An Old Friend Fucked My Husbands Ex Girlfriend Bac free porn video

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I was cleaning up the house a bit late one afternoon when my sister-in-law stopped by to visit. I grabbed a couple glasses of wine as the two of us sat in the living room and chit chatted for a while. As we were talking, she told me that while she was out a few days earlier, she ran into a couple of old friends of ours that we had gone to school with. I asked her who they were and she said that it was an old boyfriend of hers whose name was Mario and his best friend Sean, who we used to hang out with back when we were in high school. We had all been pretty close and obviously she had dated Mario, but after high school they had gone their separate ways and we hadn't seen either one of the guys. She said that she had run into them while having lunch at a local pizzeria and they ended up joining her for lunch where the three of them chatted and caught up a bit. While they were chatting, they asked how I was doing and what I had been up to. I was both surprised and flattered that they'd still remember me after all these years. It turned out that they were in town for a few days while attending to some business matters and were hoping to catch up with a few old friends while they were here.

After chatting about it for a bit, I told my sister-in-law to set something up so that we could all hang out because I would love to catch up with the guys. After all, it had been almost 13 years since I had last seen them so it would be nice to catch up with some old friends and would also be a nice change of pace from my daily routine. She told me that she would set up a lunch date and get back to me later on. We finished up our wine and she was eventually on her way to run some errands while I got back to tending to the house before my husband got home from work. She did call me later that day and told me that she had set up a lunch get-together for the four of us, the following afternoon at the local Applebee's. I told her it sounded good and that I would see her the following afternoon. I guess you could say I was a bit excited because lately I had been so busy being a mommy and housewife that I rarely got out, so this would be a nice change of pace.

The following day, after dropping my son off at my mom’s house, I ran a few errands before heading home to get ready for lunch. I took a quick shower before getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice dressy looking shirt. Once I was ready, my sister-in-law picked me up and we were on our way to the Applebee's. They guys were already waiting in the parking lot when we arrived and after parking, we headed over to greet them. Like I said it had been quite a while since I had seen either of them and I was both happy and excited to be reconnecting. We greeted the both of them and chatted in the parking lot as they both complemented us, telling us that we both looked great after all these years. I thanked them for the compliments and made sure to compliment them back. After chatting for a little bit, we decided to head inside and grab a table.

Once inside, we were quickly seated and ordered a couple of drinks for ourselves as we all chatted. We spent the next hour or so catching up with each other and enjoying each other's company as we had lunch. It was a great time and I really enjoyed getting out and reminiscing with some old friends. After finishing up with our lunch, they guys picked up the tab before walking us out to my sister-in-law's car where we chatted some more. As we were standing in the parking lot, they suggested hanging out again before they left town in a few days and my sister-in-law and I were both down for it. We discussed a few options and since it was towards the end of the summer, they suggested hitting the beach because they hadn’t been there in a few years. I liked the idea because I hadn’t been there as well in quite a while and could use a nice day out of town. We all discussed it with each other and ended up settling on the beach for the following Thursday. We exchanged information with the guys before heading our separate ways.

Thursday arrived and I got up early to get ready for the beach day. I had mentioned to my husband that I was heading to the beach with some friends and he had decided to take our son to work with him, which was great. This way I could enjoy myself at the beach and not have to worry about him. I made sure not to tell him who the friends were, because he couldn’t stand Sean. You see, back before I started dating him, my husband had been in a relationship with another friend of ours. One afternoon, she had been hanging out with Sean, they hooked up and he fucked her. They ended up fucking a few more times and she eventually confessed about it. They broke up and a few months later, I began dating my future husband. If I told him that I was going to hang out with Sean, he would probably cringe and get angry so I didn’t mention any names. After he left for work, I went into the bedroom to get ready and tried on a couple of bikinis. After having the baby, I had a tough time losing all of my baby weight and didn't really like how I looked in some of my bikinis. I ended up settling on a black and yellow one that fit snugly around my curves. A part of me actually felt sexy as I looked at myself in the mirror. I then threw on shorts and a tank top before finishing up with everything else that I had to do. I was looking forward to an enjoyable day at the beach with some good company. Once I finished everything, I headed into the living room to wait for the guys. They arrived a short time later and had already picked up my sister-in-law. I quickly hopped into their truck and we were soon on our way.

We arrived at the beach about 45 min. later and decided to go on to the bay side instead of the ocean side because there would be less people there. The guys grabbed their cooler and bags and we began to make our way. After walking the trail, we made our way onto the bay and picked a spot to set up our towels and blankets. As we were setting up, I was a bit surprised to see that there was almost nobody out on the beach. I guess since it was a weekday, most people were working. We finished setting up the towels and whatnot before taking a walk down to the waters edge and sticking our feet in. We then returned back to our towels, where I took off my tank top and shorts so that I could work on my tan. As I took them off, I noticed that I caught the attention of Sean. I could see him eyeing me up and down as I rubbed sun block on my arms and legs. I was a bit flattered because like I had said, I was having some weight issues with my baby weight and didn't think that I could really attract a guy's attention since my husband wasn't giving me that much at home.

As I was lotioning myself, Sean walked over and asked if I needed help with my back. I thanked him as I handed him the bottle of lotion and he began to rub it on my back. As he worked his fingers around my back, I got this weird feeling or sensation within my body. It was almost like an exciting feeling and I figured it was just because somebody was rubbing my back. I didn't really pay any attention to it and just enjoyed the little backrub I was getting. Once he finished up applying the lotion to my back, the four of us sat down on the blanket and took in the sun. Mario reached into the cooler and pulled out two beers for the guys, and two of those bottled margaritas for the ladies. I was a bit surprised but didn't mind a drink. We cracked open the bottles and sat around for a while as we chatted it up and worked on our tans.

We spent the next couple of hours, sitting around chitchatting while enjoying a few more of those margaritas and beers. After about four of those, I started to get a nice buzzed feeling. It felt great and was nice to just kick back and unwind a bit. I decided to enjoy myself and grabbed another one out of the cooler. After all, I was here to have a good time and didn't have to worry about anything back home because my husband said he had it all under control.

After we all had enjoyed several drinks, they guys got up to take a dip because they were feeling hot. My sister-in-law and I joined them as the four of us headed into the water. We all begin to swim around and the water felt great. After a bit, the guys began to play around with us as they began splashing us and whatnot. We played back and before we knew it, they were tossing us around the water. I found myself having a lot of fun and it took me back to the days when we were younger and would hang out like this. Naturally, as they guys tossed us around, I felt hands on my ass as well as my tits. On any normal day, I probably would've stopped because it probably would've felt uncomfortable to have their hands on me like that but today I was in a great mood and really wasn't feeling much pain after enjoying the margaritas so I went with it and had some fun. I'd like to think that they weren't purposely groping us but I'm sure they were. I couldn't blame them, because I probably would've done the same if I were in their shoes.

We played around in the water for a bit before deciding to head back up to our towels to relax and have another round of drinks. As we were sitting, my sister-in-law and Mario decided to take a walk, leaving Sean and I hanging by ourselves. As they walked off Sean and I continued to chat. As we chatted, I noticed him flirting with me a bit and wondered if it was just the beers that he had consumed or if he was legitimately flirting. Either way, I enjoyed the attention because I was already feeling pretty good myself and decided to flirt back. We flirted and joked around with each other for a bit and he began to compliment me on my looks. I could feel myself blushing as he told me how sexy I looked in my bikini and I thanked him. After feeling a bit down about the way I looked, it was nice to hear words like that directed at me. It made me feel good and really boosted my self-esteem as he continued to compliment me. He even jokingly told me that I was having effects on him because of how good I looked. I smiled and thanked him for all of the lovely compliments and he continued.

I sat and enjoyed everything he was saying and at one point, as he was flirting, he slowly leaned in and planted his lips on mine, giving me a soft kiss. I was completely caught off guard, as I wasn't expecting that. After kissing me, he pulled back and waited to see what I would do. I didn't react right away because I was surprised by it and I guess he took that as a green light as he once again leaned in for another kiss. He planted his lips against mine and softly kissed me. This time, I found myself responding to his kisses by kissing him back. His soft lips felt great against mine and I soon felt his tongue trying to part my lips. Instinctively, I parted them and our tongues began to intertwine with each other. We sat and kissed each other for a little while and it actually felt kind of romantic. It was obviously completely wrong, but at that moment it felt amazing. The combination of the hot sun and the margaritas I had already consumed had me giving in to him.

After kissing each other pretty passionately for a few minutes, he suggested taking a walk as well. Not really thinking it through, I got up and followed him as he grabbed a towel and led the way. We began walking down the sand, along the water and managed to walk quite a distance. We were completely out of sight as we walked further and further away from our beach area. After walking for a while, he guided me up towards the end of the sand where the tree line began. As we made our way into the wooded area, it started getting pretty obvious as to where we were going. We weren't walking along the water's edge anymore and after all the kissing I realized what we were about to do. Instead of turning around like a good wife would do, I continued to follow him.

We walked a decent distance into the woods before he stopped and laid out the towel. He then guided me so that I sat on the towel, before sitting down next to me. As we sat next to each other, he reached over and pulled me in for another kiss. I reacted by kissing him back and we once again began going at it pretty hot and heavy. The kissing, led to his hands roaming around my body. I quickly felt his hands squeezing my tits through my bikini top as we continued to kiss. He did this for a few before slowly untying my top and taking it off. My tits sprang free and his eager hands went to work squeezing them. It wasn't long before I felt his lips and tongue on my nipples as he began licking and sucking each of them while I leaned back and enjoyed. He did this for a little while before laying me back on the towel and working his way down to my bikini bottoms. It wasn't long before he began pulling on them and I lifted myself up so that he could slide them off, leaving me completely naked in front of him.

Once I was completely naked, he leaned over me and we locked lips again. We once again kissed each other passionately and this time I found my hands roaming towards his beach trunks as I rubbed his crotch through them. I could feel his hard cock and I began to get a feeling of excitement. We kissed each other for a short bit before he untied his trunks and slid them off, leaving him completely naked as well. His hard cock sprang free and it was rather impressive. It wasn't huge or anything like that, but looked impressive enough for me to feel eager to want it. After getting nude, he quickly positioned himself between my legs and I knew that this was it. I had given in and Sean was about to fuck me right here in the woods of the beach where my husband and I had frequented in past years. Years ago, he had fucked my husbands girlfriend and now, he was about to fuck his wife. What's even crazier is that we had discussed my husbands fantasy of fucking at the beach before and my husband had always wanted to try it but I'd never let him and now here I was with Sean about to do it and I was making no effort to stop him. Instead, I wanted him to ram his cock into my eager pussy and fuck me.

After getting between my legs, he grabbed his cock and began to rub it against my opening. I was drunk and excited so my pussy was nice and wet. He wet the tip before pushing forward and penetrating me. He easily sunk his cock into my pussy as I moaned in pleasure. Once he was buried in me, he began to slowly thrust, allowing the both of us to enjoy the feeling of what was happening. He took his time, sliding his cock in and out of me, allowing me to feel his full length. As he was doing that, he took my hands and pinned them over my head, holding them down as he slowly picked up the pace. Something about that turned me on and I began to feel even hornier. He continued thrusting as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. It wasn't long before I could feel an orgasm building and I began to breathe heavily. Sean continued fucking me as he drove his cock deeper and deeper into my pussy. I began to moan louder and louder as my orgasm got closer and closer. As I moaned, I found myself telling him how good he felt and asking him to fuck me even harder. He complied, driving his cock deeper and deeper into me and within seconds, I was sent over the edge.

I bucked my hips upwards, as he drove his cock into me. I came hard, filling my pussy with my juices and in turn coating his cock with them. He continued thrusting as I came and it was just a pure feeling of ecstasy for me. I hadn't experienced an orgasm this hard in years. After a short while, I came down off my high as Sean continued to pump into me. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him deeper into me. Within a few seconds of me doing that, he tensed up and let out a loud grunt as he exploded inside of me. He continued thrusting as he shot wave after wave of his hot cum deep into my wet pussy. He thrusted until he had shot off the last of his seed. He then lowered his lips to mine and we kissed one more time before he rolled off me and laid on the sand by my side as we tried to catch our breath.

We laid for a little while before deciding to cleanup and redress ourselves. As I stood up, I could feel his cum seeping out of my pussy and down my legs. I put my bikini back on before the two of us walked out of the wooded area and headed down to the water line. Thankfully, there was nobody in sight so nobody had a clue as to what we had just done. We got into the water and cleaned ourselves up before beginning to walk back down the beach towards our towels and blankets. It was an amazing experience an extremely hot sex that I enjoyed to the fullest and even though the whole situation was wrong, the guys were leaving in a couple of days, and I hoped that we would be able to hang out again…

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Blame it on Bacchus

Vesta, goddess of the hearth, was taking her leisure in her garden when she was startled from her reverie. "Auntie Vesta!" cried the cheerful voice of her uninvited visitor. "So good to find you here!" The portly god who greeted her was Bacchus, god of wine. Vesta sighed and inwardly cringed. In truth, she would have preferred a visit from any other god, even Vulcan, who at least remained civil when he kept his temper in check. Vesta supposed Bacchus may have been tolerable when sober but...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Her Bestfriend First Time

I sat down and turned on the movie as the two girls got the food ready. It was still early in the night and we had nothing really planed. Sara, my girlfriend, sat next to me and handed me dish of food. Amanda, Sara’s best friend, sat on the couch across from us. We had a few beers each as we ate and watched the movie. Time moved on and the events of the night took an unexpected twist. Before we continue let me describe Sara. Slightly darker skin, about 5’5 with shoulder length black hair. Her...

3 years ago
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From Best Friend to Girlfriend 1

From Best Friend to Girlfriend Part One By Jena Corso My name is John and this is a story about me and my best friend, Mark, and the things best friends will do for each other. To state it simply, Mark and I have been best friends for life. We meet as children and have gone to school together, played on teams together, and even worked at a few jobs together. We have gone through good times and bad times and through it all remained the best of friends. When I lost my job...

2 years ago
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Sex With Girlfriend And Her Virgin Friend

This was a time when I was in 3rd year when I was friends with a sexy girl. She was 2 years older and had started working. She and a friend stayed in a 1 bedroom apartment. We had a nice time together when her friend used to be out of town. Her friend knew about us. Once her friend had broken off with her boyfriend but she was still a virgin. She never had sex before or even had seen an adult penis at that time. She was to go out for the day so my girlfriend called me for a fucking session. I...

4 years ago
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Masturbating beside my husbands friend

Good sex should never be executed silently, and I was putting my heart, soul and mouth into this fuck.The main impetus for this noisy encounter with my exhausted husband, was lying in the room next door, with his bed lying alongside the very wall my bed lay alongside, he could with ease, hear the very sheets rustle, as I tossed and turned, I knew he was horny for me, so fucking my husband would both excite him and tease him to distraction, especially as I moaned and mouthed my sexual desires at...

1 year ago
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How I Became Friends With And Fucked My Girlfriend8217s Aunt

Hello everybody my username is lonely boy am not telling my real name because I care a lot about privacy and security and today am going to tell you guys a sexy spicy story about a aunt I fucked. I am a regular here but some stories you can easily tell that they are fake by reading a little but my story is true as I have enjoyed a lot. Any girls or aunties from mumbai wanna have chat or have some fun than mail me at I had a cute girlfriend with whom I have lots of fun. I use to take her out a...

2 years ago
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Where it all started and how I became a little slut for my husbands friend

I think it is best that I tell all of you where things started and how I began my slutty little adventure with my husbands friend. As most things do it started off with some simple flirting through text. We were at a school party for the kids and I noticed him there. I figured I would text him and see if he was having fun. Of course he texted back, “oh just a blast.” I couldn’t help myself and I texted back, “Well you could have more fun with me.” I knew my text would get his mind running and...

Wife Lovers
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Bestfriend Jack and girlfriend Kaylin Caught

Jack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...

2 years ago
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Giving my girlfriend to my friend for the night

Jason squeezed girlfriend's tits as he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her moan. They’d been out having a good time, drinking and hanging out with friends. He’d kept Anya close to him. His girlfriend of two years was super-hot and guys tended to flock to her wherever they went. Jason had learned very early in their relationship that the only way for him to avoid getting into fist fights, over assholes hitting on her, was to keep her by his side, making sure every dude in...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend Fucked By Friend

This is arun and I this is my real life experience. My girl friend name is yashni and we were in love for 4 years , when ever time and place permits we used to enjoy. She loves to get touched and life was very happy for us like others. This all happened when we went to my friend house as no one will be there except him. My friend had a recent breakup and was in that mood and by the way his name is anil and he is shirt than me but more attractive . i saw him when he was seeing my girl friend in...

4 years ago
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Having fun with my girlfriend and best friend mmf

My girlfriend, Amber, and I returned to my dorm room with a friend of mine, Drew, after a party. We were all kind of drunk, and I could tell Amber was up to something. She usually gets pretty mischievous when she's had a few."That sure was a fun party. But I don't think the fun has to end just yet, " Amber giggled as she twirled around in my room.Drew and I chuckled as we watched my petite girlfriend dance. Her demeanor slowly changed as she moved to the music. Her eyes smoldered at us as her...

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My friend and I visit my girlfriend and her best f

The story takes place at Temple University, Philadelphia Pa. I brought my friend Ed and a whole lot of cocaine to go visit my girlfriend at college. It was a long drive but we made it. Christina was my girlfriend's friend and she lived in an off campus apartment with my girlfriend. We arrived with open arms and we all hugged said hello and I kissed my girlfriend. She asked me if I had remembered the blow, i smiled and nodded. I also told her what my dealer had told me, that the best way to blow...

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Sissy Sister Husbands

SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...

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My husbands birthday

It was a Monday morning and after dropping my daughter off at crèche I went to the mall to shop for a birthday present for my husband. His birthday was the coming Thursday. Walking around the mall I soon found myself in a gadget store, where I bought him a new flick blade knife. Not knowing what else to buy him, I bought myself a pair of crotchless underwear and decided I would were it for him on his bday, thinking to look sexy for my man on his bday. I decided to get myself a new short sluty...

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Prologue: I was 19 years old in the summer of 1999. It was a Saturday night when my girlfriend Belinda and I went to a party at my friend Chuck’s house. It was like any of the dozens of parties at his place during that summer. At least, it started out that way. It was an unusually cold night for summer in west Texas. I remember Belinda was wearing jeans and a black sweater that clung tightly around her slim waist and b-cup breasts. Her long light brown hair hung in loose spirals down...

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Made Love With My Girlfriend Married Friend

Hi friends I’m Jeeva from Chennai 24 and I’m a normal looking guy and I’m going to narrate my real life incident which happened in my life before 10 days. My girlfriend name is Anitha. Good cute looking girl with 34-28-30 we both were in love for about 3years as I’m living in Chennai and she is from Villupuram, we both studied in same college. We go to many places in Chennai as she was searching job so she took hostel for staying. I and girlfriend roaming in beach at that time she met her...

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From Best Friend to GirlFriend 2

From Best Friend to Girlfriend Part Three By Jena Corso Mark woke up and stepped out of bed in May's house. He walked into the bathroom, and looked at himself with his long curly hair tussled in every direction. He lifted his long pink nightshirt, dropped down his panties and proceeded to pee. When he finished and came out of the bathroom he saw May waiting for him, holding a cup of tea. "Good morning Megan," said May handing him the tea. "No thank you May. I really...

1 year ago
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Or more appropriately: Me, My Ex- Girlfriend and Her Best Friend Prologue: Winter 2006 I had just turned 27 years old.  I was living in a garage apartment in Florida.  I was writing every day and had just gotten a deal to publish my first book with an added three book deal signing bonus.  I was seeing a girl named Amanda that lived next door to me.  She was beautiful and we were both healthy and happy.  Life had finally settled down.  Things were looking up and the future was...

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

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Friend of my girlfriend moving in

A story from the real life before my girlfriend and I broke up.It all started when i was with my old girlfriend. We lived in a nice big apartment with three bedrooms. A close friend of my girlfriend suddently became in a financial crisis. I worked many hours a day with a job that paid well, so we decided to offer here a loan so she could get on the right track again. She declined the offer, but asked if she could rent one of the rooms for a few months, just untill she got a job again. She moved...

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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

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Sex Carving Girlfriend Fucking Her Best Friend Forever And Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...

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Me My Girlfriend And Her Friend

Well, you guys could call me Amit, 27 Years old from Kathmandu, Nepal. I and my girlfriend (Say Poonam) had been in a relationship since 4-5 years. This story takes back to the time when I was 26 and she was the same age. We planned a night out at her friend’s place. She lives alone. She has a maid to do the chores who comes in the late afternoon and leaves before 5 in the evening. So, it was ideal for all of us to have some fun here. Let’s call her Rozina. She has this house with tenants on...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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how i fucked my best friends girlfriend and his sister

if you like it -- good for you, if you do not like it -- i do not care all caracters are 18 years or older have a good read --- it was summer and i was laying around the pool in my backyard when my best friend simon called me: "hey buddy you really have to help me out" "hi, i am fine thanks for asking. how are you?" "come on frank, you've got to help me i am in real trouble" "okay" i sigh "what can i do for you today?" "you have to go over to my girlfriend’s house...

2 years ago
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My Husbands Friend Visits Us Part 2

Introduction: Couples adventures with a well endowed friend gets hotter =========================================================== Youd better read My Husbands Friend Visits Us first, as its the beginning of this story. Otherwise, it will be impossible to understand! =========================================================== Hi! This is Lynn again, and I want to tell you what happened after all the pleasure I had with my husband Jim and his well endowed friend Ben, when we welcomed him in...

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Threesome Sex With Girlfriend And Her Friend

Hi, this is Sriahad (age 22) doing my post graduation in a college. I have a muscular body and my cock size is 6 inches. I and my girlfriend are in a relationship for five years. In the first two years, we had no physical relationship. But after that, we experienced it accidentally. This is a real incident in my life having an unexpected threesome with my girlfriend and her friend which happened last month. Coming to my girlfriend, her name is Arshiya. She is of the same age as mine. She is...

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Two sexually frustrated wives on a camping trip with their neglectful husbands

Sandi’s beautiful long legs straddled the trunk of a fallen oak tree. “Man, I wish I had brought my vibrator out here with me,” she told her best friend Mandy who sat across from her out in the wilderness of the forest. “Tell me about it,” Mandy said. “I thought this was going to be a romantic, sexy camping trip with our husbands. Instead, the two of them get us out here in the middle of nowhere, then trek out to the lake together with their fishing poles and...

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Orgasmic Massage To Sister8217s Hot Friend On Bachelorette

Hey readers, welcome! This is my true experience with Manu on her Bachelorette that was planned by my sister and her friends. I am from Karnataka and I work in Delhi. I own a flat in Greater Noida and I live alone there, as sometimes my parents accompany me for a few months or my friends on weekends. My sister and her friends had planned a bachelorette for Manu in June as in July she was getting married. So they planned to visit Manali in June first week. My sister asked me to arrange...

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