Homelands Pt 2 Ch 01 free porn video

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Silas' costume parties were not yourtypical costume parties. The men who'd come as centaurs had physically transformed so that they actually had the lower body of a horse. Women who came as angels had feathery white wings and halos, while the devils had leathery black wings, horns, and tails. I saw at least one genie whose body seemed to be made of nothing but smoke from mid-thigh down. To be sure, some of the guests wore more conventional attire, but even they were far from ordinary looking. If you took any single one of the guests and placed them in a mortal party, they'd absolutely steal the show.

I hardly spoke to anyone. But then, there wasn't a lot of conversation taking place. Everywhere I looked, there were threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes.

The air rang with the music of sex. Grunts, moans, sighs, and muttered curses. Skin slapping against skin and telltale slurping sounds. I drew a deep breath and the sweet yet pungent stench of perfume, sweat and various other bodily secretions filled my nostrils.

It wasn't with any of my five natural senses that I realized just how unusual the party was, though. The world around me hummed. Just walking about, taking it all in, I felt my Libido quiver. Once, when I walked too close to a cluster of carnality, a blue bolt of sexual energy would jump off one of them, arcing across the empty air to strike my bare skin. I'd experienced the electric ecstasy before, but only up close, from a partner who I'd assumed had done it on purpose. I'd never seen it randomly strike out at passerby like that. Their frenzied efforts could almost lead one to experience a contact climax the way one could get high simply by being in a room where other people were smoking up.

For a time, I contented myself with that vicarious pleasure, because I couldn't help but feel like that cartoon coyote when he ran off a cliff but didn't fall until he looked down.

I had no business being invited to this party. Silas had yet to grant my request for asylum. And he had plenty of loyal subjects who went their entire lives without ever attending one of these things. Mostly minor nobles, sure, but I was in no better standing than they.

"Hey there," a soft voice called from the shadows under one of the arched doorways that led back into the palace. "Fireman."

I walked across the courtyard towards the voice, adjusting my suspender straps. The entirety of my costume consisted of them, a pair of black silk boxers with flames emblazoned on them, thick boots, and the characteristic helmet.

When I was a half dozen paces from the doorway, one of the women in the nearest mound of flesh peeled herself away, stood up, and reached out to take my hand.

From the shadows, I heard the rumbling growl of what had to be the largest wolf the world had ever seen. It snapped its jaws, and I felt the reverberations in my bones.

The naked woman who'd reached for my hand pulled back, shoulders hunched, and after a few cautious steps, turned about and hurriedly walked away.

Had I thought the air charged with sexual energy a moment ago? For the briefest instant, I felt nothing but a slight autumn chill, smelled nothing but the rank stench of sweat and dead, rotting leaves underfoot. My Libido went cold.

"Sorry," the voice said, sounding soft once more. "I saw you first."

I forced a chuckle.

But the woman who stepped out into the night took my breath away, and I almost forgot about that haunting growl. Just like that, I was under the spell once more.

Her skin was the lightest blue, her hair dark indigo. The difference in shade made for almost as deep a contrast as with women who had very fair skin and black hair, like my mother. That was a look that had always held great appeal for me. This woman's coloration was like an exotic take on a familiar favorite.

Her full lips were purple. Her big, round eyes were the same color, and so bright they almost seemed to give off their own light.

For just a moment, I wondered how I hadn't noticed them when she'd been standing under the arch. Then they dimmed and they were ordinary eyes once more. Well, not ordinary. I didn't know many women with purple irises. But they no longer emitted light.

She had a delicate bone structure, with a thin nose, high cheekbones, and sharp chin. Her lashes were long and full. Amethysts dangled from her ears, set in intricate silver. They were the same color as her lips and eyes.

My eyes made their way down past her neck. She had an extreme hourglass figure. A waist so small that I was sure that if I wrapped my hands around it, I could touch my thumbs together beneath her navel while pressing the tips of my other fingers together above her tailbone. Despite that tiny waist, she had breasts larger than cantaloupes, broad hips, and full, shapely thighs. My cousin was one of the only women I'd ever met who could claim the honor of a waist that small, and she certainly didn't have curves like that.

The exotic beauty wore a loose-fitting black camisole, black panties, and a string of purple beads tied around her waist. A few additional strings of beads clacked about her thighs. I guess they were meant to be a skirt, but they didn't cover much. Her bare thighs would scarcely have been any more exposed if she hadn't bothered with anything between waist and ankles save her panties. Her pretty little feet were adorned by purple crystal heels.

The heels were easily six inches tall. If I hadn't augmented my height, she'd have stood a good two or three inches taller than me.

The woman held her hand out and said, "I'm Lily."

"Frank," I said. "A pleasure to meet you, Lily." I kissed her hand.

"You're new around here."

"Yeah. Refugee. From the Third Autumnal Court. Hoping to be granted asylum."

She planted one hand on a hip, and raised a cocktail glass that hadn't existed a moment ago to her lips. The liquid inside might have been some kind of wine, but if so, it wasn't one I'd ever seen. Neither white nor red, it was light blue. "So if you haven't even been granted asylum yet, how'd you get invited to one of these little shindigs?"

I offered a faint shrug. "His majesty sent me to live with this family. Suspected the father of plotting against him. Turned out he was, and his wife and daughter either were too or simply weren't going to let him go without a fight. They seduced me, cuffed me, and, well, I don't know what they planned to do from there, but it wasn't fuck me, and it didn't look likely to be pretty." I paused, remembering what it had been like to Devour two women at once. And to smash the father's face into a bloody pulp with one punch when he came home. I'd never considered that our powers could just as well be used for something like that. And would prefer never to have to do so again. "The story doesn't end well for them." Or for me. Nominally, at least, I'd Devoured those two women in self defense. Or at least under circumstances that led me to fear for my life, correctly or not. But since then, I'd thought more than once about doing so just for the rush. I'd nearly retched each time the thought came to me, but the fact that I had at all made me rather uncomfortable. "Our majesty was rather pleased with the outcome though."

"But not pleased enough to grant you asylum?"

"I'm to go live with another family of suspected dissidents," I said.

She studied my face, presumably looking for a reaction. Finding none, she said, "Maybe you've proven yourself too useful?"

"That's a terrible thing to say. I'm sure his majesty intends to grant my request once I've adequately addressed his legitimate concerns."

She laughed, laying a hand gently on my upper arm. "I get it. Don't worry, he's plenty preoccupied just now. Can't imagine he's eavesdropping on any conversations."

I scanned the courtyard as if looking for someone more interesting to talk to. Not that I was. But I thought it might be useful if she thought so.

Her Libido first receded then swelled. She reached out, took my hand, and, without waiting for a reaction, led me inside the palace. "I could feel you from across the garden, you know. You weren't one of the minor nobles in the Third Court. One of the big families. What is it, the Orwins and the Farriers?"

"My mother is an Orwin, my father a Farrier," I said. "Where are we headed?"

"Have you ever been with a moonlit woman?" she asked.

"Not yet, no," I admitted. For that matter, I was only pretty sure that when she referred to herself as moonlit, she meant that she was from the Shadowed Glade of the Moon.

"Well," she said, sipping her drink. "I've never fucked a fireman. So that works out."

I spun her around, pinned her against the wall, and kissed her deeply. As I did, I threw all my energy at her defenses. She was strong. So strong, I thought there was no way this would work. But after a few moments, either I broke through or she stopped resisting on her own. It was small enough, but as intended, she experienced an orgasm.

"Just a little something I picked up from my cousin," I said as I pulled back.

Though Brianna had come close to managing that a few times before, the first time she'd actually brought me to climax with but a kiss had been after I'd arrived here. There was no need to mention that though. After all, I was supposedly trying to escape her, not meeting with her every few days to deliver updates on my progress.

"I wish I could say I'd learned all the lessons my family had to teach before my own exile," she said. "I'm afraid I was something of a disappointment to my father."

"Ah, but how much less interesting would the world be for our kind if not for girls with daddy issues?" I asked.

A look of shocked indignation briefly passed over her face. But her Libido told a different story. "And do I take it, then, that you've no hangups about your mother?" she asked.

I offered her a brief grin. "Touche."

"So, don't you want to know why my father was disappointed with me?"

"Not really," I lied.

Lily huffed in exasperation. "You really know how to charm a girl, huh?"

I took her hand in mine, ran my fingers lightly over her palm. She fought to hide a shudder, and failed. "Honey, if I was trying to charm you, you'd know it. Besides, I think it's you who's doing the pursuing here."

If she noticed the complete disconnect between my words and my actions, she didn't say so. "You've no idea who you're talking to, do you?" she asked, with a wry smile.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Maybe I don't much care."

She stepped closer to me, laid a hand on my bare chest. "Well, all right then. It'll be a nice change for me. To be able to be just some girl."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure it's a huge challenge for you. Cause, what, you were on the fast track to becoming queen, when you gave it all-"

Whoops. Too far.

For a moment, I thought sure I'd get to see just how big that wolf had been.

Lily sighed. "Can we just skip the rest of this ritual and get to the part where you're inside me?" Blushing, she added, "You'll have to forgive me. I tend to be a bit blunt."

"No apologies necessary," I said.

I led Lily back to my room.

How she walked in those heels, I have no idea.

She tasted the way I imagined potpourri might taste. Not as sweet as most of the women of my family, but still unlike any mortal woman. And well worth savoring.

Though she was certainly strong, she was weaker than Brianna. Maybe on par with my mother or Iva. More aggressive than either though. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked that or not, but as the hours wore on, I found myself leaning more and more towards yes.

Eventually, we collapsed alongside each other, panting. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies a while longer before clasping together and falling between us.

"You were amazing," I said.

"Me? You're a fucking god. Silas better watch out for you."

I laughed. "Not hardly, I'm sure."

She rolled her head to the side, smiled at me. Her eyes were otherworldly. But then, everything about her was. "Okay, so I was obviously being nice. Of course, you can't compare to him. But you were good."

I cleared my throat. "Weren't kidding about the blunt part, huh?"

A faint smile formed on her purple lips.

I raised her pale blue hand to my mouth and kissed it. "So, where do you stand in Silas' court? Don't tell me you're a distant relative?"

She laughed. "No. I'd be long gone if I were."

"None of his family is left?"

She hesitated. "Well, there's his sister. Not that you heard that from me. Most people don't know about her. He doesn't let her out much. Too afraid someone will Devour her. But every so often, he invites one of us to have a threesome with him and her. Usually just his Shadow, Alice, but I've had the pleasure once myself."

Jack-fucking-pot. "But he's Devoured the rest?"

She nodded. "Mostly, yeah. Some died before the purges began a few months ago. I hear one of yours did for his daughter. They say he was never the same after that."

"I see."

Lily's voice went grave. "I'm not going to regret telling you that, am I?"

"No, no no. I swear. I've crossed one too many monarchs."

"Good," she said. "I'd hate to have to Devour you."

"Curiously enough, I'd hate that too," I said.

"Well, then I'm sure we'll keep that little tidbit between us."

"Naturally," I said.

"You think I won't know if you tell anyone. But I will."

I laughed. "I won't. I promise."

The lie came so easy, it surprised me. But it seemed to convince her.

Or so I assumed, since, a few moments later, I was in her mouth.

The sun was not just up, but fairly high in the sky before we finally decided to sleep.


After Lily left, I showered. But I did not linger, as good as the warm water felt on my aching body. Brianna would want to hear the news about Silas' sister straight away. And after all of my cousin's promises about how richly she'd reward me if I brought her something useful, I was looking forward to seeing how she'd react to this.

As if pushing through a heavy curtain, I moved through worlds. There had been a time not long ago that such an act would have left me doubled over, panting for air.

Back before I'd Devoured two women.

Women who'd merely sought to protect their family. Yes, there was a plot against the king. And there was a case for self-defense, what with the way they'd restrained me. But even so, it wouldn't do to lose sight of just how I'd come to be so powerful. If I wasn't careful, I might find myself looking for a situation that would “force” me to Devour again.

I wouldn't let myself become that.

With a shudder, I straightened my back and made for the court room. I found Brianna there, sitting atop a new throne. It was carved from marble, with graphic images of men and women coupling. Few enough of whom appeared to enjoying themselves.

Last I'd seen the court room, she'd still sat atop the gilded oak chair that had served for generations. It had been beautiful and majestic, and surely more comfortable than this cold hard thing. But there was no question that her new throne sent a powerful message.

A minor nobleman whose name escaped me was prostrated before her, his hands in shackles behind his back. Dom stood behind the man, face impassive. He clenched and unclenched a fist that I'd almost failed to notice was not flesh, but stone.

Good to know I wasn't the only one who was getting more comfortable with his powers.

Brianna looked up at me. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." She flashed a brief, thin smile. "Hello, Frank. Have you got something to report then?"

I nodded.

"Dom, finish up here, will you?"

"As you wish, my liege," he said.

Brianna climbed down from the throne. She wore a loose-fitting brown dress with a heavily embroidered red vest sewn into it. It was pleasant enough, but probably the least revealing thing I'd ever seen her wear. On the on hand, her best asset had always been her face anyway. At least in my mind. But all the same, there seemed to be a message in that too. Like she was making a point of the fact that she didn't need to reveal her body to make men's mouths water and knees wobble.

And she didn't, truth be told.

Her skin was like porcelain. Despite its fair hue and her red hair, she had not a single freckle on that gorgeous face of hers. The diamond-stud protruding from one nostril seemed almost dull in comparison to her large, green eyes or her impossibly white teeth. Her cheekbones were prominent, her jaw delicate, her ears slender and elfin. Her hair, currently tied up and just a bit off to the side, was thick and vibrant.

She padded over to me on her bare feet, took my hand, and led me to a small sitting room separated from the main chamber by a velvet curtain. Inside, there were stand-up mirrors in either of the two corners nearest the main chamber, and a heart-shaped bed, piled high with red and pink pillows and covers, against the far wall.

Brianna took a seat on the bed, and patted the thick quilt beside her in silent command. I sat down. She took my hands in hers. "Let's hear it."

At first, I was nervous about how I'd manage to avoid telling her too much about Lily. Or whether I'd be able to. Which I probably wouldn't have been, had she been interested.

But thankfully, she wasn't.

I wasn't sure why I felt guilty about breaking my promise to Lily. I hardly knew her. But, nonetheless, I did. And being able to leave her name and most details about her out of my report somehow assuaged my guilty conscience a little.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much more detail to offer about the woman my cousin was interested in. I knew of her existence and that was it. Lily hadn't even been able to give me a name. Or had chosen not to, more likely.

Still, as disappointed as she'd seemed for a moment, when it became clear that I'd told her all I could, Brianna kissed me. Almost affectionately.

If the intent had been to disarm me, it had succeeded. If not, then it would appear I understood my cousin even less than I thought I did.

"I can't tell you how pleased I am, Frank," she said, sounding very much as though she meant it. "And I have just the reward for you."

"Oh, and what's that?" I asked.

She smiled, leaned in close, and dropped her voice to a whisper. Breath warm against my neck, she said, "Something you'll never forget again."


"Mm-hmm," Brianna said. She gave my earlobe a light nibble before leaning back.

With a great effort of will, I managed to get a few cylinders of my brain firing again. "We're talking about restoring memories?"

"That's right, cutie," my cousin said. "One in particular. A memory that was not just placed under a veil, but sealed away in a vault."

My head spun. I had no idea that was even possible.

Suddenly, I wondered how many other parts of my life were not just hidden from me, but going to stay that way no matter how much energy I harvested.

"You're going to like this one," Brianna said with a giggle. Then, raising her voice, she asked, "Isn't that right, Aunt Ellen?"

The curtain eased back and my mother walked in.

It had only been two weeks since I'd last seen her, but I felt like I was seeing her for the first time in years. Her raven tresses, snow-white skin, full red lips, and big brown eyes were captivating. She certainly wasn't as pretty as Brianna, with her soft cheeks, broad nose, and obvious signs of maturity. But this, her true face, was so much more beautiful than the one she'd worn in the mortal world, it was almost hard to remember that this woman and the one who had raised me were one and the same.

At any rate, if Brianna looked best from the neck up, it was the exact opposite for my mother. Her waist was a few inches wider than my cousin's, yet her figure put the queen's to shame. Curves like that just weren't found on women that were otherwise so thin.

And, unlike the queen, she wore an outfit that made sure that you'd notice precisely that.

Her full thighs were mostly left exposed by her white opaque knee-high stockings. The stockings were attached to a red silk garter that perfectly matched both her lips and her panties. Her enormous breasts were brought to full prominence by her tight white bustier, a garment that had been patterned with red hearts to match the rest of her ensemble. Tying it all together, she wore a red choker and red patent leather heels.

"Hi, honey," my mother said as she draped herself in my lap, sitting sideways across my thighs. "I've missed you." She planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "I hope you're being careful over there."

"I missed you too, Mom," I said. Then added, "I am. As much as I can be. I promise."

"You better be," she said. "I won't forgive you if something happens to you."

Won't forgive me?

Of course, it wasn't like she could say that she'd blame Brianna. Not with the queen sitting right beside us. But her words had sounded more sincere than not.

Nonetheless, by way of response, I kissed her. Not the lustful kiss of foreplay, but the tender kiss of lovers reunited. It was intoxicating.

On the one hand, I very much wanted to fuck her brains out right then and there, without wasting any time on pleasantries.

But on the other hand, the simple little kiss felt perfectly appropriate, and I didn't want to do anything to cheapen the moment.

I heard the bed creak and felt it rise as Brianna's weight, such as it was, departed. I opened my eyes briefly and saw her come around to stand in front of me, looking down at the heartfelt reunion with a bemused grin. After a few moments, she gathered my mother's inky black hair up in her delicate fingers.

I took that for the signal it undoubtedly was and broke the kiss off.

"Now, you mustn't blame your mother for holding out on you so long," my cousin said. "It's going to take a lot of effort to open the vault back up. More than she could manage on her own. More than even I could, probably."

"I'm sorry, baby. I've wanted to give this back to you for so long. But without her majesty's gracious assistance, I simply couldn't." Mom's eyes were wide and vulnerable.

"It's okay," I said. In truth, I didn't really know how to respond, since I had no idea what memory they were going to return to me. But I couldn't bear that look in her eyes, her palpable fear at the thought that I might be mad at her. "I understand."

"Please don't hate me," she said, running her hands through the short tufts of my hair. "It was your father's idea to do this to you in the first place. As I guess you're about to see. If I could have convinced him to help me undo it, I would have. You have to know that. But you know how stubborn your father can be once he puts his foot down. Like he thinks it's an affront on his manhood to back down, even if he comes to accept that he was wrong."

I kissed her nose. "It's really okay."

She hesitated a moment, staring at me. At last, she said, "I hope you still think that after we're done."

"Oh, he can't possibly stay mad at you, Aunt Ellen. You know that," Brianna said.

I was pretty sure she was right.

I hoped so, at any rate.

"Shall we begin?" my cousin asked.

My mother sighed and bobbed her head in assent.

Four hands pressed their fingers against my scalp. I gasped as I felt them sink past the skin. It was like my skull offered no more resistance than the surface of a pool of water. Yet, though there were now twenty holes in my head, I felt no pain.

When the memory returned, vivid didn't begin to describe the experience. I relived it.


I sat in the living room with my computer in my lap and my headphones on. But no sound was coming through them. I'd had the movie I was watching on pause for a few minutes now, while I tried to overhear the conversation my parents were having in the kitchen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Dad stood with his back against the kitchen counter, and Mom was pressed against him. His hands were wrapped around her tiny waist.

But that made no sense. My mother's waist was anything but tiny.

Two very different images of both my father and my mother seemed to be flickering in and out of view. Or, rather, the realistic images, the ones that were so familiar, were flickering in and out of view. The other images, the ones that looked like they had obviously been based on my parents but were still quite alien to me, seemed much more stable.

Both versions of my mother were short and had exceptionally fair skin and dark hair. But for one, that fair skin was completely unblemished and entirely too firm and youthful. Her lush, vibrant hair had only the faintest hints of gray, when it should have been limp, dull, and generously shot through with silver. Most strikingly, the fantasy version of my mother had to weigh half as much as the other one.

The two versions of my father were not quite as different. For one thing, even the idealized version of him still looked to be a good deal older than me, whereas the alternate version of my mother could have been in her twenties. For another, even the ordinary version of my father was in decent shape. Not nearly as fit as the other one, but the difference was still much smaller than between the two versions of my mother.

My mother had taken on a figure that no woman could ever have come by naturally. For starters, the aforementioned waist. Admittedly, even the sexy version's waist wasn't actually tiny. There were women with smaller waists, if not a great many of them. It just looked comically small because of her figure. Her breasts were the size of watermelons and her hips were probably twice as wide as her waist. Then there was her ass. Good lord, her ass. It was huge, smooth, and too well shaped not to have a good layer of serious muscle beneath, but looked like it still had to be nice and soft.

I was basing that on the fact that Dad had the hem of her negligee hiked up, and since she wasn't wearing anything but a thong beneath it, when he gave her glorious white orbs playful little slaps, the resulting jiggle was visible even from the living room.

Mom whimpered softly. "Honey, stop. Frank's just in the other room. What if he sees?"

"He's on his computer, and he's got his headphones on. The house could be burning down around him, and he might not even notice."

"Well, that's kinda true," she agreed. "But still. I'm sure he glances up every once in a while. And when he does, he doesn't need to see my fat ass hanging out in the open!"

I wasn't so sure about that last part, though they were more than a little right about the first bit. Ordinarily, anyway.

"Wait, you don't want him to see that?" Dad asked.

"Of course not! What are you talking about?"

He let the hem of her negligee fall back down, covering her gorgeous humps.

My breath caught. I knew I should feel terrible about thinking such thoughts. But that body was unreal. It was like I wasn't even lusting after her at all, in a way. A little pathetic, sure, in the same way beating off to erotic cartoons was pathetic. But the woman in the kitchen was so far removed from reality that it hardly felt like there was anything particularly immoral or incestuous about the thoughts I was having.

Except, of course, I knew better. That was just what I wanted to believe. Whatever she looked like, this was indeed my mother that I was drooling over.

"So you don't like the idea of your sons lusting after you?"

"We've talked about this," she said.

They had?

I almost dropped my laptop.

"Well, see, that's the funny thing," Dad said. "We did. And I thought we agreed that we were waiting until Nat comes of age."

Waiting...for what? What would change in three years, when Nat turned eighteen?

Mom spoke slowly, drawing each syllable out. "And. That's. Changed. How?"

"You tell me," Dad replied.

Mom pulled away from him, crossed her arms under her heavy breasts. One leg slipped back behind her, and she rested all her weight on it as she arched her back to glower up at my father. That did wonderful things to her taut ass cheek.

"Honey, if you're trying to say something, just go ahead and say it," she said.

Dad laughed. "Okay." He paused, gathering his breath. "I know that you've been fucking Dom for the past two weeks."

If this were the cartoon Mom's otherworldly figure almost made it seem to be, my jaw would have hit the floor and my eyes popped out like telescopes.

For a split second, I thought maybe I hadn't heard him right. But I was sure that I had. It wasn't impossible that I could have misheard the name. Don could easily be mistaken for Dom. But I didn't know anyone by that name, and even if Mom and Dad did, given the context, there was really only one thing that made sense.

My father had just accused my mother of having an affair with her oldest son.

After a minute or so, Mom sighed and said, "Actually, it's been more like five months, not two weeks. But then, we were being a lot more careful at first than we have been lately. I told him he was going to get us caught, but you know how well he listens."

Dad laughed. "Is that all you have to say for yourself?"

"Um," Mom said, looking down at her bare feet, "no, I guess not. I have to admit, it was a lot more fun doing in secret than it would have been if I'd asked your permission first."

My father just shook his head, a bemused smirk on his face.

What. The. Fuck.

When Dad had said they were going to wait until Nat came of age, he must have meant precisely what I thought he meant. Nothing else made sense, given the rest of their comments.

Nothing else explained why his reaction was the same it would have been if Mom had decided to buy a bigger television than they'd agreed to get.

"I tried to stick to our agreement. I really did. You don't know how many times I've been tempted to seduce him over the past couple years. How badly I wanted to make his eighteenth birthday special. Or his twenty-first. I didn't do any of those things. But then, when he was home for Christmas this past year, he started pursuing me," she said.

Because, of course, that made it okay.

And wasn't that just like Dom. It wasn't enough that he got everything he wanted from Mom, and got every girl he wanted besides. No, he had to have that from Mom too.

Realizing what I'd just thought to myself, I winced. What was wrong with me? I should be on the brink of vomiting, not adding "Fucked Mom before me" to the list of reasons why I resented Dom. How did that compare to the fact that he hadn't had to pay for his first car but I did, or how Mom hadn't seemed to notice that if things kept going as they were, I just might graduate from college before him, even though he was two years older than me?

"Now, admittedly," Mom said, "I might have encouraged him more than I should have. But, really, dear, you had to know when you asked me to wait until Nat turned eighteen before taking any of our sons into my bed that I'd never make it, right?"

The fact that she'd said “any” of her sons did not escape my notice.

Dad leaned down, ran his hands through Mom's gorgeous hair, and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I suppose so. I wanted to believe that you'd wait, but yeah, I guess I knew you'd slip up sooner or later." He chuckled to himself. "The real question is what to do now."

Mom looked down at her feet, one of which was nervously trying to bore a hole into the tiles beneath her. Her teeth dug into her full lower lip. Slowly, she looked up at Dad through her lashes, head still bowed. "Well, now that the cat's out of the bag-"

Dad frowned.

The words all but tumbled out of her mouth, she spoke so quickly. "I mean, can you imagine how he'll react when I tell him that we have to stop now, that we have to wait three more years before we can do it again? He'll have none of it. And when you tell Dom, 'Not now,' he doesn't hear, 'No.' He hears, 'Keep pushing. I'll give in soon.'"

Ain't that the truth.

"So we'll just have to seal his memories in a vault," Dad said. "Unless of course you've changed your mind about letting my mother come live with us? Maybe I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to make do with only seeing her and my sister a few times a year."

Mom's lips tightened. "It's not that I'm trying to keep you from-"

Dad sighed,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Virgin Village Girl Sex

Hi, friends. Thanks for reading this. Mail me if you love this story. I will give you the same pleasure. I am here not to share only bed relationship with you,but also to share your feelings and wipe your tears and make you comfortable.You can contact me to share your feelings,sex related queries,sex chat,sensual massage,short term relationship,long term relationship,no strings attached,hard core and soft core fucking. I will take you to the another world of heavenly sex,in which you have not...

1 year ago
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Ian part 5

I grimace as I feel the pressure increase on my back, and grip the armrests of my chair for support whilst my 'friends' all whoop and cheer. I force the corners of my lips to turn upwards into a smile, though that smile soon fades when the roar of the jet engine is drowned out by a loud squeak from my right hand side. "Oh! My! God!" Georgie squeaks, shredding my nerves more and more with every word she says. "This is so awesome!" "Yeah," I reply, using all of the acting skills I've...

3 years ago
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Die Referendarin wird Opfer ihrer Schler

Ulrike ist mit ihren 24 Jahren eine wahre Schönheit, sie hat schulterlange, lockige, blonde Haare, hat leuchtend blaue Augen, einen hübschen, strammen Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen sehr knackigen Po, sehr lange schlanke Beine, ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bildhübsch, bei einer Größe von 1,78 wiegt sie 60 kg. Sie ist Referendarin an einer Gesamtschule, ist strebsam und ehrgeizig und hat sich dadurch bei so manchem Schüler unbeliebt gemacht. Darunter war auch die Gruppe um Tom, bereits 18,...

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Swim and TangoChapter 3

With my emotionally painful stroll down memory lane complete, I decided that I should get up and get breakfast going before I let the melancholy get me down again. Half an hour later, showered and ready to face another day--thanks in large part to two cups of coffee--I had the kitchen rocking. I fixed cinnamon rolls (the refrigerated kind that you bake out of a cardboard tube), bacon, breakfast sausage, hash browns, and assorted fruit. I kept the cooked food in the oven to keep it warm, and...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kacey Jordan G112

We pick back up on this weeks adventure with the dirty fucking, filling, and feeding part. The GangBangin’ and Creampie’n of Kacey Jordan. I know I keep saying it, but this lady is an absolute DREAM. She looks pristine sitting on her throne in the black room. That blonde hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. She’s lays back and show’s off all that good stuffffff. The guys lay her back and get her busy very quickly. Each of the guys take turns tasting on K-Puff, before a...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 17

Twenty nine years ... it's not long ... it's forever. 2210 rolled around and nothing happened ... nothing major ... to everybody. The requisite numbers of people died ... quite a few violently ... which was major to them ... but not so much to the living. The pool of isolation in the cities meant that those few with neighbors whom they liked noticed when the individual pebbles of death made ripples in the pond, but most people don't know their neighbors, don't want to know their...

3 years ago
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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 3

Life after Bikini Beach: Chapter 3 In the half-awake fog of morning, I yearned to satisfy what I had denied myself last night. I reached down to slip my finger into my vagina and came fully awake when my hand felt my erect penis. It immediately went limp, my desire drained by the sudden realization that I was Ryan once more. I wanted to lose my virginity. Tasha's virginity. Ryan had lost his last summer during a short fling with Brittany Jenkins. Right now, I wanted nothing more...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 7

When Joe let Selena off at her dorm he wanted her again already, and Selena made no secret that she was as randy for him. "You can come up if you want. We'll be alone for a while." She teased. "As much as you know I want to, it would be irresponsible on both our parts. Call me before you go to bed, no matter how late, OK?" Joe asked of her. Selena agreed and got out and walked to her door knowing Joe was watching the sway of her hip as she disappeared into the dorm. Joe went home and...

1 year ago
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Kaise Maine Apni Talli Bhanji Ko Choda

Hi dosto main bahot saalo se ISS ka reader reh chuka hu mera favourite topic hai incest aaj main apko haal hi mein hui ghatna ke baare mein batauga meri bhanji ka naam ayesha hai waise to woh Lucknow ki rehne Wali hai par padhai ke liye woh hamare saath pune mein rehti hai uski umar 20 saal hai mein 27 saal ka hu bahot parties mein jaate rehta hu baat bus pichle mahine ki hai mere mummy papa kisi shaadi mein mumbai gaye the Bahot dino se main ye mauka dhoond raha tha ki kaise ayesha ko choda...

2 years ago
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Year OneChapter 4

Friday November 26th Watched television this evening, more government stuff. They do drone on. Except this time Angie said, “You’d better listen to this.” It was Marie Cripps who is the new head of the Bank of England, explaining their latest plans to cut down on illicit money movements. She’s making it compulsory for all bank accounts to have a female signatory and where a man has a sponsor, the sponsor has to be the signatory on any credit cards or bank accounts too. Angie was...

3 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 20

Kloser has always prided himself with perfection and his bank is successful because of it. In the past few years it has grown, taking foundation in many countries. There is even a branch in every state capital in America as well as one in the capital of over thirty countries around the world. He opened his first bank in Austria, his home country. It has served as the headquarters ever since. Building wealth has been easy for him, so when it came time to build the bank it was easier. He...

1 year ago
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The night she will never be able to forget

Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5'3" tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate brown unblemished skin. Her measurements were 32-22-32 with firm C cup tits. She was a beautiful woman. She had been married to Tom, a wonderful black man that she had known from junior high school, for two years. Life was good for them. Tom had a good job as a software engineer and they lived in a nice small home in a pleasant suburb. Things...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Chanel Grey Ashley Lane I Hate My Boss Vol 1 E3

Since they work together, Ashley (Ashley Lane) and Chanel (Chanel Grey) are soon sharing their secrets about their dickhead boss (Jake Adams) and how he used and abused them with the empty promise of a raise. Well, you know the old saying: Hell hath no fury, yada-yada-yada… You guessed it… Ashley tells Chanel of her plan to setup their sleaze ball boss and exact payback. The two vengeful sluts lure Jake into another afternoon of raunchy sex in his office. He pounds every hole and gives Ashley...

1 year ago
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The Truckers

This story was 5 year back, when I was working in MNC. Normally I moved between my flat and MNC by car. My schedules was so tight, mostly I was late to reach flat.One day, when I was late and returned to flat, my car broke down on road. This was very worse condition. Midway was used by me was very lonely. I tried to call service centres and then taxi services but both were denied to come at that. So I took my bag and walked on the road side and expected to get lift.Around 15 minutes later, I...

2 years ago
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My best orgasm

Once a boyfriend gagged me, gave me breast chain with clamps on. It was doggystyle. Had a huge vibrator in my pussy, and his cock in my ass. In and out, in and out he and the vibrator went, slow then fast, hard.He kept on and on, paused from time to time, just before I got an orgasm.Finally I was allowed to play with my clit, when he and the vibrator banged me hard, and I had the best orgasm ever!

2 years ago
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Moms Cum Tribute III

“Are you busy sweetie? Do you have time for another cum tribute?” I gave her a smile which said, ‘I am always ready.’ “Good, I have something I would like to try out, maybe make your tribute even better.” She gave me a naughty smile before revealing what she had behind her back. She had a bag in one hand and her smartphone in the other. My mom placed the bag down on my bed, then she tapped away at her phone, my tablet buzzed, so I knew she just sent me another photo that she wanted me to...

3 years ago
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I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience watching. I enjoy telling two of my girlfriends about my sex life. They are fascinated when I tell them about the second man I have around once a month while my partner watches and joins...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 9 All Night Long

Medway High School 2:15pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 In geography, Mr. St. George said we were able to use today’s class period to start researching our class assignment on various Australian issues. I saw Liz Morkings and her partner, Ellie McIlharty digging through an Australian Anthology book for examples of Aussie folklore. Samantha was on her own like me, as her partner Joanne Gramm was with Lynette playing volleyball. I found out her topic was Aussie industries and national...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 18 Starlit jacuzzi bliss

The girls are swimming a few laps. Oh my goodness! At the end of the lap Nadine is tumble turning like a professional swimmer. As she dives down her ass and pussy surface for the shortest moment. What a view! I’m joining the girls for a few laps and plant myself in the jacuzzi. Katia follows, sits down next to me and Nadine sits down opposite of us. I’m putting my arm around Katia’s waist under water. Her naked body feels so pleasant. So soft! “Who’s switching the jets on?” Katia asks. “I’ll...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 19 Ayeka emerges

Elsewhere, a door slid quietly open allowing Ayeka to then glance carefully along the empty hallway from her room. "This is so childish!" She sniffed to herself. "Skulking in my room!" Never the less, it took her another few moments to find sufficient steel before being able to finally emerge. Crossing hesitantly over, Ayeka knocked lightly on the door to Sasami's adjacent compartment with the back of her hand, pausing tensely for a moment before releasing a despondent sigh. She had...

3 years ago
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Princess The Stud Ch 02

Nate hastily closed the French doors behind him as he escaped into the relative safety of the hallway with his prize safely in hand. Today had been one hell of a day and he hadn’t had a proper meal between the madness at the office and making sure Michael was kept contained, the poor bastard. He felt a faint unease at leaving that poor defenseless girl in there with his glowering friend but knew Michael would never hurt a woman, let alone poor Bambi in there. His stomach rumbled. He brought...

3 years ago
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Hocus PocusChapter 9 Deductions

"So how was your evening?" Maxine raised a sceptical eyebrow as Gregg came back into the bedroom. "Don't worry, my dear, my virtue is intact." "My," Maxine responded coolly, "it's obviously healed while you've been out." Gregg smiled tolerantly as he stripped off and climbed into bed. "It was very productive. I found out two very interesting things, well three really. Our Miss Leon is on the receiving of a great deal of wealth as we thought, although it's not in her hands...

1 year ago
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The Boy on the Train

Subject: Fw: The Boy On The Train Date: Friday, April 15, 2005 5:29 PM From: maipenraikhap@sbcglobal Subject: Fw: The Boy On The TrainDate: Friday, April 15, 2005 5:29 PMFrom: [email protected] To: Conversation: The Boy On The TrainHere is an old story for those new readers who never read it.? For those of you who have been with me for a while, sorry for the repeat.? ???Subject: St: The Boy On The TrainSome readers wonder at my fascination with Asian teenage boys.? Why not stick...

4 years ago
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The Vine the Hunter

Two very fit women stand ready to take her and say exit now calmly or we will remove you with force. The woman says fuck you bitches I am not going anywhere until I am ready to as one of the guards calmly takes out a air-taser the woman see it and says like that is going to change my mind and the guard shoots the woman and pulls the trigger. Zap, tap, tap, tap, and tap as the woman jerks and screams in pain and falls out of the van. They pull her out as another guard comes from a...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 48

Dan Richards' turn: I'm trying to keep a lid on this business. 3Sigma Engineering has taken off beyond our wildest imaginations. The Jason-Susan team has sold our services to a couple of small utility companies and my biggest, or maybe it's their biggest, issue is how to balance two college schedules with the client desires for work scheduling. My sweet little wife and her dark-haired Cajun counterpart have gotten a name for themselves in the digital communications business that runs...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 16

ENURRUA DAY THIRTY-EIGHT "Tarifa?" Aihola's voice was soft in the early morning, as the sun began to filter into the many natural holes in the top of the mountain cave. Tarifa moved her head slightly from where it rested on Aihola's firm chest, her Drow Mistress's arms holding her tightly. Their bodies were pressed close together, sharing warmth and sensation even through their clothes, but while it felt glorious to be in her arms again, Tarifa felt like something was missing. "Yes...

2 years ago
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My Busty Neighbour Aunty

Hello Indian sex stories readers… I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to share my experience with a sexy busty aunty who was initially tough to get in but then it was so normal for us.. And both our sex hunger was satisfied. Let me come to the story now.. I live in Ahmadabad and m a well educated, smart, handsome young boy, 24 yrs old.. We have a family of four.. My mom dad and sister.. We recently shifted our home to a society where came to be neighbour of a family of 3… A girl of my age...

4 years ago
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On the first day of attending college, my proud parents took the day off from work to partake in all the excitement. Once most of the administrative formalities had been taken care of, we finally headed toward the residence where I would be staying to see what my dorm looked like. I was pleasantly surprised to find the accommodation better than expected. I knew that I would be sharing a room with another student. Two beds, two cupboards, two desks, and two bedside tables furnished the room. As...

Gay Male
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EvilAngel Francesca Le Armani Black Busty MILF8217s Threesome

Tan-skinned, ultra-hot MILF Armani Black looks sexy in skimpy swimwear, teasing and stripping. The leggy starlet masturbates her pussy and shakes her big tits, soon encountering married XXX co-directors Francesca Le (another busty MILF) and Mark Wood. The ladies share a lesbian kiss as Armani strokes Mark’s meat, and a wild threesome ensues. Francesca instigates the action, rimming Armani’s bunghole as Arrmani gives Mark a drooling blowjob. The fun accelerates: When Armani bends...

2 years ago
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Go On Then Fuck Me

The drive home merely infuriated me even more. Bad days at work aren’t uncommon I guess but this one was beyond comprehension and had resulted in a near doubling of my workload and potentially countless hours of righting wrongs and undoing wrongdoings. To top it all off, the local drivers seemed less than considerate today, although my frame of mind may have been distorting things somewhat. My mood picked up a bit as I neared the front door, it’s fair to say you have that effect on me, and I...

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Murphy 5Chapter 5

“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...

4 years ago
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Kim RE Agent Doctors Office From Hell

The Doctors Office From Hell Laying in the dark, Kim regained consciousness. A heavy chain was double wrapped around her neck and attached to wall. She was laying on a blanket with another over her. The putrid smell of cum and urine was overwhelming. Every movement was painful. She felt her face, hair was matted down. Lips felt swollen to 2x their size. She tried to move but the chain held her...

3 years ago
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I had dream

Hi all Rishabh again come with new story plz all if u all like my story mail me my id I have had dreams about my big sister since as long as I can remember. She is has a nice tight body from years of swimming, and a beautiful face that I only started to notice after my friends would make cracks about her. Like I said her body is killer, and that what really turns me on about her. She has perky tits that just seem to sing to you whenever she wears those skimpy little tops girls wear now-a-days....

2 years ago
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Bossing the Boss Ch 06

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Tom arrived at the restaurant before Jodi and picked a secluded booth in the back. It was a light lunch-time...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Discovery part 2

A week passed, and after dinner, we were snuggled together in our loft when Mary said, “I want you to call Bob and Carol. I have been thinking about it, and I want to pose for a few photos. I figure if I have a couple of drinks, I will be willing”. My cock nearly tore through my pants as I thought of what she had just said. I asked if she was serious and she assured me she was. She said she had given it a lot of thought and really wanted to do it. I called Bob, and he asked if we could...

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Holiday in the sun

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 39 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with long, natural brownish hair and sparkling blue eyes. My husband Michael, is 46 years old and works as a banker for Goldman Sacs in New York City. He always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm D-cup breasts that look big for...

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Fucked like a slut

We have setup to met in his hotel room. I forgot the number cause i was so nervous.I knock, he opens up in his bath robe. He greets me with one of those excited smile. Looks like a really nice guy though.Without waisting any time, he points me to the bathroom.- Take a shower, make sure you get your hole real clean for me and put this on.I take a look at the counter. There is a collar made of leather hooked on a silver chain, a pair of lady's thong, a sexy black dress for women and a silver...

1 year ago
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HorrorPorn Brittany Bardot Predator the dick hunter

A US Army special unit is thoroughly searching the Cuntamana’s hot jungle area. One of the soldiers gets close to the river, where he meets face to face with something unknown. An extraterrestrial monster that looks like a woman approaches him and measures him from head to toe, aiming the soldier’s large dick in his pants and ripping it from his body mercilessly. The last surviving soldier is a little luckier, the Predator fucks him straight away. Yautja hunters hunt people on earth...

3 years ago
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My Second Time with a Porn Star To Be Chapter 3

It was Monday morning and I was back in school. I couldn’t concentrate on anything, all I could think about was how horny Candy was with me last Saturday night, and how I just lost my virginity to her! At this point I am being powered by my male hormones I had to get out of class, I didnt even know what class I was in at this point. I quickly raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the restroom. I was distracted, the thoughts kept rolling in, all I could see in my mind was Candy lying...

3 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 32

Julie seemed happy when we talked by phone after dinner. I was still a little worried that having sex with me might change things. She seemed fine. Things at school on Wednesday were perfectly normal. Julie and I held hands as we walked between classes. We kissed when we had opportunities. Julie and I had a couple minutes to talk after lunch on the way to deutsche Unterricht. "Are you OK with what we did yesterday?" I asked. "No regrets?" "I've dreamed of a big handsome prince coming...

2 years ago
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A Karate Love Story Ch 02

I know many of you are looking for the ‘good stuff.’ I’ll warn you, I like to establish the characters, setting, and premise for what happens. Just stick with me! I’ll make it worth your while. If you haven’t read ‘A Karate Love Story, Ch. 01’ yet, please do — the character development is important. I crave and appreciate your feedback! Please vote and leave comments. — ynona A Karate Love Story Ch. 02 ‘The Tournament’ A confusing, exhilarating din of voices and shouts surrounded me, not...

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Genius FloridusChapter 13

Mom came down for breakfast in her chenille bathrobe with her glasses pushed up on the top of her head. She walked over to me, took my face in her hands, kissed me, and said, “Good morning, sweetheart. We need to talk.” I took a sip of my coffee as I watched Mom pour herself a cup. I was not too concerned. Although a new phenomenon in our morning routine, the kiss was a sign that mom was not upset. I expected we would have a conversation after last night. I’m sure Mom’s analytical mind had...

3 years ago
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A Bride Chapter Nine

"Come on lazy bones, we need to get up.""Why?""Tomatoes, that's why."She giggled and ran her fingernails lightly up the length of my erection."I'll give you a choice.""Yeah?""Yeah.""Go on then.""Stay here and go to sleep again."I waited but so did she and I gave in first, mainly because of the way she was gently masturbating me."Or?""Or nothing." she whispered, "But I need a pee!"This time she drew me into her arms and kissed me as she stood and relieved herself, taking hold of my hand, she...

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Just Not Fair

"It's just not fair." From the tone of her friend's voice, Claire Davis knew Jan was only half-joking. "What's not fair?" They were in Claire's cramped, one-person dorm room, preparing tuna fish au gratin on rye toast for supper. "It's not fair that you actually met a good-looking single guy under ninety on that geriatric unit disguised as an ophthalmology ward." Jan was in the midst of opening a large can of tuna fish. "And while you're spending the summer of '70 making out with this 'Nam vet,...

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My trip to visit him Part 1

Part One “How was your drive?” he asked me as he opened the door to let me into his apartment. I had never seen it before, not since he moved out of state a few months ago. “Fine,” I said, shrugging as he took my bags out of my hands. Two personal bags, and one grocery bag. He set them on the table as I glanced around briefly. Of course, he didn’t give me very long to see much more than the basic layout, which was probably basically the same as any other one bedroom apartment you could find...

1 year ago
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Hot in laws

Cathy and I had been married about 4 months when I got this surprise. We were living with her mom and step dad Jim ever since we had gotten married to save money. My father in law Jim had badly broken his leg about 2 months earlier. He could get out of bed to use the bathroom but that was about all. He ate most of his meals in bed.  I found out my mother in law, Mary, was very sexual the first time we were alone together more than an hour or two. Cathy went to a girlfriends house for a weekend...

3 years ago
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Mummy ke chut mari chut ke dusman

Hi mera naam rosi ha main kalka(haryana) ke rhenay wali hun.mera figer 34-30-36 ha. Main kalka sa punchkula college study kernay jati hun. Mujha bus may jena pedta h. Main or mera boyfriend bus sa college ja rehay tha bus may bhut bhed the to hum done bilkul cepak kar kheday the mari gand meray boyfriend ke teraf the mari gand meray boyfrien ka lund sa bar bar regar khe rhai the meray boyfriend ka lund khada ho gaya.or lund mari gand ma ghusnay laga.Mujha majaa aa rha tha. To manay or majay...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 1923

Climbing the stairs to her apartment, Elaine was tired but in a good mood. Snippets of her conversations with Leah and Gary had kept her smiling all day. It wasn't until she'd arrived on the landing outside her front door that she was jolted by the memory of her roommate's kiss. What was that about? Elaine wasn't sure, but she thought Kendra had kissed her because of 'stress' and 'high emotion'. Then again, maybe Kendra had always been attracted to Elaine, and her teasing sarcastic manner was a...

2 years ago
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One Night In Argentina

It was a hot and steamy mid-summer night in Buenos Aires, Argentina. On this particular night, the hint of passion in the air was greater than it had been in a very long time. Raol was a tall and remarkably handsome man with a slender, yet unmistakably, masculine build. His hair was jet black and slicked back with not a strand out of place. His eyes were dark brown and very intense. He was dressed in a light gray tuxedo with long coat tails. His matching shoes were polished to an impeccable...

4 years ago
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The Night It All Changed

Nick finds out a secret that changes his world...We were all drunk... Though as usual it was taking me longer to get quite the buzz I wanted with my wife being so negative all night. I opted instead to talk to Val, a thirty-eight year old lady who worked with my wife. Her best friend in fact. I could hear my wife complaining away in the corner but our conversation was a little different.I had been enjoying the view all night; her outfit for the evening has consisted of a new corset and long...

3 years ago
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A Christmas to Remember

Kandy hated wintertime, along with its ice, snow and frigid temperatures. Here it was the middle of December, the temperature had dropped to ten degrees and there was four inches of snow on the ground. It had taken her 2 hours to drive ten miles. She cursed as she parked the car, checked the mailbox and walked toward the house with the snow biting here ankles.All she could think about was that it would soon be Christmas and what she wanted was not to spend it alone. She walked into the house...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Ian part 15

"Okay, then," I say to myself, before taking a deep breath and walking through the front door of the large, imposing building. For the first time in two years, I'm entering a place of education that's based in London- only unlike that last time, I'm doing so on my own terms. It's odd that my thoughts are brought back to my last day of school, rather than my first day of college, especially as there are a lot of similarities between my first days of college and uni. For starters,...

2 years ago
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Careful What You Dream Of

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A dominant wife forces a loyal FictionMania fan to live his favorite fantasies. He wonders how much farther she can possibly go with this madness, and she manages to surprise even him, taking him against his will deep into his dreams. Careful What You Dream Of By Leslie Lowe "Are you into pornography again?" Michelle...

1 year ago
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Shopping for my pregnant wife

Just the general attitude of the day had been pretty shitty so I was not happy to be out running errands. I got to the mall and it was not crowded. Thank goodness for that. Getting a parking spot up front was a nice bit of icing on a shit cake of a day so far. I made it to the maternity store and there was no one in there as per usual really. I walked in and was greeted with a very pleasant “Hello sir, welcome and if there is anything I can do for you don’t hesitate to let me know.” “Thank...

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Sandy and RobChapter 3

The next morning I called my brother Jim on my cell phone. We did the usual family bit of "How's Dad and Mary," "Sarah and the kids" and "Paul and family?" Finally I said, "Sandy and I have a problem. In fact it's a pretty damn nasty problem. I was drugged so that some of the town's finest citizens could rape Sandy. It was taped and we are being blackmailed. I was wondering if you might have some time to come down and talk it over with us." Jim said he would be on the road...

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The next day was a Tuesday. It hardly seemed possible to Linda that she had only been in London for a week. She started to order room service mentally; but caught herself in time, and picked up the hotel phone instead. After she ordered a light breakfast Linda used the en-suite facilities to clean up, and do the necessaries. Breakfast service was quick and efficient, as one would expect from a five star hotel. While they were eating Mouse asked, What’re our plans now? Are we going to rescue...

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The Difference between Naughty and Nice

“Shit.” she thought to herself. “It's really fuckin' early! Why can't I sleep in for a change? It's Saturday, for Chrissakes!” She knew the reason. Her body had it's own built in alarm clock, one that was set for exactly this time of day. On a weekday, she would be getting up for her last year of high school right about now. Her body knew nothing about weekends. It was a creature of habit. She got up and hurriedly threw on a clean T-Shirt, omitting a bra because it was the weekend, and...

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Oh no! Kyler Quinn has been left home alone at Christmas time after she made her family disappear! At first it’s all fun and games with Kyler doing all the Christmas activities she’s ever dreamed of by herself. She starts by eating all the Christmas cookies and candy she can stomach, then goes on to watch scary movies and try on her mom’s lingerie. There’s just one problem: The Moist Bandits Oliver Flynn and Nathan Bronson plan to break into Kyler’s house and then...


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