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Making a Woman Out of Him by suki "Come on get up on all fours," she said, lubricating the black dildo. "You know you want to be a girl for me." He looked nervously at the enormous black dildo she was stroking in her hand and suddenly felt nervous. "I don't think" "Sure you can take it. Women do it all the time." He tentatively got into position, his knees tucked under him, his head down between his hands, chin on the bed, his naked ass raised high and defenseless in the air. "You look so cute like that," she said, patting his rump. "Can we talk about this?" he said. "We've already talked it over honey. You know this is for the best. It's what we both want." She pressed the head of the dildo against his tight asshole. He jerked forward. "What's the matter?" "It hurts" "It always hurts at first silly," she said. "We discussed that. But it will feel better once its inside you. A lot better. I promise." She pressed the large knobbed head of it against his tight asshole. "Now just relax, push out a bit, let it happen sweetheart." The head slipped inside him. "Ohhh." "That's it baby," she encouraged. "Now don't tighten up on me. Let it go all the way in nice and easy." She worked the dildo all the way in until the rubber scrotum was touching the smooth cheeks of his ass. "You did it honey. You took all seven inches. I'm so proud of you!" she said. "How does it feel." "It still hurtsa little" he gasped. "But I feel so." "I know. That's how all girls feel. Complete. Fulfilled." "I'm so ashamed" "Don't be darling. You should see the look on your face. It's so soft and beautiful." "I'm scared" "Scared of what?" she asked, reaching inside the camisole he was wearing to squeeze his nipple with her other hand. "Darling you react just like a girl. Look at how your cock jumps every time I squeeze." "Ahhhh" "See?" "I-I can't help it." "I know you can't. That's my point. I don't want you to help it." She let go of his nipple and reached over to the night table where her make-up kit lay open. She picked up an uncapped tube of red lipstick. "Now make a kissy face for me. That's it pucker up." She spread the lipstick evenly on his lips. "You have such a soft pretty mouth. You look so cute in my camisole with my panties pulled down around your knees and you lips painted. I just want to kiss you." She kisses him and pushes the dildo in and out of his bottom. "That's it baby," she encouraged. "Move with the rhythm of it." She saw the tear rolling over his cheek. "What's the matter darling? You're doing just fine." "How can you love me like this?" he asks. "Darling this is the only way I can love you. And it will get even better if you agree to what I say." "But I'm scared I'll become impotent." "Of course you'll become impotent. I want you to become impotent. There is nothing sexier than a cute hairless little limp cock." "But what about our sex life?" "There are other ways to have sex besides penetration silly," she said. "At least penetrating me." She laughed and continued moving the dildo in and out of his bottom. "You've always been better with your mouth than with you cock. I like you best with you face between my legs." She flicks his cock with her finger. "I don't think you'll miss this much anyway." "But-" He couldn't seem to finish what he wanted to say. "You're worried about your own pleasure aren't you lover? How will you come if youre impotent. Is that really so important to you? Is it more important than your love for me?" "No," he said softly, resignedly. He knew he could not live without her. He loved her more than anything. "Well not to worry. You will still be able to come. You just won't get hard and make a big mess." She laughed. "It will feel a little different, but you will still be able to orgasm. I have a little secret to tell you." She laughed again and cupped one of his breasts, toying with the erect nipple. "You've been on hormones for the last six months." "Oh god" "Yes. Didn't you wonder why you wereummmdeveloping up here? And have you noticed how your hips and butt have rounded out? You are really developing a beautiful shape. I can't wait to see you in a sundress and sandals." A confused look passed across his face. "That's right darling. We're going to completely transform you. Before I'm through I'm going to have the perfect little lesbian housewife I've always dreamed of." She slipped her hand on his half-limp cock and rubbed it. He was rocking back and forth on the dildo now and his words were labored. "What about my job the office I can't" "You won't. Don't worry your pretty little head about money anymore. Everything's been taken care of." He looked worried again. "What do you mean?" "I mean I've made the proper arrangements. That's all you need to know. It's not an equal partnership anymore honey. You're going to have to learn to let go." "I can't it'shard" "Just concentrate on the cock in your ass. It feels real doesn't it," she teased, pulling it halfway out and then pushing it in. She picked up the pace. Imagine it belongs to one of those big black guys you were too scared to say anything to when they started hitting on me at that bar a few months back. Remember? Pretend the cute one I was flirting with has just finished doing me and now he's doing you." "Oh please don't" "It's too late baby. I've been seeing him for weeks. Now tell me how much you want it" He was weeping now but his body was betraying him. "Tell me!" There was no use denying it. "Tell me!" "I want it. Fuck me. Fuck me in the ass." She seemed pleased. "That's it baby. Tell me you're a whore. A cheap slut. A pussy who can't even keep a woman." "I am" he rasped. "I'm a pussy I can't keep a woman I'm a slut a whore god oh god" "Beg me to come in your white ass." "Please come in my white ass. I beg youbeg youbeg you" She pressed the rubber scrotum on the dildo and the liquid squirted deep inside him. He moaned with pleasure and his small half-limp prick leaked its clear fluid into her palm. To his surprise his sphincter muscles squeezed the rubber cock in rammed up his ass trying to milk it of every drop of liquid. "Good girl," she said, bringing her palm to his painted lips. "Now I want you lick my palm clean. It won't taste as thick and creamy as my man's sperm but it will help prepare you. I'm sure he'll want to use your mouth as well." He didn't object. There was no point in objecting. Everything had already gone too far to back down now. He delicately licked the clear fluid from her palm. He had just finished licking it clean when he heard the door-bell. Her date was here. Auctioning Misty by suki "Are you nervous darling?" Nervous didn't even begin to describe the feelings I was having. I was the next to be presented. The "girl" in front of me was a stunner with a mass of red curls and the bidding was hot and furious. I could see my little bouquet of flowers trembling in my cuffed hands. "Debi do I really have to do this?" I pleaded, my newly shaved voice- box making my plea sound like a little girl's. "We've discussed this already Misty. The money I'll make will pay back the alterations we made and turn me quite a hefty profit. I just regret we didn't have enough to get you the operation. But perhaps someone in the audience will see enough potential" "Please couldn't you just-" I couldn't bring myself to say the word. "Sell you privately?" "We've been all through that Misty. This way is best. Once the bidding starts there's no telling how high it can go. Now I want to see you smiling. I paid good money for those caps. And keep that pretty little chin up. That's better. Stop crying." "I can't help it Debi. I'm going to miss you." "And I'm going to miss you Misty but you knew it was going to come to this sooner or later." My girlfriend was right. Even though I didn't want to admit it. I knew from the moment she discovered that I was a cross-dresser our life together was never going to be the same. At first I figured she would be just mad or disgusted but her acceptance had surprised me. When she started helping me pick out clothes and taught me how to properly do my make-up I was in heaven. But it didn't end there. She wanted me to start on hormonal therapy and although it interfered somewhat with out sex life she said it didn't matter. She liked the way I was starting to look and she never like penetration anyway. She preferred me to be oral and liked thinking of me as her lesbian lover. I didn't even protest when she started taking over all the "masculine" roles in our relationships. She made all the money decisions as well as decided where we would eat, what movies we'd see, what parties we attended. At home, I began doing all the household chores and when she got promoted at work she had me quit my own entry-level job and get part-time work in the hair salon she frequented. I helped clean up the place and sometimes gave shampoos. By now my appearance was becoming more and more feminine. My hair was down to my shoulders and she had her gay salon friends dye it golden blonde and cut it in a rather feminine style. I didn't object. I suppose the hormones helped make my mind more amenable to the physical changes that were occurring in my body. The cosmetic surgery came next. She had my nose fixed so that it was now tiny, pert, and upturned. My naturally high cheekbones were enhanced by collagen injections and my lips were similarly injected to give them a full, pouty look. I always had a weak chin but now it seemed to go perfectly with the rest of my "new" face. One weekend Debi informed me we were driving across the border into Mexico where there was a clinic that would give me breast implants. At this point I could no longer really pass for a guy and there was a part of me that really did want all the changes she was introducing. The surgery went well. I was given c-cup breasts. They looked completely natural. I was amazed and fascinated by them and could hardly stop playing with them. Debi was pleased and amused. She didn't tell me about the voice box shaving until after I recovered from the surgery. I couldn't talk above a whisper for a couple of weeks and when I did this totally different femme voice came out. It was really strange. At first I kind of freaked out a little, but Debi calmed me down, pointing out that my old voice just didn't fit my new body. I realized that she was right and soon I grew used to my voice. I don't even remember what I used to sound like anymore. It was after we returned from Mexico that Debi began "reconfiguring" my sexual orientation. It's true I no longer penetrated her. The hormones themselves made that all but impossible. I satisfied her strictly orally. But now she began to instruct me on how to satisfy men as well as women. She didn't say that was what she was doing, but I found myself practicing licking and sucking cucumbers and dildos. She taught me how to keep myself clean down there-"douching" she called it-and had me get on all fours as she trained me to relax my sphincter and accept penetration. Sometimes she would use a strap-on, double-ended dildo on me and bring herself to orgasm that way. But somehow I guess I must have known deep down what was coming next. I didn't object. She must have been right when she said I really wanted it all along. I was shown off to her other girlfriends-at this point there was no hiding my feminized state. They enjoyed having me serve them and seeing my breasts and "feminized" penis. They liked to listen to me chatter on about fashion, romance novels, celebrity gossip, and soap operas which was about all of the outside world I was permitted access to. When the conversation switched to more serious topics I was asked to leave the room. I dressed in female clothes all the time now. I was about the same size as Debi so we shared clothes while she built up a wardrobe of my own. I wore tight hobble skirts and platform sandals, sundresses and flats, and mini-dresses and stiletto heels. At home she liked me to wear short-shorts, a cut off girlie t-shirt, and wedge-heeled sandals. I did my housework and did the shopping in these outfits. By now I was going to the salon with her all the time and everyone had begun treating me like a girl. They did my hair, my nails, and waxed what little hair was left on my body. It all seemed so natural. Afterwards we went to a small cafe in the mall and ate the salad bar. Debi had taken to calling me Misty by now and it had gotten so that anytime any mail arrived at the house bearing my old name it took me a while to recognize who it was addressed to. Debi began working later and later at the office and I started having suspicions that she was seeing someone else. I tried hard to keep my fears to myself but finally one night over dinner I blurted out my darkest suspicions. Debi didn't try to deny it at all. To my shock, she freely admitted that she was seeing a man at work to whom she was deeply attracted. In fact, she was waiting for me to bring the matter up. She was beginning to thing that the hormones were making me rather dim-witted. When I began to cry, she showed no sign of understanding why I would be upset. I tried through my sobbing to explain as best I could, but her only answer was that she needed a man and I no longer fit the bill. I stared down at the orange culottes and halter top I was wearing, my bare feet with painted toenails, my smooth tanned legs. It was impossible to argue with her. She was right. I was no longer a man. It was shortly after that evening that Debi brought up the subject of the auction. She informed me how much she had spent to bring my transformation to the point it was now. She had fulfilled my lifelong dream of becoming a woman-almost. Now it was time to get on with her life. She figured she could sell me to someone who wanted a girl like me. She knew of a place where auctions were regularly held. I wept and begged her to keep me, but she said she had no use for me anymore. She had had enjoyed our lesbian sex but she wasn't a lesbian and she had fallen head-over-heels in love with her new boyfriend. It would be best for all of us, she argued, if I would allow myself to be auctioned off. Otherwise, she would just have to break up with me and let me fend for myself on the street. Needless to say I was stunned and in a state of shock. I could hardly believe that Debi would do this to me. Still, there was a part of me that knew it would come to something like this all along. When Debi told me the date of the auction I accepted the news with a sad resignation. Now, standing in the wings as the "girl" in front of me was sold I realized it was my turn. Debi made sure the sticker with my number was fixed securely to my left upper thigh. Then she kissed me lightly on the cheek, patted my fanny, and told me to do her proud as my named was called. "Lot number 26, Misty." I hesitated, my heart missing a beat, and Debi gently pushed me forward. I looked back and she smiled and winked, mouthing the words "I love you" as I took the stage. I could feel my knees trembling as I tried to balance on the five-inch-high gold stiletto strap sandals I was wearing. All that covered me was a gold lame string bikini that left little to the imagination. My blonde hair was layered and loosely curled and hung down to the small of my back. My finger and toe-nails were painted with gold glitter polish and my tanned skinned was also loosely sprinkled with tiny bits of glitter confetti. The handcuffs around my wrists were just for show. Obviously I wasn't going anywhere. They were to further illustrate my submissive nature. I held my bouquet of flowers tightly and stared down towards the floor as the auctioneer began to read off my "vital statistics." "Misty is 5 feet 7 inches tall, one hundred and twenty-two pounds. She has been measured at 36-24-36. She is extremely submissive and has been living exclusively as a girl for the past eighteen months. She was transformed by her former girlfriend and is well-mannered, eager-to-please, and extremely docile. She would make the perfect housewife and bed companion to either a male or female owner." Male owner , I heard. I had no idea "Please turn around Misty so our customers can see what they are getting." I turned around numbly in my high-heels. It was true I had seen some men in the audience beyond the lights before I dropped my eyes in embarrassment but I only assumed they were there with their wives or girlfriends. I didn't think they were there to actually bid. Maybe Debi wasn't so far off the mark. Maybe the hormones had affected my mind. How stupid could I be? "Shall we start the bidding at one-hundred-thousand?" I heard the auctioneer call out. One hundred thousand! The idea that someone would pay twenty thousand dollars for me was incomprehensible. Still I couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement go through me. What was wrong with me. "Turn back around Misty and face the audience again," I heard the auctioneer say. I obeyed as quickly as my bound wrists and high-heels would allow. Both were throwing off my balance a little. "One hundred thousand, do I hear one-fifty, one-fifty do I hear two, two hundred thousand for this one-of-a-kind girl" The bidding was going up higher and higher. "Smile for the audience Misty. Show them how happy you are to be here. How eager you are to serve." I smiled with my perfectly capped teeth into that bank of lights. I saw numbered cards going up in the audience. Most of them were held by women but a few were held by men. I noticed one tall, dark, good- looking man in the back holding a card with the number "134." He held it up without hesitation every time the bidding went up. "Perfect for kitchen or bedroom, parties or private get-togethers, Misty is certain to please," the auctioneer went on. "She is pre-op but functionally impotent though she achieves stimulation manually and anally and loves to give pleasure. She will make the ideal maid for those so inclined or a classy trophy wife for the corporately upward mobile." It was hard hearing myself described in such a matter-of-fact way but I had to realize that I was no longer a person to these people. I was simply an object. But as the bidding went up I realized a new kind of pride. As an object I was worth far more than I ever was as a person. "Four hundred thousand, do I hear four-fifty, four-fifty, let me hear a five hundred grand, five hundred grand for this fine piece of ass, slave for a life or a ready-made wife for life." Oh please, I thought, make it be one of the women who bought me. But as the price went up I noticed more and more of the women dropping out of the bidding. Meanwhile, the tall, dark, and undeniably handsome man in the back kept holding up his card. What did he want with me anyway? Did he really want me as his wife? It was not something I had ever considered. Or was it? Wasn't that the ultimate fantasy? Wasn't that where it all led to? Isn't that what I really secretly dreamed about. To me didn't being a woman mean belonging to a man, to have him hold me, protect me, cherish me, love me? If that man bought me would he complete my transformation or would he leave me the way I was? Did he want a complete woman or the she-male I was? I didn't care. I knew I wanted to go down on my knees before him and take his cock in my mouth. I wanted to do for real what Debi had taught me. I wanted to taste his man-flesh as I licked the tip of him, tasting his precum. I wanted to lick up and down his hard shaft and finally suck the tip of him with my pouty collagen-filled lips. I wanted to flick my tongue on the small pink triangle under the head of his cock until he was crazy with need. I wanted to hear him pant and moan above me and push my head down as I swallowed him inch by inch. I wanted to feel him grow harder and harder until the tip of his cock reached the back of my throat and nearly gagged me. I wanted to feel him explode down my throat, the hot cum pouring from his convulsing cock as I desperately tried to swallow it all. Yes, I wanted that. I also wanted to be on all-fours before him, my ass raised high in the air as his cock, lubed only by my blow job, poised at my virgin asshole. I wanted to feel his strong hands around my hips, his thumbs separating my ass cheeks exposing me, and then the swollen head of his cock pressed against me. I wanted to hear him tell me to relax, to push backwards a little, how he would try not to hurt me as he took me for the first time. I wanted to feel the terrible, impossible pressure, certain it would never go in, and then finally, with a sharp thrust, feel him inside me. I wanted to hear myself gasp as I realized it was in me, really in me, and then the long slow push as he filled me with his cock. I wanted to feel it stretch me, complete me, make me his woman. I wanted to feel it as he thrust it in and out, his hands still on my hips, my own hand fiddling between my thighs as I brought myself off. I wanted to feel him expand impossibly large inside me and then the hot cum jetting inside me, hitting my prostate, as he grunted above me, one hand squeezing my breasts, pinching my nipples hard, giving me pain and pleasure. Finally I wanted to lie spooned against him as he slept, breathing deep and satisfied, as I lie pressed tightly against his hard, well-muscled body, his cum leaking from my ass. The bidding was going higher and higher and now it was down between a rather severe-looking older woman dressed in black and the handsome man in the back of the room. I smiled politely into the lights, trying not to look at either. I wondered what my life would be like with either of the two. Who would I be better off with? The woman did not look like she liked me at all, which made me wonder why she was willing to pay so much for me. Meanwhile the man seemed to have a genuine look of interest in me. In spite of myself, I found I was leaning more and more towards the man in the back. He looked as if he would truly covet and care for me. He might even grow to love me. The woman in black looked like she would probably lock me away in some dusty Victorian mansion where I would be forced to live a loveless existence as an upstairs maid. Please, please, I prayed silently to myself, let him buy me. The bidding seemed to go on forever. I could feel the hot lights bringing out a not unflattering sheen to my tanned flesh. Every so soften I raised my eyes through the blinding footlights to the audience, but mostly I kept them down at my manicured toes. Finally I heard the sound of the gavel and it beat in time to the hard hammering of my heart. "SOLD!" I heard the auctioneer say. "Lot number 26 Misty goes to the number "139" for one million one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars." My mind was a mad jumble. I had been bought for over a million dollars. Who had that kind of money. And, more importantly, who was number 139? I felt faint, my knees nearly knocking together I was trembling so badly. I was led off the stage to make room for the next "girl" to be auctioned off. Off-stage there was a mad scramble of "girls" and handlers, a lot of sobbing, and hugging, and saying goodbyes. I was hustled through the crowd and saw Debi. She gave me a big hung and a kiss. She was with her new boyfriend, but I hardly felt anything. I was on emotional overload. She wished me the best of everything, hoped I realized she did everything for me, and thanked me for being so cooperative. It seemed she had turned quite a profit. She said all this in a rush as she was off to catch a plane to Venice with her new beau the following day and had to make some last minute arrangements. She gave me another kiss, this time a bit more passionately on the lips, and told me how she'd never forget me. I mumbled something of the same. I desperately wanted to ask her who had bought me but a part of me was afraid. Whoever held me arm jerked me forward and I struggled to keep up on my gold high-heels. And then the crowd parted and I knew who had bought me. I knew who number 139 was. He was still holding the little sign in his hand. He was even taller and more broad-shouldered than he had seemed from the stage. He had dark hair and a square manly jaw and the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. He was wearing an expensive suit and a pair of expensive leather shoes which I could hardly take my eyes off of as I was almost scared to raise my face to his. He did it for me, placing two fingers under my chin and lifting my eyes to meet his. I knew at that moment I was in love. True love. "We are going to have a lot of fun together Misty," he said. He peeled the sticker off my tanned thigh. He smiled, crumbled the sticker up, and threw it on the floor. "You belong to me now." (the end)

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SRU: A Treat Or A Trick By Paul G Jutras It was October 31, 2000 and Paul had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall with his friend Lesley. They passed the children play center; which looked like a castle picturing different fairy tales for the kids amusements. With a yank of the arm, Paul was pulled into a shop called Spells R Us. "May I help you?" A young blonde woman asked with a cheerful smile as she stood in a blue mini dress with a plunging neckline that showed her chest off...

4 years ago
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Talk With Princess

Tiffany Scott 2017 Conversation With Princess "HI slave" "How Are you?" "I am good anxiously waiting for my tax return check. How are you" "I am good Thank you. Get on your knees now slave." "So what have you been doing these last 2 days that we couldn't have our skype sessions. You know how important it is for me to train you" "I have been over at my brothers taking care of his place" "What is wrong with your...

3 years ago
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Tutoring Has Unexpected Rewards

My sister Kate and I were seventeen, twins, and in our junior year of high school. That's where our similarities ended. She was popular, athletic, outgoing, and had lots of friends. I was her polar opposite: nerdy, socially awkward, only a handful of friends. Pretty much irrelevant in our school's world. The only thing I knew I had going for me right from day one of high school was my brain. I was smart. Really smart. Top-of-the-class smart. But as high school dragged on, I found I had...

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My First Facial

I would’ve never gone to see Sean that night if it wasn’t for my threesome. Sean wasn’t the kind of guy I would date. He was a bad boy and had a track record of breaking hearts and cheating. However, he was the kind of guy I would fuck. The threesome opened up a door to a more adventuresome side of me that I didn’t know existed. They weren’t even fantasies before that night, but now I wanted to turn them into realities. First on that list was Sean. Yeah, he was a bad boy, but he was also the...

Oral Sex
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Lisa Strips for Daniel

Lisa looked at the text from Daniel and was puzzled at what it said. She bit her bottom lip and a frown crossed her brow as she battled to understand the text message. ‘Are you alone’ the message screamed as Lisa’s fingers gently caressed her smart phone to fully open the text. She nudged the reply box and said ‘Yes. Why?’ Her phone immediately beeped as a return text came from Daniel’s phone with the intriguing message ‘Open the e mail I’ve just sent you!’ Lisa walked across and plugged in...

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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 16

I decided to go for it! I had played with her titties, and she hadn’t stopped me. The ass was different because as you know I am ass-fiend and I was afraid I might do something I definitely shouldn’t do. The ass was a very intimate part of the body to me. Almost as much as the pussy and I felt that my Dad would have a hard time accepting that I touched her boobs but that he’d probably want to kick my ass for touching her butt. I couldn’t resist the temptation, though. Charity’s ass was hard...

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My Sister Is My Heaven

My sister name is usha. She is 21 years old. She is very fair and glittering in her golden colour. She was in love with a local boy for more than 3 years. She was firm to marry him only but my mother opposed to it. I convinced my mother and their marriage took place. A few days after the marriage, i noticed my sister face. She was dull. I thought due to marriage function and other ceremonies she was tired. She had come to our house with her husband. Sister was murmuring with my mom and their...

1 year ago
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Forced Sissy Wedding

Forced Sissy Wedding (Forced to be who I was meant to be) By: Missy Satinpanties I woke up feeling groggy, my head pounding, wondering what the hell had happened. My throat was raw and sore, and felt like someone had worked it over with sandpaper. The last thing I remembered was sitting with my father in his book-lined study, drinking my first glass of brandy with him to celebrate my 18th birthday. That I was with my father at all was rather rare, as my father was a very busy...

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Spirit Fox Lightning SwiftChapter 2

I woke up fairly late in the morning, still dressed in the tracksuit. I had nothing else to wear so I gave my hair and fur a quick brush, it seemingly behaving better since there was lots more of it, then headed down the stairs. Mum sitting doing some work at the kitchen table, "Morning sleepy head," she said, "Want some breakfast?" "I can get it," I said. Grabbing some cereal and munching away. With my new sense of taste my usual cereal was way too sweet. I persevered for a bit with...

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What the Hell

What the Hell? By Wolverine Lots of things have no explanation. Or at least not one that is very apparent. Such as a guy dropping dead on the sidewalk right in front of you. Was he shot? Did he have a heart attack? Did a micro-meteorite smack into him at a super high speed? Who knows? Just an example. Another would be the mysterious ways certain appliances/cars will work when you've got their "ticks" down. Do we ever really figure those out? I think I've gotten my point across. But of...

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The Brides Brother Part 1

Ricky, my partner, unlocked the bedroom door, and I noticed Jason peering down the corridor to make sure the three of us weren’t being watched. ‘Are you sure your wife will be asleep?’ I checked with him, as I closed the door behind him and Ricky clicked on one of the bedside lamps. ‘Yeah, she were rat-arsed when I brought her up to bed,’ Jason replied. ‘If she in’t asleep, she’ll be throwin’ her guts up in the john. Either way, she won’t notice if I’m not there.’ He sprawled himself out in the...

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Rookie Cop

Rookie Cop My name is Mike Johnson, I am 19 years old and I just started in Law Enforcement. I am working for a small department in Maderia Beach, Florida. It is nicknamed Mad Beach, for the reason on Friday and Saturday nights the place is off the chain. The city is only about 2 miles long at its longest point. There are two hardcore biker bars, a strip club, four night clubs and about twenty local pubs all located inside the city limits. With that being said, you can just imagine what the...

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But Daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! "But, Daddy....!" Young Jessica wailed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! I've got something right here to stop up that big mouth of yours." I replied. I quickly hauled her down onto her knees in front of my chair. I yanked my belt open and shoved my trousers and shorts down to my ankles. Grasping my semi-erect prick in one hand, I caught hold of my daughter and pulled her face toward its raunchy, bulbous head. With my...

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DontFuckMyDaughter Victoria Valencia Bring Your Daughter to Work Day

Victoria stopped by the office to see her daddy, or did she stop by to fuck his employee? She started flirting as soon as she was introduced to JD. As soon as she was out of daddies view, she had her hands and mouth all over him. This was right outside his office door. They could have been caught at any second. In fact, they almost got caught while she was under JD’s desk with his dick in her mouth, and then again while fucking in the restroom on a toilet. Then it was back to JD’s desk to...

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Sex on the beach and another clouple

My wife and I purposely booked a trip to the Caribbean on a deserted stretch of beach. We were told by many friends we could find a place to ourselves. We have both been working hard for the last two years and we needed some time alone together.The posh hotel was everything we had been told; a tub in the bathroom, a shower that opened to the outside, excellent dining and miles of lonely beach.We got right up the first day and right after breakfast we hurried down the beach. After a walk of at...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 21

“You alright?” Tonya asked, slowly sticking her head through the door to Will’s room.Janie was sitting on the bed using her rosary like a worry stone. She wasn’t even sure why she still wore it, but somehow it was comforting. At the very least it gave her hands something to do while her mind was having trouble focusing. “I’ll be fine,” she answered. “I just… didn’t enjoy the conversation.”“Yeah, it was a little weird,” Tonya shrugged. She came in and looked around. Will’s room took up most of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Enslaved Chapter 12

The heat of the upper deck hit Julia like that of an oven after the comparative coolness of the cabin cell in which she had been confined. She arrived on that deck, struggling awkwardly up a steep companionway, led by Miss Judith on the end of her collar and chain. Across her thighs flamed two fresh swathes of pain... on account of the fact that Miss Judith had considered her too slow in getting into the required posture when she had entered the cabin.Julia stumbled as she reached the deck,...

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Chapter Seven XHamster Profil for Love2Bused

Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...

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PornPics Cuckold

Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...

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Bait and Switch Ch 6

The pain was excruciating. I was only dimly aware of the light going from white to yellow before I lost consciousness.When I woke up, my muddled brain didn't seem to want to work. I vaguely remembered being with Lela, making the switch that I thought would work on her (or trying to), and then waking up in my bed. Had I over used my ability at the party?A quick test on the lights confirmed it, as pain shot between my eyes. I rolled over and went back to sleep.I was tempted to sleep all day, till...

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Date night

My wife and i have been planning a date ight for sometime, and finally all of lifes complications got out of the way. To bring the fantasy to life we had to arrive seperatly and not see what the other was wearing. i arrived at the bar and spotted her sitting at the bar talking with some guy, she had been there for awhile and i could tell she was having a goodtime. She was wearing a short skirt and long black boots. and a brand new top that showed a good portion of her 36d tits. I played my part...

Group Sex
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Running in the Woods

The woods were the best place to hunt for women. John liked the dark tangle of vines and trunks that the woods provided. It had to be a wooded area that was dense so as to avoid prying eyes, yet it had to be a simple path so people (especially women) would run/walk on. It needed to be close to a town or city to get some traffic but it also should be just far enough away that not everyone used it all the time. He had found just such a place, after several false hopes, last week. It was perfect...

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Swimming Pool

Erica and Andrew were best friends. They'd known each other for years. Erica was 18, and had just graduated from high school. Andrew was 19, and had graduated from the same high school. Erica was a beautiful girl, with long, flowing brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a marvelous smile. Andrew was the athletic type. He played high school football and baseball. He was tall, blond, and gorgeous. All of the girls always wanted Andrew, but none of them ever appealed to him. He always seemed like he...

First Time
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Incredible ChangesChapter 204 Tia and Tara Play House

Wonder if Tia and Tara are willing to try to get pregnant again? I looked them over as I walked toward them to see that Tia’s metabolism had finally slowed down enough that she now looked like she was Tara’s twin. The place in my head showed me both were going to ovulate sometime in the next twelve hours. Is Tia emotionally ready to handle getting pregnant again? Yes, David. She is. So is Tara. I heard the voice in my head told me. Both girls still really want David to be with them but...

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Back Scratches AffairEpilogue

Eight months later, there was Jack was thinking about what had happened after his wife moved back in. That first night had been good, she was horny as he had ever seen her, and they had a long session of sex with her having two climaxes to his three. Not that he didn't try to give her more. She did say that she had some small ones along with the two larger climaxes. Three days later, they were having sex again and he found himself fucking her butt hole, while Jennia was on all fours. She...

2 years ago
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Marriage are made in heaven 7

On Sunday morning i was sitting in drawing room I’m waiting for her with the think about her helpless life. Really she was a very poor fate of lady. In her early age she lost her father and mother and moved towards an unsecured life, her husband every night forced fucked her and no one there in her home to help her. She wants a man who can give her security with love. Being her son it is my duty also to full fill her desire. I promised myself that i shall take care of her in all respect with...

1 year ago
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Safe Haven

She made her way up the lane her case trundling behind, bouncing over the bedrock where it broke through the hardened tracks, a bag of shopping bouncing against her knee. She thought of her Da sitting in front of the hearth forever re-lighting his pipe; the sulphurous smell of matches overpowering the wafts of tobacco. He had looked so ‘temporary’ after her Ma had died.He had always been the sort of man quick to smile, slow to frown. When he knew he was being watched he had seemed no different;...

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EvilAngel Liz Jordan Naughty Anal Schoolgirl

Alluring brunette Liz Jordan entices in dainty, two-piece schoolgirl attire. The sweet-faced damsel smiles widely for director/stud Mick Blue’s POV-style camera. ‘I’m very lucky, today,’ Mick confides. Liz masturbates her shaved, panties-free slit, seductively rubbing herself with her speedy fingers. She inhales Mick’s big cock, pleasing him with a blowjob and well-paced stroking. He worships Liz’s delectable ass with a deep rim job. Mick fucks her pussy...

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The GiftChapter 30

I woke up Friday morning to a real 'bummer'. The alarm clock had not yet sounded, but one look at it told me, it was only a question of minutes. Mary had waked me up. She was there beside me, still dressed like a whore, definitely smelling like one, and she was masturbating with her eyes closed. I turned towards her and kissed her shoulder. "Oohh. God morning, love. I couldn't help it, Erik. I dreamed of last night, and when I woke up I was so terribly horny. I had to do something about...

4 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 54

Dan stared at the books for his pizzeria. Over the past month, his sales had climbed to over seven hundred dollars a day. Opening time accounted for nearly a hundred dollars. Lunch added another two hundred. The kids in the afternoon brought in a hundred. The dinner rush accounted for two hundred, while the evening generated another hundred. His working pace had eased considerably over that same time period. He now had three regular cooks with Sandra, Kevin, and Diana. Diana had been a total...

2 years ago
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I am being tested

Wow what a surprise tonight was I said to myself as I watched the girls leave. I did a quick shower and crawled into bed with visions of them kissing and fondling each other . I was dreaming about Debbie and Pam when the dream seemed to be getting real. I never felt my bed move but I did feel a hand softly running up and down my body. The way it barely touched my skin was sending erotic jolts throughout my body. I usually have morning wood but this morning it was being teased by some...

2 years ago
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Healing Myself

Part One A short flight from my hometown had brought me to Mariners cove. I was escaping from the pain and anguish of a torrid year; the unexpected loss of a close friend, the fallout of a company merger that left me e-mailing CVs again, and topping everything off, finding my girlfriend with her face buried between the thighs of her hairdresser. Mariners Cove was a bustling east coast town, which catered to both tourism and to its small fishing fleet. Just a couple of thousand souls lived here...

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The Postulants Tale Chapter Three Blasphemy

The next morning, neither Abigail nor Peter mentioned the incident, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it during the day, even when she should have been at prayer. She wondered what she would do if Peter asked her to rub his prick again? She repeated to herself that, as his nurse, she ought to do anything to make him feel better, and if helping with his prick was part of that care, then so be it. The thought of asking Mother Clare’s advice did cross her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. She...

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My hunk 3

I was in Bangalore for some office work . I was put up in a plush hotel in uptown bangalore. After finishing my meeting by 6 I came back to my room and got freshened up. As usual my thoughts were graviating towards having sex with some semi literate muscled hunk. I decided to go to the pub downstairs for a couple of drinks.I chose my dress carefully and dressed myself in a loose fitting shalwar golden colored and a tight sleeveless kurta without dupatta. I was turning heads in my sexy 3 inch...

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Wife decides to Fuck Me Pegged

I had just finished a nice relaxing bath and was chilling out on the bed wrapped in a towel when Crystal walked in."Hi honey, nice bath?" she asked as she stripped her clothes off."Very nice thanks." I replied watching my wife getting naked and feeling a familiar twitch under my towel.Crystal could see I was getting aroused and gave a little chuckle."No playing with that whilst I'm in the bath naughty boy," she giggled and grabbing a towel out of the cupboard made her way to the bathroom.A...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 4

I sighed in pleasure as she sank on my member, straddling me on my bed. I grabbed her grapefruit sized breasts in my hands and kneaded them in my hands. Finding her nipples, I began gently flicking them with my thumb and forefinger. "Oh my god Greg, you are such a wonderful lover," she exclaimed. She threw back her head for a few strokes and then threw herself back into me. I brushed back her fiery red hair and licked her neck with a passionate stroke. I tried in vain to lick her ear but...

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Yummy 8

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Doug was a hunter and fisherman - he loved the outdoors! It was his passion. At work, he was an IT nerd, inventing programs, routines and subroutines to accomplish the amazing on a computer. But, once he left work, it was all about outdoor activities. His wife did not share his passion whatsoever, she was an introvert, staying at...

1 year ago
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Kitchen Table Fuck

Lake had come in the back. Straight into the kitchen without knocking like it hadn’t been two years. She stopped inside the doorframe, hands behind her, easing the creaky screen door to a close without a slap. “I’m so pissed off at you I could smash every dish you’ve got.” “That’s one way to say hello,” Mace replied cautiously. He was standing at the counter in a pair of jeans and a T shirt – no shoes. She’d picked the hottest night of the year. He’d been pouring bourbon in a glass but...

Straight Sex
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Curvy Maid With Big Boobs Fucked And Impregnated

My name is Dhruv and I am 23 years old. I am 5’11 tall and my penis is 6.7 inches long and hard. I am fair and I have a slim, fair skinned body. But what is special about me is that I have the biggest balls (testicles) in the world! From adolescence itself, I have noticed that my balls are very big, punk and hang very low. They are also very sensitive. I produce lots of cum. This is the reason I am very horny all the time. I have to masturbate 5 times a day or otherwise, my cream gets released...

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The Wait Was Over

Hello to all the horny and sexy people out there! All good?! I know everything is amazing coz you are on a website where we experience the uttermost pleasure when we actually read the amazing stories here on Indian Sex Stories dot net! The title itself gives an instant boner and I know pussies get totally wet! This is my first sex story! Lets cut all the crap, here we go! It all started when I was doing diploma in Bangalore. I was 18, last year to be precise. Reaching the heights of sexual...

4 years ago
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Sex At The Races With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1977. Kelly and I have always enjoyed auto racing. There was a dirt track about a half-hour drive from our little town. We would go and enjoy the racing action about once a month or so during the summer. There was just something about racing back then that made Kelly’s pussy wet. I think the combination of horsepower, engine roar, stud drivers, and the excitement of competition all worked together to soak her panties.On each visit that summer, Kelly acted out a bit...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kate Bloom Mackenzie Moss My Two Step Sisters

Laying in bed side by side, Kate Bloom and her adopted sister Mackenzie Moss are a sight for Kate’s stepbrother Tyler Nixon. The girls are sexy as hell in their lingerie nighties. Mackenzie isn’t even wearing any panties, which Tyler takes as a blatant invitation. She’s already awake when Tyler comes in and makes it clear he wants to fuck. They debate briefly since Mackenzie believes they’re going to get caught and get in trouble, but Tyler eventually convinces her that...


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