Desire And Despair: Book 3 Of Poacher's ProgressChapter 11: Satan's Breath, Timothy Whyte-Taylor's Story free porn video

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I stared in wonder at the powder in the bottom of the kettle, and when it had cooled sufficiently transferred it carefully into a glass jar. Now came the moment of truth. Had I discovered the essence of the coca leaf or only another stage of the process? To find out which I used myself as a test subject, and took a pinch of the white powder between my fingers, inhaling the substance as one does with snuff.

For a few seconds nothing happened, then a feeling of immense euphoria overwhelmed me, and I became enveloped in a cocoon of omnipotence, as if I had been elevated to Mount Olympus and stood side by side with the Gods. My senses were enhanced; colours brighter, sense of smell, of hearing, and later, when I ate my dinner, of taste. This ecstatic feeling stayed with me for an hour or so until I lapsed into a mood of apathetic gloom, which lasted several hours before regaining my usual humour.

Over the next two weeks I purchased more coca leaves, and used larger vessels in which to boil them. I experimented with various citrus fruits to find the most effective, but again by chance, or fate, I found a weak solution of sulphuric acid not only acted quicker on the macerated leaves but also produced more powder per leaf than citric acid. In the meantime I carried out further experiments on myself with the remainder of the first extraction.

After sniffing a pinch of the powder I took down a tome from my library, Of Natures Obvious Laws & Processes in Vegetation, and read the chapters with the speed of light. I understood every word, every fact, and every argument Sir Isaac Newton had written, as if I were the great man himself. I finished his treatise in less than ten minutes.

I had not indulged in sexual congress since the death of my wife, and in fact she and I had not enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh for several years previous to her death. I had thought at my age, I am fast approaching my threescore and ten, the pleasurable activity of fornication was now denied me. However, shortly after inhaling the remainder of the powder, and still being in a euphoric state from a previous inhalation, I became glutted with lust. My penis, unemployed for many years, grew as rigid and as large as a pikestaff, and my whole being demanded an immediate gratification of this sudden and unexpected hunger for female flesh.

Pausing only to put on my cloak, and making sure I had the wherewithal, I rushed headlong to the nearest brothel, fortuitously situated less than 100 metres from my house in the Rue des Escaliers.

I panted with exertion, and anticipation, as I banged on the brothel door.

The Madame laughed when she opened the door and saw me puffing and wheezing on her steps. "Go home, grand-père. I don't want your death on my conscience." I showed her the silver coin in my hand, and she stepped aside to allow me in. "Well, on your own head be it, but the management of the Sweating Bodies will not accept responsibility should you expire during ... err ... interaction with any members of the staff."

She called in her girls for my inspection. "Marie is a gentle soul and will not be too energetic for you." The Madame pointed to a fat, dumpy girl, well past her prime, wearing a grimy petticoat and little else. The Sweating Bodies catered for the lower strata of society, and the quality of its whores reflected that.

"I'll take her ... and that one..." I indicated a large, vigorous looking girl, " ... and her." 'Her' being a female whose meaty thighs could have crushed walnuts.

Madame was horrified. "Three girls at once? You will be struggling to keep your verge up more than a minute in any one of them. " I threw her the coin.

"Well, if you want to waste your money." She said, pocketing the coin as I hurried Marie up the stairs, followed by the other two whores. What happened next has passed into Brussels history.

Six hours later I came down to applause; from Madame, her girls, and most of the cliental of the Sweating Bodies. Bernice, the vigorous looking girl, Clara, she of the mighty thighs, and dumpy, grimy Marie, were lying exhausted, well used, and sore, in the bedroom. Their shrieks of pleasure, and howls of ecstasy, had reverberated around the building as I filled each and every one of the three girls' apertures many times during our night of debauchery. I was priapic, insatiable and inexhaustible, throughout those hours, although I now walked wearily down the stairs on rubbery legs.

From that day on I had streams of men at my door, begging for the potion which would give them the vigour, and inclination, to pleasure a woman. At first I fobbed them off with the love philtres concocted for me by a local wise woman, but I realised these appellants could be used to further my investigation into the efficacy of 'Satan's Breath', and the consequences of its use. I refined the method of delivery of the powder into the body, being convinced the most effective method was to inhale through the nasal passage, and thus straight into the brain. I experimented with dissolving the powder in wine, but it seemed alcohol negates the effect of the coca powder. When the powder was taken direct into the mouth it appeared that salvia also diminished the effects, although I found the tongue and gums were numbed by the application of the powder.

In time I perfected a method of preparing and delivering the powder to my customers, or 'guinea pigs' as I viewed them. I would carefully measure out a half gram of powder and then wrap it in a piece of waxed paper. The 'guinea pig' was instructed to lay out short lines of the powder from the 'wrap' onto a flat surface, roll the paper into a tube then inhale a line of powder through the paper tube into a nostril. Using this method no powder would be lost, or be deposited in the beard or moustache of the user.

From my initial observations it became apparent all men were more lustful after taking a sniff – or snort – of the powder. Older men regained their lost vigour, and younger men lasted longer and stronger when delving into the Portal of Venus. However, young men also became more bellicose, more adventurous, and more indiscriminate in their conduct, and although I know this to be the usual behaviour of young men after imbibing alcohol it appeared more pronounced after taking Satan's Breath. One young fellow took a 'snort' in a tavern, then announced he could walk on water, 'just like Jesus'. Fortunately for him he drowned in the River Senne when he attempted the feat. Had he survived he would have been executed for blasphemy, and the punishment meted out to blasphemers was to be burnt at the stake.

Several older men died, either while still being clasped by their partner in lust, or on their way home from a bordello or their mistress. This too was not an unknown event, but most of the men who had perished in that bittersweet way had been 'guinea pigs', as had the misguided river walker.

To replenish my dwindling stock of powder I placed a large order for coca leaves with an Antwerp merchant, who traded in goods from South America. He expressed his astonishment at the unusual produce I required, and the amount, although he assured me he could fulfil the order. Unfortunately he told his fellow traders of my request, which soon became known to other alchemists and apothecaries on the continent. The alchemy and apothecary fraternity keep ears open, and eyes on, their competitors.

My six hour sexual performance at The Sweating Bodies had been broadcast throughout the Netherlands, and beyond, being added to and embellished as the story spread. Fellow alchemists suspected I may have discovered the perfect aphrodisiac; the Holy Grail of alchemists – other than turning base metal into gold, of course. Given the large order I had placed with the Antwerp merchant the more astute of my fraternity would deduce coca leaves had some relevance in my triumph at the Sweating Bodies, and my concern was that other alchemists might conduct experiments on coca leaves and produce a more effective, and cheaper, variant of Satan's Breath.

I had confined my sales of the powder to males, although several ladies had called at the house purporting to purchase a 'wrap' for their husbands, although I suspected they wanted to experiment for themselves.

Nevertheless, to further my knowledge of the effects of the powder I required information on how the female gender re-acted to Satan's Breath. The next time I visited a bordello – with my extra income I disdained the cheap whores at the Sweating Bodies and now frequented Paradise Regained – I took along a 'wrap', and gave my whore of the night, who happened to be the newly arrived Paloma, a snort.

The time I spent with her is an indelible memory. I know not whether the skills she lavished on me during that night had been acquired through her limited experience or dredged from her own dark depths of degeneracy, but I think it more likely to be the latter, as she had been sold and shipped to Europe before receiving any formal training in the art of sexual perversion.

Possibly it was Satan's Breath that unlocked her inner self, which was as debased, debauched, and depraved as the longest serving harlot in the establishment. I became instrumental in making Paloma the most sort after, and expensive, whore in the bordello, and she showed her appreciation by sitting for me while I attempted to capture her elusive character in oil, besides rewarding me in a more tangible, corporeal, way.

To conduct an experiment on a whore is all very well, but a whore is already debased, and I needed to test the powder on a more decorous and demure female. I chose my neighbour's widowed daughter, a respectable girl of twenty three years of age who had been widow for a year. I deceived her into snorting a short line of powder by telling her it was a new remedy for the headaches she suffered. Females are more susceptible to alcohol than males, and I supposed they would react similarly to Satan's Breath, which is why I proscribed a smaller dose for her than for a male. Shortly after sniffing the powder the widow, Gertrude, became amorous and adventurous, and we spent several hours in carnal delight. Although not as depraved as Paloma I was pleasantly surprised by her lack of inhibition, at least until the effect of the powder diminished, and she sobbed in embarrassment and shame when she recalled the extent of her venereal behaviour.

However this sense of shame did not prevent her from taking the remedy for headaches on several occasions a week, followed by vigorous and long lasting bouts of copulation in my bed, which soon reached a level of depravity not far below that of Paloma's. I had to stop supplying her with the headache remedy as I was nearly as exhausted as my stock of powder – this being before my order for coca leaves had been delivered.

It was then I began to appreciate the evil and destructive aspect of Satan's Breath. Gertrude craved the powder more than she valued her reputation or respectability. She would entreat me, on her knees, to give her – sell her – more of the headache remedy, and would go into a hysterical rage when I admitted my stock to be exhausted, which was not absolutely true but I needed what remained to carry out further experiments. Her behaviour became extreme; to ease her craving for the powder she took to drinking Jenever in ever increasing quantities. To ease the hunger between her thighs she sold herself in the taverns where she bought the drink. Her family, stiff necked religious bigots – as all true Flems are – disowned her, and turned her out of doors. She gravitated to the canal side, where women like her, slaves to alcohol and sexual excess, drank and whored.

I should have admitted some responsibility for Gertrude's descent into ill- repute, and finished with my experimentation, but I was obsessed with continuing my observations of the effect of Satan's Breath to the detriment of all else, including the reputation of a young widow and the danger to my soul. I can only believe Satan's Breath had already worked its evil on me, and I had become oblivious to the consequences.

I had experimented with a whore and a widow, both of whom had knowledge of the carnal, but what I required to fully explore the power of the white powder was a virgin. Virginity is not a condition found in many Brussels females, other than young girls, and even I baulked at corrupting a child, but a virgin over the age of fifteen would be difficult to find.

A year had passed since I first extracted the white powder from coca leaves, and six months had passed since placing an order with an Antwerp merchant for a load of coca leaves. I had paid out a great amount of guilders for that order, and was rapidly running out of money, and credit, therefore the notification of my cargo arriving in Antwerp was received with a great sense of relief. The invitation to collect the sacks of coca leaves at my earliest convenience was accepted with alacrity. I hired a wagon and driver and made the 50 mile round trip in a day – a long boring day – as my driver was a monosyllabic Flem, and the terrain between Brussels and Antwerp being flat, uninteresting, and as tedious as was his company.

With a fresh supply of leaves I began producing, and selling, more of the white powder and soon had recouped the money paid out, and a great deal more beside. I still hadn't located a virgin, and was thinking I might never find one, when fortune smiled upon me. I received a summons from the local convent to attend to one of the Sisters.

The Mother Superior of the convent had availed herself of my services – my apothecary services – some years previous, when several nuns had been struck down by something akin to the Sweating Sickness. Over a period of two months I had visited the convent several times a week, taking potions and ointments to alleviate the pain and ease the suffering of the afflicted women, and by the Grace of God and good fortune all bar one survived. I was supervised on these visits by Sister Agnetha, a nun who acted as the Mother Superior's assistant.

I jocularly referred to her as 'The Mother Inferior', and Sister Agnetha showed her un nun-like qualities by laughing heartily at my quip. Over time she and I built up something of a rapport, for we shared an interest in art.

She was a tall stately woman, not unlike my late beloved wife, and judging by her dignified bearing was descended from an aristocratic family. Although we spoke French together I believe she was German, possibly from the North, probably a Prussian. She admitted she had been placed in the convent after refusing to marry the man her family had chosen for her. 'I had been a wilful and spirited girl, and at first convent life was difficult for me, but by God's Grace, and severe discipline, I finally renounced my former ways and embraced life as a Bride of Christ.'

On my arrival at the convent I was met by Sister Agnetha, who greeted me warmly. "Professor, how good to see you again, but how sad we only meet when one of my Sisters is ill." My patient on this visit was Sister Alys, who suffered from dropsy, for which there is no cure, but I could at least release the afflicted woman from some of the pain and discomfort she suffered. I made up a potion which would allow some respite from the torment of the swollen and painful legs she endured, but because my potion was a diuretic Sister Alys would spend many hours squatting over a chamber pot. After handing over the preparation to Sister Agnetha, and informing her when and what quantity to give the patient, I was about to leave when she laid her hand on my arm.

"Can you join me in my cell for a moment, Timothy? We have had no discourse for some time, and I have missed our discussions." Being the deputy of the Mother Superior she had dispensation to meet a male on convent premises without an accompanying nun.

Agnetha's cell was sparsely furnished with a bed, a chair and a table. She poured me a glass of the local white wine, the only alcohol other than the Holy wine of The Sacrament the nuns are allowed. We were talking about the problems of perspective in sketching when a knock came on her cell door, and on Sister Agnetha invitation to enter a young girl came in.

She looked to be about eighteen years of age, and wore the white veil of a Novice, indicating she had not yet taken her final vows, and if she wasn't a virgin then I was the hump on a camel.

The novice whispered something into Sister Agnetha's ear. "Very well, Rosemary. I shall deal with it at once." The girl gave me a shy glance, dipped a curtsey to Agnetha and left the room.

"Novice Rosemary is a sweet child. She was brought here as a child of six, and has only left the convent once since then. A year ago I took her to Notre Dame de Bon Secours, the church dedicated to St Teresa, the founder of our order. Rosemary will become Sister Teresa when she takes her vows in a few months' time."

I had found my virgin; but how to get her take the white powder, and induce her to act sinfully in the sequestered confines of the convent, would be a challenge.

" ... as I'm sure you are aware?"

While I had been working out in my mind how to debauch a virgin in a convent Agnetha had been talking.

"I'm sorry, Sister; I was thinking of what other remedies I could concoct for Sister Alys. What did you say?"

"I said our order uses self- flagellation to combat the onset of sinful thoughts or actions, as I'm sure you are aware?"

I nodded in understanding. Her order belonged to a branch of the Carmelites, who thought sin, in any of its many guises, could be only combated by prayer and self-inflicted pain.

"It appears Sister Marguerite has been rather over enthusiastic, or rather over sinful, and has flayed the skin off her back. Can you supply her with some soothing ointment?"

"Certainly Sister. I shall make up a quantity as soon as I return to my laboratory. Unfortunately, I am busy for the next two days, and will be unable to deliver it until Saturday. I hope Sister Marguerite can bear her pain until then?"

Agnetha frowned. "At times the pain causes her to scream out as if in childbirth, which is upsetting for the other Sisters." I could see indecision chasing across her face, but soon she made up her mind. "If you are available between Terce and Sext tomorrow I shall call on you, and collect the ointment myself,"

I knew in monastic liturgy those were the names of services. Terce being celebrated at nine in the morning and Sext at noon.

"Yes, I shall be at home between those times. Shall you arrive alone?"

She snorted in amusement. "Surely you know, Professor, nuns are not allowed out of the convent alone. I shall be accompanied by the novice Rosemary."

I managed not to show my glee at how my plan had succeeded.

Next morning, as the town clock struck 10, a knock came on the front door, which I went to open. Agnetha looked surprised when I appeared in the opened doorway. "I thought a butler or footman would have the menial task of opening your door?"

I chuckled. "I have employed no servants since the death of my wife ... God rest her soul." All three of us made the Sign of the Cross. "The house servants were her family's retainers, and I sent them back to the Chateau Pompidou."

"Who gets your meals, Professor, and who does your washing and cleaning?" Rosemary asked shyly.

"That is no business of ours, child." Agnetha chided her, but I imagined she too would like to know the answer.

"I dine out several evenings a week..." I didn't add 'at the Paradise Regained' " ... and I have an arrangement that a neighbour's cook brings me in a supper the times when I'm at home. Similarly, I pay housemaids from the same neighbour to take in my washing and clean my house weekly."

With the daily production of white powder now taking place having no prying eyes, or thieving fingers, about the house was added security.

I ushered Agnetha and Rosemary into my laboratory. On my work bench sat a jar of ointment for the flayed back of Sister Marguerite, together with two glasses of a lemon flavoured cordial, one containing an infusion of a mild, slow working, emetic. I handed over the ointment, refusing the money offered by Sister Agnetha, and invited them to a glass of cordial. They had walked somewhere near a mile from their convent to my house on a hot morning, and gratefully accepted. I ensured Rosemary drank from the glass containing the emetic. After ten minutes of pleasant talking with Agnetha I saw them to the door.

"I will call in the convent on Saturday to assess the efficacy of the ointment, and bring another jar should any other nun over indulge with the laying on of the whip." By then the emetic will have worked its way through Rosemary's digestive system and she would have been vomiting for at least a day.

I arrived at the convent on Saturday to be met by an agitated Sister Agnetha. "Thank God you are here, Professor. The novice Rosemary has been nauseous since yesterday, and cannot keep any food down. Could it be the heaving sickness?"

"I doubt it Sister, unless she is with child..." I struggled to keep a straight face at the sight of Agnetha's consternation at that thought " ... although it is more likely due to something she has eaten ... was the fish you dined on yesterday fresh?"

"I will ask Sister Maryberry if she bought it fresh yesterday or if it was taken from the ice house, but so far no other sister has shown any signs of discomfort."

I asked after the health of Sister Marguerite.

"Your ointment has worked its wonder, as usual, Professor." Agnetha said with a grateful smile. "I don't know how the convent would manage if it were not for you, and your God given skill." I bowed my head modestly.

You might think it strange the convent didn't use a physician for the ills which sometimes visited the establishment, but instead utilised an apothecary /alchemist. There were at least two competent doctors of medicine in Brussels: however the Convent was a Roman Catholic nunnery and the two Flemish practitioners were Lutherans, a sect that the Church of Rome regarded as little more than Satanists. As I had been married to a Walloon, a devout Roman Catholic as they all are, and spoke Walloon French the Mother Superior assumed I belonged to the same faith and race.

Actually I was brought up as an Anglican, but the Church of England is a broad church, and within its confines are High Churchmen who are only a transubstitution away from Catholicism, and Low Churchmen who are almost Methodists – perish the thought. After my marriage I attended the local Roman Catholic Church with my wife: sniffed the incense, made the Sign of the Cross, bowed at the sound of the bell and dipped my fingers in the Holy Water, and felt no better, or worse, for it than when attending an incense, bell, and Holy Water free Anglican service in England.

Rosemary, looking pale and wan, lay on the narrow bed in her cell, a room half the size of Agnetha's. As a male I wasn't permitted to examine a nun or novice unless attended by another nun, and three people in Rosemary's cell would be two people too many.

"I cannot treat my patient in these cramped conditions, Sister. May we not use your quarters?" My question was posed in such a tone of voice it became more of an order than a request. I find such a request, delivered sharply by someone in authority, as I was in this situation, is always granted.

Sister Agnetha helped Rosemary along to the larger cell, and we all crowded in. Rosemary sat on the bed while I peered into her mouth, gazed into her eyes, and made what would seem to be a full medical examination. The emetic had finished its work, and Rosemary would soon feel better without any further action on my part, but now was my chance to administer Satan's Breath.

The powder would need to be inhaled, but I had never employed that method of delivery with any of the other potions I had produced for the convent. Sister Agnetha might be surprised at this variation of my method of treatment, but there was no chance of me giving Rosemary the powder in Agnetha's absence – males were never left alone with a female in the convent, other than the Mother Superior or her deputy of course.

"As suspected the poor girl has consumed tainted food, fish or eggs, or possibly milk. Fortunately I have developed a new potion to combat the effects," I said, taking a 'wrap' from my satchel, "which is in powder form, necessitating a novel method of ingestion."

I explained the procedure, laid a line of powder on the table, rolled the paper into a tube and handed it to Rosemary.

"Place the end of the tube in a nostril, my child, and sniff along the line of powder in one steady movement."

She did as requested. A few moments passed, then I saw the look of euphoria creep across her face as the powder worked its magic.

"I feel wonderful, Professor, never better in my life." Rosemary giggled, and transformed from a pale, drab female to a glowing, sparkling eyed, winsome girl.

Sister Agnetha crossed herself. "It is a miracle, Professor. What do you call this extraordinary potion?"

Satan's Breath would not be an acceptable name to use in a Covent so I extemporised. "Err ... White Lady, as it usually the ladies who suffer sickness, especially when with child."

"We had best get a supply delivered to the convent as soon as possible." Rosemary said. "There may be a great need for it." She gave what can only be described as a wicked grin. "Not that I'm insinuating any of our Sisters will soon be with child."

"Novice Rosemary! You will say twenty Hail Marys, and then empty the chamber pots in all the cells after Vespers. You must look to your Immortal Soul, my girl, making such a wicked statement." Agnetha was scandalised at such a worldly comment from her Novice.

Rosemary remained unabashed. "I'm only suggesting, Sister, that if more tainted food is consumed we would need further quantities of medicine."

Agnetha eyed her suspiciously. "You have certainly regained full health ... one might even say rude health ... and in fact you are more bold and brazen than I have ever seen you before." She looked at me. "But Rosemary is correct; we should have a supply of this wonderful White Lady. When would you be able to deliver some more ... err ... wraps?"

Events were beginning to move too fast for me to deal with. Although Rosemary had taken the powder how would I know if it had affected her, and what would happen to the convent if they all started snorting Satan's Breath at the first sign of sickness?

"I have another jar of ointment for you, Sister. We can discuss supplying Sa ... White Lady after you have put the jar in the dispensary." When in doubt play for time.

"Very well, Professor." Agnetha got from her chair. "Come Rosemary, you can accompany me to the dispensary, and then you shall spend the rest of the day on your knees praying in the chapel."

Rosemary glanced at me."I will soon be on my knees, and will enjoy every moment." She then gave what looked suspiciously like a wink before following Agnetha from the cell. I pondered on what she had said. Had she addressed her remark to me or Agnetha, and could what I took as a wink be only a nervous twitch?

The dispensary was in the cellar of the Convent, and I didn't expect Agnetha to return for ten minutes or more. I idly glanced at the papers on the table and noticed they were all sketches. Agnetha had quite a talent, and I looked through her portfolio of work with interest. Most were of the Convent, exterior and interiors, and showed a great skill. I turned over the next sheet of paper and my eyes stood out on stalks; staring up at me was a nude drawing of Sister Marguerite. The woman was a voluptuous beauty – to think her treasures had been hidden, and wasted, under a nun's habit for so many years. The close cropped hair of a nun imbued her with a far more provocative air than if she had been wearing long tresses.

The pose was extremely erotic. Marguerite's legs were slightly parted and her maidenhead could be discerned through a thicket of hair. By the look on the sitter's face there was a bond of sexuality between her and the artist.

I know that look well, for I have often seen it on the faces of my models, and I can vouch as to what sinful behaviour follows such a look. I surmised she and Agnetha were in a Sapphic relationship; which was probably the reason Marguerite had flayed the skin from off her back, as penance and punishment. I quickly put the drawing back among the others and sat down in the chair, shaken by the revelation.

I became even more shaken by what happened next. Rosemary stepped through the cell door and closed it firmly behind her. She dropped to her knees before me and fumbled at the fastenings of my trousers. I was so astounded I sat there, inert, as she withdrew my penis – my flaccid penis – for I had not used Satan's Breath for some time.

She gazed up at me with lust filled eyes. "I said I would soon be on my knees and enjoying it," and then took my limp member into her mouth. She was enthusiastic but not experienced, but even so my penis began to swell mightily – a well-known pipe dream for men is to be fellated by a virgin. The thought in itself was enough to gain rigidity, but to actually have the warm wet mouth of a virgin novice sucking on my tallywacker got me as hard as if I had snorted a whole wrap of Satan's Breath.

Same as Desire and Despair: Book 3 of Poacher's Progress
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A lot of credits came from tourists and isolated lodges. Well that and the fur trade from a lot of insect farms. So much so that the poaching laws were becoming a lot stricter. Something that has begun to happen involved poachers raiding Miam beds. Now those of us that had been raising Miam had to watch out for raiders besides all the other risks. My family raised Indigos and Emeralds and fed most of the scraps to the Crista and Bearcone in the large lake. We were not a tourist lodge and did...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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The NeighborhoodChapter 9 The Taylors join the family fun

AMANDA’S STORY When we got home I told Josh what I’d seen between Jennifer and Rachel. Josh suggested that if it bothered me, at an appropriate moment I might ask Lisa about how she and James balanced their swinging lifestyle with the kids. Lisa might admit to knowing all about it. I resolved to do that, but as it turned out, the need never arose. We don’t have a pool, and Lisa had given us a standing invitation to use their pool anytime we felt like it. That afternoon turned into a...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 05

Chapter 5 ‘Acceptance’ Benita walked down the sidewalk with quick and definite strides, she was a woman on a mission. Tunnel-vision is the best way to describe both her vision and her thoughts. All she could see and think of was ‘Stacey.’ Benita had just gotten into a fight with Carmen when Benita had tried to initiate sex. Carmen had stormed off, leaving Benita alone with a massive erection and the aggravation of being so close to sexual release then not achieving it. It was as Benita was...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 The Poachers

It was the Monday after the wedding. John had a group of 50 meet at the People’s Trust Tent. They enjoyed a nice breakfast and at 8:00 AM John brought them together and visualized the south end of the valley. Peter was in front. Most of the group were Peter’s Minute Men from Seattle. The primary exception was Chief John Nation was in the center. The rim that went around the valley looked much like Crater Lake in Oregon. It was a thousand feet high in places. The big difference was this one...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 9 Second Timothy the Island

"Well ... she looked up Government Confiscations and what they sold for in what ever year, found what she wanted, watched back and bid a dollar more ... she bought a nice boat." "What did she get?" "A 67 foot schooner." Wait for it. "For two dollars." "TWO DOLLARS!?!" "Yup. Two bucks." "There must be something wrong with it ... how bad is it?" "Perfect." "PERFECT!!??!!" "Yes ... there's more. "MORE?" "Yup ... six suits, twin diesels, radar, side scan, depth,...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Carolines Story

I conceived my son, John- Jarvis, close to midnight on the 23rd November 1816, in the White Hart Inn at Hampton Wick. I was naked, seated on the wide window sill of one of the bedrooms in the hostelry, with my legs spread wide apart and my knees up to my shoulders, as Elijah Greenaway, thrusting deep and purposefully inside me, loosed a stream of his seed into my more than receptive vagina. It was not the first time during the night he and I had reached an almost simultaneous climax, crying...

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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 1

Smith meets Jones TIMOTHY CHARLES Smith’s story begins about two and a half years earlier when his real relationship with the Jones family began. Smith and Jones; yes, it sounds corny but that’s simply the way things worked out. Tim was sitting in his sales office at Monroe’s Motors on a slow Monday morning, where he had been catching up with the paperwork for the weekend vehicle sales, when he noticed this gorgeous woman climbing into one of the shiny new sporty Jaguar motorcars out on the...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 The Black Coach

A long, heavy silence followed the Professor's story, during which time he had kept his gaze fixed on the top of the desk, and his hand clutching the bottle of Jenever. At last he stirred and poured himself a glass. "Although the notes are in a cypher of my own design a skilled mathematician would not take too long to break the code, and then every apothecary in Europe would be free to manufacture Satan's Breath. I wrote to Henry Addington over three months ago, and God knows how far and...

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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 3

Bushwhacked! TIM THOUGHT no more about the incident with Abbey for at least a couple of months. It was just a few days past mid-December when he was forcefully reminded of it again. Once more, as was his habit on a Friday night, he left Crystal’s about midnight or so while the place was still buzzing inside, and made his way across the dark car park towards his car, parked in the far corner where he hoped it wouldn’t get bumped by careless motorists. As he walked, he buttoned his coat up...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 12 Second Timothy Davids SonG

There is a faintly repetitive line in my head ... a mind worm, Wendy calls it. Where you have the music but not the words ... which is better than the words but no music. I dream in technicolor, hear all parts of a musical score. But I see Wendy in 3-D. Others are flat screen but my Wendy is three dimensional ... with music. I hear her, in my mind's eye, humming a background viola line from 'Three Coins in the Fountain.' She is on key and note perfect. She is behind the counter in...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 2 Chez Nous

The moment I had seen Caroline when the cab had turned into Queen Street all the love I held for her came flooding back like a tidal wave, sweeping away any and all doubts. As Annette Blanchard had predicted, once re-acquainted with Caroline my love for her would be as strong as the last time I had seen her. Annette Blanchard had known me better than I knew myself, and I remembered the dear sweet lovely woman with deep affection and love. Would I have fallen in love with Annette Blanchard if...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Publish and be sued

Becky and Zinnia had returned to Bloomsbury Square and my sole dining companion that evening was Matilde, and very fetching she looked in a gown exposing her fine shoulders and the upper slopes of her breasts. I remarked it was a dress wasted on a single male. She smiled at me from across at the table, leaning forward so I had an uninterrupted view of her cleavage. "I'm displaying what you are forfeiting, Jacques; but Caroline is a worthy winner of your heart and I bear her no ill will. In...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 1

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 1 By Elliot Reid "If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; I had it from my father." I snapped the book shut, eyes unfocusing from the text. With my fingers I massaged my temples, kneading tension away. I was approaching my birthday with mixed feelings. In two days I'd be sixteen. I'd have crossed another threshold. Would I feel more grown-up? I looked over at the stack of comic books by my bed, beside the Joseph Campbell and the Homer that I was...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 4 Marlow revisited

Sergeant Robert Crawshay, being military trained to keep to a schedule, drew the coach up outside my house promptly at nine. Alas, neither Zinnia nor Becky had been schooled in a like manner and, coupled with their feminine inability to keep track of time, it was well after ten by the time we left Queen Street. I had left a somewhat aggrieved Matilde behind. She had wanted to travel with us but I persuaded her to spend the day writing letters to send to Chateau Blanchard. I hoped either...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 3

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 3 By Elliot Reid I hefted the 'phone, punched in the long-distance number and tried to ease back in the chair by my computer. My head, cushioned by a mass of unfamiliar hair, rested against the wall as I tilted back. I was cocooned in the femme pinkness of my bedroom, still glowing from my pool encounter with Tisha. As soon as I had gotten back I'd shucked off the starched school clothes. Having spent the day prancing around in my hot...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 Plans Ploys and Stratagems

A wheel of the coach hit a pothole, and although the horses were moving at no more than a walk the jolt woke up Violette, who was dozing in the corner of the carriage. "I apologise for nodding off," she said, stifling a yawn "I seem to be most fearfully tired." Matilde smiled and patted Violette's arm. "That's no surprise, you have been busy meeting your relations-to-be, and have also been out in the invigorating air of Flanders for a month. Either of those activities would exhaust...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 Two engagements and a Birthday

"You say these two portraits are by the same artist, Timothy Whyte-Taylor?" John Stafford peered from one painting to the other. "I will admit the model in the pictures is the same girl, and a damned attractive one at that, but both paintings being executed by the same artist I find difficult to believe." "That is what Whyte-Taylor told me, and I have no reason to doubt him." I said. "But I agree the degree of artistic skill between the two is that between good and genius." I had...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming

Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming By: Malissa Madison At nineteen Tim Wyoming had dreams of making it big in the world. Growing up on the reservation he'd married his childhood sweetheart, Shirley Fast Water. He got a job driving livestock in between the reservations in South and North Dakota and the Reservations in both Wyoming and Montana. Of course his wife Shirley had to always go along at first, she wanted to see the world. It was after getting his CDL that he got a job...

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Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming 2

Timothy Thunder Cloud Wyoming, 2 Tim was busy over the next two months. He'd changed from long multiple delivery runs to shorter runs to let himself be home at least once a week with his daughter Tina who was still at home. He knew that if he was going to be able to support her as well as see to it that Kentucky had the best treatment available he was going to need money from at least one if not two of the Ice Runs. He came home one Friday afternoon, stopping at the Tomahawk to...

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Timothy was a studious pupil and a keen athlete at school. Now at seventeen, he is doing well at sixth form and still running hard. His sport is sprinting and he plays tennis for recreation. Tim is a nice and well-mannered young man. But, he is often ridiculed by other guys in the class. These are mainly the soccer and rugby players, who play the more manly sorts.In his earlier teens, Tim had often helped out with the school charity events. This had meant working with the girls and most being...

Quickie Sex
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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 5

Business and pleasure ONCE THE dance band started their first set, Tim had requested Finn to ask Patty to dance once in a while throughout the evening, although he advised him with a chuckle to sensibly step out with Abbey for a dance or two prior to doing so. He had advised that the young man lighten up, too, and look as though he was thoroughly enjoying himself this evening as a guest of the Jones’ family. It mattered little if he made a little bit of a fool of himself, so long as he...

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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 8

Business almost as usual CLARE SHILLINGSTONE opened her sleep-encrusted eyes just a crack and stretched her arms and legs, woken by the bright winter sunlight pouring into the bedroom. She closed her eyes and relaxed momentarily, before realising it was dawn already and she had slept in late. She never slept in except for a couple of hours on Sundays when Amos played a round of golf. Her husband usually moved the foil-covered joint from the fridge and switched on the oven for her to start...

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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 11

Return ticket TIM KICKED his heels in the hospital waiting room; every emotion racked him from anxiety and frustration through to weariness. All he could do was wait and hope. He had followed the ambulance under police escort through red lights and heavy evening traffic but could barely remember anything of the journey, his eyes focused on the back doors of the flying ambulance. He wasn’t allowed to accompany his wife all the way to where they were working on her in the theatre; he had to...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 4 Second Timothy in the Cave One

As much as he wished to keep Wendy safe, David could not fit in the entrance tunnel. No amount of scrabbling in the tunnel floor added any more height or breadth to the shaft. David was 'locked' out. The place was just too small. Spelunking is not a safe single person sport. There should always be a partner. Finding someone as tiny as herself was a problem. Tiny guys always had 'big attitudes, ' tiny girls detested the dirt. There were many claustrophobes. Over the years, Wendy...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 5 Second Timothy in the Cave the Junction

Day two of the 'new' cave, the water shut off. Yup ... water main break. The place dried out quickly now that the other passages seemed to be either blowing or sucking. 'Well, ' thought Wendy. 'Might as well see if there's a way for David to get in.' The first passage counter clockwise from the 'front door' led to a high velocity crawlspace. David would never fit but it had to be open on the other end. It was ... and it wasn't. After an easier belly crawl than the front door the...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 6 Second Timothy Oh My God

Poor David, Wendy decided to flip a coin between two movies... HEADS: "Swiss Family Robinson", a Disney adventure as cheesy as the book, TAILS: "Psycho", an Alfred Hitchcock super horror thriller. Tails it was and they headed downtown to the Majestic to watch Alfred's main claim to fame. For 1960, it had all the necessary ingredients to guarantee David a severe case of the hee-bee jee-bees: ... Murder with sharp objects; much more painful than bullets. ... dual personalities; too...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 7 Second Timothy Visitation

The hole was getting deeper; sharp ... thin ... dripping. The ... Evil ... was palpable, nauseating ... if she didn't find a way out soon... "Oh..." Wendy sat up in different surroundings, she was terrified. "I need to tell Wanzor ... no wait, Wanzor?" Wendy visibly shifted gear, "That's me, Wanzor ... Seer to Horus "Catfish" of Hierakonpolis. The strength that was Sumer is gone. I'm in upper Egypt. I MUST tell the King." 'Sometimes I hate that damn watch!' She rushed to the...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 10 Second Timothy One Plus One Equals One

"Tim, you never did tell me when she is." "It's kind of strange," Tim admitted. "She's having to stay on the east side so she doesn't meet people who know she's on the west side. She's at both places and it's just a little unusual." "I'll bet," Wendy said. "We never tried to be in the same time together ... well, except for that time when we came back from Watching it on the lake. That was different ... we blended." "She's only got to be one and one for another couple of...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 11 Second Timothy Mother Daughter Mother Banquet

"Tim, that was fun!" Wendy was laughing. "I've never tried anything like that before. Leaving your training bra was a great idea." Tim thought it was a great joke. "I thought she was going to pop a blood-vessel." Wendy wasn't concerned though, it sounded like a good idea. "Me too, I'm afraid the police are going to have a long night though." Tim was a little thoughtful. "And tomorrow ... they'll have divers under the pier by Tuesday ... the last time I remember them going...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 3

"Regions dominated by limestone have many characteristic landforms, including limestone caves, also called solution caves. The caves form as limestone rock is dissolved away over the course of many years. Water, seeping through the ground, absorbs carbon dioxide from the soil. Water and carbon dioxide react chemically to form carbonic acid, a very weak acid that slowly dissolves the limestone. The mineral is usually redeposited later as stalactites or stalagmites, characteristic formations...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 More Questions Are Answered

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" The Vicar of St Wulfrum's reached the culmination of the marriage ceremony and Gurney and Zinnia embraced. The church bells chimed, the choir sang an anthem, and most of the ladies in the congregation cried while the men stared stolidly to their front. I accompanied the chief bridesmaid – a cousin of Zinnia who possessed an equally prominent bosom but little else of Zinnia's warmth, intelligence or wit – following the happy couple...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 10

Chapter Ten ‘Coming Out’ It was late by the time Benita and Suki arrived at Benita’s place, so the house was dark and quiet. The stillness of the house was broken only by the sound of a key inserting into a lock, a lock unlocking then the door front door opening. The light of the hallway pierced the darkness as it flooded in. Benita entered first and then Suki, closing and locking the door behind them. Benita strode confidently, with loud, sharp clicks marking each step as she walked the...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 06

Chapter 6 ‘Love at Last?’ Benita was asleep that Saturday morning in the bed of the home which had quickly become her second home. The queen-sized bed, with its soft quilt covers and firm, supportive mattress always gave her a good night’s sleep. The solid, wooden bed-frame had proven quite useful in the kinky games that she and her latest lover, Stacey loved to play. Benita had been happier this past week than she had been in quite a long time. She had not only found a lover who accepted...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 08

Chapter 8 ‘The Hunt Begins’ Sometime in the middle of the night Suki, somehow made it back to her bed. So, the next morning when Suki woke up in her own bed with a killer headache, the images from the previous night seemed like a bizarre dream. Snippets of her submission to, and subsequent sex with Benita flashing across Suki’s mind and consciousness. Suki got up and clumsily walked into the living room, on her way to the kitchen, in search of the life-giving fluid known as coffee. Out of...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 09

Chapter 9 ‘Odd Bedfellows’ ‘Fuck me,’ Stacey said, in a voice drained of emotion, her face devoid of colour. ‘Excuse me?’ Dr. Taylor replied, with a raised eyebrow. ‘That’s not possible,’ Stacey replied in the same stunned manner as she sat on the exam bed. ‘It’s quite normal for a woman to conceive this soon after giving birth,’ Dr. Taylor assured as he smiled at Stacey in a friendly manner. ‘But I’ve only JUST given birth! I CAN’T be pregnant AGAIN!’ Stacey said in a distressed manner....

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 03

Chapter 03: ‘Emergence’ Benita woke up and yawned as the morning sun filtered in through the blinds of Carmen’s bedroom window. Benita was sleeping in Carmen’s bed with Carmen as she had done when she had fallen asleep. As she woke up, Benita knew that she was not in the same position she had been when she went to sleep. Benita had made sure to sleep on her side, facing away from Carmen, yet she awoke to find herself in a very different position. Carmen was still sleeping on her side...

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With a Palace Drive-in next to I-5, I asked them both, but my sister deferred suggesting that April and I go to our first movie together as a couple. What an adult thing to suggest. I knew she would expect her and I to go to a movie, since things have changed between us. We left her room holding hands. Man, how quickly things do change! Currently, all 16 screens have a Disney Animated Classic, and April selected THE LION KING, which was starting in under 30 minutes. They released a...

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While my sister was licking me clean, April said, “That was a lot of fun. See you guys soon!” I picked up my phone, as I saw Mary taking her time. “Listen,” I said to her, “Don’t think this will happen all the time.” “I understand (lick), Big Brother. You taste better (lick) and are much bigger (lick) than the other boys I have done this with (long lick on the underside from scrotum to my tip).” “Do I want to know these boys names?” I asked pulling away. With a big bright smile on her...

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We all laughed at that for a while, until ‘Mad-Eye’ himself walked in to say, “Honey, I’m Home!” While he doesn’t limp or have only part of his nose or a glass eye, my father does sound like the actor. After giving Gennessee his ‘Home from work’ kiss, he asked “What’s for dinner, I’m starving!” “Hold your horses,” she said to him. “Redden, introduce your girlfriend to your father, first thing.” Walking to him, with her on my arm, I said, “Mr. Fields, I would like to introduce to you, the...

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I made her get up and show me her birth control pills, then I picked her up, and put her on my bed, and removed my boxers. ‘Do you want me to suck on you like I did before, Big Brother?” With my largess at her pretty pink entrance, I said, “I will have to tell April about this, now that we are a couple, that means No Secrets between any of us.” She was quite animated as I pushed in a very little bit. She put her hands over her own mouth, so I pushed past her maidenhead, which I had assumed...

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“Do you think Mary and Jamie could be Sympatico?” “He is only 14, Redd!” Heading to the shower I said, “I was just wondering, maybe he could be a diversion ... for us!” “Ooh, I get it. Can I join you in the shower?” “Do you have anything over here to wear?” “I could find something in Mary’s room, would she mind?” “She adores you almost as much as I do, come on Hermione, I need you to clean my Firebolt.” She laughed as I got the shower going. As we got out of the shower Mary walked in,...

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I stopped and pulled forward in time before the black sedan hit us. “That was my Daddy’s car,” Hermione said. “He was driving much too fast. I hope he hasn’t been drinking.” Again, I back up, and carefully took her to her place, where the sedan had made screech marks on their driveway. Her father hadn’t made it from the car to the front door and was laying on his back, looking passed out. We met Jodie as she was coming out the front door with who must have been April’s brother, as I asked,...

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I took her home to talk to Jodie about swimming lessons and technique, after having a great leftover meal of Spaghetti with Meatballs. “How soon do you want to begin,” My lovely hostess asked. “The sooner the better,” April replied. “Our pool is full-sized.” “Is that OK with you, Ms. Marks?” I said. “Please, call me Jodie, Redd. I need to go check in with Louis at the hospital. He needs me to make sure he isn’t hitting on the nurses.” “Why would he do that with such a lovely wife at...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 5

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 5 By Elliot Reid A scorching plain of fine white mica lay beneath an obsidian sky. Above it hung the Moon, wreathed in flame. Before me hovered a figure I did not recognize, pale and cold. It looked nothing like my father and yet I knew it was him. "Why do feel these things?" I asked the specter. "Why do I want to mutilate my girlfriends?" "The wand asserts itself," the ghost said, its voice dry as a library. "The what?" "The wand. Your old...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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My Despair

My Despair Synopsis: When pre-op Jerri Lynn is violently raped by the mayor's son, which caused Jerri Lynn to be ostracized by the community. When the case is dismissed due to improper handling of evidence, she plans a revenge that only her best friend's Love prevents, leading to her finding peace as she gives up her anger and embraces Love. [*][*][*] Well, here I am, in the afterglow of love with my beloved husband, Grant who has never doubted me, or our Love. But it was not always...

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