The Barfly ch 2 rewrite
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Author’s Note: This is a rewrite of the story I posted titled From The Heart just a week ago. A number of commenters felt it was too short, and I said I would rewrite it sooner or later. I decided on sooner, and incorporated several other criticisms into this rewrite. I hope you find this improved. I left the original in place, in case you choose to compare the before and after.
A repeat of the hat tip to member funnyalix for suggesting in a Lit chat one night that I should ‘write from the heart.’ I decided to take her suggestion literally as the basis for the title, then came up with a story to fit. So here we go…
Disclaimer: All sexual activity described in this story is between fictional characters over the age of 18.
I don’t remember the crash. Maybe that’s a good thing, to block out the pain, both physical and emotional. I don’t want to remember the details. For a while, I didn’t want to remember much of anything.
The first thing I do remember was coming to in the ambulance, as it raced to the hospital, and hearing one of the EMTs say, ‘He’s awake. You’re going to be okay, Henry. We’re on the way to Mercy. You have a broken arm and a broken leg, and we’ve splinted both and given you something for the pain.’ I focused on him, and saw a name badge that said Ramirez, before I look up and saw a face that looked about my age of 29, with a moustache and one of those little soul patches under his lip.
‘Hank, call me Hank… Missy! How’s my wife?’ We had been on our way home from our 5th anniversary dinner before leaving for Bermuda the next day when… Why couldn’t I remember what happened next?
Ramirez said, ‘The first team of EMTs on the scene are doing everything they can for her. She should already be in surgery now. You’re probably next, if that leg fracture is as bad as I think it is. Nothing they don’t know how to deal with, though.’
I must have passed out again, because the next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed, my bandaged left leg elevated in one of those traction rigs, my left arm in a cast. I had an IV and a blood pressure cuff and some other cabling wrapped around my right arm.
If the little white board next to the door was to be believed, I had skipped a whole day. Our anniversary was on the 22nd of April, but the board said it was the 24th. The window showed darkness outside, but whether that meant it was early on the 24th, or late, I didn’t know.
I looked around, and found a call button on a cable wrapped around the bed frame where I could reach it with my right hand, and gave it a push.
It took five minutes, but someone finally answered. ‘Good morning Mr. Sherman. I’m Nurse Wilkins. You’re at Mercy Hospital on the post-surgical floor. The doctors needed to open up your leg to insert some rods and screws to hold your tibia and fibula together until they heal, so try to keep still How are you feeling?’
‘How is my wife?’ I answered.
Nurse Wilkins hesitated. ‘I… Dr. Havers is on his way here, and he’ll update you on your wife. It’s policy here for the nurses to not discuss other cases. Dr. Simons is assigned to your case, and he will see you on rounds in a few hours. Meanwhile, I do need to assess your status. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain do you have?’
‘A four, I suppose. I assume I’m getting pain meds through the IV already?’
‘Yes, sir,’ she said, just as the door opened, and a grey-haired doctor came in. When he got close enough, I could see ‘Dr. Ronald Havers’ embroidered into his white coat. Which is a good thing, as he never actually introduced himself.
‘Nurse, can you excuse us?’ he said, pulling a rolling stool over to the bed, and sitting down on it. When Nurse Wilkins had stepped out, Dr. Havers turned back to me, and said, ‘I was your wife’s surgeon, Mr. Sherman. Your wife Melissa presented with a major head trauma, and my team and I did everything we could to repair the damage, but it was too extensive. I had to declare her brain dead after three hours, and called in the transplant team. I am so sorry for your loss.’
‘Transplant team? You harvested her organs?’ I asked.
Havers looked surprised by the question. ‘Yes. I thought you would have known that she had indicated on her driver’s license that she registered as an organ donor, which amounts to her pre-consent for donation. Once a determination was made that she would not recover, the organ donation protocols went into effect. I know it doesn’t make up for your loss, but be aware that her organs have already saved four lives in the past day, including a heart transplant that was performed right here at Mercy.’
Missy is dead. The thought repeated in my head until I fell asleep again, leaving me with another hole in my memory, as I don’t even remember Havers getting up and leaving.
I drifted through the next several days, barely remembering anything from that time. Nurses checked on me, got me to use a bedpan, meals got delivered that I don’t remember eating, my leg was put into a cast from thighs downward after the incision was healed enough, but it was all swallowed up by the blankness of a life without my Missy in it.
It was on the 28th that a ray of sunshine appeared to break through the clouds. Nurse Wilkins was on shift again, and came into my room, saying, ‘Mr. Sherman, there is someone here who wants to see you.’
A visitor? So far as I knew, nobody was even aware that I was there. Missy and I had just started a two week vacation the day of the accident, and were supposed to be in Bermuda, and to keep burglars away from the house we weren’t going to post to social media about the vacation until we were home. Our friends and family would be expecting not to hear from us. Missy had lost her parents in her early 20s, but I hadn’t even called my own family yet, that’s how bad the fugue was.
‘Who?’ I asked. ‘Did the hospital call my family?’
‘We would if we had a number, Mr. Sherman, but you haven’t responded to several attempts to ask for one, and nobody has inquired about you. But this visitor isn’t someone you would know. She… um… she’s the woman who received your wife’s heart a week ago. She just got transferred to this floor out of ICU and insisted she wants to speak with you, but you need to consent, first.’
Missy’s heart? The woman asking to see me had her heart? ‘I thought donations are supposed to be anonymous.’
‘They are,’ the nurse said. ‘Nobody here told her, I swear. She just knows, somehow. I’m told she actually asked about you the moment she came out of anaesthesia.’
‘Yes, I consent. Show her in, please.’
Nurse Wilkins left the room, then returned with a young lady in a wheelchair with an IV pole built in, and pushed her to the bed, placing the wheelchair alongside the railing, facing me, then adjusted the back of the powered bed so our eyes were at the same level. Above the front of her gown, I could see the bandages on her chest incision. She was wearing a face mask, from concerns about her immune system, that was being dampened so she would not reject the transplant. Missy’s heart.
Nurse Wilkins decided we needed introductions. ‘Shawna Dufresne, this is Henry Sherman, Melissa’s husband. I’ll let you two be alone for a while, I have other patients to look after. Use the call button if you feel you need to go back to your room, Shawna.’
I took a closer look at Shawna, and for a moment, thought I was looking at Missy, seeing Missy’s blue eyes looking straight at me. I closed mine, and looked again, and Shawna’s eyes were decidedly green. Her hair was a curly brown, where Missy’s was a straight black. Where that initial impression of similarity came from, I didn’t know. From the long legs showing past her hospital gown and a robe, she looked taller than Missy, too. Finally, I muttered, ‘Hello, Shawna. How are you?’
‘Alive, thanks to Missy.’ she answered.
‘How… how the hell did you know that was her nickname?’ What was this?
‘You’re going to think I’m batshit crazy,’ she answered. ‘I’m not entirely sure I’m not. But, she told me so herself, Hank. Your wife has been visiting me in my dreams, ever since the surgery. She asked me to come to you.’
‘That does sound crazy,’ I said. ‘I don’t suppose you have any proof? Something only she and I would know?’
Shawna smiled. Even though I couldn’t see her mouth, her cheeks and eyes both reflected it, and I wished I could see the rest. ‘Something like your ATM PIN number is 537648, which is the name KERMIT entered on an ATM keypad that has letters on the keys?’
My eyes widened. Missy was the only other person who knew that PIN, because it belonged to a joint checking account that was originally hers, after having a pet frog as a kid. I had adopted it for several other accounts. ‘Yeah, something like that. So, I suppose Missy has a message for you to relay to me?’
‘She does. It’s ‘Marry this girl.’ She apparently wants me to take her place, so her heart still gets to love you.’
‘You’re kidding, right?’ I asked.
‘I told you it was crazy. I told her it was crazy. But I’m just the messenger, or maybe I’m the message, I don’t know which. Do you want me to go, or stay?’
That’s when I heard Missy’s voice in my head, ‘Believe her, Hank. She’s perfect for you. Maybe even a better match than me. I can’t stay much longer. Goodbye, my love.’
‘Goodbye, Missy,’ I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek.
Apparently I hadn’t said it softly enough, as Shawna said, ‘She spoke to you, didn’t she?’
I looked Shawna in the eyes before saying, ‘Yeah, she did, and then said goodbye. A matchmaker to the very end, and beyond, apparently. Is this our first date, then?’
‘I suppose so. Although I have to warn you, my doctors haven’t given me clearance to put out yet. I’m not sure they’d even let me do a handjob to take care of that,’ she said, pointing to my midsection, where the sheet over me was definitely tented by an erection.
‘I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from. God, this is so embarrassing,’ I sighed.
Shawna laughed, a delightful sound I immediately wanted to hear more of. ‘Your wife has been leaving me very, very wet after some of my dreams, talking about what a great lover you are.’ She pointed at my prick and said, ‘That has her written all over it. And she’s right, you are big.’ I measured 8′, and fairly thick. Every bit of it was stiff and throbbing.
Shawna reached her hand over the bed railing, and lightly caressed my prick through the sheet and gown, just for a second, but it was enough to make me start to shoot off, under the gown. Feeling me spasm, Shawna rapidly pulled the sheet down and the hospital gown up, exposing me totally, then wrapped her hand around me, and finished jerking me off. The gown was a total mess by the time I stopped cumming. Thankfully, it was a private room, but I still couldn’t believe this had happened with a stranger.
Even that small effort made her winded, but it was a look of satisfaction in her eyes, as she sat back in the wheelchair, and wiped her hand off against my sheet. When she had her hand as clean as she could get it, she grabbed the call button and pressed it.
Nurse Wilkins got an eyeful when she came in, as Shawna said, ‘Hank had a bit of an accident. Could you get him a new gown and a wet washcloth?’
‘And after that,’ I added, ‘Could you bring me the phone? I think it’s time I start letting people know where I am.’
Nurse Wilkins actually came back and gave me a full sponge bath, while Shawna looked on, her eyes following the sponge as it reached my prick and balls. Then Nurse Wilkins carefully detached my IV so she could finish pulling the dirty gown off that arm and pulled a new gown on me, reattached the IV, and brought me the room phone.
‘I feel like I should know your first name, after that,’ I said to the nurse.
She laughed, then said, ‘Theresa.’
I dialed my parents. ‘Mom, Dad? You’re going to want to sit down…’
After the call with my parents, Shawna and I chatted a bit more, and I found out that she was 24, and had been pursuing her Master’s in Education when a viral infection had damaged her heart, making a transplant necessary. She had been a student athlete, and was otherwise very fit before the heart trouble, and her prognosis was very good, if she could avoid rejection.
Nurse Wilkins eventually insisted Shawna go back to her own room, but she was back to visit me nearly every day after that, as we both healed. My parents flew in from my hometown and met her on their first visit, and she charmed them easily, even though they thought our story that Missy had matched us up was far-fetched, to be polite about it. Shawna’s parents were less than polite, calling us crazy outright. We didn’t care by that point. Nobody had a better explanation for Shawna even knowing who her heart came from.
Then one day, Shawna had permission to visit me without the protection of the mask, and I got to see her full face, and she was even more gorgeous than I had imagined, with pretty dimples to either side of her mouth when she smiled, which she did a lot. I was always a sucker for a beautiful smile, and even though it was quite different than Missy’s, my heart was hooked.
Another few days, and we both got permission to take some walks around the hospital floor and accompanied each other. I’m sure we were a sight, me in two casts, both of us pulling our IV poles down each hallway and back again. Shawna was only an inch shorter than my own 5’10’, confirming my guess from the day we met. The hospital gown and bathrobe obscured her figure, but it looked to be a good one.
It was during one of those walks that I said, ‘I love you, Shawna,’ for the first time.
‘I love you too, Hank,’ Shawna said. ‘I can’t explain it, but I think that even though she told both of us goodbye the day we met, Missy is still here, pushing us toward each other.’
I heard Missy giggling in my head, and knew Shawna was spot on. I suppose I could have resisted the heavenly interference, but I found I just didn’t want to. Was that due to Missy, too? I may never know.
Eventually, we were both released from the hospital, also on the same day. I still had the casts on, and would for another month for the arm cast and two months for the leg, but I was allowed to do the rest of my healing at home.
We held the memorial service for Missy two days later. What remained of Missy’s body had been cremated, at my request.
I delivered my eulogy. ‘Thank you all for coming. When I met Melissa Sanchez in college, I thought she was too good for me, and Missy had to make the first move. In five years of dating, and five of marriage, she never convinced me that my initial impression was wrong. She was always too good for me. I thank God that she chose to be in my life anyway, even if it was for just 10 years, and now she is with God, looking down and telling me to move it along.’ I looked upwards, and said, ‘I will always love you, Missy.’
Shawna and her parents attended, and Shawna decided to speak.
‘Hello, I am Shawna Dufresne. Most of you do not know me. I never actually met Missy Sherman, but I owe her my life. She donated the heart that now beats within me,’ she said, placing her right hand over that heart. I heard a gasp from the assembled friends, family and coworkers. ‘I am saddened at her passing, but grateful to her for her choice to be a donor. I feel I now owe it to her to make the best life I can, in her honor. Thank you.’
It took a week before Shawna could convince her parents to let her come visit me at home and another before they relented and let her move in with me, since it turned out we both had the same home-health nurses assigned to our cases anyway.
Even with her parents and a couple of her brothers doing most of
the work, the move tired Shawna out, so after her family left, she asked, ‘Is it okay if we just sleep tonight, Hank?’
‘Of course, darling. I’m in no rush, here,’ I answered. ‘If you need to wait a month, I’m still going to be here.’ I hobbled around the kitchen to make a dinner for us, and we ate it quietly, still feeling nerves even though we’d delayed doing anything physical.
We got into bed, and cuddled together, Shawna on my right side away from my casts, and she whispered, ‘I’m tired, but I want to stay awake, too, to savor every minute of this. Is that weird?’
I chuckled, ‘After the way this relationship started, I think we just need to get used to not being conventional, ever.’
We chatted awhile longer, until I realized Shawna had fallen asleep on me, and I drifted off, myself.
I awoke to her hand stroking my hard on. Not vigorously, she was still too easily winded, but enough to make me cum from my own excitement and horniness, reminiscent of our first day together.
‘God, Shawna, that feels so good,’ I moaned.
She chuckled. ‘Wait until I can fuck you, this is nothing.’
This time, she licked her hand clean, instead of wiping it off. The image of her tasting me, like a kitten licking cream off of a paw, stayed with me forever.
The difference to that first day was that we were able to get out of bed together, and took our very first shower together. Her breasts were gorgeous, a firm ‘D’ cup, as part of an hourglass figure that still showed an athlete’s fitness. Her incision was healed, between them. We washed each other, then I sucked on those breasts for the first time, marvelling at the feel of her nipples between my lips.
That night, I had her sit on my face, and licked her to several orgasms. ‘Holy shit, Missy wasn’t kidding, your tongue is magic,’ Shawna said, when she cuddled beside me, stroking my cock with her fingers, not trying to get me off, but driving me crazy, nonetheless. I had to take control, and sprayed all over myself, as I jerked myself off in less than a minute, as I heard Shawna and Missy both giggling at me.
Day by day, Shawna got stronger, our walks together got longer, the cast on my arm came off and finally she got medical clearance to resume ‘sexual relations’. We laughed, as we had already done pretty much everything we could except fuck. That it was two months to the day since we had first met did not escape either of us.
The cast on my leg still made most positions impossible, but Shawna was able to ride me cowgirl without much trouble, and I could finally grab her breasts with both hands. The scar in between served as a reminder of what she’d gone through, but I thought of it as ‘Missy’s Mark’, knowing that what lay beneath was a physical reminder of her, as my memories were an emotional one.
Shawna bounced up and down on me, calling out, ‘Hank, oh god, Hank, you feel so good…’ She felt like a perfect fit around me. I thrust upward as well as I could with one leg hobbled, and she squeezed me with her internal muscles, and came just from my prick hitting her g-spot from inside, so when I slipped my hand between us and started rapidly stroking her clit, she came twice more.
‘I love you, Shawna. Marry me?’ I asked, right before cumming into her for the first time.
Winded, Shawna collapsed on my chest, and when she caught her breath, she said, ‘Yes, oh yes, Hank,’ then started laughing.
‘What’s so funny?’ I asked.
‘Missy said it would take you two months to propose, and she was right, to the day.’
She always was, when it came to predictions.
Our parents still thought we were crazy, but couldn’t deny that we were in love and committed to each other. We were engaged for only two months, enough time to get the cast off my leg, and have enough physical therapy to re-strengthen that leg, so I could walk down the aisle with barely a limp.
Standing at the altar, watching Shawna walk toward me on her Dad’s arm, I could have sworn I faintly saw Missy’s ghost on Shawna’s other side, and when her Dad kissed her on one cheek, Missy kissed the other, turned to me with a smile and vanished.
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I thought I was a dead man. Megan squirmed around and looked at me with a smile and winked. Then she pushed my numb body to the ground. “How long will I be paralyzed like this?”I asked with all the energy I had left. “Do worry you big baby, it will only last for another 10 minutes top. So lets enjoy it while we can.” She sat on my abbs, slowly clenching her butt cheeks on my cock. My head was spinning so bad, I could hardly think at this point. I couldn't move my muscles but I could...
We have all had encounters that we remember as well as those we want to forget, and this particular one has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to erase it. However, periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and as I slip back to when it all happened, it becomes as vivid as if it had just happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow happen again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I’ve always had mixed feeling about what happened...
Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my fantasies for fear of shocking her. The most persistent and strong idea's I masturbate to, where the thought of other men having Elaine. I dont know why,but the thought of total...
I always thought my Aunt Susan was hot. Susan is my mother’s younger sister, and kind of a carbon copy of my mom. She is four years younger than my mom and they had always been close. Both attractive, around the same height, maybe 5’5 or 5’6, and both with the same dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and slim, in-shape bodies. They both looked quite a bit younger than their actual ages. I grew up in a single parent home with just my mother Terri and my sister Anna, who is a year older than I....
sky is getting dark,i looked up enjoying the view of the twilight for it has been lo ng since i last enjoyed such a view.tod ay five years ago my father died the doc tor said it was some sort of animal atta ck for his trout was ripped open and his body was like death itself,i was only 10 when he died and now am in high sch ool.i started walking to my friend's hous e then i saw a man forcing a young girl in her later teen to a lonely area by the street, he seem not to take...
Kimmy Pfile is 13 and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm 30B tits. She was getting packed to go over to her friends house for a sleep over, but all she could think about was her friends older step brother, Curtis, He's 14 and stands 5'9, weighing around 120 lbs. with dark brown eyes and dark hair. Then she thought to herself 'maybe I can try and seduce him.' With a wide eyed expression she quickly ran upstairs to her...
Day as long as I live, because that was the day my life got twisted up side down by one god damn women. Beep, beep as my alarm went off for work, and to no surprise I found my 17 year old daughter Sara laying next to me with her dirty blond hair in her pink pajamas she looked so much like her mother who I hate so much. That whore only left a letter saying she not meant to be a stay at home wife and she never got to live her life since she got pregnant at a young age of 15. If I look back at...
The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap. Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about. A small moan came from the next room, But she didn’t hear it at first. Then followed by the squeak of bed springs which got louder and louder. “Oh no...
Her window was right across from mine, and the naive little girl she was she would leave her blinds open every night. Like clockwork every night she would practice her dance moves in her bedroom. She wanted to be a cheerleader but she would never be one with her tiny tits, and dorky glasses. Following that she would leave to shower, the re-enter about 15 minutes later in her towel to change. I would masturbate every night as I watched her change. You see, I'm friends with her brother...
We were reflections of each other. 48D breasts, round juicy asses, think black hair, slightly tan skin, hazel eyes, and one beauty mark on a cheek (Melissa’s was on the right, mine was on the left). Even after seventeen years, our parents still mix us up. Which we don’t mind too much., but you’d think they’d know buy the beauty marks or something. But either way, for twins, we’d like to think that’s pretty normal. We can get along, too- also normal for any siblings. My sister was more...
Michelle looked around the RV, her mother was sitting at the back reading a book, she had a enviously good figure and Michelle loved her very much. Across the table from Michelle and Amy, Craig and Adam were playing cards, they were laughing to each other about something when Michelle noticed that they kept glancing at Amy who was sitting opposite them. 'Bastards,' Michelle thought. “That man hor keeps looking at my tits,” Amy whispered to Michelle. “I know, their both pigs. We’ll get...
Dockside Birdie, rest a little longer, ‘Til little wings are stronger, So she rests a little longer, Before she flies away.+++Tennyson, Sea Dreams Not far from the Tower of London, a few hundred yards at most and flanking the old city, there is a small marina, and actually, as marinas go, it’s a decent one. A bit of a chore to get to — fighting mad tides up the Thames and all — but I’d heard it was worth the effort. Anyway, with winter coming on fast I needed to find a place to sit-out the...
Introduction: This is a repost of my first story to correct the technical difficulty I encountered in my first post. NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap. Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about. A small moan came from the next room, But she didnt hear it at...
Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...
Hello everyone the story i am going to tell you all about this time. occurred when i was only three years old.Its different from my other experiences but just as unforgettable. i mean how can i forget such a what I thought then was frightening but yet amazing experience as the ones i've shared with my beautiful aunt slash wife norma which happened just a bit after this story im going to tell you but as I said or even my sexy ther****t Ms. Liz all my experiences have been great like the one with...
Bobbie took me out on our first date to a local pub in Elwick. We had a pleasant time chatting to friends. On the drive back to my house I noticed his van was all carpeted in the back with lots of cushions – I thought this must be his passion wagon. So I determined not be lured especially on a first date. Bobbie leant over to kiss me goodnight and with his lovely soft lips feeling so sensual I melted in his arms and we let our tongues stroke each other. His hand started stroking my knee and...
Hello, my name is Jane; and I’m 38 years old and I’m happily married to my second husband. I have 3 c***dren, my oldest is 22 and I also have twins at 5; however they’re my son’s c***dren.And before I tell how my son became my lover, I’ll tell you how he was born.I was 16; at the time I was on my final year at school my first husband was my boyfriend, 6 months prior to the exams my boyfriend knocked me up and 3 months after the exams I gave birth to my son. My dad forced me into marry my...
Chapter One – The Capture: Me out on a Friday night? What was this? This never happened. My friend of many years had persuaded me through constant badgering to come out with him to a local club, it was the first time he had talked to me in months and I had wondered what had happened to him. So there I was, my friend had already got distracted by the first pretty thing in a skirt he found and I was left alone at the bar.From the corner of my eye I saw the barmaid looking at me, she walked over...
This is the story of my first-time wearing women’s panties. I was raised by my grandma. She was a real conservative woman who believed the bible word for word. As a result, I was extremely sheltered from the shows I watched and music I listened too to clothes and even the kinds of friends I could have. One day I was sitting in my room playing video games when my grandma had come in. “Matt, she said, I have some bad news. Your great uncle John passed away this morning”. My great uncle...
Getting an allowance from your parents seems to be an old-fashioned idea. My grandfather used to tell me about how he would pay my dad for mowing the lawn, washing the cars, and other chores. Even though it sounded like low-wage slavery to me, he was adamant that allowances were the only way to give your kid money. Make him or her earn it on a steady basis. In granddad’s opinion, the millennial method of ‘rewarding’ children was way too easy and expensive. For him, the ‘modern brat’...
Brandi was driving to the summer beach cabin in her sports car. Bikini clad and sunglasses, she rides the coast highway with the wind in her hair. Her bold self-confidence had been spurred by her social media presence. Her followers cheered at her antics. Half-naked poses, risque positions and her habit of making everyday things look sexual. She loved it and even tho she would never give it away, she teased and tempted her viewers regularly. Her eyes always looking for the next big selfie. ...
Hi, my name is Annie and this is the story about how, during my sophomore year of college, I got the “scholarship” that helped me make it the rest of the way through. Names are of course changed to protect the not-so-innocent. First, a little background–I was a naive, nineteen-year-old girl from the state of Washington attending a small, private liberal arts college in Canada. Like many college girls I bit off more than I can chew, and I was certainly feeling the pressure about a month into my...
This is equally on the topic of "FIRST TIME STORIES" or "TRANSSEXUAL" and is an updated version of the story I sent less than 24 hours ago *** My Life As A Sissy From the earliest awakening of my sexuality I felt a strong desire to be girly. I was the smallest boy in my grade at school and my slender body was milky white and nearly hairless. I felt that my penis was unusually small as well, and I didn’t have any pubic hair until at least a year later than the other boys. My first reaction was...
TransexualOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn Sites