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Barbara by Callie Messenger I looked out of my apartment window to the street below, making sure to keep my face obscured by the curtains. There was a car parked on the road near the building doors, with a couple of guys inside. How could I get out and get help. I thought it over carefully. The guys in the car had to be Joe's bruisers. I had worked for Joe as his accountant for a couple of months. I left his house in a hurry last night when he had come back early, and almost caught me with his moll. She must've told him who it had been in her room. They could see the door, but they hadn't come to look for me yet. They must've thought I hadn't come back. So I had to get out soon, and get past them. How? I looked around my small flat for some kind of disguise. Disguise! That was it! Jess, Joe's bit, was an aspiring actress, and often left for work from my pad, leaving a lot of her kit around for 'emergencies'. I grabbed for a wig, and a few of her clothes, and sat down in front of a mirror with her make-up bag to see what I could achieve. I didn't achieve much, needless to say, but a thick layer of foundation cream did wonders for my skin tone, and lipstick and blush reshaped my main features. I looked like a man in drag, but I didn't look like the man Joe's hired help were looking for. Thick tights hid my hairy legs, and a loose woman's coat hid my shape. I had found a pair of sandals that could just about fit my feet ? the high heels weren't too high or hard to control, and the wig reshaped my head. I walked out of the front of the building and away from the watchers' car without a glance behind. I was trembling as I turned the nearest corner, but no-one followed. I breathed a big sigh of relief and headed straight for Richard's office. Richard was an old friend from college. He worked as the accountant for a small, private hospital. I say "friend" loosely, as Richard and I were more often rivals for anything and everything, including the job with Joe. I think Richard had fancied Jess as well. He never mentioned it now. I sneaked past the receptionist ? sneaked might be the wrong word to apply to your average guy dressed up as a woman trying to look inconspicuous, but it worked ? and into a lift. Richard's office was on the top floor. He liked his perks. The top floor was only two floors up but he always let you know that the best rose to the top, and that he golfed with the director. I couldn't sneak past Richard's secretary. She knew me, and the shock registered on her face as she recognised me. "Jenny," I pleaded, "is he in. I need to speak to him right now." "Go straight in, David." I didn't look back. Richard was just as shocked, but it didn't take seconds for his surprise to turn to a laugh. I told him the story, and he sat in silence throughout, smiling as I reached toward the end. "So I'm in dire need of some help." I finished. "I think you've already shown yourself to be pretty damn resourceful, Dave. What more could I do?" "I need a place to stay until the heat dies down." Richard suddenly sank into deep thought. After a few seconds he stood up. "Did you think this through at all, Dave?" He looked at me. "Don't you think that the first person Joe will come to question is me?" I sank a bit lower in my chair. No, it hadn't occurred to me, until now. "We really have to think quickly. The hospital might already be under observation." He paused. "You were definitely seen leaving your apartments ? as a woman ? and you may have been seen entering the clinic ? also as a woman. If you continue entering and leaving the clinic as a woman it would probably raise less suspicion than a complete change of routine. We can account for you as a patient and you can stay over some nights-" "Hang on right there!" I interjected, "I can't carry on like this! Can't I just borrow a bed for a few nights and use the back door?" "There is no back door. All doors except the main entrance are alarmed fire doors. Now that would bring a lot of people running in here!" The telephone rang. Richard picked it up. "Richard Worthington. Yes. Oh, yes, hello, Joe! David?" He looked at me. I tried to shrink into the seat. "No, I haven't seen him for quite a few weeks ? even missed our last squash match as I recall. No. No, I don't mind at all. Certainly. Okay, Goodbye." He put the phone down. "He's on his way over right now, says he'll be a few minutes. We've got to hide you somehow." He pressed his intercom button. "Jenny, take David down to Hargreaves in Burns. I'll call down with instructions." He ushered me rapidly out of the door. Jenny dragged me by the hand down to the ground floor, where we turned away from the reception area and into the Burns unit. "Nurse Hargreaves is our Cosmetic Artist." She explained to me on the way. "She works with our burns patients where surgery can't. She's a miracle worker!" We walked into an office that looked like a GP's surgery. A greying, middle-aged lady stood up to welcome us in. Jenny introduced Nurse Hargreaves and left. "I just got off the 'phone with Richard. It appears we may not have very long so we'll work with what you have. Sit in front of that mirror." She pointed me to what might have been a theatre dressing table, except that it was spotless and, in addition to various cosmetics and bags, displayed certain of what looked to be surgeons implements; scalpels and the like. I sat. Within five minutes my face looked as though it had been propelled through the windscreen of a car. Within five minutes more, it still looked like it had been through the window of a car, but it wasn't my face. No, now it looked like some unfortunate young woman had been through the front of a car, and that the scars were healing. My wig was cut almost into the scalp on one side to look as though hair was growing out over a head wound. The Nurse reclothed me in a hospital gown, replacing my socks that had been stuffing the bra with two small false breasts. They didn't look real, but under the gown they performed all the necessary shaping to make me look like a woman. She showed me to a bed in a private ward, where she loosely bandaged my legs and arms. "This should cover anything else if someone should be rude enough to look. Right, under the covers, and go to sleep, you've had a very traumatic experience." Nurse Hargreaves' last words left me imagining what kind of traumatic experience I might have if I was discovered. But then, I couldn't recognise me. "Joe, come in, take a seat." "Don't mind if I do, Richard" Joe stepped past Richard to sit in his seat behind the desk. Richard sat in front. One of Joe's bruisers closed the door and moved to sit behind him. "Richard, let us come straight to business. David has but one friend in this town and I know it is you. He has done me a disservice which I wish him to rectify, so I must find him. You will let me know where he is?" Richard shifted in his seat. "He is a friend. I believe he trusts me so, if he was to come here, why should I do other than he requests?" Joe laughed loudly. "I see! Good! You wish me to give you a reason to let me know where he is? I have a reason. I want his balls, and I'm willing to remove the balls of anyone else who might prevent me from getting them." He snarled. Richard paled slightly, but maintained his composure. "I have a better reason," he ventured. "For a good enough price, I would give you his balls." Joe turned to the window for a moment. "You are not a thug, I see. The words of violence do not come easily from your mouth." He turned back and leaned forward to look Richard in the eyes. "Let me put this straight. Your friend fucked with my wife, and now I want to fuck him so bad he can never cross me or anyone again. You let me know where he is." A smile began to cross Richard's face. He leaned forward himself. "Perhaps we can strike a deal, and I could make your wishes come true"? "Doctor Evans, this is not only a great opportunity, but also one which I can make more than worth your while." Richard had got back onto the 'phone as soon as Joe had left his office. "This patient is actively seeking to undergo such an experiment, and you are, might I say, a revolutionary in the field ? this experiment could be a boost to your research? Yes. Yes, I quite agree. We are a hospital. Of course, we can come to a suitable arrangement. See you soon, Dr. Evans." Richard put down the 'phone and pressed his intercom button. "Jenny, get me Doctor Szelnik at the Heimlein Institute." Richard was the first person to come into my ward since Nurse Hargreaves had left about an hour before. I tried to look asleep. "David, it's okay!" Richard said quietly. I turned to face him. "Wow!" He stuttered. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't known it was you!" "So, what happened?" "I think he believed me about you not being here, but he's left a few guys outside in the street. He did happen to mention the list of people seen entering and leaving here in detail, so we're stuck with you having to leave here if you don't want to arouse suspicion and have him search the hospital." "You mean I should stay looking like this?!" "Unless you want to walk into his hands, yes." The answer was pretty straightforward. "I'll send Nurse Hargreaves back in again, and we'll see what we can do to complete the disguise." "Why complete it? As soon as I'm out of here safely I'm back to me again." "I can see the appeal in that, David, but think a little. You can't go back to your apartment as yourself, you can't go to my apartment as yourself, and you can't get in and out of here as yourself. You didn't pack any money or credit cards when you left your apartment, and anybody going to fetch them would be at risk. You're relying on my help and my charity, and I'm trying to stay alive to help you too. So you're going to perfect that disguise for as long as it's needed!" I hung my head as best I could. I guess Richard was right, and I didn't want to put anyone else at risk. "Perhaps," he said, "we should keep you here for the rest of the day and overnight. It would give us more time to work with you." At that moment, Nurse Hargreaves came in through the door. "I think you know what to do, Nurse?" "No problem, Mr. Worthington." "Nurse Hargreaves is completely reliable, David, but try not to get seen by too many other people. Stay in here for the duration, huh?" I nodded as Richard left, and the nurse to it as a sign to get down to work. The bandages came off, and a plastic sheet was laid underneath me. She coated a foul smelling cream liberally over my legs and arms, explaining that it was a depilatory and silencing any protest I could make. She even applied it to my hands and feet, and left me completely hairless. My armpits were shaved, as were my chest, stomach and back. All makeup was removed from my face, where she applied a different type of depilatory cream, one supposedly less harsh. Denuded, I must have looked a pathetic sight, though the nurse didn't complain, frequently commenting that she much preferred smooth men. The last preparation I protested most, as she dragged me into the bathroom to bleach my hair. "You're the one who chose a blonde wig!" She stated firmly. "It wouldn't look clever to have brown hair falling out from underneath it!" I concurred. After twenty minutes I was ginger, but a further application left me almost white, with just hints of gold. I hadn't noticed until I looked in the mirror that my eyebrows had been lightened slightly aswell. Personally, I didn't think blonde suited me. And when the my wig was reattached, firmly, with clips, I thought I looked plain ugly. Although, as Nurse Hargreaves commented, the blonde did make my blue eyes look brighter. We adjourned to Nurse Hargreaves' ("Call me Helen, David, after all, we are getting to know each other quite well!") office for me to have my makeup redone. At the end I looked much as I had before, but everything had gone a little smoother this time, and Helen had explained in detail what she was doing, presumably so that I could begin to learn to do it myself. Finally she reattached my false breasts, only this time with a glue. She didn't bother to tone them into my skin, explaining that if anyone were to look under my robe, they would spot the fact that I wasn't female pretty quickly anyway. Back into the ward, and Helen brought in lunch. She explained that meals were usually taken in the wards, as the hospital specialised in burns patients, especially those needing reconstructive surgery, and they usually preferred privacy at all times. She left a few magazines and books with me to pass the time. That afternoon I was woken from a light sleep by Richard re-entering the room with a man I hadn't seen before. I felt a twinge of fear. Richard must've seen it. "Don't worry, David, this is a friend of mine, Dr. Evans, who has come to help us with your predicament. Dr. Evans is a psychotherapist specialising in trauma situations." "What can he do for me?" Richard nudged the small, grey-haired man toward me. He cleared his throat. "Well," he began, "you, the patient, have to deal with an immensely stressful situation here." He reminded me of a caricature of Freud, but without the accent. I found it reassuring. "Not only that, but you are not dealing with the situation as yourself, but trying to appear to be someone else. "My aim, and my speciality, in fact, is to help the patient deal with stresses in their life, and come to terms with them, and with their many ways of dealing with them. Allow me to explain?" I didn't notice Richard leave the room as the doctor talked about his experience with stress disorders. He seemed to count himself an expert on dissociative disorders, especially of identity, which he explained to me I probably knew as multiple personality disorder. He explained how many people, especially the young, learned to avoid traumatic stress by mentally dissociating themselves from the situation that caused it. He explained that, in order to avoid detection, I could probably perform the same function. I should appear natural in my disguise to avoid suspicion, thus, he would help me to feel less scared of discovery, and therefore more natural, by creating an identity to go along with my disguise. He gave me a small dose of a thick syrup which he explained was a mild hypnotic, and some few minutes later he began to help me into a trance. Some moments later he handed me another dose of syrup. "Do you need to give me more?" I asked. "No, no." He chuckled. "No, this is a stimulant, to counteract the hypnotic that I gave you. The session is over, and I think it went exceptionally well! I will come back later so that we can really get to work." He picked up his back and left. I tried to think back to the time that I had obviously been in a trance, but could remember nothing. Unperturbed, I reached for a book. Back in Richard's office, Dr. Evans was going over his work. "I have begun to work on his fear, giving him a desire to retreat into his disguise when he feels threatened by discovery. Later I will return to work on his disguise, as every improvement to his alter-identity will make him feel safer in that identity, and thus make it easier for him to fall in to. Just as you suggested, however, I have attempted to make the alter-identity a temporary one. By focussing on his fear as the trigger, his need for a disguise will evaporate when his fear does. In sessions I will build up his fear, but I have already begun to implant the trigger that will remove it completely." "Excellent!" Responded Richard, "and in such a short time. How long do you think it will be before he is, how can I put this, not himself anymore?" "I wonder?" Mused the doctor. "This afternoon I will begin giving him a hook to attach his new identity to. Perhaps some history, or a name. Yes, that's it, a name. The personality will grow from there." "Then let's give him something defining. Something that suggests a particular type of personality. Pamela perhaps, or Barbie. Yes, that's it! Barbara, and we'll call her Barbie!" Dr. Evans returned to my room, with Nurse Hargreaves behind him. "The nurse is here to instruct you on the use of makeup as part of your disguise, David, and to enable quick learning and good retention I will put you under once more. So, if you would be good enough to lie back and relax, take a few deep breaths, and when I say 'Sleep now, David'?" Nurse Hargreaves looked at Dr. Evans. "That's it! He's under?" "Yes, my dear, all the hard work was done a few hours ago. David realises that this is all to help him, so he will go along with it more easily every time. Now, David, I want you to go with Nurse Hargreaves to her office. When you sit in front of the mirror you will see your disguise and remember why you need it and what you are hiding from. Your fear will make you want to hide. You will let yourself be led by someone unafraid. Now go with the nurse." I think I recall walking with Helen, and sitting down in her office, but then I must have passed out. Dr. Evans spoke again. "David, are you still with us?" No response. "Good." The doctor changed the style of questioning, removing any reference to 'David'. "Can you hear me?" A nod. "You are not afraid. David is afraid. When he goes, you take over. You are safe, because of who you are. No-one will ever recognise you as David. No-one will ever mistake you for David. You are Barbara, but you have always been known as 'Barbie'. You will do everything in your power to complete yourself, because as yourself, you are completely safe. You have a picture of yourself in your mind. You have a picture of 'Barbie', of you. You are a beautiful, graceful, elegant woman. You are a blonde, a blonde Barbie. Can you imagine what a blonde Barbie looks like?" A nod. "Can you imagine what a blonde Barbie should act like?" A more hesitant nod. "We will help you to understand yourself and to be yourself. As your psychiatrist and as your friend I will help you to be yourself. "First, we you shall learn to use makeup. Nurse Hargreaves will demonstrate, and you will learn quickly. You enjoy wearing makeup, so you will practise until it using it is completely natural to you." The doctor turned to the nurse. "Show her everything you know, not just for disguise purposes, but everyday techniques too. I will observe." I must've been under for quite some time, but it was all patchy to me. I remember seeing myself in the mirror a couple of times, whilst Helen was showing me how to apply some element of facepaint. I was only able to register how different I looked each time, before the doctor would say a few words and I would doze again. I woke in my bed, with the doctor standing over me. "Well done, David," he said as I roused. "Now you should go to practise the techniques you have learned. You will find that you remember them easily. We have left you some various items in your bathroom. I will see you first thing tomorrow morning. Good Day." I felt awake, late though it seemed, so I went into the bathroom to see what I'd been taught. A few items had been placed in front of the mirror, including bottles, tubes, pencils, brushes and lipsticks. A look in the mirror showed me my own features. Nothing like the now almost dreamlike images that I'd seen when under hypnosis. I began to concentrate on one of those images that I could recall, picking out objects and colours that looked as though they might help me to achieve it. I found it oddly fun to play with makeup like this. I could make my eyes seem bluer with one pencil, dark with another. Foundation powders and creams smoothed my skin. I could make my nose appear thinner, and my lips appear gorgeously thick. I'd never used makeup before, and wondered why I should be using it now. Why was I trying to look feminine like this?! I scrubbed my face with a tissue and looked at my own face. Unbidden, pictures raced into my mind of Joe seeing me like this. He recognised me! I panicked. The next thing I knew I was looking in the mirror again. I was fully made-up, so much so that it took me a few minutes to come out of the dream I seemed to be in and recognise myself. I didn't remember putting the makeup on. I'd even blended my false breasts into my skin so that they looked almost seamless. I reasoned that my sudden fear of discovery had forced some sort of alter-ego to take over, like the doctor had suggested. I crazily wondered what it would be like to meet this alternate identity. What was he/I like. Was he an actor with a talent for disguise? Who knew? I resolved to talk to the doctor about it. Whoever he was, I felt a lot more secure with his talent for disguise. Looking like this I might try to get out for a day or two. I rolled back into bed with the makeup still on. "Tomorrow we will move on to deportment etc. I would like to move onto speech soon too, if that is possible?" "Richard looked up at the doctor. "I'm afraid not. Unfortunately, the speech therapist I have booked is not my first choice, and therefore must be led to believe that she is dealing with a woman, and not made suspicious of our motives. To this end I have also set up a meeting with a Voice Doctor, with the hope of presenting the therapist with essentially a fait accompli, giving her a story about retraining a voice following a tracheotomy or some such." "But all this will extend the life of the project. A voice operation may take six weeks to recover from!" "Which gives us plenty of time to perfect our project, doctor." The doctor shifted uneasily in his seat. "It is just that I am not sure that the subject will not begin to ascertain his situation, possibly upsetting the project itself." "Doctor," said Richard, quite slowly, "I have the fullest faith in your abilities to overcome any problem that you might encounter. I would like to begin preparations for reconstruction tomorrow, also. I hope you will prepare David for them? Goodnight." He said with a smile. I awoke at Helen's insistence. She excused me while I went to the toilet. Seeing my face in the bathroom mirror, I washed, but used a little cream because it seemed to do wonders for my skin. I returned to find Dr. Evans waiting. "Good morning, doctor!" "Good morning, David. How are we feeling today?" "Fine, doctor, but I do have a question for you. Who is my other identity?" Helen turned her face slightly. The doctor cleared his throat. "Well, David, your other identity is you, of course. That is to say, it is those parts of you that will most aid you in this short crisis, fleshed out by your own imagination." "So you're saying that I'm acting, underneath the disguise." "Hmm, well, yes, I suppose so. You are filling out the disguise, as it were." "But surely I don't have the ability to act like a woman. I'm a man, I know nothing about it." "Don't worry yourself, David. That is why Nurse Hargreaves is here to teach you, and I am here to help you learn. Sit yourself down on the bed, relax and don't worry. Take a few deep breaths and 'Sleep now, David'?" Nurse Hargreaves turned to the doctor. "What will happen if he finds out that his alter-ego is a woman?" "Shush, Nurse," warned Doctor Evans, "be careful in front of the patient. But it is a worrisome question. He might try to throw off the conditioning. But no! That's it! If he is worried about being a woman, then once again, his fears can be turned against him. It solves the paradox!" "What are you talking about, doctor?" "You see, as we progress with Barbie, David must become more suspicious, especially with the physical alterations that our principal would like to introduce. Therefore, if David were to be worried about turning into a woman, then that very fear could induce him to retreat further into the Barbie persona, as Barbie will have no such qualms with adjusting to the changes." "Surely that would destroy David?" Questioned the nurse. "It would seem, but the strong persona of Barbie is built on sand. You see, when David's fear of Joe is removed, Barbie will still be removed as a persona, leaving David to come to the fore, left only with any of her habits and conditioning that have become ingrained. So," continued the doctor, "let us continue conditioning." "David?" "Yes, doctor." "I have some instructions for you now." "Yes, doctor." "When you awake, you will not feel hungry, you will be suffering from a loss of appetite. Perhaps you are coming down with an illness. After all, you are in a hospital, and they are for sick people, aren't they, David?" "Yes, doctor." "The nurse will provide you with some medications, which you will take to feel better. We will start on your medications now, with a small injection. Don't worry, you will not sense a thing. You will not feel any pain. Turn over." The nurse prepared two syringes containing a controlled overdose of female hormones which would disperse evenly from within the fat of the two cheeks she expertly injected it into. The pills to be provided were also hormone pills, at a dosage set to place a stranglehold on male hormone production and produce physical changes in the shortest time possible. "David, you may turn back now. I want you to wake up slowly. You will not worry about any ill feelings, as you are in a hospital, where you can be well taken care of. 3?2?1?wake up now." I could feel where the injections had gone. Something to do with the sick feeling in my stomach, I guessed. Helen was taking some pills off her tray to put on my bedside tale. "Four times a day." She said to me. I nodded, and got up to walk to the toilet. I had sat down before it struck me that I didn't need to sit, even if my stomach was playing up. Still, I relieved myself from that position, seeing no need to stand once sat, but thinking it a little odd. I walked back to my bed with a bit of a wiggle ? well, my backside hurt now from those injections, so I was bound to be walking a little oddly. Once in bed, I reached for Cosmo and began to read. "That's excellent, doctor, and should relieve you of some concerns now," said Richard to Doctor Evans who had returned to Richard's office immediately to share in his success. "We are beginning the second stage of the programme this afternoon, when Dr. Szelnik arrives. Perhaps after lunch you could persuade David that he is having an operation for possible appendicitis this afternoon?" "Of course, that will fit in with his sudden stomach trouble. But why appendicitis?" "We will in fact be performing liposuction around his stomach region, even though he does not really require much. I am reliably informed that the procedure has a common side effect, whereby the body replaces lost fat cells, but places them in the common fat producing regions. Most notably, in both men and women, in the chest area. The removed fat cells can be reinserted around the hip region, though often the results of liposculpture are short- lived. In this case, however, we believe that the hormone treatment will encourage the body to retain the fat in those regions. In a secondary operation, Dr. Szelnik will insert small silicone implants under the pectoral muscles. David will be persuaded that this pectoral growth is due to a combination of factors, including the side effect I mentioned and that we will get him to wear a corset following his 'appendectomy'. The corset is, of course, to aid in the healing process, and has to be restrictive." "So far, it would seem, the process can be explained away." "Yes, and tomorrow there will be a throat operation ? tonsils need to be removed as any throat infection could upset the healing process ? so David will be in a difficult situation should he try to make any escape after tomorrow. And recovery will be protracted, as you have already said, enabling us to keep him here without questions being asked, and to perform all further steps. We might only need another couple of days of your time, doctor, provided that you could leave us with some sort of permanent control over David and Barbie?" "Certainly, Mr. Worthington. One thing, if I may be so bold?" "Yes?" "Why are you doing this? I mean, an experiment I can understand, but surely David is a friend of yours?" "I have thought about this myself, doctor, and perhaps you can understand me when I say this. Joe Gadriani, the man who is looking for David, wants simply to kill him. I don't want David to die, so we made a deal that I would enable him to disappear. I have told you, doctor, that we have David's complete co-operation. He does not want Joe to find him, and so he is permitting me to complete his disguise, with your help, of course." "But you are planning to make him look like a woman. How long will he have to endure this?" "I'm sure that Joe will back down in due course." How little you know, doctor, thought Richard. He will not just look like a woman, he will have all the parts, and for as long as he lives. He was once a friend of mine, but Jess was with me before he took the job that would have kept us both together. How long I've been planning this fate for my oversexed 'friend'! And now that Joe is paying me a cool million for its execution? Richard laughed silently to himself. Doctor Evans came in with Helen again early in the afternoon. This time it was Helen who spoke. "We think your stomach problems could be appendicitis, David, so we're going to have to take you into surgery, where another doctor will run a few tests and then will be able to operate immediately if the diagnosis is correct." Doctor Evans then chimed in. "If you wish, I could put you under for the procedure, to alleviate any worries that you might have? And do not worry, as if surgery is recommended you would be given a general anaesthetic as due course." "That's okay, Doc, I'd like to be awake for the news." "As you wish. Please, come with us." We walked round to the surgery, which was only a couple of doors from my ward. It was the longest walk I had made since the day before, when I had run away from my apartment to begin this ridiculous charade. I say ridiculous because I felt ridiculous. My false breasts were bouncing slightly, warning me of their presence on my chest. In trying to minimise the feeling I pushed my chest forwards against the restriction of the bra. It seemed to work, and I discovered that smaller steps, especially on tiptoe, helped. I discovered that I was copying Helen's walk, though I wasn't wearing a restrictive uniform skirt or heels. It worked, and I found I didn't have to think about it to keep it up. Fortunately nobody saw me performing in this way, as there seemed to be nobody else walking about the small hospital. I remembered Helen saying that most patients here preferred to keep to the rooms because of the type of injury they were usually here for. In the theatre there was only one other man, a doctor, by his clothing. He was already dressed for surgery, masked and gloved, which seemed a bit odd to me. He prodded around my stomach area, eliciting various yelps of pain, then he opened my mouth and looked around my throat. "Okay," he finally said, with an odd inflection of accent, "we will begin to operate." Nurse Hargreaves stepped forward with a hypodermic. "Doesn't this require my consent first?" I asked. "Of course," Helen answered. "If appendicitis is not treated it can kill. Will you permit the Surgeon to operate, David?" "Put it like that, Helen, and I can't really see any option. Where are you going to stick it?" "Hold out your arm, dear, and when you feel the needle, count from ten down to one." She swabbed the area, then "Ten, nine, eight, se-ven, six, fi?" I came round again back in my room. My head was full of cobwebs and I just stared up at the ceiling for hours. Finally I needed to use the bathroom, so I tried to get up. My whole torso was bandaged up. It took a while to register, but wasn't appendicitis a fairly simple operation, requiring only one small incision? I sat on the toilet to think and pee. I did it again! Why had I sat down. Wow, my head was fuzzy. I looked in the mirror. I really was looking pale, so I refreshed my face with some foundation and blusher. Might as well practice, I thought. For what? I asked myself. My disguise, but that's what I was here for, my disguise, and a place to hide, so why was I having my appendix removed? I hadn't felt ill when I came to the hospital. I'd come to get Richard's help. I needed his help to hide, didn't I? Yes, that's right I had to hide from Joe! And I was stuck here where he could find me any time! Shit! Barbie looked at herself in the mirror, and added eyeliner and shadow to her face, followed by a slow and accurate lipstick manoeuvre. She looked at her torso. She could see her small breasts under the bandaging but realised she would have to keep wearing the falsies if she wanted to feel good about herself. Perhaps she could arrange to have her breasts enlarged here? Her waist was slim, but she still needed exercise and to lose a bit of weight if she really wanted to look attractive. She brushed through her wig, and then wondered about having extensions done until her hair grew out. She inspected her face again, spotting a few hairs that the depilatory must have missed. That nurse, Helen, must know about a place to get electrolysis done. After all, she was a great beautician. Yes, Barbie felt like having another beauty session with her. And this skin could really do with some moisturising. I realised from the way the sun was coming in through my window that I must have slept all night. I couldn't remember going to sleep or even to bed, though that was easy to blame on the after effects of the anaesthetic. Helen came in in response to a buzz on my bedside button. She was dragging an IV-drip on a wheeled stand. "Are you hungry?" She asked breezily. "Yeah, what's for breakfast?" "Unfortunately for you, this." She said with a sympathetic smile. "You can't take solids after your operation, and it's even a little too soon for liquids, so we'll put you on this for a while. Also, you can't take any of your pills, so medication can be delivered via this as well as all the nutrition you require. Handy, isn't it." "Or army." I joked, with reference to it being stuck in my arm. I had to explain it to her before she smiled. I lay back quietly as she attached the drip to my left arm, with plenty of bandaging to hold the needle in place. While she worked, Doctor Evans entered. "Good morning, David. How are we this fine morning?" "Hungry, doc." He chuckled. "I suppose you will have to get used to that feeling." "Doc," I asked, "there is something else. I'm feeling like I can't fit together events since I got here. Like I can't remember being ill when I came. I thought I came to get Richard's help. And I've been getting blackouts, though that might be due to the illness, or the anaesthetic yesterday. I remember you telling me about an alternate identity, but should it be affecting me this much? I mean, I'm hardly myself." "Yes, David, you seem to be expressing a problem. It may be just an effect of the illness you have had, which I believe could easily have been brought on by stress. Perhaps you need me to help you relax more, to get these stresses out of your mind. Lie comfortably, relax, and take a few deep breaths. In, and out. In, and out. And 'sleep now, David?' "David?" "Yes, doctor." "Your illness must have been a result of your stress, you think. And your illness has been causing you some discomfort, which has been leading to further stress. As you yourself said, your blackouts may have been due to the illness. In fact, you are happy with that, and you believe that your explanation is correct. Your alternative identity can only help you, so you are happy with your other self. It follows that you are calm about your blackouts, and you have no desire to question them. Is this all clear?" "Yes, doctor." "Finally, David, I am going to give you a word to remember. When you hear this word, you will allow your alter-ego to take control of your mind. Do not worry about this in any way, as you will understand that it is so that we can program your alter-ego to improve your disguise. Is this okay, David? "Yes, doctor." "Then the word is 'Barbara'. When you hear that word from now on, you will allow your alter-ego to take over your mind, in a trance state, susceptible to suggestions from others. The words 'Wake up, Barbara' will allow your alter-ego to awake whilst remaining in control of your mind. The words 'Wake up, David' will return control of your mind to yourself, in whatever state it was prior to the command. You are not worried about these commands or their effects. You know that programming your alter-ego will improve your disguise, and improving your disguise will make you safer. This does make you feel safer, doesn't it, David?" "Yes, doctor." "So we'll try out these command words now, and you won't worry about a thing. First we'll let you wake up. 3?2?1 and 'Wake up, David.'" "I feel lots better now, thank you, doc. Even my pains seem to have gone." "That's good, David, but now let us talk to 'Barbara'." I passed out again, waking up in my bed later that day as Helen was changing my IV drip bag. "Good afternoon again, David. Enjoy your lunch." She clipped the tube into the bag and the liquid began to flow. This time it can't have been just my normal fluids, as I began to feel a little lightheaded within a few moments. "Helen! What is in this stuff?" "Nothing to worry you, dear." The last thing I heard was her mentioning that I needed my sleep. "Doctor Evans!" Said Richard, welcoming the little man into his office once more. "I understand that you have left us with some buttons to push should we require David's cooperation with future proceedings?" "Certainly, Mr. Worthington, everything is included in my notes that I have given you." "Then here is the donation for your favourite charity. I'm sure you will find it to be most generous." Richard handed the doctor an envelope containing a cheque. "We have your office numbers and we will be sure to call you back to view the outcome of this experiment. For now, Goodbye!" "Yes, of course, goodbye, Mr. Worthington." "Everything went well, Doctor Szelnik?" "Perfectly, Mr. Worthington. The throat will require a few weeks to heal. During this time we will proceed with facial and body restructuring, though most of the bodily restructuring will have to wait for the hormone treatment to take full effect. It is at a high dosage so we should be able to progress within weeks. Facial bone restructuring can proceed immediately if it is to heal within the project timelines, especially if it is to heal enough to allow chemical treatments and laser restructuring to the skin. I believe I will suggest keeping the patient sedated for the duration." I didn't record time passing, though I knew that it had. Helen had come in and out of my room to change the drip bag. Once I had tried to say hello, but my mouth couldn't seem to move and my throat burned in response. The pain moved with the time. My throat, then my whole face, then my mouth again. I could never move my jaw, then next I would find my skin burning. I would pass out, and wake up with my lips feeling like they had been involved in a road accident. As the pains in my face began to ease, so the pains in my body began. My chest ached constantly, sometimes more, sometimes less, and with the ache came a nagging itch. Then my groin felt like somebody had kicked me hard. The skin itch moved around my body all the time, periodically returning to my face. Just when I would begin to realise how bad I felt, I would pass into oblivion again. "David! David! Ah, there you are. It's me, Richard. I know you can hear me. The healing is almost complete now and we can shortly allow you to wake up. Let me tell you a little about what has been happening. Well, while you have been asleep we have been remoulding your body to your own recommendations. You see, your alter-ego is a woman. Not just a woman, but your idea of the perfect blonde bimbo - I think you were inspired by Jess a little ? and it is your alter-ego that has been helping us to perfect you. You have a wonderful face, chemically softened ? a slimmer jawline with a less pronounced chin but slightly more pronounced cheekbones, larger eyes, a smaller nose which we have turned up slightly, and we've removed some of the flesh between the nose and top lip to enlarge the lip and the cupid's bow, the lips were enlarged anyway with some inserts ? you really look like you're begging to kiss something, or perhaps to suck? Your hair has grown, but we're not sure how far as your real hair is indistinguishable from the extensions, which go to half way down your back. And you're blonde now, of course, we thought peroxide blonde went well with the image your alter-ego has of herself. And that's blonde with an 'e', of course! Because you don't just look female, you are female! One of the first items that went was your cock, to make way for a juicy new vagina ? which is real, by the way, lifted out of one of our ex-patients who, unfortunately for her, but fortuitously for you, didn't even make it out of the ambulance. It doesn't work properly, of course, but you won't be needing to do any of that dilation rubbish. On the other hand, perhaps you would enjoy that? And the removal of your male bits and pieces allowed your breasts to respond to hormones almost instantly. We helped your bustline of course, with some compression of the ribcage, liposculpture, and implants. We managed to reduce your natural 38" chest to a 36, and shape you a wonderful DD cup. The fat for the liposculpture was provided by your waist, which we have kept corsetted and has slimmed to 23" while your pelvic bone was reshaped ? which may give you pain for some weeks yet ? and fat and implants added to your hips to give you a voluptuous 38" measurement. "You are a doll, David, a living Barbie doll, but I still have plans for you yet. You see, your therapist, Doctor Evans, created you an alter-ego which will disappear when its purpose is served, but that alter-ego contains many feminine characteristics which I wouldn't want you to lose when she goes, so I'm going to make sure that you remember them, and that they become a part of you too. So, 'Sleep now, David.'" I felt someone's hands on my legs. They were small and soft, moving smoothly up and down, massaging my calves. I flinched slightly. "Oh," said a young woman's voice, "you're awake!" She moved her face up to mine until I could see her. It was a beautiful face, with deep blue eyes and golden blonde hair, which she kept held away from falling into my face, not that I would have minded. "My name is Kirsten, and I'm your physiotherapist." I tried to say hello, but my mouth must have been bandaged so I couldn't make myself understood, but wow, did my voice sound weird. All faint, and high pitched? "Pleased to meet you too, Miss Davies!" she said as she returned to my legs. 'Miss Davies?' Did I hear right? And my high pitched voice! But then I remembered what Richard had said about what he was doing. I had to get up and get out of here! Kirsten's voice came back to me, "We have to work on this every day as your muscles can lose a lot of strength. They can deteriorate in twenty-four hours, and you've been in bed a lot longer than that. We'll have to work on your flexibility too, though I've been doing that while you've been sleeping. You were pretty stiff!" I tried to move my legs. They wouldn't go anywhere. Kirsten must've felt my attempt. "Whoah, looks like there's a lot of work to be done here! I'll have to go get the TENS and leave that on you everyday." TENS? "TENS is a machine that electrically stimulates your nerves to move your muscles. We'll have you back on your feet in no time!" So I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, and my physiotherapist thought I was a woman. I lay there with no idea of what to do. Shortly Kirsten left me alone to my thoughts, but returned within minutes with the TENS. When she showed me it looked like straps, pads and wires, which she attached to my legs, arms, and placed under the bandaging around my abdomen. When she switched it on I felt quite tingly all over. She left me again. She passed someone on the way out coming in. "Good morning, Miss Davies!" It was Richard! I tried swearing at him but all effect was lost into the bandage around my mouth. "Oh, don't worry, we'll be removing all of that bandaging very shortly. After all, we have to let you take a look at yourself. "I did a lot of work last time I was in here. You see, Doctor Evans forced you to retreat into your alter-ego often, to avoid you discovering the changes that were progressing in you, but there's no need for that now, as there's nothing you can do. You might wonder why this is happening to you? Well, much of it is because you cost me getting a great job with Joe, and I was already dating Jess. Your arrival cost me both. Then Joe found out about you and Jess, and, in a fit of minor rage, put a million pound price on your head. I persuaded him that the million pounds could be put to great use in revenge ? he said he wanted to screw you, and I suggested to him how he might be able to." At the mention of Joe's revenge I passed out. Strangely though, when I awoke, I could remember much of what Joe had continued to say as though I had carried on listening. He had said that I would be back on my feet as soon as possible, though as Barbie, whom I dimly understood was myself. Barbie would work with Jenny as Richard's secretary until Joe arrived to take her to his office as a secretary until he wished to exact his revenge. I started walking within three days. Kirsten made me train in heels, which she said would boost the development of my calves and ankles, while toning my hips and buttocks. I met my speech therapist, but she had met me before many times. When she mentioned it I seemed to remember. Much of the bandaging came off my face to allow me to practise. My voice was higher pitched, and a bit breathy. I asked her if it would improve but she looked puzzled, and said it was just fine. A week or so of exercise and therapy later, and Richard returned to my room with Helen. "We're going to remove the last layers of the bandaging now, David," said Richard, to allow you to get a last look at yourself." 'Last'? I wondered. The final strips came off and I stood in front of the mirror. I was stunned. Into silence. Into shock. Before me stood a dream, my dream, of a woman. Long, blonde hair. Big blue eyes. A beautiful, smooth face with a cute nose and full, pouting lips. My 5'9" frame now had longer seeming legs as they tapered up to wide hips which vanished into a wasp waist. Above the waist almost floated two large breasts, perfectly rounded and pouting outwards almost more than my lips. In between the hips was my only visible patch of body hair, a nest of thatch that hid, well, nothing. I put my hand there to feel but could find only some warm, smooth flesh with a slit down the middle. My brain couldn't relate the mirror image to my body, or what I was feeling to my self-image. My senses were screaming. I passed out. I was having lunch with Jenny in the staff canteen. Wow, the girl could eat! I was toying with a last slice of tomato from my salad watching her put the last bite of a burger into her mouth. How she doesn't pile on the pounds I'll never know. "Desert, Barbara?" She asked. "Not on this diet, Jen." "You've got no waist to watch! You're not seriously dieting?" "I've got other areas to get down to size." I pushed out my chest. We both giggled. At that moment Mr. Worthington stopped at our table. "Are you two girls getting back to work shortly? I have some schedules that need typing up." "I was just about to have a dessert, Richard," smiled Jenny, as I stood up to go, "but Barbara didn't want to join me. She claims she has to get some weight off her chest." We giggled together again. "Is that so, Barbie? I'm sure I couldn't condone a girl of your exquisite figure skimping on the occasional luxury. Why don't you help yourself to a cake. Perhaps a cream one?" He smiled at me. I really did feel a bit of a craving for a chocolate eclair coming on. I guessed it couldn't do any harm. Though I was sure I'd been putting on weight recently, while working for Mr. Worthington, and a girl has to watch her figure. After lunch Jenny and I got back to work. Jenny was trying to help me with checking hospital accounts, just making numbers add up in a spreadsheet, but it was beyond me. I'm a good typist, but numbers are dull. Jenny wrote me a sheet of instructions to follow but I can't add up things in my head. I thought I could, but Mr. Worthington kept bringing me into his office and telling me I was getting worse. "Barbie," he would say, "you're simply no good with numbers. You're not much good at anything." Mr. Worthington is always right, though. At first I wore some really stuffy suits into work, but he assured me that I would feel more comfortable in a simple skirt and top, and now I do. He suggested that I should wear my hair down, and to have it permed, and I felt a lot better about myself then too. I woke from my thoughts to Jenny's voice. "Can't you even add those two figures correctly, Barbs? Honestly, you're getting worse. Give me this to finish off, and you can finish these invitations." She softened to a smile. "And you can quit daydreaming about men until you're done!" "Barbie, come into my office, please!" That was Mr. Worthington on the intercom. I slipped on my heels ? I kick them off under the desk but I can't walk without them, flats are just too low! Mr. Worthington's office is beautiful. Always so clean and tidy. Another thing that Mr. Worthington has impressed into me is a real desire for neatness and cleanliness. Sometimes I even take his shirts to my apartment to wash! The poor man doesn't have a wife or mother. I closed the door behind me. "Time for some diction, Barbie." I smiled. Diction was his little joke, something about a mix of words like 'dick standing to attention'. He thought it was funny so I would smile or giggle. Men love it when you giggle at their jokes, so I laugh when they do. It also meant that I was to get down under his desk and give him a blow job. Men also love blow jobs, so I give them at every opportunity. I always listen to Mr. Worthington when he tells me how to give good head, but I must be getting very good now, because he rarely offers advice. I crawled into the footwell behind his huge desk and proceeded to undo his fly and remove his cock. I placed my mouth over the glans and slowly moved up and down on it while sucking to bring it to its full size. It was about six and a half inches when hard. Mr. Worthington said I should be happy with any size of cock, and I am, I love them all. When it was hard I paid it some attention, licking it, kissing it and caressing it. Like I said, I love cocks, and their owners know it. I began to suck on it, moving my hand up and down the shaft, and my lips over the glans, sucking on the foreskin as it slips over the head. Mr. Worthington began to moan, and I quickened my movements, taking more of the cock into my mouth. Very soon he began to buck, forcing himself deeper into my throat. I kept my mouth still and sucked hard, quickening my hand movements until he gushed his cum into my throat. I swallowed it all. I never gagged. I had practised 'long and hard' at controlling that reflex with my vibrator. You know, I seem to remember Mr. Worthington suggesting that I do that too. Surely not! I'm getting so ditzy these days, I never know what I'm going to think next. Though I usually think about men. Wow! Nearly forgot. I licked off Mr. Worthington's dick and gently pushed it back inside his fly. I crawled out of the footwell and stood up, straightening my skirt. "Barbara?" I turned. "Yes, Mr. Worthington." He smiled. He always said that he adored my voice, especially the way I said 'Yes, Mr. Worthington', because it dripped sex appeal, but I always spoke that way. "I have a few sheets here for you to fill in, as part of our ongoing staff test requirements." I reached for the questions before turning for the door, reaching for my lipstick. "Oh, and Barbie?" "Yes, Mr. Worthington." "Please try to concentrate, though I know you find it hard." I did you know. Too many men around to distract me. All these dishy doctors. I reached for the door, almost dropping the papers I had in that hand. What were they for? Oh, yes, the test. I sat down at my desk to read the questions. 'What is the amount of VAT claimed on 12.35 pounds of restaurant expenses?' "Cheap date!" I thought. 'What is the amount of Capital Gains Tax deductible from a single wage earner who has sold 4500 pounds worth of shares in the fiscal year?' If I could find me a man who had shares to sell. Hmm? I'd probably get him to buy a sports car. I don't know which one, but it's got to have an open top. I could wear that bikini I bought the other week. I thought it would be a bit too skimpy ? I mean, I'm well endowed up top, as girls should be. Men love tits. But the bikini, oh yes, Mr. Worthington saw it and reassured me that it would look marvellous, and it did. He told me that I would look good in anything, and never to be afraid of showing myself off, so I do. He told me to do this test! "Oh, Barbie," I thought, "You're so dizzy!" Just like Mr. Worthington always said. I skipped the first page. 'What does PAYE stand for?' Now, I thought, I answered that last week, and I'm sure I got it right. What was it? Pay something. Pay all you ever? Pay all you ever what? I don't know, but it doesn't sound too wrong. I wrote it down. The rest of the page was sums. I thought of skipping it entirely but I'd already missed out the whole of the first page. 256 times 432. 10441 divided by 124. 12.5 percent of 427. I can't do these! They're for people like Jenny, people with brains. But she hasn't got my figure, poor girl. 24 times 3? That's easier, 62. 12 times 8? 86. I finished that page there. 'What colour is an orange?' I don't remember these questions from the last test. 'Orange', I wrote. 'What colour is a banana?' 'Banana', I wrote, and started to giggle. That was funny. I left it as the answer. 'What is a teddy?' That's what I wear when I have guests. 'What is a woman's best attribute?' Obviously her tits, I thought proudly. But a woman's got to look after everything. Perhaps I should've written 'Her body and face'? It all counts. I reached for a nail file as I wondered what really would be the best answer. I finished off the remaining questions and got up to go to Mr. Worthington's office. Inside, he looked over the answers. "Barbara, do you enjoy your job?" "Yes, Mr. Worthington." I had always enjoyed my job. Every aspect of it. "Barbie, you don't like accountancy." No, I didn't enjoy accountancy. I'm sure I used to. "You don't like numbers much at all." Well, that was certainly true. "And, Barbie, I think you don't like typing as much as you used to." Perhaps not. I was good at it, but it must be getting boring. "So, Barbie, it seems that you're not enjoying your job as much as you used to." I'm not, it's true, but I'm sure I used to. I must have just gone off it over time. "The results of this test suggest that you might be better employed elsewhere. You love cleaning, don't you, Barbie?" "Yes, Mr. Worthington." "And you love keeping things tidy, Barbie?" "Yes, Mr. Worthington." "And you'd love to show off your body in a smart uniform, wouldn't you, Barbie?" "Oh, yes, Mr. Worthington." I'd love to do that. "As you aren't enjoying your job here, I have found you another position. You will be a maid for a gentleman called Joe Gadriani." That name? Probably some rich client of the hospital. Bound to be a playboy! "I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'll give you a cheque for your services at the end of the afternoon. You start there tomorrow!" The job was fairly easy. Mostly dusting and vacuuming, washing and ironing. I had to wear a proper French Maid's uniform, and the corset had reduced my waist a little more, even though I ate enough of chef's cakes and pastries to push my hips and bust out a little further. Mr. Gadriani was a harsh boss though, often telling me off for little jobs that I missed. The punishment was usually sex of some description, so I used to miss some little jobs on purpose at first, until he began to get kinky, which often ended up with me getting hurt. He didn't like the fact that I looked down on him, especially in my heels. He would often get rough, to prove his strength and mastery. He would often bring me to tears before leaving me. I did get on well with his wife, Mrs. Gadriani, Jess, who would often console me when she found me crying after Mr. Gadriani's worse sessions. I found myself oddly attracted to Jess, though I never acted on it. Somehow it seemed to be wrong. One night I was helping to serve dinner for Mr. Gadriani and Jess when the front doorbell rang. I went to open it. It was Mr. Worthington, accompanied by Tommy, a nice gorilla, who returned to the front gate. "How are you, Barbara, my dear?" He greeted me. I smiled to him. "I see you've filled out a little more where it matters." I showed him in to the dining room. Mr. Gadriani stood up to shake his hand. "Richard! It's been a very long time!" "Joe, pleased to see you again. I hope you remember our little arrangement." "Of course. I presume you have some news after all this time?" Mr. Worthington took out a small package from inside his jacket. Mr. Gadriani's butler had a gun pointed at him before he could begin to be afraid. I almost screamed. "It's just a present, Joe. Part of my half of the bargain." Mr. Gadriani relaxed. He took the small package and opened it. Mr. Worthington winked at me. Mr. Gadriani unwrapped a small china plate, with a closed dish on it. The dish held two round-ish objects in a clear liquid. "These look like testicles." He observed. "They are." Responded Mr. Worthington. "David's testicles. On a plate." Mr. Gadriani laughed out loud. "Excellent, Richard, Excellent! I remember now. Yes, wasn't the full deal that I should fuck him, too?" "Of course, Joe. Would you mind if we could discuss this slightly more delicate matter alone?" Mr. Gadriani waved all of us out of the dining room. Just as I reached the door, Mr. Worthington called to me. "Barbie, you should stay." I turned back obediently. Jess passed me on the way out. When all the doors were closed, Mr. Worthington spoke to me again. "Time for some diction, Barbie." Suddenly it was just like old times. I relished the prospect of revisiting Mr. Worthington's crotch. I got down to my knees and headed toward him under the table. As I began to toy with the cock in front of me I heard the conversation continue above the table. "Incredible! How did you get her to do that so simply?" Joe's question. "A simple command. And she wants to do it." "I have noticed her willingness in that department." Only until you hurt me, Joe. "Then you have fucked her?" "Of course! She is barely resistible." Ohh, I smiled at the compliment, and repaid it by paying more attention to the cock in my mouth. "Mmmnh." I heard above me. "The deal is complete, then. You have?fucked David." "That?is David?" Who were they talking about now? "Yes?" I think Mr. Worthington was beginning to have real trouble talking straight. "Absolutely incredible!" I think Mr. Worthington was thinking the same thing. Time for you to cum, my sweet cock! "You'll?uunh?remove the contract?" "Of course." The cock thrust into my mouth and began to spurt forth cum. I sucked it all up. "The contract is removed! I have no wish to harm David anymore." Huh?? David??? Whoah, I feel dizzy. "Look at yourself for the last time, David." "You are an incredibly beautiful woman." What are all these memories? "Sleep now, David." "Time for you to become the bimbo of everyone's dreams." "Wake up, Barbie?" My head is spinning! What is happening to me?? "Not so harsh, Barbie, more breathy, exhale?" My speech therapist? "Bandage the feet!" "But her achilles should be allowed to stretch!" The physio? Wasn't her name Kirsten? "Don't your vital statistics make you think of sex? 36-23-38?" Mr. Worthington? "All numbers make you think of sex. They aren't sexy. You just can't concentrate on them, you think of sex instead." Richard! "Think of your ideal woman, David, then slowly replace that picture with male features. Imagine it, colour him in brightly, realistically, make him appear larger in your mind?" Richard again, all the time Richard, instructing me, telling me what to think, what to feel. "Barbie, you're such a bimbo!" "Barbie, you love your tits!" "Barbie, you just love to dress like a tart. That's all you are, Barbie, a tart." But he's talking to Barbie. I'm not Barbie. "Barbie, you love to suck cock, as often as you can!" I'm David. Where am I? What is going on in my head? "Heels, Barbie, miniskirts, and tight tops, that's all you want to wear" "Barbie, you want men, and you want their cocks!" I'm not Barbie! I'm David!! What's this in my mouth? Sticky and salty. I try to spit it out but it's stuck to my teeth. I try to lift my shirt but bang my head in my attempt to straighten up. I'm under a table? I reach down for my shirt again but I can't seem to pull it out at the waist. I look back down again, and something pulls on my chest and shoulders. A bra? It's coming back. I remember seeing myself in a mirror. A woman! Richard, you bastard, you did this to me! And this in my mouth? I was just sucking Richard's cock!! I think I'm going to puke. What am I? I crawl out from under the table. Richard is doing up his flies. Joe Gadriani is staring at me from the other side of the table. I start in shock. "It's all right, David, the debt is even." He said in a placating tone. "It seems I have placed you in a mildly more embarrassing, and certainly less escapable position than the one you put me in." He smiled at me. "More ingenious than a pair of concrete boots, though, eh?" I sneered. "Now, now, my dear, that is not a pretty face for such a pretty woman." I looked at Richard. "It's true," he said in response

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First Bite

A bang or something woke me up. Then some giggling. My roommate's voice, and another one that was sort of effeminate. I looked at the clock; it was past 2:00 AM, Dave got lucky, it sounds like, I thought, laying back down, trying not to listen to the laughs and hushed chatter. Dave had texted my earlier to join him at some new club, Transylvania's. He didn't hide his passion for trans girls and was always trying to get me to join him in that pursuit. I had looked at some of the...

3 years ago
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I was going out with my girlfriends as we always do once a month. The other girls could not meet early for dinner, so my hubby offered to take me out and then we could go different ways.We had decided to go Salsa dancing as this months thing to do together. So my hubby and I had dinner at a little Mexican place a block away from the Salsa place. My hubby complimented me on my looks and said that I looked ever more sexy than normal. He jokingly asked if I had plans to get laid tonight? I said...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. It is Amanda, my sister in law. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We...

2 years ago
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I Thought She Made You Up Ch 04

This thing is starting to grow legs, I may need to change the classification to Novels and Novellas. …………………………………….. Early the next morning, about the crack of noon, people started stirring. One of their friends knocked on the door to invite us to breakfast. None of us thought to lock the door, and when we didn’t answer she opened it, determined to wake us up. I was face down, sleeping on my stomach, Cece sprawled across me with her back to the door. Amy was curled up in a ball on her bed....

4 years ago
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Coming Home pt 1

 Faith Rhode’s heart gave a little jump when she clicked on the friend request in her in-box. She didn’t recognize the name attached, so she decided to indulge in a little Facebook stalking to see how this person knew her. Imagine her surprise when after scrolling through the albums she came face to face with the one person she never thought she would see again; Hunter Richards.To say that their relationship had been rocky was like stating that water was wet. The Joker’s Jinx in Six Flags,...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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More The Better

More, The BetterBy: Londebaaz ChohanNobody had invited him but the offer of getting 2 videos free with every 3 rentals for a week pulled Aslam Masih to get into the store.He was horny and had not fucked for some time. He could not figure out why but he was in a dry spell. He knew, getting a faggot boy at the gay bar was no problem but no. His rules were solid and he thought, his standard was high. He needed to fuck pussy only. Last night he had enjoyed plenty, while watching the ‘Fucking...

1 year ago
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Governors Girlfriend

Chapter 1 Susie Brock was a prodigy, having skipped a grade in junior high. She, therefore, was a senior in a high school class that had some 18 year olds. She was quite pretty, with light brown hair, which was nearly blonde. She had long legs and a fine figure. She was also unattached at the moment, despite being well developed for her age. Her last boyfriend had a double standard and dumped her as a "slut" for putting out too soon. He was such a jerk, she realized. She discovered that he...

1 year ago
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My First Time

Well at last it happened. Years after the last incidents I previously first real experience with another woman. We had friends and families at our house for drinks and a classical music night around the pool. It was later in the night when it was only us adults in the pool, chatting and m, of course, drinking copious amounts of nice wine. My husband was at the other end of the pool chatting with several guests. I was at the shallow end with another couple of the wives. One of them,...

1 year ago
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Hannah and Julias big mistake part 1

John got out of his car in the driveway and stretched the stiffness out of his back. It had been a long day at the office and he was tired, sore, and in a more irritable state than he liked when coming home. His girls were sweet, sensitive little things, and it was hard on them when his mood was foul. He always made a great effort to keep his composure, so to that end, he took a deep breath as he shut the car door and attempted to soothe his stressed mindset with positive thoughts. He was a...

1 year ago
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My mums friend, had her sister staying, she was running from an abusive relationship. They had arranged a night out and I went to look after her k**s for a few hours. When I got there they was just about to leave, she told me her husband was in the shower but had to go to a meeting and they would be back by 1am. I went and got settled as their cab arrived. It wasn’t long before the baby needed a bottle and I went and got one for him, he soon went back to sleep. So I watched TV. I got a little...

1 year ago
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First Time 3

You should read the first 2 parts of this first.........I began to orgasm and I clenched Andy's cock in my ass and he started shooting into me. I could hear my spurts of cum landing on the leaves beneath me and feel Andy's cum pulsating into me. The sensations were so intense I momentarily blacked out and slumped over the tree I was leaning on as Andy fell on top of me. As we recovered Andy slid to my right and slumped over next to me. I looked at him and he looked at me and we both said "Wow!"...

1 year ago
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Fallen Poets

Authors note: this story is a work of fiction and in no way reflects the actions or thoughts of the people involved.Lucy stood at the bar waiting to be served. The concert had been as good, if not better, than she had anticipated. In her head she replayed her favourite songs and recalled every nuance of Markos performance. His voice was just as gorgeous as she remembered from the videos, and Ollie played the guitar like a dream. It had been amazing.Sipping her drink Lucy made her way over to...

1 year ago
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Hubby Styles My Bush

Hi everybody my name is Liz, I’m a petite 5’2”, natural red head, 38DD nice butt, small shapely legs, with cute feet. My husband Gill and I have been married for 6 years. Gill is the best I love him so much and I always will. We have a great sex life, I mean he had a very thick 8” cock whats not to like. He knows I can be a bit of a scamp but lets me be me.The other day I got up nude, that’s the way we sleep, and looked in the full length merrow and I noticed my pussy needed some trimming. I’ll...

3 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 12 Captive

Yuri sat on the deck of his AC and added to the map on his computer terminal. He and Tani had agreed that mapping this world would be one of the most important jobs of this expedition. Since they had left the island of the Likos they had only spotted a few small islands none of which had been inhabited. They cruised during the daylight at the leisurely speed of thirty mph, although the ACs were capable of speeds in excess of two-hundred. They searched with careful eyes and vision glasses on...

3 years ago
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Mindy and Me

Mindy and Me   Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Her Best Friend

Sarah glanced out of the living room window; it had started to rain heavily again. The room was dark just like the clouds overhead. Sat on the sofa, David finished his coffee as he glanced at her from behind. She wasn't slim but she was still an attraction; her personality was one of the first things he'd liked about her from the beginning - twenty-five years ago when she had visited the family home on many occasions. Over the years she had been a co-godparent of David's nephew, and a few...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 7

I probably should have felt bad. It was clear that Claire, when Donna hadn’t come over like she had promised, had been worried about where her friend was. The funny thing was that she reacted to seeing us like a parent does whose kids have been missing. “Where the hell have you two been?” she yelled. “I was about to call the police because I thought you must be dead!“ Then she saw our swimming suits, which we were still wearing, and our clothes bundled up in our towels. “You went swimming...

2 years ago
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The Clan

When I met Glen, I had no idea what lay ahead for me. Upon meeting him, a one-on-one encounter was as far as my imagination stretched but then, maybe I was somewhat naïve. Glen was a butch biker and very macho. I was aware that bikers usually hung out together in packs. Being shit-scared of motorcycles, I avoided these guys. Glen, however, had a very sexy smile and eyes that could melt the South Pole. Glen’s former lover had been seconded to an overseas branch of the company he worked for, and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 17

Laura was so emotionally drained by the experience that she felt like a sleepwalker for days afterward. It would have been better if Rina had never reappeared, she finally realized. She had made love to Laura so wonderfully that now Laura's sense of loss was more acute than ever. Standing there naked in her livingroom as Rina closed the door and left had been the worst experience of her life. Two overpowering orgasms hadn't made it any better. She had collapsed into tears on the sofa and...

3 years ago
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Felicity Ch 25

I was in a small neighborhood plaza in Seville when a painter at his easel caught my eye. He was painting a woman sitting on a bench with a small fountain behind her. She was dressed in white and was surrounded by pigeons, she looked fabulous. She also looked sad, resigned to her fate. She had a white cane at her side, she was blind. I walked up to the guy painting her and told him, ‘Muy bonita,’ in broken Spanish. ‘Ah, American right? The painting is for sale and will be ready soon.’ ‘I...

3 years ago
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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 6

“I’ll see you at the weighing-in, when your life sum total’s made. And you set your wealth in godly deeds against the sins you’ve laid. So you place your final burden on your hard-pressed next-of-kin. Send the chamber pot back down the line to be filled up again. Take your mind off your election and try to get it straight. And don’t pretend perfection; you’ll be crucified too late.” -Jethro Tull, “Lick Your Fingers Clean“ It can be embarrassing picking out exactly the right outfit for a...

4 years ago
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Nurse Sashas Surprise

Sasha had worked at several nursing homes while going through nursing school and she was very familiar with how they operate and how many of the elderly residents don’t like staying there. That made it all that much harder when her dad had his stroke and ended up partially paralyzed. She looked around in his area and checked with local medical facilities and learned that there was one nursing home and assisted living facility that had very good ratings and most of the residents were very...

2 years ago
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my fanatesy First time

Hi, my name is Katie; I am 5' 8" tall and weigh 155 pounds. I have size 36C breasts and tight, firm ass. I have natural blonde hair and blue eyes. This is my story!It was Friday night and I was waiting for my husband Mark to get home from his nightly meeting. We were going to go out dancing at our favorite spot. I was getting dressed in my comfortable blue denim shirt and jeans, when the phone rang. It was Mark, "He told me that he didn't know when he would be home, probably not until...

2 years ago
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A day at the office part 1

I smelled him before I saw him. I in hailed deeply, "tony" I whispered breathlessly. His muscular physique and 6'3 frame took up the entire entrance of my cubical. I suppressed a shiver, he's so....intimidating. "You know Johnson if you keep chewing company pens you may have to reimburse us one day." His voice was as smooth as dove chocolate. I managed to slowly raise my brown eyes to meet his. Not failing to notice his toned, defined, muscular legs and his strong arms crossed over...

3 years ago
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Sex on the beach4

I was sat at the desk in my room trying to trawl through some homework which needed to be done over the holidays. At some stage I must have lapsed into daydreaming, I can’t remember what about, but I found myself looking at the rain running down the outside of the window. It was absolutely chucking it down. So with it quickly turning into a lake outside and nothing else to do, it was back to the homework for me. I decided I needed something to wake me up a bit and walked down to the...

2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 37

Karen “Lessee ... ropes, ladder rack, chainsaw, mix, bar oil, handyman jack, slick, shovel, bucket of sand, drawknife, whetstone, clothes, tipi and liner, stakes lacing pins, hemp rope, liner rope and mallet.” I touched each item while reading off Hairy’s checklist. Then MY list, “Rifles, Hawken and .36 cal in blanket cases, two pistols... 53 cal and .36. Possibles bag with regalia, pouch with flints, leather and powder, both horns, can of 3f and one of 4, yard of pillow ticking, bear...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To The Hardcore

Hi, I am Stephen 27 from chennai, I am a regular reader of ISS. Am not good in grammar, please forgive me for my mistakes. It’s a true story of mine, which will take you to the imagination. I like to share my experience of losing virginity to my GF. Guys hold your dicks, girls hands on boobs. Any feedback please post to this mail id Our relationship starts by love at first sight. She expressed her love and I accept her proposal in two days. Her name is Anitha, about her appearance she is...

3 years ago
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Step Mom Teaches Sex

Hello, my name is Ketan and my mother name is Jyothika. I’m sharing my real story with you guys where my stepmother taught how to have sex and we ended up as fuck buddies. Before proceeding into the story some quick stats of my stepmom 34C-26-36 white fair complexion and sexy body as she didn’t have a baby. Her ass is fair and the best thing about her body that could attract anyone to fuck her. Coming to the story, after the death of my biological mother Rupala due to cancer. As we (Me and My...

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A Very Naughty Girl

There are some things you do in public because you can, and it’s naughty to do them, it hurts no-one, especially when you know that getting caught probably won‘t actually happen. Then there are some things that you do because of the possibility of getting caught. The added tension and hypersensitivity of your senses adds to the experience. If you get caught, you have two options. Carry on and brave it out hoping the person or persons will just watch, or stop and pretend that you weren’t...

3 years ago
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Mature Jill Gets Her Revenge

[Complete Version][Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and...

2 years ago
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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

1 year ago
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A Nanny Femtastic 10

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 10 I rose early the next day and put on my white lace bikini, and took a dip in the pool. I was sitting on a lounger drying myself when Felicity came out. “Good morning gorgeous!” she said kissing me on the cheek. Our breasts rubbed together. “You know we have that party with those guys today sweetie?” “Are you sure we should go Felicity?” I said frowning. “What about Bradley?” “ Oh he will be ok, to be honest me and him are not getting on so well at the moment,...

2 years ago
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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 8 Monday contd

"Count to ten," Jody said through the closed door, "and then you can come in!" We took off running, giggling like little girls, bare naked with our clothes flapping in our hands. It was silly and stupid and for some reason it was a lot of fun too. I was still nervous, still kinda scared, but Jody wouldn't let me worry. She promised it would be okay and I had to believe her. I wanted to, you know? "In here!" She pushed open a door and slammed it behind us and we were in a small...

4 years ago
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Window ShoppingChapter 6

As bizarre as it seems, my life settled into a kind of normal over the following weeks and months. Miss redid the decorations of the master bedroom once more, to suit her own tastes and wishes, as it became her domain, even though she did not spend every night there. The guest room, remaining as a princess room, was now mine. My new wardrobe, consisting of the kinds of outfits I had been dressed in so far for Miss's amusement, as well as various humiliating uniforms and various implements...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting

True story happened March 2014Chance MeetingI had a service call and had to drive up to Conn. A snow storm was coming in. After a long drive thru the storm I arrived at the hotel. All wound up from the long drive decided to go to the bar in the hotel and have a meal and a couple beers to unwind. Sat at the bar and ordered, when a cute brunette sat asked if could sit in the empty chair next to me. I stood up and pulled the stool out so she could sit down. She said "Thank-you"Introduced myself ,...

3 years ago
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Fucking her mom

Fucking her mom!The girlfriend doesn’t mind sharing her boyfriend with her mother and the mother is a real whore Milf who can’t be happier to taste a young, male’s cock…I sit now and remember the day I got to fuck my neighbor while studying hard for final exams! Hell that was incredible! Well, I got her mother as well. While I and Deborah continued to study together we got really close by time. And it should have happened one day! She would often time tell me about her parents and how her...

2 years ago
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A House of Men Ch 06

A warm, rather large form settles over me the next morning, drawing me from my dreams. I open my eyes as warm skin touches my forehead. All I am able to see is a pair of gleaming green eyes filled with laughter and mischief. ‘Ty, what on earth are you doing?’ ‘Doing? I’m not doing anything.’ ‘You are laying on me. Why?’ ‘It’s time to get up, Angel. Our restaurant beckons.’ ‘Oh, great. I have another Mark on my hands. Angel, indeed.’ ‘Sorry, Holly. It’s just that the loan officer has...

2 years ago
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Her submission

Hillary is roused from her sleep by a knock on the door. She pulls on some pajamas as she walks down the stairs, making sure she is decent before she opens the door.It is him.She had forgotten he was coming, caught up in other things. She was sleepy and smiley and horny. Her pussy still craving cock, despite the orgasms she gave myself before her nap."You were sleeping?", he asks.She nod my confirmation."And before that..?", he asked.She nods again. He knows her too well."So you just want...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 608

The Prison Planet Jeff and Morales’ Conversation Continues. ...”We know that it’s sending out some type of subroutine that’s basically saying, ‘I’m here,’ or some such. Now we just have to figure out how to respond and tell it that ‘we are here and ready to transmit,’ or some such thing. How the heck do I tell that thing that I want to learn how to talk to someone halfway across the galaxy? Who says the beings that used that thing even used speech? Maybe they did it mentally. Maybe I don’t...

2 years ago
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Diana was lying on her bed panting softly as she stimulated her clitoris with her fingers while gripping her breast. The 22 year could feel her two fingers become soaked with her own wetness, she was becoming close to her breaking point. Her brown skin was slightly sticking to the sheets from the sweat. She then placed her other hand below to maximize the sensation, after one last moan she sighed with slight satisfaction. Her hands could only do so much and not owning any sex toys only made her...

1 year ago
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The Party

It all started when Nicola got broody. She was going through a rough patch with her partner at the time and we never worked out if that was the reason, but in her mid-thirties she didn't want to wait any longer. Her partner point blank refused her, he had three k**s from earlier entanglements and fatherhood held no further allure. With a successful business supporting her there was no reason she needed him and one afternoon she asked me if I would contribute.With Nicola it was more a case of...

1 year ago
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Sin City

As I step out of the shower in our hotel bathroom I’m not surprised by the outfit you laid out for me. Nor am I surprised that you’re not to be found. I assume you are out on the balcony waiting for me to get dressed. I see the white stripper heels first. They are taller than I want but I am doing this for you. They tan pantyhose are laid across my silk black teddy and robe. The elbow length gloves will cover my hot pink nails I had done for you. You have all week to see them and feel them dig...

Drunk sex
1 year ago
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I Want It Too

Chapter 1 I've been divorced now for over ten years and I do date some, at least publicly. You may wonder why I put it that way and, like most things that sound odd, there is a reason–I had been secretly dating my best friend's daughter. It all began about three years ago, she was just turned eighteen and when I went to take her birthday present to her, she took me aside and gave me a kiss that was no longer a young-girl kiss, especially when, after our lips and tongues parted, she looked...

4 years ago
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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 1

Holding his result in his hand, he rushed home impatiently. Rahul was desperate to share the good news with her sister. Without her constant support, he would never have attained it. Rahul hadn’t tried his best for the exams because of the unknown surprise gift that Misha did promise him but rather to reduce her sister’s stress and burden. It was well-known that Misha loved her younger brother more than herself and was always anxious about his future. Taking birth...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 96

We did watch the adult films for two hours before bedtime. It was a lot of fun to comment on them, since Jeffy was quite witty. He could also see the humor in male, female relationships. Something that some men sometimes have a problem doing. Yes at some point he reached over and laid his hand on my thigh. The bucket seats in the front of the truck were very close, almost making a bench seat. It was how I managed to curl on them to sleep the night before. Needless to say we got closer as the...

3 years ago
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Mondos Clan part 2

15 I awoke to stillness, something seemed wrong, I reached around to grasp one of the cats... they were gone. I got up looked out side but everything looked to be alright Socar walked by and I asked if he had seen the Cats. He answered, “about 2 hours ago Sondi went into the cave and a few minutes later Bruno and Runt followed her. This did not alarm me the cats often hunted alone. I sat down and thought about the past two years since the clans had merged things had prospered and...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 651

Every Miadax in the rec room froze as the group came in with Selina astride Lila and Lobo close beside them. “Relax,” Jeff said loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear. “They are highly intelligent beings.” “You are dismissed,” the First told his crew. “I’ll meet you in the training room shortly.” “What are they,” the navigator, who was the nearest alien to the wolves, asked as he sidled past. While the wolves grinned back, Jeff couldn’t resist and said, “Your best friend or your...

3 years ago
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my wifes fantasy finally comes true

So this is how it all began.My name is Tom, I am fifty years old and live with my wife of twenty years we have two children who are nineteen and sixteen.Back when I first met my wife I had a very high sex drive, I loved sex and would have sex five times a day if my wife had let me, sadly she did not feel the same way and was quite happy with maybe sex once a week or even every two weeks. So through the years my sex drive has had to take a back seat. My wife and I are very happily married and I...

2 years ago
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SovereigntyChapter 10

Alan, Hopix and the rest of the Fairixies appeared not far from the palace, several guards bristled 'til they saw Alan then the stood at attention. All the new arrivals were staring with their mouths agape at all of the buildings here on the Fairixie home world. Alan still felt a little unsure; the dream with the lizard guy had seemed all too real to just be a dream. Walking in they were soon greeted by many more servants and guards, looking around Alan saw Glimmer coming towards them. "I...

1 year ago
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My Dream Woman 8211 Story Of My Sexy Aunt

Hey guys I’m Ricky. 18 years old with an athletic build and six pack abs height 5’8. Girls only email me for anything Mein Canada mein rehta hoon Erik two family house mein. Doosre side mein meri eik khala rehthi hain usse pyaar se naaz bulate hain. Jab se mein 18 saal ka tha mein roz unke baare mein soch kar muth maar tha. Woh bohut khoobsurat 30 saal ki hain. medium sized boobs aur regular size gaand hain unke paas. Jab se unko mehne bra mein dekha unko fuck karne ka bohut dil karra tha....

2 years ago
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Angel Fallen The First Time

The First Timeby AngelsMateAngel_FallenI didn't know what to expect, really. I know she didn't. We were on our way across town to meet a complete stranger in a hotel room. Where (if all went according to plan) she would soon find herself being fucked by the first new man in our over 20-year marriage. And I was going to watch. To say we were both as excited as we were apprehensive is an understatement. This was actually going to happen!We pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and gazed...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 6

I got a sinking feeling when I saw my mother come into the lunch room and look around. I closed my laptop and packed up right away, knowing that she was about to collect me for something. She saw me get up and waited by the door for me. “What’s up?” I asked, knowing she’d be enjoying her lunch in the faculty lounge if there wasn’t a problem. “Lana and Beck are being taken home for the afternoon,” she said. “I don’t know what you said to them, but they’re hysterical.” She wasn’t accusing me...

1 year ago
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BFFs Megan Sage Trillium Alex Grey Nickey Huntsman Summer Pool Party

Megan and her friends are super excited for their last day of summer pool party! These girls know how to have a good time. The pool area was stocked with water guns, floats, and even a slip and slide. The only bro out there was chad, and boy was he lucky. The girls will have to turn their focus on school after today, so they really wanted to go out with a bang. Gang bang that is. Megan sets it off with an underwater hand job, then gets her hot friends to join. They take turns sucking him off...


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