." the Doctor tried to continue. "It feels so natural . . . and yet so wrong to wear things like tight dresses, bras, thong panties, and high heels. This body feels . . . right in them. But my memories of who I used to be make my skin crawl. It makes me sick over what I have to wear, and that my body . . . likes it. And do you know what, Doc?" "What?" "That's not even the worst of it." "How so?" "She never learned how to properly read or write. Now that I have her brain, I can't hardly read or write anymore. She wasn't very bright either because I have a hard time concentrating on things . . . even remembering things. I was a graduate of seminary school. Now I am just plain dumb. Do you know how hard it is to go from being smart to being dumb?" "You aren't dumb," countered Dr. Smythe, in an effort to be supportive. Bo sobbed once more. "I am. I'm stupid . . . everybody tells me so. I can't even control my emotions anymore. They just come right to the surface. I either cry at the simplest things, or I giggle at everything. It's so awful." "You said that you had PMS. Maybe . . . ." "That's not it Doc. It's making it worse, but that's not it." Stark reality gripped the gorgeous girl now. "Oh Lord. I'm going to bleed just like any woman." "Naturally," returned Doctor Smythe. "Not for me," Bo whispered. "You just don't know how it feels to lug around these gigantic breasts all of the time. You can't imagine what it' like to have to look up at everybody, but when you do, they aren't looking in your eyes. They look at your chest . . . like that is the only thing you are worth. Every man looks at me with the same look . . . the one that you had. They all want to touch me. They all want to do things to me, or have me do unspeakable things to them. And . . and . . . ." "What?" She whispered even lower. So low, in fact, that Doctor Smythe had to lean forward to hear. " . . . . I-I'm starting to . . . like it." "What's wrong with that?" "It's unholy . . . unclean. I can't like it. It makes me so very sad." "I'm so sorry Bo." "I just want to be happy again, Doc. Doesn't everybody deserve to be happy? "And you feel like you would be happy if I made you believe that you are who you appear to be?" "Yes. I would at least stop fighting with myself . . . what my body desires to do. You would be saving my life . . . my very soul." There was a pause, this time by the Doctor. "Okay Bo. I'll do it. Tell me what it is that you want." "I want you to make me think that I have never been a man, in fact, I want you to make me think that I never wanted to BE a man. I need for you to make me happy with myself, maybe even to like myself and what I do. Even these big boobs." Bo pulled out a video tape from her purse, handing it to Doctor Smythe. "I want you to make me walk, move and talk like she does on this video. Make me like and want the things that she does withy men on this video." Doctor Smythe was just about to ask her what was on the tape. That was very apparent now. "You are sure about this? When I am done you will really be a . . . well . . . a bimbo." "I know," she said softly. "It's the only way I know to save my life." "Can't you just find a man, settle down, and have a family like any woman." "I could. I would still know who I was. The end would still be the same. You must think me a coward." "On the contrary . . . I think you are very brave. You are giving up all that you were so you can be happy. That is courage." "Thank you, Doc. I needed that." The girl smiled for the first time. "How do we get started?" Doctor Smythe pulled out a sheet of paper. "The first thing that I need you to do is to sign this consent. I'm afraid that I can't do hypnosis without a consent." He handed it to Bo, who quickly scanned the document. Her smile instantly faded. "I-I can't read it, Doctor. The words are just so big." It's okay. It's just a standard consent form. Nothing . . . earth shattering Just sign it, and we can get started." "Okay," chirped the soon to be bimbo, as she sign her adopted name to the document. ----------------------- Two hours later, Doctor Smythe watched a very happy stripper swish out of his office. Gone was any trace of the person she claimed that she used to be. The big titted bimbo who paused at the door to look over her shoulder was the very image of a air headed sex kitten. She wore a very satisfied smile on her face, which she should have as part of the payment for services rendered was taken out in trade. Even now, Doctor Smythe was just now zipping up his pants. Bimbo Maserati licked a stray droplet of warm sticky cum from her pouty lips . . . then she giggled. "I hope I'll see ya around soon, Doc." Marilyn Monroe would be proud of her voice now. "I'll try to get over to the Pink Pussycat Club soon, Brittany." A fake "real name" was an added extra touch, all of his own. It added a touch of realism, and for her a sense of familiarity. Brittany "Bimbo" Maserati blew Doctor Smythe a kiss before skipping out of the office. Smythe went to his desk, and depressed the intercom button. "Nurse? Do I have anymore appointments today?" "No Doctor. Miss Maserati was the last. Whatever you did for her seems to have worked." "Yes. She does seem to be a lot more herself now, doesn't she?" No response was forthcoming, for none was needed. Doctor Smythe instructed the front desk nurse, "Hold all of my calls. I don't want to be disturbed for an hour or so. I have some work to finish up in here." "Very well, Doctor. I'll see to it personally that you aren't disturbed." "Thank you." "You're welcome." No sooner had Doctor Smythe released the intercom button, than is form began to blur. Where once stood the psychiatrist Nicolas Smythe, now stood the Fallen one . . . Satan himself. He drew out the consent form sign by the former televangelist. "Check and mate, Reverend Cain. I can't have any efforts to save your soul meet with any success. It wouldn't be good for business. And business is just beginning to pick up!" Satan filed the contract signing the soul of Jonathan Cain over to his keeping into a filing cabinet. It was a good thing that the buxom girl couldn't read anymore! Satan's decision to expand the outer circle of Hell to the mortal plane was a sound one. Helleston was a small town . . . but it was growing. Naturally, anything out of the ordinary would make it's way to the only psychiatrist in town. His chosen alias was . . . perfect. It also had the fringe benefit of manipulating reaped souls to his benefit. He had great plans for the big chested stripper he'd created. Men would fight over her . . . even kill for her. The trouble she'd cause was too delicious. So many more souls to be reaped. The original Bimbo Maserati? Well, she was busy perverting Reverend Cain's ministry into something truly nasty. That was the purpose behind this exercise in the first place. Cain's word was starting to make a dent in Satan's own work . . . he was starting to make a difference. That could never be. One more piece removed from the board. One soul closer to victory. One of God's chosen warriors reduced to nothing but a brainless slut. "Business IS beginning to look up!" beamed the Fallen Angel. Fin

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Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “Alice,” I said when my wife’s phone picked up. “Where did you wander off to? I have—” “Hello, Dr. Jackman,” an unfamiliar woman said instead of his wife. My eyebrows furrowed in shock. “Why do you have my wife’s phone?” “Because I have your wife.” The woman’s words had a throaty cadence about them. There was something in the background that sounded like ... licking. “And you are?” “The woman holding your wife,” she answered. “You really should...

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BimboTech Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Gets Caught

Chapter Three: Bimbo Wife Gets Caught By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals I giggled at Natasha's jaw dropping. The doughy, overweight grocery store employee had no idea how to test for a cucumber's hardness. I shuddered as I pushed the vegetable so deep into my cum-filled pussy as I lay against the melons stacked on the produce table. I was so glad that nice, Black man had taught me this method. First he fucked me with his...

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BimboTech Chapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Chapter Eight: Bimbo Wife DPed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn't burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful...

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BimboTech Chapter 5 Bimbo Wives Orgy

Chapter Five: Bimbo Wives' Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I trembled with excitement. I couldn't believe what Magnolia had shown me. A serum that turned women into busty airheads—bimbos. It seemed impossible, and yet one stood before me. Annalee Burrell, a woman I had met a few times had transformed from an uptight, straight woman with a pinched face into a blonde bombshell. A blonde bombshell that was so dumb I had...

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BimboTech Chapter 7 Bimbo Pussy Suppository

Chapter Seven: Bimbo Pussy Suppository By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I shivered when I walked out of the nasty, disgusting trailer with Natasha. The implications of what I had just done struck me. I had bought a human being. I paid $10,000 up front with the promise of another $10,000 for the busty, brunette bimbo beside me, a huge, ecstatic grin on her face. “I'm a lesbian now!” she shouted out to the trailer park. It was a...

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BimbotechChapter 6 CumHungry Bimbo Wives

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 8 Fucking the Bimbos Ass

Chapter 8: Fucking the Bimbo's Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Frank Donna Wilson's face went red with anger as I grinned at her. Then she giggled. I had promised to fuck her ass after injecting her with the bimbo serum. She was the tenth woman in the living room that had received the treatment. The other nine, all married, were already beginning their changes, their frumpy bodies becoming busty and beautiful. “You are not going to...” Another giggle escaped Donna's lips. She...

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BimbotechChapter 5 Bimbo Wivesrsquo Orgy

Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I trembled with excitement. I couldn’t believe what Magnolia had shown me. A serum that turned women into busty airheads—bimbos. It seemed impossible, and yet one stood before me. Annalee Burrell, a woman I had met a few times had transformed from an uptight, straight woman with a pinched face into a blonde bombshell. A blonde bombshell that was so dumb I had convinced her that she would love licking my ass merely because I was a...

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BimbotechChapter 11 Bimbo Wife Kidnapped

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals I groaned as I sank my cock into Donna’s wet, sultry pussy. My bimbo wife let out a moan around the senator’s cock ramming down her throat. Around us in the small exhibition room in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nicole and Veronica, two of my other bimbo wives, writhed as they were fucked by the collection of congressmen and senators, some of the most powerful men from both parties. I grinned, my dick throbbing in Donna’s pussy as I...

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BimboTech Chapter 2 Bimbo Wife the Black Cock

Chapter Two: Bimbo Wife & the Black Cock By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I think we need to invite the Executive Officer of CFSAN to our home,” Alice said as she pressed against me in the back of our limo. She pronounced CFSAN as “sif-san.” CFSAN, the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, was that part of the FDA which approved, among other things, cosmetic products like the Venus Serum, our revolutionary compound that would turn the...

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BimbotechChapter 4 Bimbo Wifersquos Special Ass

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “I think that should cover it,” my husband said as he finished writing out the check. He tore it free and handed it to Mr. Peterson, the nice manager of the Lucky grocery store. His fly was still open, Natasha licking at his half-hard cock. Natasha was a new bimbo. I improvised her today, turning her from a doughty woman into a sexy, hot woman that understood just how yummy and wonderful sex was, like hot fudge drizzled all over...

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BimbotechChapter 9 Bimbo Wifersquos Big Black Mistake

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “What?” the Black man asked, blinking at my question as I rubbed on his cock through his jeans. My pussy clenched so hard. I shouldn’t be doing this. There was something wrong with the intelligence serum. The cabin pressure of the plane we flew on was affecting it in me. The bimboness kept swamping over and me, covering in me... Yummy, delicious, marshmallowy delight. I giggled, my pussy clenching, eager to be filled. “Do you...

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BimbotechChapter 3 Bimbo Wife Gets Caught

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals I giggled at Natasha’s jaw dropping. The doughy, overweight grocery store employee had no idea how to test for a cucumber’s hardness. I shuddered as I pushed the vegetable so deep into my cum-filled pussy as I lay against the melons stacked on the produce table. I was so glad that nice, Black man had taught me this method. First he fucked me with his cock so I could remember how firm a big, thick dick was, then I shoved the...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 2 Injecting the Bimbos Ass

Chapter 2: Injecting the Bimbo's Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank A faint bell roused me from sleep, the bed rocking as my wife shifted. I was still buzzing from yesterday as I rose from the depths of unconsciousness. My plump, intelligent wife had tested herself with my beauty serum. And it worked. She became a gorgeous, busty woman. Her tits were amazing. She was perfect. But she also became a complete airhead. A bimbo. And I liked it. She sucked my cock for the first...

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BimbotechChapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn’t burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful to have my own lab to do my research. I squirmed on my stool, my busty...

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BimbotechChapter 2 Bimbo Wife and the Black Cock

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I think we need to invite the Executive Officer of CFSAN to our home,” Alice said as she pressed against me in the back of our limo. She pronounced CFSAN as “sif-san.” CFSAN, the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, was that part of the FDA which approved, among other things, cosmetic products like the Venus Serum, our revolutionary compound that would turn the ugliest, fastest woman into a hot, busty beauty. And a bimbo. Like the two...

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BimbotechChapter 7 Bimbo Pussy Suppository

Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I shivered when I walked out of the nasty, disgusting trailer with Natasha. The implications of what I had just done struck me. I had bought a human being. I paid $10,000 up front with the promise of another $10,000 for the busty, brunette bimbo beside me, a huge, ecstatic grin on her face. “I’m a lesbian now!” she shouted out to the trailer park. It was a rundown, white-trash neighborhood, two streets of overgrown lawn, rusting cars,...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 8 Fucking the Bimbos Ass

Frank Donna Wilson's face went red with anger as I grinned at her. Then she giggled. I had promised to fuck her ass after injecting her with the bimbo serum. She was the tenth woman in the living room that had received the treatment. The other nine, all married, were already beginning their changes, their frumpy bodies becoming busty and beautiful. "You are not going to..." Another giggle escaped Donna's lips. She shook her head. "What is going on?" Today was the bimbo party. My...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 2 Injecting the Bimbos Ass

Frank A faint bell roused me from sleep, the bed rocking as my wife shifted. I was still buzzing from yesterday as I rose from the depths of unconsciousness. My plump, intelligent wife had tested herself with my beauty serum. And it worked. She became a gorgeous, busty woman. Her tits were amazing. She was perfect. But she also became a complete airhead. A bimbo. And I liked it. She sucked my cock for the first time after I told her she needed to ingest my cum to keep her beauty. And then...

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BimboTech Chapter 10 Bimbos Devour the Senators Pussy

Chapter Ten: Bimbos Devour the Senator's Pussy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo's window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren't flying in an airplane, there wouldn't be any mishaps like last night. My wife...

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BimbotechChapter 10 Bimbos Devour the Senatorrsquos Pussy

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo’s window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren’t flying in an airplane, there wouldn’t be any mishaps like last night. My wife shifted beside me, her fiery hair cascading around her flushed face, her large breasts stretching...

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Bimbo Juice The Addict

INTRODUCTION Welcome to the world of bimbo juice, a world very much like our own except that it contains a street drug that transforms its users (men or women) into beautiful bimbos for a few hours at a time. Bimbo juice is highly addictive, not least of which because it gives it users amazing orgasms (or "girl-gasms") that are much more intense than any sexual experience a non-user can have. But bimbo juice isn't just dangerous because it is addictive. It's also dangerous because...

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Being Bimbo

Being Bimbo ? ? ?????Introduction ? ? Before allowing Brandi to begin this narrative of her life I feel I should inform those who failed to read her previous narrative how she came to be?who?and what she is. Those who have read her previous book may wish to skip forward. Though there are a few things I may reveal that her fans do not already know. ?????My name is John. I own a rather large marketing firm well-known across three continents. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, a skill I learned...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Introduction: Frank disciplines his bimbo wife after her interracial gangbang! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wife's Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the bimbo serum. “Do I need to be punished?” I asked. I had been so naughty. I fucked so...

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So You Want to be a Bimbo Week 2

I would like to warn you, the introduction of the guide stated, that becoming a bimbo can be quite intoxicating. Once you begin, you may not be able to go back. You will need this deep inside of you. *** Day 8: Your New Hairstyle Over the last week, we have made great strides in your looks and behavior. We are looking to continue these changes this week to mould you into the best version of yourself that you can be. The focus of today will be developing and working on your bimbo hairstyle....

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 5 Bimbo WIfe Sucks Cock

Introduction: After taking an intelligence serum, the bimbo wife has a few naughty ideas of her own. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 5: Bimbo Wife Sucks Cock by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Frank Everything happened so fast. Shock gripped me as my dick squirted the last burst of cum into Janets bimbo ass. I stared at my wife in shock as she stood over the collapsed form of Ryan, Janets husband, an empty syringe gripped in my wifes hand. Ryan whimpered on the floor. Frank, we need to talk, my wife...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 5 Bimbo WIfe Sucks Cock

Chapter 5: Bimbo Wife Sucks Cock by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Frank Everything happened so fast. Shock gripped me as my dick squirted the last burst of cum into Janet's bimbo ass. I stared at my wife in shock as she stood over the collapsed form of Ryan, Janet's husband, an empty syringe gripped in my wife's hand. Ryan whimpered on the floor. “Frank, we need to talk,” my wife said, the bubbly, bimbo tone vanished from her voice. Alice, my wife, still looked like a bimbo. She...

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 06

by Fidget Chapter 6 On her way home from bimbofying Sam, pleased with how well it had gone, Amy stopped by the supermarket to grab a few essentials. As she entered the store, she immediately noticed all of the delicious-looking men in sight and unconsciously arched her back to grab their attention with the greedy, bimbofied tits on display in her lowcut tank top. However, rather than indulging in the tempting arousal pulsing between her legs, which would inevitably lead to approaching one...

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So you want to be a Bimbo Week 1

So you’ve decided to take your first step to become the best version of yourself. No, this isn’t a self-help book. It’s more of a guide to your own sexual awakening. If you follow these steps, you will feel happier and more confident. And, of course, you will be turning heads when you walk down the street. Being a bimbo is not just changing how you dress and act. It is a frame of mind - one that will lead to your sexualization and ultimate happiness. It will not be easy. There will be times...

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 07

by Fidget Chapter 7 Jill left early Monday morning, eager to get back to school so she could begin using her bimbofied breasts and hips, along with the irresistible pheromones coming from her tight little pussy, to pursue a lucrative MRS degree. After she spent a few years making the most of college life first, of course. Amy headed to work, ready to continue pursuing her own dreams of rising up the corporate ladder. And no fucking yummy men and their hard cocks at work this time! Gotta be...

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 07

Jill left early Monday morning, eager to get back to school so she could begin using her bimbofied breasts and hips, along with the irresistible pheromones coming from her tight little pussy, to pursue a lucrative MRS degree. After she spent a few years making the most of college life first, of course.Amy headed to work, ready to continue pursuing her own dreams of rising up the corporate ladder. And no fucking yummy men and their hard cocks at work this time! Gotta be professional! she told...

Mind Control
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 06

On her way home from bimbofying Sam, pleased with how well it had gone, Amy stopped by the supermarket to grab a few essentials.As she entered the store, she immediately noticed all of the delicious-looking men in sight and unconsciously arched her back to grab their attention with the greedy, bimbofied tits on display in her lowcut tank top. However, rather than indulging in the tempting arousal pulsing between her legs, which would inevitably lead to approaching one of the men and ensnaring...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the bimbo serum. "Do I need to be punished?" I asked. I had been so naughty. I fucked so many Black police officers today. But they all needed my help. My sexy, bimbo body...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 9 Dominating the Bimbo Boss

Introduction: Ms. Beigh, the bitch that fired Frank and Alice, plots to seize the bimbo serum! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 9: Dominating the Bimbo Boss by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Donna Wilson hung up her cell phone. Okay, she went for it. Youll have your meeting at 9 AM tomorrow with Ms. Beigh. Donna swallowed, her hips shifting and making those big, juicy tits of her sway. Since receiving the bimbo serum, my sexuality had blossomed. Gone was the mousy chemist that only let Frank...

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Training my daughter to be a bimbo

I have the house to myself. As ever that meant getting in front of my computer and jerking off. My wife left me five years now and I hadn't really bothered with real women since then. I was well built and God had blessed me with a huge cock, but engaging with women didn't do it for me. I hated my wife who had used me and left me penniless with her daughter to raise. No, I got my kicks jerking off every minute I could.Just as I was building up to cumming I heard the door slam. Stomp stomp stomp...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 9 Dominating the Bimbo Boss

Chapter 9: Dominating the Bimbo Boss by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Donna Wilson hung up her cell phone. “Okay, she went for it. You'll have your meeting at 9 AM tomorrow with Ms. Beigh.” Donna swallowed, her hips shifting and making those big, juicy tits of her sway. Since receiving the bimbo serum, my sexuality had blossomed. Gone was the mousy chemist that only let Frank make love to me in the missionary position. Now I loved all aspects of sex, even with another...

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Bimbo Training 1

Bimbotraining by maidbambi I'd been lurking around a forum that was focussed on dominance and submission, D&S. That's not BDSM, which is people getting tied up and spankings and stuff. Not that I wasn't a little curious about that too, but I really wanted a more psychological dominance. I wanted a woman who wanted to serve me sexually and physically, and to want it. But more than anything I wanted a bimbo. An...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 5 Bimbo Wife Sucks Cock

Frank Everything happened so fast. Shock gripped me as my dick squirted the last burst of cum into Janet's bimbo ass. I stared at my wife in shock as she stood over the collapsed form of Ryan, Janet's husband, an empty syringe gripped in my wife's hand. Ryan whimpered on the floor. "Frank, we need to talk," my wife said, the bubbly, bimbo tone vanished from her voice. Alice, my wife, still looked like a bimbo. She stood naked, her large tits jiggling with even her slightest move. They...

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SRU Bimbo Bread

SRU: Bimbo Bread By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c) 2002 Turn Right Productions Ellie Dauberowski sat for a moment in her '84 Yugo in the parking lot of Round Lake's only 7-11 convenience store repairing her face. She had started to cry almost immediately after leaving the parking lot of the detective agency and finally decided to pull in and park before she became a hazard to others on the road. That was Ellie: kind, considerate, model wife and mother Ellie; "Good Old Ellie" her...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 4 Cuckolding the Asshole

Introduction: Frank cuckolds his asshole neighbor and fucks the mans bimbo wife while Alice is face with a hard decision. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 4: Cuckolding the Asshole by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Waking up with a womans mouth on my cock was amazing. The warm, wet sucking pulled me out of my sleep. It was a joy I was experienced because of my beauty transformation serum. Any woman injected gets the busty, sexy, curvy body of a supermodel no matter how fat, dumpy, or...

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Bimbo Factory

Chapter 1. Girl’s night out It was Friday night, and I was looking forward to seeing my friends tonight. It was our regular thing – six of us got together for pasta and wine at an inexpensive Italian place everyone liked. Ok – there are supposed to be six of us. On any given week, there usually were a couple that couldn’t make it, leaving the remaining four to catch up with each other and gossip about the others. Keeping the rumors under control is always a big incentive, so I tried to be...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Introduction: Alice is taken away by a pair of Black man posing as cops, but the busty, bimbo wife doesnt care. Shes eager to help the Black men and their friends. Today, the bimbo wife is gangbanged hard. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 6: Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 4 Cuckolding the Asshole

Chapter 4: Cuckolding the Asshole by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Waking up with a woman's mouth on my cock was amazing. The warm, wet sucking pulled me out of my sleep. It was a joy I was experienced because of my beauty transformation serum. Any woman injected gets the busty, sexy, curvy body of a supermodel no matter how fat, dumpy, or unattractive she might be. It also made them into complete bimbos. The women injected were such airheads, I was able to convince my now...

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Becummin DADDYs Bimbo Fuck Toy Sex Doll

My Very Dearest Cum Slut Whore Doll Roberta, My Fuck Doll, I command that you becum my Decadent Super Trophy Bimbo Slut Whore -- sluttiest, trashiest, nastiest, hedonistic, sinful cock candy whore in heat. I am looking for a nasty, trashy “teased up” platinum blond cock whore with ultra micro minis that are never too short and large breasts that are never too big. I want to display my Bimbo Slut Whore for all to see --- fondling and feeling you up in public --- fucking and sucking --- and...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Introduction: Frank finds a virgin to make into his bimbo sex slave while his wife Alice is tricked into modeling for a stranger! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 1 The MILF Patient

Chapter 1: The MILF Patient by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank “Negative reaction on subject #103-b,” I said into the tape recorder while massaging my lower back. I sat hunched over the lab in the basement of my house. I sat the white lab mouse into the cage as I fought the urge to let out a frustrated sigh. Instead, I adjusted my glasses and ran my hand through short, brown hair. There was a time when I didn't have to use a slapped together lab in the basement of my house. Once...

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Fembois Bimbo Transformation

FBS said - Yes Daddy *hugs daddies arm smiling up at him* LK said - That's my girl. Well, you will be, once we're done teaching you properly. Let's start off by getting you naked. Daddy needs to see what he's working with before we can begin. FBS said - Yes daddy *strips down, I'm 5 foot without heels, 98lbs, short black pixie cut hair, green eyes, thin shaved fem-like figure, flat chest, wide hips, tight lil ass, tiny coin purse, and my useless 2 inch boiclit* LK said -...

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 05

by Fidget Chapter 5 The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as it would be to indulge them, to allow the drug to trigger their sensuous swelling once again, Amy obviously wasn't going to turn herself into even more of a bimbo...

5 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 05

The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as it would be to indulge them, to allow the drug to trigger their sensuous swelling once again, Amy obviously wasn't going to turn herself into even more of a bimbo just to experience it....

Mind Control
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Bite of the Bimbo Ch 02

Special Thanks to Spirit02 for the editing. Those of you who are fans of ‘A Gift From his Father’, Chapter 22 is coming along nicely, but I had to get this final chapter ‘Bite of the Bimbo’ written to clear my head. Enjoy and thanks for all your feedback! ***** For the last two months Officer Sarah Penn had followed Dr. Karen Murphy’s instructions to the letter. While on duty she was a model patrol officer, but when off duty she was what could only be described as a nymphomaniac. She had as...

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Bimbo Fetish

Reddit Bimbo Fetish, aka r/BimboFetish! Bimbos, the hottest thing in the world that no man can resist. If you say you can resist seeing a bimbo and drooling over her, then you’re probably lying. What constitutes a bimbo anyway? It’s pretty simple, really. Bimbos are women who have gone to great lengths in order to present themselves as nothing more than sexual objects. Now, when it comes to showing off what they have to offer, bimbos have always been there with their huge tits, faces with a lot...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Chapter 6: Bimbo Wife's Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a huge cock tenting the front of his sweatpants, climbed in after me. “You drive, Demarkus,” he said to his partner, another Black man who had dreadlocks. I giggled. “Ooh, I love shag carpet. It's so soft on my...

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