The Shikima Interface By T.H. Tiger
A fan fiction based on the Manga by Rumiko Takahashi, Ranma 1/2 and the
anime La Blue Girl. If you are not familiar with Ranma 1/2, run a net search
using it as a reference. Believe me, you'll find lots of reference material. This
story may not make any sense to any one who is not acquainted with the
series. This is a lemon, another word for porn. If that offends you do not
read this. It also contains NC sex. If that offends you don't read this. If you
think anything might offend you don't read this. If you are under the age for
mature material do not read this. Any one else, please, for gods sake read this
and let me know what you think:
[email protected]
A note concerning symbols. This () means inserted thoughts by the demons
in the story..
Chapter one. Ranma's bad day
How many of you have heard the tale of a man stumbling upon a lost and
hidden temple, filled with forgotten secrets and long lost treasures of the
ancient world, of mysterious keepers with secrets they are sworn to protect to
the day of the final trump, of towering walls and iron gates locked against the
world, waiting for the magic to return?
This was Ryouga's fourth this month.
"I'm sorry you can't stay longer young man. We get so few visitors." The
speaker was a slight man in a long brown robe.
"I'm sorry as well Abbot. I really wish I could. I can't though, there's this
girl you see." The Abbot ears pricked up at this.
"A girl?"
"The most wonderful girl in the world. I love her with all my heart, but she is
trapped in an engagement to a person who has no respect for her." Ryouga
lowered his head and closed his eyes. Clenching his fists tightly his face
slowly flushed. "Damn you Ranma, I curse the day you were born." Lifting
his head he shook a fist at the sky. "Ranma Satome you will pay."
The Abbot's smile slipped a little, and he backed away a step or two from the
stranger who had staggered into their midst two days before. He had been
starving and delirious. They had fed him but apparently he was still delirious.
Ryouga blushed as he saw the Abbot's reaction, and the looks that came from
all the other monks who had gathered to bid him farewell. Blushing furiously
he rubbed the back of his head. Not able to look straight at the Abbot he
looked at the temple wall. Doodling with one finger he traced one of the
wards that carpeted the inner wall of the temple. "Sorry, sorry I get a
little...carried away sometimes. I'll be going now, then? Thank you for your
kindness and I wish you good fortune." Ryouga stepped out the gate and
paused. Turning he addressed the Abbot, "I don't suppose you have ever
heard of Jusenkio. It's just that I've got this little problem..."
The Abbot interrupted him. "You don't mean to say you have a Jusenkio
curse do you?"
Ryouga blinked in surprise. "Why've heard of Jusenkio?"
"Indeed we have." Suddenly the Abbot's eyes took on an intense gaze and all
the other monks leaned forward. "It would not happen to be a gender curse
by any means?"
So happy was Ryouga to have discovered they knew of Jusenkio, he
completely missed the hot looks everyone was directing his way. "I wish I
was so lucky. My curse is far worse than merely turning into a girl"
"Ryouga blinked. Surely the Abbot had not said what he thought he had just
heard. He looked at the elderly man uncertainly. The Abbot smiled back at
him. No he must have heard wrong, Ryouga thought..
The Abbot smiled up at the muscular young man serenely, but his thought
were anything but. "Fuck, piss, shit. Why can't we ever catch a break? Two
thousands years without a sniff of pussy. Aa well, might as well make the
most of it. "As a matter of fact young man we do know a great deal about
Jusenkio and we even have a cure of sorts if you would be interested."
Ryouga could only stare in shock at the Abbot. Then he broke down. "Yes,
yes, at last, at long last I will be able to face Akane as a man."
"I take it that is a yes," the Abbot said.
Three weeks later Ryouga left the temple for a second time. This time he
carried a precious scroll clutched in his hands. The secret of his cure was his
and he was going home. It was unfortunate that the Monks did not possess
the necessary ingredients. Ryouga did not care. They had shown him what to
do, and what plants to gather. By the time he reached Nerima he would have
all he required. He failed to notice the sinister grins that appeared on the faces
of his benefactors as he left the temple. He also never stopped to wonder why
the wards were on the inside walls of the temple.
Two weeks later:
Ranma yawned long and wide, took a deep breath and then once more
directed her attention to the activity going on in the small hollow below her.
The lost boy Ryouga Hibiki was doing something unusual. Ranma's
curiosity bump made her determined to find out what and why.
She had come across Ryouga by accident, having crash- landed in the park
fountain via air Akane about half an hour ago. She had been walking through
one of the more secluded areas of the park afterwards, and had heard a
familiar ranting. Wringing the water from her shirt as she walked, she went
to investigate.
"Soon Akane, soon, there will be nothing to stand in my way of declaring my
love for you." Peering over the edge of the slope that led down into a hollow
Ranma had spotted Ryouga indulging in a highly unusual activity. He was
with great care and precision cooking something, a distinct contrast to his
usual behavior of physically mastering, and practicing whatever martial art
technique he had most recently come across.
Ranma could not quite make out what it was he was cooking. So, intrigued
by the unusual behavior she decided to remain in concealment and observe.
Of course Ranma was not long on patience, and after about ten minutes was
bored out of her skull. Down below Ryouga after his initial outburst had
slowly and with great precision mixed, ground, and added various
ingredients to a small pot hanging over his campfire. Next to the pot a small
brass teakettle steamed. After every addition to the pot Ryouga would consult
a small scroll that was laid out on a nearby rock. He would then carefully
proceed to the next ingredient.
Ranma found the slow careful procedure maddening. She was on the verge
of bouncing down into the hollow to discover what was going on with her
usual method, which was to verbally torment the pig boy until he was
enraged enough to blurt out what the hell he was doing.
Just as Ranma lifted herself from the ground in preparation to do this Ryouga
let out a triumphant yell. He lifted the small pot from the fire. Swinging
around he quickly set it into a nearby container of cold water. Ryouga seemed
to hold his breath for a second. Then he let out another exultant shout as a
small film appeared on the surface of the liquid. Very carefully Ryouga took a
small spoon and began to skim off the film. With great precision he decanted
it into a small bottle he removed from where it had been hanging on a thong
around his neck.
Then very carefully Ryouga placed one drop of the liquid into a small
container he had just filled from his bucket of cold water. Then pausing only
to carefully set the bottle aside on a nearby rock Ryouga swallowed the glass
of water with a single gulp. He grimaced in distaste, indicating that whatever
the mixture was it tasted like hell. What happened next brought Ranma racing
down the hill at full speed. Ryouga took the bucket of cold water and
upended it over his head, and ... did ... not ... change into a small black
Ryouga raised his eyes to the heavens and tears streamed down his face. "At
last, O Lord at last, I am a man again. At last Akane, I can reveal my feelings
to you without fear. At last, I can offer you something."
"Yeah whatever Ryouga, but I have to hand it to you, it looks like one of
your nutty cures finally worked."
Spinning in place Ryouga looked in shock at his most hated foe. A foe that at
this very minute was holding his precious cure in her hands. "Ranma you
give that back this instant," Ryouga shouted at he lunged at the pig tailed girl
who dodged him with a derisive laugh.
Somersaulting through the air Ranma removed the stopper in the bottle and
took a long draft, almost gaging as the bitter fluid burnt a path down her
throat. She did not care however, too many times hesitation and chance had
cost her a cure to her hated curse. It was not going to happen this time.
Landing lightly on her feet Ranma dropped the now empty bottle and dragged
the back of her arm across her mouth trying to get rid of the foul taste. "Man
no wonder you mixed it with water Ryouga. This stuff is as bad as Akane's
cooking." Ranma paused for a second and then continued. "No it's not that
bad. I can still feel my arms and legs, and I'm conscious, and this stuff
should do me some good." At that point Ranma noticed she still had two
unwanted lumps on her chest. Pulling open her shirt she gazed at the creamy,
strawberry tipped mounds attached to what should have been a manly chest.
"Hey what the hell is going on Ryouga? How come I'm still a girl?" Looking
up from her inspection Ranma glanced across at Ryouga.
Fully expecting to be staring at the crimson visage of Ryouga in full blown
moral outrage, Ranma received a shock. What she saw caused her to back up
a step and quickly look behind herself for whatever was responsible for the
expression on Ryouga's face.
Ryouga was absolutely white and was pointing a trembling finger in Ranma's
general direction. "Ranma,... Wha...what...have you done?"
Ranma looked puzzled for a second and then said "What's it look like I've
done? I've drunk your so called cure and it didn't work, that's what I've
done. Come on Ryouga what's the gimmick? How do you make it work?"
"Not... it's not a cure!" Ryouga forced out through his shock numbed face.
Then slowly the color began to return to his face and his lips began to twitch.
Finally gales of laughter verging on the hysterical burst from Ryouga's
mouth and he collapsed to the ground holding his sides in pain as the laughter
strained even his muscles.
Ranma now thoroughly annoyed threw a punch at Ryouga. She slammed her
fist with all her might into the laughing boys solar plexus. For all the good it
did she might as well have used a feather pillow. Enraged Ranma began
fiercely throwing punch after punch at the laughing boy. While the punches
had no more effect than the first blow, they did cause Ryouga to regain
control and stop his laughter. Sitting up he caught the next punch Ranma
threw at him. With a yank on the captured hand he pulled the small girl face
down across his lap. Quickly catching Ranma's free hand he pulled it around
behind her back and caught both of Ranma's slender wrists in one hand.
"Let me go you bastard," Ranma raved, "fight me man to man."
"Well that's the thing isn't it Ranma you're not a man are you, you're a little
girl." As he said this Ryouga brought his hand down and delivered a light
smack to Ranma's ass causing the boy turned girl to scream in outrage and to
thrash desperately in a futile attempt to escape Ryouga's grasp. This was not
the first time Ryouga had turned him over his lap, and Ranma had never
wanted it to happen again.
It had happened on an occasion when Ranma had disguised herself as
Ryouga's non-existent sister. Trying to interfere in a conversation between
Akane and Ryouga she had been rude to Akane. Ryouga had taken it upon
himself to deliver some discipline to his supposable younger sibling. He had
pulled her over his lap and tanned her backside good. Ranma could still feel
the blistering heat of that heavy hand wacking her small posterior in her
memory. However the pain and humiliation were a tiny part of why she never
wanted to repeat that experience.
As Ryouga had spanked her the force of the blows and the pain had caused
her to grind her crotch into his lap. This had rubbed her thigh against his
groin. It did not take very long for this to effect Ryouga. At first
understandably the pain in her posterior had kept her from noticing the
growing bulge in Ryouga's pants. However it soon grew too large to be
Ranma very nearly lost it then. She was pinned and with no leverage had not
a hope in hell of breaking free of Ryouga's grip. The only thing that kept her
from breaking down in complete terror was her pride. That, and the
knowledge that no matter how badly his body wanted to take her Ryouga
would never even think of screwing a girl he thought was his sister. After
that incidence it was weeks before Ryouga calmed down. Going by the slight
flush that came to his face every time he saw Ranma for about two weeks
after the incident, it was clear that Ryouga was remembering how his body
had reacted to Ranma's. The fact that he immediately attacked Ranma on
those occasions showed he was covering his confusion in typical Ryouga
fashion, blind unreasoning rage. Ryouga had gotten over it, or at least he
seemed to go back to his old motivations for hating Ranma. Ranma however
was not so lucky. She still had recurring nightmares where Ryouga and her
had sex. Sometimes it was rape, but the really scary dreams were the ones
where she was willing.
"I'm a guy you jerk." Ranma yelled in outrage as Ryouga gave her upturned
posterior another gentle pat.
"Well that's the thing Ranma you're not. Not anymore, not since you drank
that potion.
"What the hell are you babbling about pig boy?" Ranma yelled as she tried to
crane her neck around to look at Ryouga. She suddenly gave a squawk of
outrage as Ryouga's hand slammed down on her butt, a whole lot harder then
the first two times.
"Just shut up and listen Ranma, and maybe I'll tell you!" Ryouga yelled as he
slapped his bare hand back down on the upraised ass in front of him.
"The hell with that, you pig! Let me up from here and I'll make sausage out
of your fat ass! Keep your goddam hands to yourself you fucking pervert!
You got a thing for boys is that it! Maybe that's why you have such a thing
for Akane, she sure don't have much in the way of curves."
"You shut the hell up Ranma! Don't you dare bring up that sweet girl's name.
Your not worthy of being on the same planet as her." "Sweet?! I've seen
rabid pit bulls with a better disp-" Ranma's voice was cut off as an enraged
Ryouga released his grip on Ranma's wrists long enough to quickly loop one
of his bandannas over her mouth, effectively gagging her. Ranma just as
quickly brought her hands forward in an attempt to pull the gag loose. Before
her hands could reach the gag however, Ryouga caught them and once more
pulled them around to the middle of her back. This time the lost boy quickly
looped another of his infinite supply of bandannas around Ranma's wrists,
effectively immobilizing her arms.
"Now Ranma maybe you'll let me talk." Gathering his thoughts Ryouga
made an effort to calm down ignoring the thrashing girl in his lap. At last
having calmed down he began to speak.
"It was about two months ago that I came across another temple monastery,
and as usual I asked after a cure for Jusenkio curses. I was halfway out the
door when I realized they had said that yes they had one. Or at least
something that worked as a cure.
The story they told me was this. Their Temple had been responsible several
centuries ago for the capture and execution of a dishonorable Samurai who
used a Chi poison to weaken his opponents before a duel. He was nothing
more than an assassin for hire who picked duels with the men he had been
hired to kill. He would slip them a poison that destroyed there ability to use
Ki and at the level of skill he and they fought this left them helpless against
him. It was not till he used the poison on a lord suffering from a magic curse,
that his trickery was discovered. The poison not only destroyed his Ki it also
eliminated the magic that caused the curse. In the search to discover how he
had apparently been cured he summoned learned monks from the nearby
temple who had traced the reason for his spontaneous cure to the Ki poison.
The assassin was executed, and the formula for the potion was stored in the
temple library. Over the years the monks struggled to find a way to destroy
curses without destroying the Ki of the patient. Eventually they succeeded
and this is what they gave to me."
He looked down at the small girl in his lap who had by now stopped
struggling and was apparently listening intently. "And that brings us to you
Ranma. The monks warned me that our cursed forms were not magic, merely
another body, the magic was in the changing. After that only the ability to
retain our intelligence in animal form, and to keep our basic nature was
magic. If a Jusenkio cursed person was to drink the potion in his animal form
not only would it eliminate the magic needed to change them back to human,
it would destroy the ability to retain their human characteristics. They would
soon revert to the nature of whatever form they were trapped in. If I had
taken it in my pig form I would have soon been a pig in truth. With no
memory of ever being a man and no way of changing back. I'd be as good as
"Now what do you suppose would happen to some one who's curse was to
switch gender." Ryouga looked into Ranma's eyes which had widened in
horror as the implication sank in. She could do nothing but yell into her gag.
Trying to shout her denial at what Ryouga was suggesting. Ryouga reached
over to the tea kettle that was simmering on his campfire and upended it over
Ranma let out a low moan of despair and hung her head, tears running down
her face and soaking the bandana that stilled gaged her. She could still feel
her breasts pressing against Ryouga's body, she had not changed.
Ryouga reached down and untied the gag, and the ties that bound Ranma's
wrists. Standing her up Ryouga smirked at her. "All these years of searching
for a way to pay you back for the hell you've put me through Ranma, and
you do it to yourself. If I tried for a hundred years I could not have come up
with a better revenge."
Ranma stood her hands clenched into fists, staring in hatred at Ryouga. "O
yes you love it don't you Ryouga. At last you have a girl you can fondle
without fainting away. Think your hot shit don't you, coped a good feel
didn't you. Guess I'm lucky you still don't have any guts."
"Ranma you take that back, or I'll...!!"
"Or what Ryouga put me over your knee again. You'd love that wouldn't
you. Give you a chance to fondle my butt again. Great big man, think you're
going to get anywhere with Akane, that's a laugh! You can't even say two
words in a row to her."
Ryouga was starting to turn red with rage "Ranma." But Ranma was too
wound up to notice. The fact that she was trapped as a female once again had
filled her with a terror that she could only suppress by lashing out at Ryouga.
"Well don't think I'm going to let you get your hands on me again Ryouga.
You're just going to have to get your jollies the same way as always. Rosy
red hand, I'm a guy dammit and if you lay a hand on me again I'll rip your
cock off and feed it too you."
"A guy Ranma? You never do listen do you." Ryouga calmed down slightly
and looked at the small girl in front of him. "I told you when a Jusenkio
cursed person takes the potion in their cursed form it not only traps them in
that form it destroys the magic that allows them to retain their own character
and personality. Not only that, if you take too large a dose you damage your
ability to manufacture Ki, without that your just a regular girl who knows
martial arts. You're a girl Ranma inside and out and sooner or later you're
going to be wearing dresses and makeup and shortly after that you'll find
yourself laying on your back as your boyfriend sticks his big -fat-cock into
you." Ryouga said the last slowly, enjoying the look in Ranma's eyes as she
could not prevent herself from visualizing the scene Ryouga's words formed
in her mind. With an angry shake of her head she banished the image and
glared at Ryouga.
"No damn way Ryouga. I'm a guy and if any perverts like you try anything,
they'll regret it till the day they die which will be the same day if I have any
say in the matter. Not that I have to worry about you, you're so gutless I
could dance naked in front of you. All you'd do is faint. You're pathetic, you
may not be cursed anymore, but you're still a pig."
Ranma had gone too far and Ryouga flushing with rage reached out and
grasping the front of her loose shirt pulled her towards him. Ranma lashed
out at him, but with out being able to use her Ki to boost her strength Ryouga
barely noticed.
"You have a foul mouth Ranma and little girls with foul mouths need
discipline." Ryouga sat down on one of the rocks surrounding his campsite.
He then pulled the resisting Ranma down across his lap. Hooking his hands
into the waistband of her overlarge pants, Ryouga gave a smooth pull and
stripped her pants and boxers down to her knees, baring her small derriere to
the cool air.
Ranma gave a shout of outrage as she felt the air wash over her suddenly
naked ass. "What the fuck are you playing at Ryouga? Let me the godamm
hell up you slime." She tried to force herself off of Ryouga's lap but the lost
boy was ready for this. Placing a hand in the small of her back to hold her in
place, Ryouga started to spank her. Ranma jolted in shock at the first contact
of bare hand to bare ass. She barely stopped herself from yelling out in
terror. She was damned if she was going to give him the satisfaction of
struggling ineffectively against his greater strength. He had the advantage
right now, but that would change. She would make sure of that.
Cupping his hand so that it covered one entire cheek of Ranma's ass, Ryouga
massaged the firm flesh for a minute and then he continued the spanking,
alternating his strokes swatting one side of her pert little bottom and then the
other slowly reddening them. As Ryouga spanked in a slow steady beat
Ranma found herself involuntarily thrusting her hips forward in an effort to
escape the massive hand that was slowly turning her posterior a bright cherry
red. Clenching her teeth she vowed she would not give Ryouga the pleasure
of hearing her crying out in pain. Soon something else made itself known to
her. It worked quite well in distracting her from the fiery pain in her
backside. Her hip thrusts had ground her thigh into Ryouga's groin, and the
same bulge that had scared her so badly the last time Ryouga had spanked
her, made another appearance.
Ryouga's anger cooled uncharacteristically quickly. He started to savor the
feel of Ranma's bare butt under his hand. He began to curl his fingers so that
they penetrated the crack between Ranma's ass cheeks on each downward
stroke. Then he started pausing slightly each time he smacked her now red
ass giving whichever cheek it was resting on a squeeze before lifting his hand
for another blow. Each time he smacked her Ranma jerked her hips forward
to try and ease the force of the blow. Ryouga felt Ranma's naked thigh
grinding into his crotch with each blow. The pressure of her soft flesh
pressing against his groin inflamed him. She moved in rhythm with the
blows he was raining on her soft flesh. The friction between her body and his
cock slowly started to build a fire in his loins.
Soon he started thrusting his hips upward in time with his blows, grinding
his now rock hard cock into the small girls soft thigh muscle. He felt the
pressure built and built until finally, he seemed to reach a peak that he could
not get past. No matter how hard he spanked down, or thrust up he could not
progress any farther. His belly felt like there was a ball of molten lead in it
and he was conscious only of the need to do something, anything, to bring
about the relief his body craved. Soon his hand was spending more time
mauling Ranma's ass then in spanking. He gripped each cheek in turn
alternating driving first his fingers and then his thumb deep into the cleft of
her ass. Then finally unable to withstand his need he stopped spanking
altogether. He shoved Ranma off his lap and onto the ground. Then he
prepared to satisfy the fire burning in his belly. Ranma tried to get to her feet
and run but the pants around her ankles prevented her from moving fast
enough. Ryouga stepped on the trailing pants, and she sprawled face first
into the ground as her lunge for freedom was arrested.
For several minutes Ranma had been trying to ignore the rock hard bulge that
was grinding into her flesh through Ryouga's pants. This time unlike the time
before there was something besides the fear. A rising feeling of need in her
belly. She felt fluid running down her thighs as her vagina secreted
lubrication in response to the burning need she felt in her groin. When
Ryouga rolled her off his lap she was so fogged with conflicting needs that
she could not immediately take advantage of her freedom. By the times she
got focused on the situation and tried to escape it was too late. Between her
pants tangling her legs, and Ryouga's quick actions she was unable to make
good her escape. Her fingers scrabbled in the dirt as she tried to pull her legs
out of her pants to no avail. Ryouga knelt down behind her and reached out
catching her before she even got started at getting her legs free.
Ryouga grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, only to set her
down on her knees in front of him. Crossing his legs over hers Ryouga
placed one hand in the small of her back and forced her face and chest down
onto the ground. His thighs pressed against the back of her legs prevented
her from flattening out her whole body and left her kneeling with her ass
stuck high up in the air. Ryouga using his free hand felt between her legs and
ran his fingers along her slit, causing the lips of her opening to fall aside and
allowing the fluid that had been retained by them to flow out and over
Ryouga's hand. Reaching around to where her face was pressed firmly
sideways on the ground Ryouga wiped his juice covered hands over her lips.
"My Ranma what a peculiar reaction for a guy. If I didn't know you were
really a boy I might think you were actually enjoying yourself. That can't be
right. The great Ranma Satome kneeling on the ground with her ass waving
in the air like a bitch in heat waiting for some guy to fuck her."
"Go to hell Ryouga! You don't got the guts so why don't you just let me up
now!?." Ranma pressed down with all her strength trying to force her lower
body off the ground against the pressure of Ryouga's hand in the middle of
her back. She suppressed the panic she felt when the bulge in Ryouga's pants
rubbed against her upturned ass. So much of her attention was focused on
that, she found she had unconsciously lipped Ryouga's fingers tasting her
own juices on his blunt calloused fingers. Realizing what she was doing she
opened her mouth wide and tried to bite the fingers that were stroking her
Warned by Ranma's sudden tensing Ryouga withdrew his fingers before
Ranma could remove one of them for him. "Naughty, naughty Ranma, that's
not very nice. Not when you're enjoying yourself so much."
"Fuck off Ryouga."
"In a minute, in a minute. Have patience Ranma. I know your dying to have
me inside of you." Ryouga mocked the pinned girl as he returned his hand to
her upturned honey pot. Gently stroking her petals and trying to remember
just what Akane had done to herself on those occasions when after a fight
with Ranma she sought release with her own fingers. Stroking down
Ranma's now open slit Ryouga gently brushed his fingers across the top of
her tiny opening until he found the protruding bud of her clitoris and began to
gently stroke the area around it. He was being careful not to directly touch the
sensitive bud. Ryouga smirked as he realized his time as a pig had a least
given him a very comprehensive knowledge of the female body. Akane had a
very passionate nature and most every night she would pleasure herself
before sleep. She had been shy at first about doing it with P-chan in the
room. However it was not long before her need overcame that and she
gradually began to ignore his presence totally. On Ryouga's part familiarity
had eventually overcome his fainting reflex, and soon he was an avid
audience to Akane's performances.
Ryouga put that knowledge to good use as he concentrated on bringing the
helpless girl in front of him to orgasm, knowing it would be the worse thing
he could do to Ranma. Ranma could handle the rape, Ryouga had no doubt it
was just another type of physical assault in her mind. It was no different then
any other attack, but if Ryouga could make her enjoy it then he would have
won. Ranma would have lost the ultimate battle. "Getting awfully slick here
Ranma. Sure you're not enjoying it just a little?" Ryouga laughed at Ranma's
angry grunt that he go fuck himself, and at her renewed struggle. It only
succeeded in causing her ass to wave back and forth as if beckoning. "That's
a nice invitation Ranma but I don't think I'm going to have to resort to that
tonight. I'll let you in on a little secret, I got this real hot chick that's just
panting to have me do her tight little pussy." Ryouga extended his forefinger
and gently parted Ranma's folds causing her to jerk her hips in a futile
attempt to escape the probing digit. Parting her inner lips Ryouga inserted his
fingers in her opening and very carefully began to work it back and forth,
slowly inserting it a little at a time. Being very carful to not insert it too far, he
had heard that the first time for girls was painful and he did not to want to
supply anything that would allow Ranma to regain control of her body. Pain
would only supply a focus that would allow her to escape the humiliation of
having an orgasm.
Ranma was panting loudly, her own breath sounding like a gale in her ears
and her heart was beating so hard that she thought it would burst from her
chest. Her face was crimson with arousal and her mouth felt as dry as a
desert. She suddenly realized to her shame that the motion of her hips had
changed. They had up to a moment ago, been trying to move her tender and
sensitive vagina away from Ryouga's gentle and deliberate manipulation.
Now that motion had changed to a backward hunch as she strove to drive her
pussy back. Tried to shove her tender folds on to the digit that was
frustratingly just barely brushing near, but not on the small point of fire in her
vagina. She felt like screaming as again and again it would brush just by
where she wanted it to touch. She found she had to grit her teeth in an effort
to keep from yelling at Ryouga, godamm it touch the right spot you bastard.
Then Ryouga hand moved away and Ranma felt like crying as he left her on
the brink of explosion. She began to wave her hips back and forth, in and
out, in a desperate attempt to bring that probing digit back into contact with
the fiery itch that was driving her crazy.
She paid no attention to the sound of cloth ties being clumsily untied one
handed and the sound of a pair of pants sliding down someone's hips. All
she knew was when something large and smooth brushed up against her itch
and she almost sobbed in relief. It began to rub up and down her slit brushing
against her clitoris and bringing waves of sensation crashing through her
system. Higher and higher the waves carried her until she felt her breath
freeze in her chest and wave after wave of overwhelming sensation crashed
over her.
Ryouga took his hand from the middle of Ranma's back placing it on her
waist. His other hand had been rubbing his manhood up and down her slit.
Now as she exploded in a frenzy of release he guided his rock hard and
burning member to the entrance of her vagina. Seating it firmly in her
opening he grasped the other side of her waist with his now free hand, and
unable to contain himself any longer he trust into her hot wetness.
Fortunately for Ranma her martial arts training had left her with very little in
the way of a hymen. That and the orgasm Ryouga had just induced meant she
felt only a mild pain as Ryouga thrust his above average sized member into
her still thrashing body. Still Ryouga could only manage a couple of inches
with his first thrust. Ranma grunted as she felt herself being spread wide.
Ryouga pulled back and slammed forward again. Ranma felt like she was
going to burst, when with one last thrust Ryouga buried himself fully in her
belly. The pain disappeared quickly as Ryouga began a frenzied thrusting that
pushed Ranma's hypersensitive tissues into another spasm of pleasure.
Ryouga reached around Ranma's waist and leaning back he pulled her upper
body tight to his chest.
Using his powerful arms he moved Ranma up and down on his cock as his
hips thrust powerfully in time with the motion of his arms. Ranma felt like a
doll as she was jerked up and down on the heavy shaft that skewered her
lower regions. She felt waves of pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt
using her own hand in either form. Ryouga was far too excited to last for
long and he had been in Ranma for a little less then a minute when he felt his
ass clench almost painfully. He began to fire volley after volley of sperm up
the tightly grasping channel of Ranma's opening. He froze in ecstasy as what
felt like his entire stomach shot out the head of his prick and into Ranma's
body. Then he relaxed and with a sigh fell forward coming to rest on top of
Ranma as her legs straightened out and she lay flat on the ground, his heavy
rod still several inches inside her body. Just before he passed out he thought
my god what have I done. Ranma convulsed as one last orgasm crashed
through her body, and then she joined Ryouga in unconsciousness.
Ranma woke and tried to remember where she was. A soreness in her crotch
and a feeling of fullness combined with the heavy weight pushing her tender
breasts into the ground brought it all back to her. She was trapped as a girl
again, maybe forever if Ryouga was to be believed, and... Ryouga had just
raped her.... No that wasn't the whole truth. Much as she wanted to make
that claim she couldn't. She knew Ryouga, a few tears, a few artful sobs,
and he would have been reduced to a stammering, flaccid, wimp. Instead she
had practically dared him to do something, insulting him every time he started
to cool down and gain control. What had come over her. She knew better
than to push him that far. She remembered the time he had almost raped her
once before. It had been the first time she had fooled him into thinking she
was a real girl. She had not learned yet how far she could push, and before
she knew it he was all over her. If it had not been for a stout tree branch she
might have ended up in this position way back then.
Then there was the memory of the pleasure she had experienced. It was like
nothing she had ever experienced before. Her sexual feelings as a girl had
always been muted. The few times she had masturbated while female had left
her with the opinion that guys had it all over girls when it came to enjoying
sex. Now she knew better. Whatever the curse had done to allow her to
remain male in a female body was gone, just as Ryouga had claimed. She
now knew just how suppressed her sense of feeling had been before. The
orgasms she had just experienced were like nothing she had ever experienced
before, and she realized she wanted more, wanted to feel a cock sliding in
and out of her body stroking all of her newly discovered nerve endings.
Gods she thought with dismay I want to be fucked again. No she couldn't,
I'm a guy godamm it, but even as she said it she knew it was no longer true.
Whether she could regain her manhood was unknown, but what Ryouga had
just forcibly demonstrated to her was that she was a hundred percent female
at the moment at least as far as her body went.
Her hips began a slight bucking motion and she realized Ryouga's semi hard
cock was still in her. Her body was acting on it's own to make use of that
fact. Quickly suppressing the feeling of need she set about getting away from
him. Carefully trying not to waken Ryouga she began to move her hips,
trying to wiggle out from under his dead weight. She froze as Ryouga stirred
and began to move his hips in time with her slight movements. She felt the
shaft of his manhood begin to harden as he flexed his hips. It rapidly
regained it's full size and firmness and Ranma repressed a moan as she felt it
move in her body, reawakening the sensations of a little while ago.
O god I can't let Ryouga know I enjoyed this. I won't give the bastard the
satisfaction. Ranma thought. "Get the fuck off me pig boy." Ranma hissed at
the slowly awakening Ryouga. "You've got your jollies, so pull your pathetic
little boy dick out and let me up, asshole." As he talked, Ranma rammed her
hips back and forth, trying to shove Ryouga off. The friction on Ryouga's
cock, which was still imbedded well up the little red head's opening rapidly
brought Ryouga to full wakefulness. The feeling of her tight opening
squeezing him like a soft glove brought a gasp of pleasure to his lips.
The shame that Ryouga had felt after his orgasm had brought him back to his
senses faded as Ranma continued to curse him. The feeling of her vessel
flexing on his rapidly hardening cock drove any though of apologizing or
freeing Ranma from his mind. Ranma had made his life a living hell and now
he was going to get his pound of flesh. Or rather Ranma was going to get it.
Growing annoyed at Ranma's continued cursing Ryouga reached over and
picked up two of the bandanas that he had used to bind Ranma with earlier. It
was the work of seconds to jam one into Ranma's mouth and to tie the other
one around her head to hold the first one in place.
"Now Ranma where was I? O yes, fucking you." Ryouga slowly started to
slide his shaft back and forth in the warm wet flesh that surrounded it. He
reached under Ranma and cupped a breast in each hand, feeling the nipples
harden and press tightly against Ranma's silk top. He let them project
between his fingers.
Ranma gasped in pleasure as the silk of her shirt slid over her engorged
nipples. She felt herself begin to once again respond to the feeling of Ryouga
moving in her body.
Slowly Ryouga leisurely moved his hips back and forth. Flexing his hand in
time with his thrusts he kneaded the soft malleable flesh of Ranma's large
breasts, rolling the hardening nipples between his fingers. The pleasure was
almost more than he could stand, but he controlled himself. The thought that
his hated enemy was laying under him as he used her body for his own
pleasure sent a thrill through him that he had never imagined. All those times
his shyness had rendered him helpless to resist Ranma's lush body, well now
he intended to collect in full for all the nights her trickery had left him with a
case of blue balls. He began to speed up his motions. His belly slapping the
little red heads sore behind with each forward thrust.
"Hey did I miss anything," the cowled figure exclaimed as he rushed in
through the door. Seeing the scene on the large crystal mirror he cursed
"damn! How long has he been boffing her?" Without turning away from the
scene in front of him one of the other cowled figures answered. "About thirty
minutes now. He gave her a hell of a spanking first too." there was a hint of
teasing in his voice.
"Fuck why didn't one of you bastard's come and get me?"
"Screw you Urgant, you snooze you lose."
"Hey who the fuck do you think set this little thing up? If I hadn't though up
this scam you four would be playing with yourself and not those two."
"Yea, yea we've heard it all before. Just shut up and don't disturb Ergan and
Regant these two up there hate each others guts and if Regant and Ergan
don't keep on top of it they'll stop fucking and start fighting."
"Two? You mean that's the Amazon? How did he get her to take the potion
so fast? Last I knew he hadn't even started to make it."
"It's not the Amazon. It's the boy, the one with the gender curse."
"No shit. Pig boy actually got him to drink it while he was a girl. I was sure
we were going to have to wait until we had full control before we could get
him to give her the potion. I was sure he would never think of it on his own.
Must have a nastier mind then I gave him credit for."
"Don't him the credit, it wasn't his idea. The guy saw him use the potion and
stole the bottle. Drank the whole thing before Ryouga could stop her"
"FUCK ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Why the hell didn't Ergan get
him to stop her? You know that buggers everything up. Do you have any idea
how much magic is tied up in a Jusenkio curse? Not only will it keep one of
us from doing anything more than the gentlest steering it will stand out like a
flair to any one with the ability to sense it. Fuck this screws everything up. It
was perfect, five Jusenkio cursed people and five of us. We each get our own
little play toy. Now there are only four of them we can totally control. Well
two of you are just going to have to share. I for one am not going to give up
my toy. I get the one with the chains and that's final."
"Really?" The one who had been speaking to Urgant all this time rose to his
feet. "I don't think so. I think there's another way to make the numbers fit."
He lashed out and caught the smaller Shikima around the neck. "Nendex" he
called out.
"Right here Extefan," Urgant twisted his head around to see the last of the
Shikima's standing behind him holding a carved wooden box.
"No not that," he shrieked as Nendex began to open the lid. A swirling
vortex appeared and with a shriek of despair his flesh went translucent. For
just a second he seemed to shift into some sort of monstrous form. Then it
dissolved in the vortex and was drawn screaming into the small wooden box.
Nendex shut the lid tight and sealed it. Tossing the box casually over his
shoulder he grinned at Extefan. "Good math. Four of us, four cursed humans
still available. Works for me."
Extefan grinned back. "Me to, but we can't afford to take any chances."
Turning he addressed Ergan. "As soon as he's finished with the girl, suggest
he head over to the Amazon's. She should have all the ingredients for a new
batch of potion. It will sound like something he might think of, so it should
not be hard to suggest it. You might want to help him find his way as well.
You got enough access to his mind yet to know where it is?"
Ergan did not take his focus off of the viewing mirror but he waved a hand in
acknowledgment of Extefan's statement and suggestion. Extefan looked
pleased. "Fine that's taken care of then. Looks like we get a little fun this
century after all." He sat back down and turned his attention back to mirror.
Ryouga had sometime since he last looked striped Ranma and himself of all
their clothing. Now with the small girl's ankles pressed into the ground on
either side of her head he was slamming his cock into her sweat soaked body.
"You just wait girl," Extefan murmured "When I get control of chain boy I'll
show you what a fuck really is." He reached into his robe and started
stroking his engorged member. "You just wait girl, you just wait."
In a dark and dusty room four robed figures focused all their attention on a
large disk of glass. At the moment it was split evenly down the middle to
show two separate views side by side. One side was clear as could be. The
other was a roiling mass of energy and static.
"Damm it Regant Can't you bring it into focus."
"What the fuck do you think I've been trying to do for the last hour Extefan,
pass gas? No I can't bring it in any better and you damm well know why!
Urgant was right, when the boy/girl drank the entire bottle of potion she
destabilized every drop of magic in her. With the amount of raw magic tied
up in a Jusenkio curse she's leaking so much magical static I can't even begin
to get a lock on her for a visual. We're lucky we can still tweak her pleasure
centers. As it is unless one of the other four is within range we aren't going
to be able to see or hear a damm thing she does."
Alright, alright don't get your ass in a bind. Keep trying to get what you
can." Extefan turned to Ergan and asked. " How about you Ergan have you
gotten any more control over our wandering boy."
"Not doing to bad." Ergan looked up at the clear side of the screen which
showed a stocky, powerfully built teenager walking the streets of Nerima.
Dressed in a yellow shirt and black pants and carrying a massive backpack,
he was making his way with a sense of confidence that would have puzzled
any one who knew him. "Of course it will be a week or so before I can start
to have any real control over what he does, but he seems to be easy enough to
steer. He's usually so lost that he doesn't even think about why he goes one
way or the other. I should have him to the Amazon's restaurant in an hour or
"All right then. I guess we just have to wait awhile till our playthings are in
place for another show," Extefan said. Looking up at the boy on the screen
he smiled. It was not a nice smile.
The Tendo home sat quietly bathed in moonlight. In the Koi pond the full
moon floated in serene beauty, silvery light glistened off the sand in the
bottom. A splash of water marked the end of a careless water beatle as one of
the Koi in the pond enjoyed a midnight snack. The rippling water sent
patterns of shadow and light fluttering across the face of the quiet home.
With the exception of a single lantern lighting the porch and the front walk,
all was dark. For the first time in over a year the Tendo home floated in a sea
of complete and utter peace. Knowledgeable neighbors were already making
travel arrangements.
The stillness was broken by the crunch of gravel as a weary, bedraggled
figure walked through the gate and up the path, Ranma-chan was home.
Gingerly one foot at a time she limped up the path. Reaching the end of the
walkway she winced as she lifted her leg the extra distance to step up onto the
front porch. "Damm that Ryouga, did he have to be so rough?" Her lips
twisted in disgust at herself as the irony of the words occur to her. "Ya sure,
would have been real nice of him if he'd raped me gentle like, wouldn't it."
Firming her mouth, she shoved aside her self pity and concentrated on
vengeance. "You'll pay Ryouga. I'll be a man again soon, and then you'll
pay. You might not be a pig no more, but I'll still make bacon out of your fat
ass. Or maybe I'll make you a 'real' special hot dog." Cheered by this
uplifting thought Ranma continued on into the darkened home.
Inside, Ranma paused at the bottom of the stairs. She looked up them to the
darkened hallway at the top. Unbidden the thought came to her, what am I
going to tell Akane. What if I meet her in the hallway. All to often Akane
showed up when Ranma least wanted her to. What if she were up their now,
waiting...Well I can't spend the night just standing here, she thought. Lifting
a foot to the first step she started up. Then, she shuddered as she felt
something warm and thick run down her leg. Ryouga had emptied himself
three times in Ranma's body before finally rolling over and going to sleep.
Ranma had been leaking the results all the way home. In her worry at being
discovered she had forgotten about that little side benefit of her day with
Ryouga. Shuddering once again she turned from the stairs and made her way
to the bathing room.
Ranma slipped out of the last of her grass and dirt stained clothing. The pants
and shirt she tossed into the laundry hamper. Kasumi had seen worse,
Ranma had no fear of her reaction to them. Her boxers were another matter.
Gingerly holding the semen soaked undergarment between two fingers she
dropped it into the trash. Covering them with a wad of paper from the toilet
roll she slammed the lid down on the trash container. Standing up, she
heaved a sigh of relief over finally riding herself of them.
After thoroughly scrubbing herself several times in the washing area, she
walked over to the furo. Stepping into it she held on to each side with a hand,
and slowly lowered herself into the steaming water. Bitting back a yelp she
winced as the hot water washed over her sore and abraded flesh. Gritting her
teeth she lowered herself the rest of the way, exhaling through her clenched
teeth as she did so. When she was finally settled all the way into the water
she unclenched her teeth and drew a deep breath. Feeling her muscles already
relaxing she sighed in pleasure as she felt the heat soaking into her sore
aching body. Reaching behind herself Ranma plucked a small folded towel
from a near by stack. Placing it on her head to soak up sweat she leaned back
against the rear of the furo, and slowly slid herself down into the water until
it reached her chin. Once she was comfortable settled she heaved another
sigh, and closed her eyes. Letting all the muscles in her body relax she let the
warm water cradle her tired form.
After a several minutes of blissful relaxation she stirred herself. She reached
down, and with caution gingerly felt her vagina. It was still a little tender, but
the warm water was soothing and she still seemed to heal fairly quickly. Idly
she wondered if all of Ryouga's cum had drained out. She had flushed
herself out as best she could with the shower, cold as that had been. She had
stopped short of jamming it tight against her opening however. She just
wasn't that comfortable with her female parts. She might hurt herself. I
wonder if I could ask?...she stopped. Who could she ask? Akane, the very
idea gave her an anticipatory headache. She could feel the mallet already.
Nabiki, ya like she could afford that. Not to mention the fact that Nabiki
would sell the information if she thought she could make a profit from it.
Kasumi, for a second Ranma considered Kasumi, but then the image of her
asking Kasumi how one went about washing cum out of ones privates
quickly put paid to that idea.
Suddenly Ranma sat up straight as it hit her. Ucchan that's who I can ask.
She's my best friend I can tell her anything and she won't look at me like I
crawled out from under a rock. Best of all she'll kill Ryouga. He won't be
able to fight back against a real girl. Satisfied Ranma settled back down and
prepared to soak some more. Idly her hand returned to her pussy and almost
unconsciously she started to stroke herself. "Ryouga that fink, Ukyou will
fix his wagon for him. Idly she thought back to her encounter with Ryouga
her mind drifting into a recollection of the final time Ryouga had her.
Ranma gasped as she felt Ryouga's prick swell and then jerk as it emptied it's
load deep in her belly. Unlike the first time, she was aware of the pulsing as
it fired jet after jet of hot jism into her. Ryouga's hands squeezed her tender
breasts hard as the shock of his orgasm caused all his muscles to contract
violently. Ranma suppressed a moan as her tender flesh flowed like bread
dough in Ryouga's hands. Finally Ryouga stopped his frenzied thrusting and
relaxing, rested all his weight on her back, his breath like a bellows beside
her ear. He lay with his head next to hers for a moment before moving
himself. Having caught his breath he released his hold on her breasts and
placing his hands on either side of her body he pushed himself up and off of
her back arching his body so his groin still pressed into her ass. For a minute
he continued to grind his hips into her sore and tender posterior. Trying to
milk every drop of pleasure he could from her body. Soon however his
softening member slid from her opening and he rolled over and off of her.
Ranma lay still for a while almost afraid to move. She tried to analyze her
feelings at the moment. She hatted the fact that Ryouga had raped her. Taking
his long sought revenge by plundering her body with his own. Forcing her to
sate his lust. Most of all she hatted the fact that he had played with her body.
Had manipulated her new nerve endings in such a way as to remove her
control over her own body. She had cum repeatedly as he had thrust into her.
Every thing she had ever been, said she should have been vomiting up her
guts in disgust at what he had done to her. Instead she lay here with a feeling
of utter physical bliss. She could never remember ever feeling pleasure so
intense and long lasting. Even as she screamed in her mind against what had
happened, a part of her was replaying the sensations caused by Ryouga's
prick sliding in and out of her body. She found herself wondering what
someone else would feel like. Their body pressed tight to her as they held her
and thrust over and over into her warm hole.
She started as she felt a hand caress her ass. She tried to roll away from the
pressure but another hand quickly caught her before she could go far. Resting
on her belly it pressed her back hard against the ground. The hand that had
caressed her ass now dropped lightly down between her legs. Her hips
arched as she felt Ryouga's finger push up her well lubricated opening. She
reached down and grasped his wrist with both of her hands and tried to pull
his hand away from her body. It was useless, she might as well be trying to
move an iron bar for all the good it did her. She glared up at Ryouga who
merely smiled down at her as he continued to run his finger in and out of her
body. She tried to hide the effect he was having on her, but the way his smile
widened she suspected he was not fooled. She closed her eyes so she would
not have to look at his leering face.
"What's the matter Ranma, can't look the man who finally beat you in the
"You ain't beat me yet pig boy." Ranma fired back, then winced as Ryouga
twisted her soft flesh between his probing fingers.
"I guess I'll have to try harder then won't I?" Ryouga snarled.
Damm me, and my big fucking mouth, Ranma though. She felt Ryouga's
fingers undoing the wooden buttons on her shirt and then the same hand
cupping her now bare breast. As soon as he started rolling her nipple between
two fingers the traitorous thing immediately engorged itself. A give away to
Ranma's lust, and lack of control over the situation. Suddenly she felt
Ryouga's hands leave her body and heard him moving away from her and
standing up.
Is he finally leaving me alone? Ranma thought. She felt relief with a small bit
of regret mixed in. Opening her eyes she saw Ryouga removing his clothing,
guess not, she thought. Almost against her will her eyes went to that part of
him that had so recently forced it way into her body. It did not look so
impressive laying softly in his groin. Still damp from their mingled juices it
looked much smaller than it had felt, when it had been forcing it's way into
her. Even as she watched it twitched and rolled from one side of his balls to
the other. She flinched when it moved, but calmed down when it did not
seem to be getting any harder or larger.
While she had been busy watching Ryouga, he had finished undressing and
he now reached down and grabbed her pants up from where they trailed
across the ground. She had earlier almost crawled out of them, and they now
were only connected to her at the ankles. It was the work of seconds for
Ryouga to remove them from her.
Legs free of their restrictive grip Ranma rolled backwards and vaulted to her
feet. Ryouga was right there when she turned to run however. He gathered
her up in his arms and pressed her tightly to him. Leaving one hand around
her waist he started to divest her of her silk shirt. Despite her efforts to
prevent it her shirt soon fluttered to the ground, and left her completely
naked. Ryouga pressed her body tight against his. She flushed as the feel of
her breasts flattening between their bodies sent shivers running through her.
She found herself conscious of their bare skin touching. Ryouga's smooth
skin covered a layer of rock hard muscles. She was sure she could feel them
writhe under his skin where ever her body came in contact with his.
Ryouga slowly ran a hand down her back stoking her spine gently until he
came to the base of her back and continued down to cup her ass. She found
herself trying to arch her back under that gentle touch, like a cat leaning into
the hand that stroked it. Ryouga continued to run the fingers of one hand up
and down her back. With the other he gently squeezed her ass, stroking and
kneading it. His fingers crept into the cleft of her bottom and slowly moved
their way down until he could touch her warm wet slit. As Ranma tried to
push her way out of his grip, he tightened his arm around her waist, and
shoved a forefinger as far as it would go up her pussy. Ranma stiffed in
shock at this latest outrage. For just a second the though of kneeing him in
the groin passed through her mind but almost as quickly it was
discarded...Why not? She suddenly wondered, it's what she should have
done right at the beginning. Why hadn't she? For some reason her mind
shied away from the thought. Angrily she forced her training to the forefront.
Flexing her muscles she prepared to raise Ryouga's balls to the level of his
Suddenly the most intense wave of pleasure Ranma had ever felt washed
through her body. Far more intense than anything she had felt as Ryouga had
taken her earlier. She had an orgasm, and then another, and yet another.
Wave after wave of sensation crashed through her body and she twisted and
writhed in Ryouga's grip. She was completely unaware as Ryouga's eyes
glazed over. Did not notice his cock, which had been hanging limp between
his legs springing suddenly to life. Nor was she aware when Ryouga laid her
on her back, and positioned himself between her legs. Only when he trust up
into her spasming pussy did a glimmer of sanity return to her. Looking up
she saw Ryouga's eyes were glazed and glassy. Then suddenly they cleared
and looked into her own. He looked puzzled for a minute as if he had no idea
as to how they had ended up in this position. Then his face cleared as he felt
the grip of her tight little pussy around his member. He gave her a twisted
smile as he thrust himself fully into her.
"This is what I was missing last time Ranma, he said. His hips lifted up and
down shuttling his cock back and forth in her. I want to look you in the eyes
as I take you." His motions slowed and he continued to talk to the pinned
girl. "Can you feel it Ranma? Just the tip is in you right now, just barely
inside your little pussy. Now feel this!" Ever so slowly Ryouga pushed his
way into Ranma never taking his eyes off of her face. "Feel it Ranma, it's my
cock and it's going into your body. There's one inch...there's two. Feel it
pushing aside your flesh as it shoves into you. There's three...four." Ryouga
paused and held his position, frozen with half his cock outside of Ranma's
body. Feel it Ranma!" he gently moved his hips in a circular motion using his
prick to stir her honey pot. "Want more Ranma? It's right here, all you have
to do is move your hips. Or better yet beg me. That's good, I think I'd like
that. Say O please Ryouga put the rest of your cock in my belly. Can you say
that Ranma, Hmmm?" He stopped all motion once again.
Ranma gasped, and tried to prevent the reflex hunch of her hips as her body
cried out for a continuation of the stimulation Ryouga had stopped. Despite
her best efforts she could not prevent a tiny upward lunge. Not much, but
enough for Ryouga to notice.
"Come on, you can do better than that Ranma." he said "Here it is, come and
get it." With that Ryouga withdrew his cock all the way out of Ranma and left
just the tip touching the mouth of her opening. Showing remarkable muscular
control he moved his hips just enough to brush the head of his member over
her engorged and swollen flesh.
Ranma was so busy fighting to control herself, she failed to notice the sheen
of sweat that had appeared on Ryouga's forehead. Mute testimony to the
strain he was feeling. Ranma was not the only one experiencing a need to feel
flesh pistoning in flesh. It was a standoff, but Ranma had the advantage. All
she had to do was lie still, and concentrate all her will power on resisting the
need she felt. Despite being racked by wave after wave of sensation, she
fought on. Despite being brought right to the brink and then dropped, without
the release she craved, she held on. She was 'not' going to give Ryouga this
final victory. Ryouga, on the other hand, as the one in control of their bodies
needed to take action in order to tempt Ranma into the final surrender. Maybe
if he had been more experienced he could have held out. Doubtful, one thing
Ranma had not lost was her stubbornness, and she would have resisted long
past the point where Ryouga finally gave up.
With a roar half of lust and half of foiled anger Ryouga scooped Ranma's
legs up and over his shoulders. Continuing the motion he forced her feet
down to the ground on either side of her head. Holding her legs in place with
a grip on each ankle he raised himself up onto the tip of his toes and jolted his
hips forward. His eight inches plunged into her body. Pierced to the core
Ranma reached the plateau that Ryouga had tried to deny her. Throwing her
arms tightly around Ryouga she clawed at his flesh as yet again wave after
wave of pleasure flooded through her. Not as intense as earlier but more than
enough to bring gasps of pleasure from her. Ryouga felt nothing as her
fingernails tore his back, all his thoughts were tied up in the eight inch
cylinder of meat that he plunged into Ranma's upturned pussy. His thighs
beat out a cadence on her ass as he plunged into her body again and again.
"Ranma!? What ever are you doing.!?!?" A voice suddenly shouted out.
"Ranma started in shock, her body still trembling with the strength of her
memory. Then she realized two things. One her body was trembling because
she had just brought herself to orgasm with her fingers while recollecting her
rape. Two, Nabiki was standing in the bathroom a glass in one hand and a
shocked expression on her face. "Akkk gluppp." Ranma cried, as she slipped
below the water in her surprise. A second later she burst from the furo
coughing and wheezing as a result of the water she had swallowed.
"Really Ranma." Nabiki drawled as she wiped water from her face. "You
should really be a little more considerate. The water in the Furo does have to
last for a while. Whatever would Akane think if she were to..." Nabiki
paused as her mind registered the fact that Ranma was female and sitting in a
tub of hot water. "Well, well what have you done now Ranma-chan."
"I ain't talking to you Nabiki." Ranma answered in a sulky tone of voice.
"I see, I really should let the rest of the family know about the furo. After all
it is most unsanitary. My, I hope I can catch Akane before she actually gets
into the water."
Ranma blanched at the thought of Akane's reaction to the news of her
masturbating in the furo, or of her masturbating anywhere for that matter. "It
ain't my fault I tell you, it's this stupid body."
"O come now Ranma. You've been trapped as a female before." Nabiki said
with a superior smile on her face. "I'm certain I would have remembered any
behavior like this. Even the time you thought you were a girl for real, you
were to prissy to even think of anything as dirty as this. Nope don't buy it,
there's got to be some other reason, so out with it. Shampoo get you with
another potion that didn't work quit