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My Client Chapter 1 - Making a Living Chapter 2 - The Contract Chapter 3 - The Beach House Chapter 4 - The first time Chapter 5 - A walk on the beach Chapter 6 - The Wall Chapter 7 - Inspection Chapter 8 - The bitch Chapter 9 - The monthly inspections Chapter 10 - My cell Chapter 11 - Lynn and Tamaria Chapter 12 - The next year Chapter 13 - Taking control Chapter 14 - The game's over Warning - not for reading by minors. Story deals with hypnosis and strong sexual themes. All rights reserved. This story may not be sold or distributed by anyone unless it is distributed free. Copyright must remain with the story. My Client By Waldo Chapter 1 - Making a Living I was about one hour into my normal three-hour lecture and sales presentation when I saw her walk in and quietly take a seat in the back of the room. I just quickly glanced at her, slightly perturbed because her unplanned late entry caused a minor concentration disruption that I couldn't tolerate at that moment in my presentation. I re-focused my attention on the middle-aged over-weight woman sitting directly in front of me; making sure that the slight disruption didn't impact her hypnotic trance. I'm a certified hypnotist and make my middle-income living by setting up and operating my own Stop Smoking Hypnotic Clinics. I charge thirty five dollars per participant for a three hour long session and usually have eight to fourteen people in my daily session. During the session, I don't really have time to hypnotize everyone; and can only offer strong suggestive anti- smoking logic to the participants. The participants walk away from my session feeling refreshed, relaxed and having a stronger desire to quit smoking, thanks to my suggestions. About two thirds of the attendees actually quit smoking for a while. I wasn't greatly perturbed by this woman walking in late because that was thirty five more dollars for me. But I knew that because she had missed my setup suggestions, that she wouldn't get much benefit from the rest of the program. So I was focusing my attention on the people that my setup suggestions indicated were ideal subjects. The woman in front of me was in a light trance and I was using her as a guide to direct everyone else to the level of receptiveness that I wanted them to be at. I glanced back at the newly arrived woman and really saw her for the first time. That is, as much as can be seen behind a big pair of oversized dark sunglasses. Her long black curly hair shadowed her face but I could see enough of her face to know that she was very beautiful. She was sitting down, but I could see that she was tall and in good physical shape but couldn't really tell what her body looked like, because of the raincoat she kept on. Something about the tall woman wearing sunglasses and a raincoat piqued my curiosity because this was Southern California where it never rains. But then again we have so many weird people that this could be a normal outfit for her. As I talked to my students, my eyes circled the room, checking on their compliance with my suggestions. When I looked back at the mysterious woman, she allowed a faint smile to show on her face below the large sunglasses. I returned the smile and re-directed my attention on another woman that was showing very favorable signs that my suggestions were working on her. When I glanced back at my mysterious woman again, she was gone. Why does a woman pay thirty five dollars to spend less than five minutes in a Stop Smoking Clinic? I returned my attention to the rest of my students and quickly forgot about this mysterious woman. ***** The next morning, I answered a call from a lawyer that wanted to come by my office to discuss setting up some internal sessions for his client's firm. I agreed to meet with him that afternoon because every bit of business helps. I made enough to live on but not enough to live the type of life that I desired to live. I'm thirty-two, single, handsome if I say so myself, in good physical shape because I jog a lot, self- employed and my name is Bob Jones. I got into hypnotism while in college and used my new found training to put myself through college by helping people quit smoking or to remember dull reading material that they would just as soon forget about. I made enough money doing what I like to do and had a lot of free time, so I never looked for a real job. I realized that I needed to start thinking about my future but so far, I've been able to make enough money, so that I keep doing these stop smoking clinics. I answered the knock on the door and a young male lawyer entered my small office. As he sat down in my other chair, he proclaimed in a very official tone "Mr. Jones, I'm not at liberty at this time to reveal my client's identity. I can tell you that my client is interested in hiring you for a multi-year project. The project would start in two weeks if you are selected. Your initial involvement would require thirty days of dedicated travel, therefore you wouldn't be available for other services and would need to make other arrangements. For the next two years, you would be expected to be available for travel one to three days per month for duties as necessary. At the end of the two years, you would be obligated for another thirty days and then resume the one to three days per month for the following year." He paused to make sure that I understood everything so far. "This is a minimal thirty six month contract. During the thirty six month period, you'll be expected to maintain certain personal standards that'll be explained in greater detail at the appropriate time and place. Those personal standards are explicitly related to your sexual activities and you are subject to dismissal at any time, if you acquire any sexual diseases or fail to live up to the terms of the contract. Before you can meet my client or obtain any more details, you must agree to have a complete physical that'll be conducted by one of our medical clinics and to go through a day long psychological evaluation. If you pass the medical exam, you'll meet with my client and will learn the full details of my client's terms of employment. We are aware that you'll be somewhat inconvenienced by changing your schedule and going through our preliminary medical evaluations, so we are prepared to pay you this amount for participating in the medical evaluation and preparing for the initial interview with the client. Needless to say, if the medical results aren't acceptable and you don't meet with the client, the check is still yours." He handed me a folded check. I opened it and tried to keep from smiling when I saw it was made out to me in the amount of ten thousand dollars. That was four months work for me. Just for participating in a medical physical exam and a day long psychiatrist evaluation. I leaned back and asked "What does your client expect me to do? My expertise is in teaching Stop Smoking Clinics." He shrugged, indicating it was none of his business "I don't know. I only know that I have been instructed to inform you that you are one of four certified hypnotists that'll be offered this unique financial opportunity. If I return to your office and set up an interview meeting between you and my client, you must be prepared to start working for my client as of the day of the interview. At the interview, you'll find out the details of your involvement and your financial arrangements. Additionally, if you are interviewed, you'll be given another check of the same amount, just for ensuring that your schedule is free to comply with my client's schedule, regardless of any funds due you from the multi-year contract. At the interview, you'll be required to sign a secrecy contract requiring that you don't discuss the contents of your meeting with my client." I looked at him and then back at the signed cashier's check in my hands. Ten thousand dollars just for going through a physical examination and a potential another ten thousand dollars just for showing up at the interview with my schedule cleared up. There was no way that I could pass up this opportunity. I nodded my head and queried "When do I report?" He opened his briefcase again and handed me a typed sheet of instructions. The physical was set up for the day after tomorrow. Then he stood and stated "I'll notify you after the medical exam if you have been accepted for the interview or not. If an interview is arranged, your schedule should be changed so that you can start work immediately, if you are selected. Have a good day." After he left, I propped my feet up on the desk and tried to figure out what his client could want me to do. I've done some consulting work before for companies, but have never had one that was this well paying or had such strange terms of employment. Well, I quickly decided that whatever occurs is ok with me as I looked at the check. My bank account was going to enjoy this unplanned addition. ****** It wasn't difficult for me to adjust my schedule, especially when that much money was involved. I showed up at the doctor's office and they did a complete physical on me and shared the medical results with me. As expected, I was in excellent physical shape. The psychiatrist evaluation was another story. I came out of that multi-hour session with a headache and feeling angry from all of the stupid questions that were asked me and that I had to respond to. I knew that the psychiatrist probably didn't know any more about my client's requirements than I did, but had only been given a check list of things to evaluate me for. I was a little puzzled about what they wanted me to do, because I thought that they would have arranged for some tests of my hypnotic skill, instead it was my personal and medical conditions they were evaluating. Two days later, the lawyer walked back into my office. He had called and set up a meeting but he wouldn't reveal anything until he was in my office. He opened his briefcase and removed a check and passed it to me. I opened it and looked at it. It was for another ten thousand dollars. The lawyer announced in a very profession deadpan tone as if he was quoting from a memorized speech instead of speaking off the cuff "Your evaluations were extremely favorable and an interview with my client is established for next Wednesday morning. At the interview, you'll be provided with complete details of your term of employment. If you decide to accept his generous offer and are accepted by my client, your initial thirty day employment starts that day. You should be prepared to travel where my client directs, as of that day. The forms that I've brought with me today aren't your employment contracts, which will be discussed with you at next Wednesday's meeting. These forms are to ensure that you have re-arranged your schedule so that you are completely available for my client's requirements and that you don't discuss anything concerning my client or his requirements with anyone, regardless of your acceptance." I looked at the forms and signed them. I would be a fool not to sign such a generous financial arrangement. He smiled and handed me a typed list of instructions. The page simply noted that a limo would pick me up at my home at 8 am on Wednesday and would deliver me to the client's business establishment. I was instructed to wear a business suit that day, and to bring one suitcase packed for several days. Recommended clothes to pack, were all casual. Swimming trunks, running shoes, beach wear, slacks, etc. There was no mention of formal clothes, except for the suit required for the interview. Review of the suggested clothes indicated that I would be going to a resort area where business suits weren't expected. Chapter 2 - The Contract I cleared up my schedule and paid my bills for the next month. On the morning of the interview, the limo picked me up on schedule and drove me out to the valley to a large industrial complex. The driver was stopped at the gate and then allowed to proceed to the main building. I didn't recognize the company's name, but knew that they had plenty of money, because they had their own golf course within their company grounds. I was met at the main building by the lawyer who told me to leave my bags in the limo, which would wait on me. He escorted me into the building and the waiting security guard gave me a visitor's badge. We took the elevator to the top floor and walked down an executive style hallway to a large executive conference room. Apparently, I would be working for the very senior company management. Two other lawyers entered the conference room and dismissed the lawyer I knew. As they were introducing themselves to me, she walked in. She was one of the most beautiful women that I had ever seen. Her face reminded me of Ann Margaret. Other than that resemblance, she seemed very familiar but I knew that I didn't know her because she was the sort of woman that you don't forget. How do you describe perfection? Her long auburn hair flowed down the sides of her face and onto her shoulders. She was about twenty years old, and the body under the dress was good enough to be on a Playboy centerfold. There was no way that I could miss seeing the nipples on her large breasts press tight against the blouse fabric as she breathed. one of the most magnetic faces I had ever seen. Her large brown eyes were riveting with their clarity. Her luminous skin covered her modest but beautifully curved cheekbones. Her slightly large nose was cute, but it was her voluptuous mouth and lips drew my attention. Her lips were soft, full and symmetrical. As she walked across the room and sat down, I knew why she was familiar. Remember the movie Roger Rabbit and the cartoon character Jessica? This was her real-life counter part. Every thing about her oozed sex appeal and sensuality. She smiled at me and then sat down in a comfortable easy chair as she lit a cigarette. I wanted to stare at her but knew that I couldn't. Thank goodness, at that moment another man walked in that I knew must be the client. "Good morning. So good of you to join us at our work location so early in the morning. I'm Bert Weiser and the young lady in the chair, is my personal assistant, Miss Tamaria Hamilton. Please call me Bert and sit down." he commanded. This man was in his early fifties, was very neat and his demeanor showed that he was in charge here. He looked at the woman smoking and grumped "Damn it, you know this is a No Smoking Building. Can't you follow the rules just once?" She smiled an `I don't give a fuck' smile and shrugged "No. Maybe next month, but for now - No." Her voice came across like soft brushed velvet. Mildly husky and alluring, but direct and with perfect diction. He turned to me, ignoring her obvious rebellion and apologized "Excuse me. Before we start, let me explain to you everyone's roles and involvement in this project. I own this company and you'll be paid by me. You will also be reporting directly to me and to Tamaria's lawyer. But you won't be working for me; you'll be working for Tamaria. The lawyer on your right represents me and the other one represents Tamaria. Jess, why don't you start." His lawyer recited in a monotone voice "Mr. Weiser and Ms. Hamilton have negotiated a contract between themselves and are prepared to activate it. The terms of the contract are simple. Ms Hamilton will submit to a thirty day hypnotic session with you. During that thirty days, you'll hypnotize her and condition her to accept Mr. Weiser willingly as her Master and lover. At the end of the thirty days, she'll live with him for two years as his lover and sexual slave. Once a month, you'll re-enforce her hypnotic suggestions and help maintain the terms of their contract. At the end of the two years, you'll be given another thirty days to restore her to her present thinking and sexual desires. During the third year, you'll re-evaluate her on a monthly basis and take the necessary steps to maintain her individuality while conforming to the terms of the contract." I guess that my mouth was hanging open because the lawyer continued "We are prepared to pay you sixty thousand dollars for each of the two thirty day sessions and five thousand a month for the thirty six months of the contract. Ms. Hamilton and Mr. Weiser have agreed to forty-seven items that she doesn't have to do during her two years. An example is, that she doesn't have to have sex with anyone that hasn't been medically cleared by our firm's medical staff within the last six months. Or another of the forty-seven items is that her body won't be modified or surgically augmented, such as having breast implants. You'll modify her thinking so that she desires to do anything that my client wishes, as long as it doesn't conflict with the forty-seven exclusions. At the completion of the initial thirty days, we expect Ms. Hamilton to be deeply in love with Mr. Weiser and extremely receptive to his desires and needs. She'll enjoy doing whatever he wants her to do. During the period of the contract, she'll also be expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of her body." He paused and looked at Tamaria's lawyer, who started "My name is Ralph Jordon. I've been retained to represent Ms. Hamilton. A trust fund has been set up to pay for my services and your services so that we aren't dependent upon their good faith. Although the money is coming from Mr. Weiser, you'll be working for my client. Your job is to modify her thinking, actions, and desires, in accordance with explicit conditions described in their contract. Your job is to make sure that she lives up to the terms of the contract and upon the completion of the contract to restore her to her present thinking concepts, actions and desires. You'll modify her thinking so that she'll willingly do and act as Mr. Weiser directs, as long as it doesn't conflict with any of the forty seven exclusions. Not only must she do as he directs, but she must enjoy doing whatever he wants. She must love him and sexually desire him. She must dress to please him. She'll entertain his friends to please him. Her main goal must be to please him. She must also understand and accept that he can and will have other sexual partners and there must be no jealously. If he desires her to participate in these other sexual trysts, she'll willingly participate in whatever role Mr. Weiser desires; as long as it doesn't violate any of the stated exclusions. You'll have thirty days to prepare her. At the end of their two year contract, you must restore her to her current thinking and desires. Do you accept your role in this contract and can you fulfill your obligations to your client, which is Ms. Hamilton?" I looked at her and she was staring back at me, with a faint smile on her face. I recognized the smile. She was the lady that showed up at the recent clinic and then left suddenly. She inhaled a lung full of smoke and quietly started talking directly to me as if we were the only two people in the room. Her husky voice sounded so alluring that I found it difficult to concentrate on her words. I alternated staring at her lips and eyes as she told me what she wanted me to know "I've carefully thought about this proposition for some time and accept the risks. Bert has been renting my body for the last two years and now he wants to own me. He knows that when he is fucking me, that I'm only doing it for the money and am really thinking about being somewhere else. So we worked out this agreement so that he does own me for two years and I become his ultimate playtoy. I'll get more than two million dollars, counting the bonuses, for letting him own me and using me as he wants. I agree to do anything that he wants, except what is on my list. Your job will be to mold me into his playtoy to do whatever he desires, yet maintaining control in my exclusions. You will also have to inspect me monthly and to certify that both Bert and I are living up to the terms of the contract. Then when the two years are finished, you turn me back into being the real me. Or into the person that I want to be. I've filmed a video that my lawyer has, that describes my desired attitudes and personality. I've checked you out and you are the only person that I trust to do this job. If you don't accept your terms, then I won't let anyone else do this to me. It's all up to you." Ah shit. Now, I felt as if the whole world was on my shoulders. My acceptance of my terms would mean she would submit to him. I leaned back and looked at her. She had a faint smile on her face because she knew the various tangents that my mind was whirling through. I wished that I had been given preliminary notification of the details of this project so that I could have carefully thought it out. As it is now, I only have a couple of moments to make up my mind. I know it can be done, but should it be done? She is willing, but is she a willing subject? If she isn't, then the thirty days might not be enough. And what if I fail? I looked around the room and everyone was waiting on me to say something. I looked at her and she winked at me; silently telling me that we could do it. Then I knew what my answer had to be. I nodded my head and in a very low voice sighed "Yes." A big grin broke out on Bert's face. Tamaria winked at me again and lit another cigarette; ignoring Bert's look of disdain. Bert's lawyer requested "In anticipation of your acceptance of the described terms, we have prepared these papers for your signature. Please read them and after you sign them, Ms. Hamilton and Mr. Weiser will sign their agreements. I quickly read my contract and signed my name, feeling nervous sweat soak through my shirt. After I signed, she walked up to the table, and signed her name without reading the contract. After she signed, she looked at me and shrugged "See you at the Beach House." Then she walked out of the room as I stared at her. After she left, Bert declared "Bob, she is a hell of a woman. I love her, but she uses me. She charges me ten thousand dollars per night to have sex with her and then acts as if she doesn't enjoy it. For ten thousand, she ought to be in love with me. Well, she was right. I do want to own her. I'm a control freak and have to be in charge. I can't stand having this strong desire for her and then she treats me like shit. I've been with other women who treat me like I want her to treat me, but I can't forget her. When she agreed to my proposal, I was so happy that I almost kissed my lawyer. You can see how much she means to me, if I'm willing to spend a couple million for only two years of her love. So my boy, the beach house is waiting for you to stay with her for the next thirty days. She'll be there. I expect you to fuck her and for her to build an emotional attachment to you. Only thing to remember is that she must have a very strong physical desire for me and must do what I say. When she is with you or going through the monthly evaluations at the beach house, she is your woman to do with as you please. Rest of the time, she is mine and must act as I want her to act." I just looked at him. I didn't know what to say. He left the room and I spent the rest of the morning going over the contracts with the lawyers, making sure that I understood my requirements. In addition to the forty seven exclusions, I must make her maintain her body in a healthy manner. And I must submit to physicals at their medical clinic every six months so that I can have sex with her. Chapter 3 - The Beach House The limo was waiting and the driver drove north and west for about three hours until we arrived at a very expensive beach house. The house was a hillside building that overlooked the ocean and beach four hundred feet below. There was no other house in sight and it had the most beautiful surrounding scenery, with the nearby rolling hills. The limo driver unloaded my bag and then drove off, leaving me standing in the driveway. I picked up my bag and walked into the unlocked house. A note on the entry hallway table was addressed to me. I unfolded it and it stated The master bedroom is at the end of the hall. Put your clothes in there and change into something more comfortable before you join me at the pool. I suggest a bathing suit. And please shave first. Tamaria I found the master bedroom. It was bigger than my whole townhouse. I showered, shaved, unpacked my clothes and changed into my bathing suit. Then I walked through the house which was a mistake. Everything I looked at, I wanted. I knew that for thirty days, it would be mine, but I would have to give it up when my assignment was complete. I walked out onto the patio and down to the pool. She was lying in a lounge chair, soaking up the sunshine. She was wearing a cream colored bikini that complemented her beautiful skin. As I approached her, she looked up and proclaimed "Welcome to Oz. Why don't you pour us a couple of drinks. I want a scotch and water." I saw the small outdoor bar and I fixed the drinks. I fixed a bourbon and coke for myself and carried them over to where she was watching me. As I handed her drink to her, she laughed and queried "Did you ever hear such shit? I live with that day in and day out. He knows he can't have me and he leaped on this chance to have me, for such a short time. I treat him like shit. He may be one of the world's wealthiest men, but I'm the only woman in the world that can make him forget about money. Do you think that you can live up to your responsibility?" I sat down and looked at her laughing eyes. Then I responded "I'll do my best. Why was I chosen?" She laughed and admonished "You don't remember me, do you?" I replied "You sat in one of my sessions about two weeks ago." "Yes, I did, but we are old friends. I've slept in your bed before. You weren't in the bed at the time but I slept in your T-shirt and on your pillow. Over the years, I've followed your career and have thought about you a lot. You made a difference in my life and possibly saved my life. So when this opportunity presented itself, I decided to let you share my good fortune. And you are the only person that I would allow to fuck with my thoughts." she pulled her shades back down over her eyes. I stared at her as I searched my memory. I knew that I didn't know her. You don't forget women with bodies like her fantastic body. I quizzed "Who are you? You can't be much over twenty. Where did we meet?" She reached under her pillow and removed a man's old billfold. She threw the billfold to me and I opened it. The first thing that I saw was an old driver's license of mine. I looked at the date. It was almost nine years old. I skimmed through the rest of the billfold and saw some old credit cards. This used to be my billfold. It was one that had been stolen from me years ago by a black kid. She acknowledged "My real name is Mary Ann, but when I was a kid, everyone called me Tammy. I ran away from home when I was eleven because my step-father was sexually abusing me. My mother was a prostitute and didn't care about me, as long as she could rip off the couple of johns that thought they were my father and were sending me money on a monthly basis. I roamed the streets for two years with my gang, breaking into houses, fucking anyone for five dollars, whatever I could do to hustle for me and my gang. My man was Reggie." That name struck a nerve. I remembered him quite well and vaguely remembered the little tall, skinny girl that was hanging onto him. This was her? "Reggie's old man was giving us hell and we couldn't go to any of our usual hangouts. We were high on grass and had stolen a car which we quickly abandoned when it ran out of gas. We were wandering around the strange neighborhood looking for something else to steal, when I got sick and started throwing up. Back in those days, I didn't take care of myself and put anything into my body. I was on my knees puking my guts out in front of an apartment building when you returned from a jog and saw me. You wanted to call the rescue squad, but Reggie wouldn't let you because he knew that both of us had outstanding warrants. So you took us upstairs to your apartment and helped me as I continued to throw up. After I quit vomiting, I was so weak that I couldn't walk. You and Reggie held me up under the shower and rinsed the puke and dirt off of me. Then you let me dry myself off and put on one of your oversized T-shirts and to lay down in your bed." she paused as she took a sip of her drink. I remembered what she was describing but found it hard to believe that this could be that same scrawny, dirty kid. She continued "I puked my dope out of my system and was back to normal within an hour. I got out of your bed and walked out into the living room where Reggie was passed out on the couch. You were fixing yourself some eggs and offered to share them with me. I was hungry because I hadn't had nothing but drugs in my system for several days. After I ate my food, you fixed me some more because you knew I was starving. You wanted to know why I lived like I did. I told you that I enjoyed it and the freedom to do whatever I wanted. You tried to tell me that there were other ways to experience freedom. I didn't want to hear your crap and only listened because you were fixing me more food. When I was finally full, I asked you if you wanted to fuck me. I wanted to pay you back for the food and your kindness. You turned me down. No one had ever turned me down for sex before." I laughed and said "I remember you were very insistent. But you were only twelve years old and there was no way that I was going to put myself into a position where I could go to jail for having sex with a minor. If you had been sixteen or seventeen years old, I might have reconsidered. But twelve is just too young for me." She smiled and continued "You pissed me off when you turned me down. Although I hated my mother's life style, I was already selling my body; as I followed in her footsteps. Sometimes, I sold my body for drugs, other times for a place to sleep. I couldn't understand why you turned me down but I knew that I could make you want me. I went back to your bed and started masturbating myself, knowing that you could hear me through the thin walls of your apartment. I knew that you would open the door and slide into bed with me once you came to your senses. When you didn't rush into the bedroom, I quit masturbating and tried to figure out what turned you on. You were a novelty to me. There was a photo album in your bedroom and I looked at the pictures of you with some women that I assumed to be your girlfriends. I knew you weren't gay, so it had to be something else that turned you on. I went back into the living room and you were asleep in a chair. I wanted to wake you up and have you ravage my naked body but something stopped me. I went into the bathroom and saw where my clothes had been washed and were hanging up to dry. I put my clothes back on and saw your billfold lying on the counter. As usual I was broke and didn't have any money. I did what I usually do with my johns, which was rip your billfold off. I was able to wake Reggie without waking you and we slipped out." She looked at me as she took a sip of her drink before she continued "I didn't tell Reggie about your billfold because he would've taken it from me and thrown it away after removing the money, same as he did with the other billfolds that I stole for him. We walked back to our pad, which was a room in an abandoned building. Reggie fucked me and then passed out from the dope that he was smoking. As he snored, I thought about you and through about what sex with you would have been like. I imagined that you were tender and a good lover. That you would do more for me than the slam blam that Reggie just did to me. Lying in that abandoned building with Reggie's dried cum all over my body, I began to think about where I was headed. That day, I decided to try to do something with my life. I thought about you and started using you as my dream lover. Whenever someone was fucking me, I would pretend that I was on a remote island with you and that helped me keep my sanity. I didn't know how to break out of the rut that I was in, and spent the next couple of years trying to break free. I held onto your billfold and dreamed about walking back to your house, returning it to you, and moving in with you as your girlfriend." "Why didn't you return?" I asked when she paused. "I was afraid that you would reject me again. In my dreams, everything worked out perfectly for us. But I was afraid that the real you would reject me. I came back several times and watched you from a distance. But I could never find the nerve to approach you. One time when I was sixteen, I had a rich boyfriend who bought me all types of nice clothes. I purchased a beautiful bodytight running suit and waited until you started your daily jog through the park. I took a shortcut and was soon jogging slightly in front of you. I was hopping that when you caught up to me, that you would jog with me for awhile and then invite me out. I was very disappointed when you passed me and kept going." she admitted with a sad little smile on her face. "Sorry about that. I don't remember the incident, but there are a lot of nice women that use that same trail and I don't usually pick up women when I'm exercising. How did you get involved with Weiser?" I asked. "As my body filled out, I learned how to use it better. Instead of giving myself to drug addicts like Reggie who only wanted a warm, wet hole and didn't really care what the hole looked like, I started going after people that would pay me what I was worth. With my too-curvy body, I was soon working as part of a high-class callgirl group. I didn't like turning so much of my money over to my pimp so I escaped that nightmare, going to a lifestyle of being kept by men that could afford me. As I traveled around visiting my various clients, I didn't look at it as whoring. I was rented - yeah, rented by several men and I used them to obtain other clients who also rented my body and company for a couple of hours. Rich men like to steal other rich men's women and that's how I met Bert. Bert is only my current renter and is my ticket out of this lifestyle. With the money that I get from him for doing this two year contract, I can retire and do whatever I want to do." she said. "I remember you now and I really remember losing my billfold. I always thought that Reggie stole it. Now I think I know why I was selected for this job." I interjected. "No you don't. You see, over the years, my sexual fantasy has changed as I became sour on the world from my daily whoring. I no longer see myself getting out a taxi and knocking on your door. I don't see the surprise on your face as you recognize me and pull me into your arms before you carry back to your bedroom. I don't see myself laying beside you in bed wearing your old T-shirt as we talk about what a fool I was when I was a kid. I've changed." she proclaimed as she lit another cigarette. That knocked the wind out of my sails. I looked at her and acknowledged "No problem. I just need to know what is going on. I'll keep our relationship a straight business relationship and won't take advantage of you or your trust." She laughed and said "You're just as fucking straight-laced now as you were then. Why don't you ask me what my fantasy is now?" "It's none of my business." I replied. "Yes, it is. My original fantasy was to just fuck you. Then I found out what you did for a living and my mind wandered off on different tangents as I modified my daydream. I discovered one daydream that I enjoyed and re-lived several times. You see, in my fantasy daydream, I completely submitted to you. I let you hypnotize me and mold me into the woman that you wanted me to become. Then I - that is, the new Me - made love to you as you wanted me to make love. I willingly became your total slave, happily doing whatever you wanted me to do. You were rich and we lived on an island with the ocean sounds lulling us to sleep as we relaxed after making love. When Bert offered me this contract, I saw how I could use it to fulfill one of my secret desires. So I want you to hypnotize me and help me to fulfill my terms of servitude to Bert. Then I want you to restore me so that I'm no longer his slave, but I want you to condition me so that I become your slave. I get this house and property in addition to the money for signing that contract. It'll become our island. My fantasy will become real and I'll become your sexual slave in two short years. In addition to having me, the money that I earn from doing this with Bert is our money. Now you see why I only wanted you to hypnotize me?" Chapter 4 - The first time I took a long swig of my drink. I never imagined that anything like this could occur. She laughed and advised me "I've got three different lawyers and they don't know each other. Copies of my contract have been mailed to the other two lawyers so that the other two lawyers can later follow up on my contractual obligation to Bert. All three also have sealed envelopes that provide instructions and guidance as to how I want to think and act after I complete Bert's requirements. I don't want Bert to find someway to keep me as his slave and I've set up a complex scheme to monitor me and to make sure that this conforms to my wishes. Now tomorrow morning, we start. Today and the rest of tonight belong to me. Whatever I do tonight, is because I want to do it. Whatever I do from tomorrow on, is based upon whatever you want me to do." She slowly stood and untied her bikini top, letting it fall to the ground, revealing her perfect tits - golden globes that had never seen a surgeon's knife. Her large golden breasts had just a touch of moisture from the heat of the sun. As she walked toward me, her mouth opened and her lips parted. I could only stare at her luscious lips and dream about what I hoped that she was going to do with that perfect mouth. She knelt down in front of my chair, spread my legs and with one motion, pulled down the front of my bathing suit, freeing my rapidly hardening cock. Tamaria leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and immediately began sucking and licking it. She acted as if she couldn't get enough of my cock. I jumped from the pleasure that was coursing through my body and she used that brief moment to pull my shorts down even more as she drew more and more hardness into my dick with her very pleasurable sucking motion. I looked down at her beautiful head bobbing up and down on my cock and knew that I was in heaven. I've had blow jobs before but never one like this. She lifted her head and stood quickly. I reached for her, but she walked over to a blanket on the grass. As she walked, she pulled the ties on her bottom and they fell off of her. I watched as she lay down on the blanket and looked back at me. I stood and knew that I couldn't walk over to her, with my bathing suit pulled down almost to my knees and a hard on. I left the suit on the patio. I crawled over her and pressed my lips to hers. She grabbed me around the neck with her arms and around the waist with her legs and pulled me down to her. My cock was trapped against her flat tummy as our lips opened and our tongues seeked each other's mouth. After a few minutes of passionate kissing, I pulled away and began kissing my way down over her neck and shoulders. I licked her hard nipples and she squirmed as she groaned "You are the first man that I've had sex with in five years that didn't pay me. This is the first time in years that I've really been turned on." I spent a few moments sucking on one of her luscious nipples while I ran one hand down her side and her hips. Then I kissed her belly and moved lower. Her breathing became ragged as my face pressed hungrily into her crotch and placed her thighs over his shoulders. She started playing with her breasts and pinched her nipples. As she played with herself, her moans started getting louder and louder. My tongue was all over her dripping cunt, but I knew better than to touch her clitoris. I knew that she was a professional whore and would use every trick that she knew on me. I wanted to do the same for her, as limited as my personal experience was. Tamaria squirmed and hunched her hips, trying to get that contact, but I was gripping her ass tightly in my hands. I could tell that I was getting her close to the Big One by the amount of juices running out of her. I shifted my fingers just enough so one was just pressing against her ass and she immediately began grinding against it. Then I took her swollen clit in my mouth and let the tip of my tongue just barely graze it. She screamed as she locked her thighs on my head and tried to grind her cunt into my mouth. I could feel her pussy spasming as she came. She shuddered and tensed up as the explosion rocked through her body. I continued lightly licking her clit and was rewarded when she came again, and then again, and again. Tamaria reached down with both hands and took my face in her hands. She pulled me up till she could look at my face, all happily coated with her abundant juices. "I'm not faking it. You are really doing that to me. I've never felt like this before. I want you inside me! Please!" I bent my head again to her cunt, slowly licking the juices of her labia and inner thighs as I withdrew my finger from her ass. "I want you," she suggested as she pulled her legs back, exposing her inner thighs. Her so delicious creamy soft inner thighs were waiting for me to rub my balls against them. Showing off my bedroom skill, I rubbed my cock against her cunt; before I teased her with my purplish cockhead. I scooted forward, letting it touch her cunt lips before I pulled back. Then I held it against her inner thigh and slowly pushed forward, knowing that I would be guided to that magical V between her legs. I held it against her so that she could feel it throbbing against her waiting flesh. Then I teased her by taking it up, her belly, toward her belly button as I rubbed my balls over her wet cunt, making sure that they rubbed against her clit. "I've got to have you," Tamaria mumbled. "Do you hear me? I want to feel you inside me!" I wanted her as much as she wanted me and couldn't tease her anymore. I aimed my erect cock at the very middle of her slippery lips, feeling the soft flesh kiss my cockhead as I pushed against her pussy lips. "Please, let me have it. Ram your hard cock in me!" she whimpered in a husky little-girl voice. I wrapped my hands around her head, as I shifted weight to impale her. Her hand dropped to my cock, guiding it as she spread her pussy lips with her other hand. I couldn't stop myself now. I had to fuck her. I wanted her so bad that I couldn't stand it. I could feel the smile form on my face as I began easing my cock into her. "Mooooorrrreeeee...." She groaned as I eased into her, taking my time, making sure that we both enjoyed this first time. She was very tight, even with a well-lubricated pussy and I was enjoying the sensation of my cock forcing its way into her resisting pussy. I shoved until I knew that half of my shaft was in her before I stopped. For about ten seconds I was motionless, then she started squirming as she attempted to pull me further inside her. She started to moan, but I wrapped my lips around her lips, forcing my tongue deep into her hungry mouth. For several seconds, she settled for my tongue action, then she began squirming as she showed me what she really wanted. Her tight pussy was stretched around my cock, with her outer lips feeling dry. When I allowed myself to push again, Tamaria's fingernails dug into my back as I felt my cock head get past her pussy lips and into her vagina. She groaned loudly as her heaving body tensed then softly relaxed, giving me the opportunity to pull her firmly onto my shaft. She pulled her lips from my lips and began sucking on my earlobe as she moaned uncontrollably into my ear. Her moans were incomprehensible except for mumbles that sounded like "Deeper, deeper" as she slurped her wet tongue deep into my ear. I was feeling the same strong desire and rammed it as deep as I could, almost smiling when she gasped when I was fully inside her. Without giving her any opportunity to enjoy the full feeling, I began pulling back out, until only the head was still in her. "Please....." she begged, knowing that I would understand what she wanted. With one smooth motion, I pushed back deep inside her then started rotating it from side to side within her, hearing her squeal with joy. Tamaria pulled me against her, squashing her breasts against my chest, holding me as she concentrated on moving her internal muscles, massaging my cock as if it was encased in a pair of velvet hands. For several long seconds, I enjoyed her very pleasurable massage, then I pulled quickly back and rammed her one more time as my lips wrapped around her lips, gently biting her mouth. She wanted to scream from the pleasure, but couldn't do more than moan into my mouth. As I humped her, she bent her legs back to her shoulders, positioning her cunt so that it was arched to receive me as deeply as possible. My balls were bouncing off of her ass as I stroked deeply into her, trying to embed myself in her belly. I was pumping in and out of her, alternating slow with fast strokes, as I worked my cock deep into her convulsing cunt, feeling her pussy juice squirting out of her with each withdrawal. In the next twenty minutes of very intense sex, she experienced repeated orgasm after orgasm, with the only difference being the visible intensity of her orgasm as she matched my constant changing rhythm. I began gasping as I felt that very familiar and desired wonderful feeling deep within my balls. I groaned as I plunged deeper and harder, ramming myself in her with a higher urgency as I felt my cock swelling, ready to explode, inside her tight pussy. I knew that she was a pro, but her pussy was just as tight as a virgin's pussy. "Fill me full of your hot cum," she commanded in a very lust filled voice, as she tried to pull me deeper into her. I felt it coming, and tensed as I rammed myself deep inside her, groaning as I released my most precious body fluid inside her clinging cavity. She screamed in pure joy as she arched her back, ramming me even deeper into her. We lay merged together like that as my balls jerked against her ass. When I was finished pumping my priceless body fluids into her, she straightened her legs, wrapping her ankles around my ankles as she continued to hold me, letting that moment of shared passion relax us. I lay on top of her, feeling my cock soften and slide out as it became smaller, letting some of our mixed juices dribble out of her vagina. Chapter 5 - A walk on the beach After the best sex that I ever had in my life, I dozed on the blanket. When I woke up, she was sitting in a lounge chair beside me, as she smoked a cigarette. I sat up, realizing that I was still naked, while she had put her bathing suit back on. "Welcome back to the world of the living. If you die like that after every little piece of ass, you'll sleep through half of your life." "Sorry, but I just felt so relaxed." She smiled and replied "So did I, but I was ready for more. I have a very high staying power, especially when it comes to sex. We have to do something about teaching you how to increase your staying power. Get dressed and come with me." I pulled my bathing suit back on. When I was finished, she picked up a partial empty pack of cigarettes and tucked it into her bikini top, letting the tight cleavage hold the soft cigarette pack. She held out her hand, wanting me to take it. We walked hand in hand, down the steep staircase until we got to the bottom of the cliff, which had a wide beach. We walked down the shoreline, in water that alternated from ankle to knee deep as the waves crashed around us. For several minutes, neither of us uttered anything as we walked and held each other. Then we came to a little rock wall that we had to climb up to the top. When we were about twenty feet above the water on the crest of the rock wall, she sat down, pulling me down beside her. I put my arm around her and supported her as she leaned her head against my shoulder, letting me smell her wonderful musky smell, mixed with the salt air. I thought about how feminine she is, about the way she dresses, moves, talks, and even tosses her hair when she laughs. Tamaria is the type of woman that most men dream about, but never find. She stroked my legs, playing with my leg hair until she finally asked "Do you think that I'm crazy for agreeing to his stupid contract?" "It's a lot of money that would be difficult to turn down." "Money doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I think that the real reason that I accepted, was to spite him, knowing that it hurt him to pay that much for a piece of ass." "So back out." She put her hands around my head, turning my face so that she was staring into my eyes. For about ten seconds, she stared into my eyes before she softly replied "I want to, but can't. If I don't do this, I won't be able to live. I hate who I've become over the years and I've got to start over. You are my knight in shining armor, who will protect me while I sleep, then wake me with a gentle kiss; before taking me home with you, where we'll live happy forever. You're my reason for living and if I don't do this, I'll lose you. Do you understand?" In her eyes, I could see something different. Gone was the invincible steely-eyed woman that I had been looking at all morning. Staring into my eyes was a scared little girl as she let her guard down for a brief moment. "No, I don't." She pulled out her cigarettes, lit one, and stared out at the ocean before she uttered "Sometimes I don't either. That's why I need your strength, your support.....your love. I've got to have something that I can look forward to; something to dream about. Bert's a fool. He's only someone that I can use, to get what I want." She turned her head to stare at me again. Her vulnerability was gone, replaced with steely-eye determination look. ****** We made love three more times, which was a world record for me. After our walk down the beach, we made love the first of the three times, on the beach with the sound of the surf echoing off the cliffs, merging with the sound of our pounding hearts. Then we had a leisurely dinner on the patio, followed by me carrying her to the bedroom where we made love slowly and softly, enjoying the slow mutual arousement that eventually turned into the fiery passion that we couldn't control. We fell asleep in each other's arms. I was gently awaken during the night by her lips on my cock, restoring the passion and pulling energy from some unknown place, back into my drained body. I was dragged out of bed at sunrise by my naked nymph and back out to the pool, where we swam laps and worked out for an hour. It wasn't too long before I was pooped and couldn't keep up with her high energy workout, seeing for the first time, how she kept herself in such good shape. After a quick healthy breakfast, which was also another first for me, she asked "Where do we start?" "When you are ready, I'll see what it takes to hypnotize you. Some people are difficult to hypnotize and it takes time to build that first trance, while others can be put under in only seconds. After I get you into a trance-like state where you are receptive to my suggestions, I'll give you suggestions to help you relax and to make it easier to be hypnotized the next time. My first goal is to develop an on-going, long-term relationship where you can be easily hypnotized and to easily reach a trance level where you are most receptive to my suggestions. My next goal is to plant some gentle suggestions where you build a wall in your mind. On the other side of that mental wall, we'll store thoughts, desires, likes, dislikes, and parts of your personality that conflict with your contract. After we have built the wall, I'll start moving those problem areas behind the wall, hiding them as we replace them with concepts that are needed for your new personality. It'll be a gradual change where you go from feeling your current contempt for Bert to where you actually like him, to where you love him to the ultimate where you have to be near him constantly. You'll start liking being around him, talking to him, and sharing things with him. As you begin to enjoy the pleasure of his company, you'll find that you want to be with him all the time, to be his woman, to pleasure him as you serve him and love him. Within your memory will be the contractual items of things that you won't do. You'll find that you want to do anything he requests, except those requests that violates your list. I'll teach you how to make self-hypnotism a part of your morning ritual, so as you do your daily workout, you'll also spend a few moments, re- adjusting your thinking to comply with your contractual agreements. I'll monitor you as needed and at least on a monthly basis to see how you are doing and give you assistance as needed." She pointed at her breasts and arched her eyebrows to emphasis her words "I want you to physically check me and to make sure that I don't submit to any of his requests for physical modifications. Bert likes big breasted women and he keeps requesting me to permit my boobs to be pumped up at least one more size to a D cup. My body frame can support that size breasts and I seriously considered it before; knowing that it would help my prostitution career. I may do it later in my life, or if the right man wants it, but for now, I think that they would be too big and have repeatedly turned him down. Just because he is requesting me to consent to surgery to get larger boobs, that is item number one on my list of forty-seven no- no's. So make sure that I'm a full C cup when this serfdom is finally finished." I looked at her already ample breasts, trying to imagine what they would look like, if they were any larger before replying "I won't let you do anything that you don't want to do." "How will you return me?" "I'll lower your wall, letting you see and remember the things that we hid. I'll let you see that you acted and thought about him in a loving manner only because I directed you to think the positive thoughts. Just as we worked on replacing thoughts one at a time, we'll restore them one at a time, until as much of you as possible is back." She slowly exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke before commenting "I'm a whore and sex has been nothing but work for several years, to a point where I don't enjoy it. Yesterday and last night with you, was the first sex that I've had in years that I really enjoyed. Use that as a baseline for how I should feel and enjoy what I do with Bert. Then when you return me to being the old me in two years, I want you to re-direct the love and passion that I feel for him, back to you. I want my fantasy to come true where I'm your sex slave for the rest of my life. Now big boy, when are you going to start my magical transformation?" ****** She was difficult to put under. Although she was outwardly very willing, something deep within her was resisting, knowing that accepting my trance, was paramount to suicide. Most of the morning was spent developing the relaxation techniques needed to slip into a light sleep. After lunch, we had a little more success. Or was it sex-ess? She wanted an afternoon romp and I had to satisfy her, before she relaxed and slipped into the first real hypnotic trance. Using that trance, I laid the framework for further trances, giving her instructions to control her breathing, her muscles and her desire to be repeatedly hypnotized. We made love in the moon-lit pool that night. I stood in the shallow end so that the water was about armpit level as she rode me slowly. Because of the water and her legs wrapped around me, we couldn't build a rapid humping motion. So we used a slow stroking motion, using gentle pressure to satisfy each other. As we lay curled up in bed, I listened to her sleep, feeling the heat from her perfect body, feeling the blood pump through her body, hearing her deep breathing; knowing that she was the most fantastic woman that I had ever met. No wonder Bert is so desperate to have her. I had so many confusing feelings and thoughts. I wanted to slip out of bed and run away. As far as I was concerned, she was the perfect woman and I was supposed to turn her into something that neither of us wanted, but which we had both contracted ourselves to do. I wanted to run away and take her with me, but I knew that she wouldn't go, even though she wanted to go. The only reason that I didn't get up and leave the house, was because I knew that if I didn't hypnotize her, someone else would. Someone that might not take care of her or look out for her best interests. Someone that might leave her trapped in that mental prison. I had to stay, to protect her. The only problem was that I was falling in love with her and didn't want to lose her. Even for the brief time of her contract, and knowing that we would be together every month. I was awake most of the night, thinking about what I was doing, looking for a way out for both of us. When I woke up, it was ten am and she was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. Her ashtray was full of butts so she had been there for a while. "Good morning, sleepyhead. You looked so relaxed and peaceful that I couldn't bear to wake you." she proclaimed as she sauntered across the floor, bending to gently kiss me on the lips; as she removed her robe, crawling back in bed beside me. That morning's hypnotic session was perfect. She went into a trance easily and followed my suggestions to expand the basic trance to a deep hypnotic sleep. We developed milestones, symptoms that she could recognize in her trance to help guide her to this deep level of sleep. Some of the milestones were established so that she would monitor her breathing, making sure it was relaxed, slow and even; that she would monitor her heartbeat, feeling it pump through her temples as it guided her into a deep trance. I didn't take her any further than that. Now that we had established the basic path to where I wanted her to go, I would spend the next couple of sessions perfecting that trance until she could enter it with just a few suggestive words. Then I would begin the real sessions. After lunch, she took me to a nearby ranch where we spent the rest of the day horseback riding through the hills, until we found a grassy little knoll with a beautiful view and a refreshing constant wind. While the horses nibbled on the grass in the small valley below our little paradise, I buried my head between her naked legs, nibbling on her as my tongue explored her familiar inner areas. That evening, we ate dinner at a little restaurant built on a pier in a nearby town. She had changed into a long, flowing, low- cut dress that showed off her perfect body, while covering it up at the same time. We found a piano bar where the piano player liked to play slow, belly-rubbing dance music. And we liked to rub our bellys together as we stared into each other's eyes, mentally fucking each other as we danced. God, I almost creamed in my pants once. We made love twice before we fell asleep. Chapter 6 - The Wall Now that she could easily be hypnotized and quickly reach the desired trance level, it was time to start preparing her. After putting her into a deep trance, I read the list of contractual items, having her commit each item to memory, making sure that she understood that she couldn't do anything to violate that list. Then I started building a wall in her mind, telling her to put her memories and thoughts behind the wall. To associate those thoughts with the name Tammy. To have Tamaria's memories on the outside of the wall, while Tammy's memories and personality were on the inside of the wall. I asked her to pick something about Bert that she liked. She selected the way that his nose flared when he was sexually excited, so I used that as a starting point. I told her to think about that little reaction and to think about it as she remembered that it was her, that was causing that reaction. That when she saw that reaction, that she would feel good and want to maintain that good feeling. We selected some more things that she liked, such as his taste in clothes. Then we examined some things that she didn't like, hiding those feelings away as we replaced them with feelings from the good things. After I woke her up, we sat on the patio and talked. Every time that I asked her something about Bert, I noticed that my suggestions were working. Instead of frowning or looking bland whenever I mentioned his name, she began smiling slightly and talked friendly about him. She still joked about him but it was a start to see her smile whenever she thought about him. For the next ten days, we spent about two hours twice a day in a hypnotic session developing her likes and hiding her dislikes about Bert. She was rapidly changing her opinion of him and lowering her resistance to him. When the sessions were over, she walked around the house wearing just her panties most of the time, which was something that I really liked. I caught myself staring at her surreptitiously, marveling at the way she looked, moved and acted; enjoying the way her wonderful breasts jiggled as she moved or just breathed. Then I would shut my eyes and fantasized about her, and remembering what it was like to tease her dark brown nipples as she let me enjoy her aureole between my lips. The rest of the time, we were two horny, over-sexed lovers on our honeymoon as we enjoyed each other's company. We used her memories of our love making sessions to build her desires for Bert, so that she would feel the same passion and desire for him that she had been feeling with me. By the end of ten days, she was a different woman whenever we talked about Bert. She was very enthusiastic about honoring her requirements in the contract because she `liked the old fart' as she told me one day. Three days later, she admitted that he was one of the best lovers that she had ever experienced - next to me, that is. It was easy to see that she was looking forward to seeing Bert again, to sharing his bed with him. Gone was her contempt for him, replaced with admiration for him. Gone was the "I'll only fuck Bert for money" attitude, replaced with a more acceptable "I can't wait to feel his cock inside me" attitude. Gone was the "He's an asshole" attitude, replaced with "He can't do nothing wrong" temperament. She was changing into the woman that he wanted. While our love-making sessions were continuing with the same intensity, she had developed a "How can I be so lucky to have two wonderful men" inner unders

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NCISChapter 2

"Hi! I'm Catharine Willows and this is Nick Stokes," said the woman and the guy gave a nod. "We're part of the Las Vegas CSI and we like to ask you to come with us please." McGee and Ziva looked at each other. "Umm, ma'am, on what terms do we have to?" asked McGee. "Well, you are NCIS right?" Both nodded. "Agent Gibbs' called and asked us to find a Mrs. Jefferson. We found her." The two nodded and followed Catherine and Nick to their vehicle. "So yeah, we found her in...

2 years ago
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Newly married Manu

Manu was of 28 years and was a doctor pursuing post graduation. She had had a late marriage but still staying for last six months with her parents after 10 days of her marriage due to hubby’s posting in north east India. She was not a stunning beauty but looked serene, well toned and well shaped. Her body language showed that she was not a sexy woman but her eyes and casual smile were inviting. We were both new families in the locality, an urban settlement in Jharkhand. As my neighbour, she...

1 year ago
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An unfortunate date

On my way home I couldn?t stop thinking about the date I just had On my way home I couldn?t stop thinking about the date I just had. What a strange man, I thought to myself. Surprisingly, I had hardly ever spoken to Chris before that night- only having bumped into him several times before at the laundry mat. I always thought that he was incredibly attractive, seeming to have a darkly dangerous quality to him that peaked my interest every time our eyes met. Two days ago, he asked me out-...

1 year ago
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Mei Ling part 7

Mei Ling - part 7 by B Pink They returned to the flat about 3.00pm. My mind had been again controlled by Mei Ling since midday and there was no thoughts of rebellion when they released the straps holding me and removed the gag. I stood naked except for my boots before their evil smiles. ?Did you pay Mr Smith his rent money? said Mei Ling. I nodded. ?I can see you did, the change is running down your leg? said Suzi giggling. ?Go and have a shower you slut, and be...

2 years ago
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Jens Dream SantaChapter 10

The Christmas morning breakfast table was groaning with food of all kinds. Around the table, big enough for twenty normal people, had lots of tall chairs, with ladder like rungs up the side for little legs to climb up to the top. Jennifer had heard the hubbub of excited voices and deep joyful laughter all the way down the passageway to the hall and, although Junior gripped her hand more firmly, she still fought the rising panic inside her. “Ah, there’s Gramps and Grandma, they’ve saved a...

3 years ago
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Lowborn Ch 10

Mindblind blinked his eyes open, squinting against the morning light streaming through the window, and tried to focus on his surroundings. Eventually, Raven congealed out of the haze, standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” “Morning to you, too,” he said as he sat up and groaned. He was stark naked, and as the sleep fog burned off, he recognized he was in a room at the Cat. “The hell made you run off alone like that, you damned...

4 years ago
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A controlled Life chapter 12

The devices, programs, gadgets, toys, apps, and websites in this story are real. The use of their brand names and products allowed through nominative fair use. The potential for them to be used in the ways they are in this story really does exist. Research has been conducted to ensure the accuracy and efficacy of these items to make this story as realistic as possible at the time of writing. I apologize for any updates, changes, modifications, or changes in availability of any...

4 years ago
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Birthday birching between birches 1

Jenny terribly teases her nice neighbour Professor Peter to punish her in front of her friendsJenny longs to be bent over my knees again but this time in public in front of her fine friendsJolly juicy Jennifer is a seductive sexy tasty teen and also my neighbour cute brunette beautyJennifer is fond of getting caught of stealing fruits from my yard, longs to be spanked by meJolly Jenny celebrates her eighteenth birthday with five of her six best friends in her yardJennifer tells them how hot it...

3 years ago
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A Private Eye and the Moral Dilemma

Lydia Hernandez woke to the phone ringing; she rolled over and glanced at the clock on the radio on the table next to the bed as she picked up the receiver. 11:10 PM. "Lydia, this is Reed, I'm sorry to disturb you this late." Even half asleep Lydia knew how to reply to that. "Not as sorry as I am." "Denny's in the hospital; they think it's a stroke." Sleep faded away and she had a bitter taste in her mouth. "Sorry, Reed, I was stupid." There was a muffled sound on the other end,...

3 years ago
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Cum drenched Mom in the middle An Adult Story

I woke around 1pm. It was the first day of my summer vacation. My parents had left early in the morning. They left some money on the kitchen table, the night before.. They were leaving for three weeks. I could not get time off from my part time job. I worked about 4hrs every Sunday at a gas station. I told them I might pick up more hours now that school was done. My parents were happy. I only took the part time job, so I would not have to go to church with them on Sunday’s. They were...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 33

The Hill was crowded that evening with couples coming from the homecoming dance. Alex managed to find a spot in between all the cars there. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and moved closer to their respective dates. Alex and Beth started to make out almost immediately. In the back seat, Allie took the lead and kissed Bill. He was as inexperienced as they came about making out. Of course making out isn’t brain surgery and Bill got the hang of it soon enough. Up front Alex was rounding 1st...

1 year ago
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Surprise Visit

1:00pm Pleasant Hill, Louisana I groan as my mom comes into my room and told me it was time get up. I sat up in bed, "I'm up, happy now?""No, get up, get dressed, change out of your pajamas.""Why? Not like anyones coming to see me." I rolled back under the covers."Just get up!" she said and yanked the blankets off me.Let me give you some back story here. I'm Devon, its like Devin except awesomer, I'm 18. About 5"9, long bottle blonde hair that reaches right below my 36a boobs. really pastey...

Love Stories
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Cuckoled Couple

This is a story I wanted to share... I got this note from a guy that wanted to be controled and humiliated with his wife...Dear Tom, my master! My bitch ass is so hungry, craving for you beautiful big cock! Please don't let your bitch wither. Please Master, please destroy my ass with a hard fucking. See, I'm naked, ready to serve you. I go down all fours and poke my ass out to offer you my bitch hole. I want your cock so bad, please fuck me, fuck my ass!!! I wanna feel your cock inside my ass....

3 years ago
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His Lordship 4 Trickery in the Bedroom

James' fists clench at the memory of how those marks came to be on Isabelle's skin. He clears his throat, and she whips around to face him, startled at the noise. "My lord.." she begins to speak. James waves his hand to silence her. Isabelle's face falls, and she delicately crawls from the sheets, her bare skin glimmering in the sunlight streaming through the windows. She continues to crawl until she is between his legs, a perfect image of true subservience. Rubbing her cheek on...

2 years ago
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Open Leg Policy

Open Leg Policy My wife and our two daughters have an open leg policy around me. If strangers are around they are perfect ladies but alone they sure can spread them wide. With or without panties I always get a fantastic view between their legs. It all started right after I married my wife. She obviously knew that I married her wonderful pussy and that her body just came along, as it’s life support system. She made sure that whenever she sat down that her legs faced me and that I...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 185

We had a great supper together then played with the kids that I missed so much. When the kids finally wore out and went to bed it was my time to make up for lost time with my mates. I was up early and went to the fitness center for an hour before the kids and my mates were up. I finished in time to join them for breakfast. Then we began getting ready for the trip to Atlanta for the debate. First there was a side trip to Lexington Kentucky for an afternoon rally and speech. Andrew and I had...

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Linda and Jon

One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...

1 year ago
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Lick clean

Jayne was having one off those days she had been completing her cause work at collage and she was sick of it. She didn't have a moment to her self but she new it would be worth it in the end and besides she was going to get to see john tonight. John was the same age as Jayne around 18, he also was having a hard time at collage and was looking forward to the night alone with Jayne. Jayne's parents had gone away for the week end and Jayne invited John round to have some fun and forget about...

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Ginas first Blow Job

"Dad. What's a blow job?"My heart stopped hearing those words uttered out of my daughter's mouth. "Um um. What was that sweetheart." What's a blow job?" Asking again. Up to this point I've been very upfront whenever Gina asked a serious question. I always felt it was better for me to tell her than to get the wrong shit off the streets. But this was totally different. I don't talk to much about sex with her, only the basics like, where babies come from, and shit like that. But other shit like...

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BrownBunnies Honey Gold Fucks Her Crush

Honey Gold has a porn crush, and thanks to us she got to meet him. We did her the favor of paring her up with her industry crush, Donny Sins. At first, she didn’t believe that we managed to score Donnie for her, but that soon turned into a smile when he came from the other room. She was ecstatic and quickly got to sucking his cock. Honey shoved his big black cock down her throat chocking on it until her pussy got so wet that she just had to shove it in there too. Honey got properly fucked in...

1 year ago
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The auburn haired girl on the bus Part 2

Shit. Bus is here early. Grab my bags, and once again, running for the bus. I look forward to seeing Em again, and hope it’s a good day. I jump on the bus, the second my foot gets on I scan the bus. No sign of Em. I grab my ticket and run to the higher floor of the bus. Scan again, no sign of her. I lower my gaze, and the bus moves forward without me taking a seat. I smack my head…. Again. This seems to becoming a habit. I take my seat, rubbing my forehead and instantly grabbing my phone....

3 years ago
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Cassies Daughter

CASSIE'S DAUGHTER This takes place in the universe of the Hallmark series The Good Witch, with influences from some other authors, especially Karin Bishop. To be honest, there aren't many ways to cause a magical gender change, so similarities are kind of inevitable. Somewhere in the Midwest is the small town of Middleton, which was settled over 200 years ago. It's somewhere in the Midwest, south of Chicago, which is close enough for the residents to take day trips there. ...

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Nani8217s Sex Experiences 8211 Sex With Swarna

! Hi friends I’m nani from Hyderabad. This is the continuation of my previous story sex in bus with swarna. Pls send u r comments to , Jumping to the story. Vijayawada lo digina taravaatha tanu vaalla ooru vellipoindhi nenu maa vooru vachesaanu. 2 days taravaatha ante 15/3/2013 na naaku vere numner numchi call vachindhi . Aa time lo nenu maa friend intlo kurchoni mandhu koduthunnamu. . Adi aunty call . Kaani tana voice koddiga different ga undhi. M : hello A : nani. M : ha nani ne meeru evaru A...

2 years ago
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Four Funerals

(This story isn’t true, but it’s based on some real events. I just put them together.) Tottenham Court Road on a busy Friday lunchtime is not the tine to start playing Frogger for real but the young woman in front of me obviously didn’t realise that. I was moving before my conscious brain kicked into gear, my hand shooting out and yanking her back by her shoulder as the taxi swerved to avoid a bike courier weaving in and out of traffic. It happened in slow motion, the taxi screeching into the...

2 years ago
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Friend Ke Gf Ke Mom Ki Chudai

Hello dosto main aapka harsh wapis hajir hun ek nayi kahani lekar. Bohot dino se time nahi mila kuch likhane ke. Aaj main aap sabhi ko ek nayi kahani sunane ja raha hun. Uske pehle apana parichay deta hun jo naye reader hai unke liye. Mera nam harsh hai main mumbai me rehta hun. Meri age 25years hai. To ab story pe aata hun. Aap sabhi ko pata hai muze auntiyo ko chodane me kitna majja aata hai aur unki chut chusane me to jannat ki khushi milti hai. Ye kahani abhi 3 mahine pehli ghati hui hai....

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I felt the movement of the stretcher and the warm air on my legs and cum soaked crotch. I assumed that I would be loaded onto a vehicle and taken away but nothing, I just lay in the sun strapped to a stretcher with all sorts of noise and chatter in a language I could not understand. After what seemed like forever the stretcher was pulled up so I was still strapped to it but now in a standing position. The neck and forehead belts were removed and the hood pulled off. I was met with a sea of...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 10

I was on autopilot driving home from my date with Shelia. I couldn't stop thinking about her, or reliving our evening. I was elated and scared witless, both at the same time. The reason I was scared was because Shelia was the first girl I had ever dated without the advantage of the connection thing. As the evening had progressed with Shelia I started to get a sense of how she felt but it wasn't the clear signal I was use to getting. I was also scared because Shelia soared with the socially...

2 years ago
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Shivani And Rahul 8211 Part 12

It was 7:30. Payal kept ringing the doorbell. Finally, Shivani, draped in a bedsheet, answered the door after 10 minutes. Payal came in and was shocked by what she saw. Shivani got rid of the bedsheet and was naked again. Payal stared at her big ass that swayed from side to side as she walked away from her to the bathroom. Payal’s gaze came back to the five naked bodies on the floor. To the left, there was a gap where Shivani was sleeping. Next was Rahul, whose head rested on Kavita’s boobs....

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freaky hot3

Now I must mention I also have an older brother. Dan is 2 years older than me but younger than Shelly. One night Dan and I came home to find Shelly passed out on the sofa wearing a short robe that was open halfway exposing her boob. Dan and I looked at each other with our jaws dropped. Dan whispered to me "Should we wake her or check her our for a while"? I shrugged my shoulder replying quietly " I guess we should at least try to wake her". ...

1 year ago
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Exploring The Virgin Pussy Of Hot Maid 8211 Part 2

After the first session, the next morning everyone sat on the dining table for breakfast. Our hot maid Kaveri was serving food for 3 of us. She was wearing a black gorgeous nighty. When she came closer to serve me, I pulled her close and slid my hands into her nighty. Her facial expression changed. The maid was trying to resist. But I didn’t leave her. She whispered in my ear not to do this as granny might see. But I started caressing Kaveri’s right thigh with my left hand as she stood left to...

2 years ago
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UK Paki Friends Sister Creampie

When I lived in Bolton I knew this paki girl she was very shy and had no confidence, she was a virgin and never went out just cooked and cleaned at home she didnt even have a mobile phone, I knew her through her brother who was my friend and id sometimes go around and see her. my friends parents went to pakistan for 2 months leaving my friend his 2 lil brothers and his sister back in England. one day when I was around my friends id just happened to have moment alone with his sister we just...

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A wild threesome with Ana and her girlfriend

That night Anita suggested we could go to a local bar for some drinks.While we were there sipping our drinks, Ana ended up running into her sexy girlfriend Shelley; a former office’s mate of my wife.I had met Shelley some time ago. That night she was looking hot, wearing a short black skirt with a skin tight tank white top, proudly showing off her very nice firm tits. I could see Shelley looked excited, since I noticed her hard dark nipples under the thin fabric. She sat down with us and I...

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Fun with Angelyna

My friend Manu had invited a few of us to his place for a drink. I arrived first to find him arguing with his girlfriend, telling her she couldn’t go out dressed as she was. (you can see her in this photo told him she’d wear what she liked and stormed out of the room to continue getting herself ready for her night out with the girls. Manu told me she was behaving like a slut just lately and thought it was time she was taught a...

3 years ago
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Just for Roflmfaomfgiggles

W A R N I N GN O S E X U A L C O N T E N T OF A N Y K I N D!Long time ago when I was in high-$chool, I never really paid much attention to my dad, despite my family love for him. He got this extremely thick, facial hair that almost covered his face and always almost had never taken off his work clothes after a long day of outside labor, therefor, he always got dirt in his skin and clothes. I'm surprise how I could clean up after him w/o snapping back at him.He is a man of short words and...

2 years ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 16 Pirates

I glanced at the door when Simon stopped in it. He smiled and leaned against the frame, “I have a mission for you.” I sat back and pushed the data films away as I reached for my ready bag, “Tell me it is off world.” He laughed and nodded his head, “A prisoner transfer to Graham.” I stood as Dragon leaped from her perch and flew towards me, “Let Amanda know I went out?” He chuckled, “She is down in dispersing getting your vouchers.” I stopped when I reached him and sighed, “Simon...” He...

2 years ago
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Lebian hone Kamaza

By: Abha Patel Raat ke sadhe gyarah baz rahe the, Hostel sunsan sa ho gaya tha, main baithke kuch padh rahi thi to padosh ke room me rehnewali Rimi ayi. Mita bhi soyi nahi thi. Rimi sundar thi aur baten bahut achhi achhi karti thi. Maine use dekhke chounk gaye kyonki woh sirf ek half pant aur bra me thi. Maine kaha, “Kya hua Rimi, kapde kahan gaye?” to woh hasi our Mita boli yeh to uski Night dress hai. Woh sidhi gayee aur Mita ke sath baithke baate karne lagi aur maine apne padhai pe dhyan...

3 years ago
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AMOST Kacy Molly

The third of a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. This story was inspired by doorknob22, so thanks to him for his input. As always feedback is welcome. — All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. ***** I’m an early riser, always have been. I seem to get by on...

4 years ago
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Lawman From HellChapter 10

Little Ida Red: Little Ida Red rode through the desert with the blistering hot wind whipping sand against her golden skin and through her auburn hair. She rode naked – her clothes packed in her saddlebags – her big sorrel mare loping across the desert as if it was running along the grassy streams near her home in Laramie, Wyoming. Her body was darkened by the sun. She absolutely refused to wear clothes when she rode her horse. She had been told the story of her grandmother who met and mated...

3 years ago
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The Display

It sounds like a good party is going on.  Sound is all I have had to go by for quite a while after someone zipped my eye holes shut.  Sound and various fondlings and feelings.  It is an odd feeling being and object, a piece of art.  To have someone fondling and stroking your cock who you’ve never met, cannot see and is having a conversation about it with someone else as if you aren’t even there. One woman, whose deep, throaty voice make me believe is considerably older than my 25 years, is...

1 year ago
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Saras Surrender Part 5 Im a Filthy Slut

~~~~~Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive. I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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My Mother gets her Fanny Shaved

My Mother gets her Fanny ShavedI was on my own last night in my bed, my mother went home as my father came back off his trip early. She has just arrived and is collecting the washing for the machine, she wants her basques, knickers and thing washed. My mother asked if I could shave her fanny for her today, but we are waiting until the nurse has been, around ten, we hope.After a bath, breakfast and the nurse, we are back in the bedroom, my mother is in jeans and tee shirt.“Where do you want...

2 years ago
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My wife tailor

I am Kishor . I completed Engineering degree course at the age of 21 and after five years of Job in a well reputed industrial organization I got married at the age of 26 with a sweet , attractive Ashu of 22 years of age. She was fair and of good health. She was not fat but healthy and having good amount of flesh at right places. She was 5” 5” tall and weighing about 55 kgs. I was 5’9” and weighing 72 kgs . I was very pleased and excited to see lovely nude figure of my wife . Her boobs were...

3 years ago
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Haleys Au Pair Adventure

“I’m sorry sweetheart. Your father and I have had this trip planned for almost 5 months now. We have been talking about this and you agreed. You need to start saving up for college. You promised me. No ifs, ands, or buts. Pack your things. You need to drive over there before dark.” Her mother said defiantly. Haley let out a frustrated shriek before stomping up the stairs to her bedroom. Her parents had been planning a 3 month tour of Greece for their 20 year anniversary. They had...

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Hi from Sunny South Florida

A bit of explanation. Apparently my mom and dad were really popular in high school and college. My dad got a degree in accounting, then his CPA license and opened up his own office. My mom graduated with an English degree, passed the bar and works part time as an immigration attorney. My mom's parents are from Colombia and her ability to speak Spanish and English means that she has no shortage of clients in South Florida. Back to my Dad. His accounting practice is very successful...

2 years ago
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Tenants wifeI

I was on a tour for about three weeks and my last stop was in Bombay before I was to head to my house in Delhi. My wife had called up and said that now that I was in Bombay, I should go and meet my tenants. I thus decided to stay back for two days, meet my friends and also my tenants. My tenant was about 32 years old and they had a son. My wife, Usha, was average looking, pretty but had a great sexy body, hand full of breasts, a cute slim arse and a slim body with long legs. Any red blooded...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Krissy Lynn Career Day

When Logan Long walks into his Career Day appointment, he recognizes masseuse Krissy Lynn almost immediately. She used to teach at his high school: in fact, she used to be his teacher. He can’t help but flirt with her immediately. She dismisses him with a laugh, recalling that he was a troublemaker in school. She states that they should keep things professional. He agrees, saying that he needs these extra credits and that he’s sure he can definitely learn a lot from her. They walk...

1 year ago
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I become my wifes girlfriend Part II

This day at work was unusually tedious and seemed like it was never going to end. At the beginning I occasionally dropped my boss's cup and the coffee poured on floor, but luckily the cup survived. After this some guy stepped on my toe and caused me much pain, I bent to touch it and suddenly had a feeling like my butthole was cut by the string of thong. Later my boss was very angry all the day, I was nervous too, but only I knew the reason for this. When I finally got home after a long day,...

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The Field

Sara was my very best friend at school, she lived a few towns away and I would have to take the bus to go visit her on the weekends. She was petit and lively and not like any other girl I knew, we had kissed once, but I definitely had stronger feeling for her than she did for me, she was very happy just being friends and I played along but I really wanted more. We had once masturbated together over the phone, it was the hottest thing I had ever done at the time, but it never went any further....

3 years ago
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Finally Convinced Reena Chachi Part 8211 3

Hi guys, this is Saurabh back with the next episode of my chachi Reena’s transformation to a complete slut. So far I had managed to fuck her pussy and take the virginity of her ass. After drilling her ass, she submitted completely to me. We would meet up at hotels and I would fuck her brains out. But it was never enough. She needed more. I knew a guy in my neighborhood who fucks his elder sister. We met in a chatroom where he was looking for someone to share his sister with. We once gangbanged...

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