Plantation Lullabies free porn video

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What would make a person spend $20,000 on a week-long session with a pro-domme? Believe it or not, Mistress Emmanuelle, the Black Dominatrix who arrogantly charged the exorbitant fee, was booked solid for eight months in advance with her popularity growing by word of mouth alone. Charles Trenton was intrigued by the concept when he read about her on his favorite BDSM message board. The thread was started by someone who claimed to have been a client of this outrageously strict Ebony Domme whose activities were being touted as nothing less than illegal at best and deranged psychosis in the very worst-case scenario. There was a bit of controversy over the thread because someone claiming to be the head of a bank wrote the original post but it was written in disjointed and barely literate phonetics, raising all sorts of issues over the authenticity of the so-called "facts" presented. Adding insult to injury, the original poster seemed to have posted the same message on several message boards and never stuck around long enough to reply or defend his claims.

Curious, Charles Googled the name "Mistress Emmanuelle" to see if he could find out some more information. With over 500 results, he had his work cut out for him. He eliminated all the results that were for the Russian Domme by the same name and he was down to a little more than 100 links to check out. More than half of them were reposts of the same cryptic message he had already read and the majority of the others seemed to go to random white women claiming to be Dommes. Deciding to narrow down his search by using a few keywords from the original message, he hit pay dirt. One click and he was on this website.

It was a simple website, a single webpage really, outlining Mistress Emmanuelle's philosophy. It explained how, in so many instances, white subs claim they want to be enslaved to a Black woman, to be punished for their whiteness without comprehending how disrespectful and ignorant they are of what actual slaves had to endure. She claimed to have a 100-acre plantation that replicated the true slave experience and which had NOTHING to do with sexual subservience or fulfilling some sassy negro/mammy fantasy. She boldly proclaimed, "I make rich white men feel real pain and agony. I decide if and when they eat, sleep, drink, piss, and shit. I administer punishment randomly, indiscriminately, and I do so with extreme sadistic pleasure. If you come to my domain, I will break your spirit and crush it under my stiletto like a worthless bug. I beat and torture the arrogance out of my clients until they can no longer face their pale, pathetic reflections in the mirror."

Assured that he wasn't like the men being described on the webpage, Charles read every word over and over, knowing full well that he had no intention of forking over that sort of money. There was a number at the bottom of the page, however, that said that serious inquiries should call for further information. It was too tempting. Always protective of his identity and overly cautious, he got a disposable cell phone that couldn't be traced and called the 10 digits. Anticipating some sort of voice mail, he was shocked when a woman answered, identifying herself as Mistress Emmanuelle.

She was polite and articulate and she explained how she had inherited a rather large plantation off the coast of South Carolina originally owned by her paternal great, great, great grandfather who was a slave owner. Unaware that his favorite concubine was skilled in voodoo and black magic, he got a terrible fever and passed away in a fitful, painful episode, but not before changing his will to reflect that he was freeing all his slaves and leaving his land and money to the slave gal who bore his children. Charles listened intently as she said, "I'll inflict pain so excruciating, so piercing that you'll pray for the sweet release of death."

The silence on the telephone line was drowned out by the pounding of the blood that rang in his ears. Snapped out of his stupor, he heard the words, "... all I'll need is your social security number and 50% deposit and I can give you a date for your session."

He hung up the phone without saying a word. His identity, his privacy, was all that he held sacred. There was no way in hell he was going to give a stranger $20,000 AND the key to his security. Charles had an unnatural paranoia that he was going to be found out, that there were somehow mechanisms in place from on high that would bring the world to a crashing halt if anyone "regular" were to find out about his perversions. It was nothing more than inflated, white male ego. In as much as he wanted to deny his similarity to privileged, racist, submissives, at his core he was exactly the same. He wrote the whole thing off and decided never to think of it again. His resolution didn't last a half hour. He kept hearing her words over and over again. "I'll inflict pain so excruciating, so piercing that you'll pray for the sweet release of death." His mind reeled at what sort of punishment could be that extreme. He called her back and asked more questions.

She explained, "I'll replicate the slave experience in exacting detail. I'll tear you down only to recreate you as I wish. On day six, I'll let you experience release and on day seven, if you choose to leave you are free to do so."

What the hell did she mean, "If you choose to leave?" What kind of ridiculous thing was that to say? Surely she understood that he had a job, responsibilities, that he had a life in which he was very needed. Charles was amazed at how courteous and professional she was for someone who had just told him she was going to charge him an obscene amount of money to beat him to within inches of his life. He hung up and acknowledged to himself that he was going to have to weigh the pros and cons very seriously. She certainly presented a compelling opportunity and one that had his curiosity piqued.

It wasn't until his plane landed in South Carolina that he realized the magnitude of what he'd done. The hardest part of the entire process was the wait. Six months of mental anguish plagued him and he contemplated if he must have had some sort of lapse in judgment to make him go through with something so outrageous. There was something deep inside him, some perverse desire that resided in his DNA that compelled him to seek pain, punishment, to suffer at the hands of a Black Domme. As he stepped off the plane and into the sweltering heat and humidity of Charleston, sweat poured off his body but not from the climate.

A young woman stood with his name on a sign stood waiting by a limo. She was a Black woman dressed in a man's chauffer suit who looked stoic but beautiful. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I'm uhmmm... I think you are here to pick me up. Are you with... ?"

She opened the door and ushered him inside before he could finish. The windows were tinted and the divider was up so he couldn't see a thing. They drove for about a half hour when they stopped and she lowered the partition and said, "Stay!" When she opened her door the strong smell of the ocean was evident. Through the front windshield he could tell they were at a marina. The driver spoke to another woman, less stoic but equally as beautiful, onboard a mid-sized cabin cruiser. They laughed and chatted casually while he fidgeted in the car.

The driver opened the door and he understood he was to get out. He boarded the boat and extended his hand to the captain of the boat nervously, trying to gauge what his appropriate response was supposed to be. "I'll take your cell phone, your wallet, watch, and your keys, along with any other items that might be personal." Charles looked around like he was being punked but he went along with it in the spirit of cooperation. The captain opened a door of sorts in the floor and he again understood that he was to climb down the ladder. Just as he made his descent, he felt something crack down on his skull and he crashed to the floor in excruciating pain. The door slammed shut and he was lying on a wooden floor covered in a thick slime with a stench that made him want to vomit. There were no lights, he could barely see five inches in front of his face and the heat was unbearable in the small quarters, as he could feel the purr of the engine running nearby combined with the stifling temperatures.

Immediately, he was filled with rage. This wasn't what he signed up for. He yelled, "Let me out of here," but the engine roared and he could tell there were heading out to sea beyond where people could hear his pleas. He drifted in and out of consciousness as the pain in his head throbbed.

Waves lapped at the boat as he regained full consciousness and they were anchored somewhere. He wasn't sure how long he'd been in that hole but he was hungry and needed to use the bathroom. He hollered up through the floor. "I know what you're doing. This is supposed to be like a slave ship. You can't keep me here against my will. This is kidnapping. Let me out. I'll sue your ass." Yelling took entirely too much energy from him and the smell caused him to wretch as he felt himself dry heaving in nausea. He felt his head and he could feel a lump and dried blood. He couldn't tell if it was night or day or how far they had traveled.

His ignorance of what Africans endured during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade could fill volumes. His plight was minimal compared to those who survived the Long March only to be piled on top of each other, shackled in the hulls of ships for months, unable to move, kidnapped and stolen from their homes and families involuntarily. Charles was there of his own volition. It was his choice, his vacation. Being inflicted with pain was his sick and perverted preference and he was paying the price, sorely.

He was in that hole so long, he was beginning to think that they were going to just leave him there to die and throw him overboard, food for sharks. The door opened and the light from the sun temporarily blinded him. He steadied himself and climbed on deck. He collapsed and tried to fill his lungs with the fresh sea air. A bucket of water was thrown on him and he could smell bleach and maybe some sort of insecticide or maybe a disinfected in it. He'd soiled himself at some point and his skin was started to sting and burn from lying in his own waste for so long. "Where are we? Where's Mistress Emmanuelle?"


"What? What the hell is that? Bitch, tell me where I am! Take me back to the airport right away." His normally subservient demeanor in the presence of Black women was thrown overboard as he demanded answers and demanded them immediately.

The captain seemed unfazed by his little tirade and instructed him to take off his dirty clothes and put on what amounted to little more than a rough burlap sack sort of covering and nothing else. She placed a ball gag in his mouth and leg irons on him. The steel cut into his flesh but he was unable to complain because he couldn't speak. Once on land, he was tethered to a golf cart in which yet another lovely Black woman was responsible for his transport. "Keep up," was all she said.

The island where they landed was like an oasis in the desert. The land was lush and the beach was pristine. There were no gas-powered vehicles and a huge hotel flanked the shores. It was the Island of Dewees and it was part of the Gullah Sea Islands that existed mostly in a time warp of traditional African culture and antebellum aesthetics. It was like something out of a Margaret Mitchell novel. The Black population of the island spoke fluent Gullah, a Creole language Charles had never even heard of before. They passed by the Black residents who waved at the driver and greeted her like she was a beloved neighbor, ignoring the half naked white man who scrambled behind secured with a rope. The white people they passed turned their heads in disgust and turned up their noses at Charles as if they knew what fate lay before him but they were accessories to his predicament with their disdain. He struggled to keep from being dragged like James Byrd knowing there would be no TV cameras there to report him being lynched to death. His shoes were left somewhere on the boat so he was forced to run bare-footed on the rough terrain. The majority of the journey was on a paved road but the heat from the asphalt made it unbearable.

They pulled onto a dirt road lined with trees that looked hundreds of years old. He could see a big house in the distance and his body ached with exhaustion and relief that his uncomfortable ordeal was over. He was literally dying of thirst and his body was dehydrated. Little did he know that the worst was ahead of him. He was starving and felt as if he would pass out. He passed fields with workers, white men attired in the same sack clothing, who didn't even look up, they appeared to be drones or robots, lifeless almost, working... like slaves.

He was led inside and into the parlor where Mistress Emmanuelle stood to greet him. "Chuck, what a pleasure to meet you, do come in." She extended her hand pulled out a chair. Charles stood, staring her down.

To say that Emmanuelle was breathtaking was an understatement. She was one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen in his life. Her severe black suit hugged her curves. She sat behind an enormous, antique oak desk with all the modern technological advances that money could buy and pulled out a file. She quoted every asset he had, the names and addresses of the Board of Directors from his job, and produced a copy of his credit report and slid it towards him. His gaze was fixed and intense and he didn't make a move. He wanted to end this game and go home. The money he lost would be an expensive lesson learned but he wanted to call it all off. Never again, he swore to himself, would he let his delusions of submission rule his actions. Never again.

"You'll excuse me won't you, Chuck?" She leaned into the intercom and said, "Send in Chambers." The expansive French doors opened and a white man entered, avoiding looking at Charles. He assumed a prone position on the floor and Mistress Emmanuelle stepped out from behind the desk. Lifting her skirt and turning her back to Charles, she obscenely squatted over the man's face and lowered her bare pussy to his mouth. Charles stared at her full backside, unable to take his eyes from the scene before him as he watched the Black woman unleash a torrent of piss in the man's mouth. The man swallowed, trying to drink as much of her hot urine as he could. When she finished pissing, she turned to face Charles and maintaining the most intense eye contact, she again lowered herself until she was sitting directly on the man's face. He lapped at the droplets of piss that lingered on her sumptuous cunt lips and drove his tongue deep inside her. Grabbing a fistful of hair, Emmanuelle held his head between her thighs like a vice, essentially fucking herself on his mouth. She put her asshole directly over his nose and mouth and slowly began to grind her butt ever so detectably. Charles swallowed hard as he could see a crimson color start to cover the sub's body, evidence that he was indeed being suffocated. His body was beginning to thrash around on the floor but he held steadfast in his coveted position as cushion for the lovely brown bottom that was riding his face.

Charles was frozen to that spot. He wanted to look away but Mistress Emmanuelle held him riveted to the floor with just her eyes. She showed the telltale signs of a Mona Lisa-like smile but her control was evident. When she closed her eyes, she started breathing heavier, bouncing up and down more aggressively. She was going to cum and cum hard. Charles would have loved nothing more than to grab his cock and stroke it but he knew, without being told, that he wasn't allowed. Still disoriented, his brain was misfiring. His tongue was sticking out, as if he was licking the sweet folds of her wet pussy and tongue fucking her dark, musky asshole. Emmanuelle was moaning, groaning, chanting over and over, "Oh yeah, eat my Black pussy, lick my ass you piece of shit white boy. Show our guest here exactly how much I own you, how I own your soul. You'll do anything I say, no matter how degrading, how perverse, in front of anyone I tell you with no shame because you belong to me and I control your every desire."

The man acting as her human toilet seat moaned his affirmation in between the full, round asscheeks of his Mistress as she grabbed a riding crop from the edge of the desk and delivered the swiftest, most extreme blow possible to the worthless sissy's nuts. His screams were muffled by the fact that Mistress Emmanuelle seemed to be flooding his mouth with her flowing pussy cream.

She stood, lowered her skirt and stood up as Chambers knelt to lick the hardwood floor of any drops of piss that he'd missed. Emmanuelle lifted the hem on the man's shirt and exposed his naked ass and whacked his balls with the riding crop again. She twisted them cruelly in her hands for good measure and the sub licked and moaned that much harder. With a simple wave of her hand, she dismissed him and he was gone without a word. She moved gracefully to sit behind the desk and addressed Charles like nothing had happened.

"Okay, Chuck, now where were we? Oh, yes, of course. I have some consent forms here for you to sign that release my employees and I from any legal liability in the event that you have second thoughts or regrets. If they would actually hold up in a court of law is really very doubtful but I like to have them on hand just in case. I've yet to have anyone contest their treatment but just to be on the safe side... If you sign them, you are saying that you are aware that you are going to be subjected to torture and punishment for your pleasure and that we have the right to mark, alter, and essentially punish you in any way and every way we see fit and that you've freely consented by paying for our services. We will do everything that white slave owners did to slaves but you'll be paying for it. Got it?"

Charles thought he was going to faint. He was light-headed from hunger and exhaustion but his cock was rock hard from the little spectacle that had just transpired in front of him. Again, his perverse desires betrayed his resolve; his declaration that he was never again going to let his libido dictate his actions was nothing more than dust in the wind in that moment. "Never don't last always," like ole' folks used to say. He was still wearing the ball gag so all he could do was nod his consent. The ink was barely dry on the forms before he was whisked off to a barn-like building where he was to be "seasoned."

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  I sat at my lone desk in the front of the office, counting down the seconds until I could go home to my boyfriend, who promised me an evening of excitement today. I got wet just thinking about the kinky things we would do. I wanted his hot cock in my mouth that very second, pulsating as he asks for permission to cum in my mouth.  I was awoken from my fantizations when I heard my boss, Mr. Langley, call my name on the PA system. I gathered up my filed paperwork and strolled to his office.  I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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After School1

"Hello?" She asks as she picks up the phone "No, it couldn't happen, no, I'll be there right away" She looks up at us, then at her watch. "My husband just got in a car accident, I have to go to the hospital, Channing I trust you to be a good girl and keep working, no monkey business. I’m going to lock the door so no one comes in and sees you guys unattended." He looks at me real quick and looks back to his work pretending to work but I can see from here his pen...

3 years ago
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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 3

Page takes her car out into the countryside early the next morning. She drives about five hundred yards on small dirt road; she then parks her car in the brush. The Rowen farm is still a couple of miles west, but she doesn’t want to take any chances with them stumbling across her car, if she needs to make an escape. With the expense account Danny had given her, Page was able to pay off any remaining debts she owed in researching the farm. She has spent the last three years looking into the...

2 years ago
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ThatSitcomShow Eliza Ibarra Jane Wilde The Exchange Student Study Buddies

Spanish exchange student Juan Loco is enjoying his year in America as he fucks his way through the fine ladies he meets along the way. Today he has brought home his friends Eliza Ibarra and Jane Wilde for an alleged study date. Juan clears their presence in the house with his host dad, Filthy Rich, then waits as patiently as he can as his surrogate dad spends as much time gawking at the hot cheerleaders ash e does preparing the snack. Eventually Eliza and Jane get sick of waiting and teasing...

4 years ago
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13 Genders Gender 2

The window air conditioner started squealing around 3am, and it woke me up. I went over and banged on it a few times and it seemed to stop. I crawled back into bed and my wife Tina snuggled up to me from behind and draped her arm over me. "We need to get that replaced," she mumbled sleepily. "Yeah," I said, "I'll probably head to Home Depot tomorrow and..." She interrupted me and said, "Don't worry about it hun. I'll take care of it." She gave me a kiss on my neck, just under my...

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My New Career Chapter 5

MY NEW CAREER - PART 5 Spent, streaked with sweat and still amazed, naked except for the ubiquitous stockings, I walked on unsteady legs to the bathroom, closed the door and leant back against it, trying to collect my scattered thoughts. I had faced a lot of challenges in the past couple of months. The ruthless feminisation that had been imposed on me, to the point where I was finding it hard to remember what it was like to walk or talk like a man, let alone look like one. Being...

3 years ago
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telephone man

i was at home one day and i was expecting a verizon installer to come fix my telephone wiring.He knocked on the door and when i opened the door. there he was a tall darkskinned sexy ass guy. HE STARTED TO WORK AND BEFORE I KNEW IT HE WAS FINISHED AND I SAID THANK YOU AND I ASKED HIM WAS HE SURE HE WAS DONE! HE LOOKED AT MEWITH HIS GORGEOUS BROWN EYES AND KISSED ME ON MY NECK AND THEN MY BACK AND BEFORE I KNEW IT I WAS SUCKING THAT BROWN DELICIOUS DICK. IT WAS LONG AND FAT AND HARD AS SHIT. I...

4 years ago
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Saras Surrender Part 4 Mounted

I was thrilled with how our hike was going. With her absolute submission, I had pegged Sara on the ground, with her hands above her, and her feet spread wide, then proceeded to cut her clothes off of her, after which I shredded them. She was going to be naked, except for her slave collar, for a long time.Then I had edged her right to the point of cumming – and stopped. She was writhing on the grass, completely helpless, and desperate to cum. It was time to change channels.I turned to my pack,...

2 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 08

That Monday morning, for the first time in my life, I woke up in the arms of a dude.  And not just any dude: he was the one I’d lusted for all this time, the one who’d made me realize I was gay, and the one I’d lost my man virginity to.  I still couldn’t believe I’d had a similar effect on him.I’d assumed our little fling was just physical, but now I knew there was more to it.  Part of me was nervous, because I didn’t know where this was going.  Another part wanted to stay like that forever; I...

Gay Male
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Wife Stories Lisa

IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

4 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 3

Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

3 years ago
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Mr Millar smiled to himself when he saw thirty year old Jenny Williamson stepping out from her rear porch. His mood had not been good that morning. For over three weeks the cities heat-wave had rolled on and Millar had been cursing it each and every day. Outside was desperately humid and inside even worse. It reminded the old man of his time in Korea were every menial task was of up-most effort. Already Millar was resigned to drinking beer in his garden and listening to his old portable radio....

2 years ago
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Rock Star Ch 05

The next morning the ringing phone awoke him, Taylor looked at his clock radio and saw that it was ten to twelve in the morning. ‘Hello Ann, sorry about last night.’ ‘Hi baby, and there is nothing you should be sorry about, I’m the one that must apologize. What happened by the way, did your mom catch you…playing?’ ‘No luckily not my mom,’ Taylor laughed. ‘Laura and Jenny walked into the room.’ ‘Oh thank God, I had such a scare I dropped the call, sorry for abandoning you baby.’ ‘No Ann...

4 years ago
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Masturbating in the tub

It was a long, hard day and all that Jess could think about is getting her clothes off and into a hot bath. Inside her apartment she could hear her roommate and her boyfriend talking in the other room. It didn't sound good. She walked quietly by and went straight for the bathroom.Once in she started the water and began to undress. She unclipped her skirt and pulled it down till it dropped to the floor. Next, she started to roll down her nylons; one leg at a time. Then she started to unbutton...

2 years ago
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BangBus Jessica Marie The Other Bus Didn8217t Stop

Jessica Marie was waiting for the real bus when the Bangbus stopped. Jessica was only 18 and she looked so young that Tyler actually checked her ID. As always the boys were good at talking and in no time they convinced Jessica to let them give her a ride. They also kept dropping $100 bills, it only took $600 to see Jessica’s cute titties. They doubled the cash to go all the way. So Tyler slid his fingers into her pussy until she almost came. Then he took off her jeans and started to fuck...

3 years ago
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Jennifer Capriati walks down the tunnel to the locker room, her head hung dejectedly after yet another loss. She mumbles to herself over and over again,"What's happened to Me"? Jen can't seem to figure out why she seems to have lost the edge over the other players she had just a year ago. She reaches her locker and dejectedly flops down on the bench in front of the row of lockers provided for the players equipment. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she begins to undress. "I can't...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 52 War part 2

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                         Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                      Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker                   Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                      Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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Nena and the GringosChapter 18

Nena held onto the cold steel fence as hard as she could, her little hands clenched tightly around the cool, blue steel poles. Her fingers and knuckles going white from the strain of holding herself back from entering the dog pen. She continued to beg and plead with her father, "Please, Papa, please listen to me. I need your understanding," she sobbed, her heaving causing her heavy breasts to bob up and down on her chest. Her father looked at her with disgust, "Let go of the fence you...

4 years ago
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Wildest Dreams Cum True

Thanks for feedback to the last story. Leave your comments to I waited for the click. Even though Vegeta challenged the new villain in his harsh, raspy voice I was sure I would hear the click. I always did. This was what I had woken up early for. And not just that day, this had been the routine since the start of the vacations. She had liked that. She said I was becoming disciplined and responsible. Then she ruffled my hair. That tingled me. The morning repeat of Dragon Ball Z had just...

2 years ago
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Space Cattle

Space CattleBy Dr. TroyPrologueIt was the year 3269 as humanity was able to travel space though large distends after light speed space ships were invented in 3060. So for over 200 years mankind was exploring the deeper parts of the galaxy, discovering new planets and many new live forms. Not all of these aliens where friendly, however the terrestrials managed to live with the other species of the galaxy in a peaceful coexistence. After millions of years living on earth, mankind finally...

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SRU Shutterbug

SRU: Shutter Bug By: Island Riter David was in a rush again. Never enough time to finish everything he wanted, let alone everything he needed to do in a day. And the finishing touch on his day was Denise's insistence that the mall was "on his way home" when in fact it added an additional 20 minutes to his drive. "Sometimes Denise really pisses me off. Laying on her fat ass doing nothin' while I take care of everything." he muttered under his breath as he entered the camera...

2 years ago
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My first time Gay fantasy

I'm out one night and go into a sports bar, order a drink and sit down. As I look around the room, I see a nice looking young man about 18 playing pool. I've never been with another man before, but have always been curious about how it would feel. He seems to be a pretty good pool player as he's been holding the table for a while. I continue to watch him play and notice he has a nice ass when he bends over the table. I decide to put my quarters on the table and give him a try. We chat for a...

Gay Male
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Part 4How I came to meet my GF, and eventually her Daughter and Stepson......who now live with meLisa and I found ourselves home alone quite often and I looked forward to the mornings when she would wake up and walk into the kitchen in her nighty. The moment I saw her I would get a raging hardon. It became a regular thing for us and I listened for her bedroom door to open and I would be ready with my cock out for her. Sometimes I would be naked on the sofa when she came out and it was quite a...

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Your My Slut for Tonight Pegged

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

4 years ago
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Caught By My MotherInlaw

Caught By My Mother-In-lawbymingeeter©OH my god I have just been so humiliated by my 73 year old very strict mother in-law who was an ex magistrate for 20 years. I had seen her undressed but only over the last year when she had stayed with us her very heavy saggy tits and her very hairy untrimmed bright grey pussy shown accidently to me but no rush to hide that hairy bush from my obvious stare!She caught me with her dirty panties over my head sniffing and licking away at her extremely sticky...

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wild oats

WILD OATS It was very hot summers day, i had volunteered to help pull the wild oats from the wheat field on the local farm, i was on holiday from my normal boring job, doing the accounts for a local Lord on a hot day was no fun. The reason i had said i would help was one, to help out my father who ran the farm and two because the job was done by casual labour which was mostly ladies from the local villages, on this day there was Jane, a lady of about 24, she was on reputation a bit wild but...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Alexis Tae Good For Business

Alexis Tae knows her marriage is on the rocks, but she’s trying to make it work. She spends some time getting ready for her hubby to take her on a date. She’s just toweling herself off when her husband lets her know that he won’t be able to make it. That’s the final straw. Alexis decides something needs to give. She gets her chance to make a change shortly after when her client, Nathan Bronson, comes over to sign some paperwork. Knowing that she’s decked out in a...

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Hitting The Showers Part 2

“We can explain-” I began. “-Alex!? Are you two naked!?” said Tim. He reached forward and knocked our clothes out of our hands, revealing our dangling junk. “Holy shit!” Tim reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he flipped it up and steadied it infront of us. His phone made a 'Click' noise and he flipped it back down and put it in his pocket. “You two are meeting me here after the next match for a little chat, or that picture goes up everywhere. Understand?” We...

2 years ago
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Actress Me Part 5 The Awards

Things settled back down to normal. Shannon was back at acting school, doing long hours to make up for lost time. Also the tutor was over 3 nights a week for a couple of hours to work with her on her weak points. Meanwhile I was busy working on my first movie script. The title I chose was Winner Take All. It was loosely based on a beauty pageant, with back stage drama. Of course I am writing it with Shannon I mind for the lead part. Both girls having been in many pageants, were...

4 years ago
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Playboyhyd Again With Matured Slim Lady Neha In Hyderabad

Hi all,l thank you for iss and friends for feedbacks. This time it was with me friend neha again after two days again we meet and had once again about she is north indian housenwife age 37 staying with his husband in hyderabad we meet both meet and fun she 37 slim with good body. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me on ping me to get good fun. Coming back to experience after our first fuck we talking in phone and chatting after two days she called me and said me to...

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The Mistress Monologues

The Mistress Monologues By Cassandra Morgan "You see, Doc, it's like this. I like a boyfriend with titties." I looked at the bartender's face for the shock value. I was disappointed that I didn't see any. Usually, when I told people about my love of the simpering girly-boys, I at least got a flinch. Something. This time? A blank stare. Look, there are all sorts of tastes of all sorts of flavors. Some women liked the blond surfer dudes with their tan bodies and their...

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