The Avatar (Pts 1-20) free porn video

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THE AVATAR by J R D David Chambers trudged along behind professor Abbott, cursing his luck. As an anthropology grad student, he expected to have to play serving boy to whatever professor he got posted to, but why did he have to get posted to professor Abbott? Not that professor Abbott was a bad anthropologist, anything but. He was, although somewhat unorthodox, one of the best in the field. Unfortunately, in the field, he was as hard on his grad students as he was good at teaching in the class. He literally used his appointees as slave labor, and because grades and further field work relied upon his recommendation, whoever got assigned to him had to take it. And David was this trip's unfortunate victim. It might be different if David saw a point to what he was doing, but what the professor was doing was ludicrous. The professor had latched onto the old myth of Aphrodite suddenly appearing on a shell from the sea and determined that somewhere in the Atlantic was the hidden birthplace of the goddess of love. Now he was slogging through the jungle of a tropical island in search of... something that even the professor couldn't say definitively what it was. David, carrying a pack full of supplies, was forced to stop to catch his breath. After a few seconds, he heard the professor demand his attention. He took a step forward, shifted his pack, and lost balance. It was only for a second, and he only took one misstep, but it was one too many. When he put his foot down, the ground caved in and he fell into a tunnel. He rolled down a steep incline, the pack being ripped from his back. When he stopped, he landed on his back, something sharp penetrating his body. He looked down, barely able to raise his head, and saw a sharp rock sticking out of his chest, the blood seeping out of the wound. He heard the professor call out for him and he tried to call out to the professor, but could barely manage to get enough air to croak out a whisper. He heard the doctor walk away, and tried one more time to call out, but was no more successful than the first time. After a while of silence, he said, to no one in particular, "Help me, I'm dying." He expected no response, but was surprised when the area was flooded in light and he heard a melodious female voice say, "What is it you desire?" He looked over and saw a cylinder of light beaming down from high above where he could see. Inside the light was a cylinder of stone about two feet high. Floating above the stone was a jewel of some kind, and although it was a little too far away to tell for certain, it looked like a ruby carved in the shape of a heart. "Who's there?" "Although I have gone by many names, you know me by the title of Aphrodite." "The Goddess of Love?" "No, I am the essence of love. Aphrodite, the goddess, was my Avatar." "Oh, great, I'm hallucinating." With an amused tinkle, the voice said, "Then what would be the harm in asking for help?" David thought he was going crazy, but he couldn't argue the voice's point. "I want to live." "I can't change that. Without an avatar, I cannot directly change the life of any mortal." "Then what can you do for me?" "I can bring someone here to you. When I return them, they will not remember, but at least you will not die alone. And you will get one last chance to say good-bye." David thought about it. Did he really have the right to make anyone else live through his death? Probably not, but he was so afraid and so alone. He blurted out, "Nicole. My girlfriend, Nicole. I want to say good-bye to Nicole." "As you wish." ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 2) Nicole Wilson lay in bed, sound asleep, dreaming of her boyfriend, David. He'd be away on that stupid field assignment for another two weeks, and she missed him so much. She was then awakened by a sparkle of lights surrounding her body. She asked, "What's going on?" She heard a soft voice say, "David needs you." She felt herself lifted from the bed and then she was standing up in an underground chamber. She looked around and saw the circular stand with the jewel, but her attention was drawn away. Then she saw him. David was lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood! She ran over to him, ignoring her nudity, and grabbed him. He said in a voice barely more than a whisper, "Don't. You'll only speed up blood loss." "David, what happened?" "Accident. Dying. Just wanted to say good-bye." "No! No, I don't want to hear that. I can't lose you, David." "Unavoidable." "No!" Then she screamed to the air, "Why bring me here if there's nothing I can do to save him?!" The disembodied voice said, "You were brought here because he needed to say good-bye." Through tear streaked eyes, she looked down at David. "But I need him. I... can't be without him." She held David's hand for a few seconds before the voice said, "There may be a way to save him." Nicole was about to ask how when she heard David whisper, "I thought you said you couldn't..." "I cannot, but if I had an avatar, a mortal representative of my power, then you would be saved." Nicole blurted out, "I'll be your avatar!" "Alone you cannot. Alone he cannot. Neither of you alone has enough love for me to fill with my essence. But together you have enough love to spare. Only if both of you accept can I bond with you and bond you together in ways you cannot imagine to save him." "I accept." She shook David's hand. "David. David, you have to accept or you'll die." David whispered out, "What does being an avatar mean?" Nicole said, "David, this is not the time to read the fine print on the contract. She is offering you your life. If for no other reason than for me, accept!" David looked up at Nicole, barely able to see her through the haze in his eyes. Finally he said, "I accept." Before either could say another word, the voice said, "Quickly now, get the gem from the stand." Nicole ran and grabbed the gem. As soon as she held it, it separated into two halves, each looking like a perfect heart shaped gem, but with a flat back. "Now place one half squarely in the center of his chest, and the other between your breasts." Nicole did as she was instructed. As soon as her half of the gem touched her chest, there was a huge flash of light and she felt suffused with Love. Then all went black. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 3) Nicole drifted out of her sleep. She sat up and looked around. She was in her room at home. She wondered briefly about the strange dream of being in that cave with David. Was it a vision? Could it possibly mean that David was hurt? But as soon as she thought it, she knew that wasn't the case. Somehow she knew that David was unharmed, wherever he was. She got up and went into the bathroom. She lifted the seat, took her dick in hand and let the urine flow. When the flow reduced to a trickle then ceased, she shook it off, and flushed the toilet. She had a brief urge to use some toilet paper to wipe her crotch, but shook it off. A dick didn't need to be wiped. She returned to the bedroom, and got a pair of panties out of her drawer and put them on. But when she pulled them around her waist, they were abnormally tight. She always preferred her panties a little tight, but now it was almost like there wasn't enough room for her dick inside the silken undergarment. But that was silly, she had had a dick since she was born. Why would her underwear suddenly not fit? Most likely she had put on a little weight, and just not noticed it till now. Maybe David was right and she should start an exercise plan. Of course, David was an exercise freak, and short of a doctor telling him NO, he'd go jogging in the middle of a blizzard. The funny thing was, up till now, every time David had invited her on one of his early morning jogs, she had flatly refused. But now, the very concept of not jogging seemed alien to her. She opened up her pants drawer, looking for something to wear to go jogging in. Problem was, the only thing she had were tight jeans and formal slacks. She looked through the drawer, searching for the sweats she remembered wearing on previous jogging trips. But that brought her up short. Previous jogging trips? How could she have refused every previous offer to go jogging, but actually remember having been jogging? But she clearly remembered having gone jogging. But there was another thing. If she had ever accepted one of David's offers, wouldn't she remember jogging with him? But she only remembered jogging alone. But then she remembered years back, having gone jogging with others. Sometimes male, sometimes female. But she remembered the guys as just friends, and most of the girls as girlfriends, romantic-type girlfriends. But she wasn't a lesbian, or even remotely bi. She shook her head. She'd figure it out later. A good jog always cleared her mind. But she had to find something to wear before she could go out. Then she had it. David had left some sweats here for when he slept over so he didn't have to worry about what to wear for his early morning jogs. After he had left yesterday, she had washed his clothes, and they were still in the laundry basket by the door where she left them when she finished last night. But as she walked, she noticed another problem. The panties she wore weren't just tight, they were actually pushing her dick into her cunt. The feeling was mildly erotic, but mostly annoying. When she got to the basket, she stripped off her panties and dropped them to the side. She was prepared to go without underwear, but when she pulled David's sweats out, she noticed a pair of his boxers in the basket and grabbed them, too. She slid them on, enjoying the loose feel around her crotch. She pulled the sweats on over them, and pulled the drawstring at the front, tightening them around her waist. Then she returned to her room for something to cover her top. She looked through her drawer for a bra, and realized that what she had was totally inappropriate for a jogging trip. She couldn't find one sports bra in the entire collection she had. She thought about it and realized she had one choice. Her best friend, Anna, had left some clothes from when she had changed for the costume party that the three of them (Anna, David, and Nicole) had gone to last week before David's departure. Which reminded Nicole, Anna would be over later to pick her clothes up. Nicole went to the pile of clothes of Anna's and looked through it, finding one of Anna's bras. Now if it just fit. Luckily both Anna and Nicole had the same base size, 38, but Anna only had a C cup as opposed to Nicole's double D. But the smaller cup should allow Anna's bra to function in much the same way as a sports bra, holding her breasts much tighter and closer to her chest. Nicole stopped. This was sure an awful lot of trouble to go through, just to go jogging. She could go get a sports bra at the athletic store and go jogging tomorrow. But somehow that didn't seem right. It just seemed natural to get up and go jogging first thing in the morning. Nicole chuckled. Now that sounded like David. Once she had asked, "Why don't you sleep in today?" He had leaned over, given her a peck on the cheek, and said, "I have been getting up and going jogging every morning since I was fifteen. I'm not going to change now." It was tight and uncomfortable, but it would hold through her jog. She strapped herself in, and went for a shirt. Her own blouses were too frilly for a good jog, and she finally decided to complete her current ensemble by putting on one of David's sweat shirts. Once she was finished, she had to giggle. Here she was, almost ready to go out, but not a stitch of clothing she was wearing was hers. It was ironic since her own wardrobe was larger than Anna's and David's combined. She got a pair of socks and her one pair of sneakers (for bike rides, her one concession to David's exercise passion), then hit the road. She went jogging down the road and through the park. She stopped for a brief drink of water, and saw a woman on a bench, crying. Nicole was filled with a desire to help and walked over. "Excuse me," she said, "I couldn't help but hear your crying. Can I help?" "It's nothing." Nicole's mind was filled with images and, somehow, she understood them all. "It's your husband. Over the last week he has been behaving in a secretive manner, not saying where he's going or what he's been doing. You're thinking that he's probably having an affair." The woman sniffled back some tears and looked up at Nicole. "How did you know? Are you...?" "The other woman? No." Nicole extended her hand. "Take my hand." The woman looked up at her, but then tentatively reached up and took Nicole's hand. As soon as they touched Nicole felt the presence of the woman's husband through her love for him and knew what he had been doing. "There is no other woman," Nicole told her. "Your husband has been planning a surprise dinner and gift for tonight, the anniversary of your first date." The woman looked at Nicole in stunned wonderment. "I had forgotten that tonight was our first date anniversary. But... how did you know?" Nicole just smiled. "Is that really relevant? Go home, wait for tonight, and try to act surprised when your husband springs this on you tonight." The woman got up, thanked Nicole profusely, and ran off. But as she ran, Nicole wondered the same thing she had. Where had those images come from? And why was she so sure they were real? As she jogged home, she wondered what else was next. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 4) David woke up and sat up, his breasts shifting under his shirt. He looked around, half expecting to see a column of light and a rock cylinder, but the only light came from the hole where he had fallen from. He then remembered that strange dream where he was dying, and he grabbed his shirt where the wound had occurred and found a rip, and a wet spot on the fabric. He lifted his fingers to his face, smelled them and tasted the stuff. It was blood! He had to get back up to the surface where he had some light, so he could check himself out. He scrambled up the hill he had fallen down. It was a tough climb and his bouncing breasts kept getting in the way. As he climbed he wondered what, in Aphrodite's name, had made him skip putting on a bra this morning. But he finally made it to the surface. He looked down at his front and saw a big, red stain surrounding a hole on the right side of his shirt. He quickly removed the garment, exposing his breasts to the warm, jungle air. He examined his breasts and abdomen, and found not even a scratch on their perfect surface. But the right side of his shirt was clearly soaked in blood. This was weird. He put the shirt back on, but only buttoned the top half of the buttons. He took the two tails of the shirt and tied them in a knot under his breasts. It wasn't a bra, but it would do till he got back to camp. He walked back to the tents where he and the professor would be living for the next two weeks. He stripped off his bloody shirt and searched through his bags, looking for a bra and clean shirt. Finding a new shirt was easy, but in none of his bags was there even a single bra. Now that was stupid. Alright, he could see skipping a bra in the morning; he enjoyed the feeling of his breasts moving freely and hated the way bra straps dug into his shoulders after a day of wearing one; but to forget packing any altogether? With the amount of exercise he'd be getting on this trip, that was foolish. Then he noticed something else was missing. He quickly double checked and noticed all his feminine hygiene products were missing! No tampons, no douche bottles, not even a maxi-pad. Okay, this was getting serious. Ever since his first period back at the age of nine, when he had been on a family vacation, he had always made sure to pack a few extra tampons in every bag on any trip longer than a week. But there were none in any of his bags. He remembered his first period. He had been so scared, but his mother had been so comforting and caring through the whole thing. That froze him solid. Remembering his mother, he remembered her funeral. The funeral they had when he was only five! Dad had never remarried, so how could he remember his mother helping him through his first period at nine, when she had died four years before? Another thing, when he remembered his mother, there were two faces that sprang to mind. One, the woman who died when he was a child, the other, the woman who bought him his first dress, helped him through his first period, discussed the facts of life with him, and discussed why he shouldn't let boys have sex with him until he was married. Of course, he hadn't listened. He could remember clearly the fight he and mom had had when she discovered his birth control pills in his dresser drawer. He had lied to her and told her that he was afraid of being raped and getting pregnant (one of the girls had suffered through that in high school). She had accepted that. But the real reason was that he was having sex with Mark King every Friday night after their dates. David froze. Mark King had been the man Nicole had lost her virginity to back when she was 17. He remembered her telling him that when they had discussed sexual histories before actually having sex for the first time. But he could clearly remember having sex with Mark at least once a week for the eight months they had been together. But his conversation with Nicole about their sexual history had its own weirdness. He reembered being told by Nicole about Mark, but he also remembered telling David about losing his virginity to Mark. He remembered telling Nicole about losing his virginity to Becky Martin when he was 15, but also being told by David about how he had lost his virginity at the age of 15. Then he got it. He was remebering everything from his life and from Nicole's life. And he was remembering it all from a first person perspective. He clearly remembered not having breasts when he fell down that hole, but, looking down at the double D breasts on his chest, he remembered them budding at an early age, and growing in quickly. His breasts had been larger than any other girl's in the class ever since. Oh, this was going to get confusing fast. He didn't just remember Nicole's memories, he remembered being Nicole. And he remembered everything. From the moment of his birth and the doctor saying, "It's a boy!" to 7 months later, and being born, and having the doctor say, "It's a girl!", and then remembering two lives lived. He even remembered getting up this morning, getting dressed in his boyfriend's sweats, and his best friend's bra and going jogging. Apparently David and Nicole were still linked. He could even feel the sensation of his breasts bouncing up and down as he jogged home. David laughed aloud. Apparently being bonded by Love (was there another suggestion for what had happened) had other side effects. Before, Nicole had been as staunchly anti-exercise as they come. To keep her slim figure, she preferred to eat less all day than he ate in a single meal rather than exercise. But now, without any prompting at all, she was jogging as he did every morning. She was even getting dressed in clothing that was less than fully appropriate, rather than forgo her morning jog. Well, at least this explained why he didn't have any feminine hygiene products. When He packed for this trip, he hadn't needed them. But did he need them now? He remembered having a vagina. Hell, he remembered using his vagina sexually. But did he have one now? He had breasts, but did he have a cunt, as well? He slid his hand down his pants. He felt his penis, but instead of a sack of testicles beneath them, he instead felt a moist slit. Okay, he had a cunt. But did that mean he now had "monthly visitors" as his mother... as Nicole's mother had so coloquially referred to his... to Nicole's periods? Not that it was that big a deal. Thanks to his link with Nicole, he now had fifteen years of experience to draw on when dealing with his periods. So he knew what to do. But then came back to the problem of not having the feminine hygiene products necessary to take him through the period. Then he heard the professor returning. How was he going to explain his breasts?! He couldn't tell the professor the truth. Although the professor had been right and this island was the birthplace of Aphrodite, to professor Abbott, it would just be a reason to tear the island apart and defile the temple to satisfy his scientific need. David couldn't allow that to happen. The professor would never find the temple unless he knew love in his heart, or unless he knew definitively that it was here. If he never saw David's new form, he'd eventually return to home, unsatisfied. He'd still believe that this was the birthplace of Aphrodite, but without proof the university would never fund another expedition. But how was David going to hide a pair of breasts this large? His only hope was for the professor to never see him. He'd have to hide in the jungle for the next two weeks. Finding a way to get off the island at that time would be interesting, but he'd cross that bridge when he got to it. He was about to make a dash for the jungle, wishing he still looked like his old self, when his breasts shrunk. He felt curves that he hadn't realized he had disappearing, and a testicle sack dropping into his pants. He was normal again. What had happened? Was he now no longer linked with Nicole? No. He could still feel Nicole's presence in him, could still remember living his/her life. So what happened? Then he realized what it was. The gods of ancient Greece had all been shpeshifters, and now he was one, too. Any form could be his, male or female, simply by choosing it. The professor walked into the camp and said, "Where have you been? Slacking off?" Ignoring the doctor's insult, David said, "I fell down a hole. By the time I crawled back up you were long gone." "Anything interesting in the hole?" "Nope. Just a natural cave," David lied. The professor just grunted and walked away. After he was gone, David sarcastically said, "Oh, no. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." But then images of why the professor was such a jerk flashed through his head. Apparently the professor was in love with doctor Amber Cole (or at least was strongly fascinated by her), but every time he had made even the slightest romantic overture, she had rebuffed him soundly. But that made David wonder why. Admittedly, professor Abbott was no model, but he wasn't bad looking. Then images of doctor Cole's fantasy lover flashed throuh his mind, and David understood. Doc Cole "swung the other way". David's new form would excite her more than the professor's current form. But then David had an idea. A way to both help the professor, and, with a little capricious non-explanation, punish him for the way he treated others. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 5) Nicole ran into her apartment building, not even winded. She jogged up the five flights of steps to her floor (something else she had never done before). When she entered the hall to her apartment, she saw Anna waiting for her by her door. Anna looked at her in stunned amazement. "What's with the sweats?" "I went jogging this morning." "You? Jogging? What? Did the devil call this morning and say that hell had frozen over?" Nicole got the spare key from the top of the door frame. "Very funny. I just had this urge to jog this morning. Any problem with that?" "I'm just kidding. I think it's great you've started exercising." They went inside. Nicole said, "Your clothes are in a pile in my room. With one exception." "Oh?" Nicole pulled David's top off. As she reached behind her, she said, "I didn't have a sports bra, so I used your bra. It's smaller size acted in much the same way." Nicole handed the bra to Anna. Anna took it, saying, "You... wore my bra?" Anna seemed stunned. "Sure. I hope you don't mind. If I stretched it out too much, I'll buy a replacement." As Anna held the bra, Nicole could almost feel her tremble. Anna stared at the bra with abject fascination. "No need for that." She then shook herself out of her reverie, and said, "I need to use your restroom. Do you mind?" "Of course not." Anna walked into the bathroom. After only a few seconds, Nicole heard a splash, and Anna say, "What the?! Damn it!" "You okay?" "I fell into the toilet. I thought David left yesterday morning." "He did." "Then why is the toilet seat up? Don't tell me you haven't used it since before he left." "No, I used it this morning." "Did some man use it after you? A maintenance man, perhaps?" Nicole could hear the implied emotion in Anna's voice. Anna had known David first, and had been the one to introduce them. Somehow Nicole knew that Anna was wondering if she was cheating on David (not that she ever would), but Anna also wanted to believe in Nicole, and was giving her an out even if she was cheating. "No. I used it with the seat up." "Why?" "Because I had to pee," Nicole said as if Anna were being silly for asking. "So... What? You decided to squat above the toilet in a balancing act to see if you could do it?" "No, silly, I peed standing up with my dick." Anna laughed. "Okay, you got me. I was being silly for thinking you had been with someone other than David. But seriously, why is the seat up?" "Because I went in there this morning, lifted the seat, pointed my dick at the bowl, and let loose." Why wouldn't Anna believe her? "Okay, fine, don't tell me." Nicole had had enough. She stormed into the bathroom, pulled her pants down right in front of Anna, saying, "I used this to pee into the toilet." Anna stared at it. "You... You've got a... a dick!" Nicole pulled her pants up. "Well, duh." "But where'd it come from? How long have you had it?" "For the last 25 years, since I was born." "First off, you're only 24. Secondly, you didn't have it when we went to the beach last month on David's birthday." Nicole was about to protest when images of getting changed on that trip flashed into mind. Two sets of images. In one, she and Anna changed in the women's dressing room/bathroom. In that one, she had a cunt. In the other, she changed alone in the men's room. In that one, she had a dick. But in neither did she have both, as she had now. And the more she thought about it, the more that proved to be the rule rather than the exception in her memories. In no memory before this morning, could she ever remember having both a dick and a cunt. She could remember having both, but not at the same time. She turned to the mirror, dropped her pants, and lifted her dick, exposing the slit beneath it. What had changed? Where had she picked up a dick? Or had she gotten a cunt. She clearly remembered having both for her entire life. Then she had it, and everything snapped into place. "It wasn't a dream." "What?" "Last night, when I was dying-" "DYING?! What happened?!" Nicole thought about it. "No. It wasn't me. It was David. David fell into a chamber and suffered a serious wound. I... He asked for help, and Love offered to bring one person to his side. He asked for me. I was waken out of a sound sleep, and brought to his side. I begged for his life and Love said that if we both agreed, we could be bound together, and his life would be saved. Then, this morning, I woke up, remembering everything from both our lives, as if I had lived it." "That's a pretty fantastic story. Got any proof? Other than that?" "I can remember you telling me... telling David that you were a lesbian. That's something you never told me." "That doesn't prove anything. I also told David that if you ever expressed any jealousy over his and my relationship, he could tell you to set aside your worries. Try again." Nicole looked into Anna's eyes and a thought flashed into her mind. "You're in love with me." Anna was shocked. She tried to cover it by saying, "Of course I love you. You're like a sister to me." Nicole shook her head. "No. You're IN love with me. You fantasize about me every night. You stopped dating shortly after you met me because you couldn't stop thinking about me when with someone else. When I handed you your bra soaked in my sweat, you nearly orgasmed." Anna hid the bra, which she was still holding, behind her back. "The only reason you haven't said anything is because you knew I had no sexual interest in other women before." Anna was so stunned, she couldn't speak. Nicole walked over and stood beside her when she was on the toilet. Nicole leaned over, saying, "David's dick wasn't the only thing I got from him. I also got his sexual desire." Nicole kissed Anna. Anna pushed her face up into Nicole's, almost orgasming from the one kiss. But then she pushed Nicole away, stood up, and took a couple steps away, almost tripping on the panties around her ankles. "No! I may not have any sexual feelings for David, but I love him like a brother, and I won't have you cheating on him. Not even with me. No matter how much... how much I want you." Nicole smiled. "I'm beginning to understand a little bit more about what I've become." Nicole pulled up her... David's pants. "You may want to either pull your panties up or remove them altogether." "Why?" "Trust me." "But-" "Anna, I would never do anything to hurt David. Or to hurt you. I just want to prove that to you." Anna stared at Nicole for a bit then pulled her panties up. "Now what?" Nicole just grinned as they were surrounded by a shower of lights. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 6) David was setting up the supplies for tomorrow's trek. The island had been divided into 14 parts, one for each day they'd be there. The morning was spent exploring, and the afternoon for a review of the findings. Since David had not been involved in the exploring that morning (through no fault of his own) the professor had decided to exclude him from the review. Before this morning, David would have been pissed, but now it would give him a chance to do a review of his own. He knew most of the myths of ancient Greece, so he knew what "Aphrodite" was supposed to be capable of. Now, since he was a modern-day Aphrodite, he needed to find out if the stories were true. While he was picking out what would be needed, he realized that he had a perfect opportunity to test one of his new abilities. He quickly scanned the professor's mind and determined that he'd be at least another two and a half hours in his review, so David had plenty of time to play. David shifted back to his new form. Not because he had to, but because he was more comfortable with breasts. Although David was an exercise freak, he had never been a muscle builder. He exercised for fitness, not bulk, so his chest size had never been a big deal. But Nicole had developed early, and, since everyone else made such a big deal of her breasts, she just wound up doing the same. So now David's breasts were a big deal to him. He then made some quick decisions on what would be needed for tomorrow, and waved his hand. In a shower of light, what was needed was transported from the stores to the packs. David smiled. An afternoon's work done in two seconds. Now for some personal fun. He waved his hand and created a full length mirror in the tent. He stood in front of it and got a good look at his new body. In his clothes, he looked like a woman in men's clothes. The strong, male lines in his face were gone, replaced by softer, rounder ones. Even his hair now had a feminine wave to it. he also noticed that his body now had feminine curves that even the clothes he was wearing, with their straight, male lines, couldn't hide. But David wanted a good look at his new body, so he waved his hand, and the male clothes he was wearing disappeared. David took a look at his new self and even he was impressed. The basic shape was Nicole's (which was fantastic to start with), but it was a perfect version. His large breasts now jutted straight out from his body, as if they had just grown there. David shook his head. He had to remind himself that they HAD just grown there. But he also knew that no matter how long he had or would have these breasts, they'd always have this perfect shape and curve to them. And thinking of curves, his were perfect. His hourglass shape curved perfectly from chest in to waist, and out around his hips. His body was perfectly designed for nestling into David's big, strong arms. When he thought that, David slapped his forehead. He was part Nicole now, so when he did or thought things, part of him did or thought it as though he were Nicole, but sometimes it was ridiculous, like wanting to be in his own arms. Oh, well, he'd sort it out in time. He looked at his arms and legs. They (as well as the rest of his body, now that he thought about it) were a little thicker than Nicole's, but still perfectly proportioned. He wondered what his legs would look like in high heels and decided to find out. He went up on his tiptoes, and with a sparkle, was in his... Nicole's highest heels. And his legs, stretched out in heels, were marvelous! He lifted his right foot and rotated it around sensually. He looked fantastic, just fantastic. David decided to get all decked out. He waved his hand, and was in his best dress, with lingerie and stockings on underneath. He then shook his head and his hair styled itself. With his penis hidden underneath the dress, there was now nothing visibly masculine about him. He was a fantastic babe. But what else could you expect from the modern incarnation of the Goddess of Love? David stopped. He had just called himself the GODDESS of Love, but, for some reason, that didn't bother him as much as it would've yesterday. He was, physically at least, mostly woman now, and that was fine with him. And it wasn't just that he could shift back any time he wanted. He liked his new self, both from an internal and external perspective. David smiled, thinking of what his mother would say if she knew that her little boy had become a sexy goddess, and liked it. Then David realized he could become a mother himself if he wasn't careful. He could render himself sterile if he wanted to, but if he shifted into a form with a vagina, including his base form, without doing so and took a load of semen into him, he had just as much chance of getting pregnant as any woman. He also realized he would have periods now. He wouldn't have PMS. His body would automatically correct that, but he would have his bloody times, just as he would have his fertile times. But that didn't scare him as much as he thought it would. He had run the risk of getting pregnant every time he had had sex since his first time with Mark. David stopped, and was about to correct himself, reorienting the statement to Nicole's perspective, but then figured why bother. He was physically mostly woman, but he was mentally half-woman as well. The memories he had from Nicole were more than just there, they were a part of him. He wasn't just linked with Nicole, didn't just remember what she did. In a very real sense, he WAS Nicole; at least part of him was. He waved his hand and the dress he was wearing was replaced with a house dress, something more durable to do some work in. David thought about it, wondering why he was choosing a dress to work in, when his male clothes were far more durable. Then he had it. For a man, clothes were just that, clothes. They served a purpose, they protected from the environment, and they warmed. But for a woman, clothes did all that, and served an ornamental function, as well. Only the simplest of clothes weren't designed to make the wearer more beautiful, and even when he wore those clothes, they would sometimes serve that function anyways. Even the simple dress he wore showed off just enough of his cleavage to be suggestive. David looked at the space between his breasts and wondered about having larger boobs. Like most men, David was fascinated by large breasts, and could (and had) stroke and love Nicole's large breasts for hours. But what about larger? Not that he wasn't satisfied with what he had, but now that he thought about it, his curiosity was piqued. He concentrated on his bosom and it slowly grew. His clothes grew with him, and in seconds, his breasts were bumping the mirror in front of him. He had to laugh. Big breasts were beautiful, but this was just ridiculous. He shrunk them back down to a slightly larger triple D. But his curiosity was piqued. He loved Nicole as is, but he had always wondered what she'd look like with bigger breasts. He shifted his face and body into her form, leaving his breasts at their slightly larger size. Looking at "Nicole" in the mirror, he played around with his breast size a bit, both increasing and decreasing their size before finally determining that he liked her best as is. He then felt a strange pull from down on the beach, and instantly knew what it was. He shifted back to his base form, and strode out of the tent. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 7) Anna experienced a moment of disorientation as the world shifted around her. Suddenly she and Nicole were on a sandy beach with a tropical jungle off to one side. "Where are we?" "A little island in the middle of nowhere." "Why are we here?" "So I can convince you to give me a chance at being your lover." Anna was about to tell her not to bother, when a fantastic looking woman stepped from the jungle. She was only wearing a simple, blue dress, but that detracted nothing from her beauty. She was, in fact, very similar to Nicole in body shape, but there was something very familiar in her looks, but Anna couldn't place what it was. Anna was wondering if this body double was single (if she couldn't have Nicole, she could consider someone so similar), when the woman walked right up to Nicole, wrapped her arms around Nicole's neck and kissed her. Anna was shocked, but no less so when Nicole took the woman in her arms and kissed her back. "Nicole!" Anna yelled. "Stop it right now or I'll tell David!" The woman's form shifted and flowed, and suddenly it was David standing there in a dress and heels. "Tell me what?" he asked. "David? Is that really you?" David nodded. "We're both shape shifters now. We've both got our base forms, but we can take any form we want." "So you were experimenting with what it would be like to look like a girl?" "Actually that was my base form. I got my body modified by Nicole's just as she was modified by mine." "That girl... was you? The new you?" "Uh-huh." "Okay, I can understand why Nicole got your dick, and why you would get her cunt, and even her breasts, but why did the rest of you change to be so much like her and not the other way around?" David smiled. "Give Nicole a hug." Nicole stepped away from David and right up to Anna. Anna was a little mystified, but hugged her best friend. After a few seconds, Anna rubbed her hands over Nicole's back and arms. "You're... thicker." "Thicker?" Nicole asked. "More solid, I guess would be a better way to describe it." "It's what she got from me," David explained. "Most of what makes a man different is internal. Nicole now has a denser body structure particularly in regards to musculature. She now has my endurance, strength, and speed. Of course, she could also use her powers to amplify any of those to superhuman levels. But onto the reason why you're here. I think you should go ahead and jump right into bed with Nicole." Anna was too stunned to move. This morning had seemed so normal. Who'd've thought that falling into a toilet bowl would have changed her world so much? But then she realized something. "Wait a second, how'd you know why we came here?" "Nicole and I are still linked. We're living our own lives, but we're also living each other's lives at the same time. That's how I know that, earlier, Nicole kissed you and showed our desire for sex with you." Anna joked, "Yeah, you probably just want to get me into bed with her so you can know what it's like." David smiled and said, "Well, that's a big bennie. You know I've wanted you since I first met you. But seriously, we both love you dearly, Anna. Let Nicole show you physically how much." Anna didn't know what to say. She wanted Nicole, but there was no way she'd ever take a chance of hurting David. But here was David telling her that not only would he not be hurt, but he actually wanted her to go to bed with his girlfriend. "Are you sure you two don't want to be exclusive to each other?" David looked into Nicole's eyes, then said, "Not a possibility, hun. We love each other dearly, but, as the Avatar of Love, we have a responsibility to foster love in the rest of humanity. And one of our greatest tools to get things done is sex. We're both going to get into bed with others, and we'd both love it if you'd be the first." Anna was stunned. Nicole said, "Look, we don't want to pressure you into anything. We'll go home, you take the time to think about it, and when you make a decision, you let me know." Then Nicole leaned over and kissed the girl on the cheek. "I don't know." David said, "Hey, if you're worried about me experiencing your experience at the same time, just remember this," David shifted back to his base form, "is my true shape. Tell me you don't think I'm a hottie." Anna smiled. "No, you're fantastic. Almost as beautiful as Nicole. But if you're going to dress the role of woman, you probably should avoid wearing heels except on a flat surface. I'm surprised you haven't wrenched an ankle already." David laughed. "Not a possibility, love." He held out his hand and there was a knife in his grasp. He then shocked Anna by slashing his own hand. He then held up his hand and there wasn't a mark on it. "We, together and separately, are the modern day incarnation of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. We're immortal and indestructible." David banged his foot against the ground. Had Anna done that, she'd've driven the heel of her shoe into the sand, but David's foot thumped against the ground as if it were solid and flat. "Our power automatically makes any minor, temporary changes to the environment necessary to ensure our safety." "I'm envious." David walked over and gave Anna a kiss on the cheek. David then looked back in the direction he came. He turned to the two natural-born women and said, "The professor's taking a break from his work. You two better skedaddle so he doesn't see you." Nicole leaned over and kissed David on the lips. She then said, "We'll talk about that breast thing you were doing with my body when you get home." David just grinned as Nicole stepped back and Anna and she were surrounded by a shower of lights. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 8) Anna felt that same bit of disorientation as the world shifted around her and she was back in Nicole's apartment. Nicole leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Now you know how both David and I feel. We want you, but the choice is up to you. As soon as you make a decision, let me know." Nicole started to walk away, but before she had taken two steps, Anna said, "Nikki?" Nicole looked over her shoulder. She said, "You know I don't like that nickname," but said it with a big smile on her face showing her forgiveness. "Yes, but it ensures your complete attention." Nicole turned around. "And what is it you wish my complete attention for?" "Nicole, everything's so turned upside down and all around. How can I be sure of anything? How can I be sure that was even David, and not some shape shifter pretending to be him?" "Believe me, I understand. Before David left, we were both simple college students living our lives like normal people. Now, we're the Goddess of Love, responsible for the fostering of love amongst the entire human race. Somewhat imposing, don't you think?" "So now what?" "That, dearie, is up to you. I would love to take you in my arms, take you into the bedroom and make love to you, but only if that's what you really want, too. The decision is yours." "And if I say no?" "Then I will be disappointed, but always your friend." Anna stared at Nicole, unsure of what to do. Here was a chance to live out a fantasy she had had since first meeting Nicole. And from everything she was being told, all she had to do was accept. But she was terrified. Anna had so few really good friends. If she did this everything would change between her and the two people she loved the most. Was she willing to risk so much for the chance at a roll in the hay with anyone, even Nicole? "I'm scared, Nikki." "Of what? Surely you must know that I would never hurt you." "It's just..." Nicole listened as Anna searched for words she didn't have. Nicole said, "Take my hand," and extended her hand to Anna. Anna stared at it only briefly before putting her hand in Nicole's. Nicole's mind was filled with images of Anna's feelings and concerns, and Nicole was better able to put into words what Anna was thinking. "You're afraid of losing what you already have for a reality that may not be as good as the fantasy in your mind." Anna nodded. She looked down, unwilling to show Nicole the fear in her eyes. Nicole turned Anna's face back to her own. Nicole leaned over and gently pressed her lips to Anna's. The kiss was friendly and loving, almost comforting in its own way. Then Nicole said, "I love you, Anna. And I want you to know that nothing will change that for me, not even sex. But if you're afraid it will, there's something I can do. With your permission, and only with your permission, after we're finished, if you want me to, I can change the memory of everything you've experienced today to something a little more... normal." "What do you mean?" "I'll change your memory so that you don't remember anything... too unusual. Let's say everything up to you falling in the toilet is the same, but after that, you will remember having just used the bathroom normally, then you collected your clothes, and went home. Then, for the last half hour, instead of taking a trip to see David, you spent in bed with that sweat soaked bra playing with yourself, which I believe is what you were planning originally." Anna blushed furiously, but didn't deny it. "I'm just asking you to take a chance on us first." "Us, you and David, or us, you and me?" "Us, you, me, and David. When it comes to anything with either of us, Anna love, doing it with one is the same as doing it with the other. That's something I cannot change." Anna thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "Okay, let's try it. But first, promise me one thing." "What?" "No matter how this goes, no matter what happens, you let me remember it." "Alright, if you insist." Anna stepped into Nicole's arms and took her face in hand. Nicole pulled the smaller girl close and kissed her, this time in as overtly sexual a matter as possible. Their lips parted and Nicole slid her tongue into Anna's mouth. Their tongues played within their mouths, wrestling like kittens. Finally, Nicole swept Anna into her arms and carried her into the bedroom. She lay Anna on the bed, and kissed her again. Then, with a brief exercise of her new powers, Nicole made both of them naked. She got up on the bed beside Anna and gently rubbed her hands over Anna's body. She rubbed Anna's arms and shoulders, then moved on to the girl's beautiful abdomen. She rubbed Anna's stomach until Anna was writhing underneath Nicole's touch. Anna reached up and took Nicole's breasts in hand. Anna knew she was going faster than she usually would, but she couldn't help herself. For so long she had fantasized about this, but felt it would always be nothing more than a fantasy. Nicole had never expressed an interest in anything other than guys, and Anna had been to afraid of losing Nicole as a friend to tell her about her lesbianism. Now she was afraid that this was all some big dream, and that she'd suddenly wake up and this beautiful experience would disappear like the morning dew. But it was no dream when Nicole's hands lifted up and stroked Anna's breasts. Anna moaned and Nicole plastered their lips together. Anna's hands gently rubbed Nicole's breasts, and Nicole duplicated the actions on Anna's breasts. Anna let her hands glide down Nicole's body towards Nicole's crotch. She expected to find Nicole's cunt any second now, but she recoiled slightly when she touched Nicole's dick, forgetting it had been there. Nicole looked at her with worry in her eyes. "Do you want me to get rid of it?" she asked. Anna stared at it. She had never had a cock inside of her before. The closest she had come was a dildo. Hell, she had lost her virginity to one of those plastic sex toys. But now, Nicole wanted to use a flesh and blood version on her. Anna could tell that by the sound of Nicole's voice. But somehow that didn't seem to matter as much as Anna thought it would. Anna didn't hate men, wasn't repulsed by them. She just never felt anything sexual about them. She had always preferred the way women felt, the softness, the smell, the curves that seemed to mold so well with her own. But Nicole had all that. Did it really matter that she had a real penis between her legs? "No," Anna decided, "keep it." Anna reached down and took Nicole's penis in her hand. "I think I'd like to try you using this on me. And I kind of get a kick out of knowing that I'll be your first." Nicole leaned over and kissed her first female lover. She then laid a line of kisses down Anna's body, paying special attention to her breasts and nipples before moving down to her cunt. Nicole then used her tongue in marvelous, clitty-teasing ways. She brought Anna to the brink of orgasm three times before finally pushing her over the brink with her tongue. After Anna's orgasm, Nicole crawled up and lay beside her. Nicole reached up and began stroking Anna's breast, and Anna returned the favor. Shortly Anna said, "So when are you going to use that new attachment between your legs?" "Whenever you want. I just didn't want you to feel obligated or any such thing just because I had it." "I know you'd never do that." Anna shoved Nicole onto her back, and straddled her hips. "But right now I want to experience all of you." Anna took Nicole's dick in hand,m steadied it, and slowly lowered herself onto the new Goddess of Love. Nicole moaned and started to pump her hips up into Anna. Anna leaned over, crushing their breasts together. The two surged together until Nicole orgasmed spraying into Anna's womb. They lay together as Nicole's cock slowly softened inside Anna. Suddenly, Nicole got a concerned look on her face, pulled her head back and looked at Anna's midsection. "What is it?" Anna asked. Nicole's look faded and she said, "Just checking something." "What?" Nicole seemed to debate it, but finally said, "Checking to see if you were pregnant. I know you're not on the pill." Anna reared up. "PREGNANT?! You mean you could make me... with that?" Nicole nodded. Anna lay her head on Nicole's chest. "I never even considered that. I've never taken birth control before because it never mattered. How could I ever get pregnant with another woman?" "I understand. Next time I'll render myself sterile before we have sex." "No, don't. We'll just use a condom next time." "Won't work. Rendering myself sterile is the only form of birth control that'll work on me." "Why?" "I'm not sure. I'm not even sure how I know, but I do know it's true. Birth control will still work on you, but not on me." Anna thought about it then said, "I'll take my chances." "Why? I could always just shift form and eliminate the necessity." "Actually, that scares me more than the concept of getting pregnant." "Why?" "It came to me when I saw David shift forms. I had no idea who he was till after he revealed himself. What happens if some person finds out about you, gets some personal data on you, then convinces me he or she is you in another form, then uses me for their pleasure?" "Then I'd punish them." "But would that protect me while it happens?" "No." "Promise me, Nicole. Promise me that you'll always have sex with me only in base form. That way I'll know it's you." "I promise." Anna then snuggled into Nicole and they fell asleep together. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 9) David, shape shifted into his old form, finished cleaning the dishes from the evening meal. Professor Abbott had made him cook dinner, then they ate in silence. The professor then went back to his tent, obviously expecting David to just handle the clean up alone. The only problem David really found was that the professor wouldn't stay in his tent, so David couldn't just make everything clean. But David didn't mind the work. It was no less than he expected when he had learned that he had been assigned to the professor. Besides, David didn't want to become too reliant on his new abilities. When he finished, he noticed the professor sitting in front of his tent smoking a pipe. That would be another thing that would have to change. Doctor Cole hated smokers. A woman could have the body of a super-model, but if she smoked, the doctor wouldn't even consider a relationship. David took a stick, sat down, and started carving. After a few minutes, professor Abbott went back inside his tent. David expanded his senses into the tent, waiting until the professor was starting to drift off. David then shifted his body into the form of Amber Cole, with one difference between the legs. David was now an athletic blonde. His hair was tied up in the tight bun that she always wore to work. His breasts were smaller than they were in base form, but his height was about the same. His clothes were the simple business suit that doctor Cole always wore when teaching her classes, including the flats that she preferred. David walked right into the professor's tent. The professor was just drifting off, but when he saw a figure at the entrance, he started to wake up. "David, is that-" Then he saw who David wanted him to see. "Doctor Cole? Is that you?" David smiled, barely visible in the dim evening light. "Professor Patrick Abbott, we need to talk about this infatuation you have with me." "Don't say that." Professor Abbott sat up on his cot. "I love you, Amber." "I'm sorry, Pat, but even if that's true, you're just not what I'm looking for in a sexual partner right now. Please stop bothering me with flowers and candy." "Please, Amber, I'll do anything." "Anything? It'll mean a lot of changes." "I don't care." David smiled. He went over and sat beside the professor. He made them both naked, but the professor didn't question it. David knew that when the professor woke up tomorrow he'd chalk it all up to a dream. But that was tomorrow. David stroked Patrick's chest sensually as he pushed the professor onto his back. Patrick tried to take David's breasts in hand, but David deflected them. "Ah-ah. First change you have to accept. I'm in charge. You do what I say, when I say, and not before." "Yes, ma'am." "Today, you do nothing. You just let me do things to you. You let me do WHATEVER I want. Understand?" "Yes, ma'am." David lay the professor on his back, then kissed his face, neck, and chest sucking Patrick's nipple into his mouth. Patrick didn't get why "doctor Cole" was doing that, but he found it strangely pleasurable, and felt his dick growing hard under her tender actions. After a few minutes of that, he felt her parting his legs. He wondered what she was doing when he felt a strange hardness at his ass. He was about to ask what it was when "Amber" shoved her hips forward. He felt a sudden hard rod force its way past his sphincter and into his bowels. He felt it start moving in and out of him in time with the way Amber was moving her hips when he figured out what was going on. "You've got a... And you're..." Amber completed his thoughts. "I've got a dick and I'm fucking you." Patrick tried to protest, tried to stop this, but all he could do was moan. In pleasure! He knew he shouldn't like this, but there was this incredible surging pleasure from deep within his ass. He was getting fucked and loving it! Amber told him, "Wrap your legs around me. Pull me into you." Patrick wrapped his legs around her. He didn't expect to be so flexible, but was surprised when he managed to cross his ankles behind her back and pull her closer to him. She continued to slam into his ass until he felt a strange surging pleasure, and his entire body trembled and exploded in orgasm. He barely felt the strange warmth enter his ass, a little bit dribbling out from around Amber's dick. After they came down, Amber stroked his face in a most unmanly fashion. "were you pleased by my actions, Pat? Did you like what I did?" Patrick could only nod. "Say it, Pat. Say what I did, and tell me you liked it." "You... fucked me. And... I loved it." Amber kissed him. "Tomorrow we start teaching you how to please me." She then waved her hand over his eyes and he was fast asleep. David shifted back to his base form and left the tent. Before he exited he turned back and stared at the sleeping professor. David had barely had to touch the professor's mind to get him to enjoy every second of the act. The professor showed real potential for becoming a submissive little woman. Of course, just being a woman was only the start of what "Patricia" would be going through on this island before they left. ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 10) Anna woke up and looked around. She saw a man standing in front of the mirror. He looked, at the same time, both familiar and different. It was David, but a David with wider shoulders. "David? Is that you?" David turned back to her, and smiled. "He" then shifted into the form of Nicole. "It's just me. I was just wondering what David might look like with a few little differences. Bigger shoulders, bigger... equipment." "You're not satisfied with David as he is?" "Of course I am, but that doesn't stop me from being curious." Nicole came over and sat on the edge of the bed. "He did the same thing with me. And I've come to the same conclusion he did." "Which is?" Nicole leaned over and kissed Anna. "I love him best, just as he is." "Good to hear it." The two kissed again, this time far more passionately. When they finished, Nicole said, "There's something I wanted to ask you about." "Yes?" "As you know, David and I have become the Avatar of Love, a modern-day Aphrodite, if you will." "Yes." "Well, as Aphrodite we are a goddess, and even a goddess needs help spreading our word. I'd like you to be that help." "What are you asking?" "I... We want you to be our High Priestess, the High Priestess of Love." Anna was stunned. "What would I have to do?" "Preach. Preach a message of love, help others to find their way to love. Love themselves as well as others." "Sounds complicated." "Not nearly as complicated as you think." "Okay, but what happens? What do I have to do?" "You just have to accept. I'll then link us together. You will then become perfectly healthy. You'll also heal fast, and never experience a sick day in your life." "Sounds great." "But..." "But?" "You'll also gain my immunity to birth control." "Well, you're the only one I have to worry about that with." "True, but you will have to worry about it. I don't intend to let you ever go too long without experiencing sex with me. And, you will also be bonded to David, and I know he wants you as much as I do." "I can handle that, just so long as he uses that super-sexy girl form I saw before." "I'm sure he'll agree to that. But you do accept?" "I do." Nicole leaned over and kissed Anna. The girl felt herself suffused with light and love. The light then dropped to a low shine in her soul, and Anna said, "Woah. So now what?" "That's up to you." "Like solve world problems?" "Actually, I was just thinking going out tonight. I'd like you to take me to all those places you used to frequent before you became infatuated with me." "Sounds good." Anna looked around. "Where are my clothes?" "Stand up." Anna did so, and Nicole created a matching pair of gowns on both of them. "Instant dressing." "I could get used to you fast." Nicole laughed and kissed her new High Priestess. As Anna picked up her purse, she asked, "Nicole, is it true that you're immortal and indestructible, like David said?" "Yes, and I'd share that ability with you if I could." "That's not what I was thinking about. I was wondering, if you're immortal and indestructible, and you're a modern-day Aphrodite, wouldn't that mean that the original Aphrodite was immortal and indestructible, too?" "I... suppose so." "Then what ever happened to her?" Nicole stopped. "I... have no idea." ************ THE AVATAR (PT. 11) Terry Williams sat in her jail cell, reading a magazine. She heard someone walk up to the cell, and she looked up, seeing the guard. "You've got a visitor," he told her. Two people stepped up into view. One was a tall, very masculine gentleman in a very expensive business suit; the other appeared to be a small, petite woman with large breasts in a dress. Terry looked right at the woman and said, "Carla, why are you doing this to me? I love you." The woman trembled, but the man put his arms on her shoulders comfortingly, and said, "Steady. You can do this." The woman pulled herself together and said, "You don't love me. You don't love anyone. You changed me into," she waved her hands down her body, "this. You hypnotized me, drugged me, brainwashed me. Turned me into a whore addicted to the taste of cum. If my cousin hadn't found me and managed to help me, I'd still be on the streets whoring for your pleasure and profit." Terry grinned evilly. "So your cousin saved you? Does he do anything more? You're addicted to cum, now. Have you tasted his cum? Have you wrapped your lips around his big, hard cock? Have you teased and provoked him till he spewed that white love seed down your throat?" The woman yelled out, "Stop it! Stop it!" and buried her head in her cousin's chest. Terry snidely asked, "What's wrong, Carla?" The woman pulled herself together and looked at Terry. "My name isn't Carla. My name is... Charles, and I am... a... man." "A man? In that cute, little dress? You hardly look the role." "I'm wearing the dress, because your brainwashing made it impossible for me to wear pants. But as soon as they break it and I can get this undone, I'll make myself normal again." Terry stood up. "So tell me,... Carla. Are you ever going to stop wearing nighties? You always did like the real frilly ones. The more feminine the better,

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My Little Avatar

As I chatted with a young lady on the web my thoughts wondered to her avatar. It was a cute wide eyed blonde cartoon character dressed in a plaid mini, striped thigh highs, buckle up boots, white top and a fur trimmed hoody. Her little outfit was accented with a wide black belt and cuffs lined with silver studs, so innocent yet so very seductive. As we chatted I found her to be very interesting. She briefly described her body to me. She sounded petite like her avatar. After she had to leave,...

3 years ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 3

"And in the final round the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout! What do you say we go to the Arena tonight, catch a few pro-bending matches!" Korra exclaimed excitedly to Raiden and Tenzin "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending" Tenzin replied sternly "Come on Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bendi match since I was a Kid, and now I'm just ferry ride away from the arena! You can let Raiden take me there too if you want to make sure I'm...

4 years ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 2B

Underworld Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Avatar: The Last Airbender (Raidens Past) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Started) Resident Evil (Movie Series not game) The Avengers (Iron man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America Movies jncluding the actual movie The Avengers) ******************************************************************************************************************************* As the sun began to rise on a new day , the light began to creep in through the...

1 year ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 3

Introduction: Sorry its short, just trying to get what I can out… Writers block isnt fun at all… Korra, Raiden and Tenzin sat around the small lounge table in the airtemple as they had a small meal before she began her training and Raiden went out to get more members for his Order, still unknown to both Korra an Tenzin. And in the final round the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout! What do you say we go to the Arena tonight, catch a few pro-bending matches! Korra exclaimed excitedly to...

2 years ago
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Somebody in the Avatar Univers suddenly gains the power of possession and transformation. But in which time? During the happenings of Avatar the last Airbender (which actually happened 110 Years after the beginning of the war, making everyone older than 18)? Or maybe during the time of Avatar Korra? Or even some other time?

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 9

They drove to Ken's house so to get a phone book. Ken hit the internet to see what could be found online while Jane made some calls. In a half hour they'd booked a room for that evening that had a huge, king-sized bed, a hot tub and all around luxury accommodations. It cost some money, a bit over $500, when all was said and done, but considering it was a Saturday, they'd been lucky to find anything at all. Since they were splitting the cost between them it wasn't too bad. Both of them...

2 years ago
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AvatarChapter 2

Nicole Wilson lay in bed, sound asleep, dreaming of her boyfriend, David. He'd be away on that stupid field assignment for another two weeks, and she missed him so much. She was then awakened by a sparkle of lights surrounding her body. She asked, "What's going on?" She heard a soft voice say, "David needs you." She felt herself lifted from the bed and then she was standing up in an underground chamber. She looked around and saw the circular stand with the jewel, but her attention was...

4 years ago
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The Avatars

The Avatars By Morpheus Part 1 I stopped my car at the end of the driveway, just a short distance away from the rather large house in front of me. However I didn't bother to get out. Instead I sat there for the next minute, nervously tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, feeling like a novice instead of the experienced newspaper reporter that I was. Hell, I felt almost like this was the biggest story of my life rather than just a routine interview. "Who am I kidding," I...

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Avatar the Last Airbender Sokkas Adventures Ch12

Sokka woke from a deep sleep. He had been sleeping a lot better since he had returned home, and since he was able to sleep naked again. He lazily looked around his small, icy room. His eyes found his way to his morning wood. Sokka removed the covers from his body, revealing his brown, 6.5 uncut erection. He saw his reflection in the ice walls, and he liked what he saw. His small frame made his cock seem larger than what it was. His pecs had only formed recently, as well as his toned...

4 years ago
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Dozens of my friends here have asked me what my avatar of “no doggy style birthday cake” means. At first, I was embarrassed to tell you even though I am adamant about the “no doggy style”. But then, after a while I realized it is only fair to tell the story and it might just make a good short story and get something off my mind.I know, ME? a short story?Before Susan broke up with me I saw that it was inevitable. It was only a matter of time before our lesbian friendship was going to dissolve...

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TGS The Offline Avatar

The Offline Avatar Timber Grove: Story #8 By Trinity CASE 0008 TIMBER GROVE, WA AGENT SAM BROWN There was an incident yesterday involving a man who we believe was a money man for the Perfect Pines operation. While Detective Anderson and myself were able to track him down, we were too late and someone had already gotten to him. The following is both Richard's account of what happened, as well as the sworn testimony of those involved. ***BEGIN REPORT*** Vanessa...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 13

It turned out to be a long night. David and Lenny showed up and ate dinner with them. Everyone except Joan was there -- she'd had a dinner meeting. After eating, they started to discuss the issue at hand. "Should we adjourn somewhere?" asked David. "Not unless you're uncomfortable here," replied Ken. "Everyone should be on the same page, so if we stay here, I won't have to go explaining it all over again." "Okay," said David. Thus began the discussion. David was livid when he...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 38

Cindy knew she should be sleeping. Her body was certainly tired enough to sleep. She was completely sated and ached in the most delicious way. Even the soft sheets caused her to be well aware of the welts on her body. For the first time, Tina had actually made her bleed. Not much and not in a lot of places, but the fact that she had, just made Cindy feel things she'd never experienced. Made her feel owned. Loved. And content in a way she just didn't think she could ever describe to anyone....

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 80

It was an extremely beautiful day, thought Kiera as she walked around the Garden taking in its beauty. Everything was as perfect as one could ask for a wedding day. Ellen and Kim, whom she knew a bit better now, were going to make a perfect, if very kinky, couple. She cast her thoughts back to the night of Fionna's homecoming. That entire day and night had been very eye-opening, in so many ways. Watching Fionna, Cindy, Jane, Tina and even Ken sit around and play music had been an extremely...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 14

Ally heard the come into the room, but couldn't do anything about it. The bedroom smelled strongly of her musk and Ken could see there was a puddle under her cunt. Jane removed the gag and quickly sat in front of the girl, pushing her gooey sex into Ally's mouth. From the look on Jane's face, Ally was very vigorous with her attentions, and soon Jane was humping away, having had all their cum sucked from her tunnel. Ally was learning how to please Jane very quickly and it wasn't long...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 46

Ken noticed that all of the women were dressed -- something that rarely happened now-a-days. Looking at the clock, he wondered where Genie and Bill were, then thought he remembered something about them going out for dinner or something. He'd introduce them to Tina tomorrow. "Well," he said, "it looks like there's the possibility of a new addition to Nemetodunum." "Possibility?" asked Sally. "I don't know if she'll want to stay here," replied Ken. "And, I don't know how you...

4 years ago
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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 1

Monday Morning: Tina very much enjoyed going to school, after she'd gotten over her nervousness. She'd been a little unsure how she was going to handle herself around all those people; you see, Tina was not like other students. She lived in a mansion that was owned by the Avatar of the Goddess Lea. The name of Lea's Avatar was Ken, and he was Tina's guardian. In fact, there were quite a few people living there now, most of whom worshiped Lea. Since Lea was a sex Goddess, it didn't take...

1 year ago
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Avatar of the Emotes

We begin at the center of the universe, where cosmic beings and anthropomorphic personifications of concepts and ideas tied to the universe are born. They are fated to fulfill their function until the universe ends and all life ceases to exist. The Emotes came into existence when the first sentient being was born. Each sibling wields a basic emotion and every other feeling that finds its root in it. Though they are omnipotent and omnipresent they have avatars on every planet suitable for...

2 years ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Ending

Raidens body had become a mere husk of what he was like before, it had damaged his body much in three weeks. He was coughing up blood almost all the time he had difficulty breathing most of the time, his body weight was almost non-existent as it looked like he had a severe case of anorexia. He bones ached and cracked when he moved. He had difficulty sleeping or walking or eating what little he could find. The closet description to his state, would be that of a walking corpse. Raiden...

4 years ago
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Avatar the last airbender Chapter1 Tea time

As Aang and Katara stood there together Soka came out of the Jasmine Dragon (the tea shop that uncle Iroh owned in the city of Ba Sing Say) he said “Hey you two what are you doing out here when the party is inside “Katara pulled away from Aang and blushed saying “oh hi soka Aang and I were just talking” Aang looked at Soka saying “actually I was just leaving I’m very tired. “All rite see you Aang” Back at Aang and the gangs house nobody was home except for...

3 years ago
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Neytiri suggested it at first. This was the first time she saw me in human form. I felt a tingling feeling standing beside her. I could not hide my arousal. And neither could she. Her eyes glistened and she licked her lips. She said we would experience a wonderful connection together that day. She was facing me at first but after she had removed most of my clothes she turned. She was hardly wearing anything at all, which made it a lot easier for me. Neytiri was large, compared to a...

2 years ago
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Avatar The Sexual Chronicles

Over one hundred years ago, the Avatar disappeared, leaving behind a confused world. However, the Fire Nation quickly reacted, and using the power of Sozin's Comet, nearly conquered the entire world. There are only a few places still remaining unconquered - the Southern Water Tribe, though it is quickly being realized that it will soon be conquered, the Northern Water Tribe, which has defended against a Fire Nation attack, shocking the rest of the world. And finally, there was Earth Country,...

4 years ago
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Avatar The Other Stories

The war had been going on for almost a hundred years. The Fire Nation had completely wiped out the Air Nomads, and the Avatar had disappeared with them. Now, with the Water Tribes crumbling and the Earth armies proving a weak challenge, it seemed that the Fire Nation would soon have complete control over the world. But despite the Fire Nation's vast armies and hundreds of thousands of supporters, there were many powerful heroes and heroines alike who would soon rise against their tyranny. There...

3 years ago
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Avatar The Last Whore Bender

Introduction. "All characters in this story are at least 18 years old." Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar The last airbender or any other material featured in this work. These Storys are purely fictional and don't represend real life apropriate behaviour. this is my first story so it may not be verry good. english is not my native language. Enough With the boring Stuff lets get started.

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 29

Ken could not believe how crowded the theater was. There wasn't even standing room in the place; every square inch was packed with people. He had a feeling that the fire marshal would be a very unhappy person if he could see what was going on here. The girls were extremely excited, and Ken resigned himself to a night of the loud, annoying crap that passed for music these days. He himself, when he listened to music at all, preferred rock from the '70s and '80s. Honestly though, he really...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 58

Ken never liked cooling his heels and waiting for bureaucracy to slowly grind its way through even the simplest of matters. Give a small minded man the power of paperwork, and he was just as bad as any tyrant lording over his people. Just without any of the consequences that said tyrant might suffer if he got too far out of hand. Ken hadn't been out of the corporate world for all that long, but it was easy to forget how fucked up it was. And the government was even worse. Everything that...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 72

After shopping, the ladies ended up in a very nice restaurant ordering an early dinner. Antonia was still quite horny and trying not to show it. Unfortunately, the two Cosmos she'd had weren't helping her be discreet. "Okay," she finally said, "I know I shouldn't ask this. It's none of my business. But do you two really both consider yourselves Ken's wives?" Ari and Jane looked at each other, then Jane looked back at Antonia. "Yes." Antonia blinked, somewhat surprised by the...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 82

What did one do with a knife that was a gift from a God? The flute that Ken had received from Lea was displayed under a glass case he’d had specially made for it. He’d gotten pretty good at playing it, far better than he would ever have thought. He was still learning how to read notes from paper and put them onto the instrument, but he’d discovered a surprising talent for playing by ear. Fionna had laughed when he’d told her he thought that his inability to learn musical notation was limiting...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 90

Avatar 2-90 Ken saw Jerry hit Jane hard enough to knock her cold and started forward. Someone tried to grab him but their hand somehow missed. A chorus of yells arose as chaos broke out in the camp. Groups of people ran towards each other, screaming and clashing together, but Ken wasn’t concentrating on any of that. He sensed that Eric and Sensei were heading for where Jane had been taken, so he concentrated on finding Bosh. Unfortunately, no one told any of the Tankers that Ken and Bosh had...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 10

Ally didn't even realize that Jane had left until she returned to continue playing with her again. They pulled the girl off the bed and had her kneel on the floor. Jane squatted in front of her while Ken grabbed some rope from one of the bags. He also pulled out a set of clamps. They were vicious little things. Each was 'U' shaped with a lever on one side that clamped the ends together. They were very strong, but Ken knew the girl would like them. He had Ally put her hands behind her...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 13

Ken and Jane were pretty quiet on the ride back. They were somewhat tired, but very satisfied. Ken could feel the energy pooling in his body and knew he was holding a much greater amount than he had before. They unloaded the bikes back at the house and went inside to get cleaned up. "You still up for going with me to get cell phone?" he asked. "Of course Master. If you don't have a cell phone, how can I be at your beck and call?" she giggled which, since she was naked did interesting...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 20

Ken became aware that Jane was kneeling at his feet. He looked down into her worried face and smiled at her. "Master, are you OK?" "Gee," he said jokingly, "I thought that you always knew how I felt." He looked closer at her - she looked like she hadn't gotten much sleep. "What's wrong?" "I'm fine," she said, "except that I actually can't feel you. I can feel Ally, but not you," she looked very worried now. Ken relaxed his thoughts for a moment and felt something shift;...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 30

They talked for a few minutes, going over what Arianwen had told them. She'd covered the basics of what being part of the Circle meant and how they were currently living their lives. When they got to the point where Ken asked Sally if she'd like a job, Jane decided to excuse herself. "Master, I'd like to speak with Arianwen," she said. Uh oh, thought Ken. "Go ahead, but remember, we're having guests tonight," he replied. "Yes Master," grinned the woman as she strode over to the...

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AvatarChapter 10

Anna woke up and looked around. She saw a man standing in front of the mirror. He looked, at the same time, both familiar and different. It was David, but a David with wider shoulders. "David? Is that you?" David turned back to her, and smiled. "He" then shifted into the form of Nicole. "It's just me. I was just wondering what David might look like with a few little differences. Bigger shoulders, bigger... equipment." "You're not satisfied with David as he is?" "Of course I am,...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 45

Ken pulled into the parking lot of the Starbucks and sighed. This could end up being a very sticky situation because, if he remembered correctly, Tina was only fifteen -- and a just-turned fifteen, at that. They were still establishing themselves at the mansion, and he wasn't prepared to change the lifestyle they were developing to accommodate a young girl. "You ready for this?" he asked Jane. "Yes, Master," she replied. "If she's anything like Ari, this won't be a problem." "She...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 48

After everyone was comfortable, Ken stood and looked at them. Then he focused on Annette. "Annette, do you wish to worship the Goddess?" Annette looked startled; this wasn't what she was expecting. Gary had promised her that some answers about how she was feeling would be forthcoming. "Yes," she said, confusion tingeing her voice. "But what does that have to do with anything?" "Because we worship a specific Goddess. Her name is Lea." Ken could feel both Genie and Annette begin...

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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 1b

Tina: It was clear that Cindy was going through something that Tina herself had experienced the first time she'd met her Goddess. She hadn't realized what was going on at the time, but her sister, a High Priestess, had pulled her out of her daze -- for a short time, anyway. It had taken the Avatar, Ken, to finally return her to normal. Thus, it was important that Cindy meet Arianwen for several reasons, but now the most pressing reason was that Tina didn't have the power to pull Cindy out...

3 years ago
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Those BIG Cock Avatars

Boys and Men Please Please dont tease me with those massive cocks in your Avatars.This morning I masturbated looking at them fantizising you were inside me.I know they are not real, but, please regardless of age, colour, race, or distance, if you are that large, prove to me and I will do everything in my power to meet you and surrender to whatever you want to do, this I promise, and everyone on here will knowI am in my early 40's and have an extensive collection of photos, videos and stories. I...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Avatar Kataras Secret

Katara, Aang and Sokka were camping at a lake. They all wanted to relax, because this would be the last lake they'd see for a long time. Whle Aan and Sokka were building their camp, Katara quickly put on her swimming suit. But , this wasn't her regular swimming suit, it was much smaller and tighter. Her perfectly formed boobs were almost entirely visible, only her nipples were covered by a small layer of white cloth. Her panties were so small you could see some of her perfect ass. It...

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Katara's POV "It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish." your brother tells you. You lean over the edge of the canoe and see a fish. Hesitantly, you remove your left glove, you takes a deep breath and with a look of trepidation begins to motion with your exposed hand. Suddenly, the globe of water containing the fish bursts out of the water. "Sokka, look!" you tell him "Shhh. Katara, you're gonna scare it away. Mmmm... I can already smell it...

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"Ugh we aren't catching ang fish Katara" "Well if you shut up maybe we would" Katara and her Brother Sokka had gone out fishing and so far had very little luck. But that would soon change as they rounded an ice berg and saw what looked like a boy trapped in the ice. Katara and Sokka paddle over to the ice "Are you sure we should help him, maybe he was frozen for a reason." Sokka says unsure of the mysterious man. "Well there's only one way to find out" Katara says as she grabs Sokka's spear and...

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Duncan West has been waiting for this day his entire life. His 21st birthday. Today he'll got through the blood rite as his father did before him. He'll become the earthly vessel for the enigmatic being from the beyond. One that calls itself Eternity. He enters the sacred chamer clothed in only his ceremonial robe his father stands behind an altar. His mother stands beside his father. To the left of the alter stand his sisters, an elder and a younger. To the right stands his best friend and her...

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My Mom8217s New Avatar

HI friends..I am Rahul from southern part of India.I cant say my exact location for privacy reasons…OK lets come into the story.My mom’s name is latha.She is a college professor who teaches English to students.Her measurements are 40-30-38. she has big boobs which is like watermelons.She is slim hot and sexy modern women who wears all kinds of modern outfit from sarees to jeans t shirts.My dad is business man and he never cared about us.He visits us 3 months once. This story happened a few...

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Old Bhubaneswar Friend In New Avatar

Although I had written many stories in the past but for a long time I had not experimented with my writing. So I wish to know all your responses to my writing. Please do send me your comments and compliments by e-mail at , so that I can improve my own writing skills. This is going to be a short story and I hope you find it interesting. It was summer and I was unfortunately sent with my college students team to Kolkata for some technical study tour. It was mid April and you can imagine the...

Gay Male
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MaryJane Avatar Part 1

Smelly Little TrannyMutant John tells me not to shower before I come over because he wants to smell the real me.Ever loyal and thorough, I spend the Friday before I visit him in a series of nerve-wracking sales meetings that burn my deodorant off in seconds. I then head out for a few drinks with workmates, which inevitably turn into quite a lot of drinks.At the end of the evening, I cop off with a barman who’s had his eye on me for a while. I choose tonight for this encounter because the barman...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 9

Joan wandered around her house feeling lost and very nervous. By the time she'd seen Ken earlier in the week, she'd decided that under no circumstances would she see any of those people again. Ever. But every time she'd thought of Eric or Sally, and how she'd feel if she never saw them again, her eyes teared up. She had had to call them one last time, then had managed to let Eric talk her into letting him and Sally come over. Her hands shook as she laid out the last plate for...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 10

Ken awoke to the feel of a set of lips around the head of his semi-hard cock. Arianwen's lips, in fact. She wasn't giving him a blow job -- just holding him in her mouth, gently sucking. He knew what she wanted, and she smiled up at him just as he began to fill her mouth. She moaned as she quickly swallowed what he had to offer, then got into a reverse cowboy position on his hard cock. It wasn't long before she shifted and he speared her other hole. Jane was awake too, and he knew she was...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 11

Ken smiled as Joan approached. Unlike the last time that she'd been at the mansion, she was fully clothed. She looked at him with some trepidation, so he stepped forward with his arms open. With only a small hesitation, she stepped into them. They hugged for a moment, then he let her go and stepped back. "So," he said smiling, "are you feeling better today?" "Yes, I am, thank you," she said. She seemed at a loss as to what to say next and Ken sighed. Apparently, it would fall to him...

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