- 4 years ago
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It's the little things that fuck your life up. I mean you know that the big things might happen so you try to prepare for them. You try to squeeze a little bit out of every paycheck to put in savings against that rainy day you get laid off or the company you are working for goes bankrupt. You cover your house with insurance to protect you against fire, flood, and hail damage or some other disaster. You are always looking for the big things, hoping that they won't happen, but trying to be ready if they do.
It's the little things that kill you. Mail the house payment on time, but forget to put a stamp on the envelope and get a late payment tick on your credit report.
Let your kid use your car to go out on a date and don't check the gas gauge in the morning; run out of gas on the way to work and have your boss yell at you for being late.
Take your wife out to a nice restaurant and go use the restroom. Forget to zip up and walk back to your table with your shirttail sticking out your fly to everyone's amusement.
Well, it was a little thing that got me. Actually it was more like a schoolboy prank that backfired and bit me on the ass.
Ever wonder why when you are out having dinner with friends or when you are at a party and a woman gets up to go to the bathroom one or two other women will get up and go with her? I did; wonder about it I mean. Alice and I would be somewhere and be sitting with other people and Alice would say, "Would you guys excuse me please? I've got to go to the lady's room," and another woman would say, "Wait up, I'll go with you." Guys didn't do that. I never saw it happen with two or three guys, but I'd always seen it with girls and I'd seen it ever since I started dating in my early teens.
I wondered if it was something in a woman's genes; something passed down from generation to generation. What was it? One had to hold the hem of the other's skirt or dress to keep it from touching the floor? Who knew? It wasn't something that the women talked about and I guess I was the only guy really curious about it because I never heard any of the other guys pondering the question. But I had wondered and I was curious.
Alice and I were at a party at Paul and Pam's. About an hour in the party Angie got up to go to the bathroom and Linda got up and went with her. Half an hour later Mary made the trip with Margie tagging along behind her. I'd had just enough to drink to be loose and I got this great idea. Remember back in high school the rumor that was always going around about the peephole that let you look into the girl's locker room? I never saw it and I don't know anyone else who did, but you always heard, "Did you hear about ________? He was looking through the peephole into the girls locker room and he swears he saw_______." I remembered that and I thought of looking into the bathroom when a couple of women went in there just to find out why they all went in there in pairs. I knew that even though I would like to I never would because getting caught would fuck up your life big time, but what if you could listen in?
When Mary and Margie got back I got up and went to the john and opened the window a crack so that I could stand outside and listen to what was going on. I went back to the party, got a fresh drink and waited to see who would go next. About ten minutes later I saw Helen grab her purse and get up from the table and a half-second later Vickie got up to go with her. I went out the patio door and was waiting under the window when the two of them walked into the room.
H: "I've got to cut down on my drinking. I'm making too many trips to this room."
V: "I stopped drinking at these parties. I stick to ginger ale or soda water now."
H: "I need to cut out drinking before what happened to Sally happens to me."
V: "I know what you mean. Do you think Robert knows?"
H: "I doubt it. If he knew he would have killed Randy by now.
V: "I know she was drunk when she did it the first time, but why does she keep doing it?"
H: "She does it because Randy has a huge cock."
V: "Huge?"
H: "Almost ten inches long and hard as a rock."
V: "How do you know that?"
(Sound of the toilet flushing.)
H: "When Mike and I separated a while back I played a little with Randy. It was a hell of an experience and I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance."
V: "Oh my god, I couldn't do that. I could never cheat on Harry."
H: "I doubt if Sally would let you get close to him anyway so it's probably a moot point."
(The toilet flushed again.)
V: "Why didn't you stay with him if he was that good?"
H: "Cause he was a dick. (Some laughing and then) A dick head with a dick. His cock was the only thing he had going for him."
And then they left the room. Was that the secret? They went in groups of anywhere from two to five or six so they could gossip? I started to go back to the party when I heard the bathroom door open and a woman giggle. Myra Thomas said, "What are you giggling about Sarah?"
"I know something that you don't know."
"Yeah, but do I want to know it?"
"Of course you do. You always want to know the dirt on the girls."
"So what do you know?"
(I heard the sound of piss hitting the water in the toilet and then Myra said, "Hand me that wash rag please?" and then the toilet flushed.)
"Guess which girl friend snuck out of the party and got some back seat time with Doug."
"Give me a hint."
"She has a clueless husband."
Myra laughed, "Sweetie, you just described every woman here tonight. "
"Okay, she is probably the one you wouldn't expect it from, at least not here with her husband with her."
"No, but close."
"Don't tell me. I want to go back to the party and see if I can pick her out by the way she looks or acts. If I haven't figured it out by the end of the night you can tell me."
I heard the toilet flush and then Sarah said, "I like that shade of lipstick. Where did you get it?"
"It's called Peach Zinger and I got it at Wal-Mart" and then I heard them leave the room.
I was just a little pissed. My curiosity was peaked now; who the hell went out to the car with Doug for some 'back seat' time? And just what did 'back seat' time mean? Some heavy necking, or was there possibly a fresh cum stain on Doug's back seat? I'd already learned that Sally played around and now I wanted to know who played with Doug. I'd never gone stepping on Alice before, but if I ever did Sally would be up there on the list. I needed to get back to the party and do what Myra was doing — try to figure out who made the trip outside with Doug.
Half an hour later I still had no idea who Doug had talked into leaving the party with him. During that half-hour I saw several women hit the bathroom and I wondered what they had talked about, but I couldn't spend all my time under that window because I was bound to be missed. When I saw Myra and Sarah make a second trip to the bathroom I slipped out of the party and got back to where I could hear what was going on. I figured that Myra had figured it out and was going back to the john to get confirmation from Sarah. But it wasn't Myra and Sarah I heard. I don't know who it was because the voices were hoarse with passion.
"That's it baby, suck on my clit. God but I wish you could do that forever. Here, let me get my hand in your bra so I can squeeze your nipples."
(Loud moan.)
"That's it, that's it, just like that. Oh god, I'm close, I'm close, oooohyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
(Loud moaning.)
"God that was good baby. I'll do you next time."
"We need to get back to the party before my hubby starts to wonder where I am."
I hurried to get back inside the house so I could see who came out of the bathroom. Just as I turned the corner of the house Doug and Paul came out on the patio so I ducked back to the side of the house. Since there was no way to get inside to see who it was who had been in the bathroom I turned and went back to the window. I got there just in time to hear Myra say, "I don't know why I wasted my time trying to play sleuth. She has been such a total slut this past year that I should have taken it for granted that she was the one you saw."
"Well yeah, but you have to give her a little credit. She has left the husbands of her friends alone. In fact, I don't think any of her paramours is married."
"Yes, but is that because it is her choice or because we have all threatened to cut our hubby's balls off if we even catch them looking her way?"
"I don't know, but she is my friend and so I will give her the benefit of the doubt."
"You think her hubby knows? Think he may be one of those men who gets off on his wife putting out for other men?"
"No, I don't think Rob has a clue. Nice guy, but not too bright where the wifey is concerned."
All of a sudden I felt a chill run down my spine. There were only two Robs at the party and I was one of them. That meant that they were either talking about Fran or Alice. They said that the woman who had gone out to the car with Doug had been a total slut for the past year and I would have noticed if Alice had been behaving like that. So, it had to be Fran. Well, that fit. Rob Olsen wasn't all that bright.
I moved back to the corner of the house, saw that the patio was clear, and I got back to the party. I started paying closer attention to Fran to see if I could pick up a vibe or see something that would give away what she and Doug had doing. I checked her out real close every chance I got with out being obvious about it, but I just couldn't see a thing that indicated that she had played fast and loose with Doug. Maybe Rob wasn't as dumb as I had thought. If I couldn't spot that she had just been fucked knowing that she had, how could he be expected to know when he wasn't even looking? I just filed Fran's name away for possible further attention just like I had Sally's.
I was in the kitchen getting myself another drink when I saw Pam and my wife heading for the bathroom and I smiled to myself; I just couldn't pass this one up. I ducked out of the house and got to the window just in time to hear Pam say, "But what about Paul?"
"In case you haven't noticed he is damned near falling down drunk. He won't even notice."
"Look honey, I like Rob, but I'm not like you, I don't cheat on my husband."
"I'm not asking you to do that. Just keep Rob occupied. You can do that. I've seen you kiss him half a dozen times over the years under the mistletoe at Christmas parties. Lead him on, let him cop a couple of feels and give him some really hot kisses with a touch of tongue. Just keep him occupied long enough for me to fuck Randy. He's here and Sally isn't so it might be my only chance for a while."
"I don't know girlfriend. It is one thing to cover for you when Rob calls here looking for you, but it is something else again for me to do what you are asking. Hell honey, you didn't need for me to cover for you when you went out to Doug's car with him."
"Didn't need you to. Doug was just some hot necking and a straight fuck and then we were back at the party. Randy is a different story. It takes time for him to work that huge log into you and then he seems to be able to fuck forever. I'm not sure that Rob wouldn't notice me being gone that long. That's why I need your help girlfriend."
"God Alice, you are such a slut. You'll fuck anything with a cock. The only guys safe from you are my husband and Rob's brother.
Alice giggled and said, "Well, you are half right."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that Paul is safe because I promised you."
"You mean you would do Rob's brother?"
"I was his birthday present when he turned forty."
"You slut you."
"You still doing him?"
"Every Thursday night when Rob goes bowling and any other time he will be out of the house for more than a couple of hours and Lance can get over. So, will you help me out here?"
"I'll try honey, but I can't promise he'll be interested enough in me to let me keep him occupied."
"Just flash a little tit or let him see your panties somehow. He won't run away from you, I promise."
I had approached the window with a smile on my face and a certain amount of smugness that I was going to put something over on Alice, but the smile and the smugness were gone; killed off by what I'd heard coming out of the slightly opened window. My wife and Doug, my wife and Randy and Myra's statement, "She's been a total slut for the past year" and worst of all, my own brother. I was too stunned by it all to even feel the anger and the rage that I knew would be breaking out soon. When it came, and I knew that it would, I was going to have to beat it down and try to remain calm. I couldn't afford to let it go unchecked because I could very well end up in jail if I did. That didn't mean that I wouldn't take my revenge, because I would; I most definitely would.
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NOVEMBER 2001, THANKSGIVING BREAK [WHUMP] The impact of her body against mine was enough to stagger me. I just barely stayed upright, my knees threatening to buckle but holding firm while Dawn wrapped her legs around my waist and planted a volcanic kiss on my lips. And only now did I feel like I could relax. At first, I'd been rather disappointed not to find my girlfriend waiting for me at the end of the jet bridge. My heart sunk like a stone into the pit of my stomach at the thought that...
Introduction: A bet between her husband and his brother means that Donna gets a great night of fucking. Donna concentrated on relaxing her throat muscles to keep from gagging on the strangers thick seven-inch cock that was deep in her throat. Her nose was buried in his pubic hair and pressing against his abdomen. The one thing that helped a lot was the wonderful feeling between her legs as Bill, her husband rapidly licked her soaking wet pussy. Donna knew that soon she would have a belly full...
John had been called out on a service call for a bucket truck, that the bucket was malfunctioning. When he got to the sight at Dover and Jensen St, he discovered they had failed to turn off the override safety. He got in the bucket and took it up to check to make sure it was working properly. He looked down to see his wife Angie pull up at the red light, in her new convertible sports car with the top down. Unfortunately, she was not alone and when they stopped at the light, they leaned into...
Night over Gotham City was still more than two hours away. Nevertheless, the dark figure in gray and black was already out searching the city. A crime most monstrous was in danger of becoming even more so. “Twenty possibilities down, only a hundred more to go,” the young woman beneath the cape and cowl thought as she looked over the waterfront. “Something like this would have to happen when Batman and Robin are out of town. I could really use that keen analytical mind of his.” Shielding her...
Cider Junction WV time: Friday 5:47:00 PM May 15, 2015 (local time EDT) Cider Junction WV time: Friday 4:47:00 PM May 15, 2015 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 1:03:48 AM day 254 of 1413 (third day of spring Makua) "Time mark. Two minutes to go," Kara said calmly. "A bit difficult to get excited about this," mused Kikapua, as he looked around at his sleepy councilors at the transfer station. "Nalani, what time is sunrise, and what time will it be when the tunnel open for...
The voyage north that Glade would make across the Great Sea wasn’t one she’d planned and most definitely not one she would have chosen, although it was true that she and Demure had often sat together on the shore and looked over a sea that stretched towards the North rather than the West. And they’d often speculated whether this water stretched to the very end of the world or whether there might be land beyond. ‘The further North we go,’ observed Glade, ‘the further we are from the Sun. And...
All throughout the years of his life, Josh had always been the person no one wanted. In his early grades of school, he was the one with glasses, he was the one who had “cooties,” he was the one who never felt the true friendship of one of his peers. Sure, he had friends he would talk to at school, during lunch, at recess, but he always knew deep in his heart from an early age, that he was destined to be alone. He saw plenty of other children that had best friends, he knew they had...
It’s great to be gangbanged by several black cocks! This guy I was seeing called Marco asked me over one night to “watch a movie” the night after I let him fuck me in his car! He said my pussy was the best he had had in a while! So he picked me up and we went to his apartment which I knew he was sharing with his two friends Rider and Slim Jim. We went to his room and pretended to start to watch this movie. He took off all the lights in his room and it was pitch black when he took off the TV and...
I really appreciate the feedback, thanks. Amy had me help her clean the house in preparation for her special day. She was nonstop and the tight t-shirt that she wore was plastered with perspiration, so much so that her nipples were clearly visible as they poked at the saturated material. I couldn’t help but watch, the sway of her breasts, the firmness of her legs that were exposed due to the fact that she was wearing rather short, shorts, her incredible overall sexiness and the fact that I...
Lucky Pervert by Peeping Thom (mff, mF teens, 1st, ped and inc) Author’s note. This is my first foray into erotic fiction for a number of years and it is also the first story I have submitted to this forum. This is the story of how some harmless flirting, an abundance of teenage hormones and a friend’s older sister lead to not only my loss of virginity but her younger sister’s as well. The events recounted here took place in the mid 1980s, a time when people still felt safe leaving their doors...
I knew it as soon as I saw her. The way her pants cupped her ass. The shirts she wore that made her tits heave. Even the way she walked and smiled. Sara was the new girl at my office, and she was going to be on my cock. I couldn't help it. Every time I saw her, I got hard. Her first day at the office, we all took notice. After a week, most of the guys had tagged her as a "good girl" that is above sex and perversion, but I could see in her eyes that she was just like the rest of us. I guessed...
Erotic FictionMy name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, married for 22 years, and I have two k**s. My husband, Thomas, and I have fun together, make each other laugh, still have great sex several times a week and every day I'm happy to go home to him. I have always been focused on being a good mother and wife so I didn't have too much time at the gym but I made the most of that time. I wanted to make sure Thomas never had eyes for other women. I believe myself to be an attractive woman and I know my husband...
Hi readers,,, i always loved to read people fucking their maids… I always wanted to fuck a maid after my first encounter…but could’not do it till date….let me narrate to you my first encounter… I was 18 yrs & we had a huge, dad & sister lived together. I used to study for my PUC II exams in my room on the first floor… There was this maid named Elizabeth…she was about 17-18yrs of age with nice pretty boobs & a sexy curve over her hip..this girl used to stay at our place & sleep in the...
Fiery beauty Anna De Ville loves to be a tease to all her fans and really can not wait to show off those beautiful large tits and shaved pussy of hers. Codey Steele is more than happy; as we can tell from that hard cock of his! He buries his face in her wet pussy enjoying hot hot this babe is! Anna gets on his hard cock fucking him hard making sure to feel every hard inch deep in that tight pussy of hers! Codey holds off for the whole show miraculously and then blows his hot spunk all over her...
xmoviesforyouI had just turned 19 and was heading home for the first time in 6 months. It was the end of my first year at university and I hadn't been home since Christmas. Now I was looking forward to 6 weeks of lazing around.Actually, I wasn't really looking forward to it at all. The reason that I had only been home once during the past 12 months was that I didn't really like the atmosphere at home. My mum and dad had been married for 20 years but these days all they seemed to do was argue. Dad spent most...
The coffee shop. Jerry is sitting alone in a booth reading the menu, which he knows by heart. Elaine Benes walked into the coffee shop at the usual time and sat down across from Jerry Seinfeld in their usual booth. "Hi Elaine." "Hi Jerry." The big, pink-uniformed waitress came over, poured them both coffee, and asked "What'll it be?" "The usual." "The usual." The waitress nodded and shuffled away. "So how's it going?" asked Jerry. "You look kinda tired. Hot date last...
A couple stools down from my was a really sexy young lady. She did not look old enough to be in there but I know that Jimmy's cards anyone that looks questionable. She had medium length blond hair and had a great build. She was wearing a white tube top that was well stretched by her tits that I would guess may have been about 34 c's and shaped just perfectly. She had on a short white skirt over her small hips and her well tanned tummy had a navel ring. She was a real knock out. All the...
Helen Bryant certainly wasn’t going to complain about Mike and Charles reaming her good and hard from both ends, double-teaming her as she bucked her hips against both of them. The awareness that her pussy and asshole were both stuffed with cock, impaled by both men at once, it was more than enough to help her along the way to a series of climaxes of growing intensity. Knowing that she was pregnant and not being sure of the paternity only added to the spice, of course. She looked forward to...
So....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex could REALLY be. She...