NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN (rewrite) free porn video

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The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight.
Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap.
Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about.

A small moan came from the next room, But she didn’t hear it at first.
Then followed by the squeak of bed springs which got louder and louder.

“Oh no not again, why do they have to do it when I’m in the next room”

She clicked on a show and turned the volume way up to mask the sounds coming from the other room

The show was one of her favorites THE DONNA READ SHOW Oh how she longed to have life like That.

BANG, BANG, BANG , BANG, The headboard started hitting wall.


I Want to get some sleep it’s gonna be a long drive tomorrow up to the lake.


“MOTHER PLEASE STOP”!!!!! She screamed. The room went quintet

then squeak ,squeak, squeak,

“Hold on I’m coming” She could hear Sam yell.

OH how she hated her mother fucking. “OH HOW I HATE YOU FUCKING MOTHER”!!!!

I poured myself a fresh mug of coffee and walked out to sit on the porch and wait for my old friend Sam to show up.

I wondered what have I got my self into, When he called last week he was telling me all about his new girl friend and how they were planning a trip around Europe for the summer.

Then he dropped the bomb, she had a teenage daughter and they didn’t want the extra bagged with them.
So like the kind hearted fool that I am I agreed to let her stay with me, at the cabin up at the lake.
I’m almost 60, How am I going to entertain a teenage girl. I don’t think I even speak the same language. Oh well “Que sera, sera.”

So I sat there looking out over the water, and contemplating what this summer will bring.
Soon I hear a car on the driveway, reluctantly I get up and had around to meet them.
A big black Caddy roles to a stop and even before the dust settles the back door is flung open, an out jumps a little girl.

As she stormed past me I see that she’s not even 5’ tall, She has platinum blond hair half way down her back,
She has on a black dress, a white blouse, white knee-highs and black Mary Jane shoes.
I just stand there frozen in my tracks. Sam finally gets out of the car and comes over to me and
gives me a bit of a shake.

He asks me “Hay man you all right, you look like you just seen a ghost?” It took me a moment to reply

“yes I’m ok, I thought you said that she was a teenager, and what was that all about”?

“Well I think her birthday was last month, and she into goth.”

“You see….well….we stopped to get a pizza to go, to bring here for lunch“.
“When the guy said that it would be a half hour wait, Marie gave me a nudge and said lets go back to the car, but leave KRIS here.”
“So we had a quickie in the back seat.” “We weren’t quite finished when Kris came back to the car and she had to stand on the sidewalk holding the pizza until we were done.”

“Sam you didn’t tell me she was so dam young, hell she looks like a ten year old Wednesday Addams!”

Marie finally gets out of the Caddy and joins us. She hands me the pizza while Sam introduces us.
Marie looked nothing like her daughter, she had chestnut colored hair, eyes of green and
the classics 36 22 36 on her 5’ 10” body.

After a long pause I suggest that we should go into the house to eat,

When we got inside I found Kris just standing in the den, she was looking at the jukebox with her head kinda tilted to one side.

“ Have you ever seen one of those before?”

“ Yes but it was a long time ago.”

I show her how to work it and then went off to the kitchen to reheat the pizza.
On my way out I stop and said
“Oh by the way please don’t play B17.”

Marie and Sam were already seated at the table waiting for me.
The Theme From'' A Summer Place'' by Percy Faith Orchestra. started to play in the background
and I thought how apropos .
Marie yelled for Kris to get her ass in the kitchen and get them a beer to drink!
Kris went right to the refrigerator and got out two beers, put them on the table and said

“ Sam your favorite SAM ADAMS summer ale” she then asked me what I wanted

“A beer would be fine “ I answered.
She returned to the table with my beer and a stemmed glass for her self.
She sat down razed the glass to her lips and said
“ Aha blood red wine” in a German accent.

As we ate Sam and I talked a bit about old timers. It had been quite awhile since we had seen each other.

“Those were the days my friend” Sam said.

The next song to that I heard was “White on White” by Danny Williams, I wonder why she picked that one?

A cold chill came over me and I notice that Kris was staring at me.
Her dark eyes seemed not to be looking at me but into me,
it was a look I had seen before. (A few years ago I had dinner with an old girlfriend.
She had actually spent many summers here, being the daughter of a friend of my mother.
She had gotten married and moved to Germany and had four kids.)
The look was of love lost, of what could have been. I was now seeing that again But how could such a young girl know such a feeling?

We completed the rest of the meal in silence.

When everyone was finished I said “ Come on I’ll show you around. Sam I made a few changes since the last time you were here.”

Kris said that she would clean up here first. And I could show her around latter.

Marie , Sam and I went to the lake side of the cabin.

“Sam you like the pool I put in ,I got tired of freezing my balls off in that cold lake”

“You were always such a pussie when it came to cold water HA, HA, HA,” and

“Shit how big is this thing ?“ Sam asked.

“ It’s about 32 feet by 100 feet.“

“ Dam you could almost water ski in that thing.”

“ This way I want to show you the auto shop out in the new barn”

Marie stopped that the Cadillac as we walked past it. Sam and I continued on to my man cave.
When we got back to the car Marie had taken all of Kris’s stuff out and piled it on the grass and she was sitting in the Caddy waiting.

She called out “ Sam TIME TO GO” ! Sam looked at me and shrugged his shoulders

“ Well it’s been great seeing you again, Thank’s man I owe you one, we’ll get together when we get back this fall.” As he got in the car and as they drove off

“I’ll call in a few days.”

I just stood there and watched the dust settle. They’re gone I felt so alone again.
Wait did Sam say the fall, DAM HIM. I picked up some of the stuff and headed inside.

Kris was in the den sitting on the couch softly crying.
I sat next to her

“what wrong are you upset that your mother left without saying good by?”

“NO FUCK HER, every one else has…… She not even my real mother.

I wish some one would drop a house on the old witch.”

She then held up her phone “ It won’t work I can‘t get a signal here.”

I got up walked over and picked the telephone pulling the cord with me as I sat back down.
As I handed it to her she started to laugh.

“What so funny ?”
“It’s a dial phone how do I text on that thing?”

“Isn’t a phone for talking to some one?”

“Not any more, what century are you living in?”

“Wait a minuet I’ll be right back .”

I returned in short time with a laptop

“Here you can text you’re friends with this.”

She took it and said “friend”.

“what?” I asked

“ I have one friend.”

“well at least you have one.”

She studied the computer for a while, typed a quick note and then hit send.

I went out and retrieved the rest of Kris’s belongings and put them in her room.
Back in the den she was playing more music this time it was “She loves you” by the Beatles.
It seemed that every thing she was picking was from the early 60s.

“Hi, it’s gotten quite hot outside I think I’ll go for a dip in the pool.
Would you like too join me?”
“No thank you,…… you see….I’m afraid ……of …… swimming pools, and I don’t even own a bathing suit”
I didn’t know how to reply to this, I thought all kids loved to jump in a pool.

After what seemed like forever I finally said

“well I put you’re things in you’re room , It’s down the hall third door on the left,
And there a bathroom on the right.”

I went over to the jukebox “this button turns on the speakers out at the pool, And this one is auto play.”
I left Kris in the den an headed to the far end of the house to my room to change. On my way to the pool I checked the den but it was empty . Kris must have gone to her room.

I slipped into the pool and swam a few laps, I was just resting looking out over the end of the pool at the lake.
The pool has a vanishing edge That makes it look like the pool is part of the lake.

Just then the speakers came alive, with the sound of music.
As Kris came through the sliding door I noticed that she had changed out of her dress,
she now had on a long black t shirt it had a dark red hart with a white skull on the front
The shirt was almost to her knees so I couldn’t tell what else she had on except a pare of open toed sandals.
She sat in the first lounge chair the one closes to the cabin,.
And proceeded to read a book titled “Never more."

After doing couple more laps I decided to go get something to drink,
As I pasted Kris she raised one eyebrow up to her hairline and said


In the kitchen I thought about that comment, what did she mean?
Was it the old baggies I was wearing or was it me.
I’m really not that much to look at. At 5’5 I don’t make a very imposing figure. I’ve have blue eyes, light brown hair and a handle bar mustache.
If you knew me in high school you would still recognize me today.
The only things that changed, I’m about 20 pounds heavier and the mustache has turned gray.
I stopped growing by the tine I entered high school.

After dinner Kris disappeared to her room only too return a short while latter.
She handed me a DVD box set “You like old music, and I thought maybe that you would want to watch some old TV shows."
"I just got this and haven’t watched Any of it yet. So it’s all new to me and it benign 45 years old you probably won’t remember it."
I took the box, and thought to my self thank’s for the old crack.

“Petticoat junction” But she was right it had been 40 years. ” Ya looks like it could be fun”.

After watching a half dozen shows Kris said

“ I was just wondering about uncle Joe. The girls were named Billie Jo, Bobby Jo and Betty Jo.
Even one of the neighbor girls was named Kathy Jo Elliott. Was uncle Joe The farther ?"
"And the name of the town HOOTERVILL , give me a brake!"

I said “ I never thought about that before but it is an interesting idea.”

“ You can watch more but I’m tired I think I’ll had off to bed.”

It was a warm in my room so I got in to bed in just a t-shirt.
Thinking about PETTICOAT JUNCTION like I had never thought of it before.

Kris went to her room shortly there after and found it too to be very warm.
She opened the windows and lay on the bed . But it was still to dam hot ,
so she removed her t-shirt and panties and lay back down on the bed and let
The breeze blow over her small body. As she fell asleep she thought about
The day and hoped of a nice summer.

After awhile her favorite dream started ,
It was the 4th of July Chris and her boy friend were at the town park to watch the fireworks display their parents were with them too. She so wanted to be alone with him tonight, she wanted tonight to be
As they sat there hand in hand she looked around the field off to one side were some hemlock trees that had grown up in the field and now were about 30 feet tall with branches all the way down to the ground. That gave her an idea.

“let’s go over there” pointing at the trees they stood up she picked up the old army blanket and told the parents that they

were going to sit with some friends . They looped around the park to get to the hemlocks and when no one was looking ducked under the bows. In side it was almost like a tepee .
She spread out the blanket on the ground and sat down giving the blanket a pat next to her.
Her boyfriend got the hint and sat next to her . She noted that
They could see out but it was dark enough that they couldn’t be seen.

She wrapped her arms around him and drew him in to long passionate kiss
His hands went to where all teenage boys hands want to go, he slowly enveloped the warm firm breasts .
The first of the fireworks lit up the sky, and she said “We don’t have much time .“ she stood up and took of her blouse

and shorts he took of his shirt and pants they lay back down and embraced each other again.
Another sky Rocket busted far above them her hand found the treasure in his underwear
That she so desperately wanted. His expedition into the unknown had also
Provided him a finger dipped in the sweet nectar of love.
With the next explosion she said “hurry” Their underwear vanished and he was on top of her their mouths meant in a war of tongs , the sky lit up again


As she reached out and guided his penis home.
He slowly eased him self in to her but stopped when he felt her barrier, just then a very loud concoction charge went off startling them both she pushed up as he fell down impaling her.

Her scram from the momentary pain was muffled by the report echoing of the near by hills.
He lay still waiting for her to recover soon he felt her fingernails in his back
And her hips pushing up into his. He started to pick up the tempo of their coupling to match the music playing over at the gazebo, it was the William Tell overture. She was hoping to that she would climax with the finally.



The dream never seamed this real before her whole world was shaking.
FLASH, FLASH her eyes flew open to the blinding light as she realized that this wasn’t a dream but a real thunder storm.
She jumped out of bed with a scream and ran down the hall.

I awoke to the sound of thunder how far off I lay there and wondered .
I started humming a song when I heard a scream and foot steppes running down the hall toward my room.

My door flew open to a flash of lightning and Kris landed right on top of me.
In the brief second that I could see it appeared that she was naked.
She was trembling and with each crash of thunder she shook more.
When she landed on me my t-shirt had slid up and now I could feel something wet dripping on me.
I thought oh hell she gone and piss her self.

I had never seen any one so frightened of a thunderstorm before.
Kris was now sobbing and seemed to be trying to say something but just couldn’t get out.
Her body was moving back and forth atop of me and to my horror of all things to happen now I was getting an erection.
I tried not think about it but it was HARD, not to with a life size vibrator lying on top of me.

The storm had increased in intensity it was really wild outside .
I kept telling her that it was all right, it’s all right.
Kris had found her voice and now was saying ,

“I don’t want to die ,…….. I don’t want to die, …… I don’t want to die,…


Lightning flashed and thunder crashed instantly .

I jumped with fright, Kris raised off of me and as if some one had guided her she landed right atop of my erection.
I couldn’t believe that it slid right in to her. Kris gave out a mighty scream as the storm raged on outside.
She laid still for a few seconds then there was an other round thunder an lightning The storm seemed to be staying over us for a long tine.

With each BOOM she would be drawn up and then fall back down like a puppet on a string.
The storm kept on building to it’s climax the like I’d never experienced before and hope never to again.

A Crescendo of thunder shook the entire house.
Kris shot straight up an Froze her muscles held me in a death grip as she let out a long ahhhhhhhhhhh
Than a blinding flash of light and I passed out.

When I came back around the storm had passed the house was silent
The power was off the only sound was Kris’s light breathing next to me
I covered her up with my white satin sheet and let her sleep.

I tried to comprehend what had happened. If it weren’t for the warmth of Kris’s body next to me I would have sworn it had been a dream.

I didn’t want to think about the repercussions of having sex with Kris.
I didn’t get much sleep that night.
At first light I picked up Kris still wrapped in the sheet and carried her to her bed.

By mid morning the power was restored. I made a fresh pot of coffee and headed for the shower hoping to wash some of last nights guilt down the drain.

I was sitting in the kitchen working on my third cup of coffee when Kris finally got up and came looking for breakfast.
I almost choked on my coffee when I saw what she was wearing, A long black t-shirts …… with a white lightning bolt on the front.

She went about getting her self some cereal an sat at the table with me.
By this time I had regained my composure enough to speak.

“Would you like me to show you around the grounds today?”

Munch, munch slurp gulp arrr

“Ok that sounds like fun how long will it take ?”

“That’s all depends on you . You see I own about 5000 acres .”

“ OH ….. How about you just show me what around the house first , I’ll go put on something more fitting .”

I cleared away the dishes and put the milk back in the refrigerator “kids.”

About 15 minuets she was back this time wearing navy-blue shorts gray blouse and black KEDS sneakers .
We went out by the pool and on down the sloping lawn to the lake.
Walking out on the dock to the left was the boathouse and to the right is a small sandy beach.

“Well what do you think”.

“ This is fantastic, it’s so beautiful, there no other houses .”

“YA every thing you see is part of the estate it goes for two miles down the lake, it’s been in the family for over 150 years now.”

“I don’t believe this there not a single person to be seen.”

We stood there for a while. When she turned her head the sun light shown in her eyes,
they weren’t black like I thought but cobalt blue and they were defiantly moist .

“Come on lets go I want to show you what’s up behind the cottage.”

We past by the garden that could use a little help and stop in front of what we kids called the amusement park.
There was a swing set , a jungle Jim, and one of those thing goes around and around and then you puke .
Next there is a small putting green in front of the old miniature golf course.
And off to the left are the tennis courts.
Kris slowly turned and tried to take it all in.

“This musta been great when you were a kid. But it doesn’t look like any things been used in years .”

She headed toward the mini golf course

“ everything all over grown with tall weeds …oouuuch!” she cried

As she tripped over something in the tall grass.
Moving aside the grass to see what had tripped her up. What she saw was two steel rails about one foot apart nailed to wooden blocks.

“ These look like miniature railroad track,…… A train …….you had a train that you could ride on!!!!!

“Yes its over in the roundhouse over there”.


“This was for the kids and there hasn’t been any kids here in years.”
No one had bother to visit me in a long time.

“Is that a barn over there? …… what did you keep in there? ……………
Did you have HORSES ?”

“You know I’m a kid sorta still, can we clean up all of this?”

“I’ll make a few calls and see what I can make happen.”

As we went towards the barn and carriage house I observed that there wasn’t any damage from the storm,not a branch down not a leaf out of place how strange.

That evening we were back in the den Kris was standing in the middle of the room.

“You have quite a eclectic collection in here". On the mantel there was a large ship model,
two straw covered wine bottles as candles holders, a plastic little blue man, a Nash Rambler car model and one tin soldier.
Hanging on the wall was a wooden hart, with some initials carved into it an old pair of skis and a USPS sign.

“USPS Is that an old post office sign?”

“No that was my grand father’s first sign, USPS stands for united states posthole service he started it during the Depression. He had friends in congress and they passed a bill where by granting rights to my grandfather’s company to all post hole on any us highway.
To this day I receive $1.00 for each hole.”

Kris sat down on the sofa next to me and studied my facefor awhile.

“ Yesterday you asked me not to play B17 on the jukebox could you tell me why?”

“It makes me melancholy and the I go to pieces and I want to cry.”

“OH I am sorry I won’t play it……………. Maybe thiswell help.”

She went over to the jukebox an selected those lazy-crazy days of summer.

“Would you like to see a movie ?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Pollyanna, I brought it with me, I’ll go get it.”

When the movie ended I said
“Hayley Mills was the first actress that I ever had a crush on.”
Kris giggled
“So you like little girls then ?”

“I’m talking 1962, I did then.”

“What About now who do you like now?”

“I don’t have any one now, Amelia died five years ago from a stroke.’

“OH …..I’m sorry…………..Had you been together a long time?”

“On again off again for 30 years…………..she was the one
that couldn’t make a commitment……we kept drifting
back to one another………..
She was some one I could talk to, especially when I lost someone…”

“Did other woman die in your life?”

I was a little taken aback by her question

“If you really want to know …… Yes……I lost Fran in1974 to ovariancancer it was just something you just didn’t thing of when you are in you’re 20s ………….4 years later I lost sally to a drunkdriver……….

Wendy lost her life in Mt St Helens eruption … Her and two friends were riding horses 18 miles out……..Linda….. Linda died when a terroristbombed a train in Europe…………

OH I’m sorry .. I didn’t mean to unloadall of this on you
I’ve ……..there …..I don’t know ….I….. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
I rushed into my room slamming the door behind me.

For the next week the place was a buzz of activity more
that it had been in a decade.

By the third of July the grounds were looking good .

That afternoon the big brown truck stopped in to make another delivery
I had been buying things for the den. On eBay I was ableto find a lot of
the things that my parents had thrown out then I went off to college.

Kris came running out as the truck rolled to a stop

“IS THERE A BOX FOR ME?” she let all in one breath.

The man in the truck said “actually there are two for you.”

“Great now I will have something to wear tomorrow.”

With that she grabbed the boxes an vanished into the house.

We had made big plans for the 4th. The town at the other end of the lake had a lot going on.
A parade at 11am, a kids talent show at 3 pm a band concert At 7pm followed by the fireworks .

On the Forth I got en early start and went out the carriage house I had decided
To take an antique car for the parade, the 1962 Imperial convertible.
I pulled it out gave it a quick wash then put the top down .
I was touching up whitewalls when I heard Kris behind me.

“what a nice shade of red , and are those red leather seats?”

“Thank you, yes there are.”

I got up and turned to look at her……….I was speechless .
She look beautiful she had on black flats ,white stockings , a blue dress with
A white petty coat underneath and a white pinafore on top .

“Are you planning a trip down a rabbit hole?”

“You never know when you might see a white rabbit do you.”

“I like the blue dress and the white pinafore but I don’t see any red?”

“I do have red on.”

With that she gave her dress and petticoat a flip up and I got a fleeting glimpse of her bright red undies.

“I like you’re Blue slacks ,red shirt blue tie and white sport coat an a pink carnation. “

I went over to the car and out of the glove box took a red ribbon
“I think maybe this will work. So you won‘t have to flash anyone else today.”

I tired the ribbon with a bow on top of her head. Then stood back.

“There now you make the perfect demure ALICE.”

She slowly walked around the admiring the Imperial while I did the same to her. Even old Walt couldn’t have done any better .

“That thing is huge it took me like 5minets to walk around it.”
As I held her door open for her I said

“Well they did call these land yachts.”

When we arrived at the staging area the paraded marshal asked me if I wouldn’t mind taking his daughters in my empty back seat.
I asked Kris what she thought and she said it was fine with her.
A short time later he return with his daughters in tow.

He hadn’t mention that there were 3 of them and they were identical triplets.
They were clad in almost identical outfits. Halter top one red ,one white and one blue with red short, shorts with white sneakers.

He introduce the fourteen year old as Jane, Janet and Jenney.
The four girls seemed to hit it off well.

After the paraded the girls exchanged numbers .And said that they wanted to get together soon.
Kris and I strolled along the board walk when she said to me

“Komm,gib mir deine hand.”

We walked along hand in hand until we got to a hotdog and ice-cream stand.
I bought some lunch , we found a table under some pine trees. After we finished she said “ that ice-cream place had a funny name …One Night.”

I chuckled to my self “Yes that is different isn’t it. Maybe they only set up on the 4th.”

Next she wanted to check out some of the shops. One boutique we went in she really liked and said there were some things she

wanted to buy but she didn’t want me to see them so I should go out side and wait she would call me when she needed me.

The place reminded me of what we would have called a head shop in 1969.
Again we went back to the car and put all that she bought in the trunk.

We ran into the triplets again and they convinced Kris to go to the talent show with them and watch them perform .
Kris went back stage and I found a seat out front. It was a good hour before the triplets got to perform their song.
It was a tune made famous by the Poni tails back in the 50s


It was well received an got over a minute of applause.
When the show finally ended the girls ran out to find me.
Kris was very excited. She had a big bouquet of flowers and a over sized first place ribbing on her dress .

“I won for best themed costume.”

The girls went off to find there farther but said they would see us soon .

“It’s getting late how about we get some dinner soon Kris.”

We walked up the street a while, we were about half mile from the railroad tracks.
There was this little place with an old red VW microbus out front
A small sign said entrance around the back .

The staff was thrilled to see us .they served us a dinned that couldn’t be beat.
Before we could leave the owner came over to our table and asked if it was alright with us,
she would like to get a picture of the three of us together?

Kris was beaming with pride holding her bouquet for the pictures.
I tried to pay for the dinner but she refused my money just saying

“birds of a feather.”

I thanked her very much and said we would come back soon.

Back down by the water at the park we claimed a bench with a nice view of the lake were the fireworks are set off.
We could hear the band playing in the background .
We talked about the day. Kris told me how happy she was and how glad
She was that I brought her to the celebrations.
Just before the fireworks started Kris pointed to a young teenage couple
Carrying an old blanket stealing away into the bushes

“I wonder what their gonna do?” with a wink and a smile.

The fireworks were fantastic a fitting end to a enjoyable day.

Back at the car Kris asked me to open the trunk so she could get something.
It was getting cool so I put the top up and warmed up the engine.
Kris jumped in the passengers seat covered in a new shawl she purchased today.
We only had driven a short distance when she said that she was tired and
Wanted to lie down. She lay with her head in my lap for the rest of the 26 miles drive home.
She must have put on some perfume when she got the shawl.
My nostrils flared when I got a whiff of it, it was so familiar.

When we got home and in the house Kris said that she had a surprise for me and to wait before I went to my room.
I sat in the den and wonder what she had In store for me? The phone rang startling me out of my trance .

It was SAM he asked “how little miss sunshine?”
I said everything was fine. He then went on and on and on about their trip.
Right after finishing the conversation Kris call telling me to get a bottle of wine and meet her in my room. In the refrigerator I found a bottle of Mother goose’s Sweet potato sparkling wine.
I grabbed two wine glasses and headed to my room.

In the bedroom Kris had spent the time that I was on the phone.
She put fresh white satin sheets on the bed. Set up the DVD player to the big screen TV . Then she set out a dozen scented

candles around the room and lit them.

Back in her room she removed all of her clothes except her red panties.

Put on a little more patchouli oil on that she had bought to day Then picking up her towel an reentered my room
On the night stand she set out the patchouli oil with some massage oil.
With everything in place she climbed to the middle of the bed an lay on her stomach with the towel draped over her bum.

I knocked lightly on the door than entered my room.
The room was dark except for the flicker of the candles. I stood there letting my eyes adjust,
then the fragrance in the air brought a sense of d? vu over me.

“May I have a glass of wine please?”

Her question brought me back to now. I opened the bottle and poured two glasses and handed one to her ,then turned to put the bottle on the dresser.
Upon turning back Kris patted the bed “ Sit by me . This is a thank you for the wonderful day we had.
……..I’ve got something to show you.”

With that she push the play button on the remote. The TV came alive with
A home type movie of the big themed park down in Florida.

“What I want you to see is near the end but I’ll just let play in the background.”

We watched the video and drank the wine. Kris finished off her first glass and asked for a refill.
When I sat back down she look at me and I notice how the candle brought out the blue in her eyes.
I gave her the glass as she asked

“Would you do something for me?”

“Yes anything for you my lady.”

“Would you give me a back massage? It will help me sleep tonight.”

She finished her second glass setting it on the nightstand. Picking up the massage oil and handing it to me.
I opened the tube and spread some on my hands letting the heat from body warm the oil before resting them on her shoulders. I slowly worked my way across her back descending to her shoulder blades.
The knots in her back felt quite pronounced but I couldn’t see anything on her smooth skin.
Applying more oil I tried to work the kinks out.

Moving on down to the small of her back it almost sounder like she was purring. I had reached the towel and hesitated.
Kris raised her head an asked for more to drink.

“Could you please take off shirt and slacks ?”

As I did she started to giggle I forgot that I had on my stars an stripes boxer’s.

“Their so kawaii , As she patted the bed, Do my legs and feet now.”

With another liberal amount of oil down her right leg I went. I was pretty much able too wrap my hand around her leg.
She would give out little moans when I worked the back of the knee Next I focused on the feet she was especially ticklish in the arch of her foot . I hadn’t noticed with my focus on her feet
She had removed the towel.

I gazed at her small ass and thought to myself
Is there anything that could be more perfect than that in this world.
As I started up the left leg I felt her small hand on my leg. In slow little circles her hand creped higher on my leg.
With the towel gone I went all the way to the hem of her panties.
She spread her legs some giving me access to her inner thighs

The heat between her legs was like a furnace and the sent intoxicating
My little finger brushed a cross her crotch and her entire body shuddered
As she arched her back and let out a long AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I watched as her breathing resumed normalcy looking at me she said “You haven’t done the sides yet .”
Using booth hands now starting at her panties proceeding up until I meant the swell of the side of her breasts.

Suddenly she popped up

“One more glass please.”

Reluctantly I took her glass and stood to fill it. This final glass drained the bottle and I spent a few extra seconds getting the last drops.

Turning back to the bed Kris had rolled over, now on top of the towel.
Her underwear had vanished . Her head propped up with a pile of pillows.

Wearing a big cheesier cat grin and the candle light danced in her eyes.

This was the really the first time that I had seen her naked.
Her beauty astounded my . Her body was much more developed than I thought.
She was only 4’8” and maybe 80 pounds I had only looked at as a little kid.

Now I could see that she was woman only in miniature.
She downed the wine in one gulp. Set the glass down and pulled me to her.
“Time for the front.” she said with a wink.

Were to start? I started with her feet and teasingly slow ascended her legs.
By the time I got top of her legs her hand was tugging down my boxers.
I stopped of more oil and kicked them off.

This time I started up at her shoulders . Getting to her breasts I leaned down an took her right one in my mouth.
The entire thing fit with out a problem
Swirling my tong brought the nippy to rigid attention .
Then I did the same to the left.

Kris had gotten some oil on her hand and now was stroking me.

At last, I looked at her mound she did have hair but it saw so fine
And the same platinum as on her head. It reminded me of the angle hair that we put on the Christmas tree when I was a kid.

Something on the video caught Kris’s attention

“Turn up the sound .”

I looked at the TV , it was evening and the fireworks show over the lake was starting.
Looking back at Kris she gave me a good hard tug and said


“But what if you get pregnant?”
“It’s ok I’m protected.”

Positioning my self over her I rub her outer lips. instantly I was enveloped
In the steamiest love tunnel I had ever been in.
After bottoming out I cautiously withdrew and started back in again.
Kris wrapped her arms around my pulling to her our lips meant, in a tong of war.
“ Faster.” she panted I incensed the speed a bit. The music on the TV gained tempo too.


The video started playing Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. I knew that the finally was about to come
and so was I.

Kris let out a scream that could have been heard at the other end of the lake.
Her whole body went stiff and milked my for all of my worth .

We held each other in the warm afterglow of love.

Her breathing slowed to normal in a few minutes followed by the deep rhythm of sleep .

I got up an extinguish the candles and gently slid back in bed.
With in moments I too was in dream land.

I awoke about midmorning and quietly left Kris sleeping on my bed.
I took a shower and puttered around the kitchen ,Thinking how good it felt to feel good again.

Kris didn’t get up until afternoon. I heard her in the shower first then in her room .
It was almost 1.20 when she entreated the kitchen .
She had on a bright yellow sundress and a blue ribbing in her hair.

She floated around the room like she was walking on sunshine.
I glanced at the clock 1.27 as she came right up to me and leaned in to give me a kiss .

We could hear a truck coming down the driveway.

As our lips met there was a large spark between us
It was 10 times stronger then any static electrical shock I had ever gotten before.
We looked each other in the eyes . Hers were brilliant sapphire as if powered by the sun.


“I’ll get it.” Kris said as she bounded from the room.

It took a while for my head to clear. Boy that shock gave me a headache.

Suddenly it all became clear to me. I know what I had to do.
I stumbled down the hall to the store room .

In the back of the room high on a self I found the strongbox setting it on the table I searched for the key in the

desk . Opening the box revealed old letters and newspaper clippings. I moved them aside and found what I was looking for on the bottom of the box.

I reached in an picked up the cold hard steel and held it in my hands studying one side then the other.
All those years of therapy and all it took to bring the memories back was one kiss?
I don’t know how long I sat there lost.

“THERE you are didn’t you hear me calling you, It was a delivery truck ,It was a big and green, a new company I never herd of before, RAILWAY EXPRESS ,there was a box for me and a bunch for you, the driver was ancient much older than even you, he said that he had been driving a long time trying to find me, he put your stuff in the shop, I was opening my box when he got in the truck and when I looked up it was gone, Thank you for ordering this swimsuit for me its perfect …….

Are you listening to me?….. Are you all right you’re shaking?”
Slowly I turned to face her and when she could see what was in my hand she exclaimed .

“OH MY GOD …….. NO!”

I Held out my trembling hand ……..she reached out to hold it……

In her hands she held a chrome picture frame but it could have been a mirror for what she saw in that frame.
There in the picture she stood by a swimming pool wearing the same suit she had on now. ……….
She turned it over and read the inscription on the back.

CHRISTINE 4th JULY party 1965.…..Blow that in script
Love you forever ………with a round water mark staining the cardboard.


“I don’t know .” I said as I gathered up the papers into the strongbox. Picking up the box and taking her hand.

“Let’s go sit in the den”

We sat on the sofa, I set the box on the coffee table. Taking out the old newspaper dated July 6th 1965,
I handed it to her and she read.


At 1.27 yesterday afternoon a young teenage girl was struck buy lightning
At the Oak Hills country club .

Chris Nelson thirteen died yesterday after bearing hit by lightning at the swimming pool at the Oak Hills country club .

Her hands now trembling so badly she no longer could hold the paper.

I took her in my arms and held her tight. We both were now crying.

Our emotions were running the gamut from sorrow to joy.
The embrace lasted a long time as we gently rocked.

Finally regaining our composure I stood lifting Chris with me.
Holding her hand I guided her to the jukebox. Reaching out I pushed The buttons B 17 .

“I thought you said Never play that song?”

“It’s OK ….. I now know why it upset me so…..It was our first slow dance.

“Shangri la By Vic Dana” Started to play I took Chris in my arms, those first few steps I felt all the thrill and awkwardness of a teens first dance.
As the song ended our lips met and she melted in my arms.

Carrying her back to the sofa we sat looking at each other not believing what we had found.
Chris picked up some of the letters I had written never meaning to send.

As she started to read one I got up and went to the kitchen.

On a tray I put some cracks and cheese from the wine cooler one of my best bottle.
Adding two glasses a knife and napkins I returned to the den.

Chris was sobbing again. I took the letters from her and put everything back in the box, closing the lid saying
“we’ll save these for another day .”

I poured out two glass and handed her one . She held hers up and I brought mine up to greet it in a silent toast.
The afternoon slipped away as we sat there I asked if she would like to go out for dinner tonight?
“No I don’t think I’m up to it tonight.”

I called a local restaurant and made enragements to have dinner delivered.
Chris went off to her room to rest. I set the dinning room table in preparation.

In a short time she returned with a small box.
“This is the box that my swimsuit came in they sent this neat retro catalog.”
I took the catalog and looked at the cover.

Summer Sale Catalog 1965. MONTGOMERY WARD &Co

“I hate to admit it but I didn’t order this for you, was there an invoice included in the box ?”

“YES here it is.”

I studied the paper It had my address correct for delivery but all it said for Preachers was Good Old Dad.
“All it says here is that it was bought by some calling him self Good old dad”

“OH that my farther, he didn’t forget about me after he abandoned me at Marie’s.

That’s probably why the delivery truck had a hard time finding me
Dad didn’t know that I was here.”

“thank’s for the catalog I’ll look through it while I wait for dinner to arrive.”
“It should be here by 7pm “

With that Chris retired to her room and I started look through the catalog .

AT 6.30 I went to my room and changed for diner donning a tie and a dinner jacket.
At 6.45 Chris reemerged wearing a blue velvet evening gown with low heel pumps burgundy in color.
And a gold necklace.
When she got closer it looked as if the pendent wasn’t right.

“Is your necklace damaged I queried?”

“No it’s just a half of a hart I found it at the boutique yesterday the clerk gave it to me.
She said that no one wanted it since they only had half.”

“I’ve got something to show you.”

I walked over to the den and opened the strongbox reaching to the bottom
I felt the chain, wrapping my finger around it I withdrew it from the box.
Chris held out her half. I held out mine they were a perfect match.
I then took my chain put around` my neck and tucked in under my shirt.

“I cant believe this is all happening .” We both said in unison.

Interrupting us was the sound of dinner arriving.

After dinner we went out for a walk to watch the sunset.
It was mother nature at her best Streaks of purple and gold with orange,red over tones on a indigo backdrop.

“Did you check out the stuff yet?”

“What stuff?”

“The boxes the truck left today over in your auto shop.”

“No I totally forgot about that with everything else today.”

Opening the rollup door I was greeted with a stack of boxes that blocked the view of the entire shop.

“I thought you said a couple of boxes, how big was that truck anyway ?’

I checked out some of the shipping labels and many were from companies long gone.

“I was just thinking back in 1965 you told me that you’re mother had too order your bathing suit twice the first one got lost in transit.”

Just then I could hear the phone ringing back in the cottage.I hurried in to get it.
It was Sam again and he seemed very upset.

“Marie gone. “ he sounded as if he had been crying

“What do you mean Marie gone , did she dump you?”

“NO,…..NO,…no… she….she… she dead……….”

“WHAT….what happened?”

“It …was… an… earthquake…..we were stay in a little B&B in her great, great grandparents home town.
The place starting to shake an some one yield earthquake."

"We rushed out side and I thought we were safe but high upon the cliff above us a house broke lose , Marie ran when she saw it and it landed right on top of her. Why didn’t she stay with me she’d be all right?” He was crying again.
“Sam is there anything I can do for you?”
“No she had family here. but what about Kris can you somehow tell her?”
“Yes Sam I can do that. If there anything else let me know please.”

Out in the shop Chris notice a peculiar little box, printed in big letters,
DO NOT OPEN UNTILL 10pm 07/05/2010 .she picked it up and carried into the house.

“Who was on the phone?”

“It was Sam………I…got …some ..bad …news …please sit ...Marie I mean your mother was killed to day in a earthquake.
“A building collapsed on her she died instantly .I‘m so sorry. ”

Chris stood and paced the room back and forth back and forth not showing any emotion.
She finely stopped at the jukebox . Checking the song list she found what she wanted pushing the buttons she stepped back and looked at me.

Ding Dong! The witch is Dead by the Fifth Estate started to play.

“ I Hated the Bitch !” She started to laugh uncontrollable.
After the song ended she sat next to me her blue eyes in tears.

“You know young lady I think you better be careful what you wish for in the future.”Now what in this box?”

“I don’t know, But read what printed here.”

“That’s only 5 minuets from now I guess we can wait.”

When we opened the box all we found was Chris’s personal papers and a note “Love you always your Good Old Dad.”

“ this was one hellofa day I don’t think I could take any more like this.
Well it looks like it’s just you and me kid now.”

Come on it’s Time for bed.” I scooped her up in my arms saying

“ I love you Christian.”

“ And I love you to Russell.”

As I carried her to our bed.

Nights in white satin
The Moody Blues

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.

'Cos I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you.

Gazing at people, some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going through they can't understand.
Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.

And I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I've always missed, with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.

'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.
'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.

Breath deep
The gathering gloom
Watch lights fade
From every room
Bedsitter people
Look back and lament
Another day's useless
Energy spent

Impassioned lovers
Wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love
And has none
New mother picks up
And suckles her son
Senior citizens
Wish they were young

Cold hearted orb
That rules the night
Removes the colours
From our sight
Red is gray and
Yellow white
But we decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion

Danny Williams Lyrics - White On White

White on white, lace on satin
Blue velvet ribbons on her bouquet
White on white, lace on satin
My little angel is getting married today

Here she comes in her wedding gown lookin' like a queen
She has been my only love since she was thirteen
I've been dreaming of this day and how proud I'd be
When she came walkin' down the aisle and held out her hand to me

White on white, lace on satin
Blue velvet ribbons on her bouquet
White on white, lace on satin
My little angel is getting married today

I'll be waiting to kiss the bride when her name is new
Standing oh, so close to her silently saying "I do"
I'll be holding back my tears till she's gone away
'cause she'll belong to someone else when the organ starts to play

White on white, lace on satin
Blue velvet ribbons on her bouquet
White on white, lace on satin
My little angel is ge-e-etting ma-a-rried today

The Poni Tails Born Too Late Lyrics:

[Verse 1:]
Born too late for you to notice me.
To you, I'm just a kid,
That you won't date.
Why was I born too late?

[Verse 2:]
Born too late to have a chance,
To win your love.
Oh, why, oh, why was it my fate,
To be born too late?

I see you walk with another.

I wish it could be me.
I long to hold you and kiss you,
But I know it never can be.

[Verse 3:]
For I was born too late for you to care.
Now my heart cries because your heart
Just couldn't wait.
Why was I born too late?

[Verse 3 repeated, with slight alteration:]
Born too late for you to care.
Now my heart cries because your heart
Just couldn't wait.
Why was I born too la-a-a-a-ate?

Why was I born too late?
Too Late.
Lyrics: Born Too Late, The Poni Tails [end]

Ding Dong! The witch is Dead by the Fifth Estate.

Ding dong, the witch is dead
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead

Heigh-ho, the derry-o
Sing it high, sing it low
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead

She's gone where the goblins go
Below, below, below
Yo-ho, let's open up and sing
And ring some bells out

Ding dong, the witch is dead
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead

She's gone where the goblins go
Below, below, below

Yo-ho, let's open up and sing
And ring some bells out

- Interlude -

She's gone where the goblins go
Below, below, below
Yo-ho, let's open up and sing
And ring some bells out

Ding dong, the witch is dead
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead

Heigh-ho, the derry-o
Sing it high, sing it low
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead
(Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead)
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead


Same as NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN (rewrite) Videos

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Baby Chloe in his Satin Baby Dress Bag

Baby Chloe in his Satin Baby Dress Bag "Hello, Sheila. Come in. Do you want some help with your stuff? Oh my, there's such a lot of it." "Yes, Andrea. Help me wheel everything inside the door and we can leave it in the hall for the time being. Until we've got him ready..." The two women shared a giggle across one of the trolleys. "Is he under sedation?" asked the doctor, pulling the first one inside the door for Andrea to take it from her and park it along her hallway near the...

3 years ago
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Satin Sex

He was pouring two glasses of wine when she called to him. His mother, spending the weekend with himnear the fifth anniversary of his father's death. They were leaving soon for an evening at one of the fewremaining jazz clubs in the city, and he was thinking that a quick bit of Pinot Grigio might get them feelingmellow sooner."Could you help me with this zipper, Dave. It's on the back of my blouse and seems stuck."He was recorking the wine, and didn't turn for a moment. When he did she was just...

1 year ago
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Group Satin Fetish Part 2

Continued from “Group Satin Fetish - Part 1”So we all had some wine and talked about how finally having everyone in the same room really turned up the heat and lust of this sexual event. All of us guys had put our underpants back on, but the ladies were still wearing all their satin lingerie as we candidly spoke about what had just transpired. It was hot having sex in front of a computer, but having two other couples going at it right next or across from you is a whole other level of sexual...

3 years ago
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College of Satin and Lace

The College of Satin and Lace By Missy Satinpanties I was about 10 years old when my baby sister was born. As she was attended to, I think I was a bit jealous. I started to pin on her cloth diapers, and wear her plastic pants. As I was rather small for my age, I was able to just manage to get them on, and for some reason, really enjoyed the sensation. I never revealed this to anyone, as I knew it was "wrong," but just...

4 years ago
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Satin Tranniy bride Fucked in the Sunshine Part

This is a Fantasy I'd LOVE to come true.I am a late 40s CD/TV who is VERy bi curious. I have been dressing for many years but only recently found what I like and what I want. I love satin, have a smoking fetish and love talking dirty online. I requent most of the usual places online and many chat rooms.I met Phil online while i cruised one day and we chatted for many weeks. We shared the same fantasies and turn ons. He lived close by which surprised me. He was mid 40s, married with c***dren....

4 years ago
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Mom had never slept in satin sheets, nor with me. By Oediplex 8==3~ It was autumn. Not just the Fall, but Indian Summer too; one of those perfect set of days, when it was not too cold and the humidity remained low. My favorite time of the year. Mom's too, and since I live in a pretty part of New England, with the foliage in full flourish, I invited her out to my place. I wanted to get her out. Not just out to visit me, but out of her apartment, out of the City; and out of her...

3 years ago
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A Satin Dream Comes True

I’d explored my fantasies with a transsexual escort several times and after my last encounter, which was the basic girlfriend experience, though she did wear a corset and stockings with satin panties as I asked. She was very open to fantasy play I have long had a scene I’d wanted to play out and she seemed to be the perfect gentle dominant.Now my thing is dress up. My iconic Mistress isn’t the hard core type. She’s actually quite playful and gentle but she is definitely in charge. My vision is...

3 years ago
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Satin Ecstacy

Invited For a Blousey Weekend at his Mother-In-Law'sby Prim Vincent Pearl stood on the doorstep, his heart hammering, his penis growing and his blushes warming his cheeks. In a moment, he would be in Phyllis's house again and under her full control. Suddenly she was there, in one of her blue silk bow blouses, the darker one, and she shook her head with that instant contempt she always showed him on his arrival. She drew a deep breath, as if making patient allowance for a naughty c***d, and...

1 year ago
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I Love Men to wear my Satin Panties

I Love Men To Wear My Satin PantiesBy ManndeePart 1I was a quiet unassuming lad from the East end of London; I was 22 years old when I left home, it followed a number of pure flukes that all happened back to back, because of this I had had an amazing start to my life in my first job as a City trader.Unfortunately, things at home with my girlfriend were getting difficult after me losing my job. It was now 4 months since it happened & to be honest, it was all a shock; fortunately, money was...

4 years ago
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Satin Fetish Cuckold

I have had a fetish for satin, especially blouses and skirts, for as long as I can remember and over the years it had developed to the point where I had begun to fantasise about seeing my partner seduce other men while dressed in a classy satin blouse and skirt.I had opened up to Natasha about my fetish for satin and silk quite early on in our relationship and within a year or so we had amassed a modest collection of satin blouses, skirts lingerie and nightwear. I think it’s fair to say she...

2 years ago
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Satin fetish cuckold

I have had a fetish for satin, especially blouses and skirts, for as long as I can remember and over the years it had developed to the point where I had begun to fantasise about seeing my partner seduce other men while dressed in a classy satin blouse and skirt.I had opened up to Natasha about my fetish for satin and silk quite early on in our relationship and within a year or so we had amassed a modest collection of satin blouses, skirts lingerie and nightwear. I think it’s fair to say she...

2 years ago
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Sissy Julian Chapter X Nights in Pink Satin

Sissy Julian - Chapter X, Nights in Pink Satin by: sissystevie A double chapter as the plot thickens. Julia becomes a chambermaid, Auntie Jane's daughter Dominica returns to lend a helping whip, Julia find a school that really sucks, more is leaned about the Order, and a really kinky dinner party. It's just a quiet few days on quaint old Lake Orenda! We are leading to a conclusion of Julian's saga with only three action-filled chapters left. As always, this is a purely fanciful,...

1 year ago
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Satin Wedding

Shannon was the love of my life! She was so beautiful with her slender but curvey body and her long, wavey blonde hair. She was my trophy girlfriend, and soon to be my trophy wife! And when that day came, I was eager and ready to make lovely Shannon my bride.I remember it well. Shannon was my first serious relationship post highschool, and she was my first sexual partner. Not more than a few weeks before our big day I had confessed to her that I had a bit of a thing for satin and lace clothing...

3 years ago
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Aunty Bettys Satin Blouses Part 2b

I continued with the dresses as Mrs. Mott emptied her shelves and drawers, occasionally I espied her mammoth breasts as she took hand fulls of sexy lingerie and stockings and was finding it increasingly difficult to stand upright, my cock had now fully expanded and beginning to be obvious, so I quickly adjusted while she was removing all that glossy soft slippery lingerie, but to no avail, she'd noticed my predicament..." I think you're enjoying this, handling all my clothes aren't you?" I...

4 years ago
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Thrills Frills in Silk Satin and lace

This is a story about a young man who is desperate for a job any job and ends up at a women's boutique This story is meant for anyone over 18 years old if you younger leave this page! By G.Lacy Panties Frills and Thrills in silk, satin and lace, Here I was 24 years old walking the streets looking for a job any job I had lost my last job about 5 months ago, sold my car, dumped my cell phone, and just couldn't seem to find a job anywhere in this small town, I tried...

2 years ago
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Aunty Bettys Satin Part 2

That much anticipated Sunday arrived, and I got to Mrs Mott's house promptly at 10am, and knocked on the door, she answered and my eyes practically popped out of my head, there she stood in the shiniest pink satin nightgown and matching robe.."Oh you're early. I must look a mess, I do apologise"..I could have cared less how she appeared. my friendly neighbour looked amazing to me adorned in luxurious glossy satin dr****g over her abundant curves, the upper part of her nightgown stretched across...

1 year ago
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Fateful Encounter Rewrite

We have all had encounters that we remember as well as those we want to forget, and this particular one has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to erase it. However, periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and as I slip back to when it all happened, it becomes as vivid as if it had just happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow happen again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I’ve always had mixed feeling about what happened...

2 years ago
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Dirty old Des rewrite

Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my fantasies for fear of shocking her. The most persistent and strong idea's I masturbate to, where the thought of other men having Elaine. I dont know why,but the thought of total...

2 years ago
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Beautiful cousins are the best rewrite

This is my first go at expressing myself through words,so let the judging be mild. Also,if you're expecting to read just hardcore erotica then you might not like it much. Its my complete experience with my angel of a cousin.let me tell you a little about my cousin first. Her nickname is Gucci . She's the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen and she's 2 years older than me . She has the most serene face. The perfect eyes. Luscious full lips. Now let's look at her body. She's about five feet...

4 years ago
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AUNTS in my PANTS rewrite

I always thought my Aunt Susan was hot. Susan is my mother’s younger sister, and kind of a carbon copy of my mom. She is four years younger than my mom and they had always been close. Both attractive, around the same height, maybe 5’5 or 5’6, and both with the same dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and slim, in-shape bodies. They both looked quite a bit younger than their actual ages. I grew up in a single parent home with just my mother Terri and my sister Anna, who is a year older than I....

4 years ago
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dark alleyrevelation ch 1 rewrite

sky is getting dark,i looked up enjoying the view of the twilight for it has been lo ng since i last enjoyed such a view.tod ay five years ago my father died the doc tor said it was some sort of animal atta ck for his trout was ripped open and his body was like death itself,i was only 10 when he died and now am in high sch ool.i started walking to my friend's hous e then i saw a man forcing a young girl in her later teen to a lonely area by the street, he seem not to take...

2 years ago
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Small Tight and Ready part 1 rewrite

Kimmy Pfile is 13 and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm 30B tits. She was getting packed to go over to her friends house for a sleep over, but all she could think about was her friends older step brother, Curtis, He's 14 and stands 5'9, weighing around 120 lbs. with dark brown eyes and dark hair. Then she thought to herself 'maybe I can try and seduce him.' With a wide eyed expression she quickly ran upstairs to her...

4 years ago
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Cupid curse part 5 Fruits of lovethe rewrite

At 11:30 one monday, after a lecture on Euripides in History of drama, I took a ten minute walk to a little restaurant and had a burger and some fries for lunch. The place was a quiet back street and it had somewhat higher prices then mcdonald's or burger king, but you could relax there, and they knew how to make a good burger. They were a married couple who rarely spoke to each other, and they had one waitress. As I sat there eating by the window, a group of four students came in, two men...

3 years ago
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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 1 rewrite

In school and mostly everywhere else I used to hang out mostly with guys, not that I was attracted to them I was just more tom boy than anything else and I hated girly girl talks. My usual mates were Pete and Tony who we used to meet every day at bus and at school lunch time. Our hang out space was quite a nice spot, it was behind a big dumpster which isn’t used anymore; so no one comes to disturb us there and we have our chats in peace. Pete had recently broken up with a girl who was...

1 year ago
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Dream Girl 3The rewrite

I thought I was a dead man. Megan squirmed around and looked at me with a smile and winked. Then she pushed my numb body to the ground. “How long will I be paralyzed like this?”I asked with all the energy I had left. “Do worry you big baby, it will only last for another 10 minutes top. So lets enjoy it while we can.” She sat on my abbs, slowly clenching her butt cheeks on my cock. My head was spinning so bad, I could hardly think at this point. I couldn't move my muscles but I could...

3 years ago
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eyes to a new worldrewrite

Day as long as I live, because that was the day my life got twisted up side down by one god damn women. Beep, beep as my alarm went off for work, and to no surprise I found my 17 year old daughter Sara laying next to me with her dirty blond hair in her pink pajamas she looked so much like her mother who I hate so much. That whore only left a letter saying she not meant to be a stay at home wife and she never got to live her life since she got pregnant at a young age of 15. If I look back at...

1 year ago
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Acting out on fantasyrewrite

Her window was right across from mine, and the naive little girl she was she would leave her blinds open every night. Like clockwork every night she would practice her dance moves in her bedroom. She wanted to be a cheerleader but she would never be one with her tiny tits, and dorky glasses. Following that she would leave to shower, the re-enter about 15 minutes later in her towel to change. I would masturbate every night as I watched her change. You see, I'm friends with her brother...

3 years ago
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TwinsUntitled Rewrite

We were reflections of each other. 48D breasts, round juicy asses, think black hair, slightly tan skin, hazel eyes, and one beauty mark on a cheek (Melissa’s was on the right, mine was on the left). Even after seventeen years, our parents still mix us up. Which we don’t mind too much., but you’d think they’d know buy the beauty marks or something. But either way, for twins, we’d like to think that’s pretty normal. We can get along, too- also normal for any siblings. My sister was more...

4 years ago
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Testing The Toys Rewrite

The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping he'd decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black skirt...

2 years ago
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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening rewrite

Michelle looked around the RV, her mother was sitting at the back reading a book, she had a enviously good figure and Michelle loved her very much. Across the table from Michelle and Amy, Craig and Adam were playing cards, they were laughing to each other about something when Michelle noticed that they kept glancing at Amy who was sitting opposite them. 'Bastards,' Michelle thought. “That man hor keeps looking at my tits,” Amy whispered to Michelle. “I know, their both pigs. We’ll get...

2 years ago
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The Dividing Line 2016 rewrite

May 7th Sara Wood lived in darkest shadowlands, and she kept to her shadows — lived to blend in, to disappear, if caught in light of day, she simply faded away into the pale warrens of the city. Sara Wood was an expert in the fine art of disappearance, of camouflage, of falling through cracks in the few systems left to deal with girls of her sort: homeless, nameless…faceless girls used to life in the darkness. There was ‘no place like home’ for Sara Wood, there never had been. No Auntie Em, no...

3 years ago
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Dockside 2016 rewrite

Dockside Birdie, rest a little longer, ‘Til little wings are stronger, So she rests a little longer, Before she flies away.+++Tennyson, Sea Dreams Not far from the Tower of London, a few hundred yards at most and flanking the old city, there is a small marina, and actually, as marinas go, it’s a decent one. A bit of a chore to get to — fighting mad tides up the Thames and all — but I’d heard it was worth the effort. Anyway, with winter coming on fast I needed to find a place to sit-out the...

2 years ago
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Testing The Toys Rewrite

Introduction: Family Guy Griffin The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a...

2 years ago
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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 1 rewrite

Introduction: I took another look at it and changed some of it. I kept the topic same. It was my last year in school, going to pass out in a few more months and I still was a virgin. Not that I wanted to be but my boy friend lives far and we only get together online but we would be soon be together and getting married, so for him I was saving myself until something happened few weeks before my term was going to end. In school and mostly everywhere else I used to hang out mostly with guys, not...

4 years ago
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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Present The Rewrite

"Jan has a serious crush on you," Belinda informed me as we were driving home.She was speaking of the daughter of our best friends. I met them during the end of the CB radio craze that swept the country in the late seventies. We had all just joined a local CB club about a month apart and became friends. We would spend our Friday nights at the club's dinner meetings sharing one table. Afterward, I would spend the remainder night at their house playing cards, watching TV, or just hanging out in...


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