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Motivation By Bashful Lauren brushed her long blonde hair out until it was shiny and styled just right. She touched up her lipstick and added a drop of perfume to each of her wrists and the nape of her neck, just like Rory liked it. She was uncomfortable, nervous and she wanted to scream but she held herself together. Lauren picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder, checking her reflection one more time. 'I hope this works,' she thought to herself. With that, she went out to her car and drove several blocks to another house. Dave was lazing about the house on a day off, the first one he'd taken in several weeks. When Lauren rang the bell, Dave answered the door. He was impressed with the sight that he beheld. Lauren Towers was the wife of Dave Jefferson's best friend Rory. Dave was divorced and had been for several months. Lauren was wearing a short, revealing pink dress and white sandals with three-inch heels. The dress was made of very thin material and her erect nipples were evident. Lauren tried to smile when Dave smiled at her but she was too nervous, she blushed instead. "Hi Dave, can I come in, I need to talk to you, it's very important," Lauren said. "Sure Lauren, come right in, can I get you a drink?" he offered. "Please Dave, scotch rocks, a double." Dave blinked at her request but complied, it was barely noon. Normally Lauren only drank white wine and Dave was really offering iced tea or a soda. Despite her well-groomed and frankly, very sexy appearance, Lauren was obviously distraught. Handing her the tumbler of amber liquor, Dave sat down on the chair across from Lauren who sat down on the couch. He had poured himself a short, weak drink as well. He was trying to make Lauren feel more at ease. The ice in Lauren's glass tinkled as her hand shook. She took a large gulp of the drink and began coughing as it burned her throat. "Lauren, can I get you something weaker? Should you be drinking so early in the day?" Dave's tone was one of concern, not criticism. Lauren shook her head and polished off the rest of the drink. She handed the glass back to Dave. "Can I have another, please?" she asked. Dave didn't think it was a good idea but he went ahead and did it anyway. He handed the refreshed drink back to Lauren. This time she just sipped at it. Dave noticed that Lauren was behaving strangely in other ways. Her walk seemed stilted and she wasn't as relaxed as she normally looked. She was dressed as Lauren normally dressed, just this side of trampy. Her clothes were always expensive but revealing. She wore makeup where ever she went but it was always tasteful. Then Dave realized what she wasn't doing. Lauren wasn't using any of the subtle body language that she normally used when she was around men. She was faithful to Rory but she teased and flirted with men almost constantly. Now she acted repressed, almost confused. "Lauren, I haven't seen much of you two for the last month, is something wrong with you or Rory? Is he okay?" Dave asked. "That's a good question Dave, I'm not sure how to answer it. I'm going to tell you something that's going to seem very farfetched. You may even think me crazy when I'm done but every word is true, I swear it is. You have to believe me." Dave knew that something serious was wrong, Lauren never talked like this, she never let things bother her this severely. "I'll listen and I'll help if I can, Lauren," Dave said. "Dave, I'm not Lauren, I'm Rory, Lauren switched us around. She's in my body now." Lauren said. She spoke slowly and clearly, searching Dave's eyes for any sign that he believed her. "Lauren, I..." Dave didn't know what to say. he avoided her eyes. Lauren slumped, she took another gulp of her drink and felt tears begin to sting her eyes, she never really expected him to believe her, she doubted she would have believed the tale if the situation was reversed. "Look, you have to admit that what you said sounds fantastic. I can't think of any reason for you to come over here and tell me this unless you believe it. Is there anything that you can think of that might convince me that you are really Rory? I mean, something that only Rory and I may know or remember. I've known Rory longer than I've known you and..." "Damn it Dave, it's me, it's Rory. We played high school football together, we lost our virginity to the Thompson twins on the same night on opposite ends of town. You've got a small three sided scar on your right butt cheek from an arrow I accidentally hit you with when we were hunting one time. What else do I need to say?" "Sorry Lauren but we've talked about all of those things in front of several people, including you. Rory would know something that Lauren wouldn't, I'm sure," Dave said. "Dave, do you remember the Super Bowl in Atlanta last year? The ice storm canceled our flight and we had to spend the night. I told Lauren that we slept in the airport because the hotels were full. We really went home with those two flight attendants who had a place just off the airport. We screwed the girls and then we swapped partners and did it again," Lauren said. Dave knew then that he was speaking to the real Rory. "Oh my God! Rory, it is you, you'd never reveal that to Lauren. But why did she do it and how did she change you into a woman?" "She did it because she found out about Atlanta, she was so mad. She told me I was a sorry excuse for a man. The redhead found a business card after we left and she called the house last month. She was in town and wanted to get together. I told her I was single so she thought it was okay to call me," Lauren took another sip of her drink. "Lauren said she couldn't trust me with a penis anymore and that's why she was going to keep it for awhile. She said she has a magic spell to trade our bodies and that's all I know." "She told me I would be a woman until I had sex with a man, someone besides her, him I mean. She's Rory now and I'm Lauren. He calls me Lauren, honey, girl, sweetie and woman. He makes me wear dresses, makeup and perfume all the time. He takes me out to restaurants and bars then tries to make me pickup strange men and have sex with them but I won't do it. I'm not a queer. I don't want a man touching me there, not ever." Lauren collapsed into the tears she had been fighting for nearly half an hour. Dave let her sob for a minute then moved to the couch and touched her shoulder. The woman wrapped her arms around Dave and held him close, crying on his shoulder. Dave held her, rubbed her back and spoke soothingly to her. She cried for a long time, nearly thirty minutes. She finally cried herself out and took her arms from around Dave. Lauren's sexy, scantily clad body had a predictable affect on Dave, he was aroused. He took his arms from around Lauren but he couldn't stop looking at her. She left the room to go into the bathroom. Dave heard running water and then Lauren came back in the room. Her eyes were still puffy looking but she had refreshed her makeup. She sat down on the couch near Dave and smiled, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry Dave, I get so emotional these days. When you finally believed me I felt such a release that I had to cry. It's weird but I feel much better now. Just knowing that another person knows and believes what has happened to me helps also," Lauren said. "I'm sorry that I didn't believe you in the first place, I hope you understand why I didn't. It just seems so fantastic, it scary to think about, you know? Dave said. "It's worse than you think. Rory tells me he can even change me into an animal if he wanted. He said if he gets tired of being a man, he might change back into Lauren and turn me into a female dog or cat and keep me for a pet." Lauren finished her second drink and sat the glass on the table. "I just woke up like this one morning and Rory was sitting in the chair in the bedroom laughing. He's been going to my job and apparently doing a good enough job at pretending to be me that no one's noticed, not yet." Lauren sighed and stood up, she walked around the room and stood next to the fireplace, she primped at her hair in the mirror there until she realized what she was doing and stopped. Dave couldn't stop himself from looking at Lauren's ass as she walked, she was a hot looking woman, even with his best friend Rory inside. "I'm becoming more like the real Lauren everyday. I can walk in high- heels and I know how to sit like a woman, get into and out of a car like one. I even found myself looking at dresses in a shop window yesterday when I had to go grocery shopping. I was wondering what they would look like on me. I have to get back into my own body before I forget I was ever Rory. That's why I'm here, I need your help, Dave." "Anything Rory, uh Lauren, I'll help anyway that I can, what do you want me to call you?" Dave said. "You'd better call me Lauren, it'll be easier considering what I'm going to ask you to do. Dave, I need to have sex with you." "What! No, I'm sorry I can't do that, not to my best friend, it's not right, it's...twisted. I mean, you're a guy and so am I. I'm sorry uh...Lauren, I can't do it." "Dave, just now, when you held me and comforted me, you knew it was me but you did so anyway. You treated me as you would a real woman in the same situation. You also have a hard on, I can see it and I felt it. I'm not thrilled about having to ask you to do this but the fact of the matter is I'm between a rock and a hard place. Rory gave me an ultimatum, if I don't have sex with a man before he gets home at 5pm, I'll be Lauren for life, if I'm lucky. If I'm not so lucky, I could be Lauren's cute little doggie. Dave, as much as this disgusts me, I have to have your help. I can't stand the thought of finding a strange man fuck me. Please Dave, please help me out." She started crying again. Dave was floored, here was his best friend, now a beautiful, sexy woman and she was begging him for sex. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he wasn't. "Look, uh, Lauren, if I scr...if I help you, Rory may do something to me like he did to you. If he can change you then maybe he can change me too. Sorry, but as much as I like you, I'm not giving up my life as a man to help you out. Just tell Rory you did it. I tell you what, I'll jack off into a rubber and you can show him that as proof," Dave said. "It won't work, Rory wants me to screw a man in our bedroom and video tape it." "Well then you're out of luck Lauren, sorry, I'm not taking the kind of chance that you want me to just to save your ass, even as cute as it currently is." Dave said. "Oh, thanks a lot, that's real funny. Go ahead, make jokes at my expense. Why don't you tell some dumb blonde jokes now? Damn it Dave, I'm in trouble, what are friends for if they can't help you when you're in trouble. Wasn't I there for you when Alice left you and you were so depressed? Didn't I help you out when you lost your job because the company went bankrupt and you needed money?" Lauren looked like she was going to cry again. 'She's right, Dave thought, 'I am her best friend and I ought to at least try and do something to help.' "Look, why don't I go back to your place with you and look at the setup in the bed room, maybe I could disguise myself somehow, maybe I can help you after all." Dave had a bad feeling about this but he owed Lauren, Rory, whoever she was, at least that much. Dave drove over to Lauren and Rory's place in his own car. Lauren showed Dave the video camera Rory had set up to capture her and whoever she had sex with on tape. She turned the camera on and recorded a few seconds then played it back so that they could get an idea what the camera saw. "Well, if I keep my back to the camera and wear a sweat shirt to cover my eagle tattoo I got in college, I can probably get away with this. I need a wig or something to cover my hair, do you have anything?" Dave said. Lauren dug out an old wig she, or the real Lauren, had worn when she had cut her hair too short at one time. They trimmed the wig to a new male style and Dave donned it along with a plain, gray sweatshirt. They taped Dave lying on the bed. They couldn't see anything that would give him away. "Okay, I'll be able to do this for you, if you're sure you want to go through with it? Why not just call Rory's bluff? Do you really think he's serious, maybe it's just a trick or a test?" Dave said. "I'm afraid to take that chance. I might be able to put up with being Lauren for the rest of my life but I've never seen anyone so mad as Rory was with me the morning I woke in this body. I'm more afraid that I'll wind up an animal, I couldn't handle that." Lauren looked terrified, her eyes shiny with tears. "Okay, how did you want to handle this? I mean, do you want me to be dominant, and you just lay there? Or were you going to be more active? I just don't want to...I don't know, this is so weird, perverted almost." Dave was nervous now that he was committed. He had hoped the situation would be unworkable but it wasn't. He could screw Lauren and not get caught. Lauren saw the battle Dave was having with himself and she knew she would have to help him to help her. Her fear of what might happen was a powerful motivational tool. She did what she didn't think she could do. "Dave, just let me get us started, you'll know what to do after that." She swallowed hard and reached behind her and unzipped her dress. It slipped off her shoulders and fell to the floor around her feet. They were standing in the hall, out of sight of the camera, she had turned it on a moment ago. Dave inhaled sharply when he saw Lauren Towers without a dress. She was wearing a matching light pink bra, panties and garter belt set with nude thigh highs. She was a breathtaking woman. Her long blonde hair gathered on the tops of her breasts and fell to the middle of her back. Dave could smell her perfume and the aroma of her arousal as well. Lauren stepped forward and forced herself to kiss Dave on the lips. She discovered she was getting wet to her own surprise. Dave found returning the kiss easier than he had expected it would be. Lauren unconsciously opened her mouth and their tongues met, flicking back and forth, playing at first, then fighting a mock battle. Dave paused to take a deep breath and then deepened the kiss. They were holding each other now and caressing their bodies. Dave had removed Lauren's bra and bent to kiss her nipples and then suck on them. Lauren let out a low moan and dug her nails into Dave's back, through the sweatshirt. This was far more enjoyable than she had imagined it could be. Dave had forgotten that he was with someone who had been a man at one time. He was with a beautiful, desirable woman, one he had fantasized about, more than once. Dave lifted her into his arms and carried her into the waiting bedroom. He kept his back turned to the camera and lay her on the bed. He hooked a thumb into each side of her panties and stripped them off. She was wearing just her garter belt, stockings and shoes now. Dave kicked off his shoes and pulled down his pants and climbed onto the bed, positioning himself between her legs. It was Lauren's turn to gasp. As Rory, she had seen Dave's cock a number of times in shower rooms but never at full erection. It looked huge. She was much smaller now herself so it looked larger than she remembered, she hoped. It was much larger than Rory's cock. She dearly hoped it wouldn't hurt. She braced herself for pain but when Dave entered her, it felt good. It was strange at first, having something shoved into her body but she soon got over the strange feeling and began to enjoy herself even more. Dave began to pump into her, gathering momentum and speed as he neared his own climax. He felt Lauren come once, just a few minutes after he had entered her, then she came again as he exploded inside her. He discovered that Lauren was a screamer, or at least this Lauren was. Dave relaxed and lay on top of Lauren, she didn't object to it. For all of her objections and repulsion, she had discovered that sex as a woman was pretty damn good. She discovered that the second climax Dave brought her to was still going on, even as his cock began to shrink and withdraw. She didn't want Dave to move she wanted to feel his body against hers for as long possible. Dave raised up and stared at Lauren's face, she looked even more beautiful with her mussed hair and smeared lipstick. He bent to kiss her, forgetting again that this was really his best friend, a former male. The kiss was sweet and passionate at the same time. It caused a stirring within both Lauren and Dave as they felt his cock getting hard again. She squeezed with muscles she didn't know she had to encourage it. Dave and Lauren kissed, caressed and began moving in unison once more. This time it was slower, more deliberate. The first time had been sex, just sex. The second time, they made love. They climaxed once, in concert and Lauren again screamed. It was more intense this time, more personal. Dave lay atop her and wondered how he would ever look at his friend the same way again. Lifting his head, Dave looked into the eyes of the woman he had just loved and saw a new person. Neither Lauren or Rory, a third person, female, beautiful and sexy. Someone he could love, more than he had loved Alice, his ex-wife. He closed his eyes and shook his head mentally. He couldn't think this way, it was wrong and he was right. Rolling off, careful to keep his back to the camera, Dave picked up his pants and shoes and left the bedroom. Lauren followed him after a stop by the bathroom. They looked at each other and then looked aside. Something had happened between them that they could not have predicted. Something that neither of them would have wanted to happen but now it was there and they had to face it. "This is silly Lauren but just then, before I got up, I thought I saw someone else there, in your eyes," Dave said and gave a little laugh, trying to make it sound light. "There is someone else in here Dave, but it's not what you think. I'm afraid that I haven't been very honest with you," Lauren said. "What do you mean, oh my God, you're the real Lauren, I've just screwed my best friend's wife! Shit! Why did you do this to me? What if Rory came home and found us, he'd kill me and I'd let him. Give me that tape and then I'm out of here. Don't ever call me or talk to me again Lauren." Dave was zipping up his jeans and pulling his running shoes back on. "Dave, everything I told you was true up to a point, I am or was Rory and Lauren did swap our bodies to punish me. That was all true," Lauren said. "Then what was it you didn't tell the truth about?" Dave asked. "Look, it's getting a bit cool out here, I feel the cold more in this body. Let me get dressed and I'll be right back to explain. Why don't you make us a couple of drinks, I'll just have white wine, you have anything you like." Lauren walked back in the bedroom. Dave watched her naked body as she walked off. He made them each a drink, a white wine as she requested and a scotch and water for him, a much stronger one than he had earlier. Lauren smiled when he handed her the drink and she sat down on the couch near him. She crossed her legs and took a sip of her wine. "What's going on Lauren, what do you mean when you said you hadn't been completely truthful?" Dave asked. "First off Dave, you were terrific. I've never felt so good and so alive in all my life. It's too bad we can't make this a regular thing but you're right about cheating on your best friend, it's not a good idea. Then there's the other problem with that idea. You see, in a few more minutes, I won't be Lauren anymore, you will." Lauren took another sip of her drink but never took her eyes off of Dave. "What are you saying? How will I become Lauren?" "Well, the spell that Rory used is limited. It allows two people to trade bodies but only until they have sex with another person. Then they swap bodies with that person. Rory use the spell to swap us around and then told me I'd be this way for a month until I had been 'taught a lesson' he also told me that he would use the spell in the future whenever he thought I needed a reminder." Lauren stood up and walked around the room. She was moving with an easy grace she didn't have earlier. "I've been living in hell these past few weeks Dave, Rory has lorded over me like I was his personal slave. He couldn't screw me without switching back but unfortunately blowjobs don't have an effect on the spell. Rory wanted to see what a male orgasm was like and he made me give him oral sex, often. I couldn't hurt him because it's my body. I had to do as he said. Tonight was the end of the month and we were going to change back. But anytime in the future that 'Lauren' feels like I need a lesson, she can swap with me as soon as I have sex with her. I can't file for divorce, she'd get everything with the proof she had that I cheated on her." Lauren got a funny look on her face and then Dave felt the room spinning, his vision clouded and then cleared. "What just happened? My voice!" Dave looked at his body sitting on the couch, smiling back at him! "Well, Lauren, how does it feel to be such a sexy woman? You know, the spell isn't active now. We could go back into the bedroom and try out that new body of yours. I guarantee that sex, as a woman, is a fantastic experience. Of course, when your husband gets home, he'll show you what it's like as well. Dave looked down and saw the swell of Lauren's breasts pushing out the front of the silk robe he, make that she, was wearing. Dave was now Lauren. "What's to keep Rory from coming home and casting another spell and changing bodies with me?" the new woman asked. "The fact that I have the spell book and without it Rory can't do anything. Rory was stupid enough to hide it in the house. It took me two weeks to find it but I finally did. I would have undone the body swap spell myself, I tried often enough, but only the person that casts the spell can undo it. No, I have the book in a very safe place and I'll leave it there. I can't take the chance that Rory would use another spell on me for revenge. This is your life now Lauren, I hope you can find a way to enjoy it." Dave rose to leave. "Wait, I'm your best friend, why did you do this to me, why not some stranger?" the new Lauren asked. "Remember I said the redhead found a business card and called the house?" Dave asked. "Yes, so? You shouldn't have left it lying around." "It was your card, she sent it to Lauren, the other Lauren. It had my name and home phone number written on the back in your handwriting. Lauren made sure that the girl was with me, she had her describe my Marine Corps tattoo. You don't have one. You set me up 'buddy'." The new Dave said, bitterly. The new woman racked her memory and then it came to her. Dave had been angry with Rory for swapping partners just when the redhead was about to give Dave a blowjob, Rory had gotten it instead. Dave was more than a little drunk and thought it would be funny to leave a card behind with Rory's number on it. "Every time I had to give my own body head, I dreamed of the day that I'd get even with you for that. That motivated me to keep going. Well what goes around, comes around and you've just been fucked! Have a nice life, Bitch!" Dave turned to leave, he could hear the sound of a woman crying behind him. Dave stopped and turned back around. "Lauren, I don't want to leave it like this, we were friends once. If you can't live with Rory, you can live with me. It'll give you some time to get used to being a woman and I'll help you. Keep it in mind, it's an option." With that he left. 'It's the least I can do and if she takes me up on it, I'll have that tasty little body to screw again,' he thought. Dave walked outside into the warm spring sunshine. It felt good to be a man again. He stretched and felt his muscles. Lauren was a beauty but she was a woman and physically weak. It would be good to be able to lift things again without asking for help. Dave climbed into his car and fished the keys out of his pockets. Everything felt strange to him, strange but familiar. He was wearing comfortable shoes again and he didn't have the constant smell of perfume and makeup in his nose. His chest wasn't constricted by a bra or weighted down with breasts. Best of all, he could feel a cock in his crotch again and it even began to get hard when he envisioned the body he had worn for the last month. Tonight, he would find a woman and get laid, using the much larger cock he now possessed. He reached forward to start the car and dropped the keys. He looked at his hand, something was wrong, it seemed to be changing. He felt very weird, something was happening to him. Then the world went dark. Rory arrived home at the usual time. He walked up to Dave's car, parked in front of his house, and looked inside. Dave's clothes were lying on the front seat and his keys were on the floorboard, next to his shoes. Rory looked around but saw no one nearby. Chuckling, he went into the house. "Lauren, I'm home," he called out. He heard sobbing coming from the bedroom and went in there. Lauren was lying face down on the bed, wearing just a robe. She was crying into her pillow. "What's wrong honey?" he asked and touched her shoulder. She jerked when he did so and Rory chuckled again. "Well, 'Dave', looks like your good buddy double crossed you. I suspected he might," Rory said. The sobbing woman turned over and looked at Rory. Her face was streaked with tears and mascara. "You knew he was going to do this to me?" she asked. "I thought he might. I made sure he saw the business card so he could see it was Dave's handwriting. You now have a more flowing, feminine handwriting style. How about getting up and making dinner?" Rory said as he patted her on the butt. "Rory, can't you change us back into the right sex? I don't want to be a woman." "Nope, the other Lauren found my spell book and hid it somewhere. That bitch will never be able to use it but we'll never be able to find it either. You don't have to stay married to me but remember this, you're Lauren now and always will be. She never worked outside the home, she dropped out of college when we got married because she wanted to start a family. That hasn't worked out but we can keep trying." "Now you have a choice, be my wife or find a job and new place to live. Minimum wage is up over five dollars an hour now. Take your time making up your mind, just as long as I get an answer before dinner is on the table. By the way, what are we having for dinner?" "Fuck you Rory, I may be a woman but I have choices, I'll move in with Dave." Lauren said. "Oops, you don't know, do you?" Rory said with a grin. "Know what?" "I left what is called a guard spell on Lauren's body. It's kind of a mystical chastity belt. Anyone who had sex with Lauren would trigger the spell. Dave doesn't exist anymore, but there is a new dog running around, a mixed breed bitch in heat. Once she's been bred, once the dog is pregnant in other words, she'll remember who she was. She'll probably show up here if animal control doesn't grab her." Rory explained. Lauren sat there taking in the situation. She looked at Rory and sighed. Being a woman was better than being a dog. She rolled off the bed and walked past Rory. He put a hand on her arm and stopped her. "Where are you going?" he asked. "To see what's in the kitchen for dinner." Lauren said. Rory smiled and leaned over to kiss her, she turned her head and he kissed her cheek, he didn't press it. They had a long time to get to know each other. As Lauren began dinner, Rory stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. He checked the concealed hiding place that held his spell book. The former Lauren had found a dummy book he had left for her to find. You didn't get to be over three centuries old without learning from your mistakes. Rory put the book back, closed the hiding place up and sealed it with a spell. He looked at his male body and nodded approval but he knew that Lauren would be comparing his smaller penis with the one she had possessed just a few hours ago. Well, there was a spell for that as well. This wasn't the first time the sorcerer had been the wife then the husband, or vise versa, in the same marriage. Training the new Lauren should be easier than training the former Rory had been. The example of how much power the spell book held would be a motivator. Rory would wait until the dog showed up, hungry and pregnant, before revealing he still had the book. Rory entered the kitchen and watched his 'new' wife preparing dinner. She seemed to have everything in hand so he went into the living room and turned on the news. Later, they would take Dave's car back to his house and park it in the garage. Rory would put Dave's clothes in the hamper and his wallet and keys on the dresser. Dave's disappearance would be a puzzle that was never solved. One day, he might even change Dave back into a human, a woman of course. It would depend on how good a wife the present Lauren would make. Dave would be extremely obedient after a year or two as a dog. Motivation, that was the key. The end.

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Independent Personality

BOOM! The force of the impact reverberated like a high speed collision of two asteroids. BOOM! By the second strike everyone had to take a step back or risk losing their hearing. BOOM! The pointy end of the pickaxe buried in the hard rocky wall of the crevasse and large chunks of stone crumbled. “That’s enough, rest!” Zechariah yelled to old man Zax. Dropping the pickaxe, Zax dragged himself a short distance from the excavation spot for the new numbered tunnel and slumped on the...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Family Makes a Decision

I didn’t know what I was going to do about Lindsay’s blackmail as I climbed down the spacious stairway to our vast living room. The great vaulted ceilings and sky windows made our new living room seem so big compared to our old house. I was intensely conflicted but one thing was for sure, I really didn’t want to leave Sunny Manor. At the same time if I was doing what my sister told me it was probably wrong on many different levels. I would have probably done what my sister asked me to do...

2 years ago
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Collateral Synopsis  Unbeknown to her, Lucy is put forward as collateral for a gambling debt payment. She hasn?t money so must give her body, something her stubbornness and pride refuses to do. Can she survive the Boss?s painful methods of persuasion?   Collateral  by obohobo   Warnings  Please take note!  The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal i...

3 years ago
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Uncle HarryChapter 3 Monday the Third Day

I woke up to a wonderful sight - my thirteen – almost fourteen - year old niece, naked, in my bed and all sprawled out with the covers thrown away. I crawled out and went off to relieve myself and get some coffee going. While the coffee was brewing, I went back into the bedroom and knelt beside the bed. Gently I bent over and blew softly on Cassie's nipples. As I watched and blew, the nipples hardened and started to stand up. Once they were fully erect I started to flick them with my tongue...

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Yarnos Last RaidChapter 3

It looked like the Apaches had left three of their number to ambush me while the rest continued to whatever place they were headed. I couldn't imagine where they were headed, but I figured to follow them cautiously until I puzzled it all out. My horse was walking through a field of sand with rocks scattered about. I was busy watching for Indians and letting him watch where he was going. Suddenly, my horse jerked back and nearly dumped me from the saddle. That's when I first heard the...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 12 Best Cowgirl Sex For My Son

I went to the restroom to redo my hair and reapply my favorite cherry red lipstick. With all that friction of my son’s cock against my lips, the previous coat was wiped out. I was pleased to notice the glow on my face. No wonder, as Vineeta had mentioned, a young man’s cum does wonders for a woman. The intake of warm young cum in your digestive system generates a lustrous glow within a week. In one day, I had swallowed two huge loads. What a cum slut I had become. As Joy drove the car back...

3 years ago
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A Platonic Relationship Chapter 02

Marcella Henry walked into the brightly-lit control room of the Prototype Living Alternate Technology Organism project and cheerily said hello to the half-dozen second-shift workers who were still at their stations. An additional dozen or so stations were already powered down for the night.“I don’t know how you are always so cheerful,” one of the techs said as she handed the shift supervisor’s set of master keys to Marcella. “When my overnight rotation comes up once a month to cover your days...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sex Dungeon

Life isn't fair. It makes no promises and grants no guarantees. Bad things happen to good people and all that crap. I was diagnosed with cancer at the tender young age of 22. It came on without warning and was a death sentence. Even with aggressive treatment there was little chance of remission. They say there are stages of grief and at the end you find acceptance. I skipped a few steps and I guess I had my grandfather to thank for that. He was a no-nonsense sort of fellow and laid down the...

2 years ago
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Kindled in Fiction

Amanda moved the phone to her other ear once it started ringing, looking at the bare walls of her bedroom and still finding it strange.  “Hello,” she heard from the other end of the line on the second ring.“Hello, Nick.  Sorry I couldn’t come over today.  Did everything get there okay?”“Nothing’s broken, Sis.  You can stop worrying now.  Don’t worry about having to work, either.  It’s not like I have anything better to do,” Nick answered and then laughed.“One more trip left.  I can’t believe...

3 years ago
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Life Changing Road Trip Part III The End

Rick had just left to go hang out with my wife Stacy at the creek. I was in the motor home making dinner.  Five minutes earlier, I just had my mouth around Rick's enormous cock.  I sucked him until he came in my mouth and on my face.  As he stepped out of the RV to go see Stacy, he casually told me to make dinner.  I'm not sure who I hated more at that moment, Rick, for telling me to suck his cock and then make him dinner, or me, for sucking him and now standing here making dinner for Stacy,...

Wife Lovers
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No Choice I am a cocksucker Now Gay

I was a 52-year-old happily married father when my world turned upside down in an instant. My wife and I had been planning a vacation for several months with my 17-year-old daughter. We were going to spend 16 days with her parents in the Bahamas, fishing, skiing and hanging on the beach. We were leaving on Friday evening returning 2 weeks later, on Sunday. It was going to be the longest vacation I had ever taken. I am a National Sales Manager for a large company and was never willing to take...

3 years ago
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My Little Lady Jade Part 2

Prelude to part two: I was surprised and pleased with the compliments I received from part one of my story. I originally planned on just two parts, but it has become obvious that I have too much to write about to fit it into just two parts. I hope you enjoy part two, and I assure you part three will have many surprises. I want to once again remind you that my story is based on both fact and fiction. You can decide where the truth lies. And finally, to my critics…. This story is about young...

1 year ago
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A Wiggle of the Finger

It was Thursday and I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. After such a busy week it would be nice to do a little nothing. My wife called and said she was running a little late. “I need you to pick up something for dinner on your way home.”  I acknowledged her request and said I would grab some Chinese. I arrived home, toting dinner along, and placed it on the kitchen table. My wife peaked into the bag and, with a slight sigh, mumbled, “I guess that will have to do.” I turned to get some...

Wife Lovers
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Night Burglar PT 4 Jason Meets his Match

Jason replayed the video almost nightly and always had a explosive orgasm as he watched the eyes of Jennifer as she knew her last moments of life was near. At times Jason wished he could spend more time torturing his victims, but he would get so lost in his need to watch them die. Having his own little retreat afforded him the luxury of drastically shortening his time between victims and although he had just snuffed Cynthia and Jennifer last week, Jason was hoping to find more girls tonight. It...

1 year ago
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Finally Meeting in Person

I was to be leaving for overseas for quite some time and have a few mates I chat to online who are way into speedos like I am. I have over ninety different pairs and love wearing them everyday for swimming and as underwear. I have always been into them after having been in surf club as a junior, played rugby league and wore speedos and footy shorts as much as I could. I have heaps of different brands and colours. One of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online...

3 years ago
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Her island holiday Chapter 4

Sandra finds herself enjoying licking Monica’s pussy. Was it the alcohol or did she had some urge hidden until now. Whatever the reason she had Monica moaning. Arnie couldn’t resist. With Sandra kneeling on the bed her pussy was ready and he took full advantage. For the umpteen time that day he buried his cock balls deep with his hips pressed against her arse cheeks. A squeal and then muffled moans as Sandra welcomed the intrusion. Monica saw what he husband was doing. “Yes eat my pussy you...

1 year ago
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A Warm Summer Day

It was a warm summer day. The heat from the past few weeks had finally subsided to a more normal temperature for the time of year. Though still warm, not oppressive. That made his wait in the back of the parking lot much more tolerable. He’d arrived a little early, as traffic had been good to him. Just another 5 minutes. Cars came and went, people arriving and leaving the restaurant where they had agreed to meet. No one paid him any attention, all immersed in their own thoughts. And he in his...

3 years ago
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A Slave Fathers Diary

StoriesA Slave Father's DiaryA Slave Father's DiaryI have always had a submissive streak, I suppose, but over the years, and especially after I married, it became more and more pronounced. Unfortunately, although my wife accepted me wearing lace underwear whenever possible, she could not bring herself to dominate me sexually.... she "loved me too much to degrade and humiliate me," even though that was what I implored her to do. I hold no grudges regarding this, but nonetheless found it very...

1 year ago
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Life Changed

Hi. This is Priya and writing my experience which I like to share with you. I am 32 years old married lady. I have a kid of 5 years. Actually it all started few months back, when my husband Mohan went to USA for some official work for few months. I was alone at my home just getting bored so I just called my very close friend Simran .She was in her office and she called me to have lunch together near one restaurant to her office. I reached her office at 12.30pm and she welcomed me in her cabin....

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Anna Claire Clouds Bubble Butt Nympho

Ass pundits should enjoy blonde Anna Claire Cloud in this scene from Decked in red nylons Miss Cloud puts on a very skillful freestyle-cheek show. Anna isn’t afraid to let her primo derriere’s jelly roll while standing or display a more controlled twerk by bouncing each individual cheek. The “Hot As Fuck 3” topliner winds her enjoyable tease up on the sofa where a salivating Manuel Ferrara waits to put those buns in motion… A flexible Anna rolls her ankles to ears and she grabs...

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Mouth to Mouth

Based on the short story: Lost Days Make for Memories and Souvenirs By SplendidSpunk My name is Marci. I work as a project manager for a small manufacturing firm. I travel as part of my job, though thankfully that requirement is not a large part of my job. Mostly I travel alone, though sometimes I do it in the company of my boss Marty, or one of my coworkers. Like most females, I don't like to travel alone, and for obvious reasons. There is the loneliness factor, of course, and the fact...

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How do you define horror, dear reader? I mean true horror, the kind that rips a mind and soul apart. Is your horror supernatural, with extraordinary creatures lurking in the shadows and mystifying forces overwhelming us, but beyond our ability to comprehend? Or is horror more banal in its origin, stemming from human weaknesses and failings, from generations of damaged people handing down their ways. Maybe your flavor of horror comes suddenly, with dramatic and deadly confrontations or from...

1 year ago
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An old friend stays over with a family couple, the most interesting show begins at night when a husband pretends sleeping, just see what his wife is doing, when she thinks her husband is sleeping… My old friend prakash stayed for the sleepover, of course. We used to go to college together, then we were working for the same company. Then he went to mumbai, and i hadn’t seen him for more than two years. Prakash was more than just a friend. I can say i owe him my girl. Mala used to be his...

4 years ago
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I am Not a Fucking Chore

“No,” Laurel cries out across the table at dinner. “I am saying that you are never spontaneous with me.” Brian tries to get her to quiet down, feeling embarrassed that half of the restaurant is now looking at their table. His wife is unhappy, that he knows, but that doesn't mean she has to make a scene in front of all these people. “Can we discuss this at home?” he asks her quietly, trying to end this conversation for now. All he wants is decent meal but that is obviously out of the question....

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Angie The pleasure of being slutty

Red-haired beauty Angie gets a real pleasure trying new things to surprise her boyfriend. Today she puts on a new outfit next to the skin and invites him for a walk. She looks very hot in her skimpy outfit and of course she expects to collect the views of all the passers-by on the street. The boyfriend is turned on by her sexy appearance and offers to have some fun before they go for a walk. Angie agrees with great joy and immediately kneels down to suck his hard cock. Then she inserts his big...

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Yummy bi couple

Started exchanging messages with this 40 something couple online and just asked if they wanted to meet. They agreed and we met at a bar. We went by first initial only so I never learned their real names. Wife was M - she was late 40s probably- med height, buxom brunette with mom-ish short haircut and very dark tan. She wore white shorts that showed off thick tanned thighs. Her husband T was a regular middle-aged guy, all I know from their pics he has a 6 or 7 inch cock with a big shiny...

2 years ago
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My last Friday of my schooling holidays

It was the last Friday of out last holidays of our schooling career. Both Jessica and myself knew that once back at school and starting our final few weeks with final exams that we wouldn't see much of each other. We therefore made sure that we would spend time together on the last Friday of our holiday. I woke up that morning and a little after 8 30 am I hopped into my car and made my way over to Jessica's house. We were alone for the day and on arrival she met me in the entrance hall wearing...

3 years ago
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Brody Michelle Ch 04

Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the gap between chapters, yet again. I guess I could’ve made this into two shorter chapters, but I ended up just doing one long one. Also! There’s a little sexy time in this one, so yay. Thanks for reading! ***** Two days after the hot phone snuggling session Brody and Michelle had, Brody was at home watching ‘Firefly’ (again), when his phone went off. He looked at the screen to see it was his new favorite person. ‘Hey, Sugar Baby,’ he said after...

4 years ago
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A WhatsApp Seduction 8211 Fucked My Friend

“Hi Priya” “Hey, Varun wassup?” That’s how it started. Let me introduce myself guys. My name is Varun. And I’m gonna tell you the story of how I seduced a girl through WhatsApp and then made love with her. We barely talked to each other during college. But after talking to her for 2 days straight, we became friends. Friends who were there for each other at all times. Morning and night. Becoming friends with her wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to fuck her. I continued chatting with her for a...

3 years ago
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Who Is Ch 02

So was all of this just to ‘get back at daddy’? No! I was not bitter about what they did or how they treated me… I was just sad. At the time I felt as though my family hated me and anyone that I tried to form lasting relationships with treated me like shit. So you don’t regret that those things happened to you? Not at all. Those experiences made me who I am today. I am grateful for everything my family has ever done for me. I loved them then and I still love them now. Yeah? And who are you...

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Gracies Surprise Part One

Please make sure to read the Disclaimer that's posted on my profile regarding my stories before reading this. Feedback is always welcome, so please be sure to leave some and rate as well. ENJOY!!!! This fictional story "Gracie's surprise", is about a teenage girl named Gracie and the special relationship she has developed with Steve, her Stepfather. Thanks to the "surprise" Gracie has in store for him, their relationship is about to get even more special ;) ;) ...

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Mrscs Second Gangbang

Hello ; This is Robin ( Mrs.C**** ) ; I am a 48 year old and married ; 5'10" tall ; long dark hair and a nice ass. I have high cheek bones and a natural hairy pussy. My tits are small to med. , but nice with dark nipples. It has been 2 weeks now since my crazy night out with my son's friends . Things are different for me at home ; the boys were right ; I need much more excitement now. I work the 4PM to 3 AM shift. That night at Billy's place 2 weeks ago was the hottest night of my life. I was...

2 years ago
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Vardhis Parichaya

Vardhi was excited. She’d arrived at her uncle’s house the night before to spend the summer before heading off to college at a nearby school in August. Having just turned eighteen and now away from her parents she wakes up feeling energized. Uncle Parichaya wasn’t her biological uncle but had been her Dad’s best friend since their college days and had always been around at holidays and for visits while she was growing up. He was 43 now but still looked good. He kept himself in shape and was...

4 years ago
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Meeting Him

I wait nervously in the hotel that you told me that you would meet me at. I've been yours for a while now and we're about to meet for the first time since I became your slave. I'm pacing back and forth, awaiting you anxiously. I finally give up pacing and lay down on the bed, curling up and watch an old episode of Friends, with thoughts of you filling my mind. Yawning softly, I drift off to sleep.You let yourself into our room with your key, surprised that I don't greet you at the door as you...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 139

Laura kept trying not to think about Trina, and the lovely evening of fucking with Randi certainly helped. The bondage had been intense but uncomplicated, not too fierce or ingeniously sick, as it too often became with Karen. Laura looked forward to more. She felt that she and Randi might continue doing this without ever getting into the murky depths of sadism that she and Karen had explored. Then one evening Trina phoned her. Laura's heart skipped. She couldn't help it. Trina was a...

1 year ago
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High Functioning

In the distance, "Have you seen Jordan?...She's not up yet? She never wakes up late." "Jordan honey! Time to wake up," you heard as you also felt a slight pat on your back. You didn't respond immediately, you wanted to sleep for a little while longer, but the light was already on in your room. Apparently, it was time to wake up. You heard footsteps leave your room. Several seconds later, your eyes opened. You were in a bed obviously. You raised your head and could see the...

3 years ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 4

As part of her “rehabilitation” Bob commented on the fact that all she seemed to have was work clothes. His next suggestion changed their relationship a little more. “Lacey?” “Hmmm?” She was sitting in a chair in the living room, wearing her new green robe. Her knees were bent and her feet tucked into the corner of the chair. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I think you could benefit from some new clothes.” “Clothes?” “Don’t get me wrong. I like the way you look in your...

2 years ago
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Nikis Family LifeChapter 18 Carol Breaks the Rules

Niki crawled her way down the stairs, Milo and Cooper following her eagerly, darting ahead and coming back, urging her to hurry up. They had an obvious need to go ‘outside’. Making her way out to the backyard in the cool morning air, Niki gasped a little at the cold grass beneath her knees, as she made her way to her usual spot. Max had not wanted to get up this morning, and he told her to go ahead, he would have her take care of him during breakfast instead. As she parted her knees and began...

3 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 10

Riley and Justin had retired to the bedroom while Zate slept on the couch. As the morning rays filter in through the window and onto Justin’s face. He blinks them open and closed, trying to adjust to the bright light. He instantly notices that he is alone in the bed, so he takes a look around the room until his eyes settle on his sister’s form standing in the doorway talking to Zate. “Oh good,” she says turning around, a smile stretched across her face. “You’re awake.” “That I am,” Justin...

1 year ago
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The Salesman

Working in a department store as a salesclerk can be a boring job.  While I like meeting people, finding size 16-1/2 in a stack of shirts for a customer or ringing up returns doesn’t hold a lot of excitement.  But I was a freshman in college and needed the money.  So I worked the late shift at our suburban mall, in the Men’s department.  Women’s clothes were across the center aisle, and I was friendly with my counterpart there, Alice.We were both working on a slow Monday evening when Alice got...

3 years ago
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Hermione and Ron finally together

Hermione's POV Ronald That name had been floating around in Hermione's head for the past weeks. He was the only thing she could think and dream about. She would spend hours and hours laying awake in bed at night just thinking about how it would be like if she had told him that she loved him all these time. She wasn't stupid. She knew that Ron has feelings for her. But why he hasn't said anything? Why is he so afraid? Is it the war? Is it that he still has feelings for Lavender? Or...

4 years ago
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Current obsessions or Fantasies

Their is something to be said about the natural smell of pussy or of a woman that has a tremendous power over me. The few times I've had the pleasure of having my face ridden like a young fresh stud horse fighting every ounce of it's master, resulting in a cum covered face and beard for enjoyment later is phenomenal. The sudden breeze sends the smell right into my mind and races through the nerves in my body thinking only of the next opportunity to see one, feel one, smell one. Carrying that...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Mona Azar Curvy Oiled Anal Angel

Naturally voluptuous brunette thrill ride Mona Azar shimmies her cheeky rear as glistening oil rains down on it like a waterfall. The sexy dynamo wears a crimson fishnet body stocking that barely contains her big boobs. Muscular Black stud Hollywood Cash empties two squirt bottles, drenching Mona’s skin with more clear lubricant. She eagerly serves his big Black cock with a deepthroat blowjob. Mona masturbates her fuzzy pussy as Hollywood’s long boner stuffs her lubricious asshole....

4 years ago
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Pam and Annie

This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...

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rant about tiny holes a little taboo too

making every hole a cum filled wont happen all at once... well unless i really take the next step in making the most out of the overall crazy taboo fuckfest that is gonna happen.... as in not one by one filling each hole myself... but imagine if i got two other guys to fill up the holes which are wide open to be filled and had them at first just cock inserted.. of course i would be the one pumping from behind, but before i cum in that nice nasty cock hardening ass, i make sure to...

3 years ago
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The Autumn Weekend

A FRIDAY IN AUTUMN It is Friday evening. I arrive home just after 7 o'clock, a little later than usual. I can tell from the lights in the windows that you are already home, and as I open the door I call your name. There is no reply and the house remains silent. I open the living room door. The lights are subdued and it takes my eyes a moment or two to get used to the gloom. You are not there, but I notice a black leather trench coat thrown over the back of one of the red...

3 years ago
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Using Tara Summer to Remember

You have spent a good number of years lusting over your niece, Tara. Her mother married your brother, who you had not had contact with in a long time. Being so far away from home, you only heard about it several years after the wedding and the day you flew over to give your big brother a piece of your mind for not inviting you, you set eyes on Tara for the first time. Ever since then, you could not get the sight of her hot body out of your mind. Long had you fantasized about having your cock...

Mind Control
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 74 Time with Erica

The meetings that Hank Swift and Kelsey White had requested proved to be much less stressful than the first two I had. Hank wanted to ensure that he was not going to be exiled from Crucible. From what I could decipher from his almost incoherent pleas, his concubines had made it clear that he needed to straighten up and fly right. I knew that they could not just walk away from him, but refrained from saying anything to the penitent man. It was clear that he needed their approval. Instead I...

2 years ago
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Solarium in Winter 1 of 3

It had been way too long since Jackie had had sex. Weeks. Months? Maybe that was why she couldn’t keep the exaggerated sway from her hips as she walked inside Stable’s Bar and Grill. Why she was so aware of the way her jeans gripped her ass as she half danced everywhere. Why every time the seam of her pants rubbed her clit, she shifted position to tease herself. Jackie lived for passion, romances with a short wick and a big dick. Her only rule was to never sleep with her friends. Never make...

Love Stories
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My first blowjob

It was a warm, sunny day around the middle of May. I was walking my then girlfriend, Emily, to her house. As I walked down the street in the heat, wearing a simple shirt and jeans, I just kept thinking of the previous day with her when she whispered into my ear. ‘I’m going to give you a blowjob!’ She went on to discuss how I deserved it after I had just gotten her a new ring out of the blue. This niggled at my mind for the remaining night and throughout the morning when I walked up to her...

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