Unprotected Sex free porn video

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Unprotected Sex an original story by CutePatti Part 1 Sue and I had been dating for over a year. We were both seniors in high school, had wonderful families and friends we cared about a lot. We were both good students, got along well with the teachers and had very happy and normal lives. At least until recently. What can I say. Things happen out of nowhere that can turn your whole world upside down. Not that we aren't still very happy......it's just so many things have changed....things I would have not thought possible. We weren't having sex although we were having a lot of fun exploring each other's bodies and learning new ways to excite each other. But sex wasn't in the picture for either of us.....at least not until that night. I had a secret I had kept from Sue, in fact that I had kept from everyone in my life. One that I was ashamed of but couldn't seem to control. I somehow, a few years earlier, discovered that I enjoyed the feel of girls clothes on my body. I was about 12 when one day out of boredom I went into my 14 year old sister's room and kind of looked around. I was never allowed in there by her, so the place was kind of a mystery to me. I was the only one in the house at the time so I didn't have to worry about being caught. Well, one thing led to another and I was soon exploring all of the drawers in her desk and dresser. I didn't realize Joy had such silky and soft underwear, of course I'd never seen her in her underwear so that's not very surprising. She had one whole drawer full of nothing but panties. I sorted through them and there were all styles and colors. Some were cotton but a few were nylon and some of them had lace and little bows on them. As I handled her panties I started to tingle all over....especially between my legs. I had just recently discovered the joys of masturbation and it seemed everything set me off. But this was something else. I wondered how those silky panties must feel on Joy's body....and then I thought I could find out how they felt on me. So I quickly stripped off my pants and jockey shorts and picked out the frilliest pair of panties I could find. They were a pink satin material with lace all around the leg holes and waistband and there were little white ribbons with bows on the front panel. I felt so naughty as I thought about what I was geting ready to do. But I couldn't help myself. As I drew them up my legs my penis came to full attention but I somehow managed to get it covered by the panties, although it made quite a bulge in front. I almost went into orbit when the satiny material rubbed up against it. I looked in the mirror and started getting turned-on looking at myself. But I hated the site of my t-shirt so I removed it too. I then started rummaging in her other drawers and found a stack of her bras and next to them some pretty slip-like things. I took out a pink one and read the tag inside the garment and it said it was a camisole. I shuddered as I slipped my arms through the thin straps and I felt the slick material drape across my skin and nipples. I ran my hands up and down enjoying the slithering sounds the material made. I was so hot by then I knew I had to bring myself off or explode. I laid down on Joy's bed where I could still see myself in the mirror and brought my penis out of the top of the panties. I stroked it as I watched myself and knew this wouldn't be the last time I came into my sister's room. All of a sudden I got that familiar tensing in my groin and I started jerking up and down on the bed. But I wasn't expecting what happened next. My penis started spewing white stuff all over me, the panties and the camisole. It felt better than it ever had.....and this was the first time anything like that happened. When it finally stopped I was covered with the stuff. I suddenly was jolted out of my intense pleasure by a feeling of doom. I had gotten that stuff all over Joy's underwear. As quickly as I could I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and got as much of the stuff off of her things as I could. I stuffed the pretty clothes in the bottom of the laundry hamper hoping mom wouldn't think anything of it when she did the washing and I prayed Joy wouldn't want to wear those items within the next couple of days. Well it turned out I did get away with it but I was much more careful from then on. I also soon found out that what happened with my penis was just a part of my growing up. A wonderful part of growing up, I might add. Especially when I was wearing Joy's sexy clothes. Anyway, one night I found myself in Sue's bedroom. We were at her house and her parents were gone for awhile and Sue had to run to the store for something. So I just stayed behind and found myself looking around her bedroom just as I had done in Joy's about 5 years earlier. Sue was so feminine and dressed in the coolest clothes, it was all I could do to not tell her how much I wanted to wear her pretty things. When we would make-out I loved running my hands not only all over her body, but her clothes as well. And now here I was all alone in her room. I knew I didn't have much time so I quickly explored her dresser and closet. In the closet I saw that sexy pair of ankle-strap sandals I so loved seeing on her pretty feet. They showed off her pretty painted toes so nicely. I knew I had to try them on so I quickly took off my shoes and socks and tried slipping them on. They were kind of tight but I knew I could get them on if I had on nylons. So I quickly went to her dresser and found the drawer with pantyhose of all kinds. But what caught my attention at the side was a pair of sheer nylon stockings with a corselette laying alongside. She had never worn anything like this that I knew of but I got instantly turned on at the sight of such sexy and intimate garments. I took off all my clothes and slipped the corselette around me. It hooked in the front and fit me very tightly, but it felt good. My penis started throbbing as I looked down and saw that the tight garment had squeezed my chest flesh up into the built-in bra cups. I actually looked like I had two firm titties resting in the cups. I then reached for the sheer nylons and pulled them over my toes and heels and up to the top of my thighs. There were three garters on each side which held the nylons very taught as I fastened them to the welt of the stockings. I was easily able to get those sexy sandals on my feet and as I slid into them and fastened the strap at the ankle, I wished I had painted toenails just like Sue. I then stood up in front of Sue's full-length mirror and just stared at the site before me. The room light made my legs shine in those sheer nylons and I started rubbing my nylon covered leg as I also stroked my penis. All of a sudden I heard Sue behind me. I had lost all track of time. "Michael, what are you doing in here? And why are you wearing my things?" As I turned to face her I saw her gaze go to my stiff penis which was standing straight out from just under the bottom of the corsellette. "Well, well, well. And I thought I was going to surprise YOU when I wore that under my prom dress. But the surprise is certainly on ME, isn't it? God you look hot!!!" she said as this look of passion came over her. She came over to me and ran her hands all over me paying attention to my breasts. "Why didn't you tell me you had these little titties, honey? I would have let you wear my bras and stuff long ago. But I'm glad you have this very big clitty between your legs. Wonder if you know how to use it." She then started removing her clothes. First her ribbed top, then her jeans, then her sneakers and cute pink socks and finally her panties. I could see moisture had formed on her almost hairless pussy. She was breathig heavy and I couldn't believe this was my girlfriend who usually was so calm and in control. She didn't say another word but pushed me over on her bed and mounted herself on top of me so that my penis was resting at her wet opening. She slowly lowered herself and I could feel myself for the first time entering her most private place. She groaned for an instant as I felt her maidenhead give way but then I slid easily up inside of her. She started stroking my breasts and even brought one of them out of the confinement of the bra cup and sucked on it. She was almost making me feel like the girl. We weren't even thinking of what we were doing and after a few minutes of her rhythmic up and down motion on me I felt her shudder as her orgasm hit her and it caused mine to hit also. As my semen was drained from me and deposited inside of her I felt totally at peace with myself. I knew I finally had someone to share my secret with. And it was the person I loved more than anyone else in the world. What I didn't realize was the changes that were in store for us, particularly me. Our having unprotected sex was going to teach me some very important lessons about what it's like to be a girl. I found out it means a lot more than just dressing in their clothes. "Wow, I don't know what came over me. It's just that when I walked in my room and saw you standing there wearing my lingerie I got so turned-on and wasn't thinking," Sue said as she finally lifted off of my now exhausted body. I felt my penis slip out from within her and as it did I saw my semen leaking from between her legs. She saw me staring and at that instant we both realized what we had done. "I'd better go clean myself up. Oh god, I wonder if we have just made a big mistake," she said as she ran into her bathroom. I just lay there catching my breath and thinking how great it was that Sue had gotten turned-on by my being dressed in those sexy things of hers. I still wasn't totally aware of what a risk we had just taken. As she came back into the room, I saw that her expression had changed from panic to curiousity. She came over and sat down on the bed next to me and started asking me questions. I poured my heart out to her about how all this had started and how I had to keep it a secret from everyone. About how much I had wanted to tell her but was just to ashamed. "Sweetie, I love you so much. We shouldn't have any secrets from each other. Especially such an important one like this. Besides, I love seeing you like this. After all, I like wearing pretty, sexy clothes. So why shouldn't you? Looks like I've got a new best girlfriend as well as a boyfriend," she said as her hands started running all over my body. She touched my penis, then squeezed it and a big drop of cum poured out of the tip. She got an evil look in her eyes and then leaned over and licked it off. "I probably should have done this to you awhile ago instead of letting you shoot that stuff up inside of me. But I guess it was all my fault. But you know what? I loved making love to you. It almost felt like I was the guy and you were the girl. You felt so good inside of me and you made me feel so good. I guess it was time for us to do that. I just hope I didn't get you pregnant. Oops, I mean ME. Wouldn't that be weird if I were after the very first time. I mean, I was a virgin up until now. Michael, or maybe I should call you.....ummmm, let's see......how about Michelle? That's it....when you wear my clothes you will be Michelle. Now get your butt off my bed and go clean this mess off of you. I've got another idea when you get cleaned up." I was getting excited again as she said those things to me. She was right, I did feel like the girl when we were making love. After all, she initiated it, pushed me down on the bed and forced herself on me. It was all so wonderful having her do that to me as I was wearing those clothes. The whole time I was aware of how her touches felt against my nylon covered legs, my breast in her mouth as she sucked on it, the tightness of her corselette around my body. I quickly cleaned myself up and when I got back I saw she had dressed and taken her new prom dress out of her closet. "Michelle, since you are wearing those special sexy undergarments I bought to wear under this dress, I think you should try on the whole outfit. Come over here and let's get started. This is so cool.....I guess I really did buy these things for you, but I never dreamed they would be used in this way." She led me over to her dresser and opened a drawer that was full of her panties. As she sorted through them my penis again got rock hard. "Here's what I was looking for," she said as she drew a pair of silky white hip- hugger panties from the drawer. "Let's slip you into these. They are one of my favorite pairs. Oh my, you do so much want to be a little girl, don't you? Your clitty just doesn't seem to know when to quit, does it? Guess we'd better take care of that again so we can finish putting you in your prom dress." As I stood there she got down on her knees and sucked my penis into her mouth. As she slowly ran her tongue around it she started teasing me, "You love wearing my silky things, don't you Michelle? You are going to be my sweet, little girlfriend and we're going to play dress-up a lot. I'm going to dress you in all my pretty things. Maybe we will even have you start wearing my silky underwear all the time....even under your silly boys clothes. Gee, I wonder if we will have to shop for maternity clothes for you in a couple of months. Would you like that? Having your belly get all big and swollen and your titties fill up with milk?" As she said that while stroking me I felt myself give way and she once again took me into her mouth and I let go of a huge load which she swallowed as fast as she could. When I finished cumming she stood up and I could see her lips were coated with it. She brought her lips to mine and opened her mouth and as her tongue met mine she forced some of it into my mouth and I could do nothing about it. She pulled away and said, "Well, Michelle, since you are a girl now you will have to learn to do things like this. It's what girls do, you know." I felt so submissive to her. It was like I was putty in her hands. I knew she was going to teach me so many new and exciting things. It was like my dreams had come true. I then stepped into her panties and saw they had lace all over the front panel, they were so feminine and pretty. Next she got a camisole that was the same white as the panties and I shuddered as she put my arms through the delicate straps and it fell down to just below my hips. Then the dress. It was very short but had a full skirt. It was made of a satiny material and a hot pink color with puffy sleeves and a fitted waist. As she put it on me I was amazed it fit me like a glove. I had never noticed how close to Sue's size I was. She then went to her closet again and came back with a long blonde wig. As she placed it on my head I saw it had thick long waves cascading the full length, which came to my waist. As she started applying make-up to my face I knew I was soon going to be meeting a new girl in my life. Me! "OK, now go over to my mirror and meet Michelle, honey." As I gazed at my reflection I was stunned that I made such a convincing girl. Sue had done wonders with me. "Looks like you should be the one wearing that outfit to the prom. Maybe I ought to buy another one like it and we could go as twins," she giggled out loud. We spent a lot of time that day playing dress-up. I felt as though I had been re- born. Well, I didn't wear the dress to prom but under my tuxedo I was wearing a sexy waist-nipper garter belt and silky stockings as well as satiny panties. She had bought them especially for the occasion so I wouldn't feel left out. We had a great time and had lot's of fun during those last few weeks of high school. My life had changed so much because of Sue's acceptance of me. I no longer had to sneak around. One day we were even playing around in my sister's room because Sue wanted me to show her the things I always wore of Joy's. Joy was now a sophomore in college majoring in pre-med. She still lived at home but was in class at the time. At least we thought that was where she was. Just as Sue was helping me into one of Joy's skirts and sweaters, Joy came into the room. Her mouth just fell open, but after a few minutes she calmed down. It helped that Sue was there with me. It took a lot of me explaining and Sue supporting me before Joy finally calmed down and just started laughing. "You mean all these years you have been sneaking in here and wearing my things without me knowing anything about it? I guess I was always too careful to not let you in my room. Maybe this is my fault by just making you curious as to what was in here. Oh well, at least I know now. And don't worry, I'll be cool about it." What a relief that she took it so well. I knew how lucky I was to have an understanding girlfriend and sister. I knew it wasn't that way for most guys like me. Funny thing was, we found out that Joy ws involved in a research project at her college, which was primarily a research facility and hospital, that involved gender-related topics. And part of the project involved men who were crossdressers and transsexuals. They were doing all kinds of studies, control experiments and such and used a lot of volunteers. "So, little brother....or maybe I should say little sister, isn't this a big coincidence how all this ties together. Maybe you will want to volunteer for some of the studies we are conducting." And so it went....eventually my mom and Sue's mom (there were no dads to worry about since Sue's parents were divorced and mine had been dead for several years) found out about Michelle, not so much in person but at least they knew about that side of my personality. And they were also very cool about it. Additionally, my mom told us that she had known for a long time about my sneaking into Joy's room. She had accidently seen me in there one day but just thought it was boyish curiousity. I told her it was "girlish" curiousity. She laughed and told me it didn't matter to her, she loved me regardless. Right before graduation Sue gave me some disturbing news. "I missed my last period and have been feeling a little nauseous lately. Remember when I made love to you a few weeks ago? Remember we didn't use any protection? Well I'm not sure, but I think I'd better get tested." She decided to tell Joy and knew she could get the test done at her facility. Well, guess what? We're going to have a baby. In fact they did a very sophisticated test and found Sue was carrying twins. Not bad for two first time virgins and a girly/boy, huh? Here's what happened at the medical facility. Joy listened as Sue said, "Man, I hope this isn't happening. I told Michael at the time I thought it would be weird if I ended up pregnant after us doing it our very first time. I even joked that I was afraid I had made him pregnant." Joy looked confused and Sue explained to her how it had all happened, that she had been the aggressor and that Michael had been wearing her lingerie and she had been on top, etc. Joy was getting turned-on hearing all this. Ever since she found out about Michael sneaking into her room all those years in secret made her get really wet between her legs. She had even masturbated with those thoughts in her mind the last few nights. And now Sue giving her the details of their first sex together with Sue being the aggressor was making her squirm right in front of Sue. Joy also had a secret that no-one knew. She had fantasies of making it with another girl, although she had never acted on those feelings. And many times those fantasies had focused on Sue. She felt so guilty, thinking those kinds of thoughts about her little brother's girlfriend. But she couldn't help it. And now hearing these things from Sue right in front of her. And she still had to administer the test. She told Sue they better get on with the test and asked her to remove her panties and to get up on the table and put her feet in the stirrups. Joy thought she would burst right on the spot as Sue continued her story as she climbed onto the examination table. Joy got the speculum and cotton swab and went to work between Sue's outstretched legs. Sue obviously was turned on too because her pussy was drooling. Joy could hardly contain herself as she stared at Sue's beautiful, almost hairless slit. She noticed the clit was as hard as a rock. "My, you certainly are moist down here, Sue. Should be no problem getting a good sample," Joy said as she inserted the speculum into Sue. "I guess I always get turned on when I talk about my little Michelle. She is just so cute and sexy I can't help myself. Oooooh, that thing is cold," Sue said. Joy completed the sample and as she withdrew the speculum thought she would see if she could tease Sue a little about her last comment. "So that thing was cold, huh? Want me to warm you up a little?" Joy teased. Sue was surprised at her remark but found herself so aroused all she said was, "Why, yes. Why don't you see what you can do." Joy then removed the rubber gloves she had on and, as a further test, put her index finger in her mouth and started sucking on it right in front of Sue. She did that for a moment and then went back between Sue's legs looking her straight in the eyes. She took her finger out of her mouth and started rubbing it up and down along the moist cleft between Sue's legs. She saw her close her eyes and begin to moan a little. So she quickly grasped her hugely engorged clit and started massaging it between her thumb and finger. Sue started writhing on the table and it wasn't long before she let out a muffled scream signalling her orgasm. Joy kept up her handwork until Sue begged her to stop. Both girls were a little embarrassed as Sue put her panties back on, but as she was leaving, she said to Joy, "Maybe I can return the favor to you one of these days," and put her finger in her mouth just as she walked out the door. Joy immediately ran to the restroom where she took care of her throbbing clit the same way she had done Sue's. She couldn't believe her incredible luck. As Joy confirmed the pregnancy to Sue over the phone the next day as well as the fact that there were twins, she also said she had something she wanted to discuss with her ASAP. Sue asked what it was about and all Joy said was, "Well, it has to do with our little Michelle and her involvement in the pregnancy. After all, you do have two babies inside of you. Don't you think it might be fun to share one of them? I've already talked to my research professor, Dr. Cook, and he is very interested in finding a suitable volunteer for a very new procedure he has developed. Interested?" Sue said she would be right over. Well it seemed I, being the father, (at least I thought that's what I was....this was getting very confusing) was going to be the last to know. I listened to every word as Sue told me about her meeting with Joy and Dr. Cook but I could hardly believe all of what she was telling me. "Michael, if you truly want to experience what it means to be a girl then I think we should go through with it. Plus it will give both of our babies a chance they might not otherwise have," she told me. Finding out that Sue was pregnant in the first place, then knowing it was going to be twins and now hearing her tell me that the doctor was afraid she couldn't carry both babies to full term almost had me feeling numb all over. But the alternate plan she discussed with me truly had my head swimming. She explained to me that a procedure could be done whereby one of the fetuses she was carrying could be removed from her and implanted into a surrogate if they could find one. They were afraid she could only carry one of the fetuses to full-term because of some structural imbalances inside of her. The surrogate would have to be found quickly because for the procedure to work, it needed to be carried out in the next couple of weeks. The research facility where Joy was attending school had sucessfully transplanted fetuses from one woman to another and that was one option. But they were also experimenting on using males as surrogates if certain physical and mental qualifications were met. And there had been a few successful transplants done that way. So now I was being offered an opportunity to fulfill a woman's role to the max. It both excited and scared me to think of going so far with my desires to experience femininity as much as possible. We were in her room as she was telling me all of this. I had begun to wear her lingerie all the time underneath my normal male clothes even to school. And it caused me to be in a constant state of sexual arousal which Sue used to her advantage whenever possible. She started rubbing her hands along the front of my jeans as she said, "Wouldn't you love to be experiencing all the same things as me for the next several months. Sharing all my new maternity clothes, watching your belly and your breasts fill out and us making love in positions we never thought possible. Feeling your little boy inside of you moving around and kicking. Yeah, your little boy, your son. I thought it would be nice if you carry our son and I will carry our daughter. After all, guys should stick-up for each other.......oh my, speaking of sticking up, what's this I feel sticking up in your panties, hmmm? Does it feel good when I do this to you, and talk to you like this. Maybe after you give birth, we can raise our son like a little girl......we can tell everyone we had twin girls.....would you like that?" As she said those words I knew what the answer would be....that I would love to be pregnant, would love to carry the little boy that I had fathered and be able to mother him too. And, yes, that I could picture us raising him as a girl. So he could have the life I never was able to experience. As my thoughts were on all of this Sue had pulled my jeans down and had released my stiff penis from her panties and had wrapped her lips around it. As my orgasm hit me and I was unloading in her mouth I shouted out loud, "Yes, yes...I do want to do this." She was looking up at me as her mouth filled and I could see her winking at me. And as she lifted her head to mine and kissed me, her tongue coated with my semen, she whispered, "I thought you would do it. Just as you want to do everything that a girl does." The next day I was in an examining room at the research hospital after having been introduced to Dr. Cook. My sister Joy was in there also and it was explained that they already knew I was in the proper mental state to go forward with the procedure but that a very complete physical exam had to be conducted to make sure my body could accomodate everything. I had gone through CAT scans, MRIs, various x-rays and sonograms which all were supposed to give the staff an idea of my internal structure in great detail. I was now being given a general physical and was lying on a table with my feet in stirrups and totally naked. "You need to get used to having your feet in stirrups." my sister teased me. I found myself getting aroused as she continued her teasing and Dr. Cook noticed and said, "Oh well, we do need to get a semen sample so it might as well be now. Joy, do you want to do the honors?" he said and he left the room and Joy and I were there alone. "Well little brother, or little sister, what have we here?" she said as she approached me, lifted the skimpy gown that was covering me and took my penis in her hand. I couldn't believe that my sister was going to be doing this to me, but as she started stroking me I just closed my eyes and laid back as she continued her expert manipulation of me. "This must feel really good to our little mother-to-be. I've never seen such a big clit on a girl before. God I wish I could have seen it sticking out from my panties all those years when you were in my room, prancing around in my things. I'll bet you stroking it yourself never felt this good, huh." I had to admit her touch was unlike anything I had ever felt, even better than Sue handling me. Maybe it was the whole taboo nature of it but whatever, I never wanted her to stop. As she sensed I was about to cum she reached for a small vial but then said, "this little thing probably won't hold all that you have, but I'll make sure we don't lose any.....and she then replaced her hands with her mouth and I exploded as soon as I felt her warm lips around me. She took the first few spurts in her mouth and then released me, quickly bringing the vial to the tip of my penis where she collected the remaining load. She had been right, I filled that vial even though she had drained more than half of my load in her mouth. She then looked at me with a big smile and said, "I've been wanting to do that ever since I first found out about Michelle. A couple of days later I was again called to the facility and Sue went with me. We were told everything had come out OK and that it was felt I could be used as the surrogate. There would not have to be any hormones administered to me because if the fetus did successfully implant inside of me, as the placenta grew it would supply all of the necessary hormones or would trigger my pituitary gland to produce the proper ones. The only real threat to the fetus would be during the first week when it would have to attatch itself to my abdominal cavity in order to establish a lifeline for a blood supply. If that happened, it would develop fairly normally from then on. But I would have to be in the hospital, lying flat on my back and not allowed to move at all for that week so there would be no movement by me that might interfere with the attachment. I would not be allowed to eat and my internal abdominal organs would be basically frozen in place for that week. Then, assuming the fetus attached itself, I would be released and allowed to get back to a normal routine. Well, yeah right, like it's normal for an 18 year old guy to be pregnant. There were still a couple of weeks of school left, but we couldn't wait until then. I had pretty much completed my classes anyway and I got special permission to be excused from classes for a week as long as I returned for the final exams. Of course no one at school or outside of our immediate families knew what was happening. Both of our moms took the news quite well. It almost seemed like both families were welcoming Michelle into the fold. If the implant was successful, we were going to tell our friends that Michael was going on an around the world excursion for a few months after graduation and we would just keep him hidden from them until after our pregnancies were over. Then he could "return" with everyone thinking she had delivered twins. Seemed like a perfect plan. So all the necessary preparations were made for the operation. I had to be admitted to the hospital a couple of days before the actual procedure so I could be fully prepared. On the third day Sue came into my room to make sure I still wanted to go through with it. Of course I did, so we both ended up in a surgical suite a few hours later. A small incision was made just below my belly-button and a pocket was opened up close to my small intestine where the fetus would be placed. I was going to have a sort of "ectopic" pregnancy which did naturally occur in some females, where the fetus would somehow develop outside of the uterus. The male fetus was extracted from Sue without an incision. An instrument was placed into her vagina and inserted into her uterus where the tiny thing was sucked out. It was immediately examined to make sure it was healthy and then was quickly placed inside of me. A temporary adhesive of some type was used to attach the fetus to my intestine so it would have time to normally attach itself. Then the incision was closed and I was moved back to my room. I guess you could say that I had just conceived and now was just as pregnant as Sue. I was now carrying our little baby boy inside of me. Somehow I suddenly felt very peaceful about the whole thing. If all went well, I was going to get to experience pregnancy and I was also making it possible for us to give birth to both of our babies. Since Sue couldn't have done that by herself, and what with all she and I had discovered about Michelle the past few weeks, it only seemed right that I be the one to complete the task. It was a very long and difficult week with having to lay flat on my back and not get up at all, not even to go to the bathroom. Sue spent as much time with me as she could. She said she'd been having morning sickness and wondered if that would happen to me too. I hadn't even thought of that. I guess in my mind I had always concentrated on the good things, fun things that girls got to do, not seriously ever focusing on the bad experiences they had to face. She saw me kind of frown and said, "Well, Michelle, I told you from the start that you were going to lean to appreciate as much of everything that you can about what a girl has to live with. There's still so many things you haven't done yet. Of course, in the next few months you will get to do quite a few of them." I could tell she was wanting to sexually arouse me, but with the drugs I was on and everything we both knew she couldn't do anything during that week. But I'm sure we were both thinking about the upcoming weeks and all the unknown adventures we would be having with our pregnant bodies. When the week was finally up I was given a lot of tests which indicated that all was well and the fetus appeared to be growing normally inside of me. I was soon released from the hospital and was so glad to be up and around again. Other than the small scar on my tummy it really seemed as if everything was normal. At least until the following week when I was back at school and had just finished taking my History final exam. I just managed to get to the restroom and was spilling the contents of my stomach into the toilet when one of my friends asked if I was OK. I just smiled after I cleaned myself up and said I was fine. Sue had seen me rush out of the classroom and followed me and was waiting outside of the restroom when I came out. She just grinned and asked how her little mother was doing. I guess if I hadn't been convinced that I was really pregnant before, this convinced me. Graduation was the next week and Sue and I walked together when entering and leaving the ceremony. We were wearing matching bras, panties, garter belts, nylons and lace teddies under our gowns. I thought I would die before the ceremony was over as Sue kept rubbing me through the gown and her hands on the silky material covering me made me just about blow my wad several times. We went to all the parties afterwards and were very daring in how I was dressed. Sue wanted me to wear her thick soled loafers with no socks. She knew most everyone would be drunk anyway so I told her I would. My slacks were long enough to cover the nylons, most of the time, but it was obvious I had on her shoes. But only a few of our friends commented on it and they thought it was cute. A couple of the girls even saw my nylons as Sue lifted up my pants cuff. They just kind of giggled and one of them said that her boyfriend liked to wear nylons, too. I silently wondered if he might also like to be pregnant and just chuckled to myself wondering how many other guys might find themselves in my situation. Like her boyfriend, I had always liked wearing girls nylons, too. End of Part 1. Copyright 1998 by CutePatti. All rights reserved.

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Brazilian Transsexuals

This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at Brazilian-Transsexuals.com puts the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. "Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

Straight Sex
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

2 years ago
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Jamila Tales of a Prison Transexual

I was convicted of drug and weapon possession last summer, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. My idiotic boyfriend stashed coke, and firearms inside of two cars, and 6 houses we both owned together. He told the stupid cops, the crap was solely his. but the prosecutor didn't care. The bitch charged me for basically knowing the stuff was there, and not reporting to the authorities. So, now I'm in prison; and in case you didn't know, I'm a transexual. I have a penis, so I'm...

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My First Time With a Transexual

This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...

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My First Time with a Transexual

I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transexuals all offering there services. I saw one picture of a beautiful blond and was blown away to see that the ad was for a transexual. I called and made arrangments for her to come to my hotel in a few...

3 years ago
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My First Time With a Transexual

This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...

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Introduction This is a transcript of an actual cybersex interaction between an older man and his young lover, who is on assignment five time zones away. Only light editing has been done, to correct obvious typos; otherwise this is exactly what was written by the two lovers. I don’t know how erotic this is, or even whether it can be considered a story. But it brought satisfaction and release to the two participants. I’m with you and totally focused on you are you ready? Yeah I want to hold...

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When you're an over-sexed eighteen year old kid with raging hormones and the prettiest girlfriend in town you don't pass up an opportunity to get into her pants; even if you don't know what you're doing. The exhilaration of feeling like a MAN after you've taken her cherry is like King Kong beating his chest while hanging from the top of the Empire State Building with his woman worshiping at his feet. Of course, when you're an over-sexed eighteen year old with raging hormones you don't...

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The Mixed Sexperience

Hi Indian sex stories dot net readers. Myself Manoj 37 yrs old from bangalore. I am back with another story to make you all get wet. My previous story “Sharada Eternal Lust” got a good response and as well as appreciations. I would like to thank ISS readers welcoming new member with such a massive response. I never expected that. Coming to the new story. This story is a mix of the real incident and my fantasy towards the heroine of this story. I started working immediately after my degree in...

3 years ago
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The First Sexperience

The First Sexperience Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. Today I will tell you the story what Ayesha told me about her first sex experience and I am expressing the story in her own lips. Here is the story for you……… “I am Ayesha, about 20 years old with slightly dark complexion. My appearance is not so cute, medium figure but I have huge breasts with 36-30-38 figure. I am not so tall, only 5 feet. I borne in a...

4 years ago
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My 1st sexperience

Hi all Iss readers! I am Manisha from Pune, 24 years, Female, I have been reading a lot of stories on the site & have found some of them to be very exiting, so I decided to post 1 myself. My personal experience, which will definitely make you horny. But 1st let me tell you about my self, I am a fair complexioned girl with unbelievable mounds. I am 5.3″ with 36 28 36 and above all I was a virgin before having my 1st sex at the age of 16. It was new years eve. Of 2000. We were a group of 4...

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Kerala sexperience

ISS readers, I am Indu, 18 yrs old plus 2 student from Kerala, sharing with you my first sexperience! Ours is an upper middle class family, hailing from Cochin. The family consists of my father who is abroad, mother, my elder sister and my younger brother and me. My elder sister is married just one month back, and my brother prepares for his plus one entry. This happened one week back, while I my sister and her husband came to our house for a short stay for the second time after her marriage....

1 year ago
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I had a thrilling sexperience. It was pure and pure adventurous sex, the type I love most, mere yards away from a main road and mere yards away from a major 4 road junction.I leave to work quite early between 6.15 and 6.30 am. I leave early as I have to take a bus and buses get jammed in the heavy morning traffic. Unlike many others I love to travel in crowded buses and I love the traffic. You may ask me why? It is because crowded buses offer ample opportunities to get rubbed and the traffic...

2 years ago
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My Jouney into Bisexuality

My Journey into Bisexuality We all have those events in life which define us, change us, make us who we are. This is the true story of my own journey into bisexuality. If you were to tell me prior to these events that I would be doing such things I would’ve given you a very emphatic ‘Hell No' and aside from a one time mutual jerk off session when I was 14 where we were both drunk and stoned, I never thought of ever touching another man. Before I begin I have decided to only use initials for...

4 years ago
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moonbeams training bisexuality

This is another story written for a Dom in Florida named Jack, who was my Mentor before i met Master Falcon. Writing stories for Jack to read and critique was a way for me to learn about and explore BDSM. i chose to use this story to explore bisexuality. Please bear in mind as Y/you read this story that when i wrote it, i had just come out of a 20-year vanilla marriage, in which bisexuality was taboo. i’ve come a long way since then.i chose to leave my comments to Jack intact for you to see. In...

2 years ago
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Our final encounter Me and my transsexual

Me and this girl nikole have been talking for months now. We haven’t seen each other since our 2nd encounter together. At this point I was fully on board for the thought of tucking transsexuals. Nikole was so damn beautiful I couldn’t stand it! But I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever seal the deal. Every time I thought about her naked body, my dick would get so rock hard. I’d say dream about her at almost every possible second. I’ve masterbates to her nudes and even showed her the gooey...

1 year ago
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war of the sexes

WAR OF THE SEXESThis is a work of fiction. It is a humorous take on the age old rivalry between the sexes and to the debate as to which is the stronger sex. The male sex organ i.e. the penis or the FEMALE sex organ, that is the VAGINA. I have given life to the sexual organ of the male and the FEMALE and in this war of words, the genitals argue out amongst themselves as to who is the stronger of the two. It’s an all out war between the penis and the VAGINA. Although this is a work of fiction,...

2 years ago
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Discovering Mom8217s Sexcapades

Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...

1 year ago
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His teacher The transsexual

A really nice story from another web page! EnjoyGreg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't accept excuses. Greg had only started his last year of high school here after his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. He was worried about the...

1 year ago
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Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the SexesAngi and Mike Dawes trudged up the dirt path, eyes hopeful for the first time in days as they eyed the faint structure in the distance. From this far away, they couldn’t tell what it was, exactly, but any kind of structure - any shelter from the rain - was more than welcome. It had been nearly a week now since they’d last slept in a bed, safe from the elements. That felt like a lifetime ago to the weary couple – Mike especially. ‘How far do you think?’ Angi gasped out, bone...

2 years ago
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mandatory bisexuality

Gang activity was common and most were afraid to leave their houses at night. The city council and PTA, eager to reverse the rising trend in crime and v******e developed a plan to build common ground between young men, instill a sense of humility and encourage bonding; mandatory bisexuality.Mandatory after school meetings were immediately implemented for all senior males. Age requirements for entering school were reconfigured for legality purposes requiring seniors to be 18 years or older....

1 year ago
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Random Sexiness

Reddit Random Sexiness, aka r/RandomSexiness! Have you ever seen a random chick and just went, “Damn, she’s fucking hot!”… I am sure we all have. Well, as I have said many times before, Reddit has a section for everything and everyone, and r/randomsexiness/ is a place for just that. You have random images of sexy girls, in a variety of scenarios and a lot of random crap all around.I’d say that this is a specific niche, but it really ain’t. As long as you enjoy looking at cute and sexy...

Reddit NSFW List
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“Thank you Grace.” I thanked him back and wished him a good day. With his departure, a smile broke across my face. Our deal concluded, the man would be moving into his new home within a few days. My name is Grace and contrary to my job as a real estate agent, I’m actually an introvert that posses good communication skills. Type of person that stays to herself so much that she has never had a relationship with another person besides her son. Actually he was the reason why I hadn’t....

3 years ago
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Episode 139 Sexting

A text arrived from an unknown number, it just said: is that David?Probably a hoax, but I replied anyway: sure who is this?There was a long pause, then: it's me nat - I've got a new playmate - she’s got red hairMe: is her name Justine?Nat: yeah - shes really funny - she stayed all weekend - I heard daddy making love to herMe: and did nic and mummy tie her to the bed and smack her bottom? Nat: yeah - and how did u know they had no clothes on either?Me: lucky guess - she’s called a submissiveNat:...

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Quarantine Blues and Sexting

For obvious reasons the start of 2020 is proving to be a real kick in the teeth.Yet through all this chaos a friendship I made online has evolved somewhat. Backing up a little... For a couple of years I'd been talking to a girl online, she'd sent photos but nothing totally concrete proving she was who she said she was. She had always ducked out of video calling or meeting in real life. So naturally my brains often assumed she was a Catfish, I mean all the logical evidence was there. But that...

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A Touch Lead To Sexting

Hi guys, this is the story about my last function. I intentionally touched the private parts of my cousin’s wife. So now without wasting the time let me narrate how and what happened. Let’s start with sexting- Manpreet- Hi! Me- Hey hi, how are you? Manpreet- I am good and what about you? BTW, I want to ask something. Me- Me, good too, yes tell me what you want to ask. Manpreet- The other day on function your hands were not in the right place. Me- Sorry, I didn’t get you. Manpreet- Oh really?...

2 years ago
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Aunty or Ushke Behan Ke Sath Sexs

Hi friends I am ajayI am here again to narrate my incomplete story-AUNTY AUR UNKE BEHAN KE SATH,hope you have red it. To dosto again in brief nidhi aunty ki behan hai,uncle kuch dino ke liye city se bahar training ke liye gaye hue hai,aunty aur unki behan ghar par akeli hai and I am 19 yrs ashwin living next door to them.Aunty ka fig. 32-28-34 aur nidhi ka 34-30-36(inke bare me already apni purani story me bata chukka hoon). Us din hum dopahar ke 1 baje uthe aur bathroom me chale gaye aur jaldi...

2 years ago
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Mom and I Get Black Sexed

Mom and I Get Black SexedStory about a sissy pussyboy and his mother who get abused and fucked by a pair of nigger bucks.I had just turned 18 that spring when Mother suggested we take a trip to New York City after school let out for the summer. She had been there while she was pregnant with me when my father was in the Army Air force and was stationed near there and had always wanted to go back for another visit. I had grown up in Chattanooga and had never been out of the South so I thought it...

4 years ago
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The Training of a Transsexual

THE TRAINING OF A TRANSSEXUAL?PART I                                                                        BY MISS PISS        Don’t call me Steven. My name is Stella. I’ve known all my life that in this male Caucasian body, I was all woman. Luckily, I was born with features feminine enough to pull off my true sex. I look like my mother. She was the most attractive woman in my neighborhood, and, without a doubt, a MILF. She had bright blue eyes that are inviting but piercing at the same time....

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Battle of The Sexes

Nothing gives me a sexual high as great as the one I get when I am competing against people, whether men or women. This may sound strange, especially coming from a man. Not just any man. I’m a six-foot-two, broad-shouldered, heavily muscled Black stud. I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t take crap from anybody and I don’t mind showing people what I’ve got. I’ve always been that way. I don’t take bull from any man or woman. It’s just not my style. I’d rather get locked up than let someone mess with...

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Alien Invasion the Battle of the Sexes

The sentient life form tried to get her bearings as she came to a screeching halt at the edge of the large pool of liquid mass. They had told her in indoctrination that the dominant Planet life forms referred to it as an Ocean. Apparently, most of the surface of this sub-category 3 World was covered by the liquid goo teeming with variant life forms dissimilar to the dominant land based one. Ann2734 was a descendent of the original Ann of unknown species who had landed on her world some 54,000...

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Mere Cousin Arpita 8211 Sexo

Hi friends, main aap sab se apni story share karne jaa raha hun sabse pahle main apna intro de deta hun mera naam rahul hai aur main up k ek jile ka rahne wala hun mera fig.fit body hai mere land ka size 6.5 hai….. apko mujhe mail karna ho to is mail id pe main milunga apke mail ka main wait karunga… Ab jyada time naa lete hue main story pe aata hun meri ek door ki relative mein arpita naam ki sister thi uske ghar mera aana jaana bahut kam hota tha… Arpita k baare mein bata dun wo real mein...

3 years ago
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Sleep sexing

I am Mr. Sex Maniac (real name concealed). Let me not create boredom by giving detailed introductions about myself. I know the purpose why you have opened this story. Let me talk it out straight. This incident happened when I was around 25 years. I was working at an MNC where I met one extra-ordinary and extremely good-looking girl called Sridevi aged 27. We were working in the same department and hence got introduced to each other. She got transferred from our Mumbai branch to Chennai branch....

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a straight heterosexual

I am white male 45+ and have always been a straight heterosexual in my life. I have been divorced two times and it was after my last divorce I knew being with women was not working out and not in my future. I always knew my dick was small and not even average for a white male. When hard it only grows to 5 inches; my last wife Roen called it my Dicklit, she said your Penis is bigger then a Clit, but it’s to small to be a dick, and no way is it near being a Cock. (Then she left me for...

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My first Transexual

Back in the mid-1980s, I was newly divorced, beginning to explore my bisexual interests, and very, very horny. I had seen some TV film loops in adult bookstores (usually while getting my cock sucked through a gloryhole), had bought and enjoyed TV stroke books, and had done a little crossdressing in panties. I loved the silky feel, and enjoyed fucking my ass with a small dildo while watching TV porn videos in my living room. I was on a business trip to San Jose CA, just down the road from...

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Fooled Into Love by a Beautiful Transexual

A fictional, steamy love story about a Man’s first experience with a Shemale... a real take charge kinda girl!Maria Lopez was an absolutely stunning 23 yr old Puerto Rican Goddess. I remember the first time I laid eyes on her, bent over inside her hatchback Toyota, pulling out a hanging fern plant to carry inside the duplex. My duplex! This stunning little thang was going to be my new neighbor? Holy Crap!! Damn! Look at that ass! She wore tight jeans, knee high suede leather, high heeled boots,...

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How I became a Transexual

I was driving a different way home after work and noticed a kind of sleazy looking sex shop. Not really wanting to go home yet, I decided to stop, it had been awhile since I'd had sex and was horny. I went in and was browsing around the movies section when I noticed there were doors in the back. I went in and opened one up and saw that there was a screen on the back wall and small seat. I went up to the front counter and asked the older gentleman behind the counter how it worked. I paid him and...

She Males
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Jack Jill his first time with a transexual

Jack and Jill meet It was when I went to the patio to enjoy a cigar after dinner that we met. On the road for business, I found a decent bar and grill near my hotel where I was welcome to enjoy a fine smoke. I had dinner and then moved outside for a relaxing smoke in the cool weather. I lighted a Churchill-sized stick and after a few minutes of solitude, an exotic looking brunette spoke from just behind and to the side of me. “I love the smell of a fine cigar,” she said in a sultry voice that...

She Males
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A different kind of cybersex

A futurist IT scientist geek friend of mine, Obi-Wan, installed his latest test invention on my laptop at home. It worked with the on-board camera, lots of extra GHz’s and a chat room buddy on the other side. The details were still very sketchy and he warned me to be careful where and how I used it. It would put me in serious danger if I wasn’t careful. He showed me how to operate it and how to get back. I should always have the small gadget on my person for it to work. “Oh, yes,” he said....

3 years ago
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wild cybersex

You: how r u?Stranger: good and you??You: im fine thanksStranger: welcomeYou: asl?Stranger: 19 f new yorkYou: 22/m/montrealStranger: coolYou: what do you look like?Stranger: i am 5'5" thin black hair blue eyes siz D bra you??You: im 6f1 145 lbs blue/green/gray eyes brown hair slim athletic fit 6 pack a a thick 8 incher ;)Stranger: nice :)You: you sound hot too :)Stranger: thanksYou: what r u wearing babeStranger: i am wearing a cute zebra print halter top with a short black skirt and high heels...

3 years ago
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i would love to be sitting on ur knee right now...all im wearing is a black bra and knickers n im playing with my tits, rubbing my nipples and making them really hard... im moving my hand down over my stomach and down ....ive slipped my hand inside my knickers........... ,my pussy is nice and wet n im slowly rubbing my clit thinking about ur hard cock. i want u right here right now i want ur hard cock in my mouth n i want ur hands on my body feeling ur way and exploring EVERY part of me .........

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Alyssas sexperiment

Another hand gave him a needle filled with a liquid. He slid the needle deep into her breast through her nipple. She screamed as the liquid spread fire through her breast. Then he repeated the process on her other breast. She whimpered as he was handed a third syringe that entered her vagina through her clit. Then he inserted a fourth syringe into her anus. Her whole body burned as she screamed in agony but thankfully it did not last long. She watched as he pinched each nipple and it squirted...

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Suzys sexcapade

1 Suzy got home from work tired and bored from another mundane day at work. Bill was sitting in his chair smoking a cigarette as usual, doing nothing. Going to the bedroom to change Suzy couldn’t help but wonder how things had gotten so far off track in her life. Suzy had a job that paid well but was basically boring, and giving her no challenge at all. A husband that sat at home doing nothing but smoke up the house and spending what she earned. He didn’t even have an interest in sex; it had...

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my young sexperiences

Everything that follows is a true account of what happened although I have changed the names of those involved. It was 1983 and I was 4 years old. My mothers sister had just got married for the second time and was on honeymoon. While she was away the youngest two of her five children stayed with us. James who was 8 and Natasha who was 11. My name is Gary and I shared a room with my younger brother Peter who was only 1.My older brother Malc had his own room next to ours, he was 7. It...

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DV8 The formula for sucksex

Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take advantage of people – play nice. A brief background: Dr. Jack Kylle is 42 years old and works at Janus Pharmaceutical. He is the grandson of Dr. Henry Jeykll, his father had the family name changed because of the stigma placed on it. Jack has a...

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The Vamporient Sexpress

The year was 1956, the place, Istanbul, and the time was about four in the afternoon. The scene was the most extraordinary one I could possibly imagine. I knew I was different from other people but to what extent, I had no idea. British by birth, I’d grown up in a small village in Middlesex West London and had since travelled the world. At the age of 35 I thought I’d seen everything under the sun, from the high Masai planes of Kenya to the Niagara Falls; from the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey as...

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I built my own sextoy

I am so excited that I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Her mother ran off with some guy when Mary was two. I’ve raised her by myself. At age 14, she has turned out just the way I intended. I have spent the last 12 years training her and molding her into the perfect little sex toy. I home-schooled her so that there would be no outside influences and taught her to obey me and how to please a man. It was about 10 years ago when I stumbled across a website devoted...

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Lynns Next Sexcapade

"Really, you're not upset about my being so slutty or wanting to have sex with a dog. "My reply was "No, I get hard just thinking about you with a dog or fucking a group of young boys." "Didn't you say something about a Gloryhole, last night?" "Yes." "What's that?" I explained that at the adult bookstores they have movie booths and in the walls there are holes that go thru to other booths and guys will stick their cocks thru hoping for a hand job or blow...

3 years ago
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SadrinaTeenage SexSlave

Here's what happened: I was walking home from my friend Stacey's house. We were on Summer vacation. It was on Wednesday, September 22nd to be exact – almost one year ago today. I'll never forget that date. It was pretty hot that day, so Stacey offered to give me ride home. But I decided to walk since she only lives a few blocks away. It was about 1:00 p.m. I would have stayed later, but I promised my Mom I'd be home early. We were going to drive out to my Aunt and Uncle's house that...

4 years ago
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A Hidden Room at Motel SextyNiner

Rose kneels down to kiss her sleeping lover on the forehead and to her surprise she saw it was someone else! Oh dear … she thinks … looks around the room finds a pair of pants tossed in the chair in the corner. Her curiosity got the best of her she rummages the pockets looking for an ID. There she found only a membership card for XnXX with a name imprinted on it, Andy. Huh, she thinks, I know this place I must teach Andy a lesson for sneaking into my secret room then she returns back to the...

2 years ago
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Agent 00SEX

“Hello”, his voice was groggy with sleep. “Mark, it me, M”, the reply came. “M, do you know what time it is?” “Sorry- “ “And I had a rough night of pussy bashing too. Don’t giggle!” “Cant help it. Just to imagine that nine incher-“ “Get down to why you called.” “Right, its Mr. X again”, a pause, then, “Hello, are you there.” “Yeah I am M; go on with your story.” “Hmm, I just wondered at your lack of response to Mr. X.” “I’m sleepy.” “Right, so as I was saying, reports came in that...

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Im only 15, I told the local church minister,as he rammed his cock firmly up my gaping arse,keep still boy he said, do as you are told,do you want to go to hell, no sir,then be thaankful Im here to help you free all those Demons inside of you, He held my hips tightly and was shafting me with his 8" cock, .This is the third time he,s raped me, he likes to have me suck his cock while he gives his Thursday evening address, in the pulpit I have sit and wait for him,and as soon as he arrives ,he...

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Melissa does UAEa taste of groupsex

It’s been a week since that encounter with my husband’s lover Ahmed in the city of Abu Dhabi in UAE , but two days earlier than that , Ahmed gave me a call that he’ll be seeing me the next week due to his business commitments in the other UAE states , I’m really craving into some action as my husband Sam and I never treated each other as husband and wife anymore whenever he is the house, we slept on different rooms ( he took the master bedroom , although he offered it to me but I...

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A Vietnamese sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

3 years ago
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Apple started it, of course.   First there was the iMac, then the world went crazy for the iPod and before you knew it loads of companies out there were prefixing their products with the ubiquitous “i”.   It seemed only natural that I added to the movement when I christened what happened with Nancy , iSex. Nancy Perry was an admin assistant at the company I worked for.   She was in many ways unremarkable, but for some reason her face struck a chord with me and I always looked at her with eyes...

3 years ago
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Fireman8217s Sexcarnival

“Mark! I’m over here!” I waved my hands wildly, trying to get my husband’s attention. It was useless though; he couldn’t hear me over the noise of the crowd and he hadn’t noticed our booth when he walked past. “Hey, lady. Can we get some pies here or not?” A sweaty, overweight man stood beside three sweaty, underweight kids. Each child clutched a dollar bill in their dirty little fists. I took a last look at Mark’s back,...

2 years ago
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Cheryl8217s First Sexparty

The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only 18, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years. Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a...

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