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Julie's Story by Marcie Manseau All sane comments will be appreciated. Write to me here: [email protected] Chapter One - California Here I Come! School was out! More than out, high school was over for me. The prom and the graduation parties had been a blast, but I was looking forward to something even better. It was spring and I was seventeen. Most of the kids my age were happy to be spending the summer vacation with their friends, going to the beach and partying. I knew I'd have a dismal summer if I stayed in town. I hadn't been very popular in high school and, as a result, I had no close friends. I was smaller than almost everyone else and was always being accused of acting like a sissy, so a change of venue very much appealed to me. My parents had just left to spend the next four months in Europe, and I had been invited to visit my Aunt Susan and her daughter Jill in San Francisco. It was quite an adventure for me as I'd never traveled away from New York state before, and it had been ten years since I'd last seen my aunt and cousin. I was especially looking forward to the trip and my summer with them. I arrived in early May and Aunt Susan and Jill met me at the airport. Aunt Susan was in her middle thirties and a tall, very attractive brunette with a terrific figure. Jill, at sixteen, was a budding California blonde, beautiful and nicely developed. I couldn't take my eyes off her and had a hard time paying attention to Aunt Susan's family reminiscences on the drive to their home in Marin county. I tried concentrating on the California sights during the brief trip rather than embarrassing myself gawking at Jill. When we pulled into the driveway, I was astonished at the beauty of the homes in Aunt Susan's neighborhood. Never had I seen such lavish houses before. It dawned on me then that I must have a very wealthy aunt. Her home was a lovely, newer Victorian style occupying the top of a small knoll with an acre of land surrounding it. The grounds, especially in front of the house, were covered with flowers and trees I'd never seen before. Just behind the house was a swimming pool hidden from the rest of the nearby homes by an eight foot fence. Posh. Definitely posh. I was given the guest room next to Jill's bedroom and across from Aunt Susan. I supposed it had been recently occupied by Jill or one of her girlfriends as it was decorated in very feminine fashion; ruffled pink curtains, a pink satin spread and flowered wallpaper. Against the wall was a triple dresser with two large mirrors and a makeup table almost covered by a wide variety of cosmetics and perfumes. I didn't feel I should complain about the decor. After all, I would be a guest for a mere four months. I quickly unpacked my things and went to put them away in the dresser. Much to my surprise, most of the drawers were already filled with lacy lingerie, bras and hose which I assumed belonged to Aunt Susan or Jill. The closet was much the same; lots of dresses, skirts, blouses and many pairs of shoes. I was barely able to squeeze in my pants and jacket. Just as I'd finished unpacking, Aunt Susan called to come to lunch. She had prepared a fresh fruit salad and some lemonade. "How do you like your room, dear?" she asked as we ate. I fibbed a bit, trying to be a good guest. "It's fine. I'm sure I'll be comfortable there." She and Jill exchanged a smiled. "We hope you enjoy your visit with us, honey, and let me know if there's anything you need. We have lots of fun things planned so I know you won't be bored." I thanked her and, after lunch was over, she suggested that I might need a nap after such a long plane trip. Having experienced jet lag for the first time, I quickly agreed and retired to my new room. As I dropped off to sleep in the canopied four-poster bed, I heard Susan and Jill whispering outside my door, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Just as I fell asleep, I thought I heard Jill laugh and say, "I'm sure she'll make a delightful sister." I wondered who she was talking about but I was too sleepy to care at that point. Chapter Two - Video Queen It was dark when I awoke. I dressed in a tee shirt and shorts and went into the living room, finding Jill alone on the couch watching television. She was dressed only in a semi-transparent blue night gown. It was extremely sexy and a perfect accent to her blonde good looks. "Hi," she said, "come and watch the movie with me. If you want anything to eat, just help yourself." "No, thanks, I'm not hungry. Where's Aunt Susan?" I asked, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the way she was dressed but delighted to be alone with her. This will be one hot summer, I thought, if this is the way she dresses around the house. Not that I had any complaints. "She went to bed," Jill said. "Sit down and watch if you feel like keeping me company." I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do more so I sat next to her on the couch, stealing peeks at her out of the corner of my eye as often as I could without being too obvious. A movie was playing, but I didn't know what it was and, at that point, I really didn't care, that is until I happened to notice some very strange scenes in it. "What movie are you watching, Jill?" I asked. "It's a tape my mother brought home today. It's about this guy who dresses up as a girl." "That's weird," I said, very curious as to why Aunt Susan would let her sixteen-year old daughter watch what I assumed was a porn flick. "No, it isn't," Jill peevishly answered. "Lots of boys like to put on girl's clothes. I think they look very pretty. If this guy in the film is like all the rest of them, it really must give them a big thrill. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't hurt anyone, does it?" "I guess not," I admitted, as I watched the boy on the screen trying to tuck his very erect cock into a skimpy pair of black lace panties. He finally managed to hide it and, after he put on a matching bra and slip, he was very cute and sexy looking, I must confess. As I watched him transforming his face into that of a girl, I was starting to get that old familiar tingling in my groin. Being able to see through Jill's nightgown didn't exactly cool me off either. Then I remembered how I'd felt the times I'd tried on some of my mother's clothes. Strangely enough, wearing them had made me feel very good, but I'd sworn off experimenting with women's clothes a few months ago because my mother had come home one afternoon unexpectedly and caught me wearing one of her dresses. I confess I'd panicked. I could only stand there frozen in front of her, unable to move or even talk. She hadn't been angry with me and said if I wanted to talk about it, she'd try and understand why I wanted to wear women's clothing. The only response I could manage was to run into the bathroom with tears of embarrassment running down my face. I had stripped off her clothes as quickly as possible and I'd never worn her things again since that day. The next thing I knew, Jill's hand was resting on my arm. Another wave of heat stormed across my groin and I could feel my cock harden. She must have interpreted my silence as further disapproval. "Don't be a nerd," she teased. "Just watch the tape and I'll bet by the time it's over, you'll think it's great." "Sure. Whatever." It really didn't matter to me what tape was on. I would have agreed to watch a ballet if I could stay there next to her, and I think she realized it. We sat there for a while, not saying a word. The movie was getting to both of us. I inched closer to her and she began to stroke my arm, then she moved her hand to my thigh. Moments later, she looked down at my lap. "You have a hard on," she giggled. "I think this film is turning you on. It gets me steamed up, too. Would you think I was terrible if I asked you to kiss me?" I could only shake my head, and she leaned forward until our lips were pressed together. A few minutes later and much to my amazement, she dropped the straps on her night gown revealing both her breasts. She was fully developed and they were perfect; firm, ripe and just begging to be touched. Jill took my hand and put it on one. It felt wonderfully soft and warm. I had never felt a girl's breast before and could sense the blood rushing to my face. "You're embarrassed, aren't you?" Jill giggled again. She was thoroughly enjoying my discomfort. I could tell she really enjoyed teasing me. To shut her up, I leaned over and kissed her. Just as our tongues were exploring each other's mouths, Aunt Susan came into the room. She looked down at us, her face filled with astonishment. "What do you two think you're doing?" she asked, a note of displeasure in her voice. "Jill, I'm surprised at you. Both of you go to your rooms and I'll come up in a minute. We're going to have a long talk about this." I ran up to my room and Susan followed me in moments later. She closed the door and sat on the bed next to me. It seemed to me she was even more angry than she had been in the living room. "If you're going to be spending the rest of the summer with us," she said, "I going to have to teach you some manners. Take off all your clothes!" Afraid not to do as she had ordered, I turned my back and quickly slipped out my shirt and shorts. I turned to her wearing only my briefs. "I said all your clothes, didn't I? Now take those ugly underpants off immediately." I knew I had little choice so lowered them to my ankles and stepped out of them wondering what kind of punishment she had planned for me. As I slumped down on the bed desperately trying to hide my genitals, I could picture myself being hustled to the airport and dumped on the next available flight home after an angry call to my parents. "I didn't tell you to sit on the bed, did I?" she snapped at me. "Stand up here in front of me." I immediately did as she had directed. "No, Aunt Susan. I'm sorry. I'm just kind of embarrassed." "You should be after what I saw. Now I want you to lay down on my lap. You behaved like a naughty child tonight so I'm going to have to treat you like one." I started to object but she cut me off instantly. "Not another word out of you. On my lap! Now!" Meekly, I did as I was told. As my penis touched her nightgown I was horrified to feel it getting hard. What would my aunt think of me? But, much to my relief, Aunt Susan either didn't notice or she didn't care. I felt and heard her hand as it struck my cheeks, not once but more than ten times. By then, I was almost in tears. Thankfully, she stopped and ordered me to sit next to her on the bed. She looked at me and asked what had occurred to get me so excited that I'd tried to take advantage of her daughter. I told her about the boy in the film who had dressed up in girl's clothing, and I admitted it had aroused me a lot. I apologized to her for touching Jill, but she just smiled and told me it was only natural to be curious about the opposite sex. I was sitting there naked, feeling quite helpless but still erect. "If you're so excited you can't control yourself, then I guess I'd rather have you feeling my breasts instead of Jill's. After all, she is still young," Susan said. "Here, take one in your hand and feel how nice and soft it is." She took my hand and put inside the top of her sheer black nightgown. Her breasts were much fuller than Jill's and her nipples were as hard as my cock. As I tentatively caressed her, she started to breath heavily, then she reached down and touched my penis causing it to harden even more. "You seem so mature down here, dear," she said. "I think I'm going to kiss it. Would you like that?" I could only nod, so, Susan knelt in front of me and then took my erection in her mouth and began to run her tongue all over it. I had never been so excited and hard before. In less than a minute, I exploded into her mouth. I poured out my discharge and she swallowed all of it! Suddenly, it occurred to me that having my sperm in her mouth might make her even angrier, but I was wrong. "How was that, dear?" she asked, smiling up at me. I was too frightened to reply for a moment or two but finally managed to find my tongue. "I'm sorry, Aunt Susan. That won't make you sick, will it?" "No, my dear, that's what I was hoping you'd do. It tastes like cream and I think it's good for me. Now go to sleep and we'll talk about your stay here in the morning. I left some night things for you in the top dresser drawer. Put them on and go to sleep. Good night." She left me, sitting on the edge of the bed, still trembling. When I heard her walking down the hall, I got up and looked in the drawer for my pajamas, but they were gone. The only thing in there was a lacy pink nylon nightie and a pair of pink bikini panties. I was searching for my pajamas when she came back into the room. "Is anything wrong, dear?" she asked. "I can't seem to find my pajamas," I said. "I know I put them in here before I took my nap." She just smiled and handed me the baby dolls and bikinis. "You'll be much more comfortable in this nightie and panties, and you'll look so much prettier in them, dear. Now put then on!" Hearing the steely edge in her voice, I knew she meant what she'd said. Reluctantly, I stepped into the wispy panties and pulled them up to my waist. They barely covered my maleness. Aunt Susan assisted me when I had trouble putting on the nightie, then she led me over in front of the mirror. "Just take a look at yourself and you'll know I was right. You look so pretty in pink!" she said as she kissed me on the cheek. "You have a very feminine body, dear. Tomorrow morning, we must see if we can help you take full advantage of it." "What do you mean?" I was shocked. At five foot six inches tall and 115 pounds, I knew I was no linebacker, but I never had my body called feminine before. "Jill and I have some fun planned for you," she replied. "She's always wanted a sister to share with and I've always wanted another daughter, so we've both decided you are going to be the new girl in the house." I was beyond speech after receiving that bit of devastating news. "Was what I did with Jill that bad?" "No, it has nothing to do with the way you and Jill behaved this evening. We decided to convert you into a girl just after we heard you were coming to stay with us. I'm sure once you try it and get used to it, you'll like it," she said reassuringly, "and you will get used to it because I insist you do everything I tell you to do from now on. I've had enough poor behavior from you for one evening. You'll do exactly as I say and dress as my daughter or I'll have to call your parents. You're to be a pretty young girl for the whole summer. Is that clear?" "Yes, Aunt Susan," I answered obediently, knowing it would do no good to argue. Also, I have to admit I was more than a little thrilled by the idea and, remembering how turned on I'd been watching the boy on the tape, I decided it would be unwise to voice any objections. I thought about it for a minute more, then looked at Susan and asked, "But what will happen to me after I go back home, Aunt Susan? What will my mother and father think?" "Don't worry about that now, dear. If you enjoy it as much as I'm sure you will, you can come back every summer and be my daughter, but probably you'll want to go home and continue to live as a young lady. You do look more like a girl than a boy. I've always thought so, ever since you were a baby. Did you know your mother and father were hoping for a girl?" That was news to me but, as I was a bit beyond speech, I just shook my head. "Maybe they really had one and never realized it," she continued. "You look so much cuter in that nightie. You know, I think it would be nice if you also smelled like a girl." She took a bottle of perfume from the dressing table and sprayed me with it several times. As the flowery aroma filled my nostrils, I was astonished to find that not only didn't I hate it, I actually liked it! "Ummm, I was right. That does smell marvelous," she said. "Now it's time for you to go to sleep." She kissed me and tucked me in bed, then left. I tried but couldn't fall asleep. I was not only excited and apprehensive about tomorrow, but I could still feel the touch of her lips on my penis. The nylon gown felt so soft and silky against my skin and the smell of the perfume thrilled me. What would the next day bring and what would happen to me, I wondered? As I fantasized about the possibilities, my penis got hard again and poked against the nylon panties. I reached under the covers and began to rub it. Visualizing myself in a dress wearing heels and makeup, I came for the second time that night, this time in my panties. I hoped Susan wouldn't be too angry and punish me. I quickly took them off and hide them beneath the mattress, then found a dry pair in the second dresser drawer. I slipped into them and got back into bed. Soon I was asleep. Chapter Three - The Secret's Out! The next morning Susan came into my room and uncovered me. "Good morning, dear. I hope you slept well. I want you to get up now and come down for breakfast soon," she said. "Make sure you keep your pretty nightie and panties on. I want Jill to see how cute you look!" Thankfully, she didn't notice I was wearing different panties when she pulled down the covers. As soon as she left my room, I hopped out of bed, brushed my teeth in the adjoining bathroom and ran a brush through my hair. As I was very self-conscious about Jill seeing me in a nightie, I had to summon up all my nerve before going downstairs. Jill was already dressed and in the dining room. When she saw my in my nightgown, she exclaimed, "Oh, you look so darling in that! I'm so happy I finally have a sister. Eat your breakfast as fast as you can and then I want to help mother get you ready for shopping this afternoon." As I gulped down my eggs, toast and tea I was wondering what Jill had meant about getting me ready for shopping. No one had told me a thing about a shopping trip and I certainly didn't need any help getting dressed. When I finished eating, Aunt Susan instructed me to take my dishes to the kitchen and then go upstairs and bathe. When I was done, I was to wait for her in my bathroom. I went and found a bubble bath already drawn for me. I got in and scrubbed myself, then soaked for a few minutes, enjoying the perfumed hot water. As I was just about to get out of the tub, Susan came in. She made sure I was clean and then, much to my horror, made me stand in the tub while she shaved my legs and underarms. As I'd never had any chest hair, the small patch covering my pubic area was all I had left. She helped me out of the tub, dried me off, then took me to my room. "Sit in front of the mirror, dear," she commanded me. "I'm sure you remember what I told you last night about our making you into a girl, don't you?" "I guess so," I bashfully replied. "Do I have to be a girl for the whole summer? Won't Jill and everyone else think I'm weird?" "Yes, you do, and don't complain so much. Your mother told me how much you loved wearing her pretty things, so you can stop acting like it's the end of the world. I know you'll be happy as soon as you get used to the idea and see how lovely you look. No one will think you're weird, I promise you. Now, admit it. Aren't you pleased to be you're finally going to be your real feminine self?" I knew then it was no use denying it. I would spend every minute of the next four months as her daughter. She knew my terrible secret and I was relieved she didn't dislike me for being different. I was thankful but still somewhat unhappy that my mother had told anyone about discovering me in her dress. My whole body was tingling with anticipation. I realized I was actually looking forward to exploring what had always been my deepest, darkest desire. "I guess I really would like to try dressing as a girl again, Aunt Susan," I blurted out, words seeming to flow from me without any control on my part. "I've done it before and liked the way I looked, but I've always thought no one else would understand or even like me if they knew about it. I was sure I was the only person in the world who felt like this until I saw the tape Jill was watching last night." Aunt Susan hugged me, sensing my confusion and my need for support. "There are lots of people who feel exactly like you do. Don't think you're a freak of nature, because you're not. Your mother and father know how you feel. We talked it over and decided that your stay here would a perfect time to let you find out if being a woman is really what's best for you. We just want you to be happy because we love you a lot. That's why we think it's important for you to experience everything you've been holding inside you. If you find that, after a few weeks, it's not what you truly want, then you can go back to being a boy. Is that all right with you?" "You mean that my parents knew all along how I felt and they weren't upset?" I asked incredulously. "That's right, dear. They just want you to happy and if that means you need to be a girl and wear dresses and pretty lingerie instead of boy's clothes, it's something they feel they can accept." "Then I guess that's what I want, Aunt Susan. Ever since I can remember I thought it would have been much better if I'd been born a girl. I guess I've always hated being a boy and wearing clothes that I despise. Are you sure you and Jill won't mind?" "No, we won't mind at all. In fact, when I told you I'd always wanted another daughter, I meant it. Jill has really been looking forward to having a sister, too. I think she's as excited about this as you are. From now on we're going to call you Julie. A new name to match the new you. Do you like Julie or would you prefer another name?" I know I gushed, but I couldn't help it. It was as if the excitement of all the Christmases of my life had been wrapped into one and the celebration was about to begin. "Julie sounds perfect. It's the name I've called myself for years. Did you know that, or was it just a lucky guess?" "Your mother read your diary and saw that you often referred to yourself by that name. That's how she knew you weren't happy as a male, too. Your diary descriptions of how you feel are very frank. Now I think it's about time we begin your feminization, don't you?" Just as I was about to give her an enthusiastic yes, Jill came in with a glass of water and handed me a small purple pill. I quickly covered my lap with a towel so she wouldn't see my private parts. "Hi, sis," she said, a smile covering her lovely face. "Take this pill. From now on you'll get one every day. It will make you develop into a beautiful young girl." "What's in it?" I asked, not really caring as long as it would help me be the woman I wanted so desperately to be. "It's called Premarin," Susan informed me, "and it's used for birth control, but in you it will keep you from easily becoming hard down there and soon you will grow firm little titties that will tingle whenever anyone touches them. You want your body to develop like any other girl your age, don't you?" Nodding, I took the pill, not realizing that I would soon have breasts and much fuller hips and buttocks. Much to my delight, I would soon discover that my breasts were as large as Jill's! "Let's see how these pretty things fit you," Aunt Susan began. "Stand up and we'll get you dressed. After all, you can't sit around naked all day." She helped me slip into a lacy pink bra, then fastened a matching garter belt around my waist. Next came a pair of dainty pink panties. The panties were a size too small and, as a result, tight enough that my penis was completely hidden when Susan showed me how to pull it back and tuck it between my legs. Jill taught me how to put on the beige stockings and after a few fumbling attempts I managed to get them hooked onto the garters. I loved them immediately and they felt so wonderfully silky against my newly shaved legs! Over that, she had me put on a full slip, pink with lots of delicate lace on the bodice and hem. I felt so pretty and ladylike! Then Aunt Susan carefully plucked my eyebrows so only a very feminine shape remained. "There's no turning back now, Julie," she said. "From now on, you're going to be my pretty niece." Soon my face was completely made over with eye liner, mascara, blush and deep pink lipstick. As my strawberry blonde hair was fashionably long, she was able to use hot rollers and a curling iron to give me a very feminine hair style. While my aunt was busy with my hair, Jill shaped my nails and then covered them with a polish that matched my lipstick. As I watched myself being transformed, I had a thrilling sensation each time I looked in the mirror. I looked as much like a girl as Jill did! And to think that only yesterday I'd thought my trip to California might be boring! "May I help Julie put her dress on?" Jill asked. Aunt Susan had just come in the room with a pretty frock. She handed it to Jill. I was simply delighted at hearing Jill call me "Julie" and "her"! It was a pink and white flowered dress with puffy short sleeves and a scoop neckline. As Jill slipped it on over my head and zipped up the back for me, I noticed the skirt came to just above my knee. Susan gave me summer white heels to put on and I was surprised to find they were a perfect fit. They were so well prepared for my transformation that the high-heeled shoes were exactly my size. My mother must have given them all my measurements before I arrived. "Now I want you to practice your walk, dear," she said. "Take fairly short steps and keep your legs close together. Swing your hips a bit and think `girl'." I did as she had asked and felt quite comfortable in the heels despite their height. I'd long ago mastered walking my mother's shoes so the heels weren't at all difficult to manage. I adored the feel of the dress swishing against my legs and the way my stocking-covered thighs felt as they rubbed together with each step. Aunt Susan clapped with delight at my performance. "That's right, Julie, you're perfect! A natural. You act like you've been a girl all your life! I'm sure you'll be just fine when we go out looking for some pretty things for you this afternoon." Is she serious? I said to myself. It had never occurred to me that I'd be going shopping dressed like this. I thought I looked like a girl but would everyone else think so? The idea of going out to a mall wearing a dress and heels had always been one of my favorite fantasies but I'd never really expected to do it. I was just about to voice my fears, when it dawned on me that it didn't matter what others thought. The only people I knew in California were Aunt Susan and Jill. No one else's opinion mattered and, after all, this was San Francisco. Everything went here. To complete my outfit, Aunt Susan selected some jewelry for me to wear and had me spray my neck and wrists with a pretty floral scent. She gave me a purse to carry and helped me select a few makeup items and a wallet to put in it. She insisted I come with her to town shopping while Jill did some work around the house. She didn't have to ask twice. I shaking but very excited as I got in the car. We drove for a while and talked, then stopped at a dress shop in a nearby shopping center. When I got out of the car, Aunt Susan had to remind me to take my purse. I imitated her and put it over my shoulder. As we were walking through the door, she told me to relax and have fun. She had called them earlier and they were expecting us. She said she shopped there all the time and they knew her very well. Susan introduced me to everyone as her niece, Julie. "I want you to fit Julie with some breast forms," she told the woman in the foundations department. "She hasn't fully developed yet and needs some help." The clerk guided me into a dressing room and took off my dress and slip. "My, my, you really do need some padding, don't you dear?" I blushed as she left, and I could hear Susan and the clerk chuckling. The sales woman entered the dressing room again, this time with two foam breast forms which, I was delighted to see, even had nipples. As she showed me how to put them in my bra, she said, "These will fill you out perfectly until your own breasts develop, Julie. Now, would you mind removing your panties for me? I told Susan we have just the thing to help you out with your other problem." I knew then that Aunt Susan must have told her all about me. She knew I was really a boy and wouldn't be shocked, so I hesitantly slipped off my panties. The clerk smiled as she looked at my swollen penis. "Oh, dear, it would never do for you to go about in a dress with that thing sticking out. Put these on, sweetie." She handed me a pair of lacy panties fashioned from a very stretchy fabric which made the panties almost like a girdle. When I put them on, I found my penis fit into a pocket and was pulled back and completely concealed. "Now, isn't that better?" she said as she helped me on with my slip and dress. "So much more ladylike." I had to admit the fit was much improved. My breasts were full now and filled out the top of the dress perfectly. The bra pushed my chest together so that I had the appearance of real breasts. I was thrilled! "You are a such a pretty girl!" the clerk exclaimed, "and pink is such a becoming color on you. Your aunt told me she intends to have you spend the entire summer as a girl. How do you feel about that, Julie?" I blushed, appreciating the compliment but still very perplexed about this sudden metamorphosis. "I think it will be fun but I just hope no one will discover my real gender and laugh at me or turn me in to the police." As we left the dressing room, she affectionately put her arm around my waist and said, "You don't have to worry about that, dear. I guarantee no one will know you used to be a boy. You seem so comfortable and act so much like a girl. All you have to do is relax and `Enjoy Being a Girl', just like the song says." "I do enjoy being a girl," I beamed, and thanked her for her help. "Be sure to come back often, Julie. We have tons of pretty things here in your size that I know you'll just love." We picked out some more things for me, then paid for our purchases and went out into the mall. "We have a few more things to do here, Julie," Aunt Susan informed me. "There's a booth here that sells very nice pierced earrings and I want you to pick out a few pairs. It's right over there." I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw a carousel covered with all kinds of earrings. "There's only one problem, Aunt Susan. I can't wear those because they're all pierced earrings and my ears aren't pierced." "They will be in a few minutes, dear. They do that for you free when you buy three pairs. Go and find the ones you like and then we'll have them do your ears." I managed to find five pairs I simply couldn't live without. I showed them to Aunt Susan and she approved of my selections. Minutes later, we left the boutique, me with my newly pierced ears held open with gold studs. "There are so many things I want to buy for you," she told me. "I think you should select some pretty things for yourself like shoes, lingerie and so forth. I think every girl should have her own very special feminine things. You'll see. I know you'll love being a young woman as much as I did when I was your age. It's so much more fun than being a boy." "You're right," I conceded. "It is fun. I feel so strange, but it's a good feeling." I truly did feel like I was in a different world. I was so much more aware of everything around me. I kept up a non-stop conversation, talking about everything that popped into my head. Just as we were leaving another store, Aunt Susan stopped me and said, "Julie, when you were getting dressed as a girl at home today, I was watching you. You were much happier and you behave perfectly as a girl when you're wearing a dress. As the saying goes, you've come a long way baby. So stop worrying. I guarantee you no one will know the difference." Walking through the mall, it pleased me to notice that we were getting numerous admiring glances from men. So many stared at me and I could see the desire in their eyes, and it thrilled me sexually. It really did. Aunt Susan noticed it too and asked me how I felt about it. I had to admit I loved it. Almost immediately I became more relaxed and began to enjoy the feeling of being a woman. It was fantastic! I loved the way my dress caressed my legs as I walked, and the clicking of my heels against the hard floor sent chills up and down my spine. Maybe it was the novelty of the situation or the fact I also felt more grown up as well. I didn't know why for certain, but I truly loved being a girl. Aunt Susan and I had a great time shopping for my new wardrobe and trying on clothes. We went into almost every store in the mall. I spent at least a half hour trying on lingerie at one of the better department stores. I didn't even get too nervous when one of the saleswomen walked in on me. All I had on was my bra and panties. She clearly didn't think of me as a boy. She just handed me a nightie to try on and then walked out. We stopped at Aunt Susan's favorite shoe store and she bought me four pairs of shoes there. There was a particularly cute young salesman in the store who waited on me. He became friendly very quickly. I was amazed when I discovered that he was trying to look under my skirt each time he helped me try on a pair of shoes. That made me very nervous, but I knew I was also flattered. I did purposely cross my legs a few times and I'm sure he liked what he saw. I had to choke back a laugh. Wouldn't he be shocked if he knew what was really inside those panties he was sneaking a look at! I must admit I even flirted with him a bit. Aunt Susan watched all this, trying to hide her laughter. While she was paying for the shoes we'd bought, he asked me for my phone number. I was tempted to give it to him, but I knew I couldn't. When we left the store, I told her what had happened. She teased me about having made my first conquest and told me I should have given him our phone number. This time she had a huge laugh when she saw the horrified look on my face. "You can't be serious," I replied. I couldn't date a boy. What would I do if he wanted to kiss me, or worse, if he wanted more? I'd be in big trouble." "Look, Julie, you're going to spending a lot more time as a girl and if you think you'd like to date, it's certainly fine with me. There's no reason you can't. You have small breasts but so do a lot of other girls your age, and yours will be getting bigger very soon. A boy would never know the difference, believe me. As I recall from when I was a teenager, they're so happy to get anywhere at all, they don't even realize what they're doing. So relax and enjoy being a girl, will you please? I won't let you get into situations I don't think you could handle." I was sure it would take a giant leap for me to adjust to being with a boy, but knew I would like to eventually. "I guess you're right, but I think it'll be a long time before I could date. It's not that I don't want to, but I don't think I could relax enough to enjoy myself. There's so much I need to learn first." "Jill and I teach you all you need to know about boys, honey. They're so eager to get you in bed, it makes it a very simple matter to control them. Any girl with brains has no problem at all. I want you to be just like any other girl, that is if you truly want to be." "Oh, Aunt Susan, I do. I really want to be a girl, and in every sense of the word. I know you're right about boys, so if you'll teach me, I'll be a very willing student. Do you actually think it's possible for me to date?" "Julie, you'll not only be able to date, but after I get through teaching you a few tricks, you'll have them eating out of your hand. You're a beautiful young woman now. It'll be easy for us to make you one of the more popular girls in town. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. Your mother taught me all I know about men and she had a very special knack with them. You may have even inherited her talent." We continued our shopping, stopping at the discount pharmacy to buy all the necessary feminine things I'd need if I was going to be spending a lot more time as a girl. We bought shampoo, hair spray, bath powder and a blow dryer. I'd never realized how many different things a girl needed to make herself pretty, but I was learning very fast. Next we stopped and had a bite to eat at the restaurant in one of the big department stores. We both ordered a crab salad plate and iced tea. Again I had time to practice my ladylike manners. I made sure I kept my legs demurely crossed and tried, as best I could, to copy Aunt Susan's other mannerisms. She must have noticed my efforts. She reached over and touched my hand. "I see you're being conscious of how you eat. Make sure you take nice little ladylike bites. This is part of your education as a young woman. You've never had the opportunity to learn a lot of things other girls your age have known for years so I'm going to make sure you have a chance to discover them." "I want to be as much a lady as any girl does. I promise to be the best student in the world. I know I've got a lot to learn, especially about boys, so whenever you think I need to know something, please tell me." "I will, and I'll try to make sure you know all about boys before too long. I've got the feeling you're going to need learn quickly, judging from the looks the boys have been giving you today. You really are a very pretty girl, and I'm not just saying that because you're my nephew. Whoops, I better make that niece in the future." We both giggled at that. After we had eaten, I realized that I was in very serious trouble. I had to take a pee and I'd been holding it back all through lunch. When it was impossible to wait any longer, I mentioned it to Aunt Susan, she just smiled. "Come with me," she said, smoothly and quite casually. "I have to go myself." When I realized what she was suggesting, I was horrified. She laughed at the expression on my face and as we walked toward the powder room, and she told me something that was to become quite important to me. "You are a girl now, Julie," she said, "so when nature calls, you'll just have do the same thing the other girls do. You'll learn." "You can't mean I should use the ladies' bathroom," I stammered. "I'd never be able to walk in there. I'd faint, I know I would. Please, let's just go home before I burst." "Julie, I've told you at least a dozen times today you can do anything, go anywhere you want. Absolutely no one is going to realize you're not completely female without seeing you in the nude. You've got to stop being so paranoid. Now follow me. I have to go too, so let's just get it over with." "Ok, but I want you to know I'm scared to death," I admitted. "Please let's get in and out of there as fast as we can. From now on, I'm going to make sure I go before we leave the house." As we entered the powder room I began to tremble and, while I had a smile on my face, it felt like it was pasted there and wasn't working too well. There were several women standing in the outer room, but Aunt Susan and I ignored them and went into the room where the facilities we needed were. There were several toilets in little stalls with the door that could be pushed closed. I ran into one of the empty stalls, locking the door securely behind me. I hung purse on the door hook, then used some paper to clean off the seat. I quickly lifted up my dress and slid my panties down as far as the tops of my stockings. I carefully sat down, all the time watching the door to be sure no one was spying on me. When I was satisfied that no one was watching, I slipped my cock out and quickly peed. What a relief! When I'd finished, I patted myself dry with some paper, then pushed my penis back in my panties, feeling so much safer with it hidden. I stood up, pulled up my panties, again being thrilled with feeling so feminine. I dropped my slip and dress back into place. Finally, I sensed I was gaining some self-assurance. I thought about how no one had given me any strange looks all day. On the contrary, all the looks I'd received had been very flattering. I decided Aunt Susan had been right all along. I'd been silly to doubt my appearance. It was, I decided, time to be brave. I was starting to enjoy myself for the first time that day. I was a real girl now. I knew it, no one else seemed to doubt it, so I might as well enjoy it. What a phenomenal feeling! I strolled out to the mirrors and checked out my appearance, just as most of the other women there were doing. What a pleasant picture! I loved my feminine reflection. I couldn't remember any time in my life I'd ever felt better. I fussed a little with my hair, then went and sat in one of the chairs to wait for Aunt Susan. It was even fun just sitting there, crossing and uncrossing my legs, feeling the slippery smoothness of my stocking-clad legs as they rubbed against one another, and it was especially wonderful that there was no longer any ugly bulge to get in the way. How I loved being a girl! I noticed how nicely the room had been decorated. The walls were papered with soft pink flowers on white background. The carpet and chairs were a light grey. So pretty and so unlike the mens' rooms I'd been in. When Aunt Susan finally came out, she immediately noticed me sitting there looking like the cat that had eaten the canary. She gave me a radiant smile and, when she's finished washing her hands, we walked out together. "What's come over you, Julie?" she asked. "You're acting like you own the world now." "I guess when I had time to think about what you've been telling me, I realized how right you were. No one all day has treated me any differently than they treated you. I just love being a girl, and now I think I'm finally beginning to relax and enjoy being Julie. Thanks for being so helpful, Aunt Susan. I want you to know I love you, and I really appreciate all the effort and expense you've gone to. You're the best friend and the best aunt anyone ever had." We continued our shopping, buying me all the pretty things that Aunt Susan had promised. I had such fun picking out a whole new wardrobe. All the pretty lingerie, dresses, jewelry, shoes and hosiery. I was in seventh heaven. I guess the main reason we stopped shopping was that we couldn't carry any more boxes. When we got back to the car, I was careful to sit like a girl, making sure to smooth my skirt out before sitting down. I crossed my legs, trying to look as ladylike and demure as possible. They looked so pretty sticking out from under my skirt framed by the lacy hem of my slip. Aunt Susan noticed how pleased I looked. "I think you're beginning to like your new self, aren't you Julie?" she asked. "You don't seem to be the least bit nervous anymore. I'm really happy." "It's so much more fun to be a girl and fussed over," I confessed, "and I really love wearing a dress and looking pretty. Do you really think maybe I was born a boy by mistake?" "That could very well be, but thankfully it's a mistake we can correct. Your male clothes are being put away for as long as you're here. You will be Julie, completely feminine in every way, and I do mean every way," Susan informed me as we turned onto our street. "Also, when you meet the boys Jill and her friends know, you'll have to date them if they ask you out, which I'm sure they will. You're one of the prettiest young girls I've ever seen so you'll be getting a lot of attention from both boys and men. You'd better get used to it. You'll soon discover that having men chase you is one of the best parts of being a woman." I was astounded by the thought of making love to a man, but not at all unwilling, I was surprised to realize. I guess dressing and feeling like a girl made it seem like a natural thing for me to do. "If you say I should, then I will." I sat there for a few minutes wondering what it would be like to kiss a boy or have some man's hand up under my skirt. Would I like it? I got my answer moments later when my penis became extremely hard in spite of the very restrictive panties I was wearing. "I've never even kissed a boy," I blushingly admitted. "Don't worry, Julie. After Jill and I show you how to behave, you'll learn to love wrapping a man around your finger or wrapping your fingers around a man, if you know what I mean," she said, laughing. This time my face turned a bright shade of red as a picture of my hand with long pink painted nails encased a throbbing erection popped into my head. It was then I knew for sure I'd learn to please a man long before my summer in California ended. Just the thought of nuzzling some cute boy's cock almost made me wet my panties. Susan must have recognized the look on my face. "I think it turns you on, doesn't it, Julie?" "Yes, I guess it does," I reluctantly admitted, "but does that mean I'm gay?" "No, honey," she smiled, "it just means you're bisexual. You like making love to both men and women. A lot of the people I know feel that way and so do Jill and I. It's great to be able to make whoopie with anyone at all. There's no need to limit yourself to one sex. So don't feel guilty. Just relax and enjoy it. You'll have all different kinds of fun while you're staying here with me. I'll make sure of that." I somehow knew I'd try everything and love it all. Aunt Susan was completely in charge of my life now and I had no choice but to do everything she told me to do. Happily, I was more than willing. Besides, I didn't want to risk having her tell me I couldn't dress up as Julie anymore. I had become totally addicted to wearing pretty things in less than a day and I was almost positive I wanted to be a girl forever. "I'll do my best, Aunt Susan," I promised. I decided I should tell her more about how I felt in case she thought I was uncomfortable in a dress and made me go back to boy's clothes. "I love wearing a dress and being a girl, so I promise I'll do as you say. As far as I'm concerned, you can burn the clothes I brought from home. I don't ever want to see them again. I'm much more my real self like this." "This morning I could tell you really liked your feminine self so I had Jill drop all your male things at the Goodwill depot while we were out shopping. You're my niece Julie from now on and I'm so much happier with you this way." I reached over and hugged her. There were tears running down my cheek. "Oh, Aunt Susan, thank you so much. I'm happy, too. I never want to be a boy again." And, happily, I didn't have to be a boy again. I spent the rest of May and June learning all the things a girl needs to know. Aunt Susan and Jill were very good, very patient teachers and soon I felt as if I'd been female all my life. Chapter Four - My First Slumber Party A few months later, Aunt Julie surprised me again on our way home from shopping. "Jill has a slumber party planned for tonight to introduce you to all her friends. You're the guest of honor. They're all dying to meet her older cousin from back east. We'll pick out a nightie for you to wear after dinner and, with your stretchy panties holding you in, no one will be able to tell that you used to be a boy, that is if you don't get too excited. Do you think you'll be able to manage that with ten young girls running around half naked, Julie?" I blushed at the thought and said, "I know I'm ready, Aunt Susan. It's almost as if this summer I'm truly myself for the first time. I was never very happy as a boy. Now I feel as if I'd been reborn the girl I was always meant to be." Jill was waiting for us when we got in the house. She had been getting everything ready for the party. "You'll like my friends a lot, Julie," she said. "I told them you're really cool and very pretty. No one knows about the real you so I hope you'll be careful and not give yourself away." "Jill, you know that's the last thing I'd ever do," I replied. "Aunt Susan says I can be Julie for as long as I'm staying here so I don't want anyone to know about that other yukkie me. What are we going to be doing tonight?" "I guess watching some movies and talking a lot. We'll take a walk to the mall, then maybe have pizza around later. There's lots of cute guys there so it's one of our favorite places to hang out. When we come back we'll all crash in the living room and give everyone a chance to get to know you." "Sounds like fun," I told her. It really did. I was looking forward to being with them and learning what girls did at slumber parties. I'd always been curious but now I was going to be a part of one. Jill briefly filled me on every girl who would be attending the party that night. I decided then that being a girl was much more exciting that being a boy could ever be. Aunt Susan and Jill decided I should wear a blouse and skirt so we picked out a lacy white top and a short flared red skirt for me. I had to change quickly as it was almost time for the other girls to arrive. As I'd put on white lingerie that morning, I didn't have to worry about it showing through the blouse. I hurriedly dressed and checked my makeup and hair in the bedroom mirror, thrilled as always to see such a lovely young woman looking back at me. Just then the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and Jill introduced me to her friends. They were all about my age or a year younger and well dressed. As we all lived in a fairly wealthy neighborhood, they could easily afford the latest fashions. I was quite shy at first, not knowing how well I'd be accepted but after dinner I relaxed and felt as if I'd spent weeks with them. Thankfully, they all seemed to like me too. Aunt Julie left then and we decided to go to the mall for an hour or so. As it was close by, we walked there in about ten minutes. On the way, several cars full of boys tried to pick us up but we just ignored them. It was strange but thrilling to be on the other side of the male/female courtship ritual. We walked through most of the stores, trying on things and buying little. We all had a chance to meet some nice boys but, as there was so many of us, they all seemed reluctant to do more than talk for a few minutes. I became quite friendly with Jill's best friend, Melissa, a cute redhead with a super figure. She had moved here from Baltimore a few months ago and we both felt a certain newcomer's kinship almost immediately. Melissa and I both tried on jeans in the same dressing room at one store and I have to admit I stared at her when I saw her in her bra and panties, especially when I noticed a few pubic hairs escaping the elastic leg openings of her briefs. Her bottom was perfectly rounded and very sexy. I loved looking at her and was particularly envious of the smoothness of her crotch. She was so lucky to have a pussy, I thought, not a nasty bulge like I'd have had if I were wearing loose panties. Unfortunately, she noticed me gaping at her and, to my surprise, ogled my crotch as if to say she was as bold as I was. I was embarrassed, so I blurted out, "Sorry for looking at you, Melissa. I hope you don't mind." "No, I don't mind at all. In fact, I was glad to have a chance to check you out. Jill told me all about you so I couldn't help being curious. How do you hide your `thing'? I didn't see even a bump down there." I was astonished that Jill had revealed my secret to anyone but, as Melissa didn't seem the least bit bothered by it, I couldn't really object or be very upset. "The panties I'm wearing are made of a very stretchy fabric," I told her. "When I put them on, I pull my `thing' all the way back and the panties hold it in place. Now that I've answered your question, you tell me something. Why did Jill tell you about me? I thought no one was supposed to know." "She knew I wouldn't mind and I'd keep it to myself. Jill and I sleep over with each other a lot and we've gotten to know one another very well, if you get what I mean." I guess I must have looked puzzled because Melissa blushed a bit and then whispered in my ear, "We do girl to girl stuff in bed. Don't say a word to anyone. It's just as much a secret for us as yours is." "Sorry, but I guess I'm a bit dense," I said. "I won't say a word to anyone, I promise. I knew Jill was bisexual but it never occurred to me that you were the one she did things with." "She told me you and she are having some fun, too. According to her, you are well equipped, so that's why I was staring at you before. I just figured something that large would be hard to hide." "I don't think it's all that big. In fact, I wish it were so small it was invisible. I hate it. I'd give anything to have a vagina and look like you do. That why I was looking at you. I'm so jealous!" "Look, Julie, all this conversation has made me very curious. Would you think I was weird if I asked to see your thing? I'll show you mine if you'd like to see it even if you don't want me to look at you." Curiosity wasn't what I was feeling. Horny was more like it. The two of us standing there only a few feet apart wearing only our bras and panties had more than peaked my interest. "I guess it would be ok, and if I lean against the door, no one would be able to come in and catch us." I put my back to the dressing room door and lowered my panties to my knees. My cock, now almost erect, popped out like a divining rod in Minnesota. "Oh, it is big," Melissa said. "I'm surprised you don't like it. I think it would be fun to have one. I sometimes wish I did. Don't you think it's more interesting than this?" As she said it, she pushed her panties over her hips and let them fall to the floor, then stepped out of them. "No, I hate it," I answered truthfully as I stared down at her. "I'd much rather have a pussy. Your's is beautiful. Want to trade bodies?" She laughed. "Maybe, but first I'd like to see how they feel against one another." She took off her bra and pressed her naked body up against me. Her hand reached behind me and unhooked my bra. She watched me as I shrugged out of it. "You're certainly not flat chested, Julie," she said quietly as she snuggled against me. "Our breasts are just about the same size. I love the feel of your nipples against mine." I leaned forward and kissed her while she took my cock and put it between her legs. I tried to push it into her, but it didn't work. Melissa had a better idea. She tightened up her legs and moved back and forth, the soft wet petals of her pussy stroking my hardness until I shot out a load of white sauce on her legs. As soon as I got my breath back, I leaned down and licked her clean, making sure her clit got plenty of attention. She had a very intense climax in no time at all. We heard voices in the hall outside the dressing room so we quickly dressed again and joined the other girls who were waiting impatiently. After shopping at a few more stores, we walked back and discussed the boys we had met in great detail on the way. When we arrived home, no one was the least bit tired, so we changed into our nighties and decided to have a pizza delivered. Jill opened a bottle of wine and gave everyone a glass. Maria, a cute Italian girl with a definitely ample figure, said she knew where the best pizza in town came from, so she took charge of calling for it. After she had placed our order, she told us that not only was their pizza the best, but the guy who delivered it was a total hunk. He was the son of the owner and had been flirting with her for months. His name was Mark. The other girls, at Jill's instigation, decided to have me answer the door when he arrived. They told me I looked so sexy in my yellow nightie that it would be a shame not to let the delivery boy see me in it. At first I was reluctant, but after my second glass of wine, suddenly I was all for it. They spent the next few minutes giggling and warning me not to turn him on too much. I blushed, hoping I would! When the doorbell rang, I walked to the door and answered it with a big smile on my face while trying to quell the butterflies swirling in my stomach. The rest of the girls were in the kitchen watching me through the louvered door. Mark almost dropped the pizza when he saw me but recovered quickly enough to say, "Wow, you sure look great in that nightgown. What's your name?" I blushed a bit and then invited him in. "I'm Julie, and I know your name is Mark. My friend Maria told me about you earlier this evening. She said you were real cute and had the best pizza, so when I got home I called for some." "The pizza is the best," he said, "and so am I." He gave me a big smile, so I wouldn't think he was too conceited, I realized. "Maria never said anything about that," I answered coyly. "She only mentioned the pizza. How much is it?" He handed me the bill and I walked over to the couch where I had left my purse. I purposely bent over to get my wallet, giving Mark an excellent view of my yellow panty covered bottom. I turned back to him and I could tell he liked what he saw a lot, if the bulge in his pants was any indication. I said I was short three dollars as I hadn't realized it would cost so much, knowing Jill would understand I was up to something because she was aware that I had plenty of money in my purse. Mark looked perplexed for a minute, not knowing what to do. "Is there anyone else home who might have some money, Julie?" "I'm home alone and this is all the money I have." I fibbed. "How about if you share the pizza with me and call it even?" "I can't do that," he said. "I have to come back with enough money to cover the delivery." I stared up into his face with a sad look, realizing that the more I looked at him, the more I wanted him. It must have been because of the two glasses of wine I'd just had. I think he felt the same way because he kept staring at my breasts, very visible through the filmy fabric of my nightgown. Acting as if I were about to cry, I lowered my head and said, "I'm sorry. I thought I had enough money and I really want the pizza. Isn't there some other way I could pay you?" My act had worked. The expression on his face was now one of pity, liberally mixed with lust. "Don't get upset, Julie. It's only three dollars. I can lend it to you and pick it up tomorrow." I had to think fast as I wanted him tonight, not tomorrow. "I may be going away tomorrow with my aunt for a few days. Why don't you just stay here and share it with me and maybe I can think of someway to thank you?" I walked closer to him, knowing he was getting more turned on by the minute, just as I was. Admiring his gorgeous face and muscles had made me feel very sexy. Thankfully, my tight panties concealed any sign of my excitement. "Maybe if I gave you a kiss, you'd stay?" I asked, putting my arms around his neck, hoping with all my heart he would. "I guess I could go for some pizza," he said, taking me in his arms. I pressed myself against him as his lips met mine. I kissed him with an open mouth and his tongue immediately darted into it, our tongues probing and exploring. His hands moved down my back and cupped my bottom through my panties, pulling me even closer to him. I felt his hard cock against me as he began to grind slowly against my pubic bone. Moments later, his hand was cupping my breast through the silky nightie and that turned me on tremendously. We stayed locked in each other's arms for about ten minutes when Mark told me he wanted to make love to me. I wanted him very badly too but, knowing I couldn't let this go too far without revealing my true gender, I leaned away from him, telling him to wait because I had an idea. I reached down and unzipped his jeans. My hand quickly found his erection inside his underwear and, while stroking it with one hand, I pushed his pants and briefs down to his knees with the other. He had the largest cock I had ever seen and it was unbelievably hard. Desperately wishing I had been born a woman with a pussy so I could feel him inside me, I knelt in front of him and began to kiss and lick his magnificent shaft. Gently I took the tip into my mouth, tasting a drop of precome as my tongue explored his slit. I cupped his balls in my hand as my mouth slid farther down his shaft. Back and forth I moved, each stroke taking him deeper into my mouth until my lips eventually brushed against his pubic hair. Mark's hands were now locked behind my head in my hair and his hips were swaying as he fucked my face. Using a trick that Jill had taught me, I delicately inserted just the tip of one of my long painted fingernails into his anus and massaged it as if it were a clit. Unable to bear the excitement any longer, he started spurting his cum into the back of my throat. I purposely pulled my head back so I'd be able to taste his discharge, not wanting to miss it's tangy flavor. I continue sucking and fingering him until he was totally empty. Feeling somewhat embarrassed by my burst of lust, I quickly stood up, pulling his pants and underwear up with me. "Oh, god, I'm so ashamed of myself," I said to Mark, covering up my face as tears filled my eyes. "I drank some wine tonight for the first time and it made me lose all my control. I hope you don't think I'm terrible. I've never done anything like that before. I can't even look at you." He didn't seem to know what to say and was upset when I began to cry. He took me in his arms again and said, "Julie, just take it easy. I think you're terrific and I'd like to call you and take you out sometime. Don't feel bad just because you like me. I like you too. You're beautiful and very sexy." He held my face between his hands and smiled at me. "Please stop crying and let's eat this pizza before it gets cold. All of a sudden, I have this tremendous appetite." That made me laugh and I quickly felt much better. "That's funny. I don't feel so hungry now, Mark. Did you really mean what you said about calling me?" "Yes," he whispered in my ear as he hugged me, "I did mean it. I like you a lot and I want to take you out. If you don't go away with your aunt, how about tomorrow night? There's a great horror double feature at the drive-in." "All right," I sniffled, "I guess so. I'll just tell my aunt I don't want to go away. She won't mind, but I'm still feeling bad about what happened. Promise me you won't tell anyone what we did?" "No way. I don't talk about things like that," he reassured me and again took me in his arms. "I'll pick you up around eight. Hope you don't mind going in the delivery car. It's the only one I have." "No, I won't mind as long as you bring another pizza. I get hungry at night and I love Italian food." Mark laughed and said, "I could tell yo

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Julies Summer Schooling

‘Enjoying the view?’ ‘Hmm?’ ‘You like what you see over there?’ ‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I turned on my sofa-bed and smiled sheepishly at Lucy. Best to own up when you know you’ve been caught out. Plus there’s a special dispensation for letting your eyes stray when you’re on holiday. I read that in FHM. Not that I was easily distracted from the five foot six of tightly-coiled sexual fury lying next to me. Since our first meeting two months previously, when Lucy had sold me a new...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

3 years ago
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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

1 year ago
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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies first black cock

A couple months ago , I was looking to take my wife out and get her laid. The day seemed to start off good . A black man had contacted me on a swingers website that we belong to and said he was willing to meet. Knowing how wet she would get , I gave him her cell phone number and told him to call her so she could set up a time for this to happen. Wouldn’t you know it he never called. When she came home from work, I could tell she was a little bummed out by it. Still no call, I asked. Nope he...

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

3 years ago
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Julies Story

Julie?s Story By Dr. Quirt A young woman doesn?t quite realise just what she has let herself in for when she decides to explore her masochistic tendencies. The learning path is hard and long but, in the end, she becomes contented with her lot. This story is the first of a trilogy, the second and third parts being ?Nina?s Tale? and ?What Happened to Lucy?? Beginnings A light rain was beginning to fall from a leaden sky as the train pulled in to the station of the grimy, northern town....

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

4 years ago
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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

3 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se hu..jo log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/1352687/bi_sexual_beki.htmlThis all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg (http://www.drizzle.com/~elf/) had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender fiction.TGStorytime.com was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Julies story

ONE ONE ?I have to get to Tonga today!? Can?t you help me?? My name is Julie Hudson.? I am a freelance photographer and I?ve been hired to do a photo shoot on the small island of Tonga.? If I don?t get there today, the job will go to someone else.? To say that I am desperate is an understatement. The person I am talking to is Jim Carmichael, the pilot of the local air service here in Brisbane.? He is a tall, handsome man, about thirty, with sparkling gray eyes and a mouth that is in...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence – Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence - Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

First Time
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Julie born for sex only

Friends living in London explore all types of sex. (MMF, dom, bi, exh, orgy, ws, bd)***Chapter OneThe day was hot and dry. Julie's wet vagina was moist from the thought of a stiff penis. She wanted someone desperately inside her aching cunt. She was pushing her fingers through the thick hairs that formed the very heart of her femininity. Suddenly her fingers brushed lightly over her clitoris, it was already hard and standing rigid. Her fingers moved around in small circles she closed her eyes...

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Julie and Debra a Bedtime Spanking

n.b. This story is an extract from my three volume saga "Slaves of the Amethyst". I post the story as it makes a fitting accompaniment to my gallery of bedtime spankings. If anybody becomes interested in the larger narrative behind this little extract and would like to read more of "Slaves of the Amethyst" then please be sure to let me know.Michaela Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The...

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The Storyteller

After picking up her coffee, Meara looked around the crowded café for a seat. Every seat seemed to be filled. After looking further, she noticed a table in the corner where a man about her age sat typing on his laptop, and the seat next to him was vacant. Approaching him, she said, "There are no other available seats; would you mind if I join you?" "No, you're welcome to join me," responded Sam. "Just let me finish recording my thought, here, and I'll put this away." "Don't stop on...

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Julie Part 5

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: This is a long, sensual story, there are 7 more parts for a total of 12 parts) *** Part Five Chapter Twenty Three -------------------- When Harry woke up he looked at the alarm and saw that he had three minutes before it would go off, mumbling a few choice words he cut it off and rolled out of bed and went to the toilet. He finished and went to the kitchen turning on the coffee pot; he returned...

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Julie Part 10

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) This is Part 10 of a 12 Part e-novel. If you read Parts 1 thru 9 you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s best friend in a three way, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog, oral, light bondage, and orgy. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further.*** Part Ten Chapter Forty...

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Julie and Debra

(This following piece is an extract from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" and as such is not a complete story in its own right. I include it in case the erotic content appeals to our readers on Xhamster) Chapter Sixty Nine.Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be...

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Julie Part 4

An E-novel: A story of a woman submissive to her own desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: Continuation of a very long, sensual story. There are three more parts after this one.) Harry woke up again and looked at the clock, it showed eight twenty five, he stretched and sat on the side of the bed a minute before going to the bathroom. He felt sticky so he washed his cock and slipped on a pair of cutoffs. He went into the kitchen to turn on...

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Julie Part 7

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 5 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE TO GO YET) *** Part Seven Chapter Thirty One ------------------ Sarah went home at the regular time and went right to doing her paper grading and preparation for tomorrow's classes. She expected Charlie to call but the call didn't come and she was finished with her home work and now it was too late to get some sun besides he might not call...

2 years ago
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Julie Part 9

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is Part 9 of a very long e-novel. There are three long parts after this one. If you read Parts 1 thru 8 first you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s friend, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog having sex, etc. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further. *** Part...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 2

Just then Jake's left hand went around her body and fondled her right breast. Her nipple was tweaked to hardness again. Involuntarily she gasped. Julie heard Dora say, "Jake why don't you put your hand under auntie's T-shirt and fondle her bare breasts." Julie protested against Jake's kissing mouth, "N-No... don't, Ja-ke." "Relax Julie... please don't disappoint the boy... please be nice to my son... and let him touch your breast." "Please auntie... please..." What could...

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Julie Part 12

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Twelve Chapter Fifty Five ------------------ The time went by fast, Harry made love to her then took a shower, they lay on the bed and talked and made love again. When she came in to clean him he was dead asleep. She turned out the light and went to the kitchen, she was busy setting up breakfast and planning dinner for tomorrow night when Jimmy came home. When he entered she was surprised to...

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Julie 3 Cheerleader sleepover

Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually on a day like this I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all working so I had the place to myself....

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