Ohhhh Momma ;] free porn video

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It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I looked forward to this trip all year. Mom and I have always been very close. She wakes me up and puts me to bed every night with a hug and a kiss. She's an attractive woman, but I never really thought about her in a sexual way. Don't get me wrong, like most boys I tried to catch the occasional peek at her when she was changing or getting out of the shower. She still had big firm tits and a well-rounded ass. Her long black hair and green eyes were a family trait that all the women in our family had. I guess I would say she was average weight and height. One day, as I sat down to breakfast mom dropped a little surprise on me.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" she smiled at me as I sat there in my depression. "Hey mom".

"What would you say if I told you that you and I were going to the mountains this weekend?” It took me a minute for what she said to hit home.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" I was so excited I about pissed myself.

"Yes, I'm serious. I know your dad won't be able to come since he's been working so much, but I figure you and I could have a pretty good time without him. What do you say?"

"I say I'm going to go pack right now!" I jumped up without eating my breakfast, kissed her on her cheek and took off for my room.

"We can leave as soon as you get your things together." I heard her shout up the stairs after me. I was packed and ready to go in less than 10 minutes. As I got my gear downstairs I saw that mom had already packed her things and had them sitting by the door. We packed the car and off we went. Being that we live so far north and it was the middle of January, it was blistering cold outside. Not quite freezing, but still in the low 40s. Perfect camping weather.

After a three hour drive into the mountains we got to the spot where we always park our car. We got out, gathered our equipment and had a quick bite to eat. My mom may be 38, but she can still carry her own share of the gear. We packed pretty light, just a small tent, sleeping rolls, cooking supplies our clothes and fishing gear. Everything was tucked neatly into our backpacks. We hiked for almost 4 hours when we noticed it was started to get cloudy. It was close to 4 in the afternoon and we decided it may be best to pick a spot to make camp. We still had another hour to walk before we got to our favorite fishing spot, but we thought it best to finish in the morning. Before we could get the gear unpacked it started to rain. In a matter of minutes the rain became a total downpour. And it was freezing. By now the temperature had dropped to 35 and our hands were hurting from the cold. By the time we got the tent set up, neither of us had a dry spot on us. Everything was soaked. We hopped into the tent and collapsed on the ground completely exhausted and shivering. In the frenzy to get the tent set up, my mom didn't realize that her sleeping roll had been washed down the hillside, and my roll was the only thing we had that was remotely dry.

Mom said in a shivering voice, "Turn around for a minute. I'm going to strip and hop into the sleeping bag and try to dry off and warm up." I swivelled around and listened as she undressed and plopped her clothes in a pile in the corner. I was always wanting to see her naked, but as I sat there freezing, I didn't even think about turning to look. As soon as she was undressed she slipped into the down-filled sleeping bag and told me to do the same. She could tell I was a little reluctant and said, "Come on, you're going to get pneumonia. I'll close my eyes. Hurry!"

As I stripped down to my underwear it dawned on me that I was about to get into the sleeping bag next to my naked mother. I didn't know if it was the cold that was making me shake or the thought of getting next to her naked body. I looked up and saw her staring at me, "hurry up and get those things off! The only way we're going to survive this night is with our body heat." I knew she was right. At this altitude, the temperature would drop to the teens by midnight, and we were both experienced enough to know how to survive. I quickly slid my undies off and tossed them in the pile with our other clothes.

She unzipped the bag and in the little light that was available, I saw her full tits with their hard nipples starring back at me. She slid over as much as she could, but it was only built for one person. As I slid into the bag, I had my behind to her. The last thing I wanted to do was rub my dick down the entire length of her body. The problem was that there was no way we would fit that way. "Hold on a second." she said as she flipped over onto her side facing away from me. "There. Now lay next to me facing me." It really was the only way we would fit comfortably in the sleeping roll together. I had a hard time getting into the bag with her. I literally had to grab her and pull myself down into it. As I feared, my dick was pressed into her upper back. I still wasn't hard (thank God), I was way too cold. She didn't say anything as I slid further into the sleeping bag, the whole time with my dick and balls rubbing all the way down her back. As my dick reached her butt I got quite a surprise. I had assumed she kept her panties on. I was wrong. My dick slid along her ass cheek and along the crack of her ass. She giggled some to try to lighten the mood I guess.

"I'm sorry mom" I said softly as I was finally all the way in the bag.

"Don't be silly. It's my own fault that my sleeping roll got washed away and who cares if we don't have clothes on. You don't have anything I haven't seen before, right?" She was still shivering badly.
"I guess you're right." I said. I ran my hand up and down her arm and shoulder trying to warm her up. She reached around and grabbed my hand and pulled it across her chest. My heart skipped a beat as she placed it right between her tits.

She said, "Hold me tight against you. It's the only way we'll get warm." So I did. Gladly. My hand rubbed all around her chest. I tried not to be obvious about it, but every now and then I cupped her entire breast in my hand. I ran my hand from her neck down to her stomach and back up. I was still pressed tightly against the full length of her body as we lay there spooned. After about 20 minutes she finally stopped shivering some but told me to keep holding her. I noticed that every time my hand passed over her tits her nipples were still hard as rocks. Several times she twitched as my fingers flicked over them. I was freezing, but having the time of my life. That is, until something started to stir down below.

I stopped rubbing her and froze completely still. My dick was getting hard. "Oh my God" I thought, she is going to freak out. My dick was pressed into her ass cheek which has still wet, but warm. I was hoping she was asleep and wouldn't notice that my cock was poking her in her ass. She shifted a little and said, "sorry, but there isn't any more room." I was so freaked out by this point. She felt my hard-on.
"It's ok mom" I nervously said, "I'm gonna try to go to sleep".

"Good idea, honey." she said as she patted my hand which was now resting right below her tits, one of them actually lying on top of my fingers. She squirmed a little more and my dick flopped right into the crack of her ass. That actually felt more comfortable, but made me even harder. There was no place for me to go. I couldn't even turn over. I was stuck there with my full hard on rammed into my own mother's ass crack.
After five minutes passed I guess she could tell I was having a hard time going to sleep. I felt her reach down and she patted me on my hip. "Honey, you know that's completely normal, right?"
My eyes about popped out of my skull like a cartoon character. "Yeah mom, but this is a little embarrassing!" I blurted out.
She laughed and said, "Don't be silly. You're a guy. It happens. Would it help if it wasn't pinned between us?"
I thought about that for a second and had no idea what she had in mind so I said, "maybe." As best as she could, she spread her thighs open and arched her back some. He ass rose up some and before I knew what was going on my dick slipped and landed on her upper thigh. She the closed her legs back and said, "There, is that better?"
Now I don't have a small dick by any means. Maybe 7 inches and very thick. And right now all seven inches was squished between my mother's warm wet thighs. Only an inch from her warm, hairy pussy. This was more comfortable, but felt way too good. Another five minutes passed and my breathing was getting a little fast. I started rubbing her stomach and up her chest to her neck. On the way back down I deliberately flicked her nipples with my fingers and shifted my hips a little pressing my dick into her thighs. I could tell the head of my dick was out past her legs and was getting moist with pre-cum.

Another minute passed when my mother said something I'll never forget. "Honey, if you need to release yourself, go ahead. I think it's the only way we'll get any sleep tonight. I don't mind, I know it happens."
I about blew my load right there. "MOM!!" I said, "There's no way. I'm sorry this happened, but it will go away." I knew I was lying and so did she.

"Look, you are your father's son. I know him and I know you. Neither of us will sleep with you in this condition so just do it, I don't mind." Besides, we're going to need all of our energy tomorrow." She ran her hand up and down my hip and pressed her ass into me.

I knew she was right. Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day, especially if this rain freezes. And no way am I sleeping with a huge hard-on. Reluctantly, I said, "OK mom, if you're sure you don't care. I'm going to need therapy after this weekend."

She laughed out loud and said, "No I don't care. Seriously, just do what you gotta do and let's get some sleep." She held onto my thigh.

That was all the convincing I needed and I started grinding slowly against her. My dick slid back and forth between her thighs with my balls pressed against the back of her thighs. My hand was sliding across her stomach and back up to her tits. To my surprise she tried to help by slowly grinding her ass too. By now the pre-cum was flowing and my dick was now slick with its wetness. My fingers flicked over her nipples again and as I heard her gasp I got brave and grabbed her tit fully in my hand and pumped a little faster.
That's when fate came knocking.

I guess it was inevitable, but I didn't really consider the possibility. With the pumping back and forth and my dick and her thighs getting slippery, my dick slipped and pressed right against her pussy. She gasped. I stopped moving. My hand froze to her tit. Nothing was said for a few seconds. I could tell she was getting turned on by the heat coming from her pussy. It was very hot. "Honey, please don't stop. I know you were almost finished. Just finish and let's sleep. It's ok I promise"

I started again. Sliding my meat back and forth now between her thighs, but now feeling her cunt lips against my dick. She was soaking wet and very warm. I pinched her nipple softly and heard her moan a little. The end of my dick was sticking out 3 inches past her thighs on my strokes out and I could feel it slid next to her opening on the strokes in. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and I knew I would cum within a minute. Then mom said something that hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Honey stop for a second." I did. "If you release like your father does there's going to be a lot of your stuff, right?"

I panted, "Yeah, I suppose so". I knew she was having second thoughts. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"Oh no, please don't stop now. But I do have one thing to ask of you, but it's very selfish of me." she said.

OK, now I'm curious. "What is it mom? I'll do anything you want."

"I would rather not have to sleep in a puddle of your stuff tonight. If it's ok with you, when you're about to, um release your stuff...would you do it inside me? I know this is a horrible thing to ask, but put yourself in my position." She sounded a little sad.

I almost blacked out. Did she just ask me to cum inside her pussy? "Um, sure mom. If you want me to, I guess so." I was a bad actor, but I tried to seem reluctant to the idea. "I guess I wouldn't want to sleep in it either."

She replied, "Thank you sweetie. Now let's get this over with". She wiggled her ass at me to signal me to get going. And I did. Now I was in complete a****l lust. I was drooling. I had her tit in my hand, pinching her nipple hard between my fingers. I was pumping my dick hard now back and forth. She could tell I was close and I felt her arch her back again, lifting her ass. This was her way of saying, 'here you go". I stopped thrusting and put the tip of my cock at her opening. She slid down some and I pressed it into her. My dick slid into her like a hot knife into warm butter. She moaned. I moaned. I laid there for about 30 seconds. Not moving. Just savouring the feeling. I could feel her wet warm cunt muscles milking my dick. She was squeezing me. I knew I was about to cum so I decided to make the most of it. This would never happen again. I started fucking her. She gasped "Oh my God" as I went balls deep into her. My dick bottomed out inside her and my balls slapped against her thighs. I was now fucking her like a wild b**st, grunting and snorting. Trying my best not to cum, but I was about to anyway.

Mom actually said to me between her heavy breathing, "Come on honey. Cum inside Momma. Let it out. Yes baby. Fuck me."

I was so far gone now I didn't even realize I was saying it, but I said, "Yes, momma. I'm about to fill you up. I hope you took your pill today." That brought my mom back to reality quickly. She instantly realized that she had been off her birth control pills for 5 years. Ever since my dad had a vasectomy. I smiled as she panicked and said, "Oh honey, I forgot about that. Pull out. Don't do it inside me."
But it was too late. As the words were leaving her mouth the first spurt of cum blasted into her pussy. I cried out, "Oh mom, I'm cumming. I'm cumming." My balls we instantly emptied as I squirted blast after hot blast of my hot goo inside her. She was sobbing for me to stop, but I pretended not to hear as I rammed it deeper and sent the last few squirts right into her cervix. I released her nipple and tit and felt her trying to pull away from my dick. Before she could get off, I squeezed the last few globs of cum out into her now sopping wet cunt.

My dick flopped out of her with a splat against her ass. I caressed her shoulder and she patted my hand. She spoke, "I'm sorry. I forgot that I stopped taking the pill. But I'm being silly, what are the chances of me getting pregnant?" She giggled nervously. I kissed her shoulder and neck as my dick finally softened up a little. I heard her pussy making gurgling noises as some of my goo gurgled out of her. She quickly put her hand down there and apologized for the noises. She was embarrassed. I almost laughed at her. She was wiping herself with her fingers as she said, "well, it really is a good thing I let you do that in me. Look at how much came out. Imagine how much must still be inside me!" She lifted her hand and she had a handful of my creamy goodness on her fingers. I thought I would die when I heard her licking and sucking on them. "Mmmm." she moaned softly. "Good stuff" she said with a giggle. "Now, let's get some sleep, OK?"

"Sounds good to me mom" I replied. Ten minutes later, my dick got hard again.

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She was born Danielle Annette Nancy Isobelle Amiri on December 16th, 1975, two days before her cousin Daniel Albert Nathan Imara. Neither set of parents knew what the other named their child until the Imara family moved back to live with the clan in View Port. The Imara family had been living in the Dareed Region due to Mr Imara’s work. The children first meet when they’re five years old and both are about to start school together at View Port, both are usually called Dani / Danny. This...

3 years ago
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The Doctor is In part 2

Freeda was waiting outside of my office at 1:30 promptly. She looked ravishing and the smile she had left with that morning, was still plastered to lovely her face.She immediately undressed and put her feet in the stirrups before I had time to say "How was lunch ?"."Before we begin." I said while starring at her cute pussy, "I want you to relax and close your eyes. I need to finish my examination."I reached into my bag and pulled out a small speculum ( I have all the gear mate ! I ran into a...

4 years ago
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Weekend with Katy Part 1

Since we've been empty nesters, our relationship has improved. I think Cindy would say our sex life is good, or better than most folks who've been together this long. Perhaps it's not that unusual, but I really want more variety in our love making. She likes a straightforward fuck every once in a while, but mostly we just masturbate each other, maybe every week or so. She doesn't like oral sex and doesn't like me to touch her bottom and anal sex in out of the question. That causes...

2 years ago
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Sex in the woods

Hi i have just found this site very recently and almost read all the stories.Of these stories i believe atleast some of them are real one’s.Anyway i am going to narrate you my first experience of sex.I am 23 yrs old and recently i have completed my engineering from m.p. even though i am from hyderabad.i have done my engg in a very remote town of karnataka.Right from my teens i wish i could masturbate everyday but there was no privacy in home in hyderabad.So after i joined the hostel ,whenever...

4 years ago
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Josies California Vacation Revisited

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had all spent any time together, and it sounded like fun. I talked to...

3 years ago
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Terra Eden

The trip slowly came to end as you stood in line of boarding the plan home. Chatter and a bit of laughter came around from a few that had enjoyed their stay and was read to return home after the fun they had. Smiling at them you then made your way onto the plane to find your seat. "We will be departing shorty, please find your assigned seats in the mean time" a soft and sweet voice spoke out from the intercom. Finding your seat near a window a soft sigh escaped from your tender lips as you...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Anastasia Brokelyn Big Ass Suprise

As Tommy woke up & got out of bed he found out that right on top was the peachy butt of his new roommate. He tried the escape the wild thoughts that ran through his mind, but his cock wasn’t blind. When Anastasia returned from the shower, she caught Tommy masturbating in the last hour. Teased him with her kinky smile and big round ass, getting him up and running for a pussy & ass licking with class. Then this Spanish babe deepthroated his huge dick, making him fuck her hard until...

2 years ago
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Halley Gets a Little Medicine

I woke up to four things. 1) My phone alarm going off. I had expected that. 2) Pounding on my door. I had also expected that, but not so soon. 3) Yelling. It was a holy racket outside my apartment door. That I had not expected, and was not happy about. 4) An indescribable pain in my right leg. That was also expected, and I couldn’t do much about it. I reached for my phone and turned the blaring alarm off, knocking over a half full plastic cup, which spilled water all over my fake wood floor....

3 years ago
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english mature sluts

this is true- it was a lads night out for me and my mate, we were both 19 and had left the girlfriends at home, which meant one thing, we were going to cheat on them to our hearts content!! however it had been a slow night, bar a few dances and the odd kiss, we had both struck out. so it was now half two and we were sitting in a quiet bar, blind drunk, lamenting the night. now in all honesty i cannot remember exactly the sequence of events that lead to this lol ( the price of boozing) at one...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Fantasy

It’s a cold, clear night. The air is crisp and fresh. We’re at a hotel bar, having a few drinks. You’re dressed in jeans and a colorful blouse, and you've got on those heels I like so much. You look amazing and the alcohol is starting to get too me. I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off of you. I just want to touch you, feel you. We’re flirting and kissing at the bar. And I've got a thousand ideas running through my head; things I want to do to you and things I want you to do to me. You...

Group Sex
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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 8 Bella

The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #8 The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. He probably still wouldn’t have believed it if not for the video that Stephanie had taken of the whole thing. He was hard from the moment he woke up. Not you’re regular morning wood,...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 925

This is compliments of J & B NEW ALPHABET A is for apple, and B is for Boat, That used to be right, but now it won’t float. Age before beauty is what we once said, But let’s be a bit more realistic instead. Now, A’s for arthritis; B’s the bad back, C is for chest pains, perhaps cardiac. D is for dental decay and decline; E is for eyesight, can’t read that top line. F is for fissures and fluid retention, G is for gas, which I’d rather not mention. H is high blood pressure--I’d rather it...

1 year ago
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Abbie of the Warm Heart and Warm Bottom

“Abbie, Abbie, Abbie, my God woman what have you done now?” I’m Abigail Dunsmore (nee Warton) and my loving husband Richard is reading the mail and he certainly does not like what he’s just learned. It seems our mortgage payment to the Home Loan Society is two months in arrears. And of course I’m at fault, I manage our household finances. “Abbie, how could this have happened, where’s your sense of responsibility? I supply you with sufficient funds to meet our obligations, the expenses of...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 8

Mike Tannenger was having a bad day. Not only was he called in on a Saturday afternoon when it wasn't his weekend to cover Homicide, but the 'last-barbecue-of-the-year' he was hosting had turned into a disaster when another couple he was friends with had brought their ten month old Dalmatian with them. Their totally-out-of-control and much-too-excitable 'darling' nipped his kid because he'd pulled its tail and ended up knocking over the barbecue grill and ruining thirty dollars worth of...

4 years ago
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A Taste of Payback Ashley 1

My 10-year old sister was in a beauty pageant being held in one of the main conference rooms here. She did alot of these things. We had both competed for years and had both won more than our fair share. So many, in fact, that my dad had to turn his game room into a trophy room. About a year ago I'd quit doing pageants. Not because I didn't like them or couldn't win, but to piss my mom off. From the looks of the competition, I could have easily won my age group in this pageant. At 5'...

2 years ago
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Leanne Love Thy Neighbour Book 2

The first time I saw Leanne, I was wanking. The second time too. Which should come as no surprise really, as I’m always wanking. When Violet isn’t spreading her thighs and showing me everything she’s got by the light of her impressive new TV, I seek visual stimulation elsewhere and, thankfully, it is all around me.There’s a park at the end of our road. It has no playground, no flat areas for ball games, and it’s relatively small so no kids play there, but it’s a magnet for dogs and their...

Straight Sex
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Una nuova esperienza

(NdA: questa e' la prima volta che scrivo una storia, quindi mi scuso gia' per eventuali imprecisioni... inoltre ho scritto la storia in lingua italiana, dato che ? la mia lingua madre e inq uesto modo mi verrebbe piu' facile scriverla.... se qualcuno fosse interessato a tradurla in inglese faccia pure non pu? che farmi piacere :D inoltre sono graditi anche pareri e suggerimenti anche su come si evolvera' la trama.... grazie!) ----------------------------------- Una nuova espe...

1 year ago
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Whilst my sister was away her husband was all mine

I was raised in a small town close to California. It was a good place to grow up in, a friendly community. My dad had divorced my father and left us suddenly when I was three years old and, luckily, my mum was able to look after my older sister and me by teaching at the local high school. We helped her out when we were kids by doing chores at home. Perhaps it was the loss of my father that made me seek the company of older guys at school. But during my early teenage years, I began to realize...

3 years ago
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 23

BRUSSELS, VIENNA: APRIL/MAY LUKE'S VOICE 'Well, if she has to, she has to, I suppose. I'd better load her down with some self-study material, and she can e-mail me her written work for correction. The exam's only two months away though, and I'm not really happy about losing nearly half the class time that's left.' Anita and Elena looked at each other and I thought I saw Elena stifling a smile. Anita reached over and patted my hand. 'She doesn't want to go, because Jurgen won't be...

4 years ago
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Lucky Lisas Lesson

Introduction: surprise sex, non-consent but not really Lisa was walking home from school one sunny afternoon. She was thinking about what colleges she was going to apply to. She was a tiny little thing, as most gymnasts are. Small frame and flat chest. She got made fun of a lot for having a flat chest, she tried to stuff but it was pretty clear it was fake. So it was no surprise to her when a car full of guys drove by her and yelled some less than polite comments about her chest and her sexual...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 39 Stalker Strikes Again Pam Has The Experience

Mark I stood in my study with Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Sheila, and Don. Elsa spoke. “I think it videoed Don and me making love. James and Sheila were on the patio too. We could also see inside into the living room; there were two couples in there too. Everyone else was either in a bedroom or the TV room.” Cindy asked, “Newspapers? Paparazzi?” Lucas shook his head. “I doubt it. The penalties for collecting news and gossip this way on individuals, even celebrities, is fraught with legal problems...

3 years ago
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The ReturnChapter 3 The Preparation

"Well how did you two spend your day, are you still convinced there are other time warps," asked Marjory over dinner. "I think Charlie may be right Marjorie, there are some strange happening at these places." Carol answered. "Well what are you going to do about it Charlie?" "Well firstly I'm going to go and see if I can see any shimmering, and maybe I'll go and try to bring these people back, that's if they are still alive." "You are going back, how do you know it will be to...

3 years ago
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Transformation Mischief

Need to show you something when you get home, his father had written Jim. He just had sat in the tram back home and wondered what was so important that his father seems to have forgotten when he had told him he would be back. His father Geralt was working in the R+D department of a big electronics company in the city and Jim had learned, when his father was so excited, he either had gotten the newest model of a Hi-Fi system or a TV which stretched almost across the whole living room....

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Avi Love Cock Blocking Sister

Justin Hunt walks in on his stepsister Avi Love hanging out with her friend Kat Monroe. Kat is totally into Justin, flirting with him while Avi just finds herself increasingly annoyed at her brother. When Avi’s back is turned, Kat takes things a step further by reaching out to start stroking Justin’s hardon. Avi catches Kat in the act and flips out! She kicks her friend out, then confronts Justin in the living room.Avi may be pissed, but Justin has problems of his own. He tells Avi...

3 years ago
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The New Lady Next Door

He’s been working on the old three story house for more than a month already and the neighbors have finally stopped complaining about the noise and dust; at least the house that shares the back yard has been empty. It’s already hot and the sweat is running down his bare chest leaving trails in the dust coating his lean frame as the tool’s roar fills his ears through the muffs protecting his hearing. Without warning the grinder goes dead leaving his hands vibrating and ears ringing....

2 years ago
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My Charlie

His name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie. We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and...

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