VacationLand free porn video

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Here is my latest story. The usual disclainmers apply. May be archived only on free sites. Feedback is always welcome. Sarah ------------------------------------------------------ VacationLand part 1 by Sarah Miller "Maine?" queried Jeff. "You want to go to Maine on our vacation? What the hell is in Maine?" "Lots of stuff," answered Anne. "After all, they call it 'Vacationland'. There's the rocky coast, all the lobster boats, the cute New England villages, lots of stuff." "Forget it. Remember, I was stationed there for a while when I was in the Air Force, before I met you. It's cold, rainy, and the air is chock full of mosquitos and black flies. God only knows why some bureaucrat came up with that name." "OK, then, where do you want to go?" "How about Key West? Sun, sand, swaying palm trees..." "And bikinis?" "Well, there might be a few, but that's not why I want to go. It'll be great! We'll take in the tropical sights, do some snorkeling, relax on the beach." "Let me think about it. South Florida in July. You're an idiot, Jeff, but I'll think about it." Anne began clearing the dinner table, wearing a slightly smug smile. There were worse places to go in the summer, she knew, and this would fit in nicely with her plans. She'd let him stew for a couple of days before giving in. But she had a price. ******* "You want me to what!?" Jeff was sure he'd heard Anne's demands completely wrong. "You heard me. Rub the statue. Make sure you rub the crotch." Anne pressed the eight inch tall figurine back into Jeff's hands. Jeff, sighing deeply, did as he was told. The little statue was some sort of female icon from some archeological dig Anne had worked on. It was from a deep cave hidden high in the Himalayas. How she'd managed to steal it was anybody's guess. Why she did so was a question Jeff often pondered, but never got answered. He seldom got answers from Anne. Why he was rubbing this figurine in such an obscene manner was another question he couldn't get an answer to. He only knew that if he didn't, the vacation was off. The vacation he was looking forward to, the one starting day after tomorrow, would be taken from his exhausted grasp. So he rubbed, shaking his head in perplexity as Anne gleefully watched. As he gently rubbed, he suddenly felt chilled. Anne took the statue back, as Jeff made his way back to the bedroom to take a nap. He was very tired, and couldn't figure out why. It had been an especially tough week, but he'd felt fine a few minutes ago. Another unanswered question. ******* The sun crept shamelessly through the window, casting shadows as its brightness relentlessly approached Jeff's face. Snorting gently, he pulled a pillow over his eyes to shield himself from this unwelcome intruder. He ended up with a mouthful of Anne's hair. But that wasn't right. He dimly realized that he was alone in the bed. Who's hair was it? The realization that it was his startled him into wakefulness. As he sat up, two out of control breasts banging together caused another unaccustomed sensation. His head was spinning as he made another, more important, discovery. His male genitalia had been spirited away as he slept. He was mortified, frozen in shock, thoughts tumbling about randomly. "Well, look who's finally awake." Anne's greeting startled him, but did not grant him the coherence to actually speak. He merely stared at her, not understanding why she was not surprised to see a strange woman in their bed. "Come on, get up. We have a lot to do today, and I'll explain things while you eat breakfast." Anne handed Jeff a robe, which he gratefully wrapped around himself as he shuffled along behind her. Breasts bouncing around and a slightly lower center of gravity caused Jeff some difficulty in walking, but they finally arrived in the kitchen. Jeff sat, still in shock. Anne placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of him. "Eat," she demanded. When he started to comply, she continued. "I'm sure you're a bit shocked at your transformation. As you might imagine, it was that little statue that did you in. You know where I found it. I accidently found what it could do while we were still in Nepal. So I had to keep it. And now you know that your change is temporary. The statue is now male, so when I let you change back you'll just rub the little guy's penis. "Now, Jeff, here's the reason. I wanted to go somewhere nice and cozy and romantic on our vacation. You wanted to go ogle women in tiny bikinis. Can't have that, can we? We're still going to Key West, but you're going as my girlfriend. I've made all the arrangements. It'll be fun.." Jeff slowly regained enough composure to answer. "I can't believe you did this! I can't even believe it worked. I feel really weird." His hands felt his smooth cheeks as he stared at his moderately sized breasts. Of course, to him they seemed enormous. But they were actually only a B cup. "Come on, finish up," Anne demanded. We have an appointment with my friend at the DMV for your driver's license, and more shopping to do." With that, Anne led her silent husband back to the bedroom. They started with the basics. Jeff pulled up a pair of plain cotton panties, and struggled valiantly to get a bra on. Once that was successful, Anne handed him a dress. When he balked, she explained that she didn't know exactly what size he'd turn out to be, and this would do until they could go shopping. Luckily, the dress fit reasonably well. Jeff brushed his hair, then Anne helped him tie it into a ponytail. A pair of flat sandals polished off the ensemble. Nothing too sexy or exciting, Anne really didn't want to scare him off. She was beginning to look forward to the trip. Jeff actually looked pretty good. He turned out to be a strawberry blonde, five foot four, with hazel eyes and a moderately fair complexion. Without a little care, he would burn to a crisp in the subtropical sun of Key West. With a dash of makeup applied, they walked out to the car. Jeff immediately went for the driver's side, before Anne pulled him up short. "Remember, kiddo, you don't have a license for that body. But that's exactly where we're headed!" "Oh God," Jeff groaned. "Why me? What'd I do to deserve this?" Startled at the first words he'd uttered all morning, she answered simply. "Hey, it's not punishment. This is really going to be fun! Just go with it." Jeff rode in silence all the way to the DMV, and silently trailed Anne into the building. She waved to a short brunette lounging behind the counter. This little brunette, defying all rules pertaining to DMV employees, came bounding energetically out from behind the counter and greeted Anne like a long lost relative. Paperwork changed hands, and Jeff was led in front of a camera. Half an hour later Janet Poole walked out as an official human being. Anne drove to the mall. The first order of business was shoes. Jeff needed some good walking shoes, as well as some heels. The next stop was a department store, where they picked up some sun dresses (South Florida was _hot_ in July), some shorts, some tops, and two pair of slacks. Jeff wondered when the hell he would ever wear this many articles of clothing. Anne told him to shut up and shop. A woman needs lots of clothes. After a stop for a late lunch, they headed into a Victoria's Secret, much to Jeff's dismay. He never found out what this secret really was, but he walked out with a large load of lingerie. More stops added some makeup and some nightgowns to the load. Struggling under the combined weight of $2000 worth of clothes, they finally made it back to their car. Jeff had simply given up. His moderately priced junket to an off season destination had turned into a hugely expensive shopping spree for stuff he'd use for exactly one week. Anne whipped up a quick dinner, and they crammed all of this into a suitcase or two. Finally relaxing on the patio and sipping a glass of white wine, Anne critiqued his performance through the day. She noted that he got some strange looks. While no one would mistake that body for a man's, his gestures, posture, and gait were all too masculine. She taught him how to walk a bit more gracefully, but feared it would take all week before the odd looks would stop. ******** "I am NOT wearing a dress on the plane," stated Jeff with some finality. "You have to. You should dress up when you travel." "No. For one thing, I'm not used to keeping my legs closed, and a plane is not the place to learn how. For another thing, you know as well as I do that nobody dresses up any more. I'll wear shorts, but that's as far is I'll go." "Fine," Anne huffed sullenly. No sense pushing too far yet. She still had some surprises up her sleeve, and had all week to use them. Leaving their car in the long-term lot, they struggles with the luggage. Anne was used to Jeff carrying all the heavy stuff when they traveled together, but he was not stronger than her now. It presented a dilemma solved only through a lot of sweat. They finally managed to get their bags to the counter, where they checked in and headed to the gate. Jeff did manage to get a bit more swing into his hips as he walked, but an airport concourse is not the ideal place to solicit admiring glances. Jeff was not used to carrying a purse, and felt awkward doing so. They made it to the gate, where Jeff decided he needed to use the restroom. He almost wandered into the men's room. He pulled up just in time, with his mistake covered neatly by a jostling crowd of Indonesian tourists pushing past him. He strolled a few feet until he found the women's restroom. He was dismayed at having to wait in a long line to use a smelly stall. This was not at all what Anne had promised. Eventually he made it back to the gate, where they remained seated until called for boarding. Amazingly enough, Anne had managed to get good seats, near the front. The boarding process went smoothly, and the aircraft left the gate a mere 72 minutes late. This was highly fortuitous, since their connecting flight to Miami was 85 minutes late. They did not have to wait too long at the gate in Atlanta, and did not have to sit next to a Cuban refugee on the flight down. All in all, a good trip. They eventually landed in Miami, after circling some thunderstorms for a while. Their luggage made it intact, their car rental reservation wasn't lost, and they were soon on their way to glorious Miami, where they planned to spend their first night. Jeff just wanted to get out of public view, as the Miami airport had seemed full of lecherous Scandinavian tourists, some of whom had their own hair. When they opened the door of their room, he was greatly relieved, even if it was a Holiday Inn. His second day as a woman had gone far worse than the first. They ordered a pizza and then went to bed. Luckily it was a twin bed room. ******** Jeff woke suddenly and violently, startled by a very loud boom. He jumped up and ran to the window, breasts swinging wildly under his gown. He held them still with one hand as he peeked out the window. It was still pitch black outside, or it was until the entire area was awash in flashing blue and red light. While the explosion had been small by Miami standards, it had shaken up a number of stalwart Midwestern tourists, who had feared an invasion by Castro's legions. As Jeff and Anne found out later that morning (via the radio in their car as they headed down U.S. 1), those intrepid travelers were not far off. The explosion had been a premature car bomb, with credit claimed by an anti-Castro group called "The last weekend in December." No one quite knew why they were called that, or why they had tried to blow up an empty strip mall next to a cheap hotel. They had been interviewed by Metro Dade detectives, none of whom looked like Don Johnson. It was after nine by the time they got through, found someplace to eat breakfast, and got on the road. "See, Jeff?" asked Anne as she dodged another '47 Plymouth running a red light. "Isn't this a great adventure?" "Oh, yeah," he answered sleepily. "We almost get blown up by Cuban terrorists. They should put that in the brochures." "Well, we're OK. And this will be something we can tell our grandkids. It's exciting. We never get to do this kind of stuff." "Sure, Anne. We'll tell 'em all about how their Grandfather got turned into a woman and almost got blown to bits. That'll keep us out of the old folks home." "Come on Jeff, lighten up. Enjoy yourself. It's a gorgeous day. Look how the water turns shades of green and blue." By now they were approaching Largo, and could catch glimpses of the Gulf of Mexico through the wall of mangroves. Traffic was light, and they were making good time. They stopped for lunch at a place called The Italian Fisherman. The view was great, the grilled snapper was even better. Jeff almost forgot his discomfort at being in this odd body out in public. He didn't even notice the attentive service the waiter gave the two attractive women. But as they sipped coffee and savored a slice of key lime pie, he did notice the lecherous stare of a rather portly, balding, 50 year old. Jeff ignored him, then stared back at him, finally extending a finger. Nothing worked. Even Anne noticed the clash. But Anne was totally unprepared for what followed. As they got up to leave, Jeff glided over to the man, swaying his hips provocatively. "Hey, big boy," Jeff cooed as he sat in the few available square inches of the tourist's lap. "I saw you staring at me. I want you too. Oh, is this your wife? Maybe we can make it a threesome?" Jeff glance inquisitively at the thin, handsome woman. Jeff almost went off the deck as the man exploded upward to keep his wife from storming off. He started to attack Jeff, then thought he ought to go after his wife, who had the car keys. Jeff sat on the floor as the waiter chased after them, waving the check. Anne and Jeff put a nice tip with their check, and left the restaurant. They could here a loud argument coming from around the corner, but wisely just got in their car and drove off. Anne was almost in tears as they pulled onto the highway and drove south. The two women made a short stop at Long Key for a walk on along the nature trail. It must be said that Jeff was doing better at this point. Wearing white shorts, a light blue shirt, and blue trimmed tennis shoes, he enjoyed the stroll through the mangrove and pines. He even consented to wearing a cute straw hat with a yellow flower in it. Both were rather disappointed in the beaches. They had pictured broad expanses of white sand and coconut palms leaning over the calm blue water. The did not expect the reality of hard coral covered in a thin layer of rather putrid colored sand. There was not a single palm to be seen. Outside of the mangrove swamps, the islands were covered by pine trees. But the water was a glistening turquoise, one of the most incredibly rich colors either had ever seen. Anne was glad she'd allowed Jeff to have his way and come here. It was approaching 5:00 when they arrived at their hotel, actually a quaint Victorian bed and breakfast near the bottom of South Street. After checking in and unloading the car, they strolled around the area. They looked in some of the shops on the Atlantic end of Duval Street, mostly killing time until dinner. They ate in a seafood place just around the corner from their room. The little Inn was right on the beach, a pleasant surprise for Jeff. As it grew dark they sat in the garden facing the water and just enjoyed the cool breeze. Jeff had never felt more relaxed. He was getting used to the weight on his chest, and not having the usual protrusions between his legs. He had to admit to himself that he was actually enjoying this. ******* To Jeff, it seemed like the crack of dawn. He awoke with sunlight streaming through the French Doors to the garden. Anne had pulled the curtains, and he could hear her in the shower. Looking at the alarm clock, he discovered that it was only 8:00, far too early to get up and do anything. But as he lay there, hunger started to gnaw at his insides, and he threw on some clothes as Anne came out of the bathroom. They went out to the courtyard and enjoyed the continental breakfast the inn had provided. Jeff was glad to see he was not the only one who looked like they'd just woke up. And the worst offenders were women. This went against everything Jeff thought he knew about this strange sex. Viva la vacation. Jeff got himself made up, and brushed his hair and teeth. It was still early as they took off up Duval. Most of the shops were not yet open, until they'd gotten about halfway through the mile and a half walk. Although every other shop sold nothing but t-shirts, they still managed to find enough to keep interested. When they got to the end of the street, they found themselves at the departure point for the Conch Train, a one and a half hour tour. Jeff was getting into being a tourist, and insisted on taking this silly looking thing. In spite of herself, Anne also found the tour worthwhile. They stayed around that side of the island through the afternoon, seeing some of the museums and doing more shopping. Jeff was attracting as many admiring looks as Anne, and through the day became less and less annoyed by them. By early evening, he wasn't getting as many, and that annoyed him. He was only annoyed until he realized that they were standing in front of a theater with a drag queen show going on. With that clientele he could understand it. Then he realized he should be annoyed by getting the looks, not by being ignored. He was very confused. They ate an early dinner and went to Mallory Pier to watch the sunset and street entertainers. A long walk brought them back to their room, exhausted and hot. They rested in the courtyard again, enjoying the fading light and cool breeze. ********* Once again they woke up bright and early, had breakfast overlooking the beach, and headed out for a morning on the town. They visited Hemingway's house as well as a few other interesting places, had lunch, and headed back to the room. That's where Anne sprung her next surprise. As Jeff emerged from the bathroom after freshening up, Ann handed him some small scraps of cloth and told him to get ready. They were going out on the beach. After all, it was only 30 feet away. Jeff held up the two pieces of cloth and deduced that they were supposed to be a bikini. "No! There's no way I'm wearing this outside. Hell, not even inside." "Yes, you are. If you ever want to change back, you _will_ experience the wearing of a bikini. After all, bikinis are the reason you wanted to come here." The last bit was cruel, and only partially true, Anne knew. This place had much more to offer than girls in tiny swimsuits, even for a man. But that was at least a partial motivation, and she wanted him to realize what it was like on the other end. The threat was effective. Jeff stripped and somehow attached the scraps of brilliant pink to his body. There was little left to the imagination. Smiling, Anne handed him a coverup and got into her own suit. They gathered towels and headed out the door. South beach is not a large beach, nor a particularly good one. But the sand was white, there were a few palms, and it was not crowded. They staked out an area in the shade of a palm, and Jeff headed out to the ocean. Oblivious to the looks he was getting from male and female alike, he walked out until the water was knee deep. It took him longer than he thought it would. The water was very shallow. It was also quite warm, and Jeff lowered himself into it. He floated on his back, breasts pointing skyward. He gently paddled his way further out from the beach. He eventually rolled over, trying to peer through the crystal clear water. He found he couldn't see very well with the reflection from the surface, but the salt water stung his eyes when he tried to open them under water. He slowly swam back, finally standing up and walking over to Anne, who handed him a towel. "Anne, the water's great! Tomorrow, let's go snorkeling." "Sure, why not. Getting used to the exposure?" "Not really. But nobody's looking at me any more." Jeff nodded in the direction of a couple of women a few yards away. Both seemed to be unaware of the American custom of wearing tops. It bothered Jeff a little that he wasn't excited by the view. This body must be taking over his mind, he thought with a sigh. Anne went for a swim while Jeff sat with his back to the tree reading. It was an old Robert Parker "Spenser" mystery, and he still enjoyed it even as a girl. He was only interrupted once, by a blonde preppy looking jerk wearing speedos. He left only after Jeff threatened to stuff his balls down his throat, pulling a pair of scissors from the beach bag to back up the threat. Anne watched the entire episode from the shallows with a hint of amusement. Jeff was coming along nicely. He was truly learning what it was like for a young woman, and seemed to be able to handle himself. But the envelope needed to be pushed just a bit further. When Anne returned, they packed up and went back to get cleaned up for tea. Jeff climbed into the shower to wash the salt water off, and was startled as Anne joined him. They began lathering each other, and soon were fondling various body parts. "Is this why you did this to me?" asked Jeff suddenly. "Are you a lesbian?" "No, Jeff. I've never done this sort of thing with another woman, but then you're not really another woman. You're my husband. You've just seemed so reserved. That body ought to have some fun. I just thought it would be interesting for you to feel something sexual." Jeff was silent after that, lost in thought. But Anne did not quit, and Jeff was soon in the throes of a mild orgasm as Anne continued to work with her fingers. They finally rinsed off, dried themselves, and got dressed. Anne talked Jeff into finally wearing one of the cute sundresses they'd bought a few days ago. They joined the other guests in the courtyard for tea, then headed once again for Duval Street. This time they rode in one of the bicycle taxis that plied the street, and were not exhausted when they reached Mallory Pier. They walked back and did some more shopping, but did not miss the sunset. It was spectacular as usual. They joined the throng of tourists heading back to the bars and restaurants. They decided to try a brewpub called Hammerhead's. The food was very good, the beer excellent. They finished dinner and left, eventually finding their way to a club. As the evening progressed, so did Jeff's alcohol level. By the time the pair were approached by a couple of guys who appeared to be grad students at one of Vermont's better known Universities, Jeff was not entirely resistant to their attentions. "Hey, ladies" the large blonde with the beard asked. "What's shakin'?" "Yeah," said the large blonde without the beard. Anne buried her face in her hands, while Jeff merely stared dumbfounded at these two specimens of studliness. "Please go away," Jeff told them, " before I vomit all over your shoes." "Come on, babe," said the beard. "Let's cut it loose." "Huh?" "Dance, honey, dance. Let's go." "I said go away." With that Jeff leaned over and released his recently ingested dinner on two pair of white tasseled loafers. He straightened up, looking at the two rather large men with a crooked grin. "Sorry Charlie, but I did tell you." Jeff and Anne departed for the ladies' room, ignoring the commotion behind them as several dancers gagged on the stench as the two gentlemen tried to follow. The last Anne saw of them was their backs as they were escorted out. They got Jeff cleaned up, and quietly found another table on the other side of the club. But it wasn't long before another pair of predators descended. At least these two had an original and coherent pickup line. There was no arrogant attitude. In fact, they seemed downright nice, and the foursome hit it off nicely. They spent a lot of time on the dance floor, and Jeff's partner seemed to be getting especially close to Jeff. Finally, and perhaps with a touch of jealousy, Anne wanted to call it a night. Jeff wanted to dance some more. He was having a grand old time. Since this was Anne's doing, she let him stay. She'd already seen that he could handle himself, so she left, just telling him not to be too late. So Jeff and Arnie danced some more. The music got slower, so they danced slower, and closer together. And finally, the kiss came. Jeff was completely caught up in things, and too drunk to care. They left for Arnie's apartment. ********** The morning came horribly soon for Jeff. He awoke with a splitting headache, a foul taste in his mouth, and the realization that he'd willingly had sex with Arnie. Worse, he'd enjoyed it. The mouth sucking on his breasts, the tongue tickling his nipples, the pounding pleasure he'd felt as Arnie plunged in and out. It was just too much for a man to take this early in the morning. He broke down and cried. "Good morning, sleepyhead," cooed Anne. "How was your date?" "Date? Is that what that was? God, my head hurts." "Well, you shouldn't have drunk so much. Remember, we're going snorkeling this afternoon," Anne replied while handing him some aspirin. "You got in kind of late." "I know. Please don't start a fight. I can't take it. I'm sorry. You're the one who turned me into this, so you're as much to blame as me." "No fight, just a comment. And a question. Did you go home with that guy?" Jeff thought hard before answering, finally deciding honesty was the only way out. "Yes," he said flatly. "Did you enjoy it?" Jeff looked hard at Anne. He detected some humor in her tone, and he thought he saw a hint of a smile. She thought it was funny. That annoyed him. "Do you consider that cheating?" he answered. "No. If you had gone out with another woman, that would be cheating. This? I'm not sure what to call it. I suppose I got you into this situation, but I thought you could control yourself. You didn't answer my question, though." "I hate myself. Yes, I enjoyed it. I'm ashamed to say it, but I did. I should be repulsed. Now I'm sober, my head hurts, and I am totally disgusted with myself for liking sex with a man." "Well, that body wants it's way. We'll just have to be more careful. Wouldn't want you getting pregnant!" Jeff went cold at that statement. What if he was? What if he'd caught some hideous disease? He'd been really stupid, and now could only pray that things turned out OK. These thoughts jumbled around in his head as he climbed into the shower. Ten minutes later he was feeling much more chipper as he gulped down a glass of orange juice Anne had saved for him. He'd missed breakfast, but they could stop at a cafe on the way to the boat. Wearing the tiny bikini underneath shorts and a yank top, Jeff led the way out the door. Several hours later Jeff found himself four miles out into the ocean floating face down. It presented a delightful picture to the men who were still aboard the boat. The flotation vest did a better job than the bikini top in covering his recently acquired assets, but the bottom left little to the imagination as Jeff paddled in aimless circles watching the denizens of the reef. He was enthralled with this, and vowed he would return someday as a certified scuba diver. Even with the vest deflated, he could not get himself very deep for a good view. Between his natural flotation and the residual air in the vest, he maintained a stubborn positive buoyancy. Exhausted from the strenuous swim and the lack of sleep, Jeff slept all the way back to the pier. It wasn't until much later that the rather powerful sunburn painfully manifested itself. It forced Jeff to sleep on his stomach, a position he found awkward due to his breasts. *********** In spite of the massive amounts of lotion absorbed by Jeff's back and legs, the burn was still painful when they awoke at 4:00. They had paid up the night before, so they only had to pack the car and head out into the quiet, still tropical morning air. Backlit columns of cumulus clouds began to show over the Atlantic as they passed over the seven mile bridge. The sun crept over the horizon as they stopped for breakfast in Marathon. Jeff painfully extracted himself from the car. He'd worn slacks to protect the legs, but the cloth chafed the burns anyway. His skin seemed to be more tender than his male skin. Anne helped him slather on more lotion in the ladies' room. They arrived at Miami International with plenty of time to spare for their early afternoon flight. They fought the crowds to get to the ticket counter. Jeff had his picture taken by 52 Japanese tourists sporting the very latest Nikons. None of them, of course, spoke a word of English. They must have found it interesting that his skin was almost the same color as his reddish hair. Jeff wondered if they'd have done the same if he'd been wearing his male body. Hard to tell with those guys. Anne and Jeff were unable to make their way through the throngs, so they merely followed a tour group leader holding a cardboard sign reading "Farley Rest Home Tour Group." They progressed at a stately pace, until they finally passed their gate. Both were asleep before the wheels thumped into their resting place. This caused them to miss a nutritious meal of pretzels and peanuts. ******* Jeff was still having trouble lugging his luggage. His new improved frame did not have the same strength as the original. Cussing and sweating, they hauled everything back to the long- term lot. It was hotter here than it was in South Florida. As he opened the car door, he felt a blast of air that could have melted steel. He was surprised that the plastic interior hadn't melted. They were almost home when the interior temperature passed through 90 degrees. But as they turned the corner onto their street, the saw that not everything was well with the world. The house was wrapped in yellow crime scene tape, and one corner of the house was collapsed into a pile of rubble. They pulled into the driveway, and in spite of the 103 degree heat, ran to the door. There was a note taped there. It read: "Car wreck caused this. Please come to the police station for more details." It was dated the day before, and signed by a chicken (at least that's the way it appeared). They both stood there in shock. Jeff's reappearance would be delayed until they found the statue and found a place to stay. The pile of rubble was centered on their bedroom. Fearing the worst, Anne, went inside, and headed straight to the bedroom area. Pieces of brick and wood lay scattered through the room. On one wall stood a scarred and battered dresser. Beside it lay three pieces of fired clay statuary. A miniature penis protruded from one of the pieces. Anne gathered them up and returned to the living room. Jeff saw the shattered statue and turned ashen gray. "Oh my God! Does it still work?" asked Jeff frantically. "I don't know. We'll have to try it later. Let's get going to the police. And we'll have to call Wayne about the insurance." They shuffled back to the car and drove to the police station. The mess was caused by a drunk driver running a stop sign and plowing into another car. This car spun into the house. Anne and Jeff both vowed to be at this idiot's trial. After calling the insurance company, they found a motel. After a quick dinner of pizza and margaritas, Jeff got out the pieces of the statue. He taped them together with duct tape, and began furiously rubbing the little guy's features. He felt not even a tingle or hint of dizziness as he had when getting into this body. The next morning Jeff awoke still wearing boobs. Just in case the tape had interfered with things, Anne went and got some epoxy, and they glued the statue back together. Once again, Jeff spent several hours in a rubbing frenzy. The magic was gone. ******* "It's just your period Janet," stated Anne with some frustration. "You are _not_ going to die. Look, this is a good sign. At least that little episode in Key West didn't get you pregnant." "This is not a good sign," Jeff retorted. "It means I'm really a woman. It means I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life. I _want_ to die." "No you don't. You'll get over it. It's not the end of the world. I think you're just cranky right now. Hormones will sometimes do that. Just try to chill out. After all, womanhood does have it's good points." "Yeah, right. I get to bleed my guts out every four weeks and become a second class citizen. That's attractive." "You are not a second class citizen. In spite of what men think, women hold a great deal of power. Maybe it will be a few more years before a woman becomes President, but on a more personal level, you can use sex to get what you want." "You want me to become a whore?" "No. I didn't mean the actual act, just show some leg and men drool. That sort of thing. You've really got a lot to learn." "We'll start class later. I've got something to take care of first." "You gonna take care of the drunk?" "Yes." "Wait. I've got just the guy to help. He's a bisexual colleague who's been hitting on me for several years. I've got a plan." ****** "And in Parkersville," the news anchorwoman intoned solemnly, "A bizarre mystery has police baffled. Hedly Jackson, the mayor up until the last election, was found semi-conscious outside his home this morning. He was trussed up and tied to his front porch, with a ten inch long sex toy jammed down his throat and secured with duct tape. He had been repeatedly raped. He could only describe his attacker as a large blonde male assisted by two hooded females. The description of the male resembles a Mr. Jeff Poole, whose house was destroyed when His Honor the ex-mayor sent a car flying into it. Mr. Jackson had just been released from the county jail after his arrest for DUI in this incident. Police are seeking Mr. Poole, who hasn't been seen since the accident. His wife and his sister say they hope he sees this and turns himself in. They say he has just not been himself since the house was destroyed, and needs help. "In other news...." ******** The End

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Hot Receptionist Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam Sumit hai but sabhi mujhe Sam bulate hai. Meri age 26 hai or main Pathankot, Punjab ka rehne wala hu. Agar koi bhi ladhki, aunty,bhabi mujhse chudwana chahiti hai ya phir sex chat krna chahiti hai toh mujhe mail () aur hangout pr message bhi kar skte ho. Chliye jyada bore na krte huye sidha story pr aate hai. Yeh story 6 month pahle ki hai, jab me study ke saath business bhi karta tha aur mujhe business ke liye aksar out of city or state jana padta hai. Jab me business ke...

1 year ago
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A manpretty husband is controlled by his wife into dressing up as a woman and taking a male lover

I couldn’t believe that Susan, my wife of two and a half years would really do this to me. Yet here I sat in the back seat of our Olds wearing a short blue satin cocktail dress. The slinky skirt kept riding up my smoothly shaven, nylon-clad thighs to display a provocative glimpse of pretty pink lace. Susan had insisted that I dress for the costume party from the skin out. Except for the girdle which held me tightly between my legs, my underwear was a matching set in the softest shade of...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen 9

When I awoke I discovered that Naomi must have silently slipped away sometime during the night. Damn! I guess I shouldn’t be greedy, she is living here too, so that’s a good thing, and I had plenty to do today anyway, what with moving the girls here from the hotel. While I was dressing there was a knock on the door and I rushed over to open it. Maybe Naomi just left for a few minutes. Damn again! It’s not her. Instead there stood a tall, middle aged, gray haired lady with a long all black...

4 years ago
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Lust for a bromance stage 1

I walked home from school, clutching my books tightly in my hands. The wind was whipping against me hard, strands of hair falling past my face and my skirt was lifting up showing a brief expanse of skin. I flattened it as I hurried along; raising my hands above my head as a shield from the ice cold raindrops I was sure were going to fall. “damn James!” I thought to myself sourly, I knew he’d forget to pick me up. I turned back and glanced at my school, the large grey building visible through...

1 year ago
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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

2 years ago
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Romancing the Librarian Pt 02

The RV was parked at Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. My watch said 3 am and I was completely awake. So was my very new and very nervous bedmate. Her arm was across me and the fingers were lying on my chest. I turned over and she caught my mostly limp cock in her hand. Her lips landed on mine and the cock wasn’t staying limp. Marian said, out of the dark, ‘Is he hitting on you?’ Sheila giggled, ‘No, we’re both awake and he’s hard. I’m squeezing him. Do you want some action? I can get out...

1 year ago
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Peeping Tim

As a kid I was a looker, a watcher, interested in what goes on behind the closed door, what's in the locked box. When you're young everything is a mystery and any chance to penetrate those mysteries is a golden one. Every lighted window on a dark night is an invitation to the show. Most young people grow out of this. Some grow up to embrace it. Jamie and I (I'm Tim) fall squarely in the latter camp. We've been together since college but only later discovered we'd both been drawn to the...

1 year ago
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The Wolf Pack

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 OFFICER BROWN This whole thing started when we moved from our home in Boston, so Tim could take a job with Atlanta PD. Tim had been unhappy with the Boston force for several years and one day a longtime friend of his gave him a head’s up about a position on Atlanta’s elite K-9 unit, called the ‘Wolf Pack’. The Wolf Pack had national attention as one of the premier K-9 teams. There is usually 13 team members each with their own German Shepard. Unfortunately,...

2 years ago
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Nasty Underarms Lust

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto mera naam hi rocky, 5’7 inch height with 69 kgs weight aur mera lund size hi 6.7 Inches. Koi girl, bhabhi ya aunty mujhse milna ya nasty chats ya contact karna chahti ho to mujhe mail kare Mai pehli baar aaj iss me apni incident ko post kar raha hu, isme koi grammer mistakes ho to mujhe maaf kardena. Meri weakness ye hi ke jab bhi mujhe koi aurat sleeveless me nazar aajati hi to mere nazre unke bagal ki taraf attract hojati hi. Pata nahi mujhe aisa q hojata...

4 years ago
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Penny The Innocent Substitute

Denise could drive me crazy in at least three different ways. Number 1: She could be sulky, bossy, sarcastic, impossible to please and pathologically unreliable. Number 2: She could be provocative, charming, seductive and frankly more dirty in bed than any other woman I ever met. Number 3: There was no way to tell which of the first two she would be on any given day. So it was always going to be a bad idea to drive one hundred and fifty miles in the hope of getting to fuck her. But when...

2 years ago
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“Wow!” That is all I can say after what happened this weekend.I am a 50 year old male, an executive with a large telecommunications firm, in fairly good shape, and I have a wife that is a “trophy” that I use to host parties that I have and just look good on my arm.Nan was only 26, long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and an athlete’s body. Her hips are narrow, and her breasts are small. She never wears a bra, and her nipples stay hard most of the time. She very seldom wears panties and she...

1 year ago
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Running into Coverage Ch 3

Oh holy hiatus. Firstly, life happens to us all and turns days into weeks and side-projects into—well, side-projects. As always, there is much gratitude to Estragon who looked over these pages which sat in my inbox for ages. Your edits and support means the absolute world. There is much to be said for a lady such as Hadley, but I will let the next chapters cover that. As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M ** Over the next month, not a single day...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 5 Farewell R2C2 Hello the next part of my life

I spent the Christmas and New Year split between my grandparents and the Alvarez family. I was reasonably well received by Marianna’s parents, probably because Donna also vouched for me. I wasn’t surprised to find that several of the Alvarez family were musicians and New Year’s Eve was nothing short of a blast. With guitars, trumpets, Donna’s base fiddle, a couple of tambourines and a lot of hooting and hollering, it was the most fun I’d had at any party. By the end of the evening, well...

2 years ago
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Leaving IndependenceChapter 3

36 days from Independence Eddy Johnson was the youngest of the guards. He was not quite 17, but he had already killed a man; in fact, he had killed several, but he didn't count those because he was simply shooting back at Indians or bandits. It bothered him sometimes, but he was puzzled by why it bothered him. He was raised in a church where the ten commandments were taken seriously, and "Thou shalt not kill!" was high on the list. Yet, he was not bothered by having killed a man, he was...

3 years ago
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One Lucky White BoiChpt 10Over the RainbowCo

One Lucky White Boi—Chapter 10—Somewhere Over the Rainbow—ConclusionThe day had finally arrived—and I was going home. Dustin had brought me a pair of 501's, and Converse hi-tops.He said the kicks would do for now—that we would go shopping in a few days for some boots. The doc also said it might take some time to re-learn to walk in them. Still found it hard to believe that I wasn't a skateboarder, lol. No concrete on a ranch. Wait—Ranch ??We load up into the SUV—also new to me, and head out of...

2 years ago
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Whatever It Takes

Easing back into the cool leather of the chair at his desk made Ryan appreciate how hot her body was in comparison. He drank in the sight of her breasts bouncing rhythmically, not much more than a foot away, as evening sun cast fiery stripes through the slats of the blinds, streaking her bucking nakedness like a chiaroscuro flicker book. Their bodies made a crude X, her hands gripping the edge of the desk behind the glistening narrow chicane of her waist and taut belly, triceps flexing with...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Little DenmarkFour loads down my throatthe nex

It had been a rather dull afternoon sitting watching porn in the theater I was reluctant to make myself cum since I was certainly hoping for a blowjob at least. By the time I left that evening I was not orally satisfied but several others left with big smiles upon their faces thanks to me. This is the short story about how this went from my point of view.After about 3 hours of sitting alone finally there was an older daddy type guy sitting nearby who appeared to show interest in me. He...

2 years ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 11

As I opened my eyes, my Mom's face came into focus. " What happened?" "You passed out," she bit her lip " Are you OK?" As I was sitting up Mom pushed me back down. " Rest for a minute. Did you hit your head or anything?" I ran my fingers through my scalp. " I don't think so. Where's dad?" "He's across the street getting one of the medics." The memory of the gun blast and Stacy's nude body crumpling into the street came flooding through me. Closing my eyes, I started...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundEpilogue

February 3, 2036 The cornerback in white shadowed the gold and black clad receiver as the pair dashed downfield. Both players glanced back towards the QB as they ran. The big crowd fell nearly silent when the QB heaved the ball towards the pair. Receiver and defender both leapt high as the ball arced towards them. Four hands reached for the ball simultaneously. The man in white grabbed and jerked, as he twisted away from the receiver. The two men collapsed to the ground and referees whistled...

2 years ago
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Lord Potter

Harry sat awake in his chair, a sturdy old thing he’d found in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld Place, it was now well into another night of Harry’s chosen seclusion from the rest of his society, he had taken this nearly immediately after his victory over Voldemort, he had left a brief statement where he stated that he was pleased to have finally defeated the dark lord who had been terrorising the world since his fourth year of school and that now he wished to be left alone for a while so...

3 years ago
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P40 Bedouin Dreams

This story was written to be the birthday gift of a friend and fellow writer, AMoveableBeast. He asked his friends to challenge themselves. Well, this is my best attempt to do that. I do hope you enjoy this story. Happy birthday, Beast. ***** ‘Come on, girl. Come on. No, no, no. Oh, damn it all!’ Fighting the dead stick, I kept trying to get the damn engine to restart despite knowing it was a lost cause. I had been on fumes and prayers for the last fifteen minutes and the fumes had run out....

3 years ago
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getting them knocked up pt 1

This is a fond memory I must share. I was 18 and dying for a hot piece of ass but at that time in my life I had never actually got lucky without having to use a rubber. Like any guy I wanted to know what a girl really felt like inside without the use of a condom. I did have a girlfriend at the time but I wanted to go out with someone who was on the pill so I could cum in her. I figured every girl but my girlfriend was on the pill and that a lucky encounter would be so good that I would never...

2 years ago
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Mum was sitting on the patio in the sun when I got home from DD's. She was wearing one of those men's type vests that have thin shoulder straps and a scooped front with a hem that reaches just beneath the waist, and bikini panties. She had been swimming and her long, wavy hair was hanging down straight framing her beautiful face and falling onto her bare, nicely tanned shoulders. She'd obviously just had it coloured, but then she was always doing that and now it was more an auburn then the...

3 years ago
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The Bank Robber

THE BANK ROBBER BY JANICE (A MIND MELD STORY) Synapse. Ron Baxter is a sixteen year old quadriplegic, confined to a wheelchair. He has the power to Mind Meld with others and either just ride along in their body, or take control. In this episode he enters his favorite person, a Latino girl of fifteen. She/he enters a bank just as it is being held up and, along with several others, becomes a...

1 year ago
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Karumbu Thopil Manaivi

Vanakam. Enathu peayar Vijai. Vayathu 28. Naan Tamilnaduvil oru garamathil vaazhnthu varugiren. Enathu veetil appa amma matrum thangai irukiraargal athanaal avaluku thirumanam seithu vittu thaan enaku thirumanam seiya aarambipaargal. Enaku 28 vayathu aagi iruntha pothilum ennal kaama aasaiyai kattupadutha mudinthathu. Aanal athu vegu naatkal needika villai enathu veedu oru gramathil irunthathaal niraiya thopugal irukum. Pasumaiyaagavum kaatru maasu adaiyaamal iyarkaiyaaga irukum pinbu enathu...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 663

A Luxury Hotel in Berlin Germany Six Weeks Earlier Continued. Phillip awoke with Dessie’s breast pushed firmly against his right chest and her groin moving slowly but rhythmically against his hip. Between his full bladder and her body, he was as erect as he was ever going to get. “Want a blowjob to start your day?” she whispered sexily into his ear. One of the hardest things he could remember doing was to say, “We agreed there would be no more sex until we were on the trail.” “That ......

3 years ago
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I like to share She accommodated

I was in Cleveland for business. I had been stuck in the hotel working 12 hour shifts for weeks on end. I found her add on Craigslist. I liked her bodysuit. I texted her. After a minute she texted back. We chatted a minute or two. I told her I wanted bareback and either the bodysuit in her photos or thigh highs. She said she had thigh highs and a bustier. I asked her what hotel. She was at a hotel on a hill in Independence. 30 min. She was ok with bareback. I told her to put on her best...

4 years ago
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Having Fun With Bangalore Sisters

Dear Indian sex story readers, It’s me Divakar again with a new real life incident to share with you. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Divakar; a 29-year-old IT professional working in Bangalore. I am a trained and certified massage therapist too and offer doorstep massage, gigolo, and slave services to ladies. I give massage for specific problems too like neck pain, lower back pain, calf pain, breast enlargement, breast sag reduction, yoni-lingam, etc., and I do have quite a good...

2 years ago
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Playing Gay Chicken out in school

"I hope he gives a class, I wanna beat you once and for all in gay chicken out Robbie" John said with a big grin on his face. We got into class and the teacher was already writing down the chapter on the white board, looks like John got his wish. We sat down and got our books out and settled down, the desks in the class were spread out and placed so well that no body would have a clue what's going on, no body ever did know. John started writing his notes, I rolled my eyes and...

3 years ago
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Dillon RunChapter 3 More Sabotage Retribution Party on Cape Cod

Our dating ramped up. Paul asked me to hold Friday night’s and all weekend free for him, unless he told me otherwise. I agreed, and so we started to spend nearly every minute of that time together. Occasionally, I had to work on the weekends. I knew far enough ahead of time so that Paul could plan something work related. I definitely had the feeling that he was working around me, instead of me working around him. One weekend when I had to work, Paul had flown to Viet Nam to do something...

1 year ago
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SURFING THE WEB WITH A TWIST.I love to surf the web my favorite sites are the porn sites I just love all the women that put there photos on these sites and even there videos, I love the amateur’s section, as these are real people and not models,This one day I decided to do some surfing and as always you get popup messages The usual ones are sign up for free sex and then the camcorders one’s shag a local woman in your area,The usual crap I just want to find some good wanking material somebody...

3 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family

Emily did let me know in advance that Bruce didn't know about all of her sexual history, so I let her know I wouldn't talk about anything unless she brought it up first... the last thing I was going to do was get her in trouble, but I was curious how much he did know... after all, Emily and I were quite the little sluts back in school, lol. She moved to California shortly after college and met Bruce soon after... and now almost 16 years later I'm about reunite and meet her family for the...

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Hard Luck Harlan Lawton Chapter 2 of 2

Sitting in a bar and crying in one's beer is a less than delightful way to live a life. That said, it is a primo way to think things over. So here was Jennifer allowing me, an old flame, an ex-husband, a complete loser the opportunity to get his rocks off, occasionally, and that for free! That there was a downside to that kind of favor does not seem to have occurred to her. My ego was crushed, but my balls were emptied out. My self-esteem, what little I’d had, was reduced to a vague mist in...

1 year ago
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Bill Visits Again

She was almost cumming. Just the thought of Bill being with her again was causing her to be very wet. She finally gave in and went to her room, getting out her toy. It was nothing like Bill. It had a general shape, but it wasn't warm and throbbing. It wasn't accompanied by a warm hairy body with lips to melt her heart. It did, however take the edge off for a few moments. Pushing it in and out of her pussy while she fingered her clit, finally brought her to climax. It helped that she was...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Training my new slut fucktoy part 1

Victoria had just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was popular at 5' 1" with nice C cups a tight little petite 100 pound body complete with a hot sexy ass. She was dating the football quarterback Mike at her high school when we met. She started working at one of my favorite bars and we both knew there was a instant connection. After a few nights chatting after she got off work she started telling me about her sexual experiences. She had been fucked by her quarterback boyfriend...

1 year ago
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A Love TimelessChapter 6

Sentiment about Corinne DeLoie broke down into two clearly definable groups: those that were firmly in her court, and those that were completely opposed. Those that were in her court were supportive of her actions to protect herself from someone who was abusive, power-mad, and amoral. Those opposed to her felt that she should have felt grateful to have a job, and that she should listen to whomever was in charge, because that was just how things are done in the world. If the job changed...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Wife

After my first divorce, I married a very sexy and slutty woman named Isabel. She was (and still is) an extremely horny woman. When we married she had fucked over thirteen other men since she was f******n, she was divorced, had one son and had been unfaithful to her husband with more than one man. She used to tell me about her escapades and that would make very jealous but very horny at the same time. After some time, I got so hooked that I would ask her to tell me about her adventures while I...

3 years ago
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Winning at all costs

For more than 20 years, the Lincoln College of Virginia has been holding a major competition every year at the end of the school year. Each student association puts together a team of six athletes. In six competitions, each athlete is allowed to show what he can do. And in the seventh final, the entire team will compete against each other. The winners will receive not only a trophy and a fame for their liaison house, but also a scholarship for next year. However, it is clear to most at the...

2 years ago
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Mars Needs Sissies Part 2

Mars Needs Sissies: Part 2 In order of appearance: Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films and Mark Atwood's agent; Mark Atwood plays Jerry Adams, the Queen's Lover; Tina Van Tee, a professional wrestler called Gladiatus (pronounced: Glad-e-a-tus) plays the role of Umoma; Bill Brian the cook Mark worked with when he was waiting tables; Sandy Prince, Jack Slammers Administrative Assistant and sister to Cindy Prince; Jack Slammer of Slammer Films; Marge Turner, Head...

4 years ago
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fishing freddie 2

I got to the river to meet fred at about 6 oclock.he was not there so i waited and he turned up about 5mins later.hello there ian how are you this morning,very well thanks i replied.are you coming for a swim he asked,ive got no trunks i replied,thats ok young man we are all friends here.i was unsure but intrigued ,so with out giving it to much thought i got naked .fred seemed pleased with this and he did the same .he looked me up and down and said how old are you ian nearly 16 i

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A Mature Slave Returns to Her Master

Chapter 1: A Warm-up for Rita’s BreastsShe stiffened as she heard my footsteps on the floor.  Even though she knew full well that it was useless, she struggled against the wrist-cuffs restraining her arms in a wide V above her head. Her legs struggled against the spreader bar as she tried to bring her thighs closer and cover her exposed vagina. Her gorgeous breasts bounced as she struggled against her restraints. Her lovely mature middle-aged body glistened with sweat against the humidity in...

2 years ago
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Shilpa Jab Pune Aayi 8211 Part 2

Hello Friends Thanks for your comments on my first story , it was awesome reading the mails from you all , aab mai apni pichli story “SHILPA JAB PUNE AAYI part -1” ki aage ki story batane waalon hun jaisa ki mai apni pahli story mai bhi bol chukka hun story ka mazzza hindi mai hi hota hai to mai iss story ko bhi hindi mai likh raha hun Story start karne ke pahle bata dun mera naam Amit hai mai 26 saal ka hun and mera lund 7 inch ka hai jo ki aap ko satisfy jarur kar payega  ,mai pune mai raheta...

4 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 6

Sun was dropping towards the western horizon turning the sky purple and royal blue when I piloted the boat to the jetty. We were back in swimming suits, but Rory had complained when putting the top on. Apparently her boobs were sun burnt. While she lugged the cooler and garbage bag up to the house, I set about rinsing salt off the boat. Rory informed me she was going to shower and treat the sunburn with aloe vera. After lunch, Rory had suggested some more kissing lessons and I’d declined....

1 year ago
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indian mom and black priest 2

The air was knocked out from her lungs for a few seconds as the priest was only the second man in her life to fuck her.“Please stop. I can’t take it anymore” screamed mom.Me and dad heard the priest from outside telling her: “Hold on woman I am fighting with all my force to defeat these demons”Inside the room, the stud began his fucking again as he slammed into mom’s tender vagina, his big black cock filling her completely and stretching her to limits dad could never dreams of reaching.As she...

1 year ago
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Mother Knows Best

It was obvious that my Mom and Dad had a healthy sex life. I know that pukes out most kids, but I thought it was wonderful. Dad was a good looking man with curly black hair and rugged features. He was six one and kept himself in great shape. Mom was no slouch herself. I was fourteen when I started paying attention. She was thirty-eight then, long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a fit five foot six body with DD cup tits. Naturally, she’d gained a little extra weight due to childbirth, and...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 124

Mike was feeling better on Tuesday. He wasn't all the way back to normal, yet, but it was Tuesday at the Record-Herald, and Tuesday was a day you didn't miss unless you were the subject of a funeral. Kirsten left Susan with Jackie, and came into work, which helped. She stuck her head into the office door, and said, "Hey, hon, we still need your column." "I'm working on it," he said, turning back to the computer, where the words appeared on the screen: "In the end, it took the...

1 year ago
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Wally World DelightChapter 2

"Ms. Walker, I am Jeff , with store security. I need you and your daughters to come with me, right this way. Sam will watch your basket and hold your purchases for you." I noticed that young Natalie was frantically looking around as if she was about to bolt. Although young Susan had her suspicions, Natalie was the only one in the family that knew for certain why they were detained. Susan calmly looked at me and gave her sister a knowing look. Maybe she had more than suspicions. As we were...

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Origins Of Sarah Part 7 The Rules Of Submission

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be longer than...

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Career Cocksucker 5 First BearLeather Event

After hearing about all the fun and frolicking that goes on at Bear events, I told Leo that we should attend one. He had attended a few and sounded like he experienced much enjoyment while I had never been. He warned me of the dangers of a couple going -- that there would be a lot of hot men and we'd both be tempted to stray outside our close relationship. Leo and I had been faithful to each other for a few years and the sex remained fantastic. But we decided that going might spice up our...

2 years ago
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Sissy Constructs for the Manly Man

Alpha males all have an image to uphold. They spend decades, perhaps even their entire lives honing their bodies and personalities to achieve a higher standing in society: to be viewed as the perfect example of what the ideal male should be. Handsome, strong, muscular, confident, etc. The perfect breeding candidate, in essence: desired by all women, and envied by all other men. But behind the muscles and the bravado, there exists in every male an innate desire to let go and actively destroy...

2 years ago
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Bathing Jennifer

My name is Becky. Well, quite honestly it’s not, but I only tell a few select friends here on Lush my real name. I’ve read a lot of erotic stories over the years, but it wasn’t until a few months ago that I decided to write a few of my own. So far, all my stories have involved my husband, who is the love of my life. Still, I did have a few experiences before him, and this is one of them. It’s funny how you can go years and not think about something, and then the littlest things can bring it all...

3 years ago
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Ayesha Khan 8211 The Beginning Of My Sex Journey

Hello Everybody, this is my first story. My name is Ayesha Khan (real name), the sexiest girl you will ever see. I am 26 years old now and working in a big MNC in Hyderabad. My hobby is to show off my body and temp every one around to the extreme. This is the story about how my sexual journey started. I am writing down true stories that happened in my life. This is going to be lengthy and detailed so please be patient. Let me describe myself in full detail as I want you guys to paint a clear...

1 year ago
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A threesome with a Difference Part two

During the following week helen had left a message on my answer phone wanting to know was i free that coming weekend ? i had nothing special planned so we arranged that i would come over to theirs, helen said " bring a tootbush " which implied an over night stay , so i duly went over to them on a given saturday morning, i took public transport over to them which took about two hours door to door , but knowing that what ever was going to happen i would be getting all my needs /wants/ desires...

3 years ago
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August to September 2014 Internet DatingPart 2 Saturday in Bed with Strawberries and Champagne

I called the desk and found my companions had gone out but would be returning. I ordered lunch in my room and had a long soak in the bath. A little later there was a knock on the door and a new waiter pushed a trolley in. Although wrapped in one of the hotels gigantic dressing gowns, he wouldn’t look in my direction and practicallly bolted as soon as I scribbled the room number on his book. That afternoon, the guys still didn’t return but I had a phone call to say they were playing golf....

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A Night with Chani

One night I discovered a free video chat site that was open to all and was one of those sites that wasnt carefully monitored. The site itself was divided into sections. There was a general section, an adult section, a music section where if you had a mic, you could sing and even go on video and sing so people could watch you, as well as a gaming section where you could play your favorite CD rom game with other gamers. I decided I would head to the adult section. Once I went to the adult...

1 year ago
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Craigslist ad 2

This story is my second memorable experience from craigslist. I wasn't horny this time, and I wasn't even looking for something like that in the beginning. In the beginning, I… This story is my second memorable experience from craigslist. I wasn't horny this time, and I wasn't even looking for something like that in the beginning. In the beginning, I was reading my messages about who need my service for a cameraman. In the past month, I took pictures for weddings ,families, engagement...


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