My Awakening Rewrite free porn video

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This is the story of my first-time wearing women’s panties.

I was raised by my grandma. She was a real conservative woman who believed the bible word for word. As a result, I was extremely sheltered from the shows I watched and music I listened too to clothes and even the kinds of friends I could have.

One day I was sitting in my room playing video games when my grandma had come in.

“Matt, she said, I have some bad news. Your great uncle John passed away this morning”.

My great uncle John was my grandma’s brother. I heard a lot about him but because he lived so far away, I had never actually meet him.

“That’s terrible” I replied.

“I have to go help with the funeral arrangements and will be gone for a few days” she said.

I chimed in, “But my game is tomorrow.”

I was on the baseball team and we were one game away from going to the state finals.

“I know”, she replied. “I made arrangements for you to stay with Jennifer while I’m away. So go ahead and get you bags packed, we will be leaving soon.”

Jennifer was my grandma’s friend from work. She also has a son and daughter. Her son Frank is my brothers’ best friend and Katie is her daughter, but she lives with her dad. I never really hung out with either of them, but Frank would on occasion let me tag along when he and my brother would go to the park or fishing.

Like most boys my age I went back to playing my video game instead of packing tell I herd my grandma shout, “are you ready yet? I don’t want to miss my flight.”

I jumped up and quickly through some things in my bag and was out the door.

We arrived at Jennifer’s house shortly after 7pm. My grandma and Jennifer talked for a few minutes the grandma kissed me good by and left.

Jennifer led me to Katies room. Since she was only there every other weekend there wouldn’t be any issue.

I put my bag on the bed then went to the kitchen for supper.

We made small chit chat at the diner table. Frank asked how my brother was doing in the Army. Jennifer asked about school and baseball.

After eating Frank and I started wrestling around. It wasn’t much of a challenge since Frank was 6’1 and muscular and I was 5’4 and 120 pounds, but it was still fun. That is until we bumped the coffee table and red kool-aid spilled all over me.

Jennifer yelled angerly, “You two get that messed cleaned up now! Then you (referring to me) go get in the shower and bring me those clothes so I can try and get the stain out.”

We got the messed cleaned up and I went to my room and that’s when I noticed that the only clothes I packed was my baseball uniform. No underwear, no socks, nothing.

I went to Jennifer and said, “I forgot to pack a change of clothes.”

Jennifer: “Well, go ahead and get in the shower and I will see what I can find for you.

“OK” I replied and headed for the shower.

As I finish my shower and start dying off, I hear a knock on the door. I wrap my towel around me and said, “come in”.

Jennifer comes in and say’s, “I’m sorry Matt, but the only thing that I have that will fit you is some of Katie’s underwear.”

“What, I can’t wear women’s underwear,” I protested.

“Well, you can’t go around naked either and since you didn’t pack any clothes you will just have to deal with it”. She said, then laid the panties and one of Franks t shirts down on the counter and left.

I could not believe it. I am basically being forced to wear girls’ panties. I’m a boy I thought to myself. I can’t wear these.

“Hurry up” came a shoot.

I reluctantly picked up the panties and looked at them. They were white with a pink floral pattern and pink leg bands.

I slowly put them on sand slid them up my legs. I immediately noticed how much different they felt than my whitey tighties and how differently I looked in them. The soft fabric was snug around my privates and the bikini cut only covered part of my cheeks.

As I stand there looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but notice how girly my butt looks.

Already embarrassed I quickly put-on Frank’s shirt which thankfully went down to my knees.

I exit the bathroom to find Jennifer waiting.

“Hand me your clothes so I can go put them in the laundry”, she said.

I hand them to her and go to the living room ware Frank was sitting.

“Were just fixing to watch a movie, want to join?” he asked.

“Sure,” I replied and went and laid down on the floor facing the tv.

When Jennifer came in Frank started the movie. About midway through the movie Jennifer got up and said, “I’m going to bed. You don’t stay up to late.” Then looking at me she said, “You may want to pull you shirt down. Your panties are showing.” She gave a little grin then left.

I was so caught up in the movie that I had completely forgot about wearing them. I pulled my shirt down and started watching the movie again.

I guess at some point I feel asleep because I woke up to the feel of some one touching me. As I came to I realized that it was Frank. He had pushed my shirt up and was softly rubbing my butt. Frank wasn’t aware that I had woke up and I just laid there quite and confused as he gently ran his hand from the small of my back down over my butt to the back of my legs then I could feel his fingers tracing then leg band of my panties then back up.

Now at this point in my life although I knew about sex my knowledge was very limited. I had heard the term gay but didn’t know what it meant or that boy’s can have sex with each other. So I was very confused as to why he was rubbing my butt. I guess its because it looks so girly, but why did it feel so good?

The questions and confusion keep swirling around in my head as I felt Franks hand at the top of my butt. He turned his hand so that the palm was at the top and his fingers were going in between my checks. He gently rubbed his hand down following the curve of my butt until his fingers were ware my legs connected. I don’t know why but for some reason I let out a soft moan and lifted my butt up.

This action startled Frank who was now well aware that I was awake.

“I’m sorry Matt, I didn’t mean to, I mean” he said stuttering his words.

“Why were you rubbing my butt?” I asked.

Continuing to stutter his words he replied, “ I didn’t mean to its just that, your butt looks so good in those panties. It looks just like a girls but. I just wanted to feel it. I’m so sorry. Please don’t tell, my mom would kill me.”

“I’m not going to tell”, I replied, “ it actually felt kind of good.

“It did?” he asked

“Yes” I replied.

“Do you want me to keep doing it?” he asked

I nodded my head yes and laid back down. That was all the invitation Frank needed. He placed his hand back on my butt and this time with out the fear of waking me rubbed me a little more firmly.

His large hands basically covered my entire backside as I lay there enjoying all the new feelings running through my body. He gently cups and squeezes my butt then continues rubbing up and down pushing his fingers into the crack of my panties covered hind end. His large fingers gently squeezing and rubbing me caused my thingy to get hard only adding to my confusion.

Why am I getting hard from having my butt rubbed? I thought to myself. It just didn’t make ant sense. But it felt so good.

Frank then added to my confusion when I felt his hand go in between my legs.

Instinctively I lifted my hips and allowed him access as he started to rub my hard thing then he would go back to my butt. He kept rubbing back and forth for a few minutes then I felt his hand go on to the small of my back and his fingers start to work there way under my panties.

What are you doing?” I asked

“Shhh, just relax.” he whispered as he continued working his hand into my panties.

I could feel his fingers making there way down my crack to my hole. When his fingertip rubbed against my hole a shiver ran through my whole body. I had never felt anything like that before.

Emboldened by my reaction he continued rubbing his finger against my hole, gently circling the hole with his fingertips then rubbing firmly across the opening.

Started to let out soft moans and rock my hips to meet his hand.

Frank leaned over and whispered in my ear, “dose that feel good?”

“MMM yeah” was all I could reply.

Frank then pulled his hand out and started rubbing across my panties again. Then with his hand back at the small of my back he started to push down my panties slowly.

Although I was still confused, I made no objection.

He pushed my panties down just below my cheeks then started rubbing my bare bottom and down under may panties to my bare thingy and back up.

He done this a few times then I heard something that sounded like him spiting. Then I felt his fingers return to my hole only this time they were wet.

Oh my god, I thought he is rubbing his spit on my butthole.

“How’s that feel?” he asked

“Gross” I replied, “but also kind of good”

He continued massaging my hole with his fingertip and it started feeling really good.

Frank then took both hands and spread my checks apart. Then I felt the stubble from is facial hair and something big and wet against my hole.

He’s not, Oh my god he is. He is licking my butthole.

But before I could even wrap my mind around what he was doing I felt this sudden wave of pleasure rush through my body. Lifting my hips up to allow better access, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of his tongue. I could feel it going around the rim then push into my hole and back around the rim.

With this new wave of pleasure, I was really startling to moan

“Shh” Frank said, “You’re going to wake up my mom.”

Trying not to moan so load with all the pleasure I was experiencing proved to be quite the challenge.

Then I felt Franks finger return to my now spit saturated hole. Only this time he wasn’t rubbing my hole, he was pushing the tip in.

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Just relax” He replied, “I promise it will feel good.

While still uneasy about it I let Frank continue. I didn’t know how it could feel good especially compared to his tongue, but I decided to trust him.

Frank continued to gently work the tip of his finger in and out. Pushing a little deeper each time. At first it just felt weird then he pushed his finger about halfway in.

“Ohh” I let out,” That hurts

“Shh, just relax and push out like you’re trying to poop when I push in. I promise it will feel much better.” He said.

Trusting him I did as he said. I felt his finger pushing in, I arched my but up and pushed out and I could feel his finger slid all the way in. It still hurt but not as bad.

Frank keep his finger in place and reached under me and started to rub my thingy while my body got accustomed to the intruding digit.

After about a minute my butt muscles started to relax, and Frank started to wiggle his finger around while pulling it half out and pushing it back in.

As my hole lessened up he started to pump his finger faster. And just like promised it started feeling really good.

Frank then stuck a second finger at my entrance and proceeded to push in. While the second digit went in easier there was still some pain that quickly subsided. Then the pleaser got even more intense.

Frank started pumping his fingers into me faster and harder which caused me to start rocking my hips up to take his fingers in as deep as they could go.

Then Frank leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Can I fuck you in the ass”

Even though I did not know much about sex, I knew exactly what he was wanting to do. Why, I thought to myself? I’m a boy not a girl. And why would he want to put his thing in my Butt.

I finally asked him why.

He replied, “Because your little ass is so hot and because it would make me feel as good as im making you feel. So, what do you say?”

I thought about it for a second. He did have a point. My but did look cute in those panties and he was making me feel really good, so it’s only fair I make him feel good as well.

“OK” I replied.

Frank then removed his fingers (leaving my hole feeling empty) stood up and removed his shorts.

Wow, Franks thing was huge (at least compared to mine). His thing was about six and a half inches and thick. I thought to myself, that will never fit inside of my butt. I was kind of scared because if his fingers hurt as bad as they did, how much pain would that thing cause.

Terrified I wanted to back out, but I was raised by the saying a mans word is his bond and if you make a promise you have to keep it.

Frank leaned over and gave my hole a few more licks then left a big glob of spit at the entrance. He then moved behind me, spit on his hand and rubbed the spit onto his thing. Leaning over I could feel the tip against my crack.

He whispered, “just relax, I promise I will take it slow.

While I trusted him, his words did little to ease the fear.

He placed the tip at my entrance and started to push in.

“oww oww oww, it hurts” I cried out.

Frank stopped and started rubbing his thing up and down my crack. Feeling his large member in between my check as he humped me felt amazing.

After a few minutes of humping Frank lined himself back up with my entrance.

With a new determination to let him stick his thingy in my butt, I reached my hands back and pulled my cheeks apart, raised my hips and just like before pushed out. I could feel his member start to slid in.

Just like with his fingers, Frank would push in a little then pull back out. After a few tries he had the head in, and it was pushing up against something that was keeping it from going further. I latter found out that it is called the anal ring.

Frank continued to gently push in and pull out, pushing a little harder each time tell with a sharp pain his thing finally pushed through.

Oh, it hurt so bad. But I kept my checks spread and my but, in the air, and Frank continued to push deeper into me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore; I could feel Franks pubs and I knew he was almost in. I clenched my jaw and pushed my butt up while he was pushing in tell I felt his hips firmly against my cheeks.

I have never felt so full. Having his thing inside of me, although it hurt, it almost felt as though it belonged there.

Just like with his fingers Frank held in place letting me get use to the intrusion.

“Let me know when I can go”, he said.

“ok” I replied.

After a few minutes, the pain was pretty well gone. I started to rock my hips up and down a little letting Frank know I was ready.

Frank pulled back almost all the way out. I could feel every contour of his swollen member as he slowly withdrew then he gently pushed all the way back in. He repeated this process a few times and each time my hole would loosen up a little more. Soon he was sliding in and out with easy, pulling almost all the way out and pushing back in as far as he could go.

Between the feeling of the fullness, his thing sliding in and out and what ever he was hitting in there it started to feel really good.

Frank continued trusting into me as I started to rock my hips to meet his thrust. A warm feeling of pleaser coursing through my body each time he bottomed out into my quivering hole.

Frank had to constantly reminded me to keep it down, but it was no use. As the rush of pleaser coursed through me, I felt like what can only be described as an explosion inside of me. I recognized this feeling from when I would play with myself, but this was far more intense.

My body started shacking, my muscles tightened up and started convulsing.

The convulsing inside my butt put Frank over the edge and with one final push as hard and as deep as he could go, Frank started Cumming.

The way Frank was pushing into me and squeezing my hips and the feeling of his of his thing jumping around inside of me while he unleashed his seed just prolonged my orgasm.

I collapsed onto the floor, with Frank laying on top of me, lightheaded, exhausted and in a state of absolute bliss.

We lay there for a minute breathing hard, neither of us saying anything.

I could feel his thing going soft inside of me until it finally slipped out. I felt a strange sense of disappointment that it was over. I wanted him to stay inside of me. I wanted this feeling to last forever.

Frank rolled off to the side of me, placed his hand on my butt and rubbed a little, then said, “That was amazing. You have a great little butt.”

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as I replied, “yes it was”

Frank then said, “we better go get in bed before we get caught”

He then kissed the top of my head and pulled my panties back up over my butt, then gave it a little squeeze.

I got up and went to go to the bathroom. It felt like my legs were jello. My insides seemed vacant and hollow and it was at that time that I noticed my panties were completely soaked with cum.

I went to Katie’s room and grabbed a clean pair and hid the cum soaked ones. My new pair of panties were white with a purple floral pattern.

I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up. I could not believe how much cum Frank had shot inside of me.

I finished cleaning up and went to bed. The days events running through my head. I could help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction and pride about how I was able to take his thing inside of me and make him cum just like a girl.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of Jennifer’s cooking. I got up; my butt was still a little swore reminding me that last night was not a dream. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table.

Frank was already at the table and smiled when I walked in.

“Good morning,” Jen said, “Did you sleep good?”

“Yes,” I replied

“So, how’s your little butt this morning?” she asked

A look of terror spread of Frank’s and my face as Jennifer explained,

“I woke up because I herd a noise last night and imagine my surprise when I look into the living room and see Frank with his fingers in your butt.”

“I can explain,” Frank tried to cut in but was immediately silenced by his mom.

She continued, “I was so filled with shock and rage that I was just about to come in there and beat the hell out of you. Then I herd Matt’s moans and stopped, and I got to say Matt, you looked so cute with your panties pulled down rocking pushing your little hips up to meet his hand. It honestly reminded me of the first time Jim (Franks dad) fucked me in the ass.”

“What”, I said shocked by what I had just herd. Jim put his thingy in your butt too?”

“Yes” she replied, “and it cock. I think after what you experienced last night your mature enough to say it. And based on what I saw, you loved it as much as I did. All though Jim was not as gentle with me as Frank was with you.

We finished eating with very few words said. Then Jennifer looked at me and said, “you better hurry up and go get ready little missy, or you’re going to be late for your game.”

I went into the bathroom and started to undress when I realized, she had called me little missy.

Why would she call me that? She knows I’m not a girl. Was she just teasing me? I looked into the mirror and I did look kind of like a girl standing there in just a pair of panties. I’ve always been short and thin and not just in the height category. The lack of a bulge in my panties made me look even more feminine. Then I started wondering what I would look like without the

bulge. I reached into my panties and pushed my thing between my legs. Wow I really do look like a girl now.

As all these thoughts were running through my head, then I here a knock on the bathroom door,” Your clothes still haven’t been washed yet, so hers you a clean pair of panties. Now hurry up young lady,” Jennifer said as she closed the door.

Why was she teasing me I asked myself as I climbed out of the shower. I looked down at the panties Jennifer had brought in and they were pink with white polka dots.

With all the questions swirling around in my head for some reason putting these panties on made everything seem alright, like I was meant to wear them.

More to cum!!!!!


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The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap. Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about. A small moan came from the next room, But she didn’t hear it at first. Then followed by the squeak of bed springs which got louder and louder. “Oh no...

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Acting out on fantasyrewrite

Her window was right across from mine, and the naive little girl she was she would leave her blinds open every night. Like clockwork every night she would practice her dance moves in her bedroom. She wanted to be a cheerleader but she would never be one with her tiny tits, and dorky glasses. Following that she would leave to shower, the re-enter about 15 minutes later in her towel to change. I would masturbate every night as I watched her change. You see, I'm friends with her brother...

3 years ago
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TwinsUntitled Rewrite

We were reflections of each other. 48D breasts, round juicy asses, think black hair, slightly tan skin, hazel eyes, and one beauty mark on a cheek (Melissa’s was on the right, mine was on the left). Even after seventeen years, our parents still mix us up. Which we don’t mind too much., but you’d think they’d know buy the beauty marks or something. But either way, for twins, we’d like to think that’s pretty normal. We can get along, too- also normal for any siblings. My sister was more...

4 years ago
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Testing The Toys Rewrite

The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping he'd decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black skirt...

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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening rewrite

Michelle looked around the RV, her mother was sitting at the back reading a book, she had a enviously good figure and Michelle loved her very much. Across the table from Michelle and Amy, Craig and Adam were playing cards, they were laughing to each other about something when Michelle noticed that they kept glancing at Amy who was sitting opposite them. 'Bastards,' Michelle thought. “That man hor keeps looking at my tits,” Amy whispered to Michelle. “I know, their both pigs. We’ll get...

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The Dividing Line 2016 rewrite

May 7th Sara Wood lived in darkest shadowlands, and she kept to her shadows — lived to blend in, to disappear, if caught in light of day, she simply faded away into the pale warrens of the city. Sara Wood was an expert in the fine art of disappearance, of camouflage, of falling through cracks in the few systems left to deal with girls of her sort: homeless, nameless…faceless girls used to life in the darkness. There was ‘no place like home’ for Sara Wood, there never had been. No Auntie Em, no...

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Dockside 2016 rewrite

Dockside Birdie, rest a little longer, ‘Til little wings are stronger, So she rests a little longer, Before she flies away.+++Tennyson, Sea Dreams Not far from the Tower of London, a few hundred yards at most and flanking the old city, there is a small marina, and actually, as marinas go, it’s a decent one. A bit of a chore to get to — fighting mad tides up the Thames and all — but I’d heard it was worth the effort. Anyway, with winter coming on fast I needed to find a place to sit-out the...

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Testing The Toys Rewrite

Introduction: Family Guy Griffin The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a...

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Introduction: This is a repost of my first story to correct the technical difficulty I encountered in my first post. NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap. Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about. A small moan came from the next room, But she didnt hear it at...

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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 1 rewrite

Introduction: I took another look at it and changed some of it. I kept the topic same. It was my last year in school, going to pass out in a few more months and I still was a virgin. Not that I wanted to be but my boy friend lives far and we only get together online but we would be soon be together and getting married, so for him I was saving myself until something happened few weeks before my term was going to end. In school and mostly everywhere else I used to hang out mostly with guys, not...

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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

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The Birthday Present The Rewrite

"Jan has a serious crush on you," Belinda informed me as we were driving home.She was speaking of the daughter of our best friends. I met them during the end of the CB radio craze that swept the country in the late seventies. We had all just joined a local CB club about a month apart and became friends. We would spend our Friday nights at the club's dinner meetings sharing one table. Afterward, I would spend the remainder night at their house playing cards, watching TV, or just hanging out in...

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personal field trip rewrite

Hello everyone the story i am going to tell you all about this time. occurred when i was only three years old.Its different from my other experiences but just as unforgettable. i mean how can i forget such a what I thought then was frightening but yet amazing experience as the ones i've shared with my beautiful aunt slash wife norma which happened just a bit after this story im going to tell you but as I said or even my sexy ther****t Ms. Liz all my experiences have been great like the one with...

4 years ago
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First Date Rewrite

Bobbie took me out on our first date to a local pub in Elwick. We had a pleasant time chatting to friends. On the drive back to my house I noticed his van was all carpeted in the back with lots of cushions – I thought this must be his passion wagon. So I determined not be lured especially on a first date. Bobbie leant over to kiss me goodnight and with his lovely soft lips feeling so sensual I melted in his arms and we let our tongues stroke each other. His hand started stroking my knee and...

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My Son My Lover Part 1 rewrite

Hello, my name is Jane; and I’m 38 years old and I’m happily married to my second husband. I have 3 c***dren, my oldest is 22 and I also have twins at 5; however they’re my son’s c***dren.And before I tell how my son became my lover, I’ll tell you how he was born.I was 16; at the time I was on my final year at school my first husband was my boyfriend, 6 months prior to the exams my boyfriend knocked me up and 3 months after the exams I gave birth to my son. My dad forced me into marry my...

3 years ago
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Bad Night Clubbing Rewrite

Chapter One – The Capture: Me out on a Friday night? What was this? This never happened.  My friend of many years had persuaded me through constant badgering to come out with him to a local club, it was the first time he had talked to me in months and I had wondered what had happened to him. So there I was, my friend had already got distracted by the first pretty thing in a skirt he found and I was left alone at the bar.From the corner of my eye I saw the barmaid looking at me, she walked over...

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Arajatta and the Ruby Complete rewrite

This is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. The...

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Earning an Allowance Rewrite

Getting an allowance from your parents seems to be an old-fashioned idea. My grandfather used to tell me about how he would pay my dad for mowing the lawn, washing the cars, and other chores. Even though it sounded like low-wage slavery to me, he was adamant that allowances were the only way to give your kid money. Make him or her earn it on a steady basis. In granddad’s opinion, the millennial method of ‘rewarding’ children was way too easy and expensive. For him, the ‘modern brat’...

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Becoming the Devil Chapter 1 Rewrite

Ruler of this world? " I asked, fighting the urge to slap myself awake. "Yes! We have reviewed your case and you have been chosen to become the ruler of this world" answered the man claiming to be the devil. The scarlet eyed man looked disinterested, he kept shaping, mashing, rolling and squeezing the anti-stress ball that was previously on my desk as if I wasn’t there. “Why me?” “Well to us, fantasies and dreams are like movies. And to keep the metaphor going, to us you are a...

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A Ghostly Tail Rewrite

Brandi was driving to the summer beach cabin in her sports car. Bikini clad and sunglasses, she rides the coast highway with the wind in her hair. Her bold self-confidence had been spurred by her social media presence. Her followers cheered at her antics. Half-naked poses, risque positions and her habit of making everyday things look sexual. She loved it and even tho she would never give it away, she teased and tempted her viewers regularly. Her eyes always looking for the next big selfie. ...

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My Scholarship 2018 Rewrite

Hi, my name is Annie and this is the story about how, during my sophomore year of college, I got the “scholarship” that helped me make it the rest of the way through. Names are of course changed to protect the not-so-innocent. First, a little background–I was a naive, nineteen-year-old girl from the state of Washington attending a small, private liberal arts college in Canada. Like many college girls I bit off more than I can chew, and I was certainly feeling the pressure about a month into my...

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My Life As A Sissy rewrite

This is equally on the topic of "FIRST TIME STORIES" or "TRANSSEXUAL" and is an updated version of the story I sent less than 24 hours ago *** My Life As A Sissy From the earliest awakening of my sexuality I felt a strong desire to be girly. I was the smallest boy in my grade at school and my slender body was milky white and nearly hairless. I felt that my penis was unusually small as well, and I didn’t have any pubic hair until at least a year later than the other boys. My first reaction was...

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Awakening ndash Chapter 2

My fantasy continued… (If you have not read the first chapter titled "Awakening" ( this may leave you confused)Rachel held me tightly, her arms pulling me close, our lips met as the first spurt of cum left my cock and shot into her pussy. She moaned on my tongue again and I felt her rock her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against my shaft. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily, “Oh yes, fill me up,” she begged as the second spurt filled her and I...

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Awakening Ch 3 Quickening

This is the third chapter of Awakening. This is the uncensored version of this story and contains extreme gore and death. If you would prefer a censored version with a minor rewrite to avoid human death, feel free to visit my profile on Literotica or Lush Stories (links to both profiles are available in my DeviantArt bio under the name QuiverWrites), where the censored version will be published. Both versions are also available on my Patreon. As with previous chapters, this story contains...

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Awakenings 3

AWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...

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Awakening Ch 1

Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...

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Awakening Blood of the Unknown

Background: Amelia is the last but highest ranking surviving member of her bloodline. She knows that if she finds her destined mate that she will be able to birth more purebloods and will not have to augment her forces with turned vampires. She loves all of her children but is in need of purebloods to strengthen her forces to combat the humans. She does not want war but will not allow her family to be extinguished by human hatred and fear. Humans know that if Amelia finds a mate Humanity will...

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Awakenings 5

Introduction: A continuation: Awakenings 5 I didnt think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked whats going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own...

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Awakenings 4

Introduction: Read Awakenings 1-3 before this one. Awakenings 4 I didnt think Id continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something Im still trying to understand. Ive gone from a meek, nave little creature who thought sex was just...

4 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 6The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment.My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie - the white prostitute or 'escort' who arranged and organized our various 'extracurricular activities' - had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The rest...

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Awakening Ch 2 Reckoning

Awakening by Quiver Chapter 2: Reckoning Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind. Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with...

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Awakening of Alexis part 1

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 1 I can’t say that I really regret anything that’s happened. Step by step it’s been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened. I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I’ve tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...

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Awakening From A Dream

Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...

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Awakening of Alexis part 4

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 4 Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more ‘alive’ now, more easily sexually aroused, more ‘awakened’ in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always...

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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 6 The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment. My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie – the white prostitute or ‘escort’ who arranged and organized our various ‘extracurricular activities’ – had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The...

1 year ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 2

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 2 After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics. A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....

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Awakening of Alexis part 3

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 3 For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie – the prostitute / ‘escort’ – about future encounters – i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused...

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