Sister Justine Kane smiled with smug superiority as the executive
committee of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY reviewed her
detailed plans not only included the physical layout of the buildings in the
high security compound to be constructed next door to the campus of ST.
painstaking work she had put into the scheme was rewarded by the smiles
and nods of the committee members. Once everyone had reviewed the plans,
Sister Justine fielded numerous questions, unhesitatingly answering all to the
satisfaction of the interrogator.
At age forty five, Sister Justine had only been a full member of the
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI CONVENT for a year. The previous year
she'd taken her vows and served her novitiate with the sisters. That year had
been one of adjustment for both as the order brought the head strong woman
into their group. Sister Justine Kane had then her vows after retiring from
the U.S. Army after twenty years of dedicated service.
Lt. Colonel Justine Kane, U.S. Army, retired; was an imposing
woman not easily overlooked. Standing six feet five inches tall, weighing
280 pounds without an ounce of fat, this severe appearing woman left no
doubt that she could do whatever she set her mind to do. Due to her size, her
school days were lonely and bitter. A straight A student from a poor family,
she earned a full ROTC scholarship to PENN STATE UNIVERSITY. Upon
graduating with honors, her B.A. in business administration aided her during
her military career. The first five years she served at various bases around
the world, always earning the highest ratings and the begrudging respect of
her superior officers. As a First Lieutenant she took command of a platoon
of women recruits for basic training. Over the next fifteen years she worked
her way up to Lt. Colonel in the command structure of the basic training
All those years, Justine Kane was lonely, looking for meaning in her
life. Deeply religious, she just never seemed to find the right combination to
meet her faith and abilities. One of the results of that search was that she
spent time listening to the new recruits as they adapted to military discipline.
Many used their faith to make the transition from private to military life. As
she approached retirement it was from one of these young women that she
The idea of a strict, no nonsense school that utilized Petticoat
Discipline intrigued her. The years of being kept under the thumb of the male
dominated hierarchy of the military had made Justine chomp at the bit.
Petticoating rowdy boys would be a most satisfactory method of satisfaction
and revenge. Her senses perked up as she sought out the recruit in private
for further details. What she learned made her want to investigate further.
Taking an earned leave, she visited the school and talked to the nuns,
explaining that she had heard about their school from a recruit and wanted to
find out for herself how they operated.
Leery at first of this bulky, imposing woman, the nuns walked
carefully as they tried to answer her questions. Finally Mother Superior
Mary Francis sat down to talk with her. Mother Superior Mary Francis
immediately saw the loneliness inside Justine. In addition, she saw the no
nonsense demeanor and recruit training experience could be utilized to further
the goals of the order and the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY.
The result was that Justine decided to join the order upon her retirement.
unique juvenile detention center. A reform school that not only sought to
reform but truly would change the young offenders. Petticoat Discipline in
developed would be utilized as proved appropriate. The BORNAMAN
COUNTY JUVENILE COURT was already proving the effectiveness of the
Society's techniques by the simple fact that one hundred percent of those
juvenile offenders placed in the BORNAMAN COUNTY ALTERNATIVE
Discipline Program were fully reformed. None had ever gotten into trouble
with the law or in the schools once they completed the program. The same
success rate was the goal of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION
The only thing they needed to implement the program was state
support. Now that they had the plan, they needed to find someone high up in
the state criminal justice department to champion their cause. The need to
pass new regulations and rules to allow the MISS BEHAVIOR
MODIFICATION ACADEMY to do it's job was a prerequisite. The
guidelines for sentencing offenders to the facility had to include that parental
rights had been severed and that the offender was now a sole ward of the
for a way to get inside the state criminal justice system.
Maxwell Bentley and Kendal Wainwright met in kindergarten. Their
personalities clicked, and by the end of the school year, all the teachers were
dreading having the duo in their classroom. Now while they were never bad,
they walked that thin line between acceptable and unacceptable. On top of
that, both were intelligent. They had all that was required to be straight A
students and still disrupt a classroom. Together, they overcame every
obstacle placed in their path by teachers and administrators determined to
teach the guys a lesson. The only loyalty they had was to themselves. Their
bond was like that of many twins in that they thought of each other and how
they could get ahead, have fun, power, and prestige while doing the least
amount of work. Their relationship continued on through college where they
earned BA degrees in business administration and masters degrees in
Camille Granger and Daphne Klang were the best of friends all
through school. They too clicked, and while Maxwell and Kendal outwitted
their teachers, these two out-charmed them. The goal of these two was to
make it into a good college where they could latch onto a husband who would
take care of them in style. It was inevitable that the four met.
While they did fall in love, that was not their main relationship. The
guys knew that the girls could use their good looks and charm to influence
others in their behalf. The physical relationship they enjoyed was good, but
the economic alliance was better. Married while the guys were in grad
school, the wives worked to help support their husbands, knowing that they
would be taken care of in turn.
As grad assistants, the guys interned with in the office of a prominent
big city district attorney. An excellent judge of character, he realized the two
mercenary men could be of great assistance to his career goals. The three
formed an unstoppable holy alliance that wormed it's way into the headlines.
With Maxwell and Kendal behind him, the DA climbed in successful
prosecutions and fame. The two rode his coattails all the way to the
governor's office.
Once there, the new governor realized he didn't need the two
anymore, but couldn't afford to let them go. Maxwell and Kendal knew that
also. A satisfactory compromise was reached in which they were appointed
into executive positions in the state criminal justice system. One thing they
insisted on was that their positions not be subject to elimination or
replacement as patronage jobs. If the governor lost an election or moved on,
they didn't want to be left out in the cold. Their new jobs gave them the job
security, financial reward, power, and prestige they wanted.
One thing they did was their jobs. No one could ever say they were
freeloading. They put in whatever hours they needed to do their job well. Of
course, the way they worked together, they overwhelmed all opposition and
made their jobs appear easy. Judge Joyce Fetterman of the BORNAMAN
COUNTY JUVENILE COURT met the dynamic duo and knew that they
After explaining the positions of the men to the executive committee
of the group, they decided to bring the men aboard in order to further their
goals. Upon investigating the men and their families to look for a weak spot
that could be used as leverage to get the men to their team, they found what
they needed in their sons.
Ashton Bentley and Sheldon Wainwright were best friends since their
birth six weeks apart. They too formed a team much like their fathers.
Neither missed a chance to use or flaunt the influence and prestige their
fathers had garnered. Only they often strayed over the line into bad behavior.
Their teachers, school administrators, and neighbors had all had run ins with
the pair.
Their teachers had a fit trying to control the indulged duo. The public
school administrators treaded lightly around the stunts of the raucous boys in
order not to draw the ire of their all too prominent fathers. One can imagine
the results of that attitude. The boys were experts at threatening their teachers
with the wrath of their dear dads. Only the teamwork and positions of their
fathers kept them from being charged for serious misdeeds.
Although Maxwell and Kendal always stuck up for the sons, they
also knew they had to curtail the almost irrepressible lads to keep any hint of
scandal from marring their polished images. So although the boys seemed to
get away with their antics to those they offended, once home they both
received severe spankings.
The investigation also showed that Camille and Daphne were
pressuring their husbands to move out of their apartments and into homes
suited for their status. Several real estate brokers had been contacted about
new housing. That news gave the plotters the key they needed. LADD'S
REALTY & INSURANCE sent out a fancy brochure for their luxury
The bait worked. When the model homes were toured and the
various floor plans examined by the two couples, the quoted price was at
cost. From their investigations, the four realized the new custom built homes
that LADD'S REALTY & INSURANCE was building were what they
wanted with a far lower price than they'd seen. By July 1 the papers were
signed and construction began. A rush was put on the buildings, and extra
care was taken in the construction. The efficiency and quality of the LADD
enterprises was being demonstrated. By the middle of August, the homes
were completed and the two families moved in.
Ashton and Sheldon were read the riot act by their parents. They
were told the relocation was being made to give them a new start to escape
their notoriety. The chagrinned boys knew they had caused many headaches
for their parents. Upon moving, they did their best to keep their noses clean.
As a result, they avoided the neighbors and spent their time at the nearby
LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. The boys hammered the entertainment
opportunities the mall had to offer. Their burgeoning sexual maturity only
added to their cockiness and macho attitudes. The lack of male competition
allowed them to strut about like peacocks as they showed off for the myriad
giggling, pretty girls they encountered in the mall. They felt as if they'd
inherited a harem. Unfortunately they failed to notice the unnatural yet
complete femininity of the pretty, flirtatious girls or the lack of males loitering
in the mall to pick up babe's. The guys thought they were in heaven as they
wantonly ogled the comely girls. They were fascinated by all the pretty girls
they saw. To their just awakening masculinity, they felt the mall was a horny
boy's dream come true. They were too busy girl watching and lusting to
miss their former now banned mischievous activities.
Victoria Makes-Shemanski walked into ADAM'S RIB
RESTAURANT to meet Dr. Helen Alterson for her mid-monthly post-
operative luncheon counseling session. Seated at the table with Dr. Alterson
was a plain woman who appeared to be quite nervous. Something about the
woman looked familiar to Victoria, but she just couldn't place where or even
if she had ever met her. As the two women saw Victoria approach, the
strange woman paled. Slowly and with great effort she rose and extended a
hand towards Victoria.
"Hello, Victoria," she greeted as if she'd known her for years. "It's
been quite a long time."
Victoria was now completely perplexed. This woman obviously
knew her from some time before her sex-change surgery. Yet she still could
not recall ever meeting her. Out of courtesy, Victoria accepted the hand.
"I'm so glad to meet you," Victoria stated diplomatically while they shook
hands warmly.
Dr. Alterson laughed. "Well Victoria, it's quite obvious you have no
idea who your friend is even though she looks familiar. I don't think you'll
ever guess where you two met. Please sit down while I explain."
Victoria sat as Dr. Alterson went on. "When you were injured, many
of your comrades were concerned about your welfare. They kept in touch
with you as you adjusted to life without your manhood. As time passed,
many stopped asking after you, and you never really missed them. Several
did keep in touch even after your discharge and relocation here. As you
know at your ex-wife's suggestion, all who inquired about you once we'd
begun your sexual reassignment were referred to me so I could explain what
was happening. All of them accepted your decision, and all but one never
contacted me again. That one did keep in touch with me. I sensed something
in him that I just had to investigate. At my urging, he came for a counseling
session. I discovered I was correct in my assumptions, and convinced him
that he should continue seeing me. Victoria, I'd like you to meet that person,
Norma Stern."
Victoria sat a few seconds as her mind made all the connections.
Suddenly her moth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. Next her hands
shot across the table to envelope the hands of the apprehensive woman.
"Norma Stern...," she stated in a soft voice. "Norman Stern... SARGE!"
Norma smiled wanly and acknowledged Victoria's reasoning. "Like I
said, it's been a long time," she responded.
"I'd never have suspect you were a transsexual! You were always so
manly," Victoria stated.
"Yeah, that was my cover," Norma stated sadly. "All those years I
never saw the truth. I knew I was not happy or satisfied, but I could never
discover what made feel so bad. Even as a kid I knew I was different, that's
why I dropped out of school at sixteen to join the army."
"There wasn't a man who ever served with you that didn't respect
you," stated Victoria proudly. "Everyone hoped you'd be beside them when
the shit hit the fan. You were the best, most dependable, and efficient
sergeant the army had. On top of that you were just about the smartest too."
Norma smiled at the compliments. "Well, I realize now all that was a
cover for my unrecognized yearning to be a woman. I constantly had to
prove how manly I was. I earned my G.E.D. and corporal strips by the time
I was eighteen. I'd made sergeant by the time I was twenty. At twenty four I
received my B.A. All those years I spent searching for happiness and never
found it. I thought the comraderie and respect of my fellow soldiers would
give it to me but it didn't. I wasted my whole life trying to prove I was
something I was not."
"Over the years I served with a lot of good men, and Victor
Shemanski was among the best." Norma went on. "I was angry and
flustered when I heard about how that land mine had blown off your
manhood. Then the nightmares started. I dreamed I had been the one
injured. At least twice a week I had that nightmare. Suddenly I realized I
was really sick. Something had to be wrong in my head to make me have the
unconscious desire to be emasculated."
"I remember how awkward you were whenever you came to visit me
as I recuperated," Victoria answered. She could relate to Norma's feelings.
"Now that I think about it, it was more than the others. They were ashamed
to talk about my loss and talked about everything but that. You talked about
nothing but my loss, yet did it so that I wasn't upset."
"Yes," replied Norma. "I was trying to find out how you felt about
losing your manhood. I was living vicariously through your grief. When
you moved here, I was relieved to know that I had an excuse not to get into
things any deeper than I already had. But I couldn't let it alone. I started
thinking about your loss. Finally I called and talked to Sandra. When she
suggested that I talk to Dr. Alterson, I was a uncertain. But once more I was
drawn to you like a moth to a flame."
"Dr. Alterson explained that Sandra had been slowly feminizing you,
and that you were going to have the sex-change surgery. Like everyone else,
I was stunned. But unlike the others, I found myself drawn even deeper, my
dreams added the sex-change. Fortunately, Dr. Alterson recognized my
dilemma. When she finally convinced me to come see her, I was on the
verge of a nervous breakdown."
"After several months of counseling, I accepted that I was really a
transsexual. I made everyone keep it a secret from you. As my thirty year
mark came up, I decided to retire at full pension and move here. Two months
before I retired, your ex-wife Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski and Dr. Balkut
castrated me. Dr. Alterson put me on female hormones. By the time I retired
in May, there wasn't much left to my tough manly physique. I'd gone all
soft and started developing breasts. I moved into LADD'S APARTMENTS
for the final step. July first I became a woman."
"This place does a lot of that," Victoria smiled pleasantly.
"I know," replied Norma with a chuckle. "I saw Dr. Balkut's
collection. I'm pleased to tell you that she placed my pickled remains right
next to the plaque commemorating you loss."
"Victoria has seen the collection," replied Dr. Alterson with a laugh.
"It has to be one of the most bizarre collections ever done. Each trophy is
formally labeled and mounted. The date, age, and willingness of the donor
are neatly recorded on the tiny plaques. The worst thing for Dr. Balkut was
when we introduced BELLE EMASCULATION EMULSIFIER. She was
really upset to learn that she wasn't going to be able to pickle and mount her
specimens. Then she figured out she could make plaster molds of the
genitals before they were destroyed. Now she makes life-like plastic castings
for her display case."
"Well, I've been a woman for six weeks now, out on my own for the
last two," Norma stated proudly. "For the first time in my forty six years I'm
truly happy."
Victoria smiled happily. "I'm really glad, Norma. Listen, if you
need a job, you can count on me to help you find something. With your
military background, I can give you a job with LADD'S EXCHANGE
"Thank you, Victoria, but I'm already working. To gain more
experience with children, I'm helping out at the METAMORPHOSIS
CLUB," replied Norma. "Not that I'm not thankful for your offer. But I
want to make up for all the years of womanhood I missed. I know now that I
missed being a mother and housewife. I put my name in with
TRANSITIONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY to see if they can locate a
governess/housekeeper type job for me. I think I can handle any kids after
thirty years in the army!"
"I think you can," laughed Victoria in agreement.
Dr. Alterson took her leave to allow the two friends to renew their
The Saturday of the Labor day weekend was hectic at the mall as
everyone was out doing last minute pre-school shopping. Danny Deiter,
Cindy Hughes, Peter Williams and David Graves had just left the crowded
mall as they headed home. Pedaling their bicycles carefully through the mall
traffic, they heard the eerie screech of tires being slammed to a halt followed
by the rending sound of smashed, over-stressed, tearing metal that occurs
during a car accident. Turning to see the crash, the four friends were startled
to see one of involved cars hurtling towards them. Peter, David, and Danny
instinctively started to pedal out of harms way. Cindy, however, was frozen
by the sight.
Danny quickly realized that Cindy was about to be pulped. Not
having the time to turn, he leapt off his bike and headed back to Cindy.
Danny threw himself into Cindy sending her spilling off her bike and out of
harms way. As she fell to the side, her miniskirt flew up and Danny caught
sight of her sexy pink satin panties... the ones that matched the pair he and
the other guys were wearing. Even as he was rebounding from the collision
with her, he felt a warmth spread through his body as he stared at the inviting
sight of her sprawled body and the exposed panties.
Things seemed to be moving in slow motion as Danny suddenly felt
the out of control car strike him. He felt no pain as he was tossed into the air
by the impact, a few micro seconds later he smashed head first into the
windshield of the car. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was
Cindy's pretty panties.
A crowd gathered round the still form of the unconscious boy as he
lay cradled in Cindy's comforting arms while she cried. Soon Danny was
being picked up and carried into the mall to the ALTERNATIVE
LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER. There the efficient doctors and nurses
began to treat his injuries.
Daniel Deeter stood silently but belligerently before his Aunt Gwen.
For what had to be the thousandth time he listened to her diatribe about how
belligerent and poorly behaved he was. Gwen saw she was getting nowhere,
so in frustration, she sent him to his room. Daniel stomped off.
In his bedroom Daniel flopped upon his bed and thought of all that
had brought him to this place. With defiant belligerence, he loosened his
pants and pushed them down. Grasping his manhood firmly he began to
masturbate. As he set about releasing his pent up frustrations he thought of
the pretty girls skipping about the pool at LADD'S EXCHANGE
SWIMMING POOL. Even though he knew several had been boys, they still
turned him on. In addition to the pleasure he got from jerking off, the fact
that his aunt hated "self-abuse" as she called it made it all the more satisfying.
Every time he did it, he made sure to catch his load in a tissue which he then
made sure to place atop the waste basket in the bathroom where his aunt was
sure to find it. As he lay basking in the warm afterglow of his discharge,
Daniel began to think seriously about what the future held for him. His
Petticoating was probably not too far off. Getting up he took the cum
dampened tissue to the bathroom, then went to his closet and pulled out the
carefully hoarded bundle of clothes and money. Silently he opened his
second floor bedroom window and dropped the bag into the bushes below.
Once Aunt Gwen fell asleep, he'd slip out, retrieve the bundle, and be on his
Downstairs Gwen poured herself a stiff drink as she reminisced about
her brother and nephew. Daniel was becoming worse, now that his
hormones were starting to kick in. The brat had even taking to masturbating
and planting the evidence of his indiscretion where she would find it. It
seemed the more she scolded him about such wanton activities, the more he
went out of his way to see that she knew he was doing it. It was time to
eliminate her nephew. With a sigh she picked up the phone and called the
ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES CLINIC to notify them she would be
bringing Daniel in that night. Once done she sat back and smiled wearily. In
less than twenty four hours, she'd have a sweet niece instead of a sour
Dr. Helen Balkut and Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski were called and
put on notice to be ready for Daniel's surgery first thing in the morning. Dr.
Michael McAnnally left home to meet Gwen and Daniel at the hospital.
Danny Deiter woke up late Sunday night with a terrific headache. A
wild dream was still vivid in his mind. Cindy was lying on a sidewalk with
her skirts lifted smiling at Danny invitingly. Danny went to her and for the
first time actually had intercourse with her. As he struggled awake, he could
still see her pretty panties.
Blinking away the image, he looked about the room in confusion
trying to figure out where he was. Slowly it all came back. Cindy, the car,
the impact, Cindy's panties, then nothing. A squeeze on his hand made him
look to his side where he saw his mother and father. Tears were flowing
down her cheeks as she clutched his hand.
"Oh Danny," Doris Deiter cried lovingly. "You're all right!" his
mother gasped in surprise and stood to embrace her son. "Oh Danny," she
cried once more. "We were so worried about you!" Then she burst into tears
of happiness.
Fred, his father approached the bed and looked down at Danny, a
proud, tear choked smile upon his normally stern face. Nodding his head
approvingly he spoke. "The guys told us how you saved Cindy. We're all
proud of you. Cindy's parents can't get done thanking us for your bravery.
The doctors say you're going to be all right. They don't understand how you
avoided broken bones or internal damage. You hardly have a bruise on you
but you sure took a whack to the head. You have one major league
concussion, but otherwise you're okay. How do you feel?"
"Well," Danny began sheepishly with a wince of pain. "I'd be a lot
better if Mom wouldn't be hugging me so tightly. It hurts."
Doris immediately released him and put her hands to her mouth in
horror as she realized that she'd been hurting him. "Oh Danny," she cried as
tears ran down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to hurt you,! I'm so sorry..."
"Mom. It's all right," Danny said with a grimace as he settled back
onto the bed. "I needed a hug, even if it hurt. Just not such a long one." He
saw his mother gratefully accept his forgiveness. Then he looked down to
see the IV in his left arm, and all sorts of wires leading from his chest and
head to the myriad of monitors about the room.
Before they could say or do anything else a nurse hurriedly entered
the room with a look of concern upon her face. When she saw Danny was
awake and lucid, she relaxed. "The monitors went off and I rushed in," she
explained. "I'm glad to see our hero is finally awake. You've given us a
rough two days, but it was worth it to see you awake." She then proceeded to
check his pulse, temperature, and vital signs, smiling at the results. I'll send
in a doctor, but you're doing fine." With that she left the room.
Cindy had begged the staff not to let Danny's parents know about the
panties. In the end, she had to confess about how she was dominating the
three boys. The young girl was stunned to learn the staff thought her
manipulations and domination of the boys was quite wonderful. They
promised to keep the secret.
All the nurses and staff were delighted to have Danny in their care.
The out-pouring of concern by the young hero's friends and family had given
them a warm spot in their hearts for the boy... especially after they'd
discovered the pretty pink satin panties he'd been wearing. At first they were
surprised, until Cindy explained how she'd gotten the boy into the panties. It
was seldom the staff ever treated a boy who was going to remain a boy. The
other boys they treated were referred to by their surnames, in this case,
Danny was simply Danny. He was a happy novelty for them.
Danny looked perplexed and asked,"Two days? Have I been out for
two days?"
The somber but relieved expressions upon his parents' faces told him
that had been the case. "Wow!" he said. "No wonder I'm tired and achy."
Dr. Sandra Makes-Shemanski entered the room to check on the boy.
Upon seeing him awake she smiled broadly as she checked him. "Well
Danny, you seem to be doing quite well. No one is quite sure how you got
to Cindy to knock her out of the way, much less how you survived with so
few injuries. Other that a nasty blow to the head, you're fine."
Danny realized he might have to stay in the hospital. "Can I go home
"No," replied Dr. Makes-Shemanski. "You just came out of a thirty
hour coma. It'll be for the best if you stay here another night to make sure
you're all right."
Doris and Fred nodded their heads in solemn agreement.
"Now, it's best if we leave you alone. I'll have your parents call in
the morning after I check on you. If everything is still all right, you can go
home. For now, you need your rest." With that she gave him a powerful
tranquilizer to help him sleep before she ushered the parents out of the room.
Danny was too worked up to sleep. No one had mentioned a word
about his panties. Obviously some one had to have removed them. The
tranquilizer did let him relax while he tried to watch some TV.
After a bit, a nurse came in to check how he was doing. She could
see the concern upon his face. "You can relax, Danny," she told him kindly.
"Cindy explained ALL about the panties. We won't let your parents know.
She has them and will give them back to you once you're released."
Danny was surprised by the easy acceptance of his pantied situation.
Of that he was quite thankful. Now with his mind at ease, just a few hours
after regaining consciousness, he settled cautiously in his bed, turned off the
TV, and wished the room would stop spinning.
His parents had patiently waited outside the room until he fell asleep,
keeping a concerned watch on him through the monitoring camera from the
nurse's station. Assured that their son was being taken care of by the nurses,
they headed home for the first real sleep they could get since the accident.
Half asleep, Danny scratched his left wrist where they'd removed the IV and
felt something wrapped snugly about his arm that wouldn't slip off. In the
dim light he lifted his arm to see what it was. He half chuckled and smiled to
see it was his plastic hospital I.D. bracelet. In his dizzy state he started
giggling when he read "DANIEL DEITER" typed in big letters. "I know my
name," he joked to himself as he drifted off to sleep despite his massive
headache, secure in the knowledge that he'd not only saved his beloved
Cindy, but had become a hero as well.
Daniel was almost caught tossing the bundle from his window. He'd
just closed the window when Gwen stepped into the room. With a rapidly
beating heart and red face he meekly followed her beckoning finger. Soon
they were in the car headed towards LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. Not a
word had been spoken. Daniel assumed they were going for supper at the
ADAM'S RIB RESTAURANT. Instead he felt his stomach doing flip-flops
as they headed for the second floor and the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES
MEDICAL CENTER. With a sinking feeling in his heart he realized he'd
waited too long to run away. Looking about, he suddenly bolted.
The ever vigilant surveillance cameras caught Daniel on the run.
Electronically the security guard on monitoring duty locked the exit doors
moments before Daniel slammed into them. Fortunately the strong glass
held. Two security guards picked the stunned boy up and carried him to the
and Dr. McAnnally were waiting.
Daniel regained his senses as Dr. McAnnally withdrew the needle
from his arm. "Now you just lie back and sleep, Daniel. There's nothing
you can do. Running away will do no good."
Daniel tried to sit up but a strange warmth was spreading throughout
his body as the substance that had been injected swept through him. Loosing
all control, he fell back on the bed. Moments later his eyes closed as he lost
all conscious control of his body.
"I'm glad I notified security to be ready," stated Gwen coldly. "I still
think we should strap him down."
"I told you that won't be necessary," Dr. McAnnally stated
indignantly. "This injection has already put him to sleep. Combined with his
own fatigue, he'll sleep through to the morning. Besides, if he thrashes
about in his sleep and bruises himself against restraining straps, I may not be
able to operate."
"All right," Gwen sighed reluctantly. "It's just that now that I've
finally made up my mind to have his sex changed, I want it done and over
"By noon tomorrow, you'll have your niece," Dr. McAnnally stated.
"I still wish you would reconsider. It's not right forcing a boy to become a
"It's not right for a boy to be disobedient and disrespectful either,"
Gwen replied. "I gave him more than enough opportunities to reform. I
even told him what I'd do to him if he pushed me too far. The way I look at
it, he knew what to expect. He saw quite a few of his friends Petticoated.
The fault is entirely his."
"All right," stated Dr. McAnnally softly. "Let's go down to the
ADAM TO EVE CONNECTION. I can use a good stiff drink." With that
Dr. McAnnally took Gwen by the arm and escorted her out of the room.
Desperately he hoped she hadn't noticed the frantic eye movements beneath
Daniel's closed eyelids that signified the comatose boy could hear and
understand what was being said. He just hoped the dose had been correct
and that Daniel would come out of the drug induced stupor before the
Daniel was surprised as his body control left. Even though he
couldn't move a muscle, his hearing was sharp. Every word his Aunt Gwen
and Doctor McAnnally spoke he'd heard and understood. His aunt thought
he was asleep, Dr. McAnnally had told her he was asleep. Yet he was wide
awake. Suddenly it all became clear. During previous examinations by Dr.
McAnnally and even tonight, the man had left it be known that he didn't
approve of forced Petticoating. The doctor had given him something to make
him unable to react but appear to sleep so he could hear what was going to
happen. The doctor wanted him to escape! With renewed hope Daniel
struggled to regain control of his body.
Feeling had returned to his feet and hands by the time the night nurse
came in to check on him. Very carefully he didn't move as she checked him.
Once gone, he willed himself to move. Finally he crawled from the bed.
Hopelessness once more enveloped him when he discovered all his clothes
had been removed. There was no way he could run away in the skimpy
hospital gown he wore.
Danny awoke with a start, he'd started to wet himself but caught it
just in time. His bladder was full and urgently needed release. Quickly he
tossed aside the covers and sat up. Almost instantly the room started to spin.
Frantically he clung to the sheets to keep himself from spilling off the
spinning bed. The after effects of the concussion were still hitting him.
Taking several deep breaths he finally slowed the spinning room down.
Cautiously he slipped from the bed and stood on wobbly legs. Nausea was
added to his growing headache as he steadied himself. Finally he managed to
muster enough strength to stagger across the room to the door. Opening it,
he hurriedly stepped through. Instead of finding himself in the bathroom, he
was out in the hall. He'd gone out the wrong door!
Daniel stood in the open door of his room, peering out into the empty
hall. It was better to try to escape wearing the gown than wait for his sex to
be changed. He was just about ready to dash for the nearby emergency exit
when the door opened in the room beside his. Staying carefully in the
shadowed recess of the door, he watched as a boy stumbled out into the hall.
The boy was his height, had long blond hair like his, and even had the same
general build! An evil smile came across his face as he realized he might be
able to use the disoriented boy to make his escape. Making sure the hall was
empty, he dashed over to the boy and took his arm just as he was starting to
slump down. The boy looked up in obvious confusion.
Danny felt a hand grasp his arm as he felt himself drifting off to sleep
"Bathroom...," he mumbled by way of explanation.
Daniel was elated. "Keep quiet," he ordered as he tugged the boy into
his room. "Here is the bathroom."
Gratefully Danny nodded his head and plopped upon the seat. The
loud sound of splashing urine filled the room as Danny released his bladder.
After getting the boy to the toilet, Daniel scurried into the room the
boy had left. A quick search revealed a set of clothes but no underwear.
That was no real problem. With growing elation, Daniel dressed. The
clothes fit perfectly.
Danny finished voiding. Rising, he wanted to thank the strange boy
who'd helped him find the bathroom. Leaving the little room, he entered the
hospital room. The boy was no where in sight, but Danny's head was
pounding. He had to lie down. Not realizing he wasn't in his room, Danny
slipped beneath the covers and went to sleep.
Daniel checked his vacated room before he left. Seeing the boy asleep
in his bed made him feel good. When the nurses checked the rooms, they'd
assume he was asleep and that the other boy had run off. Daniel did not feel
any remorse or guilt about the switch since he assumed the mistake would be
recognized and corrected before the boy went into surgery in his place.
Quietly he slipped out of the room, ran back to his home to retrieve the
bundle he'd dropped, then headed off for the interstate to hitch a ride.
It was about 6:00am when the night nurse discovered Danny Deiter's
room empty and his clothes gone. Immediately she notified security who
began a search. Fred and Doris were dumbfounded when they learned that
Danny had dressed and disappeared. Dr. Makes Shemanski assured the
worried parents that they would find him. She told them sometimes a blow
to the head like Danny received sometimes makes people do strange things.
An APB was put out to the police to be on the lookout for the blonde haired
boy... including a description of his clothing.
At 7:00am, the day nurse hurried into Daniel Deeter's room to get him
ready for 8:00am surgery. The excitement created by Danny's disappearance
had everyone upset and on edge. Picking up the chart from the end of the
bed, she carefully checked to make sure she was in the correct room.
DANIEL DEETER was blazoned across the record sheet. As was her custom
she went to the sleeping boy and picked up his left hand to check his ID
bracelet. As she went to this task her mind wandered as she thought about
the missing hero, hoping he was not so disoriented that he might hurt
himself. DANIEL DEITER read the bracelet upon the slumbering lad's
wrist. With a sigh she left to get assistance and a gurney. Looking down at
the sleeping boy she smiled as she pictured him in a dress. He'd be quite
pretty, too bad he was being forced to make the change. She'd been warned
that the boy might put up resistance when he awoke.
At 7:15am, the nurse returned with nurse's aid to help and a gurney.
As the women talked about Danny's disappearance they perfunctorily
checked the bracelet against the chart as they transferred both to the gurney.
Danny hardly stirred from his deep sleep. Once more the similarities escaped
them. DANIEL DEETER on the chart and DANIEL DEITER on the bracelet.
At 7:30am the pre-op nurse accepted the gurney from the two women.
The day nurse left the nurse's aid to assist the pre-op nurse if the boy woke.
They too chatted about the missing boy as they checked the operating room
schedule against the chart and bracelet of the sleeping lad. Both commented
that the boy would make a lovely girl as they missed the slight spelling
difference in the names.
By 7:30am Daniel reached the interstate. With a sharp intake of
breath he puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger. Trudging to the
berm of the road he watched the cars and trucks whiz past. Finally he stuck
out his thumb and began to walk backwards, hoping for a ride.
At 7:45am, Danny was wheeled into the surgery. The surgery nurse
checked the bracelet as the per-op nurse told her that the runaway boy had
still not been found. She too missed the spelling difference.
At 8:00am Dr. McAnnally entered the surgery to see the unconscious
boy prepped for surgery. Sadly he shook his head. The last ditch plan to let
the boy run away had obviously failed. Looking into the sleeping face, or at
least as much of it as he could see beneath the oxygen mask, he was thankful
that at least he'd make a pretty girl. When Dr. Makes-Shemanski and Dr.
Balkut entered, he shuddered and watched as they milked a sperm sample to
be sent to the sperm bank. Once that was done they began the delicate
By 8:00am Daniel was dejected. No one was even slowing down as
he plodded along. Already his thumb was sore from sticking it out. In
addition, the noise and exhaust fumes were making him feel ill. At first his
hopes raised when he saw the car put on it's turn signal, slow down, and
start to pull over. Then he saw the policeman behind the wheel. Turning to
run, Daniel jumped over the guardrail. Unfortunately, upon landing he
slipped on the loose gravel on the other side, lost his balance, and fell head
first down the grassy thirty foot embankment. The cement culvert at the
bottom of the incline stopped his rapid descent quite abruptly.
The officer clambered down to the motionless boy. After making
sure he was breathing, he called for an ambulance. He also left them know
he'd found the missing boy.
By 8:15am, An ambulance had arrived on the interstate to carry the
CENTER. Fred and Doris were notified their son had been found but re-
injured when he'd fallen down the bank. The staff at the ALTERNATIVE
LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER was abuzz as they awaited the boy's
By 8:30am the ambulance crew and paramedics had Daniel safely
strapped onto a gurney, negotiated the hazardous trip up the bank, and loaded
him into the ambulance. With sirens blazing, they headed through the heavy
By 9:00am Daniel was being wheeled into the ALTERNATIVE
LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER treatment room. Doris and Fred
watched helplessly as the inert tousled blond form was hurriedly trundled
past. The neck brace and oxygen mask on the boy prevented them from
getting a good view. They were not allowed too close as the medical team
rushed him into X-ray to see how badly he'd injured himself this time.
By 11:00am Danny was wheeled into the recovery room. He was
now a complete girl. Dr. McAnnally greeted Gwen outside the surgery as
they watched Dr. Balkut eagerly head off to mount the newest addition for
her bizarre genitalia collection. Gwen and Dr. McAnnally decided to go for a
drink. Dr. Makes-Shemanski headed off to check up on the runaway hero.
When she arrived in the treatment area, Fred and Doris were near
panic. When they saw Dr. Makes-Shemanski they immediately rushed her
demanding to know how their son was and that they be allowed to see him.
Dr. Makes-Shemanski calmed them down by assuring them she would find
out how Danny was doing after explaining that she'd just completed a delicate
operation and didn't know what their son's status was, she promised to get
right back to them. A few moments later she returned to tell them there were
no serious injuries and that he was resting comfortably. She apologized for
the delay in getting back to them but with the excitement of Danny running
off and the major surgery they'd completed, she hoped they would
understand. With a sigh of relief, the tired doctor led the distraught parents to
the sleeping boy.
The concern upon the faces of the two parents quickly turned
confusion and then to anger. Like a pair of wildcats, they turned to pounce
upon Dr. Makes-Shemanski. "This isn't our Danny," they shouted angrily.
"What have you done with him?"
Dr. Makes-Shemanski assumed they were overwrought from the
emotional distress. "This is Danny," she tried to reassure them. "Just look at
the identification bracelet." She was about to tell them that their state of mind
was causing them to make an error as she picked up the limp wrist and
looked at the name. What she saw made her heart stop. DANIEL DEETER
read the bracelet. But she'd just done a complete sex change on Daniel
Deeter. This boy had to be Daniel Deiter... The train of confused thoughts
came to a screeching halt as she realized there had been a terrible mix up.
"Oh my God," a white faced Dr. Makes-Shemanski muttered as she
turned to the parents. "This is Daniel Deeter. He was scheduled for surgery
this morning. That was the operation I was performing while they brought
your runaway son in... Oh my God..." Dr. Makes-Shemanski felt the room
lurch as the ramifications of what had been done struck home. Quickly
collecting herself she looked at Fred and Doris. "I think we operated on your
son by mistake. Somehow the two switched places."
Fred and Doris were flabbergasted. How could such a thing happen?
Before they could react Dr. Makes-Shemanski stiffened and took complete
control of herself. "Danny is all right, he has to be the boy in the recovery
room. Please come with me to my office to wait while I double check the
identity. I promise to be back in ten minutes."
Fred and Doris were too stunned to argue with the now domineering
doctor as they allowed themselves to be ushered into the office. Inside they
looked at each other in total bewilderment before sitting.
Dr. Makes-Shemanski rushed to recovery to check the ID bracelet.
The staff was obviously bewildered by her stern appearance and by the
"DAMN!" that came from her mouth as she placed the pretty new girl's wrist
back under the sheet. Turning angrily she looked about. "Notify Dr. Balkut,
Dr. McAnnally, Gwen Deeter, Lydia Ladd, Victoria Makes-Shemanski,
Susan Lymaster, and Dave Getzoff. Have them drop what they're doing and
meet in Dr. Alterson's office immediately. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!
We operated on the wrong boy!"
The staff only hesitated a moment after the order was issued and as
the ramifications sank in. Immediately they all headed to notify the persons
requested and spread the word of the error. Dr. Makes-Shemanski headed to
Dr. Alterson's office to tell her the bad news.
Dr. Alterson knew the moment she saw Dr. Makes-Shemanski burst
into her office without knocking that something was drastically wrong. Her
face paled as she realized the significance of the error. Thinking rapidly she
grabbed a small vial of the latest development of the ALTERNATIVE
LIFESTYLES RESEARCH CENTER before heading over to Dr. Makes-
Shemanski's office to calm and placate the Deiters until the hasty staff
meeting reached a consensus.
After introducing herself she offered the distraught parents a cup of
coffee in which she placed a tablespoon of BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX.
As she sat behind the desk to help establish her authority she read the label
once more. If this compound performed in the field as it did in the lab, the
This specially formulated clear, tasteless, odorless, liquid compound
is designed for use with those who oppose Petticoat Discipline. A teaspoon
of this added to a drink will relax and open the person's mind. Pre-existing
notions, ideas, and even prejudices can be attacked and destroyed by calm,
logical, and heart-felt reasoning. It is important to have the quarry in a
relaxing environment, free from outside distractions so an effective case for
the use of Petticoat Discipline can be presented. If the benefits and wisdom
of Petticoat Discipline are succinctly introduced, the listener will be convinced
and accept what was presented. The mind opening effect will last about an
hour after consumption. (CAUTION: This compound may be used for
purposes other than aiding Petticoat Discipline.)
"I'm not sure exactly how the mix-up occurred," Dr. Alterson began
once she saw the couple relaxing. "We are still checking on that. What we
do know is that the boy you saw was to have major cosmetic surgery.
Unfortunately he did not want the operation and had tried to run away. To
keep him from trying again, after he was admitted last night we took his
clothing. Somehow during the night, your son wound up in the other boy's
room and the other boy took your son's clothes and ran away. The
similarities between the boys is quite remarkable with their slight build, fair
skin, blonde hair, and size. Both are twelve years old, born only two weeks
apart. Both are named Daniel. Both last names are pronounced the same.
Your last name is spelled D-E-I-T-E-R and his is D-E-E-T-E-R. In the
excitement of finding your son's room empty and his clothes missing, the
staff missed the slight spelling difference."
"What's important is that your child is safe and in excellent health,"
Dr. Alterson continued once she saw that the Deiters understood her
explanation. "The surgery performed is not reversible." Dr. Alterson looked
closely at the parents, took a deep breath, and went on. "Your son is now
your daughter. The surgery was a complete sex change. I can assure you
she is quite pretty and will grow up to be a beautiful, happy woman. Our
staff is meeting now, I'm sure they'll be meeting you shortly to discuss the
situation." Utilizing her psychiatric skills, Dr. Alterson was able to keep the
stunned Deiters mollified as they waited, refilling their coffee cups with the
relaxing potion.
"What we all have to do now," Dr. Alterson continued her convincing
argument, "is think what is best for your child and do it. The sex-change is a
fact. The skill of our staff will guarantee that your daughter is quite feminine
in every detail. Every sign of masculinity has been wiped out. I can offer
you an example of our skill. You've met Victoria Makes-Shemanski, the
head of LADD'S EXCHANGE SECURITY. She is Dr. Makes-Shemanski's
adopted sister. Until her sex-change, she was the doctor's husband. You
have to admit that she is happy and content with her life as it now is as well
as being totally feminine with no sign that she was ever a male. Victor
Shemanski never wanted to be a woman. In fact, he was an officer in the
U.S. Army. While acting as an advisor in Latin America, the jeep he was
riding in struck a land mind. He was the only survivor, but suffered the loss
of his manhood. As you can imagine he was devastated. A tough, macho
military man, father of four, suddenly emasculated and his promising career
Dr Alterson paused once more to let the Deiter's feel Victor's agony.
Building compassion was one of the best ways to overcome prejudices. "The
military hospitals could do little for him. They simply were not prepared for
treating that kind of injury. While they healed his body, they couldn't heal
his mind. Dr. Makes-Shemanski, his wife, brought him here to me since I
specialize in gender disorders. In the course of our treatments, we all realized
his recovery was stopped by the fact that he was a man who could not be a
man. He felt that in order to live and enjoy life, you had to be sexual, even if
you didn't act upon it. Victor had suicidal thoughts until I forced him to see
that there was no way he could ever return to his masculinity. That left him
three options. Continue as he was, sexless; which he couldn't do. Commit
suicide which he couldn't do because of his family. Or to undergo a sex-
change to be able to live a sexual life. As you can see, he chose the last."
"Victoria is now living with a man, they share a home with Dr.
Makes-Shemanski and her lover while raising their four daughters.
Ironically, two of the children were born boys." Dr. Alterson waited as the
implications of that sank into their now completely relaxed and open minds.
"When they saw their father slip into womanhood and enjoy it, coupled with
the happiness of their sisters, they wanted to make the change too. They
began by cross-dressing, but that only fueled their desire to be girls. Finally,
they came to me for treatment. Now they are happy little girls. So are the
dozens of others who have been treated by the BELLE PETTICOAT
DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, as we call ourselves."
Meanwhile the hastily summoned members of the BELLE
PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY gathered in Dr. Alterson's office. Dr.
Makes-Shemanski explained the assumed scenario and what had happened.
Gwen Deeter was angry and ashamed that Daniel had tricked the other boy.
Dr. McAnnally moaned and buried his face in his hands, knowing that he
was responsible for what had happened by his attempt to let Daniel escape.
Everyone looked at him in obvious confusion.
Knowing that he was responsible was more than he could bear in
silence. With tears running down his cheeks he apologized profusely as he
confessed what he had done. No one said a word to comfort him. Lydia
Ladd simply stated they would deal with him after they had solved the
problem his actions had created.
Dave Getzoff stated that he was the Deiter family lawyer, adding that
the family was reasonable providing everything was above board. By noon
the Deiter's were asked to join the staff. By then Dr. Alterson had succeeded
in making them accept the fact that their son was irrevocably their daughter
and that they all had a responsibility to make his transition as easy as
Fred and Gwen were surprised to find Dave Getzoff there. He
LIFESTYLES MEDICAL CENTER law firm. Dave assured them he had
already taken the liberty of representing them honestly and to their best
interests. Once the introductions were made and the apologies given, Dave
explained the offer.
"All medical expenses will be paid, including counseling for Danny
and you. A complete girls' wardrobe will be provided at no cost from any
store in LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL. All legal forms, name change, birth
certificate alteration, whatever, will be taken care of by LYMASTER
ASSOCIATES at no charge. We will pay to move you to a new home or pay
any remodeling and refurnishing of your present home that you may want to
make things suitable for a daughter. Tuition to ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI
PAROCHIAL SCHOOL will be provided if you desire. A trust fund will be
set up for Danny that will yield a million dollars by age twenty one. Each of
you will also be given a trust fund that will be a half million dollars by the
time you retire. In addition, any other reasonable expenses will be paid. In
addition, my expenses for representing you will be paid."
"I must tell you we are truly sorry for the mix-up, but I can tell you
from personal experience that once you get to know your new daughter,
you'll love her more than you did as a son. My step-son became my
daughter a year ago, and we're all happy with the change. Heather would
never dream of going back to becoming Heath. The settlement we're offering
is better than you'll get by a lawsuit. By suing, you might get a bit more, but
you'll have to pay out forty percent in lawyer contingency fees and it will take
three to five years to get through the courts. That means publicity which the
private settlement we're offering will avoid. As your lawyer, I strongly
recommend you accept the offer," Dave stated in closing.
Lydia Ladd told about her delight with her former son now Jennifer
Jane. Victoria Makes-Shemanski unabashedly admitted that she had been Dr.
Makes-Shemanski's husband. Dr. Makes-Shemanski related the tale of their
sons. Dr. Alterson reminded them of all the other former males who were
now happily living as females.
Fred and Doris sat and listened with their relaxed and open minds
thanks to the BELLE INTELLECT MATRIX, nodding their heads all
through the greetings, apologies, offer, and explanation. They were
overwhelmed by the prompt response and by the presence of Lydia Ladd.
They knew Lydia to be a local powerhouse. To have her drop everything to
come to the meeting made them feel important. Both realized the offer was
better than they could get by suing and more prompt. The couple looked at
each other and nodded.
"We'll accept the offer," Fred stated softly. "We really have no
choice. Your concern seems genuine and I can see how the mix-up occurred.
However, there are a few points not clarified. First, is Daniel Deeter going to
be punished?"
Everyone turned to Gwen. "I am very sorry for Daniel's actions. I
can assure you that my nephew will be severely punished. As a matter of
fact, as soon as this meeting is over, he will receive the surgery your son
received by mistake. I will personally see that he suffers for his actions."
The vehemence and determination clearly evident in her voice left no doubt in
anyone's mind that Daniel would indeed suffer.
Fred and Doris shook their heads. "If he is going to undergo the
same surgery, no punishment will be needed except that he face Danny
knowing that he was responsible for what happened. It might even prove
beneficial if the two were roomed together during their recovery. Also, we'll
need time to decide some of the details such as moving or remodeling." Fred
blushed a bit as he hesitated before going on. "I hate to ask this, but I feel I
must. I know it will look like I'm taking advantage of the situation, I guess I
am. You see, the company I worked for has gone out of business and my
unemployment is running out. I haven't been able to find a new job. I need
a decent job, but I don't want something as a pay off for this. If you have
something, I'll earn the wages. I'm an honest man."
Lydia smiled and nodded. "Fred, I can tell that you are honest. I'll
put you in touch with TRANSITIONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY located
here in the mall. They'll find you a job you like at the pay you deserve. An
honest job for honest pay. One thing both you and Doris should be aware of
is that everything under my wings is aimed at destroying male domination.
anyone who has a crude male they wish to subjugate and feminize, or to help
a male who, for whatever reason, can no longer function as a male. The
operation your Danny received was to be Daniel's initiation. I must caution
you that any job you get through my auspices will involve Petticoat
Discipline, although not of you personally, unless you want it. Both of you
are formally invited to join the society if you so desire."
The meeting was over by 1:00pm. Everyone went to see Danny.
Fred and Doris couldn't believe the changes that had been made. The
sleeping child they saw was their offspring, but little remained of their son.
Before them was their undeniably pretty daughter. Danny had indeed become
By 1:30pm, the still shaken and pale Dr. McAnnally accompanied Dr.
Makes-Shemanski and Dr. Balkut into the surgery. Lying on the operating
table was Daniel. After milking this boy for a deposit in the sperm bank the
two stern doctors forced Dr. McAnnally to perform the surgery on Daniel.
By 4:30pm Danielle was wheeled into recovery and placed beside
Dani. Gwen joined Fred and Doris as they looked at the sleeping girls. All
noted that the pretty young ladies looked so much alike that they could be
twins. It had been agreed that the two cherubs would be roomed together and
kept sedated during the painful first three weeks of their recovery.
In the surgery ante-room Dr. Alterson, Dr. Makes-Shemanski, Dr.
Balkut, Lydia Ladd, Dave Getzoff, and Victoria Makes-Shemanski
confronted Dr. Michael McAnnally. No one said a word, they just glared at
him. Dr. McAnnally broke down. With tears in his eyes he begged to be
forgiven for his attempt to assist Daniel in escaping.
The stern members of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE
SOCIETY looked coldly at the gay doctor as he hung his head. Without a
word Victoria quickly snatched his arm, stepped behind him, flung her other
arm about his neck, and forced him into an inescapable hammer lock. Dr.
Balkut immediately plunged a needle into his other arm. Dr. McAnnally
struggled frantically for a few seconds until the powerful sedative took effect.
Dr. Alterson pushed a gurney next to his slumping body as Dave Getzoff
manhandled him onto the top. By 4:45pm he was on the operating table,
naked. Even in their anger, the doctors took a sperm sample for the sperm
bank before destroying his manhood.
It was 7:45 when Dr. Michelle McAnnally was wheeled into the
recovery room to join Dani And Danielle. Dr. Alterson, Dr. Makes-
Shemanski, and Victoria Makes-Shemanski headed down to the ADAM TO
EVE CONNECTION for a well deserved drink after their hectic, bizarre
Dr. Balkut whistled a happy tune as she carried the sealed containers
containing the severed genitalia of Daniel Deeter and Dr. Michael McAnnally.
In her private lab, she deftly pickled the organs and carefully mounted them
in jars of formaldehyde. Meticulously she made the identification plaques
and attached them as well as the one for Danny Deiter to the appropriate jars.
With a lilt in her step and a smile upon her face, she headed to her office to
place the bizarre trophies in her display case. For her, the holiday had been
tremendous. Instead of the one specimen she had expected, she'd gotten
The next morning the sedated girls were wheeled into their room
where the attentive staff lavished the unconscious duo with tender care.
Several times a day they were given physical therapy to keep their muscles
limber. In addition, their ligaments, tendons, and muscles were stretched and
reshaped to feminine capabilities. The aim was to have the new girls capable
of dropping into a full split upon their recovery, something they, and most
boys, can never do. The nurses on each shift also massaged BELLE SKIN
CREME into their rapidly softening, smooth, hairless flesh.
Dr. Michelle McAnnally emerged from her sedation to a world of pain
in the private room she'd been assigned. No pain killers were ordered. The
nurses were to provide the minimal service required to assure a full and
complete recovery. In that vein she too received daily physical therapy to
reshape her physical flexibility. BELLE SKIN CREME was thoroughly
massaged into her flesh several times a day. The next weeks would give her
plenty of lonely painful time to think about her error. Lydia Ladd entered the
room that afternoon to explain what she was going to endure during her
recovery as punishment for her actions. The only bright spot was that Lydia
promised that once she had fully recovered, she'd be accepted as a woman
and a member in good standing of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE
Fred and Doris Deiter spent the next few days discussing what to do.
Their friends and neighbors wanted to know how Danny was doing and
when he'd be coming home. Cindy, Peter, and David were always hovering
nearby, anxious to find out about their friend. Fred and Doris didn't know
how to tell them what had happened so they stated that Danny had suffered a
set-back but was resting comfortably and that it would be a few weeks before
he could come home. It was the overwhelming concern and friendship th