Inviting A PickupChapter 6 free porn video

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Jake was smiling as he showered Saturday morning. He had slipped out of bed, drained his bladder despite his morning wood while hunched over the toilet, and climbed into the shower. He had a day planned that he hoped Lana would enjoy. He had talked with her a few times at school and enjoyed the girl's company. She was feisty, and didn't take shit off of anybody.

He had borrowed his Dad's pickup for the day, giving Mark the keys to the Mustang. His dad loved the car almost as much as Jake did, having helped with the restoration at times. Jake had loaded everything he needed in the back of the truck and locked the cover the night before. Checking that it was still secure and nothing was missing he climbed in the 4x4 and headed to Lana's address.

He found the house, a small well kept cottage on a street of similar houses. He was a little nervous as he stood on the front porch waiting for someone to answer the doorbell. He heard heavy footsteps and a large man opened the door, staring at Jake bleary eyed. Jake thought the man was hung over before he realized the man was weary, his eyes red from lack of sleep.

"Mr. Dean, my name is Jake Whitman, I'm here to pick up Lana," he said politely. Jesus, the guy was huge; he made his son look small. If this was what Harvey was going to look like when he grew up, maybe I shouldn't have broke his nose, Jake thought.

"Yeah, you're the guy that broke Harv's nose, ain't you?" the man said as he ushered Jake in. Jake followed him into the kitchen, accepting a cup of coffee when the man offered.

"Lana said to tell you she'll be down in a minute, but you know how women are." The big man shrugged. Jake nodded; he would have agreed if the man said the sun was dark. Big Harv stood 6'9" in his stocking feet, and weighed every bit of 325 pounds. His coffee mug, which held three normal cups, disappeared in his hand, making it look like a toy cup. Jake was beginning to have second, and third, thoughts about getting involved with Lana. Having a guy this size mad at you would assure a bad day.

"So, how'd you break his nose? He telegraph his punch again? I keep telling him that's going to bite him in the ass one of these days." Big Harv eyed Jake appraisingly, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, that and he moves slow, no offense, but most bigger guys do. They've got the power, but all that bulk slows them down some." Jake hoped Mr. Williams didn't try to prove him wrong.

"Yeah, but if we ever get our hands on someone, it's usually all over." Big Harv liked this kid, he was respectful of his elders, and didn't beat around the bush. He was a little nervous, but Harv was used to that. A lot of people were nervous around him.

"Lana tells me you got a '70 Pony, fully restored. Did you do it all yourself?" he asked yawning. He'd had a late night, a customer showed up at the last minute, willing to pay extra if Harv got his ride fixed soonest.

The money was good, but Harv had only gotten three hours of sleep. Still, he had the Daddy thing to do, and he wouldn't want his wife, God rest her soul, coming back and haunting his ass if he screwed it up.

"Everything but the motor," Jake replied, happy to talk cars. "You did it or someone from your shop." Harv looked puzzled for a moment, and then snapped his big fingers, the pop like a gunshot.

"I knew I recognized the name from somewhere. You're Mark Whitman's boy." Harv sipped his coffee. "So how's she run?"

"Like a sewing machine. Dad took your advice and we took it to Gomez's for the exhaust. What a sweet rumble. I swear I feel more alive when I'm driving that car." Harv grinned at Jake's enthusiasm; he liked a fellow gear head.

"Well, if it ever needs a tune up, bring it by." Harv liked seeing projects he had worked on when they were finished. It made the job seem complete somehow.

"How about I just bring it by so you can check it out, I'm pretty proud of my baby." Harv laughed, yeah, he and this kid were going to get along fine.

"You aren't terrorizing my date, are you Dad," Lana said from the doorway. Jake turned, seeing her dressed in jeans and a tight black half T-shirt that read "I SWALLOW".

"Nah sweetie, we were planning on ditching you and taking a drive in his ride, until you showed up with that shirt on. Don't know how a Dad can compete with advertising like that." Jake could tell his grumbling was second nature, and that he was the kind of father who would give his daughter anything.

"Sir, it was nice to meet you, and I promise to bring my baby by so you can check her out. I also promise to bring your baby back safe and sound."

"That's all I can ask," Harv said, standing to escort them to the door. "Her mother was a wild one and I loved her for it. Lana reminds me of her mother so much sometimes it hurts." Jake watched as Lana hugged her father, her hands not even reaching around his middle.

Jake walked her to the truck followed by her father. Opening the door he helped her climb in and told her to buckle up before closing the door. He shook Harv's hand, handing him a piece of paper.

"That's my cell phone; I don't know if Lana's will work out where we're going. Has she ever shot clays before?" he asked. Harv's eyebrows arched.

"Not for a few years, we did a lot when her mother was still alive and she keeps after me to take her, but I just couldn't." His voice choked up a little. Jake took the paper back and grabbed a pen from the truck.

"Here's the address we'll be at. It's a farm that's been in the family for years. The old barn is still standing, although the house burned down in a lightning storm a few years back. We've got a couple of trap pits there, and there's a pond for fishing or swimming. You're welcome if you want to come out. You look like you could use some more sleep though."

"Yeah, up all night fixing a rush job. But hey, gotta keep the lights on. Thanks for this; Lana will love you for it. And it will mean a lot to me to see her happy." Harv squeezed Jake's hand firmly, but not too firmly. Jake could feel the power in the man's grip, along with the control. He had the grip of a powerful man who had come to terms with his strength. The more Jake talked with him the more he liked him.

Lana waved at her dad as they drove away. Jake wouldn't tell her where they were going, and she finally gave up asking. The drive only took thirty minutes, and they chatted the whole way about whatever topic came up. Jake pulled into the rutted drive at the old farm, stopping the truck. Climbing out, he grabbed two shotgun cases out of the back, seeing Lana's eyes light up.

"Jake, what are we doing here," she asked, her smile saying she suspected him of something clever.

"Well, you said you were somewhat of a tomboy, and every boy needs to learn to shoot. I was going to teach you to shoot trap, but your Dad said you already knew how. So how about we dust a few clays, and then eat the picnic lunch I brought. After that we can swim or fish. I brought one of Della's suits; you guys are about the same size."

"Jake, I've gone on a few dates, been to movies, out to eat, even had one guy take me to a ball game, but this is the first time someone has taken me on a picnic." She shook her head in wonder. "And to top it all off, I get to shoot shit." She grinned widely, her eyes twinkling. "So do you want to fuck now or later?"

"Actually, both, but that's not why I brought you here, I promised no strings attached and I meant it."

"I know Jake, and my offer was made for just that reason. I'm not your typical freshman, I haven't slept with every guy who's taken me out, but I have given out a few hand jobs and one or two blowjobs." When Jake started to interrupt she stopped him.

"What I'm trying to say is I promised myself I would wait until I found a guy who was more concerned about what I wanted than getting his rocks off. I found him, and Jake, anytime you want to, you let me know. I'm all yours."

"God Lana, you know how to swell a boys head." Catching her glance at his crotch he chuckled, "That too, but I want you to know something up front. I'm not looking for a steady girl, or not just one anyway. I'm not bragging, but I'm currently active with three girls who know about each other, and don't care if I throw another one or two in the mix occasionally."

He was watching Lana's face for any adverse reaction to his words. Seeing nothing but curiosity he went on. "What I'm saying is that I would love to be with you, and feel honored that you would want me to be your first. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. I like you, but I've got other girls too, and I won't give them up for anyone, not even you."

"Oh Jake, I know about your rep, hell, all the girls at school do. And I'm not asking you to marry me. When I first agreed to this date I had already heard what a kind and thoughtful lover you were. I've talked to two girls whom you deflowered, and both said that despite your size, and their worries, it was a sweet and wonderful experience. That's what I want for my first time. If we keep seeing each other, that would be great, and I wouldn't care about the other girls, heck, I might want to be number four."

"Anytime you're with me you're number one," Jake said.

"I bet you say that to all the girls," Lana said with a smile. Jake gave her a grin.

"You're right, I do. Now do you want to go shoot some shit, or what?"

Lana laughed and hugged him, walking arm in arm with him around to the back of the barn where the launcher pits were located.

Jake had brought along Della's Bennelli 20ga. semiautomatic, and Lana quickly fell in love with the gun. It had been a couple of years and her skills were a little rusty, but she was soon matching Jake clay for clay. Once they got tired of turning round pieces of clay into dust Jake fetched the picnic basket and a blanket and carried it down by the pond.

The grass had been mowed back around the pond, leaving a fifty foot area free of the surrounding weeds. Jake had called the man his Dad had mow once a month, and promised him extra if he would mow again this week. Once the blanket was spread Lana and he dug into the sandwiches he had brought along. Lana found a six pack of beer and a bottle of wine in the basket and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know which you preferred, so I brought both. I'll have a beer now, but that's all because I have to drive back. If you're wanting to do some more shooting, better limit yourself to one, guns and alcohol are a bad mix," Jake said. Lana nodded, opening a beer for both of them. They lay back on the blanket, looking up at the fluffy clouds floating along.

"Jake, can I kiss you?" Lana asked suddenly. Jake nodded, watching Lana's eyes as she moved in toward him. They shared a long gentle kiss before Lana laid her head on Jake's chest.

"That was nice. Jake did you ever play the 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' game when you were younger?" Jake nodded; he knew what she was referring to. He remembered a vivacious young girl, a distant cousin he had met at a family reunion when he was 10 or 11. She had introduced him to the game in the loft of the old barn here, while their parents and relatives were just outside.

"Yeah, why do you ask, are you wanting to play now?" he asked, his tone teasing.

"Yeah, but I want to change the rules a little, I want to see your CAP card." Jake stiffened a little; Lana could feel it as she lay against him. "Don't get me wrong Jake, I like you no matter what, and I would love to be friends with you, probably even friends with benefits, if you're as good as the rumors imply." Jake waited out her pause as she gathered her thoughts.

"It's just that I didn't do so hot, and when you were talking about having three girls already, well, I just had this thought that maybe you've got a good enough score to get yourself and those girls out, which would mean you have at least room for one more, they let you take concubines in pairs, right?" Jake nodded, remaining silent, waiting to see what she would say.

"So I was wondering, do you have a good enough score and if you do, would you be interested in me as a concubine? I mean, I know we haven't done anything yet, but if you would be interested, well, you could test drive me everyday, because I won't let you out of my sight until we're picked up."

Jake was silent for so long that Lana began to fear she had crossed some invisible line with him. He felt her start to pull away and held her tight with the arm that was around her shoulders. He kissed the top of her head, his mind working out how to say enough without saying to much.

He realized he was going to have to lay it all out and trust her to keep her mouth shut. He hated this part, not knowing who could be trusted. His parent's said to trust his instincts, so he decided to go with his gut and tell her all.

"Lana, you're right, I do have a high enough score, and I actually will get six concubines when I'm picked up. Let me run a scenario by you, say I knew for sure that on a certain date at a certain time and at a certain location, there was going to be a pickup. In this scenario I would want to pick my concubines ahead of time, that way I have a larger pool to choose from, and have the time to get to know the prospects a little better. Are you with me so far?" Lana nodded, although she was a little confused, how could Jake know that kind of information?

"Anyway, knowing this ahead of time, I can make my choices now, and then see if the prospect is going to fit in with me and my other concubines before we get picked up. This gives me the advantage of making sure we'll all be able to get along. It also gives the concubines time to become used to being slaves, for that's what they essentially are, before they are thrown into a world where they are nothing more than property."

"Yeah, I've heard that, is it true that a sponsor can kill a concubine for no reason and the Marine's won't do anything to stop it?" Jake nodded, sitting up so he could see Lana's face. He needed to see as well as hear her reaction to what he had to say.

"Yes, it is Lana. That's why all my concubines that I have selected so far live with me, and they follow all the rules that they will have to follow up there, down here. It serves a couple of purposes, number one; it gets them used to being a slave. They will have no rights up there, none whatsoever. I can punish them for breaking the rules, and for some rules I have no choice, I must punish them."

"I'll give you an extreme example, one that actually happened and from what I understand, happens fairly often. A concubine, upon reaching the ship found out that all concubines are required to go nude at first. This rule, one I currently enforce within the walls of my home, helps a concubine realize that they have no rights, not even the basic right of privacy."

"This concubine refused to undress, and when the Marines went to forcefully undress her, she attacked one of them. She was executed, plain and simple. A concubine who physically attacks a sponsor or Marines dies; no questions asked and no second chances."

"It's potentially a harsh life, being a concubine. Those that are picked up on the spur of the moment have it worse, I mean, what do they really know about their sponsor? And what does their sponsor know about them. Yeah, they may be willing to take it up the ass at the time of the pickup, but once they are on the ship and feeling secure because they've escaped the Swarm, well, they may believe they paid the price for that privilege, and change their mind about what they will and won't do." Jake shrugged. "They don't have that option anymore, and learning that is hard for a lot of them."

Lana looked kind of nervous; Jake had dumped a lot on her all at once. He wasn't done though, now that he had started, he meant to see it through.

"Lana, I would like for you to come and live with us. I have a gut feeling that you will fit in fine, and I really like you. Granted, we haven't had sex yet, but unless you're a real dud in the sack, or have some major hang up you can't get past, I don't foresee any problems in that department." Lana frowned, she didn't have a lot of experience, but she knew what she was willing to try, and some things were out of bounds.

"Jake, you're not into anything real weird are you?" She fidgeted with a blade of grass. "I mean, I don't have a lot of experience, but I don't think I would enjoy some of the sick shit you see on the internet. I mean, people playing in their own piss and shit," she shuddered at the thought.

"Gross, just what kind of sites are you visiting," Jake said, laughing. "No, I'm not into scat or golden showers. I have had one prospect do ass to mouth; do you know what that is?" When Lana nodded, looking at him a little unsure he went on hurriedly.

"Oh don't worry, she had time for an enema ahead of time, and if the situation had gotten a little, let's say icky, I wouldn't have made her go through with it. It wasn't really my idea, I was giving her a test drive for another sponsor, but she didn't even hesitate. I had to admire that in her, she knew what she wanted and was willing to do whatever it took to get it."

Lana looked a little puzzled for a moment before the light dawned. "You're putting together a pre-pack. I've read about that on the internet. That's how you know about the pickup. Only you don't know exactly when yet, do you?" Jake shook his head no and Lana chewed her bottom lip for a moment. "So, can I know who the other sponsors are?"

"Promise not so say a word to anyone?" Lana nodded her head. "My parents for now, although we are trying to find more sponsors. The more we get together, the more attractive our pre-pack looks to the Marines."

"What about your sisters, they aren't sponsors?"

"No," Jake said, knowing this would come up sooner or later. Might as well get in over with now, he thought. "Actually, they're my concubines."

"Oh. Isn't that kind of weird, I mean, you being related and all. I couldn't, I mean, Harvey, gross." Lana shuddered and Jake chuckled at her reaction.

"No, I mean, it was really their idea, and they're both gorgeous, so what guy my age wouldn't find them attractive. Besides, who could I trust to treat them right, at least this way I know for sure they'll not get eaten, and they won't get beaten or worse. Well, Della might, but she's into that rough shit, not beatings but she likes her ass spanked when ... Oops, maybe that's a little too much info right now." Jake shrugged, his eyes searching Lana's face for signs of revulsion.

"I guess if I agree to become yours, I'll see all that first hand, so it's kind of nice knowing before, if you know what I mean?" Lana said seriously. "Can I ask who the third one is?"

"Kimmy, Bonnie's best friend, I believe you saw her at the table with us the other day." Lana nodded, she had never talked with the girl, but had seen her around. She had been pointed out as a lesbian by one of her classmates, an incurable gossip.

"Isn't she into girls?" she asked Jake. When he nodded she chewed on the blade of grass, thinking things through. "Would I have to, well you know, with her?"

"And my sisters, and any other woman I told you too. Is that going to be a problem?" Jake asked, fearful of the answer.

"I don't think so, I mean, I've like tasted myself on my fingers, just curious, you know, and I think I could do it, I'm not like grossed out at the thought or anything." She looked Jake in the eye. "What else would I have to do?"

"Well, oral of course, and vaginal and anal. I promise to be gentle with the latter, especially, and if it's too painful I can have you modified when we get on the ship to make it easier."

"What, are you like John Holmes or something," Lana asked with a laugh. Jake eyed her seriously for a moment, then stood up and dropped his jeans. Her gasp made him chuckle, as she clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise. He was about half hard and she had a shocked look on her face.

"Jesus Fucking Christ, that thing would kill me." Jake could hear a little fear in her voice.

"No it won't, I promise. I've not run across a girl yet it wouldn't fit in, given a little time and some patience. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but most find they like it once they get used to it." He looked down at Lana, who had moved to her knees in front of him and was slowly and tentatively reaching for him.

She lifted him, looking him over carefully. He was about half hard and she stroked him gently, her soft hands soon bringing him to full mast. He was circumcised, and the large head was beginning to turn purple as his cock filled with blood. Lana looked up nervously, both hands on his cock and still the head stuck out past them.

"Jeez, how long are you?" she asked. Jake told her, seeing her eyebrows shoot up. "Can I suck on it?" she asked, looking up at him. He nodded and she opened her mouth wide, engulfing the head. "Christ, that's going to take some getting used to," she said as she pulled off. "It feels like I'm stretching my jaw out." She continued stroking him, leaning in to take him into her mouth again. "Tell me if I do something wrong," she said just before she slid down over him.

Jake had no complaints, there is no such thing as a bad blowjob, he thought, then changed his mind. That one girl, what was her name, he couldn't remember, but he had finally made her stop, she kept raking him with her teeth.

"Just watch your teeth, you're doing great so far, and I promise you I won't complain," he chuckled, seeing the twinkle in her eyes. She slid down a little more, taking about half of him. He could feel her tongue as it slid along the underside, somewhere she had gotten some pointers, but it wasn't polite to ask a girl how they got good at sucking cock, so he just groaned his appreciation.

"Has anyone ever gone all the way down on this thing?" Lana asked as she pulled off, leaving his cock glistening with her saliva.

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The rest of the week passed uneventfully, other than lots and lots of sex, wild nasty dirty sex. Jake and Mark found out from Valerie they were no longer the big men in the house. "Twelve inches," she said, smiling happily. They were sitting around the patio, it was an unseasonably warm Friday evening, drinking beer. Valerie was a little tipsy, and it took a lot of beer to get a woman that size tipsy. "See this can," she said, waving her half-empty beer, "it ain't got nothing on my...

4 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 11

Saturday was rather chilly, the wind was whipping the last of the leaves from the trees. It seemed Mother Nature was making them pay for the warm day on Friday. Jake stood looking out the back door sipping a cup of coffee while his mother talked to the Director of the Shelter on the phone. "Sharon, all I'm saying is that I want to give these girls a chance to choose for themselves. Many of them come from poorer neighborhoods where the likelihood of a pickup taking place is slim. If they...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 12

While the men were gone Judy organized the women, getting the basement ready to house the children. The basement consisted of four rooms; one was a large recreation room, and there were three smaller rooms that opened off of it. None of the rooms were really small, and Judy figured they could get three sets of bunk beds in each. Janine's kids, all six of them, would be going with her to Harvey's place for now, but that still left thirteen kids for them to house. With nine sets of bunk...

2 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 13

Jake's estimate was off by a little. Word had already made its way around the school that Jake was spending his time with a select group of females now. He'd turned down dates with several of his previous encounters, and it didn't take long for the wiser heads in the school to figure out what was going on. Some of them made the leap right away, putting his CAP score high enough to take at least four. There was some confusion about the actual make up of his chosen women. Most assumed...

3 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 14

The rest of the week was rather anticlimactic, although someone finally figured out that Bonnie and Della were in Jake's harem, a fact that some viewed with shock and even disgust. Others found the idea titillating, and Jake had several request to join in their extra curricular activities. Kathy, whom he was still on friendly terms with, approached him after school on Friday. She asked point blank if he was fucking his sisters. His silence made her nod and she leaned closer. "Jake, I'm...

2 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 15

Monday morning was interesting. It seemed that over the weekend most of the school had learned of Jake and Elle's sponsor/concubine relationship, and the reactions were as interesting as they were varied. Most of the guys thought it was cool that he was nailing the woman everyone now agreed was the hottest teacher in school. Some of the girls thanked Jake, realizing he was the catalyst behind the change in her. Even more bizarre was the reactions to the rumors Bonnie and Della were now his...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 17

"Maybe they just got here," Lana said, noticing her dad's truck and Aunt Valerie's Hummer in the drive. Jake felt the hoods, they were both cool and he shook his head. "Stay behind me," he ordered, pulling his pistol as he stepped onto the porch. He started to knock and Lana handed him her key, before pulling her own pistol from her waistband. He nodded, carefully unlocking the door and easing it open. They could hear the sound of a radio in the back of the house, and then a woman's...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 18

Jake kept an eye on Lana the rest of the week. They stayed out of school for two days, returning on Thursday. There had been no mention on the news about the incident at the Dean's house, and when he went over with Lana on Wednesday, helping move the Dean's back in, the house looked pristine. Even the rug in the bedroom was new, a fresh coat of paint on all four walls. The bed clothes had been replaced and Harvey Jr's. room was empty, nothing remained except the furniture. Jake saw the...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 19

Sunday was a lazy day, spent mainly in fun and games. Jake and his girls headed down to the basement after breakfast, spending the morning playing with the children. In the afternoon they took them out into the back yard, letting them play in the falling leaves, thus giving their mothers the day off. Jake wished he could take credit for the idea, as it was a lot of fun, but Elle had been the one to suggest it. In the process Jake scored major brownie points with his mother's and father's...

3 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 20

Friday Megan was walking a little funny and Jake just chuckled. "Thanks a lot," she said to him, slapping him on the chest. He gave her a "what?" look and Bonnie busted up laughing. "Four fucking times last night," Megan groused, trying not to smile. "Three in the front and one in the back," she stage whispered to Bonnie. "Yeah, and you loved every second of it," Ken said, catching up with the group as they entered the building. Megan smiled as she kissed him, not responding again...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 21

Jake came down for breakfast, feeling relaxed after a morning blowjob from Della, and found June sitting at the table in a long T-shirt, an empty glass in front of her. Jake sat down, yawning as Sara placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him. June looked at him shyly and he smiled while pouring himself some orange juice. When he asked if she wanted some she nodded and he refilled her glass. Nancy came in, helping Sara as she began breaking more eggs into a bowl. She pulled...

2 years ago
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Invitation and Revelation

Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Hayley looked herself over in the mirror, from the hem of her black dress at mid-thigh, past the flaring of her hips to her narrow waist, to the fuller curves of her... well, then to her face. There she met her own eyes, staring hard. "Look at you," said she to herself, "going out like this." "And look at you, standing there. I don't think you have it in you." She broke eye contact, doubtful, and looked again to her dress. She was certain that...

2 years ago
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'invitation' I sat at my chosen table with my coffee, exploring my thoughts, "You have excellent cheekbones, kind of a classic look" I looked up and my eyes met the eyes of a stranger, the stranger persisted, "You're slender too, Italian Vogue could be calling" Then he walked to the restroom, leaving me perplexed, was that a line? Could an invitation be lurking in that exchange? Knowing I still had residual mascara actually on my lashes fueled my wonder about what was...

1 year ago
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Invitation Only

Invitation Only!Tegan, a sweet and innocent 18 year old girl, had heard through a girlfriend of hers about a special 'invititation only' party that happens every month in a secluded area, from a middle-aged couple who are into sharing their experiences with others in a sexual party atmosphere. Tegan loved sex, and had several sexual partners already, and the thought of seeing one of these 'so-called' parties excited her. She had managed to pull an invite to the party through her friend, but...

Group Sex
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Invite to Wifes Christmas Party

It had been tough for us with me losing my job and not feeling great that Linda now had to find a second job. She had found one with a shopping centre doing in store promotions. There were two of them who would be working together in the team, she had talked about Toni alot over the past few months, she kept her going with her sense of humour and obsession with sex. I had been bugging Linda about asking if there was a christmas party as I was going crazy with little social contact. So Linda...

1 year ago
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Invitation to Private Tea House

Underneath it, in fine writing is the English translation. " Pleasure of Heart".I'm curious as to what this means to me and open the note gently. A fine sprinkling of gold powder falls gracefully to my desk, again with the same scent emerging from it. I draw my finger through the dust and smell it. Immediately, a warm feeling comes over me and a tingling emanates from deep within. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the sensation, not quite sure if it was real or imagined. I return my thoughts to the...

3 years ago
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Invitation Only

Invitation Only! Tegan, a sweet and innocent 18 year old girl, had heard through a girlfriend of hers about a special ‘invititation only’ party that happens every month in a secluded area, from a middle-aged couple who are into sharing their experiences with others in a sexual party atmosphere. Tegan loved sex, and had several sexual partners already, and the thought of seeing one of these ‘so-called’ parties excited her. She had managed to pull an invite to the party through her friend, but...

3 years ago
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Invitation to dinner

This tale is about a young housewife. She has straight shoulder length brunette hair. Her face is slightly freckled with an upturned nose and grey eyes. She is very curvaceous with big boobs. Ive based her on Yasmin Bleeth from Baywatch and so called her Yasmin Bleat. Her husband Tony works in the small towns only real business the tyre factory. He is a junior manager in the business owned by the local rich family the Beavis brothers. The pay is poor and he works very hard to support them. But...

1 year ago
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Invitation Accepted

Invitation Accepted Ashleylorien So well as you can imagine I decided to stay the weekend, and then some. Now I have been here three weeks and things couldn't be any better, seriously, I have never been happier in my life. I never went back to work, and well that was a serious blessing, as I hated my job. Also my breasts are now glued on ripe 38 d's which we have been talking about getting made permanent thru...

3 years ago
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Invitation Of Tea Leads To Bed

Hello friends and I am currently staying in Bangalore. I am regular reader of this site but first time I am writing my experience. Please send me feedback in my email id All girls and women are heartily invited. I am going to tell incident which happened when I was in Germany for 02 months. My company sent me there for a client project. I was feeling very awkward there as there were very few Indians in the company. One day my manager introduced me Indian girl Esha who was doing summer...

3 years ago
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I was with my boyfriend Damien at the canteen when you came and sat at our table with us. You were beautiful, and your smile added more beauty and sunshine to your face. We became close friends.Though I fully trusted Damien, I knew he had eyes for many beautiful girls at the university and had a checkered past at the university. He had several girlfriends that I knew about and I am sure some I did not.As Damien completed his studies found employment, our love was blossoming. You and I became...

Love Stories
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Invitation into a virgin ass 8

As spoons we wake up, hug and kiss and make sweet long love. As we both know this will be your greatest day of your life. And I´m grateful you´d invited me to be the one to celebrate.Breakfast next. With excellent strong coffee as we both like.Before our other hours of love we need to clean you, my dear.Brought this kinky little enema. Let´s get back to the bathroom.Crave to clean you deep down. You know how long I can get.Can you get all of this in, please? Hold it for quarter.Carefully we...

3 years ago
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Invitation into a virgin ass 2

The technical set-up to take her last carefully kept cherry was the easy part.To watch well what will happen to her holiest hole, my muse must be on all fours. So she sees on the big display right in front of her in split screen what is up her horny sexy split. One camera in between her feet shows her from below. In close-up. Second screens her ass seen from above. So far electronic equipment.Mechanically, my muse must be bound. Tied up to raise her sense of helplessness.Legs spread. Her hair...

2 years ago
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Invitation to dinner with friends Part 1

John and Ann received a card from their best friends. Inside the letter was an invitation to dinner in a town approximately two hours away:To our best friends,Saturday night is your 20th anniversary and we want to spend it with you. Be ready at 5:00PM for a Limo ride to a four-star restaurant with our best friends. All of this is on us.Love. Tim and Kathy."I told you I thought Kathy was up to something." Ann said putting down the letter. "She told me to keep this Saturday open.""Sounds like a...

2 years ago
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Invited For Threesome But Enjoyed All Alone With My Juicy Classmate

Hi friends. I am Arun and I am 23 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my classmate. Me, Mohammed and Karthika were friends and we got to know each other in a spoken english class. Mohammed is 2 years elder than me and Karthika is 3 years elder to me. Mohammed looks fine and Karthika is an awesome babe. She is fair with broad and fleshy arms, quite good structure and is very cute. Whenever she is not with us, Me and Mohammed used to talk wild about her as to...

2 years ago
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Invitation To A Drag Club

INVITATION TO A DRAG CLUB by Throne I don't even know where to begin. They've given me this recording device and want me to tell my story. And by 'they', I mean the people who are keeping me here. Well, they're not forcing me to stay but I certainly can't just walk out, not looking the way I do now. Let me try to relate it from the beginning and explain everything as best as I can. It started on a Friday night when I got home from work. My wife Adele and I had plans to leave for...

3 years ago
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Invitation to the Party

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright...

1 year ago
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Invitation To HellChapter 2

"Well, I think I found her Hon," Rita said to Rex the next morning. "Oh?" Rex looked up from under the hood of the car he was fixing at the garage, interested now. "Yeah, last night between sets at the club, I got on my laptop and surfed the web and I think you'll be pleased." "Dark hair, petite?" Rex asked. "Yeah, Rita answered with a sigh. Slightly irritated. She had always wanted to be petite herself but she just kept getting bigger with each year as she grew up. "So it'll...

4 years ago
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Invitation To HellChapter 6

It was a cold Halloween. Rita picked her up right on time. She said her goodbyes to her husband and off they went. They saw lots of children trick-or-treating on the way. They took a ride to nearby Salem to see all the action. They saw many witches walking about, kids and adults. There were all kinds of spooky creatures. The small city was packed with Halloween fun. Then they made their way to Rita's house. Rex was upstairs with a few members when they walked in. Sandy took off her cape and...

2 years ago
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Invitation To My Sisters Party

But tonight was a little different. Tonight ended a lot different than any way I could have ever imagined. It was a Friday night, I'd just gotten off work after a long 14 hour day, so I needed this night to relieve some stress. So you could say I was ready for tonight. We get to her house around 9pm, she had prepared some finger foods for everyone, and I could tell that they've already started drinking. My sister is a little bit of an alcoholic. I grab a sandwich and a beer and sit...

3 years ago
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Invite The Mother of the Bride

As I am standing, in a dark men’s suit and silver tie, at the altar near the priest waiting for my gorgeous bride to enter, my attention was caught on Bianca’s mom, the mother of the bride, Diane, entering the church and walking down the aisle and sitting down in a pew. Although I love Bianca, Diane was a gorgeous early 40s woman. She is so skinny, so attractive-looking, and was dressed sexy and elegant. She is wearing a graceful skirt suit. Even though she was skinny, her breasts were...

4 years ago
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Pas mon style le photographe mais beaucoup de charme, il m’avait branché de manière élégante sans trop être lourd. Un ancien directeur informatique reconvertie dans la photo, un studio looké, quelques guitares Fender et de vieux ampli, une vieille Triumph Bonneville, un vieux canapé cuir comme mobilier donnaient une déco vintage et design a l’endroit. J’avais justement rendez vous le soir même avec lui pour choisir les photos qui illustreraient l’article.Mais pour l’instant il fallait que je...

1 year ago
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Invited in

I'm 28 yrs old. I've been married for 7yrs already. My marriage turned into a sexless one I was very unsatisfied. I would spend most days lurking on the internet looking at pron and masturbating every free chance I had. Jerking off on regular basis would give me the release I needed but it still wasn't enough. I longed for the touch of a woman. I put out ads on CL and AFF. In the beginning I had no luck but I wasn't discouraged. I knew at some point my luck had to change. It had just had to. My...

3 years ago
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Invitation to the Party

Thomas fretted. He shouldn't fret, he told himself, but he did. The course of his fretting was his wife Suzanne. In the five years of the marriage he had no need to fret, or to worry. It was more troubling therefore to fret now. Not that his wife had not been anything less than the perfect wife. Loving, caring, understanding and supportive. Scarcely an ill word had passed between them in five years. She was as lovely now as she was when they had met seven years earlier. Her skin was...

2 years ago
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Invited With Open Legs

This story is based on my real life experience with a maid. Both of us were around 19 at that time. I believe the maid had an eye out for something like this happening for a while now. Anyway, to give a clear picture let me start from the beginning. It is my first time writing so please excuse any errors. Your constructive feedback is welcome at I had my vacations when this incident took place. We had employed an elderly woman as the maid but her daughters would often come to help her out. All...

2 years ago
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Invited to watch

I was 16 at the time when my male sibling Tom came to me telling me he had this gorgeous young lady who was going to let him fuck her but she was afraid to be alone with him. She told him that if he could find another female to be there with them she would gladly do it, but she said she has to be sure that that person won't tell anyone else. Tom told her he had the perfect person, me. She was hesitant at first because of who I was but finally agreed.I went with Tom to her house. Her Mom was...

3 years ago
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Invitation into a virgin ass 7

The tip my tongue only, into her tighest hole. Try her taste. She comes again. Keeps coming.Thumb lightly on her clit. Soon she´s exhausted.The tight teen asks after she found back her voice:The bathroom, master. Please, I need to pee badly. Terribly sorry, sir. Don´t want to mess up our bed.The teen is freed from her ties.Take her straight to the shower.Take your leak over my hard-on.Takes my order with a great gush.Try to make me come now: suck it.Tongue and lips only, love.Teeth and hands...

4 years ago
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Invitation to a Beach

Chapter 11. The name couldn’t have described it better. As we got closer, I could see that every person was having sex with at least one other person in the group. Mark was on his back and Courtney was astride his waist, pumping up and down. Kenya was on Mark’s face opposite Courtney, sliding he pussy back and forth. Courtney and Kenya were embraced in a long deep kiss and feeling each other’s breasts. Luke also lay on his back and was obviously fucking Sandra who was on top. But Juan Carlos...

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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 10

Chapter 10.It was sort of odd to be walking like that, naked and all wet. But being naked, it didn’t really matter. We continued our hike back to the lake. When we reached the lake’s far side, I decided to go in for my swim, rather than clean up at the beach. The edge was rocky and the water carpeted by lily pads, the odd yellow lily flower dotting the expanse of floating green leaves. When I climbed carefully over the rocks, I found the water only a few feet deep, and it was mucky on the...

3 years ago
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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 9

Chapter 9.We rested awhile, lying in the soft grass under a warm spring sun. It was my idea of a perfect place to fuck. I imagined how going to this place as a teen would have made me grow up a very different person.Soon, we started the walk back toward camp. We stopped several times, and Max pointed out some of the interesting flowers and trees around us. At one stop, Max turned to face the side of the trail and started to pee into a bush. He held his cock casually in one hand and just let it...

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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 8

Chapter 8.After our picnic feast, some of the group went back to the beach, others hung around talking. I was by the trash cans throwing away my paper plate and plastic cutlery when Max joined me. “Nice lunch,” he said. “Juan Carlos is a great cook.”“I liked the Moroccan chicken,” I said. “And the watercress salad.”“Time for a swim?” Max asked.“Mother always said not for an hour after eating, I chided. “How about you introduce me to some of the others.”We headed down the hill, back to the...

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