Guardian Angel Part 2 free porn video

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Guardian Angel II By Morpheus Marcus smiled to himself as he stared down at the ground far below him, thrilled beyond belief with the knowledge that he was actually flying. Him, flying.... If anyone had told him a week earlier that he would have been able to fly, Marcus would have told them that they were nuts. But then again, he knew that if anyone had told him a week earlier that he would have been in the body of a gorgeous angel....a real one, he would have laughed in their face. As Marcus swooped down towards the ground below, loving the strange sensation of his new wings stretched out behind him, he marveled that even though he was right above the campus, no one could see him. Even if someone looked directly at him they wouldn't have seen any hint of his presence, all thanks to his new ability to shift. The ability to shift out of phase with reality, becoming both invisible and intangible. An ability which along with his power to fly had come with his new body. When Marcus spotted one of his classmates, Tony Stevens down below him, he smirked, filled with the sudden temptation to see if it could hit the guy with a lugie. Or at least do a quick flyby and swipe the guys hat. But after only a moment's consideration, he realized that Angel would definitely not be pleased with that. And with a shudder, Marcus realized that the big guy that had made them change bodies might not like him using an angels powers to cause mischief either. Who knew what kind of trouble he'd get into then, and Marcus definitely didn't want to find out. With a sigh, Marcus turned away from Tony, deciding that he'd just have to make due with the thrill from flying. He smiled again, flying even higher then turning around and dive-bombing back towards the ground, loving the thrill. "Even better than bungee jumping." he said aloud. He stopped himself just feet before impact, swooping back up and deciding to head back home. Moments later Marcus spotted his dorm building and quickly dropped towards it. The smile on his face stretched wider as he swooped towards the window, still shifted so that no one could see him. As he slipped through the window, he chuckled to himself, realizing that he could have just flown right through the wall, though that still seemed a little too odd for him. Inside the dorm room, Marcus looked around, grinning when he saw Angel at the desk, looking over some school work. The very idea that his former guardian angel was sitting in his body, doing his homework seemed almost preposterous, but Marcus had almost begun to get used to the idea. After all, it wasn't nearly as strange as the fact that he was stuck as a chick, and an angel to boot. Still smiling to himself, Marcus started creeping towards Angel, planning on surprising her. Suddenly Angel snapped around, a smile on her face. "I'm glad you're back." She said. Marcus gasped in surprise. "How did you know I was there?" He asked when he shifted back to normal. Angel just smiled, her eyes twinkling somewhat. "I may be in your mortal shell, but I am still an angel inside. Such tricks as those can never work on me." Shaking his head in disappointment, Marcus asked, "Why didn't you tell me this before?" Angel just continued to smile, looking rather smug though she didn't bother to answer. After a moment, Angel got up from the desk and walked over to Marcus, gently rubbing one hand along his softly feathered wings, looking just a little sad as she did so. Marcus felt a little bad, remembering that they were really her wings after all, and he was the one out having fun with them. Then Angel forced a smile, pulling her hand back and looking Marcus in the eye. Almost immediately they were lost in each other's eyes, which happened almost every time. Marcus was immediately reminded of the old proverb that the eyes were the windows to the soul, and every day he was beginning to believe it more and more. When they finally broke eye contact, it was only so that they could lock in a passionate kiss. Marcus wasn't sure how long they kissed each other, only that when they broke apart again he was gasping for breath. "Wow." he said, still amazed at the fact that he was kissing a male body, his former body, and enjoying it. However, he knew very well that it was only because of the person inside the body. He hadn't had the least interest in any other guys since his transformation, for which he was very relieved. But still, even though he and Angel had kissed many times since their body exchange nearly a week earlier, that had been all that they'd done. Neither was ready for the next step. Several minutes later, Angel and Marcus sat down on the couch, looking at each other a little uncomfortably. Though they had both been trying to get used to their new lives, it hadn't been easy and neither could forget what the other was. That one had once been a guardian angel and the other had been her charge. But 'once' had been the operative word. "So," Marcus asked nervously, "How are you doing?" Angel looked at him oddly, reminding Marcus that it was a stupid question. Deciding to try a different route, Marcus said, "You miss it don't you? The flying." Angel nodded slightly. "Yes I do. But I try not to think of it." She smiled, "Eventually I will be able to again, so I'll just try to exist day by day. After all, how many angels get to see what life is like as a mortal?" "And how many mortals get to look like an angel?" Marcus gave a slight smile, extending his wings a little as he did so. Giving a wry grin, he added, "They are kind of interesting at least, though they tickle." Angel smiled faintly at that. Marcus nodded at Angel, then got up and started towards the bathroom. He stopped in front of the mirror, frowning slightly as he stared at his reflection. The face that looked back was a gorgeous woman with long brown hair. A woman more beautiful than any woman had a right to be. However, there were several things that spoiled the effect some. For one, Marcus's hair wasn't done up quite as nicely as it could be, and he didn't have any makeup on his face at all. Just because he'd suddenly ended up in a female body didn't mean that he suddenly knew how to put on makeup or choose women's clothes. Not in the least. And Angel wasn't any help at all. As she'd pointed out earlier, "What use does an angel have for makeup?" Marcus sighed. Even though Angel's real face....the one looking back from the mirror didn't need any makeup to make it look nice, it would have at least helped him fit in. Letting out a sigh, Marcus turned his attention to the fluffy white wings that stuck out from his back. The wings that truly marked his body as that of an angel. He smiled, letting himself start to glow for a moment to complete the effect, then deciding to be practical, he dampened the glow and shifted his wings out, making them effectively disappear. "That should do it." He said, pleased by what he saw, though still wishing it had been his old body. It just didn't feel right to be a girl, especially one as good looking as he now was. Gently cupping his breasts in his hands, Marcus frowned. They didn't feel quite as odd on him as they had a week earlier, but they still didn't feel "normal" yet either. But then again, he knew that nothing about his situation was normal. And what made it worse was the fact that it was done on purpose, and by God at that. There wasn't much use in whining either, especially not in front of Angel. Once again Marcus felt a little sorry for her and what she had to have lost. Even more than him. At least he had gained some pretty cool powers, and he even felt really good. Really alive, just because it was an angels body he was in. "I guess it could be worse." Marcus reminded himself. A lot worse. Then forcing a smile he turned around and gave a good look over his apartment. Marcus's apartment. He frowned slightly, remembering that he wasn't supposed to even be living there anymore. Angel Celeste, the name he was going by now, had her own dorm room in the next building over. And though Marcus slept there, he couldn't help but spending most of his time in his old room. With Angel. With a shrug, Marcus finished his business in the bathroom, wondering as he did so how women could stand having that mess every time they had to take a leak. It was much simpler to just aim and let go, but that wasn't possible for him anymore. Just one more thing to get used to, Marcus knew. Returning to where Angel was still sitting, Marcus stood back and watched her for a moment, smiling in admiration of her. Not her body which had been his, but the person inside of it. Just watching her, he could feel their connection. He could feel the strong pull that he felt towards her. The strange love that he'd felt since they'd first looked each other in the eyes. Even the fact that she was in a male body hadn't done anything to dampen it. Angel looked at Marcus and frowned. "Are you still planning on going bungee jumping with Stu and Buzz next weekend?" She sounded annoyed. "You know how dangerous that is and I won't be able to protect you anymore." At that Angel sounded a little sad. "Don't worry." Marcus told her, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. "I'll be careful. I promise." Then grinning, he added, "Besides, since I can fly and shift now, I don't have much to worry about." "Marcus..." She said in an almost threatening voice. "I know, I know," He held his hands up in surrender. "I can't let anyone see me using any of that stuff." Then Marcus got serious for a moment, "If HE got that mad at you showing me, I don't wanna know what would happen if I showed someone else." Marcus gave an exaggerated shudder at that. Angel nodded, still looking rather serious. "Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid again. I'm not going to just let you die, even if I have to tie you up so that you can't go." That last part was said only half jokingly, and Marcus saw from the look in her eye that she would too. "I'll be careful." He promised again. "Besides, you have to come and watch out for me." Then grinning almost smugly, Marcus added, "And you'll have to jump yourself if you don't want the guys to get suspicious." The look on Angel's face was enough to make Marcus start chuckling. "Don't worry. You'll love it. Besides," Marcus winked at her, "I'll be watching out for YOU." Angel just groaned. "From someone as near suicidal as you were, I'm not sure that's a good thing." Then she smiled to show that she didn't really mean it. After they'd talked for awhile longer, Marcus glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned. "I guess I'd better get going." With a groan, Marcus stood up, stretching himself as he did so, amazed at just how good it felt. At how alive he felt. Whatever else their exchange had done, Marcus certainly couldn't complain about feeling bad. Uncomfortable yes, but bad no. "Maybe I should come along." Angel suggested, beginning to get up as well. "There's no need for that." Marcus sighed, feeling slightly annoyed. It was one thing when Angel had been following him around invisibly, protecting him without his even knowing it, but now.... now it seemed almost insulting. Especially since he was the one that had most of her old powers. "I'll be fine." He said a little quickly. "I'll see you later." Then with that Marcus gave her a quick kiss before hurrying out of his old room, this time on foot. As Marcus slowly walked across campus, he felt embarrassed by all the looks that people were giving him, even though he'd been receiving them for almost a week. Women looked at him in envy and jealousy, a few even almost hatefully. But the men.... All the men he passed stared at him with undisguised lust, though most of them at least had the decency to leave him alone. However, not all of them did. More than once Marcus had to fend off unwanted suitors as he made his way towards his new dorm room. Marcus stopped with a frown as he noticed a pair of guys from the football team walking toward him, blocking the path so that he couldn't go around them. He gulped, glancing around nervously, suddenly more aware than even before that he no longer had all of his old strength. In fact, for a moment he felt a surge of terror and helplessness rush through him before he forced himself to calm down and face the pair. They hadn't done anything yet, just looking threatening. "What do you want?" He demanded when the players stopped in front of him. Marcus looked at the taller, more muscular one first. Bobby "the Wall" Walker, one of the nastiest linebackers to ever grace the schools team. The other one was somewhat shorter and a lot more wiry in build. That was Eddie Banks, a wide receiver. And at the moment, both of them were staring at Marcus with an odd mixture of awe, nervousness and lust. Unfortunately the lust seemed to win. "We want you." Bobby said with a cocky grin. "How about you and I go over to my room and have some fun?" Marcus sneered in disgust, wondering how real women could stand having to put up with stuff like this. The only reason that he wasn't about to panic was the knowledge that he could just shift out. Then he remembered that the big guy would definitely not like him doing something like that in front of others and he grew a little more nervous. "I'd rather not." Marcus managed to say, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere else to be." With that, Marcus went to step around the two men, but Eddie stepped back in his path. "I don't think so." Eddie said with a grin. "It's really rude to walk away when someone's talking to you." "Somehow," Marcus said, "I really don't think you're very concerned with manners." He glanced at one and then the other, seeing that they weren't going to be nice about this and get out of his way. With a sigh, he took a step back and turned around, deciding that if they followed him, all he had to do was dodge behind a tree or something then shift out. Unfortunately though, they had a different idea and Marcus felt a tight fist grasping his arm. "We're not through talking to you." Bobby growled menacingly, his hand still holding Marcus tight. "The least you could do is be nice to us." Then he looked very suggestive and added, "We can really make it worth your time." "NO THANKS!" Marcus exclaimed emphatically, beginning to get really, really worried. His heart was racing from what he was afraid was about to happen. He may have liked adrenaline, but certainly not this way. The sun had already begun to set and there weren't many people in sight, so Marcus had a feeling that this was only going to get worse. Who knew how far they were going to go. Then suddenly Marcus heard "Stop!" He snapped his head around, relieved to see Angel standing there in his old body, a very angry look on her face. "Leave hi.....her alone!" She glared at Eddie and Bobby, taking a step forward, her fists both clenched menacingly. When Bobby let go of Marcus, he jumped forward, relieved that Angel was there to save him once again. "Thanks." He told her. Angel nodded, barely giving Marcus a glance. "You can go on ahead." She stared at Marcus and Eddie, "I don't think they'll give you any trouble right now. Not unless they want some witnesses." She smiled wickedly, gesturing towards the small crowd of people that had gathered a short distance away. Bobby and Eddie glared at Angel and then at Marcus. They gave a nervous glance towards the group of potential witnesses and then at each other. Finally Eddie said, "It ain't over." Then they both turned and walked away while Marcus sighed in relief. After seeing that the football players were indeed leaving, Marcus closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before turning to Angel. "Thanks for the save, but you didn't have to come save me." He frowned slightly, feeling both thankful and annoyed at the same time. For once in his life, Marcus was not enjoying the rush from the adrenaline. With a sigh, Angel looked down in embarrassment, then back into Marcus's eyes. In spite of the sudden "contact" that they felt, Angel didn't get distracted. "I may no longer possess my heavenly flesh or powers, but I am still your guardian angel and will be so for as long as you live." She looked away again, then added, "I couldn't avoid helping." Marcus gave her a thoughtful look, trying to let his annoyance fade. It was hard to stay angry at her anymore, especially for helping him. After a moment, Marcus nodded. "All right." he said quietly. "It's just a little embarrassing is all." Angel nodded, then Marcus smiled faintly. "Well that was kind of extreme." Then he surprised Angel by giving her a quick kiss before he turned and hurried off again, back to where he'd been going before being interrupted. After Marcus was far enough away, he glanced back, seeing that Angel had already gone. He smiled faintly, surprised that he was actually beginning to feel happy that Angel had saved him. It gave him an odd confidence to realize that he still had a guardian angel of sorts. That he still had someone looking out for him. "I guess everyone needs someone to watch out for them sometime." Marcus mused aloud, glancing around just to make sure that there was no sign of Bobby or Eddie returning. Fortunately there was none. When the dorm building Marcus had been sleeping in the for last few nights was in sight, he smiled faintly to himself, realizing that he was almost there. There was nothing more to worry about. Then suddenly Marcus realized that there was someone right behind him and snapped around, his hands clenched into fists as he readied himself to hit Eddie or Bobby. But much to his surprise, Marcus found himself face to face with a girl. One who looked somewhat startled by Marcus's sudden move. "Who are you?" He asked her, relaxing his guard though just barely. "Were you following me?" "I...I...I'm sorry." The girl stuttered. She took a deep breath, then gave a nervous smile which made her look more attractive. "My name's Amy. Amy Mitchell." She held out her hand which Marcus accepted and shook. "M....Angel Celeste." Marcus told her, carefully looking Amy over. She stood just a couple inches shorter than him, about 5 foot 6 or 7, had shoulder length blonde hair and a rather attractive figure. Still, Marcus felt somewhat embarrassed to realize that as good looking as she was, she almost looked plain and ordinary compared to him. "I saw what happened with those two jocks." She gave an ironic smile. "I quit the cheerleading squad because of jerks like them." Then Amy gave a more natural grin. "I really wasn't following you. I just happen to live here too." She pointed up at the dorm building. "And when I saw you standing there, I just figured I'd come over and introduce myself." "Sorry I scared you then." Marcus apologized. "I'm just a little jumpy right now." Amy nodded. "I can certainly see why. So, what are you majoring in?" Marcus frowned for a moment, half tempted to tell her comparative religions or something, which in an odd way he was, but instead he told her the truth. "I still haven't decided yet." Amy nodded understandingly at that, telling him that she was in the same situation. While they walked into the building together, Marcus and Amy continued to talk. He felt kind of funny talking to her like that, knowing that just a week earlier he would have been trying to get into her pants. However, at the moment that wasn't very likely, and oddly enough, not quite as interesting. After they'd gone up the first level of stairs, Amy asked, "So, you wanna come into my room for a bit?" Marcus only hesitated for a moment before agreeing. Once inside Amy's room, Marcus glanced around somewhat uncomfortably while he sat on her couch. Amy offered him a cup of soda which he gladly accepted, only wishing that it wasn't diet. Marcus winced as he took a sip, thinking "I hate this diet crap." However he didn't let Amy know that. After a few more minutes of talking about nothing in particular, Amy started to look embarrassed and uncomfortable. "I know it's not any of my business," she said nervously, "but I couldn't help noticing the way you're dressed and all." "The way I'm dressed?" Marcus frowned. "What's wrong with the way I dress?" Amy blushed. "Nothing." She said quickly. "It's just that you're dressed so plain. It's obvious that you could easily be a model. I'd kill for a body or face like yours. Hell, any girl would. But you're just sort of hiding it." Then continuing to look a little embarrassed, Amy added, "And though you certainly don't need any makeup, it might make you look even better." Marcus almost choked at what Amy had said. He glanced down at himself, seeing that he looked more feminine than he was comfortable with already. And though he could definitely look better, he hadn't really been trying to. Then after a moments consideration, Marcus said, "I don't know how to put on makeup." Amy looked shocked at this. It only took Marcus a moment to give the excuse he'd already made up, "I was raised in a real conservative home." With a nod of understanding, Amy said, "So you're a country bumpkin." "Hey...." Marcus protested with a grin. "Just kidding." Amy grinned back. "But hey, you could be an unbelievable knockout if you even half tried. I'm already jealous." She let out an exaggerated sigh. "You want me to show you how?" Marcus just stared at her for a moment in disbelief. Him wear makeup? It was not something that he was interested in. Hell, he would much rather be out rock climbing or sky diving. Or better yet, flying. The very thought brought a smile to his face. Then focusing back on the situation at hand, Marcus wondered if it might not at least be useful. After all, he was going to be stuck as a girl for awhile, quite possibly a very long while, so maybe it would be a good idea to learn some of that girly stuff. "All right." Marcus said somewhat hesitantly. "Can you?" Amy just lit up in a big smile and a moment later they went at it. Two hours later, Marcus sat back and stared at himself in the mirror that Amy had provided. "What do you think?" she asked hopefully. Marcus stared at his reflection for a moment longer and gulped. "Is that really me?" Then chuckling, he added, "Of course it is." But still, Marcus could scarcely believe it. He'd seen Angel and then his own face in the mirror many times before, but not after the "treatment" as Amy had called it. She'd very patiently gone over Marcus's hair until it looked rather nice, though she still mentioned that he could use a professional stylist. And the makeup.... Amy had gone over the makeup very slowly and very carefully, explaining what she was doing every step of the way. Then after she'd finished, she'd wiped it all off of Marcus then started again. Now with the final product, he looked absolutely gorgeous. "Angel," Amy said with a smug look, "You really do look like an angel." "You have no idea." Marcus thought to himself as he smiled back, "You have absolutely no idea." Getting up, Marcus still had a hard time tearing his eyes from the mirror. "Wow." was all that he could think to say. Amy looked even prouder at that. "If you're willing..." Amy started, "Tomorrow after classes we can go shopping. Get you some makeup of your own and I can show you how to use it right, and maybe even some new clothes that don't hide your figure so much." "I don't know." Marcus frowned, feeling unsure of this though not as much as he would have expected. "Hey, maybe we can even get you into a stylist or something. Get your hair and nails done up right." Marcus groaned at that, feeling a little embarrassed to even consider such a thing. However, he quickly reminded himself that this was something he might need to learn. That rationalization helped him deal with the fact that at the same time he was also curious about just how nice he could get his new body to look. "Maybe we can go out on a full shopping trip Saturday." Amy suggested. "Sounds good." Marcus said, then frowned. "But I can't. I've already made plans for Saturday. Me and a couple friends are going bungee jumping. Wanna come along. It will be totally extreme." He grinned mischievously as he looked at Amy. " thanks." Amy smiled nervously. "Jumping off of things with just a rope tied to me doesn't sound very fun." Marcus nodded. "Suit yourself. But you'll be the one missing out on a killer rush." Amy grinned back. "I think I'll manage." After a couple more minutes of chatting, Marcus yawned and excused himself. "I've gotta get to bed. I had been planning to study a little tonight but since that's been blown, I might as well at least try getting my sleep." Amy said goodbye, though only after making Marcus promise that they'd go out shopping later, then he was gone. Marcus groaned as he awoke to the sound of the alarm clock next to his bed. Sitting up, he was almost startled to find himself immediately wide awake. Quite a difference from a week earlier when it had taken him two cups of coffee to wake up, but he was beginning to get used to it. And oddly enough, Marcus was almost beginning to like it as well. After taking a quick glance around the dorm room that was so much like his old one but so much different at the same time, he climbed out of bed and hurried to the bathroom that he shared with the girl next door, wanting to get ready for his classes as quickly as he could. Once the shower had been taken care of, Marcus stood in front of the mirror staring at his naked body, his wings out and visible. It was the beginning of a morning ritual that he'd begun to adopt in the days since he'd been put into that body. Slowly and with great care, Marcus gently ran a hand over one of his soft white wings. He let out a soft sigh, still amazed at their softness and the fact that they were indeed real each time that he touched them. For several minutes Marcus continued to inspect his wings, though he wasn't sure exactly why he was doing so. Once he was finished with the wings, Marcus carefully ran his hands over the rest of his body, marveling at the smooth flawless skin and hardly believing that it was his. Especially when he looked at his breasts, his slender waist and the very feminine opening between his legs. When his fingers moved to the empty spot between his legs, Marcus winced. "No self pity." He told himself firmly. "It could have been a lot worse." With a sigh, Marcus closed his eyes and pulled his fingers away, taking several deep breaths while he thought about how close he'd come to dying. He would have if it hadn't been for Angel. But as exciting as that had been, it had also been a little bit of an eye opener. Especially when Angel started chewing him out. It had been because of that incident that he was in her body. Because she'd broken some angel rules or something, and he had to pay the price. "Stop that." Marcus growled to himself. "It wasn't her fault." Deciding that this wasn't a good line of thought, Marcus got up and finished getting ready for class. A short while later, Marcus left his new room and started off to his first class of the day, pausing only for a moment to call give a quick "Good morning." to Amy when they passed in the hall, and to assure her that he hadn't forgotten about his agreement to go with her that afternoon. It didn't take Marcus very long to arrive at the classroom and take his seat, though he was slightly disappointed that Angel hadn't arrived yet. Fortunately though she showed up almost immediately after and came hurrying over towards Marcus. "Good morning." He said cheerfully. "I'm glad you got here." Marcus was especially relieved once he glanced back towards several of the boys who'd been staring at him and the empty seat. He wasn't sure how much longer it would have been before they inevitably started hitting on him. After all, he knew very well that he certainly wouldn't have left a girl as good looking as he now was alone for very long. Angel smiled back slightly. "Good morning to you too." She looked a little weary still which only reminded Marcus how awake and energetic he felt at the moment. That made him feel rather odd and self conscious, though he quickly pushed it away, focusing instead on the instructor who was beginning the lecture. The class was over rather quickly and Marcus silently walked to the next class with Angel while they held hands. He felt a little embarrassed to be walking around, holding hands with a guy, but he just smiled to himself as he reminded himself that holding hands wasn't anything next to kissing. Besides, it was Angel in that body, and that made all the difference. Once Marcus thought this through, he felt warm and happy inside, comforted by being so close to Angel. He smiled even more as he grasped her hand tighter. -------------------- When lunch had finally come, Marcus found himself sitting at a cafe table just off campus, along with Angel, Buzz and Stu. He absently stirred at his coffee, staring at his half eaten tuna sandwich and lost in thought. "HEY ANGEL." Buzz said loudly, "Hello. Earth to Angel." "What?" Marcus looked up, feeling embarrassed as he hadn't heard them talking to him. Even though he'd mostly gotten used to being called Angel, and even calling her by his name, every once in awhile he still slipped out of it. And no matter how much time they spent as each other, he knew that he'd always think of himself as Marcus. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Marcus apologized. "S'all right." Buzz grinned, "But you're supposed to save that for class." "When he's right, he's right." Stu added in with a chuckle. "What were you saying?" Marcus asked them, trying to stay focused. Buzz nodded, "I was just saying that I bet you're really looking forward to jumping with us Saturday. I know you said that you've jumped before, but never with us." Then Buzz grinned mischievously, "And never with your crazy new boyfriend here." He slapped Angel on the shoulder. "This guy is certified insane." Marcus and Angel both glanced at each other in embarrassment, Marcus remembering just how angry Angel had gotten with him over his being "crazy." All he'd been doing was having fun, but how could he know that he had a real guardian angel who'd been keeping him from getting killed. "Not anymore." Angel said firmly. Then with a slightly mischievous grin herself, she added, "No crazy stuff for me. You could say that this is an all new Marcus." "We'll see." Stu said unconvinced, taking a slow sip of his coffee. "But if you've really managed to tame him," Stu said to Marcus with a cocky grin, "Then girl, you have really got him wrapped around your finger." They all chuckled at that, though Marcus felt a little embarrassed at the same time. Suddenly, Buzz jumped out of his seat with a look of mock horror on his face. "Coffee. Coffee. I'm out of coffee." Then yelling across the cafe, much to everyone else's embarrassed amusement, Buzz yelled, "Another espresso over here!" When Buzz had sat back down with a shit eaten grin on his face, he looked at the others and asked "What?" "And you say Ma.....I'm the crazy one." Angel said with a smile though Buzz just shrugged. For the rest of the lunch they continued to talk, mostly of their bungee jumping plans for the weekend. Marcus felt sort of odd being with his friends and them not even knowing who he was. As far as they were concerned, he was just Angel, their best friends new girlfriend who just had the good taste to like the same kind of extreme sports as they did. Marcus smiled faintly, feeling a little left out. They weren't treating him at all like they used to, though they were still being very friendly. They'd accepted him as Angel, at least tentatively until the jump, but it still wasn't the same. There wasn't the same camaraderie, respect or...male bonding. With a sigh, Marcus looked over at Angel, knowing that he'd have to get used to it if he wanted to stay friends with them. It was just one more adjustment that he'd have to make. Lunch finished up rather quickly and they all broke away from the cafe, heading back to campus and their next classes. "Mine's that stupid religion class." Stu grumbled, while Angel just smiled and offered to help him if he needed it. Stu smirked. "You're even worse about religion than I am Marcus." "You'd be surprised what sh...he knows." Marcus broke in with a grin. "You'd be surprised." Stu shrugged, unconvinced though he didn't say anything more except for "Goodbye." Marcus shook his head and watched Angel in amusement, thinking that Stu and Buzz would be more than just a little surprised to find out how much the new Marcus knew about religions. The thought even made him chuckle as he started towards the next class. -------------------- Marcus sighed as he leaned back against the bench and looked around. He'd just finished with his last class of the day, said goodbye to Angel and promising that he'd see her again later, and then sat down for a few minutes before going to Amy's like he promised. That was something that he wasn't exactly sure about, but knew that he'd not only promised, but would likely need her help and friendship. After all, there was only so much that Angel could teach him about being a woman, and as much as Marcus disliked the fact, he was one now. "I guess I should get going." Marcus told himself, still not bothering to get up from the bench. He looked at the people walking by him, then at the two guys who were sitting by the tree just a short distance away and talking. One of them was familiar to Marcus, though the other one wasn't. In fact, the unfamiliar boy seemed rather odd, but Marcus couldn't place why. Curious, he listened in to their conversation. "Look," The new unfamiliar boy was saying to Tony Ellis, the other one, "I'm telling you that he's a tyrant. I mean, look at all the things in the Bible. God created Adam and Eve, then kept them in his own personal petting zoo, no better than pets. In fact, if they hadn't eaten that apple, or whatever the hell it was, humans would still be nothing more than brainless animals without any real free will." Tony started to argue, "I don't think so...." "No you don't." The other boy sneered. "I mean, God is great at destroying everything and punishing the innocent. When he caused the Great Flood, think about all the innocent animals and all the children that were killed. It was mass murder and near genocide if you go by the Bible. Would a benevolent God do that?" Then before Tony could answer, the boy continued, "And then there was Sodom and Gomorra. How many innocent children do you think where in those places when he killed them all off? Or what about ordering his followers to kill their own children, just so that he can test their loyalty. I tell you man, God is nothing more than a tyrant, a bully and a hypocrite. Common, having a kid with another guy's wife..." Tony started laughing at that. "Then I guess it's a good thing that it's all stories. Man, I loved the look on the profs face when you argued with him in class. I shoulda taken comparative religion before." Marcus looked away from the two, gulping as he did so. What that boy had said....It had definitely gotten to him. As Marcus thought about it, he began to feel shivers creep along his spine. He couldn't help thinking that from that point of view, that kid was right. After all, wasn't he living proof of God's punishing the innocent. Just because Angel broke some rule, he gets caught along with her. "But she still trusts him." Marcus told himself half convinced, remembering that Angel hadn't been angry at the "Big Guy" since he'd changed them. Instead, she seemed to think that it was part of some bigger plan or that he was wise in doing so. Marcus wasn't sure that he believed that anymore. Especially not after having heard that convincing argument. Then Marcus sighed, pushing these thoughts out of his head for the moment. "No good worrying about it." he told himself, remembering that he still had to meet Amy. He glanced at his watch and then the two boys who were still talking, though about something else now. Frowning, Marcus stood up, stretching his shifted wings out behind him and thinking how good they felt, even if he couldn't see them at the moment. "I'd better hurry." He said, already looking for a place where he could shift out without being seen so that he could fly over. "At least I can have some fun on the way." Marcus smiled in anticipation as he thought about how great it would be flying. "Amy won't mind my being a few minutes late...." As Marcus hurried away, he didn't notice that the boy he'd overheard talking had stopped and was staring at him with a smirk on his face. The boy started chuckling slightly and he whispered to himself, "We'll talk soon pretty one." Then, as the boy continued to stare in the direction Marcus had gone, for the faintest moment, his eyes almost seemed to turn bright red before he once again returned his attention to Tony. --------------------- Marcus let out a screech of excitement as he dove down through the clouds, plummeting towards the ground at incredible speed. He felt a little guilty for not going straight to Amy's like he promised, but not much. The thrill of the flight was just too much temptation for him to resist. With a loud laugh, Marcus came closer and closer towards the looming ground, marveling at how fantastic he felt. Every cell in his body was alive and charged with adrenaline, and something more. Finally, just as Marcus was nearing the ground, he stretched his wings out behind him, swooping up and shooting back into the air, loving the thrill...the excitement of the flying. That was the highest drop he'd ever done. Higher than any of the bungee jumps that he'd ever done, and even higher than the sky diving. And he loved it. As Marcus remembered his purpose and reigned in his impulse to try it again, he sighed and thought that the only thing missing.....the only thing that could make it better....would be having Angel along with him. The thought of her back in his dorm room, trapped in his powerless mortal body and alone almost brought a tear to Marcus's eye. "Stop that." He told himself, refusing to let himself cry. But even though no tears came, Marcus still felt the same and couldn't wait to get back to Angel. Then Marcus once again returned his thoughts to the business at hand, and the appointment he had with Amy. As soon as he saw the dorm building, another trickle of guilt for keeping her waiting went through him, making Marcus increase his speed as he dove straight for the building wall. A moment later, Marcus had gone through the wall as if it wasn't there, shivering at idea but wanting to get where he was going. Once Marcus was in the hall and saw that he was alone, he let himself shift back into the "real" world, making sure to keep his wings shifted out. "Wouldn't do to freak Amy out." Marcus grinned to himself, wondering just how the pretty blonde would react to seeing him with wings. For a split second he even considered trying to find out, then his better sense got hold of him and Marcus quickly knocked on the door. After half a minute, the door opened up and Amy stepped out, frowning. "I wasn't sure you were coming." She sounded a little annoyed at being kept waiting, but then she started to smile. "Well, never mind." "Sorry about that." Marcus told her as he went in, "I got distracted by something on the way over." Amy nodded understandingly. "Well, let's get going." Without any hesitation, Marcus nodded agreement, wondering though if perhaps he'd made a mistake in agreeing to go. However, he remembered his earlier resolve to learn about being a woman and pushed his doubts aside for the moment. "Too late now anyways." he thought as he followed behind his new friend. Marcus and Amy arrived at the mall a short time later and Amy led them directly to one of the clothing stores. "Let's get you started here right." She told Marcus. "Since you already have underwear we'll leave off the lingerie for now...." She almost dragged him past the lingerie department while Marcus half protested, wanting to go inside and try on a few things to see how good he could look, though he wasn't about to really admit it. Once they were past the lingerie department, Marcus felt both relieved and disappointed at the same time, which left him a little confused. However, Marcus didn't have to dwell on that as Amy quickly took him through the clothes, pulling things out with a critical practiced eye and tossing them at Marcus. "These should be about your size and look really hot on you." Amy told him as she tossed a pair of tight looking pants into his arms. Finally, after a much shorter period than Marcus would have expected, Amy said, "That should about do it for now. Why don't you make sure that those things fit and then we can get out of here." "Aren't you going buy anything?" Marcus asked Amy, looking at her empty hands curiously. "Or at least try something on?" He watched Amy carefully, thoughts of seeing her in different sexy outfits filling his head and beginning to excite him. He hadn't been that excited by anyone but Angel since his transformation. Amy shook her head. "Nah. I have plenty of clothes already." Then she shrugged. "And anyways, I'm not really big on shopping for myself." Marcus shook his head in surprise. A woman who didn't like to shop? What was the world coming to? Then he frowned, turning and going towards the dressing room, wondering just how many more of the stereotypes about women he'd see proven wrong. But still, after taking a backwards glance towards Amy, Marcus started to chuckle, guessing that did seem at least a little excited about shopping, but only for him. A short while later, Marcus had tried on all the clothes that Amy had selected for him, finding that only once piece didn't really fit him. He shrugged, tossing that shirt off to the side and admiring the way the tight fitting pants and new shirt showed off his body. Marcus smiled faintly, muttering "Man, I look good." With that he sighed, thinking that he would have much rather been dating a girl that looked like that than having to be one. "At least I'm a good looking girl." He muttered grudgingly, trying to follow Angel's example and remain positive. For a moment Marcus paused, the words of that boy he'd overheard earlier filling his mind. "God is a tyrant.....punishes the innocent......" Marcus frowned, looking up at the ceiling and feeling rather annoyed. It wasn't his fault.... Then Marcus shook his head. "Enough of that." he decided, once again pushing those words to the back of his mind, though he knew that they wouldn't remain there. Then picking up the rest of the clothes, Marcus left the dressing room to show Amy and pay for his purchases. "Not bad." Amy said when she saw him, though the look of admiration, and even jealousy on her face showed that she thought more of it than that. Then with a sigh, Amy said, "I wish I could look have as good." "Don't be that way." Marcus told her in annoyance. "You're a good looking girl." "Yeah, but you're a great looking one." Amy smiled back, "And you don't even have the decency to be vain about it." That made Marcus smile back. "So, what's next?" He looked down at himself, noticing that his new clothes had definitely made a difference already. Before he'd been wearing rather loose pants and shirt to unsuccessfully try hiding his figure. The idea of actually showing it off instead was taking some getting used to, but it was also beginning to turn Marcus on a little. Amy paused and looked Marcus over critically. "Hmmm." She muttered, "You definitely need some new shoes. Sneakers just aren't going to cut it with that outfit." "What's wrong with my shoes?" Marcus asked defensively though he already knew very well that he should be wearing pumps or high heels instead. Amy just shook her head and gave him a look that said "Why me?" Smiling faintly, Amy said, "Of course you need some makeup, and maybe get your ears pierced..." Marcus smirked slightly at that. He'd had one of his ears pierced and wore a ring in it back when he was a guy, but now that he'd been turned into a girl his ears weren't pierced. Amy continued on, "Your nails look fantastic, but could use some polish, and...." Marcus was barely listening anymore as he carried the clothes to the checkout, wondering what Angel would say when he showed her. Their next stop was the shoe store, where Marcus got a pair of low pumps that Amy assured him would look good, and a pair of 3 inch heels, which he knew he'd need a lot of practice to wear. Even as they left the shoe store, Marcus looked down at the bag in his hand, wondering how he'd ever let Amy talk him into buying high heels in the first place. And even more, he knew very well that he was going to try them on. After all, what other time would he get a chance to see what the big fuss with wearing them was all about? Once they went and picked out all the makeup, Amy turned to Marcus and giggled, "When we get back I'll show you how to use it right. You'll knock that handsome boyfriend of yours dead." Marcus blushed at that, feeling embarrassed both at having Amy call his original body handsome, as well as refer to Angel as his boyfriend. However, he blushed even deeper as he realized that both descriptions were more or less correct. Finally, Amy pulled Marcus into a hair stylist, who's work was finished at an amazing speed. He sat through the whole thing with mixed emotions, but deciding for the moment to just go along for the ride like he'd already been doing. When the stylist was finished, she turned to Marcus and sighed. "You really have the most beautiful hair. I hardly had to do anything with it at all." Marcus smiled self consciously, in spite of the fact that the woman had been making similar comments throughout the procedure. "Thank you." Marcus told the woman, glancing back and forth between her and Amy, who looked especially proud. Marcus gulped and looked at himself in the mirror, no longer surprised at changes in his appearance, though he was somewhat impressed. His hair had already been very nice, almost exceptional, however now it had been altered just enough to make it all stand out even more. "Well I guess that's everything then." Marcus said as he and Amy started walking out of the mall. His fingers self consciously went to his ears and the new holes that had been put in them before the hair stylist. With all that together, he knew that once he had the makeup on and done right, he'd be unbelievable. The very thought sent a shiver through his spine as he thought about how naughty that made him feel, and how nice at the same time. "Pretty much." Amy agreed. "It went a little quicker than I expected." Marcus noticed the tone of relief in her voice. "Now let's get back to the dorms and I can teach you how to use this stuff." She held up the bag containing the makeup that they'd purchased, grinning broadly as she did so. Marcus just nodded agreement. As they were walking towards the mall exit, Marcus was shocked as someone suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder. "Hi there pretty." A rough male voice said cruelly. Marcus snapped around, startled to recognize the same guy he'd overhead talking earlier. "Let me go!" Marcus growled, more angry than scared. He tried yanking himself away, but the boy's grasp was too tight. "Well, little girl, I've got you and I don't think I wanna let you go." The boy sneered, then licked his lips as he looked down at Marcus's chest. Marcus blushed, feeling suddenly dirty and ashamed. As if that sicko's thoughts were rubbing off on him. "Let her go." Amy demanded, her fear obvious in her eyes though she still stood firm. The boy sneered again. "I don't think so." Then before either Marcus or Amy realized it, the boy's hand lashed out, connecting with Amy's chin and knocking her back onto the floor. "Bastard!" Screamed Marcus as he punched at the boy as hard as he could. Unfortunately, with the boy still holding onto him, Marcus didn't have enough leverage to do any damage. Laughing at the failed assault, the boy grasped Marcus's shoulder even tighter, making him let out as squeal from the increasing pain. At this point, as angry as Marcus was, he was beginning to get scared as well. "Eve was created to serve Adam's lust," The strange boy said with a fanatical accent. "and all women since have been born to serve the rest of man in the same way. You are all weak sluts and whores, serving no purpose but quenching our desires." He stared at Marcus, lust clearly visible in his eye. "God hath punished thee by giving you that form, showing his displeasure at your corrupt soul. So it is with all women." "You're nuts." Marcus gasped out, wincing at the sharp pain in his shoulder. He was ashamed to feel tears pouring down his cheeks. He never cried. Never. But he couldn't deny that now he was. That now he was terrified of this crazed psychopath that had a hold of him. "Amy!" He cried out, admitting to himself that he needed help. "Angel!" Now, more than ever before, Marcus wished that he'd never been changed with Angel. He'd have her to protect him. He'd have the strength to fight back on his own, instead of feeling so weak and helpless. In fact, Marcus realized that he'd never even be in that situation. It was all because he'd been turned into a girl. "Now my pretty little one," the crazed boy said with a wicked smile, "my little whore, you will satisfy the carnal urges you have raised in me by your slutty ways, then I shall ensure that no man is ever tempted by your brazen flesh again." Marcus struggled even more frantically, screaming "No!" over and over again. He was barely aware that Amy was struggling to get up off the floor, only that the boy was grabbing him tighter, and by his breasts. He struggled as hard as he could, then he remembered. Marcus finally remembered that he could shift out. For a brief moment he thought that God would punish him horribly for doing so in front of others, then he sneered. To hell with Gods punishment. He wouldn't even be in that situation if it wasn't for the Big Guy punishing him without reason. "Come on you fucking slut." The boy growled with an evil grin on his face, "Show me how much you want it. I know you do. All girls do." "Leave me alone!" Marcus cried out, wincing from the pain and trying to concentrate. Then he did it. Marcus willed himself to shift out, willing himself to become safe from his attacker. But much to his horror, he didn't shift out. He remained just as visible and solid as before, with his attacker still grasping at him. It was with a realization of horror that Marcus realized that God wasn't going to let him break the rules, regardless of what happened to him. "NOOOO!" Marcus screamed out with every bit of anger and terror that he felt. "NO!" Amy suddenly screamed, smashing the boy alongside the head with her bags. "Leave her ALONE!" The boy growled, lashing out at Amy with one of his hands. Marcus took advantage of the brief loosening of the grip to try fighting back again. He yanked his shoulder away, though he still wasn't able to get out of the boy's grasp before he tightened his grip again. Marcus's eyes narrowed and he growled in anger, refusing to just give up. Then without any hesitation, Marcus grabbed hold of the boys testicles as hard as he could, and squeezed even harder. The boy let out a scream of raw agony but let go of Marcus. Marcus jumped out of the boys reach, then lashed out with his foot, giving several good kicks before he grabbed Amy's hand and said, "Let's go." Once Marcus and Amy were outside, he was half surprised to realize that they were still holding the bags that had the things they'd bought. He glanced back behind him, afraid that he'd see that boy again but was relieved when he didn't. But Marcus still had to fight back the temptation to shift out, if he still could, and fly away, leaving Amy behind. But as soon as that thought crosses his mind, Marcus forced it down, refusing to abandon her to that freak. They were both relieved to get to the car without further incident, and away from the mall. It didn't take long before they had returned to the dorms. Marcus was silent, glancing over nervously at an equally silent Amy. Neither knew exactly what to say, though Marcus finally broke the silence with "Thank you." Amy nodded, blushing slightly as she did so. Slowly they went inside the building and towards Amy's room, neither of them ready to talk much yet, though they both continued to nervously look over their shoulders. It was only once they were back inside the safety of Amy's room that they let out a simultaneous sigh of relief. "That was horrible." Amy said finally, her face still a little pale from the shock. "We've got to call the police." "And tell them what?" Marcus sneered, "That we don't know the guy's name?" He sighed, thinking about it. "Actually, I saw him earlier and remember him saying something about being in a comparative religion class. That should help narrow things down pretty good." "Yeah." Amy agreed, though at the moment neither of them reached for the phone. Instead they continued to look at each other, each facing the reality of just how close they might have come. And right in the middle of a mall as well, without a single person coming to their help. Marcus shuddered at the memory, feeling the adrenaline still pumping through his body but not being excited by it in the least. Not like he normally was. Instead, he felt ashamed. Dirty. How could that bastard try doing something like that to him? And then he remembered how he couldn't even shift out and felt a surge of anger, this time directed at an entirely difference source than his attacker. The same source that put him in that body in the first place. With a loud sigh, Marcus looked over at the bags of "stuff" he'd bought earlier. As exciting as it had been then, it just didn't seem quite as much so now. "I've gotta get going." He suddenly told Amy, no longer in the mood for makeup lessons. At least not at the moment. "I don't feel like those lessons you promised right now. I just want to be alone for awhile." "All right." Amy said in a slightly disappointed though understanding voice. Then to Marcus's surprise, she leaned over and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug before she pulled back and said, "I'll see you later Angel." "Sure." Marcus promised, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then with that, Marcus waved goodbye and was out the door, heading to the room that he'd gotten started calling his own. As soon as he arrived in it, he stopped and looked around, remembering his own room....his old room, and realizing that he hadn't even been there that day. It had been the first day since his transformation that he hadn't been in his old room. "I guess I'll get used to it." he told himself quietly as he set his bags down and leaned up against the wall, relieved to be safe at last. After a minute, Marcus was startled to hear a knock on the door. "Amy?" He asked, half expecting it to be her as he opened it up. Instead, Marcus was almost surprised to see his old body standing there, the blonde hair uncombed and the face looking worried. "Angel?" Marcus asked, opening the door wider to let her in, "What are you doing here?" Angel immediately came in, her eyes looking nervously about. "Are you all right?" she asked. "I know something happened. I could feel it. Were you hurt at all? What happened?" Marcus took a step back and stared at Angel. "What?" Looking just a little calmer, Angel explained, "I could feel you in danger. What happened?" "I was damn near raped." Marcus snarled furiously. "And your damn boss wouldn't even let me shift out." Angel looked stunned at that. "But what business is it of yours anyway? It's not like you're my guardian angel anymore, is it? What the hell can you do?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Marcus wished he hadn't said them. But he had. And by the look on Angel's face, he knew that the reminder had hurt her. "But I am." She said quietly, almost in a whisper. "No matter what happens to me, I'll always be your guardian...." At this, Marcus was surprised to see tears coming out of her eyes. "I'm supposed to protect you, and I can't even do it right anymore. I'm so sorry...." Then with that, Angel turned and ran out the door and down the hall. Marcus called out after her, but she didn't show any sign that she heard. "I'm sorry." he whispered to himself, tears coming down his own cheeks. "I'm sorry." But it was too late for that. Feeling absolutely horrible, about what had happened to him earlier and what he'd said to Angel, Marcus threw himself onto the bed and his face into the pillow, then he let his tears flow. Over the next several days, Marcus and Angel barely spoke a word to each other, in spite of the fact that they had all the same classes and sat next to each other in most of them. Marcus couldn't bring himself to look Angel in the eyes, feeling too guilty about what he'd said. The whole time since their change, she'd been the one who'd accepted it, who'd given Marcus the strength to accept it as well. But he could tell that even Angel was being torn apart, and it was his fault. As soon as the last class had let out on Friday, Marcus glanced over at Angel, seeing that she was about to say something, but then stopped, the same as she'd done several times over the last few days. He'd done the same himself. Marcus quickly turned his eyes away, refusing to look her in the eye though it was what he wanted more than anything. Without a word he left the classroom, and as soon as he was out of sight, he shifted out and started flying back to the dorm. Once Marcus was in the air, he flew up high then dived back down again for old times sake, though this time it just wasn't the same. There wasn't the same thrill that he so loved. Instead, all he could do was think of his situation. Of how he'd spent the last several days with Amy, becoming even better friends with her. He'd even been learning how to use makeup and walk in those 3 inch heels he'd bought. But still, he had no idea what Angel thought about that or his new clothes. That left an empty ache inside of him and Marcus wasn't sure how to fix it. Marcus sighed, forcing his mind away from Angel, or at least trying to. But still, he couldn't help but thinking of what had happened to them. He frowned as memories of his attackers words came back to him. "God is a tyrant." Marcus grimaced, remembering just how close his own predicament came to proving that. He had not only been punished for someone else breaking the rules, but God would have let him be raped rather than let him break another rule. Anger rose up inside of Marcus. Was this really the same God that he'd grown up with? The same one that Angel still seemed so loyal and trusting of? Marcus didn't know, but there was a great deal that he didn't know anymore. "Enough of that." Marcus growled at himself, still feeling rather angry at what had been done to his life but refusing to think about it anymore at the moment. He had spotted his dorm building down below and quickly swooped down towards it, passing through the wall and shifting back in within mere moments. "That should do it." Marcus said, glancing behind himself just to make sure that his wings were indeed invisible. Sometimes he felt like everyone had to be able to see them and had to remind himself that they couldn't. Several minutes later, Marcus had gone inside of Amy's room and listened quietly as she complained about how one of the boys she was interested in hadn't asked her out yet. "It's obvious that he likes me." She pouted. "Why doesn't he have the balls to ask me out?" Marcus smiled faintly at this since Amy's problem distracted him from his own. "Maybe he's shy." Marcus pointed out calmly, remembering this same story from the other side. How many times had he been unable to ask out a girl he liked or had one of his friends complain about not being able to. "Maybe he thinks you're already spoken for or wouldn't be interested in him." Marcus put a hand on Amy's shoulder, "Have you given him any reason to really think that you like him?" Amy took a step back and gave Marcus an odd look. "Just who's side are you on here?" But before Marcus could answer, she said, "I've flirted with him a few times." At this, Marcus nodded knowingly. "He probably thought you were just being a tease. A lot of guys are afraid of rejection. If you're really interested in the guy, maybe you should ask him out." "I don't know..." Amy protested, "If he's not interested enough..." "If you're don't have the guts to ask him, then don't blame him for not asking you." Marcus looked at Amy, beginning to feel annoyed. She suddenly reminded him of all the times he'd had friends get hurt by girls rejection. He hadn't had that problem himself too much, but he definitely knew how hard it was sometimes to ask a girl out. Then a little calmer, Marcus said, "Just try to see things from his point of view. The guy's probably a little intimidated, though I doubt he'll admit it." Amy nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe you're right. I'll think about it." "That's all I can ask." Marcus told her, feeling a little bit embarrassed now at having played matchmaker. For the next several moments, both looked at each other quietly. Finally Amy asked, "And what's up with you and your boyfriend? You haven't introduced me and I've noticed the way you're avoiding him. What's the matter? Did you have a fight?" Marcus gasped, "Boyfriend?" He gulped, already knowing that she was referring to Angel but not sure how to respond. "A....Marcus and I did have a bit of a fight." he admitted, feeling another surge of guilt as he said it. "I'd rather not talk about it right now though. All right?" "All right." Amy sighed, then looking at Marcus sideways, she added, "Of course, if you really want to get back together with him but don't have the guts to take the first step....." Marcus smiled in spite of himself. "I'll think about it." "That's all I can ask." Amy grinned back then both startled laughing. A short while later, Marcus and Amy were talking about things that were less important, though Marcus still enjoyed it. Amy was helping him adjust to his new body and life, and she wasn't even aware of it. It left him feeling a little bad that he couldn't tell her who he really was, but he knew that she'd never believe it. After all, he certainly didn't look anything like a guy anymore. Then suddenly, while in the middle of a sentence, Marcus stopped and stared at the wall. Something was w

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Guardian Angel Chapter 1 part 2

Jake was still on his knees in front of the bed while Kiyan took his pants off slowly, his body still paralyzed but not enough to stop the boy from pulling down his pants: “You’re ok with this?” asked Jake, as he helped the boy taking off his pants. “Y-yeah...” “Tell me if it’s bothering you.” “I-it’s not. Honest!” Jake gently pushes Kiyan on his back and lays on top of him, with both his dicks, covered by their underwear, touching each other. The boys join lips again, as Jake kept playin’...

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Guardian Angel

"Friday nights here in Albany in January sure aren't what we expected are they?" Dave looks at his roommate sitting at his computer. "Friday night our last year of college and one of us is downloading some porn and the other is about to walk to the hockey game by himself in a Nor'Easter not quite what we expected. " Justin simply shrugged and said "yeah I never expected to get a full length Jenna video in an hour." Dave just smiled simple old Justin not a care in the world, he wished he could...

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RetributionChapter 14 Angel of Los Angeles

It was evening the day after Christmas when Linda arrived in Los Angeles. Since she was flying in from Honolulu, she could bypass customs and walk straight to baggage claim. Linda was surprised to find a guy waiting for her with a sign saying ‘Linda Spencer’ on it. When she checked with him, he handed her a note from Joyce, ‘Enjoy the limo.’ The driver collected her luggage and escorted Linda out to a black limousine. He drove her to the Charleston Hotel, and opened the door for her then...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 21 The AI Core

The soft breathing of Aesia sleeping curled tightly against him was the only thing that broke the silence of the room. Tristan stared at the ceiling, the room lit only by the soft glow of a night light shining through the half open door from the hall. He had spoken with Da'ren and appraised the rest of the League's commanders of the current situation with the Sicceian's. He had ordered the nearest battle fleet to Mylia, but it would not arrive for at least three and a half weeks. He...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 22 The Weapon

Guardian, how are you? "Um, I don't know," Tristan replied. He opened his eyes and groaned as a thousand hammers were beating a throbbing rhythm inside his head. Squinting against the light, he sat up. He blinked as his vision cleared, and a young woman sat on a chair opposite him. She smiled. "I found you unconscious outside my core building. I feared I might have been too late." She stood and held out an arm to help him up. He wobbled for few moments before his balance returned. She...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 20 The Artificial Intelligences

The lights in the bunker were dimmed. Tristan lay quietly on one of the settees in the lounge. His hands behind his head he gazed at the plain white ceiling. He could not sleep, even though he had been working with the planetary computers almost constantly for the past two days. Everyone required direct communication and authorisation from a Guardian to complete its final boot sequence. The numbers went round and round in his head. Of the two hundred and fourteen Sicceian systems, one...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 19 A Guardian Returns

A sudden lurch left his stomach in his boots. He found himself standing in the remains of a room surrounded in chaos; the furniture was scattered about, one of the windows was missing, and there was a woman's body in a pool of blood lying to one side. With his heart in his mouth, Tristan went over to the body, knelt down, and gently rolled it over. Ewain lay dead, with a laser burn through her head and multiple stab wounds in her chest. From the amount of blood splashed round the room she...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 23 Rescue

Can you retrieve Aesia's ship, Cassiopeia? No, Tristan, the ship has too much mass for a long-range transport. Are any life signs on board? Yes, four Siccieans. Is one Aesia? I'm sorry, I can't tell the difference. Um... Tristan's face started to burn. There should be Guardian DNA present. How? ... Oh! One moment. No there is no Guardian DNA. Then set the self-destruct. We can't afford that technology falling into the wrong hands. Yes, Guardian, self-destruct is activated. As...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 24 End Game

A movement caught Tristan's eye. An injured crewman had hidden beneath a console and was turning a pistol towards him. Tristan drew his pistol and shot the man in the head. He turned at the sound of movement behind just as the Captain launched herself at him. He sidestepped and shot her, and she hit the deck dead. He holstered the pistol as he ran over to Aesia's prone body. Gently putting his arm under her he rolled her over. Her eyes flickered open and tears ran down her cheeks. The shot...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 6

Coming Back Part 1: Shawn Shawn is 10 years old, short dark hair and dark blue eyes. Shawn spent most of his life with other kids living in the streets, looking after each other, but soon the boy found himself lost in the streets. Since then, Shawn has tried to find a place where he could stay, until that night when he met Kiyan Roberts. After meeting Shawn, Kiyan felt his old self coming back to life, as the boy decided to give shelter to the little kid and be his friend. Thanks to Shawn,...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 5

Part 1: During «One Night Stand» Jake felt bad that his best friend had joined Hunter’s group. During the entire day, Hunter’s words kept echoing in his head: “You better leave my bud alone, superstar, or you’ll have trouble coming your way”. “His «bud»?!” screamed Jake in his mind. “What did he mean, his «bud»?! Shit, I hope it’s not like… me…” Jake kept wondering, and during the last class of the day, the boy kept having flashback moments of his past life with Hunter and the boys. Jake...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 4

The Wrong side of the tracks Part 1: His dark side Friday morning, Jake rushes to the same stairwell located just in front of the classroom. Jake sat on the stairwell, and hoped for his best friend to appear. Meanwhile, Fabio appeared: “Hey Jake, how’s Kiyan doing?” “I don’t know… Haven’t seen him since… You know…” “He’ll show up. By the way, that guy in our class... Hunter Lawrence?” “What about him?” “He wasn’t in the classes Kiyan missed too. Coincidence?” “Kiyan knows not to...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 3

The Boyz Part 1: Seth Williams The next day, back in school, Kiyan avoids the crowd in the hallways and reaches the stairwell in front of his classroom. Luckily, all of his classrooms are located in front of the same stairwell in different floors, so all he needs to do is walk up or down the stairs and he reaches his destination. Kiyan sited on the stairs in front of his classroom, and waits for Jake to show up. However, instead of Jake, it was Fabio to walk towards him: “Hey Kiyan. How...

2 years ago
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Guardian Angel part 1

Created by CeZy Note: All names and locations, including the story itself, is pure fantasy. Part 1: Superstar Kiyan Roberts is an average 13 year old, long black hair, very skinny and quite a fan of the computer world. Sports are what he calls his “weakness” and a very passive boy, avoiding as many conflicts as he possibly can. Although his eyes are meant to computers and video games, he also enjoyed movies, also enjoys a Tv show whose big star is Jake Warsavage, a muscular 14 year old...

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Guardian Angel of the ENF

Suddenly a warmth filled my body. This was unusual because before now I was not aware of having a body. But with the sudden warmth, came the input of my senses. I could hear my own breath, could smell my own sweat and could taste a sweet aftertaste in my mouth. The warmness subsided and I could feel a cool breeze caressing my skin. I knew that I could open my eyes and see what my body looked like but I chose not to. A whole new world of senses opened itself to me and honestly, I was a little...

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Guardian AngelChapter 2

Geoff woke up alone, had a shower and made his way down to the kitchen, half expecting to be alone as normal. Instead he found Helen searching through cupboards. She'd already made coffee and toast. "I was going to start breakfast but I didn't know what you liked. I was just trying to find something to iron my skirt. Do you have an iron and ironing board?" Geoff went to the cupboard under the stairs and got out the required implements and took them to her. "Thank you, my skirt is so...

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Guardian AngelChapter 3

At the station They got to the station as the London train departed. Faced with an hour wait for the next train Geoff and Helen found the station cafe and settled in for the wait. "Geoff, when I asked you why you helped me, you said you owed someone. I don't think it was money, so do you think you could tell what you owe to whom?" "The short answer is that her name is Vanessa Richardson and I owe her my life. Nothing special just something I can't pay back." "You can't expect me...

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Guardian AngelChapter 4

2nd August 2003 Geoff was in his element. He turned off the water from the hose and stood and looked at his pride and joy. He sniffed taking in the wonderful smell of Gunk. The Vincent Black Shadow gleamed in the sun light. Geoff took his chamois leather and started drying the paint and chrome work. He noticed the taxi pull up. Crouching down he picked up his tube of Solvol Autosol and started to polish the tappet covers. He heard the cab door close but didn't turn to look. He knew who it...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

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Angel at halloween party

I was walking down the aisles of the mall with my girlfriend who had beenshopping for what seemed like an eternity for a friend's birthday party.The mall had never been my favorite place and I would just as soon not havegone with her. But girls always like to have guys with them so they cantorture them by asking if they like or dislike everything they pick out.After walking through just about every store including Victoria Secretwhich always makes me feel out of place we finally stopped in a...

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Angel with a devil inside

ANGEL WITH A DEVIL INSIDE Chapter 1 - When I first met her We met about two years ago, in the mall. I still remember the first time I saw her. She was walking ahead of me in the mall, and I noticed her hair. She has beautiful waist length red hair. It is somewhat thick, and it just flows from her head. She was wearing it loosely and it was all I could see. I caught up with her, and her face was just as beautiful as her hair. I noticed her deep blue eyes as I looked at her and said, ?Hi. I saw...

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Little Angel

January, 2044, Winnisimmet Massachusetts neighborhood of Twatville It was snowing heavily as she wander through the streets, clad in only a thin jacket and shorts. She had shoes, but they were barely fitting and flopping around as she took each step. It was tough to walk, but she was determined to continue on until she found somewhere nice and warm to sleep. She was only four-years-old yet was smart and could figure out that sleeping in an abandoned building or a back alley wasn't...

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Guardian Tales Chyoa Edition

Note: [There are child characters in the actual game. While this will be a sex story, there is to be NO sexual content for any children. Only between the adults.] Up above the sky hidden away from the rest of the world lives a magnificent castle built by mysterious characters for the sole purpose of protecting the world from threats that are beyond simple understanding. And as the day goes by a blue spark with long wings similar to that of an angel or dragonfly flew straight out of this...

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Angel of Seduction

Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...

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For the Love of an Angel Chapter Two

Dad laughed, “Yes, but the little guy is only six foot, five inches! In our clan, that’s short! Shorty, have I got a deal for you! I’ll donate that dry muley cow in our north pasture and three kegs of beer if you could butcher her and put her on your pit down at the Council campground?” Uncle Shorty did most of the cooking there. It got him free beer, popularity, and was great publicity for his caf?Everybody who is anybody for forty miles around eats at Uncle Shortys place. Aunt Juanita...

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An Angel for ChristmasChapter 1

Gina has always been attracted to other women. When she was a teenager she hid a porno magazine under her mattress so she could masturbate looking at those beautiful, naked girls. Playboy was her favorite magazine. They had the best centerfolds. Now that she was an adult, she would sneak her husbands’ magazines and masturbated to them almost every night while he was at work. She couldn’t seem to stop thinking about having a female lover. But, she could never tell her husband. Max would probably...

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An Angel for ChristmasChapter 1

Gina has always been attracted to other women. When she was a teenager she hid a porno magazine under her mattress so she could masturbate looking at those beautiful, naked girls. Playboy was her favorite magazine. They had the best centerfolds. Now that she was an adult, she would sneak her husbands’ magazines and masturbated to them almost every night while he was at work. She couldn’t seem to stop thinking about having a female lover. But, she could never tell her husband. Max would probably...

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The Rejection Chronicles Carmyn and Angel

The Rejection Chronicles: Carmyn and Angel Guess what ladies? Men have huge egos. When we meet you and we’re attracted to you we can’t help it, our egos swell to enormous sizes along with other parts of our body. We start to imagine you are interested in every third word that slips from our lips. Our imaginations run wild and we believe our cocks must captivate you. We sit there pretending to listen to you prattle on about your latest hair or clothing crisis while in our brain we are imagining...

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The Rejection Chronicles Carmyn and Angel

The Rejection Chronicles: Carmyn and Angel Guess what ladies? Men have huge egos. When we meet you and we’re attracted to you we can’t help it, our egos swell to enormous sizes along with other parts of our body. We start to imagine you are interested in every third word that slips from our lips. Our imaginations run wild and we believe our cocks must captivate you. We sit there pretending to listen to you prattle on about your latest hair or clothing crisis while in our brain we are imagining...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 25 G

Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...

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Precious Angel

Alexis hurried to the kitchen to grab the phone and stop the annoying, continual ringing. “Hello?” Alexis mumbled into the phone. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for almost a hour now!” Sandi, a good friend of Alexis’s said in her usual cheery voice. “So I’ve heard.” “I see you’re still in a bad mood?” Sandi asked. “I am not in a bad mood,” Alexis snapped. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m sorry Sandi.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it,” she said in a quiet...

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THE FIRST WEEKEND…Friday seemed to come quickly this week. Angel had spent most of her time working around the house preparing for her absence over the weekend. Her thoughts always seemed to return to the big black man that she had taken into her mouth. The one who would now own her for the weekend. What was going to happen to her? What will she be made to do? Why didn’t Ken seem to care? All he had been doing was working or going over his books. He hadn’t even bothered to ask about...

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Just Call Her Angel In the Morning

Hey My name is Bob from California I have found that Women might say size doesn't matter, but lets be honest, it does. I wanted my lady to experience a large cock, eight or more inches, but more importantly thick. I wanted to see her pleased. I wanted her to cum multiple times and get a little dirty in bed. I really wanted her to just enjoy sex with another man. I did have some reservations. What if when it started I became enraged with jeoulosy. What if after experiencing another man, a...

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For the Love of an Angel Chapter One

The memorable day my Angel Vision was revealed to me, I had been meditating far up in the branches of grandfather oak above our family hunting grounds for most of the night. The first rays of dawn were coming through the branches and I became mentally aware of them. They were the cue I had set my mind to wait for. I quietly shifted to see if any deer or other wildlife was in the clearing below me. The scene below was dramatic and would change my life from that day forward. The ground fog...

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Angels loan pat 1

THE LOAN…Ken was beginning to feel desperate. He needed a short-term loan for a business venture which could more than double his investment. He had tried all the banks, the loan companies, and even some of his friends in hopes of gaining the money that he needed to complete his plans. All without any luck. No one felt that the investment opportunity was worth the risks. He felt broken, down and out. Nowhere to turn. Where could he get the money he so desperately needed? An...

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Pt 5 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

Compared to the last weekend Tuesday was a bit boring but it also was a LOT OF FUN...___________________________________________________Joe & me got up Tuesday about 10:00am & went out front to check on Angel. Again she was being fucked by 1 of Joes neighbors. I then asked her how her night went while this guy was still fucking her. Angel replied " I was able to sleep until maybe 7:00am or so. I was woke up by 1 of the neighbor men seeing me & he came over to fuck me then. It was a...

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Angel a ficticious story about Daddys girl

My little AngelEntirely fictitious. Not my story but had to post.Angel was just seven when her mother died. It took a long time for both of us to adjust to the void in our lives but it also brought us closer together. We became more than just father and daughter, we were best friends. Now, at 17, Angel was becoming a beautiful young woman, slim and blonde like me but with her mother's quick smile. She was even beginning to show signs of her mother's voluptuous figure.A few weeks ago I took...

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I enjoy reading other authors writings on the Medallion of Zulo, so... I thought I would take a "stab" at one. Instead of focusing on the story like others, I wondered what would happen if an adult that used Zulo was suddenly transformed into a very young baby... less than a month old? Would they be able to retain all their knowledge when they reverted back? This story is what I think could happen. Angel By Anon Allsop The pendant laid dormant in the plastic baggie next to my...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

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Angel 4

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Angel had been following the flagstone path for two days now. Not to long ago she saw a tall castle on a mountaintop in the distance. Bright flags flew from tall towers set in high-buttressed walls. She wondered who would live there and if they would know how she could get home. By now, her tits had stopped growing. They were now an enticing ‘C’ cup...

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Angel A New Beginning

This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...

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Pt 65 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

Thursdays extended fun with Angel at the adult book store._____________________________________________________The store did have a hose attached to a faucet out back. We took Angel out to it & rinsed out her holes & then rinsed her off as she drained out.About 6:00am we went back into the store & Joe announced "OK guys, you can start fucking her again. For all you new guys just a couple of things, you can fuck her as much as you want in any hole you want, including her mouth. If...

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Angel does a perverted act against

Angel stared like a mesmerised rabbit at the length of black cock bobbing in front of her eyes. Her heart quaked with fear and disgust, and weakness. Igwe wanted her to suck his cock, and her stomach churned with the horror of it. She was losing the argument and she knew it! Igwe was not accepting her refusal. Not accepting that she had the right to say No! Her husband would never treat her like this. He had more respect for her! Igwe wanted his cock sucked, and what Igwe wanted Igwe got. He...

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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

Introduction: This is based on a true story This story is based on a true story, honest to God. Of course some of the details are embellished in order to make it more interesting. I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 52 with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. Shes not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style,...

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Part 1 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angel had a

We were at home 1 night watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it to hear an old friend of Angels ask to speak to her. He was a Country Western star & band leader that Angel had met years before we met the 1st time when he was performing at a bar she was a cocktail waitress at then. He took a liking to her then & during a break he asked her to dance & after the show to a late dinner. Dinner then led to his room & more fun that night. Then he asked her to join his troupe...

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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties. Not only am I lucky...

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Angel gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...

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Angel Beckys 1st time together

Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...

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