Why I Hate My Little Brother free porn video

This is a FigCaption - special HTML5 tag for Image (like short description, you can remove it) Why I Hate My Little Brother By Bashful Author's note: Janice Dreamer was a major help to the finished product you read here today as was my full time muse, Julie. My thanks to them both for not allowing me to post a mediocre story. I used to think I had a great little brother, until he turned me into a girl. I got him back, but well... let me start at the beginning. Kenny is only eight years old but he has a genius IQ. He is truly brilliant. He could probably be in college but our parents wanted him to have a 'normal' childhood. They had read too many horror stories about child geniuses that grew up too fast and wound up in institutions. They decided to make him go through the same ordinary public school classes as every other kid his age. That was where the problem started. I'm 10 years older than Kenny is; he was a 'surprise' as my mother puts it. She thought she wasn't going to have another child. I wish she had been right. Kenny is smarter than his teachers are, so before long, he was bored at school. He started getting into trouble, so with the idea it would give him something better to do, our parents bought him a computer. I didn't mind; they bought me a car at the same time. Kenny settled down after he got the computer. He was on that thing all the time 'surfing the net', as he would say. That was how he found out how to change me into a girl. Well, everything was fine for awhile, until 'that' Saturday morning. I woke up and reached down to scratch myself, 'down there'. It felt funny before my hand got there. I mean, usually I have a hard on in the morning. At least for the last 4 years I have. Anyway this morning I didn't, it was strange. When my hand felt around there I screamed. Then I screamed again when I heard my voice. Kenny came running in and told me to be quiet before I woke up Mom and Dad. "Kenny, I don't have a, a, dick is gone!" I sat bolt upright in bed and pulled the covers away to stare in horror at where my cock should have been. I was wearing some kind of nightgown and there was something jiggling on my chest. I covered myself back up when I saw the way Kenny was looking at my body. "I know," Kenny said with a tiny smile on his mouth. "And that's not all. You're a girl now." His smile turned into a grin, like he knew what had happened and why. "Wow! You're really pretty, Pam." "What do you mean, 'you know'?! And why did you just call me Pam?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. The little monster had 'something' he wasn't telling me ...yet! I'd get the truth out of him even if I had to beat it out. "Did you do this to me, you little shit?" I cringed just a bit at the sound of my voice. What I'd intended as a threat in my most intimidating tone came out so soft and high it was almost ...almost Then I felt long, soft hair lying on my shoulders and the sway of ...well, of my breasts, as I spoke. "Look, I found a way on the Internet to change you into a girl and I did it as an experiment. Don't worry, I can change you back when it's over," he said. Kenny stopped grinning. He looked serious for a minute. It was almost as if big brothers turn into older sisters every day. "It's fucking over NOW, Kenny, change me back. Mom and Dad will kill you and if they don't, I will." "Look, don't go getting all excited," he said. "I did have a little to do with what happened to you, Pam. I found a way on the Internet to change you into a girl and I did it just as an experiment. But don't worry, I can change you back just as soon as it's over. "The grin came back, full force, he was so full of himself right now. "Mom and Dad think you've always been Pamela. They don't remember you as Michael at all. Nobody else does, either. Well, nobody except for you and me." "Kenny, this is ridiculous, change me back now!" I was getting mad and he was backing away from me. "Now listen Pam, if you hurt me, I'll never change you back. If you tell anyone I changed you, they'll just think you're crazy. And If you want to be Michael again, you've gotta do EVERYTHING I say!" Kenny said with a smug look. I stopped and thought a minute. Getting pissed off at him would only make things worse. I had to somehow get through to the little my 'dear brother', that it wasn't cool to change me into a girl. Okay, I thought, threats weren't working. So I tried being reasonable. "Why did you do this to me, Kenny? Haven't I always been nice to you? I take you places. I don't beat up on you. Why, Kenny?" I would have gone on but it sounded like I was whining. "I've been reading some stories on the net about men who became women and what they go through. I wondered if it really was like that in the stories, so I wanted to find out. So I changed you into a pretty girl so's YOU could tell me. And now you gotta tell me if it's really like what's in those stories." I stared at him, floored for a second by his logic. The little guy can really surprise you sometimes. The shit he comes up with! It almost made sense -- in a weird, Kenny-ish kind of way. Finally, I found my voice, "Okay, what DO the stories say?" Kenny gave me a look like I was stupid. "I can't tell you 'that'!" He said, as if explaining the obvious. "You have to be a girl for a while 'first' and then tell me what it's like. How else can I see if the stories are real?" It was stupid. Sure. Kenny may be a genius, but he's still a little kid. I sighed. Hell, I'd at least have to hear the little prick out. "What do I have to do?" I didn't like this at all but maybe I could get this over with and still go to the movies with Sally tonight "Well, I want you to be able to tell me what it's like to wear a dress and skirts and high heels and bras and makeup and a bikini. I want to know what it's like to pee like a girl and kiss a boy and make love to a boy." he said, he was reading from a list he had pulled from his pocket. He got a scrunched up look on his face. I knew this meant he was tying to think of other stuff. "Oh yeah, what's it like to have a period. If I think of anything else I'll let you know." My mouth was hanging open a mile wide by now. I was just about to scream when he said 'kiss a boy' but then he said 'make love' and the scream died in shock. I tried to grab him but he ran out of my room. I was wearing this flimsy little white nightgown that I'd have loved to see Sally in. Sally was my girlfriend before this happened. I hoped she would be again. I found a robe and put it on and headed down the hall to find him. He was coming out of his room and he held his finger to his lips. "Shh, follow me." He walked down the stairs and led me to the den. He closed the door. The den was the opposite end of the house and we could scream in here and Mom and Dad wouldn't hear us. At least I hoped that was true because I intended to do a lot of screaming. "Look Pam, I know I should've asked you but you would have said no and it might have skewed my results. I had to have you do this without knowing it was happening." Kenny was a strange kid. He talked just like an adult one minute and then like the little boy he was the next. "I am NOT, repeat NOT making love to a boy, that would be queer stuff and I'm not kissing one either." I yelled. "Pam ..." "And stop calling me Pam, right now." I yelled some more. "It's your name and if you don't do as I say it will be forever. Geeze! How bad can it be? I mean, everybody thinks you're a girl, Mom, Dad, your boyfriend, even Sally." Kenny said. Sally's my girlfriend!" I replied sarcastically. "How can she be my girlfriend if she thinks I'm ... Oh shit!!" I stopped when something else he'd said sunk in. "BOY-friend? What the FUCK do you mean, boyfriend?!" It was weird, but the profanity felt wrong now, as if I weren't used to saying to using such harsh words. "Sally is your best friend but Roger is your boyfriend, you two are very close." Kenny dragged out the word 'very', turning it into something dirty. I didn't think the little shit was that advanced, at least not in the sex department anyway. Then the little piss-ant actually had the balls to say, "I think you've already made love to him once. Mom thinks so too." I stared at him, amazed, and actually a little awed that his eight-year-old mind was so thorough in redesigning my life as a girl. "Kenny, how do you know all this?" I finally asked. "How could you make everybody believe that I'm really a girl?" Kenny grinned. He was proud of himself. He knew he'd really done something big and was more than happy to brag about it. "What I did was change the past to where you were born a girl named Pamela, after Grandma instead of a boy named Michael after Grandpa. I made it so only the two of us know the truth. I can remember everything as if you were born Pamela, but I also can remember you being Mike." He looked up at me with that grin that I was beginning to really hate. "If you think about it, you can do the same thing. You should be able to remember growing up as Pam, if you try." I thought about it and then it all came back. I was in shock, I guess when I woke up and I didn't think too clearly. Now this REALLY sucked! I could remember everything. I remembered growing up as a girl. My first date ... with a BOY! My first kiss ... oh SHIT! Even my first period. Yuck! Oh, man, I was going to kill him! Suddenly an idea dawned on me. "Okay Kenny, you wanted to know what it's like for a girl? Well, get a pen and I'll tell you. 'Cause I remember EVERYTHING. All those dumb-shit questions you had. I know the answers now." "Nope," he said, shaking his head with a determined look on his face. Obviously his mind was already made up. "Those are false memories, Pam. They aren't real, and anyway those memories are all 'normal' girl memories. I want fresh stuff. Girl stuff that happens to you while you can remember how you used to be a boy." Then, lord help me, he got this really crafty look on his face and he said, "Say, don't you have to pee?" I did and I had been putting it off. I didn't want to look 'down there' but it was becoming very uncomfortable. I went into the bathroom off the den. Kenny tried to follow me in but I shut the door in his face. "Hey, I want to watch," he said. "No watching! 'I' don't even want to watch! So forget it, brat!" I called out to him through the locked door. But I did watch. I couldn't help myself. It was so damn weird having a slit where I used to have a dick. It really made me mad that Kenny had done this to me. Somehow, someway, I was going to get him for this. When I had finished, I told him what it was like. It wasn't a lot different than standing up to pee, it just felt a little different and I had to clean myself up more. I told the little brat to stay out of my way for awhile and I went back to my room. I looked in my closet and found a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I looked around my room and noticed for the first time that it had changed. Big time! It had pictures of guys all over the walls, movie stars and guy singers. Ricky Martin, yuck!!! 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys, 'Nsync, Leonardo DiCaprio!! Yuck, yuck, yuck and yuck! There was also a full-length mirror on a stand next to my dresser. I took off the robe and nightgown I was wearing and stood in front of the mirror and looked at my 'new' body. It was a really weird feeling. I mean, I could 'remember' exactly what I looked like, every detail. But I was also seeing myself for the first time. And the piece of me that was Mike was really impressed! It was fantastic. I had bigger tits than Sally. I had blonde hair and blue eyes and a cute, turned up nose but I looked like Michael too. I was clearly my own sister or I guess what I would've looked like if I had been born a girl, just like that little shit Kenny said. I put on the clothes and looked at myself again. Shit! The shirt was some cutie-pie girlie thing with a teddy bear on it right where my breasts bulged outwards. But worse than that, my tits hung there, bouncing around and jiggling like crazy whenever I moved. Plus my nipples had been hard since I found out I was a girl and really showed through the damn tee shirt. Shit, I hated this. I pulled the shirt off and stared at my breasts again and then found a bra to put on. I had a lot of girl's underwear; bras, panties, slips and little silk undershirts that I remembered were called camisoles. I had panty hose and even a garter belt. Something really weird happened then. As I was rummaging through all that sexy underwear, I had a moment of 'girl memory'. I mean, something I'd normally remember as Pam, but not as Michael. I went back to the panty drawer and looked. Sure enough, deep under 'my' underwear I found Pam's secret stash. A box of condoms -- with two of them missing! -- and right beside it, one of those little plastic dispensers marked off in the days of the week full of birth control pills. Shit, shit, shit! I am going to kill Kenny. The part of me that was Michael was so grossed out at the thought that I was having regular sex as Pam that I almost slammed the drawer shut right then. I mean, SHIT! I'm a GUY for crying out loud! What the HELL would I need with birth control pills? But the Pam part of me was screaming 'Take the damn pill you idiot!' I paused for barely a second before I just shrugged and took the pill for today. What could it hurt? Better safe than sorry, after all. And weirdest of all, I swear I felt the Pam part of me sigh in relief. I put on the bra like it was second nature. I took my jeans off and slipped on a pair of panties, too. I brushed my hair out but stopped myself before putting on makeup. I went downstairs and found my parents were awake. Dad kissed my forehead and called me 'princess' and Mom hugged me and called me 'sweetie.' How many times can you kill an eight-year-old? After breakfast Mom asked when Roger was taking me to the beach. "He said he'd be here about 11:00am." I told her. Don't ask me how I knew that, I just did. "Honey, please be careful. I know you're about to graduate and you're an adult but there is plenty of time to do certain things, if you know what I mean." Mom said. Dad got this really uncomfortable look on his face. He actually blushed! Then he cleared his throat, really kind of Dad-like, and said, "Now, Honey I'm sure Pam has sense enough not to ...well..." He looked at Kenny and his words faded off. He wanted to say more but not in front of Kenny, if he had only knew! Ah, Geeze! Now 'MOM' was acting like ... like ... like I was some kind of slut. Like she expected I was out screwing Roger! Dad too! Then I had a flash of 'girl memory' and 'I' blushed! 'Cause they were right. I tried not to let this show as I said, "Don't worry Mom, I'm not going to let anything happen. I promise you." Even to 'my' ears I sounded just like a teenage girl lying to her parents before going out to do what they hoped she wasn't going to do. Then Mom and Dad took Kenny to his grade school science fair awards program. Of course the little brat had won the grand prize. I was probably his next science project in the making. If I didn't have this 'date' with Roger, I'd be going to the fair with them. As soon as they left I ran up the stairs to Kenny's room and his computer. If he found a way to turn me into a girl on the Internet, then maybe I could find a way to change me back. It was 9:30; I had an hour and a half before my 'date' arrived. If I didn't find a way out of this by then, I'd have to go on the date. I couldn't take the chance that Kenny would get mad that I didn't have more 'data' for him as he called it. Kenny had his computer password protected but he's only eight, I guessed the password was 'Pamela' in about ten minutes. Once inside, I found a journal he was keeping about changing me. He kept mentioning a website address: I logged on to AOL and found Kenny had book-marked the website. It was a joke, it had to be. It promised anyone who placed a baby tooth under his or her pillow and made a wish would have that wish granted. I mean how weird was THAT? They even had a toll free phone number for problems! Is that carrying a joke a long way or what? I called it. ", your wish is our command. This is Brad, how may I help you?" He had one of those 'radio voices' like he thought he was really cool sounding." "Brad, my little brother used your company to turn me into a girl. I want to change back, how can I?' "May I have your address, miss?" Brad asked. I gave it to him and I could hear him type something into a keyboard. "Ah, yes, Kenny Jacobs, his wish was very specific and very detailed, most unusual for an eight year old. He wished that you had been born a girl and that you were very pretty, very sexy looking and you were sexually active. He also wanted only himself and you to remember you used to be a boy. I must admit that we don't get many wishes like that. We double checked that he was only eight years old and that you would not be harmed by the wish." "We installed a strong compulsion to avoid pregnancy until you get married when we re-crafted your body." Brad paused here for a moment. I swear I heard a low whistle over the phone, then he continued. "I am looking at some before and after images, it was a very successful job of spell casting. I hope you are pleased with the result?" Brad said. It was obvious that he was. "The hell I am! I want to be a boy again. I want you to change me back right now!" I was screaming, "What do you mean sexually active and what images?" "Now miss, getting loud will not help anything. By sexually active, we mean you are actively engaged in a sexual relationship with one or more people. By images, I'm referring to the digital images our sorcerers take on each transformation assignment." "Now, it's very simple. If you've decided that you don't like being a girl, just ask you brother to wish you back to being a boy. That's all he has to do. He will need a baby tooth to do so however." Brad said. "By the way, if you aren't busy Friday night, I have tickets to see Ricky Martin, would you care to go?" "No, I don't want to go see Ricky Martin, you idiot, I want to be a boy again." I screamed into the phone. I did my best to ignore the part of my mind that felt a little thrill at the thought of getting invited to a Ricky Martin concert. "If you don't change me back right now, I'll sue. Are those nude pictures of me?" "We recently were the defendants in a Supreme Court case and the Court ruled that we are judgement proof because we provide a public service. Yes they are nude images, would you like me to e-mail them to you, they're really quite good." "Would you be more interested in seeing a movie, maybe 'Titanic'?" Brad asked. "I can rent it and we can watch it at my place." I had more of those damn 'girl memories'. These were of the five times I'd gone to see 'Titanic' with Roger and nearly swooned over Leonardo in that film! I sighed, each time watching Leo seemed sexier than the last. It was after seeing 'Titanic' that I had sex with Roger for the first time. "You're hitting on me because you know I'm 'sexually active' and you've seen nude pictures of me right?" I yelled. "Well, you are quite lovely and I am free that evening. Is there another movie you would prefer to watch?" Brad asked. "Damn it, I am not going to date you. I want to be a boy, not a girl. My brother won't change me back. Can't I make the wish?" I asked. I was close to begging. "Well, if you have a baby tooth and you make the wish the right way, it will work. The tooth has to belong to you or a blood relation, it must be a baby tooth that fell out naturally or was knocked out by accident, like falling off a bike." "You place the tooth under your pillow and the last wish you make that night before falling asleep will be granted, guaranteed. May I call you, Pamela?" Brad asked. "Sure everybody else does." I was slumped down in the chair feeling low. Where could I get a tooth? I'd yank one from Kenny's little head but that wouldn't work according to Brad. "Pamela, are you sure we couldn't meet for just a soda maybe, if you got to know me, I'm sure you'd like me." Brad said. Suddenly, I had an idea, it wasn't the best idea I had ever gotten and it kind of disgusted me but ... "Brad," I purred, "if we went on a date, could you help me go back to being a boy again?" I tried to sound like Sally when she wanted me to do something she knew I didn't want to do, like go shopping with her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just a dispatcher, I have to refer all problems to our 'on call' sorcerers. You'd have to give them head, too." Brad said. "Give them head, TOO! What do you think I am? You fucking pervert." "Profanity is grounds for terminating all calls, if you change your mind about seeing Ricky Martin though, give me a call." Brad said as he hung up. I went back to reading Kenny's journal and found what I needed. Kenny mentioned having another tooth that he was saving for something special. He didn't mention intending to use it to change me back, I noticed. I found the tooth and hid it in my bedroom. Now I just needed to wait until bedtime and bingo, I'm Michael again. Just then the doorbell rang. I went down stairs and opened it. It was Roger. I was afraid of this; he was the same Roger who used to date Sally before I started dating her. I always hated Roger. He was such a dickhead. He was also early. He grabbed me and kissed me before I could stop him. After a moment I didn't want him to stop. He started feeling my breasts and I started getting wet. It was a real struggle against what the Pam part of me wanted to do but I pushed him away and got my breath. "Roger, you're early." I said rather needlessly. "I'm not ready to go yet." "I know, I thought I'd come by and help you get into your bikini." He said with a grin and a wink. 'Get into my panties, you mean', I thought, but suddenly, I wanted to go out with him. I still hated him as Michael but as Pamela, I liked him a lot. It must have been part of the fact that I was really supposed to be Pamela. "You wait down here and let me get my stuff." I told him, and I went up stairs and to put my bikini on. When I first saw the tiny little thing, I almost told Roger to go away. But I decided to at least try it on. When I got it on I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I was SO HOT LOOKING!! I packed a bag for the beach and we left. Roger made sure I had plenty of suntan lotion on, he kept rubbing it on me. I didn't mind, he was very good at it. Every once in a while I'd get this creepy feeling about being a girl and wearing this skimpy suit. In a way, it was almost like I was seeing with a really weird kind of double vision. Part of me, the part that was 'Pam', thought everything was just fine, but the 'Michael' part thought it was all wrong. And scary as it was, the way everyone treated me, it seemed as if the 'Pam' part of me was right. After we got tired of swimming, Roger took me to get a burger and then he found a quiet place to park. He had some beer and I guess I had a couple, too. I remember him kissing me. I remember him getting my top off. I made him put on a condom then. I don't remember him getting my bottom off but I definitely remember me coming and then he came and we fell asleep in the back seat. I woke up when Roger started kissing me and sucking my tits. I would have stopped him, I wasn't really in the mood, but it felt so good, I let him. We started screwing again and Roger came and then got off of me. I stared in shock at his naked prick. He hadn't worn a rubber that time. I started screaming at him about being so insensitive and uncaring and he just kept getting dressed. "You told me you're on the pill, what's the big deal?" he asked. "Damn it Roger, nothing is 100%. You should've used a rubber." I was mad because he did it without a condom and because he did it without even 'asking' me first. And, I had to admit, because he'd been so selfish that he hadn't waited for me to come. Being sexually frustrated 'and' mad is no picnic, let me tell you. "Pam, it's after 2:00 AM, we need to get back." I put my cold, damp suit back on and the denim jumper I had brought with me. It's a dress but I was cold so I put it on. Roger dropped me off. He walked me to the door but I wouldn't kiss him good night. I slipped in as quietly as I could and went to my room. I was still a little looped from the beer. I felt grimy and decided to take a quick shower. I undressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't sunburned thanks to Roger. He smeared suntan lotion on me every chance he got. I was pretty nasty looking though. Roger's scuzzy sperm was smeared on my thighs and all around my...vagina. Damn I hate having that thing. I turned the shower on and got in, grateful I had my own bathroom. I lathered up with this expensive body gel I found in the stall. A 'girl memory' told me it was a gift from Roger. He told me he wanted me to think of him every time I washed my body. Well I was thinking about him alright but he wouldn't like what I was thinking. I still felt sexually frustrated. I was lathering up my body and noticed how good it felt to wash my boobs and...well, other parts. It occurred to me that I wouldn't have to be frustrated if I just took matters into my own hands, so to speak. I was just getting started when I heard the door to the bathroom open. "Kenny if you know what's good for you, you'll get the hell out of here, right now!" I said angrily "It's not Kenny." Mom said. "Oh, sorry, Mom. What are you doing up? It's awful late." I said this and realized it was just, exactly, the wrong thing to say. "Yes it is Pam, it's very late, almost 3:00AM. You do realize I don't sleep when you're out this late, don't you?" She said this in this tone she has that isn't preachy and isn't mean but makes you feel like you just stabbed her through the heart. "Mom..." I started to say but she interrupted me. "Pam, I'm very worried about you. You are so pretty and so bright and you can ruin your life with just one mistake. I do so hope you are being careful." Mom said. She sounded like she was close to crying. I SO did not want to have this kind of conversation with my mother. Especially since she was right. I had been out and screwed a boy and he didn't use protection. It wouldn't wreck HIS life if he knocked me up. Maybe I was partially to blame but Kenny was the reason I was here now and I was going to get even with him if it's the last thing that I do. "Mom, I promise you, I was careful. Please try and believe me. I'll try not to come in this late again. I was done washing my body and hair. I wanted her to leave so I could go back to what I was doing before but I was out of luck. "Pamela, you better get out. It's not good for your skin to stay in a hot shower that long." She was just being a mother and I had no good excuse to stay in the shower any longer. I turned off the water and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body, covering my tits automatically. I didn't even have to think about it. There's that 'girl memory' thing again. Mom watched me comb my hair and told me she would take me to get my ends trimmed next weekend. "Pam, you worry me so but I'm your mother and you can tell me anything you need to. I won't get mad and I won't yell. Is there anything I need to know?" 'Let's see Mom, uh, Kenny turned me into this sexy girl who screws a boy at the drop of a hat but that's just a science experiment so, other than that, nope, nothing I need to tell you.' I thought. If there were any chance of it being believed, I would have said it. Instead, I just said, "No Mom, everything is fine, really. I'm kind of tired. Can we talk tomorrow maybe?" Mom sighed, she didn't believe me but she was going to pretend she did, for now. She stood up, hugged me and she kissed me on the cheek. "Pam, when you do need to talk to me, I'll always be here for you." She turned and went to her room. I was glad she left when she did because the last thing she said to me had tears rolling down my face. It's so damn easy to start crying when you're a girl. 'Kenny, I will make you pay for this, I swear I will.' I thought to myself. I wiped my face dry and got dressed for bed. I found a nightgown to wear and put it on. It was sexier than the one I was wearing this morning when I got up. I was too tired to find another one so I got in bed and went to sleep right away. Kenny woke me up and told me Mom wanted me to get dressed for church. Damn, I had forgotten to make the wish last night. I had to be a girl for another day. I threw the covers off me and ran Kenny off. No way was the little rat going to see me get dressed. Not in THIS body anyway. I was looking through my closet for some decent 'dressy' slacks to wear to church when I heard a little tap at my door. Mom popped her head in and smiled at me. "Oh good, you're not dressed yet," she said. Then she pushed the door open the rest of the way and came inside, closing it behind her. She was wearing one of her favorite dresses. It wasn't really a 'bad' dress, fashion-wise. It was a rich forest green with slightly deeper green accents. It really flattered Mom's figure and was actually kind of cute. At least that's what my 'Pam' part seemed to think. But seeing her in that dress gave me a bad feeling. It must have triggered another of my 'girl memories'. It was her half of a mother-daughter outfit that she bought for us about two months ago. I had only worn my dress once. I knew what was coming. Mom just smiled, rather hopefully, and said, "Pam? Would you, just this once, wear your green dress too? For me?" Geeze! How could I tell her no? After last night? Oh shit! "Mom " I huffed. Maybe she'd just drop it without an argument. "Please Pam? It would really make me happy. I know you're not my little girl any more. But just this once?" Oh, Mommy! I swear I got all choked again. I was afraid I was going to start bawling right then, with her watching. Instead I turned my back and nodded my head. In a less than convincing show of teenage coolness I mumbled, "Yeah, sure. Whatever." I sensed her getting ready to come around my bed to give me a hug so I quickly added, "Now can I puh-lease have some privacy so I can get dressed?" I heard the smile in Mom's voice as she said, "Sure, Pam. Hurry, dear, your father'll be ready soon and you know how he hates to wait." Then she was out the door and I was alone again, but only briefly. Kenny came barging in almost as soon as Mom was out the door. He wanted 'data'. After that scene with Mom I was in no mood! I practically snarled at him and told him I was ready to stay a girl forever if it meant I got to hit him a lot. Kenny proved he was REALLY a genius then. He decided to get the data later. Finally I had privacy. The first thing I did was swallow my birth control pill for Sunday. Then I got dressed. Panties, pantyhose, a slip, bra, and the green dress, just like Mom was wearing. Matching pumps with 2- inch heels. Everything seemed so 'normal'. There was no feeling of 'wrongness' about wearing these clothes. And THAT was wrong, cause I knew I wasn't really a girl. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a long time before giving up and putting on makeup and painted my nails Geeze, everything was just too strange! In the car, Mom had me wipe off the lipstick I was wearing and put on the same color she had on, a light pink. She had bought me my own tube of that color. I could hear Kenny giggling next to me as he watched me put on the lipstick. Glaring at him did no good at all. One day though, he would pay. Church wasn't bad, I got to see Sally, but of course, she thought I was just another girl. I also noticed that it just seemed 'normal' to chatter with her about boys. I even told her all about my date with Roger yesterday! My voice lowered dramatically when I got to the 'good' parts. God! I 'was' a girl! During church, everybody, I mean everybody, had to say something about how cute it was that Mom and I dressed alike. Dad told me I looked just like Mom when she was eighteen. The minister said I would be a wonderful mother someday, just like my mother. Kenny heard all this and snickered the whole time. After church, Dad took us to lunch at the steak house we all like. I started to order a big steak and Dad laughed and ordered the petite sirloin for me. I just barely finished it. While we were waiting for our meal, this boy from school came over. His name was Jeremy Jackson. He was president of the chess club AND the computer club. He also bought more acne medicine than anyone else did in school. Damn shame too, cause it didn't do him any good at all. "Hi Pamela, you look very pretty today, you too Mrs. Jacobs. You both look very pretty." "Hi Jeremy, how are you?" I didn't actually dislike this creep but he was the last boy in school I would date. Damn, there I go again, thinking like a girl. "I'm real good. Are you doing okay in computer class, 'cause if you need help, I'd be glad to give you some? You could come over to my place maybe. I've got a new Pentium III, 500MHz. It's awesome," he said. "Thanks Jeremy, I'm doing fine in all my classes though." I said, wishing for someway to make him leave. Is this what being a girl is like, everybody with a dick hitting on you? "Oh, okay, that's good, I guess I'll see you in school on Monday." Jeremy walked off. "He seems like such a nice young man, dear. Why don't you go look at his computer someday? Maybe he can help you with that course." Mom said. "Mother, puh-lease! He's a bigger geek than Kenny is. He's so pale because he is always 'on line'. He never goes outside." Why didn't I just die now and get it over with? "He seems like a much nicer boy than that Roger character you have been seeing here lately. It wouldn't hurt you to date someone different for a change." Dad said. 'No and being a boy again wouldn't hurt either. Kenny, slowly roasting over an open flame, sounded soooo good right now,' I thought. After lunch, we went home and Roger called me. He wanted me to talk dirty to him on the phone. "Hi Pam, how's it going? I really enjoyed yesterday, what part did you like best?" he asked eagerly. I could imagine him at home 'touching' himself, gross! "I'm still mad at you Roger, you don't care about me, you're like all guys, you just care about sex." I listened to what I just said and realized I was talking just like a girl now. I slammed the phone down. I went into the kitchen and told Mom I was going to change. I wanted to scrub my makeup off and put on a pair of jeans and some sneakers. "Oh no, sweetie, we have company coming over to watch the game with your father. I want you to stay in your dress; you do look very lovely in it. I need some help with dinner too." Mom said. Shit!!! I had to help cook? That meant I was going to miss the game. I loved watching football with Dad. Lately, he'd let me have a small glass of beer. Just one, but it was so neat, drinking beer with Dad and his buddies. Instead of watching the game, I was busy shuttling back and forth between the kitchen and the den. The kitchen is on one end of the house and the den is an addition on the other end. I had to take cold beer and bowls of popcorn and chips with dip and anything else they needed. The hall leading to the den has a hardwood floor. Dad and his friends could hear my high heels clicking on the wooden floor as I approached. I'd hear them shouting at the TV screen, like the players could hear them, "Catch it, one time, oh shit he dropped it, I can't believe the dumb son of a bitch dropped it!" When they heard my heels, they would shush each other and everyone would smile at me as I walked in. Usually someone would tell Dad what a pretty girl I was and he would get all proud looking. Kenny smirked at me every time I came into the den. I was helping Mom cook dinner while Kenny got to watch the ball game with Dad and his buddies. He has to realize that I am going to hurt him bad for this, very bad. He came into the kitchen during half time to tell me to bring in a new bowl of popcorn and some more drinks. "So Pamela, what's it like 'bonding' with Mom? Make sure you remember what you two talk about, I want to know that too." He raced off back to the den, laughing. He must have a death wish. "What was that Kenny was saying, dear?" Mom asked. She was running the food processor and didn't hear him. "Oh, they just need some more stuff is all." I said, wondering if Kenny would fit in the processor. Mom showed me how to make her special potatoes. I was enjoying being with Mom as long as she didn't want to talk about Roger or sex. The 'girl memories' were getting stronger and more frequent. I had to change back quick before I didn't want to anymore. After the game, I had to clean up the den and set the table while Kenny went and played games on his computer. After dinner, Sally came over to study and we played CD's (Ricky Martin, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be) and talked about Roger and her boyfriend, Steve. I found that I was giggling and joking with Sally in a different way. I had been in bed with this girl. There was a box of condoms in my underwear drawer before Kenny changed me. But now I just thought about her as a friend who was a girl. Screwing her seemed 'twisted' now. After Sally left, Roger called me again. "Pam, I'm sorry, I should have used a rubber, it's just that it feels better without one, you know? I won't do it again, I promise. Would you like to go for a drive?" 'Drive my ass, he wants to screw again,' I thought. The trouble was so did I. Mom would never sit still for me going out on Sunday night though, not after everything that happened. "Not tonight Roger, but I forgive you. I'll see you in school tomorrow." I said goodbye and hung up. I hoped I was wrong about seeing him in school tomorrow, at least as Pam. Just then I felt this sharp pain cut across my belly. I must have gasped because Mom asked what was wrong. We were alone in the den. "I just got this terrible cramp." I said. "Is it time for your visitor?" Mom asked. 'Oh no, I'm having a period!', I thought, "yes, it is." I said. Again, I just knew. "Thank goodness, I can sleep tonight." Mom said. She hugged me and told me to take a hot bath and some of my pain pills for the cramps. It took me a minute to realize she was happy because it meant I wasn't pregnant. I was glad for that too, but miserable because of the way I felt. I soaked in a hot tub and took one of the prescription pills that I need because my cramps are so bad. After I got out of the tub, I put a tampon in, (one more reason to kill Kenny). The cramps started to ease up and I got into bed. I got the tooth and put it under my pillow. I had been thinking about the wish. I wished that I had been born a boy and everything was the same as before. I started to dose off when another bad cramp hit me. I doubled up and bit my lip until it went away. I started to go to sleep again and that's when I made the mistake. 'Data? That little shit Kenny wants data? Well I wish he would wake up a girl, like I did, but old enough so 'he' could have a period. He'd 'really' get his data then!' I thought just as I was dozing off. When I woke up to my alarm clock, I had blonde hair in my eyes. The wish hadn't worked; I was still a girl. 'Damn it, it's that shithead Brad', I thought, 'because I wouldn't go on a date with him.' Kenny walked into my room then, only she wasn't Kenny, she was Debbie. The last wish I had made was the one to come true, I realized. Debbie looked to be about thirteen. She was very pretty with brown hair and blue eyes. She was also very mad looking. I started laughing at her. "It's not funny Pamela. You wished this, didn't you?" she said. "Sure I did, I didn't mean to exactly, but so what, lose another tooth and then we can both change back." I laughed, actually it was a girlish giggle. "Pamela, I'm thirteen now, I don't have any baby teeth left. We're sisters for life, you stupid bitch!" Debbie snarled. "Not only that but instead of my PC, I have this girly looking 'iMac'." Debbie was right, we are stuck. At least I got her back for everything. She hurts just as much as I do during her periods. She better stop 'borrowing' my pantyhose though. The End

Same as Why I Hate My Little Brother Videos

4 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

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Why I Hate Magic Parts 13 Revised and Expanded

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

3 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

3 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 5

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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

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Emerald Princess Chapter 14 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 17 Whateley Fan Fiction

My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 18 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 02

Chapter 2: ‘Chrysalis’ Even as Carmen and Benita finished their shopping trip on Whyte Avenue that fateful Saturday, Benita’s body was changing. Even though they did not remember doing it, Carmen and Benita had signed up for their ‘Grand Lesson’ from the old woman from the shop ‘The Spirit Guide.’ The old woman had decided the best way to teach the women was to give them something they had to deal with together, something they couldn’t ignore. That something they had to deal with was an odd...

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Cindy Tyler felt good as she pulled into her family's driveway. She attended UC San Diego School of Medicine, and she enjoyed living on her own, but as corny as the saying was, there was no place like home, and currently, she was back in Los Angeles for spring break."Mom, Dad!" she called as she walked in the door. The house was fairly small, so her mother wasn't far away, and she leaned out from the kitchen to greet her daughter."Hi, honey!" she said with a warm smile. "Your father's still at...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 9 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 12

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley Settles in Whateley and deals with some of her inner demons NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a...

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Im the obnoxious little brother

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My Big Little Brother

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My Girlfriends little Brother

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Your Cock is Mine Little Brother

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 01

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Emerald Princess Chapter 3 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Emerald Princess Chapter 10 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Emerald Princess Chapter 11 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 3

Daniel could feel his muscles throbbing, keeping rhythm with his heartbeat. His body ached and he was soaked in sweat, the moisture cold and wet against his skin. His mouth, though, was completely dry, as if he had been sucking on a cotton ball until just recently. Lying in bed Daniel opened his eyes to the world around him. Judging from the darkness that had crept into the room, several hours had passed since Daniel had fallen asleep. As his eyes began to adjust to the lack of light...

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Gujju Bhabhi Ko Activa Sikhate Sikhate

Hello doston mera naam vicky hai age 27 hai, well educated and well settled hu..This is my first real life experience share kar raha hu plz aap feedback dena ke kaisi lagi stoy. Ab story par aaj jata hu. Doston ye story 2 week pehle hui hai 3 mahine tak maine feilding lagayi thi aur ab jaake puri hui hai.. Ye story hai ek gujju bhabhi jiska naam hai mrs.Mehta age 37 lagbag 2 kids hai. Bhabhi ek dum gori gori paan…..Ek dum gori agr haath pakd liya toh laal ho jaati hai doston. Chalo mrs.Mehata...

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Scooty Sikhate Sikhate Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi… Mera naam aditya hai.. Mein mumbai ka rehne wala hu.. Meri height 6′ aur land 6 inch ka hai.. Mein iss ka bohat bada fan hu… Yeh meri pehli story hai toh koi galti ho to maff kr dena… Ye baat tab ki hai jab mere 12th ke boards ke exams khatam ho chuke the aur muze chuttiya lag chuki thi…Mein jaha rehta hu vaha bohat saari sexi bhabhi rehti hai.  Aur mere neighbour mein ek bhabhi rehti hai asha (name changed).  Asha bhabhi gaav ki rehne wali thi pr unke pati ko acchi job lagne ke karan.  Vo...

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7 girls drunk and deflowering my little brother

We had the house to ourselves that weekend, so I invited my girlfriends over to party before heading off into town for dancing, and dare I say it in this day and age of equality, fucking, we girls like to go out for cock.We were seven teenagers ranging from 16 to nineteen, the youngest a sister of one of the girls who with makeup could pass muster at any pub, with a wink and a nod, and if that fails, a balls grope or a promise of a shag in the toilets later on.Modern girls are armed with the...

3 years ago
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Jens Little Brother

Halloween Oct 31st 2011 – the Present "Trick or treat," I said with a big smile when Jennifer answered the door. She had a cute 'little princess' costume on. In pink. With ruffles. And she had a wand in her hand. I couldn't help wondering if her panties were also pink and ruffled. I knew that I'd soon find out. "And what are you doing here?" my big sister asked back. My costume, in spite of the mask, certainly hadn't fooled her! But the smile that had immediately lit up her face the...

2 years ago
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Camping With My Little Brother

you call the angry at the world teen who spends all her free time in her room on social media blasting heavy metal the other family members involved Hannah's mum and dad and her little brother Ned ages 17 and her little sister Mia aged 15 This year Hannah's family decided not to go to a fancy resort and to go out camping at a reserve 3 towns over of coarse everybody was excited about it except for Hannah especially knowing that there wont be any cellphone service out in the reserve...

4 years ago
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Neha And Her Little Brother

Hi, Indian sex story readers, my name is Neha and this incident happened when I was 25 years old. In my family, apart from my parents, I also had a younger brother who was younger to me by about 5 years. I and my brother were very close to each other and we shared the same room. Since childhood, I used to snuggle up to my brother while sleeping and he would also sleep like a child with me. Though we had grown up now, we were as close as our childhood and never thought of anything incestuous...

3 years ago
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Naughty Little Brother

Like most girls of eighteen I was into going out and enjoying myself, not that I did it to excess, but I did enjoy going out, getting chatted up, dancing and so on. Even if I do say it myself I am attractive, but it can't just be my opinion judging by the number of men panting to get into my knickers, a few have succeeded, but not that many, I'm not easy in any sense of the word. Anyway, as a result of enjoying myself I forgot my little brother's birthday, a thing I had never done before; my...

4 years ago
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Me And My Friends With My Little Brother

Hi All. This is Nivitha from Chennai. This is a story about how I and my friends enjoyed sex with my brother. After completing our college we all three that’s my friends (Jyothi and Sharanya) were looking for a job. We got too frustrated and started being at home and enjoying more. Both of my friends come to my home early morning and leave by night sometimes they stay as their homes are nearby. We were watching movies and discussions and started about sex. During college days we use to talk a...

5 years ago
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Fun With My Sweet Little Brother

Hi friends, I am back. I am sorry to be away from you all for a long time. The thing is it’s been months since any I came across any new and exciting sex encounter to be penned down. But for your and mine luck, it just happened on my last trip to Jaipur at my Mamaji’s place, where I had gone for a vacation. Those who have read my previous stories, very well know about my sex encounters with my brother Manish bhaiya, his friend Tariq, my boy friend Raj, my neighbor Chintu, my uncle and many...

2 years ago
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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

4 years ago
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Evil Witch Harvest of Hate

The usual disclaimers: If for age, legal, or moral reasons you shouldn't read this story, don't. This is a work of fiction. None of this could ever happen. We wish. This story is fattening. Evil Witch: Harvest of Hate By shalimar I don't need Fictionmania the way I used to since becoming the Evil Witch. I usually help out as a volunteer and am usually a brash voice of reason on the Hyperboard. My happy duties as the wife of Norm and mother of seven girls take a lot of...

3 years ago
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Little Brother

  My name is Kat I'm a live in a small town with my mother and little brother Matthew.  I am a total slut and I don't care what anyone thinks of me.  One day in the summer I was at home in my room texting a guy I know.   He was asking me to send him a picture of myself so he could jerk off to it.   I was already horny by this time so I didn't refuse his request.   I sent him a picture of my panties which he was happy with.   I then told him to send a picture of his cock.  This went on for a...

1 year ago
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The Chateau

Plastics! That was the career advice given to young Ben Braddock by Mr. Robinson in the movie, The Graduate. We don’t know if that advice was taken but plastics certainly worked out well for my father. He developed a polymer that was used by hospitals, the military and NASA, it made him a very rich man but at age sixty he suffered a massive heart attack and died…leaving me, his only son, a very rich man. That was ten years go, I sold the business and now my wife, Claire, and I keep busy...

Erotic Fiction
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Emerald Princess Chapter 6 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 12 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 13 Whateley Fan Fiction

This work took a little bit longer hiatus than I planned due to the demands of real life, but not to worry I'm back at it again! There is a cue of three other completed chapters after this and I'm pretty sure if my energy holds up there will be another two or three done by next week. I hopefully will be able to post one a week for a while here. Right now I'm guessing there are right around 10-15 chapters remaining here. This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 16 Whateley Fan Fiction

This will be the last chapter before I have to take a break for a trip and then company coming in. Most likely my next post will be in the first or second week of the New Year. (It would probably be sooner if I have some comments :-) ) This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity,...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 19 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

2 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale NYC summer

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. this is just a run into new line of seeing what she would do in the marvel universe at large just a side trip for Vantier, and this will not be 'canon' for her. Just me having fun! --none of this is my trademark for marvel characters Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or...

3 years ago
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I Love my Little Brother

My parents divorced when I was three. My mother got remarried when I was six, and my little brother was born when I was eight. Being the older sister, I was often the one taking care of my brother; dressing him, feeding him, bandaging his bruises, and comforting him when he was sad. We were very close, my brother and I, and that didn't change even when we became teenagers. When I was nineteen, I moved into a dorm at college, but I still kept in touch with my brother. More than with our parents,...

4 years ago
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Why I Hate Charles deGaulle Airport

I love to travel. I love the excitement before the journey, the planning, the packing, the arranging. Tickets, passport, taxi. I love going onboard an airplane, I love watching the landscape rush by and then sink out of view as the plane takes off. I love checking in, claiming luggage, going to the hotel, another check-in, arriving at my home-for-the-duration-of-my-stay. I love browsing through strange cities, having breakfasts at the hotel, lunch at a cafeteria or just a sandwich on the go,...

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