AxemanChapter 27 free porn video

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I sat gingerly and waited until Kate returned from class. I was not clear enough. I should have asked Francis for healing in the White Room.

Or on the way home. I’m such an idiot sometimes. Jude wasn’t all that happy with me either. For that reason and lots of other reasons.

“Kate. Can you please heal me?”

“You soloed a Death Knight?”

“Skeletal Knight. I don’t want to meet the Death version any time soon. No thanks.”

“At least you aren’t completely dumb. Take it off.” Frowning at my now bare chest, she began casting. My cuts and bruises weren’t small. Or few. The main one diagonally across my ribs was particularly ugly. His slash across my chest had broken four plates, cut my skin, and chipped at least one rib.

“Edna, said you called a mandatory meeting. I have class at 9:00 can you just tell me now?” she asked while pouring mana into me.

“You’ll find out after if you can’t make it, but I would really like everyone, including you to be there. Especially you.”

“This has something to do with me?”

“Remember that something I have, for you when you hit fifth?”

“How can I forget.”

“I think they are all interlinked for you. Maybe a few others too.”

“Okay. Be mysterious. I’ll call my professor.”


Koz called and said she was stuck in a cab on the way from the airport saying she would be late.

We waited. Not everyone was pleased at the wait or with me. Koz wasn’t the only one who had to cancel something or rush to make it on time to my emergency and mandatory meeting.

She, too, arrived wearing a black mesh overshirt. Surprisingly similar to Jude’s and Toffs, but with a metallic sheen. Not a real surprise there. Her prominent mounds caught the attention of a few of the guys.

Tight chainmail minidresses seemed to be all the rage. Even if Ed’s was the only one that could be worn in public without anything else. The rest of theirs were too short.

“Sorry for being late. What’s the rush?” Koz had come straight from the airport, her carryon bags were parked in the entrance of Beau’s foyer.

“This is everyone, Jason.” Heather was snappy. She had to bow out of a multi-state conference-call regarding the arena death-match coming up in a week or so.

“Classes exist.”

“Woah!” Nat’s overboard reaction wasn’t at all out of place. I felt the same when I found out. I knew others did too.

“What did you get?” Heather asked before anyone else did. It was obvious that I had a new one, since I confirmed their existence aloud.

“I’m no longer an Axeman. I’m a Knight.”

“You got that from soloing the Death Knight?” Mar asked.

“I seriously doubt that he was a Death Knight. His only Spell that I saw was one that enhanced his sword for improved knockback and it only lasted a couple of attacks before dissipating.”

Cait had been itching to tell the tale of my fight, she got the table’s attention and gave an excellent, if exaggerated, recounting.

I refused to be embarrassed by her over-the-top retelling. “If I had to guess; I bet he is Level 6: a 12 strength, 7 agility, 10 Endurance and a 4 in Greatsword. His armor was stronger than anything we have; a DR of 4 maybe 5. You will need at least two Ranks in Armor Piercing or maybe three to get through it. I have three and a heavy weapon and I wasn’t really fighting to test him. We were fairly equal out there. His horse gave him a big advantage. He was stronger and tougher while on it. So, you definitely want to get him off that thing as soon as possible.”

“The horse had heavier armor than he did. Its head and legs are weak spots but the upper areas were covered by thick armor plates. The rest, I wouldn’t even bother attacking.”

“Just because he accepted my offer of a duel, doesn’t mean any of the others will. I might have fulfilled some archaic criteria that no one else has, or maybe everyone can get them to duel. Maybe he was an aberration or maybe they are all like him. I just don’t know. We didn’t speak the same language.”

We discussed the possibility of others getting into duels.

“What did you get from it?” My Class Jude meant.

“I’m Level 1 again. Maybe because Knight is a higher tiered class. But my experience needed for the next Level returned to five k. Who knows, and overall Level 7, might need five k experience, just like six. Koz, is there anyone Level 6 out there?”

“I can find out. I think the Rangers have a couple. Probably Delta too. The top Seal teams and the Marine teams, I can’t talk about.”

“That’s fine. See what you can get, no hurry. It doesn’t change anything either way.” I took a drink of my Coke, “Class changes are a choice. I got a pop-up window when I opened Status in the White room. It asked if I wanted to change classes, Y or N. I chose Y.”

“What else did you get?” Jude asked.

“Status change to Knight and I get a ton of bonuses while mounted on an affiliated Mount. Whatever that is. My hp went up a little and I unlocked a ton of knight-related Skills, like Mounted combat, heavy plate armor and Ancient Knight weapons. The last one, I’m not sure what it can do. I think that is in the future. Maybe way in the future.

“The Attribute bonuses increase as I Level; a plus of one per five Levels, it’s a very slow progression.

“I also have ‘Mount’ listed with an ‘N/A’, not available,” I continued. “That could mean that I just don’t have one, or I am not allowed to have one yet.

“I don’t have enough information, and I don’t want to make a mistake on bonding the wrong mount. There are two more very important things to take note of; one, improving an Attribute from 10 to 11 costs four points, from 11 further it is 2 points. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know.”

“Why, Jason?” was asked by half the table...

I ignored them. “The other is Secondary Attribute Skills are three Status points for the first to second rank. Going from two to three is six Status Points, after that, I don’t know.”

“What did you increase?”

“Damage resistance from 1 to 2. That cost me three points.” I let that sink in. a DR of 3 was full Kevlar. Something we all wanted, but Attribute points were too scarce just to be placed anywhere.

“Remember, I have had all my caps and limits removed. It may or may not work on you. You might need to Level up higher to increase your secondaries, or you might not.”

‘Cheater!’ And other derogatory remarks were flung at me.

“Back to the topic of classes; we might want to be careful and not just take anything that pops up. There might be better ones for us later. I liked the feeling of fighting that knight. I accepted it based on feelings. I hope I didn’t make a mistake and don’t believe I did.

“That brings me to Kate.” All eyes focused on our primary Healer.

“Me? What did I do? I don’t have a class.”

I pulled out the present I had been saving for her. “The synergy with Bless is too great for me to even remotely consider giving it to anyone else. No offense, Francis, you are more of a combat medic.” Tapping the book, “Holy Raiment, is more up Kate’s alley than yours.”

“Keep that evil thing away from me.” Even though he made a cross and jested, no one could help but think that his words rang true.

“Kate, if you take this, I believe you will get a class option right away. Or maybe by filling out a requirement or three. I think you should consider if that is the direction you want to go.”

“What does the Spell do?” Jude asked for her.

“I don’t meet the requirements. You need to be Level 5 and a Healer to read the description.” I even looked at the Store list again to see if I could purchase something that would let me get a better reading of the Spell. The basic Identify scroll did not do anything when I tried.

“Can just having the Spellbook, be enough to unlock a class?” DB asked.

“No clue.”

“Jason, can I have that?”

I slid it over to Kate. If what I suspected were true, her Class path just became one similar to Saintess, similar to the adventure games on the console. Dedicated to healing, protection, purification, and buffing.

I noted my thoughts aloud.

DB, a fanatic game player, elaborated further for us on how they were portrayed in the games he played.

Kate liked what she heard.

“Like my Knight class, I think your first class will be a stepping stone. It might or might not branch out from there.”

“Jason!“ Ed calling my name aloud like that was laden with hidden danger.

“Yes???” I shrunk in my seat.

“Where did you get that book? It sounds like an advanced Skill.” I was afraid Ed or Heather would ask that question.

“You mean like his...” Austin slapped the big-mouthed Beau, quite hard, to shut him up so he didn’t finish his sentence.

“Same place,” I admitted.

“Are you hiding any others like that?”

I held up two fingers with one hand and a finger over my lips with the other.

“What are you afraid of dude?” That was from Matt.

“I don’t know what I don’t know.”

“That’s fair.” Koz spoke for the first time since the classes were brought up.

“What are you waiting for? Those Skills are damn powerful.” Toff asked. I thought he understood why, he wanted either conformation or for me to share my thoughts.

“One isn’t a Skill, the other I’m waiting for a sign.” Caitlin was settling down. I just needed a little more from her. There was a reason I was so adamant about her joining us and feeding her every curse I could find and it wasn’t just because she was a Dark Mage.

“Like Kate and her Bless and to see if she would mesh with the Holy Robe thing?” Beau wasn’t an idiot, even if he did like to goof off like one.


“I’m sure as hell glad you got them,” he stated.

“Slacker.” I replied. Of the new guys, I got along with Beau the best. His humor and understanding coincided with mine too often not to like the big guy.

“Damn Skippy.”

“Anything else, Jason?” Ed interrupted our fun.

“Nope, just that everyone should consider how their style is being played out if you get a class that doesn’t mesh. Strongly consider turning it down even if it looks good. Take Heather for example. If she got a class that doesn’t let her burn the world down,” I didn’t duck fast enough and the balled-up paper hit me in the head, “She should reject it. Same with Caitlin, who likes to curse her opponents or Nat who likes to fight up close.”

“I can get Class stuff from games online and spread how games make and deal with a variety of classes and pass them around.” DB volunteered his time.

“That works DB. See if you can get a few that are tailored to everyone’s fighting style. Do the whole thirty questions with each of us.”

“Cool. Babe, want to help out? You would make a bitchin’ Witch Doctor.”

“Do not expect a fake Dominican accent from me, Donald.”

He winced hard at Cait’s ultimatum.

“Heather, Kate, Jude, Koz, Toff, and I are going to do a Violet level five, Monday,” Ed announced to the world.

That was a death level. And we all knew it.

“That’s why you rushed for the shirts,” Nat guessed, correctly, it seemed.

“The Blue Gate that we used with Jason is off-limits, unless Jason is with you.”

“Do you think he mutates Portals?” Koz asked.

“Only if a team member that entered it once with him does so again. I’m just playing it safe,” Ed responded.

“You! No soloing that Gate. Make sure others are with you If you go.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You’d better.”

“I promise.” Ed held my gaze to reinforce her decree.

Marshawn remained after we broke up for the morning, to speak with me in private.

“Jase, any hints or tricks on getting that Knight Class?”

I passed over the helmet from my inventory that I got off of one of the armored Skeletons. I seldom used it and didn’t know why I did so against the Knight, but I couldn’t discount it helping others get the same class as I did.

“I wore this and followed the rules of a joust. He jousted until he fell off his horse. I waited for him to get back on his feet. We fought for a while until he called his horse and remounted. Watch out for his knockback spell. It will put you on your ass and can knock your weapon out of your hands if you aren’t ready.”

I paused, considering, “Let’s see. Once he remounted, it was a fight to the death. Just treat him like an honorable foe. Like King Arthur.”

“What about taking him back to his tomb?” Caitlin really over-embellished that part of the tale, I was not glowing white with a halo.

“That was me showing respect. I don’t think it makes a difference, but it might. If you are respectful, you should be good. And honorable. And you mean it. If you don’t mean it, then who knows what will happen?”

“Thanks. I’m not at your Level yet, but I have a goal now.”

“Good luck, Mar.” We shook on it.

I was still too beat up to work out, so I headed back home. Ed and her team were practicing teamwork in their new mail shirts.

Kate was in my car waiting for me.


Nervously, she replied “Hi.”


“I’m not holy or anything.”

“Katie. You are a very good person. Conscientious, caring, and dedicated. You always wanted to be a nurse. It was not because of the money was it?”

“No. I want to help people.”

“All of those nuns out there. They signed up not only because they believe in God, but to help people. Go online and see what nurses and nuns do. I’ve watched plenty of WW II movies. You always saw nuns in hospitals caring for the injured. Sure, some nuns live their lives in prayer. Not all of them do though.”

“If you don’t like any of the churches, don’t follow any. God is God. I doubt he cares which house you worship in. He just wants you to be a good person, and everything I know about you says that you are a good person.”

“I’m not that good.” She replied in a small voice.

“I think you are. Your friends all think you are. Anyone that wants to dedicate their lives to helping and healing, can not be bad.”

“That doesn’t mean I am good. Look at Jude’s mom.”

“She may be like that now. She may have been a decent person when she was younger.”

“I don’t know.” She was fighting the Saintess part, not the abilities.

“There is also the fact that Jude’s mom is not you. Just like there are bad priests, cops, or firemen, there are good ones too. Can you be a good nurse?”

“I hope so.”

“The Holy Raiment is probably a protection spell. You want to protect your friends, don’t you?”


“Then go for it. If you don’t like the classes in the future, go in a different direction.”

“Thanks, Jason.” I received a kiss on the cheek before she dashed off.


That Friday night the gang all assembled to hit the bar, except for Toff who went to see his brother’s family for the holiday. With a large area reserved for us, Beau, being Beau again, snagged a second-floor VIP section and a side door entrance. That was important since it allowed the Fearsome Four unchecked admittance to the 21-and-older establishment.

The girls were thrilled. Heather, not so much, as she was a Fed and they were all clearly underage. Not that anyone cared as long as they behaved themselves.

All of the women were dressed to kill. Ed and Koz were stellar. Ed was truly Stellar. No slighting Koz, she was close, just that the way Edna’s eyes sparkled and those lips smiled at me, were a cut above.

Dancing, drinking, and fun was had by all. I was torn in four directions. A few of us noted Jude and Austin spending some extra time together on the dance floor. By mutual silent agreement, no one commented. Mar did offer a private toast to the couple when they weren’t looking.

Bornko’s Dance Hall was a blast. No way in hell would I get my college friends here. Well, maybe I could; the eye candy was over the top. And not just the two that monopolized me all night.

Kate wasn’t sure what to make of it. Nat was oblivious, since she and Matt spent the whole evening dancing, drinking and mingling as a couple. She was in heaven when he introduced her with the title of girlfriend to some of the Bears, whose training camp had officially ended and were awaiting Thursday’s season’s start. Those that he was acquainted with all stopped by in their bar-hopping expedition and were treated well.

I wasn’t huge on dancing, but seeing Koz and Ed go at it at the same time changed my mind. Both wore skimpy dresses, Koz in a little silver thing and Edna in a few finger lengths longer, tight, black, fitted sleeveless dress. Pretty girls moving in ways heretofore unseen, with a body control that normal humans could not touch, drew a crowd.

The guys took turns with me on making sure that everyone kept their hands to themselves.

Kate was disgruntled. She had never danced before. Heather just didn’t. Some mumbling happened when the two used me as their pole after their first trip downstairs.

The two women, fully made up, were over the top in terms of looks and sexiness. Our second trip down to the main floor was devastating to the club’s patrons.

They had been using me as their personal dance toy for a while and people, guys, kept trying to get close to them. They had enough.

“Spread your right arm out and angle your left arm up above your head, big guy.” Koz demanded after a fairly intensive ‘Jason Pole’ competition between the two.

“Palm flat, Jason. And don’t you dare look up,” Ed warned, complete with sharp edges.

One-handed vaulting up, Ed used my arm as a beam to dance on. When she helped Koz up and above, I felt like a fool.

“Am I a cat’s playhouse?” Neither answered, not that I expected them to.

Koz only stayed up for a minute or two before I was instructed to change position. I knew that I would have spike marks from her pearly four-inch heels.

“Both arms flat out.” Yes, Ma’am.

I became their stage for ten minutes, which felt like five hours.

And I wasn’t allowed to watch, which was a crime.

They both rewarded me with a kiss, neither short. Both lingering. That made up for me not being able to look.


Oddly, they were given more room after their little exhibition than before.

I’m not very bright, sometimes.

And those kisses rocked me hard.

Beau, even with his arm in a sling, and I were dragged in with them on the third trip. He joined them all too willingly. I even received lessons mid-floor, mostly from Koz. But after eleven, I was not allowed to leave their presence for the rest of the evening.

Not that I wanted to.

Learning to dance with superhuman strength and an agility equal to the highest Olympic ability felt wrong for all those other poor saps out there. I could do things no one else could.

And I never got tired.

Neither did my two instructors. Beau did. And was shooed off when his arm started acting up.

At twelve-thirty, Koz took Ed and I by the hand and returned upstairs. After a gallon of water each, everyone was dragged to the main dance floor. Kate was reluctant, as she was afraid to look like a fool. Heather had other issues. She was quite subdued in her dancing, but did join us in her much more modest outfit and loosened up a little as the night continued to wear on.

Kate never got comfortable, and I felt she only stayed on the floor because there was no one to talk to in our seating section, and she didn’t want to sit alone. Her resisting any and all attempts at dance lessons didn’t help at all.

I hadn’t mentioned DB and Caitlin. To no one’s surprise, he was not allowed to leave her presence or dance with anyone other than our group (and under her direct supervision).

Same as Axeman
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“What the heck,” he said, “It’s what she wants. I know that at least.” With that, Spencer stood up and straightened himself out. It was only going on 5:30 but already Becki had stood up, and walked away from the couch. He’d seen her from the front. He’d seen her from the backside too. He knew he liked what he’d seen with her big looking tits and one heck of a set of hips as well. She held all that up with a nice looking ass and slender looking legs. He had already taken all that into...

Straight Sex
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Metamorphosis By Michele Black (aka Michael) One......... I woke slowly, groggily struggling to consciousness through the haze of the anesthesia. Opening my eyes I could see a nurse standing by the open door to my room. "How did it go?" I asked, my voice sounding strangely high pitched and unfamiliar. "Things went perfectly darling!" the nurse replied, "feel for yourself!" Hesitantly, I reached under the sheet and began to run my hands over my body. As my fingers ran across...

1 year ago
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My Vietnamese Doll

I had known them for several years. Her and her parents had moved in about five years ago. Unfortunately, her father became ill three years ago and was gone within 6 months. It was now her, her mom and her little brother. Mindy was a beautiful girl. Her family was Vietnamese and so she stood at only 5' tall, with a cute face with long straight black hair down to her butt and a slender body. My desire for her had been growing for the past couple of years. Her breast were now a full A...

4 years ago
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The Desired Magic World

In 2102, a crack team of scientists aboard the I.S.S. Experimenting with a new space-based atom smasher finally managed to tear a hole in space-time while searching for some method of teleportation to make intergalactic travel easier after the world’s over-population became disastrous. This hole did not pave a way for teleportation or intergalactic travel, however. Instead, it became a gateway into another world-the Realm of Spirits. The realm of spirits was overflowing with energy, which the...

4 years ago
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My Place in Life

The lift had been broken again, that was how it had all started, many years ago, when I was just nineteen My Place in Life 01The lift had broken, that was how it all started again, many years ago, when I was just nineteen. My first job had been with a builder?s merchant, shifting bags of cement, packs of bricks and timber, nothing that could be purchased there was lightweight it seemed. At nineteen I was a wimp, no doubt about it, skinny, almost to the point of emaciation, by twenty-one I...

2 years ago
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Demon InvasionChapter 7

We were up on Monday morning and ready to make some waves at the schools. Both Sue and Jeff were still supposed to be attending classes, but they were still listed as law officers. With that in mind, they strapped on their pistols, pinned on their badges, and headed for the bus pickup place. They wanted to be the first ones there just in case some of the demons showed up. They also had their shotguns, so they were ready when a monster bat flew in. The bat had a wingspan of something like 4...

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A High School Show Choir

Your name is Eli Smith. You are a sophomore at Center Grove High School. You are in Sound System, which is the varsity show choir at CG. After practice one day, you are driving home when you pull up to a stoplight. The light is red, so you wait until it turns green. When it does, you drive accross the intersection. A car heading perpendicular to you doesn't notice his light is now red, and he plows right into you. You immideately lose consciousness. When you come to, you are in a hospital bed....

Mind Control
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Samaritan Saves Stranded Stranger

Samaritan Saves Stranded StrangerThe car sat alongside the lightly traveled road out of gas. Amanda was frustrated because she knew better than to travel to the middle of “Nowhere”, Kansas without a full gas tank. The cell coverage was weak at best and none her friends could get to her for a couple of hours. She was anxious. She had seen more airplanes pass overhead than cars on this road. But all she needed was one person to stop; the bad news was none had stopped.Amanda had been off to...

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dirty back roads

Once upon a time, in a small town near you, there lived a little girl. Not just any little girl… no, she was a special little girl. She knew she was special because her daddy told her so. Thats also how she knew her daddy loved her. She knew a few other things, but for the most part, her youth prevented her from grasping most other than the most basic truths. Her youth also afforded her a beautiful imagination, and she would spend hours alone, amusing herself with most anything. Sometimes she...

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Bar Girl

Hi my lesbians gals!My name is nazoo khan.I am 28 years old,have awhiteash healty sexy body.My figure size is 38 28 38. THis will be happend when I and my boyfriend Kami Vist England.If u want to know my boyfriend Kami’s aboutself.Plz read my story(Neelam bhabhi ki Chudai dekhny k baad).Now read this story. I don’t know what led me to the bar that night.I just wanted to unwind so after a long hot bath I wandered downstairs. I had changed from my skirt and blouse into a pair of shorts and a...

1 year ago
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BFFS Paisley Bennett Aliya Brynn Lyra Lockhart Jingle Bell Cock

Santa sweethearts Paisley Bennet, Lyra Lockhart, and Aliyah Brynn love the movie Mean Girls, and this holiday season, they are planning to recreate that famous Christmas dance scene. They get together and run through the choreography, but Lyra just cannot seem to get it right! As a result, the girls get into a big fight, but luckily our stud shows up to pacify things. He suggests that the girls make Lyra feel more comfortable by squeezing her round tits. That gets their juices flowing, and soon...

4 years ago
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sis i how it began

In the late 60’s when I was 17 years old I lived in upstate New York. My dad got transferred by his company to Miami. It was a big promotion for him so he didn’t want to turn it down. We were three kids in the family. There was little sister, my big sister who was 11 months younger than me and me. I was in my second year of high school and did not want to leave my friends behind to start in a new school in Miami. It took a lot of convincing but with the help of my grandparents I was able to...

2 years ago
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Might as well try part 2

After my last experience with Jesper where he came on my face, I went home the morning after. I said hello to my beautiful girlfriend and lived my day as if nothing had happened the night before. I went to work the rest of the week and went home to my girlfriend every day. I texted with Jesper in the meanwhile as well, mostly about sport, but also talking about things we could do around the weekend. Maybe catch a football game together or a movie. We starting making a list of things possible...

3 years ago
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A Passionate Love Story 8211 Part I

Hi guys, I am Sam. Today I am going tell you how I lost my virginity 2 months ago. But let me just tell me about myself first, I m 18 years old average looking guy, with a dick of 6″ long and 2,1/2″ width, this is my first story so just bear with me and ignore all the mistakes So let me just get to the story now, it was almost a year ago, I was at andheri’s McDonalds, and as always there was a lot of crowd because of one of the nearby college leaving at that time. So I was waiting in the line...

2 years ago
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Visit to Sainsbury

Im pushing my trolley through the big local sainsbury on the way into town, heading past the clothing department when i notice your familiar look, your back is to me, but its unmistakably you... i stop and make sure there are no family members with you and think quickly. i push my trolley over to you and as i get close i bump it into yours and say 'Sorry! Didn't see you there...' I keep walking and look back at you - the look of surprise on your face pleases me and at first you think im trying...

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Brendan FallsChapter 12

"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...

1 year ago
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Maa ka bhosda

Hi this is Saheb again. It had been a year since I had last fucked Bobita, my maid. She had got married at 18 and had gone to her in-laws’ place, and I was left with only my wife to fuck. Incidentally, I am 40 now. One evening after returning from office, I was surprised to find Bobita, our old maid, working in our kitchen. My wife told me that Bobita was not having a happy married life and had come back to her own house and had started working with us again. As I glanced an eye at her, she...

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Sex Drive With Sneha Aunty

Hey there, this is Ashwin with a new incident with sneha aunty. After the return of sneha’s husband from Berlin he decided to start a business here itself in india and he began with it after couple of months because of his dedication he achieved what he wanted but sneha did not achieve the satisfaction what she wanted and again increased her hunger for sex and as I was her boy she used to call me for small sessions but she wanted a full length sex and which we were not able to do. Her husband...

3 years ago
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What Viagra Did For My Boyfriend

My boyfriend and I got into a discussion about what viagra would do for a younger normal very virile guy in his 20s. He said that he had heard of college students taking ecstasy and viagra combined for wild parties and fucking all night. Curiosity got the better of us and I talked him into trying to get some. So he looked into it, though it was expensive but he purchased five black market viagra pills.One evening the next weekend we were making out on my sofa after watching rented movies and he...

Straight Sex
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Panties Showing

I was sitting in the food court of the shopping mall eating with a friend of my when he said, “Fuck! Look at her! Her fucking panties are showing! I just fucking love it when a chick does that! I’d sure like to fuck her!” Obviously he was one of my more vulgar friends. However I had to agree with him…I’d sure like to fuck that little babe too! Then she turned around and I had to smile. It was my fourteen-year-old daughter Hailey. I could still remember fucking her that very morning....

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An Innocent Winter

[...It is my first story. A bit long but have written it with heart. Positive feedback will be appreciated...] The story revolves around a teenager named Joey who lives with his mother in a small farm. It is situated near the Berg Lake which is close to the Mount Robson of the Canadian Rockies. Joey is not like the normal teenager. Rather than enjoying the luxuries and parental governance that most kids possessin their childhood, Joey was forced to help her mother to earn their...

1 year ago
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Market ForcesChapter 29 Lost in Translation

I rolled over in bed. Tricia smiled. "I'm sorry you're going off to Kushtia. Why couldn't they send that unpleasant shit, Brian?" "Brian?" I said, "What's with him? I know he hasn't been happy with what I've been up to but he could make it easier on himself if he just saw which way the wind was blowing. His sales numbers have been hopelessly optimistic for months according to Freddie. Even normally discreet Elly has been getting impatient with him." "Oh, this wasn't...

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MyPervyFamily Bailey Brooke Please Stepdad I Never Ask For Anything

My daughter has always done really well in school. She’s a naturally smart girl and has a lot of potential. I consider myself to be a vital part of her life since I teach one of her classes at school. I don’t expect my daughter to be perfect, but this past semester hasn’t been her greatest. Because she’s so close to graduating, I think she’s been slacking in school. I only want what’s best for my little girl, and I tried to reason with her before and tell her...

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my new lifepart 6

after awhile i fell asleep....still stuck in my bondage..-----While she slept this is what was happening with her master------i slowley opened the door.i looked around not seeing the slave i loved so much...i went all around the house and...nothing.i went looking for her.i went past the drive way and saw a little drop of water towards the left of the drive was one of her tears...i had the sudden urge to jolt that way,and i did just that. i went about 1/4 of a mile befor i came across...

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MistakesChapter 6

Cassie was all smiles as we walked into the flat. She was clearly expecting some information as to what passed between us. After all, she had pushed us together. Rachel smiled at her knowingly, and tucked her arm in mine, pulling herself against me. “He wants to date me!” she told her. “I’m so happy!” “He’s pretty slow on the uptake,” confided Cassie to her, “but he gets there in the end, with a suitable push.” The two looked at me and laughed. I shrugged and went to get some wine. From...

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Kayle Lost at Sea

Part 1 Kayle had just entered High School, a year ahead of most 14-year-olds. Bright and outgoing, she always had high grades, nearly straight A’s. She was a well-tanned blond, green-eyed, 88 pounds, and four foot eleven young girl. Her parents, John and Karen, kept her outside most of the time, either working with her mom in their greenhouses or out in the field collecting edible plants or with her dad learning survival skills or sailing in the nearby bay. She had developed an encyclopedic...

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My experience with my best friends hot sister

About three years ago, my best friend's sister Kim, dropped by my house, to tell me that a band that we both liked was going to put on a concert, in a nearby town. She was all excited about going to this concert, her big blue eyes sparkled, as she talked about it. It wasn't too unusual for the two of us to go to a concert together, what was unusual, was the fact that she came by to tell me about it herself. Usually, she would tell her brother John (The friend that I wrote about, in my story:...

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Jasons QuestChapter 22 Jason Julie

While sitting in the gazebo with Julie, a number of thoughts raced through his mind, What's happening here? Have I finally found my girl? What will her family think? What will I do with her on my search for Jesse? What in the world does she see in me? It was at that point that they rose and embraced. After the two broke their passionate embrace, Julie, following the example of her younger sister, said, "I'll have Sam fix up a guest room and you shall stay here. Daddy is due back with the...

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Young Bess Part One

I want to thank the great (and patient) Elaine for her valuable ideas and assistance in the early development of this story. Young Bess Part One By Jane Howard I was born on the second day of January 1701. It irritated me no end that I had not been born on the first of January 1700 and thus been the first baby born in the eighteenth century. I did not realize then, as I do now, that I was even closer to my goal than I had realized, because 1700 was actually nothing more than the...

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The Cabin Retreat

She woke up to the smell of coffee brewing, sausage frying, and shafts of golden sunlight streaming in bars across the bed. She couldn’t remember how she got here. She was lying on an immense king size bed with a huge carved oak headboard. The comforter was a beautiful hand quilted design in muted reds, blues, and cream. When she sat up, she realized she was devoid of any clothing. Still not yet recalling the series of events that led her here to this bedroom, she slid out of bed, pulling the...

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Principal Urges

************** *BING* It was a nice Friday afternoon when the intercom on Justin Flagstaff's office phone went off and he hear the voice of his secretary, "Mr. Flagstaff, there is a call for you on line 3" "Thanks karen", he said and heard the click of her hanging up. He pick up the receiver and press the button next the blinking number 3. "Hello, this is Principal Flagstaff." "Hello Sir, this is Officer Johnson with the Long Falls Police Department. Do you know a Miss Anne...

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Atlanta Gloryhole Part 1

I love glory holes and when I found myself in Atlanta I went downtown to an old favorite arcade on Cheshire Bridge Rd. I cruised the videos and toys for a while. This place was hopping. Guys and women of all types: Bi, gay, straight, Hispanic, black, white, working class and white collar, were in the store. Of course only the guys were going back to the arcade. I went to the arcade and went into booth number 5 which has holes on both sides. I put $20 in the machine and stripped out of all...

2 years ago
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Daddy make me a star

I am a security guard at a small business, nothing fancy but it puts the food on the table and a roof over our head. But as a side career I photograph and videotape women doing adult things and sell the pictures and film to adult websites. Many of of the women I have photographed and shot video of has moved on to have lucrative careers in the adult industry. I make money not only on the pictures and film but for commission and finders fee for the women that I refer to various porn...

3 years ago
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Panty Pervert Part 2

Nadine left early Sunday morning leaving me exhausted and used and totally drained. She had used her strap-on mercilessly, fucking me three more times in my pussy and once in my ass. I had came numerous times and when she left pulled her favourite panties back on after tidying Jeff's room up. Jeff got in at ten in the morning and was sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea and some cereal. "Good Morning," I said, throwing a pair of his cum coated panties at him while he ate his breakfast. He went...

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My fantasy

I'm a happily married man of 30 years. My wife is very attractive, however, she could care less about sex. I still have a very high sex drive and desire for her. Needless to say, I end up taking matters into my own hand to satisfy my sexual needs. During these times I often fantasize about another man having sex with my wife since we don't have sex that often. Here's how things would play out.First off, my wife and I would have to agree on whom she would have sex with. He would need to be clean...

1 year ago
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A Students Plan 8211 The Journey And Twist Of Fate Part 1

Hello Readers! Thank you for all the opinions, feedback’s, comments and replies for the previous stories. Also, I would like to mention that, I am here to share some true incidents and not looking for any partner, not even for 50k for a night. We are not professionals and definitely don’t need money. We enjoy our life in our own unique and beautiful way. Now heading over to the reason you are here. But first things first. This is going to be a long story and I will be writing it in parts. So,...

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