Avatar : The Legend Of Korra And The Immortal Avatar free porn video

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After her death at 230 years old I was still around, I had mastered all the elements and energy bending as well as metal bending, but I kept this to myself with only my now deceased family knowing who I really was.
I lived on whilst all my friends and family passed on like leaves in the wind and turned to dust. It was not long before I couldn't help it any more. I went to the southern air temple and informed the monks of who I was and surprisingly, they accepted me in. 

I spent the rest of my life there under their care and watchful eye under the promise and pact of my new role. I was to be the protector of the Avatars, my job is to protect and guide every new Avatar as soon as they are discovered and as soon as I can reach them, I am the Vanguard of Peace, the Protector of Equality the Guardian of the Four Nations and the Sentinel of the Avatar, I am the Immortal Avatar, I live in 80 year cycles then I am reborn to the age of 12 again, unless I am killed in which I am still reborn anew as a 12 year old boy, but without any memory of who I am or was.vThis was also when my physical appearance changed to suit my role; my hair turned to a bright blonde and my eyes turned from grey to a dark deep bright blue which both represented my role in the world. I became slimmer and less muscular turning more athletic but still retaining my strength. My skin whitened more and I became slightly paler.

My first posting was to protect Aang, but I failed, he slipped from under me and he was lost for a hundred years. It wasn't long after his disappearance that the Fire Nation attacked, It was horrible, their numbers were almost unending as were their attacks every day and night. I fought all day and all night long every day until, we were lost, they broke through and killed us all, only I escaped and perpetrated a ruse with Monk Gyatso that I was buried in the rubble In the outer walls of the southern air temple and I was dead, surprisingly it was just what I needed. When I 'temporarily' passed away I really just transported myself into the spirit world, from there my full potential to be a second avatar was unlocked thanks to Avatars Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruck and Yangchen who bestowed upon my body and spirit the full powers of the Avatar. After a week of spiritual meditation attempting to discover Aangs location which was successful. I then returned to the world and went to Aang, but that wasn't as successful as I thought it was going to be considering I was frozen along side him when I dived under water to get him and drag him to the surface.

And then as many people know we were discovered by Katara and Sokka who saved us both from the watery prison we found ourselves In and after I explained to the who I was, I accompanied Aang and his friends and journeyed with him on his distant travels protectin and guiding him as we journeyed together. And as I was travelling with him I helped him in ending the hundred years war by energy bending Azuras bending powers away her to let Aang be completely focused on Ozai. But we did it together alongside the rest of team avatar. I also helped found  Republic city with him and was his close friend throughout the rest of  his life until he died. Katara and Aang also made me promise to always protect their children and made me the children's official guardian, godfather and Uncle. 

I did leave for a short while and journeyed the world for personal matters under the role as High General of United Republic Forces, as being around for nearly 500 years tends to take a toll on a persons body even if your natural body is the body of a 17 year old. I returned to republic city for a short while before Aangs departure from this world and was reluctantly told I was to leave republic city and stand guard over the southern water tribe where the new Avatar is expected to be, but this is also where my story starts in the year 165ASC...

I was Stumbling blindly through the artic snow storm searching for the southern water tribe as was my mission, but this was made harder after I fell off of my mount, a lion eagle and in the body of a 12 year old things are made significantly harder. I fell over in the snow as It began piling up quicker and quicker becoming worse and worse, I could barely see my hands right in front of me as I struggled let alone anything in my way. As I tried to get up a loud terrifying cracking sound resonated through he air as the ice below me gave way. I fell down hard into a large ice cave like structure and I went out cold surrounded by its walls.

As my vision slowly came back to me I heard a lot of murmuring going on around me and a poking feeling on my forehead

"Korra! Stop that!"

I heard someone shout and the prodding ceased followed by a long sigh and a frustrated female voice exclaim

"I was only checking if he is alive and I think he is dead to be honest!"

At this I opened my eyes and looked up at a hole in a large dome like structure which I soon discovered was made by water benders to shelter the southern water tribe camp from storms, and I just fell through straight into the camps centre, I rubbed some snow off my forehead and sat forward groggily which brought a lot of gasps followed by a stick being broken over my head bringing me severe pain to my already injured head

"Korra what do you think you are doing!" someone exclaimed as I said

"Ow" in a tone devoid of emotion "falling, prodding, hitting... This isn't my day at all is it!"

I continued as I became fed up, I quickly scanned my surroundings, there were at least 60 people around me and 23 children including the girl standing next to me,  

"Who are you and what are you doing here!"

The girl exclaimed as I stood up and blew fire into my hands to heat them up which shocked the people around me. After swiping my hands in a downward motion which got rid of all the snow on me I replied calmly

"I am Avatar Raiden, I'm here to fulfil my promise to the Air Nomads
of the southern air temple which is to , find, guide and protect the Avatar with my life" once I had finished my rehearsed speech they were all awe struck until the girl beside me spoke out again

"I'm Avatar Korra and I don 't need anyone to look after me!"

I turned to look at her after the statement and that was my first time I ever saw her, she had beutiful teal coloured eyes, tanned skin, long brown hair that was tied back in a high ponytail with two braids running down the front on either side of her face, she had a look of determination and strength in her eyes and in the way she moved.

At this an old woman who looked in her late seventies came up to me and said to Korra

"Hush now Korra show respect to the man who helped end the hundred year war and helped found republic city with your predecessor" she said happily "It's brilliant to see you again Raiden, I have missed you you know, there aren't many members of team avatar left with Toph, Aang, Sokka,  and Suki are all gone, it is very nice to see an old friend!"

She finished as I gave my old friend a warm hug, her name was Katara. Korra stepped up beside Katara

"You don't actually believe him do you Master Katara" she exclaimed "Of course I do! I never forget a friends face" Katara replied "but he is the same age as me!" Korra shot back at Katara "no. His body is the same age as you but not his mind, im guessing he very recently rejuvenated?" Katara replied confidently woth a hint of curiosity as she tilted her head towards me and I nodded in response

"Fine I don't care any more I'm going home!" Korra retorted in frustration as she stormed off back home "don't mind her she is just frustrated and intimidated by you" she said comforting with a smirk, "I tell her all the stories about our adventures together and about how powerful you are AND how important you are to the Avatar now"

"Thank you, but you must firgive me if i soubd rude but are there any spare beds around here? I have been traveling non stop for 2 months from the north pole"

I asked kindly to Katara when a woman came up to me and said

"Hello I'm Senna, if you are truly here to protect my daughter then you are welcome to stay at our home until the storm passes and the two of you can return to the compound"

She finished with a smile as I replied kindly with a bow "thank you, your generosity is appreciated"

After that i joined Korras parents on their way home after discussing recent events with them about Korra. Upon entering their quaint little home senna called out

"Korra! Korra we're home, where has she gone to!"

I smiled and replied to her calls "she's out the back fire bending"

I said as her mother looked strangely at me

"How do you know that?" she asked inquisitively

"I can sense where an Avatar is, what he or she is feeling and whether he or she is hurt, dying, in danger, things like that but only if they are within 4 miles in distance to me"

I replied in a confident and cocky manner as I smiled and nodded at them and headed out the back of their home.

As I left the home and went out the back I felt a wave I heat hit me as I saw Korra fire bending,

"You alright? You seem angry?" I asked as she let her arms fall to her sides limply as she turned to face me wih anger riddling her face

"What do you want!" she shouted at me with an almost uncontrollable rage as I took a step back in shock at how violent she was at the age of 12

"What's your problem" I retorted in frustration as she stomped towards me

"What's my problem! What's MY problem! You're my problem! I don't need you! You are just going to try and take my role as avatar like you did to Avatar Aang!" she screamed in my face as she closed the distance between us and stared at me with eyes full of rage, fury but also fear

"I didn't steal his role as Avatar, my role is to guide and protect the Avatar not take it away from them" I replied calmly as I tried to cool her down

"Yes you did! It was his job to bring balance to the world not yours! You stopped the fire nation not Aang! And now you expect me to believe you won't take my role too!" now I was angry at Korra and I had raised my tone

"I took away Azuras bending to stop Aang from having to worry about Katara and Zuko as they battled Azura so that he wasable to focus solely on Ozai, I then nearly killed myself by travelling faster than light itself to Aang and destroyed the other Fire Nation Airships so as to let Aang focus and not be pressured into making a horrible mistake in killing him! I was protecting him by doing so! He brought balance to the world not me! He founded Republic city not me! Before you go making accusations like that you might want to read up on your history or ask Katara about it! If Aang was to kill Ozai his spirit would have become corrupted, he would have become evil! But I stopped that by risking my own life to protect him! It nearly killed me doing what I did!" I roared at her as she took a step back in shock as if she had been slapped on the face,

"Im sorry I didn't understand what you were supposed to be doing" she said sadly in an apologetic tone

"But don't you EVER. shout. at me. again!" she followed up in a forcefull tone, and after a moment of awkward slience we both laughed at her saying that.

That was the first time I had ever met Korra, and it wasn't the last time I would be with her, why don't we skip ahead a few years now to... 169ASC

The sun was glaring down upon the attic plains like a searching eye as I rode across he ice tundra on m new eagle tiger bear alongside he avatar on her polar bear dog as she smiled and laughed happily with me having he time of her life.

Over the five years together the two of us had grown close and she accepted me and my mission, we have become close friends, best friends.

We were out on the tundra taking our animals for ride and were having the time of our lives. We found a small alcove and took a rest inside before heading back to the Avatar Compound,

"That was fun" Korra said happily with a cheeky smirk on her face.

Over the years Korra and I had changed and matured, well at least I had, she was still immature most of the time, but she had grown taller and stronger, her soft face now was becoming more angular and her body was developing in her teens and her bending abilities had strengthened over the years. I myself was now four inches taller than her, my hair had darkened but kept its blonde tinge to it as did my skin as my body adapts far quicker to new environments than other humans, I had recently been keeping a clean shaven face and kept my hai short. My frame had grown wider and more muscular which also helped to intensify the strength of my own bending. 

Naga Korras avatar animal guide and warnon my own animal guide both collapsed in the opening to the alcove as Korra went deeper into the cave and I pulled out two canteens of water and two apples,

"Hey where are you going?" I asked Korra as she was delving deeper and deeper in "I'm exploring! You coming?" she asked in reply as I sighed picked up the apples and jogged after her

"Fine but we have to be quick about it!" I replied in a concerned tone as I fell into step beside her,

I reached out my hand with an apple in it and Korra stooped turning to me to take it as we faced each other and our hands brushed against each other we both trembled as an electric feeling shot up our spines making our hair stand on end, Korra let out a gasp of breath and stared at my eyes longingly and searchingly as the distance between us began to close slowly and the whole world fell around our feet leaving only Korra and I standing there, we weren't closing in anger or frustration this was something different. 

The apple fell to the icy floor and rolled down the slopping cave as Korras hands drifted slowly upwards towards my neck as mine wrapped slowly round her waist, a feeling o sati electricity spred through both our bodies as we drew closer and closer. Then she stood on her toes as we pulled each other closer to eachother and closed the gap. Our lips locked together as we kissed each other passionately, longingly and softly, her lips were soft and warm as our lips locked and we both stood there holding eachother tightly as if we were drowning in each other and were struggling for dear life. Then after what seemed like an eternity but was only a mere minute we opened our eyes and simply stared at each other at a loss for words

"I..... I'm sorry" Korra said awkwardly as she turned from me and wrapped her arms around herself and a single crystal tear fell from her eye and landed on her  left hand.

I moved towards her and took her right hand saying

"Come here I want to do something" as I led her to the entrance to the cave

"What are you doing?" asked Korra sadly as I knelt down between our animal guides

"Kneel.... Please Korra" I pleaded with her as she reluctantly complied,

"My first bending ability was fire, yours was water, now we are supposed to be opposites but watch" I explains to her as I held out my middle and index fingers together, sparking a small blue flame with a purple tinge at the bottom and a green tinge around its edges with red at its core,

"How did you make a flame with so many colours!" Korra exclaimed as she was amazed

"Create a thin layered water bubble around it Korra" I asked her as she looked at me strangely

"That would suffocate it and kill it!" she exclaimed in shock of my words as they sunk in

"No, it won't, what I am doing is creating vessel, made by both of us, it will split into three,  two smaller pieces will enter these" I began as I pulled out two chains with small diamond shaped glass containers at its end

"Then he large piece will hover at the centre of the southern water tribe camp" Korra looked at me both puzzled and touched

"What is the point of this?" she asked in frustration. I smiled at her and said

"The point is that once we finish it it will not stop spinning unless both of us die, If I die then the fire will do out and the air that I will put on the sphere will stop, if... If... If the worst comes to pass for you Korra ten the water will disappear and the diamond shards will turn to dust" I finished sadly but with affection

"I-I, thank you, but where will we get diamond shards?" she asked inquisitively

"Here" I began as I pulled out a small diamond that captured the light and reflected it in a multitude of colours across he cave walls as the sun began to set on the world casting a purple and orange light across the world

"How did you get this?" she asked In a shocked tone

"It was the last thing my sister Kyoshi gave me before she passed away" I replied sadly as I took her hand opening it and pressed it into it gently,

"I can't Rai, this means too much to you!" she replied in a reluctant yet grateful tone

"It's yours now Korra" I said in a caring tone as she cupped her hands resting the diamond in their centre staring at it in shock and awe.

She slowly closed her hands around it then made a praying hand symbol, pulling her hands apart the diamond was separated into many shards which formed two diagonal spinning rings on the sphere. I looked at her and smiled

"It's beautiful isn't it" I said as I moved my hand up vertically then across horizontally finally circling it creating two spinning horizontal and vertical rings on the sphere completing it, Korra looked at me and said

"It's incredible". I looked at her left hand and saw the small glistening tear on it, using water bending I lifted it into the air and placed it at the heart of the sphere in the very core of the fire making the sphere sparkle and dance like a glittering midnight dancer, then I removed a tear from my own eye and said

"To complete it you must do the same thing with my tear" she smiled speechless and did exactly the same with my tear. 

Upon both tears infusing in the centre and making a blindingly bright pure white light it split in three, two smaller parts entered the diamond shaped glass cases whilst the third disappeared across the tundra heading for the water tribe camp. Korra and I stood up as did our animal guardians

"That was amazing" she said with excitement, I smirked at her in response and stepped towards her sliding the silver chain over her head laying it to rest beautifully around her neck as mine already was around mine, we embraced each other again kissing each other lovingly before we headed off to the compound.

As we approached the compound the gates swung open slowly to reveal an angry small man in the middle of the courtyard storming towards us both,

"I suppose the two of you think it is terribly funny to just get up and disappear for three hours! And then this glowing sphere appears over the water tribe camp that no one can seem to get rid of! First I Want to know where you went and where that orb came from!!" he roared at us like an enraged lion

"We won't tell you where we went as it was for... For... *Avatar* business and does not concern you!" I replied in retort the the man which received a cheeky giggle from Korra, 

"And the orb, well, we created it and I would advise you to leave it alone as the only way to destroy it is to kill one of the two of us, so yeah bye" 

And with that Korra and I led our animals to the stables laughing all the way there.

After we left our animal guides in the pens and entered compound building I  walked Korra to her room. We both stopped outside of her room and I turned to face her,

"I had a nice time this evening Korra" I said to her happily 

"So did I, we should do it again sometime" she replied in the same tone of voice,

"Well then we will go there every afternoon just so we can have some time alone yeah?" I asked her with hope in my voice

"Sure" she replied in an agreeing tone

As we yet again embraced each other, she wrapped her arms around my neck and placed placed my hands on her waist as we kissed again lovingly and passionately together. As we separated with a big smile on her face she said

"Good night Raiden" and she slide the paper and wood panelled door and slipped inside. Suddenly I heard chuckle from the other end of the hall and I turned to the sound to see Katara standing at the end of the hall with a smile on her face. As she shook her head from side to side she said

"Do not break her heart Raiden, if you do she will break you, I just hope you know what you are getting into", I looked to Katara in concern and honesty and replied 

"I would give up my life to protect her Katara, and, that is not just because of my role,  for two years now I have suppressed my feelings towards her because I knew that it could compromise my role, but I just can't help it any more Katara, you once told me when I questioned your relationship with Aang 'you can't help who you fall in love with' were your words Katara, and I can't help my feelings towards Korra, I would walk to the ends of the earth and fight entire armies to protect her, because Katara I love Korra with all my heart, and this is the first time I have ever loved a woman the way I love Korra"

 I finished with as Katara nodded  in acceptance, but little did I know that Korra was listening to every word that was spoken between Katara and I. In the morning Korra was to begin her fire bending test.

Korra was ducking and weaving, twisting and turning, jumping and sliding and, shooting, reflecting, deflecting and blasting her opponents fire blasts and her owns back at them in a Sea of heat and flames.

She quickly and efficiently disposed of her two opponents under the watch of myself, the white lotus leader Captain Daimo, Katara and her fire bending master Shungo, after a short arguement between Korra and Daimo, Katara was asked whether she believed Korra to be ready to be taught Air bending, when she said yes he turned to me with doubt in his eyes as the eyes of everyone else drifted to me as I looked into the sky watching two eagle circle each other

"I would ask you, Avatar Raiden but I believe your opinion may be how shall I put this... Biased? Due to your intimate relationship with Avatar Korra?" Daimo finished with a snide grin on his face as I stood up straight and shot him an enraged look and said

"A fool resorts to insults when he knows his struggle is meaningless, I can put aside my personal feelings for the greater good Captain Daimo as should you, and yes I do believe Avatar Korra is ready to learn airbending and Tenzin will be the best thing for her if Korra is to learn and become more In touch with the spiritual side of being an Avatar" I finished with smiling at Korra as she returned the smile to me which was caught by Daimo who sighed and said

"Very well, I will contact Master Tenzin immediately, good day", at this news Korra became extremely excited and happy as Katara, Daimo and Shungo walked off. 

She jogged up to be and said "Finally I can't believe it I am going to learn Air bending!" she exclaimed as i smiled and laughed along side her, we gave a quick kiss to each other as we wrapped our hands together and walked towards the compounds main building. It wouldn't be until tomorrow afternoon that Tenzin would get here.

It was just as expected Tenzin and his family arrived late in the afternoon the next day with his family but he brought with him some bad news as I had gathered after my return from the Southern Water
tribe city, he was not able to remain at the compound to teach Korra air bending. But I suppose you are wondering why I was in the city? I was there getting gifts for Tenzin and his family as I was made Tenzins uncle and godfather by Aang and Katara so I felt obliged to.

I had made Meelo a child's sizes glider, made Ikki an on land air glider that had a basic go-kart base but was run using a sail in its centre, I also bought Jinora a large tome on the ancient history of Air Nomad Avatars and Historical Romance Myths which she loved, I also bought Pema, Tenzins wife a neIcklace made from ice and diamonds and finally I bought Tenzin a thick 2000 page tome on the Arts of Bending.

I ran up the steps and pushed open the door to the compound with a large satchel slung over my shoulder hoping I wasn't late for dinner as I was starving. 

I slowed down as I reached the door and left the bag next to the door to give to the family later, I entered the room to reveal Tenzin seated at the head of the table infront of me with Daimo on his right and Korra on his left with his family seated further down

"Raiden!" exclaimeD Jinora meelo and Ikki simultaneously as they sprang up and ran into my arms, chuckling I replied

"Hello you three it's been a while hasn't it!" as I dropped to one knee so as to be at eye level with them

"We missed you Uncle Raiden!" said Jinora excitedly

"Yeah yeah yeah!" responded Meelo energetically as Korra, Tenzin and Pema looked on and smiled

"Did you get us any presents? Did you! Did you!" asked Ikki in a rushed tone

"Of course I did Ikki, I will always have a present for the three of you each time I see you!", they all smiled and Jinora asked

"Can we have them now please?" I smiled at her and replied kindly

"I'm sorry but you all must finish your meals first, and eat it all, then If your mother and father allow it I will give you all your gifts, your mother and father included", at this Meelo and Ikki instantly ran off and began devouring their food and Jinora smiled and walked off calmly as I took a seat next to Korra as she looked at me with a surprised smirk on her face as Tenzin spoke up

"Raiden you didn't have to get us all presents you know" I looked at Tenzin with a serious yet happy look and replied

"Nonsense, Aang named me his families uncle, and, I take great happiness in that because Tenzin, Aang and his children and his children's children, Meelo, Ikki and Jinora are the closest thing to a family I have had in nearly five centuries and I will cherish you all with every fibre of my being" I finished with a happy cheery smile as Tenzin chuckled and said

"Fine I will not push it any more Raiden"

Korra was in deep concentration as she had stooped eating then a sudden realisation spread across her face

"I've got it!" She exclaimed "If you can't teach me here then I can go to republic city with you!" Daimos eyes widened and he replied in a concerned yet stubborn tone

"Absolutely not! Republic city is too dangerous and Avatar Aang tasked us with your safety! You will not go to Republic City!" he yelled as Korra sighed and said

"I have to learn Air bending sometime if I am to be the avatar and I don't think keeping me cooped up in here like a prisoner is what Aang had in mind when he meant safety" she replied in a frustrated tone as I spoke up in agreement

"Even I don't think this is what he meant either Daimo you are treating Korra like a jailed criminal with no reason to do so and you have taken away her freedom which is essential when one is to be taught airbending for air is the element of freedom and without freedom it will make learning it increasingly difficult" Daimo sighed then as he grunted replied

"At the present Korra cannot learn airbending and until then the rules in place will remain!" Korra responded persuasively in response

"That's not entirely true though! Raiden can teach me!", I looked intently in thought as I mulled over it

"I could tech you yes... But I'm not the best air bender in the world and the best for you Korra would be Tenzin, if i taught you you would only learn a partial amount of Air bending which is in no small part a result of the rapidly changing modern forms of bending",

"oh" replied Korra as a silence descended on the table and everyone simply returned to their meals.

After giving Tenzin and his family their gifts and they all left, Korra went Down to the animal pens In the middle of the night.

I stood leaning against the doorway to Nagas pen as Korra was fastening a saddle to naga

"Where are we going then?" I asked her making her jump almost out of her skin as she turned to face me

"Where did you come from and what do you mean where are we going! I'm going alone!" she exclaimed as I smiled and chuckled,

"Which one do you want, the boyfriend excuse or the 'Its my job' excuse or perhaps you want me to weave the two together?" I asked her sarcastically as her face filled with confusion

"What do you mean?" as I began slowly walking towards her and said in reply

"I mean not only is my entire meaning for living the protection, help and guidance of the avatar but it is also my duty as your boyfriend to never abandon or leave your side so I am coming with you and nothing you can say is going to change that" I finished comfortingly as I closed the distance and hugged her softly as she simply smiled.

"Fine" she said in defeated reply "I suppose the company will be good" she finished happily as a look of puzzlement and confusion descended on me

"You are usually more resistant to something like this" I said in reply

"Yeah when I want to take Naga for a walk not when I'm going to be traveling to an unknown city half the world away!" she replied nonchalantly as she laughed

"Yeah I suppose there is a difference In the two situations" i replies and laughed as we broke away and Korra returned to Naga as I told her

"Wait for me here I'm going to go get some food for our journey ok?" I said as she nodded and smiled replying in a confident tone


I left the stables and headed for the kitchens to gather the food  and some of my own belongings
which took me ten minutes to gather the food, my two katanas, a hooded navy blue cloak, a sleeveless black and red tunic and my bone and yew shortbow as well as 150 steel tipped arrows and I returned to the animal pens. 

As I was descending the stairs to the pens I saw Katara walking up them towards the compound, I smiled at her and asked kindly

"Where were you in the dead of night?" I said as she smiled back and took a long rectangular box from her small sack on her hip and handed it to me,

"Give this to Korra when you feel the time is right" she said as I looked at her with a concerned look

"What is it" I asked as I opened to reveal her water tribe betrothal necklace her mother gave to her,

"Give it to Korra when the time is right Raiden, she is waiting for you" she finished with a smile as she coFntinued on her way. 

I stood there on the step completely shocked by Katara as I would never have believed she would have done something like this.

I entered the pens to see Korra bending a tunnel thought the wall, I whistled a tune and my animal guide came over to me, a huge artic wolf that was black with blue eyes, it's name was Articus. My animal guide like myself, changes every 15 years into a different animal so I give it a new name, my previous animal guide Warnon changed 3 days ago which was highly unusual as not only was he late to transform he also only seemed to grow larger with its change.

"Hey you" I said as I walked up to Korra and Articus walked up beside Naga

"Can you help me please?" she asked in an exhausted tone

"Sure, watch this" I said as I whistled for Articus and shouted

"Articus go!". The wolf ran to the tunnel and was unstoppable as it kept tunnelling and tunnelling further and further ahead ,

"That's incredible!" exclaimed Korra as she said

"Naga come here girl" and climbed up onto nagas back. Looking to me she said

"You coming?" with a smile, I returned the smile and climbed onto nagas back behind Korra, placing my hands on her waist se looked at me and smiled as Naga moved off down the tunnel following Articus.

It wasnt long until Articus had tunnelled at least a mile away from the wall in the direction of the southern water tribes camp. We soon emerged as noon was full and high in he sky, I dismounted Naga and mounted Articus' back as we both sped off towards Korras parents house. 

As we approached the house we stopped a few feet from it as Korra dismounted nags and walked towards her parents who emerged from the house not shortly after.

I watched from a distance as several time Tonraq looked at me with great intrigue, and every time I smiled and nodded in return. Then as Korra returned to my side she said to me

"Raiden, my parents want to talk to you", I nodded, as I dismounted Articus and walked over to Korras parents, I bowed before then and said graciously

"Sir, M'Lady" Which received a smile from Senna,

"Raiden, don't you dare let anyone hurt her, her life is in your hands now although she chooses her own path you must promise to guide her as best you can" said Senna in a sad voice

"I would rather die than let harm come to her M'Lady" I replied courteously

"She loves you Raiden, deeply don't you hurt her either" continued Tonraq in an ordering voice

"I wouldn't dream of it sir, I love her too" I replied kindly. 

With that I returned to Korra and mounted Articus as Tonraq and Senna approached Korra

"We love you so much" Senna said with pain and sadness racking her heart as they parted with a brief hug and Korra and I departed for the docks.

It was not hard to get onto the large boat as we distracted them with some water bending and boarded. We sat in the back of the cargo hold together and talked for a while as the boat prepared to set sail. When it did Korra looked to me and said happily

"This is it Republic City here we come, I'm glad your with me Raiden, I would have hated to go to the city alone even if Naga was with me" I smiled at her as I got up and moved to sit beside her as I then put my left arm over her shoulder and round her neck, pulling her closer I replied as she rested her head on my chest

"I would have missed you if you went alone, besides I couldn't let you have all the fun could I", we both laughed for a while then Korra drifted into a peaceful sleep in my arms and I soon followed

NEXT CHAPTER :"Welcome to Republic City"


Same as Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Videos

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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 3

"And in the final round the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout! What do you say we go to the Arena tonight, catch a few pro-bending matches!" Korra exclaimed excitedly to Raiden and Tenzin "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending" Tenzin replied sternly "Come on Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bendi match since I was a Kid, and now I'm just ferry ride away from the arena! You can let Raiden take me there too if you want to make sure I'm...

1 year ago
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Avatar The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Ending

Raidens body had become a mere husk of what he was like before, it had damaged his body much in three weeks. He was coughing up blood almost all the time he had difficulty breathing most of the time, his body weight was almost non-existent as it looked like he had a severe case of anorexia. He bones ached and cracked when he moved. He had difficulty sleeping or walking or eating what little he could find. The closet description to his state, would be that of a walking corpse. Raiden...

2 years ago
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Legend of Korra Amons Pet

Chapter One: Arrival and Captured​ Cassandra arrived into the nighttime world of Korra's. arrived here via Vortex portal, she landed full on grass stark naked. she stood up, looked at herself while the vortex closed on itself. said, "my clothes, they're gone." then said, "i have big boobs and pussy.. i'm girl." looked around and sees the air temple island. "that's it." she says. she walks into cold sea, "ahhh! so cold! i'm gonna be freezing my butt off!" swims all way to the island. she walks...

2 years ago
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Legend of Korra Amons Pet Chapter One

Chapter One: Arrival and Captured​Cassandra arrived into the nighttime world of Korra's. arrived here via Vortex portal, she landed full on grass stark naked. she stood up, looked at herself while the vortex closed on itself. said, "my clothes, they're gone." then said, "i have big boobs and pussy.. i'm girl." looked around and sees the air temple island. "that's it." she says.she walks into cold sea, "ahhh! so cold! i'm gonna be freezing my butt off!" swims all way to the island. she walks up...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

4 years ago
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Avatar Me

Avatar Me! Internet journalism was the perfect job for Nat. He had built up several different online blogs, each with their own area of interest and all with enough followers that the advertising space on the pages paid enough to live on. Okay, he was single and he lived in a flat on his own, but he could pay the rent and he owned his battered old car outright. A few of his columns were tragically simple, consisting of a computer program that pulled media releases from selected...

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AVATAR I sat back within the deep armchair, sucking in with satisfaction on the expensive Cuban cigar, and blowing out the smoke in one long, lazy exhale. Feeling well sated and very relaxed I took a sip of 5 star Courvoisier brandy. Then I looked across the table at John. "Thanks for the magnificent dinner. It's been fun to catch up with one another and to reminisce on old times." "Yes," he nodded. "We've both had some interesting adventures since school. Perhaps we can share an...

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Avatar Naked in SchoolForeword

This is a cross-over story. Some of the characters are from the Avatar Universe, but this story is set in the Naked In School universe (hence the name, Avatar Naked in School). Naturally, only the people who've been reading Avatar will be familiar with what the folks from the Avatar Universe are like and what they can do. However, not everyone in this story is from that Universe, and, in fact, one of the main characters in the story falls into that category. I've tried to write this so that...

3 years ago
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AvatarChapter 11

Terry Williams sat in her jail cell, reading a magazine. She heard someone walk up to the cell, and she looked up, seeing the guard. "You've got a visitor," he told her. Two people stepped up into view. One was a tall, very masculine gentleman in a very expensive business suit; the other appeared to be a small, petite woman with large breasts in a dress. Terry looked right at the woman and said, "Carla, why are you doing this to me? I love you." The woman trembled, but the man put his...

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The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1 On the Run

The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1: On the Run By M W Lord Jim was a forty year old man on the run from the mob. He had been on the run from them for the past two months after stealing ten million dollars of the mob money. At the time it seemed like a good idea. But now with a hit man after him he didn't think so. Just two days ago the hit man just missed him. He was able to get away by hopping on a train. When he got off the train he saw a sign that said: New in town? Try The Immortal...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 23

With everyone so intent on their studies and getting used to their new lives, the time just seemed to fly by. Tina was trying not to get frustrated by her inability to get to Cindy, and Ken was trying not to get frustrated by his inability to understand what Sensei was teaching him, but overall everyone was just enjoying life. They had decided that they'd have a large Samhain party on Saturday, November first. There would be a small gathering on Friday night for the ritual, but as Lea had...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Immortal Witch Inn Part 2 Tomboy

The Immortal Witch Inn Part 2: The Tomboy By M W Lord Heather's mother died giving her birth. Heather's father raised her the best he could but that was like a boy. She liked sports and building things. For as long as she could remember she felt like she was a guy. But sometimes she just had to go a long as a girl. In high school she even took classes in carpentry while the other girls took home economics. She never was attracted to the boys in school but she found...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 35

Ken sat in a comfortable chair and watched the two sleeping women. His wives, curled together like contented cats. Truth be told, he felt pretty sated himself, but not tired in the slightest. It would be dawn in a few hours and he was looking forward to sitting down with nice cup of coffee and getting in some simulator time. He had his solo license now, but had no intention of stopping until he was qualified to fly a jet He had the money to buy a Leer, and intended to, since watching what the...

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A Greek Legend

A Greek Legend by Sylvia Wechsel I was always fascinated by Greek mythology. Stories about gods, demi-gods, monsters and heroes followed me and kept my imagination busy since my childhood. Being "a lazy bum" as my mother used to say, I had plenty of time to dedicate to this hobby. In fact, I was "a lucky lazy bum" since an uncle had passed away some years before, leaving me with about DM500,000.00 in a bank account. I was not properly rich, but needed not to have a job either, so I...

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Somebody in the Avatar Univers suddenly gains the power of possession and transformation. But in which time? During the happenings of Avatar the last Airbender (which actually happened 110 Years after the beginning of the war, making everyone older than 18)? Or maybe during the time of Avatar Korra? Or even some other time?

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 9

They drove to Ken's house so to get a phone book. Ken hit the internet to see what could be found online while Jane made some calls. In a half hour they'd booked a room for that evening that had a huge, king-sized bed, a hot tub and all around luxury accommodations. It cost some money, a bit over $500, when all was said and done, but considering it was a Saturday, they'd been lucky to find anything at all. Since they were splitting the cost between them it wasn't too bad. Both of them...

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AvatarChapter 2

Nicole Wilson lay in bed, sound asleep, dreaming of her boyfriend, David. He'd be away on that stupid field assignment for another two weeks, and she missed him so much. She was then awakened by a sparkle of lights surrounding her body. She asked, "What's going on?" She heard a soft voice say, "David needs you." She felt herself lifted from the bed and then she was standing up in an underground chamber. She looked around and saw the circular stand with the jewel, but her attention was...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Legend of the Spidery Things Ch 01

It is true a hefty body of folks tend to refrain – guess they inherited the leaning in refraining from voicing many reasons to favor this time of year. The winds born have not infrequently known the darkness of neglect when they were but whips with innocent beginnings but come into the world knowing not the gentle caresses of love but only to sling wicked stingers when they blow and they recruit germs which compose colds that invade homes of good families and heads become stuffy and tissues get...

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Avatar the Last Airbender Sokkas Adventures Ch12

Sokka woke from a deep sleep. He had been sleeping a lot better since he had returned home, and since he was able to sleep naked again. He lazily looked around his small, icy room. His eyes found his way to his morning wood. Sokka removed the covers from his body, revealing his brown, 6.5 uncut erection. He saw his reflection in the ice walls, and he liked what he saw. His small frame made his cock seem larger than what it was. His pecs had only formed recently, as well as his toned...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 13

It turned out to be a long night. David and Lenny showed up and ate dinner with them. Everyone except Joan was there -- she'd had a dinner meeting. After eating, they started to discuss the issue at hand. "Should we adjourn somewhere?" asked David. "Not unless you're uncomfortable here," replied Ken. "Everyone should be on the same page, so if we stay here, I won't have to go explaining it all over again." "Okay," said David. Thus began the discussion. David was livid when he...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 38

Cindy knew she should be sleeping. Her body was certainly tired enough to sleep. She was completely sated and ached in the most delicious way. Even the soft sheets caused her to be well aware of the welts on her body. For the first time, Tina had actually made her bleed. Not much and not in a lot of places, but the fact that she had, just made Cindy feel things she'd never experienced. Made her feel owned. Loved. And content in a way she just didn't think she could ever describe to anyone....

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 80

It was an extremely beautiful day, thought Kiera as she walked around the Garden taking in its beauty. Everything was as perfect as one could ask for a wedding day. Ellen and Kim, whom she knew a bit better now, were going to make a perfect, if very kinky, couple. She cast her thoughts back to the night of Fionna's homecoming. That entire day and night had been very eye-opening, in so many ways. Watching Fionna, Cindy, Jane, Tina and even Ken sit around and play music had been an extremely...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 14

Ally heard the come into the room, but couldn't do anything about it. The bedroom smelled strongly of her musk and Ken could see there was a puddle under her cunt. Jane removed the gag and quickly sat in front of the girl, pushing her gooey sex into Ally's mouth. From the look on Jane's face, Ally was very vigorous with her attentions, and soon Jane was humping away, having had all their cum sucked from her tunnel. Ally was learning how to please Jane very quickly and it wasn't long...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 46

Ken noticed that all of the women were dressed -- something that rarely happened now-a-days. Looking at the clock, he wondered where Genie and Bill were, then thought he remembered something about them going out for dinner or something. He'd introduce them to Tina tomorrow. "Well," he said, "it looks like there's the possibility of a new addition to Nemetodunum." "Possibility?" asked Sally. "I don't know if she'll want to stay here," replied Ken. "And, I don't know how you...

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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 1

Monday Morning: Tina very much enjoyed going to school, after she'd gotten over her nervousness. She'd been a little unsure how she was going to handle herself around all those people; you see, Tina was not like other students. She lived in a mansion that was owned by the Avatar of the Goddess Lea. The name of Lea's Avatar was Ken, and he was Tina's guardian. In fact, there were quite a few people living there now, most of whom worshiped Lea. Since Lea was a sex Goddess, it didn't take...

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Legend Of Crystal Rebirth

Legend of Krystal: Rebirth is a furry sci-fi RPG by The Tribe. Don’t you fucks look up at the stars and dream of finding new worlds? Don’t worry; I’m not here to get sappy with you nerds and talk about how fate and bullshit astrology. I want to find new worlds so that I can pound alien pussy, or whatever holes they’ve got. I’m sure you sex-starved sci-fi lovers dream of the same shit. Come on, we all know you’re not watching Star Wars for the plot. You want to bend over those weird alien sluts...

Free Sex Games
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Law of the BloodChapter 14 Immortal Screams

Athea and Denyssa opened the door to their quarters, but two amazons stopped them before they could go any further. “Stop, you are not allowed to leave the quarters, Matassaja.” One of them said. “I am not? Assanka just told me I am no prisoner. Was that a lie?” The amazon in front of her faltered under Athea’s intense gaze. “I’m not sure, we got our order from Hassika.” Pearls of sweat were forming on the amazon’s brow. “Hassika, I see. I just wanted to visit my brother. I happen to know...

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Avatar of the Emotes

We begin at the center of the universe, where cosmic beings and anthropomorphic personifications of concepts and ideas tied to the universe are born. They are fated to fulfill their function until the universe ends and all life ceases to exist. The Emotes came into existence when the first sentient being was born. Each sibling wields a basic emotion and every other feeling that finds its root in it. Though they are omnipotent and omnipresent they have avatars on every planet suitable for...

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An Immortal Mans Tale

The world sucks. It really does. Of course, most people already figured that one out. My name is Bartleby Conroy, and I was once one of those Chosen Ones whose duty is to make things better. Saving lives and fighting for justice was once my sworn duty. Then, at some point, I realized what I really was fighting for. It was my wake-up call. So I stopped giving a fuck. I didn’t feel appreciated by those I helped anyway. It all began when I was called upon to look after Matthew Baxter, a tall and...

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Immortal Sin

IMMORTAL SIN. As he grabbed my arm again I screamed and tried to fight him off kickingout at him then I launched forward and bite into the side of his face, he pushedme away and slapped me" your nothing but a cheep dirty whore I cant believeI wasted my time with you just go, go on" and he pushed me over onto thewet street, everyone stared at me I felt humiliated and degraded, who did hethink he was? I started to walk off; I just wanted to get as far away fromhim as I could and never come...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Legend Of The Five Petticoats Inn

I knew the house was going to be a fixer-upper when I saw it on Zillow.  According to the price and tax history, the home had sat vacant for long periods of time between buyers.  The house was built in 1870 and still had, “good bones” as the television house DIY people would say.I work a second job on my days off from the firehouse.  Recently, I decided to quit working a part-time job and enjoy an open schedule and free-time.I bought the house knowing I would have to do quite a bit of...

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Legend of the Spidery Things Ch 02

Oh the stranglehold the Arctic Circle Armada put around that city was not near as troubling as the plague sweeping across the world in those days although we might say in some ways the Arctic Circle stranglehold dribbled a dose of molasses to that city – not so much for the sweetness but for the slowdown effect, slowing down the advancing plague and the progress plague-bearers achieved – and the records are mostly in harmony in the view the cold front coming upon them brought a blessing...

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The Legend Of Zelda A Link To Womanhood

This story is set in the world of the famous "Legend Of Zelda" video game series. This is my first "Fictionmania" story, and I have attempted to write a story without any vulgarity or cussing. This is the first story of a series. If you like this story, please give me some feedback and ideas for how story should continue, and I will give credit where it is due. If you would like to see some of your ideas put to use, please email me at: [email protected]...

3 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 14 Legend

Wendy made a 180 and flew back over the village. "Lower, Wendy. Please." "I'm thinking this isn't a good idea, David." "Aww. C'mon, woman. What could happen." I laughed. Reluctantly, Wendy made another 180 over the Sears Tower ... where the Tower would be in however many years ahead of this time, dropped down to 200 feet and made another pass and headed out over the lake... "One more time." This time there was a young man shaking his fist at us. He threw a couple of rocks...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Ritu Chachiji Bani Kothe Ki Sasti Raand Reshama 8211 Part I

Hi! sabhi lund walo aur chut waaaliyon ko mera lund wat pranam. Main ISS pe naya nahin hun magr yeh meri pehli story hai. Bahut saalon se stories padh raha hun aur hila raha hun. Aisa ek din bhi nahin hota jab ISS pe log in nahin kiya ho. Badi hi mast site hai aur mast kahaniyan hai. Ab bakwass bandh karke maal pe aate hai. Apni pehli kahaani mein main aapko apne ghar le jaata hun aur apni raand maal RITU chachi se milwata hun. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo is chinaal ko chodna na chahe. Saaali...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Earths CoreChapter 55 Immortals Commencing

“MORIEN!” With bloodlust in her eyes, Violet Star Commander Kitanoriya roared. Her brown aura lashed belligerently at every direction, barely restrained its fluctuation from, otherwise, spreading and breaking apart the planet. “You will die for this, Morien!” The space in a radius of tens of meters around General of the Armies Nikari froze. All the worldly attribute energies in the tens of meters range had transformed to a region of forever cold, a show of his restraint. Up in the sky, His...

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Local Legend

LOCAL LEGEND Its amazing that in this century, and in a country of just over 220 million people, there are still parts of the country with few people in it, and some unexplained legends throughout the USA. I had been here on a one year visa, which would be invalid within 2 weeks. Id always wanted to see Texas so here I was. Driving a rental car that I had picked up in Houston, I drove through Texas. As it neared 4pm, I stopped for gas at a gas station just outside the town of...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Avatar The Other Stories

The war had been going on for almost a hundred years. The Fire Nation had completely wiped out the Air Nomads, and the Avatar had disappeared with them. Now, with the Water Tribes crumbling and the Earth armies proving a weak challenge, it seemed that the Fire Nation would soon have complete control over the world. But despite the Fire Nation's vast armies and hundreds of thousands of supporters, there were many powerful heroes and heroines alike who would soon rise against their tyranny. There...

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The Legend of Atlantis

Legend of Atlantis By Innocent Guilt "Children I think it's time that I tell you a story of your past and where you come from." Sandria gathered her two kids around the campfire. "Mommy, what story are you talking about?" Richey asked. "I'm talking about a great city that cried out in pain and lost everything in one final battle." She stared into each of her children's eyes as she spoke. "For many years people have searched for the lost city of Atlantis. They claim that...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Legend Suganthiye Okkum Legend Manogar

Engal gramathil oru pen irukiraal aval peryar Suganthi vayathu 24 aagum, ival niraiya aanalai oothu irukiral aanal athuve oru bothaiyaaga maari oru vibachaariyaagave aagi vital. Aanal ival oru lengendry pen endraalum enathu nanban ivaluku samanamaaga niraiya pengal kuthiyil oothukizhithu irukiraan. Iruvarum orevaruk koruvar salijavargal illai, muthalil enathu peyarai naan ungalidam sollugiren mani vayathu 24. Enathu nanban manogarukum ore vayathu thaan aagi irunthathu aanal naan ithu varai...

4 years ago
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Avatar the last airbender Chapter1 Tea time

As Aang and Katara stood there together Soka came out of the Jasmine Dragon (the tea shop that uncle Iroh owned in the city of Ba Sing Say) he said “Hey you two what are you doing out here when the party is inside “Katara pulled away from Aang and blushed saying “oh hi soka Aang and I were just talking” Aang looked at Soka saying “actually I was just leaving I’m very tired. “All rite see you Aang” Back at Aang and the gangs house nobody was home except for...

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Avatar The Sexual Chronicles

Over one hundred years ago, the Avatar disappeared, leaving behind a confused world. However, the Fire Nation quickly reacted, and using the power of Sozin's Comet, nearly conquered the entire world. There are only a few places still remaining unconquered - the Southern Water Tribe, though it is quickly being realized that it will soon be conquered, the Northern Water Tribe, which has defended against a Fire Nation attack, shocking the rest of the world. And finally, there was Earth Country,...

3 years ago
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Avatar The Last Whore Bender

Introduction. "All characters in this story are at least 18 years old." Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar The last airbender or any other material featured in this work. These Storys are purely fictional and don't represend real life apropriate behaviour. this is my first story so it may not be verry good. english is not my native language. Enough With the boring Stuff lets get started.

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Hard Candy

Pink bubblegum rolls on my tongue as I walk along the black asphalt that’s still steaming from the warm August rain. I can feel it wet along the edges of my toes as they push forward in my white stiletto sandals, the leather damp and just beginning to stretch. The moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that just-fucked...

3 years ago
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Neytiri suggested it at first. This was the first time she saw me in human form. I felt a tingling feeling standing beside her. I could not hide my arousal. And neither could she. Her eyes glistened and she licked her lips. She said we would experience a wonderful connection together that day. She was facing me at first but after she had removed most of my clothes she turned. She was hardly wearing anything at all, which made it a lot easier for me. Neytiri was large, compared to a...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 29

Ken could not believe how crowded the theater was. There wasn't even standing room in the place; every square inch was packed with people. He had a feeling that the fire marshal would be a very unhappy person if he could see what was going on here. The girls were extremely excited, and Ken resigned himself to a night of the loud, annoying crap that passed for music these days. He himself, when he listened to music at all, preferred rock from the '70s and '80s. Honestly though, he really...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 58

Ken never liked cooling his heels and waiting for bureaucracy to slowly grind its way through even the simplest of matters. Give a small minded man the power of paperwork, and he was just as bad as any tyrant lording over his people. Just without any of the consequences that said tyrant might suffer if he got too far out of hand. Ken hadn't been out of the corporate world for all that long, but it was easy to forget how fucked up it was. And the government was even worse. Everything that...

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