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Author's notes: this is my first fanfic. I've borrowed some characters from Yu-Gi-Oh (Hanasaki, Yugi, Yami). The other two main characters, Yam and Oni, are my own morbid little creations. |.| Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. This is... a very different type of fic, I believe, from most of the other tg/ab stories out there. It has a touch of horror, since Yam, Yugi, Oni, and Yami are all vampires, but I've tried to tone that down as much as possible, so there isn't any bloodshed, graphic violence, or death. But they are vampires, so there are a few insinuations. There will be sex in later chapters, and the surprising history of Yugi and Yam will be revealed. |.| Lullaby By Wicked Lady Chapter one: A dry wind blew across the secluded, forlorn and rusted playground, the dry, shriveling leaves of autumn rustling on their dying branches and sweeping across the tall, yellowed grass and cracked cement. Hanasaki sighed and shifted on the worn smooth and faded wooden sandbox edge. He scrunched up his face as his thick cloth diaper and plastic pants crinkled. His stomach rumbled again, and he shifted once more, face turning beat red as he tried to expel the butt plug his mother kept in him; she liked him to go regularly at certain times, and the plug kept him from messing himself in public. It was only removed at night, when she often left him sleep in a messy diaper, hoping that the awful smell and painful diaper rash would convince her son to don regular underwear again. Once his stomach calmed down for the time being, and after he'd emptied a fresh stream of urine into the already wet diaper, crinkling his bottom around some more as he enjoyed the warm, wet feeling, he looked up at the setting sun. Summer was long gone, and the days were very short; at the end of this month, winter would start to creep in. Such a lonely, mournful time of year... Hanasaki shifted around some more, loving the way his diaper felt as he moved. He wore navy blue sweatpants, that, although a bit loose, couldn't hide his diapers one bit; neither could the matching sweatshirt and white onesie he wore under that. His mother saw to that. Although, that didn't matter now; he was the only kid on the playground. Actually, he was the only kid in this end of the neighborhood. All of the other kids lived all the way across town; that end was the busy end, with houses packed closely together, and where people drove big, expensive cars. Hanasaki and his mother's neck of the woods were quite the opposite; it was very lonely and quiet around here. The houses were all a bit shabby, and very old; the newest ones were from the 1950's. Mostly quiet, elderly people lived here, with chipping fences and sputtering, old-fashioned cars. The younger neighborhood patrons tended to be miserly and sour recluses, keeping to themselves. Growing up in such a dismal, stale atmosphere, it was no wonder Hanasaki was the most picked on kid in school. He was very short for 16, and looked like he was 12; he was barely 4'7, with big, geeky glasses, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a skinny, scrawny body. He was tormented so much at school, that his mom making him wear diapers and occasionally baby clothes to school didn't inflict too much more harassment upon him. Hanasaki sighed and flipped some sand around, wishing he had a friend to play with... his stomach rumbled again. On second thought, he wished that his mom would call him inside, put him in his highchair, tie a bib around him, and feed him warm, mushy baby food then change his diaper, removing his butt plug and allowing him to soil himself, then she'd give him an enema to get him really good and cleaned out before replacing the plug. Footsteps made him look up, gasping in surprise; no one ever came to this park, and at such a late hour! Around the uphill bend on the cemented path, just past the bushes that obscured the path from view, came one of the most gorgeous, sinister creatures Hanasaki had ever seen. She had textured, coppery red hair, which was shot with natural streaks of gold and umber and flowed in thick waves down to the middle of her back. Her face was slightly rounded, and her pale skin had a fair amount of freckles. Her 5'3, curvaceous body wore, despite the chilly air, a stiff, suede black halter top, which her double-d, creamy and lightly freckled breasts strained against, and low cut, dark blue flare jeans, which clung to her curvy hips that matched her breasts, and of which a black velvet thong peeked out of. To top it off, she had on heavy black leather boots, clinking chains hung from her belt, a spiked collar was about her neck, with matching cuffs on her wrists, along with a ton of black gummy bracelets, and she had a lot of piercings. Her eyebrow was pierced, both ears were littered with piercings, and she had a navel ring in the shape of a black onyx star. This may have been a bit freaky, but what drew the boy's attention the most was the baby stroller she was pushing. It was a very, very old fashioned one; it looked like it dated back to the turn of the twentieth century! And it was big, too, a bit bigger than he thought one should be. Soon as the girl, who looked to be about 19, rounded the bend and sensed him looking at her, she raised her head from it's bent position over the stroller. Hanasaki shivered, fear racing along his spine, and he really wet himself at the look in her eyes. Those burning emerald green eyes flecked with gold and framed by heavy lashes. There was no warmth and kindness in those eyes, in that soul... only... only... only a burning, deep-seated hatred and lust for blood... Hanasaki shook his head and looked back at the girl; she had walked straight past him, sitting on a park bench and fussing over the baby carriage. Maybe he'd just imagined it; his mother always chided him on his silly, childish, and overactive imagination... The girl pulled out a beaten, ancient looking, leather bound book from the old baby buggy and yawned, her thick, black lipstick covered lips parting to reveal a pierced tongue and large incisors that curved inward... fangs... a vampire... but not just any vampire; instead of straight fangs, merely for puncturing, hers were curved for tearing and ripping... The skinny, short boy whimpered and shuddered, filling his diaper even more. He looked down, waiting for the warm urine to leak out of the tight, extremely noisy plastic pants and spread over his sweatpants. He looked back up at the red haired girl; her mouth was closed, and she was reaching into the baby buggy. Her arms, which were all lean muscle and sinew, picked up a fragile looking creature about his own size. The white and purple baby blankets fell back into the baby buggy as the girl leaned back against the bench, the wood creaking under her, and she cradled her bundle in her arms, snuggled against her big breasts. This creature had soft, ivory skin, a cherubic face and pert little nose, and an extremely light, slender and supple body. She sucked on a purple and white pacifier. Her dress was black and red plaid, with short, very puffy sleeves trimmed in lace, a square white bib also laced trimmed, a red belt around her waist, and lace on the hem of her dress and petticoats. Her short legs were encased in warm, bright red stalkings with black buckle shoes that had red and black bows on the tips, and a red ribbon was in her hair. Her dress was knee length, but it rode up to expose the overly frilly, bow bedecked pink rhumba panties and ridiculously thick diapers. The fifteen year old girl sucked on her pacifier; her stomach rumbled, and she gave a soft cry. The red haired girl pulled the soother out then yanked down her halter top and strapless black bra, freeing one humungous breast; the little one yawned, exposing her sharp fangs, then latched onto the nipple and began to suck, drinking of the other's milk. Hanasaki watched, mesmerized. He wished he could be breast fed, too! Or have a nice soother to suck on, like she did. And be pushed in a stroller, like she was. Twenty minutes later, the small angel stopped sucking; the red head re-captured her breast, placed the girl over her shoulder, and patted her back until she emitted a burp. The little one kissed the older one's cheek, her soft, pink lips still wet with her milk, then her binky was placed back in her mouth, her diaper checked, and she was then sent off to play with a gentle swat to her heavily, excessively diapered bottom. The girl waddled, her legs splayed far apart due to her diapers, which crinkled loudly with every little move she made. She stumbled a couple of times, her small, shiny black shoes clicking over the cement as she toddled over to the sand box. On the way, she fell on her butt a couple of times, and cried until the girl put down her book, picked her up, rocked and soothed her, then set her back down. Eventually, the little one managed to tottle over to the sand box and sat down, her large purple eyes gentle, friendly and kind. She gave Hanasaki a shy, friendly little wave. He blushed and waved back, not used to any kind of friendly attention, and feeling a bit overwhelmed and excited by it all. Here she was, a beautiful, friendly young girl with the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen - they were violet, just like Elizabeth Taylor's! - and she wore diapers, just like him! The girl giggled, shifting her tiny bottom in her diapers, which were so thick she could barely walk in them, and always had her legs spread because she couldn't bring them together. She reached for a pink shovel and began to play in the sand. Hanasaki blushed a bit more. "H-hi." He stuttered shyly. She just looked up at him, smiled behind her pacifier, and giggled again. The breeze picked up a bit, and she shivered, then cried; the pierced girl snarled, letting out an agitated growl, slammed her book down and marched over, none-too gently forcing the little one into a black sweater, and the girl spit out her binky, which was attached to her dress, and kissed the other's cheek; her face softened, loosing it's annoyance, and she went back to her book. "I-I'm Hanasaki... n-nice to m-meet you..." He said, nervously extending his hand. She giggled again. "I'm Yugi." She popped her thumb into her mouth and sucked on it, her big eyes shinning as she pointed to his crotch. Face beet red, he glanced down; his diaper had, indeed, leaked; his front was soaked, a big, dark wet spot steadily spreading out. His diaper had been wetter than he'd thought. He blushed, glancing down in shame, then saw the wet sand in between her legs, and pointed. She pulled up the skirt of her dress a bit, her thick, pink diapers and very, very crinkly and frilly rhumba panties exposed for all to see. She'd wet her diaper, and she didn't even realize it. Yugi sat backwards, her diaper crinkling noisily at the slight movement, and a stinky smell filled the air. She'd messed herself, too, while she'd been fed, and the smell was now just starting. Yugi sniffled, sucking hard on her thumb and whimpering, but the other girl showed no intention of moving; indeed, she gave them a cold glance, and turned another page in her book. Yugi sniffled a bit more, crying loudly. Hanasaki bit his lip, uncertain, the reached behind him and offered her his sippy cup, which was half way filled with applejuice. Her eyes shot wide open, staring at him, then she smiled and slowly shook her head. "No, but thank you anyway. I can't have anything other than Oni's breastmilk." "Oh..." Hanasaki looked a bit sad, wondering if she just didn't like him. He put his juice and sippy cup down, then leaned foward, his diaper crinkling and more pee leaking out and whispered. "Please don't mind me asking, but... are... are... are you vampires?" Yugi's eyes got real wide as she listened to him, then she giggled, her very weak, non-working sphincter muscles letting more urine unknowingly leak out. Her thumb came out of her mouth as she laughed, a soft sound that sounded like the cooing of a dove, and her fangs were exposed between her petal soft, pink lips, then she put her pacifier in her mouth, smiled at him, and shrugged. Hanasaki was trying to think over this when the tell-tale slapping of his mother's carpet slippers off the pavement preceded her; she rounded the bend, her thin, dyed blonde hair in curlers and her terry housecoat flapping in the breeze. "Hanasaki! You can't even keep yourself dry in diapers!" She yelled in disgust, seeing the huge wet spot on his pants. She grabbed him by his arm and yanked him out of the sandbox. She caught sight of the little girl out of the corner of her eye. "Not another freak..." Yugi whimpered and cringed away, her diaper rustling loudly and more urine streaming out of her diaper and onto the sand. Hanasaki's mother sneered in distaste. "Looks like I'm not the only one who can't keep their brat potty trained. Damned kids..." She stopped and automatically took a step back away from the low, menacing growl. The red head, Oni, had swiftly laid her book down and strode over to them. His mother was taller and beefier than her, but it was Oni whose stance was confident, and the low growl was issuing from her throat as she bent over and picked up Yugi, who held out her short, lily white arms up to her. Yugi buried her face in Oni's neck, clinging to her and sobbing. "Shh, angel, it's alright. Come on, we'll take you home, give you a bath, and get you into a nice, clean diaper, alright?" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yugi sobbed over and over while Oni soothingly rubbed her back, then turned to glare at Hanasaki's mother, clutching Yugi tightly against her and taking two menacing steps towards them, her eyes narrowed and practically glowing with anger. "I don't care how you treat your child, but you ever talk like that to Yugi again, and I'll rip you limb from limb." The woman trembled, somehow able to sense that this was no ordinary bluff or threat; this bolder than brass young woman literally meant it! The mother smiled nervously, yanking her son behind her and taking small, very uneasy steps backwards. "I-I am d-deeply sor-ry... I-I didn't m-mean to-to-" Oni snorted, causing Yugi to jump in her arms. Stroking the child's head, her glare turned into a wicked grin, her smile poisonous as she casually walked over, again closing the space between her and the boy's mother. "Of course you're sorry. And, of course, you're forgiven. We don't want to get off to a bad start. However..." She took a few steps forward; Hanasaki and his mom took a few steps back. He clung to her, his bladder fully empty and his pants thoroughly soaked; he tried to hide in his mother's housecoat as Oni reached out and laid a hand upon his trembling head. Her fingernails were black, and they were thicker and sharper than a normal person's would be; they were more like claws instead of nails. Oni looked the boy's mother right in the eye. "However, one really, really should be more careful... especially with their children; it isn't safe to let them go running around after sunset... you never know what is lurking in the dark." She chuckled evilly, then turned around, gathered her book into the stroller and, pushing it one handed while bouncing Yugi in her other arm, left the park. Hanasaki and his mom stood clinging to each other for a few seconds, quivering with fear; they both screamed and jumped when, as Oni passed them, she let out a low hiss, then laughed. tbc...

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Chapter 7 the last part of my story

I move her back on the bed, so that I can position myself on top of her. "I want to feel your tits against me as I fuck you deep baby!", I tell her. She arches her back and I can feel her internal muscles squeeze my cock and I feel that pulsation in my nuts and cock begin to throb and I know I'm about to cum! I strain now not to, but her body keeps milking my cock like no other woman I have ever been with in my life! I'm going to cum and I can't stop it!! Oh god here it comes!! I'm going to...

3 years ago
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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

1 year ago
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Sex Therapy 101

My name is Candy and Brandon and I have been married a little over a year now. At first our sex life was great, I think it was because we were so new to each other. Nowadays it has become more of a chore and the sizzle is definitely gone. I find Brandon so sexy, so I am not sure what the problem is. We have tried renting pornos and we will get hot and fuck within the first half an hour and then it is over. I long to have Brandon run his long tongue between my pussy lips and suck on my clit. He...

Group Sex
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Living with my futa girlfriend

Jake Denson was an average young man, a bit taller than some people, brown hair that sometimes fell into his brown-green eyes, and a frame that was neither scrawny nor overly massive. He had grown up in the suburb of a bigger city, wher he had gone to school, spent his days, and found his girlfriend. Mira, his former classmate, was everything that Jake had ever wanted. She was a bit on the chubby side, giving her an overal round look. Her face was the friendliest he knew, tho he could not denie...

3 years ago
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Frat Boy Master

Frat Boy Master I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it’s a waste of time but sometimes I get so horny I’m willing to throw away a few hours for the chance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for 35. 6’2′ and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls. Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just looking at myself. I turned around to check out my ass....

2 years ago
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creampie and licking

Waking up another day away from home the only good thing about this day was I knew I would be going home either later today or tomorrow. I made a pot of coffee got my notes together are you getting ready to check out of the hotel room. Put my bags in the truck you called my wife say good morning to her and ask her how things were she said it was good wish you were here I told her I hopefully tonight or tomorrow but I wasn't sure she said that's fine the conversation was pretty straightforward...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XV 3 Wedding Bells

All my life I had hoped, prayed, and dreamed for the day which had finally arrived. My mother was to marry my father, and it just sort of hit me all of a sudden while driving up to the huge church where it was going to actually happen. "Shit," I said after shutting off the engine, staring at the rather impressive house of God. "What's the matter?" Eric asked, trying to see what I was looking at. "Nothing really... It's just I once promised my mom I'd be the first one to throw the...

1 year ago
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I Deflowered My Friends Wife 2

NOTE: THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION AND MEANT FOR EROTIC READING. ANY RESEMBLANCES IN REAL LIFE PURELY COINCIDENTAL, UNINTENDED AND REGRETTED Hi! I am Rahul from Surat. I am 27, good looking and 5’10” tall. My closest friend Rajesh married a small town girl, Riya six months back. Something about Riya; she is 23 of age, fair skinned, 5’5” tall, cute round face, 38-24-36 figure, hazel eyes and jet black hair flowing to her waist. I being the closest friend of Rajesh, I naturally became a close...

Erotic Fiction
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Night in Amsterdam

We had checked into city centre hotel and asked the front desk about good clubs where we could eat and they said there was one just outside the rear entrance. We changed and my wife was looking good without being tarnish. We entered the club and the waiter showed us to a table booth the cost included cabaret shows whilst we ate and drank. The waitress came for our order and was dressed in a mini skirt and see through top with no bra she was very tasty and my wife said put your eyes back. The...

Group Sex
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Harsha My Colleague

From the first day I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her. When my boss told me I’d get a team mate, I was relieved as I was being overworked. I knew that from now on, my life would be a lot easier. I of course didn’t know that from then on, my life would be filled with pictures of me fucking my new, sexy team mate. As is it is the only moral thing to do for a married man, I did never ever think about actually fucking Harsha. My wife still looked her bit, with a nice, well-rounded body and black...

2 years ago
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Sex Energy Transmutation

Hello guys, I’m Santosh (name changed) after long time I am posting this sex story which recently happened after my past 2 experiences. This story is very different from my past sex stories, through my common friend I met one woman from Hyderabad, she is a cosmic healer her name Divya (name changed), we met in sujana fourm mall, kukatpally. We discussed about our professions and I was excited about her cosmic healings, so I asked for her number and she gave it without 2nd thought. I was also...

4 years ago
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Jenny An Autobiography Chapter 2 part 1

CHAPTER 2 I LOSE MY INNOCENCE Part 1 of 2 It was all so innocent the way things started. My friend Amy, who lived next door but one to me, in this small street of fifteen houses were always playing together in the little play-ground just opposite our houses. At the time I was thirteen and a half and Amy was exactly two months younger. In our street there were five other boys, two of whom were around my...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter with Kaley Cuoco

You are sitting at home watching TV when you turn over to The Big Bang Theory and see sexy shot of Kaley Cuoco. The beauty plays Penny who lives next door to some nerds who are shy and can't really talk to women, then starts dating one of them. You love the show mainly because you can relate to the nerds and she is really hot and she wears revealing outfits. You can't remember how many times you have jizzed off thinking and looking at her massive tits and how many times you have thought about...

2 years ago
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Miles Morales and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Miles Morales' body ached like hell. Every single pain-ravaged cell in his exhausted body cried out for relief as he finally pulled his bruised and battered frame over his window frame and onto the floor of his room, whereupon he let out a muffled curse as he impacted the solid floor face first. For a few minutes, he lay stationary, waiting for the throbbing to die down a little. It had been a rough night, to say the least. He'd been tracking Kingpin's shipments for weeks now; one of his front...

1 year ago
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Nigger Life

I was sitting at a rundown bar, having a drink when she caught my eye. White girl, early 20’s, a little overweight, hanging out with another girl. Jen, as I later found out, was barefoot, with black heels on the floor next to her bar stool. I must have been daydreaming, staring at her feet as next thing I know, she walked up to me and said, “you have a problem, my feet hurt”. She was very rude, talking down to me, you could tell she had been drinking. I couldn’t help but look down at her...

1 year ago
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Mazi Katha

Nantar sandhya kali aatya parat aali. Tyaveli ya vishayavar jasta bolne zale nahi. Pan ratri aajine aatyala tyabaddal thodi kalpana deli hoti. Mhanje to mantrik ani tyacha sevak jungalat rahat ahet vaigare. Atyane te pharse manavar ghetle nahi. Ani aajine pan ghetle navte. Pan tya babala marathmolya bayka jasta avadtat he aikun tila jam gammat vatli. Dusrya divshi aatya baagkaam karayala baher padli. Ti dusri aajibai pan nuktich aanghol aatpun ghara baher aali hoti. Mi aanghol aatpun nashta...

3 years ago
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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 3

The petite young blind girl’s cunt was on fire. She had to have it and the thought of any delay was like handcuffs on her wrists preventing her from getting the tingle she had to have right away to chase away the ghosts in the darkness that told her she was damaged goods and not even able to see the cock that was fucking her. It was of no consequence to her because she had learned long ago how to “read” the size, the shape, the texture and the wetness of a male penis just with her...

3 years ago
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People on the Move chapter 1

Kimber Carlyle's parents built a business and ran it for many profitable years. Kimber spent most of her early years learning the basics of the business. She even learned to run some and became familiar with most of the machines. She also became a certified welder including overhead. Graduating at the top of her class in Business Administration at college, she was pursued by several of her father's competitors, but came back to carry on in her father's footsteps. She returned as a pretty young...

Straight Sex
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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 12

"A light whip, huh?" I asked as Wizen and I made our way down a series of sterile corridors. "Is that because it has a third less calories than a regular whip?" He gave me a puzzled look. "Sorry," I said. "It would have been funny in my time." We continued on, Wizen walking and me flying beside him in the chair. The corridors were nearly empty. I had had a similar experience when Wizen had brought me to the gymnasium where I had practiced with the chair, but that was just a short...

3 years ago
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The Nurse Ch 02

I feel his hands sliding down my back. He is tugging and pulling at my shirt, trying to get it untucked out of my skirt. I feel his urgency, his desire, his need to get me naked. I sigh against his chest. His chest? I sit up in surprised shock. Usually I can never see any part of my faceless man. I glance about me. I am surrounded by the usual thick, black cloud, but I am delighted to see it is slowly fading away. I find I am in the back seat of a car. I am momentarily blinded as I feel my...

3 years ago
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Going Down on the Up Escalator

Sometimes people get in such a rush that they simply forget to look at the small details and find themselves in situations that should have been able to avoid with ease. That was certainly the case of young Tess McAllister who normally was a level-headed and cautious young lady of excellent and proper up-bringing. However, this was a special Friday evening and she was in a hurry to get to the main ballroom on the mezzanine floor before the dance party officially started. Before getting...

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DirtyWivesClub Clea Gaultier 24141

Clea Gaultier’s husband is out of town, but he offers his friend Ryan a place to stay while he gets back on his feet. Ryan is extremely thankful and grateful, but also completely dumbfounded when he finds his friend’s beautiful wife stretched across the guest bedroom in sexy, inviting black lingerie. Is it a ruse? One might think, but one would be wrong. The married woman beckons Ryan to lick and fuck her pussy in that sexy French accent of hers, telling him that her husband has not forbidden...

3 years ago
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Wife asks me to give her mother oral Part 6

read first 5 installments to understand. As my wife and I drove to her mother's house the following week, I had butterflies in my stomach. I honestly started to wonder if I would be able to perform in front of her. The entire things was still so surreal to me. We hadn't spoken much about it this week. I think neither of us wanted to jinx anything, or seem like we went there with a plan. So as we pulled into the driveway, I still had no idea if my wife planned to just watch, or actually...

2 years ago
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Hard Time Book 2Chapter 6

Our second sojourn with the Jacks was quite different. Minnie was about the same age as the deposed Kathy but was a more comfortable person, heavier and less overtly sexual. She was also much less overbearing. Her attitude was that you listen politely. If you don't agree, you go on with your life. If you agree, you make such changes as necessary. Sometimes she agreed and sometimes she didn't. Changes appeared in the Jacks' culture even in the short time during which we stayed. Men received...

2 years ago
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Happy Trails With My Sister

It's funny how things turn out. Seemingly unconnected events conspire to cause little things to happen and sometimes those things can be life changing. So for my story I'll show you the "unconnected" things. The life changing part will become clear. First of all let me tell you a little about our family. Dad is this big beefy guy with wide shoulders and muscles a pro wrestler would be proud of. Mom died when we were younger, but I remember she was this little slip of a woman who was...

3 years ago
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Immense Pleasure

The sheet is barely covering me, I’m wearing nothing but panties. I sleep soundly as you quietly enter our room. You come to me, sitting on the bed as your hand runs over my leg up to my thigh, resting softly as you caress me. Your fingers slowly run up to my panties, tugging on them. I begin to stir awake as I see you a soft smile appears on my face as you look down at me. “There you are, my sweet.” His voice was low, soft, sweet. His dark eyes glowed in the night light. Removing the sheet...

1 year ago
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Can you keep a secret

It's our dirty little secret I had just rented an apartment. Shortly after that I was laid off from my job and needed to find a roommate. My cousin stopped by my place and I told him about it. He asked if I had found one. No I've just did talk to someone but I know it work. Well I've got a friend that needs to find a place. His name is John. Can you meet him today? Sure he calls John and he comes right over. He seems like a good guy and I agree to let him move in. He tells I have a girlfriend...

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Fun Cont With Mom

One day it happen I come back from my work more early, at around 10.30 am as I was not in mood, I wanted to fuck my mom. When I reached the home I have seen that door is opened ,I entered without knocking ,then thought that mom will be inside ,so I have closed, the door, then i go to my room, I heard water falling ,I was sure that mom is bathing then I heard some moaning when I gone near the door it’s also slightly open the door of the bathroom I found mom is lying on the bathroom floor, but...

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Squirted Katie Kush Katie The Cock Rider

The only thing Katie Kush enjoys more than Toni Ribas fingering her till she squirts is riding his big cock till she cums, and Toni can’t believe how good it feels as she throws that booty back as she grinds on him. He strips her out of her pink bikini and fucks her mouth, making her squirt and licking her pussy, then fucking her nice and deep. Katie just keeps cumming over and over, especially once she finds a hot pink vibrator to use on her clit while Toni pounds her! This cowgirl gets...


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