Wet and Wild Ride
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
I sat gingerly and waited until Kate returned from class. I was not clear enough. I should have asked Francis for healing in the White Room.
Or on the way home. I’m such an idiot sometimes. Jude wasn’t all that happy with me either. For that reason and lots of other reasons.
“Kate. Can you please heal me?”
“You soloed a Death Knight?”
“Skeletal Knight. I don’t want to meet the Death version any time soon. No thanks.”
“At least you aren’t completely dumb. Take it off.” Frowning at my now bare chest, she began casting. My cuts and bruises weren’t small. Or few. The main one diagonally across my ribs was particularly ugly. His slash across my chest had broken four plates, cut my skin, and chipped at least one rib.
“Edna, said you called a mandatory meeting. I have class at 9:00 can you just tell me now?” she asked while pouring mana into me.
“You’ll find out after if you can’t make it, but I would really like everyone, including you to be there. Especially you.”
“This has something to do with me?”
“Remember that something I have, for you when you hit fifth?”
“How can I forget.”
“I think they are all interlinked for you. Maybe a few others too.”
“Okay. Be mysterious. I’ll call my professor.”
Koz called and said she was stuck in a cab on the way from the airport saying she would be late.
We waited. Not everyone was pleased at the wait or with me. Koz wasn’t the only one who had to cancel something or rush to make it on time to my emergency and mandatory meeting.
She, too, arrived wearing a black mesh overshirt. Surprisingly similar to Jude’s and Toffs, but with a metallic sheen. Not a real surprise there. Her prominent mounds caught the attention of a few of the guys.
Tight chainmail minidresses seemed to be all the rage. Even if Ed’s was the only one that could be worn in public without anything else. The rest of theirs were too short.
“Sorry for being late. What’s the rush?” Koz had come straight from the airport, her carryon bags were parked in the entrance of Beau’s foyer.
“This is everyone, Jason.” Heather was snappy. She had to bow out of a multi-state conference-call regarding the arena death-match coming up in a week or so.
“Classes exist.”
“Woah!” Nat’s overboard reaction wasn’t at all out of place. I felt the same when I found out. I knew others did too.
“What did you get?” Heather asked before anyone else did. It was obvious that I had a new one, since I confirmed their existence aloud.
“I’m no longer an Axeman. I’m a Knight.”
“You got that from soloing the Death Knight?” Mar asked.
“I seriously doubt that he was a Death Knight. His only Spell that I saw was one that enhanced his sword for improved knockback and it only lasted a couple of attacks before dissipating.”
Cait had been itching to tell the tale of my fight, she got the table’s attention and gave an excellent, if exaggerated, recounting.
I refused to be embarrassed by her over-the-top retelling. “If I had to guess; I bet he is Level 6: a 12 strength, 7 agility, 10 Endurance and a 4 in Greatsword. His armor was stronger than anything we have; a DR of 4 maybe 5. You will need at least two Ranks in Armor Piercing or maybe three to get through it. I have three and a heavy weapon and I wasn’t really fighting to test him. We were fairly equal out there. His horse gave him a big advantage. He was stronger and tougher while on it. So, you definitely want to get him off that thing as soon as possible.”
“The horse had heavier armor than he did. Its head and legs are weak spots but the upper areas were covered by thick armor plates. The rest, I wouldn’t even bother attacking.”
“Just because he accepted my offer of a duel, doesn’t mean any of the others will. I might have fulfilled some archaic criteria that no one else has, or maybe everyone can get them to duel. Maybe he was an aberration or maybe they are all like him. I just don’t know. We didn’t speak the same language.”
We discussed the possibility of others getting into duels.
“What did you get from it?” My Class Jude meant.
“I’m Level 1 again. Maybe because Knight is a higher tiered class. But my experience needed for the next Level returned to five k. Who knows, and overall Level 7, might need five k experience, just like six. Koz, is there anyone Level 6 out there?”
“I can find out. I think the Rangers have a couple. Probably Delta too. The top Seal teams and the Marine teams, I can’t talk about.”
“That’s fine. See what you can get, no hurry. It doesn’t change anything either way.” I took a drink of my Coke, “Class changes are a choice. I got a pop-up window when I opened Status in the White room. It asked if I wanted to change classes, Y or N. I chose Y.”
“What else did you get?” Jude asked.
“Status change to Knight and I get a ton of bonuses while mounted on an affiliated Mount. Whatever that is. My hp went up a little and I unlocked a ton of knight-related Skills, like Mounted combat, heavy plate armor and Ancient Knight weapons. The last one, I’m not sure what it can do. I think that is in the future. Maybe way in the future.
“The Attribute bonuses increase as I Level; a plus of one per five Levels, it’s a very slow progression.
“I also have ‘Mount’ listed with an ‘N/A’, not available,” I continued. “That could mean that I just don’t have one, or I am not allowed to have one yet.
“I don’t have enough information, and I don’t want to make a mistake on bonding the wrong mount. There are two more very important things to take note of; one, improving an Attribute from 10 to 11 costs four points, from 11 further it is 2 points. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know.”
“Why, Jason?” was asked by half the table...
I ignored them. “The other is Secondary Attribute Skills are three Status points for the first to second rank. Going from two to three is six Status Points, after that, I don’t know.”
“What did you increase?”
“Damage resistance from 1 to 2. That cost me three points.” I let that sink in. a DR of 3 was full Kevlar. Something we all wanted, but Attribute points were too scarce just to be placed anywhere.
“Remember, I have had all my caps and limits removed. It may or may not work on you. You might need to Level up higher to increase your secondaries, or you might not.”
‘Cheater!’ And other derogatory remarks were flung at me.
“Back to the topic of classes; we might want to be careful and not just take anything that pops up. There might be better ones for us later. I liked the feeling of fighting that knight. I accepted it based on feelings. I hope I didn’t make a mistake and don’t believe I did.
“That brings me to Kate.” All eyes focused on our primary Healer.
“Me? What did I do? I don’t have a class.”
I pulled out the present I had been saving for her. “The synergy with Bless is too great for me to even remotely consider giving it to anyone else. No offense, Francis, you are more of a combat medic.” Tapping the book, “Holy Raiment, is more up Kate’s alley than yours.”
“Keep that evil thing away from me.” Even though he made a cross and jested, no one could help but think that his words rang true.
“Kate, if you take this, I believe you will get a class option right away. Or maybe by filling out a requirement or three. I think you should consider if that is the direction you want to go.”
“What does the Spell do?” Jude asked for her.
“I don’t meet the requirements. You need to be Level 5 and a Healer to read the description.” I even looked at the Store list again to see if I could purchase something that would let me get a better reading of the Spell. The basic Identify scroll did not do anything when I tried.
“Can just having the Spellbook, be enough to unlock a class?” DB asked.
“No clue.”
“Jason, can I have that?”
I slid it over to Kate. If what I suspected were true, her Class path just became one similar to Saintess, similar to the adventure games on the console. Dedicated to healing, protection, purification, and buffing.
I noted my thoughts aloud.
DB, a fanatic game player, elaborated further for us on how they were portrayed in the games he played.
Kate liked what she heard.
“Like my Knight class, I think your first class will be a stepping stone. It might or might not branch out from there.”
“Jason!“ Ed calling my name aloud like that was laden with hidden danger.
“Yes???” I shrunk in my seat.
“Where did you get that book? It sounds like an advanced Skill.” I was afraid Ed or Heather would ask that question.
“You mean like his...” Austin slapped the big-mouthed Beau, quite hard, to shut him up so he didn’t finish his sentence.
“Same place,” I admitted.
“Are you hiding any others like that?”
I held up two fingers with one hand and a finger over my lips with the other.
“What are you afraid of dude?” That was from Matt.
“I don’t know what I don’t know.”
“That’s fair.” Koz spoke for the first time since the classes were brought up.
“What are you waiting for? Those Skills are damn powerful.” Toff asked. I thought he understood why, he wanted either conformation or for me to share my thoughts.
“One isn’t a Skill, the other I’m waiting for a sign.” Caitlin was settling down. I just needed a little more from her. There was a reason I was so adamant about her joining us and feeding her every curse I could find and it wasn’t just because she was a Dark Mage.
“Like Kate and her Bless and to see if she would mesh with the Holy Robe thing?” Beau wasn’t an idiot, even if he did like to goof off like one.
“I’m sure as hell glad you got them,” he stated.
“Slacker.” I replied. Of the new guys, I got along with Beau the best. His humor and understanding coincided with mine too often not to like the big guy.
“Damn Skippy.”
“Anything else, Jason?” Ed interrupted our fun.
“Nope, just that everyone should consider how their style is being played out if you get a class that doesn’t mesh. Strongly consider turning it down even if it looks good. Take Heather for example. If she got a class that doesn’t let her burn the world down,” I didn’t duck fast enough and the balled-up paper hit me in the head, “She should reject it. Same with Caitlin, who likes to curse her opponents or Nat who likes to fight up close.”
“I can get Class stuff from games online and spread how games make and deal with a variety of classes and pass them around.” DB volunteered his time.
“That works DB. See if you can get a few that are tailored to everyone’s fighting style. Do the whole thirty questions with each of us.”
“Cool. Babe, want to help out? You would make a bitchin’ Witch Doctor.”
“Do not expect a fake Dominican accent from me, Donald.”
He winced hard at Cait’s ultimatum.
“Heather, Kate, Jude, Koz, Toff, and I are going to do a Violet level five, Monday,” Ed announced to the world.
That was a death level. And we all knew it.
“That’s why you rushed for the shirts,” Nat guessed, correctly, it seemed.
“The Blue Gate that we used with Jason is off-limits, unless Jason is with you.”
“Do you think he mutates Portals?” Koz asked.
“Only if a team member that entered it once with him does so again. I’m just playing it safe,” Ed responded.
“You! No soloing that Gate. Make sure others are with you If you go.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“You’d better.”
“I promise.” Ed held my gaze to reinforce her decree.
Marshawn remained after we broke up for the morning, to speak with me in private.
“Jase, any hints or tricks on getting that Knight Class?”
I passed over the helmet from my inventory that I got off of one of the armored Skeletons. I seldom used it and didn’t know why I did so against the Knight, but I couldn’t discount it helping others get the same class as I did.
“I wore this and followed the rules of a joust. He jousted until he fell off his horse. I waited for him to get back on his feet. We fought for a while until he called his horse and remounted. Watch out for his knockback spell. It will put you on your ass and can knock your weapon out of your hands if you aren’t ready.”
I paused, considering, “Let’s see. Once he remounted, it was a fight to the death. Just treat him like an honorable foe. Like King Arthur.”
“What about taking him back to his tomb?” Caitlin really over-embellished that part of the tale, I was not glowing white with a halo.
“That was me showing respect. I don’t think it makes a difference, but it might. If you are respectful, you should be good. And honorable. And you mean it. If you don’t mean it, then who knows what will happen?”
“Thanks. I’m not at your Level yet, but I have a goal now.”
“Good luck, Mar.” We shook on it.
I was still too beat up to work out, so I headed back home. Ed and her team were practicing teamwork in their new mail shirts.
Kate was in my car waiting for me.
Nervously, she replied “Hi.”
“I’m not holy or anything.”
“Katie. You are a very good person. Conscientious, caring, and dedicated. You always wanted to be a nurse. It was not because of the money was it?”
“No. I want to help people.”
“All of those nuns out there. They signed up not only because they believe in God, but to help people. Go online and see what nurses and nuns do. I’ve watched plenty of WW II movies. You always saw nuns in hospitals caring for the injured. Sure, some nuns live their lives in prayer. Not all of them do though.”
“If you don’t like any of the churches, don’t follow any. God is God. I doubt he cares which house you worship in. He just wants you to be a good person, and everything I know about you says that you are a good person.”
“I’m not that good.” She replied in a small voice.
“I think you are. Your friends all think you are. Anyone that wants to dedicate their lives to helping and healing, can not be bad.”
“That doesn’t mean I am good. Look at Jude’s mom.”
“She may be like that now. She may have been a decent person when she was younger.”
“I don’t know.” She was fighting the Saintess part, not the abilities.
“There is also the fact that Jude’s mom is not you. Just like there are bad priests, cops, or firemen, there are good ones too. Can you be a good nurse?”
“I hope so.”
“The Holy Raiment is probably a protection spell. You want to protect your friends, don’t you?”
“Then go for it. If you don’t like the classes in the future, go in a different direction.”
“Thanks, Jason.” I received a kiss on the cheek before she dashed off.
That Friday night the gang all assembled to hit the bar, except for Toff who went to see his brother’s family for the holiday. With a large area reserved for us, Beau, being Beau again, snagged a second-floor VIP section and a side door entrance. That was important since it allowed the Fearsome Four unchecked admittance to the 21-and-older establishment.
The girls were thrilled. Heather, not so much, as she was a Fed and they were all clearly underage. Not that anyone cared as long as they behaved themselves.
All of the women were dressed to kill. Ed and Koz were stellar. Ed was truly Stellar. No slighting Koz, she was close, just that the way Edna’s eyes sparkled and those lips smiled at me, were a cut above.
Dancing, drinking, and fun was had by all. I was torn in four directions. A few of us noted Jude and Austin spending some extra time together on the dance floor. By mutual silent agreement, no one commented. Mar did offer a private toast to the couple when they weren’t looking.
Bornko’s Dance Hall was a blast. No way in hell would I get my college friends here. Well, maybe I could; the eye candy was over the top. And not just the two that monopolized me all night.
Kate wasn’t sure what to make of it. Nat was oblivious, since she and Matt spent the whole evening dancing, drinking and mingling as a couple. She was in heaven when he introduced her with the title of girlfriend to some of the Bears, whose training camp had officially ended and were awaiting Thursday’s season’s start. Those that he was acquainted with all stopped by in their bar-hopping expedition and were treated well.
I wasn’t huge on dancing, but seeing Koz and Ed go at it at the same time changed my mind. Both wore skimpy dresses, Koz in a little silver thing and Edna in a few finger lengths longer, tight, black, fitted sleeveless dress. Pretty girls moving in ways heretofore unseen, with a body control that normal humans could not touch, drew a crowd.
The guys took turns with me on making sure that everyone kept their hands to themselves.
Kate was disgruntled. She had never danced before. Heather just didn’t. Some mumbling happened when the two used me as their pole after their first trip downstairs.
The two women, fully made up, were over the top in terms of looks and sexiness. Our second trip down to the main floor was devastating to the club’s patrons.
They had been using me as their personal dance toy for a while and people, guys, kept trying to get close to them. They had enough.
“Spread your right arm out and angle your left arm up above your head, big guy.” Koz demanded after a fairly intensive ‘Jason Pole’ competition between the two.
“Palm flat, Jason. And don’t you dare look up,” Ed warned, complete with sharp edges.
One-handed vaulting up, Ed used my arm as a beam to dance on. When she helped Koz up and above, I felt like a fool.
“Am I a cat’s playhouse?” Neither answered, not that I expected them to.
Koz only stayed up for a minute or two before I was instructed to change position. I knew that I would have spike marks from her pearly four-inch heels.
“Both arms flat out.” Yes, Ma’am.
I became their stage for ten minutes, which felt like five hours.
And I wasn’t allowed to watch, which was a crime.
They both rewarded me with a kiss, neither short. Both lingering. That made up for me not being able to look.
Oddly, they were given more room after their little exhibition than before.
I’m not very bright, sometimes.
And those kisses rocked me hard.
Beau, even with his arm in a sling, and I were dragged in with them on the third trip. He joined them all too willingly. I even received lessons mid-floor, mostly from Koz. But after eleven, I was not allowed to leave their presence for the rest of the evening.
Not that I wanted to.
Learning to dance with superhuman strength and an agility equal to the highest Olympic ability felt wrong for all those other poor saps out there. I could do things no one else could.
And I never got tired.
Neither did my two instructors. Beau did. And was shooed off when his arm started acting up.
At twelve-thirty, Koz took Ed and I by the hand and returned upstairs. After a gallon of water each, everyone was dragged to the main dance floor. Kate was reluctant, as she was afraid to look like a fool. Heather had other issues. She was quite subdued in her dancing, but did join us in her much more modest outfit and loosened up a little as the night continued to wear on.
Kate never got comfortable, and I felt she only stayed on the floor because there was no one to talk to in our seating section, and she didn’t want to sit alone. Her resisting any and all attempts at dance lessons didn’t help at all.
I hadn’t mentioned DB and Caitlin. To no one’s surprise, he was not allowed to leave her presence or dance with anyone other than our group (and under her direct supervision).
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FetishCopyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 8 - "Pygmalion Promises" By Wanda Cunningham Down the hall from...
Mark is sat at his computer looking at porn and wanking himself off before his wife gets home.Tina has sent him an email thanking him for yesterday and telling him that she can't wait until he visits her again today and fills her cunt with his cock and semen. The email finishes with 'See you at 7pm ... but here's a little something in case you can't wait either ...' A video clip is attached.And that clip, is what Mark is wanking himself off to. His face is getting sweaty and his hand is sliding...
This time when Laura got home it was not Chanitra who was waiting for her, but Yvette, who had left a long message on her answering machine. Crying throughout, she explained to Laura that Chanitra had told her how she had seduced Laura. "I know it sounds silly coming from me after what I said," she sobbed softly, "but I love you and I want you. I dream about you. I want to hold you and push my wet pussy into yours like we did once, when we both came so hard. Remember?" Laura got wet...
Alicia had never been as mortified as she had been when her father had walked in on her having sex with a classmate from her high school. She had always been very promiscuous, but had always succeeded in keeping her indiscretions a secret from her highly religious parents. Her father had caught her with the boy pounding her from behind, and her father's temper had quickly overtaken the situation. The eighteen year old had been terrified, and had covered herself up quickly. Her parents had...
HardcoreI can remember the day about six months ago when the new neighbors moved in. They were a couple I would say in their mid thirties and their eighteen year old daughter. I saw them move most of their stuff in as I always spend a lot of time working in the yard on the lawn or trimming the shrubbery. I always managed to find some project to work on to keep me busy. I couldn't help noticing the daughter. From a distance she appeared to be a rather cute looking girl. In the past six months I...
First TimeThe best way to explain my relationship I have with my wife is to explain how I became a slave to my wife. My wife is 5'2 and 115 pounds and has a nice curvy figure. Basically she looks damn hot. I am 6' and 185 with an athletic swimmers build. Not to sound conceded, but I consider myself fairly nice looking man.My wife and I married when I was 21 and she was 19, everyone said we were to young but we're in love and we're both ready. It is now been 10 years since we married and are still very...
Skip's funeral was scheduled for eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning. My brother Mike, who was living at home while he was attending our local junior college as a freshman, took the day off from his classes to attend the services, since he knew a lot of the seniors. He drove me to the church, and we got there a few minutes early so I could meet up with the team. Coach Neville was gathering everybody just outside and I walked over to join my teammates. I saw Molly, Heather, and Evan go into...
Her car wasn’t too far away but still, she had already spotted her ex coming from behind. He was drunk and stumbling around. She looked around seeing a crypt. She rolled her eyes, usually in the movies she would be the first one to die by going into the crypt and waking the ancient horror within, a mummy, a zombie, some other kind of undead abomination. She slipped through the already open gate of the ten by ten crypt. She could hear him calling, and he was a violent man, never quite forgiving...
Jury Service By Bill Hart Another day was underway. Once more I sat in the juror's assembly room wondering how slowly the day would pass. It certainly looked like it was going to be another long and boring day, not unlike the last two had been. I'd even finished the book, an epic of seven hundred pages, I'd brought with me from home, thinking it would be long enough to last the entire ten day stint. Oh well. In another half-hour I'd be off for one of those famous two-hour...
When Gabe Lincoln led his delegation to the Republican National Convention in May of ‘68, he realized that the formula for assigning seats had been to their disadvantage. On a historical basis, Alabama had no Republican presence in ‘64 and a census population of less than 800,000. Well, next time would be different, and he was a state party chairman. Since every potential candidate but Grant had withdrawn, he didn’t expect a long affair. The committee had scrambled to find accommodations...
Over the years in his steel fabrication business, he had always been very hands on and had learnt all the necessary skills to enable him to move his plans forward and was more than capable of making the adjustments to his rides. Dave had a very nice house in which he had built himself an underground secure playroom. He hosted many parties which often spanned a whole weekend, some guests were very happy to receive invites to these parties, other guests had no choice but to attend the parties,...
She thought about asking a friend but could that friend be trusted to both tell the truth AND keep it a secret. She didn’t want the world to know her lack of knowledge. Then she had a thought. Her Grandmother had revealed once that she had been a rebel in her younger years. Perhaps she could ask her about how it all worked. She pondered the question for several days before deciding that was the best solution. The following Saturday she rolled up to her grandparent’s house on the pretext of...
Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to "show my stuff." But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun's hottest night-spot, "Bare Your Soul". We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...
TabooI, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. Anais Nin Joan In the wee hours, my alarm woke me. My lovely partners slept through it. I slipped out, although I did visit the facilities. Going into the main room, I knocked at another bedroom door. “Come in.” Opening the door, Elizabeth stood to meet...
Hii Friends, Sagar here.Thanks for your responses on my last story ‘ ’. Uss story par kuchh bahut achhe responses mile. Kuchh unsatisfied aurte bhi apni payas bujhwane ko contact ki. Koi bhi Shadi Suda ya Unmarried aurte ya ladkiya jinhe sex sambandhi koi bhi problem discuss karna ho ya apni sex life se khus na ho aur satisfaction chahti ho contact kar sakti hai . Ye kahani mere aur ek mast Marathi housewife ke bich ki hai. Mujhe Marathi ladies bahut pasand hai kyunki unke sajne sawarne ka...
Hi guys I am dr afshan 30 yrs old married woman . My hubby is business man .An also I am having sex affair with dr sunil from my job.This is story about how I had sex with me new servant he is around 45 yrs old pathan wow what a great body he have .My nand humna send him for my all house work he is my bawarchi my mali an also some time my driver. From the day one I notice that gul have an eye on me I do respect him because he is 15 yrs older than me.So I think if looks me to us mai gul ka...
I was cleaning up the house a bit late one afternoon when my sister-in-law stopped by to visit. I grabbed a couple glasses of wine as the two of us sat in the living room and chit chatted for a while. As we were talking, she told me that while she was out a few days earlier, she ran into a couple of old friends of ours that we had gone to school with. I asked her who they were and she said that it was an old boyfriend of hers whose name was Mario and his best friend Sean, who we used to hang...
Pam hurried home from school the next day. She turned down a girlfriends offer of a double-date in the local drive-in where, her girlfriend assured her, they could both get fucked. "No thanks, Diane," Pam cooed with a secret smile. "I'm going home." On her way home, she turned down two more offers, these made by horny young studs who wanted to "give her a lift." She laughed them off and wiggled on, cock-teasing a little just for the fun of it. She let the boys whistle and howl and...
Being officially designated Suspect 90210 was a dubious honor at best, as was having one's case assigned to me. Harvey Bell, called "Ding Dong" by the bullies in high school, and "Taco" by the more charitable souls, had both. 5'9" with sandy hair in a spiky style, early twenties, whip-thin runner type on a diet of microwaved cup noodles and Hot Pockets. Garden-variety mind-controlling telepath. He had some skill, but was nothing really to write home about, except for the fact that he was...
I found a seat on the crowded bus. It was about 5pm. I was against the window, about two-thirds back. I had just spent a week with my husband; he was on a long-term assignment and we only saw each other every few months. We had fucked like crazy right until it was time for me to leave, but being a horny 25-year old, I just couldn't get enough. I wasn't looking forward to the 20-hour bus ride home. I had only been with a few guys before getting married and wasn't what you would call a sex...
InterracialI got out, with a towel wrapped around me. I went to my closet drawers and put on some boxers. I dropped my towel and put on some nice pants, and a button-down shirt. I have no idea why I suddenly was being so modest around my sister. “Looking good, little brother – I’ve created a genealogy that links them. It only took putting in about twenty people to make it work. Third cousins are legal everywhere in the United States, so are second cousins. There are actually 26 states and DC that allow...
You're sitting in your sister's living room, watching her get around in handcuffs and legirons. Other than the chrome jewelry, she's nude. At some point in her marriage, she's had her nipples pierced, something you never thought she'd do. On the coffee table sits the ballgag you's taken out of her mouth when you arrived. You'd originally intended to ask if she felt like shopping with you, but she was obviously in no condition to join you in public. She's been telling you about how she came to...
BDSMAbigail cried as she fell backwards off of the wall but landed in the soft arms of her ex-boyfriend. He stared up at her and cackled gently. "Caught ya." "What d'ya want?" He put his hands underneath her legs and pulled them over the low wall and then righted her. "Ya bloody frightened me." "To share this," he told her and pulled out a small baker's bag from his pocket. She rolled her eyes, and he put his hand in hers. "And a walk." She sighed, and he sniffed. "Ya promised...
You'd think I'd get used to sick minds, but roaming around in Helen Deaver's head made me feel dirty, so as soon as I returned to the safe house, I stripped to take a shower. The meeting, although the Deaver woman didn't realize a meeting had taken place, had been successful. I'd given Dad the names of five members of Melville's coven we didn't know before, and he'd contacted our P.I. firm to start the dossiers on each of them. What I need, I thought as I toweled my body dry, is some...
Ok don't know who will read this, but if you do this is the truth, first off none of these females knew they was being filmed, thats why every one of the videos are listed under hidden cams, I met the readhead at a Subway sandwich shop, I just got done smoking some awesome weed and she was in line right in front of me and could smell the weed on me, when I left the resturant she was standing outside and said I smell good, I knew what she was talking about and offered to smoke some with her, we...
“Aw honey, she always feels ill…I really don’t see why they don’t just get a taxi home.” I was talking about our neighbors Kim and Geoff. They were an ok couple…as neighbors go, but Kim was one of those hypochondriac types. She was never happy unless there was something wrong with her. I mean, don’t get me wrong – I’m very much the stay at home type. I like nothing more than a hot scented bath and a quiet glass of wine with Jas…my hubby. But I like to enjoy life, and the Christmas party is the...
What am I doing? Kyle wondered as he walked up the front steps to his new apartment. Everything I had, everyone I knew is back in Kansas City. How did I end up here? His question had been asked by many of his friends and relatives, and Kyle wasn't sure he had ever been able to convince them of his reasoning. "It's a fresh start," he had mentioned each time he was asked. "Life was getting stale. I hated going to work. Things just weren't looking "up" for me like they used to. I needed...
U am a 24 year old woman in great shape with good taste in shoes and a wicked ddd bust who just happens to be successful enough to work at a thriving ad agency. Apparently when my older colleagus reach professional success they put on weight, regress about ten to fifteen fashion years, and become non sexual and boring. I'm no nympho but I enjoy bein young and sexy and like chatting about my sex life to good friends. Sometimes if I haven't gotten any in awhile I find myself day dreaming about...
Erotic FictionThe arrangement my parents worked out was that my dad was going to drop me off at school in the mornings and my mom would be waiting for me at the end of soccer practice in the afternoons. I climbed out of my father's car the next morning and walked dejectedly into school, about five minutes before my first class was to start. I sat down next to Jake and growled at him. "Thanks a lot, pal. 'I won't get caught. You can count on me, '" I mimicked him derisively. "I guess I know now...
Monica had been pursuing her new career in porn films for nearly six months when she got that phone call she'd longed for, but now that it arrived, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him or not. Bill had disavowed any connections with her after their sexy activities had become known but now that Monica had established a national reputation as a very sexy woman and a very accomplished porn film actress, Bill couldn't resist trying to make contact again. "Hello, Monica," Bill said...
This is an email I received from a friend describing her experiences on a business trip with her husband along. I met her when I worked as an intern this past summer. We became good friends and discussed many things.Hey:) What a trip! England was really cool, in more ways than one! I won't go into all the trip things, I know you want to hear about the BBC, it is a long story which I will try to shorten. As you know I was there to close out a business project and hopefully cement future...
As I come into the room I noticed it’s bathed in dimly lit candle light. Different styles of candles are s**ttered around the room. I find you in the middle of the room lying down on a bed, with candle-light flickering off your body. I slowly move towards the bed and look down at you, smiling. My hand comes down and runs quickly through your hair and lean down to kiss your lips softly. I look the full length of your body and see that you’re wearing a silk and lace teddy with thigh-high...
Peg sat in her kitchen she was thinking about the party she had been to over the weekend. Larry had called and cancelled seeing her Thursday as his work was taking him out of town. Jim her husband was being a prick about things in general, she just wasn’t happy. Her cell rang, she didn’t recognize the number but since it was local decided to answer it. “Hello”? “Hi there sexy this is Juan”. She smiled as Juan was the guy who hosted the party. “Well hi yourself what’s up”? Juan coughed then...
?Good afternoon, Harry, is he in Harry?s TaleBy Millie Written for a good friend. ?Good afternoon, Harry, is he in?? The voice startled me and I looked up from the page I was writing, a smile crossing my face as I did so. ?Yes, Ma?am, but he?s on the phone, could you wait a few minutes?? I received a nod in reply and then watched my boss?s wife make herself comfortable in one of the sumptuous armchairs, I saw her cross her long, shapely legs and then, my cock stirring painfully in my...